#Best Tents Under 200
passivenovember · 1 year
"Hey, isn't that Steve?"
Billy almost drops the vase in hand. It's about a hundred and thirty fucking degrees out anyway and it's not even noon so his palms are tiny oil slicks, but he's done good, so far.
He's been careful. Happy to finally unveil his fall collection to the hundreds of Instagram follower's who've been on his ass since July--
But Heather opens her mouth and says, "Shit, Bill, I think that is Steve," peering over Billy's shoulder with these comically large brown eyes, and usually it would be kinda funny.
But the thing is, Heather's working his last fucking never in the way only a best friend can.
She had to be dragged out of their apartment this morning, kicking and screaming until Billy forked out ten bucks to get a starbucks coffee in her even though they already agreed to split today's profits 90/10 because he needed help with the maker's fair.
Billy didn't even get a coffee himself, they were running so late, and by the time the Camaro screeched down Millwork street, kicking up a cloud of dust as Billy frantically searched for the vendor entrance, it was almost 10:00 am. The bitchy volunteer at the gate almost refused to give him the tent he shelled out $200 for because check-in was at 8:00 am and it's almost 10:00, now.
Like Billy can't tell time. So.
He's not in the mood for games or jokes or teasing. Really not in the mood, like. He might drop the cashier lock box in Heather's hands and vanish, all, take your 10% and shove it in your ass, not in the mood.
But Heather trips around the folding table, dropping Billy's favorite plaid table linen in the dirt to clutch and grab at his shoulder like a scared kid.
"Heather," Billy snaps, stooping to save it from the dust with his free hand, "Holloway, I swear to fucking God--"
"Look," Heather spats. Her nails dig into his armpit when she spins him around, and.
Steve's there.
He's wearing a volunteer t-shirt. And a fanny pack. And his extra-strength 50 SPF sunscreen hasn't been rubbed into his cheeks all the way so they look like sugar glazed apples where he sits in his little folding chair, two tents over at Robin's candle booth. Laughing.
And. Billy hasn't heard that laugh in what feels like a lifetime.
His bones ache with it, rebuilding around the loss he never really processed but has grown to ignore out of survival's sake. Steve's laugh, it. It's Billy's favorite sound in the entire world.
They haven't spoken in three months.
Not since Steve was inside of him, pumping slow and hard with his hands behind Billy's knees, folding him in half as he mouthed sweetness into Billy's throat.
You're so beautiful, tongue lavish against Billy's fluttering heartbeat, You're mine, baby. I want you to be mine. I love--
Behind them, Milk & Marigold's assistant drops something heavy and it shatters. Hundreds of eyes turn in their direction, dozens of frazzled vendors and their teams alarmed at the sudden stillness, and.
Robin, who grins widely at Heather, and. Steve. Locking eyes with Billy as all the color drains from his face.
"Holy shit," Heather's nails press deeper into Billy's arm, somehow, and Billy thinks, distantly, that she might draw blood.
He doesn't care.
Steve's looking at him. For the first time in months, the world is right and Billy can breathe again and about a trillion and thirty things rush through head, rapid firing so he doesn't have the mental space to register the way plot seventeen aches to topple to the parking-lot under foot.
Somewhere, back on Earth, Milk & Marigold's assistant gets his ass handed to him for being so reckless, and slowly. Shyly. Steve lifts a hand and waves.
Billy's going to drop plot seventeen. He grips its amber neck, instead, carless of the rippling clay under his fingertips. "Very funny," Billy says, turning on his heel. He sticks the vase between plots sixteen and eighteen, his jaw so tense it could hack and slash the sky. "I can't believe this. This is such a fucking joke--"
"--I can't believe I thought I wouldn't see him here, I mean. Robin's got a business too, right? A side hustle?"
"Candles, or something. Yeah."
"Of course she'd be here. And if she's here then. Fuck, I should've thought about this more," Billy says, tugging all ten fingers through his hair, "God, I should've just launched the fall collection online, like a normal--"
Billy stands ramrod straight. All the air rushes from his lungs, his hair standing on end as if the tent overhead has grown lips and is talking to Billy in his father's voice.
It's not that.
Steve could never be that because he's better. Holy.
Steve's so much more real, up close. His hair is longer than the last time Billy saw him, his cheeks and jaw dusted with a prickly 5'oclock that gives way to a mustache up top.
It's incredibly sexy.
Billy hates it, on site, because Steve's moles are hidden like a secret. A sun-ripe memory of the first thing Billy ever loved about him.
"Wow. I didn't think I'd see you here, today," Steve says. His eyes hunt over Billy's face, warm and familiar and so, so soft despite all the shit that Billy said the last time they saw each other.
It hangs in the air, stuck like a wedge between them.
"Billy," Steve says again, soft and full of wonder and ready to scale the enormity of their past. Billy forgot how his name holds weight, when Steve says it. Extra syllables and consonants, worth their stake in gold.
Billy clears his throat. Longs for a glass of water, "Hey," He says, when really he means, I'm sorry, and, please never go away again. I'm a bad man and I was afraid but if you give me another chance, I promise I won't push you away, because I love--
Heather clears her throat.
Billy jerks his head in her direction, dizzy as the world fades back into focus. "Sorry," He says, weary, "I'm an asshole. Steve, this is--"
"Heather," Steve shakes her hand, smile gorgeous and winning, "I know, we met, I think. Once or twice when I was on my way out of the apartment."
Billy's going to pass out.
He's dizzy and sick to his stomach, and then. Steve looks at him, and his gaze settles like a warm, solid weight over Billy so he can't float away. "It's a nice apartment," Steve says shyly, "Felt like home."
Billy wasn't expecting this. To see Steve, let alone talk about the apartment, and--
"Billy," Heather says, clapping her hands together once, "How about I go and see if Robin has any extra tent weights?"
"Sure," Billy says, and Steve smiles at him, and then Billy smiles because Steve's always had that effect on people.
Heather scampers off and Steve shrugs, his hands slipping into his pockets. "You look good," Steve says.
Billy's palms are sweating. "So do you."
"Thanks. I feel like shit. I didn't realize you'd be here, even though I could've guessed, if I had a moment to rest with my own thoughts. Robin's working on her fall collection--"
"--and I guess you are, too. Well," Steve tugs a hand through his hair and it poofs up big like fresh whipped cream, and Billy has missed him so desperately that his ribs rack and break, "That's a lie. I don't have to guess. I know for a fact you're fixing to launch your fall collection."
Billy frowns, "How do you know that?"
"I follow you on Instagram," Steve says, like he's expecting to get told off.
It does something, to the atmosphere. Shifts things. Billy thought he'd blocked Steve on everything, after the first drunken voicemail, but.
Apparently not.
"Yeah, well. The suburban moms love my shit," Billy crosses his arms over his chest, suddenly freezing.
Steve's gaze gets caught on the swell of Billy's arms. "Billy," He starts.
"Look, it's almost noon," Billy says, heartbroken.
Steve doesn't seem to get it. But then his eyes get big and watery, like Heathers, and Billy wants to wrap him in a blanket. "Right," Steve says, "Market's opening soon."
"Sorry, I know you still have to set up."
"No sweat."
"Look, Billy--"
"It was good to see you, Steve."
It presses down on them. Everything.
Steve's eyes close like doors. "Sure," He says, and then he's gone.
Apparently, word gets around for events like this.
For the first few hours Billy doesn't have time to mull over his interaction with Steve, because they're slammed with wave after wave of eager Saturday Morning buyers.
Billy's feet ache by noon as Heather works the cash box and he makes laps around the tent, restocking and catching up with repeat buyers.
The event volunteers swing by every thirty minutes or so to make sure they have everything they need, dropping off bottled water and drink tickets, and by two Billy's happy he won't be going home with a trunk full of merchandise.
He counts the cash box, whooping when he realizes that their 90/10 won't shake out too badly. "We did pretty damn good, Heath, and it's only 2:00."
Heather's already used her drink tickets on a couple of Bloody Mary's. "Are you hungry?"
"Not really."
"I heard there's a fried hotdog thing on a stick down by the food trucks," Heather says, and she giggles like any sort of weenie could pique her interest. "That doesn't sound good to you?"
"Eh," Billy says, leaning back in his chair, "I've been trying this intermittent fasting thing. I eat a big fuckin' breakfast of mostly protein, and then a light lunch around 3:00, and a small dinner--"
"That's so fucking stupid."
Billy frowns, "Gotta keep in shape."
"For who?" Heather demands. "It's not like you're whoring yourself out anymore, and you're not gonna let one of your old flings back into the apartment., much less your heart."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Heather's cheeks are red, as if she's been sitting in the sun all morning. Billy knows her well enough to get that she probably doesn't mean any harm by it, but her words sting, anyway.
"There are other guys in New York, Heather."
"You don't want to get to know other guys, Billy."
"Bullshit. I know you're a nosy lesbian with too much attitude wedged in her a-cup bra to notice, but some of us aren't looking for love. Some of us would rather fuck random losers."
"That's so not you."
"It's a good distraction. I could use one of those."
"It's kinda hilarious," Heather rolls her eyes, "Even you don't know what you're talking about."
"I'm talking about protecting people."
"People like Steve?"
Billy snaps the cash box shut. "You're so bad at conversation Segway's."
"Fuck you, I'm really clever and stealthy."
"Did you talk to Robin about this," Billy demands, watching slack-jawed and furious as pink floods Heather's cheeks. "My thing with Steve isn't any of your business, and it's not interesting enough to warrant all your fucking medaling."
"I just think--"
"I don't care what you think."
"Why would you react like that when you saw each other?" Heather sits flush to the edge of her lawn chair, shoulders squared for a fight. "If what happened between you meant nothing and you'd really rather skip the greasy market-food for some imaginary sex pot you can blow and dump on Cornelia Street the second you're through with him, why would your heart stop beating when--"
Billy shakes his head. "I don't care what you and Robin have to say, I don't want to talk about this anymore."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm a piece of shit, alright?" Billy snaps. "What happened with Steve, it. It was inevitable, okay? He said he loved me, and I loved him and I still do but that doesn't fucking matter because he's Steve and I'm Billy and I could never be half good enough, alright? Happy?"
When Heather doesn't say anything, Billy shoves back from the table.
"Where are you going?" Heather asks, voice small and awful.
"I'm having my two drinks," Billy says, padding quickly onto the already crowded street.
As far as Billy's concerned, calories don't exist when it comes to alcohol.
He finds the nearest bar cart and orders two shots of dark liquor, even though it usually makes his stomach go on strike, and shells out seven dollars of his own single-person salary for a French 75.
Then he starts walking.
And walking.
At another bar cart, Billy can't stop thinking about the first time he ever saw Steve, pulsing like a brand new heart under club lights, pretty with the kind of looks that made Billy mentally ill. So he shells out another $20 on a girly pink drink with a paper mâché umbrella.
It tastes like strawberries and Steve used to taste like strawberries in the summertime. Billy can't remember what he was so upset about, before.
He feels good. In control.
But then he gets lost somewhere near Broadway and just as he figures out how to get back to his tent, where Heater is likely up to her eyeballs in impatient customers and guilt about being endlessly right in all things, Billy spots Steve balancing a funnel cake on one arm.
His nose is red. Strawberry dappled, which means he's drunk, and he's got a cup of pale ale pinched between his teeth as he figures out how to hold his market load.
The only problem is, Steve's gorgeous and so, so fucking stupid he can't figure out that he's got two hands.
It makes Billy's heartache, thumping a little harder to the left, and he can't remember why he ever left Steve rumpled in a hotel room that night, half-hard and brokenhearted, so Billy takes the rest of his drink like a shooter, and marches up to Steve and says, "You really should be locked up somewhere."
It's meant to hurt. And bruise.
But Steve's whole face lights up and he drops the ale down the front of his volunteer shirt. "Billy," he says, sounding way too bright and happy. Soaked through.
"Shit, your uniform--"
"It's okay, thing's almost over anyway."
"Stop being so nice."
"Okay," Steve says easily, "You're an asshole, and you broke my heart, and now I'm all wet."
"Well, since we're being honest."
Steve frowns. "I dreamed about seeing you again, you know? How you'd. Have too many drinks and look at me and say you haven't been able to get it up since we split.
"I can always get it up," Billy tires flatly, and Steve smirks. It's small and barely there, but. Billy swallows thickly, "I am an asshole. You're right. A drunk asshole."
"Me too. I know."
"I was worried about hurting you," Billy admits in a rush, "I didn't want to disappoint you. I thought I wasn't ready for what we had to be more than just sex, but it already was."
"I never bottomed before," Billy blurts out. "I can get it up. You make me pop too quick, you're just. You're perfect and you're kind. You're every wet dream I ever had rolled into one, Steve." The sidewalk is waving, a little. Steve looks like he wants to touch Billy, to reach out and steady him, but he's already holding a funnel cake.
Steve nods.
Encouraging and soft and kind as ever, and Billy's never felt safe with anyone, like this. So, Billy says, choking a little, "I never let another person touch me, like that. My body or anything else. I never did. You're so good, Steve. So I let you touch me and it changed me and I don't know how to be anything else than a drunk, whining asshole. But we happened and I never ached for it before, it fucking. Knocked me on my ass, Steve. You came in and you knocked me on my ass, and--"
"God, I love it when you say my name," Billy says. He wonders, distantly, what kind of mojo they put in that girly little cocktail because he can't stop talking.
Steve doesn't seem to mind, but he says, "You really hurt me," Picking at the golden crisp of his funnel cake. "Seriously, Bill, I didn't think I was gonna survive it."
Billy's knees almost give out, he's. Hot all over. Burning up with feverish grief. "I'm sorry," he says. He's a hole in the center of the universe.
"I know."
"I was afraid."
"I get that," Steve says. He shuffled the funnel cake in his hands, and Billy wonders how the bottom's not soggy yet, damaged and ready to fall out. Steve puts it on the ground. "Shit's gross."
"Do you wanna," Steve says, frowning, "We could walk. And talk about it, more."
"I'm not saying we can get back together yet--"
"I missed you," Steve says, and he's bright as the sun.
Billy's been freezing to death his whole life, so. He draws close. Takes Steve's hand, "I missed you, too," He says. "Maybe we should get you a dry shirt?"
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lelianasbong · 11 months
Wyllstarion thought that’s rattling around in my brain—Wyll’s so willing to give anything for others, even if it’s something he needs, something he can’t afford to lose. So in the long term, if he gets into a position where he trusts Astarion enough to let him feed, it’s entirely possible that he offers himself up even when he shouldn’t—when he’s been injured, when he’s too weak and doesn’t have enough blood to be giving any away.
And Astarion, who has experienced attentiveness to his unspoken needs for the first time in 200 years because of Wyll, notices and stops himself, even though it goes against every instinct he has, and tells Wyll to rest instead.
HE WOULD BE THAT GUY. I hope you don't mind - I wrote a thing based off your thing.
Wyll coughed suddenly, the motion pulling at his wounds under carefully-applied bandages, causing him to grimace both in pain and at the memory of its source. Hours ago now - had it been hours? It must've been hours, the sun had set - he'd taken his own rapier to the gut after a frankly embarrassing display of being disarmed by his opponent in the melee.
He was laid up in their makeshift medical tent now, hurt but healing, his injured ego a small price to pay for his life.
He'd gotten too used to fighting creatures with more teeth than brains, wasn't prepared in the moment for an opponent that could match his wits, not in this barren hellscape where everything was more monster than man.
Sloppy, he thinks, angrier at himself than his enemy (long dead now - few could survive a githyanki silver sword to the skull, and gods if he wasn't grateful for that). He could hardly afford to be careless now, not with so many depending on him.
He vows to pull Lae'zel aside when he's back on his feet, ask her to spar, to encourage more drills and bouts of one-on-one sparring amongst their group in general. The better to brush up on his skills and endurance and test the limits of his companions' own.
They could use the practice, and not just because they'd had their asses summarily handed to them today.
Astarion was wan and bleary-eyed next to him, looking less ethereal in the moonlight than sickly, every bit the walking corpse he was in actuality. His features were drawn tight with exhaustion and pain - nursing several broken ribs, his left side mottled purple with angry bruises from a glancing hammer-blow that had his body ragdolling across the battlefield. It might've been comical if they hadn't narrowly escaped with their lives.
The vampire spawn was plainly exhausted and - and there was hunger there, too, his eyes a little wild with the sharp aroma of blood permeating the med tent, cutting through the noxious scent of sweat and stale air, the suffusive atmosphere of worry that hadn't much abated.
Shadowheart had spent herself patching them all back together and was finally resting, the candle in her tent snuffed out with a tired sigh. The camp was quiet except for Wyll's slightly ragged breathing, the muffled sounds of Karlach snoring into her pillow. Somewhere in the distance or the depths of his psyche, he heard the rushing of a river.
He wasn't feeling his best self. But he wasn't feeling his worst self either. A day of moderate hiking followed by getting his shit wrecked by marauders had him losing precious pints that Shadowheart had tried her damndest to get back in him, to some avail. The pain was tolerable. There were stitches in his side from where the blade had pierced his abdomen - Astarion's work. The lad was surprisingly deft with a needle, and hardly prone to fainting at the sight of blood.
Astarion, who hadn't yet left his side. Wyll wondered distantly if the scent of blood in the air was more a balm or tease for him - did it soothe, the way the scent-memory of the market in the lower city soothed Wyll? Cinnamon apple pie and brioche bread fresh from the ovens, the air suffused with saffron and cloves, spices of every sort peddled by merchants from Neverwinter to Chult. Or was it torturous, to be so near an ambrosia you could only half experience, to merely smell what you were forbidden to taste?
He wondered, but now was hardly the time to grill Astarion on the intricacies of his vampiric hunger. Still, he wasn't looking well. Apart from the extensive bruises and the shattered ribs that lie beneath them, his skin was waxy and clammy like a mortal with a cold sweat, eyes sunken deep in their sockets. Shadowheart could only perform so many miracles a day.
Feeding would hasten his healing. And Wyll wasn't feeling the worst he'd ever felt.
Fancy a nightcap? he thought, didn't realize he'd spoken aloud until Astarion stiffened beside him, subtle as the sun. A moment passed, the other man took a deep breath - necessary only insofar as it seemed to fortify him, his atrophied lungs didn't ache for air, did they? -
An unidentifiable look passed over his tired features before he schooled them into something more imperious, raising a dubious eyebrow. A cool hand landed on Wyll's arm, rubbing soothing circles in his bicep.
"You smell about as appetizing as bilge water, darling," he sniffed delicately, attempting haughty but finding that it didn't quite land. "I'd rather partake of fresh food, if it's all the same to you." He wouldn't meet Wyll's eye, and Wyll couldn't bring himself to comment on the tremor in hands or how very large his pupils looked in the lamplight.
Nor did he seem inclined to leave Wyll's side, and Wyll found that he couldn't bring himself to comment on that either. He chuckled tiredly instead, eyes falling shut, blessedly dark and drifting on the effects of a potent healing potion.
"Another time, then," he assented, mumbling through his exhaustion, "when I'm less rank and more appetizing."
He felt more than heard Astarion's answering laugh - curiously wet, but the threads of conscious thought were tenuous now and the observation escaped him as soon as it was noted, as the Blade of Frontiers drifted at last into a dreamless sleep.
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braveclementine · 5 months
Chapter 5
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 around dusk, Ginny shaking me. "Come on!" She said.
I got up and brushed out my hair and came back to where the others were standing and stretching outside. There were thousands of waiting wizards and all pretenses of being Muggles were gone.
It seemed as though the Ministry had given up trying to hide the magical components. Salesmen were apparating every couple of feet with trays, bags, and carts of magical items and merchandise. There were items with the green colors of Ireland and the red colors of Bulgaria. There were scarves and dancing shamrocks and washable tattoos and face paint and rosettes and collectible figures that would walk across your palm.
Trang was in love. I'd given her about 200 Galleons which was leftover from the shopping trip where I'd bought her broom. Pretty soon, she had all Ireland things. All seven Quidditch player figurines, a rosette, a scarf, and multiple other things.
I got both seeker's figurines from both teams. I had an Ireland scarf and Trang helped put an Irish flag tattoo on my left cheek.
I bought her and I Omnioculars and two programs before we met up with the others, completely decked out. Trang quickly put her figures back in her bag in the tent, zipping it closed as though she thought they were going to escape. (Maybe they would). I set my figurines up on the bedside table.
Bill, Charlie, and Ginny were wearing Green Rosettes and Mr. Weasley had an Irish flag. Since Fred and George had no souvenirs because they'd given Bagman all their gold, I got each of them a Rosette too, helping Fred pin his rosette onto his shirt, while Bill and Charlie shot us glances.
There was a deep, booming gong from somewhere beyond the woods and green and red lanterns blazed to life in the trees, lighting a path to the field. Trang was so excited, she was bouncing up and down on her toes and couldn't stand still.
"It's time!" Mr. Weasley said and he looked nearly as excited as the rest of us, though he kept it in better check than we did. "Come on, let's go!"
We walked briskly along the path, clutching our souvenirs tightly. My Omnioculars were around my neck and my program and wand were in my pocket. My scarf was also around my neck, both ends hanging loosely down my chest.
I couldn't stop grinning, and neither could anyone else. That's what an exciting atmosphere does to you. We walked for twenty minutes. There were snatches of singing and shouting in vast languages.
Finally, we came to a gigantic stadium made of gold walls. Or perhaps it was just bronze painted and shining to look like gold. Trang's mouth dropped and she said, "I wish I had a camera."
"Don't worry." I said, grinning and clapping her on the shoulder, "I don't think you are ever going to forget tonight."
"Seats a hundred thousand." Mr. Weasley called back to us. "Ministry task force of five hundred have been working on it all year. Muggle repelling Charms on every inch of it. Every time Muggles have got anywhere near here all year, they've suddenly remembered urgent appointments and had to dash away again. . . bless them."
"I'll be able to get in, won't I?" Trang asked in alarm.
"Oh yeah." I said, though I wasn't sure if it was true or not. "You know about the magical world and have already been exposed to it." But I held my breath until we entered the stadium and Trang came through with no problems.
"I will admit," She started, "I've never seen a football stadium- American football- that is this big."
"Told you we have the best sport." I said smugly.
We were in the top box which meant we were to go as high as possible. The stairs were carpeted in royal purple and Trang practically squealed with delight. We kept climbing and climbing. I wondered mildly how many floors the stadium had- 10? 50? 100?
Either way, we finally found ourselves on the very top floor and when I looked down, I quickly backed up from the edge. We were higher than the Quidditch hoops which were fifty feet in the air. Perhaps were were seventy-five feet in the air then.
The giant blackboard was level with us and gold writing kept dashing across it and wiping off again. Trang watched in fascination at all the ads that popped up. Bluebottle brooms, Mrs. Skower's All-Purpose Magical Mess, Gladrags Wizardwear, and more.
Trang leaned over to me and said, "When I grow up, I'm going to become a full fledge witch, clothes and all."
I smiled but didn't say anything. She'd never be able to be a witch. She could brew potions, sure, but she could never drink them. She'd also never cast a spell with a wand. Or could she? If she used enough willpower, could she do a simple spell? I pondered over this for a moment. If that was the case though, we wouldn't have squibs, but still. . .
I shook my head to clear my unhappy thoughts. She could be a Professor teaching Muggle studies. She could even work in the ministry as a Muggle representative. But that was about it. And she didn't want to be a Muggle, she wanted to be a witch.
"Dobby?" I heard Harry say incredulously. Hermione, Ron, and I all turned to look and see who Harry was talking too.
It was a tiny creature that I recognized as a House-Elf. I had met Dobby before and knew that this house-elf wasn't Dobby. It had enormous brown eyes instead of green ones and had a nose like a tomato.
"Did sir just call me Dobby?" The house-elf squeaked, her face hidden behind her hands. I realized she was scared of heights. Mr. Weasley looked around in interest.
"Sorry." Harry said quickly. "I just thought you were someone I knew."
"But I knows Dobby too, sir! My name is Winky , sir- and you, sir- You is surely Harry Potter!" She said, her large tennis ball like eyes even larger. Except, unlike Dobby, her eyes were brown.
"Yeah, I am." Harry said, turning a bit pink. Trang was looking now too, coming face to face with her first magical creature that could talk (unless you counted gnomes vulgar language).
"But Dobby talks of you all the time, sir!" She said and lowered her hands, looking a bit awestruck to meet him.
"How is he? How's freedom suiting him?"
"Ah, sir, ah sir, meaning no disrespect, sir, but I is not sure you did Dobby a favor, sir, when you is setting him free." She said sadly, shaking her large head.
"Free?" Trang whispered at me.
I raised my hand to shush her.
"Why?" Harry asked, a bit alarm, "What's wrong with him?"
"Freedom is going to Dobby's head, sir. Ideas above his station, sir. Can't get another position, sir."
"Why not?"
She lowered her voice so low, Trang, Hermione, and I all leaned forward to hear her say, "He is wanting paying for his work, sir."
"Paying?" Harry asked with a blank look. "Well- why shouldn't he be paid?"
Winky looked horrified and closed her fingers so that her face was hidden. "House-elves is not paid sir! No, no, no. I says to Dobby, I says, go find yourself a nice family and settle down, Dobby. He is getting up to all sorts of high jinks, sir, what is unbecoming to a house-elf. You goes racketing around like this, Dobby, I says, and next thing I hear you's up in front of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, like some common goblin." She squeaked.
"Well it's about time he had a bit of fun." Harry said with a smile. I looked on with a serious expression. There was an empty chair next to Winky and I observed it carefully, titling my head just slightly. It looked as though someone was sitting there, yes a bit of a black shoe moving back under the cloak! I looked up, an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.
"House-elves is not supposed to have fun, Harry Potter. House-elves does what they is told. I is not liking heights at all, Harry Potter, but my master sends me to the Top Box and I comes, sir." Winky said, gulping as she looked down.
"Why's he sent you up here, if he knows you don't like heights?" Harry asked, frowning.
"Master- master wants me to save him a seat, Harry Potter. He is very busy. Winky is wishing she is back in master's tent, Harry Potter, but Winky does what she is told. Winky is a good house-elf."
"But Mr. Crouch won't be coming up at all." I said, in confusion, frowning, trying to pick out the lie.
Winky gave me a frightened look and I gave the empty seat another look, so sure that someone was in the seat.
I turned away.
Trang nudged me and asked about what Winky was talking about.
"House-elves are servants of wizarding families." I said. "It's in their generation and blood to serve until the last member dies or until a member sets them free. The way they are set free is by giving them clothes. Most house-elves actually love their work and they love their families and their families almost nearly love them as well. Kind've like a pet, you see. Of course, sometimes there are horrible families and house-elves that want to escape like Dobby."
Trang frowned, looking uncomfortable. "So even though they're slaves. . . they like it?"
"Yes." I said. "It does sound weird, I know, and as a Muggle, the concept is hard." I paused and tried to figure out the framing of my next words, "Most house-elves actually think it a punishment if they're set free."
"Really?" Trang seemed amazed at this concept.
I nodded, "There's been cases where the family frees an elf, whether they don't want the elf anymore or because the elf failed them in some way etc. where house-elves will actually die of shock."
Trang looked even more amazed.
Hermione meanwhile, was reading from her pamphlet saying, "A display from the team mascots will precede the match."
"Oh that's always worth watching." Mr. Weasley said. "National teams bring creatures from their native land, you know, to put on a bit of a show."
We had been the first in our box and over the next half hour or so, the box started to slowly fill up.
There were many important wizards filling the thirty or so seats up here. Mr. Weasley was shaking hands left and right and Percy kept sitting down and jumping up he looked like an old cartoon animation.
The Minister of Magic came up and Percy actually bowed, which made his glasses fall off and shatter. He fixed them himself and sat down, embarrassed and threw jealous looks at Harry who Fudge greeted like a grandson. He asked him how his summer had been and introduced him to the many wizards around him.
"Harry Potter, you know. Harry Potter. . . oh come on now, you know who he is. . . the boy who survived you-know-who. . . you do know who he is-" Fudge seemed to be trying to explain English to the Bulgarian minister. He was wearing splendid robes of black velvet with gold trimming.
The Bulgarian wizard suddenly started pointing at Harry's forehead and gibbering loudly in another language.
"Knew we'd get there in the end." Fudge said wearily to Harry. "I'm no great shakes at languages; I need Barty Crouch for this sort of thing. Ah, I see his house-elf's saving him a seat. . . Good job too, these Bulgarian bludgers have been trying to cadge all the best places. . . ah, Miss Kane, good to see you too." The minister said, coming over and shaking my hand as well. "And how was your summer."
"It was good, how was yours? Busy I expect?" I asked politely. Minister Fudge wasn't my favorite person but being recognized by the Minister of Magic was a big deal nevertheless. But I still held a grudge against him for trying to separate my father and I last year.
"Extremely busy. I suppose you already know what's happening at Hogwarts this year?" He asked with a weary sigh.
I smiled. "Foresaw it about a week and a half ago. I also know who's going to win tonight but I won't spoil that."
"Surely you made a bet then?" Fudge asked, smiling.
I shook my head. "I don't gamble."
"Well you should." Fudge said, almost incredulously, and then said, "This is the Bulgarian Minister. Minister, this is Elizabeth Kane, she's a seer."
I blushed and shook hands with the Bulgarian minister and said in rough Bulgarian, "Znam, che znaesh angliĭski." (Знам, че знаеш английски) [I know you speak English]
The Bulgarian Minister gave me a look of surprise and I winked at him. He smiled and I put a finger to my lips.
Fudge wasn't paying attention to our interaction as he had his back to us and then said, "Ah, and here's Lucius."
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I spun around to see Lucius Malfoy, his son Draco, and a woman who must've been his mother coming up the stairs.
Draco was Harry's enemy and my arch-nemesis (yes, there is a difference. An enemy is someone you hate. An arch-nemesis is someone you fight all the time and tried to destroy). I grabbed Trang's arm, drawing her partially behind me. Draco, a pale boy with no color complexion and white-blond hair was walking up behind his father. Some of the girls at Hogwarts thought he was hot. I could see there point. He was thin and tall and and not exactly ugly.
His father's blond hair was about shoulder length, perhaps a few inches longer. It was parted neatly and his robes were black and neat. His mother, I thought, was a very pretty woman with half black, half blond hair- obviously dyed- with a nice face and thin eyebrows, but she looked as though she was smelling something bad. Maybe it was her husband's cologne.
"Ah, Fudge." Mr. Malfoy said, holding out his hand. "How are you? I don't think you've met my wife, Narcissa? Or our son, Draco?"
"How do you do, how do you do?" Fudge said, smiling and bowing slightly to Mrs. Malfoy. "and allow me to introduce you to Mr. Oblansk- Obalonsk- Mr.- well he's the Bulgarian Minister of Magic, and he can't understand a word I'm saying anyway, so never mind. And let's see who else- you know Arthur Weasley, I daresay?"
The two men stared at each other for a moment and my grip on Trang's hand tightened. I suppose I expected them to break out in a brawl at that moment.
"Good lord, Arthur." He whispered softly, glancing down at all of us. "What did you have to sell to get seats in the Top Box? Surely your house wouldn't have fetched this much."
I let go of Trang's hand, my hands balling up into fists.
"Lucius has just given a very generous contribution to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Arthur. He's here as my guest." Fudge said, not listening.
Mr. Weasley said, "How- how nice," while Trang whispered in my ear, "This is the man who's supposed to be in jail, right? Azkaban? The one who got away with the money?" I nodded a rough nod but didn't turn to look at her.
Mr. Malfoy's eyes landed on Hermione who went pink. His lips curled but she stared determinedly at him. His eyes moved over to me and they narrowed. I clenched my jaw and smirked back. I was sure he was remembering the time when I tripped him in the bookstore after his fight with Mr. Weasley.
Then his eyes flicked to Trang who was half-hidden behind me and she came out, looking at him with disgust. His expression was even more horrible for her, perhaps because she was disgusted with him. Despite the fact that I had broken one of the biggest wizarding laws letting Trang know about the magical world, Trang was a near avid rule follower. The fact that Lucius Malfoy was out of Azkaban even though he was a follower of the killer of her best friend's parents disgusted her. And since Malfoy was disgusted that she was a muggle like Hermione (or assumed she was), she was disgusted with him, a pureblood, and that annoyed him.
"Ah yes! Lucius, this is Elizabeth Kane. She's a seer." Fudge said, trying to introduce Lucius to me.
I smirked, holding out my hand, cocking an eyebrow at the man, ". . . Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Malfoy." 
Lucius slipped his large, rough hand and shook it firmly. "Yes. . . a pleasure Miss Kane." I caught a whiff of his cologne and was taken aback. He smelled. . . delicious.
Malfoy raised his cane higher up into his hands and walked past us. Draco shot Ron, Hermione, and Harry a contemptuous look and shot me a glare. I smiled, raising my eyebrows.
"Ooooh." Trang said, fists clenched, fire in her eyes. "I hate him."
"All right tiger, sit down before you get in a fight." I said. I sat back down between Hermione and Trang.
Ludo Bagman charged up the stairs and skidded to a stop and said, "Everyone ready? Minister- ready to go?"
"Ready when you are, Ludo." The Minister said, seated between the Bulgarian Minister and the Irish Minister.
Ludo pointed his wand to his throat and said "Sonorus!"
His voice echoed all over the stadium as he said, "Ladies and gentlemen... welcome! Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!"
There were cheers from the crowd and waving of their flags which played the national anthem of the country while being waved. The two anthems clashed but it was all part of the excitement. Trang had already forgotten her anger and was sitting on the edge of her seat in excitement. She was squinting down at the field. I reached over and tapped her Omnioculars. The blackboard now read BULGARIA: 0, IRELAND: 0.
"And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce. . . the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!" Ludo announced enthusiastically.
The right-hand side of the stadiums, completely red, roared.
"I wonder what they've brought." I heard Mr. Weasley ask and then suddenly he whipped his glasses off and polished them in a hurried way and said, "Aahh! Veela!"
"What are Veela?" Trang whispered.
I giggled and said, "Enchanters of men, look!" I pointed at Mr. Weasley who was polishing his glasses and putting them on. Trang giggled too and then leaned forward to get a good look at the Veela.
I could see the beautiful aspects of them through the Omnioculars. They had smooth skin, I couldn't see a single blemish and they were very pale. Their hair was white-gold and flowed out behind them. I supposed it was probably as long as their knees maybe.
"Are they human?" Trang asked me, puzzled, her Omnioculars pressed so tightly her glasses were cutting into the bridge of her nose.
"No." I answered simply as the music started. I stared through my own Omnioculars and watched the Veela dance. The men in the stadium were starting to do really stupid things. Women were holding them back from jumping off the stadium walls. I dropped my glasses to look left and right. Charlie and Percy were both leaning over the edge, but weren't jumping yet. Mr. Weasley had an odd look on his face but he was still seated. Fred and George had fingers in their ears and Bill looked interested, but not affected.
Ron meanwhile, looked as though he might jump off his chair like a springboard at a pool. Harry on the other hand was standing up with one of his legs was on the wall. I jumped to my feet as Hermione whispered, "Harry what are you doing?"
"He thinks jumping from this box is going to impress the Veela." I said in an amused voice, pulling Harry back into his seat and slapping him across the face. He jerked as though waking from a dream.
"What was that for?" He asked. I noticed Harry's wand was poking out from his pocket. He really ought to shove it in deeper so it didn't fall out. Boys were so careless.
"You were going to do something extremely stupid." I said, going and sitting back down.
I glanced over at the other side. Bill was grinning at me and then got up and everyone scooted down so he could sit between Hermione and me. Fred shot us a glance. Charlie was still recovering from the Veela.
"Way to take control." Bill's voice was amused.
"He's like a brother to me." I said as Mr. Weasley took Ron's hat from him. "Wasn't going to let him make a fool of himself jumping off the stadium- not to mention saving him from impending death."
Bill didn't say anything else as a green and gold comet shot down towards the stadium and did one circuit around the stadium before splitting into two comets and shooting in opposite directions toward Ireland's goal post. A rainbow connected both the comets and then they exploded and rose up to make a shamrock.
Gold things started to fall from the sky. Trang pried her eyes away from the sky to turn to me and say, "Elizabeth, they're Leprechauns."
I giggled, "I can't wait until you meet a unicorn."
Trang turned back to looking at the sky. I grabbed a piece of gold out of the air. Leprechaun gold disappeared, but it was still cool.
"Charlie doesn't seem to be happy." Bill muttered suddenly.
I looked down at Charlie who quickly looked away. I frowned, "I don't know why." '
I looked at Bill and quickly away. I fancied Fred of course, but Bill was very good-looking too. I wondered if good-looking just ran in the family. I had fancied Percy for a long time as well. Not Ron though. And even though everyone got mixed up between George and Fred, there really were some differences between the two of them, making Fred more desirable than George. But really, they were both quite good looking. Yes, Ron was the only one I didn't like- romantically. I got along with Ron in a friendship. . . when he got along with Hermione.
And Bill was much different from the others. Bill had shoulder length hair like Malfoy or Snape, but it was red and lovely. His face was thin and and handsome. His earring was cool as well, and none of the other brothers had an ear piercing.
I wondered what Dad would think of Bill. I quickly pushed the thought away. Bill didn't like me and even if he did, I wouldn't hurt Fred like that.
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, kindly welcome- the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team! I give you- Dimitrov! Ivanova! Zograf! Levski! Vulchanov! Volkov! Aaaaaand- Krum!" Bagman was saying.
"That's him, that's him!" Ron was saying. I looked through the Omnioculars to see the thin, dark, sallow-skinned boy. Because at seventeen he had only just become a man and the difference was amazing. He had thick eyebrows and a hooked nose and he looked a bit like a hawk or an eagle maybe. I supposed if someone asked me if he was good-looking I could say yes, but he wasn't my type and he wasn't the cutest boy I had ever met.
Yeesh, what was with me and eyeing every boy as a potential mate?
"And now," Ludo continued over the roaring approval of the Bulgarians and those supporting Bulgaria, "please greet- the Irish National Quidditch Team! Presenting- Connolly! Ryan! Troy! Mullet! Moran! Quigley! Aaaaand- Lynch!"
I cheered at Lynch's name. He was my favorite player on the Irish team and I had a poster of him in my bedroom. Blond, tall, thin, extremely hot. Deep forest green eyes. Bloody hell.
"And here, all the way from Egypt, our referee, acclaimed Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch, Hassan Mostafa!"
Hassan Mostafa was a short skinny wizard with a bald head. However, to make up for having no hair on his head was a very large, very busy mustache. Trang giggled quietly in her seat.
"Theeeeeeey're OFF!" Bagman yelled so loudly I nearly jumped. "And it's Mullet! Troy! Moran! Dimitrov! Back to Mullet! Troy! Levski! Moran!"
The Chasers threw the Quaffle so fast that Bagman had only time to say their names before it was in the hands of another player. I wondered suddenly how Lee Jordan would've had time to make any jokes if he'd been commentating. Knowing Jordan, he would've managed.
"TROY SCORES!" Bagman declared as Troy threw the Quaffle into the hoop, the Bulgarian Keeper missed. "Ten zero to Ireland."
"What?" Harry yelled stupidly. "But Levski's got the Quaffle."
I laughed and Hermione scolded him for watching the game in slow motion.
The Irish Seekers worked as a seamless team. I wondered if any of this stuff could be implemented for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team this year. Cedric would be watching and he was our captain so. . . there wouldn't be Quidditch this year because of the tournament. . . so never mind.
The two beaters on the Bulgarian side- Volkov and Vulchanov- were whacking bludgers left and right at the Irish Chasers as they had scored twice more. Finally, Ivanova scored the first Bulgarian goal.
Harry screwed his eyes up and stuck his fingers in his ears as the Veela began to dance again. I watched him amused.
"They don't affect you?" I asked Bill.
"Oh?" Bill said, "They could if I let them, but I'm used to women trying to charm me."
I would've laughed, but instead, I rolled my eyes, tugged on a lock of his hair, and turned my head away, shaking it in amazement.
I watched the Irish Chasers again and then the whole crowd gasped as both Krum and Lynch were zooming down towards the ground. I looked through my Omnioculars, but I didn't see any snitch.
"They're going to crash!" Hermione screamed.
Krum pulled up out of the dive at the last second, making my jaw drop. I hadn't thought it possible. Lynch, to my disappointment, crashed instead. There was a huge groan from the Irish side.
"Fool! Krum was feinting!" Mr. Weasley groaned.
I sighed with disappointment. Ginny meanwhile, was hanging over the side of the box, looking horror struck. "He'll be okay, he only got ploughed, which was what Krum was after, of course." Charlie said, reassuring her. He looked up and met my eyes. I gave him a thumbs up and looked away.
How horrible! I couldn't stand it if Charlie liked me too! It'd be hard enough if it was between Bill and Fred. I didn't need Charlie involved either. Or maybe I was just being. . . was that word? Self-absorbed? Full of myself? The word was on the tip of my tongue and I couldn't grasp it! Basically thinking that every guy was into me just because they looked at me. . .vain? No, that wasn't it either. Stupid English words!
"That move was called the Wronkski Defensive Feint." I told Trang who looked horrified. She had red eyes from keeping them open to much. "Maybe you should close your eyes for a moment." I suggested.
She took of her glasses and rubbed her eyes and kept them closed until Bagman started back up the commentary. Lynch's recovery seemed to give Ireland more heart. When they began to play again, the Irish Chasers played with such skill I didn't believe it could be rivaled.
Mullet shot toward the goal posts yet again and the Bulgarian keeper rushed out to meet her. I watched in slow motion for this part as he used his elbows against her chest and head and she dropped the Quaffle. Most other people didn't see the entire thing but the Irish shouted out, enraged.
"And Mostafa takes the Bulgarian Keeper to task for cobbing- excessive use of elbows! And- yes it's a penalty to Ireland!"
The leprechauns rose in the air spelling out the words HA HA HA! The Veela became angry and started to dance in a ferocious manner. The Weasley boys and Harry had all stuck their fingers in their ears, even Bill.
I pulled his fingers out his ears, giggling, and said, "Look at the referee!"
Hassan Mostafa had landed in front of the dancing Veela and was flexing his muscles and his mustache in an excited manner. Trang and I collapsed into giggles and I banged my head on Bill's shoulder and winced. Bill laughed too, though I was more certain he was laughing at me as I grabbed my head.
"Now, we can't have that!" Ludo Bagman said though he sounded on the verge of laughing himself. "Somebody slap the referee!"
A mediwizard came running across the field, fingers in his own ears and kicked Mostafa hard in the shins. Mostafa seemed to become extremely embarrassed and pointed off the field for the Veela. They stopped dancing, looking mutinous.
"And unless I'm much mistaken, Mostafa is actually attempting to send off the Bulgarian team mascots! Now there's something we haven't seen before. . . Oh this could turn nasty."
The two Bulgarian beaters landed on either side of Mostafa and began arguing with him furiously. However, Mostafa was no longer in a good mood and kept jabbing his finger in the air. When neither beater got in the air he gave two short blasts with his whistle and the Bulgarians roared in anger.
"Two penalties for Ireland! And Volkov and Vulchanov had better get back on those brooms. . . yes. . . there they go. . . and Troy takes the Quaffle. . ." Bagman was saying.
Play now reached the ferocity point. Volkov and Vulchanov were at the point where they didn't care if they hit a bludger or person and were swing their bats fast and hard.
Dimitrov shot straight up at Moran who had the Quaffle and nearly knocked her off her broom though she managed to keep her hold on the broom.
"Foul!" The Irish supporters roared as one, I had roared so along with them.
"Foul!" Bagman agreed, "Dimitrov skins Moran- deliberately flying to collide there- and it's got to be another penalty- yes, there' the whistle!"
The leprechauns had risen in anger, forming a hand with the middle finger pointed upwards at the Veela. The Veela lost control of them. They launched themselves across the field, throwing fire at the leprechauns. Their faces had transformed into bird-like faces and scaly wings were bursting out of their backs.
Trang lowered her Omnioculars and stared at me in amazement and said, "I take everything I said back. I don't care how many sports Muggles have, this is the best sport there is."
I laughed. "Told you."
"And that boys." Mr. Weasley shouted so that even Harry on the far end could hear him. "Is why you should never go for looks alone!"
Trang, Hermione, Ginny, and I laughed as one. Then I muttered, "But all guys do that anyways."
Beside me, Bill laughed.
"Levski- Dimitrov- Moran- Troy- Mullet- Ivanova- Moran again- Moran- MORAN SCORES!" Bagman announced.
The Irish cheers were drowned out by the shrieks of the Veela and the Ministry wizards trying to get them under control. There were also furious roars from the Bulgarian supporters. I was bouncing up and down in my seat, the end was coming, I knew.
Quigley, the Irish Beater, swung his bat at a bludger which went zooming toward Krum. "Duck!" I shrieked, but Krum did not get out of the way in time. I gripped Bill's arm hard as the bludger hit him full in the face. I was sure that his nose was broken. I quickly let go of Bill's arm so that I could hold the Omnioculars in both hands. Despite the four-second hold on his arm, he still had nail marks imprinted there and I blushed and muttered a sorry.
However, Mostafa didn't blow the whistle for Krum to get medical attention because his broom had been lit on fire by the Veela.
I moved the glasses back up to Krum. Blood was spraying out of his nose in every direction. Bloody hell.
"Look at Lynch!" I heard Harry shout from my right.
Lynch had gone into a dive. This was the real thing. I jumped from my seat. "He's seen the snitch!" I shouted excitedly.
I could see the snitch too, a gold blur down near the bottom of the field. Krum had dove now too. I wasn't sure how he could see as blood was flying up past his face but he had managed it somehow.
"They're going to crash!" Hermione shrieked.
"No they're not!" Ron yelled.
"Lynch is!" Harry and I said together.
I watched as Lynch crashed into the ground for the second time and winced. Charlie was out of his seat too and was saying, "The Snitch, where's the snitch!" He bellowed.
"He's got it!" I screamed with delight, jumping up and down, "Krum's got the snitch."
The scoreboard now read BULGARIA: 160, IRELAND: 170
"You guys won!" I said, turning to Fred and George, "You guys won your bet!"
Fred and George looked at each other and roared with delight, bumping fists and Fred pulled me into a tight hug.
There had been a silence in the crowd for a split second and then the Irish roared with happiness.
"IRELAND WINS!" Ludo Bagman cried a few seconds later, just as surprised as the Irish it seemed by this turn of events. "KRUM GETS THE SNITCH- BUT IRELAND WINS- good lord, I don't think any of us were expecting that!"
"What did he catch the snitch for?" Ron bellowed though he was jumping up and down like everyone else that Ireland had won. "He ended it when Ireland were a hundred and sixty points ahead, the idiot!"
"He knew they were never going to catch up!" Harry shouted back. "The Irish Chasers were too good. . . He wanted to end it on his terms, that's all. . ."
"He was very brave, wasn't he?" Hermione asked, leaning forward. Trang and her were watching the Ministry wizards blast a path through the battling leprechauns and Veela so that the mediwizards could get to Krum. Charlie and I were hugging now, completely ecstatic with Ireland's win.
"This is amazing!" Trang said, looking more at the battling creatures than the Quidditch players. The Veela were reverting back to their beautiful selves but looked dispirited and sad.
Bill picked me up now, swinging me around in a semi circle before kissing my cheek and setting me down. I stumbled for a second, putting a hand to my cheek, feeling quite red.
"Vell, ve fought bravely." A gloomy voice said behind us and we turned to see who was talking. It was the Bulgarian Minister.
"You can speak English!" Fudge said angrily. "And you've been letting me mime everything all day!"
"Vell, it vos very funny." The Bulgarian minister, said shrugging and looked over at me and smiled, "You speak very good Bulgarian."
I blushed with pride as the Bulgarian minister stepped back with his fellow Bulgarians.(It was actually the only sentence I knew in Bulgarian. I'd practiced it when I saw that the Bulgarian Minister would be coming up to the box). I supposed both teams would be coming up into the Top Box.
"And as the Irish team performs a lap of honor, flanked by their mascots, the Quidditch World cup itself is brought into the Top Box!" Bagman was saying.
My eyes were suddenly blinded by a dazzling white light. The Top Box was being magically illuminated so that everyone could see and we all quickly sat down so that we didn't get in the way.
"Let's have a round of applause for the gallant losers- Bulgaria!" Ludo said. The Bulgarian team came up the stairs and into the box. The crowd below was applauding appreciatively.
Krum came up last, looking like a real mess. He had two black eyes forming and his entire face was bloody. He was still holding the Snitch. He was slightly duck-footed on the ground and his shoulders were rounded. His eyes roved over us and then at Bagman. When his name was announced, the entire stadium- Irish and Bulgarian- roared with approval.
Then the Irish team came up the stairs. Lynch was being supported by Moran and Connolly. His eyes were a bit unfocused. I wished I could've asked for an autograph, but the Irish team left to do another lap around the stadium. Lynch rode on the back of Connolly's broom and I laughed. I too, wished I had a camera.
"Quietus." Bagman said, pointing his wand at his throat and climbing down from the pedestal. "They'll be talking about this one for years, a really unexpected twist, that. . . shame it couldn't have lasted longer. . . Ah yes, yes, I owe you. . . how much?" He asked as Fred and Weasley climbed over their seats to collect their money.
I walked over to where Harry was standing. I noticed his wand wasn't sticking out of his pocket anymore. I frowned. Well, perhaps he'd shoved it deeper into his pocket? I looked at where Winky was sitting, her eyes still covered and then the empty chair and pondered the invisible person. Perhaps they were sick? I bit my lip. Mr. Crouch had no wife, she'd died and I didn't think he had children. I supposed I could ask Mr. Weasley later.
I gripped the wand in my pocket as though someone might try to take it. I supposed that was a sign for something. . .
"Elizabeth, are you coming?" Trang called from down the aisle.
I jerked my head away from the empty, but not empty chair, and said, "Oh, yeah, coming." and I hurried after them, leaving the mystery behind.
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boyakishantriage · 1 year
"Australian actually." The woman seemed proud, swinging her blades away as she raised one up.
With that, the crowd of Australians cocked guns, revved modified civilian vehicles and tools and hopped onto the modified vehicles.
"... Are you insane?"
"mate. Do you even have to ask that? We're Australians. And they're being cunts."
There was literally no plan, with no access to guns out only plan was. Well. Charge. Opening fire with artillery shells, spray can bombs, flaming beer bottles. Really anything and everything that could be weaponised was and is gonna be thrown at the enemy, but that's more pure shock value. Y'know, the fucking sky opens up with random shit and all that. Even the most logical enemy is gonna pause, look up and get smashed in the face with pop.
Guns quickly spread to envelope the flank, targets picked off as the mob of randoms fired into the crowd of aliens. Far as anyone was concerned, this was pretty out of nowhere. Same with the Chinese/Russian invasion, there were hints but most people ignored it, hoped for the best and or prepared for the worst. Our American allies were already in a fighting retreat, but what few military weren't blasting the ships with literal chemical bombs from the lab boys, were coalesced under my command.
I shouted into the crowd, plasma laser like weapons as fellas raised metal shields, pushing past the firing squad as it devolved to melee combat.
To be perfectly honest, this was as far as my planning went. Random shit, firing squad, and then we just gremlin our way to victory. Military strategy wasn't really on the table, whatever the fuck the military did wasn't really my fucking problem. All I cared for was taking as many prisoners as humanly possible, and with the combined force of 4000 Aussies all willing to beat aliens up to make them fuck off. Ehhh. Well my plan wasn't mean to be sophisticated.
Magic filled the arena, a ship spray painted to fall to the continent as it dropped. Military dropping down, as the rest of us fucked right off. Cleaning weapons, bandages wounds and talking with the Abos in a tent from Bunnings as the military uhh. Sargent. Walked in.
And almost immediately walked out, because this wasn't a militia. This was a group of Australians who'd agreed to just. Fuck it. I had 200 litres of beer, we'd find a lot more and with the military's tactics we'd basically clear the random shit be a big ass distraction and they can do whatever special ops shit they want. Honestly, not hard to understand but the fact it ain't gonna work under them probably pissed the off. But fuck the hippies.
Black magic crackled as it reached below the ground, reaching to touch below the Earth itself. Ancient land so old it could practically speak.
The mob raised their heads, pausing as they stared at her.
"hey. I need to get into the Dreaming."
Swords drawn, I threw the last alien scientists into the vehicle.
"Insufferable- How dare y-"
"shut the fuck up before I blow your planet wide open."
"... Hah. As if some lowly-"
"wouldn't be that hard to shoot your brains out, hell. Doubt anyone would notice your death. So. Shut the fuck up... Actually."
"Didnt need them alive. Just."
"Hmm. Chips. Chips. Hmm? And red."
"... Neat."
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horseshoehate · 1 year
Phish Degrees of Separation
a/n: this is my first Phish & Community fan fiction. there may be another one coming at a later date, I haven't decided yet.
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As the study group walked around campus, they noticed some new faces. Jeff's attention was immediately drawn to a group of hippies setting up a tent near the quad. "Hey, Britta," he said, "you think they're Phish fans?"
Britta rolled her eyes. "You know Jeff, just because they're hippies doesn't mean they like Phish."
"Actually, I do like Phish," a voice from behind them said. They turn to see Trey Anastasio, Mike Gordon, Jon Fishman, and Page McConnell, all wearing Greendale Community College t-shirts.
"Wait, you guys are Phish!" Britta exclaimed.
"That's us," Trey replied with a smile.
"They're fish?" Troy said to himself, "They look human to me!"
The study group was ecstatic to meet the band and invited them to their study room to hang out. As they settled in, Jeff couldn't help but be skeptical. "So, what brings you guys to Greendale?"
"Well, we wanted to go back to school and get our degrees," Mike explained. "And we heard Greendale has a pretty relaxed admissions policy."
"Plus, we wanted to get away from all the crazy fans," Fishman added. "It's nice to be in a place where people don't constantly ask us to play our most famous song, You Enjoy Myself. I don't know about the rest of the guys, but boy, was I getting tired of it!"
"But don't you guys already have degrees from Goddard College?" Abed asked
"Well, now that's a funny story," Page started, "we actually all misplaced our degrees and the registrar refuses to reissue them on account of the constant flood of Phish fan mail they get sent. Admittedly, some of it is jarringly inappropriate."
"You all misplaced your degrees?" Jeff asked in shock.
"Weeeeeeelllllll," Mike said, "not to point fingers or anything, but the reason we lost them is that, during a particularly heated jam session, Fish's drumsticks broke and so he grabbed the nearest items to use as makeshift sticks to play out the song. They happened to be our degrees. He accidentally flung them out of an open window and into a nearby pond."
Fishman added sadly, "Despite our best efforts to retrieve them, our degrees sank to the bottom of the pond, never to be seen again."
"And so we enrolled here, at Greendale." said Page.
Still squinting in disbelief, Jeff asked "Well, if you're such great musicians with some massive cult following, why do you need degrees anyways?"
Sighing, Trey explained, "Well, the state council of Vermont passed a new law requiring all musicians based in the state performing in public venues to hold at least an associate's degree in music theory or performance, in order to improve the overall quality of live music in the area. We would have faced fines out the wazoo!"
Abed, Annie, and Troy offered to help Phish navigate Greendale's bureaucracy to get their degrees. They started by going to the Dean's office to ask for a waiver of certain requirements.
The Dean, delighted to have famous musicians on campus, agreed to help them. The band thanked him, but the Dean's stipulation was yet to be announced.
"A-ha! Well, I've just gotten the numbers and enrollment is up 200% since it was announced on Leonard's Twitter that you were attending here." the Dean said.
"Oh, that's great. I'm glad we could help." Trey said with a soft smile.
"Not as happy as I am that we don't actually have to stay here." said Mike under his breath.
"About that," said the Dean.
Mike narrowed his eyes.
"I'm going to need one more thing from all of you actually." the Dean said, pausing, "I need you all to live on campus for the rest of the semester and live like Greendale students."
Immediately, the band began protesting.
"Now, now, I'm still offering you all degrees by the end of this semester, but you just need to make Greendale seem fun and exciting to be at! I want you all attending classes and participating in activities. I need you to become part of the student body and endear youselves to the students. No if's, and's, or but's!." the Dean said with finality, "This is the greatest recruitment tool I've ever been given as a dean, and I won't have it taken away from me!"
The band quickly became a fixture around campus, often jamming in the quad or playing impromptu shows in the cafeteria. The entire student body was enamored with their laid-back attitude and unique musical style. Slowly, the band became just another part of Greendale's colorful tapestry.
One day, a college student named Max was walking to class when he saw Mike Gordon walking towards him. Max was a huge Phish fan and was ecstatic to meet one of his musical idols. He approached Mike and nervously said, "Hey man, I love your music! Can I get a picture with you?"
Mike smiled and agreed, he was always very generous to his fans. But as Max fumbled to get his phone out, he accidentally dropped it and it shattered on the ground. Max was devastated. But Mike just laughed and said, "Don't worry about it, man. I've got something even better."
Mike then proceeded to pull out a tiny keychain that played the bass line from "Down With Disease" whenever you pressed the button. He clicked it and placed it in Max's hands. Max was stunned and left speechless.
As Mike walked away, he hummed to himself, oblivious to Max's disappointment.
One day, a student named Dave was walking to class when he saw Jon Fishman walking towards him. Dave was a huge Phish fan and couldn't believe his eyes. Fish approached him and said, "Hey man, do you have the time?"
Dave, trying to play it cool, responded, "Uh, yeah, it's 11:36."
Fish nodded and thanked him, then walked away.
Dave was thrilled and couldn't believe what had just happened. He went to his class, but couldn't focus on anything else. From that day on, Dave thought about that everywhere he went and every time someone asked him the time, he would tell the story of how Jon Fishman himself had also once asked him the time also.
Years later, Dave would see Fish again at a Phish concert and tried to thank him for the interaction, but Fish didn't remember him at all, and just stared blankly when Dave brought it up. Oh well, at least he still had his memory of the time that Jon Fishman asked him what time it was.
One day, Brett was walking around campus when he saw Trey Anastasio walking towards him. Brett, being a huge Phish fan, was starstruck and didn't know what to say. As Trey got closer, Brett blurted out, "Hey Trey, I love your music! Can you play 'You Enjoy Myself' for me right now?" After all, Trey did have a guitar with him, so it wasn't that unusual of a request, right?
Trey smiled and said, "Sure thing!" as he set down his guitar, revealing it to be made entirely of cardboard. It was now apparent that this was some sort of project for one of his classes. He then proceeded to beatbox and make weird mouth noises for a few seconds, causing Brett to look on in confusion.
He looked at Trey, bewildered, as he continued to beatbox. He didn't know what to do or say, so he just stood there awkwardly. Trey didn't seem to notice or care that Brett was so uncomfortable, and just kept on with his beatboxing.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Trey finished his impromptu performance and looked up at Brett. "How was that?" he asked, grinning expectantly and awaiting Brett's approval.
Brett didn't know how to respond, so he just awkwardly said, "Uh, yeah, that was... great."
Trey laughed and said, "Thanks, man! I'm always happy to please a fan!"
And with that, he picked up his cardboard guitar and walked off, leaving Brett standing there, still in shock at what had just happened.
One day in the cafeteria, a student named Jake was standing behind Page McConnell in line at the campus deli. Page was trying to order a sandwich, but he seemed to be struggling with the menu.
"Uh, can I get the, fuckin', uh, turkey club with uh, no, tomato?" Page fumbled.
The deli worker said cheerily, "Sure thing. Would you like any dressing on that?"
Page looked panicked, as if this was an entirely unexpected question, and he said, "Uh, what kind of dressing do you have?"
The deli worker replied, "We have mayo, mustard, or ranch."
Page thought for a moment, and said "Hmm, I don't know. What do you think, man?" and he turned to Jake.
Jake (caught off guard) blurted out, "Uh, I don't know, man. Maybe try the ranch?"
Page, horrified that somebody would suggest ranch, turned to the deli worker and said, "Yeah, okay, I'll go with the mustard."
Jake immediately felt burning shame as his face turned red. He had made a grave error and now Page would never ask him for sandwich advice again.
The deli worker said, "Okay, coming right up!"
As they waited for their sandwiches, Page consciously avoided Jake's eye line. After Page recieved his sandwich, he walked to his table. His sandwich was immensely disappointing.
"I guess I should have gone with the ranch." he sighed.
On Halloween night, the band invited the study group, along with a few other select friends, to a secret Phish show to be played on Greendale's campus. The group was excited to see their new friends in action, but became hesitant when they realized the show is being held in the abandoned Greendale Asylum.
As they made their way through the dark, creepy halls, they heard strange noises and see unsettling sights. Suddenly, a figure jumped out from behind a corner, causing everyone to scream in terror. It was just the Dean, dressed as Jon Fishman for the Halloween show. Relieved but still a little shaken, the group settled in for the concert.
It was an exciting and heady concert, but halfway through the second set, as the band launched into an evil rendition of "David Bowie," things start to get even weirder. The walls began to shake, and the floor started to tilt. Suddenly, the band was sucked into a strange, swirling vortex and transported to an alternate dimension.
In this new dimension, everything was just a little bit off. For instance, instead of coffee, the locals drank a beverage called "mud juice" made from dirt and water. They also noticed that all the stop signs were actually green. Additionally, there were no televisions or computers, but everyone spent their free time listening to radio dramas and playing board games. Even though the differences seemed bizarre to the band, the locals didn't seem to find anything unusual about their way of life. It was all very foreign and surreal to the band, but the strangest difference of all was the absence of jam bands.
They soon realized that in this dimension, music is still a big part of life, but jam bands simply didn't exist. No long, improvised jams or extended guitar solos. Instead, every song is a tightly controlled four minutes or less, and this rule is strictly enforced.
As the group explored this bizarre new world, they come across a street performer playing a guitar. They asked him to play some Phish, but he looked at them like they were crazy. "I've never heard of them," he says. "But I can play you some nice, short tunes if you'd like!"
Turning away from the man, Page says in a hushed tone, "Well guys, this may be our scariest Halloween show yet!"
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travelnew · 7 months
Sunrise at Kalsubai, the TALLEST peak of Maharashtra
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Build up before the sunrise from Kalsubai or KalsuAai:
Pic 1: Moon and Antares.
Pic 2 & 3: Venus & Mars in the dawn before sunrise.
Pic 4 & 5: Blue hour.
Pics 6 to 11: Sunrise.
Night trek to watch the sunrise from Kalsubai on 3rd March 2024.
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↑ KalsuAai temple at the top of Kalsubai peak ↑
This blog post is divided as follows
How to go (with GPS trail)?
Time frame.
Photos. 1. Experience.
We were 16 of us together and we called ourselves, "sweet 16" & the sharing and caring under able leadership of my friend, DrJVT was wonderful.
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↑ Trailhead ↑
LONG QUEUES TO ASCEND & DESCEND LASTING MORE THAN AN HOUR with unruly tourists masquerading as trekkers is the norm now.
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↑ Serpentine queue to climb the ladder. The 4 long ladders en route make the trek safe, but now you need patience to cross them. ↓
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2. How to go?
Grade - medium, since it is a long trek. Best part of night trek is that since you cannot see anything beyond the short reach of the torch, the sense of distance is not felt and one reaches quickly. In he daytime, when Kalsubai looms large over you, it really feels long in the hot sun.
Check out the WikiLoc GPS trail of our trek from base village, Bari to Kalsubai temple at the top.
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Trailhead shown above with arrow.
Two non-AC 8-seater Omni passenger vans were hired from Kasara railway statiion to Bari & back.
3. Time frame:
2/3/24 Saturday night.
Second last train to Kasara reaches at 1:30 am on 3/3/24.
3/3/24 Sunday night.
1:45 am - start from Kasara to Bari in vehicle.
3:15 am reach Bari.
3:30 am - trek starts.
7 am - reach temple at the peak.
9:45 am - descent trek starts.
12:30 pm - reach Bari & return journey to Kasara in vehicle starts.
2 pm - reach Kasara railway station.
2:40 pm - train from Kasara taken.
6 pm - home sweet home.
4. Expenses:
70/- rick between home to station (twice).
70/- return train ticket.
400/- Maruti Omni Van ferrying 8 passengers = 3200/- total.
200/- snacks.
TOTAL = 740/- per head in TTMM as usual!
5. Photos:
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↑ Kalsubai top seen from base village, Bari. ↑
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↑ The temple above the base village Bari, where the trailhead exists. ↑
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Some randomly clicked boards & numbers taken of villagers.
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In March 2024: Balu Khade was providing twin or triple sharing tent with foam mattress for insulation on the floor with breakfast & dinner at Kalsubai peak, for 1000 INR/- per person (These things are variable and will change as per season, demand & supply).
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This was my third trek to Kalsubai. Check out my 2016's daytime Kalsubai trek & my night trek to Kalsubai in 2022.
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bigaladventures · 2 years
Days 14-18: Rocky Mountain National Park, CO
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There are no words or even photos that can do justice to Rocky Mountain National Park. But, I'll try my best. For you.
Friday, September 16 - Arriving at RMNP and Timber Creek Camp
Given campground availability and my plans to spend time in Boulder after my visit to RMNP, I decided to start on the west side of the park and make my way eastward over the course of my time in the park.
I spent most of Friday driving to the park (about 2 hours), visiting the Kawuneeche Visitor Center (another hour or so - it was raining so I wanted to see if it would dry up a bit, get my collectible sticker, patch, and passport stamps, and gather some hiking tips from the rangers!). I then wrapped up the day settling in for my first night at Timber Creek Campground.
The rain let up for long enough to get a fire going, enjoy the stars, and go to sleep. It then proceeded to pour most of the night! My tent held up great - I was totally dry and warm inside.
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Saturday, September 17 - Hiking Little Yellowstone & Lulu City
Hit the trail after my favorite breakfast of yogurt, blueberries and granola (the Yeti 45 Cooler is truly amazing and worked as an effective refrigerator for 5+ days)!
On the agenda: Little Yellowstone and Lulu City. This ~7-8mi hike took me along the source of the Colorado River with a combination of rich emerald colored forests and lush golden meadows under a crystal blue sky painted with cotton ball white clouds - the color contrasts were eye popping and made for great photo ops. I also visited the site of a small 200-person settlement from the 1800s, (Lulu city). And along the way, I even made some animal friends, a deer, a moose, and a lil marmot!
I'll let the photos to the rest of the talking:
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Sunday, September 18 - Trail Ridge Road & Alpine Tundra
I woke up at dawn to pack up and drive east on Trail Ridge Road across the Continental Divide my next home base at Moraine Park Campground!
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The elevations on Trail Ridge Road get so high that you are in what is called the Alpine Tundra, a landscape with such harsh conditions that trees cannot live there.
On a stop at the Alpine Visitor Center (the highest National Park Service facility!) I learned all about the ecosystem and animals of the Alpine Tundra including Elk, Big Horn Sheep, Marmot, Pika (in danger danger due to climate change and their conditioning to very cold climate), Coyote, Weasels, Ptarmigan and many plants!
I hiked the Rock Communities Trail to try to spot some Pika, and unfortunately I didn't see any but I did get to see some pretty cool mushroom rocks and stunning views!
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The drive down towards Estes Park was equally stunning with views of the forested lower peaks and absinthe-green valleys
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Finally I made it to my campsite! It was my favorite campsite of the trip so far, spacious and set back from the road in a glen with perfect trees to set up my hammock.
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Monday, September 19 - Four (Five, Six) Lakes Hike
I got up at dawn again to start my hiking day early - I was determined to hike most of the Bear Lake area of RMNP via the Four Lake Loop (but I added in a few extra lakes!)
I watched the sunrise over bear lake, and then found a perfect spot to make breakfast and coffee on my way to Dream and Emerald lakes.
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The colors of the various glacial lakes on this hike were beautiful variations of turquoise and teal. Dream Lake (pictured above) was more of a greenish color similar to Emerald Lake just a bit more of a climb past it. I got to see a beautiful small waterfall on my way up to Emerald.
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My favorite lake by far on this hike was Lake Haiyaha, which was a light mint turquoise color due to a recent rockslide releasing many glacial minerals into the lake!
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On the way down from Lake Haiyaha towards the Loch I made some new friends, Suzy, Beth and Wyatt from Georgia! We hiked most of the afternoon together trading adventure stories. Because I was with them I continued on towards Sky Pond where they were headed (a bit further of a hike than I had planned for myself) and got to see some incredible vistas from a higher elevation!
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Finally the sun was making its way down in the sky so I decided to head back down towards camp. The cottonwoods were changing color in this more arid part of the landscape, and the yellow contrast against the dark green and bright blue sky (seriously the most blue sky I've ever seen) was absolutely gorgeous.
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On the drive back to my campsite, I saw a lot of people gathered by a meadow, and realized that there must be elk to view there! I was too tired to check it out, but decided I'd do so in the morning. Exhausted, I collapsed in my tent after making a quick dinner and was asleep by 9pm!
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Tuesday, September 20 - The Elk Rut, Sprague Lake & Heading to Boulder
Again I got up at dawn, this time to go visit some Elk friends! I didn't know prior to my visit, but I got so lucky that the Elk Rut was just beginning upon my arrival in RMNP.
What is the Elk Rut? It's an incredible annual mating ritual for elk where males (bulls) compete to build harems of females (cows) by sparring and making haunting bugling sounds!
A large herd had settled into the meadow just by my campground, so I was able to walk over as the sunrise was turning the mountains into a bright pink backdrop. There were dozens of professional and amateur nature photographers out already.
I even got to witness some sparring! I tried to upload the video here but for some reason it wasn't working.
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After I watched the Elk for an hour or so, I headed back to pack up my camp. I stopped by Sprague Lake to make lunch and got to see some trout swimming up stream (Natalie, if you're reading this I thought of you the whole time!)
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Unfortunately it was then finally time for me to head out of the park. I made one more visitor center stop at Fall River on my way out. And I even got to say hello to another herd of elk just hanging outside a Safeway Supermarket in the town of Estes!
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My day ended with an arrival that evening in Boulder to visit with my good friend Sarah Jane and her adorable son Hendrix for a couple of days.
I'll share more in a post next week about my stay in Boulder, and my journey to Wyoming to explore Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks!
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lorebird · 2 years
FOR STRANGER!!!! 2 5 and 8!
What is their grooming routine?
So. Being stuck 200 years in the past and all. It's basically nonexistent. They'll brush their hair and wash himself/his clothes (to the best of their ability while interacting with civilization as little as possible). In their own time, they were much more meticulous and hygienic, always trying to look presentable -- he cares a lot less about it in Hisui, where all they want is to get out of there as fast as possible
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
I don't have the middle of his story fleshed out much (I'm coming up with it as I play through a new file) BUT he did have a breakdown the first time they ran into a spacetime distortion. It showed up and he was like HOLY SHIT CAN I GET HOME THROUGH THIS? Then spent the next 10 minutes being hunted down by the distortion pokemon before it faded. They were so tired and frustrated that they broke down crying :( I have the scene all put together in my head w way too much detail but this all leads to him deciding to actively fight Arceus at the end
Describe the place where they sleep.
Bc he avoids all the settlements, he sleeps almost exclusively in the tents at the camps across hisui. Even then, they'll spend extended periods of time out in the wild and either crash wherever they find shelter (caves, ruins, what have you) or just. Don't Sleep. Though after quelling all the nobles and the sky going red, he stays at the Ancient Retreat like in-game. At this point, he's friends with Volo and they're both planning together to find Arceus, so he's one of the few people Stranger will interact with willingly
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rvtravellife · 16 days
Best Camping in Montana - 8 Astonishing National/State Parks to Visit
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by Dhvani Pancholi Montana is a natural paradise for campers and outdoor enthusiasts with its rugged wilderness, expansive mountain ranges and stunning landscapes..... Introduction to the Top Camping Spots in Montana RVing in Montana is a natural activity for RVers, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts. With its rugged wilderness, expansive mountain ranges, and stunning landscapes, it's no wonder that Montana has become an increasingly popular destination for camping trips. From the majestic peaks of Glacier National Park to the vast open spaces of Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, there's something to discover in every corner of this great state. Whether you're looking for an adventurous backpacking trip or just a relaxing weekend under the stars, there is some of the best RV camping in Montana, among any of the national and state parks in America. Here we'll explore ten top picks of Montana camping spots to help you uncover explorers' paradise: The 10 National & State Parks offering the Best Campgrounds in Montana! Top National And State Parks in Montana Frog Creek State Park Frog Creek State Park is a Montana state park located in the southeastern corner of Flathead County. The park is situated between Flathead and Swan Lakes, offering visitors an incredible view of both lakes as well as the surrounding mountains. In addition to its stunning views, Frog Creek State Park provides campers with plenty of activities, including fishing, boating, hiking, biking, and more. With over 200 campsites spread across two camping loops plus multiple group sites available for larger groups or events, there's something for everyone at this unforgettable destination. Regarding activities, Frog Creek State Park has plenty on offer! From fishing on one of the lakes or rivers nearby to taking a hike along one of the trails that traverse through the area’s lush forests and meadows – you won’t be short on options here! Boating is also popular at Frog Creek State Park; kayaking and canoeing are allowed, but all power boats must stay within designated areas at all times. There are also several boat ramps located throughout the park, which make launching your vessel easy! Flathead Lake State Park Flathead Lake State Park Flathead Lake State Park is one of the most spectacular parks and an example of the best camping in Montana. This state park is located on Flathead Lake and offers stunning views of the largest natural freshwater lake west of the Mississippi River. In addition to its picturesque setting, Flathead Lake State Park provides visitors with ample opportunities for outdoor recreation activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, bird watching, hiking and more. The park also offers several camping areas where campers can set up their tents or RVs for a peaceful stay under starry night skies. Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park is one of the most iconic national parks in America and is home to some of the world’s most impressive geothermal features. From its immense geysers and hot springs to vibrant wildlife, stunning canyons, mountains, rivers, and lakes, Yellowstone has something for everyone! It's also one of the most visited parks in Montana. Venture out on a hike or take a scenic drive along one of the many roads that traverse through this awe-inspiring landscape. Stop at observation sites like Artist Point, which overlooks the famed Upper Geyser Basin's array of colorful hot springs, or explore any number of trails that wind through wildflower meadows near Gardiner River. Those looking for an adventure should consider taking a guided tour as well such as horseback riding excursions or kayaking trips down Yellowstone Lake! Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area is an outdoor enthusiast's dream, offering some of the best hiking and camping experiences in parks for camping in Montana. This incredible area encompasses over 120, 000 acres of breathtaking rugged terrain, including vast canyons and towering cliffs that provide stunning views throughout the park. The Bighorn River also runs through this region, providing a variety of recreation opportunities such as fishing, boating, and whitewater rafting. From short day hikes to multi-day backpacking trips – there's something for everyone at this unforgettable destination! The activities on offer at Bighorn Canyon are varied; visitors can explore the numerous trails that traverse through forests filled with towering pines or take a boat out onto one of several lakes where kayaking or canoeing are popular options. Fishing is another great activity here; anglers may be lucky enough to snag trout from either one of the rivers or even spot elusive walleye in one of many reservoirs located within the park boundaries! Those looking for more leisurely pursuits will find plenty, too, such as bird watching from vantage points like Medicine Rocks State Park, where hundreds of species have been recorded during migration season..... Read More... Read the full article
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captionsinsta · 20 days
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200+ Fun Camping Instagram Captions to Share Your Nature Escapades
Camping is more than just an escape into nature; it’s an adventure that rejuvenates the soul and ignites the spirit of exploration.
Whether you’re pitching a tent in the woods, gathering around a campfire, or hiking through scenic trails, the right Instagram caption can perfectly capture the essence of your outdoor experience.
With the right words, you can share the tranquility of the forest, the thrill of the great outdoors, and the joy of reconnecting with nature.
These captions will help you convey the magic of camping, whether you’re enjoying a starlit night, cooking s’mores by the fire, or simply taking in the breathtaking landscapes.
20 Camping Instagram Captions to Fuel Your Outdoor Adventures
Under the stars and away from it all. 🌌
The best therapy is a campfire and good company. 🔥
Finding peace in the great outdoors. 🌲
Adventure is out there, just waiting to be explored. 🏞️
Life’s better around a campfire. 🔥
Nature’s playground is calling my name. 🌄
S’more fun in the wilderness. 🍫
Hiking to where the WiFi is weak but the views are strong. 🏞️
Lost in the woods but found in my soul. 🌲
Camping: where life slows down and nature speaks. 🌌
Collecting moments, not things, under the stars. 🌠
A tent and a trail — my kind of paradise. ⛺
Roasting marshmallows and making memories. 🔥
Nature is my happy place. 🌿
Hiking hard, sleeping well. 🏔️
Chasing sunsets and campfire dreams. 🌅
The mountains are calling and I must go. 🏞️
Camp more, worry less. 🌲
Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity. 🏕️
Finding my way back to simplicity. 🌌
Read: 200+ Camping Instagram Captions to Fuel Your Outdoor Adventures
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adventuretrip1 · 28 days
Bandaje Arbi Falls: A Spectacular Picnic Spot!
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Are you seeking a dreamy break at an adventurous yet serene getaway? Bandaje Arbi Falls is the perfect destination. It is nestled deep within the Western Ghats of Karnataka. This waterfall is a hidden gem that offers an exciting trek and breathtaking views. It is known for its natural beauty and the thrill of the journey. So, the Bandaje Falls Trek is a must-do for nature enthusiasts and trekking lovers alike.
The Thrill of the Bandaje Falls Trek & Bandaje Trekking Distance
The Bandaje Falls Trek is an exhilarating experience that attracts trekkers from all over the country. The trail starts from the village of Sunkasale, near Chikmagalur, and takes you through dense forests, rolling meadows, and rocky terrains. As you ascend, the sound of the gushing waterfall gets louder, building anticipation for the spectacular sight that awaits.
This trek is moderately challenging, making it suitable for both beginners and seasoned trekkers. The total Bandaje trekking distance is approximately 8–9 km one way, which usually takes around 5–6 hours to complete. The diverse landscapes you encounter on the way make the trek even more rewarding.
The Majestic Bandaje Arbi Falls
Upon reaching the summit, you are greeted by the magnificent Bandaje Arbi Falls. The waterfall cascades from a height of about 200 feet, creating a mesmerising sight as the water plunges into the valley below. The surrounding area is lush with greenery, and the cool breeze makes it a perfect spot for a picnic. Many trekkers choose to camp overnight, enjoying the serenity and beauty of the place under the starlit sky.
The falls are best visited during the monsoon season when the water flow is at its peak. However, trekkers should be cautious as the trails can become slippery and challenging during heavy rains. The view from the top, overlooking the misty valleys and distant mountains, is absolutely worth the effort.
Exploring Ballalarayana Durga Fort
A visit to Ballalarayana Durga Fort is a fantastic add-on to your Bandaje Trek. Located about 2 km from the falls, this ancient fort offers a glimpse into the region’s history while providing panoramic views of the Western Ghats. The fort, though mostly in ruins, adds a sense of mystery and adventure to your trek.
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Preparing for the Bandaje Trek
Before embarking on the Bandaje Trek, it’s essential to prepare adequately. Carry enough water and food supplies, as there are no shops or facilities along the trail. Good trekking shoes are a must, given the rocky and uneven terrain. It’s also advisable to trek in a group or with a guide, as the forest can be dense, and the trails may not be well-marked.
For those planning to camp, bring along a tent, sleeping bag, and other necessary camping gear. The weather can be unpredictable, so pack accordingly with rain gear and warm clothing.
Reaching Bandaje Arbi Falls
The trek to Bandaje Arbi Falls begins from Sunkasale, which is well-connected by road from major cities like Bangalore and Mangalore. The distance from Bangalore to Sunkasale is approximately 290 km, making it a convenient weekend getaway. Public transport options are available, but many prefer to drive down to enjoy the scenic beauty en route.
The Bandaje Arbi Falls is not just a waterfall; it’s an experience that combines the thrill of trekking with the beauty of nature. Whether you’re an avid trekker or simply someone who loves the outdoors, this trek offers something for everyone. From the challenging Bandaje Falls Trek to the historic Ballalarayana Durga Fort, your journey to this hidden gem in Karnataka will leave you with memories to cherish for a lifetime. So, stop blinking at the screen and pack your things to chill yourself in this dreamy heaven!
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travelindannok · 3 months
Where to Go? Exploring the Area Around Satit Grand View Hotel, Dannok
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For those staying at Satit Grand View Hotel in Dannok or searching for accommodation in this bustling area, you are surrounded by all conveniences. The hotel's location is truly a golden spot, encircled by delicious dining options. From nearby restaurants to appealing cafés, this article will guide you through key places within a comfortable 5-minute walk from the hotel. Get ready for a journey through the neighborhood that promises convenience and culinary delights.
Convenience Stores Near Satit Grand View Hotel 
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Upon arriving at Satit Grand View Hotel, if you need to grab some essentials or a quick bite, several convenience stores are just a short walk away.
7-Eleven at the Entrance to the Alley
Just 88 meters from the hotel, a 3-minute walk leads you to a 7-Eleven located right at the entrance to the alley. It stocks everything you might need, from snacks and essentials to refreshing beverages.
90 Supermarket
For a greater variety of choices, the 90 Supermarket is a great option. It is about 280 meters from the hotel, a 5-minute walk across the street and down Alley 28. The store regularly features discounted items across various categories.
Lotus Go Fresh Supermarket, Changlone
For those seeking a larger convenience store with fresh food and fruits, Lotus Go Fresh Supermarket in Changlone is located about 350 meters from the hotel. Simply walk to the main road, turn left, and in about 5 minutes, you’ll find everything you need for household and culinary purposes.
Food and Dining Options Near the Hotel
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Guests at Satit Grand View Hotel won't have to worry about dining options as the area is rich with restaurants and food stalls within walking distance. Here’s where you can enjoy some local flavors.
Street Food Stalls
Turning right from the hotel, you’ll encounter a line of food stalls extending 200 meters along the street, offering a diverse range of local dishes from sticky rice and chicken to som tum and made-to-order food.
Restaurants in Purple Tent
Just across the street from the hotel, look for a series of small restaurants under purple canopies offering affordable and tasty dishes like noodle soups, chicken rice, and other local favorites.
Mala Skewers Spot
For spice lovers, the Mala skewers spot in the hotel alley shouldn’t be missed. A short walk left from the hotel leads to a variety of Chinese dishes, including the popular spicy mala skewers.
Chill Cafés Within Walking Distance from the Hotel
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Coffee lovers, here’s where you can find your next caffeine fix just minutes from the hotel.
AKIKO'S TEA あきこ • Dannok
If you are looking for a minimalistic, clean white décor café, AKIKO'S TEA is a must-visit, just a 5-minute walk from the hotel. Located near Soi 22, next to a building supply store, this café offers a quiet environment perfect for a relaxed coffee break.
Kodangnam Café
Another charming café in Changlone not to be missed is Kodangnam Café, about 350 meters from the hotel. Cross the main road and head left into Soi 26, where you’ll find the café about 100 meters down on the left. They offer coffee, savory meals, and desserts in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
This guide should serve well for anyone staying at Satit Grand View Hotel or those looking for a conveniently located hotel in Dannok. With everything within walking distance, you won’t need a car to explore the best of what the area has to offer. Enjoy your stay in Dannok, and we look forward to sharing more helpful articles in the future!
How to book
Hotel link: Click here
Trip link: Click here
Traveloka link: Click here
Booking link: Click here
Google Maps Link >> Click Here
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animetibbies69 · 3 months
A random bg3 wip I wrote.
“Please…. Please just make it stop…. I’ll do anything… it hurts… I just want it to stop. Please…”
The goddess of death tilted her head, listening to the first prayer to her in centuries, how desperate must that soul be to invoke her name? How wretched the being to pray to the goddess of death?
The cool breeze brushed against her skin, plucking at her hair as she sat coiled on the balcony of her home in this cesspool of a city. Pulling her knees to her chest and resting her cheek on them as she contemplated answering the prayer. She hadn’t had a prayer or ever answered one and anyone who could tell her the procedure was long dead and turned to dust. She was the last of the gods, so she supposed any prayers would come to her now. She was so dreadfully tired of the responsibility that rested on her, crushing her with every turn of the earth. Tentatively, she reached out with a tendril of magic seeking the one who beseeched her, her mind connecting with theirs.
Gasping as their agony became her own, the images and emotions pouring through her, she watched as their fangs were ripped out and forbidden to heal felt the pain of infection in her own gums, felt the blades and whips in her flesh, the collar too tight around her own throat, choking back screams as she was forced to bring back victim after victim to her master. The debasement and defilement of her body, nothing was truly hers, she had nothing, she was nothing merely a tool for her masters use for almost 200 years she had been nothing but a tool, a pawn, scrabbling around and feeding on rats when she was allowed to.
But under all of the pain and humiliation and debasement was sheer stubborn determination to survive, to escape. Withdrawing as softly as she could, she contemplated what she had learned this evening. Well it appeared she now had someone to help.
Astarion lay bleeding on the dank, piss stained floor for the third time this month. He remembered the pain and the thick metal collar digging into his throat and then it was gone, his mind was… transported for lack of a better term. He couldn’t recall what he had been thinking, he knew he had been praying to long dead gods just hoping against hope that one of them would answer, a small hopeful smile began forming on his chapped lips. Someone had answered his prayer, for almost two centuries he had prayed and none of the gods had answered. But this time someone had heard him, he vaguely recalled blood red eyes swirling in an abyss of darkness, but those eyes had held such heartbreaking kindness and boundless compassion, for a lowly vampire spawn. Hauling himself off the blood and gore covered floor he staggered, leaning heavily against the wall as his legs threatened to buckle. Tonight’s punishment would leave him aching and tender for days since his master had forbidden him from healing his wounds, a reminder of who was in charge he had hissed at him, sighing softly Astarion retreated to the crypt his steps uneven and heavy as he felt the prickle of sunrise across his senses.
Reclining in her bed Thanatos pondered the best way to meet up with her patron? Chosen? She unsure of the terminology, it was almost unheard of for someone to pray to the goddess of death, aside from the insane and the deviant, she received only curses and scorn.
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head-post · 3 months
International organisations warn of dire famine in Gaza, Israel continues shelling
The latest Israeli army strikes on the Gaza Strip have caused further casualties and destruction, with international organisations warning that by mid-July more than a million Gazans will face the highest level of hunger.
At least six people were killed and 12 injured when shelling hit the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Several people were injured in a tank attack on Maghazi and Bureij camps south of Nuseirat.
WAFA news agency reported one dead and two wounded in Deir al-Balah, as well as eight casualties in an air raid on eastern Gaza. The news agency notes that more than 37,430 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed and more than 85,650 injured in Gaza since the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The death toll is also reportedly likely higher as many bodies remain under rubble and on the roads.
Lack of water is a cause of diseases in Gaza
Israel has imposed a complete blockade on the densely populated territory since October last year, depriving more than two million Palestinians living there of fuel, electricity, food and water.
Hundreds of thousands of Gazans whose homes have been destroyed are now forced to live under tents in makeshift camps with little protection from the scorching sun. Getting water, whether clean or not, is a daily struggle. Long queues form at the distribution centres. As the sewerage system is badly damaged and there are few toilets, what water there is is easily contaminated.
Dr Ahmed al-Fari, head of the children’s departments at Nasser Hospital, said:
“It is no secret that the biggest cause of intestinal infections currently occurring in the Gaza Strip is the contamination of the water supplied to these children. The first problem is intestinal infections with vomiting and diarrhoea which causes dehydration. The second problem is hepatitis C or A, which are no less dangerous than intestinal infections, if not more so.”
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says 67 per cent of Gaza’s water and sewage system, which was bad at the best of times, has now collapsed. Salaam Sharab, who is a water engineer in the Khan Younis municipality, said:
“We need a tremendous international effort to re-establish water and sewage networks. We in Khan Younis have lost between 170 and 200km of pipes, which have been completely destroyed, along with wells and water tanks.”
Humanitarian aid is insufficient
The Israeli military says it allows about 200 truckloads of humanitarian aid through the Kerem Shalom crossing every day. The problem is that humanitarian organisations on the other side are not distributing it. Aid workers say the ongoing fighting, especially in the Rafah area of southern Gaza, makes it too dangerous for them to operate. They also say that what they are allowed to bring in is a drop in the ocean compared to what is really needed.
The UN has warned that by mid-July, more than a million Gazans will face the highest level of hunger.
Meanwhile, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis criticises the Israeli government:
“The Israeli government is laughing out loud as it humiliates the spineless Western governments who think a formal recognition of Palestine is a substitute for boycotting and sanctioning Israel until it stops its ethnic cleansing.”
Read more HERE
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itineraryblog · 3 months
Camping in Alibaug 2024
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Alibaug, a coastal town south of Mumbai, is a popular weekend getaway known for its beaches, forts, and seafood. But there’s another side to Alibaug — a side surrounded by nature and tranquility: camping. Camping in Alibaug allows you to experience the beauty of the Konkan coast at a leisurely pace, away from the hustle and bustle of resorts.
Why Camp in Alibaug?
Budget-friendly: Camping is a significantly cheaper alternative to hotels, especially during peak season.
Unique experience: Spend the night under the stars and wake up to the sound of waves crashing on the shore.
Connect with nature: Alibaug offers a variety of camping locations, from beaches to farms, allowing you to immerse yourself in nature.
Camping costs in Alibaug vary depending on the location, amenities offered, and the number of people. Here’s a rough estimate:
Campsite fees: ₹500-₹150 per person per night
Food: ₹200-₹300 per person per meal (cooking yourself)
Equipment rental: ₹100-₹200 per night for tents and sleeping bags (optional)
Reaching Alibaug:
Alibaug is well-connected to Mumbai and Pune by road.
By road: Alibaug is approximately 100 km from Mumbai and 160 km from Pune. You can take a state transport bus, taxi, or private car.
By ferry: Catamaran ferries operate between Mumbai and Alibaug. This is a scenic option, but check for frequency and timings beforehand.
Itinerary Plans:
Here’s a possible 2-day itinerary plan for your camping trip to Alibaug:
Day 1:
Check into your campsite and set up your tent.
Explore the nearby beaches like Kihim Beach or Kashid Beach.
Relax by the beach, swim in the sea (if allowed), or try your hand at water sports.
Enjoy a bonfire and beachside dinner in the evening.
Day 2:
Watch the sunrise over the sea.
Go for a trek or explore the Alibaug Fort.
Visit some of the local attractions like the Kolaba Lighthouse or the Aksa Beach.
Pack up your camp and head back to your city.
Is camping safe in Alibaug? Generally, yes. Choose a reputable campsite and be aware of your surroundings.
What amenities are available at campsites? Amenities vary depending on the location. Some campsites offer basic amenities like toilets and showers, while others might have facilities like restaurants and recreational activities.
Do I need a permit to camp in Alibaug? It’s always best to check with the campsite owner or local authorities regarding any permit requirements.
Carry proper camping gear like a tent, sleeping bag, and a torch.
Pack comfortable clothes and shoes suitable for the beach and outdoors.
Don’t forget sunscreen, insect repellent, and a first-aid kit.
Be responsible and leave no trace behind. Respect the environment and dispose of waste properly.
With its stunning beaches, relaxed atmosphere, and proximity to Mumbai, Alibaug is an ideal destination for a camping trip. So, ditch the hotels, pack your bags, and head to Alibaug for an unforgettable camping adventure!
Camping In Alibaug
Itinerary Plan
Travel Guid
Tours And Travels
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nirwanastays · 4 months
best waterproof tents for camping
best waterproof tents for camping
Title: Stay Dry & Adventurous: Best Waterproof Tents for Your Camping Escapes
Are you gearing up for an outdoor adventure and seeking a reliable shelter that can brave the elements? Look no further! We've curated a list of the finest waterproof tents to ensure your camping experience in India is both comfortable and memorable.
Quechua Arpenaz 4.2 Fresh & Black Camping Tent: Embrace the outdoors without worrying about rain seeping in. The Quechua Arpenaz tent boasts a waterproof design and innovative Fresh & Black technology, keeping you dry and cool under the Indian sun.
Coleman Sundome Tent: With Coleman's Sundome Tent, you're guaranteed a dry haven amidst nature's showers. Its WeatherTec system and sealed seams provide reliable protection against rain, letting you focus on enjoying the camping experience to the fullest.
Vango Banshee 200 Backpacking Tent: Lightweight and waterproof, the Vango Banshee 200 is the perfect companion for adventurous souls exploring India's diverse landscapes. Its Protex fabric and taped seams ensure a dry and cozy shelter, even in the most challenging conditions.
Wildcraft Quencha Waterproof Dome Tent: Offering affordability without compromising quality, the Wildcraft Quencha Dome Tent is an excellent choice for budget-conscious campers. Its waterproof construction guarantees a dry retreat during rainy nights under the stars.
Decathlon Arpenaz 4.1 Family Camping Tent: Bring the whole family along on your camping escapade with the Decathlon Arpenaz Family Tent. Featuring waterproof materials and ample space, it ensures everyone stays snug and dry while creating cherished memories in the great outdoors.
No matter which waterproof tent you select, rest assured that your camping experience with Nirwana Stays will be one for the books. So, pack your gear, head into the wilderness, and revel in the beauty of nature without worrying about getting wet. Happy camping!
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