#Bengali Story Book
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booksmets · 2 months ago
Chelebela by Rabindranath Tagore PDF
Chelebela by Rabindranath Tagore Bengali ebook PDF. Name of Book – Chelebela, Author – Rabindranath Tagore, Genre – Story Book, Language – Bengali, Book Pages – 78, Book Format – PDF, PDF Size – 4MB. Chelebela story written by Rabindranath Tagore PDF.  Rabindranath Tagore, known as Gurudeva, had a (Chelebela) childhood deeply influenced by his family’s rich cultural heritage and progressive…
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papenathys · 1 year ago
Want to read a Bengali version of Evelyn Hugo- 1960-70s cinema, tabloids, actresses, glamour and Calcutta film industry- but without the endless miscommunication, suffering and sexual exploitation? I might have something for you. Soon.
*Yes, yes it is sapphic. But you already know that.
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"Kabuliwala" is available to read here
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roughghosts · 2 years ago
Rain like this doesn’t wash away the filth: Hawa Hawa and Other Stories by Nabarun Bhattacharya
Rain like this doesn’t wash away the filth: Hawa Hawa and Other Stories by Nabarun Bhattacharya, translated by Subha Prasad Sanyal @seagullbooks
The gleaming wet road, the rusty tin roof of a motorcar repair garage, behind it an old paint-peeling stunned-still old house and a chimney precariously propped up with haphazard wires—the sky can see all this. And, not as clearly, the burnt-black tin-backed shops and buses and the in-between blocks of darkness that were Matador sheds and not the half-rotten bellies of fish but the shells of…
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golpokhuro · 1 month ago
📚🎧 থানার সামনে পায়চারি করতে করতে কেউ এসে খবর দিলো একটা বেওয়ারিশ লাশ পাওয়া গেছে! শুনে তো আমি প্রথমে পাত্তা না দিলেও পরে খবর পেলাম কথাটা সত্যি !! একটা কাঠের বাক্সের মধ্যে কাকে যেন খুন করে রেখে দিয়েছে! !! দেহটা এমন ভাবে ফুলে গেছে যে বোঝাও যাচ্ছে না দেহটা কার??
একজন এসে বললো যে ওটা তার ভাই, আবার র একজন এসে বললো যে ওটা তার স্বামী l কিন্তু প্রমান কোথায়??? অনেক সময় যার দেহ ভাবা হয়, দেখা যায়, সে বেঁচে আছে! ! তাহলে এই বেওয়ারিশ লাশ টা কার? ?? জানতে তো হবেই!
তাই গল্প খুড়োতে তাড়াতাড়ি চলে আসুন এই সপ্তাহের গল্প ‘বেওয়ারিশ লাশ ’ শুনতে l
GolpoKhuro স��টোরি অ্যাপে এসে আপনি শুধু পড়তে পারবেন না, শোনাতেও পারবেন বিভিন্ন ধরনের বাংলা গল্প! আমাদের অ্যাপে পাবেন হাসির গল্প, প্রেমের গল্প, গোয়েন্দা গল্প, রহস্য গল্প এবং আরও অনেক ধরনের বাংলা গল্প। সমস্ত গল্পগুলি বাংলা ভাষায় লেখা, এবং অনেক বিখ্যাত bengali authors-এর লেখা।
আর সঙ্গে থাকবে golpo shomvar যেখানে প্রতি সপ্তাহে নতুন bengali story পাবেন। 📚🎧
গল্পের জগতে ডুবে যেতে এখনই GolpoKhuro ইনস্টল করুন এবং বাংলা সাহিত্যকে আরও কাছে টানুন! 🌟
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banglabooksme · 1 month ago
Golper Hat Bengali stories collection ebook PDF
Golper Hat Bengali stories collection ebook PDFebook name- ‘Golper Hat’Collected by- Ritan KhanBook genre- A lot of Bengali stories collection bookFile format- PDFPages- 3221File size- 18MbQuality- Best, without any watermark, All the stories in this collection have been collected from various online magazines and blogs. Most of the authors in this collection may be unknown or somewhat familiar…
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subramanya-bala-blog · 1 year ago
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Om hari om
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authne · 2 years ago
Recalling Rabindranath Tagore:Tradition of a Scholarly Goliath
Rabindranath Tagore, a famous writer, rationalist, performer, and craftsman, keeps on being a signal of motivation in Indian and worldwide writing. His significant effect on different aspects of culture, going from writing to workmanship and reasoning, has made a permanent imprint that rises above time. This article honors the demise commemoration of Rabindranath Tagore, thinking about his life,…
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banglaboipdf · 2 years ago
Shuktarar 101 Kalpobigyan O Rahasya Galpo ebook pdf
Shuktarar 101 Kalpobigyan O Rahasya Galpo, Sci-Fi ebook pdf A collection of 101 Sci-Fi and mystery short stories.Today’s story is tomorrow’s living science. Science fiction is actually an alternate reality. This is the success of science fiction. The world’s first viable science fiction was written about two hundred years ago. It was written by Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, wife of the poet Percy…
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skluug · 6 months ago
is it just me, or is this micro book review truly atrocious?
“Full stories are as rare as honesty,” one character confides in “White Teeth,” though Smith’s debut novel, in all its chaotic, prismatic glory, does its level best to try. As her bravura book unfurls, its central narrative of a friendship between a white Londoner and a Bengali Muslim seems to divide and regenerate like starfish limbs; and so, in one stroke, a literary supernova was born.
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booksmets · 1 year ago
Chelebela by Rabindranath Tagore PDF
Chelebela by Rabindranath Tagore Bengali ebook PDF Name of Book – Chelebela, Author – Rabindranath Tagore, Genre – Story Book, Language – Bengali, Book Pages – 78, Book Format – PDF, PDF Size – 4MB Chelebela story written by Rabindranath Tagore PDF Rabindranath Tagore, known as Gurudev, had a (Chelebela) childhood deeply influenced by his family’s rich cultural heritage and progressive…
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papenathys · 2 years ago
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melting, you're a daydream: a story for queer brown girls
fifteen years after she left adya, pranjal reunites with her best friend and biggest what if at a book signing event.
this is a 5k word short story that contains:
trans femme bi POV // trans bi author
butch lesbian goodness
love letter to kolkata
catholic guilt
growing up queer and bengali
content warnings: mentions of societal butchphobia, transphobia and dysphoria. the story has a happy ending.
this story and characters are original property that belongs to me and if I find out that you have reposted/plagiarized it, I will take action. art is by @toripar.
if you like the story, do send me a review on this blog or on Instagram (@/sritamasen_). thank you.
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doublycharming-tetraquark · 5 months ago
Angry at Armand's background again. I hate every part of his origin story. Sold into slavery? Like what was the fucking point of that? That didn't happen when Armand was white in the books so why do we need it now that Armand is brown? Also Delhi? Delhi? Its so boring and uninspired. Its like the writers clearly didn't put any thought into it, they just know like 1 or 2 places in India and went with the most boring one. Its also so stupid because now we gotta jump through hoops to figure out why there was a merchant boat in Delhi and how it got there? The Bay of Bengal was right there! We could've had Bengali Armand but noooo. DELHI. And the less I say about the name Arun the better but just know if they make Armand Hindu in the show I am burning AMC down and killing the writers I am not dealing with any of that shit.
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golpokhuro · 1 month ago
📚🎧 স্টেশন মাস্টার তার লণ্ঠনটা আমার মুখের সামনে ধরলো.... আমি বললাম মামুদপুরের জমিদার কৃতান্থ চৌধুরীর একজন ম্যানেজার দরকার, তাই চাকরির জন্য যাচ্ছি...... তা শুনে স্টেশনমাস্টার বললো ওলাইতলার বাগান বাড়ি??? সেখানে তো গত আট মাসে আট জন মানুষ ওই একই কাজের জন্য গিয়েছে কিন্তু আর ফেরে��ি!!! শুনে বুকের ভিতরটা শুকিয়ে যায়.... কিন্তু কেন? ?? কি রহস্য আছে ওখানে??? জানতে হলে শুনতে থাকুন্ গল্প ‘ওলাইতলার বাগানবাড়ি ‘ l এবং অবশ্যই গল্পখুড়ো এ্যাপটিকে অনুসরণ করুন.
GolpoKhuro এপে এসে আপনি শুধু যে পড়তে পারবেন তা নয়, তার সঙ্গে শুনতেও পারবেন গল্পের স্টোরি! আমাদের এপে পাবেন বিভিন্ন ধরনের বাংলা গল্প, যেমন হাসির গল্প, প্রেমের গল্প, গোয়েন্দা গল্প, রহস্য গল্প ইত্যাদি। সব গল্প বাংলা ভাষায়। পাশাপাশি, আমাদের golpo shomvar সিরিজে প্রতি সপ্তাহে নতুন bengali story আবিষ্কার করতে পারবেন।
গল্পের রাজ্যে ডুবে যেতে এখনই GolpoKhuro এপ ইনস্টল করুন এবং বাংলা সাহিত্যকে হাতে রাখুন! 🌟
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banglabooksme · 1 year ago
Rasayaner Shatogolpo Tr. by Dwijen Sharma Bengali Book PDF
Rasayaner Shatogolpo Tr. by Dwijen Sharma Bengali Book PDFebook name- ‘Rasayaner Shatogolpo’ (A hundred stories of Chemistry)Written by – Lev Vlasov and Dmitry Trifonov Book genre- stories of chemistry, Translated BookFile format- PDFPDF Size- 8MbPages- 586Quality- Best, without any watermark, Chemistry today is closely intertwined with other sciences. It includes biology, geology, mechanics,…
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iphigeniacomplex · 1 year ago
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লিখি লোৱা, মই এজন মিঞা ("Write Down 'I am a Miyah'", 2016) by Hafiz Ahmed, translated from Assamese to English by Shalim M. Hussain, began a movement of resistance poetry among Assamese Muslims of Bengali descent, referred to as Miya Poetry after a slur used to describe this community. From Abdul Kalam Azad, for Indian Express ("Write...I am a Miya", 2019):
This poem went viral and other young poets started responding to him through poems. The young poets also started reclaiming “Miya”, a slur used against us, as our identity with pride. This chain of Facebook posts continued for days, reiterating the violence, suffering and humiliation expressed by our community. As time passed, more poets wrote in various languages and dialects, including many Miya dialects. The nomenclature ‘Miya Poetry’ got generated organically but the poets and their associates have been inspired by the Negritude and Black Arts movements, and queer, feminist and Dalit literary movements, where the oppressed have reclaimed the identity which was used to dehumanise them. The trend transcended our community. Poets from the mainstream Assamese community also wrote several poems in solidarity with the Miya poets while some regretted not being poets. Gradually, this became a full-fledged poetry movement and got recognised by other poets, critics and commentators. The quality and soul of these poems are so universal that they started finding prominence on reputed platforms. For the first time in the history of our community, we had started telling our own stories and reclaiming the Miya identity to fight against our harassers who were dehumanising us with the same word. They accused us of portraying the whole Assamese society as xenophobic. The fact is we have just analysed our conditions. Forget generalising the Assamese society as ‘xenophobic’, no Miya poet has ever used the term ‘xenophobic’ nor any of its variants. The guilt complex of our accusers is so profound that they don’t have the patience to examine why we wrote the poems.
Amrita Singh, writing for The Caravan ("Assam Against Itself", 2019), detailed the political backlash against Miya Poetry, in particular the above poem.
On 10 July this year, Pranabjit Doloi, an Assam-based journalist, filed a complaint at Guwahati’s Panbazar police station accusing ten people of indulging in criminal activities “to defame the Assamese people as Xenophobic in the world.” Doloi claimed that the ten people were trying to hinder the ongoing updation of the National Register of Citizens, a list of Assam’s Indian citizens that is due to be published on 31 August. The premise of Doloi’s complaint was a widely-circulated poem called, “Write down I am Miya,” by Hafiz Ahmed, a school teacher and social activist. “Write. Write down I am a Miya/ A citizen of democratic secular republic without any rights,” Ahmed wrote. The police registered a first information report against Doloi’s complaint, booking all ten persons for promoting enmity between groups, among other offences. [...] At the press conference, Mander emphasised that people in Assam are in distress because of the NRC’s arbitrary and rigid procedures. “One spelling mistake when you are writing a Bengali name in English … that is enough for you to be in a detention center, declared a foreigner,” Mander said. “If you are not allowing this lament to come out in the form of poetry, then where is this republic of India going?”
Ahmed's poem is influenced in structure by "Identity Card", a 1964 poem by by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish which uses the symbolic figure of the Palestinian working man to confront Israeli occupiers. Darwish's identity card, a symbol of Israeli subjugation transformed into a cry of Palestinian national identity, is reshaped by Ahmed into the National Register of Citizens for Assam and the accompanying fear of statelessness and disenfranchisement for the Miya people.
This solidarity between writers from oppressed groups is, of course, not one that ends with Darwish and Ahmed, nor with the Black, queer, feminist, and Dalit influences of Miya Poetry. As long as there is oppression, there will be companionship and recognition reflected in art and activism. On December 13, 2023, Black Agenda Report reprinted Refaat Alareer's "If I Must Die", acknowledging the connection between Alareer's poem and "If We Must Die" by Claude McKay, written in 1919 in response to the Red Summer white supremacist riots. In 2000, Haitian community activist Dahoud Andre translated "If We Must Die" into Kreyòl, and the Black Agenda Report editorial honors Alareer in a similar way, reprinting "If I Must Die" with an accompanying Kreyòl translation. (POEM: If I Must Die, Refaat Alareer, 2023.)
Transcripts under the cut.
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[Hafiz Ahmed Transcripts (Assamese and English):
লিখি লোৱা, মই এজন মিঞা
লিখা, লিখি লোৱা মই এজন মিঞা এন. আৰ. চিৰ ক্রমিক নং ২০০৫৪৩ দুজন সন্তানৰ বাপেক মই, অহাবাৰ গ্ৰীষ্মত জন্ম ল’ব আৰু এজনে তাকো তুমি ঘিণ কৰিবা নেক��� যিদৰে ঘিণ কৰা মোক?
লিখি লোৱা, মই এজন মিঞা পতিত ভূমি, পিতনিক মই ৰূপান্তৰিত কৰিছোঁ শস্য-শ্যামলা সেউজী পথাৰলৈ তোমাক খুৱাবলৈ মই ইটা কঢ়িয়াইছোঁ তোমাৰ অট্টালিকা সাজিবলৈ, তোমাৰ গাড়ী চলাইছোঁ তোমাক আৰাম দিবলৈ, তোমাৰ নৰ্দমা ছাফা কৰিছোঁ তোমাক নিৰোগী কৰি ৰাখিবলৈ, তোমাৰে সেৱাতে মগন মই অনবৰত তাৰ পিছতো কিয় তুমি খৰ্গহস্ত? লিখা, লিখি লোৱা মই এজন মিঞা গণতান্ত্ৰিক, গণৰাজ্য এখনৰ নাগৰিক এজন যাৰ কোনো অধিকাৰ নাইকিয়া মাতৃক মোৰ সজোৱা হৈছে সন্দেহযুক্ত ভোটাৰ যদিও পিতৃ-মাতৃ তাইৰ নিঃসন্দেহে ভাৰতীয়
ইচ্ছা কৰিলেই তুমি মোক হত্যা কৰিব পাৰা, জ্বলাই দিব পৰা মোৰ খেৰৰ পঁজা, খেদি দিব পাৰা মোক মোৰেই গাঁৱৰ পৰা, কাঢ়ি নিব পাৰা মোৰ সেউজী পথাৰ মোৰ বুকুৰ ওপৰেৰে চলাব পাৰা তোমাৰ বুলড্‌জাৰ তোমাৰ বুলেটে বুকুখন মোৰ কৰিব পাৰে থকাসৰকা (তোমাৰ এই কাৰ্যৰ বাবে তুমি কোনো স্তিও নোপোৱা) যুগ-যুগান্তৰ তোমাৰ অত্যাচাৰ সহ্য কৰি ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰৰ চৰত বাস কৰা মই এজন মিঞা মোৰ দেহা হৈ পৰিছে নিগ্ৰো কলা মোৰ চকুযুৰি অঙঠাৰ দৰে ৰঙা সাৱধান! মোৰ দুচকুত জমা হৈ আছে যুগ যুগান্তৰৰ বঞ্চনাৰ বাৰুদ আঁতৰি যোৱা, নতুবা অচিৰেই পৰিণত হ’বা মূল্যহীন ছাইত!
Write Down ‘I am a Miyah’ Hafiz Ahmed, 2016 trans. Shalim M. Hussain
Write Write Down I am a Miya My serial number in the NRC is 200543 I have two children Another is coming Next summer. Will you hate him As you hate me?
write I am a Miya I turn waste, marshy lands To green paddy fields To feed you. I carry bricks To build your buildings Drive your car For your comfort Clean your drain To keep you healthy. I have always been In your service And yet you are dissatisfied! Write down I am a Miya, A citizen of a democratic, secular, Republic Without any rights My mother a D voter, Though her parents are Indian.
If you wish kill me, drive me from my village, Snatch my green fields hire bulldozers To roll over me. Your bullets Can shatter my breast for no crime.
Write I am a Miya Of the Brahamaputra Your torture Has burnt my body black Reddened my eyes with fire. Beware! I have nothing but anger in stock. Keep away! Or Turn to Ashes.
[Mahmoud Darwish Transcripts (Arabic and English):
سجِّل أنا عربي ورقمُ بطاقتي خمسونَ ألفْ وأطفالي ثمانيةٌ وتاسعهُم.. سيأتي بعدَ صيفْ! فهلْ تغضبْ؟ سجِّلْ أنا عربي وأعملُ مع رفاقِ الكدحِ في محجرْ وأطفالي ثمانيةٌ أسلُّ لهمْ رغيفَ الخبزِ، والأثوابَ والدفترْ من الصخرِ ولا أتوسَّلُ الصدقاتِ من بابِكْ ولا أصغرْ أمامَ بلاطِ أعتابكْ فهل تغضب؟ سجل أنا عربي أنا اسم بلا لقبِ صَبورٌ في بلادٍ كلُّ ما فيها يعيشُ بفَوْرةِ الغضبِ جذوري قبلَ ميلادِ الزمانِ رستْ وقبلَ تفتّحِ الحقبِ وقبلَ السّروِ والزيتونِ .. وقبلَ ترعرعِ العشبِ أبي.. من أسرةِ المحراثِ لا من سادةٍ نُجُبِ وجدّي كانَ فلاحاً بلا حسبٍ.. ولا نسبِ! يُعَلّمني شموخَ الشمسِ قبلَ قراءةِ الكتبِ وبيتي’ كوخُ ناطورٍ منَ الأعوادِ والقصبِ فهل تُرضيكَ منزلتي؟ أنا اسم بلا لقبِ! سجلْ أنا عربي ولونُ الشعرِ.. فحميٌّ ولونُ العينِ.. بنيٌّ وميزاتي: على رأسي عقالٌ فوقَ كوفيّه وكفّي صلبةٌ كالصخرِ... تخمشُ من يلامسَها وعنواني: أنا من قريةٍ عزلاءَ منسيّهْ شوارعُها بلا أسماء وكلُّ رجالها في الحقلِ والمحجرْ فهل تغضبْ؟ سجِّل! أنا عربي سلبتُ كرومَ أجدادي وأرضاً كنتُ أفلحُها أنا وجميعُ أولادي ولم تتركْ لنا.. ولكلِّ أحفادي سوى هذي الصخورِ... فهل ستأخذُها حكومتكمْ.. كما قيلا!؟ إذنْ سجِّل.. برأسِ الصفحةِ الأولى أنا لا أكرهُ الناسَ ولا أسطو على أحدٍ ولكنّي.. إذا ما جعتُ آكلُ لحمَ مغتصبي حذارِ.. حذارِ.. من جوعي ومن غضبي!!
Identity Card Mahmoud Darwish, 1964 trans. Denys Johnson-Davies
Put it on record. I am an Arab
And the number of my card is fifty thousand I have eight children And the ninth is due after summer. What's there to be angry about?
Put it on record. I am an Arab
Working with comrades of toil in a quarry. I have eight children For them I wrest the loaf of bread, The clothes and exercise books From the rocks And beg for no alms at your door, Lower not myself at your doorstep. What's there to be angry about?
Put it on record. I am an Arab.
I am a name without a title, Patient in a country where everything Lives in a whirlpool of anger. My roots Took hold before the birth of time Before the burgeoning of the ages, Before cypress and olive trees, Before the proliferation of weeds.
My father is from the family of the plough Not from highborn nobles.
And my grandfather was a peasant Without line or genealogy.
My house is a watchman's hut Made of sticks and reeds.
Does my status satisfy you? I am a name without a surname.
Put it on record. I am an Arab.
Color of hair: jet black. Color of eyes: brown. My distinguishing features: On my head the `iqal cords over a keffiyeh Scratching him who touches it.
My address: I'm from a village, remote, forgotten, Its streets without name And all its men in the fields and quarry. What's there to be angry about?
Put it on record. I am an Arab.
You stole my forefathers' vineyards And land I used to till, I and all my children, And you left us and all my grandchildren Nothing but these rocks. Will your government be taking them too As is being said?
So! Put it on record at the top of page one: I don't hate people, I trespass on no one's property.
And yet, if I were to become hungry I shall eat the flesh of my usurper. Beware, beware of my hunger And of my anger!
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