#bengali audio stories
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📚🎧 থানার সামনে পায়চারি করতে করতে কেউ এসে খবর দিলো একটা বেওয়ারিশ লাশ পাওয়া গেছে! শুনে তো আমি প্রথমে পাত্তা না দিলেও পরে খবর পেলাম কথাটা সত্যি !! একটা কাঠের বাক্সের মধ্যে কাকে যেন খুন করে রেখে দিয়েছে! !! দেহটা এমন ভাবে ফুলে গেছে যে বোঝাও যাচ্ছে না দেহটা কার??
একজন এসে বললো যে ওটা তার ভাই, আবার র একজন এসে বললো যে ওটা তার স্বামী l কিন্তু প্রমান কোথায়??? অনেক সময় যার দেহ ভাবা হয়, দেখা যায়, সে বেঁচে আছে! ! তাহলে এই বেওয়ারিশ লাশ টা কার? ?? জানতে তো হবেই!
তাই গল্প খুড়োতে তাড়াতাড়ি চলে আসুন এই সপ্তাহের গল্প ‘বেওয়ারিশ লাশ ’ শুনতে l
GolpoKhuro স্টোরি অ্যাপে এসে আপনি শুধু পড়তে পারবেন না, শোনাতেও পারবেন বিভিন্ন ধরনের বাংলা গল্প! আমাদের অ্যাপে পাবেন হাসির গল্প, প্রেমের গল্প, গোয়েন্দা গল্প, রহস্য গল্প এবং আরও অনেক ধরনের বাংলা গল্প। সমস্ত গল্পগুলি বাংলা ভাষায় লেখা, এবং অনেক বিখ্যাত bengali authors-এর লেখা।
আর সঙ্গে থাকবে golpo shomvar যেখানে প্রতি সপ্তাহে নতুন bengali story পাবেন। 📚🎧
গল্পের জগতে ডুবে যেতে এখনই GolpoKhuro ইনস্টল করুন এবং বাংলা সাহিত্যকে আরও কাছে টানুন! 🌟
#golpokhuro#bengali audio stories#bengali audio books#bangla golpo#bengali story#bengali authors#golpo shomvar
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ক্যামেরায় ধরা পড়া অবিশ্বাস্য ভয়ংকর ভূতের ঘটনা ! সাহস থাকলে একা দেখুন | Bangla Bhuter Golpo
ভূতের কথা শোনা সবার চোখের প্রতি দিকে কিছুটা অবাক উত্তরণ করে। এটি সাধারণভাবে মানুষদের ভীতির সূত্রে আসে, এমনকি স্বর্ণসমূহ অবশ্যই স্পষ্ট দেখা যায় না। তবে, কিছু মানুষ অবিশ্বাস এবং মিথ্যা ঘটনার মাধ্যমে এদের সান্ত্বনা বা ডাকতার মত ব্যবহার করে
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অবিশ্বাস্য ভীতিজনক ঘটনাগুলি আমাদের ভূতের সাথে যুক্ত হয়ে থাকে। এগুলি সাধারণভাবে অমানবিক ঘটনা যেমন আত্মার দরকার বা ভূতের সাথে যুক্ত মূর্তির সম্পর্কে থাকে। এই ঘটনাগুলি সাম্প্রতিক কারণে পুরাতন ভূতের চোখে আসতে পারে এবং এগুলির পার্থক্য আমাদের মধ্যে এক ক্ষণের জন্য সৃষ্টি করতে পারে।
এই অবিশ্বাস্য ভূতের ঘটনাগুলির মধ্যে একটি উল্লেখযোগ্য ঘটনা হল আত্মা বা ভূতের দরকারের ঘটনা। মানসিক বা শারীরিক অস্তিত্ব থেকে যে কারনে এ�� ঘটনাগুলি ঘটতে পারে তা সহায়ক করতে সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে। বহুজন মনে করেন যে ভূত বা আত্মা এই ঘটনাগুলির পরে দেখা যায়, কিন্তু এই ধরণের ঘটনাগুলির বিজ্ঞানগত প্রমাণ
অনেকেই ভূতের ঘটনা নিরাপদে নিতে আসা বলে মনে করেন, কিন্তু বিশ্বাস তাদের প্রাণে অভ্যন্তরীণ অবস্থায় নেয়। অবিশ্বাস্য এবং ভয়ংকর ভূতের ঘটনাগুলি পৃথিবীর প্রান্তিক থেকে প্রান্তিকে শুনানীত হয়ে থাকে। এগুলি চমৎকার ভাবনা, অদ্ভুত সত্য এবং রহস্যে ভরপুর। এই অদ্ভুত ভূতের ঘটনাগুলি মানবজাতির মতো অমূল্য সম্পদ, যা অবশ্যই আমাদের মন্তব্য এবং পরিস্থিতির ব্যাখ্যা প্রয়োজন করে।
ভূতের ঘটনাগুলির মধ্যে অজানা উপায়ে যেতে মানুষকে আত্মঘাতী ধারনা দেওয়া হয়, কেউ কেউ এই ভীতিতে পড়ে। বিজ্ঞান এবং তত্ত্বের মাধ্যমে এই ভুতের ঘটনাগুলির পেছনে অবজ্ঞান ও মিথ্যা বের করার চেষ্টা করা হয়। কিন্তু কোনো ভূতের ঘটনার মূল্যায়ন করা কখনও সহজ নয়। যে ঘটনাগুলি বিজ্ঞানের প্রতিষ্ঠান প্রমাণিত হয়, সেগুলি সামান্য সামান্য ঘটনার ভেতরে লুকিয়ে থাকতে পারে যা এখনও নিয়মিত ভাবে ব্যক্ত হয়নি।
অবিশ্বাস্য ভয়ংকর ভূতের ঘটনাগুলির একটি উদাহরণ হল অজ্ঞাতনামা চরমঙ্গল। এটি একটি অদ্ভুত অপরাধের ঘটনা, যেটি বহুতকাল ধরে আবদ্ধ করেছে মানুষের মনে। চরমঙ্গল ঘটনাটি এতটুকু বিদ্যমান যে, এই ঘটনার মূল কারণ বুঝা অসম্ভব। প্রাচীন সময়ে, মানুষ এই ঘটনাটির পার্শ্বপর্যাপ্ত ব্যাখ্যা না পেয়া গিয়ে বিশ্বাস করেছে যে এটি অতিরিক্ত প্রাকৃতিক শক্তির প্রতীক।
অবিশ্বাস্য ভয়ংকর ভূতের ঘটনাগুলি যে ভাবে ব্যাখ্যা করা হয়, তা সাধারণভাবে নয়। এগুলি বিভিন্ন কারণে ঘটতে পারে, যেগুলি মানুষের বুদ্ধিমত
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Delightful Bengali Comedy Audio Story । মজার গল্প । Shroboni Birombona
A beautiful Bengali short story cartoon adaptation of small and harmless arguments between a woman and her loved ones. Ever wondered what happens when your loved ones become partially deaf, and miss understanding everything you say? 😆 This entertainment web series in Bangla is created to spread entertainment and fun, not to harm anyone’s emotion or feelings, so enjoy this lovely video with all your heart. Choose your favourite seat, get some snacks, and get ready to laugh until you snort with this comedy audio story in Bengali! 😂 Remember to subscribe to watch more funny family web series in Bangla, like, and comment on your best "What just happened?!" moment.
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Arghya's audio drama came out couple of days back (15 Aug 2023). It's called Mejokorta (মেজকর্তা). Arghya's the narrator. He sounds so amazing, proud of my baby boy!
Here's a little cake we had - to celebrate 🥂
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#Audio Story#Bhombol sarder#Bengali story#Bengali story for kids#ছোটদের গল্প#গল্প#বাংলা গল্প#ভম্বল সরদার#ভম্বল সর্দার#Youtube
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Heya my fellow Bengali mjht fan. I was rewatching the show for the hundredth time and had a few questions
1-why Gunjan was so against Samrat lung to her but helped Nupur lie to Mayank? Is that not hypocrisy?
2-Why Diya and Benji were given a open ended ending? Is that cz they wanted to keep it realistic and show not all college couples end up together?
3-Why was babuji so harsh on Nupur Mayank? He was always shown as the more understanding chilld one while Buinis the uptight strict one. But after the marriage even Bui wanted Nupur and mayank to be accepted and begged to their father ki yelog kaha jayege plz man jao.
4-Who falling in love track was handled best as per you opinion? I feel Mayank and Samrat's was handled best,while Gunjan and Nupur's being kind of rushed.
5-What was the point of Adhiraj and Suhani? They came and left within few episodes. Their love story was so rushed and they ven got engaged so quicklym and we never ever hear fromSamrat's sister Suhani while he's going through so much troubles after the leap.
Hello my fellow Bengali <3
Rewatching MJHT just gives me all the fuzzy feels *dance*
But yes, let's get to answering all the questions :)
1 ) Because Nupur is her sister.
You always bend rules, and are a little hypocritical for your own family. And there's a difference between lying and being lied to. Gunjan is always uneasy when she has to partake in a lie or assist any of her near or dear one in lying, but she has zero tolerance when she's being lied to. She even snaps at Nupur when she learns that Nupur lied to Gunjan to take her audio for the talent contest.
2) Yes! Not all college couples end up together!
College is a bubble, real life is not. You meet so many more people - your priorities shape your personality and there's so many future goals and ideologies that affect your life post college. Be it finance, religion, career, children, responsibilities - so many things can make/break a relationship. So, in fact, their ending is the most realistic one. An ex-couple meet again at a mutual friend's wedding. There are sparks, but that's their own story to have.
3) Oh Babuji was COMPLETELY RIGHT. Oh Babuji was incredibly understanding. Imagine, he had told his children to keep his name, his honor, and continue the upbringing he had given as a single parent. His kids are his pride and he must have faced a lot being a single dad. He loves and trusts his kid intensely. At no point was he ever the father to whom Nupur could not communicate that she would like to marry someone else.
And coming from the small town, Shashi must have faced a lot of criticism for sending his kids outside to Mumbai. They would blame him for ruining his kids cause they wouldn't go and study there, rather they'd begin lying, have an affair, etc.
And what happens? Exactly that.
Yes, Nupur does become a brilliant student thanks to Mayank, but how does Shashi even learn about Mayank? That Nupur duped a family friend's son with a false identity, have him date another girl altogether, because she was have an affair with another boy.
That's the worst situation possible. And even then, when Nupur cries to him how great Mayank is, Shashi is ready to put aside his own hurt and his sister's multiple warnings about the situation and meet Mayank.
However, luck is truly against them because he oversees Mayank convincing Nupur to run away with him.
Just why wouldn't he dislike Mayank and Nupur's relationship?
And Shashi isn't really conservation because when he sees how much Samrat cares for Gunjan, he instantly approves of them being a pair - to the point that he's surprised when Gunjan is resistant to that (because she's in a wheelchair).
4) Ok, my favorite falling in love goes to Mayank-Nupur. I loved the contrast of how the practical Mayank does start feeling a lot of filmy things. It was really well balanced in him. And Nupur was so caught in the fancy of it that she didn't know what to do when she actually fell in love? And their confession was gorgeous as well. Samrat's falling in love was STUNNING, Gunjan's was cute - but neither's appealed to me when it came to confession. I felt they dragged it too much. Like Gunjan, I get they were going once bitten twice shy but, for God's sake, her reciprocity in everything just died with the confession and omg that one day that took a whole WEEK with just them doing ping pong over saying emotions? I had a FAB time editing most of it out cause the scenes were repetitive AS HELL.
Falling in love - Gunjan's was the cutest and best (like low-key Valentine's was perfect, you SAW her falling).
Realizing love - Samrat's was best (I get goosebumps with the whole Khabar Nahi and Khuda Jaane moment).
The whole love track - Mayank Nupur (from resistance to confession, perfect)
Staying in love - Mayank Nupur (their in-couple dynamics was the best)
5) To be honest, I kinda did like them, lol. I know it's an unpopular opinion! But it got the plot forward for me.
I've seen a lot of random people in many shows come in and I think Adhiraj Suhani are the only entries in a show that didn't hurt a show as badly as other characters do (cough Bubbly in IPK cough Komal in Begusarai cough Sheetal Aarav in IPK cough Jyoti Prakash Preeti in CJL)
I found it very interesting on how they tied MayUr and SaJan together with this one pair. Like bringing Bablu back? Great idea! I do find it very odd that they're never mentioned again, not even in words. I do think they suffered issues with allotting screen time to which couple on screen. And I think they were spot on with MayUr and I get where they were trying to go with SuRaj, but they started writing SaJan off character.
Like I hated how dismissive Gunjan was of Samrat's trauma. She has NO idea of his past, she was really let off the hook very easily for a grave error. She is in no position to dictate that Samrat should reconcile with his mother/sister. There was also a lot of unnecessary scenes and comedy as well...
I do like them as a track.
And they also knew how to keep SuRaj different from the rest of the pairs. These are the love at first sight type of people. They both think they're the heroes. They both fall in love hard. They're both ready to instantly marry. They're both dramatic. They're just the same person in many ways. Getting to know each other though? That's something that takes time with them.
Which isn't the case for MayUr and SaJan.
However, this point is also the beginning of writing Gunjan off key. Like I start to dislike Gunjan from hereon and I don't quite recover my initial love for her. It's also a place where Samrat and Gunjan's relationship start getting very very imbalanced. He keeps viewing her as perfect and she as 'sigh, Samrat always needs help' mode.
And for how much time SuRaj existed, I'd easily write Samrat having lived in London those three years with his family and only returning to Excel upon his mum's wish because she realized that even in London with his family next to him, Samrat was getting wasted away.
And I'd easily keep SuRaj in mention through a dialogue or two - because they expand Samrat's universe in a sense.
I just don't think Adhiraj and Suhani were as well executed as they could be. They were introduced brilliantly. And I don't think they were a problem to me as much as SaJan became an issue. I LOVED Samrat. I loved the idea of him just not being the only cool person out there cause dude that's what real life looks like.
Gunjan, my love and soul... was a little too unrecognizable. I don't even know why she loved Suhani so much? I'd have a hard time bonding with someone with whom my partner has trauma with!
I hope you like these overtly detailed answers, lol.
Keep hulchuling,
#ask#sorshebata#mjht#miley jab hum tum#adhiraj#suhani#gunjan#nupur#this answer is a damn essay#what the hell jalebs#wachu doin
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While Gaana is widely known for its presence in India, the platform also has a growing international audience. As more people around the world get introduced to Indian music, the global reach of Gaana becomes a valuable asset for artists. By sharing your video on Gaana, you’re not just targeting local audiences but potentially opening doors to global recognition.
With the rise of Indian pop culture and music across borders, being featured on Gaana allows you to tap into an international audience that is becoming increasingly interested in regional and Bollywood music. Whether your fans are in the United States, the United Kingdom, or the Middle East, Gaana provides a global stage for your video to shine.
In conclusion, Gaana is an ideal platform for musicians looking to share their videos without the upfront costs that often come with traditional distribution channels. With its large audience base, user-friendly interface, and excellent monetization model, Gaana makes it easier than ever to reach your target audience. The ability to share your video on Gaana with no upfront fees is a game-changer for independent artists, offering them a cost-effective way to increase their visibility and grow their fanbase. If you haven’t already, it’s time to upload your music video and take full advantage of everything Gaana has to offer!
Related Articles:
For further reading, explore these related articles:
Share Your Video on Gaana Quickly: A Step-by-Step Guide
Share Your Video on Gaana with 100% Royalties
Share Your Video on Gaana Without Paying Fees
Share Your Video on Gaana on Multiple Platforms
For additional resources on music marketing and distribution, visit DMT Records Private Limited.
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Tips for learning Bengali easily.
The vibrant tapestry of Bengali, with its mellifluous sounds and rich literary heritage, beckons adventurous language learners. But how do you accelerate your journey from a bewildered beginner to a conversational butterfly flitting through Bengali bazaars? Fear not, intrepid word warriors! Here are your secret weapons to conquer Bengali at warp speed:
1. Crack the Mysteries of Bangla
Don't let the elegant curves of Bangla lipi intimidate you. Think of them as stepping stones to a world of captivating stories and soulful songs. Start by befriending the basic consonants and vowels – online resources abound to guide you. Imagine them as building blocks, each one forming the foundation for reading and pronunciation mastery. Practice writing each character – the more you trace their intricate shapes, the smoother your transition to reading Bengali newspapers and deciphering street signs will be.
2. Speak Bengali Like You Mean It
Forget dusty textbooks filled with archaic phrases! Equip yourself with the essential weapons of everyday Bengali: greetings that melt hearts, questions that unlock information, and expressions that add spice to your conversations. Phrasebooks and online courses will be your training grounds – pick a few new phrases daily. Practice using them in mock conversations with your reflection or a friendly stuffed tiger – the more you rehearse, the more comfortable you'll be striking up conversations with real Bengalis.
3. Bathe Your Brain in Bengali Sounds
Let the rhythmic flow of Bengali wash over you like a soothing monsoon breeze. Immerse yourself in a sea of Bengali audio – music that will set your feet tapping, podcasts that will spark your curiosity, audiobooks that will transport you to another world, and even Bengali movies with subtitles that will train your ears and introduce you to natural accents and sentence structures. The more Bengali you absorb, the more intuitively you'll start to understand and speak the language.
4. Find Your Language Sensei: The Power of a Conversation Partner
There's no substitute for the real deal – a native Bengali speaker, your very own language sensei! Seek out an online language exchange platform or connect with Bengalis in your local community. Talking with your language partner will boost your confidence like a shot of espresso, clarify pronunciation doubts that linger like pesky mosquitoes, and provide valuable feedback. Don't be afraid to make mistakes – embrace them as stepping stones to fluency!
5. Gamify Your Learning: Turn Bengali into a Playful Quest
Learning a new language shouldn't feel like a forced march through a dusty desert. Turn Bengali into a thrilling adventure! Play interactive Bengali learning games that will test your vocabulary and grammar skills, follow charismatic Bengali YouTubers who will make you laugh while you learn, or delve into whimsical Bengali comics that will spark your imagination. Integrate Bengali into your hobbies – it's a fantastic way to stay motivated and make the process a joyful experience.
Remember, fluency in Bengali is a journey, not a destination. By following these tips, setting achievable goals, and most importantly, embracing the joy of learning, you'll be surprised at how quickly you can start conversing with Bengalis and unlocking the treasures of their culture. So, grab your metaphorical backpack, pack your curiosity, and embark on this exciting Bengali odyssey – shubho shikha (happy learning)!
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