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jalebi-likes · 8 months ago
Heya my fellow Bengali mjht fan. I was rewatching the show for the hundredth time and had a few questions
1-why Gunjan was so against Samrat lung to her but helped Nupur lie to Mayank? Is that not hypocrisy?
2-Why Diya and Benji were given a open ended ending? Is that cz they wanted to keep it realistic and show not all college couples end up together?
3-Why was babuji so harsh on Nupur Mayank? He was always shown as the more understanding chilld one while Buinis the uptight strict one. But after the marriage even Bui wanted Nupur and mayank to be accepted and begged to their father ki yelog kaha jayege plz man jao.
4-Who falling in love track was handled best as per you opinion? I feel Mayank and Samrat's was handled best,while Gunjan and Nupur's being kind of rushed.
5-What was the point of Adhiraj and Suhani? They came and left within few episodes. Their love story was so rushed and they ven got engaged so quicklym and we never ever hear fromSamrat's sister Suhani while he's going through so much troubles after the leap.
Hello my fellow Bengali <3
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Rewatching MJHT just gives me all the fuzzy feels *dance*
But yes, let's get to answering all the questions :)
1 ) Because Nupur is her sister.
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You always bend rules, and are a little hypocritical for your own family. And there's a difference between lying and being lied to. Gunjan is always uneasy when she has to partake in a lie or assist any of her near or dear one in lying, but she has zero tolerance when she's being lied to. She even snaps at Nupur when she learns that Nupur lied to Gunjan to take her audio for the talent contest.
2) Yes! Not all college couples end up together!
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College is a bubble, real life is not. You meet so many more people - your priorities shape your personality and there's so many future goals and ideologies that affect your life post college. Be it finance, religion, career, children, responsibilities - so many things can make/break a relationship. So, in fact, their ending is the most realistic one. An ex-couple meet again at a mutual friend's wedding. There are sparks, but that's their own story to have.
3) Oh Babuji was COMPLETELY RIGHT. Oh Babuji was incredibly understanding. Imagine, he had told his children to keep his name, his honor, and continue the upbringing he had given as a single parent. His kids are his pride and he must have faced a lot being a single dad. He loves and trusts his kid intensely. At no point was he ever the father to whom Nupur could not communicate that she would like to marry someone else.
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And coming from the small town, Shashi must have faced a lot of criticism for sending his kids outside to Mumbai. They would blame him for ruining his kids cause they wouldn't go and study there, rather they'd begin lying, have an affair, etc.
And what happens? Exactly that.
Yes, Nupur does become a brilliant student thanks to Mayank, but how does Shashi even learn about Mayank? That Nupur duped a family friend's son with a false identity, have him date another girl altogether, because she was have an affair with another boy.
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That's the worst situation possible. And even then, when Nupur cries to him how great Mayank is, Shashi is ready to put aside his own hurt and his sister's multiple warnings about the situation and meet Mayank.
However, luck is truly against them because he oversees Mayank convincing Nupur to run away with him.
Just why wouldn't he dislike Mayank and Nupur's relationship?
And Shashi isn't really conservation because when he sees how much Samrat cares for Gunjan, he instantly approves of them being a pair - to the point that he's surprised when Gunjan is resistant to that (because she's in a wheelchair).
4) Ok, my favorite falling in love goes to Mayank-Nupur. I loved the contrast of how the practical Mayank does start feeling a lot of filmy things. It was really well balanced in him. And Nupur was so caught in the fancy of it that she didn't know what to do when she actually fell in love? And their confession was gorgeous as well. Samrat's falling in love was STUNNING, Gunjan's was cute - but neither's appealed to me when it came to confession. I felt they dragged it too much. Like Gunjan, I get they were going once bitten twice shy but, for God's sake, her reciprocity in everything just died with the confession and omg that one day that took a whole WEEK with just them doing ping pong over saying emotions? I had a FAB time editing most of it out cause the scenes were repetitive AS HELL.
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Falling in love - Gunjan's was the cutest and best (like low-key Valentine's was perfect, you SAW her falling).
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Realizing love - Samrat's was best (I get goosebumps with the whole Khabar Nahi and Khuda Jaane moment).
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The whole love track - Mayank Nupur (from resistance to confession, perfect)
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Staying in love - Mayank Nupur (their in-couple dynamics was the best)
5) To be honest, I kinda did like them, lol. I know it's an unpopular opinion! But it got the plot forward for me.
I've seen a lot of random people in many shows come in and I think Adhiraj Suhani are the only entries in a show that didn't hurt a show as badly as other characters do (cough Bubbly in IPK cough Komal in Begusarai cough Sheetal Aarav in IPK cough Jyoti Prakash Preeti in CJL)
I found it very interesting on how they tied MayUr and SaJan together with this one pair. Like bringing Bablu back? Great idea! I do find it very odd that they're never mentioned again, not even in words. I do think they suffered issues with allotting screen time to which couple on screen. And I think they were spot on with MayUr and I get where they were trying to go with SuRaj, but they started writing SaJan off character.
Like I hated how dismissive Gunjan was of Samrat's trauma. She has NO idea of his past, she was really let off the hook very easily for a grave error. She is in no position to dictate that Samrat should reconcile with his mother/sister. There was also a lot of unnecessary scenes and comedy as well...
I do like them as a track.
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And they also knew how to keep SuRaj different from the rest of the pairs. These are the love at first sight type of people. They both think they're the heroes. They both fall in love hard. They're both ready to instantly marry. They're both dramatic. They're just the same person in many ways. Getting to know each other though? That's something that takes time with them.
Which isn't the case for MayUr and SaJan.
However, this point is also the beginning of writing Gunjan off key. Like I start to dislike Gunjan from hereon and I don't quite recover my initial love for her. It's also a place where Samrat and Gunjan's relationship start getting very very imbalanced. He keeps viewing her as perfect and she as 'sigh, Samrat always needs help' mode.
And for how much time SuRaj existed, I'd easily write Samrat having lived in London those three years with his family and only returning to Excel upon his mum's wish because she realized that even in London with his family next to him, Samrat was getting wasted away.
And I'd easily keep SuRaj in mention through a dialogue or two - because they expand Samrat's universe in a sense.
I just don't think Adhiraj and Suhani were as well executed as they could be. They were introduced brilliantly. And I don't think they were a problem to me as much as SaJan became an issue. I LOVED Samrat. I loved the idea of him just not being the only cool person out there cause dude that's what real life looks like.
Gunjan, my love and soul... was a little too unrecognizable. I don't even know why she loved Suhani so much? I'd have a hard time bonding with someone with whom my partner has trauma with!
I hope you like these overtly detailed answers, lol.
Keep hulchuling,
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knowsgoodfood · 8 years ago
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I already know what I want for Sunday lunch- sorshebata rui and bhaat and a side of the Ayurveda-approved shukto (because it has all 6 of the 'rasas' or tastes) from Calcutta Club. But, I will stick to eating a homemade nourishing meal 😲. What are your plans? #Throwback #sunday #plans #lunchideas #bengalifood #Bengali #calcuttaclub #allnightidream #bombay #bombayeats
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jalebi-likes · 1 year ago
Heyaa. Shubho Sharodiya 🤗
Have you ever wondered what exactly was the relationship between Diya and Samrat in the beginning?like he seems to give her special attention and they flirt quite a lot. She gets really angry when ever he gives any other girl any attention,and he seems to know that she likes him and enjoys the attention. Did he kinda lead her on?
Because we know he never really liked her in that way cz when he saw Sheena the way he went after her, if the actually had any feel for Diya he'd have told her I guess. But his behaviour with her was kinda typical leading her on type no?Or am I judging college kids too harshly
Hello hello and shubho sharodiya to you as well :)
Oh it was easy to understand them - they're childhood besties and it's a very 'high school crushes' thing. I don't think either of them actually understood what love even meant to be honest.
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I think Diya loved being grown up by going on 'dates' but you can see how much of a child she is when she's hesitant when Ranvijay actually takes her to a rave party and introduces her to alcohol and wants to initiate a physical relationship.
Diya is just being young and possessive and is the princess of the town and Samrat bolsters that ego of hers because he is her best friend and genuinely platonically loves her a LOT. They have a shared childhood and to be honest, maybe in an alternate universe after they grew up and were in their twenties they might've happily, seriously, dated each other.
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At this phase they're each an ego boost for each other cause he's the most popular and she's the most popular so naturally - according to Diya - they're so in 'love' and she's jealous if his attention is elsewhere.
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In reality it's all about attention which is something every teen wants. Her distaste with Gunjan increases because Gunjan gets Samrat's attention. Then she dislikes Sheena cause she gets Samrat's attention -and she then loves Ranvijay because he gives her attention.
Samrat didn't really lead her on. They were cute in the beginning and she's his princess, his bestie. Then they get distanced because he gets bored over the pranks CONSTANTLY played on Gunjan and Nupur and he develops a soft attraction for Gunjan and Diya's hounding for attention kinda rubs away any romantic feelings he might've had for Diya. It's like he's indulging her out of friendship rather than romance.
Samrat is inherently a good guy and very intuitive, attentive and observant. So even though Diya apologizes to Samrat for telling everything to Gunjan, and Samrat forgives her - he focuses his whole journey on making Gunjan happy and in that result actually distances himself from Diya.
Mind you, he also softly realizes he doesn't have the best friend circle when Gunjan starts tutoring him. He understands his friend circle actually pressurizes him to maintain his image of the fun, cool boy with all the cool girls whereas Gunjan is the one who actually wants to see him have a successful future.
It's a startling realization for Samrat when he realizes he no longer likes maintaining an image when in reality there's a part of him that likes being liked for who he is - responsible, dutiful, hardworking - as opposed to his more popular characteristics - a flirt, charmer, etc.
So in all this he actually grows more away from Diya because she pressurizes him, annoys him, manipulates him and demands his attention - which he can now see. But out of their deep friendship over the years, he genuinely still cares for her.
And Samrat kicks out any idea of romance with Gunjan because he feels Gunjan deserves someone better than him and she's made it clear that their friendship is all she wants and thus the seeds of attraction don't exist in his mind at all.
So when he meets Sheena who likes him as well, charms him, flirts him right off his shoes - he falls head over heels for her. And Samrat's style of attraction and flirting is the same - LOTS of attention plus making someone feel they're a princess.
So it wouldn't be too far to say that he was attracted to the soft, flustered Gunjan Bhushan for a hot sec.
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What he doesn't realize is his and Gunjan's friendship is a LOT like a relationship in general. She's his confidante, his morale, his support and so much more.
Thus it would be safe to say that at first Samrat had a sweet high-school relationship with Diya which soured (but he never let the sourness touch their deep friendship), had a very hidden crush on Gunjan (hence the flirting, but it's very switchable with platonic feelz), then fell head over heels for Sheena and then fell deeply in love with Gunjan which made him feel complete in many ways.
He didn't lead anyone - he probably led on Sheena to be honest because her insecurities weren't unfounded.
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But her going the most stupid way about it is yet another example of them all being college kids. And you can forgive Samrat for leading on Sheena because he didn't know himself that he was deeply in love with Gunjan.
MJHT actually handled all these complex emotions very well. Samrat-Diya are people who are always better off as friends. Diya is the happiest when she learns Samrat is in love with Gunjan, and Samrat's unease with Diya's dating life is out of sheer concern for his best friend and nothing else. It's actually a beautiful relationship and my most favorite.
Lol, I must've forgotten the question somewhere and gone into a longggg answer.
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jalebi-likes · 5 months ago
Hey. I was reading your answer to my recent ask and found your opinions on Gunjan very relatable. It always irked me that after the leap they never even tried to make her apologise.
Gunjan was always a more logical and of the values type character. And they made her do some very illogical things. The Gunjan of the beginning episodes won't blame Samrat for an accident. She might find it difficult to be with him as it'd remind of the good times and Nupur's death,and just leave for her own sanity. But the vitriol and blaming was very illogical and out of character . Specially when Mayank also encouraged samrat to driver fast ,and Gunjan didn't hate Mayank after the accident.
One of my pet peeves was also with how the writers stopped the college oriented tracks after Adhiraj Suhani. The baby track was hey baby knock off and kinda too unbelievable. Then the Neil track too.
Which tracks do you think they could've written to extend the show for the couples instead of these tracks and the leap?
Hello hello <3
So the Gunjan and Samrat-Gunjan dynamic that I liked was pretty much until the confession episode. Because there seemed to be a lot of rewriting and changing of the character (Gunjan) and the relationship. Gunjan went from putting Samrat on a pedestal and dying to have a relationship with him to suddenly finding Samrat as someone who is immature and needs a lot of fixing and just becoming incredibly hesitant?
I mean I'm sure there could be a believable reason for it but it makes everything feel like they were far better off as friends as opposed to lovers?
The wholesomeness took a deep hit that never recovered and the not so great parts only got more heightened.
Like I totally get Gunjan not forgiving Samrat - that is SO understandable. She lost her own sister. But the vitriol she spews towards Samrat feels very... very not her.
Her breaking things with Samrat, yes. Her thinking of Samrat as someone who would intentionally do this, no. Like she knows him enough to know he wouldn't intentionally hurt Nupur. But after having lost her sister it makes all sense that his intentions don't matter - she lost her sister, that's it.
Like remember how Gunjan broke off her friendship on learning Samrat was dared to be her friend. I loved how her anger and sensitivity was written - as well as her apology. Gunjan has never been the one who found it difficult to apologize. Again, it's very easy to understand that she grew into a different person upon adulting as we all do but I just really miss some of her core characteristics.
If she become a different person, sure why not. But there's a moment where Samrat calls her as the same, innocent, confused Gunjan and I fail to see any of that?
I actually liked the Neil track a LOT (agree on the baby track but like they've already had exams, talent contest, group projects, what else could they do without risking repetition?) because it got everyone to focus on careers and on what life is after college. It wasn't handled as well as it could have. Also, lowkey, I think they were hinting for an emotional affair between Gunjan-Neil. She was attracted to his mature, calm self and started finding more flaws in Samrat.
A lot of her and Neil's relationship was mirroring the earlier days of Samrat-Gunjan.
Tbh I'm not sure about the tracks I'd include... I have more thoughts on Season 2 for tracks as opposed to Season 1.
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jalebi-likes · 1 year ago
Hey. Hope you doing fine. You know one thing that always bothered me about mjht is that when Gunjan left samrat after Nupur's death,when they reunited,there was no proper apology from her side. She regretted a lot,tried her best to bring some good changes in his life, but never really straight up apologised to him about it. He kept blaming himself for something that was an accident and not intentional,his life became hell he became an alcoholic biker wasting away his life. But she never really apologised,she told Nupur that she felt after what she did,she doesn't really deserve him. But should have told all this to him no?
I feel comparatively Mayank and Samarat's reunion was handled better. Mayank hated Samrat because he reminded him of the tragedy ,but he knew somewhere this anger is illogical as he himself encouraged Samrat to drive recklessly that day. He forgave Samart much before he even found out Nupur is alive,and was actually worried for his depressed state. Their arc was more well written.
It is my only teeny tiny bit that hurt in MJHT that Gunjan has no redemption arc and she needed it because she became the judge, jury and punished Samrat beyond his crime.
Especially even after she learns the truth.
I got so upset when Gunjan was upset that Samrat hid his ambition from her and continued lying to her - her audacity to say that 'maybe he doesn't know how to speak the truth' - LIKE EXCUSE ME?
And you know it's not Gunjan's anger, it's the fact that Samrat then is pacifying her.
My man is in trauma. LEGIT TRAUMA. Gunjan is no longer the best friend in Samrat's life, she has no right in his life. (In fact if Gunjan was upset with Mayank as well, that he urged Samrat to drive faster, and essentially Gunjan is upset with everyone around her then it would've made sense).
Mayank's arc was beautiful. He, the minute he saw Samrat, apart from the initial anger was constantly worried about Samrat. Samrat's depression, Samrat's alcoholism, it all frightened him. He couldn't stop worrying about Samrat.
So, you know what I did? I re-edited the whole second season of MJHT so as to we get our fully fleshed arcs and boy it is beautiful. I'll make another post about this!
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jalebi-likes · 3 years ago
Hii. how you doing?I was reading some posts on mjht indiaforums,and some people said the show and it's charcters took some inspiration from friends. do you feel so?
I feel MJHT is a mix of FRIENDS and Archie’s with a refreshing touch! The show is very aware of their references which is why I believe it worked so well because that’s the way to take inspiration.
Uday is Joey - forever single, the clown but the most loyal friend who is fiercely supportive of his friends.
Friends have six main characters - Joey, Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe.
MJHT has six main characters - Uday, Samrat, Gunjan, Nupur, Mayank, Dia.
Samrat-Gunjan have the Ross-Rachel vibe of will they won’t they (where we’re never sure if they’re going to end up together)
Mayank-Nupur are the Chandler-Monica of the show. Steadfast, together, facing ups and downs of marriage together.
And just like Joey officiating Monica and Chandler’s wedding - Uday/Dodo officiated Samrat and Gunjan’s!
And then the characteristics are borrowed somewhat from Archie’s. Jughead and Mason are split between Uday and Benji (foodie, clown, bestie, big body) Betty is Gunjan (sweet, girl next door, in love with the main character but is also helping him out with his dates), Archie is Samrat (everyone loves him, academics isn’t his strength but sports is), Dia is Veronica (rich princess who has a crush on the main guy and is generally selfish but actually is a very good friend)
Of course the beauty of MJHT is that it always deviates from the materials of reference to create a lovely story.
The whole Sheena-Samrat-Gunjan was a classic Veronica-Archie-Betty scenario (especially where Gunjan helps him with his date despite harbouring romantic feelings)
MJHT has enough ingenuity that you can call them inspiration but never a copycat.
And they have tracks like the question of marriage, career, repairing relationships, forcing ambitions on your partner and so much more that MJHT becomes a pretty rich story by the end.
Also multi character stories with different personality friendships really became popular in early 2000s which was due to shows like FRIENDS.
- Jalebi
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jalebi-likes · 3 years ago
Hii. Hope you doing well😊 Was just watching the jail track and Samrat's love realisation. and was just curious. What do you think changed in the jail track that made Samrat finally see Gunjan in a different light?
I’m so glad you’re asking MJHT related questions 😊 I’m doing well - hope you’re doing well too.
You see, even before the jail track we could see that Samrat was intensely attached to Gunjan. Sheena’s accusations weren’t baseless. Why would a man like Samrat require his introvert friend - who has no experience in dating - help for the first date? Why could Samrat not step away from friendship?
Also Samrat’s response to anyone suggesting he and Gunjan could be a pair is never “ew no we’re best friends”, it’s always a “huh… it’s hilarious because Gunjan deserves better”
So while Samrat did share one of the most beautiful and pure friendships with Gunjan, I believe he dealt with his attraction for her based on the simple fact that he believed he wasn’t good enough for Gunjan and his angel deserved way better.
And Gunjan would never love a man like him.
It’s not that Sammy was not confident or secretly pining for her - absolutely not, Sammy was genuinely attracted to Sheena, was happy being best friends with Chashmish and would’ve been happy if Gunjan married a man who deserved her.
But it all changed when Sheena exposed his emotions at the jail. She did understand Samrat. And it hits Samrat in the gut - even though he fiercely denies it.
But with his emotions unmasked and the actual possibility that he actively loves Gunjan and that his feelings now bordered more than friendship - be it his desperation to hear Gunjan’s voice in the jail and assure her she’s fine or that somehow Gunjan’s tears hurt him more than his imprisonment - Samrat’s whole viewpoint changed.
He wasn’t just happy for his chashmish. He wanted her.
Usually he’d see her as a cute angel but after that realization he saw her as everything. Her eyes, lips, face, hair…
Samrat even thinks his isolation is driving him crazy but it’s the combination of what Sheena told him, Constable Kamdev Kulkarni’s guidance of sorts and Gunjan’s constant presence for him.
- Jalebi
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jalebi-likes · 3 years ago
Hii. Its so nice to find someone who loves mjht as much as I do. I was rewatching the show and I noticed a pattern in the show. Whenever one couple would have a happy phase,the other one would have a falling apart. Like when Samrat and Gunjan became friends,Nupur and Mayank ended their friendship after talent parade. or when Nupur and Mayank became a couple ,Gunjan left Samrat to make Sheena accept Samrat. Whats your take on this?I think it created a very good balance on the show.
Welcome to the #hulchulhodilmain club. @aye-masakalii and I proudly belong there. @leila1 is an old happy member and I've been trying to kidnap bring @jaanedil here since forever.
I think that's a beautiful way of establishing balance in the show. There are parallels as well - such as during the Neil track, both MayUr and SaJan were going through multiple misunderstandings. Or right in the beginning where both Gunjan and Nupur intensely disliked Samrat and Mayank respectively. Or even the play where MayUr and Sajan were going through intense pain because friendship and love was being lost in the shape of sacrifice and denial - and the parallels end with the end result of the play.
But all in all as you said, this is how they maintained the show. I think MJHT was one of the few Indian shows to manage a two lead plot and give coherence to their characters - unlike Dill Mill Gaye *cough cough*
And I think they very much played the lead couples as foils of each other. And that really helped in making an entertaining show!
Also omg does your username literally mean the Bangali sorshebata *cry*
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jalebi-likes · 3 years ago
Heyy how u doing?😊😊 I wanted to ask in mjht,what was your favourite romantic moment ?Mine has to be the Gunjan Samrat proposal and consummation episode,and the Khuda Jaane sequence. yours?
My Bengali person out here asking my fav questions 😭
I’m doing well!! How’re you?
Ok this is going to be a list! My top for Mayank and Sajan is the Khuda Jaane sequence. The emotions and love hits me straight in the gut. It’s so loving tbh. You can SEE the weight of love hit Mayank as he allowed himself in a fantasy and Gunjan slipping into love as Samrat literally becomes her world.
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1. Khuda Jaane (Mayur and Sajan)
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2. Play confession and dance in rain (Mayur)
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3. Consummation (Sajan)
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4. Do Dil Ek Jaan (Mayur)
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5. Final Proposal (Sajan)
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6. Celebration of First Date (Mayur)
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7. Samrat realizes he’s in love with Gunjan
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