#Bengali Chocolate Cake
littlefaefeather · 6 months
Black Butler manga foods/drinks
I'm sure I missed some things, but it was all things that weren't really named or specified, or I couldn't tell with certainty what they were. @sebastian-ciel-mutual-bullying this is for you! feel free to take and use as you need o7 Book 1 breakfast: poached salmon and mint salad with toast, scones, and pain de campagne on the sides, ceylon tea horribly salty lemonade dinner: Japanese green tea, gyuutatakidon, Italian red wine, apricot and green tea mille-feuille dessert: orchard fruit cake with pears, plums, and blackberries dessert: deep-dish apple raisin pie milk
Book 2 assam tea afternoon tea: keemun and summer pudding of currants and other berries lunch: stuffed cabbage and minted potato salad chocolate earl grey afternoon tea: cornmeal cake of pears and blackberries salty rosehip herbal tea
Book 3 hot milk with honey or brandy peeled apple assam tea with milk oranges with shalimar tea steak and kidney pie and salmon sandwiches messy birthday cake and donburi strawberry-decorated birthday cake
Book 4 fish chai with ginger breakfast: shrimp curry and French toast with ginger mackerel with gooseberry sauce and cottage pie
Book 5 British-style Bengali chicken curry chicken curry afternoon snack: gateau au chocolat beef curry blue lobster with seven curries curry bun assam tea white darjeeling tea champagne sushi
Book 6 Christmas pudding cookies shaped like bones fish and chips, meat pies, bread
Book 7 rice porridge dinner: milk risotto with a three-mushroom medley, a pot-au-feu of pork and wine, and a warm apple compote with yogurt sauce
Book 8 oranges afternoon tea: chocolate macarons with fruits and three-berry shortcake
Book 9 custard cream puffs red wine white wine brunch: herring pie and spinach quiche dinner: curry, and chopped vegetables for an appetizer
Book 10 dinner: soybean hamburg steaks
Book 11 elevenses: darjeeling tea and petits fours tonkatsu, shougayaki, tonjiru, tonshabu, yakiton
Book 12 cake with strawberries on top
Book 13 spiny lobster saute, roast turkey, sticky toffee pudding, fairy cakes (cupcakes) warm milk with honey
Book 14 watered-down darjeeling tea darjeeling tea dinner: roast duck and gateau chocolat
Book 15 golden syrup sponge pudding tea cakes lemon myrtle souffle glace with milk tea
Book 16 lunch: beef mince pie
Book 17 dessert: strawberries, cream, and meringue (Eton mess) with a side of iced summer pudding
Book 18 chicken pie coffee and walnut cake
Book 19 ravioli (maultaschen) and wurst soup, stewed pork with herbs and spices (eisbein), and rote grutze (sour berries boiled and chilled to jelly, served with cream) evening snack: caramel macarons, coffee cream eclairs, dark chocolate florentines. black tea ceylon tea
Book 22 earl grey tea with orange almond cake and berry tarts
Book 23 smoked salmon sandesh (milk sweets)
Book 24 soft licorice candy apples
Book 25 berry-filled pudding fish and chips and steak and ale pie gulab jamun (fried balls of dough drenched in syrup)
Book 29 kidney pie, fish and chips, and ale wild-hare pie tapioca steak
Book 30 nilgiri tea breakfast: pea soup, meatballs, croissants, boiled egg, orange jelly chicken and steamed vegetable salad, oxtail stew, pain de campagne with butter oolong tea
Book 31 candy cigarettes
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
People have real world problems and yet here i am struggling to decide what to bake for the past 3 days. Should I make chocolate cake, brownies (and if so, should i make butter or oil brownies?), blondies, cheesecake (for which i will have to make cream cheese myself), or this bengali dessert called mishti doi (which only serves to remind me how im craving bengali food- the rice and fish and lentils combo😭)
But i had a good day because i was at my muslim neighbour's house and she cooked chicken and potato gravy and steamed rice and i swear theres something so comforting eating rice with your hands (i cant explain it, but it somehow elevates the flavour 10X), and it was raining and everything was PERFECT
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/08/04 Hicimos para en una terraza. Al final probamos la famosa cerveza del país. Pedimos de comer para compartir mejillones y una lasaña. En otra terraza pedimos café para compartir. Mi amiguita pidió una tarta pequeña de chocolate y yo un helado de chocolate.
We stopped on a terrace. At the end we tried the country's famous beer. We ordered lunch to share mussels and a lasagna. On another terrace we ordered coffee to share. My girlfriend ordered a small chocolate cake and I ordered a chocolate ice cream.
Google Translation into French: Nous nous arrêtons sur une terrasse. À la fin, nous avons dégusté la célèbre bière du pays. Nous avons commandé un déjeuner pour partager des moules et une lasagne. Sur une autre terrasse, nous avons commandé du café à partager. Ma copine a commandé un petit gâteau au chocolat et j'ai commandé une glace au chocolat.
Google translation into Italian: Ci fermiamo su una terrazza. Alla fine abbiamo assaggiato la famosa birra del paese. Abbiamo ordinato il pranzo per condividere cozze e lasagne. Su un'altra terrazza abbiamo ordinato un caffè da condividere. La mia ragazza ha ordinato un cupcake al cioccolato e io ho ordinato un gelato al cioccolato.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Paramos num terraço. No final provamos a famosa cerveja do país. Pedimos o almoço para compartilhar mexilhões e lasanha. Numa outra esplanada pedimos café para partilhar. Minha namorada pediu um cupcake de chocolate e eu pedi um sorvete de chocolate.
Google Translation into German: Wir halten auf einer Terrasse. Zum Abschluss probierten wir das berühmte Bier des Landes. Wir bestellten ein Mittagessen, um Muscheln und Lasagne zu teilen. Auf einer anderen Terrasse bestellten wir Kaffee zum Teilen. Meine Freundin bestellte einen Schokoladen-Cupcake und ich bestellte ein Schokoladeneis.
Google Translation into Albanisch: U ndalëm në një tarracë. Në fund provuam birrën e famshme të vendit. Ne porositëm drekën për të ndarë midhjet dhe një lasagna. Në një tarracë tjetër porositëm kafe për të ndarë. E dashura ime porositi një tortë të vogël me çokollatë dhe unë porosita një akullore me çokollatë.
Google Translation into Arabic: توقفنا على الشرفة. في النهاية جربنا البيرة الشهيرة في البلاد. لقد طلبنا الغداء لمشاركة بلح البحر ولازانيا. على شرفة أخرى طلبنا القهوة للمشاركة. طلبت صديقتي كعكة شوكولاتة صغيرة وطلبت آيس كريم الشوكولاتة.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք կանգ առանք տեռասի վրա։ Վերջում փորձեցինք երկրի հայտնի գարեջուրը։ Մենք պատվիրեցինք ճաշ՝ կիսելու միդիա և լազանյա: Մեկ այլ տեռասում մենք սուրճ պատվիրեցինք կիսելու: Ընկերուհիս փոքրիկ շոկոլադե տորթ պատվիրեց, իսկ ես՝ շոկոլադե պաղպաղակ։
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা একটা ছাদে থামলাম। শেষে আমরা দেশের বিখ্যাত বিয়ার ট্রাই করলাম। আমরা ঝিনুক এবং একটি lasagna ভাগ লাঞ্চ আদেশ. অন্য টেরেসে আমরা কফির অর্ডার দিলাম শেয়ার করার জন্য। আমার বান্ধবী একটি ছোট চকোলেট কেক অর্ডার করেছে এবং আমি একটি চকোলেট আইসক্রিম অর্ডার করেছি।
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Спряхме на една тераса. Накрая опитахме известната бира в страната. Поръчахме обяд, за да си поделим мидите и лазанята. На друга тераса си поръчахме кафе за споделяне. Приятелката ми поръча малка шоколадова торта, а аз поръчах шоколадов сладолед.
Google Translation into Czech: Zastavili jsme na terase. Na závěr jsme ochutnali zdejší vyhlášené pivo. Objednali jsme oběd, abychom se podělili o mušle a lasagne. Na další terase jsme si objednali kávu ke sdílení. Moje přítelkyně si objednala malý čokoládový dort a já čokoládovou zmrzlinu.
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我们停在一个露台上。 最后我们尝试了该国著名的啤酒。 我们点了午餐来分享贻贝和烤宽面条。 在另一个露台上,我们点了咖啡来分享。 我女朋友点了一个小巧克力蛋糕,我点了一份巧克力冰淇淋。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 테라스에 멈춰 섰다. 마지막에는 그 나라의 유명한 맥주를 맛보았습니다. 우리는 홍합과 라자냐를 나눠먹기 위해 점심을 주문했습니다. 다른 테라스에서 우리는 커피를 주문하여 나눠 먹었습니다. 내 여자친구는 작은 초콜릿 케이크를 주문했고 나는 초콜릿 아이스크림을 주문했습니다.
Google Translation into Croatian: Zaustavili smo se na jednoj terasi. Na kraju smo probali poznato pivo u zemlji. Naručili smo ručak da podijelimo dagnje i lazanje. Na drugoj terasi naručili smo kavu za dijeljenje. Moja djevojka je naručila malu čokoladnu tortu, a ja sam naručio čokoladni sladoled.
Google Translation into Danish Vi stoppede på en terrasse. Til sidst prøvede vi landets berømte øl. Vi bestilte frokost for at dele muslinger og en lasagne. På en anden terrasse bestilte vi kaffe at dele. Min kæreste bestilte en lille chokoladekage og jeg bestilte en chokoladeis.
Google Translation into Slovak: Zastavili sme na terase. Na záver sme ochutnali známe pivo tejto krajiny. Objednali sme si obed, aby sme sa podelili o mušle a lasagne. Na inej terase sme si objednali kávu na zdieľanie. Moja priateľka si objednala malú čokoládovú tortu a ja som si objednal čokoládovú zmrzlinu.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Ustavili smo se na terasi. Na koncu smo poskusili znano domače pivo. Naročila sva kosilo, da si razdeliva školjke in lazanjo. Na drugi terasi sva si naročila kavo za skupno rabo. Moja punca je naročila majhno čokoladno torto, jaz pa čokoladni sladoled.
Google Translation into Estonian: Peatusime ühel terrassil. Lõpus proovisime riigi kuulsat õlut. Lõunasöögi tellisime rannakarpide ja lasanje jagamiseks. Teisel terrassil tellisime kohvi jagamiseks. Mu sõbranna tellis väikese šokolaadikoogi ja mina šokolaadijäätise.
Google Translation into Suomi: Pysähdyimme terassille. Lopuksi maistelimme maan kuuluisaa olutta. Tilasimme lounaan jakamaan simpukoita ja lasagnea. Toisella terassilla tilasimme kahvia jaettavaksi. Tyttöystäväni tilasi pienen suklaakakun ja minä tilasin suklaajäätelön.
Google Translation into Georgian: ტერასაზე გავჩერდით. დასასრულს გავსინჯეთ ქვეყნის ცნობილი ლუდი. მიდიების და ლაზანიას გასაზიარებლად ლანჩი შევუკვეთეთ. სხვა ტერასაზე ყავა შევუკვეთეთ გა���აზიარებლად. ჩემმა შეყვარებულმა შეუკვეთა პატარა შოკოლადის ნამცხვარი, მე კი შოკოლადის ნაყინი.
Google Translation into Greek: Σταματήσαμε σε μια βεράντα. Στο τέλος δοκιμάσαμε τη διάσημη μπύρα της χώρας. Παραγγείλαμε μεσημεριανό γεύμα για να μοιραστούμε μύδια και λαζάνια. Σε μια άλλη βεράντα παραγγείλαμε καφέ για να μοιραστούμε. Η φίλη μου παρήγγειλε ένα μικρό κέικ σοκολάτας και εγώ ένα παγωτό σοκολάτα.
Google Translation into Guarani: Ropyta peteĩ terrásape. Ipahápe roñeha'ã cerveza herakuãitéva tetãme. Roordena almuerzo rokomparti haĝua mejillones ha peteĩ lasaña. Ambue terraza-pe ro’ordena café rokomparti haĝua. Che novia oordena peteĩ torta de chocolate michĩva ha che aordena peteĩ helado de chocolate.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Kū mākou ma kahi pā. I ka hopena ua hoʻāʻo mākou i ka pia kaulana o ka ʻāina. Ua kauoha mākou i ka ʻaina awakea e kaʻana like i nā ʻū a me kahi lasagna. Ma luna o ka hale ʻē aʻe ua kauoha mākou i ke kofe e kaʻana like. Ua kauoha ko'u hoaaloha i kahi keke kokoleka li'ili'i a ua kauoha au i ka hau kokoleka.
Google Translation into Hebrew: עצרנו במרפסת. בסוף ניסינו את הבירה המפורסמת של המדינה. הזמנו ארוחת צהריים לחלוק מולים ולזניה. במרפסת אחרת הזמנו קפה לחלוק. חברה שלי הזמינה עוגת שוקולד קטנה ואני הזמנתי גלידת שוקולד.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम एक छत पर रुके. अंत में हमने देश की प्रसिद्ध बियर का स्वाद चखा। हमने दोपहर के भोजन में मसल्स और लसग्ना साझा करने का ऑर्डर दिया। दूसरी छत पर हमने साझा करने के लिए कॉफ़ी का ऑर्डर दिया। मेरी गर्लफ्रेंड ने एक छोटा चॉकलेट केक ऑर्डर किया और मैंने एक चॉकलेट आइसक्रीम ऑर्डर किया।
Google Translation into Hungarian: Megálltunk egy teraszon. A végén megkóstoltuk az ország híres sörét. Ebédet rendeltünk, hogy megosszuk a kagylót és a lasagne-t. Egy másik teraszon közös kávét rendeltünk. A barátnőm rendelt egy kis csokitortát, én pedig egy csokis fagylaltot.
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami berhenti di sebuah teras. Pada akhirnya kami mencoba bir terkenal di negara itu. Kami memesan makan siang untuk berbagi kerang dan lasagna. Di teras lain kami memesan kopi untuk dibagikan. Pacar saya memesan kue coklat kecil dan saya memesan es krim coklat.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私たちはテラスに立ち寄りました。 最後にこの国の有名なビールを試しました。 私たちはムール貝とラザニアをシェアするランチを注文しました。 別のテラスでコーヒーを注文してシェアしました。 私のガールフレンドは小さなチョコレートケーキを注文し、私はチョコレートアイスクリームを注文しました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Биз террасага токтодук. Аягында өлкөнүн атактуу пивосун татып көрдүк. Мидия менен лазаньяны бөлүшүү үчүн түшкү тамакка буюртма бердик. Башка террасадан бөлүшүү үчүн кофеге буйрутма бердик. Менин сүйлөшкөн кызым кичинекей шоколад тортуна заказ берди, мен шоколад балмуздак заказ кылдым.
Google Translation into Latvian: Mēs apstājāmies uz terases. Noslēgumā nogaršojām valstī slaveno alu. Pasūtījām pusdienas, lai dalītos ar mīdijām un lazanju. Citā terasē pasūtījām kafiju dalīšanai. Mana draudzene pasūtīja nelielu šokolādes kūku, bet es - šokolādes saldējumu.
Google Translation into Malayalam: ഞങ്ങൾ ഒരു ടെറസിൽ നിർത്തി. അവസാനം ഞങ്ങൾ രാജ്യത്തെ പ്രശസ്തമായ ബിയർ പരീക്ഷിച്ചു. ചിപ്പികളും ഒരു ലസാഗ്നയും പങ്കിടാൻ ഞങ്ങൾ ഉച്ചഭക്ഷണം ഓർഡർ ചെയ്തു. മറ്റൊരു ടെറസിൽ ഞങ്ങൾ കാപ്പി പങ്കിടാൻ ഓർഡർ ചെയ്തു. എന്റെ കാമുകി ഒരു ചെറിയ ചോക്ലേറ്റ് കേക്ക് ഓർഡർ ചെയ്തു, ഞാൻ ഒരു ചോക്ലേറ്റ് ഐസ്ക്രീം ഓർഡർ ചെയ്തു.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami berhenti di teres. Pada akhirnya kami mencuba bir terkenal di negara ini. Kami memesan makan tengah hari untuk berkongsi kupang dan lasagna. Di teres lain kami memesan kopi untuk dikongsi. Teman wanita saya memesan kek coklat kecil dan saya memesan ais krim coklat.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Nijanona teo amin’ny terrasse izahay. Tamin'ny farany dia nanandrana labiera malaza eto amin'ny firenena izahay. Nanafatra sakafo atoandro izahay hifampizarana betsimitsitekiteky sy lasagna. Tao amin'ny terrasse iray hafa dia nanafatra kafe hozaraina izahay. Nanafatra mofomamy kely sôkôla ny sipako ary nanafatra gilasy sôkôla aho.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Бид дэнж дээр зогсов. Төгсгөлд нь бид тус улсын алдартай шар айргийг туршиж үзсэн. Бид дун болон лазаньяа хуваалцах өдрийн хоол захиалсан. Өөр нэг дэнж дээр бид хуваалцах кофе захиалсан. Найз охин маань жижиг шоколадтай бялуу, би шоколадтай зайрмаг захиалсан.
Google Translation into Dutch: We stopten op een terras. Aan het einde probeerden we het beroemde bier van het land. We bestelden lunch om mosselen en een lasagne te delen. Op een ander terras bestelden we koffie om te delen. Mijn vriendin bestelde een kleine chocoladetaart en ik bestelde een chocolade-ijsje.
Google Translation into Nepali: हामी एउटा टेरेसमा रोकियौं। अन्तमा हामीले देशको प्रसिद्ध बियर प्रयास गर्यौं। हामीले झिल्ली र लासाग्ना साझा गर्न लंच अर्डर गर्यौं। अर्को टेरेसमा हामीले साझा गर्न कफी अर्डर गर्यौं। मेरी प्रेमिकाले एउटा सानो चकलेट केक अर्डर गरिन् र मैले चकलेट आइसक्रिम अर्डर गरें।
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi stoppet på en terrasse. På slutten prøvde vi landets kjente øl. Vi bestilte lunsj for å dele blåskjell og en lasagne. På en annen terrasse bestilte vi kaffe å dele. Kjæresten min bestilte en liten sjokoladekake og jeg bestilte en sjokoladeis.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਛੱਤ 'ਤੇ ਰੁਕ ਗਏ। ਅੰਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸੀਂ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਮਸ਼ਹੂਰ ਬੀਅਰ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕੀਤੀ। ਅਸੀਂ ਮੱਸਲ ਅਤੇ ਲਾਸਗਨਾ ਨੂੰ ਸਾਂਝਾ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਦੁਪਹਿਰ ਦੇ ਖਾਣੇ ਦਾ ਆਦੇਸ਼ ਦਿੱਤਾ. ਇਕ ਹੋਰ ਛੱਤ 'ਤੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਸਾਂਝਾ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੌਫੀ ਦਾ ਆਰਡਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ। ਮੇਰੀ ਪ੍ਰੇਮਿਕਾ ਨੇ ਇੱਕ ਛੋਟਾ ਚਾਕਲੇਟ ਕੇਕ ਆਰਡਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਮੈਂ ਇੱਕ ਚਾਕਲੇਟ ਆਈਸਕ੍ਰੀਮ ਦਾ ਆਰਡਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ په یوه چت کې ودریدو. په پای کې موږ د هیواد مشهور بیر هڅه وکړه. موږ د غرمې ډوډۍ امر وکړ چې میوه او لاسګنا شریک کړو. په بل چت کې موږ د شریکولو لپاره د کافي امر وکړ. زما ملګرې د کوچني چاکلیټ کیک امر وکړ او ما د چاکلیټ آیس کریم امر وکړ.
Google Translation into Persian: روی یک تراس توقف کردیم. در پایان آبجوی معروف این کشور را امتحان کردیم. ناهار را برای تقسیم صدف و لازانیا سفارش دادیم. در تراس دیگری سفارش دادیم که قهوه را به اشتراک بگذاریم. دوست دخترم یک کیک شکلاتی کوچک سفارش داد و من یک بستنی شکلاتی سفارش دادم.
Google Translation into Polish: Zatrzymaliśmy się na tarasie. Na koniec spróbowaliśmy słynnego w kraju piwa. Zamówiliśmy lunch, żeby podzielić się małżami i lasagne. Na innym tarasie zamówiliśmy kawę do podzielenia się. Moja dziewczyna zamówiła małe ciasto czekoladowe, a ja zamówiłem lody czekoladowe.
Google Translation into Romanian: Ne-am oprit pe o terasă. La final am încercat celebra bere a țării. Am comandat prânzul pentru a împărți midii și o lasagna. Pe o altă terasă am comandat cafea de împărțit. Prietena mea a comandat un mic tort de ciocolata iar eu am comandat o inghetata de ciocolata.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы остановились на террасе. В конце мы попробовали знаменитое пиво страны. Мы заказали обед, чтобы разделить мидии и лазанью. На другой террасе мы заказали кофе. Моя девушка заказала небольшой шоколадный торт, а я заказал шоколадное мороженое.
Google Translation into Serbian: Зауставили смо се на тераси. На крају смо пробали чувено домаће пиво. Наручили смо ручак да поделимо дагње и лазање. На другој тераси наручили смо кафу да поделимо. Моја девојка је наручила малу чоколадну торту, а ја сам наручио чоколадни сладолед.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi stannade på en terrass. På slutet provade vi landets berömda öl. Vi beställde lunch för att dela musslor och en lasagne. På en annan terrass beställde vi kaffe att dela på. Min flickvän beställde en liten chokladkaka och jag beställde en chokladglass.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Urang eureun di hiji téras. Dina tungtungna urang nyobian bir kawentar nagara urang. Urang maréntahkeun dahar beurang babagi mussels na lasagna a. Di téras séjén kami mesen kopi pikeun dibagikeun. Kabogoh kuring mesen kueh coklat leutik sareng kuring mesen és krim coklat.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Huminto kami sa isang terrace. Sa dulo sinubukan namin ang sikat na beer ng bansa. Umorder kami ng tanghalian para magsalo ng tahong at lasagna. Sa kabilang terrace kami nag-order ng kape para pagsaluhan. Umorder ang girlfriend ko ng maliit na chocolate cake at nag-order ako ng chocolate ice cream.
Google Translation into Thai: เราหยุดบนระเบียง ในตอนท้ายเราได้ลองเบียร์ชื่อดังของประเทศ เราสั่งอาหารกลางวันเพื่อแบ่งปันหอยแมลงภู่และลาซานญ่า อีกระเบียงหนึ่งเราสั่งกาแฟมาแบ่งกัน แฟนของฉันสั่งเค้กช็อกโกแลตชิ้นเล็ก ส่วนฉันสั่งไอศกรีมช็อกโกแลต
Google Translation into Telugu: మేము ఒక టెర్రస్ మీద ఆగాము. ముగింపులో మేము దేశంలోని ప్రసిద్ధ బీర్‌ను ప్రయత్నించాము. మేము మస్సెల్స్ మరియు లాసాగ్నా పంచుకోవడానికి లంచ్ ఆర్డర్ చేసాము. ఇంకో టెర్రస్ మీద కాఫీ పంచుకోమని ఆర్డర్ చేసాము. నా స్నేహితురాలు ఒక చిన్న చాక్లెట్ కేక్ ఆర్డర్ చేసింది మరియు నేను ఒక చాక్లెట్ ఐస్ క్రీం ఆర్డర్ చేసాను.
Google Translation into Turkish: Bir terasta durduk. Sonunda ülkenin meşhur birasını denedik. Midye ve lazanyayı paylaşmak için öğle yemeği sipariş ettik. Başka bir terasta paylaşmak için kahve sipariş ettik. Kız arkadaşım küçük bir çikolatalı kek sipariş etti ve ben de çikolatalı dondurma sipariş ettim.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми зупинилися на терасі. На завершення ми спробували знамените в країні пиво. Ми замовили обід, щоб розділити мідії та лазанью. На іншій терасі ми замовили собі каву. Моя дівчина замовила маленький шоколадний торт, а я замовив шоколадне морозиво.
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم ایک ٹیرس پر رک گئے۔ آخر میں ہم نے ملک کی مشہور بیئر آزمائی۔ ہم نے دوپہر کے کھانے کا حکم دیا کہ وہ mussels اور ایک lasagna بانٹیں۔ ایک اور ٹیرس پر ہم نے کافی کا آرڈر دیا۔ میری گرل فرینڈ نے ایک چھوٹا سا چاکلیٹ کیک آرڈر کیا اور میں نے چاکلیٹ آئس کریم کا آرڈر دیا۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Biz terastada to'xtadik. Oxirida biz mamlakatning mashhur pivosini sinab ko'rdik. Biz midiya va lazanyani baham ko'rish uchun tushlik buyurdik. Boshqa terasta biz baham ko'rish uchun qahva buyurdik. Qiz do'stim kichik shokoladli tortga, men esa shokoladli muzqaymoqga buyurtma berdim.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Chúng tôi dừng lại trên một sân thượng. Cuối cùng chúng tôi đã thử loại bia nổi tiếng của đất nước. Chúng tôi gọi bữa trưa để chia sẻ trai và mì lasagna. Trên một sân thượng khác, chúng tôi gọi cà phê để chia sẻ. Bạn gái tôi gọi một chiếc bánh sô cô la nhỏ và tôi gọi một cây kem sô cô la.
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jellyluchi · 1 year
hello whats foccas favourite food?
hello! Good question, she likes a variety from bengali food to italian but if she had to pick her MOST favorite it would probably be something sweet like a type of cake! Maybe some kind of chocolate care or strawberry/raspberry cake I'm not sure, but she loves sweets lots!
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lemonflowercat · 5 months
75 soft: day 9
[x] morning yoga
woke up feeling very weird today. it's this undercurrent I haven't been studying stress + am I going to get incredibly fat now that I'm not calorie counting stress. D: I was feeling terrible about my body and today's yoga helped me feel at least ready for the day.
[x] midday wxo
so did not want to do this, but I'm so glad I got on the mat. resistance band wxo + 5min of HIIT finisher.
[x] meditate
convinced A to try some yoga nidra with me but he fell asleep 2min into it lol.
[x] study 6h: 3h
I procrastinated ALL day. just the thought of sitting at my table was filling me with repulsion/dread/boredom/exhaustion. 4 pm was when I convinced myself to just sit at my table. even I'm on my phone scrolling - just sit there.
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this got the ball rolling, and I made it through 3h for the day! koka kept me company ♡ and A did today's dinner prep and that was such a big help!
[x] eat balanced and healthy
today's highlights were kokie joining me for breakfast, being an absolute cutieee
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a 2min chocolate mug cake I shared with A. this mug cake hack with store bought cake mix is so effective in quenching my PMS chocolate thirst ☆
a super bengali dinner which was so easy to put together, A did nearly all of it! it's comfort food at its softest mushiest delocious-est.
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I just can't seem to figure out how to meet my protein goals without my fat consumption going way over board. ik ik lean protein is a thing - but lean protein sources aren't entirely affordable for me. i'm going to read more and experiment more, hopefully I'll get the hang of this.
ended the day re-watching Silence of the Lambs with A!
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wishes-blog-23 · 2 years
Unique Birthday Cakes And Wishes For Bhabhi in Hindi
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Bhabhis are an important part of any Indian family. They are not just sisters-in-law, but also become friends, confidants, and sometimes even mother figures. Therefore, it is important to make them feel special on their birthdays. One way to make their day extra special is by surprising them with a unique birthday cake and heartfelt wishes. If you're looking for some inspiration, here are some unique birthday cakes and wishes for Bhabhi that will make their day unforgettable.
Flower Cake - A flower cake is a unique and beautiful way to surprise your Bhabhi on her birthday. You can choose her favorite flowers and colors to make it even more special. फ्लावर केक - फ्लावर केक आपकी भाभी को उनके जन्मदिन पर सरप्राइज देने का एक अनोखा और खूबसूरत तरीका है। आप इसे और भी खास बनाने के लिए उसके पसंदीदा फूल और रंग चुन सकते हैं।
Photo Cake - A photo cake is a wonderful way to celebrate your Bhabhi's special day. You can choose a favorite photo of her and have it printed on the cake. फोटो केक - फोटो केक आपकी भाभी का खास दिन मनाने का एक शानदार तरीका है। आप उसकी एक पसंदीदा फोटो चुन सकते हैं और उसे केक पर प्रिंट करवा सकते हैं।
If you like reading such blogs then check out birthday wishes for bhabhi on Lowest Flight Fares. On this site you will find blogs on topics such as birthday wishes for bhabhi, birthday wishes for bhabhi in hindi, happy birthday wishes for bhabhi, happy birthday wishes for bhabhi, happy birthday wishes for bhabhi in hindi, birthday wishes for bhabi, birthday wish for bhabhi in hindi, birthday wishes to bhabhi in hindi, bhabhi birthday wishes in hindi, best birthday wishes for bhabhi, happy birthday bhabhi status in hindi, birthday wishes bhabhi in hindi, happy birthday bhabhi ji wishes in hindi, bhabhi ke liye birthday wish, happy birthday wishes bhabhi in hindi, birthday bhabhi wishes.
Designer Cake - A designer cake is a perfect choice if your Bhabhi loves art and creativity. You can choose a design that represents her personality or interests. डिज़ाइनर केक - अगर आपकी भाभी को कला और रचनात्मकता पसंद है तो डिज़ाइनर केक एक सही विकल्प है। आप एक ऐसा डिज़ाइन चुन सकते हैं जो उसके व्यक्तित्व या रुचियों का प्रतिनिधित्व करता हो।
Chocolate Cake - Who doesn't love chocolate? A chocolate cake is a classic choice that is always a hit. You can also add some extra toppings such as fruits or nuts to make it even more special. चॉकलेट केक - चॉकलेट किसे पसंद नहीं है? चॉकलेट केक एक क्लासिक पसंद है जो हमेशा हिट होता है। आप इसे और भी खास बनाने के लिए कुछ अतिरिक्त टॉपिंग जैसे फल या मेवे भी मिला सकते हैं।
Fruit Cake - If your Bhabhi is health-conscious, a fruit cake is a great option. You can choose her favorite fruits and create a delicious and healthy birthday cake. फ्रूट केक - अगर आपकी भाभी स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरूक हैं, तो फ्रूट केक एक बढ़िया विकल्प है। आप उसके पसंदीदा फल चुन सकते हैं और एक स्वादिष्ट और स्वस्थ जन्मदिन का केक बना सकते हैं।
If you like reading such blogs then check out the Impetus Labs. On this site you will find blogs on topics such as wishes in hindi, wishes in bengali, wishes in tamil, wishes in Assamese.
Now that you have some unique birthday cake ideas, let's move on to some heartfelt wishes that will make your Bhabhi feel loved and appreciated.
Happy Birthday, dear Bhabhi! You are not just my sister-in-law, but also my best friend. May your day be filled with love, happiness, and lots of cake. जन्मदिन मुबारक हो, प्रिय भाभी! आप सिर्फ मेरी भाभी ही नहीं, बल्कि मेरी सबसे अच्छी दोस्त भी हैं। आपका दिन प्यार, खुशियों और ढेर सारे केक से भरा हो।
On your special day, I want to thank you for being a wonderful Bhabhi. You have always been there for me, and I am grateful for everything you do. Happy Birthday! आपके विशेष दिन पर, मैं आपको एक अद्भुत भाभी होने के लिए धन्यवाद देना चाहता हूं। आप हमेशा मेरे लिए वहां रहे हैं, और आप जो कुछ भी करते हैं उसके लिए मैं आभारी हूं। जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएँ!
Happy Birthday to the most amazing Bhabhi in the world! Your presence brings so much joy and happiness into our lives. May your special day be filled with love and laughter. दुनिया में सबसे अद्भुत भाभी को जन्मदिन की बधाई! आपकी उपस्थिति हमारे जीवन में बहुत खुशी और खुशी लाती है। आपका विशेष दिन प्यार और हंसी से भरा हो।
You are not just a Bhabhi but also a mother figure who is always there to support and guide us. On your special day, we wish you all the happiness and love that you deserve. Happy Birthday! आप सिर्फ एक भाभी नहीं हैं, बल्कि एक मां की आकृति भी हैं, जो हमेशा हमारा समर्थन और मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए मौजूद रहती हैं। आपके इस खास दिन पर, हम कामना करते हैं कि आप सभी खुशियां और प्यार पाएं, जिसके आप हकदार हैं। जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएँ!
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, dear Bhabhi! May your day be as wonderful as you are, and may your life be filled with joy and love. आपको जन्मदिन की बहुत-बहुत बधाई, प्रिय भाभी! आपका दिन आपके लिए उतना ही शानदार हो, और आपका जीवन आनंद और प्रेम से भरा हो।
In conclusion, birthdays are a special occasion to celebrate the people we love and care for. By surprising your Bhabhi with a unique birthday cake and heartfelt wishes, you can make her day extra special and memorable. So, go ahead and show your Bhabhi how much you love and appreciate her on her birthday.
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miss-joy · 3 years
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ভাতের হাঁড়িতে ভাপা পিঠা তৈরির সবচেয়ে সহজ রেসিপি | Vapa pitha | Bangladeshi pitha recipe
ভাতের হাঁড়িতে ভাপা পিঠা তৈরির সবচেয়ে সহজ রেসিপি | Vapa pitha | Bangladeshi pitha recipe | Pitha Assalamualikum Everyone, Welcome to your favorite fnfcooking Channel. Hopefully, you and your family liked my previous recipes. All of my them were easy and simple to follow.
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babycactus · 4 years
Thankyou for the tagg bby @mityee 
relationship status: single
3 favorite foods: pastaa (any kind 🤤🤤), chocolate cake (the really creamy, moist and fluffy kinddd) and lastly I lovee spicy shrimp/tofu soup (its random but whatever)
song stuck in my head: Jhene Aiko - Pu$$y Fairy
last song I listened to: Egiye De - Arijit Singh (I recently started getting into Bengali music) 
last thing I googled: dollarama (I wanted to see the closing timee)
Time: 10:19 pm
dream trip: this isn't a single trip but basically places I wanna visit. Singapore, Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Switzerland and Lebanon 
anything i want: currently I just want peace and quiet 
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fantasmalforces · 4 years
🤩 (Maverick!)
. * ・ 。゚☆ Favorites Meme // CLOSED ☆ 。゚・* .
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// Put under a cut for convenience of the dash!
Favorite drink: Wines! He has a particular fondness for reds, but he collects all kinds. Especially reaaaaally old ones. His absolute favorite is Brachetto d’Acqui.
Favorite snack: He loves his rich decadents, and his salty treats, and his absolute biggest temptation is cake. Six-layer sea-salt caramel chocolate cake with a rich Swiss chocolate glaze, Belgian White choclate ornaments, and fluffy whipped cream sprinkled in powdered sugar. With some cherries. He’s very extra.
Favorite meal: Maverick’s absolute favorite dish is A5 Kobe Wagyu Strip Steak with a side of grilled and seasoned fish, soup with garlic bread, garden salad with an apple cider vinegar dressing, and you guessed it— red wine! Big tiger, big appetite, big expectations.
Favorite color: Maverick’s favorite color is called gold (#F9A602 specifically). It’s a perfect blend of orange and yellow in his mind.
Favorite hobby: Little known fact— Maverick loves working with glass. All his fancy glass statues, tables, and vases he owns? He made them. His company’s innovations in glass technology are his— and he’s damn good at it all. It’s his treated passion and most well-adapted hobby and he adores it. If you ask him nicely, he might make you something...
Favorite season: Summer! Tigerfolk love swimming and Maverick’s no exception. Plenty of opportunity to swim, sunbathe, and nap in an outdoor hammock. He loves being able to spend hours in the pool, floating and diving and sipping wine while he tans. Plus, the breezes make for optimal adventures into the woods.
Favorite holiday: Halloween, but that’s just because of all the delicious sweet treats that come out. And because there’s lots of warm colors and the temperature starts to cool and it’s still nice enough to go out and swim by day and at night he can curl up by the fire all cozy.
Favorite place: There’s a place out in Bengali deep in the woods where there’s a shrine dedicated to a previous lover of his. It always smells sweet, the birds never stop singing, and it remains untouched by any season. It’s the most peaceful place in the world for him. Melancholy, but peaceful.
Favorite song: Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You - Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. He’s not exactly a dancer but he loves trying to dance to this song in private. It always makes him happy for some reason. It’s just so upbeat and lovely to his ears!
Favorite movie: War Dogs. Hilarious movie in his opinion. It’s not at all an accurate rendition of what war is like, but he finds it hilarious.
Favorite book: Anthem - Ayn Rand. He’s a sucker for dystopian novels and Anthem is definitely at the top of his list. The story feels eerily similar to the wars at times, especially in some more remote places.
Favorite thing to collect: Wine! He has a very extensive collection he’s been building up for the years!
Favorite card/board/video game: Poker and Monopoly. He doesn’t much care for video games, but the skill of poker and Monopoly is something he adores quite a bit!
Favorite thing they consider pretty: Maverick loves admiring metallics and gems. He’s not a collector by any means, but he does think gemstones and metals are very beautiful and buys into the idea that they hold certain energies. He has a deep respect for their meanings and powers.
Favorite genre: Historical non-fiction and science fiction. It’s very contradictory, yes, but Maverick holds an equal love for both what was and what possibly could be. He’s an idealistic who believes heavily in learning from the past to build a better future.
Favorite aesthetic: Elegant and glamorous. Crystal chandeliers, gold jewelry, diamonds, satin sheets and silk clothing are all within his aesthetic. Marble floors, animal skin rugs, the expensive and unaffordable. The man thrives off of having it all. He’s spoiled.
Favorite flavor: Sweet and salty — together. Sea-salt caramel and chocolate anything will win his instant affection. He is a simple cat!
Favorite form of communication: Tigerfolk, and most catfolk really, communicate through low sounds that come from their chests and throats. Growling, snarling, and especially purring and chuffing. It’s how they best communicate, aside from body language. You’ll know Mav is happy when he is purring like a kitten. Or when he’s angry, when he snarls and hisses at you.
Favorite animal: Tiger— the self-absorbed little shit...
Favorite number: Nine— as in the old myth that cats have nine lives. He knows he doesn’t but his stories from the war might convince you otherwise.
Favorite person: Himself. Maverick is incredibly egotistical and places high value on himself in his life. He acts like a king, treats himself like a king, and he’ll bite you if you say otherwise. (That being said, he’s not entirely tyrannical. His company policies or phenomenal and his employees don’t have much to complain about aside from traffic commutes and occasional reporters trying to sneak in.) Until this cat finds someone he loves more than himself, he’s number one in his own mind.
// Thanks for the ask! :D
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we-the-chefs · 1 month
Satisfy Your Cravings: Home Made Food Near You
When cravings hit, there’s nothing quite like the comfort of homemade food. Whether it's the rich flavors of Bengali cuisine or the sweet indulgence of a freshly baked cake, the experience of enjoying a meal crafted with love is incomparable. If you're searching for "homemade food near me," look no further—we've got you covered with mouthwatering options that are sure to satisfy every craving.
Discover the Delight of Bengali Food
Bengali food is a celebration of flavors, textures, and aromas that are deeply rooted in tradition. From the spicy richness of fish curry to the sweet simplicity of mishti doi, Bengali cuisine is known for its unique combinations that tantalize the taste buds. Whether you're craving a comforting bowl of bhapa ilish or the delicate sweetness of sandesh, homemade Bengali food delivers an authentic taste that transports you straight to the streets of Kolkata.
If you’re in the mood for something truly special, explore the homemade Bengali food options available near you. Many home chefs and small businesses are dedicated to bringing the taste of Bengal to your doorstep, ensuring that every dish is made with care and authenticity.
Find Homemade Food Near Me
The demand for homemade food has surged in recent years, as more people seek out nutritious, delicious, and freshly prepared meals. Whether you're too busy to cook or simply want to treat yourself to a home-cooked meal, ordering "homemade food near me" has never been easier.
From traditional Indian dishes to international flavors, the variety of homemade food options is endless. You can enjoy everything from hearty curries to refreshing salads, all prepared with the finest ingredients and delivered straight to your home. The best part? These meals are made with the love and attention that only a home cook can provide, ensuring that each bite is both satisfying and nourishing.
Order Delicious & Fresh Homemade Cake Near Me
No meal is complete without a sweet ending, and what better way to satisfy your sweet tooth than with a delicious, freshly baked homemade cake? Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply indulging in a mid-week treat, ordering a "Delicious & Fresh Homemade Cake Near Me" is the perfect way to enjoy a slice of happiness.
Homemade cakes are not just desserts—they’re a work of art. From classic chocolate cakes to exotic fruit flavors, these cakes are made with high-quality ingredients and a passion for baking. The result is a cake that’s not only beautiful but also bursting with flavor. Whether you prefer a simple sponge cake or something more elaborate, there’s a homemade cake out there that’s perfect for you.
Cravings can strike at any time, and when they do, there’s no better way to satisfy them than with homemade food. Whether you’re in the mood for the rich and diverse flavors of Bengali cuisine or the sweet pleasure of a homemade cake, you can easily find exactly what you’re looking for by searching for "homemade food near me."
So, why wait? Dive into the world of homemade goodness today, and experience the joy of eating food that’s made with love, care, and the finest ingredients.
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heavenlyyshecomes · 4 years
i'm sending this on mobile i hope it works! i love desserts so tell me what's your favorite dessert? 🍰 💖
Where to start....rasgulla and gulabjamun which are deep fried and then soaked in sugar syrup... crème brûlée...... chocolate cake...... muskmelon ice-cream........those weird Bengali sweets i don't even know the names of but are the epitome of sinful..... sooo many
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toolsofthechef · 5 years
চকোলেট কেক বানান প্রেসার কুকারে মাত্র ২০ মিনিটে | Chocolate Cake in Pressure Cooker | Bengali Recipe
চকোলেট কেক বানান প্রেসার কুকারে মাত্র ২০ মিনিটে | Chocolate Cake in Pressure Cooker | Bengali Recipe
Learn how to make Cake in Pressure Cooker at home. Chocolate Cake Recipe without Egg. it is very easy and simple Bengali Recipe. আজ আমি ডিম ছাড়াই চকোলেট কেক বানিয়ে দেখাব প্রেসার কুকারে, সময় লাগে মাত্র ২০ মিনিট। তা হলে দেখে নিন এই Chocolate Cake বানাতে কি কি লাগছে।
Ingredients:- Maida 1 cup Sugar Powder 1 cup Butter 30 grams Yogurt…
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banglanotebook · 6 years
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This vocab list is inspired by the wonderful contributions my followers made regarding my Word of the Day involving “candy.” 
চকলেট [cɔkleṭ] | candy and/or chocolate (some dialects exclusively use this to mean chocolate while others use this word for any candy)
কেক [kek] | cake
পিঠা [piṭha] | a sweet Bengali pastry
গোলাপ জাম [gulap jam] | gulab jamun (caramelized Tim Bits, but better)
পান্তুয়া [pantua] | a Bengali specific variation of gulab jamun
কুলফি [kulphi] | a chilled South Asian equivalent to ice cream
জিলাপি [jilapi] | jalebi (a deep-fried South Asian sweet)
চিনি [cini] | sugar
মিছরি [michri] | rock sugar
কোকো [koko] | cocoa
মধু [môdhu] | honey
মিষ্টি [miṣṭi] | sweet tasting or sweets/candy
টক [ṭɔk] | sour/tart tasting  
স্বাদু [svadu] | tasty
মিষ্টি দেওয়া [miṣṭi deoŷa] | to make sweet, to sweeten
Note: Bangla often adopts the Western names for Western desserts, so words like “cake” or “chocolate” (among others) are just the same word but with a Bengali pronunciation.
Sources: Wikipedia Hanne-Ruth Thompson’s Bengali-English Dictionary Bangla-Tangla
If anyone has questions, comments, corrections, or additional contributions, lemme know in a comment or in my ask box! It’s pretty likely there’s a mistake or four in there somewhere lol
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therudran · 5 years
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10 Best Summer Food Options for the Kolkatans
Cosmopolitan and diverse, the food scene in Kolkata is something else. We study the top 10 places that demonstrate the distinctive culinary delights of Kolkata.
Oh! Calcutta
Elegantly decorated with exquisite decor, Oh! Calcutta is a great place to start your culinary journey in Bengal, as it serves as the basis for traditional Bengali cuisine. Among the favorites of the menu are smoked boneless hilsa and smoked bhekti, which is marinated with mustard paste and green chillies, then wrapped in a banana leaf and steamed. Finish your meal with some of Kolkata’s famous sweets, including mishti doi, traditional Bengali sweetened yogurt. Alternatively, try homemade ice cream with a palm for the ladies, which is Oh! Fans of Kolkata admire their great taste.
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Mon - Sun:
12:30 - 15:30
Mon - Sun:
19:30 - 23:00
10/3 Elgin Road, Bhowanipore Kolkata, 700020, India
6 Ballygunge Place
6 Ballygunge Place there with Oh! Calcutta as one of the best places in Kolkata to go for a bite of authentic Bengali cuisine. Housed in a 100-year-old bungalow, decorated with photographs of old Kolkata, 6 Ballygunge Place is the perfect place for multi-day Bengali food. The main points of the menu are: Mangsho porridge, a traditional Bengali savoury mutton dish, and dyab-chinri, which are prawns cooked in mustard (a favourite among Bengalis) and cooked in a hollowed-out coconut.
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Mon - Sun:
12:00 - 15:30
Mon - Sun:
19:00 - 22:30
6 Ballygunge Place, Ballygunge, Ballygunge Kolkata, 700019, India
Kewpie's Kitchen
With an atmosphere similar to that of a traditional Bengali home, Kewpie's Kitchen is a true family business led by chef Rahi Purnima Dasgupta. He seeks to prepare authentic, home-cooked Bengali cuisine in an eclectic, relaxed setting. Using recipes submitted by chef Rahi Meenakshi Dasgupta, Kewpie's Kitchen offers traditional Bengali dishes, including a tali-dish with Mickey dishes, which are served in terracotta pots. Although the service may be uneven, Kewpie's Kitchen remains an excellent restaurant to experience authentic Bengali food and culture.
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Mon - Sun:
12:30 - 15:30
Mon - Sun:
19:30 - 22:30
2 Elgin Lane, Sreepally, Bhowanipore Kolkata, 700020, India
Restaurant Arsalan
The Arsalan Restaurant, located in the informal dining area of ​​Kolkata, is notable for its authentic Mughlai cuisine. This type of cuisine comes from Persian cuisine served in the imperial kitchens of the Mughal Empire. Kalkats come to Arsalan — or order Arsalan for large gatherings — for their biians. For many locals, Arsalan is considered the best in Burma in Kolkata with variations such as mutton biryani, Hyderabadi biryani, chicken biryani and much more. Other favorite menus include chicken chaos Arsalan and its many kabab variants.
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Mon - Sun:
10:30 - 12:00
191 Park Street, Park Street, Kolkata, 700017, India
Kolkata Street Meals: Deckers Lane (James Hickey Sarani)
Kolkata is the king of street food in India, with kiosks selling all sorts of street snacks and dishes. Here traditional dishes are served, such as bunches (fried balls with tamarind dipping sauces), jhal muri (seasoned rice puffs with dal, peanuts, other ingredients and mustard oil) and singara (samosas). However, you can also find street ests, obtained from other regional and international cuisines. Now, lovers of Kolkata cuisine can find kata-rolls (kebab-rolls - like a burrito), chow-mein, biriani, dosa, lassi, chola-bhatura, kulcha-chan and much more in Kolkata's thriving food street. For the best street food in Kolkata, try lively Decking Lane (renamed James Hickey Sarani), BBD Bagh (formerly Dalhousie Square) or Camac Street (renamed Abanindranath Tagore Sarani).
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James Hickey Sarani, Onion-barracks Kolkata, 700069, India
Nahum and sons
At the beginning of 2013, the depleting Jewish community of Kolkata and many non-Jewish kolkats mourned the passage of David Elias Nachum, the longtime owner of the Nachum and Sons confectionery factory. The famous icon of Kolkata, the bakery was first created by Nahum Israel in 1902, an Iraqi Jew who immigrated from Baghdad. At the beginning of half a century, this lively city was home to 3,000 to 5,000 Jewish people, where they created their own schools, synagogues and newspapers and brought traditional Jewish products with them. Now only a handful of Jewish people are left - about 25 people. However, their influence is still evident in several Jewish bakeries of the city, who no longer love the candy “Nakhum and Sons”. The Jewish tradition of baking is conducted by Isaac, brother of David Nahum. Visitors to the New Market area of ​​the city can find stacks of cakes and rum balls, as well as a rich selection of cakes, cookies, pastries and fresh breads from the oven.
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Mon - Sun:
9:00 - 21:00
Taltala Kolkata, 700087, India
King Katie Roll, Nizam claims that he is the inventor of the famous roll, who became one of the dishes in Kolkata. True comfort food, Nizam Katha is a fried paratha, fried with fried egg, spicy meat, onion and chilis, all of which are rolled up and served like a burrito. Such is the fame of the role of Katha Nizam, which famous chef Rick Stein called roll-roll "the perfect street food."
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Mon - Sun:
11:30 - 23:00
Taltala Kolkata, 700087, India
Flurys - the legendary tea room of Kolkata, located on Park Street, which was founded under the British rajah in 1927. Led by chef Vikar Kumas, Fluris continues to exude the charm of the Old World with the generous spread of luxury cakes, indulgent pastries, rich puddings and special Pride Flurys, some of the best chocolates of the same origin outside of Europe. Thanks to its stylish and chic design for 90 years after its foundation, Flurys is the perfect place to catch up with traditional English cream tea or enjoy a refreshing break from the summer heat with iced coffee with ice cream. Flurys is also a place to go to Kolkata for a weekend weekend, offering your popular English breakfast every day.
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Mon - Sun:
7:30 - 22:00
Park Street, Kolkata, 700071, India
Bhim Chandra Nag
The true speciality of West Bengal is confectionery and desserts, many of which are made using sweetened chhena or condensed milk. From shôndesh (sandesh) to rôshogolla, Bengalis have a great love of sweets. Bhim Chandra Nag is one of the oldest and legendary sweet shops in Kolkata. Locals flock to Bhim Chandru Nag for their delicious sadesh, a confectionery product from West Bengal, from curly milk and various types of sugar.
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Mon - Sun:
8:00 - 22:00
5 Nirmal Chandra Street, Boubazar Kolkata, 700012, India
Ganguram sweets
This venerable store of sweet meat (mithai) was created in 1885 and serves both traditional Bengali sweets and innovative options based on old favourites. With a huge variety of sandy products, including mango and strawberries, dairy chamchu, rasmadhuri and keshariya rasmalay, Ganguram Sweets has created a loyal following among the kolkatan. Locals come here especially for their perfectly balanced mishti doi, which is often called the best in Kolkata.
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Mon - Sun:
8:30 - 20:30
Park Street, Kolkata, 700071, India
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Desserts Buffet at Barbecue Nation - Death By Chocolate Cake, Red Velvet Cake, Rasogolla, Gulab Jamun, Chocolate Brownie and Firni. - - We Bengalis tend to have a sweet tooth and on Poila Boisakh, indulging our sweet tooth is a must. And this year, Barbecue Nation helped us do just that! - - Overall Price: Rs. 600 - - #food #foodie #foodlove #foodlover #food_is_love #foodlife #foodgasm #foodporn #foodorgasm #yum #nomnom #street_food #foodgram #foodieforlife #foodiefest #foodiesofinstagram #foodblogger #foodblogs #roibat_foodie #foodzpah #chocolate_brownie #chocolate_cake #red_velvet_cake #sweet_tooth (at Barbeque Nation) https://www.instagram.com/f00die_rish4v/p/BwSATUQjF7q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1juwko09ef4ee
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