whisperingn1ghts · 4 months
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Toxic Yuri.... Save me
Reference below!!!
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v7lgar · 4 months
what do we feel abt bellatrix x lily?? bcuz honestly the age gap, bad girl x good girl dinamics, enemies to lovers, hot wild sex damn i could go on forever
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orbitfalls · 8 months
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miss-grimwood · 11 months
Party - Bellalily
Lily Evans hated parties. And yet, in a pitiful attempt to win her over, James insisted on throwing parties every other saturday in the Gryffindor common room.
They were insufferable, going on late into the night, managing to break through all the silencing charms she cast around her dorm. It didn’t help that Carlotta always ended up bringing some boy back to their room, somehow sneaking him past the wards.
This weekend, Mary managed to persuade her to stay in the common room just for an hour or so, to try and show willing. Reluctantly, she agreed.
James was, as expected, insufferable, even louder than usual, and high on the fact that Lily had actually shown up. They apparently had a delivery of firewhisky coming from the Slytherin seventh years, after Sirius had all but begged his cousins, promising to take their place at various family functions in exchange for their help, and he insisted Lily stayed until the delivery.
God only knew why. Maybe it was the thrill of having a prefect allow all the rule breaking to happen. Whatever. Hopefully it would give her enough brownie points to skip the next few.
Right when she was beginning to suspect the delivery was just a plot to keep her around longer, Sirius rushed to the door, letting in Bellatrix Black, who looked thoroughly disgusted to be inside the common room. Lily couldn’t begin to think of all the favours Sirius must have pulled.
There was something about Bellatrix, though. Something captivating. Lily had never seen her out of her uniform - probably because she chose to avoid non-Slytherins as often as she could - and it pained her to even think it, but Bellatrix was glorious. No wonder all the boys fancied her.
With most of her hair pinned up, a few loose curls framed her face, that beautiful face, the disapproving look curling her lips into a perfect pout, glaring at the Gryffindors through full lashes.
Lily dared to let her eyes trail lower, to the low cut black top that left little to the imagination, to pert breasts, soft, smooth skin, an elegant snake tattoo curling around her right arm. Already 18, Bellatrix was the perfect young woman, everything Lily wished she looked like. But it wasn’t jealousy that Lily felt, it was … something else.
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lonely-linn · 3 months
I blame @whisperingn1ghts amazing art for this
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lumosatnight · 11 months
Day 31: When the Castle
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Lily wanders into a drafty castle. She isn’t prepared to meet her hosts.
@kinktober2023 day 31: Free Day & Heartbeat, @hpbloodlust prompt: Thirst
Lily/Narcissa, Lily/Andromeda, Lily/Bellatrix, M, 500 words
Dubious Consent, Vampires, Biting
Lily had wandered in one stormy night. 
The castle was dreary but a welcome respite against the freezing rain and bone-breaking winds. An old servant named Kreacher, snarling and ill-natured, led her up the stairs and into a cosy room, a fire lit in the grate, dark curtains drawn around the bed.
She never saw her hosts. She took meals in the massive dining hall, roast duck and rare fruits and luscious wines, Kreacher bringing more and more until she was bursting at the seams.
She always ate alone.
She liked to explore the castle during the day. Empty room after empty room, most covered in a fine layer of dust. She wondered about her hosts — to live in such luxury yet refuse to touch it.
The wind rattled against the windows, howling and moaning.
The sound was nearly human.
At night when the castle was nearly unbearable with cold, Lily crawled into bed in her nightgown and wool socks, the torches gleaming on the walls, the shadows lengthening in the corners. The blanket pressed down, a suffocating weight over her tired form. 
She heard whispers in the dark.
“Innocent,” they said.
There were hands on her — one, two, three sets, maybe more. On her waist, on her shoulders, in her hair. They slid beneath the covers, beneath her gown, and kneaded soft flesh, caressed her chilled body until she became feverish with heat.
She couldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe.
“Must we?” a voice asked.
“Mustn’t we?” another voice added.
“We must,” yet another voice answered.
A chill went down Lily’s spine, yet her body refused to move. Her eyes refused to open.
There were lips on her — one, two, three sets. On her neck, on her wrists, on her thighs. They parted around muscle and bone, feeling out her heartbeat, searching out her blood.
Moans and whimpers and screams. It could have been her. It could have been a dream.
She arched into phantom hands, phantom lips trailing across her cheek, phantom hips grinding down against hers and pinning her to the bed. Her gasps were loud, ragged in the silence of the room.
She tried to think about James, her long-lost love, but it had never felt like this with James.
There were teeth against her collarbone, gently tracing, slowly tightening.
“Sweet,” said a voice.
Then, there was pain and the feeling of weightlessness. Lily floated through it, pale faces crossing her path, dark hair long and curled, red lips, a sharp flashing smile. The hands on her waist disappeared. The lips on her wrists vanished.
She opened her eyes and bolted upright in bed, her heart beating frantically. She brought a hand to her neck. It was sore but otherwise unblemished.
The room was empty and dark, the torches on the wall extinguished. The door was locked, just like it had been before.
Lily lay back and closed her eyes, but sleep would not come. Not that night. Not for many more.
Also read it on AO3!
← Day 30 | Masterlist
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chemicalwildflowers · 6 months
for @sapphicmicrofics
prompt: pathetic
ship: bellalily
word count: 320
“That’s just pathetic,” Bellatrix scoffs. The sisters are lounging on the lawn after classes, and down by the lake James Potter is attempting to seduce Lily Evans, again. They’re one year below Bellatrix and Andi, in Cissy’s year, and Potter’s pining is the source of plenty gossip.
“Mhm,” Cissy agrees vaguely, immersed in a knut romance novel. Andi, however, raises an eyebrow at her twin.
“What are you going to do about it, sister dear?” She asks, the dare clear in her voice, silver eyes sparkling with mischief.
Rather than answer, Bellatrix stands up, drawing her wand and striding down to the shore.
Lily has her arms crossed as she protests Potter’s advances, a couple of her dormmates—Fawley, Macdonald—flanking her.
“C’mon, Evans,” Potter cajoles. “Everyone knows we’re gonna get together eventually.”
“Who, exactly is this ‘everyone’?” Bellatrix asks coolly, coming up behind Potter. He spins around, eyes widening with fear—not an uncommon reaction—and she smiles sharply in reply.
“Miss Black?” He splutters dumbly, while Lily surveys her warily over his shoulder.
“Indeed,” she drawls, shooting Lily a wink and watching with delight as the other girl blushes, pressing her lips together. “Now, I believe Miss Evans has refused your offer?”
“We were just joking around…” he tries, and she raises one eyebrow in a look of disdain far more menacing than any glare.
He hesitates only a beat before bolting. Fawley hides a giggle in her fist, and Macdonald openly cackles. Bellatrix examines her nails, well aware of Lily’s curse-green gaze on her.
“Are you jealous, or something?”
“What?” If she’d been expecting anything, it hadn’t been that.
“I asked if you are jealous of Potter,” Lily stares firmly back, holding her ground, though her hands are shaking.
“And if I am?” She drawls, hiding the tremor in her voice best she can. Lily’s mouth quirks into a grin.
“Hogsmeade,” she proposes. “This weekend.”
“Done,” Bellatrix replies, grinning madly.
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pixiedustandpetrichor · 10 months
22, 33, 44, 55, 66
I chose Bellalily for this one because… you’ll see
I’m thinking a summer fling. No voldy au, Bellatrix is the life of the party, Lily shows up on her date’s arm and falls hard. They keep it a secret tho, because of everything, and eventually fall apart.
they miss each other… very sad. Lily is doing her best to move on, while Bella’s in a very dark place
Lily’s perspective! She’s trying so hard to be the perfect girl everyone thinks she is, but she misses Bella and her facade is crumbling. In the end, Lily goes running back to Bella, deciding it’s enough to shine just for her
Bella is worried about her own fragile mental state and how it affects her relationship with Lily. She begins to withdraw from her, torn between the wants of her family, Lily, and herself
And Spotify, apparently, didn’t want a happy ending. They’re differences drive them apart again and they’re both trying so desperately to cling on despite the fact that there is nothing left to hold on to
thanks for the ask! :)
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uniquepoetrygardener · 2 months
@marauders-rarepair-fics //prompt: pool (July 16) // ship: Bellatrix x Lily //word count: 814 // cw: murder (it's off screen, but still)
Lily swings her legs in the pool. She can't see her feet properly; it's too dark outside despite the fact that it's the middle of July. She thinks about going to swim. Doesn't have the energy right now.
She feels it when she approaches. Bellatrix is quiet on her feet, but Lily is anticipating her, and so she notices it when Bellatrix appears. She makes her way over to Lily and sits down next to her like she does most nights. They sit in silence for a bit, the only sounds being their feet moving in the water.
"Why are you always here? It's the middle of the night," Lily finally has the courage to ask. They don't talk all that often, but Lily does love to hear Bellatrix's voice. Truth to be told, Bellatrix used to terrify her. She's still off-putting, to say the least, but by now Lily has stopped caring. At least she likes to think she has.
"I could ask the same from you," Bellatrix replies. Lily doesn't think she cares one way or another, but now that she's made the decision, she figures it would do no harm to just spit it out. Never mind that Bellatrix is practically a stranger to her, no matter how strangely connected to her Lily feels. If Lily says it out loud, maybe she'll be convinced it's real.
It's just Bellatrix, Lily can tell her. Sure, Bellatrix is scary and beautiful and there's something so off about her that should probably make warning bells blare inside her head. Sometimes she looks at Lily like she would like to eat her. Like she would like nothing more than to drink her blood and  chew on her flesh. Again, Lily thinks it should make her more unnerved than it does.
Sometimes Lily thinks she feels her presence during the day, even though they never see each other outside of these late nights at the pool. She might notice a shock of black hair in the corner of her eye, but every time she looks closer, it goes away.
"My husband is cheating on me," Lily tells her. They've been in this hotel for a month, but she has seen the glances James throws Sirius' brother's way when he thinks she isn't looking. She wasn't sure about it before today, but then she heard them, and now there's no doubt about it. Lily didn't exactly think that their marriage was going well, but at least she didn't cheat because of it.
"That sucks?" Bellatrix replies, seemingly a bit confused as to why that has anything to do with being in the pool. Still, even in the dim light, Lily can see something flicker across Bellatrix eyes, gone too soon for her to be able to decipher the meaning of. "You're going to leave him, right?"
"Yeah. Tomorrow, I think."
"Want me to murder him for you?" Bellatrix jokes. Or, well, Lily hopes she's joking, but she can't be a hundred percent sure that Bellatrix wouldn't do it. She has to remind herself that she doesn't actually know Bellatrix all that well. For some reason, Lily wouldn't put murder past her. That, once again, should be alarming in itself, but Lily can't seem to be anything but helplessly attracted to Bellatrix, not anymore. Maybe a small part of her wants her to do it, to kill someone for her. She buries the thought, ashamed of herself.
"I don't think that'll be necessary." Lily looks away. Desperate to change the topic, Lily glances at Bellatrix. "Wanna swim with me?" she looks up beneath her lashes. If James can fuck other people, then Lily might as well flirt a little.
The following night, Lily gets to the pool later than she usually does. Bellatrix is already there, sitting on the side of the pool like they always do. Something in the air has Lily feeling uncertain. Her gut tells her to turn away and go, the way it has not done since the first time she met Bellatrix.
She ignores the unsavory feeling in her stomach and starts going to Bellatrix. She'd been trying to find James the whole evening, planning to finally confront him. She was looking for him well into the night, and when she still had no idea where James was, she decided to just come here instead.
It's always Lily who's here first. Now, she walks towards Bellatrix, intending to tell her why she's so late. Before Lily can make it more than five steps forward, though, she's stopped short by what she sees. Her breath catches in her throat. Bellatrix turns to look at her, a manic grin on her lips, which confirms that what Lily sees floating in the water is definitely Bellatrix's doing.
Because there, right in the middle of the pool, is James' bleeding body, the water around him colored a deep, stark crimson.
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katakosmos · 1 month
may i have ur opinion on bellalily 🧎
i have to admit i've never thought about them... but i don't think it could work for me because in my head lily is so sadly straight.
i imagine her as a person who is always very cruel in love: the idea of it makes her incredibly angry, yet she needs it. she loves men even if she doesn't want to, because they're the only ones who allow her to show the worst part of herself (she doesn't feel guilty about treating them badly). the more obsessed and stupid they are, the more she likes them (example: james, barty). with men she can be both bitchy and kind, but with women only kind. does it make sense? she loves men because she can hate them, but she doesn't love women because she could never hate her GIRLS 💜
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v7lgar · 4 months
just want to say. lily × bellatrix potential is turning my mind inside out rn. i see the vision i see it so clearly. it's beautiful it's everything i've ever wanted. make it happen...........? (no pressure implied nor intended, this is just an overall applause at your brain) (good day / night to u !¡¡!!)
yeah like imagine??? lily is younger than bellatrix but she doesn't care the age gap, she is attracted everything bellatrix does and did and will. bellatrix calls her young lady at first bcuz she wants to put out the age gap but lily is like so what??? honestly bellatrix gives mommy vibes and lily is so down for it. like ofc bellatrix is very attracted to lily? she wants to fuck her so bad it's a crime bcuz she knows she can give everything or anything to lily and lily knows bellatrix is bad news. she saw it from miles but she doesn't care. she is wearing her green lingerie that knows bellatrix would go insane for and that's what lily wants. she wants to see her lose her mind over her. she wants to seduce her but she also can't help but feel angry at her bcuz she is an awful human being? but yeah, that doesn't mean she can't fuck the enemy or let her fuck her lol
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quillkiller · 7 months
okay have you ever thought about bellalily. or maybe belladora (bellatrix x pandora). i would also like to propose nardora maybe. i love wlw rarepairs. speaking of, pandora sleeps with prof sprout!
ok so i have never thought about bellalily and i think i have a hard time seeing it ?? both in canon and in modern aus for some reason ?? i mean i guess in canon because bella is so much older (i hc her as being 8+ older than the marauders) and she’d already be a death eater. im not personally a fan of fully fledged deathers/muggle borns and especially not when bella would be so much older already and the clear power imbalance in their dynamic etc etc etc. i love my lily messy and self destructive and morally fucked up but im not comfortable with making her sleep with, even in secret, someone who has the dark mark and thinks her ’kind’ should die . to each their own and its all fictional and not that deep i guess but thats just me:/
in a modern au tho ?? or a no voldy au ?? maybe ?? i can’t really picture it ? i think they’re too similar in my mind ?? i don’t see lily as being bellas type, and i don’t see bella being lilys type ?? i have a very hard time picturing it but i would LOVE !!! to be convinced otherwise if you’d ever want to indulge me <3
BELLADORA HOWEVER!!!!!! YES!!!! i used to be insane about them and i think there are posts somewhere on my blog under the /belladora tag. to be they’re friends with benefits. they meet at regulus’ bday party and he invites his estranged cousin he hasnt seen for years because she finally left her family. shes full of repressed anger, doesn’t know how to act around people, nearly bites everyones heads off, scary and looks like she hasn’t slept in 2 years. in my mind she also looks older than she actually is. i picture her being 9 or 10 years older than regulus and his friends. anyway. panda takes one look at this socially inept murderuos woman and she’s immediately gone for her. she wants to be her friend. wants to study bella under a microscope. wants to keep her in a lab. she’s not scared off by her foul tongue in the least. pandora is younger, but still more experienced because shes a casual serial dater in my mind. bellas only experience is the man she was forced to be engaged to and they hadn’t even kissed. they’re both bad with social cues, neither of them knows where the line between friendship and ’something more’ lies, pandora is just being a good friend. showing bella the pleasures she hasn’t experienced. they grow codependant fast. regulus hates it. bella hangs off of pandora as if there’s a leash around her neck. pandora just wants to be around bella all the time. neither one of them knows what personal space means. they don’t consider it might be inappropriate sometimes how close they are. when pandora sits on bellas lap even tho there are 3 free seats available. neither of them thinks twice when pandora wants to try out a new spell or potion that will allow them to read each others minds. bella would be conjoined to pandora if she could. she hates evan simply for being pandoras twin. pandora asks bella to move in after theyve slept together twice
nardora i cant really see either ?? to me they’re from two entirely different planets and want completely different things. narcissa, to me, is a bit like petunia i think ?? she wants normal. she wants to be under the radar. she wants someone goal oriented and direct. someone wild, but not wild. someone who wont beat around the bush, someone who’s grounded. christ why am i lowkey starting to ship petunia/narcissa while writing this . omg…………… @sugarsnappeases
ANYWAY!! again!! i’d love to be convinced or nardora. im up for anything honestly :/
pandora/prof sprout 10/10 agreed i saw it happen with my own two eyes .
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miss-grimwood · 1 year
Lost - Bellalily
She didn’t know why she was crying. It’s not like she wanted the little parasite anyway.
But as she lay at the gates of Potter cottage, she couldn’t help but weep for the thing. Her thing.
She hadn’t even told Rodolphus yet.
James was the one to open the front door, wand raised. Bellatrix tensed as he approached, but he only eyed her suspiciously and turned away, returning inside without a word.
Moments later Lily appeared by her side, bending down to pull Bellatrix in her arms.
‘Black, what are you doing here?’ They hadn’t seen each other for months. Not since Lily had come home from her honeymoon, thrilled to tell Bellatrix she was pregnant. Bellatrix had stormed off, making it clear that she never wanted to see Lily, or James for that matter, ever again.
Now, curled in a heap on Lily’s garden path, it was clear that something was wrong.
When Bellatrix didn’t answer her, Lily tried to find the source of her weakness, checking her body for injuries.
Then, she spotted it. Blood was beginning to seep out under Bellatrix.
‘Fucking hell Bellatrix. What have you done?’ She asked. ‘Who did this to you?’
She may have spent the last several months resenting Bellatrix, pushing all thoughts of smoky black curls and heated, illicit kisses from her mind, but now, all that mattered was keeping her safe - no matter what James thought on the matter.
Bracing herself, she hoisted Bellatrix up and manoeuvred her into the house.
As she lowered Bellatrix onto the sofa, she finally spoke up.
‘No, I’ll stain it.’ She mumbled.
‘Oh shut up, will you. You’re hurt.’
‘Do you need a healer?’ Lily asked. Bellatrix shook her head.
‘It’s over now.’
Confused by her cryptic words, Lily began to peel off bloodsoaked clothes, hoping to finally find the source of her bleeding.
‘Was it a spell?’
Bellatrix shook her head again, still stubbornly refusing to answer Lily’s questions.
Frustrated, Lily sighed at the witch.
‘I’ll leave you here to bleed out then, shall I?’ She grumbled.
‘Why did you come here if you didn’t want me to help? You never wanted to see me again, remember?’
Bellatrix lowered her gaze, unable to meet Lily’s eyes. At that, she huffed, and made to leave.
‘Wait-’ Bellatrix called, in the loudest voice she could muster.
‘I’m- I was pregnant.’ She finally admitted. ‘I lost it. Today.’
‘There was no one else I could go to.’
Lily’s heart broke for Bellatrix. Unconsciously, she pulled her cardigan around her, disguising her own bump. Not that it was any use, Bellatrix knew she was pregnant. But still.
Her first name fell from Lily’s lips for the first time since her marriage, and Bellatrix almost flinched at it.
‘It’s fine, really. I didn’t want it.’ Whether she was assuring Lily or herself, she didn’t know.
‘Why did you come here?’ Lily asked tentatively.
‘I needed you.’
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nitebyrd · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sterling Silver Sapphire Blue Skull Pendant - Handmade.
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sapphicmarauding · 1 year
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July 14th: Family
suggestions of ships to write about:
Bellalily, dorlene, fem!jily, fem!rosekiller
additional ideas:
A family gathering, becoming a family, dealing with a partner's family, losing one's family, finding a family in a community
all july prompts
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siriusly-sapphic · 1 year
Send me a ship and I'll give you my honest opinion
This is a ship I'd look up if I was in the mood for bloody (literally) and destructive PWP, and nothing else. As a longterm relationship I can't possibly see it work, but it seems fun as an exploration of both their loyalties and morals and how willing they are to push them aside for some Fun. But it'd be violent and I'm not sure if Lily would survive. So. But then again I'm sure that's part of the appeal lmao.
Not really for me, but a concept I can appreciate
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