#Bella The Calico Kitten
asuperwhogamer · 1 year
Bella The Kitten's Gets Her First Independent Toy 🐈
Another upload on my kitten you tube channel, please check it out if you love cats!
If you enjoyed the video, feel free to give it a like and a sub! The support would mean a lot to me!    
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tree-spright · 4 years
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Drawing of my kitten Bella as a pretty princess
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misocatsoup · 5 years
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queen61715 · 5 years
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Meowy Christmas from our little Bella & Musca too (she didn’t care for the tinsel so no photos of her 😂)🎄🎁🥰
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Doesn’t really have much to do with photography but please enjoy these photos of Bella enjoying her very own pumpkin 😂 she’s my special girl 👌🏻
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cookiethecat15 · 5 years
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Beautiful foster momma, Bella! 
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saragargan · 3 years
I hope you don't mind but can I ask about the ship ask questions? For Sara and scorpion, and piper and Otto: who the big spoon and little spoon?, Who gets more jealous?, Do they have any pets? Who had romantic feelings first? Thank you!!
fun fact I actually have all of the questions for Mac and Sara filled out and it WAS posted but then I realized it was going to spoil things I haven't posted/written yet so I made it private but anyway
Who's the big and little spoon?
Saramac: Will adamantly refuse to admit it, but Mac is the little spoon, he likes to fall asleep with his head on her chest. What makes it funny is their size difference, if you've seen how big Scorpion is compared to Spider-Man in the insomniac game, imagine him next to a 5 foot nothing (152.4 cm) person.
Octospider: They don't really have much of a choice because of the arms, while Piper can hug Otto from behind, sleeping on the arms is super uncomfortable. They don't fall asleep holding each other, but at some point in the night Otto will grab her in his sleep, which means she wakes up trapped by not only Otto, but at least one of the arms draped across her (which are HEAVY when dormant) it makes it very anxiety inducing when she wakes up having to pee really bad.
Who gets jealous easier?
Saramac: Sara, at first, because her last relationship ended when she found out her partner was cheating. She doesn’t tend to express it because she knows its unjustified and gets over it eventually.
Octospider: While neither of them are particularly prone to jealousy, Otto really does NOT like Harry Osborn. There's a part of him that's scared Piper will decide she likes Harry more because of his (supposed) upstanding moral code. Piper is a little (not resentfully) jealous that Otto got to finish college and she had to quit.
Do they have any pets?
Saramac: Sara has a long haired black cat named Odessa, who is OBSESSED with Mac. Sara wants so badly to upload a video of the big bad Scorpion baby-talking a kitty. Octospider: Uncle Ben has an old, fat calico they got as a kitten when Piper was left with them. Piper considers Bella her cat too.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Saramac: Mac definitely, Sara tried to keep feelings out of it for as long as she could because of her past relationships. Mac managed to convince her in the end, because he's just ridiculously in love with her. Octospider: They both developed feelings for each other during their college days, but neither realized it then. After being forcefully employed by Kingpin, Otto realized how he feels about Piper and acts on it Halloween night. Piper realizes it that same night. They both understand how their feelings for each other further complicates their situation.
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asuperwhogamer · 1 year
Bella The Kitten being curious and playful 🐈
Another upload on my kitten you tube channel, please check it out if you love cats!
If you enjoyed the video, feel free to give it a like and a sub! The support would mean a lot to me!  
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queen-61715 · 5 years
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Musca and Bella cuddling up in the bean bag. So happy they’ve gotten so close the last 5 months ❤️
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cullen-collective · 5 years
"Bella, my love," Edward said from the other room, confusion coloring his tone. "Could you join me a moment?"
Bella was already grinning as she placed her bookmark (old habit) into her worn copy of War and Peace and stood. She was beside Edward in an instant, gazing fondly down at the object of his curiosity.
"Yes, honey?" She coated her voice in sugar, hoping the sweetness may detract from any ill-tempered reactions from her husband.
"Love," he said, shaking his head slightly and pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, "what is this?" He gestured down with his free hand.
"Well..." Bella said, hesitating. "It seems pretty obvious what it is."
Edward's head snapped up and his hand dropped from his face. He gave Bella a sardonic glance. "Of course I can see what it is, my love, but more importantly- what are the particulars surrounding its existence here?"
Bella pursed her lips tightly before answering. "Ness asked if she-"
"Merciful God, you indulged Ness?! You know she has zero sense of self-preservation or foresight." Edward threw his hands in the air, exasperated. "Last week she asked to fly to Italy because she wanted to have Jane test her pain thresholds. Said it would be some sort of experiment and that Jane was 'super down'." He made air-quotes with his fingers, and the gesture looked incredibly odd coming from prim, proper Edward.
"Look, existential crises are your department, and I'm the minister of fun. This is fun!" Bella reached down to lightly touch the source of her husband's brooding.
"This is not fun. Emmett is going to eat this. He will laugh. Ness will cry. She will force Uncle Jake to get into a fight with Emmett. Emmett will lose a limb. Esme will lose her mind. Carlisle will lose his patience. And I will lose two to three weeks of peace." Edward's voice was deadpan during his little monologue, and Bella rolled her eyes at his dramatics.
"This girl she likes at school is obsessed with them," Bella said, running her hand down Edward's arm. "I seem to recall you doing much more dramatic things to get my attention. You even sparkled."
"Ah, yes, much better."
Bella reached down and scooped the calico kitten into her arms, bringing it up to Edward's eye level.
"You're going to deny this face?" she asked, pouting ever so slightly. "Or the face of your one and only miracle daughter?" She was pulling out the big guns and she knew it. Despite his constant complaints about Ness's behavior, Edward doted on that deviant, delinquent dilettante more than anyone else.
He'd almost let her fly to Italy to get tortured by her pal, Jane.
Several emotions flickered across Edward's face in the span of a second: conflict, annoyance, thoughtfulness, and finally acceptance.
"Okay," he said. "But if Emmett eats it I'm spending the week in Alaska with the sane vegetarian vampires."
"Well when you put it that way," Bella said, grinning.
Edward smiled his crooked grin back at her, before leaning down to kiss her softly, careful not to crush the mewling mass of fur in her arms.
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tree-spright · 4 years
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Made a new twitter header!
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misocatsoup · 5 years
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ifridiot · 5 years
here she comes! 3 days late to bug you with asks! caress - do you like to snuggle? ivory - describe your pajamas?golden - favorite stationary product?freckles - most-worn article of clothing? silk - do you like k-pop? poppy - favorite pastel color? dimples - most attractive features of a person’s face? cuddles - do you have any pets?
caress - do you like to snuggle?
I like to snuggle with specific people. I have to like and trust someone before I want to be touched by them, and even then im picky about how and when and for how long. there are exactly two people in the world who are allowed to touch me any time and for however long they want, and they know who they are.
ivory - describe your pajamas?
I sleep in over-sized shirts. My favourite one is sleeveless and dark purple with embroidery around the low-cut neck.
golden - favorite stationary product?
notebooks. i am a slut for notebooks, I love them, i have so, so many.
freckles - most-worn article of clothing?
Used to be my X-Men t-shirt. It was very, very soft and grey, with the cover art from one of the comics on it. I bought it when i graduated high school (2007) and finally threw it away last month because it was so full of holes it was... really indecent LMAO. Now I guess it would be the big yellow skirt i made.
silk - do you like k-pop?
It’s aight.
poppy - favorite pastel color?
usually either a pink or a buttery yellow.
dimples - most attractive features of a person’s face? 
I’m usually drawn to people’s teeth, to the shock of no one.
cuddles - do you have any pets?
I DO. I have a cat who lives with me, Bella, she’s 8, and a fluffy black baby who loves to lay in my lap. I also have 2 other cats who live with my dad, Baby (gotten for me as a kitten and raised by me, a tiny calico ball of energy who comes when she’s called and gets fat in the winter and skinny in summer) and Squeaker (my head-injury baby, she can’t meow but she CAN scream, squeak, and purr. She’s also calico and soft and I love her), as well as a Very Large Dog, who’s name is Benjiman. Ben is a Great Pyrenees and large for the breed, he weighs 200lbs and thinks he is Small. 
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kae-the-nerd · 6 years
🐈 because you’re as cute as a kitten bella ~Mystery
She softly blushes, holding the Calico kitten close to her. “I’m naming her Mystique…” She snuggles the kitten.
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nojons · 5 years
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Rest In Peace, Bella. You were the most affectionate animal I’ve ever met. I’m glad I could spend 13 wonderful years with you. You’ve come so far from the stray calico kitten we found. I love you so much.
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//a mini-headcanon about Bella and her kitties
Bella herself is an orange tabby, which is rare because its usually males that are orange tabbies, and her collar color is red.
Snickers (the firstborn and a girl) is a tortoiseshell and wears a yellow collar.
Charlie (the only boy) is all-black and wears a blue collar.
Peanut (a girl and the runt of the litter) is a calico and wears a green collar. Her collar is the only one with its name tag in a certain shape (a peanut).
The kittens were born in early December.
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