#Bee Wel
lil-toastie-boi · 2 months
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the ocs be getting mesmerized
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years
having a stroke. one of my fondest childhood memories is stealing my older brother's Classic Gameboy for a few days and playing nothing but Super Mario Bros the entire time until it mysteriously vanished again. i remember being mad that My Princess Was In Another Castle and that the level following didn't have a ground and i was very bad at making the jumps from platform to platform so i always Died repeatedly and never got to progress
one problem!
super mario bros was never On the classic gameboy. i just spent 20 minutes talking to said brother, he has no idea what the fuck i am on about.
god damn universe hopping gameboy making me feel like an idiot
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zordonmlw7 · 2 years
I won’t be able to sleep until I ask this: is it that gray is warm grays and grey is cool greys?
Hmmm no not exactly. I think Grey is warmer than Gray. Grey is lighter, but warm (as opposed to silver which is light but cool) while Gray is like darker and neutral I think.
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incorrecthermitquotes · 5 months
Hels: Why don't humans have a specific noise that means "there are bees here, let's leave immediately"? Why are elephants more advanced than us?
Wels: We do have a specific noise, it sounds like this: "There are bees here, let's leave immediately."
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moonlight-tmd · 6 months
Bumblebee having an electric ability without mods and he’s just never told his team because outliers weren’t always seen as good & so he never uses it publicly.
One day his stingers get yanked out and his team is hurt and so he HAS to use it.
He hasn’t used it in so long he forgot how powerful it could be and accidentally knocked out himself and the threat and his team because he lost control.
Blitzbee - he hints at it to Blitz because decepticons were more open about outliers & one day he shows blitz who helps him learn how to control it.
Prowlbee - Bee doesn’t give a single hint and prowl is so hurt bee didn’t feel he could trust him but he understands because he’s seen what outliers went through and Ratchet is so hurt because his grandson ( self declared ) didn’t slip him the outlier info off record while Optimus is such a mom and worrying for bee.
Bulkhead figured it out when he saw bee get electrocuted one day on Earth but didn’t even seem phased beyond surprised and just brushed it off.
Ok i kinda don't know what you're on about but i think i see it?
To simplify: Bee can manipulate electricity as a feat, just like Icy and Hotheat can control Ice/Fire respectively. And those that can do that are basically outcasted from society for being a threat/different.
Bee may have been forged defected but lemme tell ya, those wiring mishaps actually made him tougher to crack. The electricity just didn't flow right like with normal bots therefore he couldn't really take shock damage. He'd withstand high voltages with almost no harm.
Of course, being the street-raised bot he knew the risks of standing out so he tried his best to hide it. I think he might have accidentally electrocuted someone to death when he was a fresh runaway from the carequarters. He never knew they died, just that one moment someone was trying to hurt him and the next they were laying on the ground motionless and he ran as fast as he could.
He knew electricity could hurt so he tried his best to pretend being hurt whenever something zapped him. It was tough getting around trying not to zap anything but once he got the stingers from Ratchet the uncotrolled zapping was slightly more controlled as it had actual output designed to release electric charges.
Team Prime- Bee never told them about his little stunt ability, he thought they would look at him differently if he ever did.
One time some 'con ripped out his stingers and crushed them, Team Prime barely got to Bee to defend him. Ratchet had a lot of fixing to do so Bee was left defenceless for a while. One time when he and some other bot from the team were helping out some citizen, Constructicons wanted to have fun and came to wreck them. It was a close call and the rest of the team got there in time to fight... but something went wrong and the bad guys had advantage after advantage. At some point they were about to finish off Prowl when Bee came out of the forced hiding and latched onto the 'con before letting out the highest voltage electroshock he could muster. Of course it barely missed his teammates as chain reaction went off and knocked out half of the cons and damaged the rest. Somehow they managed to scramble and run away with the carcasses of their unconscious fellas, leaving Team Prime in quite literal shock of what happened.
Optimus was the first to be at Bee's side after noticing the scout laying motionless on the ground. He tried to reach and shake him awake but the moment his servo got close a leftover jolt of electricity zapped him hard, leaving a half-scorched mark.
Bee wakes up in medbay after few hours and is greeted by very worried Team. They ask him about what the heck happened back there and Bee avoids answering until Ratchet yells at him to tell them because it's important (and from that high voltage technically he should be dead lol).
Bee is visibly nervous but gives in and tells them. "So you know how Blitzwing can manipulate ice 'nd fire?"
"Yes- what does that have to do with this??"
"Well,... I can kinda do the same but- with electricity?"
And then he shows them a trick he learned to entertain himself- just making little electric sparks between his servos- when they ask to explain. Now onto reactions-
Optimus: He's still recovering from having his servo temporarily disabled by the leftover discharge, he's very much surprised and then concerned that Bee never told them- he worries about Bee's wellbeing as well as this being a possible threat for everyone if Bee doesn't get full control over it.
Ratchet: Honestly he shouldn't be surprised, the kid had so many electrocuting accidents that ended in no damages he should have connected the dots already. He just wishes the kid would have told him something about it to spare so many hours half-paranoid over how this mech still works after so many stunts that should have killed him.
Bulkhead: Bee told him about nearly everything except the super personal stuff like trauma. He's a little hurt for the lack of trust from his best friend but still finds it cool that Bee has such neat ability.
Sari: She is so heckin happy- Bee can do cool shit and make electronics do his bidding(kinda)! That's so cool! She does get a little spooked if she's too close to said electricity cuz she's been taught about the dangerous side of it.
Prowl: He's very much surprised cuz he didn't think someone else on the team possesed a unique ability like him (the whole hologram duplication and weird telekinesis thing, ex: turning stasis cuffs/electric locks off). He'll be glad to help Bee learn to control this ability. If ProwlBee: Prowl would still be surprised but he'd also be disappointed that Bee never told him when Prowl himself was pretty open about having his unique ability. He understands why Bee might have felt like he shouldn't say anything but he still feels that little bit of hurt inside.
If BlitzBee: Blitz learns about it before the event. Icy was showing him fun ways to play with ice and frost and Bee was so amazed by it he accidentally mentioned wishing he'd be able to do that with his element. Bee was shy about it when Blitzwing asked but he eventually showed him the little entertaining trick i mentioned earlier. It wasn't anything spectacular, he tried his best to keep it as low as possible to not get it out of control, but Blitz was still amazed and excited that his hummel could do something similar to his powers. Of course he teaches Bee how to manipulate element and they have some fun.
I think after the fact Bee can manipulate electricity is out in the open, Bee will definitelly pull some pranks on the others like messing with the lights or turning on/off some non-important machines to annoy them.
It would also make them aware of why the fuck Bee has so much energy all the time- the scout keeps his battery up by touching electronics, he unawarily charges himself via other stuff's batteries/outlet connections. (This explains why his switch/controller keeps dying so soon, huh.)
After being taught how to control his ability he defo drains certain stuff on purpose like, he'd drain stasis cuffs off their power and switch off the forcefield cell the 'cons put him in to hold hostage. Heck he might even drain them off energy if he sticks to them long enough and gets them passed out on the ground. It's also a good way to make someone go to berth when they can't recharge- drain them low enough to enforce the recharge protocol.
Ngl, that kinda sounds like energetic vampire but Bee's all for it. He likes the joke and keeps the play up quite well whenever someone mentions his ability.
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Hello, I have beeb following your account for some time and is one of my favorites, I am always looking forward for reading or rereading your content.
I would like to request for more dinobot buddy and Bumblebee please, maybe when they finally confesses or Bee being so oblivious that is almost painfully for the rest of the bots.
Thank you so much!
Thanks for the compliment! Happy to hear the positive things about my content.
Hope you enjoy!
Dinobot Buddy with a crush on Bumblebee: The pinning continues...
SFW, Platonic, Hinted Romance, Cybertronian reader
Buddy as of lately began making ‘bolder moves’.
And by bolder moves, she was just making the same ‘moves’ but adding trinkets to the list.
She would find random things on patrol, on missions, or around the base and give them to Bumblebee.
The minibot now has a couple shelves dedicated to the trinkets because he doesn’t throw them out.
Primus help her if she finds him showing the trinkets off.
Bumblebee showing a couple of shiny rocks to Hound and Jazz. Bumblebee: “I just don’t know where she finds these things! Oh wait look at this one! She brought it in a couple of nights ago!” Buddy was walking by but stopped hearing the minibots voice. Bumblebee pulls out a rubber duck with little bee antennas: “Just look this!” Hound and Jazz look at the duck before seeing Buddy ‘hiding’ behind the corner with literal heart optics. She sighed quietly before practically skipping away. Jazz flashing Hound a knowing smile: “Yeah, sure is a pretty little thing, ain’t she?” Bumblebee nodding: “Yeah, it’s a pretty nice duck!” Hound raising his optic: “And what about Buddy? Are you going to get her something?” Bumblebee: “Well, yeah! The holiday’s are just around the corner. Anything for my best friend!” Jazz and Hound: “…”
There was also an increase in free Dino rides.
Sometimes he doesn’t even need to ask, Buddy would just go right by his side and either lay down by him or simply pick him up.
Buddy becomes extra protective when they have patrol or missions together.
Refuses to let him go too far from reach.
Bumblebee looking from the ledge of the cliff: “I think there’s something down there.” Buddy nervously looking at Bumblebee near the edge: “Bumblebee…” Spike on Bumblebee’s servo: “You think you can jump to the other side Bee?” Buddy looks horrified at the little human while the other bot started thinking. Bumblebee: “Hmm—HEY!” Buddy gently claps her jaws on his shoulder and yanks him back. The yellow minibot lands on his behind right by her side. Spike jumps from his servos. Bumblebee: “Buddy!” Buddy just sits down next to him, with her tail curled halfway around him: “You too close. You could fall.” She points with her tail to the ledge. Buddy: “Weak edge. Heavy autobot.” Bumblebee: “Huh, didn’t notice that. Thanks Buddy!” Spike: “Yeah thanks! We might have been pancakes if it weren’t for you!” Buddy puffs her chassis a bit and purrs a bit when Bumblebee pats her helm.
Most of the Autobot’s have two main drama’s.
The one they see on Teletran-one.
And Buddy’s love life.
The Dinobot team are banging their helms against the wall at their teammates attempt to court.
Grimlock is dying on the inside.
He truly respect’s his teammates boundaries and personal life… but even he has his limits when it comes to meddling.
Action needs to be taken.
Grimlock calls for an emergency meeting with the Autobots. Optimus: “Grimlock! Why have you called us here?” Ratchet: “What a minute, Buddy and Bumblebee are not here yet.” Grimlock: “Meets start now.” Prowl: “Grimlock why are we here?” Grimlock: "Me Grimlock tired of Buddy weak flirting. Autobots and Dinobot’s must act.” Wheeljack: “Did…did you just call an emergency meeting… because Buddy hasn’t confessed to Bumblebee yet?” Grimlock: “It was this or Me Grimlock going to get Doc bot to fix Buddy’s helm. It broken.” Ratchet sighing: “Grimlock, she isn’t broken—” Grimlock: “Then why she like this! It killing me Grimlock! It killing everybody!” Tracks: “Well, he isn’t wrong on the slow burn…” Hoist: “Tracks now it is not the time…” Huffer: “And how do we know Bumblebee feels the same way anyway? For all we know he just like her as a friend.” Swoop: “What if Bumble bot and Buddy go on date?” Mirage: “Like we set them up?” Wheeljack: “…That might work!” Powerglide: “I know plenty of places for a perfect date night! I’ll get them a place in no time!” Jazz turning to Blaster: “We can make a playlist for the two!” Blaster: “I already have ten songs picked out!” Grimlock: “Then we get ready! Autobot get Bumble bot and Dinobot get Buddy! Date night is a go!”
Optimus shakes his helm a bit but just watches the planning unfold.
Maybe a little help would do good for the pair…
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randomheadcanons1234 · 7 months
Hybrid headcanons for season 10 hermitcraft
Wels: not human
Gem: a red betta fish (changes Spezies depending on server)
Grian: a cod and fish kinger mix (shapeshifter)
Skizz: Angel
Impulse: demon
tango: fire spirit
Zedaph: sheep
Docm: Butterfly, creeper and goat mix and also part cyborg
Mumbo: He is just Mumbo
Scar: vex and elf
Beef: Warden
Bdubs: Moss that came alive
False: barn owl
Xisuma: voidwalker
Keralis: ghast
Xb: merkat
Joel: Schreck
Cub: Vex
Etho: fox
Hypno: a god
Iskall: cyborg and
Jevin: slime
Joe: not mortal, looks a bit like an ender dragon
Pearl: cecropia moth
Ren: dog
Stress: butterfly
Cleo: zombie
Lizzie: axolotl
Jimmy: Mostly cod or canary (depends on server)
Mythical sausage: something probably a fea but no one knows
Fwhip: mostly human (depends on server)
Shubble: sheep and bee mix
Scott: a nymph
Joey: fox
Katherine: fairy
OrionSound: red panda
Pixlriffs: great horned owl
Martyn: mostly a type of bird (depends on server)
Bigb: bear
(People who depend on the server are the people with multiple hybrids code but are not a mix so the servers decide)
If you have different hybrid headcanons please tell me about them
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oshawottarchive · 9 months
What are the Hermits?
Hermit species list! Might expand on this in the future
I also made up species cause I have no idea what “Voidwalker” or “Blazeborn” mean
Bdubs: Human / Dreamer / Shade
Technically human but has inhuman properties and is pretty uncanny valley! Was a sun god that one time
Cub: Vex
Has illusion magic that allows him to disguise himself as human, and occasionally as other players. Was infected by Skulk for a bit
Doc: Creeper / Goat / Robot
Exactly what it says on the tin! Also grows tomato vines around his horns sometimes
Etho: Phantom / Glitch
Most obviously a Phantom, and has bony wings. He’s also a glitch in the game and will warp himself and his surroundings a little bit. The part of his face covered by his mask is skeletal. Might also be a failed clone?
False: Eagle
Gem: Not-deer
Seems like a normal deer player at first glance, but there’s something a bit uncanny about her
Scar: Human / Vex
A Vex, although he’s not a full one like Cub. He usually stores his magic in crystals
Grian: Magpie / Watcher
A pesky bird to his core. He’s also pretty eldritch and very powerful when he wants to be
Hypno: Beetle / Hypnotist
Normally keeps his wings hidden, and most of the time he looks human enough. Has strong magic and is another resident of the uncanny valley
Jevin: Slime
Impulse: Imp
Has magic, although it’s not very strong
Skizz: Angel
Can switch from humanoid to biblically accurate, and likes to use that ability to mess with his friends. Quite a bit more powerful than Impulse
Iskall: Cyborg
Joe: Poltergeist / Eldritch
Not really undead or technically a spirit, since he was never alive or had a spirit in the first place. Can basically do whatever he wants, he is Joe Hills after all
Keralis: Puppet / Eldritch / Body-snatcher
Puppet possessed by an eldritch entity. He’s capable of taking over bodies and effectively banishing the host into the nothingness, although he hasn’t done so in a long while
Mumbo: Human / Vampiric
Despite being a vampire, he doesn’t drink blood, he just gets really bad sunburns sometimes
Pearl: Moth / Lunar
Has a strong connection to the moon and the markings on her wings change with its cycle. She was also a Glare while she was the cleaning lady
Ren: Werewolf
Stress: Butterfly / Fae
Very powerful, although she doesn’t use her magic for much more than helping plants grow, although those plants usually turn out pretty weird
Tango: Fire being / Lunar
A being originating from fire itself, and was connected to Decked Out 2 for a while, which was some sort of eldritch parasite. After Season 8, he became a Lunar, although he’s not very happy about it, and most of the others don’t know about it. Has four arms sometimes, but no one knows how the extra arms get there or where they go afterwards
Beef: Minotaur
xB: Sarcastic fringehead
A type of fish! He might also have a few soul stealing properties
Xisuma: Undead / Robot
Spirit inside of a robotic suit. He’s had multiple forms, including being a bee, an axolotl, and a dragon
Zedaph: Satyr / Moth
He can summon himself some cool rosy maple moth wings
Cleo: Undead
As her name suggests, she’s specifically a zombie
Wels: Possessed knight
A possessed suit of armor covering a mannequin
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Hello! May i request haikyuu with a black cat m!reader? Maybe a tsundere type...oh and also can it be written with Kenma, Suna, and Hinata? (You can add other characters if you wish !)
I'm not sure how to write for Tsundere types but I tried. Hope you Enjoy!
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(Name) sighed as the air blew in through the bus window. It was time for another Volleyball training camp. But this time was different. Especially considering all of his boyfriends. We're finally gonna be together again.
That's right boyfriendS as in more then one. He was already at school with one. But now that the other two were gonna be there....(Name) huffed loudly. Catching a certain someone's attention.
"Hey babe. Wanna see the picture I just took of Atsumu?" Suna sat beside his smaller boyfriend and pulled him close. (Name) tried scooting away, but his boyfriend wouldn't let him.
Atsumu made a dying animal noise and everyone laughed. Wel except (Name)'s older brother. "Rin what have I said about your blackmailing?" He didn't hesitate to answer. "Not to tell you about it. Sorry Kita."
Everyone laughed again as Atsumu immediately threw himself on the couple. "Oi! (Name)! Get ya boyfriend under control!" (Name) flinched under the weight and tried ousting the male off.
"Rin get this sangwoo ass bee off me!" Atsumu yelped loudly as he was shoved into the floor. "Oi Barry he's taken remember and besides, you know the rules. Don't bother (Name) or Kita will make you run laps."
A shadow covered Atsumu. He slowly looked up meeting the cold eyes of his captain. "Sumu. 30 laps when we get to Nekoma." (Name) rolled his eyes and looked out the window. He grabbed his headphones and plugged them into his phone.
He silently raised a headphone to the male beside him. "Rin I'm gonna listen to music." He didn't get a response but felt the male take the other headphone. As (Name) turned on the music his eyelids got heavy.
Suna felt something hit his shoulder and smiled softly. (Name) was sleeping softly on his shoulder. Which was rare since (Name) didn't like PDA. Suna took a picture and sent it to a groupchat. The groupchat had the other two boyfriends.
The I love (Name) ♡ Groupchat
Sleepy Fox: sent a picture
Gamer Kitten: saved a picture
Solar Energy: saved a picture
Gamer Kitten: wow he's actually asleeping on you? on the team bus? how tired is he?
Sleepy Fox: apparently according to his brother, (Name)'s nightmares are back
Solar Energy: THATS NOT GOOD!
Gamer Kitten: Shoyo your caps lock is on again
Solar Energy: oh my bad. but seriously that's not good. is he okay?
Sleepy Goz: dunno but I'll make sure sumu stays away from him s he can sleep. bastard flopped on (Name) early. his brother assigned atsumu 30 laps when we arrive lol
Gamer Kitten: only 30? I would've given the bee 50
Solar Energy: isn't that a bit mean Kenma?
Gamer Kitten: no :)
Suna closed his phone and sighed, looking over at (Name). His kissed his forehead and layed back. Maybe he can catch some sleep before they make it to the training camp.
(Name) woke up when the bus stopped. He raised his head and yawned. Rubbing his eyes. He looked through the window spotting the Nekoma high school.
(Name) turned seeing a sleeping Rin. He gave a small smile. He took a picture but before he put the phone away, it was snatched by the no longer sleeping male. Suna gave him a sleepy grin and a week before pocketing the phone, and walking off the bus.
(Name) blushed and frown, before quickly followed the male wanting his phone back. Once off the bus though, (Name) was almost taken down by a ball of energy. Or in this case. (Name)'s youngest boyfriend Hinata Shoyo.
(Name) groaned loudly at the impact but didn't say anything. Cause he knew when Hinata came, his other boyfriend wasn't far behind him. (Name) felt more arms wrap around him, before feeling a head snuggling into his back.
Ah yeah. His more quiet boyfriend. Kozume Kenma. "Welcome (Name)!" (Name) flinched at the volume of the voice. Kenma who felt the flinch quickly calmed the other male. Suna who was watching from the side quickly got jealous.
"Oi! Come on you three we got a training camp remember?" (Name) tried to walk to the gym but didn't move. He hated how all three of his boyfriends were stronger then him. So he did the only thing he could do.
"If you guys let me go and go to the gym I MIGHT let you guys sleep with Rin and me tonight." Just like that the other two were gone and quickly making their way to the gym. The older Kita quietly laughed at his brothers misfortune. But even with the glare sent his way.
He knew (Name) was happy, and that he loved them very much.
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doomalade · 2 months
As it is legally required (law made by a small moss man idk) here are my Hermit animal/creature headcanons
Grian - Parrot
Scar - Cat / Red Panda / Elf / Vex
Joel - Raccoon
Etho - Arctic Fox
Cleo - Zombie
Jevin - Slime
Doc - Goat Cyborg Hybrid
False - Eagle
Beef - Cow
Pearl - Llama
Gem - Elf / Mermaid
Ren - Dog
Stress - Druid
Zedaph - Sheep
Mumbo - Robot
Wels - Knight
BDubs - Moss Druid / Golem
Iskall - ?
Keralis - Bee?
xB - ?
Hypno - ?
Xisuma - Every mob / also Keralis
TFC - The Spirt Of The Mines
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lil-toastie-boi · 2 months
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Scythe Bee
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sweetest-honeybee · 7 months
Evil X and Vespa
Summary: Based in the Hels Kitchen scene, Helsknight opts to let Evil X and our beloved Hels Beesuma (whom I’ve named Vespa) meet and it doesn’t go down the way EX intends for it to. Turns out not all Xisuma’s seem to get along with each other.
Based on this drawing
Most would assume Evil Xisuma was what was considered a ‘Hels’ Xisuma. The most consistently dreadful alter ego donned in red and a black visor? Surely, he must be. And yet, he isn’t. That role was given to a much, much older version of Xisuma that had existed long before Evil Xisuma was created.
And of course, Evil X was rather surprised…and envious.
Come the reveal of the realm of Hels, Evil X opted to follow Helsknight into the fiery lands where he assumed by some odd logic, or a mere assumption, that he was the only Evil Xisuma to exist. Obviously, Xisuma lied about meeting some “Evil” Evil X. Stupid! No such thing. And so, Evil X disregarded the thought that there was not an Xisuma in Hels already. And of course, he’s not going to ask.
Meeting other evil, or ‘Hels’ Hermits as Helsknight called them, was hardly on Evil X’s mind. A bonus, perhaps. His derpcoin scheme may grow easily that way if he cared to have the help but Helsknight was just enough.
Between the first invitation to Hels and the day he decided to call for Helsknight, Evil X rarely visited Hels. Very little exploration led to being very unfamiliar when he came back. Yet, many older faces he had seen, his own minions even, were sitting at the many booths and stools while he waited to start his dastardly meeting plans.
It was a simple greeting at first. He nodded as Helsknight came with a short ‘I got held up’ and the two decided it was worth getting a bite to eat while they discussed their plans. Time had passed and they found themselves talking on loose threads about anything they could after the food on their plates went a bit lukewarm (cold, maybe, but not in Hels). After a while, Evil X found himself enjoying Helsknight’s company.
“I gotta say, you’re way less boring than I thought you’d be,” he eventually chuckled, taking a small sip of his third drink of the evening. “Tell me, are all those Hels Hermits of yours like that?”
Helsknight laughs in a short ‘HA’. “No, no, they’re not. If you’ve got a Hermit you hate, chances are you won’t like the Hels.”
Evil X hums, setting the glass down. “To be fair, Wels is the one really philosophical dude, right? Takes things too seriously, I definitely don’t like him and his whole ‘knightly protection’ thing going on.” He raises his hands in air quotes as he speaks, rolling his eyes. “He hates the very definition of all evil. An absolute bore.”
As he goes on about Wels, Helsknight snorts and listens. “Hey now, I’m still his doppelganger, aren’t I? You sound just like Vespa the way you go on about Wels.”
The name earns a brief pause from Evil X as he raises a brow behind his visor. “Vespa? And they are…?”
Helsknight leans forward in disbelief, eyes widening in some kind of genuine shock. “You’re kidding right? Vespa? The Evil Xisuma of all Xisuma’s? Hels Xisuma?”
“But I’m Evil Xisuma-”
“You’re not Xisuma’s Hels, though. I’ve got no clue how exactly you must’ve been created or what but Vespa came long before you did, pal.” Helsknight almost can’t contain himself, face reddening with a wide grin. He moves to get up from the booth as Evil X watches and looks around. “Wait hold on I always see him here- Ah! Follow me.”
Evil X finds himself dragged from the booth by the wrist to the bar. Before he realizes what exactly Helsknight is showing him, his eyes fall on another man in much similar armor to Xisuma- only a dingy yellow, scuffed with scratches and chipped paint. A dull matte compared to Xisuma’s usual suit. And behind him a pair of long, thin insect-like wings. Stripes on the armor’s plating would suggest a hornet or wasp. Or of course…a bee.
The man at the bar finishes his glass- something of a strong black coffee and as much hard liquor as the ghast behind the counter would allow him. Antenna sprouting from the crown of his head perk up as Helsknight approaches to land a hard pat on his shoulder.
“Vespa! Same time as usual, huh? Figured I’d bring a friend over here for you, change the pace a little.” He offers Vespa a wink as he pulls Evil X into view. Yet, Vespa doesn’t match the widening eyes of Evil X’s red LEDs.
“You both talk very loud, Hels. I wasn’t going to let you make me spill my drink again.” Vespa lifts the now empty glass and sets it on the counter with a loud thud. He swivels his seat around, resting his elbow on the counter. “I’m beginning to feel there are too many Xisuma’s running around. One too many.” He narrows his eyes, a burning red just like Evil X’s crossed with a single thick scar on one side.
Evil X scoffs. “Alright, well you’re one to talk. I ain’t ever seen you before, so clearly you must be pretty useless yourself, huh?”
Vespa speaks simply, expression unchanging from an unimpressed scowl. “Useless? You’re a fraction of Xisuma born from a single death- an accident. I’m the world generated personification of every awful detail about the very man you seem to just barely annoy. In fact, last I checked, he even likes you.”
“Not much for small talk, are you,” the other says, already more than annoyed.
“Not my thing. My time is precious here.”
“Oh is it now-”
“Yes, and you haven’t seemed to have accomplished much in your time. Believe me, I’ve seen everything. You poor thing, Xisuma practically tucks you into bed at night now that you live together.”
“You–! I control him and he works for me. And didn’t you hear? He’s long past the whole bee thing. You’re a bit late.”
“Very impressive,” is all that Evil X gets. And oddly enough it infuriates him more past the initial sense of pride. Vespa lifts his glass again to the ghast which takes it. “Another.” It’s a long moment before he speaks again. “What does he do for you? Clearly not enough that you asked for help.”
Evil X growls, balling his hands into fists. “Oh you know,” he says through gritted teeth. “Just exploiting every Hermit on the server through a server-wide currency scheme. Care to keep answering your own questions for me since you know everything?”
“Every Hermit?” Vespa asks, finally sounding amused and ignoring the rest of Evil X’s statement. “Look at that, you can control, oh, 25? 26 people? Is this why you need help? A bit of management assistance?”
Helsknight snorts, knowing well what’s to come of the conversation. “Oh no, I’m helping him control more of them, haven’t snagged everyone just yet but we’ve got what? 5 Hermits?” All he earns from Evil X is a hard glare.
“Well, I don’t see you doing any better!” He turns to Vespa again. “Is that all you do? The big bad Xisuma from Hels sits and drinks himself to death every single day? Why don’t you get up and do something with yourself then?”
The knight grins at Evil X, glancing briefly at Vespa who chugs his next cup and swallows hard. “No,” he says.
Vespa slams down the glass this time, empty aside from the long crack that shoots up the side. The sound of the impact gets the attention of most, if not all in the bar, and Vespa stands. He’s just a few inches above Evil X and yet he towers over the man. Among the now silent bar, he speaks.
“Do you have a name, Evil Xisuma?”
Everyone waits, and Evil X swallows as his ears turn a bit red. Thankfully hidden inside his helmet. “I uh- I mean it’s. It’s Evil Xisu-”
“Is it? Is that all you’ve cared to call yourself? Nothing except a self proclaimed title that you can’t keep up with.”
Vespa scoffs. “Right. Do you know who I am, then?”
The other goes to laugh. “I’m not answering some stupid- wOAH–!” The answer is cut off by the way the ghast takes Evil X by the shoulders, dragging him to pin him down against the bar. Bent back against it. “What is this?!”
Seeing this, people begin to crowd around the trio, most serving Evil X hateful stares.
“Let me break it down for you, Evil Xisuma,” Vespa starts. “I’m sure you’re familiar with a little server where they build and play games and sing Kumbaya, but we have a system here, buddy. This is a fraction of a realm of the world's worst kinds of people and I manage a what’s practically a kingdom of many of those people. Armies of thousands that do as I say and I have grown to gain a level of respect and authority beyond what you’ll ever achieve. They fight for me.”
Evil X stares and then looks around the room. Among the many faces, Helsknight seems more than amused. Excited, even. And he swallows at the thought. These people won’t listen to him.
“O-Okay. And what about it?” He regrets asking immediately but his pride will forever be his downfall.
Vespa uses no words. A mere whistle and a nod towards Evil X and a patron approaches to remove his helmet. A second patron takes the helmet while the first reels his arm back with a tight fist, and in less than a second a hard punch throws Evil X’s head back against the counter. The action has Evil X writhing in the ghast’s tightening grip and he snarls. With the sound, he flares up in sharp red bolts that make the ghast cry out and let go.
Of course, such a varied group finds its way to keep him tied down. Quite literally. Among the crowd are summoned black thorny vines that shove him back down. Much to Vespa’s surprise even. Still, he continues.
“Care to try again?” he asks. “Such a shame, if you were just a little kinder the way you should’ve been, I might’ve helped you with your little corporate scheme.”
“Alright, alright, I’m done. Just let me go, man,” Evil X grumbles.
“I don’t think I will. Seems you like getting yourself out of your own messes so I’ll leave you to it.” Vespa turns to the crowd, a smug grin on his face. “Please, give him a warm welcome to Hels.”
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silverskye13 · 8 months
okok i've another question but not an in-universe one; were there any rules or patterns you followed when coming up with the appearances of the helsmets for RnS? :V or are they all moreso based on What Seemed Right for each individual character :0
Mostly just what seemed right, to be honest! A lot of it is based on what I'm trying to do with them as character themes.
Tanguish started out as more of a riff on Tango as a fire-related character. Then I decided Tango would be fire/redstone, ergo his double would be ice/sculk. That eventually kinda balooned into his personality. He's contained, isolated, secretive, sneaky. But he seeps into things. If you've ever had to deal with your road deteriorating over winter, because water keeps freezing in the cracks and breaking the asphalt apart, that's his vibe. You almost don't know he's there until he's cracked you open.
Helsknight has a canon design, but his 110% was just me designing something that looked cool. My first Wels/Hels designs had Wels as a Ottoman inspired knight, with a focus on short, blocky shapes. Meanwhile Helsknight was more of a pointy anglo-saxon knight style, with a lot of triangles and sharp lines. Eventually when RnS started to reform my ideas, I decided Wels was a more caricatured english knight, with a lot of modern crusader/paladin vibes, and focused on making Hels a dark mirror of that. Giving him sharp, unapproachable armor was a visualization of him being an angry, brooding character [which is why, as a lot of people have noted, he opens up a lot more when he starts taking the armor off. That's also why, when he's feeling vulnerable, his nervous ticks have to do with the buckles on his gloves, or the hilt of his sword. He's trying to decide if he's going to open up about something.]
Martyn and Red both have canon designs as well, technically, since they're the 3rd Life versions of their characters, just a little to the left. The crown the Red King has, which covers his eyes, is a direct reference to Ren's quote, "The blood is dripping into my eyes. I can't see. I've been blinded by the violence." He's been blinded by violence, and finds it hard to keep his humanity intact when the crown is off. It binds him to his purpose as The Red King -- protecting people. Martyn in my head looks almost exactly like his 3L red life skin, and that's purposeful. He wants to keep a low profile. He doesn't want his other half to know he's his own entity that exists.
EB's design has a lot to do with his past and not his present. [I feel like I keep alluding to him having a backstory,,,, we'll get there someday.] The way I've put EB and EX as characters in relation to Xisuma, is they represent different struggles he's had at different points in his life. EX was the hubris of being a server admin, the desire for limitless control. EB was the pride of success, and the white knuckle grip it required to keep it. He used to be a very prideful, and very dangerous, person. And stung pride [ha! bee jokes] can lead to some very angry outbursts. So he looks very waspish, long and thin, and sharp angled. The fact that he's an android is 110% just because I headcanon Xisuma is a robot. Sorry doomguy I've fallen in love with the AI headcanon.
The Demon is a take on ImpulseSV's character trait of sharing that turns into exploitation. One of his big collab points with other people is the fact that he makes farms, and in 3L there was an entire plot point around how he kept giving people things, and all of those people individually agreed because he kept giving everyone things, he was on nobody's side, so, you couldn't really betray him, could you? The Demon therefore is a character who is determined not to be used or exploited in any way. He hoards his wealth like a dragon, makes pacts and bargains that only benefit him, like a demon, and his eye is always watching for a knife in the dark [don't think too hard about Tanguish taking knife lessons]. The man has, to put it bluntly, trust issues. So his design echoes that idea of a monstrous person so busy armoring himself he's forgotten how to connect with people. Bright golden eyes, impenetrable scales, armor and tools disproportionately strong compared to what he should ever be expected to use them for. He's daring someone to betray him, so he can be justified in destroying them for it.
I'm trying to think of other characters that've popped up.
Evil Sausage [I think the fandom calls him Bratwurst??] is mostly just a parody of some of his appearances in Empires. I liked how linked he was to Xornoth, so I imagine the shadow that makes his elytra wings is what's left of his union with Xornoth the demon.
Hels!Watcher Grian is both a reference and a handwave at the fact that Grian is an instigator. It makes sense that a fear, or mirror, for that would be someone who refuses to interact with the world, or maybe wants to but physically can't. Eye themes abound.
[loud shrugging]
Yeah, that's it. It's whatever seems right for what the characters are doing.
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Miraculous Trio musing cos I am Chlogami shipper, but someone noticing Chloe starts to incoherently babble when Kagami's attention is on her with any degree of intensity.
Or Riposte like -
Rena: How'd that Akuma slip away from you anyway?
Carapace: Pretty sure you got disarmed there too.
Queen Bee U-m hm, wel, swo- sword girl. Girl with sword?
Rena: Yes, we have established Kagami had a sword and is a girl.
Carapace: Oh I just figured it out! You're just like- my fiend was with her crush!
Queen Bee: (Grans Rina's tail and screams into it like its a pillow)
Carapace: You doing OK there bud?
Queen Bee (Shaky thumb's up)
Rena: OK, we'll wait till your done to rib you over this.
I need to yoink that tail pillow scream bit
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mattress-ing · 6 months
More moth!Wels headcannons
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This is the pattern I see for his wings. With maybe a yellow instead of the red bit on the end. (Emperor moth)
His eyebrows are now antennae, they follow the natural shape of eyebrows unless he’s curious about something. Then they point forward instead of to the sides.
Actually, we’re getting crazy with it, his hair is also the fluffy moth stuff
He sleeps like a starfish on his stomach with his wings stretched out
Mid bridge feud, Hypno tries waving lights around at night to see if he’ll follow them around. Wels doesn’t get more than a mild compulsion to do it but just goes with it because he finds it funny.
He can collect honey without the bees getting angry. (Deaths head hawks moths do this by making sounds that mimic the Queen bee)
He stops wearing a chestplate because it’s either that or put holes in the armor for his wings and he would never
He naturally sheds scales pretty often and has to sweep the castle constantly
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xisumashiptournement · 9 months
Side A: Round 4 !SEMI FINALS!
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propaganda for: Keralis01
if keralis or hypno don't win i will literally eat a lime whole, unpeeled, and post it sweet face, shashwammy, shashwambam, good girl, shammy void. all things keralis has called xisuma. they are besties and keralis is a flirt and they based next to each other on season 7 and Xisuma made a bee with keralis's eyes floting between their bases. Have you seen them together?? Been together since the start of Hermitcraft, once "pranked" each other with a What Is Love noteblock song, Beesuma and Beeralis, "Shashwammy!", entirety of s7 actually They are so silly together. He was babygirl, he was just papa k. they made noises for a hit song "nonono" forever ingraved in the in-server hermitcraft history (disk, hc museum). HAVE YOU SEEN THEI DYNAMIC IN S7 THEY LITERALLY JOINED THEI AESTHETICS WITH THE BEE THEME AND THE CITY. you can even call them- beedu- oh wait no. alright. /j
propaganda for: Welsknight
XISUMA AND WELS VOTE THEM THEY'RE BOTH PRECIOUS The chemistry is magical plus they are both hard rocker bois and the few times they collab it is very wholesome
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