#Because I like explodies
dragonner0 · 1 month
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Leshy - an Understanding
He hadn't quite had the time to think about it, but now he realized. He was near-enough invulnerable to any conventional means of war with his cataphract armor, his footsteps thundered in his wake, he could cut through most light armor with the Champion sword at his hip, and now, he could finally see again. He felt amazing, but there was a part of him that whispered something he couldn't quite discern.
Leshy felt like a god again, and yet something was missing. But what?
He was contemplating that question when he was approached by Emanuel. "May I sit here?" He asked, gesturing to the seat Leshy's legs covered.
Leshy hummed, then grunted and shifted so that he was sitting upright. "Seat's open," he said.
Emanuel didn't like him. He knew that. They tolerated each other, if only because there were only eleven or so people in their settlement, but the fire-loving yellow cat would much rather sit with someone other than Leshy, if the other couch cushions weren't bein replaced after a mold problem. He'd never said why. To be fair, one could easily infer.
Emanuel opened his book, the title reading simply "the Kindly Panda" at the top of a simple cover. There were several bookmarks in it, Emanuel's being a fiery orange-yellow at about the halfway mark.
"Is it good?" Leshy asked absentmindedly. His own bookmark was sitting in one of the tomes on the bookshelf, but he really wasn't a big reader. The tomes were weird, anyways.
Emanuel didn't answer for a second, but eventually said, "it's the best we've got. Which isn't much."
Leshy merely hummed, tapping his foot lightly. The two of them were silent for a long time, then a lifter rolled up next to Emanuel and set a small note in his lap. The worm apparently didn't get to see what the note said, but he was pretty sure he saw a list and some coordinates.
Whatever it was, Emanuel sighed in annoyance and put his bookmark back in the book. "The one time I get to rest," he said, patting the small mechanoid as he stood. "Oh no, we can't just make some vegetarian meals for a while, no. We need to get meat and keep hunting and never stop, not even when we're exhausted, because we're out of steel and we're-"
"Would you like a companion?"
Emanuel stopped in the middle of his spiel. "I- you're offering to accompany me?" He asked, staring bewildered at the worm.
Leshy shrugged. "I don't have much else to do."
Emanuel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "No, of course you don't. Why would you. You're our friendly neighborhood cataphract, of course."
"I have a champion sword," Leshy offered, patting the grip at his waist. "Plus, a fresh extra pair of eyes has to count for something, doesn't it?"
Emanuel stared for a few seconds, then sighed. "Let me get my gun first. Then you can go mess around in the snow with your blasted sword."
As it turns out, giving a man a sword that can cut through nearly anything without substantial armor is a great way to keep them from shutting up. This was sis fifth - or perhaps it was sixth - time asking Emanuel if he could just run in and use his sword.
"For the last time, no," the yellow cat said, exhausted already. "Your big, heated sword will probably burn up all the good meat. I, on the other hand, intend to be precise with my shots."
"Yes, because your exploding gyrojets will be so much better at preserving your game's condition," Leshy teased, grinning beneath his helmet.
"I have accuracy and well-laid traps on my side," Emanuel said in return, focusing back in on the sights of his LMG. "Gyrojets are instant and deadly, unlike your sword, and I can know exactly how it will affect the victim." As he said that, he let loose a couple rounds, three of which sent wood chips and soil scattered along the snow, and the fourth went straight into it's target - a stallion - exploding in its chest.
"My, such good preservation of meat," Leshy mocked when the sound of small explosions stopped echoing between the mountains. "We could definitely salvage... a couple legs from that. So long as Heket remembers her centuries of practice butchering, at least."
Emanuel growled, but stood to collect his kill anyways. "I was trying to scare it further into the trees," he said, slinging his weapon around his back. "Every time I want to hit something I barely hit my mark, but the moment I'm not shooting to kill... lamb damn it."
"I would've done better with a sword," Leshy mused.
That was Emanuel's snapping point. "Oh, well I'm sorry big guy, but I don't know if you noticed, but I'm the one hunting and you are the one who decided to stick along, so could you please either-" He stopped for a moment. "Actually, why am I offering you to stay? Go back to the temple, worm. And stay there."
"Eh, the temple's noisy," Leshy said simply. "I prefer it out here."
"I did not offer you to go back I told you," Emanuel hissed. "Go do- whatever. I don't care."
Leshy, of course, couldn't quite do whatever. Since Andrea, Damios, Yocum, and Rozzie were all out doing something-or-other in the Mule, they didn't have any new work being qued up, and the hydroponics farming was all that survived for winter. All that needed harvesting was the cotton, for which they happened to have an Agrihand. The last thing that Leshy wanted to do with his new sight was operate some drill or carve stone chunks in the quarry, especially since they also had a Tunneler named "Mr. Krabs" specifically for that.
He, of course, summed all that up as "I'd rather stay."
Emanuel simply hissed, before turning sharply and trudging through the snow to claim her kill. Leshy followed, finding it much easier given his attire weighed several times as much as he did. "Go find the rest of the stallions, and don't talk to me," he growled, kneeling just outside the puddle of blood and burned gore that sank into the snow.
Leshy frowned, but listened to the cat nonetheless. Annoying people was fun, especially getting people to start a fight with him, but for some reason, it felt... different with Emanuel. Sure, it felt different with his siblings and the Lamb, but he understood why. Everyone else usually just ignored it for the most part, which was fair, and he gave them all space.
So why does Emanuel feel different?
Rather than focusing on the odd feeling, which meant tucking it away into a far corner of his mind, and instead stopped to listen for the sounds of hooves on the snow. They would be muffled by the snow, but after more than a millennium of blindness, he had learned to pick up on far softer sounds.
There was a bird somewhere, singing its rather serene song. His branch-like antlers twitched as a gust of wind rattled a few leafless trees, and somewhere he heard a loose branch fall.
He heard something running. Something big - a muffalo or a bear, if he had to guess. Maybe it was chasing Emanuel's game.
It was getting closer. Not to him, but to the still-in-the-open Emanuel. He whirled around on the spot and saw that Emanuel had perked up, his ears swiveling as he listened to probably the same thing as Leshy.
Then he jumped up and yelled "Shit!" as he scrambled to get out his gun, only for a maddened megasloth to headbutt him to the ground before he could get his first shots off.
Leshy, being quick to respond, charged at the large mammal, his hand going to the hilt of his sword and swinging it at the attacker, the not-yet-solidified living metal leaving a deep gash on its arm. Rather than focus on him, however, it bit into Emanuel's ankle and thrashed, somehow not quite managing to rip the foot off. As its head swung toward Leshy, the worm quickly brought down his now-solid sword on its neck, cutting through the spinal cord. As the body collapsed, lifeless, he passed the blade to his off hand and wedged his foot between the creatures jaws, using his and his free hand to pull them open.
Emanuel's foot... had seen better days. Leshy was sure that, even with Glitterworld medicine, he'd need a prosthetic. He'd live, despite his swearing.
But there were two megasloths in the area. Leshy was violently reminded of that when a two-ton beast tackled him, sending them both rolling into a deep ditch, his sword lost in the process.
With little else to do, Leshy punched at the creature, but Scaria wouldn't let the animal stop, even as his bionic arm broke its rib.
He thought for a moment that he'd be killed there, once it managed to dig its claws in his devilstrand fabric. Pain sprang up in the side of his head as one of his antlers was snapped. He thought he saw something moving at the top of the ditch, before a large paw blocked his sight.
Then he heard gunshots, and he was showered in deep red. The megasloth went still, noticeably lighter than it had been originally. After a moment, he heard Emanuel call down, "Leshy? Fuck, I didn't hit you did I?"
Slowly, Leshy heaved the animal corpse off of himself and got into a sitting position, looking up at the yellow cat. Then he began to laugh as the adrenaline in his system did its work.
"Stop laughing!" Emanuel called down. "I need - fuck, I need help! I-I'm sorry for earlier but- fucking Lamb, my leg!"
Leshy found it quite hard to stop laughing, despite the circumstances.
Watching Emanuel was boring.
The cat did nothing but read, really. Sometimes he said something, sometimes not. Leshy tried to get him to play a game, no budge. So then he tried getting some spare Smokeleaf(even though Kallamar would probably be very angry to learn his brother got his patient high), just for a reaction, but still almost nothing.
And yet he kept coming back. He didn't know why, it wasn't like Kallamar would have any other patients, but Leshy was almost always with Emanuel.
The only word he got came lust before his injured leg was going to be replaced by the bionic one Lambert got off a caravan.
"Thank you," he said. "For saving me. I just wanted to say that before I went under."
Leshy nodded. "Your welcome," he responded. "I guess you owe me one."
"We're even, at best," Emanuel said before he took his anesthetic. A few seconds of silence passed before Emanuel asked, "what exactly does it feel like... having a bionic limb?"
Leshy thought for a long moment, rolling his mechanical arm and feeling the servos twitch and flex. "It's like... having a part of you that isn't a part of you, I guess. It's... not exactly something I can describe."
Emanuel hummed. "Well, I guess we'll see."
Leshy nodded again, then stood. "I should go. The healroot needs harvesting," he said, despite it already being hours after he perhaps should have gone to harvest it.
There that same feeling was. He still couldn't quite figure out what it was, but Emanuel had something to do with it. Curious. He'd have to ask Shamura about it sometime.
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homoquartz · 1 year
shoutout to lae'zel for being the only companion (it appears) that's just a dude. no weird secret contracts with demons n shit.
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twilight-linkess · 1 year
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I had an epiphany a little while ago. Bomchus are supposed to be rodent and not feline in appearance. They are called bombchus like Pikachu because chu is the Japanese equivalent of a mouse squeak. And Pikachu is an electric mouse and a bomchu is an explody mouse. You see??
Also there are enemies called bombchus (or real bombchus) apparently??? That are more obviously rodent. That flew right past me.
I can't stop seeing them as cats, though. I look at one and it's a cat. It's just what it is.
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dxrksong · 1 year
Jason 13 au
Jason: you ever have that moment where you're relaxing on a rooftop with a nice cup of tea.
Jason: and then you get kidnapped by your reanimated bicycle from the GZ?
Danny, desperately trying to steer: NOT HELPING JOHNNY!!!!!
Jason: I know.
The Bike: :)
Jason: so what the hell am I supposed to do with zom?
Danny: considering they're the only thing keeping you alive rn? Not much
Jason: how the hell-right right, acting as a vein system....
Danny: in theory if you do manage to absorb the blob ghost, you won't have to deal with the rage anymore? That's a plus right?
Jason: I know we use them as snacks sometimes but they're also PETS, phantom!
Danny: wait, you're keeping it?
Jason: CaN YoU NoT SaY It lIkE ThAt?!
Constantine: what the fuck......*walks out*
BatMan: ???
Constantine: Manor's haunted.
Bruce: *cocks gun* always has been
Constantine: WTF?!
Batman: yes?? I know??
Constantine: byyyeeee
Batman: Constantine get back here!
Jason: shit. Goin' ghost! Damn you kid, for infecting me with your stupid phrase! *transforms*
Kon, Jon, and Superman: *physical and visual distress as they immediately scramble out of their chairs*
Jason: ??? What's wrong with you??
Jason: oh. OOH! Yeah, it does that.
Superfam: *visible distress and confusion*
Danny @ Jack with a little dance: you are my daaaaaad YOU'RE MY DAD!! Boogie woogie woogie!
Jason: hmm
Jason: *slides into the batcave*
BatKids: ??
Jason, trying to mimic Danny's dance: YOU ARE MY DAAAAD! YOU'RE MY DAD!! BOOGIE WOOGIE WOOGIE!!!!!
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Batman: "Dad.....?"
Batman: check out how hard I can cry! SUSHAUAABSIDBESJDDKEDB
[Note. May or may not be immediately after the previous meme]
Danny: *dies screaming*
Also Danny: *screm powers*
Jason: *died in explosion*
Also Jason: *Explody powers*
Jason: say hello to my BOOM STICK!!!!
The boom stick is a ghost glock. Jason can imbue it with his powers to make the targets explode upon impact.
Gotham: *starts crying*
Jason: SHIT-Gothi, what's wrong?!
Gotham: Why must you grow up??! Why can't you stay my little birdy!
Jason: look just because I said you don't have to mother me, doesn't mean-
Jason: *gets hurt*
Shades: so you've chosen death
Duke: shit, we're cornered!
Jason: don't worry, I got this! *High pitched scream*
Shades: *come rushing in to defend the baby*
Jason: relax, they're friendly.
Duke: I'm talking about how fucking girly that scream was J-*gets elbowed in the ribs*
Jason: You sure your name ain't Dick? Cuz you're sure acting like one!
Bike: *in batcave*
Also Bike: *suddenly in the dining room, just sitting there*
Damien: ?!
Damien: Todd, can you not leave your bike in random places in the house?! It's annoying!
Jason: my bike?? Oh, OH! That's just squishy, he moves on his own time.
Damien: are you saying your bike is alive Todd? Tt do you mistake me for an idiot?
Jason: why don't you ask the bike then?
Bike: *beeps*
Damien: *jumps 5ft into the air*
Dick: Jason, we need to talk.
Jason: *sigh* fine, I admit, I put him in the nicu, but he deserved it!
Dick: what?! No, I mean about your bike! What the hell are you talking about?!
Jason: ooh! Nevermind then, carry on!
Dick: Jason, this conversation isn't over.
Jason: jeez, you're starting to sound like Bruce, just tell me what you wanted!
Dick: your bike is crying.
Bike: *just realized it was stuck like this*
Jason: ?! Squishy?! *runs off*
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shieldofiron · 5 months
Eddie and Jason have a very healthy and hot relationship in the bedroom right? But Jason is a little annoyed because Eddie won't do innocent pda. Hold my hand? What? No, I'm smoking. Tries to put arm around Eddie's shoulder, is shaken off as a joke.
"It just feels like you only want sex."
"Babe, I love you."
"Then what the hell?"
Later Jason will complain to Chrissy who tells him what she thinks.
"Thats dumb. You've accidentally walked in on us enough to know he isn't shy."
"I'm telling you, he is. No one that brazen can take cuteness without exploding from it. You make Eddie all...explody."
Jason surprise holds Eddie's hands, their fingers lacing together and watches as deep red crawls up from Eddie's chest up his face to his ears.
"Oh my God."
"Shut up."
Kisses the tip pf Eddie's nose just to be sure and gets a fluster, shy eyed, stuttering Eddie.
"You are shy!"
"N-no I'm not! Maybe it's my love for you, huh, you punk? Ever think of how happy you make me and thats why I'm all like this?"
"So if I gave you a peck on the chin and hugged you right now?"
"Dont you dare. I have a reputation, babe. I gotta be dirty not...this."
Chrissy, watching from the sidelines with an unimpressed Billy, giggles.
"They're so cute."
"They're so stupid, you mean. All this time, all those dirty little things Munson does to Carver and a little hand holding and a kiss on the nose does him in?"
"Hey Billy? Are you shy?"
Steve, overhearing, winks at Billy causing him to turn bashful.
Chrissy smiles brightly
Billy groans.
All the boys in Chrissys life except for Steve and Jason are shy beans and I think thats adorable.
Jason force feeding Eddie PDA that he can barely handle is sooo real @oopsiedaisiesbaby are you seeing this???
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 5 months
Have you seen the latest MHA S7 OP ? The visual are so pretty, bkg has such a soft look! These days hori is drawing Katsuki with such smiling expressions so i wonder if bkg is going to have a change in personality like not being angry 24/7 etc what do you think ? His relation with izuku is definitely going to change but will deku accept this new soft side of kacchan?
Listen, my friend, and hear the gospel: Katsuki has always been soft.
Katsuki is known for bolstering his tough guy, shit-talking side, yes, absolutely. But his tough side and his soft side do not contradict each other, they complement each other. He is not suddenly not the guy who explosively roars or tells people off just because he's more comfortable showing himself to be thoughtful, reliable, considerate, compassionate, loyal, and selfless. He is still ferocious, ambitious, self-confident, and smug--a sore winner if there ever was one.
Hell, you see this on clear display in his fight against AFO. He's mocking that guy. Just utterly shitting on him. And it's fantastic.
Katsuki hasn't been "angry 24/7" since before Deku vs. Kacchan 2. I could quibble about how we're reading his character even earlier, but this point inarguably marks a change for him. We're now on chapter 421; the series is not over, but just those 301 chapters since DvK2 represent over 70% of its length. Even cutting the 40some chapters he was down for the count still allots us at least 60% of the story featuring some softer, more introspective, less combative flavor of Kacchan than what we began with.
I'm not trying to criticize you, anon -- but I do want to point these things out, because I think people underestimate and misread this kid sometimes. Don't buy into his bluster wholesale!
We're seeing Katsuki at his most comfortable, right now. We're seeing his truest self. He is allowing people to see the softness he has always had inside him, and I love it.
But Katsuki has always been and will always be feisty, snarky, and a little contrarian. He's always gonna roast the people he cares about for being thick-headed or careless or making his life hard. And then he's gonna be there for them anyway, which is what he's done for Izuku all this time.
As for how Izuku is gonna receive him, I have no doubt whatsoever that Izuku will beam at him with joy, satisfaction, and the occasional awe. He has accepted Katsuki as he is ever since DvK2, happy to be by his side to watch him better himself and then chase after him. They have been getting more and more comfortable with each other, working together, planning together, talking casually together.
I don't think their relationship is going to change much, other than the ways they are going to let each other in more. And gosh, what a joy that would be to see, huh?
It's all gravy from here on out, man.
Also the opening fucking rocked, and I absolutely yelled when I saw explody boy doing his fourth-wall-breaking gentle gaze at the camera. Izuku is very lucky to be the one those eyes land on more often than not, and he's superfan enough to be grateful even if he's not particularly self-aware!!!
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claypigeonpottery · 17 days
I'm sorry to hear about your explody & injured pieces :c
If it's ok to ask, do you know what likely caused the pottery to explode? I think i know a couple of the basic causes (i'm not a potter myself, i just like knowing stuff) but i'm sure you're plenty experienced enough to not make a hollow sealed piece on purpose, so i guess i'm just wanting to get a better idea of more subtle accidental causes of this, if you happen to know.
I'm glad most of your pieces survived though, and that you were still able to share photos of the un-fired pieces with us!
thanks, the anguish is lessening lol. having pictures of them does help. and I’ll be recreating all four of them over the next couple months.
the reason they exploded was because they were slightly damp in the centre. the water in the clay expands so fast as it turns to steam that the clay literally explodes.
and, fun fact, you can make a hollow sealed piece and fire it safely. I’ve seen someone make and fire a hollow sphere. but that’s a very common misconception. my first pottery teacher taught me that, and I didn’t learn it was false for a few years.
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thewickedkat · 2 years
i think the thing that offends me most about The Muskrat completely torpedoing Twitter (which, full disclosure, i do not use and have never used) is that he fully ignores the very human cost of what he's doing. not just laying employees off and firing them, but the fact that so many people, millions of them all around the world, rely on Twitter to get news (including journalism outfits), to advertise (hi, small businesses and artists and musicians), to start and sustain revolutions to oust dangerous and inhumane governments--and to do so all as fast as possible. say what you might about Twitter being unstable and whatnot, but it is also the fastest and easiest way to stay on top of going-on that literally could mean life or death for many people (i'm looking directly at Iran and Ukraine).
Elon does not care that he is staining his hands even more with blood, well beyond the child labour and terrible conditions used to make his explody-cars. he bought a fucking website because he got butthurt when he could have used a much smaller amount of his money to put a sizable and considerable dent in world hunger. but no--all one of his pwecious feewings got ouchied and the world's richest boy-bitch-baby is completely dousing social media in kerosene and laughing as he torches it.
it's sickening and disgusting and the grossest thing is that it won't affect him at all, not really. fines won't help, lawsuits will drag on and out painfully, but he won't suffer, not like the very regular and very real people who have to bear the fallout.
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systlin · 2 years
how does one get a job telling people they can't come into a building? is there something i need to put on my resume (very contrary, good at sitting, etc) to make hiring managers find me more appealing for the role?
So my actual day job is as a security officer; I'm the supervisor for my shift.
Telling people to go away has been an integral career skill for me. Telling angry people who are screaming to leave and not come back is a job skill. The best part of my job is that it is an express part of my job to NOT BE NICE TO RUDE ASSHOLES.
Now, tbh being a contrary asshole won't make you automatically good at the job. You still have to get along with your co workers, the clients at the site you work, ect. And for access control, a good deal of it is perfectly innocuous service providers or deliveries who have all the proper permissions and training and you just make polite small talk with them as you contact their site contact and direct them back to wherever they're going.
When I applied for the job....fuck, was it 8 years ago? No, fuck, 9...when I applied for the job nine years back, the things I put on my application that caught the hiring manager's eyes were
Customer Service skills
Willing to work nights and weekends (we don't get weekends or holidays off; sites are usually manned 24/7/365. Schedules vary, but I work 12 hour shifts and that works out to 3 days on/3 off, 4 days on/4 off. I do often work holidays. Holiday pay is higher.
Multitasking skills
Can keep calm in chaotic situations
Not easily intimidated
Basic computer skills. This last one is huge. You would be amazed how many people I've had to coach step by step through saving a word document during training.
MOST of the time, I am perfectly nice and pleasant. I've received regular commendations and bonuses from the security companies I've worked for because so many people comment on how nice and helpful the security lady was. Most people who show up at sites have a job to do there and want to do it and get paid, same as me.
HOWEVER, despite that at least weekly I deal with an asshole. My shift lets me. My boss jokes that it's like rolling a pumpkin full of ground beef into a lion enclosure. Best part of my job. I once worked retail, and telling asshole dudes to get off company property before I have them removed and/or banned from every other location of the huge multinational company I am stationed at is SO excellent.
Now. The important thing to remember as well about security is that yes, a lot of it is sitting for hours watching cameras or doing rounds through the same place over and over. It can be monotonous and boring.
HOWEVER, then sometimes you get a call like "PLEASE SEND HELP THE ENGINE IS ON FIRE" from a driver getting loaded in the plant. The plant which is filled with explody shit and human lives. This happened last Thursday. That, friend, is where I earn my pay.
I did my job. Sounded alarm, notified fire team, locked down the plant to keep anyone else out, ran accountability to make sure everyone in the plant had checked into shelter areas, all that stuff. Fire was out in 5 minutes. But you have to be able to not panic in that moment when you get that call, because otherwise everything can go to shit VERY fast.
So. Hope this helps!
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mintichoco · 2 years
'Boruto' series re-envisioned
tw. opinions (and the wording is all over a mess so read at your own risk), plot-bashing (is that even a thing?)
[This is my opinion on what Boruto, as a sequel to one of the greatest Shounen franchises should have been. Remember, this is entirely my wishful thinking and I don't mean to disrespect any of the writers, animators or the fandom.]
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Boruto, as an MC, had immense potential. This point has been chanted to the ground but it is true. He is a third gen Uzumaki and second gen Hyūga. And we all know Uzumaki have monstrous chakra reserves. What he needed was to work hard for it. Where was the training arc?
Think about it. We never got much backstrory about the Uzumaki clan and what their motives and morals were. It would have been cool to see another character use the chakra chains (beside Kushina and Karin). He could have explored Uzushio, the plot could've called for contacting the remaining Uzumaki who supposedly scattered all over the globe.
Maybe Boruto could have worked with seals? Minato, his grandpa, is known as one of the greatest seal masters. If the writers were going for symbolism, why not use that?
Same goes for his Hyūga lineage. We get so much info about the Uchiha in Naruto, it could have been refreshing to see the Boruto lore delve into the Hyūga faction, which isarguably the third (or even the second, not counting the Senju) strongest clan in Konoha.
Think of all the jutsu Boruto could have had in his arsanel with a Byakugan. It's hightime they get the deserved recognition.
Coming to another member of Team 7, Mitsuki is a clever character idea but ultimately wasted postential as well.
If the power scaling continues to get upped in the pace as it is now, there will be nothing left for the Time Skip. Shippuden gave us Sage Mode but Mitsuki already has that. Viewers will look for something new and we all know even Kishimoto wrote himself up a wall with Rinnegan and the Otsutsuki race. What will Ikemoto give then?
Speaking of Otsutsuki, it was sort of dissapointing to see them getting introduced this fast. Some will say Boruto is slow paced and yes, I agree, but in terms of keeping that air of anonymity, it fails terribly.
It would have worked better if instead of Momoshiki landing like a bug out a tree, they got clues and rumors instead.
The whole Code and Kara situation should've been handled first and then led to the reveal of an Otsutsuki nest, perhaps?
Or a portal like the one in Last to a mirror dimension or somthing where the Otsutsuki live? Maybe a dive into how they came to be? It is revealed that humans are an entirely different race and what we see of the Naruto cast are a mix between Otsutsuki and humans.
Also, WHERE IS THE BACKSTORY? Same thing with Hyūgas really. The Hamura thing came out of nowhere. The Last is a below average excuse to tie up loose ends.
Now, Kawaki, I have a love-hate relationship with him. On one hand his backstory provides the perfect intro to post-war tragedies (and a hc of mine that smaller villages in the outskirts still get ignored in favour of the capitals)
But he just feels like a dollar-store Sasuke. As if the writers were like, oh Boruto needs a rival? Add in an angsty guy to contrast his sunny demeanor. I know this is a recurring trope in shounen but it works because it is handled well.
And people say Boruto is handed everything on a silver platter? Kawaki basically lives with the freaking Head of the Village, the elite of the elites, is looked after by the former heir to the Hyūga and gets to be a genin because he has a cool explody power? And all that why? Because he is a mistreated orphan? (what about the kids who lost their parents in the war? what about aforementioned kids in small-sized villages? what about cases like sumire? what makes Kawaki SPECIAL, naruto?)
Kawaki shouldn't have been given any of those benifits. Let him figure out how the world works, let him make mistakes, show his potential as a good guy, let him prove himself as a character worth stanning. Give him a serious politics-based arc explaining that part of the Boruto era rather than some murderers chasing a boy with some magical cure.
Coming to the side characters (yes, I'm saving Sarada for later and there is a reason behind it), let's start with Shikadai. First thought, he is the most carbon-copied version of his dad out of every next gen character.
It's no news that scenarios and often characters revered as prodigies are dumbed down to make him shine but imo most of it is owed to the factor that there is no element of suspense or an ultimatum for that matter.
Kakashi, Minato, Itachi, Orochimaru, Shisui worked as prodigal characters because of the situation. It was war time and kids were forced to grow up. The stakes were high and even then, the plot revolving around them was such that it made them raise the bar higher.
Shikadai seems flat compared to many characters. Remember, Shikamaru was not called a prodigy, he even flunked tests because he was too lazy, but whenever the situation was tense, us viewers could count on his snippets of thoughts for a clarification, or little behaviors to show he realized and often times refused to work for what is right over what is needed because that is smartness, taking a level-headed decision with the least collateral.
On the other hand, Shikadai is fed information and he just 'explains' stuff like a NPC.
I can't help but think, what if Shikadai inherited Temari's temper? Mix that with Shikamaru's actual genius (not the baby puzzle-solving we see in that one arc with Kakashi) and he could be one of the team members to look for clue about the Otsutsuki's existence. Also, I'd like more windstyle-user Shikadai plz.
Moving on to Inojin. He is also one of those characters that I neither like nor dislike. He's just... there.
What Boruto needs is better world-building and ain't no better way to accomplish that than exploring side characters. Inojin doesn't have an affinity for the Yamanaka mind-body-switch so make him train for other stuff.
Let viewers know where jutsu like that stems from (yin and yang release), give him some productive time with the border patrol, stress on the fact that Konoha's citizen don't go to sleep at peace just knowing Naruto will pull some god-level jutsu.
The Yamanaka are an extremely important part of the security system. Remember how Inoichi was part of the team figuring out Pain's black chakra recievers? Make Inojin do something similar with, perhaps some Otsutsuki relic or remains (going with the mystery au)
Then comes Chocho. How to put it simply? At first I despised her. And no, it has nothing to do with her appearance. Actually, I find her and that new girl from the recent Labyrinth Game arc, Batta, amazing.
The fact lies with her attitude. Tell me one attribute that comes to mind while thinking of her other than Butterfly mode and eating chips. Sure, she loves to eat, we get it. The fact again boils down to her falling flat as a character.
Chocho could use her lightning release in many ways and it must be strong too, considering her mother comes from Kiri. She could have earth-release, that would be great to see as none of the main cast prior to this have that.
And if they are going for a Ino-like character, let the girl have some reality to her. A twelve-year old girl is far mature and has other troubles than just thinking about cute boys and girls.
She can retain that aspect but make her serious when it comes to missions, or her family, show her spending time partaking in her hobbies that do not include eating, ogling at movie stars and muttering un-funny jokes and inuendos. Give her depth, for a lack of better words.
And for Hagoromo's sake, LET THESE KIDS HAVE SOME SORT OF GOAL and not just exist because their parents hooked up smh.
Last but not least, Sarada. I, like many others, really like her character. She isn't yet another girl who despises anything remotely 'girly' and is not afraid to show her emotions and voice her thoughts loud and clear. She is practical and relatively smart without being an overkill.
What bugs me is her very existence.
No, I do not want to get roped into a 'sasusaku : good or bad' debate but they just don't make sense to me. And this is coming from someone whose first anime ship as a ten-year-old was sasusaku.
In any case, Naruto (not citing the last few chapters) made it clear that Sasuke did not see Sakura nor Karin as a romantic interest. And honestly, I still am onboard with him being an aro ace because, hello representation!
And whatever happened behind the scenes post The Last are only headcanons, so the idea of Sasuke suddenly marrying Sakura seems a stretch to me. Let alone him having a kid who he suddenly cares so much about after ignoring her for twelve years...(coming to the problem of 'as to why he did that anyway' later)
Sarada, in my opinion, should not exist.
Like, okay, Naruto has a kid but why should Sasuke as well because of that? PTSD is a thing and we are repeatedly shown that Sasuke has grown a fear of familial bonds due to obvious reasons.
If we calculate their ages, the new gen was born sometime when they were 20-23 y/o. Yeah, I'm willing to bet Sasuke did not get past that nagging anxiety of eighteen years in just three or four.
If they wanted to make Sasuke the mysterious sensei figure who is rarely in town and is always going in these crazy amazing solo missions, don't make him a deadbeat dad. Come onnn...
Canon!Sasuke would never just abandon his wife and child for the sake of the village that ruined his family (again, trust issues), the village that he saw ab*sing a child because of something out of his control (who's to say Sarada was not picked on and scrutinized because she is a former nuke-nin's kid and an Uchiha like Naruto was due to Kurama?)
Instead, Sasuke should have just been a traveller. He should still be wandering the nations to find his way in life, being someone beyond an Uchiha and escaping the burden that was placed on his shoulders at a very young age.
You know how I keep mentioning the small villages that probably get ignored? Show him helping them, him cleaning up traces of corrupted organizations like in the last few episodes of the anime.
Show his kinder, softer side in a believable way (not the comic relief that Boruto provides), show us him seeing the beauty in life and finding a reason to live.
The Sasuke we see now just feels like an empty shell. I remember seeing a post the other day saying that he showed genuine emotions in Shippuden but now he looks like he has lost all motivation to even stay alive. And he was definitely guilt-tripped into returning to Konoha.
Yes, that would mean Sakura would remain either unmarried or marry some no-name character. Though, that seems unlikely as her pining over Sasuke eliminated all chance of relationship progress with any other character.
It would be refreshing to see her let go of her childhood crush and just moving on, leaving behind the last link to a Sakura she did not accept, the one she changed. I don't mind having an episode dedicated to them having a heart-to-heart as good old pals, all romantic feelings aside.
Maybe on that bench too, if you get what I mean. It would show us how far they have come, as shinobi, as Konoha's ninja and as people, from naïve kids to being the village's pillars.
Now, as to what the overall plot of Boruto should be, I have this idea of the war still going on when Naruto ends. Just hear me out.
If Ikemoto wants to resolve the Otsutsuki matters in this series, why not begin it with an intense fight scene where the generations following the main cast (Konohamaru and the rest) are fighting some low rank entities who serve the Otsutsuki.
It could lead to multiple of these strange class of aliens attacking from portals like ones the Rinnegan creates and base the entire series as a survival genre. Not only would that raise the stakes from being a one-episode conflict resolve, as it is now, it would mean the generation in the middle would become hardened veterans who the kids could look up to, not cannon fodder.
Make the prior war times return, but this time with an unknown race altogether. Make rifts between the Alliance, comment on how that affects the social and economical standings of various nations, involve the Daimyo.
Naruto can still be the all-powerful Hokage but make the rest of the caste equally useful.
Another idea that just popped up while writing this: what if they made mosters like in the Worm series appear? That threaten the world and some villages are forced to break the truce as they believe some ancient jutsu caused these attacks but cannot figure out from which nation.
Not even jutsu, it can be scientific modelling too since the Boruto era are scientifically far advanced.
Maybe I'm just reaching but with the huge power scaling like they have done, the stakes actually need to be high. Or else, every situation that they come across, we know they will get through it because of high rank jutsu they possess.
And for the last issue, just 'Boruto'. As in, the name. I'm aware it is supposed to be an homage to Neji but it feels so rip-off. There are so many good ones like : Hiro(for its irony as he is to be a hero and it starts with 'H'), Akihiro (personal favorite, means bright), Kaito (means ocean, an homage to the land of whirlpools), Asahi (mirror's Hinata's name meaning which is sun), Shinya (genuine, personal favorite), etc. etc.
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A/N : That is it for this part. I can make another as I have ideas just buzzing in my mind and no time to turn them into fanfiction. Let me know if you enjoyed these and feel free to PM or reblog adding your own ideas too!
Also, anyone wanna be friends? 😅 I really want to rant about Naruto with someone and none of my friends watch enough anime to even comprehend what I'm saying most times.
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is Artificer your favorite Slugcat? is there a second favorite one? and why!
(Thanks for reading, love your art <3 :D)
Oh boi oh boi
Yeah Arti is my favorite because of 2 reasons: she reminds me of my other fav character (Undyne Undertale) and, well, ANGST
Yeah, the more angst the character has in their story, the bigger chance that they have to become my favorite
OH AND HEY, WANNA FUNNY THING? So, like, revenge theme was always, like, my thing. I wrote a THREE fanfics in HTTYD fandom with this theme. The first one was Hiccup killing people for Toothless' death, then vise versa, then (really funny) they both killed for each other, thinking that the other was dead. Fun thing that Toothless' style of revenge was similar to Arti's. I mean, kill everyone. No you can't read them (unless you know russian)
Sorry, i got distracted haha
So, you can guess that on the second place i have Hunter and Saint. Yes, both of them. Why Hunter isn't the first place? Weeell... Idk? When character dies, they just die, the end. When character loses someone they love... They get to live and suffer. Yeah. But still, being on a countdown? Angsty enough.
And Saint... Well, i like them mostly for their brainblast power. Yeah, if the character is strong and/or has some cool power i will probably also like them.
On the third place i have Spearmaster, and i should mention them because back in 2021 i thought they would be my favorite. Because that time we already knew many things about Downpour (which wasn't a thing yet, it was just More Slugcats, legendary mod). And there were like few gameplay videos and a whole stream with Spearmaster's campaign. And i remember that the person was told not to go to shoreline because of the massive spoilers (we were like WHY IS TGAT, IS IT BECAUSE MOOOON IS ALIIVEE???) (we were right lol). Instead they went to five pebbles and he ripped out the pearl from SM. And i was like OMG SO CRUEL I LOVE IT LOOK THEY'RE BLEEDING THEY'RE BLEEDING THEY HAVE FUCKING SCAR!!! and i immediately got few headcanons, that after the Wanderer (from Drought mod) failed their mission on bringing the gold pearl to Five Pebbles, SRS was mad so he took another slugcat, modified them without asking, sew a perl in them so they won't lose it and won't give it to Moon and sent to FP. And i was like OMG ANGST MM YUM YUM
And now it turned out that SRS is actually a good guy and actually cares about Spear and it's no fun ☹️ but the pearl episode is still great yum yum yum
Funny thing that about Arti we knew that she is, well, SHE, and that she fights scavs, has explody powers and cant stay underwater. And karma 1 locked. About Saint we knew that they have brain blast powers and were wondering if they gonna have it in the new version or no. Btw, i started shipping Artisaint in that time too. Like, strong, loud killer and weak quiet saint who can't even hold spears.
Oh well. I'm talking for too long now. Thanks for the question i guess 😅
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insomniaruler · 1 year
Making my hyperfixations intersect bc I can!
Soooo….. some of the emperors and the Fear I think they’d serve
S1: The Lonely
- based mostly on aesthetic
- the cold
- died alone
- all his relationships failed kinda-
- rich (was a king)
S2: The Spiral
- once again based on aesthetics alone
- shifting colours
- two tone eyes
- just ✨appears✨
- kinda tragic if you want him to be (like Micheal:()
- gay
S1: The Corruption (maybe the End)
- mushrooms and assorted fungi
- once again fucking tragic :(
- spread Xornoth’s corruption
S2: The Hunt (maybe the dark)
- Skulk-by Skulk-by Skulk-by
- easily angered
- seems normal at first
- took her shirt off <3
- lesbians
- in love with their gf / would kill for their partner
S1: The Vast (or the Lonely)
- the ocean = the vast
- left everything and everyone behind = the lonely
- skrunkly little shit
- weird
- gets killed easily
S2: the End (maybe the Web)
- hnnngggg deaths canary goes brrrrrrr
- get’s killed a lot
- uh- mostly chose bc of the Canary Curse
- The Web because of the Watchers :P
S1: The Spiral
- colours <3
- was called the mad king
- lost everything because of a couple of decisions outside of his control :(
S2: the web (the stranger has a toe in the door
- mostly because of ‘Fear of change’ because of the fan theory that S1 = S2 joel
- the web because yknow, God
- also puppet Jimmy with Joel at the strings
S1: The Eye (or the end tbh)
- saw deaths come and go
- smart
- curious
- not much physical strength
- sarcastic
- Seemed to know things he shouldn’t have
- has the capacity for lots of violence (Phantom Assassin)
S2: The Web
- the lore man™️
- Seems to always have a hand in everything
- lots of spiders in the catacombs?
S1: The Vast (maybe the Lonely)
- the ocean
- ate a bit of the ocean = the sky ate my son ?
- alone out there on the ocean
- lots of boats
- almost scary?
S2: The Flesh (maybe not 100 on this one)
- animal
Fwhip (right off the bat The Eye because Admin)
S1: the Desolation
- haha funny explody man
- explosions are his jam
- burned his life to the ground
S2: The Buried
- lives underground
- uhhh- affiliated w death bc of Jimmy?
- funky
- can be ignored by sheer force of will alone (Joshua Gillespie my beloved)
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stratusstormcloud · 9 months
rain world/pixel cats end crossover anyone (deranged unorganized rambling below cut)
the thing about not-earth having two moons with one smaller than the other. what if i change it so that in not-cat mythology there used to be moons but theyre gone now and also theyre siblings. this is surely not foreshadowing
ascended saint with a golden karma ten halo and white antlers
mercat rivulet (maybe? have to see what mercats look like)
dragoncat spearmaster??
moon is nestor and pebbles shaped rot cyst is SoN (real pebbles is mia)
imagine the not-cats banding together to make a big flower crown for moon so she can celebrate snowmelt with them
saint is definitely essence aspect
ranger spearmaster with double shot
scout rivulet with sprint
guardian gourmand because tank
max level fighter artificer so they can maul + maybe multiclassing as whatever the magic class is with magma aspect for explody fire powers
if each aspect does get a guardian suns is sun or magma, wind is sky or frost, ui is sea and sig is flora or growth. pebbles was earth and moon was moon before [insert this au's version of the rot incident here]. sliver is essence
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brandwhorestarscream · 10 months
Cryptoid Seeker SS courting Megatron by bringing him his enemies (injured from capture, not dead. Still fun to hunt).
I imagine seekers having a specific ritual for non-seeker mates. Maybe zooming around, doing general Arial feats, bring their mates the injured enemies as an offering (similar but dulled down version of the seeker to seeker wing offering)?
Btw, the zooming and offering thing is found in Falcons. That, or they bring them Shiney things. But eh.
I also feel like cybermorphs courting would be super stupid. Like a wasps. Like, sitting on the ground, staring right at their desired mate, making a very specific buzzing sound kind of stupid. That, or maybe something like a white pufferfish (who draws weird geometric patterns in the sand to attract a mate). Imagine both. Megs draws a circle thing, sits in the middle, and stares at SS. That'd be hilarious.
Maybe some hidden horror with some mantis like behaviors? But combined with some wasp behavior, resulting in a bite to the neck cables that numbs the mates senses, making them unaware enough not to hold back? That'd be fragged up.
Or even? Some hidden secret that only seekers get affected in a different way than most. Like, they end up with seeker eggs that hold the cybermorphs eggs inside? And when the eggs do the explody thing, the cybermorphs are the squishy inside, having already combined with the seekerling to make this super parasitic version that makes housing one 10x worse.
Sorry for the long rant. I love the cryptiods.
Do not ever apologize for going on long rants, they genuinely make my day so much better 💖 first of all I love everything you've put here, but BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE!
I need to know more about the seekerling-cybermorph crossover. Tell me everything. Like the inside of the eggs, I wanna know every little detail about it. When you say the explodey thing, do you mean the cryptid seekerlings rupturing from their egg sacs early and seeking host in nearby fuel tanks? Cuz that's not always what happens with them, and is in fact an emergency defense mechanism to maximize survival chance. Usually they just carefully break free of their shells when their development is complete. So, tell me about these eggs, squishy cybermorph filling, I need to know! Gimme every. Single. Detail 👀 cuz like. All my mind is envisioning is like. A two layer egg, whetein the baby cybermorph is the center, kinda like the yolk, and an individual baby seekerling is in the outermembrane, and. Obviously that's not what's happening 😅 but super parasitic babies that are 10 times worse? I need to know!!
Also just, hear me out 👀 I love all these courtship ideas, but I'd like to pitch something to make it even funnier. Cybermorphs are very recent development on Cybertron in the grand scheme of things, and have only been around for a handful of generations (probably less than 5). Megatron is from the very first gen, so consider: even he doesn't entirely understand courtship. It's entirely instinctual and the logical part of him doesn't understand these weird urges. Like... what about this weird vibration/frequency he's giving off is attractive? The weird geometry, why is that considered attractive? He's a stranger to his own biology--the entire planet is, really--and secretly he's rather frustrated and embarrassed about it. He tries to match Starscream's energy, but what can he do for someone that can cross the entire planet in only a few megacycles? He can't just leave his hive and go gallavanting around just to impress the potential sire of his future children. Maybe he turns to tactics and battlefield prowess to impress him; it's a good thing too, because Starscream loves some good bloodshed 🤭
I'm also super down for the numbing bite. Cryptid seekers already spit venom, and the cybermorph biology is largely underdeveloped, so honestly either of them could. Maybe Starscream is venomous, Megatron is poisonous XD maybe he produces some kind of intoxicating pheromone that dulls the senses or hypnotizes, as a queen variant 🤔 or maybe it's a toxic, addictive aphrodisiac? Maybe he can produce multiple varieties! Something that releases inhibitions and makes his partner go hard, fast, and uncaring, with fertilization being the only important thing
Regardless. Terrifying parasitic Megatron and Starscream being fuck buddies that coparent? I love it
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platonicallylovesick · 3 months
And now, some excerpts from my watch notes. Spoilers.
Today's victim: Bakugo. I'll highlight the ones that arent just recapping events, from the beginning of the show, to where i am now, partway through season 3.
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this is the best pic i have of him rn bear with me
"You don't stand a chance without a quirk🫵😒"
"People look at them and just know they're destined for greatness" Baby, all people see when they look at you is a near miss for FAS be so fr
I know you prolly wanna go to the big leagues hero school to escape your shitty home life or whatever, but honestly take a peek in the mirror, this is what peaking looks like
Kacchan needs to chill tf out. Dude is like 99% rage and 1% confidence. Okay so you moved up ONE GRADE and aren't the coolest bestest ever anymore, but seriously that is why it is a SCHOOL babe, it is for you TO LEARN.
this kid needs like... so much therapy. when tf do we get his backstory because like what the actual hell.
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I LOVE and ADORE Bakugo and Kirishima's relationship. He's kinda Kacchan's only friend. He can make himself as hard as a rock with his Quirk, so Kacchan's explosions have no effect on him. In a symbolic sense, his explosive personality doesnt phase him either, he's really the only one who not only tolerates Kacchan, but actively chooses to hang out w/ him. Kirishima drags him to every event and hangout to force him to get some kind of social time with the rest of the class and kinda tempers his rage. Its REALLY REALLY sweet and I love it so much
"I dont care if theyre my classmates, I wanna beat them up so Im the strongest >:(" "Yeah whatever man I love your determination >:)"
"That kid's got spunk!" "He's like a mini version of you." "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! YOU NEED TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I BLAST YOU ALL THE WAY TO HELL!" "Yeah sure."
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obsessed with him actually
"cmon get it bakugo!!" (Kirishima is) HIS #1 SUPPORTER
Kacchan and Tokoyaki (the explody angry guy and the bird headed guy) got turned into marbles and stolen by the villains
I KNOW I mentioned how much I LOVE Kirishima Because he's currently fighting with several people to let him go after Kacchan. Because he's literally his only genuine friend.
Kirishima and Kacchan are freaking everything to me right now.
"Now i'm not in your debt" UH HUH YEAH MAN NICE COVER
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I NEED to see their ship content
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chiangyorange · 2 years
Soda stabby <3
(v excerpts taken from chapter 6 v)
sherlockcorn: explody sody Bootyyyshaker9000: … Bootyyyshaker9000: I hate how compelling that argument is. sherlockcorn: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sherlockcorn: its finally time for that nasty cough syrup elixir to perish
first of all; they are teens, theyre gonna do stupid meaningless shit sometimes and it means SO much to me. ALSO!! presenting this implies that this isnt the first time they exploded sodas!
sherlockcorn: then i saw a pack of 12 mini bottles with a cute little cherries on them and i had to try them cause u know chchchchchcherry bomb i had to
april is gay cherry bomb is my reference to show that she is gay. thats it thats all i have to say on this.
sherlockcorn: they were cheap for a reason ig and now ive just been waiting for an excuse to get rid of them sherlockcorn: they haunt my dorm sherlockcorn: so now they DIE
april had been HAUNTED by these sodas and ofc, like any friend group, when you discover the most heinous shit ever, you make it everyone else's problem too to share the burden of knowledge.
then the actual sodie splosions
NeonLeon: [video description: Mikey is seen standing away from the camera in a darkly lit parking lot at night. He is holding his arms up and behind him with a bottle of soda in his hands. Leo’s voice is heard, “Okay go!” Mikey throws the soda down hard on the concrete. It bounces two times before the neck of the bottle breaks and soda burst out of it, making the bottle spin more times. Surprised shouts are heard when the bottle spins towards the camera. /end video description]
leo has always been mikey's hypeman and its SO endearing to me. THATS HIS LITTLE BROTHER!!!!! HE CARES ABT HIM SO MUCH!!!!! and gah. GAH. when the older sibling lets you do something cool instead of them that literally means the fucking world are you kidding me?
esp with how much mikey looks up to leo, this moment is saying "i am good enough to do this dumb stupid shit because if i do thisi dumb stupid shit im more like my brother and i love my brother"
green2: A story in 3 pics green2: [image id: A picture of the same dark parking lot from the previous video. In the dark, two eyes are seen reflected from the distance. /end id] green2: [image id: An open soda bottle is thrown at the eyes, the liquid visibly spilling out of the neck. The picture is blurry with motion. /end id] green2: [image id: Leonardo is standing in the view of the camera with eyes closed. There is soda splashed on his face, neck, and shoulders. /end id] 
fleo unintentionally scaring the kids and being immediately punished by having soda thrown on him is fucking hilarious to me but other than that, he was checking up on them!
its late at night and while splinter is used to the late night teenage shenanigans, fleo ISNT. casey jr is a good boy and i dont rlly personally imagine him as being the type to go out alone and fuck around during the apocalypse, and its a habit the present teens are trying to slowly break out of him.
so obviously, fleo would kiiiiinda get worried about where the teens were so late at night and went out to check on them after asking splints and checking on casey sleeping in the lair
Bootyyyshaker9000: [video description: Leonardo is sitting down with April standing in front of him opening a 16 ounce soda bottle. April says, “Smell first.” and offers the bottle to Leonardo. He takes the bottle in hand and sniffs, immediately backing away with a scrunched face.  “That is not soda, this is a chemical.” he replies. April faces the camera and looks off screen with a pointed look while Leonardo pauses and takes a tentative sip while she is turned away. Leonardo sputters and coughs, doubling over himself. The bottle crushes in his hands and the soda spills all over the concrete. April backs away quickly with a yelp. /end video description]
fleo is still a leo and hes not immune to getting stupid ideas.
sherlockcorn: [image id: a pocket knife is stabbed through a soda bottle right through the middle. The soda inside is leaking out. Donnie is seen in the background looking at something off camera with a soda in hand. /end id] sherlockcorn: nasty soda die <3
sometimes people dont write april unhinged enough and im personally fixing that /lh
no but fr this is a girl who canonically has a canoe and hazmat suit ON HAND. IN NEW YORK.
queen shit
i love her so much she means the world to me. blunt weapon wielders hold a special place in my heart and they just hit different. LITERALLY!!!!!
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