#Rim God AU
dragonner0 · 1 month
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Leshy - an Understanding
He hadn't quite had the time to think about it, but now he realized. He was near-enough invulnerable to any conventional means of war with his cataphract armor, his footsteps thundered in his wake, he could cut through most light armor with the Champion sword at his hip, and now, he could finally see again. He felt amazing, but there was a part of him that whispered something he couldn't quite discern.
Leshy felt like a god again, and yet something was missing. But what?
He was contemplating that question when he was approached by Emanuel. "May I sit here?" He asked, gesturing to the seat Leshy's legs covered.
Leshy hummed, then grunted and shifted so that he was sitting upright. "Seat's open," he said.
Emanuel didn't like him. He knew that. They tolerated each other, if only because there were only eleven or so people in their settlement, but the fire-loving yellow cat would much rather sit with someone other than Leshy, if the other couch cushions weren't bein replaced after a mold problem. He'd never said why. To be fair, one could easily infer.
Emanuel opened his book, the title reading simply "the Kindly Panda" at the top of a simple cover. There were several bookmarks in it, Emanuel's being a fiery orange-yellow at about the halfway mark.
"Is it good?" Leshy asked absentmindedly. His own bookmark was sitting in one of the tomes on the bookshelf, but he really wasn't a big reader. The tomes were weird, anyways.
Emanuel didn't answer for a second, but eventually said, "it's the best we've got. Which isn't much."
Leshy merely hummed, tapping his foot lightly. The two of them were silent for a long time, then a lifter rolled up next to Emanuel and set a small note in his lap. The worm apparently didn't get to see what the note said, but he was pretty sure he saw a list and some coordinates.
Whatever it was, Emanuel sighed in annoyance and put his bookmark back in the book. "The one time I get to rest," he said, patting the small mechanoid as he stood. "Oh no, we can't just make some vegetarian meals for a while, no. We need to get meat and keep hunting and never stop, not even when we're exhausted, because we're out of steel and we're-"
"Would you like a companion?"
Emanuel stopped in the middle of his spiel. "I- you're offering to accompany me?" He asked, staring bewildered at the worm.
Leshy shrugged. "I don't have much else to do."
Emanuel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "No, of course you don't. Why would you. You're our friendly neighborhood cataphract, of course."
"I have a champion sword," Leshy offered, patting the grip at his waist. "Plus, a fresh extra pair of eyes has to count for something, doesn't it?"
Emanuel stared for a few seconds, then sighed. "Let me get my gun first. Then you can go mess around in the snow with your blasted sword."
As it turns out, giving a man a sword that can cut through nearly anything without substantial armor is a great way to keep them from shutting up. This was sis fifth - or perhaps it was sixth - time asking Emanuel if he could just run in and use his sword.
"For the last time, no," the yellow cat said, exhausted already. "Your big, heated sword will probably burn up all the good meat. I, on the other hand, intend to be precise with my shots."
"Yes, because your exploding gyrojets will be so much better at preserving your game's condition," Leshy teased, grinning beneath his helmet.
"I have accuracy and well-laid traps on my side," Emanuel said in return, focusing back in on the sights of his LMG. "Gyrojets are instant and deadly, unlike your sword, and I can know exactly how it will affect the victim." As he said that, he let loose a couple rounds, three of which sent wood chips and soil scattered along the snow, and the fourth went straight into it's target - a stallion - exploding in its chest.
"My, such good preservation of meat," Leshy mocked when the sound of small explosions stopped echoing between the mountains. "We could definitely salvage... a couple legs from that. So long as Heket remembers her centuries of practice butchering, at least."
Emanuel growled, but stood to collect his kill anyways. "I was trying to scare it further into the trees," he said, slinging his weapon around his back. "Every time I want to hit something I barely hit my mark, but the moment I'm not shooting to kill... lamb damn it."
"I would've done better with a sword," Leshy mused.
That was Emanuel's snapping point. "Oh, well I'm sorry big guy, but I don't know if you noticed, but I'm the one hunting and you are the one who decided to stick along, so could you please either-" He stopped for a moment. "Actually, why am I offering you to stay? Go back to the temple, worm. And stay there."
"Eh, the temple's noisy," Leshy said simply. "I prefer it out here."
"I did not offer you to go back I told you," Emanuel hissed. "Go do- whatever. I don't care."
Leshy, of course, couldn't quite do whatever. Since Andrea, Damios, Yocum, and Rozzie were all out doing something-or-other in the Mule, they didn't have any new work being qued up, and the hydroponics farming was all that survived for winter. All that needed harvesting was the cotton, for which they happened to have an Agrihand. The last thing that Leshy wanted to do with his new sight was operate some drill or carve stone chunks in the quarry, especially since they also had a Tunneler named "Mr. Krabs" specifically for that.
He, of course, summed all that up as "I'd rather stay."
Emanuel simply hissed, before turning sharply and trudging through the snow to claim her kill. Leshy followed, finding it much easier given his attire weighed several times as much as he did. "Go find the rest of the stallions, and don't talk to me," he growled, kneeling just outside the puddle of blood and burned gore that sank into the snow.
Leshy frowned, but listened to the cat nonetheless. Annoying people was fun, especially getting people to start a fight with him, but for some reason, it felt... different with Emanuel. Sure, it felt different with his siblings and the Lamb, but he understood why. Everyone else usually just ignored it for the most part, which was fair, and he gave them all space.
So why does Emanuel feel different?
Rather than focusing on the odd feeling, which meant tucking it away into a far corner of his mind, and instead stopped to listen for the sounds of hooves on the snow. They would be muffled by the snow, but after more than a millennium of blindness, he had learned to pick up on far softer sounds.
There was a bird somewhere, singing its rather serene song. His branch-like antlers twitched as a gust of wind rattled a few leafless trees, and somewhere he heard a loose branch fall.
He heard something running. Something big - a muffalo or a bear, if he had to guess. Maybe it was chasing Emanuel's game.
It was getting closer. Not to him, but to the still-in-the-open Emanuel. He whirled around on the spot and saw that Emanuel had perked up, his ears swiveling as he listened to probably the same thing as Leshy.
Then he jumped up and yelled "Shit!" as he scrambled to get out his gun, only for a maddened megasloth to headbutt him to the ground before he could get his first shots off.
Leshy, being quick to respond, charged at the large mammal, his hand going to the hilt of his sword and swinging it at the attacker, the not-yet-solidified living metal leaving a deep gash on its arm. Rather than focus on him, however, it bit into Emanuel's ankle and thrashed, somehow not quite managing to rip the foot off. As its head swung toward Leshy, the worm quickly brought down his now-solid sword on its neck, cutting through the spinal cord. As the body collapsed, lifeless, he passed the blade to his off hand and wedged his foot between the creatures jaws, using his and his free hand to pull them open.
Emanuel's foot... had seen better days. Leshy was sure that, even with Glitterworld medicine, he'd need a prosthetic. He'd live, despite his swearing.
But there were two megasloths in the area. Leshy was violently reminded of that when a two-ton beast tackled him, sending them both rolling into a deep ditch, his sword lost in the process.
With little else to do, Leshy punched at the creature, but Scaria wouldn't let the animal stop, even as his bionic arm broke its rib.
He thought for a moment that he'd be killed there, once it managed to dig its claws in his devilstrand fabric. Pain sprang up in the side of his head as one of his antlers was snapped. He thought he saw something moving at the top of the ditch, before a large paw blocked his sight.
Then he heard gunshots, and he was showered in deep red. The megasloth went still, noticeably lighter than it had been originally. After a moment, he heard Emanuel call down, "Leshy? Fuck, I didn't hit you did I?"
Slowly, Leshy heaved the animal corpse off of himself and got into a sitting position, looking up at the yellow cat. Then he began to laugh as the adrenaline in his system did its work.
"Stop laughing!" Emanuel called down. "I need - fuck, I need help! I-I'm sorry for earlier but- fucking Lamb, my leg!"
Leshy found it quite hard to stop laughing, despite the circumstances.
Watching Emanuel was boring.
The cat did nothing but read, really. Sometimes he said something, sometimes not. Leshy tried to get him to play a game, no budge. So then he tried getting some spare Smokeleaf(even though Kallamar would probably be very angry to learn his brother got his patient high), just for a reaction, but still almost nothing.
And yet he kept coming back. He didn't know why, it wasn't like Kallamar would have any other patients, but Leshy was almost always with Emanuel.
The only word he got came lust before his injured leg was going to be replaced by the bionic one Lambert got off a caravan.
"Thank you," he said. "For saving me. I just wanted to say that before I went under."
Leshy nodded. "Your welcome," he responded. "I guess you owe me one."
"We're even, at best," Emanuel said before he took his anesthetic. A few seconds of silence passed before Emanuel asked, "what exactly does it feel like... having a bionic limb?"
Leshy thought for a long moment, rolling his mechanical arm and feeling the servos twitch and flex. "It's like... having a part of you that isn't a part of you, I guess. It's... not exactly something I can describe."
Emanuel hummed. "Well, I guess we'll see."
Leshy nodded again, then stood. "I should go. The healroot needs harvesting," he said, despite it already being hours after he perhaps should have gone to harvest it.
There that same feeling was. He still couldn't quite figure out what it was, but Emanuel had something to do with it. Curious. He'd have to ask Shamura about it sometime.
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year
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Be careful what you wish for
You may already have it.
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russilton · 6 months
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Omg they were drift compatible…
Happy birthday @milflewis ur pacific rim au makes me profoundly feral, so have some baby pilot Valewis
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greenerteacups · 6 months
hi GT!
Lionheart had me the moment you kicked it off with “it’s a nice day to start again.” Might i ask why you chose that particular line?
And, if you havent already answered to this emoji:
P.s: you have my eternal gratitude for creating the most brilliant piece of writing i’ll ever read. I shout about it from the rooftops, share it on my socials, requested my spouse to read it so we may discuss it together (in lieu of a present for my 30th birthday), et cetera.
I see from your URL you are a fellow lad of taste.
There's a couple things going on in the epigraph for Book 1. On one level, it's a lyric from the first muggle song I picture Draco listening to on his walkman at the end of the book, so there's a cute full-circle thing there. The second layer is the theme of change and redemption, which, in Lionheart, doesn't so much come from major moments or self-sacrifice, but from the slow, grueling, everyday work of living, and living better. It's a nice day to start again because every day is. You always have the opportunity to start making better choices, no matter what lies behind you. That's the thesis of any Draco redemption arc, right? You have to imagine that he could have chosen to be better.
And then thirdly, there's the audacity of doing a full Hogwarts canon rewrite, a good 30 years after the original books came out, millions upon millions of words of fanfic later, and basically asking everyone to read the same story they did the first time around, only different. So it's a kind of winking entreaty. It's saying to readers, many of whom are understandably wary of doing it over, zeroing out the characters to starting positions, and starting from the beginning with 11-year-olds all over again. It's going: "hey. That was fun, right? Why not do it again?"
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forthbeaming · 8 months
wipwed bc the fic is getting longer and longer (definitely not my own doings) (i have around 5k and im not even in the middle so.... maybe 15k total?)
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jtownraindancer · 10 months
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"Because, you see... Sir Thomas is already married."
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moosemonstrous · 10 months
I never write in the second person, but it seemed to fit, so 🤷
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - Yegor Ivanov's edition
Say, you're in charge of security on a large, well-appointed quasi-military base housing twenty thousand people - mostly J-techs and their families, but also a sizeable assortment of soldiers, scientists, medical staff, relief workers and support crew. It's the most stable job you've ever had. The general populace is just so grateful for the giant robots you deploy to fight the ever-nastier demons crawling out of The Breach, you barely have to pay any attention to actual security part of it. Your subordinates haven't reported a single issue they couldn't deal with themselves in years. The eggheads fight between each other to secure your approval. You have the respect of the international leaders for keeping Hong-Kong off of their priority list. Somehow, in this beautiful, messed up world you managed to carve yourself out an existence most people can only dream of.
And you got there by making a hard decision once, ten years ago. Eli Morrow was a dangerous psychopath and once his usefulness ran its course, it was your responsibility to put him down. Sometimes, one man has to pull the trigger for the good of the many, and that day you pulled the trigger. Figuratively. It was a regrettable situation, but you don't really regret it, because you gave Eli every chance under the sun to pull himself together.
You said it broke your heart, to see what he did to his brother, but secretly you were relieved. You've done many terrible things together, before the monsters stopped being just men in a different uniform. You had a good handle on Eli for so long, you almost forgot that rabid dogs will bite their master's hand given half a chance. If it hadn't been poor Alberto, it would've been you.
You didn't believe for a second Beto's kids turned up on base purely by accident. Call it fate, or karma, or whatever you want, you can't pretend seeing a mirror image of a young Eli in your own damn hangar doesn't strike a chord deep in your chest. It's not a pleasant sensation.
You have no idea what their mother told them - she was smart enough to get out before all hell came loose, so maybe she was also smart enough to keep her mouth shut. The younger one is a non-issue, at least. You forgot he had the--the whatsit, some condition the medical was working on, the hook you had on the Reyeses to keep them on base. You should dig into the files, see if the same hook will work on the older one.
And you need all the hooks you can think of, because you fucked up. You panicked and figured, well, he doesn't know his old man's jaeger is a goddamn death trap kept only because it would be more expensive to take it apart. He doesn't know it killed every recruit to ever step a foot in it. And he's as sentimental as his father was, all wide-eyed at the sight of the machine making up a good portion of your nightmares.
Only Robbie Reyes is a little too much like his uncle, too, because he doesn't. Fucking. Die.
The whole K-Sci department is very excited, of course. The techs aren't. You should've timed yourself better, made sure Canelo and the rest of the old guard were off-shift when you brought Robbie to The Charger. Now they're watching your hands and lowering their voices whenever you step into the hangar. You can't make the problem disappear without someone starting to ask questions. You need to be smarter than that.
If you can't get rid of him, you must learn to control him. He's no Eli Morrow - and you kept a lid on that can of worms for nearly a decade, from boot camp through black ops to TJP. One scowling teenager is nothing. He needs a strong hand and a little misdirection, that's all.
He watches you too, though. Like he already knows. He can't--can he? How? Who would've told him?
That broken eye of his is tripping you up, that's all. A strong hand, and a promise of medical support for the younger one - you will have him asking 'how high' before the next demon is due.
Besides, piloting jaegers is such a dangerous job. Anything could happen out in the sea. You can live through another regrettable loss. You don't think you can live through whatever Robbie Reyes is planning when he looks at you like that.
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sillypiratelife · 8 months
Luffy: Jaeger Pilot #1.
Zoro: Jaeger Pilot #2.
Nami: LOCCENT mission controller.
Usopp: J-tech, weapons specialist.
Franky: J-tech, jaeger engineer + battle programmer.
Brook: J-tech, neural bridge operator.
Jinbe: Jumphawk (helicopter) pilot.
Sanji: Thousand Sunny's personal cook.
Chopper: Thousand Sunny's personal medic.
Robin: Cryptozoologists.
Detailed explanation of what it all means:
Luffy and Zoro are the main j-pilots of the team, with Sanji working as their replacement in case any of them get hurt.
Nami is the one who stays at the Shatterdome (the main base). She's behind the monitors, the voice guiding them through the battle by pointing where is the Kaiju, where should they go, how are the other jaegers, etc.
Usopp, Franky and Brook are the personal j-techs of the Thousand Sunny. Their tasks include things like creating the program that runs the jaeger and regularly updating it with the newest info about kaijus; design and maintenance of all the jaeger's weapons; doing repairs after battle; checking the system and machines so nothing malfunctions during the neural handshake; checking the drive suits and helmets of the pilots; etc.
Jinbe is the Jumphawk pilot in charge of getting them to battle aaand out of it in case they need a rescue. He's also a strike trooper, meaning he can fire at the kaijus or sometimes the Kaiju cultist, either from the ground or from his helicopter.
Like I said, Sanji is the j-pilot in waiting, but he's also the personal cook of the team. It depends on the Shatterdome, tho. Sometimes he works in the messhall with all the other cooks.
Chopper is part of the medical bay, but he's been assigned personally to the Thousand Sunny team so he can track their medical history. He works closely with Sanji to keep them all in shape, with Brook to ensure that the pilots are clear on the mental aspects and with Robin because, well...
Robin is a specialist in kaijus, a cryptozoologist. Her job is to study the parts of those kaijus that can be recovered after a fight and find patterns that help the PPDC predict the enemy's moves. She works closely with Chopper more from a morbid fascination with science and works with Franky to update the Thousand Sunny's battle program according to her research.
BONUS: Vivi can be a diplomatic member of the PPDC, fighting to get the program some support and funding. She's not officially a ranger... Except from those brief days when she was undercover and joined the Thousand Sunny crew to escape from the kaiju cultist.
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loverln · 3 months
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unironically my favorite fanfiction right now. i love this fic so much i keep rereading this and CAN NOT WAIT to draw them in their drivesuits when i’m home from vacation.
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have an au-ified chuuya for your troubles ♡
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circeauandromedus · 2 years
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Diomedes au Raa Red Rising Aesthetic Board 2/?
I had to make an aesthetic board for my favourite Storm Knight.
None of the above pictures belong to me. They were sourced on Pinterest.
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fishareglorious · 2 months
r1999 pacific rim au anyone?
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Top Gun Brainrot Pacific Rim AU
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The Kaiju War has been going on for 40 years - and when a massive wave of monsters from another dimension is predicted to come through the Rift, the Pan Pacific Defense Corps pulls together the top 1% of their Jaeger pilots to defend the Earth as we know it.
Striker Bobcat - Mark I American Jaeger || Piloted by Pete Mitchell & Nick Bradshaw || Stationed in Los Angeles, CA || Status: Retired Kraken Prime - Mark I American Jaeger || Piloted by Tom Kazansky & Ron Kerner || Stationed in Los Angeles, CA || Status: Active Maroon Serenity - Mark V American Jaeger || Piloted by Bradley & Ronnie Bradshaw || Stationed in Lima, Peru || Status: Retired Voodoo Ronin - Mark V Australian Jaeger || Piloted by Jake Seresin & Javy Machado || Stationed in Sydney, Australia || Status: Active Cobalt Rebel - Mark V American Jaeger || Piloted by Natasha Trace & Bob Floyd || Stationed in Anchorage, Alaska || Status: Active Cosmic Enigma - Mark IV Chilean Jaeger || Piloted by Reuben Fitch & Mickey Garcia || Stationed in Lima, Peru || Status: Active Jupiter Serenade - First Mark VII Japanese Jaeger || No Pilots || Under Construction in Tokyo, Japan || No Status
top gun taglist:
@oneirataxia-girl @arrthurpendragon @pasta88love @theforevermorereject @sqrlgrl22 @townley-29 @alittlelostalittlefound @fenderenderender @chaoticassidy @capswife @marrianena @luckyladycreator2 @fulla02 @fangirlofallthings22 @dempy @imagineyneyjr @blue-aconite @commxnderwolffe @darkestbeforethedawn16 @sopheeg @mizzy-pop @loveforaugust @hope-love-equality2 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @onlyheretowastetime @supernaturaldawning @frenchtoastix @oneelleandaneye @agentminnesota187 @smoothdogsgirl @indynerdgirl @newlibrary
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gardenofchrome · 5 months
Not to worry Chaleigh lovers, Gods Within the Machine will be updated soon!
Unfortunately due to testing/school, it’s been difficult 😭 sorry for the delay
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febuwhump · 2 years
less than a month to go until febuwhump!
things that will be happening over this month: 
i will be reposting the updated rules and FAQ (both are identical to last year’s, both just need the new themed header)
the discord will open back up for new members! it’s of course available for use if you are already in it, but i will be sharing the link once again after going through and rewriting the room list because it hasn’t been accurate in a super long time
i’m probably going to end up answering a lot of asks whose answers are in the FAQ; please read the FAQ
i will begin a quiet and subtle campaign in the tags of these posts to convince specifically people writing for the fandoms i am in and currently care about to take part in febuwhump so i have content i want to read 
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stridingseer · 8 months
I have so many bets that each time I rewatch Pacific Rim, it spawns an AU for one of my ship. The current contender? Bruce/Dick from Batman. It's gonna happen.
I feel it in my bones.
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