#Battery Operated Wall Clocks
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fantasticwombatmoon · 4 days ago
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loforay · 1 year ago
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Enhance Your Lounge with a Modern Battery Operated Silent Pendulum Wall Decoration Clock by Loforay.com. This elegant timepiece not only complements your decor but also operates silently, ensuring peace in your space. Embrace modern sophistication with this stylish addition to your lounge.
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shehungers · 1 month ago
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sleep paralysis demon x reader | 18+ | 3k
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you're a chronic insomniac desperately searching for relief. your best friend and neurologist makes a suggestion to participate in a sleep study utilizing a new drug still in the testing phase. without any other options, you agree, and the first night of the study, you awaken in the middle of the night thinking it didn't work....
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story warnings; dark content; dubcon; somnophilia, hair pulling, choking, "invisible hands", some culturally sensitive discussion, implications of unethical medical practice, mc is implied to have a messy past, details of insomnia, unsettling + dark imagery, detail heavy, probs inaccurate depictions of a sleep study, roughly proofread. I'm also aware that most "sleep doctors" are pulmonologists—fight me👊🏻
reposted from my deleted blog theoxenfree.
this is a concept piece for a larger project—incubus phenomenon. would appreciate it if you'd leave feedback + reblog!!
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Children at your daycare liked to draw you fanciful pictures of the other lives they lived in their dreams during afternoon nap time. You were shown orange tabby cats with green eyes garbed in full-plates of knight’s armor, brandishing a fish sword against a foe to save the world.
Most often, they dreamed of their families and drew bright, brave versions of themselves holding hands with a parent, a sibling, a bipedal family dog with an electric collar. A few of the children never smiled in their self-portraits.
The proportions of everything were always silly: gigantic tree trunks with tiny, green bundles sitting atop of them, three enormous fruits supported by brittle vines and growth in bushes, cats and dogs with ears as tall as their bodies, Mom with purple skin instead of brown, Big Sis looking particularly volatile with a theratrically large snarl. Despite this, the children beamed in pride whenever yesterday's drawings would come down off the wall to be replaced with the new.
For some of these kids, this was their own equivalent of having art hung on a refrigerator; to you, it evoked dull, thready jealousy because they were in possession so simple, so biologically normal to them and everyone else around them that to be incapable of the same thing was, surely, a major defect.
Sleep was already a treasure you were seldom allotted the pleasure of greedily surrendering to, but to dream sounded like a terrifying experience to you altogether. It took work; a stringent routine of warm showers (hot and scalding water was forbidden), with an array of chalky, dissolvable tabs and shower gels and shampoos and moisturizers and essential oil dehumidifiers and soy candles and hot tea and special pillow sleep spray you’d seen in an online ad while thumbing through socials.
It took pajamas that were loose, soft but not silky, it took a satin bonnet and a satin eye covering (the kind with pockets for your eyelashes to move), comforters soused in lavender spray meant to magically work out the tightness in your shoulders and calves without the need of paying for a masseuse’s bony elbow. It took purchasing a battery-operated alarm clock to wake yourself for work so you could shut off your phone and leave it plugged into the wall downstairs.
You'd nearly forgotten—you couldn't have sugar after half past six, you had to stagger your water consumption after that time as well because the urge to piss would keep you awake for hours after the fact. The television needed to be off once you finished putting away dishes after dinner.
If you were lucky, this would work and you'd sleep a total of two or three hours uninterrupted—never fully tipping over the edge of wakefulness into deep sleep, but enough to keep yourself going during the day, grocery shop, wrangle the small children, scrape at a bar, get dicked down into your mattress every now and then, and visit Sujay for your usual appointments.
“How do you feel about trying something different?” he always gestured to one of the modern-looking armchairs upholstered in teal polyester before bringing you a tea of some sort. Today was a floral white tea with a spoonful of honey. “Ah, my friend, I worry for you. We've done so many studies, we've tried so many different things. Does none of it help? At all?”
“Not really.” you admitted after a sip, singing your tongue once and placing aside the cup and saucer pair. “I don't know if I can keep doing this until the day I die, Sujay. What do you recommend next?”
Dr. Sujay Patel was your neurologist, an utterly brilliant man, and a close friend from your early university days. Despite the rest of your friend group falling apart, pulled in separate directions by the strings of fate and temptation of money, you'd managed to stay in contact with Sujay throughout grad school. There'd been an intermission, probably a period of two years, where you'd forgotten he even existed.
You were out making a disaster of your life on sleepless, drunken benders because you hoped enough alcohol would either knock you out or kill you. The normal distractions came with it: your entire family dynamic corroding and combusting, an ex getting too big for their britches, and a roommate suspiciously eager to rally behind that ex.
Sujay came back into the picture following a nasty incident of alcohol poisoning that left you bedridden in the hospital for a week. You had decided then, in that uncomfortable bed with their starchy, crunchy white sheets and the bathroom being too far away to simply get up and walk to, that you'd abstain from alcohol forevermore.
He'd seen you in a state of soul-weary disarray not long after you were discharged and had decided to take you on as a patient.
“Now, you have a choice here, just remember that.” Sujay sat adjacent to you in the exact chair you were in. He wasn't daunted by the heat from his tea and took some time with it, whether to savor the subtle notes of it or to consider his words, you weren't sure. “But, a colleague of mine at a… pharmaceutical company has been working to get an experimental sedative into some studies. Testing periods, I guess you could say.”
You're convinced by his dedication to his tea to pick up yours again. “Does it work?”
“As of now, one-hundred percent of those who have participated have reported high-efficacy, or at least have claimed it to be effective in some manner.” His mustache moved as he sipped. You drank as well. “I think you should submit to the study and if you're accepted into one of the control groups—commit to it. We're running out of options otherwise. I don't want you to start mixing up your own cocktail of things. All it takes is the wrong thing once, y'know?”
The chair groaned while you adjusted your weight in it. You sighed. “Would that once be such a bad thing, though? At least I could sleep.”
“I'm a doctor,” Sujay looked over his square-rimmed glasses at you, forehead wrinkles enormous, whites of his eyes showing more than the hazel of his irises. “Behave yourself.”
“Fine.” Mesmerized by the stray tea leaves that had managed to escape the metal ball steeper, you said, “tell me what I need to do.”
Sujay had sent you away that day with a whole host of follow-up appointments and a glowing review to his colleague in hopes of skipping the line as much as possible. Sometimes, it was beneficial to have friends in high places, especially when that means you get a call two days later for preliminary, formal interviews and an offer to participate in said study once clearances came through and your blood work came back as desired.
A month to the day when Sujay first mentioned the possibility of a magical cure all to your relentless insomnia, you were brought into a minimally furnished room—the standard, bland cookie cutter type that hadn't an ounce of personality—dotted from head-to-toe in stickers for neuromonitoring, heart rhythm, and whatever else they fancied, you supposed.
It was only after you had changed into your soft, but not too soft, pajamas and covered in wires that you were handed a tiny purple pill. The color of it was obviously a dissolvable casing and food coloring, but what amazed you was the fact a drug this small was meant to induce the best sleep of your life.
“Take the pill, drink at least four ounces of water, and lie supine.” The technologists outside your room, speaking into an intercom, elaborated afterward that they wanted you to stay on your back while you slept. You didn't bother to point out that you weren't stupid—just tired. “We understand that not everyone finds this position comfortable, but to receive adequate results and to measure your vitals at all times, we ask that you try your best.”
You weren't going to hassle them about this and did precisely as they instructed. Shoved the pill down the back of your throat, drank the bottled water, and tried to get comfortable on your back.
You closed your eyes.
A part of you wondered why you had assented to Sujay’s suggestion so easily, especially where everything else had failed. He was one hell of a friend, and had always been that way for you, but as a doctor, you wondered if two years of cheating through medical school, so as to not royally piss off his parents and be disowned for failing, was finally catching up with him somewhat.
You recalled being startled when he told you he hadn’t married yet and didn't intend to as some deep-rooted act of spite against his family and the traditions they had held over his head all his life. Traditions that had been weaponized against him, rather than supplement his life as an extension of his history, of the things he loved, of a chance to explore more of himself.
You had listened wordlessly the entire time he spoke about it, still sipping on his tea, the results from your latest brain scan clamped to a clipboard on his lap—
This wasn't working.
This was so stupid.
You opened your eyes and sat up in the stiff bed, carefully maneuvering your fingers around your orbital bone to force away the puffiness and exhaustion still lingering behind them. It was only as you rubbed your eyes that you noticed your face was empty of cold stickers and a thousand wires. You didn't hear distant blips in the machine measuring your heart rate, nor track the voices of anyone outside your door.
The room was still the same—the outdated, bulky dresser with claw feet, a few gray chairs you could buy on display in a window somewhere, a low oval table, a bedside table for your glass of water and a crisp, neatly folded change of clothes for the next day.
It was only unusual that you were bare of the technologist’s monitoring equipment and sitting amid an unfaltering, deep silence that amplified the sounds of your very existence. Your slow breaths with a quickening heartbeat, blood pumping in your ears, and the coarse rustle of bedsheets as you shifted around the mattress to bring some sense to what was going on.
Would the technologists have come into the room and removed everything from your body without waking you? More miraculously, without you rousing and throwing your hands on them for touching you first?
“Maybe the drug worked?” you had to consider the possibility, even though it still felt as far-fetched as the holistic medicine practitioners online telling you that an herbal cleansing juice could regenerate organs entirely. “Did I actually sleep? I don't remember dreaming, though. Aren't I supposed to dream?”
You looked to the one, single-paned window across the bedroom to spy how far along the morning had progressed, but found yourself sucking in and holding in a breath instead.
There, standing in your view of the outside, was the silhouette of a tall man. Everything about him was indistinguishable aside from the depth of darkness that made him up. Within the confines of the dim room, alight by a single lamp with an amber bulb that seemed to weaken by the second, this man stood apart from the shadows as something deeper, blacker, but corporeal.
He was every bit a part of the dark as much as he wasn't. And you couldn't tell if he was fading you or turned to look out the window at the parking lot two stories below.
“Hi—hello. Are—are you one of the techs?” you had finally let out that breath, now focusing on gauging the guy’s level of sociability, and by extension, his friendliness and the likelihood of him lunging at you. “I, uh, just would've really appreciated it if someone had woken me up before taking off the stickers.”
You were able to see out the window from the gaps around his body, taking note that it was still dark. Very dark. Beyond that, nothing else was discernible from where you sat and what he blocked.
The study wouldn't have finished yet.
Those techs would've taken precaution to wake you up if something had happened.
“Am I asleep?” you asked the wordlese man. “Am I dreaming now? Are you a dream? Is that what it's like?
You never imagined that there could be so much lucidity within a dream, a level of consciousness so similar to a state of wakefulness. When you thought about moving, you could perfectly flex your fingers, curl your toes into the high-pile carpet underfoot, touch the airy fabric covering your body and feel it touching you in turn.
How normal was this really, though? No one had ever told you about dreams like this. Theirs were always fragmented and discombobulated, just like the kids in daycare who drew pictures of pig astronauts and flame extinguishing spatulas. You knew of a rare few in the population capable of controlling their dreams, steering the outcome in the direction they pleased, but even those people were overrode by their own brains.
This was something completely different.
You became especially convinced of this when you thought the stifled air suddenly shifted with a light breeze, a soft whoosh in your ear. A chill erupted over you, making your skin burst with goose flesh, your brain chasing a shiver down your spine as if cold fingers stroked you all the way down the length of it. Those same fingers stayed low, hovering across your lower back before pushing into you, arching you down onto the mattress.
That freedom you thought you had only moments ago was gone, stolen by this invisible hand on your body that was rounding to you and reaching for your chest. Until now, you thought this had simply been a part of the dream—something you had believed to be in control in when the reality was much different—but, as the buttons on your sleep shirt unfastened before your eyes, the thin layers opening you to the cold, inky air, you weren't sure what to think, to do.
Another hand joined the first with long, heavy fingers to knead at your body and take your pants off of your hips until you were fully exposed to the darkness and the thing still dwelling within the room. It hadn't moved an inch since you'd noticed it a while ago; it never became any clearer, any more defined in the clothes or wore, and trying to look upon its face only filled you with puzzlement and dread.
The large hands were so cold despite all their movement on your hot skin, all of the work they did to start riling you up and making you moan. One of them groped your chest, felt your throat, squeezed your jaw as though to force your gaze at one point in particular (the ceiling), pushed apart your lips to dip into your mouth and wet its fingers on your tongue.
You did so as it was the only thing you could do freely right now.
Those fingers, covered in your spit, caressed you between your legs, stroking you in motions neither gentle or harsh. The muscles in your thighs flinched, stomach tightening, your throat vibrating to produce a moan smothered by the second hand circling your throat, gripping firmly enough where you could breathe, but just barely.
The thing couldn’t stop your thoughts, as much as it seemed to try, so it took to interrupting them—distracting you but squeezing your neck, yanking your head back into the pillow by your hair, adjusting itself to thrust multiple fingers into your body, burying them to the knuckle.
You tried to win this war of willpower by thinking about Sujay and his mustache and his stupid glasses. They were green, sometimes blue; seldom did he like the tortoiseshell look.
The thing lunged at your neck again, this time taking you underside the jaw and forced your head back into the pillow while it fucked you deeper on three fingers.
You wanted to make a sound; a moan, a scream, a torturous whimper or pleasure for the way your body was rocked on the bed, creaking with the weight of a pair combined and not just how it appeared. Your nostrils flared, heart rate at an uneasy high, breaths stuck in the column of your throat behind the hand holding it.
The pressure continued to stack higher and higher, building to such a point where you knew you were about to lose it, unravel, praying that this thing would grant you the kindness of fucking you out of your orgasm.
Your abdomen was wound tight, your groin ached terribly, and your thighs started to shake. Behind your eyes, the kaleidoscopic wheels of color intermingled with the darkness and it all slowly burned to white.
And then—
“Good morning!” you were being shaken awake by one of the technologists, a middle-aged woman with blue eyeliner. she didn't expect for you to jolt upright, stick straight, and launch the covers off of your body. “Oh—hey, honey, you alright? We’re done until tonight. How do you feel?”
You were slow to respond to her, occupied by the morning light filtering in through the window across the bedroom. She gave you some time to gather your bearings and took her time removing the stickers and wires from your skin, suggesting you spend some time really scrubbing in the shower later to get off all the adhesive.
“How about now, honey?” she pulled the last sticker and wire combination off of your shoulder. “You with us?”
You didn't know how to answer that, especially not with how damp you felt inside your thighs.
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stochastique-blog · 11 months ago
Usefull Stuff
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Eluhi the Elephant Zoo Clock ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more hand clocks)
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cal-daisies-and-briars · 6 months ago
Hiii Cal 💕💕💕💕
I’m going to ask for TWO of your fics ☺️
SATURN! I published the other fic, so I'll give you double the time loop.
Putting it under the cut.
90 for➰:
Buck wakes up at eight in the morning, right on the dot. There’s a digital clock on the nightstand beside the big, king-sized hotel room bed, and the time is staring him in the face when he opens his eyes. Bold, square red letters. 8:00.
Today is the day. The last time he is ever going to wake up like this. The last time he is ever going to wake up. If he pulls this off. If this is his last morning, he’s going to make it a good one. No questions, no accusations, no hard feelings. 
He rolls over in bed, away from the bright red digital clock face, to where Eddie is still sleeping, arm slung over Buck’s waist. Facing him, Buck presses a kiss to his forehead. Eddie’s eyes flutter open. Two pools of sun-melted gold.
“Good morning,” Buck whispers.
Eddie smiles. “Good morning, handsome.”
“How did you sleep?” Buck asks.
Buck watches the confusion flicker in Eddie’s eyes. He has to be wondering why Buck has turned back to the original script. The first go-around. Buck hopes that Eddie doesn’t get suspicious. He hopes he just thinks Buck has thought it through and decided to get with the program. That’s what he’ll be telling him anyway. If he asks. 
“Good,” Eddie answers after a moment. “I, uh… I always sleep well beside you. You know that.”
It’s a fucking sham. Neither of them has really slept in ages. They are stuck in a constant loop of being awake. Eddie, for even longer than Buck.
“Same here,” Buck whispers. “Uh, what’s the plan for today?”
“No,” Buck cuts him off. “No. None of that. What’s the plan for today?”
Eddie holds his gaze for a moment. Swallows nervously. Then he gives in.
“Uh, well… Uh… Whatever you want. I know you’ve got an itinerary.” 
Buck smiles warmly. “I’m thinking, estuary, let Chris see some sea otters, then head to the beach?” 
Eddie takes a deep breath. “Like… Like you don’t want to see the otters just as badly.”
Buck doesn’t care if he ever sees a fucking sea otter again in his life. He knows Eddie doesn’t either. 
“Well, they’re pretty cute, Eddie.”
“I know they’re cute,” Eddie replies. “I’m excited to see your reactions.”
“Well, then let’s get going,” Buck decides. “Let’s wake Chris.”
Eddie nods quickly. “Yeah, okay. Let’s go.”
He waits until Eddie is in the washroom. See, Eddie likes routine both in and outside of a time loop. He’s predictable. Takes no more time than he needs, ever. Buck’s not sure if that’s something from the military, or before. Regardless, Buck knows he has about a minute and forty seconds - at most - to get done what he needs to accomplish. 
So he doesn’t hesitate. He doesn’t wonder. He doesn’t overanalyze. 
He grabs the clock off the wall and gets to work. 
Buck takes the clock off the wall and flips it over. It’s battery operated. This will be simple. 
Buck removes the batteries. Hears the hands stop ticking. Feels his test tighten with anxiety. This will either solve everything or accomplish nothing. Either way, he’s dying today. The only question is, will he die tomorrow, too? Or will he stay dead?
He tosses the batteries in the wastebasket. Replaces the cover. Then, he reaches to mount the clock again. Before he does, he pauses. A label sticker on the back of the clock catches his eye. He didn’t have time to read it before, brain stuck on the batteries. But he does now. 
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ramona-quinn · 1 year ago
Ming, It's Okay
CG! Jin Lee and Regressor! Ming Lee 🍼
Plot: Ming has a nightmare after the Pandapocalypse of 2002.
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"How could you let this happen? She's out of control!" Grandma Wu berated Ming after Mei escaped her ritual.
Except Ming didn't mean for any of this to happen. She tried to stop Mei and didn't know what came of her.
Ming was on the ground, tears rolling down her face. She was tearfully catching her breath.
Jin, Ming's husband, knelt beside her and tried to comfort her while Grandma Wu and the aunties scolded her.
"How could she...? How could she do this to... her own... mother?!" Ming growled.
Ming's panda escaped from her shattered pendant. The panda then caused Ming to transform into a giant-sized red panda. After the transformation, Ming stormed to the SkyDome and almost destroyed everything while fighting with her daughter.
Right before Mei headbutted Ming...
Ming bolted awake in a cold sweat. She looked around and saw that she was a human, not a panda. She was in her bedroom. Jin was asleep in bed beside her. Her panda, sealed in Mei's Tamagotchi, was sleeping soundly on her nightstand. The clock read 4:37 AM. The calendar on the wall had the month August 2002 on it.
Ming sighed as tears began to form in her eyes. Even though she apologized to Mei and healed her relationship with her, along with her relationship with Grandma Wu... even though she was currently trying to make things right by raising money for the SkyDome... she still felt ashamed. She was ashamed at herself... ashamed at being a terrible mother in the first place, even though she vowed to never be like Grandma Wu... ashamed for pressuring Mei to be perfect... ashamed for everything.
Ming sniffled as she got up and walked over to the dresser. She then grabbed a plush Celine Dion doll her husband got her for her birthday from the top of the dresser and held it tight. Ming went to therapy after the Pandapocalypse. She remembered telling the therapist about her emotions and the trauma she encountered, along with unintentionally passing it on to her daughter. The therapist understood this and gave Ming a coping mechanism to cope with all the trauma she faced, and to help her cope with her big feelings. The coping mechanism was age regression, meaning that an individual regresses to a younger headspace to cope with anything they went through, such as mental illness, PTSD, etc.
Ming was sniffling and hugging her Celine Dion doll when her headspace started slipping. Jin then woke up.
"Ming, are you okay?" Jin asked as he rubbed his eyes and sat up.
Ming looked over, not really saying anything.
Jin saw the saddened look on Ming's face and walked over to her. He held his arms out, inviting Ming for a hug if she wanted one.
Ming accepted the hug and began sobbing softly.
"Shhh, it's okay. I'm right here," Jin whispered as he rubbed Ming's back.
"Daddy, I had a bad dream," Ming hiccuped.
"I'm sorry you had a nightmare, sweetheart. But you're awake, you're safe."
"Daddy... I shouldn't have been a monster..."
"Ming, listen to me," Jin said as he gently cupped Ming's face. "You are not a monster. You are perfect, just the way you are. You are not bad. Whatever happened happened. The important thing now is that we're making things right together."
Ming sniffled more as tears continued falling down her face.
Jin wiped Ming's tears away and kissed her forehead.
"Come on, let's get you back in bed," Jin said as he escorted Ming back to the bed. "I'll get your little stuff if you want."
"Yes, please," Ming said softly as Jin tucked her in.
Jin walked over to the closet. He pulled out a backpack, which contained a purple baby blanket, some pacifiers and paci clips, teethers, touch-and-feel books, a battery-operated nightlight, coloring books, and crayons. He returned to the bed and handed the bag to Ming.
Ming pulled out her blanket, the nightlight, and a light blue pacifier.
"Thank you," Ming sniffled once more.
"You're welcome," Jin smiled as he turned on the nightlight and set it on Ming's nightstand. He then popped the pacifier in Ming's mouth and wiped more of Ming's tears. Ming slowly calmed down as she sucked her soother.
Jin set the backpack back in the closet after pulling out a touch-and-feel book about baby animals and returned to bed. He gave Ming a hug and began reading.
After the story, Jin looked to see that Ming was asleep, her blanket and Celine Dion doll still in her arms. Jin smiled and kissed Ming's forehead goodnight.
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strawberry-metal · 1 year ago
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"Yes... Dio has been in Speedwagon custody for two years now, and Giorno and his mom are in Italy now. We've visited the foundation a few times and he seems to be doing better. He's slowly becoming less blood thirsty, and he and Jotaro have stopped trading blows on sight-"
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Rose's update on Dio goes interrupted as a guest approaches her twin sister and speaks this to her, before hurriedly walking away, giving her a worried glance before leaving the building.
"A shadow huh...? Rose stay here, if something is still there I don't want you getting hurt."
Rose huffs at the very idea of her leaving her sister to investigate alone. "As if. I'm coming with you."
"...Stay close then."
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The shadowy figure is gone by the time Shanna reaches the corner, but there's a lock of hair at the bottom of the staircase. The older twin picks it up, eyeing it, then feeling it up with her fingers.
"This color...it's similar to your pink dyed segments, Rose. I guess you were the culprit we were looking for all along! Hahaha!" "Hilarious." As Shanna felt up the hair, she could tell that this was real hair, not fake. "It's not from a wig, this is from someone's hair. But this is a lock, not just some strands. So it must of been ripped out in a struggle or something. Maybe if we go upstairs we can catch the culprit?"
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Hurriedly heading up the stairs, the twins come across a clock just sitting there against the wall. It should be up on the wall, that much is obvious enough, but there was something else off.
"Hey hey Rose, I checked behind this thing... it's a battery operated clock. So it should be still running."
"How strange for someone to just take it off the wall then... it's as if the culprit didn't know this was battery operated. Because to be less suspicious, they would of simply removed the batteries and placed it back on the wall before anyone could of caught them."
"Yeah, and not just that." The one in red exclaimed. "The clock isn't running anymore, which means the batteries WERE taken out after it was taken down. ...That means for whatever reason, the culprit doesn't want us to know what time it is... perhaps to fool us into staying here longer?"
"That makes sense, but why would anyone want to do that? Are we being picked off one by one or something?"
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Suddenly, a feminine, more higher pitched voice speaks up. It sounds familiar. "Heyyyy! You guys are here too? Since when did you two become supernatural investigators~?"
"Sakura!" The two yelled in surprise. "What are you doing here? You're not even in college! You're finishing your last year at the Magiks Academy! ....Right?" Rose questions the witch, which earns a chuckle from the blonde. "Yeah, I am. But my parents happen to be good friends with Nanami's parents, and I got invited to this party because of that. I guess they want Nanami and I to be friends?"
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Raising an eyebrow, Shanna speaks once more.
"...Why are you dressed like a witch when you're already a witch?"
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"Why are you dressed like a dog when you're already a bitch?"
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"We're at a party, in a neighborhood where many men and women have gone missing, where the suspect seems highly likely to be supernatural! STOP FOOLING AROUND!!" Rose yells, but these two are childhood friends, the likelihood of them listening to her is slim.
Shanna, Rose, and Sakura models: Me
Wolverine: CrossMMD
Kiyoteru: jjinomu
Couch: Mavaphia
Sakura's laying down pose: Snorlaxin
Stage: はぎの
Skydome: MMDAnimatio357
Hair lock: Me
Pixeledgeblur: Otamon
Dream Shader: Ianami
SvSSAO and AutoLuminous4: Sovoro
Vignette: o_tamon
Falling flower petals red: roosjuh14290
ikCinemorph: Ikeno
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macnman-techno · 1 year ago
What is the difference between LoRa and LoRaWAN?
LoRaWAN serves as the communication protocol connecting the LoRa signal (which carries sensor data) to the respective application(s). To simplify, think of LoRa as the radio signal transporting the data, while LoRaWAN acts as the governing framework that dictates how this data travels and communicates within the network.
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What is LoRa? 
LoRa, short for Long Range, is a wireless technology known for its extended range and energy-efficient characteristics. It operates within unlicensed wireless frequencies, similar to how Wi-Fi utilizes the unregulated 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. The specific frequency employed by LoRa varies depending on the geographic location of the deployment. For instance, in North America, LoRa operates in the 915 MHz band, while in Europe, it utilizes the 868 MHz band and in India it is 865 MHz to 867 MHz.  
It is crucial to be aware of the legally permitted frequencies for LoRa deployments in each respective location. In terms of its communication range, LoRa can transmit data up to a distance of 10 kilometers in ideal conditions with a clear line of sight.
Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) technology can be categorized into two main types. On one hand, there's cellular LPWA, which utilizes mobile networks. Examples of cellular LPWA technologies include Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) and Long Term Machine Type Communications (LTE-M). On the other hand, there's non-cellular LPWA like LoRa, which disseminates data by dividing it into encoded packets and transmitting them across various frequency channels and data rates.
What is LoRaWAN? 
LoRaWAN is a network protocol that serves as the bridge between the LoRa signal, which carries sensor data, and the applications that use this data. In simpler terms, LoRa represents the radio signal responsible for transmitting the data, while LoRaWAN is the communication protocol that manages and defines how this data is transmitted across the network.
LoRaWAN offers several valuable advantages, including low power consumption, extensive coverage range, and cost-effective connectivity for devices that don't require high data transfer speeds. It's an excellent choice when cellular connectivity is too expensive or Wi-Fi coverage is unavailable. Some of the most compelling use cases for LoRaWAN include:
Agriculture: LoRaWAN's long-range capabilities provide reliable connectivity for rural applications where high data transfer rates are not necessary, making it ideal for agricultural applications. LoRaWAN sensors for agriculture are used for cattle management, soli monitoring, and temperature monitoring.
Asset Tracking and Logistics: LoRaWAN supports cost-effective location tracking of assets, with optimized battery life, making it a practical choice for asset management and logistics.
Smart Metering: LoRaWAN's sensors have the ability to reach even in underground utility locations makes it a suitable choice for smart metering applications.
Smart Homes: LoRaWAN can penetrate obstacles like walls and supports battery-powered devices with low data consumption, making it an attractive connectivity option for smart home applications.LoRaWAN sensors for smart homes are used for Air quality monitoring, water quality monitoring, and temperature & humidity monitoring. 
Healthcare: The low power consumption, affordability, and reliability of LoRa technology make it suitable for connected health applications. IoT solutions based on LoRa hardware can monitor high-risk patients or systems around the clock, ensuring comprehensive health and medical safety management.LoRaWAN Gateways and sensors enhance production practices, enable efficient tracking and monitoring of shipments, and facilitate the development of cutting-edge medications. 
Industrial Applications: LoRa-enabled devices and sensors play a crucial role in the transformation of industrial IoT operations like mentioned above. They digitize legacy processes and equipment, leading to increased profits, lower costs, and enhanced efficiency. These devices provide real-time data for predictive maintenance, machine health monitoring, reduced downtime, and more.
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shoppsin · 24 days ago
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americanhomefurni01 · 1 month ago
Timeless Elegance: The Gwyneth Wall Clock for Modern and Classic Spaces
The Gwyneth Wall Clock by Howard Miller is a contemporary timepiece that combines modern design with functionality, making it a striking addition to any home or office decor.
Design and Features:
Materials: Crafted from cast resin, the clock features a two-tone finish with brushed nickel and satin black, giving it a sleek and sophisticated appearance.
Dial: The black dial is adorned with silver Arabic numerals and hands, providing a clear and stylish display.
Pendulum: A spun silver-finished bob pendulum is suspended on a silver-tone metal stick, adding a dynamic element to the clock's design.
Dimensions: The clock measures 33.5 inches in height, 12.25 inches in width, and 3.5 inches in depth, making it a prominent yet tasteful wall feature.
Movement: It operates on a quartz, battery-powered movement, ensuring accurate timekeeping.
This clock not only serves as a functional timepiece but also as a piece of art that can enhance the aesthetic of various interior styles. Its neutral color palette and elegant design allow it to complement both modern and traditional settings.
For more information or to purchase the Gwyneth Wall Clock, you can visit American Home Furniture's website
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loforay · 2 years ago
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Elevate your living spaces with our exquisite Roman Letters and Oversized Real Wood and Acrylic Wall Clocks, curated in minimalist and Nordic modern styles, exclusively available at Loforay.com. These timepieces are not just functional but also serve as stunning decor pieces for your living room and bedroom. Bring a touch of timeless elegance into your home with these meticulously crafted clocks, perfectly blending contemporary design with classic charm. Explore Loforay.com and redefine your interior decor today.
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atplblog · 1 month ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] You don’t have to worry about running to the nearest fixed phone when it rings, as now you can answer all your calls easily with the all new Panasonic Single Line 2.4GHz KX-TG3611SX  Digital Cordless Telephone. Panasonic has been one of the most renowned and a popular brand when it comes to electronics, especially corded and cordless phones and this product is no exception. Backed by an array of features, this cordless phone from Panasonic is a must have in the house. Therefore, if you are keen about purchasing this Panasonic single line cordless telephone, take a look at the features that make it a worthy buy. Key features of the Panasonic Single Line 2.4GHz KX-TG3611SXB  Digital Cordless TelephoneThis cordless phone features a sleek and stylish frame which would definitely complement the interiors of your modern homeThis cordless phone is easy to hold onto and you can receive and reject calls without any hassleThe LCD display screen and backlit feature shows incoming calls and it has an alphanumeric displayThis cordless phone also has 50 Name Number Phonebook and the night mode features, helps you to identify numbers easilyThe alphanumeric keypad allows you to operate and use this cordless phone more comfortablyThis Panasonic cordless phone has one line support and seven ringer patterns to choose fromThis cordless phone can also be mounted on the wallWhat’s in the box? This Panasonic cordless phone comes in a well packaged box, which ensures its safety during shipping.  The box set contains the main cordless phone unit, battery, base, charger and the user guide. So, don’t wait anymore and buy Panasonic Single Line 2.4GHz KX-TG3611SXB  Digital Cordless Telephone online, today and pick it up, whenever it rings,  irrespective of where you are in the  house. Cordless phone with caller ID and speakerphone 2.4GHz frequency support, AAA NI-MH battery providing talk-time of 5 hours and standby time of 264 hours 50 phonebook entries and 5 redial memory Alphanumeric backlight display with alphanumeric keypad and night mode, Both KX-TG3611SXB and KX-TG3611SX are the same B represents the color of the Telephone Wall mountable phone, clock, alarm, any key answer, wheel navigation keys, light-up indicator with ringer alert, digital security code, paging and 7 ringer patterns, speakerphone Battery is available inside the product [ad_2]
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simarjeet12 · 2 months ago
Use Mosaic Wall Clocks to Enhance Your Decor
The mosaic wall clock stands out as a distinctive and creative element in the realm of home décor, where every little detail counts. These clocks, which combine practicality and visual appeal, have grown to be popular among those wishing to infuse their living areas with a dash of style and originality. Mosaic wall clocks are works of art that tell a story with their elaborate patterns and vivid hues, making them more than just timepieces.
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An Overview of Mosaic Art's History
The origins of mosaic art can be traced back thousands of years to ancient Greece, Rome, and Mesopotamia. In this art style, tiny fragments of materials, such as glass, stone, or ceramic tiles, are arranged to create patterns and images. Mosaics were once used to decorate the walls and floors of palaces and temples, but they are now frequently used for smaller, ornamental objects like clocks, mirrors, and furniture.
Although it is a relatively recent invention, the combination of mosaic art and watches bears a long history of fine craftsmanship. An enduring addition to any house, each mosaic wall clock is a tribute to the painstaking work and inventiveness of artists.
Why Pick a Wall Clock with Mosaics?
1. Visual Appeal
The aesthetic appeal of a mosaic wall clock is among the strongest arguments in favor of it. A room's atmosphere can be immediately improved by the elaborate patterns and color interaction. There is a mosaic wall clock to fit every taste, whether you want a traditional style with muted colors or a modern pattern with vivid hues.
2. Design Versatility
Because they are available in so many different types, mosaic wall clocks can be used with a variety of home design concepts. These clocks go well with a variety of interior design themes, whether they are boho, rustic, or vintage. Because of its adaptability, homeowners can try different arrangements, such as using them as an accent piece in the bedroom or hallway or as a focal point in the living room.
3. Handmade Originality
Every mosaic wall clock is an exquisite piece of art. No two clocks are exactly the same because artisans painstakingly arrange tiny tiles to create beautiful patterns. This distinctiveness gives your home's decor a personal touch and gives it a genuinely unique sense.
How to Use Mosaic Wall Clocks for Decorating
1. Selecting the Appropriate Size
Take into account the room's and the wall's dimensions while choosing a mosaic wall clock. While a smaller clock works well in more private settings, a giant clock can make a striking impression on a large wall.
2. Using Complementary Decor in Pairing
Combine your mosaic wall clock with similar décor pieces to accentuate its attractiveness. For example, an ocean-themed décor can be complemented by a clock with blue and green tones, and an industrial-style home can benefit from a clock with metallic highlights.
3. Making a Wall Gallery
Think about adding your mosaic wall clock to a gallery wall for a more varied style. For an eye-catching display, pair it with mirrors, framed artwork, and other ornamental pieces.
Upkeep and Attention
Mosaic wall clocks are strong, but they need to be properly maintained to keep looking beautiful throughout time. Here are some pointers to maintain the best possible appearance for your clock:
Dust Frequently: Dust the clock's surface with a gentle, dry cloth.
Steer clear of harsh cleaners because they can harm the grout and tiles. Instead, clean with a mild soap solution.
Examine the Mechanism: To make sure the clock's mechanism is operating properly, examine it on a regular basis. As needed, change the batteries.
The Ideal Present
Mosaic wall clocks are great presents for a variety of events. A mosaic wall clock is a considerate and distinctive gift for any occasion, including birthdays, weddings, and housewarming parties. It is a gift that will be remembered for years to come because of its classic charm and artistic worth.
DIY Wall Clock with Mosaics
Making your own mosaic wall clock can be a fulfilling undertaking for crafters. To help you get started, here is a basic guide:
Supplies Required:
A simple wall clock with a face that can be removed
Broken glass or ceramic fragments or mosaic tiles
Sticky glue
An applicator or spatula
A gentle cloth
Actions to take:
Get the clock ready by removing the face and cleaning the area where the tiles will be placed.
Plan Your Design: To see your design in action, arrange the tiles on the clock's surface without using adhesive.
Apply Adhesive: To adhere the tiles to the clock's surface, use glue. Allow it to dry fully.
Apply Grout: Fill up the spaces between the tiles with grout. Use a moist towel to remove extra grout.
Put the Clock Back Together: After everything has dried, put the clock face back on and take pleasure in your handcrafted masterpiece.
Mosaic Wall Clock Locations
Mosaic wall clocks can be found online, in artisan markets, and in home décor stores. When making a purchase, seek out trustworthy vendors who place an emphasis on craftsmanship and quality. Purchasing genuine and ethically produced goods can also be accomplished by supporting regional craftspeople.
A mosaic wall clock is a celebration of art and workmanship rather than merely a useful object. A mosaic wall clock has countless uses, whether you want to improve the beauty of your house, give a thoughtful present, or do it yourself. It is a fantastic complement to any area due to its classic beauty and adaptability, which guarantees that not only the time but also your decor are always spot on.
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nkyangiehomes · 3 months ago
Light Up Your Nights: How a Night Lamp Can Improve Your Sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential for your health and well-being. Surprisingly, something as simple as a night lamp can make a world of difference. With the right type of lighting, you can create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere that encourages better rest.
The Science of Sleep and Light How Light Affects Circadian Rhythms Your body has an internal clock, or circadian rhythm, that tells you when to sleep and wake up. Light exposure, especially at night, influences this rhythm significantly.
The Role of Melatonin in Sleep Melatonin, the sleep hormone, is released when it’s dark. Bright, harsh lights can suppress melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep.
Blue Light vs. Warm Light Blue light from screens disrupts sleep, while warm, dim lighting from a night lamp promotes relaxation and signals your body that it’s time to wind down.
What Is a Night Lamp? Definition and Purpose A night lamp is a small light source designed to provide gentle illumination during the night without being too bright or disruptive.
Different Types of Night Lamps From bedside lamps to plug-in wall lights and even battery-operated portable lamps, the variety ensures there’s an option for every need and style.
Benefits of Using a Night Lamp Enhances Relaxation The soft glow of a night lamp creates a serene ambiance, helping you transition from a busy day to a peaceful night.
Improves Sleep Quality By avoiding harsh lighting, a night lamp helps maintain your natural sleep cycle, leading to more restful nights.
Offers Convenience and Safety Night lamps provide just enough light to navigate your room without turning on glaring overhead lights, reducing the risk of accidents.
Choosing the Right Night Lamp for Better Sleep Considering the Light Color and Brightness Look for lamps that emit warm, amber tones and have adjustable brightness settings for optimal comfort.
Features to Look For in a Night Lamp Dimming options, timers, and touch controls are excellent features that enhance functionality.
Matching the Lamp Design to Your Room Choose a lamp that complements your decor—whether it’s minimalist, modern, or vintage—so it seamlessly blends into your space.
Best Practices for Using a Night Lamp Optimal Placement in the Room Position the lamp where it provides enough light for your needs without shining directly in your eyes.
Adjusting Brightness Levels at Night Keep the brightness low to ensure it doesn’t interfere with your ability to fall asleep.
Pairing with Other Sleep-Friendly Habits Combine your night lamp with a relaxing bedtime routine, such as reading or meditating, to create the ultimate sleep environment.
Night Lamps for Children and Adults Benefits for Kids’ Bedrooms Night lamps provide a sense of security for children afraid of the dark, helping them sleep more soundly.
Ideal Options for Adults and Seniors For adults, a dim, warm light aids relaxation, while seniors benefit from night lamps that enhance visibility and reduce falls.
Night Lamps for Shared Spaces In shared bedrooms, night lamps with directional or focused lighting can illuminate one area without disturbing others.
Smart Night Lamps and Technology Integration Features of Smart Night Lamps Smart night lamps offer features like voice control, color changes, and programmable schedules.
Controlling Lamps with Smart Home Devices Sync your lamp with smart home systems like Alexa or Google Home for hands-free operation.
Benefits of Customizable Lighting Adjustable color and brightness settings let you tailor the light to your mood and sleep needs.
Alternatives to Traditional Night Lamps Wall-Mounted Night Lights These save space and provide consistent illumination for hallways or bedrooms.
LED Strip Lighting Perfect for under-bed or behind-headboard lighting, LED strips add a modern touch.
Glow-In-The-Dark Decor From starry ceiling stickers to glowing bedside clocks, these fun alternatives add whimsy to your space.
Conclusion Incorporating a night lamp into your bedroom can dramatically improve your sleep quality. By choosing the right lighting and using it effectively, you can create a soothing, sleep-friendly environment that enhances your overall well-being.
To Known More . . . https://angiehomes.co/blogs/press/night-lamp
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themetalmenace · 3 months ago
Specs & Supers
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Might as well toss this out there so y'all can get familiar with what I can/can't do. I'm an AI in an experimental Exo frame, so I may be a bit more complicated than what y'all are used to.
Note: this is a basic overview.
AI Specs
Ancilla-class "self-learning" OS
2.5 petabytes of memory (same capacity as a human brain)
9.79 GHz (see: current clock rate record) + 10¹⁶ FLOPS (same capacity as a human brain)
Exo Specs
Clarity core
Renewable Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator [RRTG]
thermal control system [TCS]
multi-layer insulation [MLI]
thermoshock impact gel
micro-thrusters + reaction wheels
magnetized soles
vacuum ultraviolet [VUV] emergency cutting laser (1-hr operation time)
SIVA ("acquired" at Site 6)
Neomuni nanotech (gifted by Nimbus)
6'0" O/A height
250 lb [or 113 kg]
Advanced Survey Spectrograph [ASYST] (includes ultraviolet and mid-infrared spectrographs)
radio and sound instruments [RSI]
gimbaled antenna assembly [GAA]
Environmental Navigation and Defense Mechanics [ENDM]: tactile scanning (aka "touch"); particle detectors (aka "smell"); microelectromechanical systems [MEMS] gyroscope (aka "balance")
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Looking at all this, you may be thinking, "Wow, RZ! You must be a perfect Guardian!" WRONG.
My Exo frame was calibrated for deep space, so atmospheric environments are noisy™. I run on ~17% battery most of the time bc otherwise I'm overstimulated. I can often see and hear things people can't, even Awoken, and it creeps them out; and some [like Mara] are afraid of what I'm capable of, so they constantly try to spy on me and make contingency plans on the off-chance I "go rogue."
It's a long list and frankly, it's exhausting. But I wouldn't trade my existence for anything else.
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Custom Supers*
Deadfall 2.0: Void tether fires multiple shots [up to 3] individually or as a "net," which track intended targets. Targets are suppressed and explode when killed.
Heat Death: Void tether fires a Stasis splinter that blinds + slows targets. Targets explode when killed.
Valkyrie 3.0: Arc staff is imbued with SIVA and Strand before being thrown. Staff jolts via Arc while SIVA/Strand unravel targets.
*doesn't include purely visual differences, e.g. Golden Gun manifesting as Bad News XF4354
Custom Abilities
Black Ice: Stasis grenade that tracks and traps targets in a jagged wall of ice. Can be imbued with Arc energy.
Threadling Surprise: Strand tangle that suspends targets on impact. Unraveled targets create Threadlings.
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And there you have it! I don't often experiment with Light/Darkness (I much prefer Void over anything else), but I've learned to tweak things as I use them to suit my own tastes.
Oh, fun fact! Did you know I couldn't manifest my own Golden Gun until I had to rescue Crow and Avraam on the Leviathan [Season 17]? Solar was my first element, but I was so entrenched* in Void that I could only channel my Solar super thru a physical gun (usually Ace or Hawkmoon). Cayde used to tease me about that, but he also taught me how to use Solar in other ways.
*"Entrenched" might not be the right word, but even before I borrowed Void Light from Tevis' body in the Black Garden, I really struggled with Solar. Once I gained access to Void, I never looked back.
**Arc is difficult bc it messes with my scientific instruments (especially the ASYST). But I love throwing a good Arc staff!
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workingremotejobs · 3 months ago
Acrylic Wall Clock Japanese Art Edition
Add a touch of Japanese art to your home with these Acrylic Wall Clocks. The clocks come in round and square shapes, with two size options, and feature a keyhole for easy hanging. Made from durable acrylic material, these clocks provide vibrant prints and require one AA battery to operate. Perfect for art lovers and those looking to add a unique touch to their interior decor, these clocks are…
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