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ukrfeminism · 1 year
Five mums have died after family courts allowed fathers accused of abuse to apply for contact with their children, a BBC investigation has found.
Some took their own lives, another had a heart attack outside court. 
One mother, whose child was ordered to live with a convicted child rapist, would no longer eat and drink and "gave up living", friends say.
A separate study has found 75 children forced into contact with fathers who had been previously reported for abuse.
In some cases, in the England-wide study carried out by the University of Manchester and revealed for the first time by the BBC, the fathers were convicted paedophiles. 
All the fathers in the study had responded in court to allegations of abuse with a disputed concept known as "parental alienation", in which they claimed the mothers had turned the child against them without good reason. 
Dr Elizabeth Dalgarno, who led the research, says the concept is a "handy tool for abusers" and its acceptance by courts is a "national scandal".
Family law barrister, Lucy Reed KC, says the term is deployed "increasingly frequently" - but doesn't always mean the same thing. "It's quite often used by fathers to mean pretty much anything that is in opposition to their demand for a certain amount of contact."
The 45 mothers of the children in the University of Manchester study all reported serious health problems which they believed were linked to the stress of family court proceedings - including miscarriages, heart attacks and suicidal thoughts.
For months, the BBC has also been examining stories of traumatised women as part of a wider investigation into the way the family courts handle domestic violence claims in disputes between parents. 
Because of the laws surrounding reporting of the court proceedings, intended to protect children, the women's names and some identifying details have been changed.
Dr Elizabeth Dalgarno says parental alienation is a "handy tool for abusers" in the family courts
Domestic abuse commissioner Nicole Jacobs says the "harrowing" cases uncovered by the BBC show there is a need for "urgent and wide-reaching reform" of family courts. Abusers aided by unregulated experts were using "so-called parental alienation" to "deflect from their own abusive behaviour", she says.
The BBC has learned the government is investigating whether further action is needed on "alienation" and - since we made the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) aware of our investigation - the judiciary has issued new draft guidelines for consultation on handling parental alienation claims in domestic abuse cases. But some experts say they don't go far enough.
Grace and the child rapist
Grace was madly in love with her partner at first - friends told the BBC - but later she discovered he had previously been jailed for raping a child. The friends said she was also abused by him.
After Grace and her partner separated, he refused to return their child and accused her of being mentally unwell. He said there was a risk she would "alienate" them from him.
In one message Grace wrote: "It's really bad. He kept my child"
The family court was aware of his conviction but believed the risk to the child could be managed.
One friend said Grace felt disbelieved throughout the court proceedings and "her soul just completely disappeared".
In one of her last messages to her group of friends, seen by the BBC, Grace wrote: "I'm unable to eat or sleep, it's a mess, I hate the family court. Dead dead dead."
Her health declined and she died after the final court hearing, in which her child was ordered to live with her abusive partner.
Another friend told the BBC: "When you emotionally and mentally give up, I suppose her body followed. It was almost like they signed the death warrant. It was 100% the family court."
Speaking anonymously, friends of Grace said her health declined after her child was ordered to live with a convicted abuser
Sarah's story
The case of another mother - who took her own life after two years of family court proceedings - highlights what a drawn-out legal process can do to the mental health of a vulnerable person. 
A published judgement of the case - of the woman we are calling Sarah - details extreme abuse. Before her death, the judge determined in a fact-finding hearing that she had been raped by her partner, who drank excessively and became aggressive. Her partner punched her in the chest, slapped her in the face and threw her against the bannister.
He put CCTV in the house to monitor Sarah and their two children and would not even allow them to use the bathroom without keeping the door open. He also threatened Sarah, saying he would reveal footage of her inside the bedroom.
After she left him, he also placed trackers in her car, the judge concluded. 
Parental alienation was brought up in proceedings, with the father saying he wanted contact with his children. Eventually the father was denied contact, but by then Sarah had killed herself. 
The judge said she had "huge regret" that the proceedings had taken so long and had "evidently been so difficult for the mother to cope with".
Medical emergencies
When another mother died waiting outside the family court, a doctor told the inquest into her death that her cardiac arrest could have been linked to "broken heart syndrome" and the emotional distress of proceedings. 
According to coroner's documents, seen by the BBC, the mother had alleged she was a victim of domestic violence. We understand parental alienation was not a feature of the case, and the woman's children had been removed from her care. 
In another case, friends of a mother who had spent time in a refuge for domestic abuse victims told the BBC she had been so traumatised by her medical records being discussed in the case that she later refused to visit a doctor, even when she had a serious illness.
One friend said the mother had felt like "her ex, an abuser, was in control" in the court - because her former partner had labelled her as mentally ill and accused her of parental alienation, turning their child against him. 
After her child was ordered to live with her former partner, the mother was afraid of being taken back to the family court and losing what little contact she had, another friend said.
The mother became unwell with a treatable illness but sought medical attention too late - and eventually died of sepsis.
Sheila: 'She never recovered'
Parental alienation was brought up by a family court judge in Sheila's first hearing, as a warning to her.
People close to her say she had suffered coercive and controlling behaviour for years from an abusive partner, and had been bombarded with emails, calls and messages at all hours - even after they split.
When her former partner applied for greater access to their child, loved ones urged her to see the family court as a friend - but they now say they bitterly regret that advice.
Before any expert reports had been commissioned, the judge said in their opinion the case involved parental alienation and the court took it extremely seriously.
People who knew her well said she was traumatised by the hearing - which went in favour of the father.
"She felt like she'd go to prison if she did anything wrong," the BBC was told. "She never recovered, she was now controlled by the family courts and her abuser."
Over a year later, she took her own life.
Suicide prevention charity the Samaritans says the causes of suicide are often complex and there may not be a single identifiable cause. But the judiciary in England and Wales has commissioned a report to examine the "potentially heightened risk of suicide" after involvement in family court proceedings.
Researchers studying the family court say they are concerned that claims of parental alienation appear to be increasing in private law cases like these - where one parent takes another to court, rather than an intervention by social services.
The University of Manchester found accusations of parental alienation were the common factor among the 45 women and their 75 children in its peer-reviewed study.
Carried out with the domestic abuse research group SHERA, and soon to be published in the Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody and Child Development, the research examined the health impacts on abused women facing family court proceedings.
Dr Dalgarno, the lead researcher, says the mothers in these private law cases were not supported in the court. "Credible evidence of abuse was diminished or ignored completely - and when I say credible evidence, I'm talking about criminal convictions," she says.
Labour's shadow minister for domestic violence and safeguarding, Jess Phillips, says women's struggles with family courts are the "biggest issue" in her inbox
Dr Dalgarno says that based on self-reported surveys, it is estimated about 70% of the 55,000 private law family court cases each year involve allegations of abuse - but there is a shortage of reliable data on the overall prevalence of cases where parental alienation has been claimed.
There should be "emergency measures" to tackle the use of parental alienation claims in court, she says. "There are catastrophic health impacts with children and adult victims of abuse considering or attempting suicide."
Labour's shadow minister for domestic violence and safeguarding, Jess Phillips, says she has been contacted by thousands of women who have struggled with similar experiences inside family courts. "It's the biggest issue in my inbox," she says. 
She compares it to abuse scandals such as those in Rotherham or the Catholic Church.
"This isn't a bad judge. This isn't a rogue court in one part of the country. This is a tactic of abusers that is being used across every part of our country." 
The secrecy and power the courts could wield over a person is "delicious to domestic abuse perpetrators", she adds.
In cases where domestic abuse, sexual violence or any form of child abuse is alleged, the presumption of contact should be earned, not given automatically, Ms Phillips says.
She says the use of unregulated experts testifying about parental alienation need to be banned and there should be more data collected on the outcomes of family court cases.
'Complicated jargon'
The term parental alienation was first coined by the controversial US psychiatrist Richard Gardner as "parental alienation syndrome". He claimed mothers in acrimonious divorces brainwashed their children to believe they had been abused by their fathers and recommended completely severing contact to "re-programme" them.
This concept has been criticised for a lack of evidence - but there are those who say it has now been rebranded simply as "parental alienation" and, supported by some psychologists, it has frequently been used by family courts.
Lucy Reed KC, who promotes transparency about the workings of family courts, thinks processes should not be diverted by "complicated psychological jargon" - including the term parental alienation.
She says there needs to be better oversight of how courts are handling such allegations. "If there is domestic abuse, that could explain why the child rejects contact," she says.
Sir Andrew McFarlane, the most senior family court judge, has said the label of parental alienation is "unhelpful"
The President of the Family Court in England and Wales, Sir Andrew McFarlane, has warned the parental alienation label is "unhelpful" - and the Family Justice Council has recently issued new draft guidance for consultation on how to deal with "allegations of alienating behaviour".
It provides a step-by-step guide for family courts hearing parental alienation claims, especially in cases of domestic abuse. It focuses on dealing with evidence and finding facts first before judgements are made. 
But some believe more needs to be done. Earlier this year, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls called for the use of parental alienation to be prohibited globally. 
The Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales, Nicole Jacobs, says too often courts consider claims of domestic violence and parental alienation simultaneously - which, she believes, is an "unsafe approach" and can put women and children at risk. 
England's Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass), which advises courts about children's best interests, referred to "parental alienation" in guidance as recently as 2021, but now adopts the term "alienating behaviours". But it told the BBC its advisers should first consider if factors, such as domestic abuse, mean the child's refusal to see a parent is justified. 
In a statement, the Ministry of Justice described the cases of the women as "deeply tragic" and said that its thoughts were with those who had lost loved ones. It added that improvements had also been made to the family court system to protect domestic abuse victims, such as preventing cross-examination by abusers, expanding legal aid and allowing them to give evidence behind protective screens or by video-link.
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georgefairbrother · 1 year
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The Tap End is a 1988 episode of Thames Television's Rumpole of the Bailey, written by John Mortimer, which tackles the issue of community and judicial attitudes to domestic violence against women.
Horace Rumpole (Leo McKern) is called in to defend a member of the Timson family of petty criminals, his regular clients, on a charge of attempted murder. Tony Timson (Phil Davis) has allegedly tried to drown his wife during their bath together, over ‘slurs on his virility’. He also explains that, at his wife’s behest, he always sits at the uncomfortable ‘tap end’ of the bath.
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The matter is brought before Mr Justice Featherstone (Peter Bowles) who is anxious to avoid a trial and wrap up proceedings quickly so as not to interfere with an invitation to the Royal Garden Party. In a pre-trial meeting with counsel, the judge is keen to have the charges downgraded and the matter resolved by lunchtime. Assisting Rumpole is the feminist barrister, Liz Probert (in earlier series played by Samantha Bond but now by Leo McKern’s daughter, Abigail), and she can already see which way the wind is blowing.
The charges are duly downgraded from attempted murder to common assault, to Rumpole’s satisfaction and Liz Probert’s outrage. Timson is freed on a good behaviour bond, with Justice Featherstone summing up that being forced to sit at the uncomfortable tap end of the bath is at least a partial justification for the defendant’s actions.
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Liz Probert is incandescent with rage, and mobilises her women’s action group against the judge, who is lambasted in the press, not at all popular with Marigold, Lady Featherstone, and besieged by protestors.
Mrs Rumpole (She who must be obeyed) is outraged to the point that she decides to study law to defend women’s rights, and in a subsequent hearing, Featherstone tries to have the court records 'corrected' to change the nuance of his comments, but actually makes things worse by accidentally reinforcing the fact that, in his judgement, sitting at the tap end is a justifiable defence against a charge of attempted murder in a domestic situation. He is hauled before the Lord Chancellor for a disciplinary hearing, and his career hangs in the balance.
When Timson is framed for an armed robbery, it becomes apparent that the initial allegations against him were false and motivated by a love triangle involving his wife and Peanuts Molloy, from a rival and infinitely more violent crime firm. Justice Featherstone publicly redeems himself by getting to the truth.
The generally dismissive attitude by some of the male protagonists over incidences of domestic violence is an interesting theme tackled by John Mortimer, who also manages to sustain the episode's comedic aspects with Featherstone's clumsy and increasingly desperate attempts at trying to demonstrate what a strong supporter and defender of women he really is, and how he had been the victim of a terrible misunderstanding.
Rumpole himself had some unhappy form on these kinds of cases. In a very early and much darker episode, John Mortimer had Rumpole angrily confronted by his daughter-in-law over his delight at being engaged for a rape trial in which the defendant was an MP, and for his brutal and relentless cross-examination of the increasingly distressed, confused and vulnerable victim.
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maddieonline · 2 months
I finished my law exams today!
I’m really happy - I feel optimistic about it all. I’m so lucky to have this opportunity and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for me.
Some of my goals for the next ten years:
-Qualify as a solicitor
-Work abroad
-Develop my Chinese and French language skills
-Qualify as a barrister
-Begin (maybe complete?) my PhD
-Work with domestic violence charities and aid schemes
-Write articles
-Get a house
-(Finally) learn to drive
-Motorbike lessons have always been a total dream for me
-Keep drawing!
I think it’s so important to invest in personal, recreational passions as well as academia. I’m going to go for a walk, have a bath, do some cleaning and spend some time drawing as a ‘reset’ after the stress of exam season before I head back into the office on Monday.
I love law so much and I’d love to become a judge someday - my mum always tells me that you ‘eat the elephant bit by bit,’ i.e., you break down an insurmountable task into little manageable chunks and you will get there in the end.
Happy Friday! <3
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maranofamilylawyers · 5 months
Family Lawyers Sydney - How to Find a Lawyer Specialising in Family Law
A family lawyer is a legal expert who specialises in family law matters. They help people with a range of issues including divorce, property settlement and child custody. They can also assist with Centrelink claims.
Working with a family law lawyer can be stressful, but it is worth it to get the best outcome possible. It is important to seek legal advice early so that you understand your rights and obligations.
Family law is a complex area of law
Family law covers Family Lawyers Sydney free consultation issues related to family relationships. This includes divorce, property settlements, child custody, domestic violence, and more. These issues can be very emotional and stressful, especially for the individuals involved. This is why it’s important to work with a family lawyer who can help you navigate these issues.
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The Australian family law system is designed to support people who are experiencing relationship issues. It encourages parties to resolve their issues without going to court and provides a variety of information and services to assist them. These include family relationship counselling, mediation and other dispute resolution services, and financial and parenting support.
Family lawyers specialize in family law matters and can help you with a variety of issues, including separation, divorce, child custody, and property settlements. They can also handle child abuse issues and help you obtain a restraining order against an abusive partner. They can also help you find a support network and access community resources.
It can be stressful
A lawyer can help you address issues related to property and the care of children, and can negotiate a settlement without going to court. If you don’t have the means to hire a private family lawyer, you can contact your local community legal centre or Legal Aid NSW for free legal advice. These organisations can also refer you to a solicitor or barrister who specialises in family law.
A divorce is a complicated process, and it can be very stressful for all involved. It is important that you choose the right lawyer to represent you, as the outcome of your case could impact many aspects of your life.
A skilled attorney will guide you through the process and explain the applicable laws. They will assess your goals and priorities and help you make decisions that will benefit you in the long run. They will also explain the benefits and risks of different courses of action.
It can be expensive
Family law is a complex and emotionally charged area of the legal system. This is because it deals with sensitive issues such as divorce, custody of children and spousal support. This type of work can be time consuming and expensive. However, there are ways to reduce the costs of working with a family lawyer.
One way to save money is by getting an estimate before the case begins. This will help you avoid surprises and make the process smoother. Also, it’s important to find out whether or not the lawyer charges by the hour and if there is a refund policy.
When choosing a family lawyer, it is important to choose one that is experienced and reputable. Checking reviews and asking friends for recommendations can help you find an attorney that is suited to your needs. Also, try to avoid changing attorneys midway through the case, as this will cost you more money. This is because the new attorney will need to learn the details of your case.
It can be time-consuming
Family lawyers often find themselves dealing with difficult and sensitive issues on a daily basis. They may need to draft Legal advisor Hurstville documents, advise clients about their rights and obligations, gather evidence or represent them in court. This type of work is very demanding and can take a toll on both the body and mind. However, many lawyers say that they find it incredibly rewarding.
If you’re looking for help in a family law matter, try to contact your local community legal service (CLC). Most CLCs provide free legal services, including family and domestic violence support. In addition, the National Legal Aid Network provides free information sessions and telephone legal advice.
Before your consultation, prepare the following information: Detailed income details of both parties. Details of all assets and liabilities including cars, business, superannuation, inheritances, debts, etc. It’s also important to include any previous or current parenting arrangements and court orders. You should also bring a list of questions that you have.
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oceanmonsters · 2 years
So, when I see hashtags trending on twitter like, “AmberHeardIsALiar”, I realise how deeply entrenched misogyny is in our society. It doesn’t matter that there is a High Court decision proving that Depp assaulted Heard, it wouldn’t matter if the world watched Depp physically assault Heard in public, people would still support Depp. Why is he above the law?
Is it because Depp is the definition of masculinity? Every man wanted to be him at one point. If even he can be a perpetrator of domestic abuse, with all the fame, glory, money and power that he has, it sends out a strong message to men that anyone can be a perpetrator of violence. Anyone can fall from grace – even you.
But it also says something more sinister: that our society doesn’t care about domestic abuse. “So what, he slapped her? She deserved it.” Depp has said it was “mutual abuse”. We are subtly being told that even if he abused her, we should feel himpathy for him (which is inappropriate sympathy towards powerful men who abuse women).
These men, we are taught, shouldn’t be ruined because of transgressions towards women, because women aren’t worth it. Our patriarchal society is sustaining this and using Depp to continue the empathy towards perpetrators and the admonishment of victims.
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only-johnny-deppp · 3 years
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NEVER FORGET: Amber Heard LIED about being a victim of domestic violence in January 2015.
“Tell the world, Johnny. Tell them, 'Johnny Depp, I, a man, I'm a victim too of domestic violence'. And see how many people believe or side with you." - Amber Heard (ambassador for women’s rights, outspoken domestic violence and sexual violence awareness)
This January marks 7 years since Amber Heard elaborated one of her lies. On January 27, 2015 she claimed had been a victim of domestic violence while staying in a hotel in Tokyo, but her version of the story can be proved as a LIE. So for those who didn’t know or still believe in her lies,
Here are some evidences:
Let’s start from a day before the hoax:
> JANUARY 26, 2015: Narita Airport, Tokyo, Japan.
As we ALL know, every time Johnny goes to Japan, thousands of people of all ages and genders goes to the airport to welcome him, give him gifts as well wait a chance for a handshake, an autograph or just an eye contact. On that day, Johnny was accompanied by Amber Heard who since the beginning was already showing signs of boredom and annoyance every time Johnny tried to greet his fans.
1) Johnny greets his fans and Amber roll her eyes:
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2) While Johnny is greeting his fans; Amber gets angry of being left behind:
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3) Johnny smiles as he spots a kid in a costume and tries to get Amber involved with his fans, but she almost didn’t care.  Ps. Pay close attention that even his bodyguard Malcolm is smiling.
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4) Although Johnny is the one who holds Amber’s hands in a certain way to get her closer and involved with his fans, when he spots more children waiting for him and wants to talk to them, is she who, for a couple of seconds, seems to hold him to not do it.  Ps. And again Malcolm is clearly happier than her, and we know how hard is to see him smiling.
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During this event you can also see that Ms. Heard only “truly” smiles when people calls her and is being photographed, and never get involved with his fans. Ok, they are not her fans, but she could greet them as well, hold their hands, be friendly. In the other hand, Johnny only truly smiles when greeting and involved with his fans. If you look for photos of this day, you’ll see that he was a little down. Click HERE to watch the video of the arrival (I will not post any videos because my last tumblr was deactivated for posting multiples videos of TV show...)
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But why she’s acting like that:  Answer:
Amber Heard didn’t want to sign a prenup agreement to the division of their financial affairs if there was a divorce.
In an e-mail between Amber’s psychologist Dr. Connell Cowan (who she was receiving therapy at that time) and Dr. David Kipper, their private doctor, reveals that before going to Japan, Johnny WANTED a prenup agreement and it lead to discussions:
[Below, in Red: Amber Heard, in Green: Eleanor Laws, QC/barrister representing Johnny in his libel action against News Group Newspapers and the Sun's executive editor, Dan Wootton. Texts from the Trial on July 2020]
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After getting angry with the prenuptial agreement, Johnny’s lawyers and his sister tried to encourage her to enter into a postnuptial agreement, but she was always angry and always resisted to sign. Some time later, Johnny tried again, by himself, and the result was another abuse: Amber Heard got so furious that THREW a bottle of Vodka on Johnny and cut his finger.
> JANUARY 27, 2015 ~ MORNING: The alleged attack and the weird cancelling of the Press Conference of “Mortdecai”, in Tokyo, Japan.
On the next day after arriving in Tokyo, Johnny planned to attend a press conference to talk about his then new movie “Mortdecai”, at the Peninsula Tokyo Hotel, in Tokyo, Japan. The event was originally scheduled to start at noon, but was canceled after one hour of delay, and the more than 200 reporters, journalists and photographers of all areas around Japan got caught by surprise when was announced that Johnny couldn’t attend because he was feeling “unwell”, and would rather rest for the premiere later that night. Johnny personally sent a message asking sorry for the inconvenience and the event was rescheduled for the next day. Different from all the other countries, the journalists didn’t complain at all and wished all the best to him. CLICK HERE to watch the video in Japanese.
 ~ But what happened?
Accordingly to Amber Heard, on that morning Johnny “slapped her”, “wrestled” her to the floor, “kneeled on her back”, “hit on the back of the head” and she was left “weeping” on the ground”, “Sitting on the floor crying”.
* Amber Heard’s testimonies:
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(PS. PLEASE, I need you guys to KEEP THESE WORDS IN YOUR MIND and try to imagine how she would like after this scene to compare with the photos below)
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Johnny denies everything, but it seems he committed a mistake. Although his children were not seen in this airport, Lily-Rose was seen in Los Angeles, so he probably mistook this with the 2013 travel when he indeed traveled with Amber and his kids.
* Johnny Depp’s testimony:
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Stephen Deuters, Johnny’s assistant at that time, is one of the eyewitnesses of this event. Although he not present in the room, he remembers that Johnny was late for a press conference due an argument that morning and saw ANY cuts, bruises or injuries in Ms. Heard.
* Stephen Deuters Testimony:
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> JANUARY 27, 2015 ~ NIGHT: Premiere of “Mortdecai” at the Marunouchi Building, in Tokyo, Japan.
After the odd cancelling of the press conference earlier that morning, Johnny was “well enough” to attend the premiere but SURPRISINGLY after allegedly had suffered a “violent attack” Amber Heard appeared WITHOUT ANY SINGLE INJURY, BRUISE, CUT OR SIGN OF ABUSE:
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In the other hand, is Johnny who seems scared, intimidated and had a band-aid on his finger:
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During the trial, on July 2020, Ms. Heard also wrongly answered questions. When asked when the assault happened she said it was two days after the premiere, but this a LIE. Two days prior that day they weren’t even in Japan. They arrived on day before, so in reality the “attack” happened on the same day. Also, when asked about the injures on her back, she said it was “not visible” and she was checking obsessively as soon as she got off the carpet:
[Below, in Red: Amber Heard, in Green: Eleanor Laws, QC/barrister representing Johnny in his libel action against News Group Newspapers and the Sun's executive editor, Dan Wootton. Texts from the Trial on July 2020]
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  But the videos and photos of that day shows completely the opposite of what Amber told under oath on court:
1) While Johnny and Amber are on the escalator, he waves to the fans and unintentionally pulls Amber’s hand away from his arm. Once she is always desperate for his attention, she gets upset. Right after that her mood changes:
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2) That simple act had a consequence to Johnny. Her mood suddenly changes and you can see some kind of angriness toward Johnny:
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3) On red carpet, Amber shows boredom while Johnny gives an interview and seems annoyed for not having his attention. By the way, you will notice that she ALWAYS has the habit of tilting her head back with her nose up as she looks down to someone. This body language is known for showing arrogance and superiority.
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4) Amber show boredom, arrogance and superiority again and slightly moves her head signing her impatience to leave the place:
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5) Johnny is already embarrassed for Amber’s behaviour who doesn’t even hide her angriness and boredom as you can see right in the beginning below. And she fake smiles as he checks if she’s ok.
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6) The hidden message of Johnny and Amber’s threat:
During another interview, Johnny was remembered when he went to a guitar shop in Shin-Okubo on his last visit and he says that he’d like to be there at that moment implying that he’d like to be there at that moment, not because he was disliking the premiere, but probably for having to stay with Amber on his side.  When asked if there was any other place he’d like to go, Johnny answers the “whole country” and that he would like to take Amber through the country, although we will never know if this was a real wish or just said because she was on his side and avoid more fights later. But when Amber was asked where she’d like to go, she simple says “anywhere he goes” and Johnny replies with “to hell in a handbag”.  This quote is known for describing a situation that is deteriorating quickly and headed for disaster, and you can see that Johnny is not enjoying that situation AT ALL, and probably knew that what happened to him would happen again because she was going to follow him everywhere.
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7) Again. In any moment she got involved with his fans. She could at least take some gifts that some fans bring to him and he and his bodyguards didn’t have the chance to see and catch, but instead she rather keep her eyes on him.
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8) As Johnny and Stephen said: She was always in good spirits - for someone who said had been beaten... Few hours earlier.
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For someone who was “slapped”, “wrestled” to the floor, “kneeled on her back”, “hit on the back of the head” and left “weeping” on the ground”, “sitting on the floor crying” Amber Heard was 100% perfect with no sign of abuse AT ALL.
By the way, during the red carpet she rarely check her back, and only did it  because she was worried about the opening on the back of her dress to not show too much; and was NOT worried to check if the were “injuries”  because they didn’t exist at all.
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HOAX: “He slapped me, wrestled me to the floor, I was sitting on the floor crying”  TRUTH: Perfect skin, no cuts, bruises, swellings and any other signs of had been crying, or being scared...
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She was so in good spirits that after the premiere that even went to a restaurant with Johnny. Also, throughout the whole premiere, you can see that they are always with hands together and she doesn’t give space for him.
> JANUARY 28, 2015: “Mortdecai” Press Conference Peninsula Tokyo Hotel, in Tokyo, Japan.
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Johnny finally attends the press conference of “Mortdecai”. He is not wearing a band-aid on his finger but shows a small scar, his finger seems a little sore and he still seems distant, although through the conference he tried to make some fun. As soon as he arrives on stage, he gives and weird excuse for the cancelling of press conference the day earlier.
“I would love to apologize to you all for not being here yesterday. I was at the tail end of a kind of a cold or flu or something… But that’s not the reason I wasn’t here. I was attacked yesterday morning by a very rarely seen or experienced animal called ‘the chupacabra’. I fought with it for hours. They’re very persistent, very mean. And I’m pretty sure it came in my suitcase. I threw him off the 23rd floor, so we’ll never see him again. Thank you, thank you for understanding. I appreciate it”
Although everyone thought funny, Johnny was not having fun. Maybe because no matter what he said, people would never believe in his words. He was attacked and the “chupacabra” was Amber Heard.
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JULY 2020:  Johnny Depp Vs. The Sun Trial, London:
This event was later brought to court in London by Ms. Heard, her team of lawyers and Sasha Wass (News Group Newspapers’s lawyer) based on Ms. Heard’s lie and a text exchange between Stephen Deuters and the editor Adam Gough in a temptative to portray Johnny as an abuser once, because accordingly to them, they were talking about Johnny’s “alter ego” given to Ms. Heard a.k.a “monster” and his attacks.  
[Below, in Red: Johnny Depp, in Orange: Sasha Wass, QC/barrister representing Amber, News Group Newspapers and The Sun's executive editor, Dan Wootton. Texts from the Trial on July 2020]
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But in reality Stephen and Adam were referring to Godzilla and later in a new text between more was revealed saying:
"I wish I had been eaten by a monster, probably much more enjoyable in comparison to how this month has panned out."
Why? Probably due to work. At that time, Johnny spent December 2014 travelling non-stop to promote “Mortdecai” and his schedule kept in January also with his Johnny’s musician career. And Stephen as his personal assistant had to deal with all of it as well.
> December 15, 2015: A similar “assault” proved LIE. 
Interestingly, a similar situation happened on the end of that year. On December 15, 2015 accordingly to Amber, Johnny threw objects on her, slapped, grabbed her by her hair, dragged her through the house, pulled chunks of hair, head-butted her, bashed her nose, split her lip and blackened her eyes, but on next day she appeared WITHOUT ANY SINGLE INJURY on James Corden’s Late Late Show and again there were eyewitnesses who saw and stated she looked perfect. And INDEED. For someone who was “violently attacked” the day before, how could look without any sign of abuse on the other day ON TV for the WHOLE WORLD. In the other hand, again, Johnny was the one with several marks on his face and again, there are evidences taken by his bodyguard showing the injuries caused by Amber:
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BUT, even after ALL THESE EVIDENCES, Johnny lost his court case against The Sun and it was “concluded” on November 2, 2020 by Judge Justice Nicol that Johnny “did assault Ms Heard as she and the defendants have alleged in this incident”  IN BOTH and more 12!!!
For you have an idea, read again about what Amber claimed had suffered on December 15 and compare to her on the James Corden’s Late Late Show the next day (CLICK HERE) Judge Justice Nicol “concluded” that the makeup artist was “able to conceal” Ms Heard’s injuries with make-up and lipstick and that Samantha McMillen (who saw her with no injuries) saw her after the make-up had been applied and that’s  why the injuries were not apparent and that’s why the injuries could not be seen on the still photographs from the show... THIS IS BULLSH*T! Meanwhile, Johnny’s evidence taken by his bodyguard Sean Bett “was not very clear" and the Judge Justice Nicol “concluded” concluded that he cannot see any swelling or abrasion in the photographs and that the scratch on his nose, in his judgment it was not caused by Ms. Heard... OH, COME ON!!!
THE REAL ABUSER, AMBER HEARD was and is still being protected.
AMBER HEARD, THE REAL ABUSER, who almost killed, who hurt physically and emotionally and mentally Johnny Depp is still being protected, even with DOZENS OF EVIDENCES proving that she IS THE ABUSER. 
Her HOAX, her plan to destroy Johnny’s career is still working, and even with all the evidences, Johnny is still the one being blamed. 
AND NEVER FORGET: “I can’t promise that it will all be perfect. I can’t promise you I won’t get physical again. God I f**king sometimes I get so mad I lose it.” - Amber Heard (ambassador for women’s rights, outspoken domestic violence and sexual violence awareness)
“You didn’t get punched. You got hit! I’m sorry I hit you like this, But I did not punch you. I did not f*cking deck you. I f*cking was hitting you!” - Amber Heard (ambassador for women’s rights, outspoken domestic violence and sexual violence awareness)
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sinkplier57 · 4 years
Household Arbitrator In Abingdon, Oxfordshire.
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Just How Does Family Members Mediation Work?
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We're a charity assistance network and advocate leading the fight to remove being homeless within Staffordshire and also bordering locations. If you would love to participate in either of these sessions please really feel guaranteed that our trained and expert personnel will certainly look after the health and wellbeing of both you and your kid. We continue to be completely functional however a number of our team continue to work remotely. Please make an appointment prior to going to at the workplace and to organize video clip conferencing or telephone conferences. According to the recommendations of the Federal government and Public Wellness England, we are shutting the doors to our office at 32 Friar Lane Leicester from Tuesday 5th January 2021. This will stay subject to evaluate and also dependent upon the circumstances. You need to be aged 13 years or older - if you're younger, ask somebody with parental obligation to send the feedback for you.
Can you refuse mediation?
Or they are the respondent, who is being lead unwittingly toward the court. By trying mediation, a couple has nothing to lose and everything to gain, starting with their self-respect. The answer of course, is yes, you can refuse.
This Plan Paper would ask the FLC whether any type of adjustments are needed to Sheriff Court Ordinary Cause Rule 33.22 to set that recommendations to arbitration ought to not occur when there has actually been domestic misuse. 11.06 ADR is not meant to replace going to courts in all situations, but it can have advantages over litigating. The major benefits are that it can be extra adaptable, address the issue faster, be much less stressful, supply a much longer enduring solution and also be less costly than participating in court. This appointment seeks sights on reforming Part 1 of the Children Act 1995 to guarantee the kid's best interests are at the centre of any decision made regarding them.
Just How Does Divorce Mediation Job?
Nevertheless, we are aware that ADR would certainly not be appropriate in all situations for example where there has actually been residential abuse. 11.24 The Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament in their article legislative analysis of the Family Legislation Act recommended that cases would certainly benefit from boosted use of mediation. 11.23 We are seeking your sights on whether we should be doing even more to encourage ADR as a choice to visit court. Operation of the plan is examined as well as if needed further meetings are organized. 11.16 In the light of Write-up 48 of the Istanbul Convention, the Scottish Government are considering whether to prepare a Plan Paper for the FLC.
They are normally advised by a lawyer in support of a person involved in a court case to manage the hearings, and also sometimes to advise on exactly how solid your instance is or what steps should be taken. Barristers can in some cases be instructed directly without you paying for a lawyer as well, and this is called public gain access to. Solicitors and also legal executives can handle your instance throughout, including figuring out lawful aid and also taking care of paperwork, as well as some may perform the advocacy themselves.
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We on a regular basis check that the call details depend on date yet in some cases there may be changes to regional authority team or policy we are not warned of. Enquire can take no duty for the web content of various other sites. If you want to come as well as speak to me, please let your mum recognize and she will arrange a day as well as time for us to satisfy. Your mum and dad have actually asked me to write to you becuase they would like you to have the choice to speak with me also, if that is something you wish to do. I am below to pay attention to how you feel about the time you invest with your mum and your dad and any suggestions you have for the future.
You may have various ideas, dreams as well as sensations about your care and also therapy than your household/ carers or the experts entailed. Or you might feel the same as they do yet believe you're not being listened to. Or you might remain in a scenario where differences are taking place around you which you are discovering upsetting. If you are a child or young adult with significant health and wellness or treatment needs, it is truly essential to have your wishes as well as feelings listened to. The SEND Tribunal is an independent first-tier tribunal that listen to as well as decide charms versus decisions we have actually made concerning your youngster's EHC strategy or our decision not to analyze your kid's requirements. You do not have to go after mediation, you only have to consider it if you feel it would be practical for you. If you do not want to mediate, your right of appeal will certainly not be influenced yet, you will still be required to obtain an arbitration certification prior to making sure allures.
Stowe Household Law Blog Site.
Household Mediation is confidential as well as the meetings are executed in a personal setup. The court may provide various names to such acting hearings, relying on what type of process you are entailed with. Consequently, 'directions' or 'acting hearings' will certainly be held before the primary or 'final hearing' so the Judge can be clear what the problems are and also what evidence is needed to enable him or her to make the right decision. You are really not likely to be asked to provide evidence at such acting hearings as they are usually concerning choosing what proof is required and in what kind. More solicitors as well as lawful execs also function as advocates however if they are active with an additional case or if it needs a specific competence they might need to instruct barrister to manage a certain hearing. Particular barristers may have developed a specialism in a certain location, so it makes sense for a lawyer to refer those kinds of situations to a professional barrister that can supply suggestions in composing.
Patriarch Al-Rai resumes mediation between Aoun and Hariri to form government - Arab News
Patriarch Al-Rai resumes mediation between Aoun and Hariri to form government.
Posted: Thu, 07 Jan 2021 18:42:31 GMT [source]
Your mediation certification will certainly after that be provided to you within 3 days of your mediation session having happened. If you choose not to go to arbitration, after that CHILDREN will send you a mediation certification within 3 days of you informing them your decision.
Just How Does Family Mediation Job?
We'll offer you our reasons for not agreeing to an EHC requires assessment in composing and you can request a conference with your SEN named policeman to review your options. It's day 3 of Family members Arbitration Week (20th - 24th January 2020), a week long campaign where we encourage conversations concerning arbitration and also increase awareness of arbitration and also its benefits for dividing households. There are normally around four sessions yet there may be essentially, relying on the complexity and also variety of concerns controversial. Mediation will certainly reinforce communication and avoid the hostility created by court proceedings. The conciliator will certainly collaborate with you both, allowing you to find useful remedies.
If you are requesting a residential violence order (non-molestation order or profession order) there is no charge payable. Courteous handy service maintaining you educated at every phase/ Would absolutely recommend. familymediationservice was really amazed with the solution I obtained which was friendly, individual and expert. I was happy with the method things were performed on my part, and also would certainly not be reluctant to suggest Winstons to my buddies as well as family. I was very pleased with the solution received by Winstons Solicitors LLP - we got good assistance, clear communication and a speedy resolution.
Please note, if your enquiry is made outdoors office hrs, we aim to contact you on the next organization functioning day. The procedure whereby you differ a Child Arrangement Order resembles just how you made an application for it in the first place as well as you might need to attend an additional Mediation Details as well as Evaluation Fulfilling. If you do make a decision to apply to the Court to vary an existing Youngster Plan Order, it is very important to remember that, although the Court will reassess the truths, their vital consideration is still the kid's welfare. For initial suggestions connect with our Family members and Youngster Regulation Solicitors. Moderators are sensitive and have actually experienced in a wide-range of family disputes. If you have any concerns or require even more details then please do not think twice to contact us.
Can mediation save a sharing settlement over Nazi-looted Pissarro? - Art Newspaper
Can mediation save a sharing settlement over Nazi-looted Pissarro?.
Posted: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Applications in the Family members Court comply with a standard operating procedure, although it can be adjusted to suit the needs of the case you should not expect your situation to be resolved instantly or perhaps at the initial hearing. In urgent situations the court may be able to skip certain components of the treatment or make short-term holding orders to safeguard your setting also without the various other person being at court. But you must read leaflet CB2 to see what the court thinks about as an urgent issue. You have to pay a cost to begin most lawsuit however if you are on a low income you may get approved for "fee remission". You can get help with court and tribunal costs online on the.gov.uk internet site here.
This is no one's mistake-- it's simple to focus on various other concerns such as cash, home and so forth. With our assistance we'll aid you to start constructing a life that's devoid of abuse. With a full-circle method, Glow looks for to attend to the concerns from every angle, guaranteeing that no member of the community is susceptible to an abusive connection. We're a charity on an objective to end connection abuse, marketing for adjustment as well as offering support throughout Staffordshire as well as its surrounding locations. Chatterbox is an internet site produced especially to help people across North Staffordshire to take advantage of their money to aid with budgeting. Regardless of what you've been via, our team is right here to sustain you through thick and also slim.
Spinney completes earthwork; mediation yields planned settlement - Wiscasset Newspaper
Spinney completes earthwork; mediation yields planned settlement.
Posted: Tue, 05 Jan 2021 19:07:02 GMT [source]
Mediation is personal although any kind of details passed from one celebration to the mediator must be disclosed to the various other event. The conciliator is not entitled to share any info connecting to your case to any 3rd party, to include your corresponding Solicitors. Discretion can be forgoed by both celebrations if details is needed to be provided to your Lawyers. Only the terms of any contract will certainly be made a note of as well as recorded in the treatment notes. At MMF we will always make sure we inquire about how your sights can be heard and will do our ideal to sustain you anyhow you want. Our function is to make sure that everyone's voice is heard in whatever way that is feasible.
Customer experience of our service can be found on our comments web page. These are made use of to compile records for us on just how individuals use this site. You will certainly be released an arbitration certificate within 3 working days, so that if you make a decision to, you have 1 month to attract Tribunal if you want. All celebrations will certainly get to discuss their sights, and if an agreement is gotten to which is acceptable to all, the essential activities will be formally documented and also signed by all events. If you are not delighted with area I of the EHCP - the named college - you do not require to have considered arbitration to attract Tribunal. If you accept arbitration, YOUNGSTERS will have 1 month to set up a day for mediation.
However, as court orders regarding youngsters are very difficult to apply anyway, coming to agreements that work for everyone entailed is most likely still your best option.
Members of personnel discover their very own option and also ideally get to an agreement that will certainly iron out their trouble or improve the scenario.
Arbitration is a private and risk-free means to speak via issues with the help of a neutral arbitrator, to locate a means onward and enhance functioning connections.
Many individuals discover it allows them to discover a way to interact with their ex once more, which if you have youngsters together can only be an actually advantage.
You can not typically get agreements concerning the kids made into a court order in the same way.
Some will certainly provide help for a taken care of cost, others might offer a very first conference free of cost.
The focus is on collaborating to move forward, not determining who was right or wrong in the past.
Provide feedbackEarly years (ages years) There's a great deal of aid offered in the early years, consisting of from wellness visitors and family centres. It is standard at this time of year to look back over the previous twelve months and reflect upon what has occurred, although many will not wish to look back at the year 2020. Simpson Millar Solicitors are a national law firm with over 500 personnel and also offices in Bristol, Cardiff, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester as well as Southport.
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jacademia · 6 years
Film Allusions in Crimson Peak
Hi, all! So because I am deep in my horror movie feels at present and, as horror is a genre that some of you are new to/unfamiliar with, want you all to have some more context for Crimson Peak as an intertextual Gothic pastiche, I thought make a little list of films (mostly horror) that CP references, alludes to, or visually echoes (other than Jane Eyre or any iteration of “Bluebeard,” that is). This list is certainly not exhaustive, but I hope will give you a starting place at understanding the scale of the intertextual web this movie is weaving (also maybe give you some movie recs if you’re into horror/classic cinema. I’ll try to include links to films in the public domain).
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Nosferatu (1922) and other early 20th century cinema
Del Toro makes use of a lot of the aesthetics and techniques of film from the late Victorian period/early 20th century (appropriate since Crimson Peak is set in the 1890s - incidentally one of the peaks of Gothic literature). One of these is iris shots/iris transitions (shown above in this screenshot from Nosferatu). Iris transitions are when a circular black mask over the shot shrinks, closing the picture to a black screen (very common in early horror film and 1920s cartoons, ie Betty Boop). If you’d like some very iconic, silent vampire cinema, you can watch Nosferatu here at archive.org for free.
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The Old Dark House (1932) | Watch free on Archive.org
Seeking shelter from a storm, five travelers are in for a bizarre and terrifying night when they stumble upon the Femm family estate.
A trope codifier for the haunted house movie, complete with oodles of Gothic weirdness, including those ooky spooky, co-dependent Femm siblings.
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Rebecca (1940) | Watch free on Archive.org
A self-conscious bride is tormented by the memory of her husband's dead first wife.
Based on Daphne Du Maurier’s novel of the same name (itself heavily based on Jane Eyre), this Gothic variation on “Bluebeard” was Alfred Hitchcock’s first American film, won two Academy Awards, and is still considered one of the best psychological thrillers of all time. Features an overbearing female figure who directly interferes with our protagonist’s marriage to her, er, Prince Charming in the form of a Sapphic housekeeper obsessed with keeping the memory of the first Mrs. De Winter alive.
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Notorious (1946) | Watch free on Youtube
A woman is asked to spy on a group of Nazi friends in South America. How far will she have to go to ingratiate herself with them?
Don’t drink the tea! Also, butterfly-backed chairs. Allll the butterfly-backed chairs.
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The Fall of the House of Usher (1960)
Upon entering his fiancée's family mansion, a man discovers a savage family curse and fears that his future brother-in-law has entombed his bride-to-be prematurely.
Two prongs here: Crimson Peak is very much playing with Edgar Allan Poe’s short story (incest siblings! Gothic manors sinking into the earth!) and evoking a particular aesthetic associated with a number of 1960s/70s “schlock” Gothic horror films like those made by Roger Corman who applied his use of vivid color and psychedelic surrealism to a number of Poe’s works. 
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AESTHETIC!!!!! Speaking of aesthetic excess...
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The Brides of Dracula (1960) and other Hammer Horror films
Vampire hunter Van Helsing returns to Transylvania to destroy handsome bloodsucker Baron Meinster, who has designs on beautiful young schoolteacher Marianne.
Known for a series of Gothic horror films made during the 1950s - 1970s featuring well-known characters like Count Dracula, Baron Frankenstein, and The Mummy, Hammer film productions hooked audiences with its use of vivid color, gore, sexy damsels in nightgowns, sexy women with fangs, sexy mummy girls, sexy... you get the idea. It left an indelible aesthetic mark on horror cinema since (including Crimson Peak). Also famous for catapulting the careers of Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing or, as you might know them, Count Dooku and Grand Admiral Tarkin from Star Wars.
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The Innocents (1961)
A young governess for two children becomes convinced that the house and grounds are haunted.
Frequently listed as one of the best horror films of all time, The Innocents (one of Del Toro’s direct inspirations -- clock the nightgown in the screencap) is a loose adaptation of Henry James’ seminal Gothic novella The Turn of the Screw.
So many more under the cut...
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The Leopard (1963) 
The Prince of Salina, a noble aristocrat of impeccable integrity, tries to preserve his family and class amid the tumultuous social upheavals of 1860's Sicily.
Another of Del Toro’s direct intertexts, which influenced Crimson Peak’s party scenes.
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Suspiria (1977), the films of Mario Bava, and giallo cinema
An American newcomer to a prestigious German ballet academy comes to realize that the school is a front for something sinister amid a series of grisly murders.
A cult horror classic, Italian director Dario Argento’s Suspiria plays fast and loose with Gothic horror and fairy tale tropes, making for a slasher film quite unlike any other. Notable for its dreamlike surrealism, use of highly-stylized colorization, and sheer amounts of gore, Suspiria remains one of the most aesthetically influential horror films of all time and, looking at screenshots, you can maybe see its visual influence on films like Crimson Peak:
Guillermo Del Toro has also cited Mario Bava, another of the key figures in the golden age of Italian horror, as inspiration for his use of color and set design in Crimson Peak.
From Bava’s Black Sabbath (1963):
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From Blood and Black Lace (1964):
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Bava’s film, Blood and Black Lace, belongs to the giallo genre, which refers (at least, in English-speaking countries) to (largely 1970s) Italian horror thrillers/slashers notorious for their combination of intense, stylized violence and eroticism. Very much a precursor to the American slasher film.
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The Shining (1980) 
A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil spiritual presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from both past and future.
As film that also loosely adapts “Bluebeard,” it’s perhaps unsurprising that there are so many allusions to Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of Stephen King’s novel of the same name in Crimson Peak. 
And, man, does it have it all! Snowed in, Gothic entrapment! Threats of domestic abuse! Secrets locked away in forbidden rooms! Ghosts! So many ghosts!
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Ghosts in the bathtub! 
Ludicrously enormous amounts of blood! Innocent waifs with the ability to commune with the dead! Intrepid third parties who heroically make an attempt to reach the isolated Gothic hellscape to help our damsel in distress only to get immediately merc’d! It’s all here, y’all.... except the incest, of course.
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Flowers in the Attic (1987) 
Children are hidden away in the attic by their conspiring mother and grandmother.
Ok, this is something of a cheat, as Crimson Peak is alluding more to V.C. Andrews’ infamous novel of the same name, not the 1987 film (which is an abysmally terribly adaptation and hilariously bad flick). Anyway, abused siblings are locked away in an attic... and... well... things get all... Sharpe family values, if you know what I mean.
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Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992) 
The centuries old vampire Count Dracula comes to England to seduce his barrister Jonathan Harker's fiancée Mina Murray and inflict havoc in the foreign land.
If you liked Crimson Peak, I think you’ll enjoy this too, as, like CP, this movie is a sincere horror film, but also a pastiche/celebration of the Gothic and vampire cinema. It’s visually sumptuous and very high-energy (if you didn’t like CP or Moulin Rouge!, this one is probably not for you).
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Ichabod Crane is sent to Sleepy Hollow to investigate the decapitations of three people, with the culprit being the legendary apparition, The Headless Horseman.
This is another one that, if you liked CP, you might enjoy. Based on Washington Irving’s "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” Tim Burton’s film evokes a number of genres and horror aesthetics, most notably the Gothic horror flicks of the 1950s/60s, to create a kind of Hammer Horror film for American Gothic.
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The Devil’s Backbone (2001) and Del Toro’s other films
After Carlos -- a 12-year-old whose father has died in the Spanish Civil War -- arrives at an ominous boys' orphanage, he discovers the school is haunted and has many dark secrets that he must uncover.
Crimson Peak is not Guillermo Del Toro’s first foray into Gothic horror, as ghost stories and dark fairy tales are very much his specialty (as we shall see again in Shape of Water later this semester). I highly recommend his ghosts-as-a-reflection-on-the-trauma-of-war film The Devil’s Backbone and his take on portal fantasy, Pan’s Labyrinth (2006), as they’re both excellent and you can see echoes between them and the effects/visuals of Crimson Peak.
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kaliiwashere · 6 years
Gurbir Singh Criminal Lawyer
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Sometimes, it's possible you'll even avoid going to courtroom. Not even you, watching your favourite non-practicing lawyer opine on cable Television. Nancy refers to a defendant within the e book as having a lawyer paid with taxpayer money - we call that a public defender. The location of the principle Criminal Courthouse for Public Urination summons violations in New York City. The Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, based in Tallahassee, regulates the functioning of criminal legal professionals in Florida. They may serve to assist your defence by acquiring video evidence and witnesses or by consulting other attorneys who concentrate on defending the kind of crime you've gotten been accused of. Personal Harm Legal professionals - One of these lawyer deals with car accidents, back damage, slip and fall injuries, broken hearing and every other scenario that leads to private harm. If nothing else, the following tips ought to give you a place to begin to begin searching for a lawyer to professionally and successfully symbolize you.
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Aggravated domestic violence, becasue it is name suggests, is a lot more serious. It's each time a person (a) tries to cause serious bodily damage to another, or causes such injury purposely, knowingly or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference towards the price of human life; or (b) efforts to cause or purposely or knowingly causes bodily trouble for another using a deadly weapon or any other means more likely to produce death or serious bodily harm.
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The prosecutor and the defense lawyers are the 2 kinds of lawyers that you will see around. The two use a common obligation to prove that their client is innocent knowning that the defendant is guilty. Although both varieties of lawyers entail the same education, they serve different purposes. It would be useful to identify how a two differ from the other. Unless you are the victim of your crime, otherwise you certainly are a completely unrelated and innocent eyewitness, it is best to seek the advice of the criminal attorney before giving ANY statement to police. As illustrated while using case of Dr. Mudd, should you give you a statement that's incomplete, even when that omission is surely an innocent mistake, you can be portrayed as untruthful and misleading, and ultimately guilty of an crime.
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price-law-firms · 3 years
The lawyers for your family law cases
Attorneys or lawyers have a lot of work. They practice law as an advocate, barrister, canonist, counselor, and even public servants. It requires a lot of experience for an attorney to apply in a practical field. They give professional advice and prepare documents and appear in court to plead on their client's behalf. Tasks of an attorney • The main tasks of attorneys are to plead on behalf of their client; however, there are other tasks too. • They explain the legal issues to the clients and advise them on any ongoing case involving the client. • The attorneys also research all the elements regarding a case. For example, they look into the details of the accidents or police reports involved and the previous pleadings for the case. • They also develop various tactics on their client's behalf for cost-effectively managing the legal issues. • The attorneys also advise the clients on their public behavior while legal charges are going on against them. • For the client's best interest, they directly defend the case before a judge or jury. Family lawyers Family attorneys are the professionals in law that deal with legal issues arising between members of the same family. These attorneys help represent the clients in the courts who are facing cases involving divorce or domestic violence. They also overlook the family estates and give helpful advice in areas of adoption and guardianship. The summary is that family attorneys act as mediators when there are disagreements between the family members. The family law attorney greenville sc takes up responsibilities as follows: • They attempt to resolve complex claims and help settle outside of court through alternative methods of dispute resolution. • They also research other historic cases resembling the ongoing cases. • Family attorneys also examine and evaluate evidence, which may prove very beneficial for their cases. • They also manage unpredictable situations effectively. Divorce attorneys Whenever a failed marriage or marriage falls apart, most people visit an attorney to keep a cool head and act according to their interests. The divorce attorneys got the training for family and divorce law, and they are experts in saving their client's money and also help them enhance the terms of a divorce settlement. In addition, they help guide the clients through the time of unsettling. They also handle other family law issues like legal separation, child custody, support for the child, and visitation rights. Depending on how an attorney filed the divorce, it takes three to twelve months to finalize a divorce. The divorce attorney seneca sc, takes care of all the legal issues with ease and helps the client with their best interest. To sum it up The work of an attorney is very versatile. There are many areas they need to have the expertise and help resolve all kinds of disputes with previous experience. For example, the Family lawyers have to look after a family all the disputes they face to help them keep in peace. The Price Law Firm provides the best lawyers' expertise in family law cases.
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thechasefiles · 6 years
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Mia Amor Mottley, QC, MP (born 1 October 1965) is a Barbadian politician and the Prime Minister-designate of Barbados. Mottley, who leads the Barbados Labour Party (BLP), was previously Leader of the Opposition from 2008 to 2010. She is a Member of Parliament for the constituency of Saint Michael-North East. From 1994 to 2008, she held a succession of ministerial portfolios. She is also a member of the Inter-American Dialogue.
Mottley has been much influenced by her family. She is the granddaughter of Ernest Deighton Mottley (1907–1973), a real estate broker and successful politician particularly at the parish level. He was the first Mayor of Bridgetown (1959), representing Bridgetown in the House of Assembly from 1946, who belonged to the conservative party and helped the poor. He was granted the Ordinary Commander of the Civil Division for public services in Barbados in June 1962 and assisted Wynter Algernon Crawford (1910–1993), Barbados's Trade Minister, at the Independent Conference in London during June and July 1966.
Mottley's uncle, also named Ernest Deighton Mottley (1931–2008), a refuse disposal officer who lived in Great Britain for 18 years, became the political leader of the short-lived Christian Social Democratic Party (CSD) created in March 1975.Mia's father Elliott Deighton Mottley (born 26 Nov 1939), was also a barrister who sat in the House of Assembly, albeit for a relatively short time before vacating the seat to become consul-general in New York. He was educated at Eagle Hall School, Harrison College (Barbados) and Middle Temple (London) once served as Bermuda's attorney-general and sits on Belize's Court of Appeal. He married Mia's mother Santa Amor Tappin in December 1964, just three years after being called to the Bar and was elected to represent Bridgetown (Barbados) in May 1969. It has been suggested that the Prime Minister of the time, Errol Barrow, used his parliamentary majority to abolish local government altogether and therefore undermine Elliott Mottley's strength in the political arena.
Mia Mottley was educated at Merrivale Preparatory School (Barbados; closed summer 2010),[4] the United Nations International School (New York City), and Queen's College (Barbados).
By 1986, Mottley finalized her training as attorney and received a law degree from the London School of Economics (Houghton Street, London, England) Mottley has grown to be among a handful of elected Barbadian officials with a family background in Barbados's parliamentary history, and her colleagues at the Bar describe her as aggressive and knowledgeable about the law, giving her gusto in the political arena.
Mottley first entered Barbadian politics in 1991, when she lost an election race in St. Michael North East against Leroy Brathwaite (a defeat of less than 200 votes). Between 1991 and 1994 she was one of two Opposition Senators in the Upper House, where she was Shadow Minister of Culture and Community Development. During that time, she also served on numerous Parliamentary Joint Select Committees on areas ranging from Praedial Larceny and Domestic Violence.
Following the BLP's victory in the 1994 general election, Mottley was appointed to the Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Culture in September 1994, under Prime Minister Owen Arthur; at the age of 29, she became one of the youngest Barbadians ever to be assigned a ministerial portfolio. During her tenure she co-authored the White Paper on Education entitled Each Child Matters, which draws the link between better education and job fulfillment.
She was elected General Secretary of the Barbados Labour Party in 1996. In that same year and again in 1997, she served as Chairman of the Caricom Standing Committee of Ministers of Education.
Mottley was appointed Attorney-General and Minister of Home Affairs in August 2001 and is the first female (in Barbados) to hold this position. She is also the youngest ever Queen's Counsel in Barbados. In addition to being a Member of the Privy Council of Barbados, she was Leader of the House and a member of the National Security Council and the Barbados Defence Board. She is also credited with being the visionary behind the Education Sector Enhancement Programme, popularly known as "Edutech", which aims to increase the number of young people contributing to the island’s sustainable social and economic development. This revolutionary programme involves the widespread use of information and communication technologies to assist in improving the quality of the teaching/learning process.
In Youth Affairs, Mottley directed the establishment of the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme and a National Youth Development Programme.
Two years later Mottley was to serve as Barbados's second female Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Social Council of Barbados and the Deputy Chairman of Barbados' Economic Council, a position she held until 2008 that allowed her extended responsibilities, including the chairmanship of a number of key Cabinet sub-committees, notably Telecommunications Reform and one oversight of the administrative and legislative initiatives to prepare Barbados for the advent of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy.
In a government reshuffle in February 2006, Mottley was appointed as Minister of Economic Affairs and Development, a post she also held until 2008, where her responsibilities put her in charge of key economic agencies.
Following the BLP's defeat in the election held on 15 January 2008 and Owen Arthur's resignation as party leader, Mia Mottley was chosen as BLP party leader on 19 January 2008. She is the first woman to lead the party, as well as the country's first female Opposition Leader.Mottley was sworn in as Opposition Leader on 7 February 2008. She promised the people that the Barbados Labour Party would be a strong and unified Opposition that would fight for the rights of all citizens in the country.
On 18 October 2010, Mottley's appointment as Leader of the Opposition was revoked following a vote of no-confidence by five of her parliamentary colleagues. The five MPs placed their support behind former Prime Minister Owen Arthur, who assumed the leadership position that same day.
In the February 2013 general election, the BLP was narrowly defeated, obtaining 14 seats against 16 for the Democratic Labour Party (DLP). A few days after the election, on 26 February 2013, the BLP parliamentary group elected Mottley as Leader of the Opposition, replacing Arthur.
In the May 2018 general election, the BLP recorded a historic landslide victory, winning all 30 seats in parliament and over 70% of the popular vote, making Mottley the first woman to be elected to the post of prime minister in Barbados.
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arctichotch · 2 years
So I found that post anon was talking about where they said, "I once saw you reply to someone regarding something about not watching/listening to what lawyers say about the case because "they know way more than me about the law, so I'm not gonna watch because and I'd just have to take their word for it."
and you replied, "lmao literally never said that."
And here's what you said, "yeah he’s a barrister. he knows 100x more than me about law. that’s also another reason i wouldn’t watch it because i don’t know anything about this topic. he could tell me the judge has to recite “god save the queen” every 15 mins in court and id have to believe him because he knows more than i do."
And yeah gotta agree with anon, you did pretty much say that. It might not be what you meant, but in a nutshell you did come across that way.
Also, only semi related because this was in your reply on the same post, "also i don’t see how me making on little mistake, literally being 1 off, counts as “posting misinformation”" (It was about JD's appeals)
I actually remember seeing that exchange here too. I can't find it for some reason, maybe you deleted it idk, but it wasn't a tiny mistake. You said JD lost two appeals and therefore 3 judges had found him guilty, when that wasn't true at all. He lost to the one judge in the UK trial and was denied any appeals, so he couldn't have lost any, let alone two of them. That's not a small mistake and I'd like to think you know that.
What happened to you? I thought you used to be good at correcting yourself when you got facts wrong, but scrolling through I see from just the other day another anon tried to clear up something else you had reblogged/posted that wasn't true and you just laughed it off and said it didn't matter?
Like you used to be good about this. Even if we didn't agree on absolutely everything I knew you at least seemed like you tried to keep things factual around here?? Either you changed or I just misjudged you from the start. It's disappointing. I know things are rough with you right now, but don't let it turn you into this troll like person who no longer cares about facts. Idk if you can consider therapy as a possible option, but it can help you work through things if you need it.
the top part is out of context tho? like yeah i said that i wouldn’t believe that specific lawyer because he knows more than me AND he’s obvs pro depp, therefore whatever he says TO ME, someone who knows nothing about law, could be easily twist to fit this case or whatever. it would be more beneficial to consider what others have put forth on the case who also haven’t been making like 100 youtube videos on it.
it was in relation to that 1 specific guy. not lawyers as a whole, which i what i understood anon to be saying - that i wouldn’t listen to any lawyers simply because they know more than me. which is untrue.
as for the “misinformation” thing. i had previously thought JD had appealed 2 times after the original UK case, making it 2 judges + 1 judge (the main UK judge) which equals 3 judges overall. then an anon i believe, informed me he had appealed in the UK once.
which now looking back i see that was also wrong, but also he was denied the chance to appeal - which is another judge saying he had no prospect of winning the case again or whatever the fuck. i can’t quite remember when this was, but the UK trial has always been more of an afterthought for me because the US one is more recent and problematic in the social stratosphere. so yes i made a mistake, perhaps didn’t look into things enough in relation to the UK trial technicalities, but like how does that change anything lmao??? there’s still solid, concrete evidence of him having abused amber. and obviously the main UK judge saw that. so have domestic violence experts - who are obviously way more prepared to talk about all this than me
idk what you’re referring to from the other day tbh so i can’t comment on that one (EDIT i actually see now what you were talking about and i didn’t laugh anything off, i explained why i didn’t think it mattered. and still think it doesn’t matter. it’s completely irrelevant to what’s in the docs and also, it wouldn’t have gone so viral if they hadn’t paid all the money for it - so they did fuck him over by “unsealing” it to the more general public, rather than whoever would have seen it as a result of the judge unsealing it if ya get me)
lmao telling me to get therapy because i repost/post shit about johnny depp being an abuser?? ok… perhaps the weird die hard depp fans saying amber had satanic sex parties should skip the line and go ahead of me
people make mistakes. but like i’m a dumbass with a tumblr stan account posting crap saying johnny depp doesn’t shower or reposting his sick texts with his abuser bestie and things like that, if anyone is taking anything for 100% facts of me alone… then they need to learn to validate their sources and information themselves. i should not be anyones source of information on this. check out @justiceamberheard or idk actual news places, their posts are obviously more coherent than all of mine that i spew out at 2am
anyway, johnny depp is a wife beater, who has violent, freaky deaky fantasies about women. he’s a racist, misogynistic, biphobic, transphobic, violent pig who likes to smash up rooms and people when things don’t go his way 💕
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abbotschambers · 3 years
Top Criminal Lawyer (Singapore)
Nowadays crime has increased a lot and there has many crimes going on in the city. But getting a best lawyer is very difficulties. A Criminal defense lawyer is a lawyer specializing in the defense of individuals and companies charged with criminal activity. Some criminal defense lawyers are privately retained, while others are employed by the various jurisdictions with criminal courts. For best criminal lawyer in Singapore you visit our website http://www.abbotschambers.com Gino Hardial Singh criminal lawyer Barrister (middle temple) Advocates & Solicitor (Supreme Court of Singapore)
Criminal Lawyers also know as criminal defense lawyers and public defenders, work to defend individuals, organizations, and entities that have been charged with a crime. They are many types of crime such as,
·         Personal Crimes
·         Property related crimes
·         Public order crime
·         Organized crimes
·         Financial and non violent crime
·         Domestic violence crimes
·         Sex crimes
·         Violent crimes
·         Sex crimes
·         Drug crimes, theft, and fraud.
Criminal Lawyer represents defendants facing criminal charges in state, federal and appellate courts. Their scope of practice includes bail bond hearings, appeals and post-conviction remedies. As part of the lawyer’s job function, a criminal lawyer will.
·         Investigate the case and interview witness
·         Research case law, statutes, crimes codes and procedural law
·         Build a defense and develop a case strategy
·         Negotiate with the prosecution to plea bargain to lesser charges
·         Draft, file and argue motions such as motions to dismiss and motions to suppress
·         Advocate for the defendant AT TRIAL
A Law Firm is usually a partnership between lawyers who have come together to offer their expertise to clients under one name. Law firms cater to the interest of companies and private individuals alike, though most of the large law firms deal exclusively with corporate house, i.e. Companies.
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timespakistan · 4 years
President Alvi for women empowerment through social, economic policies Islamabad : President Dr Arif Alvi Wednesday, while calling for women empowerment through inclusive social and economic policies, emphasised true implementation of pro-women laws by doing away with the cultural taboos. Addressing the Brainstorming Session on Gender-Based Discrepancies and Promotion of Legal, Economic and Social Empowerment of Women hosted by the Aiwan-s-Sadr here, the president said his office had been actively engaged for addressing the issues like rights of women and disabled people. The event was attended by federal ministers Barrister Farogh Nasim, Dr Shireen Mazari, Shafqat Mahmood, Shibli Faraz, Minister of State Zartaj Gul, special assistants Dr Sania Nishtar and Dr Faisal Sultan, Parliamentary Secretary on Law Malika Bukhari, prominent artists and media representatives. The State Bank Governor Reza Baqir and various social activists also joined the event through video link. The event featured a working session on issues confronting women, including property rights, legal, media and other sectors which later presented their recommendations for onward consideration by the government. The president viewed that the session would provide a road-map to the government for devising strategies on women empowerment as was also taught by the Holy Quran and Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) in his last sermon. He said being a gender neutral, the country’s constitution also guaranteed women rights and even provided special provisions; however the implementation of the relevant laws was far more important. Even Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, he said, had also stated that no nation could reach the height of glory without protecting women rights. He believed that almost 98 percent of the society was unanimous on women rights; however, it was the victim of some cultural taboos. Highlighting the issues confronting women like insecurity at police stations, delayed disposal of divorce cases, hesitance to register harassment or rape cases, and domestic violence, the president said such sittings would provide a timeline for relief to the women. He said owing to lack of awareness, the women were not properly benefiting the loans scheme exclusively announced for them to run small and medium enterprises. Dr Alvi told the gathering that almost 40 percent pregnancies took place owing to non-availability of contraceptives which must also be thought of while devising the policies. The president said First Lady Samina Alvi had also been actively running an awareness campaign on breast cancer. He said the Presidency had also written to the Council of Islamic Ideology to promote the breastfeeding through the pulpit, which would ultimately address the issues of malnutrition and overgrowing population. Later, the representatives of respective working groups presented their recommendations on rights of women in media, their access to education, health, legal rights and economic empowerment. Following the recommendations, the president, in his concluding remarks, said all the proposals would be forwarded to the ministries concerned for their point-wise response along with the financial implication of the suggested measures. He called for a wider discussion in media on women rights and awareness among them about the measures being taken for their facilitation. Endorsing the pre-dominant campaign about harassment of women on social media, the president said though the men were also the victim of the tendency but the bigger damage was to the women. He urged the political parties for their non-partisan reaction in such case. He also agreed to the demand for women-specific facilities like daycare centers, washrooms at workplaces and called for a survey of offices in this regard. The president also called for skill-based education of women to enhance their employability. Calling women the lowest risk in debt market, the president called for safe transport, workplace, women courts and their security at police station. https://timespakistan.com/president-alvi-for-women-empowerment-through-social-economic-policies/6577/
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equalexes · 4 years
Are You Scared To Leave And Afraid To Stay?
Sadly we know from experience that a number of you are victims of violent and abusive relationships – it doesn’t matter who you are, where you live or how well off you are. When you are in this sort of relationship you may feel like you are to blame for the problems. We can assure you that you are not.
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple to be objective about what is going on because we know that violence and abuse undermine your confidence. So while you may be concerned about all the other issues and questions we have highlighted above – you have extra issues you need to face that trump all others. Your safety and your ability to get yourself and your children out of the abusive cycle is paramount.
Ideally you would plan your separation. You would carefully remove items that are of importance to you personally but probably of no value, such as photos or knick knacks. You would arrange a place to stay and have some money set aside.
That is ideal, but at the end of the day if you find yourself in a dangerous situation – you should just leave. Everything else can be sorted but you and/or your children getting hurt cannot be sorted.
While you are in the “in between” phase, we suggest you always know where your car keys and handbag/wallet and mobile phone are. You should try and park your car so it can’t be blocked in.
Think also about how you can exit the house – perhaps other than through the front door.
Also tell trusted friends and neighbours that you may need their help. A code word you can text if you need help but can’t call would be a good thing for them to know.
How do you recognise a violent or abusive relationship?
That might seem like a silly question but actually it’s not that simple. Some of you may be looking out for a friend and wondering. Some of you may be unsure yourselves, after years of shouldering
the blame for the issues in your relationship.
Clearly physical violence is the easiest to recognise. However that also includes breaking and throwing things, punching walls, handling the other person with force, spitting, lashing out, preventing someone from leaving a room, forcing someone to have sex when they don’t want it or in a way they don’t want.
Threatening these things also amounts to violence in the eyes of the law.
What is more difficult to see, yet equally as traumatising, is emotional abuse – the “blame game”. The belittling and put downs. The yelling and sleep deprivation because your partner won’t leave you alone.
Then there is the stalking- insisting on knowing where you are. Isolation from family and friends, checking your phone or emails.
And financial control. Making you “beg” for money, withholding funds, controlling all banking transactions and creating financial dependency.
All of these things are violent and abusive.
The part the “blame game” plays
As we said before, one of the component parts is the “blame game”- it goes something like “If you hadn’t done x. I wouldn’t have…”. In the cycle of power and control tension builds. An event happens, the perpetrator is sorry and then blames you – undermining your confidence. What is difficult is that you may feel there is an element of truth in what your partner is complaining about – however the difference between a healthy relationship and an abusive one is the proportionality of the reaction e.g. physical violence is never justified.
If you think about it logically if we, as total strangers, walked up to you in the street and punched you – you would call the police. So why do we take violence and abuse from our partner? The “blame game” plays a big part in undermining the victim.
(Written by Jane Hunter, Family Law Barrister excerpt from our Divorce/Separation, Domestic Violence and the Dollars – download the complete free ebook here.)
How do you escape a toxic relationship in 9 steps?
Secretly you know your marriage or relationship with your partner is not great. If you have been thinking about leaving your partner or on the fence whether to stay or go we are here for you. We get it. We understand.
Making the decision to leave your relationship is really hard. Making the decision to stay is hard and making it really great is even harder.
We wrote this workbook for you.  Download our free Should I or Shouldn’t I Leave workbook (valued at $150) here.
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