#Banshee Norn
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alphamecha-mkii · 3 months ago
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Gundam: Arsenal Base - Season 1 - Banshee Norn (Unicorn Mode) by Gas-1 (TSM)
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lesser-mook · 7 months ago
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riddhe tweaking #Gundam gif
He should've gotten more to do ngl or went full on evil, way more of a threat. Way too lukewarm, wasn't a fan of his arc.
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identifying-gunpla · 5 months ago
SD Gundam Cross Silhouette: Unicorn Gundam 2 Banshee (Destroy Mode)
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on my shelf: photobooks and plastic robots
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chilisaws · 3 months ago
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It's taken me over a whole goddamn month to finish, but I finally put together my PG Banshee. It's so cool and even as expensive as it was it was worth it. I used delpi decals holo decals to spicy it up a bit, and the extra pinstriping decals really make a difference! The LEDs are the KOSMOS set rather than the official bandai lights because they're both cheaper and have more features like different light modes and a remote control.
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gundamfight · 1 year ago
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oh yeah built the Banshee a while ago, forgot to post
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osoanimation · 1 year ago
Gundam, Gunpla Most Ever from Japan! Shenlong, Dagger, Banshee Norn, Uni...
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thatfantasylovingdork · 2 years ago
This is literally the perfect end to this story and I’d like to imagine it’s canon even though it’s fanfic.
(Here is a link to the rest of the official story so you can understand this fic: https://web.archive.org/web/20080603064824/http://www.ece.utk.edu/~cboyd11/DS/!story.html)
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neildylandy · 5 months ago
it seems you bitches have come to a standstill on my gunpla poll of tumblr dot com
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which has left it up to Me to choose my next project. with 3 votes each for raphael and barbatos, and 1 vote for the banshee norn, the choice was ultimately pretty easy:
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experimented with color-shift spraypaint on this one (on top of a black basecoat, as was recommended to me by the paint can) and the results are absolutely stunning. took considerably more effort than a tamiya spray would have but oh my god it was worth it. look at my beautiful boy.
video of the color-shift effect in action under the cut
[ID: A silent video of the HG Heindree, showing off how its armor changes color from turquoise to blue to purple as light passes over it.]
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h3lfaerie · 7 months ago
Chapter 10 - Ruination (Part 2) Preview
Out. He needed out.  
Needed to remember the bite of the wind on his face, what unchecked speed and strength were like. Though the brunt of it was somewhat diminished by the helmet, he could still taste the tang of the aether as lightning cleaved the air to his left. So close by that the tremors made his teeth sing. 
What have you done? 
It was a keening tempest. Darkness cupped him in its palm and clenched. And within he felt this burning horrific thing that pushed against his mind. Like a red-hot needle sinking through the bone.
What have you done?
The surging wind did nothing to muffle the orts of her voice. The pain and grief that lay in it still. Surely the Norns, those cruel fickle beings, had passed it to him, like a hearty wish on Snoggletog.
Something within him caught �� a thorn ripping at tender flesh.
Then thunder cracked, and the world went numb with it, ringing through some worn battered part of Hiccup’s soul that might have been still wailing. He felt it all. Every strike of every drop in every undulating gust of wind, together and apart, same and different. Until the rain soaking through his gloves turned to warm, sticky blood.
Agony lanced through his spine.
And he had just enough thought left to deeply deeply regret what he'd done as Toothless roared, screamed a high, pitiful sound as he fell toward the sea of black-grey clouds below with all the grace of a wounded bird. 
There was a trick to drawing the current of lightning, holding it close as it ran its course through their bodies, unfettered, rushing through scales and weathered armor alike. It granted them invisibility... so long as the Night Fury willed it. If summoned, lightning left not an ache nor a scar.
But when it came unbidden, it was fire.  
It was molten ore poured into his veins, boiling his blood until it was nothing but steam. Power—raw power shuddering through bones as surely as it did through flesh.
And it left behind a mark. A brand of branching fern that would forever remain on the skin.  
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eleemosynecdoche · 1 year ago
Built an NZ-666 Kshatriya mobile suit.
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She's a big girl.
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Just look at her holding hands with this Qubeley!
Overall, the kit has only one pair of hands and nowhere to store the beam swords (the funnel rack is part of the solid inner wing binder piece), but she's so massive it's not surprising at all. I shudder to think what an RG or MG model of her would cost.
But with that, I have Full Armor Unicorn, Banshee Norn, Sinanju, and Ksgatriya. All I need are Rozen Zulu and Geara Zulu, a Delta, and a Jegan or two and I'll have Unicorn fairly adequately represented...
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myth-lord · 3 months ago
It's the most wonderful list of the year
It is that time of the year again, complete new list time.
Aatxe • Khalkotauroi Abaia A Bao A Qu Abuhuku Afanc Agropelter Ahool Ahuizotl Airavata Ajaju Akashita Akheilos • Isonade Alicanto Alp-Luachra Amphisbaena ANGEL • Erinyes • Erote • Valkyrie Anggitay Aniwye Ao-Ao • Babi Ngepet • Bonguru • Cuchivilu • Gloson Aproxis Asag Asanbosam Ascalaphus Aswang • Batibat • Berbalang • Kubot • Manananggal • Pugot Awd Goggie
Baku • Bulgasari Baldanders • Frittening • Gardinel Banshee Barghest • Cadejo • Cu Sith • Cwn Annwn • Garmr • Osschaert • Pesanta Barometz • Cactus Cat • Hiiden Hirvi • Otso • Rahara Basilisk Bies BOGEY • Bugbear • Ijiraq • Kaw-Kaw • Kludde • Marabbecca • Metminwi • Nachtkrapp • Stuhac • Tikbalang Boitata Bolotnik • Arzhavennik • Bagiennik • Cueyatl • Yara-Ma-Yha-Who Boobrie Brollachan • Fad Felen • Hongaek Bruch Buggane Bukavac Bunyip • Dingonek Burach Bhadi • Tlanusi Burrunjor • Kasai Rex Bushyasta Butatsch
Caballucos Diablu Cait Sith • Kasha • Nekomata Caladrius • Zhenniao Carbuncle • Arkan Sonney • Cagrino • Yamabiko Catoblepas Charybdis Chupacabra Crocotta • Kishi Cuero • Rumptifusel Cyclops • Bungisngis • Fomorian • Ojancanu • Papinijuwari
Dijiang Dipsa • Haermorrhois • Hypnalis • Seps Dobhar-Chu Domovoi • Leshy • Ovinnik • Polevik • Vodyanoi DRAKE • Aitvaras • Bauk • Jaculus • Qiuniu Dullahan
Echeneis Eintykara ELEMENTAL • Ahi At-Trab • Banaspati • Cherufe • Landvaettir • Nargun • Perico • Raiju • Salamander • Sermilik • Sylph • Undine Encantado • Fossegrim • Katsura-Otoko Eurynomos Ewah
Faun • Huay Chivo Fetch
Ga-Gorib Gargouille Gbahali • Ammut • Cipactli GIANT • Cacus • Gawigawen • Gegenees • Hrimpursar • Muldjewangk Girtablilu Goblin • Akaname • Bilwis • Bugul Noz • Curupira • Dactyl • Eloko • Grindylow • Kobold • Likho • Nuno • Pukwudgie • Redcap • Spriggan • Trenti Gold-Digging Ant GOLEM • Celedon • Invunche • Juggernaut • Pua Tu Tahi • Terra-Cotta • Tupilaq • Wulgaru Griffon • Keythong Grootslang Gu Guarana Gulon • Rompo • Taotie
HAG • Candileja • Hala • Kikimora • Mambabarang • Nocnitsa • Norn • Pesta • Poludnica • Qalupalik • Rokurokubi • Soucouyant • Utlunta • Yanagi-Baba Harpy • Alkonost • Kere • Lechuza • Siren Hippocampus Hrokkall HUMAN • Amazon • Berserker • Buckrider • Cambion • Einherjar • Moroi • Vish Kanya Hyakume Hydra • Ihuaivulu • Nyuvwira
Ichneumon Imp • Butoni • Incubus • Skrzak • Vetala Intulo Inulpamahuida Issitoq • Aghash
Jba Fofi • Djieien • Jorogumo • Tsuchigumo Jinmenju • Jubokko • Umdhlebi Jinn • Ghul • Ifrit • Redjal Marja
Kaiaimunu Kamaitachi Kamikiri Kappa Karkinos • Heikegani • Saratan Kelpie • Apaosha • Ceffyl Dwr • Each Tened • Helhest Keukegen Kilmoulis • Ashinaga • Panotti • Tenaga Kitsune • Kumiho Kodama Kongamato • Ropen Kun Peng Kurage-No-Hinotama • Muirdris
Lamia • Ajatar Lavellan • Rat King • Tesso • Ugjuknarpak Lemure Leprechaun • Amadan Dubh • Clurichaun • Far Darrig • Gancanagh LINNORM • Fafnir • Gowrow • Hodag • Nidhogg Ljosalfar • Dokkalfar Longgui Lou Carcolh Lusca • A-Mi-Kuk • Iku-Turso • Migas • Rogo-Tumu-Here Ly Erg
Makhai Mandarangkal Mandragora Manticore • Nue • Piasa • Sphinx • Succarath • Tarasque Mapinguari Mara Marool Merrow • Adaro • Agloolik • Siyokoy • Yawkyawk • Zitiron Minotaur • Erchitu • Sarangay Mokele-Mbembe • Ninki Nanka Morgawr Moskitto Motelo Mama Muhuru • Mbielu-Mbielu Musca Macedda • Druj Nasu Myrmecoleon
Nadubi • Sigbin Nakshatra Meenu Nalusa Falaya • Hidebehind Namazu Nariphon • Madremonte Ngoubou • Odontotyrannus Nosoi Nuckelavee Nuppeppo NYMPH • Abere • Askafroa • Dryad • Empusa • Lampad • Leanan Sidhe • Maenad • Muse • Nereid • Oread • Rusalka • Thriae • Veela • Yuki-Onna
Olgoi-Khorkhoi • Minhocao • Skolex Olitiau • Guiafairo • Popobawa • Strigoi Omukade • Ankluz • Con Rit • Ek Chapat • Kugdlughiak Oniate • Camacrusa • Chon-Chon • Tsurube-Otoshi Onikuma • Kerit • Skeljaskrimsli
Pard • Ccoa • Mishibizhiw • Mngwa • Splintercat • Zheng Penchapechi Peuchen Phoenix • Psonen • Rarog Piskie • Attercroppe • Lunantishee • Phooka Polong Poltergeist • Dybbuk • Isogashi • Waldgeist Psoglav Pyrausta • Shinchu • Shtriga
Ratatoskr Roc Roperite
Salawa Satori Sazae-Oni Scarab • Cerambus • Jinshin Mushi Scitalis Scorpios SEA SERPENT • Gaasyendietha • Haietlik • Ikuchi • Tizheruk Shachihoko Shen Sianach • Delgeth • Wakandagi Skinwalker • Adze • Cuca • Impundulu • Nagual • Rougarou • Selkie Slide-Rock Bolter Sluagh Spartoi • Ahkiyyini • Bloody Bones • Gashadokuro • Mekurabe Squonk Stray Sod • Hungry Grass Stymphalides • Asipatra Surale • Mahaha
Tanuki Teratsutsuki Tiddalik • Chan Chu • Lapiduch Tiyanak • Acheri • Hinkir Munkur • Myling Tripodero TROLL • Aigamuxa • Berberoka • Fear Liath • Kapre • Kayeri • Munuane • Oni • Shellycoat • Yehwe Zogbanu • Yeti Trollgadda Trolual • Bakekujira • Raudkembingur TSUKUMOGAMI • Agrippa • Biwa-Bokuboku • Bubak • Caleuche • Chochin-Obake • Coiste Bodhar • Garei • Hinnagami • Ipetam • Ittan-Momen • Jenglot • Kameosa • Kasa-Obake • Nurikabe • Ungaikyo • Wanyudo • Zorigami Tuyango • Basan
Ulagu UNDEAD ELEMENTAL • Balborinho • Dorotabo • Enenra • Umibozu UNICORN • Almiraj • Karkadann • Shadhawar Utelif
Valravn Velue Vouivre • Asdeev • Caorthannach • Codrille • Cuelebre • Knucker • Snallygaster
Warg • Akhlut • Amarok • Chicheface Water Leaper Wendigo Whowie Will o Wisp • Luz Mala • Ogniki • Santelmo
Xecotcovach Xhumpedzkin
Yale Ya-Te-Veo
Ziphius Zirnitra Zlatorog Zmey • Azi Dahaka Zumbi • Aerico • Baykok • Draugr • Gaki • Hidarugami • Lagahoo • Mokoi • Topielec • Ushabti Zuttibur
Achlys (General of Pestilence) Adephagia (Sinlord of Gluttony) Aergia (Sinlord of Sloth) Alastor (Sinlord of Wrath) Amhuluk Anansi Anhanga Ankou (General of Death) Antaeus Arachne Argus Aton Baba Yaga Bai Ze Bakunawa Balor Baxbakwalanuxsiwae Belachko Belphegor Byakko Camazotz Cerberus Cetus Chimera Chipfalamfula Deimos & Phobos (Generals of War) Egregore Fenghuang Fulad-Zereh Gaueko Genbu Graeae Gullinbursti Hela Hinqumemen Horseman of Death Horseman of Famine Horseman of Pestilence Horseman of War Hraesvelgr Hundun Itzpapalotl Jack Frost Jack-in-Irons Kampe Khepri Khodumodumo Koschei Kraken Ladon Lilith (Sinlord of Lust) Limos (General of Famine) Lotis Tree Medusa Midas (Sinlord of Greed) Naglfar Narcissus (Sinlord of Pride) Odei Pixiu Planctae Punga Qinglong Quetzalcoatl Qupqugiaq Raktabija Rawhead Saapin Scylla Sin-You Sleipnir Springheel Jack Surtur Tailypo Thunderbird Tiamat Typhon Vritra Wild Hunt Xing Tian Yamata no Orochi Ymir Zelus (Sinlord of Envy)
Bolla / Inkanyamba / Ouroboros / Shussebora / Tienlung / Suileach / Python / Cirein Croin / Echidna / Snawfus / Porotai / Huldra / Ishigaq / Bluecap / Ramidreju / Capcaun / Barbegazi / Erlkonig / Alraune / Brownie / Changeling / Danthienne / Cernunnos / Nix / Sandman / Tunche / Monoceros / Aziza / Melinoe / Krojemanchen / Jaci Jatere / Hesperid / Davy Jones / Bean Nighe / Tzitzimitl / Ziburinis / Llorona / Morko / Aoandon / Drekavac / Nachzehrer / Strix / Nosferatu / Hannya / Petsuchos / Charon / Shade / Diao Si Gui / Makalala / Jarjacha / Itqiirpak / Gremlin / Colorobetch / Vampire Pumpkin / Binaye Ahani / Tsenahale / Besta-Fera / Pishacha / Humbaba / Abaasy / Beelzebub / Bodach / Pazuzu / Ukobach / Harionago / Kawa Akago / Krampus / Tenome / Tooth Fairy / Ebajalg / Chrysaor / Stolas / Decarabia / Andrealphus / Suiko / Cmuch / Geras / Teke-Teke / Andurá / Cindaku / Teju Jagua / Rangda / Wolpertinger / Muscaliet / Ilomba / Xiao / Qinyuan / Lakuma / Peryton / Otoroshi / Mokumokuren / Mboi Tui / Nguruvilu / Snoligoster / Huallepen / Serpopard / Boggart / Centaur / Gorgon / Globster / Golem / Lorelei / Pegasus / Colossus / Snow Wasset / Dodomeki / Axex / Caliban / Tengu / Dalaketnon / Circe / Moha-Moha / Erymanthian Boar / Erumia / Cerastes / Caspilly / Teumessian Fox / Mamlambo / Drop Bear / Emela Ntouka / Chickcharney / Amphiptere / Atuikakura / Nemean Lion / Fenrir / Veo / Gambo / Tridacna / Anae-Moe-Oho / Scolopendra / Naujakuksualuk / Falajitax / Tculo / Lilyi / Melalo / Mothman / Fachen / Sagari / Geryon / Doppelganger / Hecatoncheires / Marakihau / Taka-Onna / Kigatilik / Cerynitis / Lammasu / Naga / Hrimfaxi / Skinfaxi / Barong / Cocollona / Jormungandr / Kholkikos / Vatnsandi / Nguma-Monene / Bezkost / Karnabo / Apshait / Succubus / Davalpa / Kratt
Mermaid / Hippogriff / Hupia / Elf / Dwarf / Sasquatch
From What Group of Creatures:
DRAGON: Aitvaras / Bauk / Jaculus / Qiuniu / Gargouille / Grootslang / Fafnir / Gowrow / Hodag / Nidhogg / Longgui / Scitalis / Gaasyendietha / Haietlik / Ikuchi / Tizheruk / Shen / Velue / Vouivre / Asdeev / Cuelebre / Knucker / Zirnitra / Zmey / Azi Dahaka / Amhuluk / Bakunawa / Kampe / Ladon / Tiamat / Typhon / Vritra / Yamata no Orochi
FEY: Anggitay / Bonguru / Awd Goggie / Cu Sith / Cwn Annwn / Barometz / Cactus Cat / Hiiden Hirvi / Otso / Bugbear / Ijiraq / Kludde / Nachtkrapp / Tikbalang / Boitata / Bagiennik / Brollachan / Buggane / Cait Sith / Nekomata / Carbuncle / Arkan Sonney / Cagrino / Yamabiko / Ojancanu / Dobhar-Chu / Domovoi / Leshy / Ovinnik / Polevik / Vodyanoi / Raiju / Sylph / Undine / Encantado / Fossegrim / Katsura-Otoko / Faun / Bilwis / Bugul Noz / Curupira / Grindylow / Kobold / Nuno / Pukwudgie / Redcap / Spriggan / Trenti / Pua Tu Tahi / Wulgaru / Guarana / Hala / Kikimora / Mambabarang / Norn / Pesta / Poludnica / Qalupalik / Soucouyant / Utlunta / Yanagi-Baba / Harpy / Lechuza / Siren / Nyuvwira / Inulpamahuida / Jorogumo / Jinmenju / Kamaitachi / Kelpie / Ceffyl Dwr / Kitsune / Kodama / Ropen / Kun Peng / Tesso / Leprechaun / Amadan Dubh / Clurichaun / Far Darrig / Gancanagh / Ly Erg / Mandarangkal / Yawkyawk / Sarangay / Motelo Mama / Nariphon / Nuckelavee / Abere / Dryad / Lampad / Leanan Sidhe / Maenad / Nereid / Oread / Thriae / Veela / Guiafairo / Ankluz / Ccoa / Mishibizhiw / Splintercat / Zheng / Peuchen / Piskie / Attercroppe / Lunantishee / Phooka / Pyrausta / Ratatoskr / Wakandagi / Adze / Stray Sod / Surale / Aigamuxa / Berberoka / Kapre / Kayeri / Munuane / Shellycoat / Yehwe Zogbanu / Yeti / Trollgadda / Almiraj / Karkadann / Shadhawar / Akhlut / Wendigo / Yale / Zuttibur / Anhanga / Baba Yaga / Jack Frost / Lotis Tree / Quetzalcoatl / Springheel Jack / Tailypo / Thunderbird / Wild Hunt
UNDEAD: Aatxe / Khalkotauroi / Gloson / Banshee / Osschaert / Fad Felen / Dullahan / Rompo / Candileja / Hrokkall / Djieien / Jubokko / Ghul / Helhest / Askafroa / Rusalka / Yuki-Onna / Strigoi / Oniate / Camacrusa / Chon-Chon / Tsurube-Otoshi / Mngwa / Penchapechi / Psonen / Polong / Poltergeist / Dybbuk / Isogashi / Waldgeist / Sluagh / Spartoi / Ahkiyyini / Bloody Bones / Gashadokuro / Mekurabe / Hungry Grass / Teratsutsuki / Acheri / Myling / Fear Liath / Bakekujira / Biwa-Bokuboku / Bubak / Caleuche / Chochin-Obake / Coiste Bodhar / Garei / Ittan-Momen / Kameosa / Balborinho / Dorotabo / Enenra / Umibozu / Valravn / Codrille / Will o Wisp / Luz Mala / Ogniki / Santelmo / Zumbi / Aerico / Baykok / Draugr / Gaki / Hidarugami / Lagahoo / Mokoi / Topielec / Ushabti / Ankou / Itzpapalotl / Jack-in-Irons / Koschei / Naglfar / Xing Tian
FIEND: Akashita / Isonade / Erinyes / Aniwye / Babi Ngepet / Aproxis / Asag / Asanbosam / Ascalaphus / Aswang / Batibat / Berbalang / Kubot / Manananggal / Pugot / Garmr / Pesanta / Rahara / Bies / Metminwi / Stuhac / Arzhavennik / Hongaek / Bruch / Kasai Rex / Bushyasta / Caballucos Diablu / Kasha / Catoblepas / Kishi / Fomorian / Cherufe / Nargun / Eurynomos / Huay Chivo / Fetch / Ammut / Cipactli / Gawigawen / Likho / Juggernaut / Taotie / Nocnitsa / Kere / Ihuaivulu / Imp / Butoni / Incubus / Skrzak / Vetala / Aghash / Tsuchigumo / Umdhlebi / Ifrit / Heikegani / Apaosha / Each Tened / Kumiho / Ajatar / Lemure / Rogo-Tumu-Here / Makhai / Nue / Mara / Marool / Siyokoy / Erchitu / Ninki Nanka / Druj Nasu / Sigbin / Nalusa Falaya / Hidebehind / Madremonte / Odontotyrannus / Nosoi / Empusa / Popobawa / Ek Chapat / Onikuma / Rarog / Psoglav / Shtriga / Salawa / Sazae-Oni / Cerambus / Delgeth / Impundulu / Asipatra / Mahaha / Tiyanak / Hinkir Munkur / Oni / Raudkembingur / Agrippa / Ipetam / Jenglot / Wanyudo / Basan / Caorthannach / Chicheface / Xecotcovach / Achlys / Adephagia / Aergia / Alastor / Balor / Belphegor / Camazotz / Cerberus / Deimos & Phobos / Fulad-Zereh / Hela / Hinqumemen / Horseman of Death / Horseman of Famine / Horseman of Pestilence / Horseman of War / Lilith / Limos / Midas / Narcissus / Raktabija / Rawhead / Sin-You / Zelus
MAGICAL: A Bao A Qu / Abuhuku / Afanc / Ahool / Ahuizotl / Alicanto / Amphisbaena / Bulgasari / Basilisk / Bolotnik / Cueyatl / Dingonek / Burach Bhadi / Tlanusi / Zhenniao / Charybdis / Bungisngis / Dipsa / Haermorrhois / Hypnalis / Seps / Echeneis / Eintykara / Ahi At-Trab / Banaspati / Landvaettir / Perico / Salamander / Sermilik / Ga-Gorib / Girtablilu / Dactyl / Gold-Digging Ant / Invunche / Terra-Cotta / Tupilaq / Griffon / Keythong / Gu / Hydra / Jinn / Kappa / Keukegen / Lamia / Ugjuknarpak / Lou Carcolh / A-Mi-Kuk / Iku-Turso / Mandragora / Manticore / Piasa / Sphinx / Succarath / Tarasque / Zitiron / Minotaur / Moskitto / Musca Macedda / Namazu / Minhocao / Kugdlughiak / Satori / Jinshin Mushi / Shachihoko / Rougarou / Squonk / Stymphalides / Kasa-Obake / Ulagu / Amarok / Water Leaper / Xhumpedzkin / Arachne / Belachko / Chimera / Egregore / Gaueko / Graeae / Medusa / Odei / Scylla /
MONSTROSITY: Abaia / Agropelter / Ajaju / Akheilos / Ao-Ao / Barghest / Boobrie / Bunyip / Burrunjor / Chupacabra / Crocotta / Gbahali / Gulon / Hippocampus / Ichneumon / Jba Fofi / Kaiaimunu / Karkinos / Saratan / Kongamato / Lavellan / Lusca / Mapinguari / Mokele-Mbembe / Morgawr / Muhuru / Myrmecoleon / Nadubi / Ngoubou / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Skolex / Olitiau / Omukade / Con Rit / Skeljaskrimsli / Pard / Roc / Scarab / Scorpios / Sianach / Tiddalik / Trolual / Tuyango / Utelif / Warg / Whowie / Ziphius / Cetus / Kraken / Qupqugiaq /
ABERRATION: Alp-Luachra / Cuchivilu / Baldanders / Frittening / Gardinel / Kaw-Kaw / Marabbecca / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Bukavac / Butatsch / Cuero / Rumptifusel / Papinijuwari / Dijiang / Ewah / Akaname / Rokurokubi / Hyakume / Redjal Marja / Kamikiri / Muirdris / Rat King / Migas / Mbielu-Mbielu / Nakshatra Meenu / Nuppeppo / Kerit / Roperite / Slide-Rock Bolter / Lapiduch / Tripodero / Nurikabe / Snallygaster / Ya-Te-Veo / Baxbakwalanuxsiwae / Chipfalamfula / Hundun / Khodumodumo / Planctae / Punga /
HUMANOID: Cyclops / Cacus / Gegenees / Hrimpursar / Muldjewangk / Goblin / Eloko / Amazon / Berserker / Buckrider / Cambion / Einherjar / Moroi / Vish Kanya / Intulo / Kilmoulis / Ashinaga / Panotti / Tenaga / Ljosalfar / Dokkalfar / Merrow / Adaro / Skinwalker / Cuca / Nagual / Selkie / Tanuki / Antaeus / Argus / Hraesvelgr / Saapin / Surtur / Ymir
CELESTIAL: Airavata / Erote / Valkyrie / Baku / Cadejo / Caladrius / Celedon / Alkonost / Issitoq / Kurage-No-Hinotama / Agloolik / Muse / Phoenix / Shinchu / Qilin / Chan Chu / Hinnagami / Ungaikyo / Zorigami / Zlatorog / Anansi / Aton / Bai Ze / Byakko / Fenghuang / Genbu / Gullinbursti / Khepri / Pixiu / Qinglong / Sleipnir
From which Mythology Group.
ANCIENT GREECE: Khalkotauroi / Akheilos / Ascalaphus / Erinyes / Erote / Charybdis / Cyclops / Eurynomos / Faun / Cacus / Gegenees / Dactyl / Celedon / Griffon / Harpy / Kere / Siren / Hippocampus / Amazon / Hydra / Karkinos / Lamia / Lemure / Makhai / Sphinx / Minotaur / Nosoi / Dryad / Empusa / Lampad / Maenad / Muse / Nereid / Oread / Thriae / Cerambus / Scorpios / Spartoi / Stymphalides / Achlys / Adephagia / Aergia / Alastor / Antaeus / Arachne / Argus / Cerberus / Cetus / Chimera / Deimos & Phobos / Graeae / Kampe / Ladon / Limos / Lotis Tree / Medusa / Midas / Narcissus / Planctae / Scylla / Typhon / Zelus
NORTH EUROPEAN: Valkyrie / Gloson / Baldanders / Garmr / Osschaert / Hiiden Hirvi / Otso / Kludde / Nachtkrapp / Landvaettir / Fossegrim / Hrimpursar / Bilwis / Kobold / Gulon / Norn / Pesta / Hrokkall / Berserker / Buckrider / Einherjar / Helhest / Ajatar / Rat King / Fafnir / Nidhogg / Ljosalfar / Dokkalfar / Iku-Turso / Mara / Askafroa / Skeljaskrimsli / Attercroppe / Waldgeist / Ratatoskr / Myling / Trollgadda / Trolual / Raudkembingur / Valravn / Warg / Draugr / Gullinbursti / Hela / Hraesvelgr / Kraken / Naglfar / Sleipnir / Surtur / Ymir
EAST EUROPEAN: Bies / Stuhac / Bolotnik / Arzhavennik / Bagiennik / Bukavac / Domovoi / Leshy / Ovinnik / Polevik / Vodyanoi / Aitvaras / Bauk / Likho / Hala / Kikimora / Nocnitsa / Poludnica / Alkonost / Moroi / Skrzak / Rusalka / Veela / Strigoi / Ankluz / Rarog / Psoglav / Shtriga / Surale / Lapiduch / Hinkir Munkur / Bubak / Ogniki / Zirnitra / Zlatorog / Zmey / Topielec / Zuttibur / Baba Yaga / Belachko / Koschei
SOUTH EUROPEAN: Aatxe / Pesanta / Kaw-Kaw / Marabbecca / Butatsch / Caballucos Diablu / Caladrius / Ojancanu / Perico / Gargouille / Trenti / Butoni / Lou Carcolh / Tarasque / Erchitu / Musca Macedda / Camacrusa / Pyrausta / Agrippa / Balborinho / Velue / Vouivre / Codrille / Cuelebre / Chicheface / Aerico / Ankou / Egregore / Gaueko / Odei
WEST EUROPEAN: Afanc / Alp-Luachra / Awd Goggie / Frittening / Banshee / Barghest / Cu Sith / Cwn Annwn / Bugbear / Boobrie / Brollachan / Fad Felen / Bruch / Buggane / Burach Bhadi / Cait Sith / Arkan Sonny / Fomorian / Dobhar-Chu / Dullahan / Fetch / Bugul Noz / Grindylow / Redcap / Spriggan / Kelpie / Ceffyl Dwr / Each Tened / Kilmoulis / Muirdris / Lavellan / Leprechaun / Amadan Dubh / Clurichaun / Far Darrig / Gancanagh / Ly Erg / Marool / Merrow / Morgawr / Nuckelavee / Leanan Sidhe / Lunantishee / Phooka / Sianach / Selkie / Sluagh / Bloody Bones / Stray Sod / Hungry Grass / Fear Liath / Shellycoat / Coiste Bodhar / Caorthannach / Knucker / Water Leaper / Balor / Jack-in-Irons / Rawhead / Springheel Jack / Wild Hunt
NORTH AMERICAN: Aniwye / Ijiraq / Tlanusi / Sermilik / Ewah / Pukwudgie / Tupilaq / Qalupalik / Utlunta / Issitoq / Djieien / Ugjuknarpak / A-Mi-Kuk / Piasa / Agloolik / Nalusa Falaya / Kugdlughiak / Oniate / Mishibizhiw / Psonen / Gaasyendietha / Haietlik / Tizheruk / Delgeth / Wakandagi / Skinwalker / Rougarou / Ahkiyyini / Mahaha / Ulagu / Akhlut / Amarok / Wendigo / Baykok / Amhuluk / Baxbakwalanuxsiwae / Hinqumemen / Qupqugiaq / Thunderbird
SOUTH/CENTRAL AMERICAN: Abuhuku / Ahuizotl / Alicanto / Ao-Ao / Cuchivilu / Cadejo / Rahara / Metminwi / Boitata / Cueyatl / Carbuncle / Chupacabra / Cuero / Eintykara / Cherufe / Encantado / Huay Chivo / Cipactli / Curupira / Invunche / Guarana / Candileja / Soucouyant / Lechuza / Ihuaivulu / Inulpamahuida / Lusca / Succarath / Mapinguari / Motelo Mama / Madremonte / Minhocao / Ek Chapat / Chon-Chon / Ccoa / Peuchen / Cuca / Nagual / Kayeri / Munuane / Caleuche / Tuyango / Luz Mala / Xecotcovach / Xhumpedzkin / Lagahoo / Anhanga / Camazotz / Itzpapalotl / Quetzalcoatl / Saapin
AFRICAN: Asanbosam / Dingonek / Kasai Rex / Kishi / Ga-Gorib / Gbahali / Eloko / Grootslang / Rompo / Nyuvwira / Intulo / Jba Fofi / Umdhlebi / Kongamato / Migas / Mokele-Mbembe / Ninki Nanka / Muhuru / Mbielu-Mbielu / Ngoubou / Olitiau / Guiafairo / Popobawa / Kerit / Mngwa / Adze / Impundulu / Aigamuxa / Yehwe Zogbanu / Ya-Te-Veo / Zumbi / Anansi / Chipfalamfula / Khodumodumo /
ARABIAN/EGYPTIAN: Asag / Bushyasta / Hypnalis / Ahi At-Trab / Ammut / Girtablilu / Aghash / Jinn / Ghul / Ifrit / Redjal Marja / Saratan / Apaosha / Druj Nasu / Roc / Salawa / Scarab / Almiraj / Karkadann / Shadhawar / Asdeev / Azi Dahaka / Ushabti / Aton / Fulad-Zereh / Khepri / Tiamat
ASIAN: Bulgasari / Hongaek / Zhenniao / Dijiang / Qiuniu / Terra-Cotta / Gu / Taotie / Jinmenju / Kumiho / Kun Peng / Longgui / Nariphon / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Zheng / Qilin / Shen / Chan Chu / Yeti / Ipetam / Gaki / Bai Ze / Byakko / Fenghuang / Genbu / Hundun / Pixiu / Qinglong / Sin-You / Xing Tian
JAPANESE: Akashita / Isonade / Baku / Kasha / Nekomata / Yamabiko / Raiju / Katsura-Otoko / Akaname / Rokurokubi / Yanagi-Baba / Hyakume / Jorogumo / Tsuchigumo / Jubokko / Kamaitachi / Kamikiri / Kappa / Heikegani / Keukegen / Ashinaga / Tenaga / Kitsune / Kodama / Kurage-no-Hinotama / Tesso / Nue / Namazu / Nuppeppo / Yuki-Onna / Omukade / Tsurube-Otoshi / Onikuma / Isogashi / Shinchu / Satori / Sazae-Oni / Jinshin Mushi / Ikuchi / Shachihoko / Gashadokuro / Mekurabe / Tanuki / Teratsutsuki / Oni / Bakekujira / Biwa-Bokuboku / Chochin-Obake / Garei / Hinnagami / Ittan-Momen / Kameosa / Kasa-Obake / Nurikabe / Ungaikyo / Wanyudo / Zorigami / Basan / Dorotabo / Enenra / Umibozu / Hidarugami / Yamata no Orochi
POLYNESIAN/HINDU: Abaia / A Bao A Qu / Ahool / Airavata / Ajaju / Anggitay / Babi Ngepet / Bonguru / Aswang / Batibat / Berbalang / Kubot / Manananggal / Pugot / Tikbalang / Bungisngis / Banaspati / Gawigawen / Nuno / Juggernaut / Pua Tu Tahi / Mambabarang / Vish Kanya / Vetala / Kaiaimunu / Ropen / Rogo-Tumu-Here / Mandarangkal / Adaro / Siyokoy / Sarangay / Sigbin / Nakshatra Meenu / Abere / Con Rit / Penchapechi / Polong / Asipatra / Tiyanak / Acheri / Berberoka / Kapre / Jenglot / Santelmo / Bakunawa / Raktabija / Vritra
AUSTRALIAN: Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Bunyip / Burrunjor / Papinijuwari / Nargun / Muldjewangk / Wulgaru / Yawkyawk / Nadubi / Tiddalik / Whowie / Mokoi / Punga
FEARSOME CRITTER: Agropelter / Gardinel / Cactus Cat / Rumptifusel / Gowrow / Hodag / Moskitto / Hidebehind / Splintercat / Roperite / Slide-Rock Bolter / Squonk / Tripodero / Snallygaster / Tailypo
MEDIEVAL BOOK: Amphisbaena / Barometz / Basilisk / Catoblepas / Crocotta / Dipsa / Haermorrhois / Seps / Jaculus / Echeneis / Gold-Digging Ant / Keythong / Ichneumon / Panotti / Manticore / Zitiron / Myrmecoleon / Odontotyrannus / Skolex / Pard / Phoenix / Scitalis / Utelif / Yale / Ziphius
OTHER: Aproxis / Cagrino / Salamander / Sylph / Undine / Goblin / Cambion / Imp / Incubus / Mandragora / Piskie / Poltergeist / Dybbuk / Will o Wisp / Belphegor / Horseman of Death / Horseman of Famine / Horseman of Pestilence / Horseman of War / Jack frost / Lilith
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theladyofbloodshed · 5 months ago
Hi, just saw that you posted about one of the stories in A Very Fantasy Christmas and I can say that I was very surprised to see one of the characters named Muma Pădurii. Very pleasantly surprised, I mean.
What inspired you to go and look into Romanian folklore for that specific story? Because I love to see the folklore I grew up on represented. Have a great rest of your day/night!
Firstly, I am a huge fan of folklore and mythology. This is my little collection at home and I borrowed every single folklore/myth collection from my local library over the years. I try to weave pre-existing folklore into my stories and add my own twists. In The Story of Old (another series of mine), I had the Leshy (Slavic), Makara (Hindu), dryads, shapeshifters, griffin, chimera, dragons, Ankou (Cornish/Welsh), Sedna (Inuit), norns (Norse), witches, illuyanka (Hittite) as well as some traditional Scandinavian tales. I also have Black Annis (British), harpies, werewolves, and banshees in The Eddanor Chronicles.
For this book, I narrowed down the types of fantasy creatures I wanted in it. With The Great Hag Bake Off, I knew I wanted hags in it. I first looked at British folklore. In the story, Jenny Greenteeth plays the main role but there are also mentions to Nelly Longarms and Mother Shipton. For the second character, I wanted a hag but one different to the British ones as they tend to be wizened old women. Baba Yaga seemed like an option, but so many stories already featured her. I delved further and found Muma Padurii. I saw this image of her where she is depicted as young rather than old and ugly so went for that route with her instead.
As a side, I have always wanted to go to Romania - Peles Castle especially. I think it's rich in storytelling. I've also taught lots of Romanian children who always tell me about the food they have at Christmas and I need to try it for myself!
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praemonitorius · 5 months ago
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PG 1/60 Banshee Norn.
Took it to the local Military Hobby show and it won first place in its 'Out of Box' category.
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chilisaws · 3 months ago
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And here's Destroy Mode! The LED set I got came with lights for the shield though they were a bit finicky to install since the kit wasn't designed with them in mind. I had to cut a few notches into the parts to make room for the wiring (though they're discreet enough that you can't notice them) and I'm pretty sure I can't transform it out of destroy mode with them attached. I don't plan on doing that anyway so it's not a big deal for me. I also used a bunch of extra decals on the shield because for as stupid huge as it is it didn't have many and it seemed really plain. a few of the stripes I used don't line up exactly with the lines of shield, but it's subtle enough that I don't think you'd notice without looking closely. all in all I'm super pleased with how this kit came out!
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gundamfight · 2 years ago
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