#Bank Cleaning Phoenix
reynamagnus · 1 year
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cattimeswithjellie · 3 months
Stream Recap, ImpulseSV, 6/12/24
((If you caught the excerpt from this I posted last night, you may be ready for the wildness that is this stream recap. I started out expecting a build stream and wound up recapping a Hermit social gathering for two hours, lol. It's all right though, because it was very, very funny.))
2:55 Impulse opens the stream on studio view. He asks if his streaming setup still works and jokes he needs to get the dust off it. He shares that he has been gone because he’s been sick, and decides he should probably just start tacking a few extra sick days onto the end of each vacation because it happens every time. (Except in Michigan, Chat points out.) Chat tells him his voice sounds better now than in the video. He says he’ll see how he feels as the stream goes on. He talks a little about PixelPulse Valley, how he named it because he likes being in the valley in Phoenix and likes valleys in general. Chat makes a joke about valley girls. Impulse has been sick almost a whole week and it is gross, especially since he’s had to travel.
6:00 Impulse shouts out to Noah in chat, who is someone he met in person on the cruise ship. Apparently there were several Impulse-in-the-wild spottings on this trip. He thanks subs and donos. He reminds chat that a Big Video came out today, one that he’s been waiting to show for awhile. He finally gets to tell the story of PixelPulse Valley and its battle with the AIs, and the basics of what the game is going to be like. Impulse doesn’t want to go too deep here because he doesn’t want to spoil the video, but he will be working on some stuff in the city. He suggests that maybe chatters might want to catch at least part of the video before joining the stream. Today he’ll be working on the secret tunnel and hopes for a normal-length stream. Chat sings the SECRET TUNNEL song.
9:50 Chat is worried about Impulse staying hydrated. He assures Chat he has been triple-fisting coffee, juice and water. Chat is unsure about the phrasing but happy that Impulse is getting enough to drink. It is impossible to bother Skizz during stream today because Skizz is at work, and when he gets home from work they are going to record the podcast.
11:00 Impulse shows off his new redstone door. He apologizes to RKF Walter, whose name he messed up while crediting him for the door design. It is a beautiful door design and opens to an exploding flight rocket. He drops down the escape hole and shows Chat the Secret Tunnel. He says he’s gotten lots of good suggestions in the video comments already for different ambiance touches. He is not sure yet what he’s going to change, if anything. He shows off how covering a pearlescent froglight with a trapdoor turns the light pure white.
14:10 Impulse highlights the wall lights. He is happy because there are not many chances for subtle design touches that are only a few pixels tall in Minecraft. He contemplates how he’s going to mute when he inevitably starts coughing. He reveals that his favorite DCI team is Impulse, of course. It’s where all his branding came from! (Blue Devils is also good). DCI is Drum Corps International, professional marching band with no woodwinds. He toured the country for a whole summer with the Impulse team back in the day. Chat is excited about this Impulse Lore. Impulse’s girlfriend back in the day (not his wife now) was a clarinet player, but she played cymbals on the drumline.
18:00 Impulse notices that all the trapdoors have completely oxidized and wonders who has been keeping it loaded. Probably Joel, he concludes as he cleans and waxes them. Chat suggests it might also be people coming by to use the XP bank. Impulse agrees that the XP bank is popular, way more popular than he and Skizz anticipated. He may have to put in some more at other Hermits’ bases, just to lighten the load on Bop n’ Go. Chat suggests putting XP banks inside the volcano once it is hollowed out. He likes that plan.
21:00 Chat asks if Impulse saw Tango’s video that had the naturally volcano-shaped Magic Mountain clone. Impulse didn’t see it. Chat asks what he plans to do about the slime chunk in the tunnel. Impulse does not know. He doesn’t want to put carpet in. He’s not too worried because big slimes are unlikely to spawn, and he doesn’t want to slab it and change the tunnel shape. He’ll wait and see how bad it is. He decides to start the next segment of tunnel with the bottom wall edges and gathers his supplies.
23:40 It was easier to record video sick than to stream sick, because he could gather energy for short bursts of talking. Chat asks for advice on visiting DCI events. Impulse says check out the vendors to find cool music supplies, and also bring lots of sunscreen. He does not have enough cyan terracotta. He considers whether anyone sells terracotta, then remembers he’s not buying from Big T. He begins laying out his pattern. Ren messages in chat that he needs Impulse’s brain. Impulse doesn’t promise his brain is working, but goes to find Ren at his base. As he flies, Impulse talks about playing Wordle at Pearl’s yesterday and how he struggled because his brain was foggy. He likes Wordle but he did not do well. ((It did take Impulse more than 20 minutes to solve the puzzle at Dyeductions on Pearl’s 6/11 stream, compared to 10 minutes for Skizz.))
26:30 He touches down at Ren’s base and asks where Ren is, Ren tells him he must come into the truck. Impulse asks if he should be recording. Ren says he can if he wants, and he probably should too. They both reveal that they are streaming. Impulse tries to find his way into the truck with little success. Ren directs him to the door on top and describes the lever. Impulse finds the lever but it doesn’t work. They are having some audio issues due to Ren’s setup. Impulse plasters himself against the front windshield and breaks into the truck, to Ren’s great consternation. Impulse replaces the broken glass and assures Ren he is a certified repair technician. Ren accepts this and moves on.
29:00 Ren tells Impulse he needs his brain, then uses the classic girlfriend tactic of telling Impulse he’s been waiting for him to notice something. Impulse is immediately on the back foot and tries to fall back on the defense of having been gone. He guesses that Ren has a new outfit, which is true. Ren demands that Impulse look at him. Ren has a new skin on, including a spacesuit and a face that Chat thinks is very similar to Beef’s (which is true.) He has a beard and everything. Impulse says the outfit reminds him of Terra Swoop Force at MCC. Ren admits that is true. He says his chat thinks the glasses are too much. Impulse’s Chat thinks they’re great. Impulse and Ren both take off their glasses. Impulse has no eyebrows without the glasses. He says he plucks his eyebrows when he gets nervous and it’s been a rough week. Ren puts the glasses and beard back on, and shows off the handsome touches of gray in his hair. They talk about getting IRL haircuts. Ren is going back to facecam streaming and told his barber he needed a good haircut for an important meeting. He wanted a side shave, but his barber told him his head is too large for a side shave. Impulse thinks Ren has a nice head and hopes the barber didn’t hurt his feelings. Ren says the barber did a good job. Big-headed folk in chat commiserate with Ren.
33:30 Ren says he listens to the advice of professionals about how he looks, because he has no understanding of fashion or how he is supposed to look. Impulse admits he hasn’t got Ren’s stream up and can’t see how he looks, Ren admits that he hasn’t dared to turn the facecam on yet. Ren compliments how nice Impulse looks every time he streams and thinks it must take him a long time to get ready, but Impulse denies that. He does his hair once a week, puts glue in it, and is careful about how he sleeps. His wife is the closest thing to a stylist he has. She cut his hair for him for a long time. Ren talks about the value in learning a single hairstyle by muscle memory and doing it exactly the same everyday forever. Impulse agrees and tells a story about his vacation, where he couldn’t take his regular hair product. His hair was a mess his whole trip. Ren is very sympathetic. Chat thinks Impulse has bougie hair.
37:30 Ren is jealous because Impulse has a nicely-shaped head and can shave his hair off. Ren’s head is weird-shaped at the back and he has a mole, so he would look terrible if he shaved his head. He asks Impulse if he’d ever wear a toupee if he started going bald. Impulse says his dad is 70 and has a full head of hair, but he doesn’t think he’d be a combover guy. He’d probably do some kind of filler. Hopefully by that time there will be a pill or cream to grow hair. Chat is telling Impulse that the baldness gene comes down on the maternal side. Impulse reassures them that his mom also has hair. Ren says his mom is a Yeti, with very thick hair. Chat reminds Impulse that Rogaine is a thing. Ren shows off his boots, Impulse is impressed. He tells Ren that his Lore dropped today, and that it’s going to tickle Ren in all the right places. Ren is eager to see it. Impulse did make a mistake by tackling the biggest, hardest game first, and it is taking forever. Ren thinks maybe that was the right way to go, since it will regulate the size and speed of the other games.
41:00 Ren suddenly detects an INTRUDER at the truck. He shows Impulse where the actual door is and shoots a rocket at Pearl, who is standing just outside. She makes an indignant noise. Ren tells her that the oxygen out there is poisonous and full of spores, so she jumps down inside and asks Ren if he stream sniped her. Impulse also wants to know how Ren spotted Pearl. Ren says he saw the nametag through the ceiling. Pearl immediately compliments Ren on his new look. Impulse is chagrined at her superior powers of perception. He says this happens in real life with his wife too. Ren sits in the cockpit with Pearl and tells Pearl the whole embarrassing story of Impulse’s visit.
43:00 Pearl points out that she is good at seeing details, that she noticed right away that Iskall had a haircut earlier in the season. “Iskall had a haircut?” Ren asks. Pearl describes Iskall’s haircut test. Ren says there’s something different about Pearl too. Impulse says she looks older. They sing Happy Birthday to her while chasing her through the truck while she flees. She is embarrassed but thanks them. She asks Impulse for a thing. He doesn’t understand for a minute, but Chat does and helps out. Impulse provides the Birthday You-Yo. Chat celebrates. Pearl tells him he sounds better today than he did yesterday. They talk about getting sick on vacation and at cons. Pearl digs around in Ren’s shulker boxes. Ren objects, not very strenuously, and she tells him it’s her job. They point out it’s not the job of the postmaster to clean up messes, and the Cleaning Lady was Season 9. Apparently once a Cleaning Lady, always a Cleaning Lady.
46:00 Impulse asks if they have the shulker mod that shows what’s in the boxes. They do not. Impulse explains his retexture woes anyway. Someone drops a cake into the truck through the door for Pearl. Pearl suspects it was False. She sets down the cake just in time for Invisible False to pearl into the truck. Impulse and False give Pearl birthday punches, or False does while Impulse fails to punch. He blames his short arms. Ren comes back and puts a single candle on the cake and they all wish Pearl a happy first birthday. She says she doesn’t feel so old now. Pearl is not hungry enough to eat, so Ren and False give her more birthday punches. Birthday punches are not very effective when someone is wearing netherite armor. “Punch harder!” Pearl yells as she removes her netherite. Ren “punches” her with an axe. “Not that hard, not that hard!” she corrects, running away. She makes a wish and knocks the candle off the cake, then eats a bit. Ren asks what she wished, but she won’t tell or it won’t come true. He realizes that’s been his mistake all along.
49:00 Pearl eats most of the cake, then offers her friends a slice. Ren sets himself on fire to be hungry enough to eat. This alarms his friends. He finishes off the cake. They discuss the awkward IRL situation of one slice of cake left on the plate. None of them will eat it unless no one is watching and the party is nearly over. Ren asks if Pearl’s had a good birthday so far, but she points out that it is 2:48 in the morning, Pearl time, so there has not been much birthday yet. Ren asks if she has had cake anyway. Pearl says she doesn’t have a cake yet. She asks if they know that heated mousepads exist. False wants one immediately, Impulse wants the exact opposite of that. He tells them that the high in Phoenix today is 43 degrees Celsius (109 F). Nobody likes that. Chat is horrified. Pearl says no wonder he got sick, with that temperature change. Apparently it was 6 degrees in Alaska. (43 F) False said it was 15 (59 F) today in the UK. Ren has been keeping his eye on the prize and is still upset that Pearl doesn’t have IRL cake. Pearl promises that she’s going to have dinner with her family and she’ll get cake then, and she also had a strawberry doughnut.
54:10 There have been lots of Hermit birthdays recently. False and Gem both had birthdays recently, and someone else that they can’t remember. Chat knows it was Skizz. Pearl remembers Skizz, and Cleo as well. Ren thinks next year they need a birthday hall for the month of June. Pearl and False think about horoscope-themed buildings, with a really big one for Gemini. Ren thinks there’s another big batch in October, but it’s really just him. Chat points out that Geminis are born entertainers. Ren claims Bdubs as an October birthday. He reminisces about turning False’s base into a cake way, way back in Season 4. Pearl points out that as of today, the minimum Hermit age is 28. They are all getting old. Ren says they need a special celebration for when the minimum age hits 30. Impulse agrees and says they can hand out walkers to everyone. Ren suggests ear trumpets as well, while False suggests giant keyboards.
59:00 Impulse doesn’t realize how they got back to this topic when he and Ren were just talking earlier about losing their hair. False said she was listening, and educates Impulse on the existence of little tubs one can put one’s hair gel into for traveling. It takes Impulse a minute, but he figures out what she’s talking about. He says that’s a lot of work. False tells Pearl she’s a bit concerned for these guys. Pearl agrees and says they need Bdubs the hairdresser. False tries to sell them on the beneifts of long hair, but Pearl reminds her that it took her an entire day to find a bottle of hairspray in Michigan. Impulse fondly remembers the days when he used to shave his head so he wouldn’t have to do anything with it. He reiterates his story about only styling his hair once a week and using glue. False and Pearl are disgusted. He admits that is a slight exaggeration. Pearl suggests Impulse has a Lego haircut. Ren thinks Impulse just sleeps in the chair in his office and has his wife wake him up to stream. Pearl says this is why not having a facecam is the best option. Ren seems like he might be reconsidering his decision to facecam.
1:02:20 False starts teasing Ren about not uploading his VODs. Ren protests that he managed to upload a VOD just today. Impulse brags that it’s easy when you have two copies of OBS. The others are skeptical of this solution. False says no wonder it’s 40 degrees there, Impulse’s computer is on fire. Ren admires the teleprompter setup in Impulse’s office. Impulse says he likes it because staring at Chat makes them uncomfortable. Chat agrees. False stares deep into Chat’s eyes on all three streamers’ channels. They talk a little more about streaming setups. Ren declares Impulse the “smorterest” of the streamers. Impulse admits he needs to run an entire tech checklist to go live.
1:05:30 With all other conversational topics exhausted, the group decides to talk about food. Pearl is baffled that Impulse and Ren don’t like jam doughnuts. Ren clarifies that he doesn’t dislike jam doughnuts. Impulse says he doesn’t like being surprised by, like, banana doughnuts. Ren agrees and adds lime as a possibility. Pearl is horrified and says they need better doughnuts. Ren really wants to try an American Cinnabon. False tries to tell him they have Cinnabon in the UK. “Not like that,” Ren tells her. Pearl asks if any of them tried the salt doughnuts in Michigan. False and Impulse say no, Pearl says it was “really interesting” and “oddly enjoyable.” She recommends them, especially with the chicken salt she brought along. Ren is confused at “chicken salt on a doughnut.” Chat is confused by “chicken salt.” False says she’s going to salt a doughnut and complain to Pearl when it tastes bad. Pearl sputters for a minute, then demands to know whether any of them thought she was actually serious about salt doughnuts. Ren says she’s Australian, and Australians eat weird stuff. It seemed plausible. Pearl tells them she’s just Mission Possible’d all of them, that her mission was to convince them all that she’d already told them a story about something and that they’d just forgotten. Ren congratulates her, Impulse feels violated. Ren and chat are still hung up on the chicken salt thing. Pearl wonders suddenly if maybe she did it wrong, because she actually convinced them they were there for the story happening, not that they’d heard it before. They agree it counts.
1:11:00 False is a little sad that she can’t have a salted doughnut. Pearl demands to know how they can hate Vegemite and want salted doughnuts. False says Vegemite is too fishy. Pearl is mortally insulted. Impulse confirms it was Marmite and not Vegemite on the wings in Michigan. Vegemite and Marmite are similar but not the same. Ren asks if he really has to go all the way to Australia to taste Vegemite. Pearl slaps him and tells him if he actually comes to an event, she will bring him Vegemite. Impulse shills TwitchCon San Diego but Ren demurs, saying he can’t afford it. San Diego is very expensive. Pearl understands, she spent 5 grand for 5 days in Michigan. False says she might be out too, then. Impulse invites them all to stay with him and they’ll make the six hour drive each day to the con. Ren asks how much it costs to get one of those Scarbots to roll around the convention. Pearl says that if any of them want to come to Australia, they can stay at her place. Ren has family in Australia. They discuss Vegemite some more. Impulse didn’t like it on first bite, but sort of got the idea of why people might like it after a few bites. More Vegemite talk. Impulse sidebars to chat that he has no idea what he is doing, and that he has a tunnel to build. Chat assures him that they are happy and he should stay.
1:18:00 Ren mentions black pudding. Impulse asks the group what’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten. Pearl says cow’s tongue. Impulse says he once went to a fancy restaurant in French Polynesia and didn’t know what he was eating. Later he looked it up and saw it was duck liver. It was really good. False admits she doesn’t know if she has a good answer for this question. Vegemite, she decides. Pearl smacks her. Ren says he likes everything he’s eaten except oysters, but the weirdest thing he’s eaten was a Mopane Worm in South Africa, a big caterpillar that gets deep fried. Pearl asks if they tasted like chicken, he says they taste like peanuts with an earthy aftertaste that is not nice. Impulse pushes False for a better answer; she says she almost ate crocodile once but the kitchen was closed. She says she once ate a weird fruit with a bad smell, she thinks it was durian. But also Vegemite. Pearl smacks her again. Chat is vouching for durian: smells bad, tastes great. Impulse says escargot is pretty good, mushroomy. Ren says escargot also has an earthy aftertaste, and the others begin teasing him about why everything tastes like dirt to him. Ren asks if none of them ate dirt as children. Pearl says she once ate a daisy. She decides to change her answer for “weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten.”
1:22:45 Pearl decides to get her Mission Possible book to make sure everyone agrees she succeeded the task. She blasts out the roof of the truck. Impulse decides to investigate the door to try and figure out why the lever didn’t work for him when he tried it. He clicks the lever and the door opens. He hits it again and the door closes, just in time for Ren to smash his head into it and visually clip through the roof. Chat is deeply amused. False and Ren are impressed on the timing of that. False realizes that if someone clicks the lever from inside, the lever outside doesn’t work. Ren is ashamed of his terrible redstone, but False says it’s good to have a door lock he can activate from inside. Impulse is just happy to know that he wasn’t the crazy one, even if he was the one who broke in through the windshield. He and False examine the decorations of the roof. Impulse is disappointed to know that they are still polluting the planet in the futuristic future.
1:25:00 Pearl returns and reads her task to the group. They agree that she completed the task in a way that is even better than was asked for, since she convinced Impulse that he was actually present for the story that never happened. They all fly to MP HQ to watch Pearl spin. False tells them that Skizz broke the machine when he spun, so she didn’t get anything on her spin. But it’s fixed now. Pearl collects her token and spins the wheel. She gets the Sword, which is a hat that looks like she’s got a diamond sword stuck in her head. The others pretend to pull it out. Impulse makes a Sword in the Stone joke. Ren says that Pearl’s brain is too dense to get the sword out. Pearl smacks him, but Impulse tries to convince her it’s a compliment. She is skeptical, but Ren is all in.
1:28:40 Grian logs in, tells everyone in chat “Just so you know, I’m off to play badminton,” then logs out. They decide that this is a clear case of FOMO. Impulse asks if that’s the game with the birdie. False scoffs and corrects “Shuttlecock.” Pearl confirms he’s thinking of the right game. They talk about Badminton for a few minutes. Impulse says that badminton is not really a thing in America; they play pickleball instead. Everyone is baffled. He tries to explain it. Pearl asks if it’s the game with the long stick and a tiny racket on the end ((possibly lacrosse?)) Impulse says no, but that’s it’s very popular. Ren says it’s a ridiculous name and needs to be changed. Impulse demands to know how they can call something a shuttlecock and think they have the high ground for naming anything. Ren says it’s just mini tennis. He has an idea. Hermitcraft table tennis Olympics, five day round-robin event. They’d sell out a stadium. False and Pearl are deeply skeptical. Impulse thinks they should play basketball. Doc and Mumbo against each other, Impulse vs. Bdubs, etc. Pearl says she wants to play against Skizz. Impulse is very into this idea now. Ren asks diffidently what the rules are. Impulse assures him it’s just regular street ball. Ren has never played basketball. He played NBA Jam on Sega. He asks if he’s allowed to SuperDunk. False and Pearl discuss Dodgeball. Ren wants to play Pool, so nobody gets hot and sweaty. False suggests Bowls. Ren and Pearl are very enthusiastic about the idea. Impulse is baffled. “Are you saying balls?” he asks. “BOWLS,” Ren corrects hastily. Chat is amused. Ren tells False she can never call him inappropriate again. She slaps him a couple times and calls him the guy who’s never played basketball instead.
1:35:40 Ren explains bowls to Impulse, taking exquisite care to pronounce “BOWLS” each time. Chat tells Impulse it’s bocce ball. Pearl also experience pronunciation problems with bowls. Ren asks if they’ve ever played croquet, everyone says they have. Ren excitedly suggests to Pearl that they could play cricket. Impulse is not sure how it’s played, Pearl and False tell him it’s like rounders and wickets, which is unhelpful. Impulse starts feeling like he’s in a fever dream. Pearl goes to get her new mission, but she’s not going to read it out loud. False gets a mission too. Ren already has a mission. Impulse steps up to get a mission, but the game is empty. It’s very disappointing. Ren thinks this might be an excellent opportunity to do his mission. Impulse asks if it was Ren’s mission to get him to say “balls,” because if so, he won. Ren asks if the missions all have to be secret. False says most of them are all “do something or say something without the person knowing.” She says Ren could never be a good secret agent.
1:40:30 Pearl’s chat is begging her to ask Ren and False to play Wordle. Impulse thinks it’s a great idea. False demands that Ren close his chat so they don’t cheat for him. Impulse asks Chat if they want to go watch. Chat very much wants to watch. Impulse played yesterday and already knows the word, but he was not streaming so Chat will only know the word if they watched Pearl’s stream (or read the exhaustive recap.) Pearl takes them all down into the basement, where she has been building the locker room to hold inventories. False asks if a locker room means they’re going to die. Pearl says she hasn’t installed that yet. She cleans up a little buit while False and Ren read the rules and empty their inventories. Impulse turns off his facecam and goes to have a bio break while Pearl, Ren and False entertain the chat.
1:43:00 Pearl explains the game to False and Ren. It’s very much like Wordle, but there are no repeated letters and all the letter tiles are named dyes and flowers. Impulse comes back and watches along with Chat. False and Ren try to decide a starter word. Ren tries to think of a five letter word that is just vowels. He decides to play “BEAUT” and Pearl agrees this is a word because she is Australian. He gets one letter, in the wrong place.
1:48:00 Time for Round 2. Ren thinks there are eight vowels. He gets straighened out and decides he needs a word with I and O. He decides on “OINKS.” Pearl says that’s okay, so long as he doesn’t mind sacrificing a choice. Ollie Orionsound raids into the stream. Ollie’s chat tells Impulse he was playing Among Us, Impulse is very excited. He misses Among Us so much and wants to play it again. Ollie says he will let Impulse know if they run it back Ren gets one letter in the right place.
1:52:00 Ren tries to think of a third word. Pearl tells False she’ll switch the word after Ren plays so False gets a good play too. False says no thank you. She suggests to Ren that he might do well with a pen and paper. Impulse tells Chat he knows this stream is a bit scuffed, but he’s been gone and he missed his friends. He will get back to building soon. Chat is not actually in any hurry to get back to building. Ren plays “FILED” and gets none correct. Pearl realizes that he should have gotten some right and asks if the game has broken for the first time. She is worried until Ren realizes that although he showed off his guess on the item frames, he did not actually feed his guess into the game. He wasted a guess by not putting in any letters. He places the letters into the hoppers and runs the word again. Three letters lock into place, the other two are correct and in the wrong place.
1:55:30 Ren realizes there is literally only one option given the board state and plays “FIELD.” He gets the win condition. Everyone cheers! Ren tells Impulse he could’ve given him a hint that he had the letters reversed. Pearl admits she laughed when Ren decided to play Filed and not Field. Ren cleans up the supplies and puts them away, then resets the game. False definitely does not want to play, but she thinks the game is great. They discuss Wordle strategy and starter words. Impulse uses TRACE or SOUND for most of his starters, Ren thinks ADEIU would be good to get the vowels out. Pearl debates options for getting the last missing letters into the game. The game can handle the whole alphabet, but she doesn’t have enough dyes for every consonant without retexturing.
2:01:50 Pearl asks if Ren got a prize. He says yes, it had flowers and dyes. She says yes, that’s what they all have. Ren was not paying attention and makes Pearl rehash the “Why not all the letters” discussion. False suggests retexturing new, fake dyes. Pearl is ambivalent. Everyone is very impressed by Pearl’s work making the game. Impulse says she’s definitely a redstoner now, and he likes how she left it visible under the copper grates. Pearl tells Ren about the randomizer she spent four hours building yesterday, just to make sure nobody could get any hints. Other than tiny tweaks, the game is fully done and tested. Ren says there’s one thing missing: an ender chest. If hermits are going to pay, they need a chest! Impulse takes advantage of the new chest to play some horns. Pearl is going to put up a leaderboard with books so Hermits can keep track of their own streaks. Ren says Impulse is going to dominate because he plays so much Wordle. False says they need to let the old folks win some games. Ren suggests a timed version of the game, much to Impulse and False’s horror. Impulse wants a version where he can make a guess, go build for awhile, come back and guess again, etc. Pearl will make the game harder if everybody wins all the time. Ren suggests a hard mode to the game. Pearl thinks it’s doable, except it will take a _lot_ of work. Impulse feels her redstoner pain. Ren suggests an ultra-hard-mode that is just Pearl singing a countdown song and saying random words the entire time.
A suggestion about playing “BALLS” as the guess leads to an explanation of why there cannot be double letters. Ren suggests audio recording of various useful information to appear at different times in the game, like Xisuma’s TCG setup in Season 9. They brainstorm ways this could work.
2:17:00 Pearl does a little troubleshooting of the system and plays the fail sounds so they can hear it. It’s very funny. False says she should make the losers feel worse. Pearl points out that anyone who fails can pay another diamond to try again. Ren and Pearl are ending their streams, but Impulse has only placed about seven blocks today and needs to get some work done. He realizes he never did figure out what Ren wanted his brain for. Ren admits he just wanted to show off his new skin. False examines the new skin and points out the shape on the back. There is an arrow pointing to Ren’s butt. Impulse makes a suggestion that might be more risque than he intended. Chat is very amused. Pearl and False think Ren’s new skin without the glasses look like Beef, XB and Sausage. Impulse says he’s a meat lover’s pizza, a little Beef and a little Sausage. Ren says the skin will not have a tail because while he wants to be a dog, he doesn’t want to be a furry. There is a brief conversation about whether the coccyx counts as a tail. Ren decides to flee.
2:22:20 Impulse decides to head home. He says hello again to chat. This stream was supposed to be super-productive and he wants to get at least something done today. He drops back into the tunnel and sings the Secret Tunnel song, then tells Chat about the tunnel lore. He places five blocks and gets attacked by a baby zombie. He gathers more torches to light up the nearby caves. He says they may change the name of the city to DoublePulse valley, after him and Bdubs both. Neither of them are written into the story, but the city can still be named after them.
2:26:00 Impulse notes that he got so distracted that his Spotify finished the stream-safe playlist and went on to play other music. This VOD may not be monetizable. Ren raids into the stream. Impulse places one row of blocks, then starts talking to chat. A chatter asks how he feels about ducks. He is good with ducks. A chatter tells him to Google Bulk Bronson, a wrestler who looks like Impulse. Impulse can see it a little bit. He places some more blocks and talks about his vacation. 15 days ago he went to Seattle with his whole family, spent a couple days there, then went on an Alaskan cruise.
2:30:00 Impulse talks about vacation. The first day they went to the space needle and, on Scar’s recommendation, the MoPOP Museum. Everyone was wearing Pearl Jam shirts, and he didn’t realize why until later when he learned there was a Pearl Jam concert that same night, in walking distance of the hotel. He debated paying scalper prices to go to the concert, but then didn’t. He regretted not doing it. They went on the glass floor of the Space Needle. Impulse is afraid of heights so it was a little intense. Impulse didn’t get a chance to meet up with Scar or Fwhip while he was in town. Pike’s Place Fish Market was a disappointment, they do not throw the fish anymore.
2:37:10 A skeleton attacks Impulse, he tracks down where it came from to mobproof. At the hotel bar on the first night in Seattle, one of the bartenders asked Impulse if he was a gaming YouTuber. The bartender said the front desk guy recognized him. This was funny because Impulse was talking on the podcast the other week about how he never got noticed outside of cons. The cruise left on a Friday morning, headed for Alaska. It was a nice ship, a big ship, with an overwhelming amount of food. After the first couple of nights he felt sick from too much food and they stopped doing reserved dinner. There was a lot of food.
2:40:50 It took the ship two days at sea to reach Alaska. On those days, they found activities on the ship. There was a volleyball competition with one group of very skilled players who dominated everyone. Impulse’s youngest daughter plays volleyball and was very into it, so they went to watch. A guy at the tournament recognized Impulse and asked if he was Impulse. (That was Noah from the beginning of the stream.) Later they were going around the ship and there was a thing where they hide ducks on the ship. Kids can look for the ducks. Impulse’s daughter was looking for ducks, walking every level of the ship, every nook and cranny. It was a big walk. They went into a music hall to re-hide a duck she found, and while they were in there a kid approached Impulse and asked if he was Impulse. That was Colin from Tennessee, and he was very polite. Impulse’s daughter is 12 and now she thinks her dad is famous. Chat thinks Impulse is famous too. Another day went by on the cruise. Impulse and his family were going home from the pool, waiting for the elevator. Cruise ship elevators are slow, so eventually they decided to take the stairs. They went down four flights, and Impulse heard a little commotion of girls giggling above them. A woman stuck her head over the banister and asked “Are you a YouTuber? My daughters want to know.” Impulse was like “Yup.” So he met a mom and a couple of teens in the stairwell and took a picture. Impulse’s wife did not know what to do. She heard them yell “Impulse” at the top of the stairs, but she didn’t stop. It was maybe a little weird for her. Impulse’s daughter thought it was the best, though. Impulse suspects it might be because he was wearing his Life Series hoodie. He decided to stop wearing it, but his daughter put it on instead. Getting noticed was pretty fun, overall.
2:50:00 The cruise went to Sitka, a cool small town in Alaska. They had great fish and chips. Impulse pauses to consider the next steps of building. He’s actually making pretty good progress now. In Alaska they saw some whales, though not close up. The weather was cold but otherwise great, no rain. After Sitka they went to Skagway, but Impulse doesn’t remember what they did. He thinks they took a cool train ride. He is out of smooth slabs and leaves the tunnel to cook some rocks back at his base. Skagway had some interesting food, but it was good. Impulse was eating basically one big meal a day, but it was always good. The ship went to Juneau next, where they went on a dogsledding tour. They didn’t do the helicopter glacier tour because it was wildly expensive.
2:54:20 Impulse is caught up in his story and shoves his buckets of lava into the Smithing Input barrel. Chat informs him of this fact instantly, but he doesn’t catch it right away. “Nooo!” he cries when he notices it. He dives into the redstone and falls down a hole before escaping and climbing up into the smelter. He needs to stop the smelter from smelting itself. He mostly succeeds. He shows Chat some pictures from the dogsledding tour. There was no snow when they visited, so the dogs in the photo are pulling a wheeled cart. They look like very good doggos. After the cart ride, they got to meet the puppies. There is a picture of Impulse with a large and fluffy puppy, looking about as happy as he can be. Chat is charmed. Impulse says the puppy was very heavy and so cute.
2:58:00 The ship went past Dawes glacier. Glaciers are cool, and they got very close. Impulse talks about what glaciers are made of and shows a picture of a blue glacier. He gets a large dono and a nice message from a disabled vet starting his own channel. Impulse is touched and wishes him luck. He reads some other donos and subs. He talks again about going from 8C to 43C, but admits he got sick before they even got back, so it probably wasn’t the temperature. He did his best to wash his hands and use sanitizer, but cruises are disease vectors. On the last day of the cruise, they stopped in Victoria, British Columbia. Impulse woke up feeling a little sick. Victoria is a beautiful place and the weather was really nice. Impulse’s wife found a place that was supposed to have the best poutine in Victoria. They went to a pub called Irish Times and had poutine. Chat has a brief internal argument over the pronunciation of poutine. Impulse describes poutine (fries, brown gravy, fresh cheese curds but not like from Culvers, the unbreaded squeaky kind). The poutine was amazing. As he was enjoying his poutine, though, he realized he was sick. He got back on the boat and went to bed. His youngest daughter (the older two were there too, but they did their own thing on the boat most of the time) liked the bands, so she and her mom went to watch music while Impulse stayed in the room and ran a fever. He rested through the night, but woke up still sick and had to travel that way. They rushed off the boat so as not to miss their flight, and then the flight got delayed. He did his best not to complain and not to get germs on people. Eventually the plane did leave and they went home. Impulse spent two days in bed with his wife out on the couch and away from the germs. Impulse shills briefly for Factor Wellness Shots. He took every remedy he had available. After three days he started to feel better. He did not get a COVID test, but he’s much better now. It was an awesome trip with a lousy ending, but he got lots of good memories. It’s also probably the last time he’ll have a vacation with his whole family, parents and kids, together in the configuration they are now, so he wants to remember it.
3:13:00 Impulse thanks subs and donos. A chatter tells him a joke. He needs to figure out this music situation because Spotify keeps randomly picking nonsafe music after it finishes its playlist. The same thing happened to Skizz yesterday and Impulse should’ve been prepared, but he wasn’t. A chatter asks how long he’ll be streaming and he says not long. He has a podcast to record today. He shows chat how the wall light decoration works. He is justifiably proud of this. He reads off more subs and donos. He can’t believe how little progress he made today, but he had no “regerts.” He finds a random brick while digging and realizes he has almost dug into the other water elevator for Bop ‘n Go. Disaster narrowly averted.
3:17:40 A chatter asks for the podcast topic this week. Impulse says it’s dealing with failure. Most of the podcast episodes assume people can set goals and be successful at them, but they’ve never really talked about what happens when you fail and how you come back from it. He promises to keep it light, even inspirational. It’s important to embrace failure as a good thing. He hopes it’s a relatable topic, since everybody’s been there. He teases week after next with the possibility of another guest. They have a lot of people they want to get on the show, so they might have guests more often. Chat is enthusiastic and full of guesses.
3:21:00 Impulse look back and shakes his head about not even completing one full section. A chatter asks when he will come to the Netherlands. He says he’d like to one day. A chatter thanks him for inspiration to start streaming. Impulse places a few more blocks, then decides it’s time to wrap things up. He hasn’t even set up for the podcast yet. He is a slacker and Skizz is going to mock him for it. He notices that Cleo is streaming, so at least he has someone to raid into. He talks a bit more about the podcast topic for the week. A chatter asks if he reads podcast comments on Spotify. He says he does but not often, because they’re very hard to get to.
3:26:00 Impulse wraps up the stream and thanks chat for coming. It was a good coming-back stream. He reminds Chat to please, please, please watch the new video with its Important Lore. He thanks subs and donos. He tells chat he is not going to TwitchCon Rotterdam, but he will be at TwitchCon San Diego. He will double-stream on Friday, announcement soon! He raids into Cleo and ends his stream.
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A Brief Word about Keanu Reeves
Keanu was born in Lebanon. His parents split when he was three and he grew up with three different stepfathers.
As a kid he was diagnosed with dyslexia and dreamed of becoming a hockey player. He played goalie for a junior league team in Canada but quit after breaking his leg to focus on acting.
He lost his best friend, River Phoenix, in 1993 due to an overdose.
He got married in 1998, experienced a miscarriage with his daughter in 1999, and ultimately lost his wife as well due to a car accident in 2001.
In 2002, Keanu put the Matrix sequels on hold to care for his sick sister. He sold his house to move nearer to his sister, while also helping by cooking meals, cleaning her house, and preparing medication. He also donated 70% of the money he made from The Matrix to leukemia research.
In 2006, when he was filming the movie "The Lake House," he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants, one crying as he would lose his house if he did not pay $20,000 - on the same day, Keanu deposited the necessary amount in his bank account.
In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery & bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.⁣⁣
To this day, Keanu is often seen wandering around New York City, riding the subway, and interacting with people. No security detail. No snobby disposition. Just an ordinary guy.
I'm not a celebrity worshiper and I haven't seen all or even most of KR's movies. But this guy is a certified legend in my book.
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The Phoenix and the Crow
part twenty-one
pairing: kaz brekker x fem!reader
genre: neutral
el's thoughts: nothing much! just ✨kaz✨ haha
series masterlist
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“May the Saints receive me,” her words came out in a shallow breath. She pressed the tip beneath her breast, between her ribs, an arrow to her heart. Then a hand gripped her wrist painfully, forcing her to drop the blade.
“Not just yet, Y/N.”
The rasp of stone on stone. Her eyes flew open. Kaz.
He bundled her into his arms and leaped down from the crates, landing roughly, his bad leg buckling. 
She moaned as they hit the ground.
“Did we win?” 
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
He must be running. Her body jounced painfully against his chest with every lurching step. He couldn’t carry her and use his cane. 
“I don’t want to die.” 
“I’ll do my best to make other arrangements for you.”
She closed her eyes.
“Keep talking, Phoenix. I can’t let you slip away from me.” 
“But it’s what we do best.”
He clutched her tiger. “Just make it to the schooner. Open your damn eyes, Y/N.”
She tried. Her vision was blurring, but she could make out a pale, shiny scar on Kaz’s neck, right beneath his jaw. “You have a scar.” 
“Right,” she pulled her hand up with much struggle and ghosted her finger over the mark. “Here.”
“We all have scars.” His voice was rough and slightly strained with effort. 
“How did you get it?”
He didn’t answer right away and when he did, he avoided giving her the answer she wanted. “Scars tell the stories of our lives. Where we’ve been and who has crossed our paths.”
A ghost of a smile graced Y/N’s lips. “You sound like a certain Suli I’ve grown fond of.”
“Company corrupts company.”
Her mind started getting fuzzy, nothing staying clear long enough for her to focus. She knew she was supposed to tell him something but she couldn’t remember. It didn’t matter anymore.
“Talk to me, L/N.”
“You came back for me.”
“I protect my-” he cut himself off. “You. I’ll protect you.”
She hummed and moved her head closer to his neck so her hair brushed against his jaw. Her lips parted as she remember what she needed to tell him. He owed her an apology. “Say you’re sorry.”
“For what?”
“Just say it.”
She didn’t hear his reply as the world around her grew darker and faded into her mind.
Kaz limped aboard the schooner with Y/N in his arms and shouted, “Get us out of here!” The sails were already trimmed, and they were on their way out of the harbor in moments, though not nearly as fast as he would have liked. He knew he should have tried to secure some Squallers for the journey, but he was too occupied to write to Nikolai. 
There was chaos on the deck, people shouting and trying to get the schooner as quickly as possible. 
“Specht!” he yelled at the man he had chosen to captain the vessel. “Get your crew in shape before I start cracking skulls.
The pain in Kaz’s leg was terrible, the worst it has been since he’s first broken it falling off the roof of a bank near Geldstraat. It was possible he’d fractured the bone again. Y/N’s weight wasn’t helping, but when Jesper stepped into his path to offer help, Kaz shoved past him. 
“Where’s Nina?” Kaz snarled.
“Seeing to the wounded below. She already took care of me.” Dimly Kaz registered the dried blood on Jesper’s thigh. “Wylan got dinged during the fight. Let me help you-”
“Get out of my way,” Kaz said, and plunged past him down the ramp that led belowdecks. 
He found Nina tending to Wylan in a narrow cabin, his hands drifting over his arm, knitting the flesh of the bullet wound together. It was barely a graze.
“Move,” Kaz demanded, and Wylan practically leaped from the table. 
“I’m not finished-” began Nina. Then she caught sight of Y/N. “Saints,” she swore. “What happened?”
“Knife wound.”
The cramped cabin was lit by several bright lanterns and a stash of clean bandages had been laid out on a shelf beside a bottle of camphor. Gently, Kaz placed Y/N on the table that had been bottled to the desk. 
“That’s a lot of blood,” Nina said on a low breath.
“Help her.”
“Kaz, I’m a Heartrender, not a real Healer.”
“She’ll be dead by the time we find one. Get to work.”
“You’re in my light.”
Kaz stepped back into the passageway. Y/N lay perfectly still on the table, her luminous skin dull in the swaying lamplight.
He was alive because of Y/N. They all were, They’d managed to fight their way out of a corner, but only because she’d prevented them from being surrounded. Kaz knew deth. He could feel its presence on the shop now, looming over them, ready to take his Phoenix. His Saint. He was covered in her blood.
“Unless you can be useful, go away,” Nina said without looking up at him. “You’re making me nervous.” 
He hesitated, then stomped back the way he’d come, stopping to purloin a clean shirt from another cabin. He shouldn’t be this shaken up by a dock brawl, even a shoot-out, but he was. Something inside him felt frayed and raw. It was the same feeling he’d had as a boy, in those first desperate days after Jordie’s death. 
Say you’re sorry. That was the last thing Y/N had said to him. What had she wed him to apologize for? There were so many possibilities. A thousand crimes. A thousand unspoken words and a thousand words he couldn’t take back.
On deck, he took a deep breath of sea air, watching the harbor and Ketterdam fade from view on the horizon. 
Jesper was leaning against the railing, his rifle beside him. His hair was mussed, his pupil dilated. He seemed almost drunk, or like he’d just rolled out of someone’s bed. He always had that look after a fight. Helvar bent over the railing, vomiting. Not a sailor, apparently. At some point, they’d need to shackle his legs again.
“We were ambushed,” Wylan said from his perch on the forecastle deck. He had his sleeve pushed up and was running his fingers over the red spot where Nina had seen to his wound. 
Jesper shot him a sarcastic look, “No offense, my love, but with private tutors from the university and all you come up with is that?” ‘We were ambushed’?” 
Wylan redened and muttered an apology. 
“Geels doesn’t have the brains or the recourses to bite back this fast or hard alone,” Kaz said.
“You sure? Because it felt like a pretty big bite.”
“Let’s ask.” Kaz limped over to where Rotty has stashed Oomen. 
I stuck your soldier, Oomenn had giggled when Kaz spotted him curled up on the ground. I stuck her good. Kaz had glanced at the drying blood that settled over his mouth and said, Looks like she got you, too. He quickly knocked the enforcer out and had Rotty retrieve him while he went to find Y/N.
Now Helvar and Jesper dragged Oomen over to the rail, his hands bound.
“Stand him up.”
With one huge hand, Helvar hauled Oomen to his feet.
Oomen grinned, his thatch of coarse white hair flat against his wide forehead. 
“Why don’t you tell me what brought so many Black Tips out in force tonight?” Kaz said.
“We owed you.”
“A public brawl with guns out and thirty men packing? I don’t think so.”
Oomen snickered. “Geels doesn’t like being bested.”
“I could fit Geel’s brains in the toe of my boot, and he has no more scourses inside the Dregs.”
“Maybe he-”
Kaz interrupted him. “I want you to think real careful now, Oomen. Geels probably thinks you’re dead, so there are no rules of barter here. I can do what I want with you.”
Oomen spat in his face.
Kaz took a handkerchief from his coat and carefully wiped his face clean. He thought of Y/N lying still on the table, her slight weight in his arms. 
“Hold him,” he told Jesper and the Fjerdan. Kaz flicked his coat sleeve, and an oyster-shucking knife appeared in his hand. At any given time he had at least two knives stashed somewhere in his clothes. He didn’t even count this one, really- a tidy, wicked little blade.
He made a neat slash across Oomen’s eye- from brow to cheekbone- and before Oomen could draw a breath to cry out, he made a second cut in the opposite direction, a nearly perfect X. Now Oomen was screaming.
Kaz wiped the knife clean, returned it to his sleeve, and drove his gloved fingers into Oomen’s eye socket. He shrieked and twitched as Kaz yanked out his eyeball, its base trailing a bloody root. Blood gushed over his face.
Kaz heard Wylan retching. He tossed the eyeball overboard and jammed his spit-soaked handkerchief into the socket where Oomen’s eye had been. Then he grabbed Oomen’s jaw, his gloves leaving red smears on the enforcer’s chin. His actions were smooth, and precise, as if her were dealing with cards at the Crow Club or picking an easy lock, but his rage felt hot and mad and unfamiliar. Something within him had torn loose.
“Listen to me,” he hissed, his face inches from Oomen’s. “You have two choices. You tell me what I want to know, and we drop you at our next port with your pockets full of enough coin to get you sewn up and buy you passage back to Kerch. Or I take the other eye, and I repeat this conversation with a blind man.”
“It was just a job,” blabbed Oomen. “Geels got five thousand kruge to bring the Bacl Tips out in force. We pulled in some Razorgulls, too.” 
“Then why not more men? Why not double your odds?”
“You were supposed to be on the boat when it blew! We were just supposed to take care of the stragglers.”
“Who hired you?”
Oomen wavered, sucking on his lip, snot running from his nose.
“Don’t make me ask again, Oomen,” Kaz said quietly. “Whoever it was can’t protect you now.”
“He’ll kill me.”
“And I’ll make sure you wish for death, so you must weigh those options.”
“Pekka Rollins,” Oomen sobbed. “It was Pekka Rollins!”
Even through his own shock, Kaz registered the effect of the name on Jesper, Wylan, and the Fjerdan.
“How is this possible?” Kaz gritted out, “He’s in Hellgate.”
“He took control of it all quick enough, rumor has it.” Oomen nodded his agreement to Helvar’s words.
“Saints,” groaned Jesper. “We are so screwed.”
“Is Rollins leading the crew himself?” Kaz asked.
“What crew?”
“To Fjerda.”
“I don’t know about no crew. We were just supposed to stop you from getting out of the harbor.”
“I see.”
“I need a medik. Can you take me to a medik now?”
“Of course,” said Kaz. “Right this way.” He took Oomen by the lapels and hoisted him off his feet, bracing his body against the railing.
“I told you what you wanted!” Oomen screamed, struggling. “I did what you asked!”
Despite Oomen’s knobby build, he was deceptively strong- farm strong like Jesper. He’d probably grown up in the fields. 
Kaz leaned in so that no one else could hear it when he said, “My soldier would counsel mercy. But thanks to you, she’s not here to plead your case.”
Without another word, he tipped Oomen into the sea.
“No!” Wylan shouted, leaning over the railing, his face pale, stunned eyes tracking Oomen in the waves. The enforcer’s pleas were still audible as his maimed face faded from view.
“You… you said if he helped you-”
“Do you want to go over, too?” asked Kaz.
Wylan took a deep breath as if sucking in courage and sputtered, “You won’t throw me overboard. You need me.”
‘Why do people keep saying that?’ “Maybe,” said Kaz. “But I’m not in a very rational mood.”
Jesper set his hand on Wylan’s shoulder. “Let it go.”
“It’s not right-”
“Wylan,” Jesper said, giving him a little shake. “You do not argue with a man covered in blood and a knife up his sleeve.”
Kaz watched Wylan press his lips into a thin line, unable to tell if he was frightened or furious, either way, he didn’t care. Helvar stood silent sentinel, observing it all, looking seasick green beneath his blonde beard.
Kaz turned to Jesper. “Fit Helvar with some shackles to keep him honest,” he said as he headed below. “And get me clean clothes and fresh water.”
“Since when am I your valet?”
“Man with a knife, remember? He said over his shoulder.
“Man with a gun!” Jesper called after him.
Kaz replied with a time-saving gesture that relied heavily on his middle finger and disappeared belowdecks. He wanted a hot bath and a bottle of brandy, but he’d settle for being alone and free of the stink of blood for a while. 
Pekka Rollins. The name echoed in his brain like gunfire. It always went back to the man who took everything from him. Would he never catch a break? He almost walked back to the door of his cabin and called for Y/N. Instead, he sat in the old wooden chair and leaned back, trying to get rid of the burning memory of her face as he rushed them to the schooner. 
A ghost of a smile graced Y/N’s lips. “You sound like a certain Suli I’ve grown fond of.”
“Company corrupts company.”
His mind screamed at him to keep conversation with her as her body got heavier with every fleeting moment. He couldn’t lose her. He wouldn’t. Not when he was closer to having her. 
“Talk to me, L/N.”
“You came back for me.”
“I protect my-” Kaz cut himself off. Not investments. She wasn’t his investment, she was more. He wanted her to be more to him than the other crows. Just to think of her in that way caused an ache in his chest, knowing the only thing stopping it was himself. “You. I’ll protect you.”
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greenpidge101 · 2 years
My favorite It (book) Quotes
Mike: “ I’m almost done with this diary now-and I suppose a diary is all that it will ever be, and that the story of Derry’s old scandals and eccentricities has no place outside these pages. That’s fine with me; I think that, when they let me out of here tomorrow, it might finally be time to start thinking about some sort of new life… although, just what that might be is unclear to me. I loved you guys, you know. I loved you so much.” (page 1142)
Bill: “so drive away quick, drive away while the last of the light slips away, drive away from Derry, from memory… but not from desire. That stays, the bright cameo of all we were and we believed as children, all that shone in our eyes even when we were lost and the wind blew in the night. Drive away and try to keep smiling. Get a little rock and roll on the radio and go toward all the life there is with all the courage you can find and all the belief you can muster. Be true, be brave, stand. All the rest is darkness. “ (page 1150)
Eddie: “Far away. Unimportant. He could feel everything running out of him along with his life’s blood… All the rage, all the pain, all the fear, all the confusion and hurt. He supposed he was dying, but he felt… ah, God, he felt so lucid, so clear, like a window-pane which has been washed clean and now lets in all the glorious frightening light of some unsuspected dawning; the light, oh, God, that perfect rational light that clears the horizon somewhere in the world every second…… Not bad, he would begin. This is not bad at all.” (page 1086)
Stan: “I believe in the scarlet tanagers even though I never saw one,”he said in a high clear voice. The bird screamed and banked away as if he’d shot it. “Same with vultures, and the New Guinea mudlark, and the flamingos of Brazil. I believe in the golden bald eagle!” Stan screamed after that. “And I think there really might be a phoenix somewhere! But I don’t believe in you, so get the fuck out of here! get out! Hit the road, Jack!” (page 1046)
Richie: “He put the car in gear and went, feeling again how easy it had been to slip through an unsuspected fissure in what he had considered a solid life— how easy it was to get over onto the dark side, to sail out of the blue and into the black. Out of the blue, and into the black, yes, that was it. Where anything might be waiting.” (Page 71)
Ben: “I'm scared almost insane by whatever else I may remember before tonight's over, but how scared I am doesn't matter, because it's going to come anyway. It's all there, like a great big bubble that's growing in my mind. But I'm going, because all I've ever gotten and all I have now is somehow due to what we did then, and you pay for what you get in this world. Maybe that's why God made us kids first and built us close to the ground, because He knows you got to fall down a lot and bleed a lot before you learn that one simple lesson. You pay for what you get, you own what you pay for...and sooner or later whatever you own comes back home to you.” (page 83)
Beverly: “she laughed at the stars, frightened but free, her terror as sharp as pain and as sweet as a ripe October apple, and when the light came on in the upstairs bedroom of the house this stone wall belonged to, she grabbed a handle of her suitcase, and fled off into the night, still laughing.” (page 124-125)
Patty: “Crazily, she thought: I would call the turtle, but the turtle couldn’t help us.” (page 57)
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PSYCHO (1960)
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Marion and Sam have just finished having sex in a hotel.  They apparently love each other and would like to get married, but they are poor.  Marion returns to her office, where a client drops off $40,000 in cash.  Marion’s boss tells her to take the cash to the bank, but Marion steals the money and skips town instead!
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She drives from Phoenix up toward Fairvale, California.  She sleeps in the car, and a cop wakes her up.  She acts suspiciously innocent, but he lets her go.  She decides to buy a new car, but the very same cop spots her at the used car lot and watches her!  Marion manages to drive off, and she imagines various conversations among her family and co-workers as her crime is discovered.  As night falls it begins to rain heavily, and she pulls over to the Bates Motel. 
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The proprietor is one Norman Bates.  Marion checks into a room, hiding the stolen money in a newspaper, and he offers to bring her some sandwiches, but then Marion hears Norman’s mother berating him from their house behind the motel: “I refuse to think of disgusting things because they disgust me!”  Norman brings the sandwiches anyway, and they eat in the parlor, which is filled with stuffed birds.  The two have a long conversation.  Norman explains that his mother is ill, and maybe a little mad.  Marion suggests that she be put in a home, and he bristles at the suggestion.  At the end of the conversation Marion says that she’s returning to Phoenix because she “stepped into a private trap back there and I’d like to go back and try to pull myself out of it.”  She returns to her room, and Norman removes a painting so he can peep at her through a hole in the wall!  He then returns to the house with a determined look on his face, but he ends up sitting by himself in the kitchen.
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In her room, Marion scribbles down some notes on how much of the stolen money she’s spent, and she tears up that paper and flushes it down the toilet.  This is literally the first time in America that anyone saw a flushing toilet in a movie.  Marion then disrobes and walks into the shower, smiling, perhaps at the liberating thought of going home and owning up to her mistake.  However, the door to the bathroom opens and someone walks inside!  A shadowy figure in a woman’s dress, with gray hair, stabs Marion repeatedly!  Marion falls out of the shower and we focus in on her eye as she dies.
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Norman runs into the room!  He cleans up the mess, puts Marion’s body into the trunk of her car, and gathers up her belongings, including the newspaper with the money (after an initial fake-out where it looks like maybe he forgot it).  Norman dumps the car into a swampy hole behind the hotel.  So Marion, our protagonist, is dead, not even halfway into the movie.
However, we now jump to Marion’s lover, Sam!  In Fairvale!  (Marion was only about 15 miles from the town.)  Sam is visited by Viv, Marion’s sister, who is looking for her missing sibling.  They are soon joined by Arbogast, who has been hired by dude Marion robbed.  Arbogast naturally suspects that they are hiding Marion.  We follow him as he visits various hotels, motels, boarding houses, and flophouses.  He eventually ends up at the Bates Motel.  Under Arbogast’s precise questioning, Normal quickly admits that Marion was there, but she only stayed a night and left early the next morning.  Norman is acting “suss,” as the kids say, and Arbogast spots the outline of a person up in the house.  Norman says that it's his mother, but he won’t allow Arbogast to talk to her.  He asks Arbogast to leave.
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Arbogast finds a phone booth and calls Viv, Marion’s sister.  He no longer suspects her or Sam of being involve with Marion’s disappearance.  He states that he’s going to return to the Bates Motel to try to talk to Norman’s mother.  At the motel, Norman hides before Arbogast can see him.  Arbogast enter the house and begins to climb the stairs, but then a figure dressed as an old woman rushes out and stabs him!  Arbogast very dramatically falls down the stairs, and the figure rushes at him and stabs him!
Sam and Viv have been waiting for Arbogast, who doesn’t show up.  They go the Bates Hotel, but there is no sign of him so they leave.  Meanwhile, Norman is dumping Arbogast’s car into the very same swamp from earlier. 
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More stuff happens.  Viv and Sam go the local sheriff’s house.  They explain that Arbogast went to the Bates Motel to talk to Norman’s mother, but the sheriff tells them that Norman’s mother died ten years ago.  At the Bates house, we hear Norman talking to his mother, saying that he has to hide her for a few days.  She protests, but he carries her down to the “fruit cellar.”  Sam and Viv harass the sheriff at his church, and he says that he went to the motel and Norman didn’t offer any new information.  However, Viv and Sam decide to investigate on their own!  They drive to the motel and pretend to be a married couple.  Norman very awkwardly provides a room.
Sam and Viv sneak into the room where Marion was staying and find a piece of paper in the toilet, showing part of Marion’s calculations about the stolen money.  Viv decides to try to talk to Norman’s mother while Sam says he’ll distract Norman.  Viv sneaks into the house.  She finds a big empty bedroom, but there are signs that it’s been used recently.  She wanders into a child’s bedroom and looks at an unlabeled book.  We don’t see what it is, but she makes a weird face.  Meanwhile, Sam and Norman are having an awkward conversation.  Sam not-so-subtly accuses Norman of killing Marion for her money.  Norman realizes that Viv is missing.  He bonks Sam on the head and runs toward the house.
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Viv hides from Norman as he enters the house.  She has a chance to escape, but instead she goes down the basement.  She enters the fruit cellar, where a female figure is sitting, facing away from her.  “Mrs. Bates,” Viv says, touching her shoulder, and the figure rotates about in her chair to reveal a corpse!  Norman runs into the room, wearing a wig and a dress.  Sam appears just in time to subdue Norman.
We arrive at the county courthouse.  A psychiatrist has interviewed Norman and explains that Norman possessed both a “Norman” personality and a “Mother” personality, and now the Mother personality has taken over entirely and essentially confessed to the crimes.  (Oh, Norman also killed his mother and her last companion and maybe two other missing girls.)  The Mother personality was jealous of the attention Norman paid to Marion when she was there, and that’s why she was killed.  Sam asks, “Why was he dressed like that?”  Someone says, “He’s a transvestite,” but the psychiatrist disputes this and says that Norman dressed like his mother because “he was simply doing everything possible to keep alive the illusion of his mother being alive.” 
We cut to Norman, sitting in a cell.  His “mother” is speaking, blaming Norman for everything.  He looks crazily at us and she insists that “she wouldn’t even harm a fly.” 
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By today’s standards this would probably be considered more of a “thriller” than a “horror” movie.  Books and movies have been written about the shower scene alone.  I’ve seen complaints that it doesn’t quite hold up to today’s standards, but I still think it’s a masterful and stylish sequence.  It’s not meant to be a literal representation of what’s happening to "Marion" (Janet Leigh), or else we would have seen the killer’s face.  The scene, like every scene is every movie, is artifice, playing on the natural anxieties of being vulnerable and alone in a shower.  (You can watch an earlier, tamer, version of this same fear played out in "The Seventh Victim" (1943).) The shower murder was transgressive in its time, along with the scenes of Leigh in her bra and lounging about on a bed with her lover.  They showed a flushing toilet!  A man wore a woman’s dress!  Apart from those little details (no big deal, right?) this movie offers an entire curriculum on filmmaking, in building tension and inducing anxiety.  Even our bad guy, Norman Bates, has become iconic, both through his acting and the writing.  He’s just a dude who loves his mother.
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dausy · 1 year
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I can't believe we are already in April. Every routine I've wanted to have this year has still not become consistent. Haven't been able to go to the gym this week, I've gotten off work super late to where I don't even feel like doing art and its been so windy that I'm literally getting pushed by the wind. I got locked in work the otherday because the automatic doors werent working against the wind. I had to pull them open and run through. So walking the dog has been out of the question also. I did mow the yard this past weekend by myself but again with the wind..there is now a ton of garbage from other peoples trash cans that have thrown into my front and back yards. I also haven't been able to water because the sprinklers fall over even if embedded well into the ground (and the water just sprays everywhere). ugh.
My plan today is to go to the gym, I think I need to make another bank phone call, may run to the dollar store and then the Ball is today!
the last time I went to a ball a friend did my hair..I'm going to try and do it myself today so it's just probably going to be a mess. Hopefully I just feel somewhat pretty. I spent a little bit of money on some new selena gomez and korean make up so..my entire afternoon is going to be me crying over my lack of beauty skills.
We are also driving to Arizona this weekend to spend Easter. My MIL has made me atleast 3 scrub hats out of my pattern so I'm excited to pick that up.
I may try to make an art vlog video on youtube of me just cleaning up my art space because I keep meaning to do that but its just sitting in the same mess it has been.
Also, still playing Harvestella, desperately trying to finish it and it just wont. end. I was going to download octopath traveler for my drive to phoenix but I'm a bit upset to see its still 60$ (not the sequel, the first one which I've never played). So I guess I'll just continue to play Harvestella instead and not DNF it. >.<
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skaddy111 · 1 month
Welcome to Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix: Your Trusted Storage Solution
Finding reliable, affordable storage is an essential part of managing life’s transitions, whether you’re moving, decluttering, or need extra room for your RV or boat. At Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix, we understand the importance of having a safe, accessible space to store your belongings. That’s why we offer a variety of storage space options to suit your needs, all at competitive prices. Whether you’re looking for cheap storage nearby or seeking convenient storage unit deals nearby, our facility offers the best value for secure, clean, and easy-to-access storage units near me.
Why Choose Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix?
Affordable Storage Solutions
At Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix, we pride ourselves on offering the most competitive rates in the area. We know how important it is to find cheap storage nearby without compromising on quality. That’s why we provide a range of cost-effective storage options, from smaller units for personal items to larger spaces for RVs and boats. No matter your budget, we have storage unit deals nearby that make it easy to store your belongings without breaking the bank.
Convenient Location and Accessibility
When you’re searching for storage units near me, convenience is key. Our facility is located in Phoenix, making it easy for local residents to store and retrieve their belongings with ease. We offer extended access hours, ensuring you can access your storage space when it’s most convenient for you, whether it’s early in the morning or late in the evening. With wide driveways and easy navigation through our property, moving your items in and out of storage has never been simpler.
Variety of Storage Unit Sizes
We understand that everyone’s storage needs are different. That’s why we offer a wide range of unit sizes to accommodate anything from a few boxes to an entire RV. Whether you need self storage near me for personal items like furniture, seasonal decorations, or business inventory, or you’re looking for a place to store your RV, boat, or vehicle, Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix has the perfect storage space for you.
Secure and Safe Storage Facility
The safety of your belongings is our top priority. At Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix, we provide a secure environment equipped with 24/7 video surveillance, gated access, and well-lit pathways. You can store your items with confidence, knowing that our facility is designed to keep your belongings safe and sound. Whether you’re storing valuables, important documents, or large vehicles, we go the extra mile to ensure your items are protected.
Customer Service You Can Count On
Our commitment to exceptional customer service is what sets us apart from other storage facilities. When you choose Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix, you can expect friendly, professional service from our team. We’re here to help you choose the right storage space for your needs, answer any questions, and provide you with flexible options that work for your timeline. Your satisfaction is our priority.
Storage Unit Deals Nearby: Maximize Value Without Sacrificing Quality
Finding storage unit deals nearby that offer excellent value for money can make all the difference when you need to store your belongings. At Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix, we regularly offer promotions and discounts to help you save on storage costs. From discounted rates on larger units to seasonal specials, our deals are designed to make our affordable storage options even more accessible.
Cheap Storage Nearby: Quality and Affordability Combined
Affordable doesn’t have to mean low quality. At Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix, we’re committed to offering cheap storage nearby without cutting corners on security, cleanliness, or accessibility. Our storage units are well-maintained and climate-controlled, ensuring that your belongings remain in good condition, regardless of the time they spend in storage.
What Makes Our Cheap Storage Nearby Different?
Many people assume that "cheap" storage means compromising on quality, but that’s not the case at Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix. We offer cheap storage nearby that is both secure and well-maintained, giving you peace of mind knowing your items are in good hands. Whether you need a small unit for a short period or a larger space for long-term storage, our affordable pricing structure allows you to find the right storage solution at a price you can afford.
Flexible Leasing Options
One of the benefits of choosing Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix is our flexible leasing options. Whether you need storage for a few months or an extended period, we offer month-to-month leasing with no long-term commitments. This flexibility ensures that you can rent cheap storage nearby for as long as you need it without feeling tied down to a lengthy contract.
Storage Units Near Me: Wide Range of Options for Every Need
When you search for storage units near me, it’s important to find a facility that meets your specific storage requirements. At Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix, we cater to a variety of storage needs, including personal, business, and vehicle storage. Our diverse range of unit sizes and types ensures that you’ll find the perfect storage space to accommodate your belongings.
Personal Storage Units
Whether you’re moving, downsizing, or simply need a place to keep your items during a life transition, our personal storage units are designed to provide you with the space you need. We offer small, medium, and large units to suit any requirement, from a few boxes of seasonal decorations to entire households of furniture.
RV and Vehicle Storage
In addition to our standard storage units, we offer specialized storage space for RVs, boats, and other vehicles. Our facility is equipped with secure parking spaces and drive-up access, making it easy to store and retrieve your vehicle whenever you need it. Whether you’re storing your RV for the off-season or looking for a long-term solution, we provide the space and protection you need.
Business Storage Units
Businesses often require additional storage for inventory, documents, equipment, or supplies. Our storage units near me are an excellent solution for businesses looking to free up office space and keep their items safe and organized. With a variety of unit sizes available, we can accommodate businesses of all sizes, providing a cost-effective way to store everything from excess inventory to important files.
Self Storage Near Me: Convenience and Flexibility
When you need self storage near me, convenience is a top priority. Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix offers easily accessible storage space that caters to your busy schedule. Our facility is located in a prime area of Phoenix, making it a convenient choice for local residents and businesses. With 24/7 access to your storage unit, you can retrieve or store your items at any time, making it easier to manage your belongings on your own terms.
Climate-Controlled Units
Climate control is an essential feature for storing sensitive items such as electronics, documents, furniture, and artwork. Our climate-controlled storage space ensures that your belongings are protected from extreme temperatures, humidity, and moisture, which can cause damage over time. Whether you’re storing family heirlooms, important business documents, or valuable electronics, our climate-controlled units provide the protection your items need.
Easy Online Payments and Reservations
Managing your self storage near me has never been easier. With Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix, you can reserve your storage unit online and even make payments through our convenient online portal. This allows you to manage your account from anywhere, ensuring that your storage needs are taken care of, no matter where life takes you.
Maximize Your Storage Space Today
When it comes to reliable, affordable, and secure storage in Phoenix, Deer Valley Mini & RV Storage Phoenix is your top choice. We offer a wide range of storage solutions, from personal and business storage to specialized RV and vehicle storage, all at competitive rates. Whether you’re searching for cheap storage nearby, storage unit deals nearby, or simply need convenient self storage near me, we have the perfect solution for your needs.
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worldtopic6 · 2 months
Experience Unmatched Commercial Cleaning Services with Plan B Facility Services
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When it comes to maintaining a clean and hygienic workspace, Plan B Facility Services stands out as the premier choice for commercial cleaning in Phoenix and the surrounding areas. Based in Peoria, AZ, we specialize in delivering top-notch commercial cleaning, office cleaning, and janitorial services that ensure your business environment is spotless and inviting.
Why Choose Plan B Facility Services?
Comprehensive Cleaning Solutions: At Plan B Facility Services, we offer a wide range of cleaning services tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. From routine office cleaning to specialized janitorial services, our expert team is equipped to handle it all.
Experienced and Professional Staff: Our team comprises highly trained and experienced professionals dedicated to providing exceptional cleaning services. We understand the unique challenges of maintaining a commercial space and are committed to delivering results that exceed your expectations.
Customized Cleaning Plans: We recognize that every business has different cleaning needs. That’s why we offer customized cleaning plans designed to fit your schedule and requirements. Whether you need daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning services, we’ve got you covered.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Practices: Plan B Facility Services is committed to sustainability. We use eco-friendly cleaning products and methods that are safe for both your employees and the environment. Our green cleaning practices help reduce the carbon footprint of your business.
Competitive Pricing: Quality cleaning services shouldn’t break the bank. We offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of our services. Our goal is to provide exceptional value for your investment.
Our Services
1. Commercial Cleaning Services
We provide comprehensive commercial cleaning services that cover every aspect of your business premises. From dusting and vacuuming to sanitizing restrooms and breakrooms, our team ensures your workspace is clean and hygienic.
2. Office Cleaning
A clean office is essential for productivity and employee well-being. Our office cleaning services include desk and surface cleaning, floor care, trash removal, and more. We create a healthy work environment that boosts morale and efficiency.
3. Janitorial Services in Phoenix, AZ
Our janitorial services are designed to maintain the cleanliness of your facilities consistently. We offer daily cleaning, deep cleaning, and everything in between. Our reliable janitors ensure your business remains spotless and presentable at all times.
Why We Are the Best
Local Expertise: Being based in Peoria, AZ, we understand the specific cleaning needs of businesses in the Phoenix metro area. Our local knowledge allows us to provide tailored services that perfectly match your requirements.
Attention to Detail: We pride ourselves on our meticulous approach to cleaning. Our team pays attention to every detail, ensuring no corner is left untouched. This commitment to excellence sets us apart from other cleaning services.
Customer Satisfaction: At Plan B Facility Services, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and deliver services that meet and exceed their expectations. Our long list of satisfied clients is a testament to our dedication and quality of service.
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Flexible Scheduling: We understand that businesses have different schedules and cleaning needs. Our flexible scheduling options ensure that your cleaning services do not disrupt your daily operations. We work around your timetable to provide seamless and efficient cleaning Commercial Cleaning in Phoenix.
Contact Us
Ready to experience the best commercial cleaning services in Phoenix? Contact Plan B Facility Services today!
Phone: (623) 343-2275
Address: 9299 W Olive Ave, Peoria, AZ 85345
Visit our website to learn more about our services and to request a free quote. Let us help you create a clean and inviting environment for your business. Choose Plan B Facility Services for all your commercial cleaning needs and experience the difference in quality and service.
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thebowynntradition · 3 months
Bowynn Gods: Hawynn
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Hawynn  (Haw-winn)  Hawynn is the Bowynn God king of all the rivers in the world. But more-more-so the great river Muet, which flows under Alaway (Great Hall of the Gods) and ends up in Duannat (Home of those that have passed) He is also a god of fishing and protector of dams and bridges, and patron to those that depend on rivers for their lively-hoods. He is the son of Sumon and Phoenix.
     Prior to Hawynn's birth and taking of position, Alaway had Kii as water bearers bringing water from a well that was guarded by a serpent. Only the Kii could fetch waters. If any of the Kii drew near, the serpent would attack them into submission.  The fetching of water grew weary on the Kii, who would have to fetch water several times a day. Young Hawynn was fond of the servant Kii and hated to see them toil so. He took the great spear of his father, Tane, and the scrying bauble of his mother, Kalma, and went to subdue the serpent. Using the bauble Hawynn was able to predict the moves of the serpent as they battled. With the spear, Hawynn was able to finally say the beast. Then, using one of the ribs of the creature, Hawynn dug a massive trench to the well and released its waters. Thus, the great river was created and set to flow under Alaway. At the same time the servant Kii were released from their duties. In gratitude, Anhur gave Hawynn his blessing and made lord of all rivers and commander of the great river Muet. The Kii that were the water bearers before-hand were each given a river in the world to bless and sanctify, as all Rivers spiritually branch off of Muet.
     As for Hawynn himself, he took a bride, a Kii named Naea, whose status was raised to that of Goddess because she feasted on immortal foods and therefore, was given the blessing of Bia. When not feasting at night with the gods, Hawynn is busy marking the course of rivers and controlling their floods. Also making sure water is always clean and pure. He is a patron of those that depend on rivers for a livelihood, including mills, dams, power-plants, fishing and miners in some cases.  
     Despite his younger brash and reckless self, Hawynn is a most fun and pleasing god. He more often would hold banquets and riparian events on the banks of Muet than feast in the halls of Alaway and is a wonderful swimmer and fisherman. He is said to bear the face of a young thin man. Hawynn is often seen in a green cloak, with a goat-skin mantle and staff, which he uses to help control the waters. He also is said to always carry with him a drinking horn made from the serpent his slew. The horn is said to magickally hold enough water to drink from for a week. His totem is the otter which he often takes the form of, if not the otter, then he may take the form of a beaver.
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gadgetworker · 8 months
Best Smartphone Under 20000 in india 2024
Best smartphones under 20000 in india 2024
Navigating the bustling Indian smartphone market can feel like trekking through a jungle, especially when your compass points to the budget-conscious realm of best smartphone under 20000 rupees. Fear not, tech adventurers! This comprehensive guide cuts through the foliage, revealing the top 5 contenders vying for your pocket in 2024. Buckle up, grab your magnifying glass, and let's embark on a spec-tacular expedition.
The Performance Powerhouse: OnePlus Nord CE Lite 5G
Like a mythical phoenix rising from the ashes, the OnePlus Nord CE Lite 5G reclaims its budget throne. Packing a punch with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 chipset, this warrior delivers smooth performance without breaking the bank. Whether you're scaling the peaks of demanding apps or traversing the plains of casual gaming, the CE Lite 5G keeps you cruising with its 90Hz refresh rate display, ensuring visuals as buttery as a freshly baked naan. And did we mention OxygenOS 13.1? This clean and intuitive interface keeps the clutter at bay, letting you focus on conquering your digital terrain.
6.59" HD+ LCD display
Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 processor
6GB or 12GB RAM, 128GB storage
50MP + 2MP dual rear camera, 16MP front camera
5000mAh battery with 33W fast charging
The Camera Champion: Oppo A78 5G
For shutterbugs and aspiring Instagrammers, the Oppo A78 5G is your artistic oasis. Its 50MP AI-powered main sensor captures moments with stunning detail, whether you're basking in the glow of a sunrise over the Taj Mahal or documenting the electrifying chaos of a Mumbai street market. But the A78 5G doesn't stop there. It boasts a vibrant 90Hz Color-Rich display, transforming your photos and videos into feasts for the eyes. Imagine scrolling through your gallery, each image bursting with life, like Holi colours splashed across a blank canvas.
6.56" AMOLED display
MediaTek Dimensity 810 5G processor
8GB RAM, 128GB storage
50MP + 2MP + 2MP triple rear camera, 8MP front camera
5000mAh battery with 33W fast charging
The Endurance King: Realme Narzo 60X 5G
For those who conquer digital mountains and binge-watch marathons, the Realme Narzo 60X 5G is your loyal steed. Imagine scaling the Khardung La of data-guzzling apps and never worrying about running out of fuel. This beast boasts a mammoth 5000mAh battery, ensuring you stay connected and entertained throughout the day and well into the night. And when your digital trek starts to drain your power, the 33W fast charging acts like a magical potion, reviving your Narzo 60X in no time.
6.5" IPS LCD display
MediaTek Dimensity 810 5G processor
6GB RAM, 128GB storage
50MP + 2MP + 2MP triple rear camera, 16MP front camera
5000mAh battery with 33W fast charging
The Smooth Operator: iQOO Z7s
For gamers and multitaskers who demand silk-like performance, the iQOO Z7s is your secret weapon. Imagine navigating through action-packed games with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G+ chipset as your engine, seamlessly rendering graphics that rival console experiences. But the Z7s isn't just about raw power. Its 120Hz refresh rate display keeps visuals smooth as butter, even when switching between apps or battling enemy hordes. Be the envy of your digital squad with this sleek and powerful warrior.
6.67" AMOLED display
Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G+ 5G processor
6GB RAM, 128GB storage
50MP + 2MP dual rear camera, 16MP front camera
5000mAh battery with 44W fast charging
The Feature-Packed Champ: Redmi Note 12 Pro
For those who seek a well-rounded experience, the Redmi Note 12 Pro is your Swiss Army knife. Picture this: a long-lasting 5000mAh battery
powers you through days of intense use, a versatile 50MP triple-lens camera captures every memory in vivid detail, from sun-kissed landscapes to vibrant street festivals. And let's not forget the stunning AMOLED display that paints your digital world in rich, eye-catching colours. The Note 12 Pro doesn't stop there. It throws in a sleek and stylish design, making it as easy on the eyes as it is on your wallet.
Beyond the Big Five: Hidden Gems and Game-Changers
But wait, the jungle of sub-20,000 smartphones is vast, and these five are just the towering trees. For explorers who crave deeper delving, here are some hidden gems and game-changers worth considering:
The Budget Baller: POCO X5 Pro: Craving top-notch gaming performance without breaking the bank? The POCO X5 Pro packs a punch with the MediaTek Dimensity 900, a chip that laughs in the face of lag and stutters. And at a starting price that's music to budget-conscious ears, it's a contender for the "best value" throne.
The Photography Prodigy: Samsung Galaxy M54: Samsung's mid-range offerings are not to be underestimated. The Galaxy M54 boasts a quad-camera setup featuring a 64MP main sensor, promising photos that rival its pricier siblings. Plus, the Super AMOLED display is a feast for the eyes, making every scroll through your gallery a visually captivating experience.
The Battery Behemoth: Infinix Note 13 Pro: Worried about running out of juice before the day is done? The Infinix Note 13 Pro comes to the rescue with its monstrous 7000mAh battery. Imagine streaming movies, conquering games, and staying connected through the night, all without a power bank in sight. This phone is a battery life champion, perfect for those who live life on the go.
Choosing Your Perfect Companion: Prioritize and Conquer
Remember, the "best" smartphone under 20,000 is a subjective beast. It depends on your priorities! Are you a shutterbug chasing photo perfection? A power user demanding smooth performance? Or a battery life warrior who refuses to be tethered to an outlet? Understanding your needs is key to navigating the jungle and finding the phone that fits you like a glove.
Conclusion : Conquer the Sub-20,000 Maze with Confidence
Armed with this guide and your unique priorities, you're now ready to conquer the sub-20,000 smartphone maze with confidence. Whether you choose the performance powerhouse of the Nord CE Lite 5G, the camera champion of the Oppo A78 5G, or the feature-packed champion of the Redmi Note 12 Pro, remember, the true treasure is the perfect match between your needs and your pocket. So, go forth, explore, and conquer!
Bonus Tip: Don't forget to research online reviews, compare prices across retailers, and consider after-sales services before making your final decision. Happy hunting!
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simonsplumbingaz · 11 months
Is Your Home in Need of a Plumbing Miracle?
Have you ever experienced the joy of stepping into a warm shower on a chilly morning? Or the relief of a sink that doesn't clog after a big family dinner? Plumbing is like the unsung hero of our homes, making our lives comfortable and convenient. But what happens when the plumbing doesn't quite live up to its superhero status, and you're faced with issues like water leaks, clogged drains, or an unreliable water heater? Don't worry! That's where we come in with our top-notch Drain Cleaning Service Phoenix.
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Let's dive into the world of plumbing solutions for tankless water heater installation in Phoenix. And discover how we can turn your plumbing woes into wonders.
Detecting Leaks: A Stealthy Saver
Water leaks can be sneaky, slowly draining resources and wreaking havoc on your home. Our water leak detection Phoenix service is here to save the day. With state-of-the-art technology and expertise, we can pinpoint even the most concealed leaks, preventing further damage to your property and keeping you from costly water bills. Imagine a world where you never have to worry about hidden leaks - that's the peace of mind we offer.
Clearing the Way: Drain Cleaning Delight
Clogged drains are a common household nuisance, but they don't have to be. Our drain cleaning services phoenix are designed to banish those blockages for good. Whether it's a kitchen sink, bathroom drain, or sewer line, our experts have the tools and knowledge to clear the way. Say goodbye to slow-draining sinks and standing water - our drain cleaning service will have your pipes flowing smoothly in no time.
Endless Hot Water: Tankless Water Heater Installation
Are you tired of running out of hot water in the middle of your morning shower? It's time to consider a tankless water heater installation in Phoenix. These modern marvels provide a continuous hot water supply, never leaving you in the cold. Our experienced technicians can install a tankless water heater that suits your home's needs, ensuring you always have hot water when needed. Say hello to longer, more luxurious showers, and never worry about running out of hot water again.
The Plumbing Pros
Regarding your plumbing needs, it's crucial to work with professionals you can trust. Our team of experts is not just knowledgeable but also passionate about providing top-quality plumbing solutions. We treat your home as our own, ensuring every job is done precisely and carefully.
Affordable and Reliable
Quality plumbing doesn't have to break the bank. We offer affordable rates for all our services without compromising on the quality of our work. Plumbing issues can be stressful, but we aim to make the solution as stress-free as possible for your home and your budget.
Eco-Friendly Plumbing Solutions
We care about the environment and the future of our planet. Our plumbing solutions are designed to be eco-friendly, saving water and energy. From fixing Water Leak Detection Services Phoenix energy-efficient water heaters, and tankless water heaters installation in Phoenix we're committed to making your home more sustainable.
Plumbing is the backbone of your home's comfort and convenience, and it's our mission to ensure it runs seamlessly. With our drain cleaning services, you can enjoy a home where leaks are detected before they become disasters, drains are always clear, and hot water is endless.
Ready for Plumbing Excellence?
Don't let plumbing issues disrupt your daily life. Contact us today and experience the difference between professional plumbing solutions. Our team is ready to turn your plumbing woes into corners. Choose us for your plumbing needs, and say goodbye to leaks, clogs, and cold showers. Your home deserves the best, and we're here to provide it. Contact us now!
If you wish to access our website, please click on the following Link:
Visit Our Website
This hyperlink directs you to our website using a convenient embedded map feature, showcasing the precise geographical location of Simon's Plumbing. The website page is thoughtfully designed and provides comprehensive information about our plumbing services, contact details, and more. We encourage you to explore our website for valuable insights and to get in touch with us for any plumbing needs you may have. Feel free to click on the link and embark on a virtual journey to discover the world of Simon's Plumbing.
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briamichellewrites · 11 months
After Shiloh went to sleep in her big girl bed, Brad came down to talk with Bria and Mike. The cats were roaming around, as they were meant to do. The townhouse was quiet and that was how they liked it. Moving was stressful for them. They had to be boarded for a few weeks. They were spoiled with toys, food, and attention while in a private room away from the other cats. The employees changed their food and water daily, while also keeping their litter box clean.
It was extremely expensive, but she could afford it. Mike asked her if she was keeping up with the stock market. She texted Rob every so often to see how it was doing. He continually said it was doing great. The bank account that she used for investing also showed that it was doing great. The last time she looked, it was at five hundred million dollars.
She confirmed that when she was going over her finances with a financial adviser. He also predicted the stock would continue rising. Did she still shop there? Yeah. There was one nearby she went to at least two or three times a week. Sometimes she forgot what she went there for and had to go back. They laughed. Was she going to bars or clubs? She went to one. It was an interesting experience. The people she talked to thought she was in college.
The music was a little too loud. She couldn’t hear very well when talking to other people, so she left early. Was she still smoking? No, because she didn’t know anyone who could sell her marijuana. If she was in LA, she would just go to one of the clubs and find someone who looked a little shady. How was Chessy? He was Chessy.
He relapsed after she left. They caught him drinking. He went back into outpatient rehab and is currently sober. They were keeping an eye on him. Phoenix wanted to know if she had any dreams about his mother. No, she hadn’t. How was she doing? She was getting worse. They had her in hospice care where she was being cared for by nurses. Phoenix didn’t like talking about it and they didn’t ask him questions. They assumed it was too difficult for him.
He and Rob broke up after six months of dating. They said it was mutual and there weren’t any hard feelings. Phoenix started the process of adoption. He wanted to do it while he was still young. That’s what he said, anyway. Bria knew Rob didn’t want kids. Was that why they broke up? Yeah. Rob liked kids, he just liked his alone time more.
Joe got married to his girlfriend the day after Valentine’s Day. She was excited to hear that! What was her name? Karen Benedit. They never expected him to get married and they didn’t believe him when he told them. Until he showed them his ring. Brad and Elisa were married. They had a Jewish ceremony. That was all the updates he had. What time was it in LA? Brad checked the time on his phone and then did the math in his head.
“It’s three in the afternoon. Why?”
“I’m going to text Joe and congratulate him.”
Dude, I heard you got married! Congratulations! – Bria
After sending the message, she saw a text from Justin saying he was home. Could he meet her somewhere? She excused herself to call him. While talking, she invited him over. She gave him her address and told him she had a couple of friends over, but he was still more than welcome to join them. He would be over in about a half hour. She asked him to text her when he arrived, so she could let him in.
Justin was known for playing the sarcastic friend in movies like National Treasure and Failure to Launch, which was where he met Bradley. While they hung out just the two of them, he told him about his fiancé named Bria and how amazing she was. That was why it was so surprising when he caught him on multiple occasions acting like he wasn’t getting married. Brad, Mike, and Bria listened to him after being introduced. He told him that he should not be treating his fiancé like that.
He shrugged him off. While on set, he told certain people he was engaged. Did anyone else know what he was doing? Oh, yeah. Matthew McConaughey also told him that he was going to get in trouble. He apologized when Bria looked upset. It wasn’t his fault.
“I’m pissed off at Bradley, not you. You did nothing wrong. Thank you for telling me.”
“He told me you left him. How did you do it?”
She repeated the story she told earlier to Brad and Mike. He thought it was brilliant! They laughed before noticing a very tired Shiloh. She couldn’t sleep. Brad picked her up and brought her back to her room. Bria asked if he wanted a beer or anything to drink. No, thank you. Mike asked for one, so she went to get one from the refrigerator. That left Mike and Justin alone.
Before leaving the room, she jokingly told Mike not to interrogate him. He promised he wouldn’t. From the first few minutes of meeting Justin, he thought he seemed genuine. However, he didn’t want her to jump into a new relationship. She had a lot of time to figure out what she wanted. They talked about Slash, who had come to investigate the strange human in his house. Mike introduced him as one of Bria’s cats. How many did she have? Two.
The other one was around somewhere. He could pet him if he wanted. They were both friendly and loved attention. He did. Slash purred happily. He didn’t know where his sister was. She was probably eating in the kitchen. When Brad and Bria came back in, Mike asked him if Shiloh was in bed. Yeah, he read her a bedtime story, kissed her, made sure there were no monsters, and then, she fell asleep.
They laughed while Bria handed a beer to Mike. It was hidden in the back of her refrigerator. He thanked her before opening it. She then noticed Slash.
“You’re giving him just what he wants. Attention.”
“What is his name?”
“Slash. Mama is around here somewhere. She sometimes likes to sit and look out the windows.”
“Mama is with Shiloh. She’s keeping the monsters away”, Brad said.
“Good for her.”
How old were Slash and Mama now? They were four years old. She was thinking about getting a kitten. Justin asked how long she had them. She got them both as kittens in 2003, though she adopted both of them separately. The first one she adopted was Mama. She then adopted Slash, so she could have a playmate while she was gone during the day. They got along like a brother and sister.
After a while, Justin decided it was getting late. He would text her later. She got up with him to walk him out. Her apartment was kind of confusing. When they got to her front door, she thanked him for telling her the truth. Even though it hurt, she needed to hear it. She was more than welcome. If she needed to talk, she was more than welcome to text him. She would do that. After another hug, they said good night. She then shut the door behind him and locked it.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia
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When it comes to solar installation in Phoenix, PEP Solar stands out for its expertise and experience. Phoenix Energy Products llc dba PEP Solar company understands the unique needs and challenges of the local climate and works closely with clients to design customized solar solutions that maximize energy efficiency and savings.
Phoenix Energy Products llc dba PEP Solar 2025 W Deer Valley Road Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85027 (623) 806–8806
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allprogeneratorso1 · 1 year
Discover the Best Solar Generator for Camping with AllProGenerators
When it comes to camping, one of the most essential items to have in your gear arsenal is a reliable power source. Whether you need to charge your devices, power up your camping appliances, or simply have a source of electricity in case of emergencies, a solar generator is a fantastic choice. In this blog post, we will explore the world of solar generators and help you find the best solar generator for camping, with a focus on products available at AllProGenerators.
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What is a Solar Generator?
A solar generator is a portable power station that harnesses the energy of the sun to provide electricity for various devices and appliances. It consists of solar panels, a battery bank, and an inverter. During the day, the solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electricity, which is stored in the battery for later use. When you need power, you can simply plug your devices into the generator's outlets or use the built-in inverter to convert the stored energy into AC power.
Why Choose a Solar Generator for Camping?
Eco-Friendly: Solar generators are a clean and sustainable energy source. They reduce your carbon footprint while providing the power you need in the great outdoors.
Quiet Operation: Unlike traditional gas generators, solar generators operate silently. You can enjoy the tranquility of nature without the noise and fumes.
Portability: Most solar generators are designed to be lightweight and portable, making them easy to transport to your campsite.
Low Maintenance: Solar generators require minimal maintenance compared to traditional generators. Once set up, they generally require little attention.
Best Solar Generators for Camping at AllProGenerators
Goal Zero Yeti 400 Lithium Solar Generator: The Goal Zero Yeti 400 Lithium is a popular choice for campers. It offers 400 watt-hours of capacity, multiple AC outlets, and numerous USB ports. The built-in lithium battery is long-lasting and can be charged via solar panels, wall outlets, or car chargers.
Jackery Explorer 240 Portable Power Station:
The Jackery Explorer 240 is compact and lightweight, making it perfect for camping trips. With a 240 watt-hour capacity, it can power small appliances and charge your gadgets multiple times. It's also equipped with a solar input for easy recharging.
Renogy Phoenix Portable Generator:
The Renogy Phoenix is an all-in-one solar generator with a foldable solar panel built right into the unit. It's incredibly convenient for camping and offers 210 watt-hours of power. The Phoenix also has multiple output options for your devices.
EcoFlow River Portable Power Station:
The EcoFlow River is a high-capacity solar generator with a 288 watt-hour battery. It can power multiple devices simultaneously and even support small appliances. It's known for its quick recharge times and compatibility with solar panels.
When it comes to camping, having a reliable source of power can make your outdoor experience more enjoyable and convenient. Solar generators are an eco-friendly, quiet, and portable solution that ensures you have access to electricity whenever you need it. At AllProGenerators, you can find a range of top-quality solar generators to suit your camping needs. So, go ahead and embrace the power of the sun on your next camping adventure with the best solar generator for camping from AllProGenerators.
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sjjnyc · 1 year
Swimming in Phoenix + The Bad Ass Swimmers Club
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I enjoyed the few times I was able to go swimming in an outdoor pool in Phoenix at Ability360! I loved the heated therapy pool and got a chance to feel my body react to being submerged in water from the shallow to deep end. It's too bad I didn't continue swimming lessons when I was a kid, because then I'd be a part of the Bad Ass Swimmers Club lol (aka all the folks who swim!). I literally feel like taking swimming lessons as a child is one of the best things a parent/guardian can do for their kids; it can be a great advantage to have as the child gets older. I'm learning and accepting it's never too late to start something you really want to do, so I really look forward to swimming more in the future!
The Bad Ass Swimmers Club
I just randomly made up the concept of "The Bad Ass Swimmers Club" to be an umbrella term for all the swimmers I admire. There are folks in my personal life and orbit who inspire me (s/o to Nora Almedia who is an avid swimmer and has a dope project called "Open Waters", and Charmaine Bee who documents their time swimming in the ocean and waterways in/near Bahia, Brazil), and I just feel like swimming journeys are some of the most beautiful unfoldings to witness.
I've also been following two recent river swims:
#HudsonSwim2023 by Lewis Pugh and team!
"On August 13 2023, Lewis Pugh began his 315-mile (507-km) swim down the Hudson River, from its source to its end at New York City. He is doing this to highlight the critical role rivers play in a habitable planet.
Lewis will explore the interconnectedness of rivers and oceans, and stress the urgent need to restore, protect and respect them. “If we want healthy oceans we also need healthy rivers — it’s that simple.”
The end of the swim will coincide with the UN General Assembly Week, Climate Week NYC 2023, and the UN Secretary General’s Climate Ambition Summit".
Agbetsi Living Waters Swim by Yvette Tetteh and team!
"Imagine a future where the beach is clean and the waters clear. A future where fishing nets catch fish, and not trash. A future without discarded clothes washing up along the banks of our rivers, burning on our roadsides, or towering over the homes of thousands of people at the place once regarded as a sacred lagoon. A future where the Korle Lagoon is swimmable…
With the stage set by decades of Waste Colonialism and centuries of extractive and exploitative global trade, this future may seem impossible, but it is the future we are working toward. It is the future we must work toward, breaking down the impossible into its constituent parts, one stroke at a time.
We are excited to launch the Agbetsi Living Water Swim, a month-long exploration of the Volta River System that gives life to millions of people in Ghana and throughout West Africa".
Yvette Tetteh actually joined Lewis Pugh for a leg of the Hudson Swim journey on September 12, 2023!
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#REPOST from @lewispughfdn "Wonderful to have our #RiverWarrior @yvette_tetteh join @lewis.pugh on the #HudsonSwim2023 yesterday. Yvette recently swam the entire length of the Volta River in Ghana to raise awareness of the impact synthetic microfibers have on river ecosystems and communities 👏🏊‍♂️ #RiversAreLife"
Hello you swimmers out there! You inspire me! Here's a message for you!
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