Anne Ominous Writes Stuff
232 posts
Author of stories of empowerment, found family, healing and music.
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anne-is-ominous · 18 hours ago
Phoenix Odyssey 13.17: Squirm
Just barely on time, I know. The last week or so of writing has been miserable with the pain and such I've been in. This kills my backlog entirely, so I'll be doing the best I can to stay on top of it, but I might struggle for a bit.
It's been brought to my attention that chapters are throwing a strange error about an outdated URL sometimes. I tried deleting and reposting the chapters - sorry if you got any duplicate follow notifications - and it fixed some of the problems but not all. I'll give it another try in a few days when hopefully (not likely) they've fixed their shit.
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Shaking her head, Ranko took the little vial of liquid from her sister. “I know! I know! You girls are gonna kill me before the night is over at this rate! It’s not even 8:30 yet!” With a roll of her eyes, she threw back the shot to the cheers of the assembled bachelorette party. She turned the glass upside-down, adding it to the stack of five that already stood in front of her on the top of table one.
“It’s not fair! If she were dressed like a guy, maybe, but…” Ranko ran her hand playfully around the hem of Akane’s glittery blue skater dress as she passed. “Look at her!”
“Hey!” Ukyo reached over Ranko’s lap, grabbing her wrist and pulling it back away from Akane. “Hands off the bridesmaids! We don’t want your future husband getting jealous, no matter how drunk you are!”
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anne-is-ominous · 3 days ago
The latest chapter of my Ranma ½ fanfic, Tendo All-Boys School of Anything Goes Martial Arts, is out now on Archive of Our Own,, and Royal Road!
In this alternate universe fic, Genma is a really good dad, the Tendo sisters are all cis boys, and their mother Hana is still alive (RIP Soun Tendo).
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anne-is-ominous · 4 days ago
Phoenix: Reignited 3.02: Inheritance
So sorry I missed Tuesday's drop. I don't know what I did to my body, but I can barely move my left arm. It's in constant throbbing pain that no amount of painkillers, heat, ice or massage will touch. It's hard to concentrate or sit still long enough to write, and it's keeping me from getting good sleep which is the biggest factor in managing my ADHD.
I'm seeing a massage therapist tomorrow and hoping they can put it to rights. In the meantime, I'm doing the best I can!
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“Akane! Stop this! I forbid it!” Soun snatched up the letter from his dining room table, scouring it for any flaw that could be used to invalidate it. He found none. It was even written on a heavy ivory parchment paper, as befit such a formal document, and the calligraphy was immaculate. His daughter had left nothing to chance. How did she even learn to do this so well? I don’t recall having ever shown her how to write a formal challenge letter…
Nabiki scoffed, leaning over her father’s shoulder and speaking softly. “Daddy, you might want to stay out of this one. She looks pretty pissed.” She glanced over at her sister from behind Soun’s back, a puzzled expression painted across her face. She had the letter in her pocket before she came downstairs for breakfast. She had to have already had this planned. What the hell are you up to, Akane?! And does your secret girlfriend have anything to do with it?
Kasumi bustled through the door from the kitchen in her favorite frilly pink apron. She bent down to the table for the empty teapot and Akane’s dirty plate, blinking in surprise to find only one lacquered chopstick resting next to it. Huh. That’s odd.
“I asked you a question, Saotome!” Akane’s chest heaved with rage, her hateful glare locked on the father of her once-fiancé and current girlfriend. She entirely ignored her father’s protest. “You have been challenged. Do you accept, or do you yield?!” 
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anne-is-ominous · 5 days ago
Phoenix Odyssey 13.16: Entourage
For those of you who are still waiting on a Reignited chapter, I apologize. I've been ill all week and writing has been a challenge. I'm posting from backlog on XIII, a luxury I don't have on Reignited. I'm working on it as best I can.
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How the hell did I get talked into doing this again?! Ranko sighed, holding her head in her hands.
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anne-is-ominous · 7 days ago
Hey friends. I've been really ill the last few days. I have backlog for book 13 but not for Reignited. I'm still trying to get a chapter out for Reignited tonight, if not tomorrow, but I'm literally hallucinating right now and it's making writing hard. So sorry about this ;(
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anne-is-ominous · 8 days ago
Phoenix Odyssey 13.15: A Huge Favor
Hey, everybody. I'm still working on the Reignited chapter you were owed for Friday; I'm sorry - it's been a hectic few days. Here, have some fluff <3
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“Ranko?” Receiving no answer, Akane shook her head, chuckling at herself. She can't be here, dummy. She's at work. Fuck, I need to get some sleep tonight. She stood and stretched her back, reaching high toward the ceiling with a high-pitched squeak.
Okay, she thought. Dinner time. Akane pulled the door open, walking out into her living room. The smell of cooking food was stronger, and sure enough, she did hear Ranko’s singing voice coming from the kitchen.
“When all else fails and you long to be something better than you are today, I know a place where you can get away…”
“Ranko, what are you doing here, baby? You were supposed to be at work an hour ago!” Receiving no answer, Akane grinned, creeping carefully toward the little alley kitchen. She rounded the corner, finding Ranko in her favorite white lace dress and her pink princess apron, singing into a wooden spatula in her fist as she bopped in front of the stove. Her hair was up in a high, bouncy ponytail secured with a large white bow on a banana clip, and her headphones were positioned over both of her ears. 
“Come on, vogue! Let your body move to the music, hey, hey, AGHH!” 
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anne-is-ominous · 12 days ago
Phoenix Odyssey 13.14: Deal With the Devil
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“Now, remember, when we start talking, what do you do?”
Ranko sighed, shaking her head as she walked alongside her elder sister Nabiki. “I shut up and let you work,” she grumbled over the clacking of her kelly green heels on the Shibuya sidewalk.
Nabiki nodded in the direction of a young man selling flowers from a cart on the side of the road. “Right! And when they start bringing up the code of conduct, what are you gonna do?”
The redhead growled, slumping her shoulders in her green blazer and cream-colored silk blouse. “I shut up and let you work.”
“You bet!” Nabiki grinned at her sister. “And what if they…”
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anne-is-ominous · 14 days ago
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Phoenix Reignited: all the justification I'll ever need. The original Book III was barely an outline of what you're going to get this time around.
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anne-is-ominous · 14 days ago
Phoenix Reignited 3.01 - Discovery
We're back with Phoenix Reignited Edition Book III: Flames!
I missed you, Firebirds, but I needed that break something fierce. I know this chapter is technically a few minutes late, but it's nearly 800% the length of the chapter in the original series in a total rewrite, so... mercy? It's been a day. Also, the first chapter of a new book always takes a little longer; there's more steps I need to do to drop it. You've all been so patient while I took a little time to recharge, and I appreciate it more than you know. The down time gave me an opportunity to do a little thinking about how I want to handle releases going forward.
(What follows is a repeat of the Anne-ouncement yesterday on the Book XIII chapter, so if you read that, you're cool to skip this.)
Up to this point, I've been doing new Book XIII chapters on Mondays and Reignited chapters three days a week. I'm changing that up a little starting now. I'm going to be dropping Book XIII chapters on Mondays and Thursdays, while Reignited will update on Tuesdays and Fridays. This is, of course, subject to the same concessions I made before; life stuff will get in the way sometimes, so the schedule is a goal, not a promise.
I'm making this change to allow me to spend a little more time telling new story. As much as I love the Reignited project, it's a lot more labor-intensive than I expected it would be. I'd hoped each chapter would be an hour to buzz through, but with books II and III especially, it's as much work as a new chapter - maybe even more so because of how much self-research is needed for internal consistency. The vast majority of new readers switch over to the original when they run out of Reignited to read, and many of them have caught up, which makes me feel like I'm just building up this huge queue of people waiting for new story that I'm not delivering as frequently as I should. I'm thrilled to cater to new readers and give the early books their long-overdue glow-up, but I need to balance that with feeling like I'm letting down the people who were there at the beginning, and those who have gone on the whole ride with us.
Beyond that, selfishly, Book XIII - and just, writing new story - is objectively more fun for me, and I want to spend more time doing it. Plus, I can't wait for Firebirds to see what I have planned for the finale, and for the fourth series...
But first... let's kick off the Flames!
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“Mei, I need you to take a deep breath. Sit down?” Ranko pulled her legs up under the skirt of her borrowed yellow dress, sitting up on her bed and patting the edge of it in invitation.
Mei closed the door to the little apartment above the Phoenix behind her, darting the few steps to the edge of the bed and pouncing on it. She waved a glossy black card in the air. “Ranko! There was a guy and he was looking for you and he wants to see… He saw you and he wants to see you and he likes you and he… oh my gods!” 
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anne-is-ominous · 15 days ago
Phoenix Odyssey 13.13: Demons
Chapter 13 of book 13, and it's called Demons? I'm sure this is fine... 😅
Quick Anne-ouncement about scheduling going forward incoming...
Up to this point, I've been doing new Book XIII chapters on Mondays and Reignited chapters three days a week. I'm changing that up starting tomorrow, with the drop of chapter 1 of Reignited book III tomorrow. I'm going to be dropping Book XIII chapters on Mondays and Thursdays, while Reignited will update on Tuesdays and Fridays. This is, of course, subject to the same concessions I made before; life stuff will get in the way sometimes, so the schedule is a goal, not a promise.
I'm making this change to allow me to spend a little more time telling new story. As much as I love the Reignited project, it's a lot more labor-intensive than I expected it would be. I'd hoped each chapter would be an hour to buzz through, but with books II and III especially, it's as much work as a new chapter - maybe even more so because of how much self-research is needed for internal consistency. The vast majority of new readers switch over to the original when they run out of Reignited to read, and many of them have caught up, which makes me feel like I'm just building up this huge queue of people waiting for new story that I'm not delivering as frequently as I should. I'm thrilled to cater to new readers and give the early books their long-overdue glow-up, but I need to balance that with feeling like I'm letting down the people who were there at the beginning, and those who have gone on the whole ride with us.
Beyond that, selfishly, Book XIII - and just, writing new story - is objectively more fun for me, and I want to spend more time doing it. Plus, I can't wait for Firebirds to see what I have planned for the finale, and for the fourth series...
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“Do you have any idea how long I’ve dreamed about this day?”
Ranko rolled her eyes, hiding her face behind the paper cup of mango smoothie in her hand and sucking on the red plastic straw. “Probably since about five minutes after you knew I was a girl,” she said in a hushed tone despite the surrounding din of the mall food court. “Just don’t think it’s gonna be an everyday thing, alright? I ain’t some shrine maiden or nothin’; I’m a freakin’ rock star.”
Beaming, Nodoka nodded, looking over her daughter’s attire. Ranko wore a plain, heather-gray hoodie over her red Phoenix staff tee shirt and a black pleated skirt that barely came to her knees, whereas Nodoka herself was clad in a yellow silk kimono, with a cyan obi that matched the large flowers printed all over it. “If I had any doubt of that, dear, the twenty minutes I spent watching you sign autographs in the parking lot would have dispelled it.” She lifted her foam cup, sipping at her tea. “But, for this occasion, I’m afraid your punk princess aesthetic isn’t quite appropriate.”
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anne-is-ominous · 16 days ago
In regards of the Trump government scraping all trans inclusion in its queer information portion of its websites I have made this thing. Spread the word. Don't let them pretend we never existed.
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P.S: Don't like! Reblog! <3
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anne-is-ominous · 19 days ago
Phoenix Odyssey 13.12: Laid Bare
One chapter release a week isn't enough for me. I missed my girls. Have another chapter. <3
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She’ll never understand. She doesn’t know what it’s like. 
Ranko stepped forward, digging the toe of her black slip-on shoe into the still rain-slick gravel of the rooftop. With a grunt of effort, she slashed across her body with both arms, bringing the blue gilded ancestral katana of Clan Shimizu to bear. It whipped through the crisp evening air with a soft whoosh, kicking up a bit of gritty gravel dust that whirled in gray wisps around the young warrior’s ankles despite the damp.
She’s never been vulnerable. Weak. She’s been fighting off perverts by the dozen since she was fifteen. She doesn’t know what it feels like, having your power stolen from you like that.
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anne-is-ominous · 23 days ago
Phoenix Odyssey 13.11 - Pointing Fingers
Feeling like I might be coming down with something and not sure how much I'll be online tomorrow, so have today's chapter a day early!
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“Hey! Take it easy! You’re gonna break something!” Yui rolled her eyes as Akane pulled a clean stock pot from the dishwasher and slammed it down hard on the front burner of the gas commercial stovetop.
Sakura approached down the hallway from her office, resting her hand on Yui’s back to let her wife know she was behind her. Her voice was soft and soothing. “Akane, honey, you need to calm down, now. We can’t have you going off like this in here. What happened?! What can we do to help?” Akane growled, slamming the dishwasher shut with her foot. “Ranko’s hiding something. Again! Something happened while she was away, and she won’t tell me what it is. She hasn’t acted right since she’s been home. She doesn’t wanna be intimate, and she doesn’t want to talk. She’s just… distant, and every time I try to talk to her, she just gets this look like she’s ashamed of herself. She swore to me that she wouldn’t keep secrets from me anymore, after the whole fiasco with Eiji.”
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anne-is-ominous · 25 days ago
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Tachi-Neko / The Art of the Standing Cat
A simple experimental useless lesbian story for Ranma 1/2. Told in second person. Summary:
Akane has big plans for the day. She's finally gathered enough courage to come out to her family. Whatever happens, it's gonna be today!
Except... it's not that simple - and to complicate things even further, there's a couple of unplanned guests intruding on their family time, disrupting Akane's precious plans.
Complete at two chapters.
I've been sitting on this story for half a year, even had artwork made for it by the amazing 💙 @beedokart 💙, and then had to sit on that artwork for months, all cause I was blocked by a single scene. Here's the art - look, how pretty:
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anne-is-ominous · 27 days ago
Phoenix Odyssey 13.10: Lightning Flashes in Her Eyes
TWO chapters in one day?! What is this blasphemy?!
I know I've missed a few weeks, and with there being only one book 13 drop a week, I felt like I owed you a little bonus. So, have the next chapter early! <3
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Tentatively, Ranko stepped forward, sliding her hand into the dryer until it made contact with the down comforter within. Owwww! Hot! Hot! Hot… and still damp, too! Fuck! Sighing, she slammed the dryer door, adding another thirty minutes to the timer. Sorry, Akane, she thought as she glanced balefully down at the still-full washing machine below. Your volleyball stuff probably won’t be dry ‘til morning. 
She sighed heavily, shaking her head as she returned to the kitchen. I shouldn’t have spent so long in Nerima today. Really, I’d have been fine if I’d just gone by Ukyo’s, but I should’ve known if I stopped by Dad’s place after, Kasumi was gonna make me stay for lunch. Ranko managed a small smirk despite her self-admonition. I’ve got a strong heart, but not even I have the willpower to resist Kasumi’s potstickers. Nobody does. 
Between the extra-large okonomiyaki she couldn’t finish for breakfast and Kasumi’s offering, Ranko wasn’t hungry in the slightest, but she didn’t think the leftover potstickers Kasumi had sent her home with would be enough for Akane’s dinner. Those’ll make a decent lunch for her tomorrow when I’m at class. But for tonight… She opened the refrigerator, pulling out a thin package wrapped in butcher paper and beginning to unravel it. 
Tonight, I’m gonna push past it. I’m gonna make her a nice meal, and I’m dressed all skimpy, and I’m gonna smile real pretty…
She glanced down at her hips, chuckling to herself as with the realization that the fuschia bodycon dress she wore didn’t even cover as much of her legs as her frilly apron did. 
… and I’m gonna make it happen.
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anne-is-ominous · 27 days ago
Phoenix Odyssey 13.09: Storm Warnings
So sorry this is late. I had the chapter mostly done on Monday, but I had some concerns about the impact on the following chapter and decided to hold it until I had that worked out. This arc has been very tricky, and I've changed my plan four or five times trying to get it right. I think, with much help and support from my dear friend @inanewmoon, I have it sorted now and things should flow much better. Struggling with this arc has been a lot of the reason Book XIII has been so slow to work through, but I'm hopeful to finally be past the block!
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The October air around Akane shook with a sudden, loud crack of thunder. Her eyes lifted from the sidewalk, and she stiffened with a startled gasp. Holy shit! She quickened her pace on the slippery concrete as a bolt of lightning branched its way across the darkened sky. I gotta get the hell out of this mess. 
Jogging as best she could in her damp red jumper dress, her heavy backpack full of organic chemistry books held over her head in a vain attempt to keep her black hair dry, Akane finished crossing the Minato University quad. Huddling in the entryway of the arts building to get out of the torrential rain, she dropped her drenched teal backpack on a relatively dry patch of concrete and wrapped her arms tightly around her shivering torso. It’s still damn near a kilometer to the train station from here. Maybe I’d better just chill here for a bit and wait it out. She looked down at her digital watch without uncrossing her arms. Ranko will be starting dinner soon. I’d better call her and let her know I’m going to be late.
Akane craned her neck, but found no payphone outside the gray brick building, so she shouldered her sopping wet backpack and slipped through the glass door into the lobby of the arts department. To her right, a quartet of girls giggled about something or another; Akane paid them little mind. Another hard shudder crept down her spine as she passed under an air conditioning vent. It felt like someone had dropped ice cubes down the back of her dress.  She wandered down a long, empty hallway lined with white pine doors leading into smaller classrooms, most seating no more than twenty or thirty students. I really should be more familiar with this building, Akane thought with a pang of guilt. Ranko spends most of her time on campus in here, and I’ve never even so much as walked her to class. Her shoulders slumped, and while she hated the emotion that had caused it, it was a welcome relief from the muscle tension brought on by the spine-deep chill she felt. She glanced back at the tittering girls in the lobby. I don’t even know if she’s made friends with any of these people. Gods know she won’t tell me anything, but any one of them could know what’s wrong with her.
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anne-is-ominous · 1 month ago
Phoenix Reignited 2.26: The Gauntlet
Here ends Phoenix: Reignited Edition Book II. With a final wordcount more than double its counterpart in the original Phoenix Saga, the new-and-improved Embers stands as a testament to exactly what I was hoping the Reignited project could be at its best. I am so proud of this book, and I feel confident that it's gone from one of the two weakest in the series to one that can proudly stand among its siblings.
That said, the addition of nearly fifty thousand words was the equivalent of adding a whole Book I's worth of content, and coupled with trying my best to keep up the timelines on Book XIII too, it's taken a lot out of me. Reigniting a chapter is a more intensive effort than whole-cloth new chapters; for every word that the final wordcount change reflects, it's a change of 10 words by the time you figure deletions and rearranging things. Every plot twist has to be meticulously researched to ensure it doesn't break established future canon. Every description has to be checked to make sure the table that was pine in book IV isn't cherry in book II. It's a lot of mental gymnastics to write, in the same evening, the same characters three years apart in the same timeline without creating any butterfly effects.
Reignited is an amazing project, and I'm glad to be doing it, but it's exhausting, and at the end of the day, I don't really feel much like I've got a lot of new storytelling to show for it; just, telling the same story better. Book II was a hell of a lot of work, but Book III was the only weaker book in the original series. It will likely double, if not triple, in wordcount, and that's an undertaking I don't feel mentally ready for.
So, I'm going to take a little break. Not huge - we're not going on hiatus or anything! I'm giving myself a couple of weeks to recharge, catch up on sleep, take a mental health day or three, and try to build up a little bit of backlog for both book XIII and Book III of Reignited.
The Reignited Edition of Phoenix Ignited Book III, "Flames", launches on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Of course, if you can't wait, you're welcome to continue on starting with book III of the original Phoenix Saga. Look for book XIII chapters to continue to drop on Mondays in the interim. And, of course, if you want to discuss all things Phoenix, and hang out with an amazing crew of nearly 200 Firebirds, you're welcome to join us in the Storytellers' Speakeasy, my official fan Discord.
See you in a few weeks!
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“Huh. Sony’s down again. I should buy a few more shares, I guess.” Nabiki popped a piece of fried tofu into her mouth with her fingers, chewing as she turned to the next page in the business section of the newspaper. She idly scratched an itch through her orange tank top, swallowing and reaching blindly for another bite.
“Where are you even getting the money for all that, Nabiki?” Akane looked up incredulously across the dining room table at her sister, having just finished her own breakfast. 
Chuckling, Nabiki snapped the paper closed, tossing the folded broadsheet to the table with a confident smirk. “Oh, please, little sister. My portfolio’s performing wonderfully. Plus, I’ve already got the market cornered on recycled term papers at Shibuya Academy, I still get a piece of the action I passed down to Midori at Furinkan, and then I have my… other ventures, to boot.” The brunette snickered, wagging a finger in the air with the spark of an idea. “Speaking of which, you mind being a doll and wearing that new green skirtall you got for Christmas today? Kuno hasn’t seen that one yet, and with as cold as it’s been, the poor boy hasn’t seen any decent leg in months. Oooh, I bet I can even charge him extra!”
“NABIKI TENDO!” Akane crossed her arms over her chest in her beige gi, growling loudly over her elder sister’s mirthful laughter.  “Aww, come on! Don’t be stingy, Akane.” Nabiki shot a quick wink at her sister, making sure neither of the men in the room were looking before doing so. “After all, our dear pigtailed girl is nowhere to be found, so somebody has to pick up the slack in the modeling department. A girl’s gotta make a living, after all.”
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