#Bahamut gbf
lady-byleth · 3 months
Bahamut's A+ Parenting
Lucilius: I'll destroy you or, barring that, literally everything you created and ever cared about
Lucio: Is there anything, literally anything, you can tell me as your actual mouthpiece in this world?
Lucifer: hey can I ask you something?
Bahamut: yes, of course, what do you need, I love you
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amngtheflowers · 4 months
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The dawning universe.
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artezza-art · 19 days
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"Primeval dragon, child of flame and darkness, thy name is...BAHAMUT!"
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rainbowdonkee · 7 months
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Cygames didn't had to go this hard but they did and now my heart is in shambles early in the morning 🥺
If you want to see the full GBF 10TH Anniversary animation!
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gatesblue345 · 1 month
Rambles about Proto-Bahamut
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The GW grind made me realize the writers really hate this damn dragon it's so funny how the writers just ignore the existence of this dragon.
I can't even blame them too much because Proto-Bahamut is every problem on why Lyria can't summon every primal beast in battle or why story events (especially the early ones) are pretty nebulous about who's apart of the "crew" this time around.
Because it would kill the narrative tension and steal the entire show if we had a mini God-Dragon blowing up all our problems.
I just think it's funny because nobody mentions Proto at all. Outside of his intro cutscene. Their never mention at all in MSQ outside of being a stock image for Sky God Bahamut.
And in events as far as I'm aware (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) they have only been mentioned in anniversary events, but even then it's only been by side mentions as far as I'm aware in WMTSB and Heart of The Sun.
Not even in And You of all events! You know the event entirely built the Bad Ends of the Sky Realm and the Captain's choices. Orologia doesn't even comment on Proto even though you would think that a dragon this powerful would get at least a comment from Logia especially considering Proto's close connection to our main trio and it's capacity for world ending destruction, but nothing at all.
This wouldn't be something worth noting considering if you look at Granblue there is a load of things that never get touched on or just straight up ignored if Cygames doesn't feel giving it attention cough MSQ cough I just think it's funny in this instance because Proto's is everywhere and gets so much special treatment.
They have their own raid, a theme song with lyrics!, a weapon series to go alongside them and features pretty often alongside our main trio in promotional art which is more than about 80% of our cast could ever hope to achieve.
As for why I think the writers ignore Proto like the plague if they can help it. I believe it's because the writers don't 100 percent know exactly what to do with Proto which make sense GBF is 10 years old which is a rarity amongst Gacha Games.
And I doubt the writers and developers had planned out the story of GBF 10 years in advance and Proto and whatever it's story was going to be is just the most obvious example of this considering it took until 2019 and 2022 with the Bahamut uncaps respectively for us to get our first concrete lore and not just theories about Proto-Bahamut and what actually is it in the wider context of the setting.
Above anything else Proto-Bahamut is just fucking cool as hell and I love that every time their ever shown they make use realize why's they need to be shackled and the fact that Proto is fragment of the God of Destruction and is such a menace to the world if they were in the hands of anybody, but two of kindest people (The Captain and Lyria) in the Sky Realm the world would be in tatters.
(Also thanks to @reshiram for their GBF MSQ archive and the GBF wiki teams made checking for details so much easier).
EDIT : Grammar
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hiddencarpet · 1 year
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Endless suffering
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julymarte · 1 year
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I miss these guys SO MUCH i recently dropped Light Amira and just sierotixed Rita and HHHHHHHHHH you don't underastand how much i love the shinbaha anime i'm kinda tempted to do a rewatch idk i'm just glad they seem to be ACTIVELY PART OF THE GBF UNIVERSE like as if they got adopted rather than just isekai'd... sadly i still don't have nina and charioce but i'd need 2 more sierotix for them so uh... yeah... BUT!!!!! amira's been present in events recently and has been vocal about helheim, favaro appeared in her summer alt fate episode...so IDK A WOMAN CAN DREAM
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saltprince · 22 days
Full lyric video for The Ultimate
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chuunibyou-showdown · 2 years
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icharchivist · 8 months
In a way, present day Sandalphon is a great foil to Lucilius, because he also doesn't get answers from the god-like figure he looks to, but Sandalphon knows that his creator loves him and loves him back
Like i mean, Sandalphon and Lucilius were already foil because they were basically driven to madness by the fact they were clearly created by a higher being and they had no idea why, even more so learning later that their creator (Lucifer and Lucio) didn't even know why they were created (Lucifer didn't know Sandalphon's purpose/Lucio doesn't even know how he happened to have a clone). And both of them tried to destroy the world if only so that the absent figure they're blaming for their pain would pay attention to them.
but Sandalphon learnt he was loved, and that his creator would drop the whole world if he had to, if only Sandalphon could be happy. And being loved by the person he devoted himself to at least was enough for Sandalphon to try to figure out how to give this love back to the world around him, the world his beloved loved so much.
while Lucilius is still left on mute by Bahamut, and Lucio treated him more like a curious experiment than someone he could care about (credit where credit is due Lucio still was developping his people skills), and even there Lucilius was already too far gone anyway.
Sandalphon foils people in wmtsb in such a way because everyone who has huge impact on the story is craving for love and recognization or pure free will, and Sandalphon was the one who managed to reach that by being loved by his creator who freed him from all of his burdens, while the rest of the antagonist are left abandonned in some way, and while the Astrals have learnt to be self reliant it left the one primal who stayed behind even more starved for it than they could be.
anyway many thoughts but yeah the way Sandalphon foils Lucilius even more because they were much more similar than Lucilius was to Lucifer actually, which enrages Lucilius, but Sandalphon managed to move past that. Lucilius, meanwhile, is still stuck in this homeostasis he hates so much.
crazy huh....
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nightmarenoise · 2 years
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iggurichan · 5 days
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day 7: power
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amngtheflowers · 10 months
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'Inherit my role well, 「Eve」'
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tayopapayo · 3 months
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Amira (2024 - 2021)
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alicekwaii · 1 year
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Azazel (アザゼル)
"I fight for the demon's freedom. ...Now, you too take up a sword! Lend me your power!"
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gatesblue345 · 1 day
Rambles about Seofon and Proto-Bahamut
You Know I was reading Seofon Relink's fate episodes and I got to say its very funny and kind of infuriating about the fact that the episodes make a whole big deal about Id having Bahamut's powers, but they story completely ignores that the Captain and Lyria also have a Bahamut at their beck and call
And in the Captain's case is also able to access in this case Proto Bahamut's power in some way shape or form.
It just makes me wonder what Seofon's reaction be to Proto Bahamut especially seeing it for the first time because imagine having a secert power that's so absurdly broken that you can get away with holding back all time because you're just that strong.
Then realizing your friends also have a kind of secret power with them expect their power is just a nuke that game states outright can and will cause the end of the world if given a chance.
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Like it would be really funny to watch Seofon, leader of The Eternals to kinda lose his shit at the fact that like Proto-Bahamut does exists and really is a menace.
Because in my own headcanon Proto-Bahamut existence feels like a rumor that would been spread around the Skydom about the Grandcypher crew considering how rarely Proto-Bahamut is even summoned in the first place like it doesn't feel like it would be common knowledge the the Grandcypher does indeed have access to Bahamut until like way later in their journey when they gained a lot more fame and respect.
Like a it would be a tall tale that would have been spread in Bars and other places especially after the end of Arc 1. Because Seofon totally would have investigated the Grandcypher Crew after the end Arc 1 to figure out how extacly everything went down and would have dismissed the supposed "Dragon" rumor considering he probably has a good idea on how it all went down to begin with.
So to imagine Seofon watching Proto-Bahamut blow up whatever poor monster that was the target and creating and entire temporary hole in the clouds in the aftermath always makes me smile because I can just see his geniune awe and Surprise faced in my mind.
I've said it before because the Sky Realm is so lucky that the Captain, Lyria, and also Vryn are the ones who have control of Proto because if anyone else had it the Sky Realm would probably be in tatters.
It also especially make me wonder when are they going to pull the trigger and just outright state the Proto Bahamut's power are also apart of the Boundary's power because the specific color combination of Blue and Purple that is associated with the Boundary only appear in one other place and that when the Captain or someone else like Id is using a Bahamut's power.
Like we know that the Omnipotent was a Bahamut Dragon and we know that the Omnipotent = The Boundary basically thank to MSQ.
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