#Bad boy Jon kent
puppiesandnightlock · 4 months
LINK: At least it’s not as dull as fitting like a glove
summary: Damian and Jon are, well, Damian and Jon.
They're idiots about their hideously obvious feelings, and their friends are *so* done with them. Time for operation Damijon.
otherwise known as the friends meddling >:)
“Alright, this is getting ridiculous.” Maya wrinkled her nose, watching Jon knock Damian in the shoulder, the shorter boy grumbling as he knocked back, hint of a smile on his face.
“They’re like, disgustingly mushy.” Colin agreed. “It’s horrible.”
“They should kiss.” Skyler nibbled on her pencil, sharing a sketchbook with Akira, who looked up and grinned.
“Is this meddling, I hear? Are we meddling?”
Maya nodded solemnly. “We’re meddling.”
“-eT OFF OF ME, YOU IDIOT-” They looked over at the exclamation, Damian squawking as Jon flopped on him, going limp and forcing all his weight onto the smaller boy, who was mostly upright.
Akira pointed a pen at them, considering for a moment. ”Gay.”  
“You’re gay.” Skylar kicked them under the table playfully. 
“Yes, I very much am.” 
“Children, please, back to the matter at hand.” Maya clapped. “What do we know about Jon?”
“He was an asshole!” Colin chirped.
“He was probably being an asshole specifically to Damian for attention.” Skylar added. “And he’s tall.”
“He has black hair and makes bad fashion choices.” 
“He could probably be a jock in a different life.”
“He’s like, secretly Nick Nelson but not British.”
“And not nearly as nice, less manners and more fictionally jock-like.”
“I mean anything useful.” Maya cut them off, rolling her eyes fondly.
“His best friend is a girl named Kathy, and her parents run a diner downtown. Also, he’s a secret southern good boy who would get whacked over the head with a wooden spoon if his grandmother knew he was acting like this.” 
Akira looked up from stenciling a piece they wanted to throw up on the school alleyway. “I follow her on Insta.”
“Something helpful, thank you.” Maya grinned. “Okay, we’re getting this Kathy chick in on this, Akira, send the address and we’ll meet up there this weekend, provided they aren’t there for a not-date.”
“Got it.” Akira pulled out their phone and tapped at it, creating a chat.
New Chat: literally_nobody, End_the_cycle, Sky_high_dreams
End_the_cycle has changed the name to: Op Damijon
End_the_cycle: idk i think it sounds good
Sky_high_dreams: when they get married we should make them a wedding sign with this
Art.is.lit(erature): woodworking bet
Anyways heres the address - link
literally_nobody: Sounds good
 everyone meet there at like 12:30-ish, thats when they have tutoring so they def wont b there.
“Why are they all on their phones?” Jon whispered, pulling out his own. They were watching their friend, having grown curious at the lack of chatter, not that they’d really been listening to it from how they’d been badly flirting messing around with each other.
“They’re sitting in front of each other, they can talk face to face.” Damian grumbled, before looking over Jon’s shoulder, resting his chin there.  “Maybe someone died?”
“Nah, no one’s socials have blown up.” he leaned back a bit, raven curls falling into Damian’s vision, causing his nose to scrunch up. He blew the hair upwards, getting a glance at the screen.
“Weirdos.” Jon muttered, putting his phone away. Damian nodded, the two still attached to each other and now swaying back and forth with the light breeze.
“Very much so.”
“Oi!” Jon shouted. Damian startled, having grown accustomed to the peace and detached himself from the taller boy, much to Jon's disappointment. “What are y’all doing? ” 
Four phones were promptly slammed face down onto the table, followed by a multitude of bad explanations. 
“What makes you think we’re dining anything anyways?” Colin challenged, Maya pinching the bridge of her nose behind him.
“Fine, don’t tell us.” Damian muttered. “A four year old could lie better than you.”
“You would know, wouldn’t you?” Jon poked his cheek, laughing as his hand was swatted away. 
“Are you insinuating I am a four year old, Kent?” 
“You’re as short as one.” 
“It’s not my fault you’re practically a giant!” he crossed his arms, before realizing Jon’s mischievous expression. “No. whatever you’re thinking, stop.”
He was scooped up not ten seconds later, screaming obscenities as Jon cackled. The four on the table shared a glance, one thought in their heads.
Truly sickening, they were. Oblivious and ridiculously pining.
Maya was outside of the diner at 12:30, impatiently tapping her foot as she waited for at least a head of red hair to come bobbing down the sidewalk. She watched the servers swoop in and out, a blond freckled one catching her eye. According to Akira’s phone, this girl matched the description of Kathy. 
“Hey, welcome! How many for ya today?” 
Maya coughed, coming in face first with the girl. “Erm, four. Hey, you’re Kathy, right?”’
She hoped she didn’t sound stalker-ish. Judging by the way the girl squinted her eyes suspiciously, she probably did.
“Who’s askin’?”
“My name is Maya, and I'm a friend of Damian and Jon’s.”
Kathy lit up at the mention, but before she could respond, Colin came barreling through the door, catching himself on Maya. 
“Sup, M? Akira volunteered to pick up Skylar, they should be almost here.” He looked between them. “Hey, are you Kathy? Did Maya tell you about Damijon?”
“Damijon?” Kathy asked at the same time Maya sighed and said, “I was getting there when you so rudely interrupted.”
“Oops.” Colin grinned, looking between them. “I’m Colin.”
“Yo!” Akira, followed Skylar, came through the door, one looking extremely pleased, and the other mourning the loss of their paint-splattered jacket. “Sky made me change.”
“What’s wrong with what you normally wear? And where’s your jacket?” Colin asked.
“That’s what I said! And she made me leave it, I feel naked.” To make a point, they shivered, and Skylar smacked their arm.
“Don’t be so dramatic.” 
They stuck their tongue out at her in retaliation, Colin and Skylar laughing. Maya sighed, turning to Kathy and asking for a table for four, loudly asking for three children’s menus. They all eventually made it to the table, all five nursing milkshakes, as Kathy had asked for her break.
“Okay, so let me get this straight, they aren’t dating yet? Cause when they came in, they seemed awfully couple-like. Milkshakes and fries, and It was more of an apology from Jon. He’s been texting more, waxing poetic about him.”
“Really?” Maya leaned forwards. “Damian hasn’t said shit about Jon, not that he’s had time to, they're attached to the hip and he barely uses his phone.”
“Okay, so we know that they are most definitely pining for each other, and Jon’s more vocal about it. They both like milkshakes, Damian's a little too attached to his grades to not be hiding from his feelings, and they are more similar than they think. Should we have them commit a felony together?”
Colin swirled his straw around what was left in his glass, Skylar sighing. “I have a feeling they’ve already done that, his lock pick kit was used.”
“How would you know that?” Akira perked up, Skylar looking away. “That’s for me to know, and none of you to find out.”
“We should try something legal.” Maya said. “Anything going on so far? Worst case scenario, we trap them in a closet.”
“Smallville’s having a festival in a few weeks. I know Jon’s been dying to go back, an’ my family goes every year. If y’all can get Damian to say yes, I can get Jon’s parents to agree.” Kathy suggested.
“We can make it sound like a friend's outing, and then leave them together,” Akira added.
“Ask the person to rig the Ferris wheel or something so that they end up on top with no way down!” Colin chirped. “They have fireworks at this fair?”
Skylar hesitated, “Maybe something less traumatic.” 
Kathy, however, seemed to love the idea, nodding enthusiastically. “As long as Damian ain’t scared of heights, we’re fine. There are plenty of other rides we could ‘accidentally’ leave ‘em alone in.”
“This will be more fun than i thought.” Maya pulled out her phone, grinning. “A few weeks' time and we can get them together, no problem.”
Damian’s phone buzzed as he pointed out a specific problem, explaining the process. He ignored it, but not five seconds later, Jon’s did as well.
“Permission to check, Teach?” Jon grinned, picking up his phone anyways. 
“Granted.” Damian answered, picking up his phone as well. Maya had texted Damian, detailing the dates and time that they would be doing this, leaving no room for a yes or no answer. Kathy’s was a more nice version, asking Jon if he’d like to come down to Smallville for the fair in a few weeks, and that the rest of his friends would be coming as well.
Damian seemed less pleased, but softened as he saw Jon's excitement, and beneath it, a strong pang of bittersweet.
“Will your parents allow you?” Damian said. “My brothers will, my father will not have much of a say in the matter. One of them will probably make their way with us.”
“I want to. God, I want to so bad.” Jon’s forehead fell into his hand, pushing up the curls that so often fell into his face. “My parents haven't let me go down for so long, I don't know why they’d say yes now.”
Damian mulled over it for a bit. “If your brother tells them he wants to go too, would they be more susceptible to letting you go? Since everyone else is going, and your childhood friend’s family whom they trust is the one offering it?”
“I guess, but he wouldn’t want to come.” Jon grumbled. 
“He can fake it. Your parents are rarely home anyways, right? Shouldn’t be that hard.” 
“I’ll talk to him, see what he says.” Jon pocketed his phone, looking at the time. “Can we call it an early day, Dami?”
“If the first thing you do is talk to your brother, yes.”
Jon grinned, pulling him to his side and rubbing his nose in the soft brown hair. “You’re the best, Dames. See you in a bit.”
Damian flushed, but only nodded, sliding his bag over his shoulder and sending a soft smile towards Jon, pink still dusting his cheeks.
“So let me get this straight. You want me to lie to mom and dad for you, and tell them that I oh so desperately wish to go back to the countryside for a fair, so that you can go down with your friends and possibly woo Damian.” Kon had his arms crossed, looking largely unamused.
“I didn’t say that last part!” Jon huffed, running a hand through his curls. “And Dami said one of his brothers might come too, for supervision. Ask Tim to come if you don’t want to lie.”
“I’m going to lie for you.” Kon decided after a beat. “But you’d better come home with a boyfriend.”
Nonetheless, everyone was extremely excited for the next few weeks, the fair landing on a long weekend. They all met up in front of the Brandens’ restaurant, the carpool going big. One of Damian’s siblings and their partner had opted to come along, much to Kathy’s parents' relief. Seven teenagers and only the two of them would have been a disaster. 
The Waynes had the bigger car, so the kids would be in that one, while they followed the Brandens’ car to the farm they still kept in the countryside. 
“ROAD TRIP!” Colin yelled gleefully. Akira looked pained at the sight, Damian rolling his eyes and putting in his earbuds before they were even in the car. Jon and Kathy were both talking a mile a minute, regaling Skylar and Maya with tales of their youth in Smallville.
One by one, they shuffled into the car, Damian and Jon sitting in the back with Maya and Kathy, Colin, Akira, and Skylar squeezing into the front. 
“All ready?” the driver called, and the car exploded into cheers and laughter, shoving each other and hugs. 
This would be a rather eventful weekend, wouldn’t it?
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
Dick Grayson's talent for manipulation literally brings the world to its knees.
Part 1 post
My absolute favorite trait about Dick aside from his craziness is his ability to control every single person in existence. The best part is, he's so clever in the way that he does it that people almost never notice.
Bart Allen
"Oh! Ahh..you're trying to get my DNA sample. You need my spit! Ha! That's such a Dick Grayson thing to do."
Bart knows!! Dick's brilliantly sly okay. Honey catches more flies that vinegar? He takes it so far that breaks he the ceiling with it because by the time he's done, people don't even know they've been manipulated. And if they do, then what can they do about it? He always wins.
With friends and family he does it to make them feel better without being so overt and discomforting them.
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Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis
Jon came to him when he was feeling lost and upset and Dick set up the perfect conditions to encourage him and pick him up. He's just so good at doing what he's doing but he does it for all the right reasons.
But the extent Dick can go trick and manipulate someone is off the charts. A virtuoso.
In a Titans comic, Dick literally spent MONTHS acting depressed and weak after Donna, Wally, and Garth were kidnapped to another dimension by a villain just so he could trick the villain into thinking that his career was over and bring him into the same dimension so Dick could take him down.
He fooled everyone.
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Teen Titans: The Silver Age TBP 2 Part #1
"Batman taught me how to be a totally convincing actor! So if the only way you could send me here with your ring was if I filled my brain with evil thoughts, I just faked it! My facial expression was pure evil-but my mind remained pure good." MONTHS.
He planned, pretended, and calculated every single fiber of his own mind and body until the whole world was fooled by his acting. He tricked an interdimensional being who had psychic access. That means he was so extraordinarily manipulative, he can control his own thoughts inside his head to trick someone else. Voldemort's legilimens has nothing on Dick's talent.
Like Bart, sometimes his allies are aware of this like with Selina-
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Gotham City Sirens Issue #23
Selina's literally having a mental breakdown trying not to fall for Dick's manipulation and tricks.
But even if they know he's manipulating them, they still are forced to fall for it anyway.
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Gotham City Sirens Issue #23
"Damn it."
Like a goldilocks mad scientist - he does it just right.
His acting is just so on point that he outschemes the schemer.
When the Crime Syndicate (Superwoman, Ultraman, Owlman, Power ring, etc) arrive on Earth to take it over when Dick is Batman, Dick needs to do something fast. But to make things worse, there's a being that's so powerful, that both the Crime Syndicate and Justice League combined have a snowball's chance in hell of defeating him.
So what does Dick do? He runs the game.
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #52
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #52
"Of course he had a plan the whole time. He's Batman. He always has a plan."
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #52
He tricks everyone.
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #52
And in the end, the Justice League wins and Dick saves the world.
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #52
I love how they characterized Owlman as a snake because that would make Dick a mongoose since mongoose eats snakes. And do you know what Mongoose represent in folklore? Action, adventure, boldness, fearlessness, impulsiveness, independence, optimism, rebellion, resistance, resourcefulness, speed, adaptation, agility, quickness, intelligence and wit. All characteristics that define him.
He plays the world like a chessboard, always five steps ahead.
He always has an ace hidden up his sleeve.
His thoughts are always masked behind a disarming smile.
He has mastered the art of manipulation.
And that's while he's outright fighting. His subtlety is just so seductive.
Take a look at the way he smoothly evades answering in this panel -
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Grayson Issue #9
He's so smooth. She's constantly on the watch but she instantly fell head over heels for his charms in a half a heartbeat, that's just how good he is.
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Grayson Issue #10
He's a master manipulator who knows exactly what to say and how to act to always end up winning.
It's seriously such a shame that one of his greatest skills and talents isn't talked about more because this man?! Flawless.
He's the spy everyone on TV wishes they could be. He's the type of spy people read about in history books and marvel at the ease, grace, and legendary story he leaves behind. He's the spy that everyone knows and dreams of in their fantasies.
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Nightwing (2016)
And oh how they so are.
He can just get people to do whatever he wants.
There's a reason why Batman's only contingency plan against Nightwing is "Let's hope he fucks up." Because with his intelligence, skill, power, charisma, and raw talent - he's goddamn unstoppable.
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jonathankentstuff · 9 months
Fell first Fell HARDER
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219 notes · View notes
mpnocturno · 6 months
Nerd x bad boy Jondami
Leí está historia donde Damián es un chico aplicado peeero que esconde cosas y luego está Jon con su actitud de chico popular que me hizo mucha gracia por el echo de que Kon lo molesta diciendo que conociendo un Wayne ya está sentenciado a enamorarse jsjssj
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ionkent · 6 months
wow look at my gf
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luludeluluramblings · 2 months
Yandere! Batfamily x Smalltown! Neglected! Meta! Reader x Yandere! Superfamily
A/N: taking a moment to jot this down while in my head, because we gotta know what the Sups think of Reader. (Also because I watched the 1978 Superman movie like crazy as a kid and this whole series is spiraling into the longing for departed childhoods)
A/N: will probably edit this later; I’m still fleshing out some things
A/N: Also, we get a romantic yandere here!
Warning(s): Yandere themes, Obsessive behavior
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To start with, Reader actually adores the Super family.
Jon is Reader’s third favorite person in Reader’s life. (Damian is livid about this fact.)
Reader will beg Bruce to go visit the Kent farm.
It’s as close to their hometown as Reader will ever get to see again. (Reader will willing give affection and call Bruce ‘dad’ just to go.)
And, Bruce can’t say it’s not safe,
Especially, since Clark met Reader and was utterly charmed.
(There is no way Reader can be Bruce’s kid, Reader is way too perfect and sweet.)
(Bruce literally carries the DNA test around to shove in Clark’s face when he start that conversation up again.)
Reader likes Clark, but he’s still Bruce’s friend first. (Which makes things awkward after Reader gets locked down by the Batfamily.)
Reader likes Lois too. (Until after lockdown, then things feel weird. But, Reader is capable of ignoring the weird feeling.)
Lois is extremely friendly with reader, just knows how to coax Reader into talking without it sounding like an interrogation. (Years of journalism and interviews.)
Jon, as stated, is Reader’s favorite.
Reader hugs him, calls him terms of endearment, ruffles his hair. Thinks he is precious and sweet. (Reader is not as affectionate at the manor, mostly because they don’t think the Batfamily cares.) (Wrong, they want that shit so bad. Please, hug them and love them. Even the less extreme yanderes crave it.)
And, Jon is here for it.
Reader gives older sibling vibes and Jon eats it up. (Damian may try stabbing him with kryptonite, but it’s worth it.)
Reader’s not as fond of Conner though.
He’s just another big city rich boy to Reader. (Reader does not care he’s a clone. Doesn’t bother them. Reader’s a meta that makes it rain and snow. So what if he has two dads?)
Conner, on the other hand, straight up Romantic Yandere for reader.
Sees himself as the black sheep in the Super family, where Reader is the lone white sheep in the Bat family.
Reader understands, he knows they do. (And, yes, it’s true reader does actually understand. Which makes the infatuation sooooo much worse.)
(Tim gets pissed about Conner liking reader. Thinking Reader is stealing his best friend away. But, then gets pissed when Conner tries to steal reader away from him after Tim goes full yandere.)
Kara is already in the future at this time. But, if she did meet Reader, they would be platonic soulmates. (Until Kara tries to take Reader to the future with her.)
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
DC x DP fic: Farm Hand
The Kents lived on their family farm for the past three generations. Ma and Pa had two perfectly able sons and a grandson who could help around the farm without trouble.
But with Clark living in the big city, caring for his job, family, and superhero, it was brutal to find time to fly home and help with the harvest. The same could be said about Jon, who struggled to keep up in school, and his training. Kon, who used to live at home, made things easier until the boy moved out with his long-time boyfriend, Tim Drake.
They could never deny him the chance of love, and Tim was a delight- despite his unwillingness to move out of Gotham. Kon had been so bestowed he was fine living in the old Drake Manor with Tim, even if he also wrinkled his nose at the crime city like a true metropolitan.
Now, the three could fly over when their superhero or civilian lives were not getting in the way, but Ma and Pa felt bad calling them back when all three had outgrown the farm. Maybe Clark would return when he retired to take it over, or Kon.
The thing was, the couple was getting up there in age. They couldn't handle everything on their own anymore. So Pa put out an ad for a farm hand in the local newspaper. They wanted someone who would be willing to live on the farm year-round and could help around with the animals and harvests.
They refrained from telling their sons until they had someone hired. It would be easier for the two to understand a farm hand needed to be hired after it happened so they couldn't try to stop them. The ad ran for a month without a single applicant. Likely due to few reading the newspaper, until one stormy night, a young man came to their door. Clutching the ad to his chest, dressed in oversized clothes, and carrying two large bags. Obviously homeless.
Ma looked at the boy, with the dark circle under his eyes, the thin frame, and the hopeless eyes, before she deemed him a perfect fit. Pa knew she only wanted to help the young man instead of his abilities on the farm, but he didn't call her out on it.
He seemed to be around Kon's age, and a part of his heartache to see someone who looked so young seemed just as lost as a recently made clone. They had him settled in an old guest room, fed him a warm dinner, and had the boy off to bed after a shower.
The following day Pa walked him around the farm, explaining his duties. The boy remained in an eerie silence through it all, but he seemed to pay as much attention as possible to the explanation. By the third day, he could handle his work like he was raised alongside Clark.
The farm helped fit in, getting all his duties done so Pa and Ma had a little more free time. Ma filled that time with crocheting more projects, and Pa took wood sculpting. They quickly became attached to the boy, as over time, he slowly regained weight, and more light returned to his eyes.
Before they knew it seven weeks had passed since he was hired. Now the Kents knew that their farm hand was running from something. He seemed jumpy and unsure about himself often, and Pa noticed the boy shrink in on himself whenever someone got too close. He was an obvious runaway.
The Kents didn't mind, though, seeing as they forged adoption papers for Clark, and while Pa had a lovely family growing up, Ma had been raised in the system. She knew how terrible of a place it really was. She would always try everything else before calling the dogs of CPS.
The couple honestly felt like they had been given a new son, and so they may have forgotten to tell their real sons about him when Clark arrived for a visit with Lois, Jon, and Kon. Thankfully, the boy had been out in the corn field so he did not see the three men flying with Lois in Clark's arms.
"Who is that?" Jon asks, peeking out the back window, watching a stranger fires up the tractor.
"That's Danny Fenton," Ma says with a smile "A sweet thing, that's going to be living with us as a farm hand."
"Is that safe?" Kon questions. "What do you two know about him?"
"I know he's a hard worker who needs a place to rest," Pa answers with a frown. He gives his youngest a stern stare. "We are very grateful he's here."
"Ma, Pa....are you two aware this Danny doesn't have a heartbeat?" Clark asks slowly.
Ma raises a brow "Why, of course. You aren't the only investigator in the family. We looked into his background when we hired him. Danny Fenton has been declared dead for about two years now. He shouldn't have a heartbeat."
"You hired a zombie," Jon whispered in awe.
Pa smiles without any joy, alarming everyone but Ma. "No, we hired a ghost. Want to know his case of death? His parents were in the middle vivisecting him when his sister had the police break down the door. His godfather paid the parents' bond, and he attempted to gain Danny's custody in the same hour. Thankfully Danny died on the hospital table, so he wasn't turned over to them."
There is dead silence in the house before Lois clears her throat. "Well, it's a good thing Danny Fenton is no longer suffering. Now, Ma, Pa, It's come to my understanding you found another son? I am overjoyed to meet my new in-law. What's his name again?"
"Why, dear, it's Danny Kent," Ma responds with a blinding smile." "He's out back. I was just about to bring him something to drink."
"I'll call Bruce while you meet him," Clark says, tapping away on his phone. "We need to have Danny Kent's paper trail ready before Christmas. I hate to see my brother have a hard time at the holidays"
"I'll call Damian too! He likes to hurt people and the Fentons deserve to be hurt!" Jon chirps, floating off the ground a bit before Kon places his hand on his head and yanks him back down.
Unknown to the family of supers, there is a fourth person with super hearing. Danny blinks away the tears as he turns the tractor down the smooth straight lines Pa showed him to make. Maybe answering the ad that he had been using to keep warm at night was the best thing he's ever done.
He wonders what Jazz is up to and if the Kents would be alright with asking his sister to visit for the holidays.
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reareaotaku · 5 months
Superboy vs Robin
Summary: The life of 3 best friends that get confused when realizing they have a crush on their other friend, Y/n Prince, daughter of Wonder Woman Pairings: Jon Kent x Fem! Reader, Damian Wayne x Fem! Reader Tw: Love V [NOT TRIANGLE!!! IT'S A 'V'], Slow Burn? Taglist: N/a
Pt II: Love in High Places | Pt III: Apple of My Eye
[This probably would have been better to write as a multi-part story instead of a one-shot, so I can really get the slow burn and such... Might make a part 2 if yall like this? Also hope this isn't bad because I've been wanting to write this for over a year....]
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You had met the two boys when in the league's spaceship. Your mother was on business and sent you off to do, as she put it 'Children things', before taking off with Batman and Green Lattern. You rolled your eyes at her dismissal, but decided to find something else to do. Besides, hero work was boring anway. Nothing interesting about discussing rules and such anyway.
You walked around the large spaceship, before coming across a particular room. In the room where two kids, boys, around your age you didn't recognize. One of the boys, the one in darker clothes, must have felt your presence, because the second you stepped in he turned around.
Damian knew who you were. He knew who everyone was. He would look like a real fool if he didn't know the daughter of Wonder-woman. Too bad the same couldn't be said for Jon.
You awkwardly stand at the door way, now having both the boys' attention on you. You awkwardly wave, "Hey."
Jon's face lights up and he rushes to you. He loved meeting new people and you were nothing short of pretty. "Hi!" He grabs your hand, engulfing it with his own. "I'm Jon, Jon Kent."
"Y/n Prince." You tried to keep up with his handshake, but he was fast and strong, and by the time you could gather what was going on he had already let your hand go.
You looked past Jon back at the emo boy, but he was just staring at you. Jon looked over to see what you were looking at, before gesturing towards his friend.
"Oh, that's Damian. Don't mind him. He's.... Shy."
"I'm not shy. I just don't have any reason to speak to her."
Jon gasps, before glaring at his friend, "That's rude, Damian." He turns back to you, his face flushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry about him. He's not good with people."
You nod, still staring at Damian. "He's Batman's kid, right? The son of those assassins?"
Damian's eyes widen, but only for a brief second. He could let such an emotion out.
"My mother mentioned it a while ago. She didn't say much, just that you were... Different."
"Yeah, he is different." Jon jokes, causing you both to chuckle, but Damian just rolls his eyes.
You and Jon stuck your faces to the fish tank. Neither of you had ever seen a fish tank before. You were both stuck in the house by your parents in fear of you revealing yourselves on accident. Your parents have isolated you both- Even Damian was isolated, but he wasn't as naive and foolish as you and Jon.
"Oh, that one's purple," You point to a triangle-shaped fish.
"No, it's a dark blue," Jon argues, causing you to side-eye him.
You rolled your eyes, but don't respond.
"Hey, Y/n."
"Yeah, Jon?"
He looks over at you, wide eyed and excited, "You ever been Tire-rolling?"
"I don't know if this is a good idea, Jon-" You try and reason, as your hands grip the tire's rubber.
He smiles, his hands gripping the tire, "Oh, it'll be fun. Promise!" He then pushes you, but instead of pushing you at a normal strength, he accidentally uses his super strength and sends you flying. His eyes widen as his mouth drops, before he runs after you, hoping you don't get hurt.
You scream as the tire jumps and hits multiple things while going faster than you've ever gone before. You grip the inside of the tire so hard, that you can feel your nails digging into your palm. You hear cars honking, but there's nothing you can do, without using your powers.
Though, luck must have been on your side, because while you're mid way in the air, something goes through the tire and harshly pulls you down. Your face slams into the tire, your hands ripping the tire's rubber. The tire falls flat on the ground and you sit up, rubbing your head.
Above you was the one and only, Damian Wayne. He was in his school uniform and he was looking down at you annoyed. In his hand was a grappling hook, which you assume he used to save you.
You quickly stand up, brushing off your clothes, "Uh, thanks."
Before Damian can respond, like he would, you hear Jon calling out to you.
"Y/n! Oh my god, Y/n! Are you okay?" He's nearly out of breath as he runs up to you before he stops. "Oh. Uh, hi Damian."
There's a moment of awkward silence, before Jon goes back to his normal self.
"What are you doing, Damian?"
"Nothing." Damian is quick, calculated even.
You had only known the two boys for a few months, but it felt like you had known Jon your whole life and this moment felt like the first time meeting Damian. Though, Damian was busy, so you couldn't really blame him. He was the son of a man with an empire and an assassination group. He was bound to be tied up from time to time.
"Uh, do you want to hang out, Damian?"
Damian is taken by surprise. You wanted to hang out? With him? Why?
Jon went to speak for Damian, but Damian interrupts him, "Sure."
"Really?" Both you and Jon speak at the same time, before you both blush out of embarrassment.
"I mean, great. Wow, okay. Yeah, let's hang out."
Damian groaned, before laying down on the roof. He could hear Jon and Y/n snickering to themselves, probably over something stupid. He closes his eye, their voices slowly fading from his mind. He didn't know how you had convinced him to hang out with you on a roof in the middle night.
He didn't like you, so he didn't know why he listened to you. He had no reason to care about what you said or thought, but yet here he was.
You had some kind of pull over him and he didn't know why. There was nothing about you that was different from the other superheroes. Sure, you were pretty, but so was Starfire, Raven, Super-woman, etc.
He looks over at you as you lean on Jon's shoulder, whispering some secret into his ear. He wondered what secrets you two were sharing. Maybe if he asked you'd let him in? He didn't know.
He takes his eyes off of you and looks back at the sky. It was a dark and cloudy night, like most nights in Gotham. Though, unlike most nights, it was quiet; Almost peaceful.
It bothered Damian. More than he'd like to admit. He felt an ich in his skin, like he was supposed to be doing something, but there was nothing to do. There was no fight to fight or crime to solve. It was peaceful for the first time in a long time.
Jon liked you, a lot. Like more than he's ever liked someone in his life. He feels immense emotions when he's around you, even if your mother doesn't like him. Though, your mother didn't like men period.
He was thankfully you didn't receive that quality from your mother. You were much nicer and happier than your mother. But that could be because you weren't tortured in the same way your mother was by the women of Themyscira.
In fact, they adored you. They treated you like some kind of goddess and cherished you. Jon understood though. You were perfect- At least to him you were. He thought everyone should treat you like the perfect person you are because you deserve nothing less.
You were alone with Damian for the first time in all the years you've known each other. You sighed, squeezing your eyes shut. You didn't know how you were going to tell them you were going to be leaving for Themyscira.
Your mother wanted you to be trained by the Amazons to be able to control your powers and abilities. While she herself was banished, she knew they would welcome you with welcome arms.
You knew Jon would take it hard, but it was only going to be for a year. Just a year. A year you'd be away from your best friends. So, there was a part of you that hoped if you told Damian first, it'd be easier to break it to Jon.
"So, when do you leave?"
You looked over at Damian, confused, "Leave?"
"I heard your mother talking to my father. She said she was sending you to Themyscira to train. So," He sits up on his bed, making direct eye contact with you, "when do you leave?"
"Next month. I'll be gone for a year."
"A year?"
"Yeah. My mom wanted me to stay for 3, but I was able to talk her down from it."
"Have you told Jon?"
"Well, you know he's not going to react well."
"Yeah. That's why I've been procrastinating it."
"Can I write you?"
You frown, "No. The island is cut off from the world. So, no contact at all. Not even with my mom."
He now frowns, but says nothing more.
You sigh, leaning on your hand, your sword tossed on the ground. Before you stood Philippus, your mentor.
"Princess Y/n, what is bothering you so?"
You couldn't tell her you missed your friends. If she knew they were boys you knew you would get scolded. The Amazons didn't like men, because they were chaos and destruction and they were peaceful. A part of you understood, because you've seen the terrible things men can do, but your friends- they weren't like those men.
"Nothing... Just tired."
She takes your answer, even though she knows you're lying. You were frustrated and annoyed. You had been here for a month and found yourself making no progress. This was pointless.
You could have been with your friends, but here you were on some stupid island. You wanted to your friends.
"You know, if you don't get these down in the upcoming year, you'll have to stay."
You straighten up and glare at the woman. "No, I won't-"
Philippus quickly turns around, looking at you offended, "Excuse me?"
"Nothing." You quickly respond not wanting to repeat yourself.
She huffs, rolling her eyes, but decides to leave the conversation.
It had been a year since you were forced, by your mother, to train on the Themyscira Island. They wanted you to know how to use your powers to the fullest potential. It was fine... But you missed your friends. You wondered what they were doing. You wondered if they missed you too.
Jon was estatic. You were finally going to return from the island. Though, there was a part of him that was worried that you wouldn't remember them or even worse, you would hate them.
"You worry too much," Damian told him.
Jon sighs, trying to collect himself, "I'm just worried." Jon fiddles on his toes, as he repeated looks out of the window, hoping to see you pull up. Though, you were no where to be found. He walks away from the window, his shoulders dropping. "How far is that place?"
"Themyscira? It's a few weeks by boat, but she'll be here soon. She's home now."
Jon lightens up, "Home?"
"Yeah, she won't be here for a few more hours."
Jon glares at Damian, "You had me here looking like an idiot!"
Damian chuckles, "Yeah. I did, didn't I?"
Damian wasn't surprised by your appearance, unlike Jon. Damian had already seen you, without you knowing of course. You think he'd let you leave without any kind of contact? He knew everything, thanks to his connections. Though, nothing could compare to you really being in front of you.
Jon was the first to hug you. His arms squeezed you tightly, nearly causing you to lose your breath. He didn't want to let you go- Just hold you forever. He didn't want you leaving forever, but he was forced to let you go.
"You look great, Y/n."
You smile, a blush forming, "You too, Jon." You look around Jon to see Damian, who was avoiding eye contact. It almost reminded you of when you had first met the boys. "No hug, Damian?"
Damian finally looks at you, his natural glare on his face. Unlike Jon, who had let his hair grow out, Damian still had shorter hair, but his features were sharp. Though, that didn't surprise you. What did take you by surprise though is how much he looked like his father.
While Jon looked like a mix of Clark and Lois, Damian just looked like his father. Well, minus his golden skin- He got that from his mother.
Speaking of Jon, you felt him squeeze your bi-cep. You looked at him confused and he blushed.
"Uh, what are you doing, Jon?"
"Your biceps. They're like... Huge." He's fascinated by your arms, even comparing it to his own. While he was naturally strong, because of his powers, you had trained relentlessly for a year and it showed when your arms were bigger than his.
You chuckled at his amusement, before his eyes lit up, "Ah, Y/n you've missed out on so much- Come on," He grabs your arm, leading you inside the headquaters of the Justice League. You are stopped though when Damian grabs your arm that Jon didn't have. Jon looks back, wondering why you stopped when realizing Damian had grabbed you.
"Jon, why don't you head up. I just want to talk to Y/n."
Jon seems reluctant, but you turn to him, "I'll catch up. Promise."
He sighs, but ultimately goes up the stairs and inside the building.
"You look nice."
"That means a lot coming from you, you know?"
Damian avoids eye contact. He's worried that you might see all his emotions, feelings and thoughts. He didn't want you knowing his darkest thoughts. "Yeah.. Uh, Jon missed you a lot... Obviously. Um..." Damian had never been like this- Lost for words. He always knew what to say. He had everything calculated, but now... Well, he felt lost. He felt your stare on him, waiting for him to finish, but he felt his tongue felt twisted. "It's good to have you back."
"Yeah, well, it's good to be back. You know, I've missed you a lot... And Jon. I've missed you both a lot."
Damian finally looks at you. Your eyes bleeding into his own. For a moment it felt like you two were the only ones in the world. Everything else was just dark and all that was left was you. That was until another voice spoke.
You both looked up to see your mother. She gestured for you to come inside and you looked back at Damian.
"Well, I guess that I have to go."
"Yeah... I'll see yah."
"Yeah... you will."
You rush up the stairs, trying to stop the blush from forming on your face. You were so embarrassed and felt like the conversation was stupid. You wished you could have done it differently, but it was Damian. You were sure he wasn't as pressed about it as you.
If only you knew how much your life was about to change forever- All thanks to teenage boys' puberty.
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msfantasy-comics · 8 months
The Teen Three - Social Rescue
Platonic!Jon Kent x WonderGirl!Reader x Platonic!Damian Wagne
Summary: Jon’s high school years were rough. Subject to nasty teasing, Damian and Y/n have devised plans to make Jon a little more popular.
A/n: this story is lame! Sorry! Maybe I should focus on some other bat boys for a while.
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It only took a ‘promposal’ gone wrong to plummet Jon’s social credit.
At one point of time, Jon was the quite kid no one paid attention to. His presence masked by his rambunctious cohort. Now Jon is front and centre of his High Schools attention.
Jon is now known as the kid who was humiliatingly rejected by the prettiest and most popular girl in school.
“Pfft, you’ve got to be kidding… is this a joke?” Beverly’s cruel tone filling the air with heavy dread, her humourless laugh as she side eyes her friends who seem to also be snickering at Jon’s expense. The bouquet of flowers now limp in Jon’s outstretched hands. He wants to sprint away and hide under a rock, but he’s too humiliated to move a muscle. His cheeks burning red in embarrassment. God why did he ask out Beverly, so publicly? Everyone walking into the main entrance is now witnessing his promposal rejection. Beverly lips curl into a thin line, she sees his eyes becoming quickly glossy as he stares at the floor. “Um… so like… I’m not going to prom with you… honestly I don’t even know why you’d even ask. Like… we barely know each-other.” She looks towards her friends awkwardly, as if silently discussing how weird it is that Jon asked her to prom. Not knowing what else to say, Beverly just shuffles off with her group.
The circle of students that had slowly formed around, began to disperse at Beverlys departure, some feeling sorry, and some being amused at his expense.
Its prom night and it’s been long since Jon flopped onto his bed where he continued to limply exist.
His mind continues reeling at the humiliating rejection. His heart clenched painfully seeing his ‘promposal fail’ posted online. Many comments left under the video talking about what a looser he is for even asking the hottest girl in school out.
It’s been days since the incident and the teasing and passive remarks are not letting up.
Jon was feeling pathetic and embarrassed, there was no way on earth he would dare step foot into his high school gym.
But just like always, the door to Jon’s bedroom slams open.
“Get up looser, we’re going to prom.” Y/n’s voice rings out. Jon rolls away from the wall only to see his best friends Y/n and Damian standing in the doorway. Y/n stands statuesque in her WonderGirl uniform, whilst Damian leans against the frame with a laundered Armani suit slung over his shoulders.
“Are you mentally challenged? We are here to make him feel better, not to insult him. He already feels bad enough.” Damian reprimands Y/n, which she only shrugs off, snatching the suit from Damian’s hands and throws it on top of Jon.
“Either you can get yourself dress and get into Damian’s car or… Damian and I will dress you.” Jon only grunts rolling onto his back.
“Why? I don’t have a date. Everyone will just stare and gossip. I’m already embarrassed enough.” Y/n slowly sinks onto Jon’s bed and pokes him in the ribs.
“I will go to prom with you as WonderGirl. When everyone sees that your brought a super hero as your date, no one will even remember about your promposal fail!” She announces, buzzing in excitement which only makes Jon stare at her blankly.
“We are not meant to abuse our alter egos like this.” Jon drawls with only makes Damian roll his eyes. “I’m not going and that’s final. I’d rather just hang with you two.”
“Aw Jonny, love you too!” Y/n says, pulling Jon into a bone crushing hug that only a kryptonian could survive. “Okay so since you refuse, Damian and I will take matters into our own hands.”
Damian and Y/n share a look before nodding. “Wait - wait- not again! I’ll dress myself! I’ll dress myself!” Jon pleads, rearing from his bed and ripping open the suit protector.
Jon’s prom entrance was just filled with oh’s and ah’s.
Not only did Jon walk the carpet with a fresh Armani suit, he had the illustrious WonderGirl hanging off his arm. The teen beauty that was on every teens wall. She was every boys dream girl, and every girl wanted to be her. In the public’s eye, she was Americas sweetheart. The girl next door that had a dazzling smile and eyes that were enchanting.
WonderGirl behaved like the perfect date. Always smiling and giggling with Jon. But the hoard of students and teachers were all too keen for photos and autographs. Jon had to break away from the crowd to catch a breath.
“Hey Kent! How’d you score WonderGirl?! You have to tell me your secret man!” A boy that Jon had never spoken to before, claps Jon’s back as if they were familiar pals. Jon locks eyes onto Beverly, whom angrily has her arms crossed over her chest, she decidedly took strides forward
“Jon, can I speak to you for a moment?” Beverly asks pointedly. Beverly begins to stare down the random boy standing next to Jon, silently demanding he leaves the two alone. The boy only awkwardly steps back, leaving the two.
“I didn’t mean for my rejection to come across so cold. I saw the video online and I felt so bad about what others were saying. Just so you know, I’m not sorry I rejected you, because every woman has the right to say no without feeling bad, I’m just sorry you were publicly embarrassed and that people were mean about it.” Jon’s face scrutinised at Beverly’s apology. She’s sorry, but not really? “I didn’t want to go to prom with you because I don’t even know anything about you. I thought you were just asking me out for clout and it just made me angry to be used like that.”
“Okay… I wasn’t asking you out for ‘clout’, I had the biggest crush on you, so I decided to ask you out.” Jon vents, to which Beverly only continues to stare down at him.
“Yeah well…. Why do you like me?”
“What?” Jon sputters.
“What is it about me that you like?”
“Um, well you’re nice…”
“No I’m not, I’m blunt, there’s nothing nice about it. What else do you like about me that isn’t surface level?” He really couldn’t think of a single thing. He liked Beverly because she had a sweet smile, was always laughing, and just having a good time, never being concerned with how others felt.
“Um…” It was in this moment, Jon understood. Beverly wasn’t a cruel girl by any means, she was angry that someone was admitting their feelings, which Beverly believe was disingenuous. She’s right, Jon didn’t know her at all, he just liked the idea of her.
“You can’t think of a single thing can you? It’s because you don’t even know me. So why would I go to prom with you? You see what I’m saying?” Jon only nods solemnly, he was too caught up in his own devastation, he had already decided Beverly was a cruel and mean girl, but the reality was that Beverly was just getting asked on a date by a stranger. “Good I’m glad we got that clear…. So can you introduce me to WonderGirl? I’m literally obsessed with her- please?”
Jon only sighs and nods in agreement which causes Beverly to excitedly clap and jump on the spot.
It’s so unfair.
How does Y/n always win? She wasn’t even part of the drama to begin with.
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
DC high school au… mayhaps…..
I’m not sure if anyone’s done this before
But I’m doing it now
So the JL, right. These are famous alumni who made school history and now obvi they’re billionaires and reporters and museum owners but they’re not superheroes— just regular people
Liiike Clark Kent was the best quarterback the school has ever seen
Oliver Queen essentially revolutionized the archery team
Diana Prince convinced the school to start a fencing league
Barry Allen slayed both track and any and all chemistry competitions thrown his way
Arthur Curry… I shouldn’t have to say anything about his swim team career. That’s where he met his wife
Bruce Wayne was one of the smartest people probably ever, especially to grace that building
And so on and so forth
Anyways so these people are famous, and they’re up on the walls and display cases and shit
The staff!! Was so thrilled!! To be getting their children!!!!
(The principal counted down the days on his calendar after the news hit that Brucie adopted his first kid)
Dick and Barbara are seniors. Dick is the cheer captain and Babs WAS on the team until a fun little accident that has her wheelchair-bound. (It’s fine, she discovered she actually likes computers better. She’d hacked the entire security system one day at lunch because she got bored)
Dick is kind of the queen bee of the school, which is hilarious, because he KNOWS but refuses to let it get to his head. This man will start water gun fights in the hallways for fun
Jason and Cass are juniors
Jason is one of the drama club’s absolute best (singing and acting). He played Billy Flynn in Chicago, Prince Charming in Cinderella, Aladdin in… yeah. He slays pretty hard
Cass is on the dance team and regularly misses class for some competition or another. Sometimes, when cheerleaders and the dance team collab on stuff (like assemblies), she actually likes the pompoms. She does not like the skirts.
Tim, Steph, and Duke are sophomores— people are s c a r e d of these three
Tim is known for constantly having a stockpile of energy drinks in his locker; sometimes a few of his friends get access to it. He’s also terrifyingly smart. And he’s got a bike. SOPHOMORE YEAR. TIM WHAT
Steph’s whole entire TikTok presence is lifting/ workout challenges against any poor scrub who tries to go up against her. She can lift the same amount as Jason Todd. That gives her a very confident “don’t fuck with me aura” around school, which is good, because she’s got zero interest in any guy there anyways (bi f pref queen)
And Duke… Duke is the golden boy, so the first time you see him in a sparring match with any of his siblings (they do that for fun at lunch), you’re very shocked to see him holding his own against Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown. He also slays
Damian is the only freshman in his family. Jason and Tim make fun of him endlessly
It is pretty impressive that a freshie organized the biggest fundraiser the school has ever seen— and it was for local animal shelters. Nobody knows how he did it. Probably intimidation. You never know with that kid
Now the superfam. Ohoho, yes, these legends go to that school too
Kara is a junior, Kon is a sophomore, Jon is a freshman. They’re all on the football team (their dad comes to every game🥰)
Did anybody expect a woman or freshman to land on the varsity team the first year either of them tried out? No. But they made it anyways. Good for them
And football is just so different from their day-to-day personalities, sometimes it gives people whiplash
Kara pretty much runs the broadcast and yearbook teams, and she does it along with dominating the football field and gym
Conner looks like he’d deck you for looking at him wrong (I mean he might but like he won’t… probably), and he’s like. He makes good fashion choices. He’s the Bad Boy, which is funny considering his nerdy bf is the one with the motorcycle
Jon is fluffy?? So nice?? Sir who let an actual decent person on the varsity football team?? When someone spots Dami wearing his letterman at some point, they become the most popular couple at school. As freshmen. Slay for them tbh
Donna Troy is a senior. Fencing and beauty pageants is a weird combination. But she knows she’s pretty and she’s gonna make damn sure everybody else knows too
Cassie is a freshie, but she’s already on the fencing team as well and several people have seen her sparring with Damian (wHERE did he get KATANAS), and it looks like a couple of war gods who happen to be fifteen are fighting to the death for a few yards of shitty grass behind the school
Conner Hawke, Artemis Crock, Emiko Queen, Roy Harper, and Mia Dearden are the archery team captains. Yeah, there’s five of them, yeah, the coaches couldn’t pick because the kIDS ARE BETTER THAN THEM
(Ollie laughed so hard he fell out of his chair when they came home and told him that)
Roy is a junior and definitely brings his bow everywhere he shouldn’t. He also “accidentally” shot Jason once. Whenever someone asks about their meetcute they just laugh until the person gets scared and runs away
Conner is a sophomore but a bitter old man in his soul. What a king
Artemis is also a sophomore and everyone thinks she’s Ollie’s favorite because she’s like a mini-him, but Ollie doesn’t actually HAVE a favorite and she finds this claim hilarious
Mia, third sophomore, has a very strange attraction to the color yellow. She LOVES it. And she actually pulls it off, how awesome is she
Emi is a freshman but gets along with Dami pretty well, which isn’t surprising considering their matching deadpan humor and lowkey murderous rage constantly
Jackson Hyde broke Arthur’s record for fastest lap on his fourth try. He spends more time at the ocean than literally anywhere else
Wally West and Bart Allen are technically not related?? They’re like. Cousins. But Barry ended up officially adopting Wally (long story)
Anyways they’re actually cousins with Jesse Quick
The three of them DOMINATE track and field/ cross country/ physics club (yeah you read that last one right don’t even with me)
Wally is a senior and working towards becoming a forensic scientist for the cops. When someone asks why the fuck he wanted to do that to himself, he always jokes, “I’m not fast enough to be a serial killer so I guess I’ll help catch ‘em” and everyone is scared
Bart is a sophomore but should be a freshie, because he’s almost a full year younger, except that he skipped fifth grade and went straight to sixth. Tim and Kon pretend to be his adoptive parents and it’s like a soap opera watching these three act out a dramatic divorce arc
Jesse is a junior (alliteration go brr) but a younger one (summer birthday WOO) she definitely takes after Barry, especially in speed
SO people call their friend groups chaotic. What are you gonna do, go up and fuck with any of them? Bad idea
For fun, these assholes run a fight club after school with betting and rosters and everything, with anyone who signs up. FOR FUN. Once the batkids learned their dad has a black belt in like six different martial arts, it was all over
They say it’s a good workout
They’re probably not wrong, but still
Who the fuck wakes up and chooses violence on all their friends and family all in good fun to make MONEY OFF OF BEATING THEM UP
The most viral videos taken from their school is a push-up contest with all eight batkids, seven competing, Babs filming
Cass won.
LET me know if you want more for this. Because I’m gonna write more. But if you had specific suggestions or characters or scenarios or questions, I would love to write them
Good morning/ night/ 4am!! (PS BACK TO SCHOOL WOO)
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Okay besties, I have an idea for you;
AU where the justice league was rooted in a small town; everyone knows everybody and no one knows anyone. Not really. But them? Oh, they know eachother.
They knew Clark and Bruce would tie the knot right after graduation.
They knew Diana would take new York museums by storm. They knew Hal would grow into his dad's aviator jacket. They knew Barry would wear gold around his neck in the Olympics. They simply knew.
Except for the fact that Clark had no idea Bruce would go on to divorce him just to marry an old sparring buddy, -- Khoa something; he doesn't know to this day, and he refuses to learn, -- for reasons he wouldn't divulge.
And bruce didn't anticipate his ex husband being the one who would investigate his husband's murder.
Funny how death brings people together.
Not until Dick, their boy, his boy, too, - He's Jon and Kon's brother just as much as he's Jason's, Tim's, and Damian's, and no piece of shit paper could take that from him, - told him, a bone white paleness to his cheeks the day of his weekend.
Their home is chaos; Not a chaos he knows, a chaos he loves, but a disservice on their once home.
Four different cars parked in front of Bruce's manor, dark enough to blend in the depth of night, give Clark a pretty good idea of what he'll find.
" This is bad. This is really bad, right? Oh god, is he moving? He just looked at me, I SWEAR he just looked at me,--"
'' Who gave Barry coffee?" Clark doesn't want them to be shocked when he enters, because really, he's not supposed to be here. The spark of twisted pleasure when they see him Is small, but it's there. " Who died?"
Hal skips over the corpse currently occupying the living room carpet, a frenzy in his eyes, " We do NOT have time for your shit, Kent. It's bad enough Wayne dragged us along to his little graveyard shift,--"
Clark doesn't particularly want to know who's that Oliver tosses Russian words with over the phone, but he takes a pause, only to point sharply at the pilot, " As if you have anything better to do you plane crushing fuck--"
" One time! One time!"
" Quiet down! You're upsetting Bruce," Command and order came to Diana as naturally as flight does to birds; Out of them all, -- jaded and secretive and wore out by life like a pair of shoes, -- she holds the crown of stability for sure.
Clark envies her. Maybe because she's her, or because she has an arm around Bruce.
He's tired; And scared. Clark's pretty little ghost.
Blanket over his lean, strong shoulders, knees nestled to his chest, shivering under Diana's arms. His eyes haven't left the living room.
Not until Clark walked up to the bottom of the stairs, where he could catch a better view of purple and blue rendering Bruce's sharp cheek.
There's something undeniably demure about Bruce Wayne; Youngest of them, softest of them. Clark adored it; He's always been a beast of a man, -- granted, raised with Martha Kent's southern loving ways, but you can't make a puppy from a wolf.
Bruce very much disagreed, and told Clark as such. That they compliment eachother.
Clark can't help but be sad at Bruce's softness now; But he's not stupid enough to think Bruce weak, and God help you if you're that man. Maybe Khoa was that man.
Bruce's eyelashes flutter like a butterfly's wings, " ...Clark." You came.
" Hi, baby." You called.
He closes his eyes, silently letting embarassment take him. Hal facepalms behind him.
" Not to interrupt your weird Eye Make Out slash Emotional Hug contact, but seriously, we need to call the police!"
" No!" Bruce raises to his feet, fingers twisting and fiddling, a nervous habit. Clark wants to capture him in his arms and never let him move, " No. No police."
Diana's voice is gentle, " Why not?"
" Because he did it!" Hal says, " I mean, it's pretty obvious!"
" Oh shut the fuck up-"
" That's absurb--"
" Hal, you're scared I get it, but Bruce would never,--"
" I did," Bruce declares, sentencing them to silence. " I did it. "
A tension filled cloud slowly drips over them. Hal begins pacing even more. Barry joins him. Oliver's yelling gets louder, and the Bruce's fingers shake worse.
Clark, wordlessly, pulls him upstairs, hands gentle on his smaller wrists, ignoring the call back from downstairs, where death still lingers.
Bruce won't look at him when he asks, " Did you do it? Really?"
" He was going to hit me."
" He was already hitting you," Clark spits the hateful truth, acid hissing over his tongue like a well-sharpened knife, " He was already hitting you. And you didn't kill him then. "
A shiver, a tremble, Bruce turning his back as if to protect himself. Clark's heart hurts. He's never been someone Bruce needed protection from, " Please, --"
" So you were either going to stop him from hitting you... Or from hitting someone else," Bruce's frame moves from him, departs again, and Clark follows, because he let Bruce walk away one time and it got them here, " ...Or someone was gonna stop him from hitting you."
Bruce freezes, gaze wide. Only he's not looking at Clark. He's looking at what's behind him.
Clark follows the line of sight.
There's Jason, their youngest, their tallest, terrified, and teary, and blood soiling his hands.
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puppiesandnightlock · 4 months
LINK: Cause you're a nightmare that i've not been dreaming of
Summary: It's all come down to this one event. Their friends have planned out the perfect moment and all Damian and Jon need to do is say the words. Easy as pie.
ft. Jason and Roy as chaperones, road trips, Ferris wheels, and some really cheesy fireworks confessions
“Alright, Squirts, listen up, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Jason and that’s Roy.”
Jason was turned around in the driver's seat, going over introductions. The man next to him had a trucker cap on and was wearing a dark red tank top, showing off the full sleeve of tattoos running up his right arm. 
He waved, propping his chin up next to the headrest on the passenger’s side. “I’m going to do a quick roll call, just to make sure we are not missing anyone. Once we get that, we’re good to go.”
A cheer went up, and settled quickly as Jason began naming people. Damian offered an earbud to Jon, who took it, settling back and shutting his eyes.
Skylar and Akira were scribbling onto the sketchbooks they’d brought, Kathy and Maya were behind them, dictating what they thought should go on it. Colin was avidly asking questions to the driver's seat.
“We’ve got a four hour drive, and we’re only making two pit stops, this is the last offer i’m making before i start the car.” 
No one got up and the car started the radio being flicked on and soft music filling the car as they started on their journey.
Within thirty minutes, Jon had conked out against Damian’s shoulder, still with the shared earbud in one ear, the other in Damian’s. The boy himself was half asleep, head leaning on the glass of the window. Colin had propped his phone up and was playing a random downloaded movie, Akira and Skylar sharing a random game of tic-tac-toe. 
After the second hour and a half, they were beginning to get rowdy. Jon was arguing with Akira about some inane topic that was probably not legal, Colin was playing keep away with Damian’s phone and backpack, Maya was hissing at them all to shut up as Kathy had fallen asleep in the midst of their chaos somehow.
The car screeched to an abrupt halt and they all yelped, grabbing onto another or a part of the car. Roy turned to the back, Jason tapping his fingers impatient on the steering wheel. 
“Alright, that’s much better. Colin, give the bat brat his stuff back, Jon and Akira, both of you are wrong, it’s much easier to do the third option. Keep the noise to the minimum if you would all like to stay alive on this trip, because my husband is much less nice than he seems, contrary to appearances.”
“Yes sir.” Six kids chorused back at him. 
“Not a brat.” Damian grumbled. 
“Kind of are.” Jon poked his cheek. “What’s with the Bat part though?”
From the front of the car, Jason snorted. “Oh boy, now that’s a nice story.”
“Jason, please don’t-”
“You all know Batman, right?”
They all nodded, the tips of Damian’s ears burning red and he attempted to hide himself in Jon’s shoulder.
“Baby Damian was obsessed with anything Batman, for some unknown reason. Every single one of his toddler pictures have him in some kind of Bat reference, and he had this little bat hoodie with ears he’d wear all the time, and put the hood up and would say “I’m the Bat!” in this tiny little squeaky voice.”
The car had gone up in laughter, and Jon had put an arm around Damian, whose face was now burning in embarrassment. 
“Shut up, oh my god.” The plea was muffled, and his older brother paid absolutely no attention to it, continuing on.
“Went on until he was maybe eight, and then he got back into it because of a show that would play on cartoon network? And I don’t think it’s ever returned to that level but there is no one in this family who does not call him a nickname without adding the bat.”
“That’s adorable .” Jon said, Damian groaning and attempting to disappear. Skylar agreed with the sentiment, Colin, Akira, and Maya attempting to quell their laughter. Kathy was sneakily snapping a picture of Jon and Damian in their position, since the words that accompanied  had been less than platonic.
It tapered off into a quieter buzz, most of them being occupied by a phone balancing on the drivers headrest and playing a random movie.
By the time they arrived at the Brandens’, all of them were either sleeping or half-asleep. Before Jason could stop the car and make the announcement, Maya hissed ”Wait!” silently and urgently.
In the backseat, Jon and Damian were curled into each other, Damian on Jon’s shoulder and Jon’s head on top of his, hands loosely intertwined.
”shit, SHIT, someone take pictures!!” Six phones were promptly whipped out, all taking care to turn off the flash and taking pictures from different angles. 
“Send all of those to me,” Jason instructed, turning off the car. At the motion, they stirred, everyone in the car whipping around to give some sense of normalcy as if they had not all been cooing over them.
“Oh.” Jon sprang away from him. “Sorry, sorry, did I crush you?”
“I’m not as weak as you innately believe me to be.” Damian grumbled, ears flushed pink as he looked out the window, their hands still resting together. “I’m perfectly fine.”
“oKay, on that note, we’ve arrived. Please disembark from the vehicle in an orderly fashion, and do not slam any of the doors or you will have a very unpleasant return.” Roy got out first, opening the driver’s seat door for a very pleased looking Jason.
They clambered over each other to get out, sighing dramatically as they all stepped out. “Freedom!” Colin shouted, jumping up and down a few times.
“My legs went numb.” Akira muttered, holding onto the side of the car. Skylar patted their arm sympathetically, backpack jangling.
“This is pretty big.” Maya looked at the surrounding farmland appreciatively. “How much of this is your folks?” 
“Bit farther down, I'll take you by the boundary line sometime, there’s a nice little place me ‘n Jon would go play as kids.” Kathy pointed to a place in the unseeable distance, coming a bit closer to her.
“That sounds nice.” Maya said, trailing off into a silence until Jon came running out of the car and slinging an arm around Kathy’s neck.
“Ooh, i have missed this place. Our treehouse still up?” 
“All of our hideouts are alive and kickin’.” Kathy said, “You should take your boy down to one of them sometime.”
Jon looked around, before dipping his head down and mumbling, “Not my boy.”
“Not yet .” Kathy poked him in the stomach, and as he doubled over, ruffled his hair, dashing off with a laugh.
“HEY!” He took off after her, the two of them laughing. Damian came up besides Maya, watching them chase each other.
“You know, I don't think I've really seen him act like this.” Maya remarked. Damian only smiled, mind flooding with flicks of moments and the sound of childlike laughter.
“It’s not something he had much reason to be like, I suppose.”
“It’s cute.” She nudged him. “Puppy-like.You like puppies, don’t you?”
“It is… endearing. ” The last part was much quieter. “It feels wrong. But right, at the same time. The feeling is…new, yet curious. And not entirely unpleasant.”
“You two will figure it out.” Maya smiled, pushing his shoulder a bit. “I’m gonna go and get ready, we’re going out to the fair today.”
“Okay.” He brushed his hair back, watching his small group of friends, eyes trailing after Jon’s form, his laughter keeping the soft smile on his lips. 
“You know, I think we have a history of this kind of thing.” A voice came from behind him, wiping the smile off of his face in place of a scowl. 
Jason came up behind him, Roy playfully putting the hat he was wearing onto Damian's head. 
Stupid older brothers.
“So I heard.” Damian drawled, turning to look pointedly at the both of them. “Tutoring, boy on the wrong path and a nerd. Except I was just better, not a nerd.”
“Fuck you, i was a cool nerd.” Jason crossed his arms. “Had an A in P.E. and everything.”
“You were also a scrawny little shit who carried books everywhere, had glasses for a short amount of time and could quote Jane Austen at the drop of a hat.” Roy set his chin on Jason’s shoulder. “Sorry, babe.”
“Well, you married this nerd.” Jason sniffed, before turning to Damian. “ You were like four, you can't tell me shit.”
Damian scowled. “You’ve simply come along to antagonize me, haven’t you?”
“That, to intimidate your friends and future boyfriend, and because ask yourself, would any of them have been any better?”
“Richard would have.” 
“Dickhead and Wallance would have played showtunes the whole time, been sickeningly in love, and would have shown all of your baby pictures and embarrassing stories within the first five minutes of the drive, especially if he saw you and Jon.”
“Whatever.” He huffed. “Will you both be escorting us to the fairgrounds?”
“Yeah, and we’re leaving in thirty minutes, so change if you want to, baby bat.” Jason took the hat off and ruffled his hair, causing Damian to squawk and swat at him, before glaring at them both and leaving.
They all met back up in front of the car, dressed in a new pair of clothes and eager. It was about 12:30 by the time that they managed to make it to the grounds, seeing as they’d left early in the morning.
“Okay, ground rules before I unlock this car.” Jason and Roy turned around, and everyone but Damian snapped to attention. 
“You have our numbers, I have yours, and if all else fails, you have a Damian. I don’t expect you to actually stay with us, but please try to stick together, if not a buddy system or something. Try not to get banned, maimed, or sick within the first four hours.”
He turned off the car and grinned. “Oh yeah, and have fun.”
That startled a cheer from them, and the doors unlocked, everyone filing out of the car. They elected to stick together as one big group until they found something that would separate them, Jason and Roy following behind before stopping at a concession stand and losing sight of them.
“Okay, so Colin, Kathy and I are gonna go check out the roller coasters,” Maya said. “Akira and Skylar are at the booths and Damian and Jon…”
“Are playing the games.” Jon finished.
“And I’m going to kick your ass, Kent.” Damian smirked.
“I’d like to see you try.” Jon shot back. Colin and Akira mimed gagging, the other three rolling their eyes.
“Take your weird flirting away from here, go, shoo.” Kathy pushed them away, both boys flushing as her words caught up to them.
As they left, their hands swung between them, just barely touching. They all shared a looked, the thought of absolutely hopeless running through their minds.
“I can't take this anymore.” Maya sighed. “I give, what time are those fireworks?”
This was driving them both insane . Jon glanced down, Damian’s hand brushing up against his for the millionth time. He wanted to reach out and grab it, but how would the other react?
He’d done it before, but now it felt different . He wasn’t leading him anywhere, and he wasn't gonna do the platonic hand holding thing he and Kathy had researched in middle school.
His eye caught on a shooting game, and grinned. There we go, he could challenge Damian, they’d chill, and bam, awkwardness diffused. 
“Hey, D, betcha I can get a higher score.” He pointed to the game, watching as Damian’s gaze went directly to the plush puppy hanging on the side of the booth.
“You’re on, Kent.” 
They raced to the game, slapping down their payment. The worker at the booth seemed rather amused by their playfulness, starting up the game.
“What the hell?” Jon squeaked as Damian began shooting with an insane accuracy, looking over to the side to grin, still getting the target.
“This is unfair !” He pouted. Plan foiled . 
“Tough luck, J.” Damian pointed to the plush he wanted, shoving it at Jon. “Carry. Let’s go find another thing for me to kick your ass at.”
He huffed, accepting it anyways. The booth worker laughed, shaking their head. “Wow, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you’re whipped.”
Jon sighed wistfully. “If only he knew that, too.”
He chased after Damian, the both of them challenging each other to various games. Jon managed to win a small kitten, presenting it to Damian, who looked away laughing.
“I’ve already won several, Jon. I don’t think you should add more.”
“You should win something for me, then.” He said, half playing. “Then you'll have less.”
“Okay.” Damian looked surprisingly serious, taking his hand and pulling him down the aisle. “Your wish is my command, my Prince.”
Jon flushed at the sincerity, giddy at the hand-holding. “Would this make you my Knight?”
“I suppose I would.” 
“Then, onwards, brave Knight, and pick your prince the most delightful of plushes.”
After a few minutes, Jon had a white puppy plush that he affectionately named Krypto. They fell back into the silence, dropping off the rest of the plushies at the car, before looking at the sky.
“It’s sunset. The fireworks will be starting soon. We should probably find the others.” Jon said, the puppy plush still under one arm. The kitten he’d won for Damian was peeking out of the bag the other boy had over one shoulder.
“Probably.” Damian threaded his fingers with Jon’s, swinging them idly between them. It had seemed completely natural, and suddenly, something clicked.
He needed to do something about this, and he needed to do something about it now. It was terrifying, the very thought, but if he really thought about it, nothing they’d done for weeks, months by now, really qualified as strictly platonic. 
Damian was blunt, unclear with his emotions, and a jumbled mess on the inside of his cool, put together and prickly persona. 
He could do this. Anxiety would not best him.
They met up in front of a picnic bench by the ferris wheel, the sun dipping deeper and the dark night coming to overtake it.
“All of you gremlins accounted for?” Roy asked, Jason besides him as they shared cotton candy.
“Yes sir!” Akira and Skylar had a large bag of kettle corn between them, Colin sneaking handfuls every few minutes.
“You guys empty every booth or what?” Maya grinned, Kathy poking her in the side to subtly motion to their intertwined hands.
“Dami here kicked my ass in almost everything.” Jon grumbled.
“Could have warned you against that.” Jason grinned, also taking note. “Anything interesting happen? Life changing developments we should know?”
“No.” Damian scowled, following his gaze and attempting to hide their joined hands. “What are we doing now?”
“Well, I think the ferris wheel is still open. We could catch that before the fireworks begin,” Colin began, everyone catching on.
“Yeah, sounds like fun!”
“You two should go ahead of us,” 
Damian and Jon were ushered onto a cart, and strapped in before they could say anything, being shot thumbs up and teasing grins. 
“What the hell?” Jon squawked as they were lifted into the air. “Jesus Christ, you swear the world was going to end if we didn’t get on this thing.”
“We’re friends with imbeciles.”
“Oh, have I been elevated to not-an-imbecile?” 
Damian shoved him playfully, and the silence settled in. Suddenly, they were much more aware of the atmosphere, high up on a creaky metal wheel, spinning them into the darkening night sky.
“The stars are nice. You can’t see them this clearly from the city.” He said quietly. Their hands found each other again, and tentatively, Jon leaned his head on Damian’s shoulder. 
“I’ll bring you down here again, we can go stargazing and you can tell me your smart people stuff.”
“It’s basic astronomy, Jon.”
“There are a bunch of things that I don't have the patience to memorize.”
Damian laughed, resting his head on Jon’s. “Hey, Dami?”
Jon’s voice came in a shaky whisper, his hand growing clammy. This had been building all day, and Jon was sure he’d explode if he didn’t say something soon.
“Gotta tell you something.”
Damian lifted his head up, and bit his lip. “I have something to say to you as well.”
“You can go first.” Jon squeaked, looking down and suddenly finding the railing of the cart extremely fascinating.
“Wouldn’t you prefer to go?” the pitch of Damian’s voice began rising and he coughed, willing it back down. “You began, of course.” 
“Ah, um, okay.” Jon breathed in. “So, we’re like, friends, right? And uh, gonna be real, at first, I don’t think we like each other much? Well, i mean, i definitely liked you, or like, the look of you which explains a lot when we think about cause holy shit i was a douche-”
Damian’s quiet laughter startled him from his ramblings, and with pink cheeks he looked up, seeing the light of the ride shine on his face, ears tinged pink. 
“You are…very cute.” 
Jon made a noise that in any other situation, would have severely wounded his pride, but right now the words were playing on repeat in his mind. 
“That-that’s not fair!” He whined, taking his hand from Damian’s to use both to cover his burning face. “You can’t do this to me!”
“I think I can.” Damian whispered into his ear. “Might I pick up where you left off?”
Jon only nodded, still hiding his face in his hands. Damian shook his head, just slightly, and shut his eyes. 
Okay. Don’t chicken out, Wayne. You’ve been waiting. You can do this.
“Hm. You were correct, with your earlier statements. We did not like each other very much. But we’re friends now, and every new thing that I find out about you draws me closer. A bit back, I believe that my affections may have begun to stretch a bit further than, say, strictly platonic.”
He paused, exhaling and attempting to quell his thoughts in a way that made sense. Jon lifted his face from his hands, eyes wide and hopeful.
Jon was dreaming, right? Was this some kind of dream?
"Judging by your poorly thought out speech, I was wondering if you might return the sentiments. Of course, it's perfectly acceptable if you don’t, i do not wish to force you into something or make you feel obligated-"
He was the one rambling now, but for the love of all that was holy, Damian could not shut himself up . He had one hand rubbing the back of his neck, the other still resting in his lap. The ride came to a stop at that moment, a whistling noise signaling the start of the fireworks began sounding. They were at the top, swinging a bit.
Jon grabbed his free hand, giving an affectionate, “Damian, shut up .”
Damian clicked his jaw shut and Jon cupped his face with his other hand. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
“Okay.” he whispered, shutting his eyes. Their lips met as the night sky burst into an array of color, hand in hand. Damian’s arm went around Jon’s neck, and his hand dropped to the smaller boy’s waist, bringing them closer together.
It was clearly inexperienced, but as they broke apart, stupid grins on their faces, that couldn’t have mattered more.
Jon leaned down, forehead resting on Damian’s, the sky still exploding behind them as the wheel cracked, signaling their movement.
“If that wasn’t clear, I really like you.”
“I ‘really like’ you too.” Damian hesitantly leaned up, pressing his lips to Jon’s again in a chaste kiss, pulling away and covering his mouth, quiet laughter escaping him.
Jon caught it, pulling it away from his face and into his own. “I keep telling you to stop doing that; it’s adorable and you shouldn’t hide it.”
Damian huffed, looking away but squeezing his hand gently. They got off the ride, walking towards the hill where the rest of their friends and Damian’s family were seated, gasping over the fireworks. They came up behind them, quiet enough not to disturb them. Jason noticed them, however, sending a subtle wink and smirk their way.
They were all seated under a tree, and Jon leaned against it, sitting down and opening his arms. Domain leaned back against his chest, Jon’s folded hands resting on Damian's stomach as the show went on. 
Once it began winding down, the others took notice of their presence, and their positioning. Upon asking the question, Damian pulled Jon down by the collar of his tshirt and kissed him, letting go just as quick. 
A cheer came up between all of them, whoops and jeers being thrown playfully at them. “Operation Damijon is a success!” 
The two chose to ignore that last statement, settling into each other. They had their friends, each other, and a blossoming relationship.
Really, what more could they ask for?
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 10 months
One in Eleven Million (ch.7)
damian wayne x reader x jon kent
(A/N): this is where the real-life experience I took to write this story runs out so please take any and all airplane/airline logistics with a grain of salt. And with that said, enjoy! I want to get the rest of this series out by the end of fall to hopefully have room to post the holiday fics I want to write so look forwards to the coming final chapters. And apologies, this is a short one.
edit: forgot to link the masterlist so here it is!
warnings: airplane travel, turbulence, emergency (not crash) landings, panic
wc: ~750
The next forty five minutes passed in some part conversation and some part Jon showing you dozens of pictures on his phone. He had a few really good ones of Superman (the older one) and some stunning ones overlooking Metropolis. 
“My parents are reporters so they–they know people who take photos like this,” Jon explained to you, crunching on the airplane pretzels he’d reclaimed from Damian.  
You pulled out a few photos of the Gotham skyline to show the boys in turn. Your photos didn’t live up to theirs, but with your not-high-tech phone camera, those were about the best you had. 
A stronger bout of turbulence rocked even you, hands instinctively gripping the hard plastic of the armrests. A quick glance at Damian gave away that he didn’t find it regular either. 
Jon’s “This is weird right?” overlapped with the concerned cries of other passengers. You turned to Damian. 
“It feels more like a train right now than a plane.” 
“I agree. This is irregular at best.” 
You nearly missed the crackle of the loudspeaker from underneath the raised voices of those around you. 
“Ladies and gentleman, there has been a slight issue with one of our regulators. As of now, all passengers and attendants are to remain seated for their safety. Our next step is to make an emergency landing at the Philadelphia airport where there will then be connecting flights to Gotham. If you would rather find an alternate method of transport, let the front desk know as soon as we arrive so any luggage is forwarded to baggage claim.” 
You could barely process the new information over the sudden uproar. 
“This has never happened to you, I assume?” Damian spoke loudly. 
“No, nothing like this. I’d never even had a delay this bad before but this? No it-it’s crazy.” The answer to your question was chiseled into the shaken expression on Damian’s face but you asked anyway. “Either of you?”
Twin shakes of the head confirmed your assumption. 
“It’s not an emergency right? Like I know it’s an emergency landing but not a fall out of the sky kind of emergency right?” Jon’s blue eyes were wide. You shrugged helplessly.
“I want to say they’d tell us if it was but-”
“But they’ve been less than forthcoming so far so why begin now?” Damian finished. 
“Yeah,” you agreed. “Exactly.” 
Beside your seat, the emergency exit lights lit up. 
“That doesn’t bode well.” Damian pulled the words out of your brain. “But panicking,” he hissed at the woman lamenting in the row behind you, “will not solve anything.” 
You didn’t think Damian realized Jon was clinging to his hand. You didn’t think he knew he was holding yours.  
“Jon, you’re shaking the floor.” The words came out harsher than you intended. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be-I just-it’s-”
“Sorry I just-” Jon switched from tapping his foot to holding Damian’s left hand in his, focus tuned on his fingers. Damian’s gaze was locked on where his right hand was linked with yours. You pulled away as if his gaze burned you. “I’m never flying commercial again,” Jon finished. 
The laughter that bubbled out of your mouth was more hysterical than you intended. 
Another bout of rough turbulence wracked the plane. You kept your hands to yourself his time, arms crossed against your chest to squeeze at your biceps. 
You barely heard Jon’s whispered cursing underneath the panic rising throughout the rest of the plane.
Damian stayed quiet, but the hand that wasn’t held in Jon’s was tightly clenched. If he wasn’t human, you might have expected there to be holes bored into the head of an older man across the aisle. You wanted to quiet the guy yourself; his catastrophic ranting was only adding into your own anxiety. Instead, you spent a couple minutes making sure all of the stuff in your backpack was tucked away. 
“He does know everyone else can hear him, right?” You asked as you sat up. Both boys chuckled. Jon’s fingers tapped rapidly on his thigh. 
“Alright folks,” the pilot’s voice interrupted the catastrophizing. “We’ve begun the landing process. Please be aware that further turbulence is normal. We should be on the ground soon.”
“How much longer can they call turbulence normal?” Damian ground out. You didn’t have an answer for him. 
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When you're thinking royalty/knight with Timkon (as I'm sure we all do) your instinct might be Royalty Tim and Knight Kon because Tim's very princely and Kon is a rowdy boy. Just based off vibes and character dynamics it makes sense.
I think that having Tim as the knight and Kon as a bastard prince is BETTER. So here's my pitch for an AU please see the vision Tumblr 🙏
Tim: the noble son of socialites in Duke Bruce Wayne's court/lordship(?), trains as a knight under Bruce Wayne after his second prodigy swordman son dies, becomes youngest ever royal guard, is then sent away to train as a knight under another allied kingdom, and is assigned as Prince Kon's personal knight in shining armour
Which leads to
Bruce, classic Batman backstory but instead of Batman it's just fencing and wars and whatnot, on of his allied kingdoms is the kingdom of Metropolis where his ally Clark Kent/Kal El, adopted Dick when circus was in town performing at court yada yada, adopted Jason off the streets, Jason died, the kingdom suffers, Tim forces his way to the top of the Royal Guard and is a pain in Bruce's ass about justice and talking him down and being loyal to his king and his duty as a knight, looking out for him and Bruce sends Tim off to train in Metropolis
Dick: pretty standard background, lives in the seedy (only slightly seedier then Gotham, but doesn't have the rouges like in Gotham)* harbour town Bludhaven settling disputes in that city as like acting lord or something, slowly repairing relationship with Bruce and is in full support of Tim training in Metropolis under Clark Becuase Dick trained under Clark as a kid as well
*Rouges are just like magic users that fuck things up in Gotham, Magic is canon but only certain people can do it and the Al Ghouls are just straight up necromancers which is like. Basically already Canon
Clark: main antagonist for drama purposes but not That bad, a good king kingdom and is generally a good guy, Married to his Queen Lois with a young crown Prince Jon and has an older Bastard child (possibly cursed into him or maybe he and Lex just had a wild knight one time,who knows) but he finds out about Kon after Kon is like a teenager, is just super awkward and sometimes unfairly strict on Kon but hey he's trying
Kon: disgraced from being a crown prince for being a bastard child and not properly trained or educated to be a prince, gets thrust into royal life after mostly social isolation, people see him as the black sheep and the odd one out in his family becuase he's illegitimate, Kon is constantly trying to escape from his Father's hovering and the palace life where everyone is either too formal or snakes who call him a Bastard behind his back,so he's always sneaking out and getting into trouble Becuase there's nobody there to protect him
Enter Tim, stage right
Tim is originally very bitter about being sent away but eventually has fun in the guard (other guards include Cassie and Bart because they need to get in there somewhere and it is TimKon centered)
And then you have Tim assigned as Mom's personal guard and they start out not liking each other but then becoming friends and falling in love and it's adorable💕
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bat-stuff · 2 years
Oddly specific Headcanons I have for Jon Kent
Jon is aged up to between 15-17, roughly in this area
Being a retired farm boy Jon has this midwestern/southern accent that only really appears when he's upset
For example, when he's really emotional about something he'll start slurring his words into "yall" or some other southern slang
Personally I headcanon he would call Lois "mama" instead of "mom" no matter what age he is
I have a hunch that he doesn't like to sweat. He doesn't mind getting dirty with farm work or any other type of down-in-the-mud thing, but the moment he starts to sweat a little too much he'll speed up whatever he's doing and will just be a little disgusted with the sticky feeling
This also goes along with him being a very clean boy
He gets annoyed fairly easily (Damian's kind of rubbed off on him) by rude/mean people
He doesn't tolerate bullies even a little bit
He has a tendency to throw/slam things when he's angry (sometimes people, we've all seen the panels where he throws Damian into walls)
That being said, he has great control of his super-strength, but he relieves tension by physical force
Lois offers him up to neighborhood girls to walk them home from school or some event
It's like "Here, have my son. Let him walk you home, dear. "
That being said, Jon is very much a Mama’s boy and if he thinks Lois wouldn't like someone he's probably not going to be associated with them
Wears jeans religiously and definitely hates sweatpants
Loves sweatshirts and big coats and shirts but loathes sweatpants
He feels naked and it just makes him uncomfy
He hates tight t-shirts and tanktops, he'd rather die than wear them
Somehow still tolerates his suit tho, he says it's "who I have to be for the people"
Because of Colin, has a bad habit of cussing at minor inconveniences
"Jesus christ goddammit, why is the toaster cord melted? Kon, this is the second time this week, man. Pull yourself the fuck together"
But when there's an actual situation that is deserving of colorful language he uses the most creative replacements
"Klarion took Damian hostage? That KFC finger licker is going to get blended!" Or something like this
If Damian uses a word he doesn't understand he'll just stare at him like a deer in headlights
Jon and Dami have this like twin telepathy ability to always know what the other wants and it pisses Colin and Billy off so much
They just look at each other and are like "yeah I know what you mean, I think that's going to be the best approach to the situation"
He gives me DECA vibes honestly. Or he'd be in speech and do Entertainment or Persuasive.
Definitely is in journalism for his parents' sake, even if it makes him die a little inside everytime someone asks him if he wants to be a journalist
Probably wants to go into biology or heath sciences
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my-brain-soup · 27 days
I've Never Seen Luka, But Jon Kent Has
Basically I've never watched Luka but I read a fanfic where Jon gets the teen titans to watch it (parallels are drawn between Luca and Alberto and Jon and Damian) so now I will be watching it and writing the thoughts I have during it
No I will not give context and spoiler warning ig
Love the music during the studio logos
We love a superstitious king, I mean, I have a feeling he has a point
Awww, he's such a polite little guy
Luca is a farm boy!!! I love my little Jon Kent varient :)
I, too, would risk my life for shiny object
I, too, do the murder
Dami would say he invented walking
And pretend he's not proud of Jon
Bruno? Or Bruce...o... you get the idea
Sorry, they have Luca grab Alberto like that and expect me not to see them as the most adorable little guy love story? Their so crushing on each other
"You're so lucky your dad lets you do what you want," cue Superman's comment about Bruce getting hit on the head all the time
Yes! Grandma, my queen!
"We can do anything" I love this movie
God I don't know her name yet but I love her
We're not telling you our secrets! Tells secrets immediately.
I love Alberto so muchhhhhh
I love Mr dad human
Oh they know SOO many fish
No way everyone, including an adult, just saw that bitch rob some kids and didn't do shit
He is a sad little catfish
Why are his parents actually crazy
Aww, Alberto doesn't want to lose his friend
Luca just wants to learn, and Alberto just wants to feel loved :(
How is the gayest looking dude there being homophobic?
When your new father figue wants to kill your entire species
Alberto got mad when Julia touched Luca's hand...
Why does Luca's hair looks like a croissant
Their fort :(
God the organizer adult lady us such a bitch
Why is no one concerned that the scuba kid isn't coming up for air?
Aww, his little clap self tap in
It's totally about to rain
Well shit. Sometimes I hate when I'm right
I love them so much!!!!
Is the mom the same person that voiced Aunt Cass in big hero 6?
I decided it is a metaphor for older lgbtq people, feeling able to come out after younger generations have proved that times have changed, I love them
(They're sisters, so they're not together, but they can still be gay!)
About his crush, not just Luca going to school
Their in love, your honor
I love this movie
So much
Also, here is my formal apology, her name is spelled Giulia, my b
Alberto learns to carve wood, awww
Also, does Luca EVER get shoes?
I've decided I need an Alberto to become a tattoo artist future au, at least like on the side or for fun or sm
The dedication is adorable
Yes, I just watched all of the credits. What about it?
I was rewarded with an after credits scene, so fuck you.
I'm gonna watch all the deleted scenes now, I'm not gonna specify which one so have fun guessing
Haha, they called Alberto and Luca the main relationship
Also, she was almost a photographer, like TIM DRAKE?!?!?
Don't worry, Luca, I'll ride in a barrel lit on fire down a hill with you
Awww, they were raised by a lobsterrr
Oh, Jon is extremely charming
I love how they used different animation styles (in how they had the characters move) on land and in the water
Bro, not the first version where Alberto outs Luca to Giulia, eek
And finally, Ciao Alberto!
Aww, Luca wants to see to Portorosso!
He finally has people who care about him!!!
Alberto, you do NOT got this
Noooo!!! Don't leave!!!
I love Alberto being an artist (a bad one, for now, but still and artist)
Okay, that's it, Ciao :)
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