finleycannotdraw · 1 year
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pitsazawr · 6 months
new video on the totheark channel??????????
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me and my pookie @meqtgrinder have an au where the guys are doing well, and Brian streams and records funny vlogs!!
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privately-andre · 2 years
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ckerouac · 2 months
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Another fun fact: Kamala and Tim are the same age (b. 1964), but Tim taught in a public school for a decade and that’s just what teaching public high school does to you.
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andry-di · 1 year
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the-gay-prometheus · 1 month
Ok wait- on the Flatland note regarding Bill's origin story-
Everyone is out here trying to figure out what exactly makes Bill's eye weird. Like. How can he see into the third dimension while the others can't? What makes it weird other than seeing into the third dimension? Do the others in his dimension have two eyes - but how would that make it so they can't see the third dimension? Do they have no eyes at all (definitely not, cuz apparently they have evil optometrists)?
I'm about to (probably not) blow everyone's freakin minds.
Here's a poster for the Flatland movie:
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What do you notice about them? Anything interesting? Perhaps something about their eye(s)?
Their eye(s) are located on one side of their face. They can only see forward, or, if they turn around, backward. And that's because, well, it's the 2nd dimension - there are is only left or right, forward or backward. I repeat - they can only see forward.
Now let's look at our beloved (beloathed, and everything in between) triangle demon:
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Notice anything about his eye? Anything different? Anything... Weird? Strange?
It's in the middle of his face. Which poses an interesting issue in a 2nd dimensional world... Sure he can look left and right, but what is his default?
His default, if he is on a two dimensional plane, is to look up. "Up" is not a concept in the second dimension. There is no "up" because "up" implies depth - and depth is 3rd dimension, not 2nd.
He doesn't have any special powers that allow him to see into the 3rd dimension - I mean, obviously he has lots of special powers but... They aren't what inherently allow him to see into the 3rd dimension. It's the placement of his eye. The placement is his "defect," not the eye itself. He sees into the 3rd dimension because he has no choice. His default always was to see something that no one else in his world could see - the sky, the stars, and whatever else lay above.
The reason they tried to chemically blind him was because there was no other way to make it so he couldn't see into the third dimension. They probably thought it was a mercy - the poor kid was stuck with the default of always seeing of something that no one else in his world could ever physically see.
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dollya-robinprotector · 5 months
aaaaa i just noticed the little robin charms on lya's and lyah's bags and ;;;;; god i'm so jealous, i need myself a woman/man like that frfr it's so cute 🥺
They're my children alright LOL
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northlight14 · 12 days
Speaking as someone who was constantly late to school, I think punishing kids/teens for being late to school is stupid. Like, I get it. When they’re older, they can’t be late to work and stuff and they need to understand that. But majority of kids/teens are getting to school via their parents or someone else driving them or hell the school bus which is also driven by an adult. So when a kid arrives late and gets punished for it, all that’s happening is a child getting punished because the adult responsible for getting them there on time wasn’t successful. That’s not teaching the kid anything, that’s just annoying. Especially when, as a kid I was always ready on time and it was my parents I was waiting on and then in detention I’d be expected to write down a “what will I do better” that didn’t apply to me because I didn’t do anything wrong
I get that sometimes it will be the kids fault but I feel like those cases are few and far between and punishing a kid for the adults in their life is just counterproductive
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here's my contribution to the Project Hail Mary fandom
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amaranthdahlia · 8 months
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so that ichinii school rivals au
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Does Steve have to regularly remind students what to do if he has a seizure in class? Have a sign up on the wall of what to do? Do they add “DM his husband on TikTok” on their own? (While respectfully not ever filming him while he’s having one)
This is a great question
Steve loves the first day of school but he also kind of dreads it because he knows that he’s going to have to have the epilepsy talk. Every year starts out with a get-to-know-you game, class rules, and a PowerPoint on how we treat service animals.
He explains to his students what epilepsy is and what it looks like on him. He tells them that often it will look like he’s frozen or that he’s spacing out, but sometimes he’ll have a big one and it will look more like what you see in the movies. Sometimes he can tell when a seizure is about to happen or Ozzy will alert him, and he’ll try to let the class know. Sometimes, they are very sudden and he can’t do that, but he doesn’t want them to be scared.
Steve knows from experience that just having something to do during a high stress situation can do a lot for your anxiety, so he gives his students jobs. It’s one student’s job to alert the teacher across the hall, Mrs. Nolan. It’s another student’s job to call the nurse’s office and let them know. It’s a different student’s job to keep the class under control. A different student’s job to time how long the seizure is. Another’s job is to lower the lights. And all of them – if they are comfortable – are allowed to talk to him. He lets them know that hearing voices really helps him in recovery.
He explains what after a seizure looks like, how he can be really confused and really tired. He tells them that Ozzy is trained to help with seizures and the recovery so let him do whatever he’s trying to do. He tells them that sometimes he might need a few minutes, an hour, or the whole day to recover.
Once Eddie’s Tiktok account gets popular, Steve explicitly tells his students not to message him if he has a seizure. Steve’s very independent and very stubborn when it comes to his disorder, if he can go rest in the nurse’s office and then get back to teaching in some capacity then he will. Otherwise, he’ll call Eddie himself. The students are trying to help, and Steve understands that, but 10-15 middle school kids DMing his husband with messages ranging from ‘Mr. Harrington is being weird today’ to ‘Mr. Harrington is dying’ isn’t comforting.
Now, if they listen to that is another story.
Steve only knows of one occasion where a student filmed him having a seizure, but it’s happened a few times. The time that he knows about happened before he had Ozzy and it was a big seizure that came on suddenly. It ended up on YouTube – which Dustin found and contacted the school about the student taking it down. The school made a big deal out of it and held an assembly about how it was bullying which was mortifying to Steve – both the assembly and the video.  It really hurt his feelings and it made Steve want to quit teaching for a while.
Middle school kids are grappling with learning how to be real people. They are learning empathy and about consequences, and sometimes they post things on the internet not fully understand the effect they’ll have on someone. Sometimes they’re just being mean, but Steve is a beloved member of that school. Students and staff are protective of him so those kinds of videos don’t stay up for very long. Steve is, for the most part, blissfully unaware that this has happened more than once because he is not online.
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its-your-mind · 1 year
what the fuck. what the fuck what the fu k.
rick riordan I am a whole ass adult now how tf are you taking a wrecking ball to my emotions AT THIS POINT. SHOULDN’T WE BE PAST THIS.
what the fuck Meg took in all of her foster siblings to help them live a life after Nero. she’s showing them a world that can be kind, where people will say what they mean, and where mistakes don’t deserve punishment.
BUT THEN ALSO. Apollo. Went back.
And for Meg and her siblings, everything about their lives has changed and improved. But Apollo just… goes back to Olympus. Where Zeus continues to rule with an iron fist, where no one was even able to stick up for him, where every other Olympian lives in fear of Zeus’s anger. And he’s still there, he’s still in charge, but Apollo knows BETTER now. He knows that things can be different. He knows that he can be different, and he’s making the decision to be better now than he was before.
But now he doesn’t fit. He doesn’t fit with the Olympians, who weren’t a healthy family even before this, and he doesn’t fit with his new friends, either, because he’s a god again. He can go see them and talk with them and help them, but he’ll always have to leave again. He can never stay.
The last few chapters of The Tower of Nero were so beautiful and amazing - getting to see everyone else living their happy endings (as much as any demigod can), but they were always tinged with… loneliness. Apollo is separate from them all again. He can teleport at will, he can change his appearance to anything, he can separate his consciousness… and that’s all great, he wanted all of that back…
But by the end? He kind of wanted to stay human. And there’s no resolution for him. He’s gone through this incredible, difficult, terrifying, life-changing adventure… and he came back, and everything’s the same. Kinda makes me think of Luke, going off on his quest, coming back different, harder, sharper… and finding Camp exactly like how he left it, with everyone expecting him to just slot himself back into the place he had before, when that space doesn’t fit him anymore.
And Apollo has what Luke didn’t - friends who knew him as he was changing, who love this new person he’s become, and even a sister whose affection won’t change no matter what happens. He’s going to be okay, I know that.
But there’s just… something so quietly tragic in the end of Apollo’s story. He doesn’t get his own personal happy ending. His “triumph” is a return to a divine status that he’s not necessarily sure he even wants anymore. He has to forge his own path forward towards his own happiness, and we don’t get to join him on it. We got to be with him through his Trials - his future is up to him, now.
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junipum · 11 months
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the boy is HOMEEEE ignore old plushies my bookshelf is a mess rn. why does he look so sad
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charlesdesvoeux · 6 months
rip george hodgson you should have been a middle school music teacher
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cowboy-robooty · 3 months
my only belief in hetalia human aus is that if its set in a time where tv existed while germany was a kid then a fact abt him must be that he was the little german boy for some famous advertisement. he wasnt a professional child actor or anything it didnt go anywhere its just a fun fact that he was like the pillsbury doughboy and hes embarapple af about it and whenever people find out theyre like OH MY GOD THATS YOU? YOU WERE THE "MEIN POOPENFARTEN" KID??!??!?? and hes like Yes (noose tightens on neck).
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angstydisaster02 · 16 days
New one shot, enjoy ! Inspired by the following tweet :
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