#BUT i like the main actors and they're the only people in every episode so at least it's the good way round there right?
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nostalgia-tblr · 4 months ago
finally caught up a wee bit with dr who, i skipped the babies one cos it sounded terrible, went with the music episode.
good things: i like the doctor and the baddy was fun and clarose (i forgot her name twice now) is fine. also a very good episode for reaction images:
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less good: i think i made a few of those faces myself while watching. what i assume was foreshadowing was pretty bad (had someone decided "one word repeated every episode" wasn't enough?). i am not sure why the doctor knew exactly what was happening, i don't mind that as an occasional plot device (they do know pretty much everything, after all) but it felt over done in this. why was there a music battle? why was there a song? WHY IS MURRAY GOLD BACK, HAD WE NOT AT LAST BANISHED HIM?
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asidian · 9 months ago
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Alright. It is time. Buckle up.
Why you should be watching Dead Boy Detectives: the targeted-specifically-at my-readers edition.
Meet the leads, our two ghost boys:
Edwin Payne: Fussy, repressed intellectual type from the Edwardian era. Exceedingly gay for his partner and best friend. Tortured in hell for seventy years on a technicality because he was ritually sacrificed as a prank gone wrong. Endearingly awful at people and dealing with emotions or his own wants.
Charles Rowland: Impulsive, people-pleasing wildcard from the 80s. Heart eyes 24/7 at his best friend but has zero self-awareness. Badly abused by his asshole of a father. Beaten to death because he saved a kid from bullies. Endearingly awful at sorting his own emotions or talking about his problems.
Some highlights:
/slaps hood you can fit so much trauma in these two
Both leads get sobbing breakdowns that happen on screen. The actors are incredible at crying
Both leads get much-needed hugs
The absolute devotion between the two of them. The shared history that lives in their dialogue and how they work together like people who have been each other's Most Important Person for literal decades
I mean, I'm talking in-canon Orpheus and Eurydice reference level of devotion here
The protective way Charles puts himself physically between Edwin and damn near every threat in the show
They're just fun together. Their interactions and banter and how they work as a team is a delight
Their shared plot arc literally involves them learning to talk to each other and communicate more so that they can be there for one another about their respective issues
The symbolism. God. They are metaphorically and literally one another's light in the darkness
But what about stuff that isn't the main duo? Just wait, there's more:
This show is unabashedly, unapologetically queer. It's there in the text and the subtext. The whole show lives and breathes it
So many good, complex, well-written female characters. The Bechdel test gets blown straight out of the water in episode one and they never look back. Headstrong amnesiac psychic learning to be a better person! Quirky meta commentary matchmaker! Cynical lesbian butcher! Delightfully sadistic witch! They are all amazing.
[audience voice] But I'm here for the hurt/comfort. How can I whump ghosts? Worry not, my friends. Canon has you covered. Not only are there ways, there are ways that happen on-screen. The hurt/comfort and rescue are also on-screen. Yes, it is amazing
Absolute chaos, really cool supernatural cases and creatures, a surprising amount of humor, charming writing, and a cast that absolutely nails it on the acting and chemistry
There is an extremely suggestive trickster type who is also the king of cats. He's a cat in human form. He hits on Edwin nonstop. Charles gets blisteringly jealous
All of the leads have well-thought-through, fully developed, emotional character arcs. They're all messy and flawed and sometimes lash out in their pain, but at turns can be incredibly supportive and kind and loyal
A character who is a crow who is also a boy, who is tortured by his witch/creator and also is crushing hard on one of the leads
There are so many incredible details in the setting, costume choices, prop decisions, etc. that you only catch after you know what it's laying the groundwork for. The level of care that went into this show is phenomenal
It's only eight episodes. The time investment barrier to entry could not possibly be lower
Anyway, tl;dr, if any of this sounds appealing to you, you should give this show a watch.
Dead Boy Detectives is well worth your time. It's easily my favorite show in years.
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barblaz-arts · 2 months ago
I know you've been making a lot of art of it lately, but out of curiosity, what's your opinion on Hazbin Hotel in general? I'm referring to both the show and the fandom here. Just curious.
God. What a loaded question. Are you ready? Bcuz I'm fresh from Vaggie discourse on twitter and I have a lot to say.
I think that Hazbin Hotel seems worse than it is for people who know the fandom but haven't actually watched the show. Honestly, I think it's a fine show. It isnt super incredible and I'm not gonna sing praises about how deep and thought provoking it is or whether it's an artistic masterpiece. It never tried to be that and was never advertised as such(to my knowledge) anyway. I just had a lot of fun. Like, yeh sure the cussing in the dialogue can be a bit much, especially in ep 1, but there are different writers in other episodes, so it gets better. It can be super crude yeh, but I grew up watching things like the Scary Movie franchise and other dumb american movies (yes, i was too young for them. yes, i still watched them), so it's pretty tolerable for me. It also helps that Charlie is the main character. That's one of the main reasons why I watch HH but dont watch HB. It's probably a fun show, but without a sweetheart like Charlie to balance things out, I'd just get tired of the sex jokes and mean jokes.
Compared to my last hyperfixation, I think I have more things to love about Hazbin Hotel, believe it or not. With Netflix's Wednesday, I had already been an Addams Family fan for a while and hung on because I loved the family and eventually Enid and wenclair. The show itself was honestly meh... so far! I'll give season 2 another shot.
But with Hazbin Hotel, it catered to a lot of things I've always loved. Found family with a bunch of misfits? We didnt get to see it much bcuz of the fuckass 8-ep per season format we have nowadays, but its fine its there! The juxtaposition of a kind hearted woman in a harsh world? Love love Charlie for that, I watched the show in the first place because of her. A canon lesbian lover with a "fuck the world cuz my world is you" type of love for the protag? Fuck yes. How very Pearl-from-Steven-Universe of Vaggie. And the music? The music is soooo good. I didn't know the songwriter prior to watching, so I was nervous about the songs, but I knew most of the theater actors they cast(still cant believe Jeremy fucking Jordan is Lucifer) so I figured even if the songs are mid, at least the performances would be topnotch. And they were! But the songs were a pleasant surprise. Sam Haft did real damn well. I still listen to the soundtrack to this day.
The fandom, however, is probably the worst one I've been in. And I've been in a lot in my big age... Just... lacking media literacy, and based on the replies I get when I say something on twitter, it seems a lot of them lack reading comprehension and just plain emotional intelligence too.
There's a lot of criticisms about this show that I honestly think is fair. Pacing, character design, overuse of the F word, whatever. But in my opinion, claiming that Hazbin is a male-centered show is an unfair misconception that is mostly the fault of the fandom.
Bcuz, sure, the male characters are uber popular. Alastor, Vox, Lucifer, Angel Dust and the many web of ships they're involved in went trending every few business days. But come on now. How often does a fandom even have their main protag as the most talked about character? This has been going on for ages. Just because the boys have the most merch and fics and fanarts and thirsty fans doesn't mean that they had the spotlight for most of the show itself. It only meant that they were the ones the viewers paid attention to, in a fandom filled with people drooling over the next tumblr sexyman and toxic yaoi ship of the month.
But if you actually look back at what the show gave us so far, the boys didnt outshine the women. I actually think the women got to do more and be more as characters than the men did. Let's take a look at the male characters.
Alastor was not in all the episodes. In fact, he was MIA in two out of the eight episodes. In all the episodes he was in, he was a mere side character. His purpose in season one was to stir the pot and be the intriguing mystery that occasionally quips. But he was not the one whose deeper thoughts were explored and whose character and goals was challenged THROUGHOUT the show, merely alluded to at the VERY END of the season, which is hardly him taking the spotlight away from Charlie. If you merely looked at the fan content of him, you'd think he were a father figure to Charlie(or a love interest. whatever) and that he has developed a soft spot for the Hazbins deep down in that cannibal heart of his. But if you pay attention to the show, he never had even a meaningful one on one conversation with the Hazbins. The only time that happened is when (a)he threatened Husk's life (b)when he constantly mocked Charlie while she was down in the dumps and used this as an opportunity to manipulate her and (b)when he told Niffty watching the crew sure can "make one sentimental", even tho he had taken no prior opportunity to bond with them! There's no foundation for all the fandom's claims that he could be redeemed bcuz of a budding fondness for the group, but that's all you see of his fan content(aside from the horniness). I dont have any problem with his lack of an actual relationship with the Hazbins bcuz I believe redemption for him is not what the show is going for, but it's frustrating to see people interpreting it that way BUT not seeing how horridly developed it would be if that is the case, meanwhile they turn around and say that Vaggie and Chaggie as a ship "had terrible development".
Then we have the male Vees. Vox was only ever in episode two, and was essentially a youtube reactor in episode 8. He was in ep 4 but had no speaking lines. We only know of his obsession with Alastor and the toxic relationship he has with Val. Val, meanwhile, is merely shown as the sex obsessed fiend behind Hell's sex industry and Angel's abuse. They did what they needed to do with minimal screentime. It was fine, but that's IT. Despite what little CANON gave so far, you have hundreds of people writing essays and fics and fanarts about them being complicated characters. But to reiterate, this does not mean that they are bad characters or that they don't deserve the fame. But to say that these men are better written within canon than the women is such a bold statement when most of the depth they knew of these characters were lore drops given before the show and their own speculations as they dug into the shallow soil of what the show has so far.
I'm not gonna speak about Angel and Lucifer. Because I think they were characters who were legitimately well-explored so far.
Now onto the women. So many of them were given the opportunity to have their characters challenged or given the agency to push characters and the plot forward or give you intrigue about implications of what's to come for the characters and the plot. I've talked a lot about Charlie and Vaggie. So let me talk about the other, terribly underrated women of Hazbin.
Velvette and Carmilla were the ones who advanced the subplot in the war against Heaven. Because of Carmilla's love for her family despite being a demon, an angel was killed. It gave Heaven the excuse to escalate things, but it also gave Charlie hope later on in the season that they're not powerless. Carmilla was also the first demon shown to make selfless actions that is contrary to what is expected of demons, making it proof that Charlie's belief that demons deserve a second chance isn't unwarranted. She's an interesting character, as an overlord who hangs on to power but clearly has morals. But how often do you see people writing essays about her? Eating up the fact that she's a powerful overlord but would sacrifice anything for her daughters? If Carmilla were a man, hundreds of girlies would be drooling over the crime boss who has a soft spot for his daughters.
Meanwhile, Velvette got to demonstrate why exactly she's an Overlord despite being the youngest demon in there. She's calculating and observant. She gives off a haughty vibe and constantly boasts about how she's young and fresh, but she isn't naive. During that meeting, she paid attention to Carmilla and Zestial's relationship. In order to find out who killed the angel, she riled everyone up, and when she got the feeling it was Carmilla, she mocked Zestial so that Carmilla could slip up. By playing these Overlords who are older and more experienced than her, Velvette showed what exactly her asset was to the Vees and why she's a threat, something that Vox and Val have yet to be given the opportunity to do when they were busy eye-fucking Alastor and literally fucking Angel. But in fan content about the Vees, Velvette is almost treated as an after thought to the boys...
Then we have the Seraphs. Not only were their designs gorgeous, their dynamic and presence as characters had impact to the plot and main characters.
Emily is a much needed character to show that this story isn't meant to tell you that Heaven = bad; Hell = good. There is good and bad in both, and it is so important for the protags to know that they have an ally in Emily who represents the true virtues that heaven is supposed to uphold. And I love the confrontation she had with Sera when her own view of what's right and good was challenged. We got to see the strength of her character and started the seeds of what could be heaven's acceptance of Charlie's goals.
Sera is such an interesting character to me. She was also important to show that not all angels were sadistic like Adam and Lute, but not in the same way Emily was. I have no idea so far which direction this show would go with her. But I'm intrigued by the fact that she seems to be driven by fear, unlike Adam and Lute's cruelty. She knew Lucifer and was there when he was cast out for his disobedience. Whether everything she's doing is to prevent that from happening again remains to be seen, and I'm looking forward to this kind of subplot for her.
And then Rosie! I really really look forward to seeing more from her. Spoilers aside, something I barely see people talk about is how interesting it is that Rosie is every bit the leader that Charlie hopes to be. Rosie is able to be a respected overlord in her own faction without needing to sacrifice her love for showmanship and music and her positive disposition. When we were officially introduced to her, they show how she seems to care about actually taking care of her people, not JUST ordering them around, by talking to them personally and giving advice. That's exactly what Charlie wanted to do for her people, isn't it? The hotel to Charlie was what the emporium was to Rosie. They have a lot of similarities that could set up for Rosie to be the one to teach Charlie in becoming a leader. Now whether that's a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen, but it is rather compelling.
So yeah! With all that said, I really dont think this show ignores its women at all. Just because a bigger part of the fandom gravitated towards the men doesn't necessarily mean its a misogynistic show so far. But if certain people are claiming that the women are badly written, then I hope they also own up to the fact that their blorbos are just as shallowly presented within the show, maybe even more so. Which wouldn't even be a bad thing! Since when did a show or character have to be amazingly written for a person to like them? That's just no fun at all. All I'm saying is... Fuck this fandom's double standards, hiding behind claims that it's the writing's fault when the problem is they couldn't be bothered to think about the women.
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kikizubik · 5 months ago
My K-dramas list
Crash Landing on You (사랑의 불시착, 2019-20, 16 eps) This drama is my n1! It made me feel thigs and made me cry a lot. I enjoyed the found family aspect and the story was so different so far what I've watched. I was rooting for the couple so much and the fact they're married in real life! Chef kiss!
No gain No love (손해 보기 싫어서, 2024, 12 eps) Every episode was delight. I fell in love with main couple love story. Their chemistry was magnificent. Second couple had more screen time in my opinion, I was cheering for them, but my heart was stolen by Son Hae-yeong and Kim Ji-wook.I enjoyed the family aspect of it too! And it should've had at least 16 episodes, it ended so quickly. Hope they'll make more stories like this one!
Goblin (쓸쓸하고 찬란하神-도깨비, 2016-17, 16 eps.) Drama which made me watched other kdramas! I loved everything about it, the story, characters and the sountrack.
Doom at your service (어느 날 우리 집 현관으로 멸망이 들어왔다, 2021, 16 eps) The story premise was so good. I enjoyed every second of it. Only thing I didn't love that much was second couple, Na Ji-na was acting so childish.
Tomorrow (내일, 2022, 16 eps) every episode was masterpiece, every episode made me cry because the topics which have been shown was sad reality for so many people. The team was excellent, the chemistry between them was so nice. The camera, the script - I love every episode so much. Definitely need to check out webtoon comics.
The Judge from hell (지옥에서 온 판사, 2024, 14 eps) My first show with Park Shin-hye and not last. She was awesome. And the punishments which those monsters got, was satisfying!
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (갯마을 차차차, 2021, 16 eps) I really liked Shin Min-a acting in No gain no love, so of course I watched other drama with her. Enjoyed the story, the chemistry between her and Kim Son-ho, the people from the town. It was such a nice drama!
Welcome to Samdal-ri (웰컴투 삼달리, 2023-24, 16 eps) It had Hometown cha cha cha vibes. The story, sisters bond, friendship and love story in this story was everything. I loved every minute of it.
Fight for my way (쌈 마이웨이, 2017, 16 eps) This drama showed me that when it's done well Friends to lovers trope isn't bad at all.
The Sound of Magic (안나라수마나라, 2022, 6 eps) This was so beautiful drama! JCHW as Magician was brillians as his cast members! The songs were weak except the first song and A curse o Asphalt, those two I can listen to over and over.
Mr. Plankton (Mr. 플랑크톤, 2024, 10 eps) I didn't have high expectations, but it surprised me! I'm glad that I found out at the beginning how it will end. I could prepare myself for it. The story had original story line and Woo Do-hwan stole the show for me!
Marry My Husband (내 남편과 결혼해줘, 2024, 16 eps) I didn't plan to watch it, because the concept was same as Perfect Marriage Revenge. But it was so much better than PMR. It had revenge with R. I couldn't stop watching after episode 1, that addictive it was. The chemistry between couple was so good, side characters were loveable and the villains were amazing - I hated them with my whole soul, the actors did good job. And Yoo Ji-hyuk became my another favorite husband material.
Healer (힐러, 2014-15, 20 eps) I loved everything about it. I binged in 2 days. Healer and Ajumma hacker - the best combination! No love triangle!
Strong Woman Do Bong-soon (힘쎈 여자 도봉순, 2017, 16 eps) I started it because of Park Bo-yeong, but finished it because of Park Hyung-sik - his character Ahn Min-hyuk stole my heart. Overall I enjoyed it a lot. I binged it how intrigued I was. It had comedy, crime invesitgation what I should wish for more. The acting of main characters were flawless!
Suspicious partner (수상한 파트너, 2017, 20 eps) Combination comedy and suspense was so good. It had good balance. It wasn't the best drama, but I loved it either way. I fell in love with its characters.
Revenant (악귀, 2023, 12 eps) I'm not fan of horror, but I got influenced by some edits. It was pretty addictive and scary. The cast did such a good job. And Kim Tae-ri was excellent. Her performance was flawless. Can't wait to watch other shows and movies with her in it.
Gangnam B-Side (강남 비-사이드, 2024, 8 eps) I watched it because of JCW, I was hesitant at first, because I was afraid it would be too much for me, because of the topic, but it wasn't that brutal I was expected it'd be. The pacing of the story was good, the acting was perfect. I enjoyed the friendship theme. Bibi was so good, it's my first drama with her but definitely not last. Chemistry between her and JCW was pretty natural. The ending was satisfying, everything clicked together.
The Worst Evil (최악의 악, 2023, 12 eps) Let me tell ya, it was perfection. I don't even mind I was anxious every episode, because everything on this drama was just perfect. Acting, story, script, soundtrack.. The ending had to be like that, because the whole time it was coming to that point. I can't even watch fan edits, because they made me emotional, that big impacted this drama has over me.
A Business Proposal (사내 맞선, 2022, 12 eps) My first kdrama ever. I enjoyed about it how feel good this drama was. After watching some Turkish dramas where unnecesary drama was made, it was fresh air for me. I loved the friendship so much! And the family dynamic was nice, too.
Daily Dose of Sunshine (정신병동에도 아침이 와요, 2023, 12 eps) Park Bo-yeong was amazing. The story is one of those which everyone should watch once in their lifetime. The story is opening topics about mental illnesses and how big stigma it still is around people. Honestly, only thing I didn't like was the romance there, because it wasn't that necessary for the story itself.
If You Wish Upon Me (당신의 소원을 말하면, 2022, 16 eps) I went into this show blindly. I mainly picked it because of JCW. I didn't know anything about the story.After first episode I knew I will love it and also that every episode will be pretty emotional journey. I enjoyed the plot so much. I like that it's story about people who has their struggles, but they gather to help grant wishes of dying patients. It was so touching.What I love the most about this show is the journey of main character Yoon Kyeo Re. From not trusting anyone, because everyone in his life let him down, to embracing his true self and his new found family! I'm sucker for found family trope and this show served it so amazingly.I loved how the story is wrapped exactly how it begins. The circle of new beginning are repeating.What I didn't like was how was handled the fixation of Ha Joon Kyung on Yoon Kyeo Re. It wasn't satisfying at all.Overall very well done show which made you cry, but the acting and story is so good, so it's totally fine. I just wish the show to be longer, because I didn't want to say goodbye to the characters! They grew on me so much.
Melting me softly (날 녹여주오, 2019, 16 eps.) I had a really good time. When I'm thinking about it now, it wasn't the most perfect thing I've seen, it had its faults and loopholes, but you know what I don't care, because I was enjoying every minute when I was watching it. The comedy, soundtrack and the acting! JCW just know how made you cry or fell in love. Plus his looks with glasses were death to me, he's just that good looking in anything he wears, I guess. Also Won Ji ah was pretty good too, love her portrayal of Ko Mi ra who was a really awesome character.
Happiness (해피니스, 2021, 12 eps) I just say that everyone who was praising this show was right. It was so good! I loved (even though it irritated me, but in reality it would happended) how it showed how would people reacted in some pandemic moment. How people becomes selfish and dangerous. The main couple had stunning chemistry, so natural! And must say I enjoyed strong FL.
Melo movie (멜로 무비, 2025, 10 eps) Park Bo Young was my urge to watch it, because I just love her and so far what I've seen with her in it was so good! And this one wasn't exception. I was having fun for the start, just beware it's not only romcom (I thought it is) and then it tore me out without notice. Enjoyed every story line what was there. Don't get people who was unsatisfied with second couple ending, because it was beautifully realistic! Also, I'm glad I finally saw Choi Woo Shik in action, because after this show I want to watch other stuff with him! Loved his chaotic, goofy nature.
Love scout (인사하는 사이, 2025, 12 eps) This was such beautiful mature romance story I've seen for a such a long time! Yoo Eun Ho is the greenest ML! I'm glad the story doesn't have unnecessarily drama, which sometimes happens and I hate it. It had moments I didn't love, but it wasn't something major, just my problems. If you want something when the roles are switched - F CEO and M assistant. Grumpy x Sunshine type of story with mature communication - THIS IS IT!
Brewing love (취하는 로맨스, 2024, 12 eps) I'm glad I didn't stop watching after first episode, because I didn't like that episode a lot, but it got better! I enjoyed the world of making beer and fact that ML was sensitive character, who can feel how someone is feeling, very new what I've seen so far. I also love about the drama the meaningful conversations and no love triangle, and just good time without frustration of miscommunication.
Queen Woo (우씨왕후, 2024, 8 eps) My first historical kdrama. I was shocked how many explicit scenes there were. But I enjoyed the strong female protagonist! The cast was so good, the costumes were stunning. Definitely not disappointed, only thing I was sad about was that JCW's character dies at the beginning. I loved their love story they really loved each other so much.
Shooting Stars (별똥별, 2022, 16 eps) I got crush on Kim Young-dae after watching No gan no love. Unfortunately I didn't love this drama, but I had a really good time. I enjoy the story setting, it shows how messed up is the entertainment industry in South Korea. The comedy was so good. I wasn't satisfied with how some plots were handled in the end. Overall it was fun drama!
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (이상한 변호사 우영우, 2022, 16 eps (S1)) I enjoyed every case. Joon-ho is such a green forest!
Backstreet Rookie (편의점 샛별이, 2020, 16 eps) First episode wasn't good, the problematic elements shocked me, but I give it a try, because of JCW and after second episode I was hooked. Enjoyed the comedy and serious topics which was added. I wasn't fan the romance though, it took them a long time than ML and his gf broke up, which I was frustrating with the gf behavior, I was sorry for her at the beginning, but I got mad at her soon after that. She was such a toxic victim acting person. The whole relationship was mostly about her and fact she was feeling embarrassed when she was with him!? And after break up, which she broke up with him and in bad way...she started chased him again! I was done with her acting. And another person annoyed me that much, which wasn't even punished is younger sister of FL. LIke what a brat. The chemistry was there, but I didn't feel the love. I hope they'd be in another drama together!
Love next door (엄마 친구 아들, 2024, 16 eps) I enjoyed chemistry between charcters and also trope friends into lovers, which was executed so nicely. Enjoyed important messages in it, BUT a few last episodes was dragging to me. I guess, I lost interest in the end. But I was so rooting for second couple, so I needed to finish it. This gonna be my first kdrama where I prefer second couple more.
Lovestrunk  in the city (도시남녀의 사랑법, 2020-21, 17 eps) It had very interesting concept. And was suprised that episodes were short like 30 mins. What I loved the most about this show was friendship of Lee Eun-oh, Suh Rin-i and Kang Geon. Give me supportive friends and I will love it! Next thing is spoilers so what I didn't get was 2 months fling which he did like they knew each other for longer period time. Understand, that it can happended, but he was such a loser boyfriend. I was embarrassed for him for many times. But I loved how caring he was...The ending wasn't satisfying at all. It felt like there gonna be season 2, but I doubt it.
When the phone rings (지금 거신 전화는, 2024-25, 12 eps) It had very good start. I love the chemistry ad the acting. But the finale ruined it for me. Honestly, I don't mind the war-zone plot, I was annoyed with Hee joo decision to get kidnapped in that zone to find her husband. Like girl you could've been killed. What were you thinking?
Cinderella at 2 am (새벽 2시의 신데렐라, 2024, 10 eps) beginning started so high and it went down half way through the show, which was a shame. This is my second noona show (found out there's a name for older woman, younger man show recently) Moon Sang-min was such a cutie in the show. Most people prefer second couple and I don't blame them, but I love main couple, they were such cute idiots and I was there for it. But if I should choose only 1 drama with noona theme...No gain No love did it better in whole picture (characters, story itself).
Wedding Impossible (웨딩 임파서블, 2024, 12 eps) I had the same problem as with Cinderella at 2 am, it had a really good beginning but in the halfway it got a little dragged. Especially didn't enjoy what they did Dohan's story, I was picked this show up especially with the premise FL helps her friend and becomes his fake bride because he's gay. This theme wasn't handle very good. I started it because of Moon Sang-min and stayed because of him, because hist character Lee Ji-han was overdramatic and I was here for it! I was also in awe with FL Na Ah Jung - I love abour her she doesn't give a damn and tells you what she thinks!
Empress Ki (기황후, 2013-14, 51 eps) The beginning was nice, but I was dying half way through. I was watching it because of JCW, but his character was so annoying and childish and I know that if that character was played by different actor I would loath him so much. The biggest red flag ever. I loved the main heroine though, she was clever and strong. Like yeah she was good at everything but I don't mind, I just loved her and she deserved so much more... The romance was I don't know... the chemistry was there but I didn't feel it it¨s some epic love. Tal Tal was side character which stole my heart, his tactic mind and fact he started having respect towards Ki through time, they were besties for me. Even though I wasn't that big fan of the show like most of the people, the characters have grown on me and the finale destroyed me big time. The soundtrack was so nice!
Perfect Marriage Revenge (완벽한 결혼의 정석 , 2023, 12 eps.) It had so much potential, but it didn't live up to it. I enjoyed ML, he was another green forest. But I was expecting a little more satisfying revenge from FL. Nervertheless it was solid drama, I like it.
Link: Eat, Love, Die (링크: 먹고 사랑하라, 죽이게, 2022, 16 eps) Interesting plot, but that slow pacing of the story was killing me. I'd prefer 12 eps, because it'd be enough. I enjoyed the main characters, plus FL's mom and grandma who were stealer of the show how hillarious they were. The characters were main reason I finished it.
The K2 (더 케이투, 2016, 16 eps) Ji Chang-wook has become my favorite actor. I love how he can play anything. And the action is so good when he's there. I was excited after a few episodes in, the action, political schemes. But in the end only Ji Chang wook and Song Jun-a were saving this show. Her villain character Choi Yoo-jin was magnificent and interesting persona. Thanks to them I wanted to finish it and I did!
My sweet mobster (놀아주는 여자, 2024, 16 eps) I enjoyed the idea of the show. Loved the guys and their boss. But it was dragging a bit in the end. It took me a while to finish it because of it.
Family Matters (가족계획, 2024, 6 eps) It was good to see Bae Doona again after so long. The story was interesting. Hope they are planning second season, because it definitely deserves it.
The Trunk (트렁크, 2024, 8 eps) The plot was very confusing at first, it took me 2 episode to understand it. Pacing was very slow and if there wouldn't be main couple I'd just give up, but I enjoy them. Their chemistry was natural and fact, they healed each other at some point!
Family by choice (조립식 가족, 2024, 16 eps) I must say I was pleasantly suprised how well they did the remake of Go ahead. The essense of that show was there, but it made it more its own show.
Face Me (페이스 미, 2024, 12 eps) Beginning was promising, but it flopped in half way. I can't blame cast too much, because main issue was script, they couldn't do better job because of it. I was missing development of characters and the fact the killer was obvious from very beginning wasn't cool, I love being surprised.
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msjaeger · 1 year ago
That Wasn't In The Script (Actor AU)
//// Btw this contains hints to spoilers from the last episode/ chapter 139 so if for some reason you haven't watched it, DO NOT READ!!!!///
"So tell me, guys. How do you guys feel knowing that the Attack on Titan is officially over? Like, that show will forever go down in history!"
Allen, the host of the official Attack on Titan talkshow Attack the Talk, asked your castmates and yourself. You were currently sitting on the stage in between Eren Jaeger and Jean Kirschtein, with the rest of your cast, Mikasa Ackermann, Armin Arlert, Connie Springer, Levi Ackermann, Reiner Braun and Annie Leonhart. You could see a few of your old castmates, those who were killed off in meaning, behind the stage watching with smiles on their faces.
"Let's start with you Ms. L/n, shall we?" The audience clapped as you bashfully smiled at Allen. Sure, you were a main character in one of the best fictional TV shows of the century. But you sucked at public speaking. At least acting was really only your castmates and wonderful team watching at the moment.
You cleared your throat before speaking, feeling your friends' eyes on you and giving you supportive looks.
"Well, Allen, this franchise has been part of my entire life. Literally. I started this show when I was about 9 and now I'm 19. So it ending is almost like the end of my childhood, which may seem kind of sad but it was fun while it lasted and I got to meet these wonderful people that I can joyfully call my family." You feel Eren lift his long legs onto your lap and you stop talking and stare at him.
"Get your nasty ass feet off of my dress."
Eren shook his head playfully and gave you a charming smile. "Nah. You said we're family and family lets their family rest their feet on them." You knock his feet off of you.
"Yeah but not when they're wearing a thousand-dollar dress. Let me finish my little speech, Jaeger." Eren held his hands up defensibly, causing the crowd to burst out laughing from the scene of the dynamic between you two.
"As I was saying before bird-boy over here interrupted. It's easy to say that I'll talk to these people outside of the show and end up never speaking to them again like other casts do but it's different. I grew up with these people so throwing them away would be like throwing my childhood away as well."
The crowd clapped at your little speech, along with your castmates. Expect Eren was literally clapping in your ear. "You're so childish, Eren." You chuckle.
"Only for you, L/n." He grins.
"How about... Connie! How do you feel about the show ending?" Allen moves on to hear other, hopefully just as sentimental, speeches.
Connie ponders for a moment, trying to figure how to answer the question as truthfully as possible. He fiddles with his expensive tie before seemingly having his words together.
"At least we won't be drug tested every three months. I'm gonna be fried every day!"
"No fucking way he just said that." You whisper.
The crowd falls into an awkward silence at Connie's... revelation. You watch as Jean smacks the back of his head. "Shut your bald ass up, Springer. We're 19 and 20 so smoking gas is still illegal, dumbfuck." Jean whispers harshly. Connie's face falls.
"Um... I'll just... can we edit this out?" Allen asks nervously. The cameraman shakes his head. "We're live, remember?" Levi lets his face fall into his hands, mumbling profanities to himself.
"Time for Audience Q & A!" Allen changes the subject quickly. That seemed to distract everyone watching in the crowd as people began to raise their hands, hoping to be picked.
Allen hopes down into the crowd and makes his first decision. "You! With the... Y/n x Smiling Titan shirt?" You hear Eren cackle beside you as you elbow him. "Shut it, you howling witch."
A man who looks like he hasn't showered since the premiere of the show and seemed a bit too old to be fixated on a show involving younger kids was chosen. Not to mention he had shipped you with the smiling Titan.
"He looks like a Discord mod," Jean mutters in your ear.
"Jean, that's mean. It may be true but it's mean." Jean rolls his eyes and gives you a cocky grin.
"It's only mean if it's not true."
"This question is for Y/n." The man announced into the microphone. He had a lisp and not the cute and barely noticeable sort that Armin had. Jean and Eren slightly stiffen.
"Let him ask you some weird shit, Y/n. I'll beat his ass on camera." Eren mutters. Jean watched warily as you waited patiently for the man's question.
"Who is your favourite character from the entire show? And why as well." The man's spit sprays into the mic due to how severe his lisp was and Allen visibly winced.
You think for a moment.
"Probably Eren's character." Eren jumps out of his seat and starts acting like a child.
"Boom, she said I'm her favourite. You all can suck my di-" You grab Eren's sleeve and yank him back into his place next to you.
"Sit your grown ass down."
"Someone please take the boy into his seat." Levi pleads quietly while rubbing his temples. He had dealt with Eren for the past ten years and still couldn't handle his... personality.
"As I was saying. Eren is probably my favourite character because of how tragic he is and what he represents. He wanted freedom so badly that he never realized that he was a slave to it, which is such a great parallel if you think about it. He purposely hurt his friends in order to protect them too, knowing that they'd be the ones to kill him. I could go on for hours about this but we're on a time crunch so I can't." You chuckle nervously. You feel Eren smiling at you widely from your analysis of his character.
The man seemed content with your response and sat down. "Alright, who's next?" A girl raises her hand and Allen seems to think she's normal enough and hands her the mic.
"Hi, my name is Amelia and just want to say that Jean is so fine and that he doesn't look like a horse most days." Eren, Connie and yourself had to stifle laughter as you watched Jean pursed his lips, contemplating how to take that comment. Allen sighs and raises the mic to his lips.
"Please refrain from... whatever that was."
More people asked questions that were surpringly normal and everyone on stage at least answered five times. A little boy, around the age of 9, eventually got the mic and he looked extremely nervous to talk. His mom gave him encouraging words and he took a deep breath.
"H-Hi my name is Jackson. I-I was wondering if I could take a picture with everyone to show everyone at show-and-tell." He asked poliety. Your heart melted at how adorable the little boy was. You wave up him up on stage.
"Of course! Come up here, little man." Jackson broke out into a toothy grin and ran up to the stage as fast as his little legs could carry him. Armin helped him up onto the stage and Jackson's mom came closer to the stage to take the picture.
Jackson stood in front of you and you placed two hands on his shoulder. You smiled and felt someone wrap an arm around your shoulder before the picture was taken. It was Eren.
Jackson, after the picture was taken, turned around and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Thank you so much!" He exclaims. You wrap his arms around him as well, "Of course Jackson. If it's alright with your mom, I would love it if she sent the picture to me.". Jackson's eyes widened.
"Mommy, please send her the picture!".
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:.
As the end of the talk show neared, Allen had returned to his seat and faced the camera.
"As the end of the last Attack the Talk episode nears, I wanted to do something special for the cast. I've gathered everyone going back all the way to season 1 right now and we are going to play a special video we've prepared for today. Everyone, if you could come out."
You watched as people you hadn't seen for years entered the stage. People such as Petra, Carla, Marco, Moblit. Everyone. You saw Sasha and Historia, who you hung out with just as much as the rest of the cast but you were still excited to see them.
Everyone gathers in front of the big screen, waiting to see what the crew has prepared for a final goodbye.
"You guys all worked hard, whether you were killed off in the first episode or survived until the very end. You all played a vital role in the story that is Attack on Titan and we all thank you. So we decided to put together a montage, if you will, to share your behind-the-scenes experiences one more time. I really hope you enjoy it."
You turn your attention to the big screen as it begins to play. The first scene was of you, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin as little kids. It was a scene from the very beginning of season 1. You guys were running around the town until you tripped over a loose rock and flew through the air. You still had the scar from the rough landing. You heard the director yell a stammered, "C-Cut! Someone gets the medic!".
The scene cut to the next, where Eren was yelling at Hannes for being a lazy drunk before he stumbled over his words, causing Hannes to burst out laughing. "Cut!"
Blooper after blooper, you watched yourself grow up. And it felt really weird. Nostolgic but extremely weird. There was a scene where Connie and Jean were supposed to be arguing about plans to kill Eren during Season 4 but things turned... odd.
"Bro if you don't watch what you're saying, I might have to dick you down!" Connie screams passionately. Jean scoffs. "You wish you could dick me down the way I dicked your dad down!" Jean screams back.
"Jokes on you, my dad got turned into a Titan!" You stare at Jean, who looks like he is about to run into oncoming traffic. He makes eye contact with you and begins to stammer quietly.
"We were joking, I swear!" He whispers harshly. You pat his bicep. "It's okay, Jean. I support you."
"Go to hell."
The scene shifted into a picture where Jean and Connie were about to be turned into titans in the last episode but instead of having their arms around each other's shoulders, like scripted, their hands rested on each other's asses.
You lean into Jean's shoulder and let out a muffled laugh. "Shut up before I make you bald as Connie." He threatened lowly. "And how would you do that, mate?"
"I'll shave your head in your sleep."
Your eyes widen in horror at his statement. "Please don't! I love my hair." You frown. Jean shrugged and stretched an arm around you and rested his arm. "I'm not an armrest, horsey."
"Fuck off."
The very last scene was when everyone had visited Eren's grave, a sentimental moment in the show.
Okay, not really.
"Bro really had to wipe out 80 percent of the population, huh." Mikasa scoffs beside you. You shake your head. "Right? Like if you're gonna wipe out humanity, do it right. He really let us stop him with only 20 percent left. Weak!" You look down at the grave.
A fork can be seen flying across the camera and hitting you in the head. "What the fuck?!" You screech, searching around for the culprit.
"Stop insulting my character!" Eren yells as he runs into the frame and tackles you. Before you could hit your head on the ground, Eren placed his hand behind your head to make sure you didn't injure your head. But he still had to get payback.
You could hear the director sigh from behind the camera and mumbling about taking a smoke break. Suddenly, Sasha had run into the frame as well and jumped on Mikasa and Connie and you watched as everyone began running around like children, tackling each other and laughing.
The video faded into black and remained blank until two words in white cursive faded into view.
Thank You.
Idk how I feel abt this because I've been dead on Tumblr for like a year or smth. But I forced myself to resurrect because Attack on Titan is over and idk what to do with my life anymore���� anywho lmk if I should make a part two because this is really iffy for me.
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alucardens · 10 months ago
Yeah though seriously- you might not ship Buck and Tommy and that's okay- everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as it doesn't harm anyone- what makes it not okay is when you say things like you're being queerbaited- in a show that *literally* has a canon lesbian couple (where one half of the couple is a main character) SINCE the first episode of the show, that, 1) consistently, as a couple, have storylines that get resolved in a way that shows the writers aren't brushing the characters away, and arcs that show character growth.
2) NONE. NONE. Of the canonically queer characters have been harmed in a way that resulted in permanent death. And when they do get in harms way (which is inevitable- this is the nature of the show), it's done in a thoughtful way- their actions and risk of death/ injury WOULD add something to the plot/ storyline. Their loss would have an impact on us as the viewer. They would not be meaningless deaths. And aside from death, even queer characters who 'exit the main storyline of the show' but are otherwise alive, are still done with thought and care. I mean, (and spoilers for the first few seasons of the show,) Michael's storyline lasted (iirc) about 3-5? seasons. (We are not talking about meta events such as why they removed the actor from the show). He and his (named AND on-screen) husband, David, move to help people. His husband is literally a neurosurgeon. There was literally an episode revolving around Michael's proposal to David. Even after they've moved away, they're STILL referenced and talked about. They're not pushed away or ignored like the way some shows treat characters who aren't there anymore.
Josh (my bby fr), who's also been canonically gay since his first appearance, also has a arc that's real and very very relatable to most of us. The show takes it fucking seriously as well. And Josh is GOOD. Even as a side character, he's not reduced to the 'gay best friend'. As I said, he has his own storyline and arc, he has his own opinions, he's good at his job.
Aside from the main characters, imo, 911 also does a damn good job of showing that queer people exist. You might not like it because 'oh they're showing queer people who are in danger/ not happy/ dying.' To which I'd respond by saying that you're watching a show about paramedics. As much as we like to say this is the gay firefighter show (accurate lmao), we need to remember that there's going to be dark themes in this show.
I don't remember every call they've come across that involved queer people, but we for sure remember the 'we ever only wanted to go together' scene, with the elderly husbands. Yes it involves death. That's why we're seeing this scene in the first place- the engine wouldn't have to respond to a call if there wasn't a call in the first place. But it also fucking shows queer people growing old together and making a life for themselves. The opening scene is literally a montage of the husbands' relationship over the years. I don't know how many mainstream shows put that much fucking care in queer characters.
And then there's also the wlw couple in that car accident thing- not as significant as the husbands but like, that's the point, is it not? Not all their calls are significant- we don't even see all of them. The point is that they just show queer people existing as a general thing. It's not strange that the two women who were in the same car in a crash are both gay. There's no weird over-sexualised kiss. There's no show or mention or even hint of homophobia or confusion by the firefighters. It's fucking normal. So yeah. Do I ship endgame Tevan? Not at this moment. Do I like them together as a couple right now? Fucking yes. My personal opinion is that I like Buck and Eddie together more (at least for now), but why would I not ship Tommy and Buck right now? It makes no fucking sense not to. Buck is in a happy (queer) relationship, he's still figuring himself out as a bi man in his 30s, he's dating a masc man, who's past is messy and has since grown (oh look at that, another character arc revolving around a queer person), and they're clearly fucking happy together.
Anyway. I have a lot of feelings about this lmao. You want proper bi representation? Bro. I don't know what to tell you but you're looking at it.
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bevydev · 20 days ago
It's like there's never going to be a time that people will log onto Tumblr and not collectively decide to throw this unwarranted hate at Our Flag Means Death is there?
There's this post going around about how people are only consuming media that only features one type of trope or theme then complaining about how those are the only themes or tropes that they see are being made nowadays. It gives examples on how narrow-minded it is if you're only consuming vampire media instead of branching out to other forms of YA, or listen to female rappers of you want rappers that aren't misogynist.
Then acts like ofmd fans think that the show is first time there's ever been gay people in television in the first time in the history of forever.
This isn't a case of fans 'celebrating the first gay character on television ever' but making it one of the many shows that are adamant to make gay characters front and center without them being 'left for interpretation' or something that can easily thrown to the side without affecting anything, or sanitized through censorship hell and back until it practically doesn't exist.
Like anytime someone wants to mourn how anything queer is being taken down no matter how popular or beloved it was because execs would rather die than to accept it, I wonder why people on here harp on how much they're so glad ofmd got cancelled as if that wasn't one of its main reasons that it was.
Or when somebody critiques a show that's obviously forcing anything queer through this strained hatred for it at the same time, I wonder why ofmd is still one of the shows people being thrown under the bus as if it was anything even close to that criteria especially when the show's creator, the actors, writers, etc. were all pouring as much love in it's story as much as possible.
Like..... just look at what Disney did by when they tore down an episode with a trans character in it from being viewed online, then later when trying to make a public statement of hosting anything lgtbq on their shows: "We realize that families may want to 'explain' queer people to their children instead and that's why need to remove any instance of their existence throughout our programs" think that it sounds anywhere near as innocent, reasonable, and professional as they're trying to make it. Knowing fully well that's it's just a paper-thin excuse to make sure they never have to deal with the idea that they ever have to show or cater to anything even slightly queer on their channel ever again.
This just feels like one of those times that people hate a show to the point that they point out on everything negative about it and claim that's it's what all the show has to offer. Even if it wasn't just their own personal dislike for it, the main issue is much more likely of what goes wrong when with fandom when a show tries to be at least a little bit progressive. Because at the same time, so many unchecked biases in the fandom aren't being addressed in the slightest and then get blown out of proportion or at least exaggerated to the point that its what the show is associated with as a whole. So their negative impression with the show feels vindicated and everyone that doesn't like it gets to justify why it was so horrible in the first place.
If that really was the case, then that would mean tearing down every single new queer media out there at least making an attempt to get past every single obstacle out there trying to remove it off the face of the planet. Or disregarding others in the past that tried to do the same thing but didn't get anywhere near as far.
If you hated our flag means death so much, fine 😮‍💨. If there were certain aspects of the fandom that bothered you, that will never be something that's new when getting into any fandom. But in all honestly, out of all the media actually causing those issues, ofmd isn't anyone's greatest concern and if anything, really doesn't need to targeted that much as if it is. And at very very least, it doesn't need to be torn left and right on how it was TRYING to make virtually everything about it as openly gay as possible. That's all.
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13thdoctorposts · 11 months ago
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Highlights from Jodie Whittaker’s Gold Coast Panel
So have you got any stories from Attack the Block?
Can I think of stories from attack the block?
I would say that when we were shooting it just as a little like genius of Joe Cornish.
He is an encyclopedia of films and television. And every single element of it is some kind of homage to something you’ve seen. One thing that was really clever is there is no accidental lighting, so the entire thing is set at night so that every single light is deliberate. This stuff or that, like the kids train, is like, every single element is a choice. And you can't say that for most things, because the sun will just appear sometimes, and the sun can take full credit for the lighting. But in that film, he chose every single element. And that's why I think it's such a great film, because it's detailed beyond belief.
Thank you. Wow. Can I see that.
What's your favorite memory of playing The Doctor?
My favorite memory? There's so many, I'll tell you what, I'll give you a moment that's relevant to something like this. One of the highlights of playing The Doctor actually happened to me at a con, and it was San Diego, and so it was before the show would come out.
We were filming, and I got invited to come to this kind of the cosplay show. And when I got there, I was like, a special guest. And because I was just feeling really confident, I was like, can we not announce me? Can I pretend I'm a model?
I came out in my costume, slowly walking down, and I thought I was gonna get to the end to do some big reveal. But I must have a very obvious walk, because people started to realize, and the really narcissistic part myself, absolutely loved it because I got such a big round of applause just for walking. So that was a really amazing moment.
My question is about one night. Your character Tess has tattoos. They're only shown in two scenes, one in the first episode and one in the last I was wondering if they were both shot together, even though characters in different places, at different times, and the system of putting those tattoos on, because there's quite a lot.
Yes, it was. It was one of the most influential stage directions I've ever read of a character when that doesn't necessarily feature as a main part of the story. So my character Tess, in a Australian show called One Night, I’m very proud of it is covered in tattoos and every tattoo was a choice, and designed by the incredible designer and all the creatives. And so there's no accident. But the first time we did it, it took about 4 Hours and we stood like this for what is a very small scene as well.
And then the next scene, which is however many months later, I think we got it down to 3 Hours but it was still, it was a long time.
But it was such an amazing character choice, the writer, beautiful writing that gave me so much, but I didn't have to necessarily articulate what that was. It was just she gave me this armor to be able to play tests.
And that is when I started to read it, it's only a few scenes into the first ep, I was like, I'm playing that part. I'm absolutely playing that part. because I just thought that was such an incredible choice.
I was just wondering, in regards to Doctor Who, was there anyone that you wanted to like come and appear on the show alongside you, like an old companion?
Ah, I suppose I was spoiled for companions. So I think with that, I was, I would have loved, oh, it's difficult before, before we got to the point where I met my master, who is played incredibly by Sasha, and I adored every single scene I was in with Sasha.
There was a part that was like, oh, wonder if I get to work with Michelle. I thought that would have been incredible. So if anyone's out there and they write episodes of Doctor Who, I think that might be a good one.
Hi, and why did you decide to become an actor? Oh, that's such a good question.
When I was probably a bit younger than you i watched a film called goonies and if you haven't seen it highly recommend it stood the test of time and it is such an amazing film and i think what it does is it celebrates the inner child's because as a kid. I watched it and thought, oh my gosh, they're going on this amazing adventure. But then as I got older, I realized that could be a job, and then I got to play the Doctor. So it really is a job that you get to play pretend in the most epic scale, and anything is possible. So I think that's what I wanted to continually feel, was that I could be my inner child till I'm 99.
my question was, I love seeing, you know, Thasmin play out on screen in Doctor Who. And I know that you and Mandip had a bit of involvement in making that happen. So I was wondering, could you, explain how we got that.
No, no we didn’t, so I think just the fact that Chris obviously knows us and knows how much we love each other. Yeah no we had no influence on any of the story lines. Obviously, we had that, the characterization, and we fully, you know, believed in and loved the direction that our characters went in, and it played out perfectly for me in my head. That is absolutely my kind of dream ending of where I saw my doctor. And the to the point of regen was with that side by side with Mandip .And for those two characters as well, I thought it was beautifully played out, but it was all Chris Chibnall. So I can take no credit, which also the video in the cupboard during lockdown.
I think people were really generous and thought I'd written it, but I didn't write that. Chris wrote it and sent it to me and said, I think it'd be really brilliant if the doctor could maybe, you know, say something. And so that was him as well. So I love that. I keep getting all this credit there. But, but I absolutely adored where our story line went.
You have obviously played such a diverse range of characters, and I'm just really curious about your process when you sort of get the script and how you create them.
Do you know what? I can't write at all, and I don't want to be a writer. And because it's not within my skill set. And I think because of that, my appreciation the next level, I think 90% of my job is generally always done, I’m so lucky to work on extraordinary scripts, and a lot of your hard work is there, like I was saying about, Emily (one night writer), with one night. This wonderful stage direction is she's covered in tattoos. But those kind of details are just the best. Sometimes an entire character can be given to you in a tiny stage direction, or in a use of punctuation. Something can be a dot, dot, dot, and it has a completely different meaning than an exclamation mark.
I think that, for me, is the absolute side point. Take what you can from the script, and then I've been looking at what the directors and cast do it’s a really collaborative effort My main thing is, I don't like to decide or even kind of go there on how I'm gonna do something before you say action. Because if I do, I'm just a bit cluttered, and I overthink it, and I wouldn't listen to you. So however you were doing it, my brains go, well, I'm gonna do it like this, and it doesn't work for me. So for me, I kind of, I need to be kind of completely unprepared to be prepared, that not even answer. I don't think I should teach a drama school. Basically, not everyone can teach. And I can't.
If you could be in any episode of Doctor Who that already come out to 13, which would you choose? And why? The ones that you haven’t already been in
I am furious if no one's seen it I'm REALLY sorry I'm furious I MISSED an episode with spice girls i Am Sorry… But how did that happen when i wasn't IN it? spice of your life i devastated, I was like, I'm sorry. What? But it's only because It was so amazing. Sorry if that's a spoiler.
I just wanted to see if you could tell us a bit about your audition process for Doctor Who.
So it was an interesting one because it's secretive from the second the words are spoken. And my initial meeting was what I thought was just a cup of tea with my name Chris, because we did Broadchurch, and we were doing the junket and he was in town. He doesn't live in London. So we met up and we were chatting, and he’d been announced as the show runner. And I said, please, can i be a baddie? And then that was when it was, can you keep a secret? Depends. And it was, would you like to audition to play The Doctor? Um…I'm sorry? (Laughs)
But then it was a lot. It was quite a few rounds. It was about three And some of it was my husband taped me when, you know, at like, 09:00 p.m., when my kids asleep, and not gonna come in the room and ruin it. And I got, like, iphone wires and had to defuse something.
And we did it. Most tapes I've ever done, I've been sat on a couch and you make sure it's like a really tight two shot there. So my I was running around with an iphone as I was jumping on a couch and then trying to do the gobbly guke. And I say that with up most respect. And it was so stressful. And then when I got it, they were the most fun. I was so scared of those scenes more than anything. And, that's always the most fun when the doctor's just fizzing and working out. So, so it was over months, and it was very secretive, but then I finally got it.
I was wondering about your doctor. Is there a facet or an aspect of the of your doctor that you wish you could have explored more?
I don't know. That's a good question. Um.
Is the one you like me to have explored?… No, just because I feel as if there's a lot of versions of The Doctor that I really enjoyed. And I love it, particularly around The Timeless Child, where there was this kind of deep rooted rage that would come out in a kind of slightly spitty, you know, frustrated way I enjoyed playing the distance sometimes when i wasn't quite connecting with the people that i was with i enjoyed THOSE elements because i follow such a contradiction to the not a contradiction. Just such a journey away from the kind of energized, childlike version of The Doctor that I loved to play But can you answer that? What would you have like me to have done it?
I think the depth of the distant of the doctor, was amazing But I think that I would have liked to see a bit more, um, a bit more unhingedness.
Okay, so we'll get an episode of me and Michelle, because we're really unhinged.
You've done so many roles that have legit, ripped my heart out. when is this trauma gonna turn into a villain arc?
Oh, I know. I keep saying that, so keep, I keep contradicting myself, because I get asked specially after Doctor Who, what is it that you want to do? And I was like, oh, you know, I'd really love to play, like, I'd love to some comedy, maybe, or explore a character that has a lot of darkness and potentially not very likable. And then, you know, wanna kind of steer clear, maybe of, like, drama. And then I did one night, time. And this other thing. It's very emotional, and I don't know why, but I kind of keep breaking my own rules.But I would love to explore a villain. I mean, that was my initial thing.I want to be a baddie.But I'm glad Chris didn't listen.
I'm a big fan of Attack the Block, and especially the horror sections of Doctor Who, and I was wondering, what was your approach, and how would you think about doing the, your characters different in that sort of horror setting compared to other genres?
Oh, do you mean, like, how would I do it or if The Doctor was in more of a horror genre or if me as an actor got to be in that?
Both. But you as an actor?
I'm into horror. That's kind of, let me say, to reference. It's like, one might be a bit young for it, but there was a classic horror for me that came out when I was like, 16, and it was right at the beginning, of the Internet so being able to have this mystery, because now we're so used to information been given to us by the Internet.
But when I was 16, it was that there was this found footage of these guys in a wood And then I went see the film. I was like, this really happened, oh boy, which it's really, really happened. And now you can't really create that that kind of, like trickery in a way, during a press junket, because we know it's a film. But I that kind of horror that plays that doesn't give you too much, I don't wanna see everything chopped up. I'm just not into it I'm too much for whim. But the psychological horror of the when you hear it, but don't see it. Those are the kind of things that I think brilliant to play.
But then when we did have things like that, with the Dregs, and we were filmed in I was chasing me and once you were stuck in a cage, and every time it hit the railing, it was really loud. And I go, ahhhh… I know the doctor's probably braver okay you know I, don't know how i did it ha ha.
Some Doctors have had input into their outfit. Others have been told by they can't have that. How much input did you have into the outfit?
Well, so I had a hugely collaborative experience with the costume designer, and it started from the second we met. We met in a bar that he recommended. And the surrounding wallpaper was this petrol blue which became the trousers. I had a photo that I sent to Chris when I was trying to trick him into giving me the part I sent him all these photo references. And it was a woman. It's a black and white picture. I Don't know where it's from. I don't know if it's fake, black and white, and it's modern or I don't know but it's someone walking with purpose short trouser, tshirt boots so to me all of that, the coat was very much collaborative with ray because I would say things And he came back with the design of the coat that was so perfect.
I Didn't want buttons because I felt like it was pointless. Of course, wanted pockets. I wanted a hood, but I wanted the colors to be representative. Because of my first episode, I wanted to transition from was space through to Earth, sky. So the entire lining on the inside is a dark blue, black for space. The exterior is a kind of like sky blue light color. But also the into the the Suffragette colors are inside the sleeves. And it has my pride stripes everywhere, and yellow braces because it's my favourite color. So the whole thing, the jewelry was collaborative with Alex Monroe. It was amazing. I think I take more credit for it than it was me, because i felt like I'd go oh i came up with that and then actually, when i look back on it it was drawings that ray had done. Very much you gave him A pebble and he created a statue out of it. It was amazing.
I just first wanna say thank you for making a very queer, coded doctor. I just wanna quickly ask, we've seen David tenant come back for the anniversary just past, and we've seen doctors come back in the past. Would you ever consider coming back again and putting back on the coat and the zonic of everything?
Hundred percent. I would love to, and I really, if that's not, I would be really offended, because I would love it, and it'd be so amazing. And you just, you never wanna say goodbye to It is the the gift role forever. And I'm still, I'm gonna grieve it forever. But I suppose the feeling is that you don't have to necessarily let go, because, like you say, other doctors have come back. There was loads in my last ep, so there's no reason for me not to bob up somewhere. But I want to.
Did you take anything from like the set, all your costume?
I've stolen it all. I've got my jump suit, the prison jump suit. And just as a little fun fact about costume, all of the dates are personal to me. So there's dates all the way down the side, and there's a lot of Gallifreyan you know, kind of design. But all of them are a meaningful date to me. So that was, that's the kind of joy thing you can put into your doctor. So I've got that, so I've got my costume and me and Mandip very clearly heard ‘that is a rap in the TARDIS’ So we heard that on the last day of filming and she had a hold on the console that was like this massive ball thing. I snapped off the tiny mini TARDIS that spun And then, we hear and we're gonna do some pickup shots in the TARDIS without any actors. So I think there was a bit of swift editing there, because I absolutely wasn’t my fault. I heard cut.
When it comes to Doctor Who, do you have a favorite doctor from any era?
I got asked this the other day. I'm not saying, it's not saying you don't like the other ones. I got asked recently about classic, and so I said, Sylvester But you said any you didn't say classic. I'm gonna say, Jo Martin. The episode to shoot with her, and the moment when her doctor is revealed and the costume and the energy she bought was amazing. And so, Jo Martin, hahaha.
I was just wondering, were you interested in doing the Big Finish audios? And if so, what kind of story would you like?
I don't know. I get ask all the time. And I don't know. I mean, hopefully, is this something I ask them? Do they ask me? Big Finish? Well, obviously, if it, then if I was gonna do it, I'd really wanna do it with Mandip, but I would love to, I mean, this is, what is this job? You know, I've not been the doctor now for two other doctors, and it's amazing that you still get to experience it and be a part of it. So if being a part of things like big finish, or any of you the… I suppose, departments?, but all those other things that celebrate Doctor Who I'd wanna be in them all.
It's such a loved program. Is it what you thought it would be playing the Doctor like?So you're the figurehead of that program. You know, is it what you thought it would be? in as big as you thought?
I think it's, it's bigger and more magical than you can kind of ever describe, because it's as a new whovian as well. And I'd said to Chris in the process of audition, look, I've not seen loads of it. I've seen, you know, bits when I was a kid, but we didn't have it on those in house. But then also, I've got mates that have been in episodes. I've done those auditions and not got in, you know, things like that. And so it has a very unknown quantity about it. To me, I was very much walking into something and going, okay, what is this? And I think from the second you get on set, and the crew, the crew I worked with, had been working on the show for twelve years. It was such a magical family and to shoot it in Wales.
Wales is one of the most beautiful countries you can ever visit.
So to be there and to be in this ready made family of something that all the hard work's been done because all the other doctors build up this family , you just shouldn't lose it. And so then to have our journey and our story lines, and to then have this opportunity where we went out to press or we met fans, and to have the interaction and to speak to people, to see how much it's meant to them through their life, is so extraordinary, because for me And I can definitely say it and for Mandip as well, that it's our happiest time as actors. We've never been happier, and we knew when we were in it. Ah, this is this. It's just so nice, and there's just so much, just wonderful about it. And I think that needs forever. This is so easy to talk about, so easy to be in this room and do it because I wouldn't have to, I've never fake how much I love it. I loved it, but as a new whovian. And I'm like, oh, I get it. Hahaha. I one of a family then. Haha. That's it. I'm in.
Do you ever get nervous when you're playing The Doctor?
I was nervous all the time. I know The most nervous, I think I've ever been on a set was in my first week of shoot in The Doctor. It was my hero speech at the end of episode one. So my very first day involved jumping between cranes. Mind you I’ve only ever run around and cried on most jobs. So jumping between cranes was a whole new thing. And on day two, I think it was my huge kind of realization of, I know who I am, I am the doctor, and saying that for the first time, and thinking, if you mess this up, there's still time to recast I've been here two days. So that was the most nerve racking.
And I think sometimes another time when I was nervous as well, we had Stephen Fry come in And I was a bit like, you might not remember me, but I was in St. Trinian's And we kind of had a scene in St. Trinian's, isn't it was, you know. And so him being on set, I was just so nervous, because I was just like, he's a legend to me. So this is very… I think if you're not scared and you haven't got the adrenaline of nerves, you're taking it for granted.
Who is your least favorite doctor?
There's nobody, the craziest answer. I haven't got one.
Did you ever think you would have had such the impact on the doctor who community?
The thing that's such a joy for me playing the Doctor, the thing that I really quickly realized was that it. I adore this community, and I feel that everyone in the fandom should feel represented and what I feel really proud of with ours, which has nothing to do with me, like you saying about, when, you know, with me and Mandip had credit to that story, and we didn't in that way, but it was, that was the beautiful transition of this gorgeous journey that we'd been on. And I think that because it then resonated so powerfully to so many people, that is the all of a Christmas Day gift, because what you want is you want your work to, to speak to people, and you also wanna feel as if everyone feels seen. And I think that that's what I'm really, proud of.
Whenever I have these wonderful interactions with people, they say that the doctor means this or someone else's doctor means that for me, that very often is having that wonderful moment where someone feels like that storyline really spoke to them. And I think I can't take any credit for it because I didn't write it, but I loved being a part of it.
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months ago
one thing i remain baffled by is how they decided to portray jace's visit to winterfell. they made cregan's voiceover the opening sequence of the entire season yet gave us next to nothing to explain why he gets so involved later on. it's almost like they treated the north's appearance as fan service. i understand them deciding that the accounts we have are inaccurate or biased, but if none of that was cregan's motivation then what WAS? any ideas where they're going with him???
okay a few things
yes objectively they're just treating the entire northern plot and i would argue the bulk of the riverlands arc as fan service. i think this is bad writing that came about due to the short seasons - they've talked a bunch about how hotd is more "intimate" it's about this One Family but that's just like,,,,, not true! For one thing, there's THREE different families here lmao (Targaryens, Velaryons, Hightowers) but for another even despite some of the annoying fixation on Only Targaryen Kings that F&B has, every section is about that king's COURT not JUST about the Targaryens in it and the dance specifically is about a LOT of different people. but they just prioritized the king's landing/dragonstone story lines over everything else to the detriment of every other story line so now the north and riverlands, which is INTEGRAL to the ending of the dance, is reduced to like, that unnamed prince of dorne cameo equivalent in got s8 instead of being an entire story arc in and of itself.
i think even more specifically, this season likely WAS supposed to be the same amount of eps (10) as last season but then the strike happened. they could see it was about to happen and figured they had eight scripts mostly finished so they prioritized those and are going to tack the last two eps onto the front end of season 3. this is a wildly different show but grey's anatomy did something similar with seasons one and two - they had scripts for 16 episodes of the first season but the network said they're only getting 13 episodes, so they tacked the last three onto the front of season two, so season two was like 27 episodes. the thing about that is that the "finale" of season one is still REALLY good as ending point (that "meredith i'm so sorry" "you must be the woman that's fucking my husband" is just an amazing goddamn ending to a season) so it really worked as the finale ( i honestly didn't realize it wasn't meant to be the finale until a few years later). vs this is so clearly not the finale they were gearing up to and i would bet real money on the first two eps of next season being FULL of action and ep 2 being very obviously the finale we were meant to get, and probably features the winter wolves.
beyond strike/production interference which i do think is the main issue...........the hater's take is that this is a self fulfilling prophecy wherein the main show refused to prioritize the Stark storylines (completely changing and utterly destroying both Sansa and Bran's arcs, forgetting about Rickon for years on end, turning Arya and Jon into standard Action Heroes instead of a conversation on the harm being forced to be The Action Hero takes on a person's psyche, stealing Catelyn's entire arc and giving it to Robb then cutting them both off at the knees anyway) because they thought the Lannisters and Dany were cooler, getting that sweet sweet merch money because the Lannisers and Dany have name brand recognition, then prioritizing them more in the story because that's what the fans want, then justifying it because its what the fans want, but the reason the fans want it is because they cut the Starks to begin with, etc etc. Vicious cycle here until we get the poor Cregan actor doing his best Kit Harington impression and nothing else. They obviously aren't the only people to get that treatment (see DORNE see GREYJOYS) but it's like...this is one of the main three families in this series, reduced to nothing because they're "boring." They're only boring because these bitches cut every single aspect of their story out of the goddamn show! "north story is boring" sorry but if you think the winter wolves are boring and claim you like asoiaf because it's "real and gritty" i think maybe you don't actually like the "real and gritty" parts of the story at all, i think you just want to see a hot person with a shitty blond wig kill people on a dragon. unfortunately, d&d did only want to see that lmao and that's the world we're stuck in now.
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Wish there were more people like you who were open to exploring dynamics between two characters in an alternate universe where they are not bound by familial relationship/title or whatever it's called. I get it tsams/tlaes have a lot of family things going on and a-specs things but eh what do I expect from a fandom that started the hate on sunxmoon shippers? I'll continue shipping sunxmoon, eclipsexsun, solarxmoon and solarxearth(thanks to that one anon from before for introducing me to this) not as family related, and the fandom can suck it
Like one person told me "Moon and Solar are brothers" once.
They're not.
That's like saying Ink and Dream or something from the Undertale Au verse are brothers cause they're alternate realities of eachother and people ship them all the time???
"but they have the same face"
So does Lolbit and Funtime Foxy. They're a couple in SBshow verse.
Mickey and Minnie mouse have the same face and no one raises stink about the most classic example of same face syndrome.
They're robots and I think physical appearance matters very little to them in the grand scheme of things. But that might just be my demisexual ass talking.
On a side note, I know the VA for Earth, Aka: Kat has been very "ship and let ship" with the fandom. And I think that's why in the Solar therapy session, she clarified that she knows Solar isn't biologically related. Technically none of them are, she just wants to consider him part of the family.
I remember awhile back the fandom was so hostile to people who saw Lunar as an adult and would draw him in adult situations. (Like taxes/half joking you know what I mean)
And I believe that was the last big drama the actors like Davis was directly involved in before he took a step back from that and told the fandom to sort it out themselves. And I really don't blame him. There are people who are crazy and just feel entitled to things.
And in more recent episodes, Lunar has stated more frequently that he is an adult animatronic of sound mind who can make his own decisions, so that they can put that issue to bed with the discourse.
(I personally think that gen1/2 Lunar was very much a kid psychology and through the course of the course of the show, and due to his experiences and truama he grows up in two years and he's a young adult now. This reflects in every time he has a model change or appearance.)
See this is what I mean when I say they are robots. Robots can grow up from 13 to 24 (approximately) in the span of two years. Robots can change their mind about family dynamics and say "you know what I think that i don't feel like a cousin, as what I feel for Moon is more intense then familiar bonds. So I change my mind." And this is allowed. This is allowed. Like I would not think this way about human characters.
People in the transformers fandom are really familiar with this concept as well. At least the few people I talk to from an outsider perspective. The transformers robots change their relationships in canon to eachother all the time from what I hear.
And yes. I know tsams is focused on themes of family and found family and togetherness. Like I'm not media illiterate. I know what one of the themes are. For some reason, people think I don't know tsams is about family.
Like bruh.
This whole show took two years for them to build the family and support network they all have with eachother when before the show was a toxic family relationship with Sun and Moon only. And I think it's beautiful how it evolved and how many characters there are and how big the family is now!
It's great!
And I do separate in my brain what's going on in canon and what's going on in my shipping brain.
This doesn't mean I can have fun on the side. With silly speculations and silly headcanons.
Giggling to myself and twirling my hair about the "what ifs" and aus
Staying out of the main tags and talking to my own friends with my own company.
While also analyzing the show and leaving tsams lots of long lovely YouTube comments about what the show is actually about.
Also. Consider this.
Since the multiverse is canon in tsams, in definition, by their own rules, there is a universe where everything in tsams is the same, except your ship is canon.
Evil!Sun even said that Sun and Moon being brothers is more rare across dimensions then we initially assumed.
So they're either enemies, strangers, they killed eachother, or something else.
They only are brothers after their canon event of separating and agreeing to work together. So there are some universes where that never happened.
Meaning most likely that our Moon's portal runs on a central finite curve.
So take that as you will.
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pinksilvace · 2 years ago
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A few weeks back, I made a comment to the effect of, "Belos views himself as the single human character in a muppets production." It has since then spiraled into an entire AU in my head that refuses to leave me alone. A few weeks back, I made a comment to the effect of, "Belos views himself as the single human character in a muppets production." It has since then spiraled into an entire AU in my head that refuses to leave me alone.
The basic premise:
Caleb and Evelyn found a weekly children's program ("The Boiling Isles") that features puppets; little Philip is featured as the one human, and since the episodes with him do much better than the ones without, he grows up into the role and eventually becomes a big part of the production staff as well
When Caleb and Evelyn die in an accident, Philip inherits the show
Some of the main (puppet) characters are named Luzura, Willow, Amity, and Augustus (you can see where I'm going with this). Philip would be able to stand these puppets on their own BUT
In promotional materials and interviews, he is ALWAYS asked what it's like to "work with" Luzura/Willow/Amity/Gus. Philip is absolutely INFURIATED by this because they're PUPPETS why can't anybody see that they're PUPPETS don't you care about the STAFF or the ARTISTS or the LIGHTING MANAGERS why does everybody pretend that the PUPPETS are REAL PEOPLE and why does HE have to pretend that the PUPPETS are when he responds??? He's convinced that some of the interviewers genuinely believe that the puppets are alive and tries to patiently explain that, no, they are just puppets. The interviewers always refuse to break the immersion.
Expanded AU thoughts are under the cut.
Caleb and Evelyn meet at an arts college. Evelyn is a film student, and the show's prototype is her capstone project. Caleb offers to bring Philip in as an actor and it sticks. Caleb also helps make some of the first puppets.
Little Philip's identity is protected by 1) the presence of a mask, and 2) the stage name "Belos". The name sticks around for his on-screen appearances.
While sticking around the set, Philip learns a lot about the different areas of production. He especially likes building sets, backdrops, props, and puppets, though he finds the writing process interesting as well. When he's old enough to help out with paperwork, he takes over the logistical side of things because tbh both Caleb and Evelyn are helpless when it comes to that
By the time Philip takes over, he's basically the head supervisor of every single department. His management makes the show's popularity explode
Philip is definitely the best at building and controlling puppets. Every now and then, he makes an extra-large "final boss" sort of puppet that only he is physically capable of controlling, and some of them end up in museums
Philip raises Hunter, but he's sort of the neglectful sort. He's ultra-focused on keeping the show his brother put so much thought, effort, and love into alive, and it makes literally any semblance of life he might have had outside of the show suffer
Similarly to Philip, Hunter grows up on set, but not as an actor. The production staff looks after him. When he's old enough, he also becomes a part of the test audience
The production staff is composed of the Emperor's Coven members in canon; i.e. Darius is in charge of lighting and wires, Raine is the sound director, Eberwolf is the lead puppet master, Hettie is the on-site medic, etc.
Luz and Camila are also a part of the test audience. I'm going to pretend that Philip and Camila are good buds in this AU. Philip inserts Luzura into the show as a character based on Luz
Basically most of the ire that Philip has in this AU is directed toward the puppets because they're not REAL why are THEY getting the GLORY can we PLEASE not pretend that these PUPPETS have thoughts and feelings and personalities???
He also doesn't leave because 1) the aforementioned attachment to something Caleb loved so much, and 2) he's put too much effort into this show already and he knows that no replacement could ever be so proficient at his job
Let's be real, Philip's work ethic is super unsustainable, and it DEFINITELY keeps him from grieving properly
When Hunter reveals that he does not, in fact, want to inherit the company that Philip has built, it's CRUSHING to Philip, who feels like giving it up would be disrespecting Caleb's legacy, unaware that he's staring Caleb's legacy in the face
Ideally Philip's arc (which I have hardly described here) would end with wealthy retirement and him being able to say "goodbye Boiling Isles" and never having to appear alongside those godforsaken puppets ever again
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o-uncle-newt · 2 months ago
ONE: it creates traditions
Despite not being a Christmas-celebrator myself, I'm really glad that the final episode of this show aired as a Christmas special, because it's equally timely to talk about Molokai.
I wrote extensively about Molokai last year, and my main takeaway is that it celebrates ritual in a way that's really important. And I was thinking about it, and so many of the themes that I elevated in previous posts I've done this year are related to this as well. It's important to how funny the show is, how heartwarming the show is, how good the show is for mental health... so many different things.
I recommend reading the above post for a full breakdown, but what I raised about Molokai was that it's basically about the importance of creating and/or participating in rituals and traditions, things that mark your life and add pizzazz to it. Martin, living a depressing life on his own in an attic, has no reason to like Christmas when it's just another dull day, but enjoys it when he's exposed to and participates in ritual. Arthur, it turns out, creates ritual all the time, whether invoking existing traditions re Christmas or creating rituals around things like Birling Day.
I argue, pushing that further, that CABIN PRESSURE is about creating a kind of comforting ritual, tradition, what have you. Don't get me wrong- the comedy is often sharp and creative, there's story and character development over time... but it's not so much that the shape of the show is familiar as that the expectations are. This is going to be funny, this is going to have interesting people, this is going to let those interesting people be comically nasty to each other but also let them have real relatable emotions, and at the end of the episode GERTI will fly again.
There's also the repetitive element of features like games, particular character mannerisms, etc. One of my favorite sitcoms, the 60s spy spoof Get Smart, was written with the main character, Maxwell Smart (Agent 86) given many catchphrases, and the actor who played him actively encouraged the writers to create more because having those kinds of repetitive and funny elements is a good hook and a comforting element to viewers. They ended up being some of the most iconic parts of the show, not just because the lines are funny but because of the way they're said by Max/Adams and the way the character who says them is written. Plenty of Get Smart fans can be caught saying "missed it by that much" or "sorry about that Chief" or, my favorite that I say all the time, "he should have used his powers for niceness instead of evil."
The characters of Cabin Pressure don't have catchphrases in the same way- or rather, it's limited to things like "brilliant" and "yellow car"- but it contains so many different elements that listeners can count on in an episode. If the whiskey is stolen, obviously Douglas did it and the question (which will be answered creatively) is how. If this is a situation where Douglas can save the day, he will- and if he doesn't, then there will be a satisfying reason why. People won't recognize Martin as captain- and if they do then that's a sign that something is off kilter. JF creates the boundaries of the world that we step into and then plays within and around them in incredibly innovative ways. It's such a good formula for keeping things interesting and comforting.
And here's where I go to praise JF as the creator- because he ended up taking on an interesting form of commitment to create ritual in our own lives, maybe because he saw how much we'd already done it ourselves. Thanks to the show, already as of S4 people were taking traveling lemons to different locations, playing Yellow Car by Arthurian rules... and then, he started posting a variation on Get Dressed Ye Merry Gentlemen every year, and as a decidedly non-Christmas person it's basically the only thing about the holiday that I look forward to. (Incidentally- one of the things that made me want to post about this is my curiosity what he'll do this year when he's no longer on Twitter...)
But the biggest ritual-creating thing he did, of course, is do 26 episodes of Cabin Fever. He posted the episodes on a regular schedule (and warned us in advance when he started spacing them out), he gave us games to try and puzzles to solve, and he gave us something to look forward to that would add some fun and shape to our lives in a time that could be both shapeless and stressful. I myself was still recovering from my very early bout of COVID, isolated in my room, bored and miserable and not at full breathing capacity and still only getting over the feeling that I could have potentially died, when Cabin Fever arrived and gave me something to look forward to. It created ritual, which created meaning, which was one of the most thoughtful things someone could have done for me around then.
So, a tribute to Cabin Pressure, a tribute to the wonderful John Finnemore, a tribute to the idea that we can take our own action and join with others to create ritual that gives us meaning and comfort... and a tribute to all of you who have been doing/following along with Cabin Pressure advent in various forms. This too is a form of ritual, community, and tradition that I look forward to continuing to participate in- as part of a really cool fandom.
In the meanwhile, happy tenth freaking anniversary, Merry Christmas to all the Christmas people, almost-Happy Chanukah to all the (fellow) Chanukah people, and just generally wishing a beautiful year full of things that give your life shape and meaning.
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gillyweedgrl · 1 year ago
You should be watching Pit Babe! - A Brief Review
Saddens me to think how many people are missing out on a great show because they think it’s not worth more than a trash watch, if that.
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I mean, realistically, is it the most amazing cinematic work of all time? No, not unless pretty-boy power bottoms with daddy issues are your thing, which in my case they are, so let's talk about Pit Babe!
Note: I've tried to keep the spoilers to a minimum, they're mainly in the tags and links so follow them at your own risk, you've been warned.
Honestly, Pit Babe is a pretty damn good show, especially if you A) pretend the Omegaverse factor doesn’t exist and take the show for what it is and B) you don't mind not knowing what's going on half the time, just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
Overall, Pit Babe has got a good production value, a slightly absurd yet entertaining plot, a great choice of cast with amazing chemistry and pretty decent acting skills amongst the mix of seasoned actors and newbies.
For a totally biased fair and balanced review: There are some details that are left vague instead of being explained in depth or at all (yet), but that’s to be expected when you adapt a novel into a movie or series. It would get boring for the audience if the pace was interrupted to explain all those little details that we’re likely to find out along the way anyways (shout out to those who've watched the latest episode; finally!).
There are also some scenes that feel like they’re not as necessary and some background/plot devices that made a little more sense in the novel but I personally don’t feel like they detract too much from my viewing experience.
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Babe (played by Pavel) and Charlie (played by Pooh) as the main leads do a really good job at shouldering a large percentage of screen time. Charlie comes across as happy-go-lucky, a bit clumsy/goofy, entirely fearless and a little naive, which is mostly true, but there's clearly more to him than that. Right from the start Babe is clearly someone guarded, detirmined and skilled at what he does (racing cars and having sex) and he has a very tight cirlce of people he trusts. There's a winning combo right there, quite tsundere/sunshine from the outside but definitely more breath the surface that gets exploded as they go.
Way (played by Nut) is Babe's best friend and racing companion, they've been racing together at Team X-Hunter for years but there's clearly more than friendship on the mind for Way, though the feelings appear to be one sided.
Alan (played by Sailub) is the owner of Team X-Hunter and an all-round cool Uncle (which the whole team call's him (despite barely being in his mid 30's). He's kind but firm, he cares for his team like they’re his family and it does seem as though they’re his only family.
And the rest of the cast consists primarily of:
Team X-Hunter:
Dean (played by Lee); a junior racer with slight douche vibes
North and Sonic (played by Michael and TopTen); everyone’s babies, they’re junior racers and content creators
Jeff (played by Pon); the newest member of the team, he’s a part time mechanic and full time conspicuous
Pete (played by Ping); the money guy Alan brings on board to sponsor the team
Team Red Racing (the rival team):
Winner (played by Pop); the guy who never seems to win against Babe
Kim (played by Benz); the new racer they hired to beat Babe
Tony (played by S Vorarit); Red Racing's newest benefactor and *shock horror* Babe's former foster father (try saying that ten times fast)
Kenta (played by Garfield); Tony's right hand man
Then, there’s the 🌶🔥🤯
I, personally, enjoy a little spice/heat in my shows. It’s not necessary for every show, of course, but I do think that when it serves a purpose to the story and it’s done well then it can be quite enjoyable and this cast/production team is doing it really well.
As I said, the chemistry between the cast really is amazing (both on and off the screen, if you're interested in that kind of thing) and although the spicy scenes aren’t nearly as abundant as they are in the novel, there are some really good ones. I decided to bite the bullet and binge read the novel over the past couple of weeks, I blame @pharawee’s breakdown posts for those sleepless nights, and it was worth it for me but not necessary for watching the series.
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Lastly (as if this post isn't long winded enough as it is) there are a handful of things in this series that we don't see too often in BL's and make it worth watching even more:
It's got race cars, murder attempts, mafia influence and supernatural powers (at least half the characters have one).
There's no evil ex-lover out to get revenge or get back together with one of the mains (thank the BL gods).
It's got a Soft Top/Dominant Bottom dynamic where the title character is both super masc and a pretty princess.
And we can't forget, it is technically an Omegaverse series (or rather, it's Omegaverse-lite) which none of us saw coming!
Anywho, to conclude; yes, you should be watching Pit Babe. No, you don't have to read the novel to understand what's going on because none of us understand what the hell is going on at any given time. Charlie and Babe are fucking around and finding out, the rest of us are just long for the ride, Alan and Jeff are having a whole ass rom-com-drama in the corner, the babies are making their content and having a blast and the others aren't quite on the map yet (or are they? *wink, wink*), but I sure hope they will be soon!
If you made it this far, thank you and are you okay? Do you need to have your brain checked?
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mikuni14 · 7 months ago
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - Ep 1-5
I didn't plan on watching this series for one simple reason: both main couples in PitBabe did nothing for me, so I had no reason to watch another show with one of those couples. (The interesting thing about PitBabe was that while the main romantic couples were of zero interest to me, all my attention, steam, energy, and obsession went to the side characters and ghost ships. Not to mention the actual real life and my obsession with Sailub and Nut's friendship, whose chemistry ruined for me their any other relationship with other actors 🤡) That being said, I've seen this cutie on my dash so many times that I finally decided to watch this series just to stare at him:
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(you ask: omg mikuni how can you be such a shallow person to watch a series just to stare at some dude?? I answer: that's exactly the kind of shallow person I am, for example I once endured an extremely boring Mads Mikkelsen movie just to stare at Mads Mikkelsen, but you know, what can you do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
Anyway, my experience with TLDHLB is very similar to my experience with PitBabe: zero interest in the main couple (although Sailub is GREAT and kisses like a devil), and all my attention is taken up by the side characters.
I really like JJ and Nubnueng and how they are being good friends to Plawan and Oab. I love them, I love how supportive they are and how they refuse to buy into anyone's bullshit. Btw, I think they should unionize and file for financial compensation for the psychological and mental damage they're suffering lol
It's been a while since I've seen a show with such an, um, unappealing character as Plawan. I'll be honest: I have a hard time believing in a romance where I'm constantly wondering, okay, but what do people who like him actually see in this guy????
Garfield as JJ is the absolute brightest star of this show. It's amazing how different he is from Kenta. I love every scene he has, every word he says, the way he carries himself. His character is so awesome that when I watch him I feel like not a single second is wasted. He elevates every scene he's in. 💯💯
Methas is also a great character. I especially like that it's been 5 episodes and he doesn't change much. Personally, I would have preferred if he stayed a dick until the end and became nice only to JJ (within reason of course, their fights are very entertaining 😉). But I 99% expect a redemption arc and that he'll become "good", find a "family" in JJ and everything will be "kumbaya". I'm rooting for that 1% that Methas will remain a ruthless business 🦈
The pretty boy I started watching this show for is a real eye candy and he's a slippery snake hiding behind an innocent face and glasses, so yay!
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Michael is also easy on the eyes 😏
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not to mention Garfield: in his work unifrom, when he's pissed at Plawan and/or Methas (or both of them at the same time), when he has that sexy smirk or pout, gosh he is absolutely 🧁🍬🍰
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Well, let me tell you, I didn't expect this, but I'm having a lot of fun watching this series lol
EDIT: I forgot to mention that the JJ/Methas couple is one of the best and most REAL "enemies to lovers" romances I've ever seen. Like, they really wanted to kill each other 😍
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buddiebeginz · 8 months ago
the way lou hasn't interacted with anything bt related and yet he continuously interacts with SWAT stuff is certainly interesting, also the way Oliver refuses to follow him or discuss BT ever lol. Lou seems like he's less enthused as well about BT. I think even he knows they're bones.
I've been wondering if Lou got the info he isn't coming back already or that if he is coming back it will be for like one episode. It's just his weird behavior online doesn't make sense for an actor hoping to stick around long term on successful primetime show.
People had been calling out his old racist/misogynistic insta posts for a while and he hadn't said anything but for some reason he chose that particular day to respond to that one with a very creepy screenshot about spitting on blind children. Then he blocked Buddie shippers. Deletes some of those old insta posts. Then apart from liking one of the posts where people made him out to be the victim:
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he has basically stopped even engaging with his minions now. He's even stopped making cameos. And I don't know if that's because he was told to or just because those fans served their purpose for him and he's moving on to other things.
Buddie or not I've always gotten the impression that Lou doesn't seem too invested in playing T*mmy and even less in playing one half of a queer relationship long term. I think he thought he was signing on to play T*mmy for a few eps and he'd be done by the end of s7. Which I think was originally the plan.
Look at these older cameos from Lou and how he talked about T*mmy and Buddie. Not saying I believe every thing he's said in any of his videos but these were some of the early ones he put out and I think initially he was going more off of where the script was going vs his own headcanons.
But basically he makes it seem like T*mmy is just there to stir things up a bit until Buck and Eddie figure things out. Only they decided to push Eddie coming out and Buddie feelings realization back until s8 (I wrote a post about my thoughts on that here). So they kept Lou in for a few more eps than he was initially signed on for. This also explains why after ep6 we don't see or even hear about T*mmy again until ep9.
But back to Lou based on the rumors floating around my feeling is that he's getting more of prominent role on SWAT which if he's still being asked back for s8 of 911 and the two shows conflict with one another I 100% believe he'd chose SWAT anyday over 911. Not just because SWAT seems much more his style but also like I said I don't think he's invested in playing T*mmy. He's also just not a good dramatic actor especially not for the soft, intimate, emotional moments. Plus why would he take being Buck's bf who only features on the show occasionally and doesn't really get to do the action scenes that the 118 get to do when he could be a main on SWAT and get to do so much more.
No matter what even if the rumours aren't true about SWAT and even if T*mmy comes back for s8 and even Buddie doesn't happen I don't see B/T making it past s8 at all. I'll be shocked if that ship lasts beyond one ep in s8 so there is no way it's lasting longer than Buck and Taylor.
Apart from whatever is going on with Lou Oliver doesn't seem to like him and I think more than anything that will be what ends B/T. Oliver is a talented professional but he's also one of the biggest reasons people even watch 911 and I'm sure ABC knows that. They're not going to force him to work with a scene partner he's uncomfortable with. Plus I fully expect if we see B/T in s8 the lackluster chemistry with them will be even more apparent than it was in s7. So why continue a relationship if the actors don't have the romantic chemistry together to carry it?
Sorry for my long ramble anon. Had a lot of thoughts. Thanks for the message :)
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hybbat · 3 months ago
I think black sails' main major flaw to me is how little focus the crews themselves get, despite how much of the story is focused on their approval and loyalty. Like the Walrus's crew all had names and I believe consistent actors and they just did not take advantage of it as much as could have been.
We get told they trust Silver at the end of s2 more than we see it and despite Silver placing his worth in their opinion of him and it driving his character for most of s3 we don't see much of his relationship with them, and the near absence of this aspect of his character goes almost unnoticed in all the plot of s4. Nevermind the other crews who at most got a named quartermaster and mostly rotated the rest of the cast throguh the ships.
Black Sails' writing is incredibly tight but I think in some ways it's almost too tight, as we only get glimpses and brief moments of telling and not showing of characters that could have done more for the story. As it is, though, walrus crew are mostly a singular mass who we get told have divided opinions but except a representative for negative sentiments that can be killed off to show the conflict's end the crew always function together at the command of whoever has spoken. You never know what Joji thinks, and just have to take for granted that he doesn't speak english and goes with whatever for survival's sake without much of a personal opinion on the nonsense going on around him.
They're actually pretty okay about it in s1 and parts of s2, but as the plot ramps up in s3 and s4 and the cast multiplies with the maroons and british anyone who isn't a main character gets pushed out. Which make sense but also the crew remains incredibly important they just replace them with Gunn and Hands, and Degroot's the only one who retains any importance.
It's more of a situation of you can't do everything, and after s1 the plot is so increbly fast paced and complex I'm not sure adding more episodes to give the breathing room needed to slip scenes with the crew in would have helped more than harmed. But it is one of those things that makes wish for... idk, like a mini series spin off thats lower stakes from the crew's perspective, like following Joji and his time on the crew. Something to even just retrospectively give a bit more weight to all the scenes of a cannon bladting 3 guys' limbs off and giving us more than the single convo Silver had with Muldoon to be sad about his death, or even just put more names to faces in the scene where they promise to look out for him.
Especially given that most of the main characters' are at least partly motivated and characterized by their relationship to said crew, whether that's Billy who is entirely driven by his care for them as brother, Flint who cares but ultimately sees them as pawns, or Silver whose character development is built around his changing relationship with them. Billy's story especially, the show treats Gunn as something of a standin for the crew in his story but the fact that Gunn ultimately never actually gives any opinions about the power shifts and falls in line with Flint without any fanfare says a lot.
They do it every once in a while where a crewmate will get aone big scene to show them off like the sniper or the leg cutting or the drowning, and I think even just a few more of those would have been great. Dufresne's treatment by the story from season to season definitely perfectly encapsulates the fall off I think.
Idk i think a lot about how we got to see every crevise of Flint's psyche while the only time Joji's name is said on screen is completely disconected from him to the point few people know his name, and seconds couldn't be spared for acknowledgement that he likely couldn't speak english to the point its equally reasonable to assume he was simply never given any lines, despite both being in the show from beginning to end. For a character who could have had his own entire series based on how the hell he got where he is and whose personal story could have so easily and heavily tied into the main themes of the show, it's pretty remarkable.
I want a prequel/sidequel with Joji as the main character, is what I'm saying.
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