#BUT YES it's absolutely a Shuichi shirt!!!!
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ahogedetective · 4 months ago
A quiet 'thank you-' to Gundham at helping to adjust his cost some more, a smile widens on his face when the other praises his outfit so highly. "Y-You think so? Thank you so much, I'm very glad you think so...!" That made Shuichi love this outfit all the more, especially when Gundham began applying those rings and earrings on him: accessories he rarely ever wore.. He likes it...
"A model? Me? H-Hehe....you flatter me..." Being called pretty made the shy blush on his cheeks darken as he scratches his cheek. "O..Oh, thank you, I-I'm glad you think so...! But honestly, I would probably be far too nervous if it were anyone else... But I feel comfortable modeling for you like this, Gundham-senpai."
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And he meant it. He would even be willing to model outfits again for him like this if he asked. Doing so, feels surprisingly very fun...! Then when Gundham offers the outfit to him, his eyes widen in surprise. "I can keep this?! Oh, then yes, please, thank you! I would love to keep this outfit! Ah, then I'll keep the clip one, too. Thank you...! I will definitely wear this out and about at the perfect chances I can. I'm so used to wearing much 'plainer' things, so it'll feel exciting to wear something more fashionable like this.."
Gundham was giving him such a great looking outfit, after all: he couldn't possibly let it go to waste!
There were few things that Gundham would ever turn down, and the chance to dress someone up didn’t even make it on the list. It was interesting getting to use his talent for other people like this rather than to set trends in all the latest magazines and for all the designers. Really, he was half tempted to volunteer to be Shuichi’s personal stylist. Maybe it was his cute face or his willingness to be a muse for him that caught the fashionista’s interest, though he couldn’t help but want to do this for him.
And seeing him in the outfit did not help that at all. He takes a long look at him, looking him up and down before reaching out to adjust the coat before clapping his hands together, a large grin on his face. “Oh, excellent! Just as I foresaw, it appears utterly radiant on you, Shepherd of the Morning Star!” This was going to be such a fun project, and it really only got better as he added accessories to it. Silver rings along with clip on, silver earrings, both for the lobe and helix, were added to him, making the fashionista grin all the more. 
“Kehehe, such a loss to the world of fashion that you chose to not be a model. There are some designers that would kill to have such a pretty and willing one such as you to show off their creations to the world.” Whether empty or not, there really was something perfect about this guy for it. Though, he was a little giddy that he got to dress him up. “Hm… perhaps you wish to keep this ensemble? It would be a wondrous addition to your wardrobe, and with the size, I have no need of it. You may even keep the clip ons as well… I have a preference for the real thing.” The only reason he had them was for the short time when he didn’t have his ears pierced as much as he did, and even with the success that he had now, he could only imagine how his mother would have scolded him if he just threw them away. Money didn’t grow on trees, or something along those lines.
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rekino2114 · 7 days ago
Hey man!
Do you think you could write Kaede Akamatsu having a very sweet and wholesome relationship with her boyfriend the male reader?
"Kaede akamatsu is the type of girlfriend..."
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Pairing:kaede akamatsu x male reader
A/n:Thanks so much for requesting again. I love when you do it. I didn't just wanna do relationship headcanons, and this idea came to mind, hope you like this.
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Kaede akamatsu is the type of girlfriend to call you the cheesiest and corniest pet names and seeing nothing wrong with it.
She unironically calls you pookie bear and doesn't care what everyone else thinks. It's just a sign of her love. Why would it be embarrassing? Plus, she just loves the adorable blush that appears on your face whenever she calls you those pet names.
But if someone (kokichi) tries to tease you for that, then nothing's stopping her from scolding them and throwing some passive aggressive comments about how they just don't know what love is like and so they'd never understand.
Kaede akamatsu is the type of girlfriend to send you good morning and good night texts without missing a day.
They have more emojis than text, and they're just so adorable, full of compliments and encouragement. she wishes she could say these things as soon as you wake up or as you're about to fall asleep, but just texting them will do.
"Good morning baby🩷💞😘 hope you had an amazing sleep and that you have an even more amazing day🥰🥰🥰 remember that if you need anything (maybe some morning kisses😉) I am right here to help. Remember that I love you forever and ever baby 🥰😍💕💕💗💗🩷"
Kaede akamatsu is the type of girlfriend to always make conversations about you.
She could be talking about a completely unrelated topic with shuichi, and somehow, she'd find a way to turn the conversation into something about you.
"Oh yes, that reminds me, yesterday y/n told me that he liked my hairpins a lot, do you think I should get him something to match?"
"I......guess....but why did you mention it now? It had nothing to do with what we were talking about"
"Do I have to have a reason to talk about my boyfriend? He's just so sweet my brain is always thinking about him"
Kaede akamatsu is the type of girlfriend who loves to have matching things with you.
Outfits, jewelry,phone covers, anything that can remotely match you two have it, and she absolutely loves buying them for you whenever she sees them at the store just because they reminded her of you.
Her favorite matching things you two have are two cute shirts who say "world's best bf" with an arrow pointing at you that she wears while you have a "world's best gf" shirt that points at her.
Kaede akamatsu is the type of girlfriend who dedicates all her songs to you.
She might not say it outright, but every time she plays the piano, she thinks of you. She already does it a lot privately for you, but even when she's at an important recital, just seeing you in the special seat calms her down from any possible anxiety and makes her play better because she thinks to herself that she's doing it just for you.
Whenever any interviewers ask her what's her inspiration is or what she thinks about when playing her answer is always the same
"Y/n, he's my amazing boyfriend, and I love him so much. Whenever I play, I think of him. He's my world and I couldn't imagine living without him"
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eternal-love-song · 9 months ago
A Helping Hand To Guide You
Shuichi finds himself in a slump after a bad case and his guardian angel comes to help drag him out of it.
Kirumi/Shuichi [Aged Up Characters, Alternate Universe, Guardian Angels]
Written for @dr-rarepair-week-blog
He was halfway through his second bottle when she arrived. The stench of alcohol and cigarettes clung to him, filling up the apartment and making the already stagnant air stuffier. He was still in last night's clothes, loose tie and ruffled shirt, hair unkempt, and his eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep. It made her heart ache to see him this way, so distraught and taking such poor care of himself.
As she entered the apartment, she had a quick look around. The place was filthy, unwashed dishes sitting in the sink, dirty clothes on the bedroom floor, and the was table overflowing with papers and junk mail. Kirumi shook her head. He used to be so on top of things, a little messy, yes, but never like this.
She caught him when he lifted the bottle to his lips, catching it around the neck and gently pulling it away from his lips before he could take another sip.
"Wha?" He squinted in confusion, not understanding why the liquid hadn't made it to his lips.
"I think that's enough, Saihara," she told him softly.
She placed the bottle on the other side of the table, out of his reach, before walking over to his window. She unlatched it and pushed it open, wanting to air out the apartment a little. The slight breeze would go a long way in helping her make this place feel livable again, but she knew that it would take hours and a deep clean to truly clear out the stench. A deep clean that she was very much prepared to provide.
"Don't you think you've wallowed enough?" she asked him, turning back to face him now that the first task was done.
The detective squinted at her harder, trying to think past the haze in his mind. "How did you get in here?"
Kirumi ignored the question, walking around the table to get to his side. "Let's get you out of those clothes, first. You can't stay like this, Saihara. It's unbecoming."
He didn't fight her as she pulled him from his seat, nor as she pulled him toward the bathroom. His bathroom wasn't too bad, all things considered. Yes, it could use a decent cleaning like the rest of the apartment, but there weren't any egregious stains or dirt anywhere. He had a difficult time standing on his own. A hot shower would help him sober up a bit. She left him by the door, leaning against the wall while she went to the shower.
Kirumi pulled the curtain to the side and reached in to test the water. This part wasn't her strong suit, she would admit. Temper could be a bit tricky to manage, but she did her best. She could tell when the water was definitely too hot or absolutely too cold. It was the middle settings that became…difficult. Well, a little guess work wouldn't hurt, she supposed.
Once she had found a temper that she was reasonably certain was acceptable, she walked over to him. Saihara hadn't moved and was watching her with narrowed eyes, like he was trying to figure her out. That task would be much easier once he had sobered up a little. A shower, fresh clothes, a bit of food in him, that would get the gears in his head moving like they should again.
Kirumi smiled at him as she removed the already loosened tie from around his neck and set it to the side. Then she went to unbuttoning and removing his vest, his shirt, and removing his belt. She paused when she got to his pants, looking up at him. "Do you think you're able to do this much?" she asked him.
Saihara's face flushed and wouldn't meet her eyes, but he nodded.
Kirumi nodded in turn, gathering up the discarded clothes. "Good. I'll get these sorted away and find something fresh for you to wear."
"Why?" he asked her, eyes following her as she maneuvered around him and went to the door.
Kirumi paused, looking at him over her shoulder. "Shower first, please. We can have a proper conversation once you're feeling better."
She slipped out the door, letting it close firmly behind her.
Kirumi carried the clothes to his room, spending a few moments hunting around to find his hamper. Once she finally did, she dropped her burden inside then went around the room collecting the other discarded articles of clothing and placing them in the hamper. There would definitely need to be laundry done later, but first, she shook focus on the kitchen while she could. Saihara needed food more than he needed clean laundry at the moment.
The first thing she did upon entering the kitchen was to open the little window above the sink. The more air flow she could get into this place, the better. The mound of dirty dishes might have been daunting for someone else, these sorts of tasks were her specialty. She rolled up sleeves as she turned on the hot water. It might take a bit longer to heat up while the shower was on, but that was alright. Luckily the soap wasn't too hard to find and there was a sponge in clear view.
"Let's turn this house back into a home, shall we?" she said to herself as she got to work.
Shuichi was in the shower for a full ten minutes before he felt like he was really waking up. It wasn't like him to drink so much, but he really hadn't been able to help it. His last case was so awful and it had such a terrible outcome. He could still remember the look on his client's face, her hands trembling as she looked at the pictures he;d given her. "I wish you'd never told me," she said. And then the news, less than 24 hours later that she had been found dead, it had been too much.
Shuichi had only been doing his job. He only ever did his job, but it always led to someone getting hurt. He didn't think he could take it anymore. He'd felt nearly as at the end of his rope as the client and had just wanted to forget for a while.
Well, he had forgotten. He wasn't even sure how long he had spent in his slump. He hoped that he hadn't disappeared long enough to worry anyone but that wasn't very likely.
With a sigh, Shuichi set to work actually getting himself clean. Starting at the top, he grabbed a bottle of shampoo so that he could wash his hair. It felt a little gross and he winced at the idea of anyone potentially seeing him at his worst. Someone had, right? Who had that been…?
He was having a hard time thinking through the lingering haze of his own drunkenness. It was embarrassing, but there was nothing he could do about it now other than wash the funk off of himself.
Once his hair was clean, he grabbed a washcloth and began scrubbing the rest of his body. He added a generous amount of soap, moving down from his face to his feet. He spent an additional ten minutes in the shower before he finally felt clean enough to get out. He turned the water off, grabbed a towel, and began to dry himself off, wrapping it around his waist before stepping out.
He hadn't brought any clothes with him, so he had to go to his room and shuffle around his closet to find something. At least, that's what he thought. There on the counter, however, was a neatly folded pair of pants and a shirt. Shuichi knew that he hadn't been in a condition to grab himself clothes, let alone fold them so neatly, so how…
The memory hit him like a lightning bolt, remembering the kind smile as he was undressed from the waist up. He wasn't alone! Someone was here. But who…
Shuichi dressed quickly, needing to find out who was in his apartment with him and what their intentions were. He got dressed in record time, even though his balance was still a bit off from the recent inebriation, and rushed out of the bathroom. What if it had been a burglar? Or murderer? Or…
Shuichi stopped in his tracks when he walked into the kitchen. She was there, the light from the window creating what almost seemed like a halo around her head. For a moment, he thought he saw the wide sweep of wings, but… that couldn't be so. And the moment he blinked, the vision was gone anyway. Was he still more drunk than he thought?
She mist have heard him walk in because she turned to face him then. That same smile on her face, soft and quiet. "Are you feeling better, Saihara?"
She knew his name, but Shuichi was sure that he didn't know hers. "Uh, yeah…" he answered, the uncertainty coursing through him like a raging river. "Um…"
She moved away from the sink, toward the table, bringing his attention to the plate of toast waiting for him. "Here, you need to eat something. I was going to make something more elaborate, but I wasn't how your stomach was feeling." She looked up from the plate to meet his eyes. "How are you feeling?"
"F-fine," he answered. Hesitantly, he moved to the table and sat down. She poured him a cup of tea and then one for herself as she took the seat across from him. He debated for a moment whether or not to trust it, but if she had wanted to hurt him, she could have done that while he was still in his drunken stupor, right?
He took a sip of tea. It was still pretty hot, but it helped to cut through the fog in his mind. He drained the cup in nearly a single sip and she was filling it up again as soon as he'd set it down. He decided to eat one of the pieces of toast that sat waiting for him before he began asking his questions, partially just to get his head straight and partially to see if he could figure anything out about the situation just from watching her.
"Um, not to be rude," he began slowly. "But… who are you?"
She bowed her head to him. "I am Kirumi, your guardian angel."
Shuichi's eyes went wide at that proclamation. "What?"
"I'm not surprised that you don't remember me," she went on. "It's been some time since you've needed me to appear before you this way. You're usually quite good at keeping yourself together, all things considered."
"You… that can't…" He recalled the vision he'd seen when he first entered the room and hesitated to finish that denouncement. Could she be? It was a ridiculous idea! Wasn't it? Guardians angels weren't actually a thing, were they?
"I know it's a bit difficult for you to believe," Kirumi said. "You prefer things that you can prove yourself, but there's really not much I can do to help you with that except let you collect your own evidence one way or the other, right?"
Well, she was right about that. No matter what she said, he wanted to find the truth out for himself. He was never going to just accept an answer at face value, he realized.
"Sorry," he mumbled, looking down. It wasn't fully sure what he was apologizing for, other than it felt rude to doubt her this way.
She shook her head. "It's only natural to have doubts, you do not need to apologize." She reached over to place her hand on his, squeezing gently. "Just know that I am here to help you."
Shuichi blushed slightly, looking down at their hands. "For… for how long?"
The smile Kirumi gave him made something flutter inside him. "For as long as you need me to be, Saihara."
Shuichi felt himself smiling back. "Shuichi," he corrected.
Kirumi's eyes sparkled a bit with joy. "Alright then, Shuichi. Allow me to stay by your side until you no longer have need of me."
He nodded. "Okay. That… that sounds nice."
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chickensoup1025 · 11 months ago
What's your main reasons for the choices you made on the hair//eyes// ect from DR post?
Height: There are a bunch of 5'7 characters in DR and I was happy to use Junko's queen sprite cause I would also wear a crown everywhere-
Hair: my hair is the length and color of Akane's and can be messy like hers too (I was gonna add maybe Toko cause I keep it pulled back most of the time. Double braids are my favorite so would feel right) :))))
Eyes: here are only a handful of characters with brown eyes and most of them are greenish-brown or just really light brown. Yasuhiro was one of the only ones I found with purely dark brown eyes!
Personality: I'm a pretty happy and positive person in general! There isn't one or really even four characters I think could describe my personality so I tried. Saying I'm positive is entirely scrapping the surface though. I'm not two dimensional.
Humor: Miu makes me laugh SO MUCH! There's any opportunity for an innuendo? She'll find it. Luckily my politeness and common sense win out so I don't go spouting the shit she does lol. Point is: she gets me humor-wise.
Intelligence: I know I'm a smart person so I just had to pick a character that was like that too, ya know? I really enjoyed playing Shuichi because we're on the same wavelength and he's as curious about everything as me. There was barely any Me yelling at the screen for the protagonist to be smarter than they are or Me being unable to keep up.
Voice: My friends and I have been playing the dr games together and we divide up characters to voice and Hina was one of mine. She was really really easy to voice but it was just my voice lol.
Clothing Style: So many characters have so much going on style-wise and my day to day is very much Normal. Jeans, graphic T-shirt, comfortable jacket. Nagito's was perfect.
My Danganronpa Crush: I don't care if this makes me basic, it means others have good taste too: Chiaki is my love. Her personality, her looks, her failed humor, her goals, her interests, her intelligence, her kindness, etc.!
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Some more things that would be fun to make categories for would be-
Which Character's Killing Game Experience I Think I Would Have: I'd try to be like Kyoko and Kokichi in that they work behind the scenes to stop the game. If I were to be a blackened it would be similar to Leon as I would not plan it but it's out of self defense. If I was a victim it would be either like Imposter because I'm trying to stop someone else from getting hurt or like Sakura/what Ryoma wanted to do because I'd give up my life to save everyone else's I think. (Yes, don't worry I'm in therapy). As a regular player I'd try to be like Kaede/Imposter/Kaito in trying to bring everyone together and getting morale up.
Which Motive I'd Be Most Swayed By: The motive videos are absolute classics. And for good reason. I don't know who I'd see but, yeah. Either that or the despair disease because killing is so out of my character.
Who I'd Kill: K1-B0, sorry man. No hard feelings! (Warning: robophobic) you're just not human. You can be brought back.
Who I'd Let Kill Me: Sayaka, my queen. She didn't know about the class punishment if she got away with murder so I'm assuming I wouldn't either, I'd let her kill me if someone had to. Or Gundham, to save everyone from starvation.
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aesopsbaby · 3 years ago
Umm can you do Kokichi x Shuichi headcannons pls?? I would love to see that because they're one of my favorite ships
(But it's also ok if you don't want to! I'll understand! ^^)
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: Kokichi Ouma + Shuichi Saihara
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Relationship Headcanons
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: I absolutely love their dynamic so I had fun doing this <3 and no worries Anon,I accept and respect all ship here!(Except for those unacceptable ones,ofc)
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Nothing. Well,bad writing skills-
𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: Relationship Headcanons
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Kokichi sometimes just goes over to Shuichi while he's sitting down and just falls into his lap,burying his face into Shuichi's stomach.
Shuichi is so used to it that he wouldn't even be surprised,he would just continue doing what he was doing while having one hand in Kokichi's hair,just scratching it lightly to sooth him <3
Kokichi constantly calling Shuichi,he literally spams his tired boyfriend with miss calls and a bunch of texts saying:
-Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
-Shuiiii call me!!
Kokichi gets himself into trouble that always results in him getting injured. Whenever Shuichi sees him with a cut or bruise,he'll just sigh and frown at Kokichi.
"...how do you keep getting yourself hurt.."
"I fell for you, of course!"
Shuichi loves watching Kokichi happy,like,genuinely happy. Whenever he sees Kokichi with a huge smile, he'll have a small smile adorning his face as well.
They will constantly bicker about who gets to be the small spoon. (Kokichi always win though,,,Shuichi just can't say no when Kokichi is accusing him of not loving him enough to let him get what he wants-)
Kokichi always runs towards Shuichi at full force whenever he spots him in the distance.
Kokichi will then jump into his arms.
And of course,Shuichi always catches him,stumbling slightly from the impact but still managing to not let the both of them topple over.
Shuichi drops everything at the speed of light if he hears or sees that Kokichi is in potential danger.
Shuichi gets nervous sometimes so he'll subconsciously grab onto Kokichi's hand,and everytime Kokichi will look over slightly to glance at him just to make sure that he's fine,before giving Shuichi's hand a slight squeeze. Then he'll smile at him <3
Kokichi will never say anything when he realises that Shuichi is nervous,he'll just let Shuichi find comfort in holding his hand.
"I wanna cuddleeee,Shumaiiiii!"
"Alright alright,fine Kokichi. Come here."
"Wh.. wait. What? Hu-huh?"
Kokichi gets flustered whenever Shuichi accepts doing whatever intimate activity Kokichi brings up.
Shuichi just smiles at how cute his boyfriend is acting,Kokichi going red in the face as his eyes darts everywhere except for Shuichi and he's babbling nonsense as well.
Kokichi loves receiving any form of affection from Shuichi. Whenever Shuichi gives him a slight kiss on the cheek or forehead,Kokichi will laugh softly as he feels the feather like kiss.
Shuichi always reminds Kokichi that he loves him dearly.
"Shuichi,do you-"
"Yes I do,Kokichi. I always have and always will,okay? I love you alot."
"...I..I know that,I was just checking!"
Whenever they argue,Kokichi will just feel a stabbing pain in his chest as he tries to focus on Shuichi infront of him but his tears are overflowing and blurring his vision. He'll walk off and hide in the bathroom,crying softly until Shuichi comes in to hold him in his arms.
"I went too far,I'm sorry."
He'll let Kokichi lay his head on his shoulder or chest and let him soak his shirt with tears. Shuichi will softly pat Kokichi's head while his other hand rubs soothing circles on Kokichi's back. All the while,he's whispering apologies to Kokichi and a few "I love you".
Shuichi always wakes up to Kokichi's grinning face. He never gets shocked when he sees him,just a soft sigh as he reaches up to run his fingers through Kokichi's hair. Then he'll prop himself up to press a quick kiss to Kokichi's forehead.
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forbidding-souda · 4 years ago
May I request some fluff with the V3 guys with a SO taller than them? Thank you ❤️
DRV3 Boys with a S/O who’s taller than them
So mayny v3 stuff recently
off topic i fucking hate people who can't pick up context clues in conversation like i'm so annoyed rn i said carls' jr chicken nuggets and this mf said what's that :?? idk it's pretty fucking self explanatory
currently listening: nemo by nightwish
-Mod Souda
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☁ Almost everyone is taller than him. He's so short.
☁ This makes hugging you even better. He likes pressing his face into the crook of your neck.
☁ You are like a big comfort to him. Everything about you makes him feel all warm and tingly.
☁ So hold him tight - because he deserves it.
☁ You being taller means that he'll open the door for you and be very gentleman-y in your presence.
Rantarou Amami
❤ I think he would absolutely love it.
❤ He'd probably prefer to be with someone taller.
❤ It's crazy how much he adores having to look up to you. This also means that when you kiss him, you have to be the one grabbing him.
❤ He loves it when you tilt his chin up. You holding his face, just in general, drives him crazy.
Shuichi Saihara
♥ Like everyone is taller than him.
♥ So he's not insecure about the fact that you could use him as an elbow stand.
♥ It just means that he can cuddle against something when he's sleeping.
♥ He's a bit insecure only about how thing he is, like his shoulders and his hips. He wants to look like you.
♥ Mildly related but carrying him on your shoulders? Yes.
Kokichi Ouma
♡ Definitely carrying him on your shoulders.
♡ He'll also crawl onto your body - jump on your back - butt his head into your stomach: he'll do it all.
♡ He also likes putting his head under your shirt and hugging you.
♡ That ^ is embarrassing when he does it in public. He has the nerve.
♡ Sometimes he even acts as if you are his body guard.
Gonta Gokuhara
❥ Loves to hug you and cuddle into your chest. His big hands will never let you go.
❥ He loves it when you play with his hair. You'll put it into pigtails, too, which he thinks is adorable.
❥ You can grab flying bugs in places he couldn't reach!!! Omg!!!
❥ This also means that nobody will make fun of him because he has a literal giant to back him up.
Kaito Momota
❣ Insecure about his height.
❣ You: gorgeous, perfect, beautiful eyes, absolutely kissable, taller than him??
❣ It makes him incredibly grumpy so of course you can't help teasing him about it.
❣ He'll probably play wrestle you all the time. You can be doing pushups (as he'll force you to) and then he'll jump on your back and ask you to do more.
❣ He will try to assess your strength like all the time. How can you be taller and not super duper superhuman strong?? Impossible.
Shinguuji Korekiyo
ღ This just means that he can comfortably lay against your chest when reading his history books.
ღ Again, with reaching things, you being taller means that he can use more shelves to stash things.
ღ He loves being pulled into kisses by the face, so this is entirely desirable to him.
ღ Maybe he prefers being with people who are taller than him? It opens so many new oppurtunities.
ღ Some of them nsfw but.
Ryoma Hoshi
❅ Everyone is taller then him - it would be weird if you were shorter.
❅ He doesn't exactly enjoy being treated as if he's short. This doesn't make him incapable of anything.
❅ It definitely doesn't make him incapable of kissing you.
❅ His favorite time to kiss you is right before you go to sleep. He's not much of a cuddler so he won't be in your arms.
❅ He'll lay next to you calmly, quietly kissing your cheek.
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velvetcoves · 4 years ago
some V3 relationship HCs :) (boys)
(f/n)= first name <3
-mod velv
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★ anyway
★ Kiibo has a basic understanding of human nature, but there are things that he just.. doesn’t get
★ like.. why do you have so many cups?? don’t you need only a couple?
★ and yes, he supposes that rock shines, but why do you need it?
★ you’ll have to explain to him some of your nature, and most humans as well. he’s very interested in learning as much as he can :)
★ after he gets some of it, (which took a while), he’ll start collecting little things that remind him of you. like a crow
★ your reactions mean everything to him
★ if you have any games that require timing, i have one word for you.
★ Kiibo.
★ he can literally pass any levels you’re stuck on
★ did i mention he heats up?
★ even though he’s.. made of metal, he’s surprisingly very comfortable! however, there are times where some parts of him dig into you uncomfortably, but there are solutions :)
★ like sweaters!! and blankets
★ speaking of, i feel like Kiibo would have a love-hate relationship with winter
★ on one hand, he gets to see you in the snow, help you make a snowman, and keep you warm during the cold nights
★ but.. his body gets stuck more often.
★ and the metal gets cold quickly, and he doesn’t want you cold :(
★ but you just remind him of the sweaters and you’ve got a happy robot :)
★ whenever you two go out, he always has to be touching you in someway
★ it’s never something big, and most times you don’t even notice him until later
★ more often than not, his hand finds its way to your back
★ it’s now a habit of his, to kind of lead you with that
★ if his hand isn’t at your back, i feel like it would be somewhere on your arm. like a linked arm, or he’s holding your hand so he doesn’t lose you in a crowd.
★ ok but his h a i r?
★ can i be a simp for hair
★ he definitely would let you, and only you play with his hair. like braiding it, brushing, etc.
★ i feel like he would rarely call you by your actual name, because he uses so. many. pet names.
★ “angel, could you grab that for me?”
★ “dearest, come here for a second.”
★ stuff like that smh oh to be called dearest by Kiyo
★ he’d tease you sometimes as well
★ if you’re shorter than him, he’d definitely hold things above his head so you couldn’t grab them. and if you’re taller than him, then oh boy. he’d hide stuff from you. not important things, but stuff you’d need only in that specific moment.
★ he also really likes to play with your fingers lol it helps him concentrate
★ ok but just imagine.. Kiyo in the middle of a conversation, you’re not really paying attention as you’re screwing around on your phone. suddenly, Kiyo’s soft fingers interlace between yours, giving your hand a squeeze before he begins to play with your index finger as he continues to talk. tracing the shape of it into his mind. almost like he wanted to make a copy of you.
★ he could never try to replicate you, though. you’re so perfect to him.
★ Rantaro is definitely that dude that if you’re wearing a hat, he’ll pull it down over your eyes or he’ll just straight up steal it.
★ play with his hair plEASE-
★ his hair is soft, threads through your fingers rather easily, and smells like lime
★ y’all are that couple that has one’s head in their lap as they read or somethin, playing with the other’s hair.
★ he is also that dude that comes up behind you, covering your eyes with his hands as he whispers, “guess who?~”
★ Rantaro actually has pretty small hands, and they’re actually cold most of the time.
★ beware of him and his goddamn hands smh
★ he will definitely stick his hands under your shirt for “warmth” as he so says. you know that he just wants to see your reactions
★ he’s actually god at eyeliner, so if you need to wear some, he’s your guy. hey, the dude has sisters.
★ speaking of, his sisters absolutely ADORE you. usually when you go over to his house they just.. immediately snatch you for 99% of the time and Rantaro is just “😀”
★ he leaves you little doodles everywhere. like he’ll bring you a book you asked for, and like on the 120th page there’s a crow with heels and it's the funniest thing you’ve seen all day
★ he starts laughing when you bring it up, and eventually you both are just laughing so hard at it you can't breathe
★ he has so much fun when he’s with you. he can never repay you
★ steal his hat steal his hat steal his-
★ Shuichi is flustered rather easily when it comes to you, so use that information to your advantage hehe
★ expect lots of cuddles from him, especially those back hugs. like the ones where he’ll come up behind you and wrap his arms around you, leaning his head on top of yours if you're shorter, or against your back if you’re taller.
★ he’ll let out a small sigh of content as he nuzzles into your form, trying to keep his face hidden.
★ he finds your voice so soothing, especially when you read to him? like watch this:
★ you two are working on one of his cases together. your job is reading out his notes from the scene, your voice a low murmur as he works away. you haven’t noticed that he’s just.. stopped writing, staring at his pen as he begins to play with it. scratchy handwriting is what his eyes rake over, an adoring smile plastered to his face as he just listens. eventually you notice he’s stopped. “..Shuichi?” your soft voice asks, and he jolts a bit, grasped from his daydream. “a-ah.. sorry (f/n).. continue?”
★ more often than not it's your murmurs that causes the sleep deprivation to slap him in the face and just be knocked tf out.
★ helping him with cases is one of your favorite things?? like Shuichi you’re so smart give yourself some credit?????
★ every morning he greets you with a small smile. even though he’s still really tired, he makes an effort for you :)
★ i love funky detective man smh
★ b,, baby man,,
★ if you’re terrified of bugs, he’ll try to keep his little friends away from you, he doesn’t want to scare you at all :(
★ if you don’t mind bugs/you like them, he’ll be overjoyed!!
★ he probably has a bug named after you
★ more often than not, you’ll find them in your room or on your things. usually they’re really gorgeous, he says they remind you of him that day :)
★ he tries to switch up the bugs you find each day, so it’s always a little surprise when you enter your own room
★ ask him to carry you
★ he wants to carry you.
★ pl e a se
★ Gonta is also really warm, and his hands are HUGE
★ expect so many head pats from him. he loves how small you are compared to him
★ boops from Gonta? boops from Gonta.
★ this man straight up craves your cuddles.
★ because of his body temperature and scent of pine, it’s not hard at all to fall asleep in his embrace
★ i feel like he wakes up rather early, so he gets the pleasure of watching you sleep
★ not in a creepy way! he thinks you look so.. peaceful. angelic, is more of the word.
★ he absolutely LOVES seeing you in his clothes. just the way the cloth envelopes your tiny frame, you with your adorable smile and sweater paws?
★ god he loves you sm
★ when you two first got into a relationship, he rarely touched you.
★ he literally had no idea what to do
★ he lived all of his life on eggshells, scared of every coming day
★ and then you, his ray of sunshine, just came to him?
★ he’s just so lost
★ however, you knew what to do.
★ you basically taught him that no, you’re not going to disappear from his life at any given moment. you promise.
★ it took some convincing, but you got there.
★ anyway, he doesn’t show too much PDA, but he’s taken up the habit of grasping your sleeve when you two walk together
★ given the fact that you’re likely taller than him, this boy l o v e s your hugs.
★ the way you just envelope him in your loving embrace.. he feels like he doesn’t deserve it.
★ he might tell you so, but you quickly shut him up with a kiss or something :)
★ spooning spooning spooning-
★ he’s usually little spoon, but he’ll be big spoon if you want :)
★ Ryoma really likes being held by you. he feels like time stops, like all that matters is you in that moment.
★ he just feels so safe when he’s around you. he’s gotta get used to it
★ one time when you both went on a date, you accidentally found the main base of the stray cats in your town
★ they LOVED him and now you go there frequently to visit the cats
★ ya’ll definitely have a cat from there too smh you’re so cute
★ at the earliest stages of your relationship, i have two words for you.
★ good luck.
★ you are not safe from Kokichi.
★ you are targeted by him.
★ anyway, i definitely feel like he would be so clingy with you.
★ he doesn’t care that you’re in public, he will latch onto you and be a nuisance.
★ holding onto your sleeve, holding your hand, latching onto your leg so you have to drag him around, full on trying to tackle you, etc.
★ p i g g y b a c k r i d e s
★ if you don’t want him to completely annoy you, just hoist him up onto your back for a ride
★ he LOVES it
★ i also feel like he wouldn’t really know what he’s doing at first.. you make him feel so many things, emotions that he thought were buried a long time ago. it’s a bit too much for him
★ patience is key with Kokichi. please just wait for him. he’ll catch up when he’s ready.
★ but when he does? and when you’ve convinced him you’re not leaving anytime soon?
★ you have the most caring and lovable man right at your side.
★ he’s.. so soft with you.
★ Kokichi absolutely adores being held by you. probably the most out of the V3 crew. he feels so secure, so sure of your relationship in those moments. he sleeps best when you’re around, which he desperately needs due the insomnia that plagues him most nights.
★ quiet cuddles are such a treasure to you. he’s usually silent during your cuddle sessions, his head either in the crook of your neck or buried in your chest, inhaling your scent so he can imprint it to his mind. it makes you more in love with him.
★ also DICE adores you-
★ he is,, the biggest simp for you,,,
★ literally every single day, Kaito looks at you with the biggest grin on his face because every time he looks at you, he notices a new thing that makes him love you even more.
★ stargazing da te s✨
★ ^ these dates often end up with him going on a rant about the constellations and their movements, star types, etc. and you love him for it
★ his coat is so warm?? you wonder how he wears it 24/7
★ he absolutely LOVES it when you tackle hug him. he doesn’t even care if he was in the middle of a conversation, just feeling the sudden embrace of his s/o makes him melt.
★ those tackle hugs usually end up in him turning around and scooping you up, spinning you around before planting you back down and giving you a sweet kiss
★ PDA? he loves it
★ he NEVER would do anything that makes you uncomfortable though.
★ your PDA mostly consists of hand holding, hugs, all that soft stuff :)
★ he would definitely have to do a double take if you ever wore his jacket.
★ “hey (f/n)? where-“ and he’d just s t a r e at you, his face going ablaze in red
★ he’s like that Tamaki gif
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★ yeah that one ^
★ more often than not, you get piggyback rides from him
★ the gentle rock of his body as he walks, his overall warmth, his scent of lavender.. it’s perfect to lull you asleep.
★ he wouldn’t have it any other way :)
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ahogedetective · 9 months ago
"Hm?" Shuichi had looked downwards when he felt someone tugging on his shirt, eyes widening in surprise when seeing it's a small child... "Th-The bestest detective? Me? Well, um..." He rubs the back of his head with a sheepish smile. While he definitely wouldn't say he is, it probably wouldn't help ease the poor girl's distress if he doesn't just say yes... So with a nod, he answers: "E...Eheheh...I try my best to be. But of course I can help you... what's wrong?"
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He asks softly asks, as he now kneels down to be at eye level with the tiny girl. As she explains, he's surprised at what he's hearing, but still stays silent to show he's listening. "I see... so you were trying to find your big sister with your mother's security man..." Though he was worried about the fact she ran away from him... he can only imagine the increased panic of the security man needing to find two lost girls, now... Which made him all the more relieved she came to someone trustworthy and will keep her safe.
For a child to be willing to do all that... he could tell she really wanted to find her sister. While he would have never said no to begin with, there was absolutely no way he could ever refuse to help someone, who looks at him with such a look, pleading for help. Gently, he places a hand on top of her head, and gives a small smile. "...Thank you for believing in me. I will absolutely do my best to help you find your sister. I promise. Ah, but first... my name is Shuichi Saihara. I'm amazed you already knew I was a detective! What's your name, hm?"
@ahogedetective liked for a starter with the baby!
“Ecuse me, mister…? You’re the bestest detective in the whole wide universe right? Can you helps me?”
The small child had toddled up behind him, tugging at his shirt to try and get his attention. She tilts her head as she looks up at him with wide eyes.
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She whines a soft sound, pouting a little bit. “I got away from mister security man… trying to find my big sister.. I thought that the bestest detective can help me instead of mamas security man!” And up she looks at him with the most adorable puppy dog eyes one ever did see, pleading her case in the softest voice.
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Fluff where Kaito gets caught in heart boxers by Maki, who is very unimpressed by his flustered attempts to maintain a tough guy image
Hey anon! Of course. I hope this was well-written!
Kaito getting caught in heart shaped boxers by Maki! (and getting rather flustered)
•Kaito was in his room, going through his closet for his usual outfit
•He was a little groggy since he just woke up, and he felt slightly tired, but he was well-rested! And he was ready to start the day
•Kaito pulled out his usual shirt and pants, his jacket already draped out beside his bed
•However, when he heard his door click open, he stopped dead, quickly turning around
•Maki was standing in the literal doorway, and the only clothes he had on were boxers!
•Boxers that had heart shapes on them
•So, to say the least, he was pretty embarrassed, unsure of if he was supposed to yell at her to get out or wave at her and say good morning
•“Maki!” Kaito blinked, a nervous chuckle coming out as he went over to grab his pants to slip on, “You should have knocked.”
•“Yes, well I didn’t. Meet us in the dining hall.”
•Kaito swallowed, giving her a thumbs up and trying to stay calm
•“Yeah! Yeah! Of course,” He nodded, stumbling a little as he quickly put on his pants
•Maki only watched him struggle, sighing and clearly unimpressed
•“I don’t usually wear these, by the way,” Kaito tried to seem casual, grabbing his shirt and slipping it on, “I just... grabbed them last night without thinking! I was really tired.”
•Maki only stared at him with her usual glare, forcing back an amused grin whenever he proceeded
•“Because... yknow, I’m a guy! And that’s not what guys wear, yknow?” He started to sweat, until even he wasn’t sure what he was talking about
•He absolutely should shut up right now before he makes a fool of himself even more
•“Okay, that’s great,” Maki cleared her throat, shaking her head and turning on her heel, “Meet me in the dining hall, Kaito. I’ll see you there.”
•Kaito was probably worried that Maki was mad at him, but whenever he got to the dining hall and was greeted by a neutral wave, he grinned
•Of course Maki wasn’t mad, what reason to be mad would she have to be?
���Though, throughout the day, Kaito definitely tried to act more masculine and tough!
•He even tried watching a scary movie with Maki and Shuichi
•Needless to say, it resulting in screaming and burying his face into a pillow, while Maki only gently pat his back, her gaze evenly rested on the screen, clearly indulged
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speuradair · 4 years ago
Congrats on 500 followers!! Maybe could I request D,K and W from the Fluff alphabet for Shuichi <3?
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
When Shuichi falls for someone, he falls hard. Pretty quickly he’s fantasizing about doing all sorts of fluffy, domestic things with you. Going on dates, moving in together, getting married traditionally with a fancy wedding, eloping one weekend without telling anyone, running away together and never telling anyone- if it’s a possibility, he’s thought about it. Overall though, as long as you two are together for the long run, he’s perfectly happy to do whatever you want. Wanna get married? Absolutely, yes please!! Wanna just move in together and not bother to get married? Cool, as long as you’re together!! Deep down though, he hopes you’ll want to get married one day
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Shuichi is so shy in general, that only intensifies when he tries to kiss you for the first time. What if he messes it up? What if he’s such a bad kisser that you laugh at him? What if you didn’t even want to kiss him and he just makes you uncomfortable? There’s so many ways this could go wrong. He does desperately want to kiss you though, and he’s thinking about it all the time. When he does finally gather the courage to do it, it’s probably at a really random moment. You’re in the middle of telling him something, he realizes he’s finally willing to kiss you, and he just has to do it before he loses the nerve- so he kisses you while you’re talking, cutting you off. It’s short and sweet, but honestly leaves you wanting more. He finally kissed you!! When he pulls away, he’s an absolute blushing mess.
“Hey, if you wanted me to stop talking, you could’ve just told me to shut up-” 
You’re obviously teasing him and grinning brightly with a strong blush of your own, but he rushes to apologize anyway
“N-no, that’s not it at all!! I just really wanted to kiss you..”
After the first kiss, he’s still pretty shy and self-conscious about it. It takes a while for him to stop being flustered each and every time you kiss. After a bit though, he gets a bit more comfortable and confident about it. If you’re also easily flustered, though, it kind of eggs him on, making him more comfortable. Clearly you like it if you react like that, and he’ll use that to his advantage and take the rare chance to be the more confident, teasing one
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Shuichi wants to share everything with you. Honestly, sharing is probably his love language (other than a ridiculous amount of affection, ofc). If he’s buying coffee or a snack for himself, he’ll buy two so you can eat together! If he’s buying a shirt of hoodie, he fully expects you to also wear it sometimes, and might even be disappointed if you don’t. If he’s going to do something he’s particularly excited about, he’ll always invite you too, so you can share that exciting moment together.  Everything is just better when he shares it with his lover
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kaitosimp · 4 years ago
I can imagine gonta or shuichi thinking of the idea of having a “get along” shirt and kaito n kokichi wanted to make shuichi/gonta happy so they made a deal to wear it for a day
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Bro,,,, when I draw kaito I have this immediate energy of “now I want to draw him 100000 times-“ so I will keep giving you these till I start to finally ease down but I’m on fire rn (maybe I draw some saimota 😳😳😳)
AHHHHHHH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, UGH ITS SO GREAT *endless chef kisses* 😩💜💜💜 Thank you for once again blessing me as I wake up 🌚💞 Also the oumota get along shirt is an absolutely canon thing and nobody can change my mind 🌚🌚🌚
Me rn accepting my fate of receiving many Kaito drawings bc ur on fire:
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Also can I save your art 👀👀👀👀👀💜
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forbidding-souda · 5 years ago
Hey! May I ask for Saihara, Kokichi, Rantaro, Kaito, Korekiyo, Souda, and Fuyuhiko with SO, who's Ultimate Memory? Like, they clearly remember everything they saw, heard, felt? Also, I adore your writing, keep on✊
Shuichi Saihara, Kokichi Ouma, Rantarou Amami, Kaito Momota, Korekiyo Shinguuji, Kazuichi Souda, and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu with SHSL Memory S/O
I love buzzed out talents like this oh my god like somewhere in my memory I know that one of my mutuals has a SHSL daydream ultimate and I just ugh YES ya’ll with the creativity.
-Mod Souda
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Shuichi Saihara
He is absolutely impressed - though not surprised - at how capable you are at assisting him.
His memory is good, as well. It kinda needs to be. But the way you remember even full conversations or just the texture of the first victims' shirt is something inhumane.
It’s admirable. Adorably so. The talent - ability - is the thing that brought him closer to you, and it made him feel like Kaito at times. Before, he thought of you as a sidekick, but now he’s sure you are the main character.
Especially with how nice you are considering how egotistical you could be.
The moments outside of investigation is where most of his memories with you hold. He has taught you a lot of things about what it’s like to be with another person, what it means to be kind and considerate.
He continues to teach you all the time. Not through lessons; not through words. Just by the way he holds you at night and the astonishing feeling that overcomes your entire body as he kisses you.
Every part of you lives to experience that feeling again. You used to live in a world where everything was predictable. You already knew how things felt. You already knew what people would say. 
But this feeling.
You would kill to feel it again.
Kokichi Ouma
It’s a bit amusing to him for you to point out deception things he’s said.
“Well, that's not true, you said this a few weeks ago when you thought I was sleeping.”
This is embarrassing, and something that makes it better is how you don’t even realize that you are calling him out in front of other people. You just think you’re reminding him.
He tries not to let it bother his plans, because as much as it flusters him, he likes it enough to think it’s cute.
Your obliviousness inconveniences him and he loves you for that.
It’s nice to think that you actually listen to what he says. Of course, your memory isn’t selective. so it’s not like you are choosing to cling onto his sentences.
It’s a useful thing, though. If he ever needed an alibi or anything.
Just an Ultimate holding another from strings, making them dance whenever he wants.
He has to be a nuisance. It’s mandatory for his role. Because if he doesn’t, it puts you in danger.
Rantarou Amami
He continues asking you questions, even if he already knows the answer. 
It just fills him with happiness to hear you talk so proudly about something.
Because you always know the answer for sure.
It’s like there’s no getting lost with you because you memorize the map.
Slightly amusing when he tries to test you on random knowledge, trying to stump you. 
“Rantarou, my love, you already told me this fact three days before our first kiss!” 
Damn, his blabbermouth. His loss makes him laugh every time.
Meeting you feels like an intense string of luck. Like encountering an angel.
He thinks about that every time you sleep. He’ll sit up, looking down at your calm face. What’s going on in that bubblegum mind of yours?
And then he’ll rest his head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat as he sleeps.
Kaito Momota
The best thing you do is tell him that he’s not an idiot.
Any of his tiny accomplishments follows with your big ounce of support.
Continuing with that idea, in trials, you draw the pieces in for him to get to the conclusion. If Saihara is having trouble, you can easily butt in and pave the way for Kaito.
It’s the lack of urgency in your tone that lets the detective understand your plan.
Whenever a group collects together, he’ll make sure no one says a word without you present. He claims it’s because you are almost their version of a stenographer.
Truthfully, he doesn’t want you to be left out.
He thinks of you all the time. It’s rather sweet. Sickeningly so.
Even though he thinks of you as way more advanced than him, he still goes out of his way to put a barrier between you and Ouma’s probing.
It annoys him more than it annoys you.
Sometimes he wonders if you can ever love someone like him.
But every time your attention falls on him, he can see you perk up. The bright smile, the way your eyes widen, how your fingers reach out to grab his.
It’s quite adorable.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
The amount of mistakes the two of you make is less than a handful. The two of your are never uncomfortable with each other. He knows your boundaries and you have his memorized.
He finds comfort when he is alone with you.
Your mind is beautiful, insanely so, but he is not more in love with it than he is in love with you.
Your normalcy, that preserved in your otherworldly mind, is more prominent when his eyes are the only ones on you.
You can just smile like everyone else without a second thought.
It’s something familiar to you throughout your world of regret and learning.
Though, with him always sharing his knowledge on something, the learning part of your life is actually a lot more fun.
Filling your brain with anthropology facts will be a lot of fun for later on in life.
You are like a ray of sunshine to him. He has no issues when he sleeps in your grasp. 
Especially when you run your fingers through his hair.
He just loves it whenever you are kind enough to show him all of your gratitude.
Kazuichi Souda
Whenever you come home, you are all that matters to him, and all of his attention will drift onto you.
Your days are always way more exciting than his! And he wants to hear all about the important people you meet and what you do with your Ultimate.
Though, you are happily willing to let him rant about all the cool things he has done in your absence.
Mechanics soothe his anxiety, and since recently, has soothed his loneliness too.
If there’s one thing you know, it’s that he needs to know you’re safe in order to feel comfortable with his position as boyfriend.
Even when close proximity flustered him beyond belief, it’s better than you being away from him.
He refuses to get into arguments with you. It’s obvious he’s going to lose.
Doesn’t even try.
Like the dork he is, he will sing to you whenever he’s happy. Like, if you’re cooking for something, he’ll sing a song. It’s a game to see if you can recognize the song or not.
“You’ve sang that song to me before but the notes were very different.”
“Hey... you don’t have to word it like that.”
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Goes out of his way to make sure his family doesn’t use your ability for their benefit.
To be honest, he thought of it, too. But he’s going to separate you and his work. You don’t deserve to be put through that.
Not with everything he’s seen.
Something he does ‘use’ you for is your memorization of license plate numbers. It lets him know if there are any repeating cars he should look out for when on public dates with you.
And sure he is gentle with you, uses kind words, and lets you touch him more than anyone on this planet, but that does not mean he can deal with your constant correcting of him.
It’s like in Falsettos- “We’ve been together for nine months. “Ten months.” “NINE MONTHS.” “Ten months.”
Does not take your patience when he tries to remember things.
“I know you know it, just tell it to me!”
“What’s the fun in that?”
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summonerscenarios · 4 years ago
WHILE I HAVE YOU HERE also consider 9 with toji and shuichi
Ah yes two absolute cuties - this is too good to pass up lmao ---------- 9. Taking their hand to pull along
The feeling of someone shaking your shoulder is what wakes you up. Groaning, it takes a few moments before you’re able to turn over, opening your eyes to look up at the culprit with a whine of “Whaaat?”, only to be met with Toji hovering over you. 
“Honestly,” Toji shakes his head, folding his arms as he squares you with a pointed look, brow furrowed. “Not even half an hour getting ready, and you’re already asleep.”
“What can i say? You’ve got good taste in comfy couches~” 
“Come on, you need to wake up before he gets here.”
“Welllll,” you drawl out, biting back a yawn. “Technically, Shuichi won’t be here for another ten minutes. Personally, I think that’s plenty of time to sleep on the couch and cuddle.” 
When he doesn’t seem to be budging, you hold open your arms, flashing him a cheeky grin. 
“Come on~” you purr “Five more minutes.” 
Toji, apparently swayed by your not-so compelling argument, starts leaning down to where you’re sprawled out on the couch…
Then, he hoists you up into the air.
“Toji!” you scream, flailing at the sudden weightlessness before you’re hefted none too gently onto his shoulder.
Your arms hook around his neck on instinct, one leg hiked up his hips as you squirm and try to break free of your boyfriend’s hold but he doesn’t budge in the slightest. Toji isn’t moved by your attempts to get loose and instead turns on his heel and starts heading over to the door.
“If you’re so insistent on sleeping you can explain it to Shuichi and we’ll come back up - after, we meet him at the gate, like you’d planned.”
You cast a forlorn look back to the sofa, already longing for the extra minutes of sleep as you make one last ditch effort to escape back to it. Toji has to split his attention away from you for a second to reach for the door handle, meaning you almost slip out of his grasp when he shifts his focus.
“Hold on a moment-stop fidgeting!”
“MAKE ME!” you howl, biting back a squeal of laughter when his hand tickles against your sides trying to wrangle you back in.
In that moment, Toji’s finally able to swing the front door open and the complaining dies in an instant when you both realize someone’s stood right on the other side, hand raised as though ready to knock.
“Well,” the amusement is as evident on his face as it is in his voice as Shuichi drops his hand back down to his side. “It seems you two have kept yourselves entertained.”
“Sweetchi~!” you call out. “Perfect timing, we were just heading out to meet you!”
“We?” Toji gives you an incredulous look as you try to completely play off the last few minutes, rolling his eyes at the look you give him before you continue. 
“Let me just say you’re looking gorgeous as always, by the way - that shirt really brings out your eyes!” Shuichi takes the compliment in stride, beaming at your words before turning his attention to Toji for answers.
“Most of the morning.”
“Hey! I’m not that predictable.” you retort, and Shuichi chuckles while Toji shakes his head again at the irony.
“Okay, maybe a little - but that’s not important!” you finally admit. “What’s important is we’re out and ready to go~!” 
Toji sees you trying to change the subject but humors you anyway, taking a step back into the apartment to swipe the keys off of the side so he can lock the door behind him.
“Sounds like you’re excited to get out,” Shuichi hums, grinning when you nod your head even as your eyes trail back to the apartment door as Toji pulls it closed.
“Yeah, of course, I’m always excited.” 
“Ah, yes, very convincing.”
With that being said, Shuichi steps forward and grabs ahold of Toji’s hand the moment he finishes locking up, leading the two of you away from the door. 
One problem - Toji hasn’t let go of you yet.
“H-hey, aren’t you gonna put me down before we go?” you pipe up, wiggling a bit in Toji’s grip as his arm keeps you rooted in place.
“Maybe, if you promise not to run back to the house.”
“But it was comfyyyy-” you whine, turning your head to watch Shuichi as he leads you both towards the elevator and chimes in.
“Exactly.” You pull a face in his direction but it’s impossible to hide that you’re smiling - the fact that he’s open about his amusement at the situation only making your grin grow wider, and when you catch Toji’s eye you can tell that he’s also somewhat entertained by the whole thing.
The hand that’s keeping you balanced rubs against the small of your back, and the other squeezes at Shuichi’s hand as the other man pulls the three of you along towards your intended destination. It’s clear this is going to be your seat for a while, so, with a defeated huff, you turn your focus to playing with the wisps of Toji’s horns with your fingers. Oh well, might as well make yourself comfortable.
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viscariaa · 5 years ago
Day 6 - Saiouma Week - Fluff - Safe and Sound
Ship: Oumasai/Saiouma
Words: 1301
Type: Fluff
Trigger Warning: None
Posted: 08.07.20
Song: Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift
Description: Shuichi has been working on a cold case with little time to give attention to his boyfriend, Kokichi Ouma. But Kokichi is going to change that!
“Shumai! Give me attention! I’ll die without it!” Kokichi whines, spinning in a chair with his hands above his head. 
“Kokichi,” Shuichi mutters before continuing to work on the case, “let me finish this first...” 
They were both on opposite sides of their small apartment living room. The white door blends into the bare, matching walls, making the black coat hanger and shoe rack stand out. The modest living room turned into Shuichi’s office with papers and books all over the floor.
“Pleaaaase!” Kokichi begs, glancing at the night sky from the closet window to his left. 
“Saihara-Chan has been working on it for three days straight…” Kokichi thinks, glancing behind Shuichi’s shoulders to see coffee cups scattered on the wooden desk. 
He lets out a groan before standing up from his chair and playfully walking towards Shuichi. Kokichi wraps his arms around Shuichi’s neck, reading the files in Shuichi’s hands. 
“Why a cold case? I thought Kyoko-Chan said you weren’t ready for one?” 
“An emergency came up…” Shuchi calmly said, his head drooping slightly only for him to jerk up.
“All right, that’s it!” Kokichi announces, letting go of Shuichi. “You are going to sleep whether you like it or not! I refuse to see my Shumai surviving off of coffee for any longer!” 
“Kokichi, I appreciate the concern, but I really need to prove to Kyoko I can handle a case like this,” Shuchi stubbornly said, his amber eyes never leaving the files. 
Kokichi resists the urge to face palm, “wait...I know exactly how to get him to fall asleep!”
Shuichi hears Kokichi skip down the hall, “maybe he decided to fall asleep…” 
He couldn’t help but have guilt crawl up inside of him. Shuichi wants to spend more time with Kokichi, but he knows how important this case is. How much the family will be grateful when they locate their son’s body. How much Kyoto will be pleased. “Only a little longer, I just need to be able to connect the dots…”
I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I’ll never let you go. 
Shuichi feels someone spin his chair around, “Gah!” 
Kokichi looks down, his face inches apart from Shuichi. If Shuichi moves just a bit further, their lips would clash. Shuichi stares at Kokichi’s amethyst eyes, trailing down to his chapped lips. Kokichi slowly comes closer and closer to Shuichi. Their noses touched, making Shuichi’s heart race. Suddenly, Kokichi pulls back, taking Shuichi with him. 
When all those shadows almost killed your light. 
The song echoes behind the pair, drowning out Shuichi’s yelp, and Kokichi’s mischievous giggle. Kokichi grabs Shuichi’s hands, placing them around his hips while he hangs his arms around Shuichi’s neck. “Kokichi, w-what-?” 
I remember you said, don’t leave me here alone. 
Kokichi puts a finger over Shuichi’s lips, silencing him. “Just dance with me, Shuichi.”
But all that’s dead and gone and passed tonight. 
Shuichi gives his boyfriend a smile, admitting defeat. They begin to sway to the music, feeling comfortable in each other’s presence. Despite both in pajamas, Kokichi in a Panta shirt with purple basketball shorts, and Shuichi in a black shirt and sweatpants, it felt perfect. 
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. 
They begin to slow dance, even though they keep tripping over their own feet, along with the numerous papers and books on the floor. Shuichi starts to hum along to the music, feeling the stress lift off his shoulders. 
You’ll be alright, no one can hurt you now. 
“I’m sorry for not giving you attention, Kokichi.” 
“I understand, Saihara-Chan. I shouldn’t have been pushy. I know how important this job is to you. But~” Kokichi puffs out his cheeks, “keep humming! Supreme leader’s orders!” 
Come morning light, you and I’ll be safe and sound.     
Shuichi lets out a laugh, making Kokichi blush. He hasn’t heard Shuichi laugh in a while, too caught up in his work to laugh. 
“How can I disobey a supreme leader’s order?” Shuichi gives him a kiss on his nose. 
Don’t you dare look out your window, darling everything’s on fire. 
Shuichi starts to hum again, causing Kokichi to smile. A rare genuine smile. Shuichi’s heart beats faster, saving the memory in his brain. “I can’t believe Kokichi out of all people is helping me relax…” 
The war outside our door keeps raging on.
They were better in sync, their feet moving together as one. Kokichi moves his hands from Shuichi’s neck and hugs his boyfriend. He nuzzles his head in Shuichi’s chest, smelling the scent of coffee and paper. 
Hold onto this lullaby even when the music gone, gone. 
Shuichi follows Kokichi and hugs him, patting his purple hair. “Sometimes, I like how short you are.” 
Kokichi hugs Shuichi tighter, “shut up! I can still break your kneecaps! Just...keep humming!” 
“Of course, Kichi.” 
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down.           
“Getting confident now, aren’t you?” Kokichi teases. 
“D-do you not like it?! I’m sorry! I-” Shuichi gets another finger to his lips. 
“I love it, Shumai!” 
You’ll be alright, no one can hurt you now. 
Soon, the song and Shuichi’s humming fill up the room again. Kokichi focuses on Shuichi’s heartbeat, “he’s alive. This isn’t a dream. I really have an amazing boyfriend that I get to call my own…” 
Kokichi could feel Shuichi going slower, he looks up, seeing a tired look on his face. “Yes! It’s working!”  
Come morning light, you and I’ll be safe and sound. 
Shuichi could feel sleep start to seep in. “No...I need to still finish…” 
“Absolutely not! You, Mister Detective, will be heading to bed after we are finished!” 
“No, if’s or but’s!” 
Just close your eyes, you’ll be alright. 
“This was your plan all along, huh?” Shuichi tilts his head. 
“Maybe! Maybe I just really wanted to dance with my beloved! Who knows!” Kokichi smirks before standing on his tip-toes to kiss Shuichi’s cheek. 
Come morning light, you and I’ll be safe and sound. 
The song comes to a close as Shuichi pulls Kokichi in for a kiss. Shuichi tastes Kokichi’s grape lip balm, making him smile through the kiss. 
Kokichi feels his heart start to flutter, which happens every time they lock lips. Kokichi deepens the kiss, his hands entangled in Shuichi’s midnight hair. 
They both pull away to catch their breath, staring at each other with love-struck eyes. Kokichi starts to giggle, “this feels so cliche!” 
Shuichi could not help but start to laugh as well. Soon, they were both laughing at the magical moment. 
“Why are we even laughing?” Shuichi rubs tears out of his eyes. 
“Who knows? And who cares!” 
Shuichi picks up Kokichi bridal style, causing a yelp to emerge from the tiny leader’s mouth. “Let’s go to sleep, Kichi.” 
Kokichi wraps his arms around Shuichi, “yes, sir!” 
Soon, they were in their dark bedroom, snuggling under their grey bed sheets. Kokichi’s head is against Shuichi’s chest with Shuichi wrapping his arms around Kokichi.      
“Hey, Saihara-Chan…” Kokichi yawns before continuing, “let’s do this more often…” 
“We should…” Shuichi yawns, “I’m going to set an alarm for tomorrow. I need to still finish this case…” 
“Nope! You are going to call Kyoko-Chan and say you are taking the day off!” 
“I just need a nap and I’ll be fine,” Shuichi insists.  
Kokichi’s mouth forms an ‘O’, “lying to a liar!? How cruel! So very cruel!” 
Shuichi kisses Kokichi’s head, “fine, but you have to take a day off from DICE as well. Deal?” 
Kokichi kisses Shuichi’s jawline, “deal! Goodnight, my beloved!” 
Shuichi didn’t respond, making Kokichi glance up. Shuichi was already fast asleep with his lips slightly parted, his chest rising and falling softly. 
“Not tired...such a huge lie.”
Kokichi smiles and soon falls asleep to Shuichi’s heartbeat. 
I’m a simp for reading slow dances! Expect more lovey-dovey dance scenes in the near future! This is Prompt #6 - Fluff by @saiouma-events​! Sending you lovelies a virtual hug! - December  
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despaired-hcs · 5 years ago
DRV3 boys x Short!reader Headcanons
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Art not mine!!!
Word count: 1k+
Requested: No
Warnings: None
A/N: Hello! These are my first hcs for the danganronpa fandom but I’m certainly going to write more. I just love these boys with my whole small heart You’re going to notice Korekyo doesn’t appear in these and be like “Oh, lala, you dummy, you forgot Kyo!” but I do remembered him, I just choose not to write about him. Ever. Anyways, enjoy!
Gonta Gokuhara
Omg you’re so tiny next to him
Gonta is extremely careful with you, he’s afraid his superhuman strength will break you
He will help you with anything he can
Oh, you have to grab something at the higher shelf? Gonta can lift you no problem
You sprained your ankle? Gonta will gladly carry you home
He has to scoop whenever you two will kiss, so you tell him it’s okay to lift you up a little if it will ease his back
So expect lots of him picking you up and spinning before sweetly kissing you
Really, Gonta gives the softest kisses
When you’re both siting he gently holds you close by your waist and leaves quick pecks all over you face and neck
And he absolutely adores when you cup his face with your tiny hands
If you want to heat things up you’ll have to sit on his lap, straddling his legs
He’ll be a blushing mess but will keep kissing you as the soft baby he is
So it ends up with you firmly grabbing his shirt and kissing the life out of him
Gonta will surely show you his insect cage and compare you with the little ones
“You so tiny and cute, remind Gonta of ladybug!”
Later you notice how he refers to the ladybug by your name
“Today Gonta no could feed (Y/N).” He murmurs to himself, intensely staring at the insect
So pure
Gonta will fight anyone who insults or makes jokes about your height
Kaito Momota
You’re so cute he can’t handle it
He’s always there when you can’t reach something just so he can show you how tall and strong he looks as he reach the thing you need
Really, he will appear out of nowhere if you need him
He passes one arm around your waist and leans down to kiss you passionately whenever he’s proud of you even if it’s just for changing a light bulb
Kaito definitely gives you nicknames because of your height
“Little (Y/N)”, “Small bean” and “Baby girl” are the ones he uses the most
But he will get pissed if he sees anyone calling you that especially if it’s Kokichi
If you’re into high hells he’ll gladly buy you some
Cause he just loves the smile on your face when you’re just a little bit taller
He absolutely loves when you’re on your tiptoes to kiss him
Or when you pull him down by his jacket to reach his lips
Especially in public, he likes being seen with you
He likes putting his hand on the top of your head as he explains something to you
“See, little (Y/N), you can’t just trust people like that.”
And he would totally be that person who leans forward with their hands on their knees to be the same height as you
And he would regret it forever cause you got PISSED
Kaito will also throw fists at anyone who mentions your height as something bad
Kiibo doesn’t really care about your height
But he does like the fact that he’s taller
It makes him feel stronger and shows you how you’re safe around him
So expect him to ask if you need help literally all the time
“Yes, Kiibo, I need help. Come here and kiss me.”
He will be blushing and overheating as he quietly obeys and leans to kiss you
And later he realizes you didn’t need him to kiss you, you were just messing with him because he was bothering you
And he blushes even more
So since that day he stops to admire how you overcome your small stature with smartness
From grabbing a chair to reach the cabinet with the plates to throwing pillows to kill mosquitoes
He just finds you amazing
Kiibo will do anything if you ask with those puppy eyes and mentions how tall he is
He gets really nervous when you ask him to carry you on his shoulders, ‘cause he’s afraid he’ll drop you
But then he just can’t stop smiling at how you keep excitedly telling him how tall you are
So he loves carrying you around and making you feel taller
You made him the happiest robot when you sweetly asked him to lean down just to kiss him when he did so
Kiibo argues with anyone who makes fun of your heigh
Kokichi Oma
You being short is a big deal here
He never says it, but you know he’s kinda insecure about his height
People not believing he’s a supreme leader and not taking his advices seriously cause he’s short, it all stresses him
So yeah, he really likes the fact that you’re short as well
And he’s constantly bothering you because of it
He likes to enter your room while you’re off and hide things you like the most (like your favorite shoes) in the higher shelves
Just so you have to climb over chairs and boxes to grab them
No, he doesn’t do it because he has a great view of your butt while you’re up there searching
If you ever do the same with him, he will reply with “come on, (Y/N), grow up! I told you it wasn’t me!” and run off before you can hit him
He absolutely adores your hugs, since he can rest his cheek on your shoulder and you can do the same on his (the supreme hug)
And he loves how he can just pass one arm around your waist and keep his other hand in the back of your neck and take his time while kissing you
He actually encourages you to wear high heels sometimes
And when you do he always asks “so how is the view?”
But he also goes like “aww, my little (Y/N) finally grew up!”
It’s good to see you from other angles from time to time, but he never admits he likes it
Kokichi could totally get used to when you’re taller than him, with your arms around his shoulders, and slowly leaning down to kiss him
  Bonus if you two are kissing and you get out of your heels, it makes his heart flutter (and he blushes a little too)
Kokichi will make anyone’s life a living hell if they dare to make fun of your stature
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro loves everything about you
And that includes your height
He loves hugging you and resting his chin on the top of your head, calmly rubbing your back
He will try leaving important stuff at the lower shelves
And will always be there if you need help to reach anything
Sometimes you mess with him and keep asking him to grab things you actually don’t need just to watch him
And when he notices what you’re doing you’re so screwed
He tickles you until you ask for mercy (and since he’s way taller than you there’s no escape)
He loves your laugh and loves tickling you, but he knows the limits
Rantaro likes to hug you close by the waist and kiss you passionately, your back slowly arching as he leans in
He also likes it when you quietly approach him from behind and leave kisses all over his shoulders and back
Especially if you’re doing it to catch his attention so you can properly kiss him
Wear his shirts, just do it, he’ll blush so cutely
Rantaro will never forgive anyone who insults you about your height
Ryoma Hoshi
Even though you consider yourself short, Ryoma is shorter
And he’s okay with it
He likes how there isn’t that much height difference between you two though
Ryoma tries to act cool and let you be, but he’s always there when you need help
His house has shorter wardrobes and shelves and he already said you can stop by whenever you want or need
Ryoma will blush a lot when you pretend to whisper something in his ear and kiss his cheek
(And even more when you take advantage of his embarrassment to kiss his lips)
He’s afraid he will hurt you so he tends to keep some distance from time to time
But when you two are close again he’ll tenderly hold your hand and won’t let go for a long time
Ryoma kisses you slowly and with so much love you almost can’t take it
He’s ready to kill anyone who makes you feel bad about your height
Shuichi Saihara
This boy is so soft for you
He keeps staring lovingly at you even when you’re just existing
Shuichi never mentions your stature or make jokes about it
But he does like it when you ask him for help
He feels so useful and he’s just glad he can do something for you
Shuichi usually kisses your knuckles and forehead, too afraid to go for your lips
So you have to hold his sleeve to make him lean a little and stand on tiptoes to kiss him
And once you do, Shuichi won’t let go for quite some time
He will blush madly and giggle if you ever wear his hat
Or his shirt and coat
He just loves when you’re wearing his clothes
Just like Kiibo, he will do almost anything if you ask with puppy eyes
Shuichi doesn’t like to see you wearing uncomfortable high heels just to get a little bit taller
But if you really like them, he’ll get used to it and sometimes buy a pair
His favorite view of you is when you’re in front of him with your arms open wide, asking cutely for a hug
Shuichi won’t let anyone talk about your height in his presence
PS.: Requests are open, guys!
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Heya Tumblr! Welcome back to me finally posting! I'm continuing the uh, the cuddling/affection headcanons! Because, yes. Anyways enjoy!!
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To say that this girl just loves cuddles is an understatment. This girl adores cuddles with a passion. Whenever you're comfortable she would love to cuddle with you. And she's an amazing cuddler too. She'll play with your hair, rub your back, put her head in the crook of your neck, anything she can do she will. Of course, with permission. She probably will be the first one to fall asleep but she will try to talk about what is one her mind. Swimming? Yep. Donuts? Yeah. Bisexual Tuck of Shirts™? Hell to the yes. She just loves being with her s/o's and having a nice time :)!
To say that she is touch-starved but tsundere about it is an understatment. If you managed to get her to cuddle she is cuddly. Not as cuddly as Hina, but she will still cling to you for a bit. Though she most likely won't fall asleep first after awhile of cuddling she may just rest for a bit. Usually with her you'll need to get her to talk, and if she does she'll just talk about what she is currently writing. To her the best cuddles you'll have with her is silent cuddles that could last for an hour or two. Just the two of you there, doing/working on something.
Very much like Hina, he loves cuddles. But, he is much more chill about it. He's a tall guy, so most likely you'll be the small one and he adores it when his s/o is the small one. Be sure you're ready for a lot of hair playing because he absolutely will not let go of your hair. Bonus points if you have long hair because he will style it so much. Braids? Yep. Pony/Pigtails? Yes. Buns? Fuck to the yeah. He is also super talkative when you cuddle with him so prepare for his rambles about aliens and how the happy birthday song is demonic. He's just a big baby when it comes to cuddles so yes, expect a lot of them.
She doesn't know how to cuddle. At all. So you'll need to teach her. But usually if you cuddle with her she just kinda sits still and after like a solid 2 minutes of you trying to cuddle her she'll just turn to you and ask, "what are you trying to do?" Like. She's so geniunely confused. She sometimes talks, sometimes she doesn't, it depends on her mood though. And no, she won't fall asleep. Like, ever while cuddling. She's just super confused but once she knows how to cuddle she gives AMAZING cuddles. She's so strong and you'd just feel so safe with you and she'd feel safe too. It'll just be, amazing.
He's actually pretty calm about cuddling. When it comes to talking he can keep a conversation going about anything. You had a bad day? C'mere and cuddle it out. You wanna ramble about a hobby/interest? No problemo, he's here to listen. Though sometimes if you are silent he'll fill that silence with rambles about how much he loves you and motivational speeches are a guarantee. He also loves it when he's the big spoon but he also can deal with being the little spoon (of course if you're taller than him). And most the time he'll be the last to fall asleep but he will sometimes fall asleep first if he is just really, really tired.
~Mod Shuichi
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