#danganronpa v3 male cast
victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 2
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Propaganda Under Cut
She is part of a weird fucked up love triangle with two dudes. All three of them are honestly kind of terrible for each other but she gets shoved aside in favor of the two dudes in most fics and is not allowed to grow past the toxic relationships of her past. Also she’s a cis woman who dresses pretty masculinely (because she’s in a mercenary band) so she gets type casted as the mean lesbian friend, when she’s straight in canon
Probably an instance of this being taken to canon, as Griffith (Traitor) tortures her to victimize Guts (protag), because Griffith's psychosexual desires to control everyone, especially Guts. Fandom types side with Griffith because he is an attractive white boy. 
She's an incredibly interesting character in her own right with really good dynamics and parallels to Griffith and Guts, and the way those three play off of each other is integral to the story, but most of what I've seen completely ignores her in favor of focusing on only Griffith and Guts
Kaede Akamatsu
She is a good person with good intentions in canon, and she takes care of the people she likes. However, in fanon, especially with a popular pairing, she is again the WOMAN who is either homophobic or the mean lesbian. Justice for Kaede tbh
I hate to be bringing up Danganronpa. But oh my god. This fandom used to be KNOWN for it's toxic treatment towards the female love interests of the male protagonists, and she is notoriously known as THE victim of yaoi for the entire fandom. She's a pianist and the supporting character, having some really cute moments with Shuichi Saihara, the (male) main character. Especially in 2019, she suffered immense hate because of the amount of Saiouma shippers, the most popular V3 ship and in the top 2 for the entire fandom which is the ship between Shuichi and Kokichi Ouma, the (also male, just like Shuichi, hence the yaoi victim) antagonist of the game. If I had a dollar for every time I saw people hating on her, specifically just because she "gets in the way" of Saiouma, I would be able to buy V3 at least sixteen times.
classic yaoi victim- most fics have her so OOC it hurts, what is it with 12 y/o saiouma shippers and turning her into a homophobic fuckass for the sake of their shitty wattpad yaoi-
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beearcheops · 6 days
Drv3 family trees (or my best attempt)(minus the Monokubs because I’m not doing that to myself)
Yeahhhh, guess who got bored
I mainly just used find on page to find out so this may be not 100% accurate (but if you think I’m gonna read all ftes,date tickets,utdp and drs events, you’re wrong)
anyways, here’s the key
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Circle means Female, Square means Male and a question mark means idk if they are related or not (or something idk I just explain when it comes up)
all family trees are under cut cuz it’s long
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First things first, Shuichi’s tree was probably the easiest to make for me since all the info was in his ftes. The only thing that I struggled with was shuichi saying “my uncle and his wife” which is a very weird way to say it (like bud, you could’ve said aunt in law and at least have some people understand it. Maybe idk family trees make my head hurt) but oh well
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Then there’s Kaede! Her family tree is relatively simple but I also need to mention that if the character in question never mentions their family, I’m just going to assume that they have just 2 parents (in which I’m coining as the “normalcy law of assuming” I guess, I couldn’t think of a better name)
speaking of which…
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Tsumugi (I’m pretty sure) never mention any family members, no matter how much I search (and before you mention her love hotel event, I didn’t read any of the cast’s love hotel events for both my sanity and happiness) so I just assuming that she has 2 parents
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Remember when I said that I would explain the question mark?
well, here, it means that the mom may be not the same for all of children (at least in this scenario) (I mean rantaro did said most of his sisters are stepsisters, also yeah, the circle with 12 on represent his 12 sisters because I’m not putting all 12 of them in the image)
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Next one up,Tenko! Surprisingly, the normalcy law of assuming doesn’t apply to tenko, why?, because she mentions her parents in one of her ftes! (I don’t remember which one but I do know that she mentioned them) so yeah, just a small simple family tree
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Now for Himiko, unlike Tenko, Himiko never mentions her family (unless her master is her dad in which I- what.) while the Danganronpa wiki states that she has a mom, I (personally) couldn’t find any evidence of that at all so I’m not sure where in the world they found that information (I’m serious, where in the fuck she says this?!?!?!!?! Because its certainly not in her ftes,date tickets,utdp events or drs events, so where is it?!?!??!) (I’m going insane) so yeah
UPDATE: thanks to @reblogablename, I now know where Himiko mentions her mom, it’s in the first mass panic debate
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Uhh so according to my notes, Miu has parents but I don’t know where I found that information (like did I find it in her wiki page or ftes, or somewhere else completely? I’m not completely sure where but I’m gonna trust my notes here)
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To call Keebo’s family tree interesting could be a understatement, this is a line. Other than that, there’s not much to say about it, it’s just keeb and his professor/dad (also I want to mention that I’m pretty sure that Professor Idabashi is the only named family member in v3 which is odd but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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Due to Kokichi being Kokichi, I don’t know if he has parents or not so I’m pulling the normalcy law of assuming card here
meanwhile the little question mark represents his older brother mentioned in his ftes, and since Kokichi lies, he might have a brother or not
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While Maki has not met her parents (if I remember correctly in the ftes), she must come from somewhere (also please ignore the weird writing in this section/ryoma’s section, I dead ass forgot about the both of them sorry)
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Ryoma does have parents, well dead parents but still parents
(I’m going insane)
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Korekiyo’s family tree, like Shuichi’s, was relatively easy to make, not much to mention here I think (other than the whole incest thing but I don’t want to think about it)
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Kaito,Kaito, Kaito, why were you the hardest person to write about (no seriously, why was it so hard?!??!) anyways, not much to say than kaito never talks about his parents so idk what happened to them
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We’re in the final stretch! Kirumi never mentions her family sooo to the normalcy law of assuming corner for you!
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Now for Gonta, while he does mention his family, he doesn’t specific any family members so another one in the normalcy law of assuming list
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And FINALLY, angie has the same thing as gonta where she mention her family, she doesn’t specified what family members she has so yet again, the normalcy law of assuming shows up
aaaaand thats everyone in drv3 (minus the Monokubs because of no) family trees, but feel free to correct me if anything is wrong cuz I know for a fact that I missed at least one thing (*cough**cough* Himiko *cough**cough* ) anyways enjoy :3
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1.) (Spoilers for the game but)
First female protagonist in the three main games of the series. Advertised as the protagonist in all of the game’s trailers and was hyped up, only to get brutally killed off at the end of the first chapter for shock value and to be replaced with a male protagonist. It’s revealed in the end that the reason she died was completely made up and she was killed for convenience.
In the one chapter she’s in there’s a scene of her taking her shirt off, as well as a joke about the male protagonist accidentally looking up her skirt while she’s climbing a ladder. Her legacy for the rest of the game is basically to act as the male protagonist’s reason for character development as he tries to become stronger.
2.) So disclaimer first that I think Kaede is actually really well-written as a character. She's interesting and feels fleshed out and despite dying early on, she haunts the narrative so strongly that she was one of my favorite characters for the whole game AND she's vital to the climax of the story. All that said…
Kaede was marketed as the protagonist of the game, making her the first female protagonist in the main DR series (there's a female protag in a spin-off but the two other games in the main series both had male protags). You start the game and you immediately notice she has a stronger personality than either of the male protags from the previous games, who, while I like them, tend to be the normal ones in an otherwise colorful cast. She felt like a break from the usual protag mold and we even got to have a male secondary character this time who relied on her for support. But. She isn't the protag. The guy I just mentioned is. You find out mid-trial 1 that Kaede is (sorta unintentionally) the killer and you switch control to the guy character and Kaede then dies at the end of the trial. As far as a plot goes, this was really really cool and well-executed, but it also means the game intentionally decided to pull a bait-and-switch where they advertised the "first female protag of the series!" only to kill her off early on and reveal the true protag was actually a guy who, once again is a character I like, but is much more similar to the previous two protags than Kaede was. There was literally no reason they had to put a female character as the false protag here, as the twist would've worked equally well or maybe even more if they revealed a typical male protag character was the killer and instead switched to a female protag for the rest of the game. Advertising Kaede as the first female main series protag while knowing she would be dead for the majority of the game and the actual protag would be a guy feels cheap and insulting, especially as a female player who was really excited to play as Kaede.
3.) She was the protagonist! But god forbid danganronpa has a female protagonist so (spoilers) she actually has to die sorry :( and then only exist in flashbacks the new male protagonist has where hes like damn wish we couldve dated
1.) Oh Juvia. I haven't seen fairy tail in a bit, but poor juvia. She's supposedly an extremely powerful wizard, who was always ignored and treated poorly because of her rain powers. I don't remember it completely but she basically causes rain everywhere she goes and has extremely useful and powerful water magic…. until she joins fairy tail. Or, more specifically, until she meets Gray. Sometime during their fight (can't remember why) juvia fell head over he's for him and wanted to join fairy tail right after the battle between them and the guild she was part of was over. And she basically spends every second on screen talking about and fantasizing over gray. Who's not even interested in her! Their """"romance"""" has so much to talk about but regarding juvia there's also the aspect that she is supposed to be really extremely strong! She was one of the best bladers of her old guild! But then when she gets invited to be S Class in fairy tail? Oh she looses in the first round because God forbid Juvia have accomplishments of her own after meeting gray!!! It's not like juvia doesn't have any good moments, I really like her when she's no where near and not thinking about gray. But she almost always is. She turns into like the worst person whenever he's around its so weird she doesn't act like herself she's awful to any other girl who so much as looks in his direction…. oh my God it's exhausting and the main reason I quit the show.
Oh and let's not forget we can compare her to gajeel here- he's also a very strong wizard, in the group of main characters, from the same guild as Juvia, has a romantic subplot, and gets invited to be S Class. Major difference: Gajeel isn't a woman. And for some strange unknowable reason (/s) hes… treated by the plot and written better than Juvia? Okay again it's been a hot minute since I've seen fairy tail but you remember all those problems I mentioned with Juvia above? Literally none of them apply to Gajeel. He doesn't spend all his time fawning over Levy, he's a strong mage and is ALLOWED TO BE no oh remember how gajeel was supposed to be strong well we forgor so were going to let him do One Cool Thing and then forget again, he actually makes it past round one of the S Class test and is hugely important in the Edolas arc. OH AND SPEAKING OF after that arc juvia finds out that edolas gray was obsessed with Edolas Juvia so she changed her hair style to match edo juvia in hopes gray will like her now because of her new hair style. It's not the worst thing ever but it gets on my nerves so fucking much.
Like I said I'm not exactly a fairy tail super-fan I literally forgot everything after the s class test thing and then some but I couldn't not add juvia propaganda.
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(something like this happens every other 5 minutes she's on screen)
2.) She started off as a really intimidating and cold looking antagonist in Phantom Lord arc, borderline creepy in some scenes even. She was one of the elemental four (She's a rain woman and does water magic) and an S-Class wizard in that guild (Highest rank), so you can tell off the bat that she's strong as hell- Up until we get a one on one fight scene involving her and Gray- Who she immediately swoons for for some reason. It isn't that bad of a fight I don't think, and the reason she got a crush on him was pretty sweet- His ice basically froze all of Juvia's rain water for a moment, allowing her to see and feel the clear sky and sun after years of being followed around by rain.
What ruins it is how after their fight, her crush on Gray just starts… Getting out of control. She started stalking him. Joined Fairy Tail, the guild he was in, and acted obsessive of him and started calling literally every other girl her 'Love Rival'. It isn't that bad during the first / earlier seasons, since at that point she was still recovering from being a bad guy and trying to prove to others that she wants to be allies with them (Like when she sacrificed herself for Cana during Battle of Fairy Tail arc, and when she cried after Lucy knocked her out after she got brainwashed and told her they were friends now) But eventually it really does just start becoming her one trait and gag. What doesn't help is that it got old pretty fast and it's creepy and Gray barely shows any interest in her either and frequently tells her he'd like it if she was less stalkery. Also she's gets more pushy. Literally!!! Even the women mentioned ABOVE who Juvia considered friends weren't safe from being called her Love Rival even when they state multiple times that they aren't interested in Gray (Lucy especially.) She'd go after every and all women who MAY be after her precious Gray without any STOPS. She used to have actual character and motivations!!! She used to get along with other girls, even if it was begrudgingly!! But now she's just Gray's accesory / just "Gray's About-To-Be Girlfriend" and it somehow got even worse in the sequel 100 Years Quest. She's a powerful wizard and it still shows but her only notable trait, motive, gag, connection, etc. Are related to her calling him "Gray-Sama" and harassing him. Let her fight without thinking of Gray for god's sake!!!
3.) Juvia, as a concept, is not so bad: it's a lonely, depressed woman with water powers she can't always control who gets a chance at being somewhere where people will provide the love and companionship she craved. NOW THE EXECUTION IS WHERE THE CREATOR FUCKED UP. Upon her introduction, she immediately develops a crush on Gray, one of the main characters and her original guild's enemy, which makes her not really want to fight him. Sounds kinda sexist but not particularly outstanding, right? Well, as soon as she stops being on the enemy side and joins the main guild, she is turned into a caricature by having her stalk her crush, obsessively worry about him even looking at other women, being hostile to said women and then, throughout the series, continuously doubling down on her romantic and sexual advances despite him constantly refusing and expressing both verbally and physically his discomfort. There are a handful of moments toward the beginning where she seems to have the bare minimum of depth and it looks like she can build a good connection with some female characters, but this is all abandoned and she becomes a wet piece of cardboard whose only personality trait is obsessively loving a guy and any dramatic or tense scenes revolve around what's happening to him. She becomes unbearable to watch and this is particularly frustrating when you consider that she's technically, according to her introduction, a rather strong mage and that her magic doesn't have any established limits. She turns her body into water!! She can change the weather!! She could technically do something like blood bending if Mashima weren't a coward!! She could do so much more but that is the extent of what the creator cares to show because he doesn't care about her beyond what he can get in terms of "comedy".
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gummy-bearz · 8 months
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ㅤ۫ Mod Hiyoko's introduction . . .
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hello, i am an author whose willing to write what people request. im not a that much of a skilled write since I’m still learning so don’t mind that!! also, 8 characters per request please! unless you are requesting an entire cast or a specific group. (eg: danganronpa thh girls with ___)
make sure to be specific; if you want your request as an oneshot or headcanon, please clarify that! otherwise it would leave me very confused.
if you do not clarify the gender of the reader, they'll automatically be gender neutral.
the media I write for are: danganronpa (mostly), skullgirls and doki doki literature club. I write for every single character from the media that I write for.
btw i apologize if they are sent out late, i can be VERY busy with work sometimes.
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what i will not write
• rape (non-con in general)
• age play (age regression is valid)
• pedophilia
• smut of skullgirls minors, fluff only. (this includes filia, squigly, annie, fukua, painwheel, peacock and marie.)
• I won’t write umbrella in a relationship, but I am able write something platonic tho!
• incest
• necrophilia
• paraphilia
• lolicest / shotacest
• nsfw of loli hiyoko (nsfw of adult hiyoko only, fluff of loli hiyoko is valid)
• warriors of hope
• tenko in a relationship with male reader. I will allow platonic stuff.
• smut of v3 cast, fluff only.
• watersports / omocute
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what i will write
• smut / fluff / angst
• comfort
• poly relationships (I suck, take that as a warning before requesting any)
• pretty much anything that is not on the no list
• ships (only if they’re not proships.)
• rarepairs (I will deny if I do not how how to write it)
that’s pretty much it, don’t be afraid to request something!
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plaindangan · 2 years
Plain's Ask Guidelines + Wishlist
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
It’s plain to see, I’m now open for some lewd Danganronpa asks! Well, for now at least! Think of it as testing the waters a bit?
For detailed asks, muses that can be asked are limited to six. For asks that just require a few sentences, I'm willing to extend that to at least ten.
All casts are adults in this, no exceptions! Think like in their twenties (with certain characters being an exception).
Any girl concerning the HPA saga and V3 are up for asks - though with some exceptions and some modified here to be better suited for me.
Sakura resembles more of herself pre-buff, such as in the art with her and Kenshiro. She’s still the strongest human in the world, just more in-line with the other girls now.
With Hiyoko and Himiko, and really short characters in general, they can be asked as either in Growth Spurts (GS) or as shortstacks (Stack). In general, when asking about these types of short characters, please make sure to highlight which do you want.
Concerning the WoH, while they can be asked, should be noted they are also aged up considerably to be on par with the rest of the casts in this (in their twenties give or take). They'll also be the exception to the shortstack rule - all adult bodies.
As for guys, generally prefer writing the main five protagonists (Hajime, Kyosuke, Shuichi, Makoto and Yasuke) . That isn’t to say I can’t do the others, but these are just my preferences. Okay, and Chihiro, too. Because who can resist him! Also throwing in Ryota, because why not?
Feel free to ask about the others though, and if I like it enough I might even do them! Except probably Teruteru and Hifumi? Well, for those guys I might just tweak them if it ever comes to it.
For the spinoffs will be accept asks for the DR0 Girls, Kanon Nakajma, and the Killer Killer girls. Minor relevant girls like Sato, Natsumi, or even scrapped characters like Mrs. Fujisaki are good to ask. Should be doable as long as they come from the entries I listed.
Concerning the married status of Mrs. Naegi and the like, any asks with them with someone beyond their canon partner will be treated as the parties splitting up affably.
(New) This has also been a long time coming, but I am also accepting asks concerning the Rain Code cast too so go nuts for them! As for other fandoms, such as the One Piece asks later on, those are more of a case by case thing. If I do want to do a crossover, I'll make sure to update the wishlist for such a fandom in the future.
Will do for sure - Female casts from the mainline games/anime (1/2/3/DRAE/V3), DR0 girls, Kanon Nakajima, Killer Killer cast and even Scrapped girls.
For males - Hajime, Shuichi, Makoto, Ryota, Kyosuke, Chihiro & Yasuke. Everyone else, case by case
Futa, femboy, spanking, groping, boob/ass expansion, MILFs, twerking, shortstacks, monster girls, all 'jobs', bimbos, genderbending,
Nopes: Scat, death, gore, loli/shota, vore, choking, guess the ‘alpha’ personality or whatever its called? NTR, beastiality/zoophilia.
Just the top of my head, more will get added whenever my brain thinks of them
WISH LIST - The muses of which I kind of desire asks for at the moment! You can still ask for others, just this is what Plain is feeling.
For now its with these ones: Sayaka, Mukuro Ms. Naegi, Akane, Ibuki, Kirumi, Tsumugi, Tenko, Chisa, Ruruka, Ryoko, Hiroko, Fubuki, Guilaume
(New) - Until October is over, feel free to send in asks related to the monster girls/costumes in the 'PlainDR Monsters' tag!
Truth or Dare. Send in 'ToD - Muse: Question' in order to ask one of my muse either a truth or dare to be answered.
Grimoire/Invention/Medical (Transform) Antics. At this point Himiko, Miu and Seiko are saving people the trouble of trying to steal their stuff. Ask 'TA: Question' have them use whatever to grant the asker/muses heart's desire. Libido increase, bodyswapping or modification, just try your luck with an ask.
Lewd Confession - LC - Muse: Question' It involves one muse being asked about they truly feel concerning a kink or other desire, with the bonus of it the answer always being truthful!
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AHEM, just letting myself rant a bit to get it off my chest because I am tired of people misinterpreting us and also just completely ignoring or missing the details right in front of them in the canon. Sister and me are literally the only ones who are correct about ourselves because I mean for one we are literally the actual Shingujis from V3 and not just fans or kins or anything else, but also just because no one can seem to understand us for who we are even when it’s very obviously presented in the game. Anyways, first of all I don’t get constantly misgendered just for people to say “oh he actually *is* a girl” if you headcanon that sort of thing for your own personal comfort that’s fine though, but I’m not interested in seeing a lot of that when I’m actually a trans man. The ones who are awful though are those who treat their headcanon as if it’s canon and act like I am really a girl, like no I didn’t/don’t go through my life being a feminine guy just for people to treat me like that means I must be a girl or identify as one in some way. Also, I partly consider myself agender as well so it can be uncomfortable when people are like “he’s male and/or female” like please don’t bring biological sex into gender, yes I’m afab but I don’t identify as a sex, I’m just a man who happens to be way more feminine than most typical men are and am not a girl in any way. And then on the topic of sexuality so many people seem to think I’m asexual or at least somewhere on that spectrum…and here’s where the game itself comes into play. Like you can literally tell from the game just how false that is because I am shown to be sexual and romantic, just because I’m a loyal romantic partner doesn’t mean I don’t feel attraction in general. Also, it’s heavily implied that I am canonically pansexual with how I view all humanity as beautiful, plus the fact I wouldn’t mind who I’d have as a partner(as proven by the love suite which although isn’t canon in the sense that it doesn’t physically happen, it is canon in that it is an actual fantasy each of the V3 cast has and thus is canon by way of being in character). Even without the game backing it up I am indeed pansexual/panromantic. It’s just weird to me when people see someone who will be openly sexual at times and even going on a rant about their relationship and see that as thinking it means they don’t feel attraction like that or that I’m repulsed by sex and/or romance when I’m literally shown to feel such strong attractions. It’d be like going up to an incredibly loyal husband and being like “oh you must not feel romantic/sexual attraction because you aren’t feeling that way towards anyone else.” Like no? That’s not how it works, they just love their spouse and aren’t a cheater. Same with me even if my circumstances are more strange, even if I do feel those attractions to others I’m not going to actively pursue those feelings without my partner first being 100% okay with it since I am heavily devoted to them as their partner. Also, one last thing is like people treating the false backstory stuff that like would never be possible as if they actually happened, which I don’t blame them for that because it can be confusing especially with the way the ending is so they just treat it as if it was real…but certain obvious things such as being a serial killer or an assassin should obviously make one go “oh yeah that was definitely fake.” But I can understand people treating smaller false details or ones they wouldn’t even think about as not being true such as the idea that I traveled around doing fieldwork. Which I never did because it wouldn’t have been possible in the timeline from when I entered Danganronpa, plus being a minor complicates being able to do so as well. I literally entered as a pale teen who wanted to be there for a specific purpose. I’ll get more into that when I end up posting my whole canon backstory and what truly happened and the parts that were just stuff Team Danganronpa made up, but yeah.
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prognosticator5 · 4 months
"How would Danganronpa characters feel if you asked them to do illegal drugstances with you" a tier list
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Bozo ass notes in case anyone wanted explanations:
• It's canon that Himiko does coke look it up
• Miu and Angie definitely use psychedelics and shit, Kiyo's ALL ABOUT pushing boundaries, Sonia has definitely seen some shit, and Junko is Junko.
• Nagito would consider; can dope bring hope?
• Rantaro has 100% "partaken in the customs" of some crazy ass people from around the world
• Leon and Hagakure are dogs like they're stupid feindish mortals who crave sensation they're probably gonna consider anything from crack to huffing glue
• Chiaki just cool like that
(this category should be colored yellow but tumblr doesn't have that)
• Tenko would find drugs outlandish and heinous if offered done by a male, but HIGHLY consider it if it's being pushed by a woman
• Teru, Hifumi, and Kazuichi somewhat, are worshippers of eroticism. Boy can drugs be erotic
• Shuichi, Mukuro, and Gundham would need some serious convincing, but w the right people and atmosphere theres definitely a chance.
• Kaito and Akane are real wildcards because I definitely think theres tons of arguments one could make to convince them to partake but those two also just have their own logic that could trump any actual good point
• Kirumi gotta be so god damn tired and you KNOW she infamous for not acting like a human being but a work machine, if that ain't suspicious
• Celeste and Toko would HATE doing any drug with any other human being. However the idea that they trip / benefit from it in private jus make sense
• Tsumugi was going in that secret room during v3 to do ketamine or coke or someshit just binging past seasons of Danganronpa or stalking people w the damn motherkuma you cannot fucking convince me otherwise she'd NEVER give up her "plain girl" image to slam drugs w anyone else but in private bro she's getting crinkled and crumped that's a little gratuitous but I am so sure that Tsumugi is going ape in the crepe
(this pink category should also be yellow lmao)
• BOY does Sayaka get close. But she's got such a dog in her that wants to do the idol thing "right" so man I just think she'd power through the urges and peer pressure & stay sober
• Kiibo would be jealous as FUCK
• I think everyone else here is self explanatory
• After Mikan's initial reaction of "DRUGS!?😱" she'd probably jump directly into the orange or red category depending on how well you can manage to get through to her, but do I think getting blitzed with her would be emotionally catastrophic for all others involved yes
• Mondo might smoke or drink but I feel he may have very strong feelings against illegal substances either for killing his biker homies or causing them to go to jail / rehab / have a shit life / etc
• Would Taka ever WILLINGLY take a drug? Never. If you manage to get a drug into his system, however, boy do I feel like that would change his mind
• Sakura and Nekomaru would never harm someone who does drugs but they're such health nuts that they'd just never be cool w that
• Gonta could probably be convinced rather easily but I really just feel like his brain CANNOT handle drugs and he'd absolutely freak out... Part of me thinks that drugs would make bugs "scary" looking for him and that alone is enough to make him see drugs as pure evil. ALTERNATIVELY: He eated so many god damn psychedelics as a kid growing up in the forest that shit has no effect on his bigass anymore.
• 90% chance Aoi would be deeply personally offended if someone offered her drugs, ESPECIALLY performance enhancers, just cuz she don't see herself like that and someone else doing so would make her feel weird
• Mahiru just ain't no fun
I feel like Kokichi and Ibuki could truly be anything from full on tweakers to the most stone cold sober people in their casts I really do not know where they stand I won't lie they change identities based on who's around that's my best guess
And I believe the rest explains itself
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randoimago · 1 year
Same anon as before, but could you also do Danganronpa for your ask game?
Fandom Ask Game
Oh Danganronpa... This is a mix of all the games (the anime is mentioned, but I don't really use any of the characters in this)
Also the favorite characters are hard so I chose one from each game (I didn't do favorite from Despair Girls just because there's not as many characters to choose from, but Toko is my favorite in those games specifically)
my favorite female character -
Chihiro Sakura, She's super cool and is doing her best to keep everyone safe despite things. I definitely cheered when I saw her little easter egg in the 2nd game.
Chiaki, I mean Ultimate Gamer already drew me in, but once I learned about her and as the game kept going I just wanted to adopt her. She's amazing and needs a nice, long nap.
God Kaede's introduction was so interesting and then the switch up?? (I mean V3 had a lot of switch up's, but you know). I love her so much especially getting to do the dumb board game thing after the game and seeing her interactions with others.
my favorite male character -
🥰 Chihiro 🥰he's just doing his best and I love him for it. He's so strong and a child I will protect (and he deserves a hug).
Komaeda. He is just so freaking interesting and I don't defend or condone his actions at all, but he's such an interesting character.
Kaito. I am so surprised by the lack of Kaito content I've seen. Like I love Shuichi and Kokichi too, but where is my boy Kaito at? He just wants to be an astronaut.
my favorite book/season/etc -
I think the 2nd game is my favorite tbh. I love pretty much all the characters (Hiyoko is on thin fucking ice) and it's such an interesting twist (the anime also really made me really love these babes).
my favorite cast member -
This is another game where choosing a favorite voice actor is so difficult because they all do fantastic. I'll have to go with Bryce Papenbrook though because the switch he makes from Makoto to Komaeda is so good.
my favorite ship -
This is so hard because there are so many cute relationships that happen. Probably Chiaki/Hajime. It's just so bittersweet, especially when watching the anime after knowing what happens.
a character I’d die defending -
Nagisa, my poor child. He's gone through so much and then having to deal with Monaca. He's just a baby and I
a character I just can’t sympathize with -
There's quite a few characters tbh. It really is, they have great aesthetics but I just can't stand the characters 😅
But I have to go with Junko. I really don't like her character. Again, her design is fantastic, but god do I want to tear her to pieces (again)
a character I grew to love -
Maki. I usually end up being so over the antisocial, threatening types. But I really enjoyed her character development and the whole relationship she developed with Kaito.
my anti otp -
Junko with anyone. I've seen some stuff with her and Makoto or her and Tsumiki and it's not for me.
0 notes
ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Danganronpa Breeding Shorts Compilation
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LVqDWGk
by HornyAmatuerV3FicWriter
A compilation of short NSFW Danganronpa fics that involve breeding/impregnation. Includes both Male/Female and Futa!Female/Female. Primarily but not exclusively DRV3 cast.
I’ll generally put in the chapter summary what pairing is in it (though hopefully the chapter titles make those clear enough) but also warning if there’s something there that I think might not mesh with people (such as futanari), so if there’s a tag here that you are worried or dislike you can avoid the chapters with that…well except obviously the impregnation/breeding tag but you get the idea. With that said most of the stories will probably not need any warnings. Also some of them are going to have some supernatural stuff, cause I think those can be fun to explore.
Words: 10320, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Oma Kokichi, Yumeno Himiko, Yonaga Angie, Shinguji Korekiyo, Koizumi Mahiru, Amami Rantaro, Chabashira Tenko, Nidai Nekomaru, Asahina Aoi, Owari Akane, Celestia Ludenberg, Soda Kazuichi, Iruma Miu
Relationships: Oma Kokichi/Yumeno Himiko, Shinguji Korekiyo/Yonaga Angie, Amami Rantaro/Chabashira Tenko, Asahina Aoi/Nidai Nekomaru, Celestia Ludenberg/Oma Kokichi, Iruma Miu/Soda Kazuichi, Chabashira Tenko/Yonaga Angie
Additional Tags: Breeding, Impregnation, Creampie, Vaginal Sex, Mating Press, Futanari, Futa on Female, Voyeurism, Massage, Prone Bone, Iruma Miu's Dirty Mouth, fuck buddies
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/LVqDWGk
0 notes
despaired-hcs · 5 years
DRV3 boys x Short!reader Headcanons
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Art not mine!!!
Word count: 1k+
Requested: No
Warnings: None
A/N: Hello! These are my first hcs for the danganronpa fandom but I’m certainly going to write more. I just love these boys with my whole small heart You’re going to notice Korekyo doesn’t appear in these and be like “Oh, lala, you dummy, you forgot Kyo!” but I do remembered him, I just choose not to write about him. Ever. Anyways, enjoy!
Gonta Gokuhara
Omg you’re so tiny next to him
Gonta is extremely careful with you, he’s afraid his superhuman strength will break you
He will help you with anything he can
Oh, you have to grab something at the higher shelf? Gonta can lift you no problem
You sprained your ankle? Gonta will gladly carry you home
He has to scoop whenever you two will kiss, so you tell him it’s okay to lift you up a little if it will ease his back
So expect lots of him picking you up and spinning before sweetly kissing you
Really, Gonta gives the softest kisses
When you’re both siting he gently holds you close by your waist and leaves quick pecks all over you face and neck
And he absolutely adores when you cup his face with your tiny hands
If you want to heat things up you’ll have to sit on his lap, straddling his legs
He’ll be a blushing mess but will keep kissing you as the soft baby he is
So it ends up with you firmly grabbing his shirt and kissing the life out of him
Gonta will surely show you his insect cage and compare you with the little ones
“You so tiny and cute, remind Gonta of ladybug!”
Later you notice how he refers to the ladybug by your name
“Today Gonta no could feed (Y/N).” He murmurs to himself, intensely staring at the insect
So pure
Gonta will fight anyone who insults or makes jokes about your height
Kaito Momota
You’re so cute he can’t handle it
He’s always there when you can’t reach something just so he can show you how tall and strong he looks as he reach the thing you need
Really, he will appear out of nowhere if you need him
He passes one arm around your waist and leans down to kiss you passionately whenever he’s proud of you even if it’s just for changing a light bulb
Kaito definitely gives you nicknames because of your height
“Little (Y/N)”, “Small bean” and “Baby girl” are the ones he uses the most
But he will get pissed if he sees anyone calling you that especially if it’s Kokichi
If you’re into high hells he’ll gladly buy you some
Cause he just loves the smile on your face when you’re just a little bit taller
He absolutely loves when you’re on your tiptoes to kiss him
Or when you pull him down by his jacket to reach his lips
Especially in public, he likes being seen with you
He likes putting his hand on the top of your head as he explains something to you
“See, little (Y/N), you can’t just trust people like that.”
And he would totally be that person who leans forward with their hands on their knees to be the same height as you
And he would regret it forever cause you got PISSED
Kaito will also throw fists at anyone who mentions your height as something bad
Kiibo doesn’t really care about your height
But he does like the fact that he’s taller
It makes him feel stronger and shows you how you’re safe around him
So expect him to ask if you need help literally all the time
“Yes, Kiibo, I need help. Come here and kiss me.”
He will be blushing and overheating as he quietly obeys and leans to kiss you
And later he realizes you didn’t need him to kiss you, you were just messing with him because he was bothering you
And he blushes even more
So since that day he stops to admire how you overcome your small stature with smartness
From grabbing a chair to reach the cabinet with the plates to throwing pillows to kill mosquitoes
He just finds you amazing
Kiibo will do anything if you ask with those puppy eyes and mentions how tall he is
He gets really nervous when you ask him to carry you on his shoulders, ‘cause he’s afraid he’ll drop you
But then he just can’t stop smiling at how you keep excitedly telling him how tall you are
So he loves carrying you around and making you feel taller
You made him the happiest robot when you sweetly asked him to lean down just to kiss him when he did so
Kiibo argues with anyone who makes fun of your heigh
Kokichi Oma
You being short is a big deal here
He never says it, but you know he’s kinda insecure about his height
People not believing he’s a supreme leader and not taking his advices seriously cause he’s short, it all stresses him
So yeah, he really likes the fact that you’re short as well
And he’s constantly bothering you because of it
He likes to enter your room while you’re off and hide things you like the most (like your favorite shoes) in the higher shelves
Just so you have to climb over chairs and boxes to grab them
No, he doesn’t do it because he has a great view of your butt while you’re up there searching
If you ever do the same with him, he will reply with “come on, (Y/N), grow up! I told you it wasn’t me!” and run off before you can hit him
He absolutely adores your hugs, since he can rest his cheek on your shoulder and you can do the same on his (the supreme hug)
And he loves how he can just pass one arm around your waist and keep his other hand in the back of your neck and take his time while kissing you
He actually encourages you to wear high heels sometimes
And when you do he always asks “so how is the view?”
But he also goes like “aww, my little (Y/N) finally grew up!”
It’s good to see you from other angles from time to time, but he never admits he likes it
Kokichi could totally get used to when you’re taller than him, with your arms around his shoulders, and slowly leaning down to kiss him
  Bonus if you two are kissing and you get out of your heels, it makes his heart flutter (and he blushes a little too)
Kokichi will make anyone’s life a living hell if they dare to make fun of your stature
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro loves everything about you
And that includes your height
He loves hugging you and resting his chin on the top of your head, calmly rubbing your back
He will try leaving important stuff at the lower shelves
And will always be there if you need help to reach anything
Sometimes you mess with him and keep asking him to grab things you actually don’t need just to watch him
And when he notices what you’re doing you’re so screwed
He tickles you until you ask for mercy (and since he’s way taller than you there’s no escape)
He loves your laugh and loves tickling you, but he knows the limits
Rantaro likes to hug you close by the waist and kiss you passionately, your back slowly arching as he leans in
He also likes it when you quietly approach him from behind and leave kisses all over his shoulders and back
Especially if you’re doing it to catch his attention so you can properly kiss him
Wear his shirts, just do it, he’ll blush so cutely
Rantaro will never forgive anyone who insults you about your height
Ryoma Hoshi
Even though you consider yourself short, Ryoma is shorter
And he’s okay with it
He likes how there isn’t that much height difference between you two though
Ryoma tries to act cool and let you be, but he’s always there when you need help
His house has shorter wardrobes and shelves and he already said you can stop by whenever you want or need
Ryoma will blush a lot when you pretend to whisper something in his ear and kiss his cheek
(And even more when you take advantage of his embarrassment to kiss his lips)
He’s afraid he will hurt you so he tends to keep some distance from time to time
But when you two are close again he’ll tenderly hold your hand and won’t let go for a long time
Ryoma kisses you slowly and with so much love you almost can’t take it
He’s ready to kill anyone who makes you feel bad about your height
Shuichi Saihara
This boy is so soft for you
He keeps staring lovingly at you even when you’re just existing
Shuichi never mentions your stature or make jokes about it
But he does like it when you ask him for help
He feels so useful and he’s just glad he can do something for you
Shuichi usually kisses your knuckles and forehead, too afraid to go for your lips
So you have to hold his sleeve to make him lean a little and stand on tiptoes to kiss him
And once you do, Shuichi won’t let go for quite some time
He will blush madly and giggle if you ever wear his hat
Or his shirt and coat
He just loves when you’re wearing his clothes
Just like Kiibo, he will do almost anything if you ask with puppy eyes
Shuichi doesn’t like to see you wearing uncomfortable high heels just to get a little bit taller
But if you really like them, he’ll get used to it and sometimes buy a pair
His favorite view of you is when you’re in front of him with your arms open wide, asking cutely for a hug
Shuichi won’t let anyone talk about your height in his presence
PS.: Requests are open, guys!
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maki-and-sushi · 7 years
NDRV3 Boys reaction to their kid that got scissors and gave themselves a haircut
Cue Saihara’s signature “UEUEUEUEUEEUEUEE?!!?!?!?!???” Noise here
Contains: Non-Despair AU, Male cast
▪ “What do you got?” “some scissors!” “N O”
▪ Literally screams and chases his kid around and when he sees them up close he realizes they’re missing a large patch of hair and
▪ “Where did you get those? Why did you cut your own hair? Did it get too long? Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve taken you to a salon- do you want to go to the salon and get it fixed? What do you mean I’m talking to fas-” 
▪ Takes scissors away and sighs
▪ he is tired
▪ he is not the strict dad type so I doubt he’d really care much
▪ He’d tell them no and then ask if they want to go get it fixed
▪ laughs nervously
▪ starts saying that his kid should cut his hair too
▪ thats a lie, their own hair cut is ugly
▪ ...then the next morning he wakes up to half his head shaved
▪ N O.
▪  Nope
▪ not dealing with it
▪ he gets someone else to dicipline the child
▪ He obviously tells the kid that they shouldn’t do that, because they’ll get their other parent angry and neither of them want that
▪ Gonta confuse?
▪ Gonta really like how happy child seems to be!
▪ Gonta needs a haircut too you say? Okay !!!!
▪ His spouce/friend(s) come home to see his hair in messy braids and uneven lengths but he’s having so much fun with his kid they just watch over them to make sure they don’t do something stupid
▪ Interesting
▪ Though, he isn’t interested in knowing the outcome of his spouce finding out
▪ Takes the scissors away and starts telling them that as beautiful as their creativity and inspiration for a wacky new hairdo, that they are too young
▪ He does offer to fix it up a bit, and his spouce comes home to their kid being treated like royalty
▪ what
▪ who
▪ how
▪ why
▪ stop
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Hi! Welcome to my newly updated Blog! 💗
I'm Sayaka, you can call me Kirumi as well! Feel free to send requests for Fanfics ˵
Here are the fandoms, I write for as of now!
(I can't promise a master list but I'll sure as hell try making them in the future!)
sayaka's masterlist!:🎀
Spotify: 🍡 (I no longer use it)
My socals post: 🍓
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Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc! 🎀
Sayaka Maizono
Mukuro Ikusaba
Leon Kuwata
Chihiro Fujisaki
Mondo Owada
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Hifumi Yamada
Celestia ludenberg
Sakura Ogami
Junko Enoshima
Makoto Naegi
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Byakuya Togami
Toko Fukawa
Kyoko Kirigiri (not often, I don't like her)
Aoi Asahina
Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair! 🍰
Ultimate Imposter
Teruteru hanamura (I will not be making him down right perverted or gross)
Mahiru Koizumi
Peko Pekoyama
Hiyoko Saonji
Ibuki Mioda
Mikan Tsumiki
Nekomaru Nidai
Gundam Tanaka
Nagito Komeda
Chiaki Nanami
Hajime Hinata
Sonia Nevermind
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Kazuichi Souda
Akane Owari (💗)
Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony! 🎹
Rantaro Amami
Kaede Akamatsu
Ryoma Hoshi
Kirumi Tojo
Angie Yonaga
Tenko Chabashira
Korekiyo Shinguchi
Miu Iruma (I won't be making her super perverted, just vulger)
Gonta Gokuhara
Kokichi Oma
Kaito momota
Tsumugi Shirogone
Maki harukawa
Himiko Yemeno
Shuichi Saihara
Bonus: Komaru Naegi,Yuta Asahina, Ryota Mitarai,Seiko Kimurai, and Ruruka Ando + Izayoi Sonosuke!
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Master Detective Archives: Rain Code! 🔍
Yuma Kokohead
Shinagami (might change)
Desuhiko thunderbolt
Halara Nightmare (will be using They/Them)
Fabuki Clockford
Vivia Twilight
Chef Yako
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Omori (only real world characters)! 🌙
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Demon Slayer! 🍡
All of the Hashira (- big guy, I don't really know a lot about him if I'm being honest)
Tanjiro Kamashira(?)
Nezuko Kamashira
Inosuke (whatever bros last name is)
Zenitsu (I won't be making anything with him and Nezuko)
(Tengan and his wives are together, I don't separate them ^^)
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Saiki K! 🧠
Most of the main cast
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Now for my requesting rules! 💌
No 18+ stuff. I'm a Minor and im also Asexual. (Even if I wasn't asexual, I still wouldn't do 18+ stuff)
I do Character x Character, Character x reader x character, and of course Character x reader.
Please specify Y/N,S/O,Ect's Gender/Pronouns in your request or I'll make it gender neutral. I can't promise I'll do a good job with Male Readers but I'll certainly try to.
Now you can request anyone I didn't put on the list. You can request up to 8 or so Characters unless you want to request for the whole group. (This changes depending on how I feel, but I'll always try letting you know how many I take)
I'm 100% alright with writing SH comfort and Depression Comfort. I will not however, glorify it. So this is strictly for comfort so people with different SH and Depression situations can be comforted.
I will try my best to put Trigger Warnings on posts that have something that could be a trigger. If the post has a trigger let me know and I'll add it.
My Genshin blog is right here! : 🌼
( @sayakaskokofish ) so it's easier! 🎀
I genuinely hope you have fun reading and requesting from me, and I hope to make my works just as pretty as you 🍓
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hopeymchope · 2 years
i know tsumugi is a pretty evil & not super well written character (even though i love her soooo much!!!!), so if you had the choice, who would you pick to be the drv3 mastermind instead? i think mastermind gonta would be rlly scary c:
I think Tsumugi's ok. I mean, before she turned out to be the mastermind, she was already better written and more fleshed out than Gonta was. :P
I'm complained before about how Gonta is one of the least developed characters in the games, so I'm initially inclined to go the same route as you. It'd be cool to see a mastermind who is male and also physically intimidating just by appearance. It'd also help to develop his character beyond the extremely thin layer we ever learn about him, and you could even use the reveal to justify why he's got almost no characterization beyond just "Pure and innocent snowflake" - I mean, isn't that the most obvious possible way of writing your mastermind to deflect attention from them? Almost TOO obvious? Another plus: If the mastermind isn't female, you can't have them try to dress up as/act like Junko again, which would be great. I welcome any attempt to break from having Junko being behind literally everything.
...but that's kind of ignoring the reality of the V3 ending, isn't it? The reason we get "Junko Enoshima the 53rd" is to comment on how fans always expect Junko to come back because she's, yes, she's always somehow the mastermind. Even if she's dead or offscreen, she's usually behind whatever is going on, whether directly or indirectly. The only thing that broke from that tradition within the main franchise entries is the Future Arc of DR3.
And that subtext of why the "Junko the 53rd" moment happens is also part of the larger issue that Tsumugi isn't really the evil mastermind — she's just an employee of the real culprits, the in-universe Team Danganronpa.
The fact that Team Danganronpa is the real force behind the killing game renders any given mastermind into a pawn or a figurehead. Kind of a shame, but ultimately necessary, right? I mean... you're not going to get the CEO of Team Danganronpa out there talking to the cast, right?
.......so what if we did exactly that?
Yes, I'm proposing that the mastermind reveal moment could be a CEO character coming out from behind the curtain and explaining the situation the cast. The public-facing "real" CEO of Team Danganronpa is now going to serve as the villain of the in-universe fiction; we're straight Vince McMahon-ing this shit.
So yeah, I'm suggesting that a man or woman who the characters have never met before reveals themselves from behind the scenes and proceeds to do the finale speechifying as part of the quarterly public shareholders' call. They can even comment during the speech about how metafictional elements are super in vogue right now, and they wanted to jump aboard that zeitgeist by taking a small but significant role in the latest season! (The discussion of how the CEO's appearance was part of the endgame from the very start will also increase the players' doubts as to whether anything they say is true or just part of a phony script, which is another key component of the existing ending.)
Now we're even more directly commenting on how capitalism's drive for recognizable brands and ever-escalating profits is what drives these established franchises to keep running themselves into the ground.
Is this silly? I mean... yes, it is. But I think the ending of V3 is already very silly. I don't necessarily mean that in a bad way, mind you. I laughed a ton during that final trial. I think this would only heighten the twisted comedy of the whole thing.
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1.) (Spoilers for the game but)
First female protagonist in the three main games of the series. Advertised as the protagonist in all of the game’s trailers and was hyped up, only to get brutally killed off at the end of the first chapter for shock value and to be replaced with a male protagonist. It’s revealed in the end that the reason she died was completely made up and she was killed for convenience.
In the one chapter she’s in there’s a scene of her taking her shirt off, as well as a joke about the male protagonist accidentally looking up her skirt while she’s climbing a ladder. Her legacy for the rest of the game is basically to act as the male protagonist’s reason for character development as he tries to become stronger.
2.) So disclaimer first that I think Kaede is actually really well-written as a character. She’s interesting and feels fleshed out and despite dying early on, she haunts the narrative so strongly that she was one of my favorite characters for the whole game AND she’s vital to the climax of the story. All that said…
Kaede was marketed as the protagonist of the game, making her the first female protagonist in the main DR series (there’s a female protag in a spin-off but the two other games in the main series both had male protags). You start the game and you immediately notice she has a stronger personality than either of the male protags from the previous games, who, while I like them, tend to be the normal ones in an otherwise colorful cast. She felt like a break from the usual protag mold and we even got to have a male secondary character this time who relied on her for support. But. She isn’t the protag. The guy I just mentioned is. You find out mid-trial 1 that Kaede is (sorta unintentionally) the killer and you switch control to the guy character and Kaede then dies at the end of the trial. As far as a plot goes, this was really really cool and well-executed, but it also means the game intentionally decided to pull a bait-and-switch where they advertised the “first female protag of the series!” only to kill her off early on and reveal the true protag was actually a guy who, once again is a character I like, but is much more similar to the previous two protags than Kaede was. There was literally no reason they had to put a female character as the false protag here, as the twist would’ve worked equally well or maybe even more if they revealed a typical male protag character was the killer and instead switched to a female protag for the rest of the game. Advertising Kaede as the first female main series protag while knowing she would be dead for the majority of the game and the actual protag would be a guy feels cheap and insulting, especially as a female player who was really excited to play as Kaede.
3.) She was the protagonist! But god forbid danganronpa has a female protagonist so (spoilers) she actually has to die sorry :( and then only exist in flashbacks the new male protagonist has where hes like damn wish we couldve dated
1.) One of the most prominent brown women in all of comics, beloved by the fan base. Recently killed in a PETER PARKER SPIDERMAN COMIC (despite being much closer with Miles Morales and having basically no relationship with Peter) in what’s probably the name of MCU synergy, which nobody wanted (she’ll probably be resurrected as a mutant, erasing her unique and interesting history as an Inhuman). She was using her shapeshifting powers again despite having stopped in her solo as she got more confident in her own skin and identity as a Pakistani American girl, died disguised as the very white Mary Jane as a fake out/last minute replacement for killing off MJ. I fucking hate it here. A cheap trick to drive sales. L + Misogyny + racism + are you fucking kidding me
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cherrysphinx · 3 years
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I made some designs of what I think The male cast of Danganronpa V3 would look like as girls I also made them into stickers 
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all-an-act · 2 years
Thoughts? I don’t make posts like this often but I have very strong opinions, especially so close after Trans Day of Visibility
Hm... Okay, so here's my thoughts on this!
I absolutely agree. Trans women don't have to be aggressive or super easily angered, though I can understand under certain circumstances/depending on the character. Miu, for example, or Toko. Trans men don't have to be super soft and gentle and sweet. For example, my portrayal of Kokichi, someone who is definitely hurt by the events of the V3 Killing Game and a shitty past, but is still playful, mischievous, and a bit of a bully at times.
All characters can have moments of aggression and anger, regardless of gender identity. And on the opposite end of that coin, all characters can have moments of being gentle and sweet. But it shouldn't become their entire personality, especially based on gender identity.
With that said, there are four characters I distinctly headcanon as trans: Kokichi, Shuichi, Ibuki, and Himiko (transfem nonbinary, actually). For Shuichi, I try to portray him as shy, as he is canonically, but with a sense of sass that won't hesitate to snap at you if you piss him off. Bear in mind that this headcanon was very recent to develop, so this isn't present in my earlier blogs. Actually, no character being trans is present in my early blogs. For Himiko, I like to think they're uncomfortable when Tenko talks about "degenerate males", and that's why they avoided Tenko, because they were worried their friend may not accept them. If they really hated Tenko, I don't believe they would have cried for her after she died. For Ibuki, I believe that she's rambunctious and loud, and that she deserves to be because that's just who she is. No aggression or anger to her, save for specific circumstances, she's always a fun person to be around. For Kokichi, I basically explained it all the way up there in paragraph one-
With this said, I do realize I've played into a lot of these stereotypes on my pregame v3 blog. However, I do have reasoning for this. I based pre Himiko's personality on their few existing pregame sprites, which are all either neutral or angry. For pre Shuichi, I imagine he was somewhat of a shy character who wanted to help his friends be on Danganronpa, but he still tries to remain strong, not at all the abusive, toxic, yandere rapist the fandom likes to paint him as. Pre Kokichi is a little different in the sense that I enjoyed the idea of the characters being their opposites, so what did I do with those reversals? Himiko went from being someone who lacked energy and seemed sleepy at all times to someone who won't hesitate to kick your ass. Shuichi went from someone who hated Danganronpa and did everything he could to end it to someone who favored Danganronpa, knew everything about all the characters, and just wanted to be happy and watch his favorite show. Kokichi went from being a bully with a good heart to being someone that appears as though he couldn't hurt a fly, but is more manipulative and callous than almost anybody else in the cast at times.
I'd like to think I've characterized them decently well, especially given the very small amount of sprites they have. I just didn't want them to have the exact same personalities is all, as much as Kokichi's pregame sprites really want it to be that way.
The only character I'm hesitant to actually come out as trans is Himiko, simply because I've gotten serious hate and even death threats over that headcanon in the past. As well as the fact that I dislike the trans Tenko headcanon. It makes me feel really icky to imagine that with Tenko, who is a misandrist, is all.
With that said, a lot of the time one of my muses appears overly vulnerable or scared, Kokichi being my favorite "victim" for that, it's usually meant to be a vent of mine. I apologize if it seems as though I'm attempting to play into that as a stereotype, because truly, that isn't my intention.
So in conclusion, yes! Your statements are 100% valid and very true! Gender identity has nothing to do with a character's personality, it's simply an added layer.
I know a lot of this sounds like a disagreement, I promise, it isn't- I know most of it was explaining my characterization, because I'd like to believe I've done decently well. Obviously, anyone is free to disagree, but I think it does get old that a gender takes up the entirety of the character. For example, I wanna see these tropes inverted. I wanna see a trans girl (that isn't Chihiro, on some peoples' headcanons) be sweet and gentle and take care of baby animals for a living. I wanna see a trans boy be brutally violent and aggressive toward anybody that gets on his nerves. I wanna see a nonbinary person with an actual personality, or with some struggles of their own that don't relate to them having a soft heart. I wanna hear about that time you punched that bully! I wanna hear about that time you got into a fight over cheez-its!
And most importantly, I'm sick of seeing gender being a "result of some traumatic experience". For example, an AFAB character transitioning because it "wasn't safe to be a girl". That's used way too often, and I try to call attention to it at times with characters I think would realistically think like that (such as Tenko) and who can have their beliefs changed. Like, no, that isn't why they're trans, they're trans because they weren't born in the right body.
I dunno, this is just my two cents, and it's two in the morning, so not all of what I'm saying could be what I mean. Obviously, I'm not trans myself, so I don't feel I have the right to speak on trans issues as though I knew them, and therefore I won't. I just want it to be known that I agree with you entirely and that truer words have never been said.
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