long-lost-mcguffin · 3 months
praying. PRAYING we get more insight into nya’s grief of losing her brother in the next season/part because holy shit i cannot take their sibling dynamic being shoved aside again by other relationships.
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strangermask · 5 months
Aight, never thought I would be making a post about the #savemyboycole thing but here I am
With all due respect
Cole is heavily queer coded, and most people in the fandom interprets Cole being queer. Whether he’s gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, aromatic: it all depends on how you see it (the great thing about headcanons)
Was it ever stated he was gay in canon? No
Was it ever stated he was straight in canon? Not really.
Now you might say: “But the season three love triangle!” Literally it was confirmed by the writer that Cole wasn’t attracted to Nya during that. (If anyone is able to find the link to that post, please share)
Also: may I remind you that people can realize they aren’t straight after dating or even marrying a person the opposite gender. Hell, people can even know they aren’t straight and still present as one if they aren’t out yet. My brother is an example of the latter.
Now again, I don’t wish to be disrespectful because this is fan media and we all interpret things differently. I know we all don’t see the characters same. If you think Cole is straight, that is your interpretation and I can’t change it. But throwing a fit like this and trying to shove “make Cole straight” propaganda is not going to end well on your part. Especially in a fandom filled with mostly queer people
Another problem: contacting the new writers to make Cole straight? What happens if they don’t answer. Are you going to harass the writers to adjust to your likings? Like how the Voltron fandom did with Klance and ruining the ship for half the people? Like how the bmha fandom constantly harassed and sent death threats to the team to make certain ships canon? I don’t want to bring these up, but these things that have happened is exactly why we shouldn’t contact show writers to fix something we don’t like. Even if these events centered around ships, they were ruined for people. This could lead to Cole being ruined as a favorite character (and I hope it doesn’t come to that point)
All I ask, is that to please think critically about your actions and how it can affect everyone. This is not the way to go. Right now, we are only making jokes. But if it escalates beyond that, expect a much worse backlash
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spinchip · 3 years
The Skirt
Pairings: background jaya Wordcount: 3700 Warnings: ask to tag Summary: Zane gets caught admiring a skirt at the store, but he knows the rules. Boys aren’t allowed to wear that stuff... right?
It’s a sweet, simple sort of thing, where it lays across the mannequins thighs. It’s a high waisted skirt in pale pink, long pleats that fold nicely. It’s paired with a tight white long sleeve shirt tucked in, and a gaudy hot-pink trench coat, and a pair of beige booties. The outfit is nice- the jacket a little much for his own personal taste, but cute in it’s own way. He glances down at his own hips and back up, imagining how the skirt would look against his skin. He reaches out and touches along the bottom of it, feeling the smooth fibers, wondering not-seriously if they had it in his size- not that he would buy it. Not that he should even be thinking about buying it, or how it might look on, or how it might feel-
Nya rounds the corner of the aisle he’d lost himself in.
Zane jumps away from the fabric as if it’d bitten him, nearly knocking over a rack of expensive sunglasses, a hot flush of shame crawling up his throat. He clenches his hands at his side and tries to play it off by switching focus to a pair of aviators with black frames. He can see Nya as she wanders up in the reflection from the lenses, looking between him and the mannequin’s outfit he’d been examining, an inquisitive tilt to her lips.
“Zane? Do you… like this?” She reaches up to smooth out the pleats of the skirt, ruffled by his own hands.
“No.” He answers right away, not giving an inch. He fumbles to pick up a pair of sunglasses just to be doing something with his hands, and doesn’t say anything more. He knows he’s tense, but he can’t help it.
“I don’t know. I think it’s kinda cute.” She hums.
It’s… a trap, or something. Zane can’t figure out how she's trying to box him in, and it’s making him anxious, “You should buy it if you like it.” He tries, setting the glasses back with firm hands, tracing the frames of another pair.
“I don’t think the pink would match my complexion,” there’s a pause, then she tries, “It would look really good on you-”
“I do not like it.” He cuts her off, lacing his voice with steel, shoulders hunching. He strides away from her without glancing back, he doesn’t want to see the look on her face, he doesn’t want to know if she was laughing at him. She’d laughed at him before, in his pink apron, and she'd called him cute then too.
Her voice had been filled with cruel edged mirth, “He’d looked so cute in it!” as he retreats from their food fight, an unfamiliar feeling he’s learned was embarrassment welling up in his chest, making his processor hot. He threw that stupid apron away. He announced his hatred towards pink over and over again. He didn’t need to lose all his progress with a moment of weakness.
He did not like how it felt when his friends laughed at him.
The others are trailing around the store at their own pace, and Zane is lucky only Nya caught him- and even then, he has plausible deniability. Except now she’s lingering around him, he can see her out of the corner of his eye, so he sticks strictly to the mens section- folding a pair of jeans over his arm and a pale blue turtle-neck he thought would go with his eyes. He doesn’t even think about looking at the lavender button up at the end of the rack- he’d learned over the years. Lavender and pastel colors, they were just as bad as pink, even if it was in the mens section, or gender neutral. Sometimes he worries about the light blues he tended to favor, but any blue was okay all the time, probably. They hadn’t made fun of him yet.
He’s looking through a pile of joggers when Nya calls out, “Zane!”
She catches his attention and Jay and Cole as well, holding up a white dress from the rack. It’s a beautiful summer dress, white straps lined with lace leading into a sweetheart neckline, eye closures down the center before it breaks into a delicate and flowy trumpet skirt, “Isn’t this pretty?” She asks, smiling encouragingly.
It is. If you had asked him what kind of dress he’d like to wear, he would be thinking of this dress while he told you none at all.
She’s making fun of him.
He wilts a little, drawing in on himself, and swallows past the painful lump in his throat, “I suppose.” He grits out.
“Hey, why not ask me?” Jay pipes up, “I’m your boyfriend.”
Nya jumps, as if Jay’s presence in the conversation was a surprise.
“It is pretty,” Cole comments, squinting at it from the tank tops he’d been pawing through, “Not really your style, though.”
Nya shakes her head and opens her mouth, “No, I-” She stalls, glancing at Zane- who’s looking increasingly upset, “I was thinking about trying something new...” she trails off.
Jay meanders over, “Well, you should probably get a different size. This is way too big.” He comments, looking it over.
“Yeah… right.” Nya says, and Zane slips away from them quietly.
When he gets back to his room, he sets his bags from the mall on the bed and starts to pull out his new clothes. Nya had let it go, in the end, and hadn’t teased him about his slip up after the dress thing, so the rest of the trip had been nice. They’d stopped at the food court for lunch and spent some time in the skateboard shop so kai could buy some new wheels, and then an hour and a half goofing around at the arcade before they’d called it a day.
Zane folded his new pants and tucked them into the dresser, reaching blindly into his bag while thinking about what to make for dinner.
All thoughts of food vanish from his head when he pulls out the pale pink skirt he’d been admiring.
He drops it and jerks his hands back to his chest, spinning around as if to catch Nya jump out from behind a potted plant and shout aha! Caught ya! ...but no one is there. He’s alone. He approaches the offending article of clothing cautiously, digging his receipt out from his bag while already certain he won’t see the skirt listed there. Nya must have bought it and slipped it in with his things, there’s no other explanation. It’s his size. Why? Is there a… a joke here? What is Zane not getting?
He should take it back to her and let her return it, probably. He picks it up and tosses it in the trashcan next to his desk instead, and puts away the rest of his clothes with hands he makes sure don’t shake. He doesn’t entertain the idea of trying it on. Pink and lavender weren’t allowed, skirts- skirts were worse. A pink skirt… he shakes his head, hanging up a new turtle neck, and leaves the skirt behind in the darkness of his room.
Nya sits up a little straighter when he comes into the living room, “How was… putting away your clothes?” She finishes clunky, fishing for his reaction to her prank.
“Fine.” He says without breaking stride, crossing into the kitchen and plucking his plain white apron up off the hook, sliding it over his head and getting to work.
Except, even as he chops onions and serves dinner and eats with his friends, even as they play video games and watch a movie, he can’t stop thinking about the skirt. It’s there, in the back of his mind- he’d always liked skirts, thought they were pretty and sweet. He used to dream about buying nice skirts and dresses when he could afford it, different kinds for different occasions like maxi dresses and pencil skirts, but this was before he knew it was silly and laughable. Before it was wrong.
When the night finally comes to a close, and he retires back to his room, he makes a bee line for his trashcan and delicately pulls the skirt out. He sets it on his bed and pats out the wrinkles, appreciating the craftsmanship.
He locks the door and undresses, sliding the skirt over his hips. He zips it in place and takes a step towards the mirror before he hesitates, throwing off his blue hoodie and digging up a tighter white turtleneck. It’s the closest thing he has to the outfit the mannequin was wearing that he’d liked so much. He smooths down the pleats, playing with the edge- something tight and uncomfortable in his chest loosens, and he breathes easier. It’s nice. It feels… like he always thought it would.
He steps in front of the mirror. He fiddles with the cuffs of his sweater, smiling at his reflection. He looked good, the skirt fits perfectly. He poses even though it makes him feel a little immature, striking several different stances, turning around to see all the angles. He’s got the perfect set of shoes to pair with this-
He stops halfway to his closet, standing in the middle of his room wearing a skirt he loves, reality rushing back.
He takes the skirt off, pulling on a pair of pajama pants, and folds it nice and neatly. He unlocks his door and walks across the monastery to Nyas bedroom, knocking politely. There’s a long pause before he can hear her footsteps on the hardwood. The door opens and she squints at the hallway light, blinking up groggily at Zane, “Huh?” She quips eloquently.
He holds the skirt out and drops it, she fumbles to catch it, “Return it.” he tells her, “I do not want it.”
She blinks, her sleep addled mind processing before it connects, “Zane,” She shakes her head, holding it out, “It’s yours, I saw you looking at it- it’s a nice skirt, it would look nice on you.”
He refrains from saying it does. He frowns hard, he doesn’t get it- she sounds so sincere, but he knows the rules, “I do not understand the joke. Am I supposed to wear this so you may laugh at me?”
Nya looks lost, “Laugh?”
“Like my pink apron.” He explains, huddling into himself, “Except this is worse.”
Understanding lights up her face with shame and sadness, “Zane… I-”
“Return it.” He insists, pushing the skirt back towards her, and then hesitates, “Please. Do not tell the others.”
He takes a step back and nods, turning away and bidding a hasty retreat. When he gets back to his room he stubbornly refuses to think about how freeing it was, how good it felt. He stamps down any longing as he crawls into bed, and falls asleep most certainly not filled with regret.
The following morning, Nya slinks into the kitchen as Zane and Kai are putting together breakfast looking like a kicked puppy. She keeps throwing inconspicuous sad eyes at Zane that he’s stubbornly refusing to acknowledge, but she thankfully doesn’t let the others catch on or else she might be forced to tell them what was bothering her.
After breakfast, she offers to help Zane with the dishes, and meets his “I do not require assistance,” With polite insistence, where she ends up washing as he dries and puts them away.
It isn’t until they’re nearly done that she organizes her thought’s enough to turn to him as he puts away the final stack of plates and says, “I think you should keep the skirt.”
He feels himself grow tense, closing the cupboard slowly before he looks at her, turning around to face her and scrutinizing her expression hard. He tries to dissect her intentions, tries to figure out why she’s saying this- he knew Nya had joined in on the teasing before, but he didn’t think she would push so hard. All his previous data suggests she doesn’t have a cruel streak like this in her, but she’s been keeping the joke going hard.
He entertains the idea that she really is being sincere, but that doesn’t make sense either, because there were rules. Zane had to figure them out fast when he was younger and newly exposed to the world- You have to make eye contact when conversing with people to be respectful, asking for explanations to jokes ruins the fun, and boys should never wear girl clothes. If you broke the rules, you were weird, and people laughed at you, and they made fun of you.
“No thank you.” He says stiffly, turning away and rinsing out the sink, “I do not like it.”
She looks miserable, “I’m sorry we laughed.”
He shakes his head and doesn’t respond, the conflicting information making his head hurt, leaving her alone in the kitchen.
A week later, the team has another rare day off. They’d set aside the day to go to the park, and Zane was looking forward to it. He’d spent the previous day in between patrols picking up ingredients to pack the perfect picnic. Cole throws open the door to the kitchen as Zane finishes packing up his basket, hauling a large cooler behind him.
“Hey frosty!” He greets, popping the lid on the cooler and fishing out waters and juice from the fridge, “Aren’t you gonna be hot dressed like that?” He comments.
Zane glances down at his jeans and t-shirt in comparison to Cole’s tanktop and shorts combo, “I am the master of Ice.” He points out, “I don’t get hot.”
Cole concedes his point with a dip of his head, “Speaking of master of ice, can I get a little help with keeping the drinks cool?”
Zane nods, waving a hand over the cooler and packing the drinks with snow and ice. Cole thanks him as Zane hefts up his basket, the two meeting the rest of their team on the deck of the bounty. Nya perks up as they come out on deck, and steps aside so the two can see their teammates.
Jay already looks overheated, miserably melting under the sun. Lloyd seems unbothered, dressed in a sleeveless hoodie and shorts. Kai basks in the sun, smiling brilliantly, wearing a t-shirt and…
Zanes processor stutters, “Are you wearing a skirt?” He asks neutrally, blinking down at Kai’s maroon pleats.
“Yeah,” Kai glances down at the fabric, “Nya gave it to me, it doesn’t fit her anymore. Isn’t it cute?”
Zane has no idea how to respond, so Cole beats him to it, “Looks good, dude, but how are we supposed to play frisbee?”
“I got shorts on underneath so I don't accidentally flash anyone.” Kai waves his hand dismissively, and no one else comments on the wrongness of the outfit.
Tentatively, Zane says, “You… like to wear skirts?”
Kai frowns, mistaking the hesitance for judgement, “Is that a problem for you?”
Zane looks away, “Not at all.” He says, confusion making his voice stiff, missing the way the others glance at his tone of voice disapprovingly.
They go to the park, and Zane can’t stop looking at Kais skirt. He finds himself frowning at the other man more than once, shaking the confusion out of his head and trying to ignore it. Did it… really not matter that Kai was wearing a skirt? Cole had complimented him, and Jay hadn’t said anything against it either. He finds himself not joining in on the frisbee game most of the time, focusing on getting the picnic set up to hide how he was too mixed up to focus on the sport. Soon enough, the others wrap up their game and join Zane on the blanket Nya had packed.
They eat and chat idly, and Kai sighs in content after he’s finished, sitting back, “That was amazing as always, Zane!”
Zane doesn’t look at him as he puts away his own half-eaten sandwich, “Thank you.” He says simply, lost in thought.
“Zane.” Jay says, and Zane glances up at him. He startles slightly at the way Jay is looking at him, pointedly disapproving, “Why are you being so weird about Kais skirt?”
“...Why aren’t you?” Zane asks genuinely, familiar hot shame crawling up his throat as his friends frown at him.
“Dude…” Kai mutters, clearly hurt, “Not cool.”
Shame, confusion, and guilt swallow Zane up for a long moment before it’s burned up by a flash of frustration. It didn’t make sense. They’d made fun of him years ago for his pink apron, laughed him out of the room and not bothered enough to see if he was alright afterwards because he broke the rules- he gets it, he wore the wrong clothes, it’s a funny joke… So why is Kai allowed it where Zane isn’t? Why is it funny when it’s Zane? Why does he get mocked while Kai gets defended? Defended when Zane hasn’t and wouldn’t ever make fun of him for his outfit-!
He stands up abruptly, “I’m going back to the bounty.” He announces before he turns on heel and all but runs from them.
“Zane!” Nya calls, but he doesn’t turn around.
“Let him go.” Cole says firmly, and Zane clenches his eyes shut as he boards the bounty.
His stomach churns with his tumultuous thoughts and he makes a bee line for the room they have in the bounty, crawling into his bunk bed and curling into a ball. He stares miserably at the wooden walls, thinking about too many different things.
He misses his pink apron.
He didn’t think it was funny when he saw Kai in that skirt. He thought he looked nice...
Why did they laugh at him?
He wakes up at the sound of quiet voices, disoriented for a moment- he didn’t remember falling asleep. He makes his way out of bed slowly, the room dark, and blinks against the harsh hallway light as he steps out of their bedroom. He rubs sleep out of his optics as they adjust to the change in atmosphere, making his way to the living room.
He stops in the doorway, looking in at his friends. Kai is still wearing his skirt, laying across the recliner sideways, his legs thrown over the edge. The others are in various states around the living room, laying on the couch or the floor asa movie plays unwatched on the TV screen, the quiet sounds what lured Zane here in the first place.
Zane’s stomach plummets as he remembers the hurt look on Kai’s face at lunch. He didn’t want to make Kai feel like he did, he didn’t want him to feel laughed at, “Kai?” He says from the doorway.
The room reacts to his voice, everyone immediately sitting up to peer at him. Jay's head poked over the back of the couch along with Coles, and Nya and Lloyd craned their heads around the couch from the floor.
“Hey, Zane…” Kai says, sitting properly in the chair.
“I want to apologize.” Zane says quietly, “I really have no issue with you wearing what you like. I am sorry I acted so oddly.”
Kai fiddles with the edge of the skirt, “It’s okay… I know.” He says just as soft, “I think we all owe you an apology too.”
Zane tilts his head in confusion, stepping into the room a little more.
Jay nods, “Yeah, Zane, we’re sorry.” He says sincerely, “We acted like total jerks about your apron.”
“My apron…” Zane’s eyes flicker to Nya, who ducks her head a little at how she obviously snitched.
“Nya told us what was bothering you, and we feel really bad about it.” Cole agrees, “We were stupid and mean. There’s nothing wrong with wearing pink.”
“Or skirts.” Kai pipes up, “I’m sorry we hurt you.”
“If you want to wear that stuff,” Lloyd adds, “No one will laugh.”
Zane blinks at the way his eyes water dangerously, looking down at the floor, “It is not… wrong?”
“No.” Kai says firmly, “We were wrong, not you. Wear what makes you happy, and we’ll be on your side.”
Zane swallows and thinks about how much he’d loved the pink skirt, how pretty he’d felt with it on, “I accept your apology.” He says with a small smile, “Thank you.”
Nya grins and with a wink says, “I think i have something that belongs to you, then.” She stands, “But first… group hug?”
Smiling, Zane holds up his arms, and the others converge on him. He hugs them back tightly, smile growing wider as he sighs happily. The frustration and hurt sliding off his shoulders makes him feel so light, and a barrier he hadn’t realized he’d raised falls to pieces.
He couldn’t wait for their next off day.
Which comes sooner than he expects. It’s rare to get out of patrol so often, but Lloyd insisted they make up for their slightly disasterous park trip only a few days later. Ninjago is thankfully not in terrible danger, so they decide to head to Mega Monster Amusement Park for the day- and Zane is half certain Sensei Wu allows it only because he’s craving funnel cake.
They’re supposed to leave soon, and Zane is nearly ready. He slips on a pair of white boots and laces them up, standing up and admiring his outfit in his mirror. He’s got on a loose white sweater tucked into the waistband of his pink skirt, and he adjusts it one last time before nodding in satisfaction, smiling genuinely at his reflection.
He does a little twirl because he can’t help himself before he throws open the door to his room and makes his way to the deck of the bounty, smiling as the skirt bounces and flows with every step.
He’s the last to arrive, the others all waiting for him. To his pleasant surprise, there’s no flash of anxiety as he trots over- they won’t laugh. He knows they won’t.
Nya lights up when she sees him, “Zane’s here!”
Zane happiness seems to be contagious, the others all perking up at the sight of him.
“You look really nice.” Kai compliments when he gets close, and Zane smiles so hard his cheeks hurt.
“Yeah, that’s a nice color on you.” Cole comments.
Jay nods in agreement, “Zane looks really good, yes! Can we go to the amusement park already?”
Zane laughs, bubbly and light, “Thank you all! Jay’s right, let us go have some fun.”
As they disembark the bounty, Zane makes eye contact with Nya, and smiles softly at her. She grins in return, bumping shoulders with him, and they catch up with the others.
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This is my half of a collaboration I did with @ezlikessharks as a gift for our mutual friend @enbyjaywalker
You can find their half here
the fic is also on Ao3 here
I hope you like it!
Title: An Acceptable Proposal
Words: 2209
Warnings: None. Just self-indulgent fluff
Samuraishipping + background Oppositeshipping
“Zane! I need your assistance!” Pixel bursts into the room. He lets out an undignified squawking sound, dropping the dish he had been holding. Feeling just the tiniest bit guilty about that, she picks it up and hands it back to him.
“Pixal! You startled me! What can I do for you?” He pauses putting away the dishes to look at her.
“I am planning to propose to Nya when we go out tonight, remember? I need you to help me make sure all the preparations are in place.”
“Is tonight the night? Pixal that’s wonderful! It completely slipped my mind. How can I help?”
“I have a number of things that need to be confirmed and some things that need to be collected while Kai and I go to pick up the ring, along with a few other things,” Pixal hands him a list. “It would be very beneficial if you could meet us at the park when you are finished to help set things up.”
Zane takes the list, scanning the contents.
“This seems reasonable. I will get started on it just as soon as I am finished here. When should I plan to meet you?”
“Thank you so much! We will be there around 5pm or so. Jay should be meeting us there also. I have to leave around 5:30 to get ready to meet her, so the three of you will have to finish setting up without me. Can you make sure it’s all ready by the time we come through at 7:30?”
Zane salutes her “Your wish is my command.”
Pixal thanks him profusely once again before rushing off. Not a single moment to waste! Tonight had to be perfect.
“So tell me again why you need me here?” Kai asks as he pulls open the door to the jewelry store. Pixal steps inside, clutching the pick up slip for the ring tight to her chest.
“You’re the only other person who knows Nya as well as I do. I want you to do the final check on the ring to make sure it is something she will like. And I haven’t forgotten you telling me you wanted to do something similar for Zane in the near future. We can’t have that double wedding you and Nya are so heartset on if you don’t get a ring yourself.” She gives him a pointed look, and his face flushes a deep red.
Kai wanders off to browse the cases, and Pixal makes her way up to the counter.
“Good afternoon! How can I help you today?” The clerk greets cheerfully.
“I have a pick up for Pixal Borg, please,” She hands the slip over. The clerk takes it, reading it carefully.
“Your timing is perfect Miss Borg! This shipment just came in yesterday. Give me a moment to get it ready.” He takes the receipt and hurries away, leaving Pixal to join Kai in his browsing. She finds him staring hard at one of the cases.
“Find something you like?” She inquires.
“Actually, I think so,” He points to a specific ring. “Do you think Zane would like something like that?”
The ring in question has a twisted silver band set with two sapphires, one pink and one blue. It’s beautiful, and simplistic in a way Zane would like.
“That would be a good choice. Though I think Zane would be happy with just about anything you chose for him.” She offers. It was true. Zane loved him so much it wouldn’t take any real effort on Kai’s part to impress him. Kai could propose with a ring of paperclips and the nindroid would be overjoyed.
Pixal doesn’t get to hear Kai’s thoughts on things though, as the clerk calls her back over.
“Here you are! One custom engagement ring, ready to go!” He hands the box over to her. Hesitantly, Pixal opens it. This will be her first time seeing the final product in real life. Inside sits one of the most stunning pieces of jewelry she has ever seen. Nya’s phoenix symbol is carved into it, set with a sapphire eye. The carving is flanked on either side by two small diamonds. Without a word, she shows the contents to Kai. He lets out a low whistle.
“She’s gonna love that, Pix.”
The approval helps to relieve a little of the worried knot that was forming in her stomach. That was a relief. She turns back to the clerk, and Kai wanders back over to the ring from earlier.
“Can I set up a payment plan for the remainder that I still owe on it?”
“Sure thing! I’ll just need some information from you first…”
Once that is sorted out, she collects Kai and they head out. She doesn’t miss the fact that he is now clutching a little pick-up slip of his own. Seems Nya was going to get her double wedding afterall...
The jewelry store had taken longer than she was anticipating, so by the time she and Kai finished up with the rest of the things on their list they were running a little behind. When they finally reach the park, Pixal only has a few minutes before she has to leave. Zane is already there, and so is Jay.
“Pixal! Kai! Over here!” Zane calls out. Once they are a little closer, he continues. “I was able to complete everything on your list. The photographer is confirmed, I got the approval from the city to change the lights in the fountain and hang the lights in the trees, and I dropped your dress for tonight off at home for you. Did you get the ring?”
“Yes, and Kai has the rest of the lights. I appreciate your help in all of this. I wish I could stay, but I really have to be going if I want to be on time.”
“Yes. Go, go. I can handle directing these two here,” Zane makes a shooing motion with his hand. “You go have fun and I promise things will be ready for you when you return.”
Pixal shouts more thank-yous at them as she walks away. She would be eternally grateful, as this was not something she would have been able to do on her own. The only things left to do now were get herself ready, meet Nya, and then...ask her the big question. Simple enough. She could do this.
Maybe asking Nya to meet her at the restaurant was a bad idea. Originally Pixal was thinking it would give her extra time to compose herself, but honestly? It was just making things worse. It didn’t help that she had gotten there early, and that Nya was now running late. What if something had happened to her on the way here? What if there had been an emergency team summons and Pixal had somehow missed it? How long should she sit here by herself? Maybe she should call Nya? Just to make sure she was okay?
Just as that thought occurs to her, the door chimes. It wasn’t the first time it had happened since she’d gotten here, but she whips around to see who it is regardless. A visible weight lifts off her shoulders when she sees that this time, it is Nya. The host leads her over to the table, and Pixal is able to get a good look at her.
It’s a good thing Pixal doesn’t need to breathe.
“I’m so sorry I’m late! Cole took me to a painting workshop today and it ran over. I didn’t want to show up in paint clothes so I ran home first.” She gasps. She must have walked because she doesn’t have that windblown look that comes from riding her motorcycle. She has on a midnight blue tunic dress, paired with dark leggings and a sparkly belt. Instead of her usual ponytail, her hair is pulled into a low braid across her shoulders.
“Nya, you look positively radiant.”
“Thank you. You look pretty good yourself. The butterfly clip is a nice touch,” She winks as she sits down. “This place is pretty fancy. What’s the special occasion?”
Pixal’s brain momentarily stutters, trying to come up with a reasonable answer. She reaches a hand into her dress pocket, clutching the ring box.
“Do I need a special occasion to be able to treat my partner to a night out?” She questions. Nya laughs.
“No, I guess not. I just wanted to make sure I hadn’t forgotten something.”
“Well in that case, don’t worry. There is no special significance to tonight you should be aware of,” Pixal smiles softly. At least not any that Nya was aware of. “So tell me about your day. You mentioned Cole took you to an art class?”
“Yeah! I wasn’t expecting that at all but it was actually really fun…” Nya starts rambling about her day. Pixal listens intently, focusing all attention on Nya. The way her eyes light up when she gets excited was always enchanting. First Master, she was so in love.
The rest of their evening at the restaurant passes without incident. They talk about how busy they’ve been lately, about all the upgrades Pixal is planning to do to her samurai X mech, and about how nice it was to be able to finally have a night to themselves. Nothing out of the ordinary for them, other than the massive ball of nerves that was weighing heavily in her stomach.
It only got worse as they settled the bill and left.
“So do you have anything else fun planned for tonight?”
“I was hoping you would accompany me on a walk through the park?” Pixal offers an arm out to her. Nya takes it, linking them together.
“Of course! I would love too. Lead the way.” She gives Pixal a peck on the cheek for good measure.
Making their way to the park, she hopes against all hope that the three she had left behind had been successful in getting things ready. The park soon comes into view, and she breathes a miniscule sigh of relief when she can make out the lights glittering in the distance against the setting sun.
“Hey, what’s that over there?” Nya asks, pointing.
“Would you like to go and take a look?” Nya nods, and Pixal leads her in that direction. Even though she had planned this whole thing out, she is taken by surprise at just how good things had turned out. Delicate lights are strung through the trees, warm and inviting. The fountain in the center of the plaza she’d picked was lit up with soft blues and purples. She can’t identify where it was coming from, but someone was playing soft music. That was a nice touch. She was forever going to be in Zane’s debt for making sure things went off without a hitch.
“This is beautiful!” Nya whispers, releasing Pixal’s arm. She steps forward, taking it all in. The way Nya looks around in wonder makes her think that all the work that went into planning was worth it. “But what’s it for?”
Taking a deep breath, Pixal fishes the ring out of her pocket. This was it.
“Well, my dear...this is all for you.”
“All for me? What do you mean by that-” she turns around in confusion. Pixal takes that moment to drop to one knee, and Nya’s eyes go wide.
“Nya, you are my everything. You’ve done so much for me. You helped build me a body, gave me freedom. You gave up your mantle as Samurai X to me when you didn’t even know who I was. You taught me what it really means to love, and I love you with every fiber of my being. Every moment I spend with you feels like an eternity. There isn’t a single other person I could imagine spending my life with. So, would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?”
She opens the box, heart thundering in her chest. Nya’s mouth is open in a gasp. With one shaky hand, she reaches out and takes the ring. The sapphire eye of the phoenix symbol engraved on it glints in the light as she studies it.
“Oh Pixal…” Her eyes fill tears, and she launches herself at Pixal.
The heavy weight that had been following her all was lifted as she welcomed Nya with open arms. She had no words to describe the pure elation that was filling her. In one swift move, she bends down and catches Nya’s lips in a fierce kiss. Nya kisses back just as fiercely. When they part, they both collapse into a fit of giggles.
“I take it that you find my proposal acceptable then?” She whispers.
“Yes. Yes I do.” Nya whispers back, pressing their foreheads together. She is grinning wildly, and her eyes shone. Pixal imagines she looks much the same.
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much.”
“However much you love me, I love you more.”
Pixal pulls her into another kiss, this one softer. As long as she had Nya by her side, the two of them would be unstoppable.
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lloydskywalkers · 4 years
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*sweats* yeAH i know the one gbdfjgh. It’s very much a Halloween-centered piece so I was incredibly sad tumblr decided to end its life the one time i actually hit a deadline i’d set for myself, but it’s been kind of just...marinating in my docs folder since then. I might post it formally on FFN eventually, but in the meantime, i’ll post it on here below the cut!
“Guys, you will never guess what’s running around Ninjago City."
Jay’s announcement is met with a distinct lack of reaction, which is pretty disappointing, because it’s the kind you drop for a dramatic pause and reaction. And he did — try to, at least.
However, instead of reacting properly, like anyone in their right minds would, his team is woefully un-reactive. Nya continues to snore into the couch, her face pressed against the couch pillow in a way that’s gonna leave a spectacular mark later, and Cole’s too busy referee-ing Lloyd and Kai, who are in the middle of their sixth round of Dance Dance Ninja Revolution, which Jay can’t really blame him for, because they chose a Rihanna song this round and they’re getting a little too into it.
“How did you get that bonus and I didn’t!”
“You gotta pop your hip on that last move, like this—"
“What, and crack my spine in half?”
“I mean, your bones are pretty fragile.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re so old.”
“I’ll crack your spine, you tiny brat—"
Zane is the only one to actually acknowledge him, even if it’s a slight cock of his head from where he’s video-chatting Pixal, making him the only one of these terrible people Jay actually likes right now, unless Kai manages to make a comeback and beat out Lloyd, in which case he’ll celebrate with him.
But it’s looking unlikely.
“Are you talking about the vampire rumors?” Zane asks.
Jay’s expression sours. Never mind, he retracts his appreciation of Zane now. Way to steal his thunder.
Kai snorts from where he’s waving his arms in a butchered kind of Macarena. “Seriously, Jay? Those rumors crop up every year. There’s no vampire.”
Jay glares at him, mentally switching his loyalties to Lloyd, as it looks like he’s going to wipe the floor with Kai anyways, because he’s just snatched that one difficult bonus Kai usually wins where you hair-flip like a diva.
“This is for real, though,” Jay argues. “It was reported on the police scanner. Someone’s running around biting people!”
“Maybe they’re just into that,” Nya yawns, burrowing her face further into the couch pillows. “Don’t be so judgmental, Jay.”
Jay colors, and Kai chokes. Lloyd gives a triumphant crow of victory, doubling his score at the last minute, leaving Kai solidly in the dust. Kai makes a sour face, collapsing on the couch and crossing his arms.
“You cheated.”
“Not my fault you got distracted,” Lloyd shrugs. He turns to Jay, wiping the sheen of sweat from his forehead and looking curious. “Wait, they’re really reporting that someone’s out there biting people?”
“Or something,” Jay says, quickly seizing on the attention. “Something bloodthirsty that goes around biting people’s necks, which obviously has to be a vampire.”
“It says here it steals their wallets, too,” Zane remarks, scrolling through the news article.
“A wallet-stealing vampire,” Jay amends.
The others look decidedly unimpressed, which is rather insulting and extremely disappointing. Geez, you fight one giant stone titan and a few mythical, apocalypse-bringing monsters and suddenly no one’s impressed by anything anymore.
“Sounds like petty crime, not our thing,” Kai yawns. “Besides, vampires don’t exist.”
Jay sputters. “Are you kidding me?” he exclaims. “They totally exist!”
Cole raises an eyebrow at him. “You know those vampire books are fiction, right?”
Jay presses his lips together tightly. “Are you telling me,” he says, stiffly. “That after everything — everything we’ve seen — which includes and is not limited to warriors made up of tiny snakes, a walking eldritch horror that’s actually another realm, and living skeletons — you don’t believe vampires can exist?”
“Well, yeah,” Kai says, simply. “Because those other things are real. Vampires aren’t.”
“You didn’t even think the Serpentine were real!” Jay accuses, because Kai’s opinion is clearly trash here, and he obviously should’ve started by attacking Cole, or Nya.
“Jay, chill,” Lloyd says, rolling his eyes. “Whatever it is, it’s not a vampire, unless someone stumbled off the set of a B-movie horror film. They don’t exist, Jay."
Jay opens his mouth, prepared to fire back, because of all the people to argue with him, Lloyd has no right at all, he’s a walking eldritch mutant himself — when Lloyd suddenly continues.
“It’s clearly a werewolf, if anything.”
Jay stops, his mouth half-open. He blinks. “Wait,” he narrows his eyes at him. “You don’t believe in vampires, but you’re game for werewolves?”
“Yeah,” Lloyd shrugs. “Werewolves make sense.”
“And vampires don’t?!”
Lloyd shrugs. “I mean, after Akita and the Formlings, you know?” He pauses, eyes widening as he contemplates something. “Wait. Is Akita technically a werewolf?”
Jay seizes the opportunity. “If she counts as one, then Oni count as vampires,” he argues.
Lloyd frowns at him. “What? No. That doesn’t even make any sense.”
“Oh yeah?” Jay counters. “Then explain why they both have fangs. And glowing eyes. And drink blood.”
“I don’t drink blood!” Lloyd exclaims, indignantly. “And neither do Oni!”
“How would you know?” Jay challenges. “You’re just a tiny little quarter Oni.”
Lloyd glares at him. “A quarter Oni with teeth that can bite you—"
“Okay, okay!” Cole says hastily, shouldering between them. “No one’s biting anyone, geez. I’m taking this opportunity to declare it time for bed.”
“Aw, but I didn’t get to trash Kai yet,” Nya yawns, waving absently at the still-scrolling game on the television. Zane quickly turns it off.
“We can trash each other tomorrow, after six a.m. practice,” Cole huffs. Everyone groans in unison at the reminder.
“We should start getting skip days,” Kai grumbles into the pillow. “Like, mandated days we get to just sleep in instead.”
“You would use that every day,” Zane sighs, tugging him up. Jay watches as they slowly pack up, preparing to head off to bed.
“Wait, so we’re just gonna let this thing run loose?” he exclaims, waving his arms in the air. “Ignore our civic duty for sleep?”
Cole pinches the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “Jay, there’s one article about it, and these kinds of things crop up every year,” he sighs. “It’s just some Halloween pranksters using it as an excuse for petty crime. The police can handle it, okay?”
“But a vampire,” Jay bemoans. “What if it’s real?”
“Or werewolf,” Lloyd corrects. Jay would elbow him for that, but — aha. Lloyd has that spark in his eyes, the one that means trouble. Jay’s hooked at least one person then, even if it’s for the totally wrong reason.
“Whatever it is, according to reports, it will still be here tomorrow,” Zane says. “Halloween isn’t for another day, and it usually strikes then. If it means that much to you, we can look for it then.”
Jay squints skeptically at him. Kai and Cole are both wearing expressions that say they will not be helping with that particular excursion, and Nya’s already halfway into her room, clearly writing him off as well. Hmph.
“But by then, we won’t have a sighting to follow,” Lloyd says, hesitantly.
“Good,” Kai grumbles, apparently done with the conversation. “Then we can forget about make-believe monsters.”
Jay is pleased to find that he and Lloyd are still just as effective at giving people the stink-eye in perfect unison as they’ve always been.
“Drop it, guys,” Cole warns, his dark eyes tired. “You can argue over this in the morning. When we’re all dead tired at dawn practice.”
Jay scowls, but he nods. He knows a lost cause when he sees one.
However, he also knows when a cause isn’t lost. He trades looks with Lloyd from the corner of his eyes, and Lloyd gives him a tiny, imperceptible nod. Halfway into their bedroom, Kai suddenly turns on them.
“And you guys better not sneak out to hunt it down by yourselves,” he says, his eyes narrowed. “The police have it covered. There’s no such things as vampires or werewolves, but if I wake up at three a.m. tonight and find out you guys snuck out, you’re gonna wish one had already killed you.”
“Geez, overreact much?” Jay mutters.
Lloyd rolls his eyes. “We’re not gonna sneak out just to chase down a few rumors, Kai,” he scoffs. “We’re not stupid.”
Kai eyes them both. Jay can almost see him mentally scrolling through Lloyd and Jay’s Best Hits, Screwing-Up Edition, in his brain, and he doesn’t like it. Like Kai has room to talk about dumb decisions.
Kai finally shakes his head, sighing as he heads for his bed. “I swear,” he mutters to himself. “If I have to fish you out of a river later…”
“You won’t!” Lloyd promises cheerfully. “Word of honor.”
As it turns out, Lloyd’s word of honor is garbage. But so is Jay’s, so he’s not gonna judge.
“Okay, the reports said it was last sighted over in the east sector in the sewer tunnels, so I vote we start here,” Jay tells him in a hushed voice, as they plot their path from one of the city rooftops, the dim streetlights blinking down below. “There’s a bunch of bars and stuff around, so if I was looking to steal someone’s wallet by biting them, I’d go here. Down for a stakeout?”
“I’m game,” Lloyd says, slightly muffled through his mouth of—
Jay blinks at him incredulously. “Are you eating our garlic bread right now?”
Lloyd freezes, shifting guiltily and quickly swallowing. “No-o?”
“Lloyd!” Jay hisses. “We need that for the vampire!”
“Then you should’ve gotten actual garlic,” Lloyd hisses back. “I got hungry, and we’re carrying around garlic bread! Can you blame me?”
“Hmph.” Jay glares at him, then snatches the bag Lloyd had been hiding behind him. Lloyd makes a face.
“S’not like we need it anyways,” he mutters. “Garlic doesn’t work against werewolves.”
“It’s not a werewolf,” Jay retorts. “And even if it was, it’s not like we have any silver.” He frowns. “Wait, doesn’t silver work against vampires too? Maybe I should’ve gotten us some…”
“Got it covered,” Lloyd says, pulling a small ziplock bag from his sweatshirt pocket. They’ve opted to wear civilian clothes tonight, as one, they’re trying to be inconspicuous, and two, it’ll make it a lot more difficult for Kai to claim that they were out breaking their promise if they aren’t in very distinctive, undeniable gis.
“I snatched a pair of Nya’s earrings earlier,” Lloyd continues. “Sterling silver counts, right? ‘Cause they even have these little bits on the back you can stab people with.”
Jay blinks rapidly. “You snatched her—"
Well, actually, on second thought, it’s not the worst thing they’ve ever stolen from each other. And it’s definitely not the worst purpose for such a theft, either.
“Okay, nice, we got silver,” Jay says instead, trying not to think about what Nya’s reaction to finding out her earrings were used as lethal injections for a vampire is going to be.
“The better prepared, the lower the chances of dying horribly,” Lloyd says, cheerfully.
“Please don’t phrase it that way.”
“You literally said that exact same thing to me last week, on the Metallonia mission—"
“You must’ve had water in your ears,” Jay waves him off, knowing full well he did say that but having zero intent of admitting it. “Anyways, it’s just one vampire. We can handle this, easy.”
“Or one werewolf,” Lloyd says, pointedly.
Jay takes a very long breath, then lets it out. If it were Kai or Cole, maybe he’d pick the fight. But it’s Lloyd, and he’s risking Unholy Big Brother Wrath as it is.
“Fine,” he half-surrenders. “If it’s a werewolf, we can handle that too. But it’s not, because it’s clearly a vampire.”
“That’s what it wants you to think,” Lloyd grouses.
Jay rolls his eyes, shoving the rest of their supplies back in his ratty old backpack. He cranes his head over the edge of building rooftop, watching the evening crowds just beginning to flood into the bars.
“Now what?” Lloyd whispers, materializing next to him.
Jay, with his reflexes as sharp and well-honed as they are, does not nearly jump off the roof at Lloyd’s sudden appearance. He doesn’t squeak, either, the look Lloyd is giving him is just — Lloyd being a terrible gremlin.
“Now,” Jay clears his throat instead, taking on an air of expertise, because he is an expert. “We wait.”
In the excitement, Jay has, tragically, forgotten how absolutely boring stakeouts are.
Really, he should’ve brought a board game or something.
“—somethin’ strange, in your neighborhood. Who you gonna call.”
Jay punches his hand in the air without enthusiasm where he lies on his back, yawning, “Ghostbusters.”
“Dun dun, dun dun, du-du-dun—" Lloyd continues humming the bridge, staring up at the sky where he’s got his arms beneath his head, sprawled out next to Jay.
“You know, I still swear I heard the ghosts playing this back at Styx,” Jay murmurs.
Lloyd’s humming halts, and he snorts. “Maybe they had a sense of humor.”
“Heh. Yeah.” Jay frowns. “So wait, this is your favorite holiday song? The song about ghosts? Really?”
Lloyd nods. “I ain’t afraid of no ghost,” he sings.
Jay makes a face at him, then shrugs. Well, he guesses he doesn’t have room to judge people’s coping mechanisms. He still deals with spiders by blowing the entire room up. “That’s one way to deal with it, I guess.”
“I like the irony,” Lloyd continues, with a lopsided grin. “Also, like, do any of us deal with our issues?”
“Ye—" Jay pauses, considering. Huh. He knows they’ve all been putting off therapy, but sometimes they, like…cry all over each other? At three in the morning? That counts, right?
He supposes that doesn’t quite equate.
“I stress-baked eight batches of brownies with Cole one night and ate half of them after the Oni thing?” he offers weakly.
Lloyd stuff a fist over his mouth, holding back a laugh. “I ate a whole container of frosting with Nya after the SOG thing.”
“That’s where it all went?” Jay snaps his head up, his eyes accusing. “Lloyd, that was our only cream cheese frosting! I was going to use that for a meltdown!”
“Oops,” Lloyd says, unapologetically. Jay digs his foot into his side, and Lloyd jerks away, giggling.
“You, I’d expect, but Nya…” Jay grumbles, processing this betrayal. “That’s like, cliché teenage heartbreak coping there.”
“Well, I mean,” Lloyd says, his smile suddenly painfully forced. “Kinda…was. A bit.”
Jay frowns. “Wha — oh.”
Oops. Too late, Jay realizes that he has accidentally stumbled into a mine zone. He should know better, seriously — Lloyd probably does not want to talk about teenage heartbreak right now. Or any time…soon, considering his last and only romantic excursion kind of…stabbed him in the back and got crushed by a building. Amongst other things.
“So!” Jay quickly says, trying to cut through the sudden awkwardness and turn the conversation to something better. “How is, uh, your life going, in that…area…?”
Never mind, Jay’s mind screeches at him. Abort, abort, this is going somewhere worse—! Maybe if he’s lucky the vampire will just come attack them now. That would probably go better.
Lloyd’s expression screws up, like Jay’s forced him to eat a lemon, or a ghost pepper, or like, swallow pure Venomari venom. “You mean my love life?” he spits, as if the word love is a personal insult.
“Not necessarily,” Jay says quickly. “I mean, no, but also…yes?”
“Nonexistent as usual, which is probably the best I can hope for,” Lloyd mutters, kicking at the ground.
Jay bites his cheek in sympathy. His poor baby brother. His voice finally stops cracking and he immediately decides to swear off love for life.
“Look,” Jay says tentatively, feeling like he should at least try to impart some wisdom on his kid brother. “Have you thought about like, I dunno, trying to meet new people? Just like, you know, being open to, uh, the idea of trusting someone…like that?”
“Yeah,” Lloyd grinds his teeth. “I’ve also thought about getting ‘love is a joke’ tattooed on my wrist as a nice reminder because that’s about how well it tends to go for me.”
Jay cringes. “Aha,” he breathes. That is — that is bad. Yikes, that’s…bad bad, maybe they should book a therapist. One of these days. Probably sooner than later, going by that statement.
Lloyd sighs, suddenly deflating. “I dunno, Jay. I just…maybe someday? I don’t really wanna think about it.” The edge of his mouth twists wistfully. “It’d be nice to just be a kid again, so I could stuff my face with candy instead.”
“Hey,” Jay says, elbowing him. “Who says you can’t stuff your face with candy now? We can totally hit up the store on the way home, you know. Zane can’t stop us if he’s not here.”
Lloyd cracks a grin, and Jay is infinitely pleased with himself. “After we catch the werewolf?” Lloyd asks.
Jay glares at him. “After we catch the vampire, and I prove all you heathens wrong,” he grinds out. Lloyd snickers.
“You’re fighting a losing—"
A piercing scream rings out from the streets below, and Lloyd and Jay jolt to their feet in well-experienced unison. Jay sweeps his eyes across the street below, his head whipping widely back and forth as he tries to spot—
“There!” Lloyd calls, already sliding down the fire escape. Jay follows his arm, and spots a disheveled man now crumpled in the street, other partygoers crowding around him. Lloyd’s hand is pointing just beyond, though, locked on the shadowed, dark figure fleeing into the alleyway.
Jay grins viciously at him. Lloyd grins back.
Normally, they’d have Zane at their backs, insisting on safety and such nonsense, but tonight it’s just Lloyd and Jay, who gold-medal at being an awful combination of adrenaline junkies. So by the time they’ve finished hurling themselves off the building and surfing down a couple of unfortunate clotheslines, they land in perfect synch just behind the fleeing figure. They immediately break into a sprint, following their quarry down the dark alleyways and gaining rapidly.
One of the few perks to being the smallest on the team — Jay and Lloyd are fast.
The figure jolts, finally realizing it’s being pursued, and suddenly takes a hard left. Jay yelps as he almost overbalances, his momentum nearly toppling him before Lloyd catches his arm, yanking him upright. They follow where the figure’s fled into an abandoned tunnel, one of the ones Jay recognizes leads to the sewer.
“Why in here?!” he gasps between breathes, as their feet splash through dirty rainwater the deeper they go. Ugh, he hates these tunnels — they’re too small and close and dark.
Lloyd doesn’t grace him with a reply, simply lifting his hand up in an eerie, makeshift green flashlight that lights up the tunnels around them.
“They went that way!” He hurls the bright globe of energy down the tunnel, throwing green shadows up all around, and illuminating their prey far ahead.
Darn it, Jay curses to himself. He forgot vampires are supposed to be fast, too. They need a way better plan then just running after it.
“Trap, we need a trap,” Jay pants. “What do they do in Scooby-Doo to catch the vampire?”
Lloyd glances at him incredulously as he runs beside him, his hair dyed a white-green in the eerie light where it bounces around his head. “Scooby-Doo?!” he exclaims. “There aren’t any vampires in Scooby-Doo!”
“Uh, yeah there are,” Jay argues, ducking under a rusted pipe. He almost has to pause to swipe his own hair out of the way before he gets blinded by falling curls. Mental note, book a haircut later. “Remember that movie with the bands and stuff?”
“Oh. Right,” Lloyd huffs, sliding through a puddle of water. “Forgot about that. Don’t they die or something?”
“I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking you! Come up with a plan, you’re leader!”
“Not right now, I’m not!”
“You can’t do that — you’re our designated team captain, live up to your role!”
“Only in big crisis situations!”
“This is a crisis!”
“Fine! Here’s me leading — I order you to come up with a plan.”
“Oh for — what kind of Green Ninja even are you, huh?”
“Oh yeah, static for brai—agh!”
Their argument is cut short as the floor suddenly decides to take the day off, and drops neatly out from beneath their feet. Jay screams, Lloyd shrieking beside him as they both go tumbling down the sloping sewer tunnel, sliding through broken rock and upturned stone. The sharp slope finally evens out, leaving them to roll to a graceless stop in a heap of limbs and freezing rainwater.
“Ew,” Jay scowls, swiping at his hair as he kneels, supporting himself on one hand. “Sewers are the worst.”
“Ge’off me,” Lloyd wheezes, hitting his shoulder. Jay belatedly realizes that he’s got one elbow and a knee digging into Lloyd’s middle, and pulls back quickly.
“Whoops,” he says, cheerfully. “Hey, no broken bones, at least!”
Lloyd just makes a face, straightening his hoodie. He pushes himself to his feet, offering a hand to Jay and hauling him up. Jay brings a crackle of lightning up in his fingers, squinting around the tunnel they’ve fallen into. Lloyd finally remembers to pull out their actual flashlight, and shines it warily around the tunnel, lighting up the old, molding stone around them.
“D’you think they fell, too?” Lloyd questions, taking a hesitant step forward as he brandishes the flashlight like a weapon.
Jay shrugs. “Vampires aren’t normally clumsy,” he says, starting down the tunnel. “But who knows.”
Lloyd pauses for a moment, reluctant, then quickly hurries to catch up, falling into step beside him.
“Ninja aren’t normally clumsy either,” he huffs.
Jay snorts. “Have you seen us?”
Lloyd eyes him. “I control your training schedule, you know.”
“A heinous abuse of power which never should have been given to you,” Jay sniffs.
Lloyd’s eyes narrow. “I’ll stick you on stair sprints. Endless. Stair sprints.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Jay retorts. “You’re too chicken to do that. Too soft.”
“I am not!” Lloyd says, offended. “I’ll make you run a gazillion stair sprints, watch me.”
“Oh yeah? Whatcha gonna do when I start tearing up on you, Mr. Marshmallow Heart?”
“My heart is not a marshmallow,” Lloyd grinds out. “It’s—"
“More like cotton candy,” Jay nods. “‘Cause you hit it with one tear and it melts all over the place.”
“I will trip you face-first into sewer water,” Lloyd threatens. “And stop using candy metaphors. I’m starving, and you won’t let me eat the garlic bread.”
“That’s ‘cause we need it for the vampire!” Jay huffs.
Jay throws his hands up.  “Do you need glasses or something? Because tell me, please, if that looked anything like a were—"
Jay cuts off abruptly as he and Lloyd freeze. Directly across from them, a mere ten feet away in the connecting tunnel, the hooded figure they’ve been chasing freezes as well. For a beat, the three stare at each other, the only sound the steady drip-drip of the sewer tunnels around them.
“It’s the vampire! Grab it!” Jay yells.
He and Lloyd dart forward just as the vampire makes to run, turning for the tunnel. Jay side-steps, using the wall to push himself up and flip neatly over the vampire’s head, landing in the tunnel before them and neatly cutting them off. “Gotcha,” he grins.
The vampire’s eyes widen from beneath their hood, and they backtrack, only to nearly run into Lloyd, who points the flashlight threateningly at them.
“Stand down,” he orders. Jay rolls his eyes. Oh, now he decides to sound like a leader.
The vampire makes a hissing noise of frustration, shaking their head. Lloyd goes to move forward, a familiar green glinting at the edges of his fingertips—
When the vampire suddenly snaps into action, rushing at Lloyd. Before Jay can blink, they snap a leg up to kick the flashlight from Lloyd’s grasp, snag him with their forearm, bare two glinting teeth, and—
Snap. Lloyd gasps sharply, his eyes going wide as the vampire bites right into the juncture of his neck and shoulder.
Jay shrieks. “Lloy—!”
His scream cuts off, trailing into a gaping wheeze.
Jay is not entirely sure what — no, he’s not sure why what happen next happens. Maybe Lloyd panics. Maybe he forgets he’s a god-powered elemental with the capability of blasting people to heck with his hands for a second. Maybe both his Oni and dragon instincts decide to suddenly kick in and overpower the human. Or maybe he’s just so ticked at getting bit in the neck that his childish side comes out with a vengeance.
Either way, not even half a second after the vampire bites him, Lloyd snaps out his own too-sharp teeth and bites right back, firmly chomping down on the forearm pinning him in place.
The vampire gives a muffled scream, releasing Lloyd as they stumble backward, frantically clutching their arm. Jay takes this chance to send a bright bolt of lightning after them, just barely missing as they turn and flee, skittering away down the tunnels. Any other time Jay would give chase, but he’s got a slightly more pressing concern right now, and by that he means a big fat bad concern, because his brother is currently sporting a bleeding neck and trying to hack his own lung up.
“Oh god, the vampire bit you, Lloyd, the vampire bit you,” Jay babbles frantically, dancing around Lloyd as he doubles over, coughing and spitting frantically.
“—freaking — gross—"
“But —but then you bit the vampire,” Jay pauses, eyebrows furrowing. “So does that like — negate it?”
“—need hand sanitizer in m’a mouth—"
“Or does the vampire turn into an Oni?” Jay rubs his head. “Wait, wait no — you both swap, because you bit each other, so—"
“—tastes like battery acid—"
“Either way your neck is bleeding and why didn’t you just use your powers!” Jay shrieks at him.
“I panicked, okay?!” Lloyd cries in defense, wiping his mouth as he sticks his tongue out, clearly trying to rid himself of the taste. “Ugh — gimme that garlic bread, this is awful—"
“No way,” Jay snatches his bag away. “We definitely need it now.” His eyes narrow down on the two sluggishly bleeding marks on Lloyd’s neck, that he should really be patching up, actually, but first—
“Besides, garlic could be toxic for you right now! Since you might be turning into a…a vampire.”
Lloyd turns two smoldering, angry red eyes on him, and Jay swallows. Oh FSM, he’s already turning into a vampire, his eyes are red—
Oh wait, right, Lloyd’s eyes are red anyways.
“I am not turning into a vampire!” Lloyd hisses. He winces, clapping a hand over his neck. “I probably have like, rabies or something though,” he says, half-panicked.
“I don’t think vampires have rabies,” Jay tries to assure him, finally shaking himself into action, pulling his jacket off and pressing one of the sleeves against Lloyd’s bleeding neck. Lloyd jerks away on instinct, before letting Jay examine it.
“I can’t turn into a vampire,” Lloyd says, an edge of fear in his voice. “Kai’ll kill me if I turn into a vampire.”
“That’s your main concern?” Jay exclaims, swiping blood away — the bite doesn’t look too deep, and it seems like it won’t need stitches, or anything. He suddenly pauses, considering Lloyd’s words. “Okay, I will admit you have a valid point there,” he concedes.
Lloyd nods tightly, then makes a face before spitting again.
“So gross.”
Jay watches him, then speaks up hesitantly. “I mean…you have to admit that it’s definitely a vampire now, right, haha? Like, not to say I told you so, but—”
Lloyd turns his head, ever so slowly, his eyes narrowing into slits as he does.
“I will kill you.”
“Duly noted.”
In a noble sacrifice of true brotherly love, Jay lets Lloyd get his weird mutant blood all over his hoodie as he uses it as a makeshift bandage.
“Rude,” Lloyd mutters, sounding wounded.
“Weird mutant blood is cool,” Jay assures him. “You Oni-dragon-hybrid, you.”
“I don’t even get any of the cool stuff, like shapeshifting or wings.”
“Yeah, that is a pretty lame tradeoff,” Jay admits. He pats his hoodie where it’s wrapped around Lloyd’s neck once more, nodding. “There. We’ll just…dump an entire bottle of sanitizer on it when we get home.”
“Can’t wait,” Lloyd sighs. His eyebrows furrow into determination. “After we catch this thing, though. It’s personal now.”
“Agreed,” Jay says. “But we definitely need a plan this time, ‘cause like, the biting thing worked, but it worst-case-scenario worked, you know? We need something a little less primitive, like, say, um…”
“Like this?”
Jay turns to Lloyd where he’s bent over one of the canal drains. He lifts the object he’s fished out, revealing a soaked but intact fishing net, likely abandoned from one of the boats.
A grin spreads across Jay’s face. “I have a plan now,” he says.
“Good,” Lloyd breathes in relief.
“You’re bait.”
Relief successfully obliterated. “Wait—"
Jay’s wristwatch glows a dim 3:30 in the morning by the time their vampire finally takes the bait.
Said bait is very put out at being bait, granted, and is doing a frankly awful job at it, if anyone asked him, but he supposes that’s the best he can ask out of Lloyd when he’s been denying him their garlic bread the whole night.
“Oh no,” Lloyd intones dully, kicking through the tunnel water half-heartedly. “I’ve lost my way, whatever am I going to do with all this money in my wallet.”
“Boo,” Jay hisses at him, where he’s perched atop of a broken sewer pipe. Lloyd pauses his melodramatics to glare at him.
“I’d like to see you do better.”
“Oh no, you’re a much better damsel in distress than I am,” Jay assures him.
Lloyd looks furious. “Listen—"
He might’ve finished, but then the vampire jumps him from the shadows, and they both go tumbling as Lloyd’s voice turns to a shriek.
“Don’t die!” Jay hollers as he jumps down onto the vampire, startling a shriek out of them as he desperately tries to yank them off of Lloyd. “Roll, roll, get out of teeth range!”
“I’m trying!” Lloyd yelps, twisting himself free from the vampire’s grasp. The vampire makes to grab him, but Jay is already pouncing, tossing the net out so they run smack into it and go flailing to the floor, twisting themselves further and further into the rope webbing.
“Oh, thank FSM,” Lloyd mutters into the ground, where he’s yet to move. Jay ignores him, giving a cheer of triumph as he finishes knotting off the net.
“We got it!” he gasps, stepping back and surveying their struggling captive. “We caught the vampire!” He turns to Lloyd, grinning brightly in victory.
“Everyone else is gonna eat their words.” Lloyd nods, and Jay holds his hand out, slapping it against Lloyd’s before knocking their fists together.
Who’s stupid now, Kai? he thinks triumphantly.
Striding forward, he places his hands on his hips, smirking down at the vampire where it writhes against the net they’ve caught it in. He bends over, yanking their hood down.
“No use struggling. We got you now, you malevolent creature of the ni — ight, wait.” Jay blinks rapidly, staring at their quarry. “You’re….not a vampire?”
“No, you ssstupid human.”
Oh. Oh. Jay is incredibly, massively, thoroughly disappointed to realize that the figure on the ground glaring daggers at him, is not, in fact, a vampire. Not unless vampires come in Serpentine flavors.
“A Serpentine?” Lloyd blinks rapidly, looking as colossally disappointed as Jay is. “Aw man, we both lose, then.”
“A weird Serpentine,” Jay frowns, leaning closer. “This one’s got hair. Why do you have hair?”
The Serpentine — who is a she, from the looks of it — rolls her eyes. “I’m part human,” she hisses. “Ssso I do not look like other Ssserpentine. You humansss are just ssstupid enough to think I am a vampire.”
Jay opens his mouth, then shuts it. “Ah,” he says. He then brightens, glancing at Lloyd.  “Oh hey, you have that in common, then! Lloyd’s a freaky mutant anomaly of nature, just like you.”
“Hey!” Lloyd exclaims, looking offended. “A freaky mutant anomaly?”
“I mean it in love, Lloyd.”
“Would you let me out of thissss infuriating net.”
“Uh, yeah, no can do, pal,” Jay replies to the furious Serpentine. “We aren’t letting you off the hook just ‘cause you told us what you were. You’ve been running around and biting people in the neck and stealing their wallets.”
“You bit me,” Lloyd accuses, glaring hotly at her.
“You bit me back,” the Serpentine snarls at him.
“You bit me first!”
“Guys, guys, it’s not a contest,” Jay laughs, a little nervously. “Please. Calm your mutant anomaly selves.”
Lloyd looks as if he’s going to smack him — which he probably should, all honesty, Jay’s been pushing him — but the Serpentine just frowns.
“How issss he one?” she scoffs at Lloyd. “He looksss like a normal human. Maybe with rabiesss.”
Lloyd looks incredibly offended. “Like you can talk.” He shakes his head, sighing. “I’m…part Oni. And dragon. A bit.”
The Serpentine's mouth drops open, and the color leeches from her face. “O-Oni?” She stammers. She looks at the hastily bandaged wound on her arm in alarm. “Did you poissson me?”
“Wha—no!” Lloyd exclaims. “Oni aren’t poisonous!”
He pauses. So do Jay and the Serpentine, leaving the tunnel in silence for a beat.
“I don’t….think?” He turns to Jay, eyebrows furrowed in question.
Jay shrugs. He’s not the one with a bunch of inhuman relatives. “I mean, she hasn’t gone all, y’know — grey-skinned, purple-eyed, turned-to-stone, so?”
This does nothing whatsoever to quell the look of fear on the face of— Jay frowns. “Hey, what’s your name, by the way?”
“What, ssso you can tell the copsss?” their Serpentine hisses dully.
“Well, you’re a criminal, so,” Jay shrugs. “But look at it this way — I won’t call you Elvira Vampira, Terror of the Night, the whole way back instead.”
The Serpentine rolls her eyes, but she does look mildly threatened at being called Vampira for the rest of the evening.
“My name is Sssiri,” she finally admits, looking put out.
“Siri?” Lloyd blinks. “Like the phone voice?”
The Serpentine makes a face as if he’s called her the scum of the earth instead. “I hate that ssstupid company,” she hisses. “And their ssstupid phone voicesss. I hate them.”
“That’s nice,” Jay tells her. He exhales, placing his hands on his hips. He glances at Lloyd, who looks every bit as tired.
“Time to drag her to the police?”
“Time to drag her to the police,” Lloyd sighs, sounding disappointed, if not a bit vindictive.
The cops are nice, at least, and the guy whose wallet got snatched thanks them profusely, so the night doesn’t end up being a total bust. Everyone looks pretty relieved that there isn’t an actual vampire running around, though, which Jay feels a little resentful at, because he’s losing a bet here.
“Hey, cheer up,” Lloyd tells him, elbowing him lightly. “At least no one ever has to know about it.”
“True,” Jay admits. He gives a sigh of melancholy, watching as the cops lead a put-out Siri into the car. He glances at Lloyd, then grins wickedly.
“Hey!” he calls quickly, waving at Siri. He slaps a hand on Lloyd’s shoulder, shaking him. “You don’t have a boyfriend, do you? Because this guy here is a hundred percent single and looking to ack—"
Jay’s idea is immediately torpedoed by Lloyd viciously throttling him in front of the entire crime unit.
“Jay what the heck!” he whisper-shrieks, sounding on the verge of an aneurism.
“I’m trying — to get you — back in the game—" Jay croaks out.
“With a neck-biting criminal?!”
“I wouldn’t be oppossssed,” Siri remarks, cocking her head as she studies Lloyd.
Lloyd goes an odd purple-scarlet color, then immediately turns on heel, marching away and looking not a little bit like his father storming off to destroy a village.
“He’ll call you!” Jay mouths at Siri, before hurrying after Lloyd. “Well, I’d call that a mild success, at least.”
“I am not calling her,” Lloyd grinds out, as he stomps down the street.
“Oh, obviously,” Jay says. He snickers. “Can you imagine Kai’s reaction, though? He’d blow five blood vessels at once.”
Lloyd remains stubbornly stoic, glaring forward. Jay winces. Oops, crossed a line. Still too sensitive. Maybe he can try again in like…a year.
“Hey, on the bright side,” Jay tries. “We can eat the rest of the garlic bread now?”
Lloyd’s pace slows. Jay holds out half of the buttery loaf they have left. Lloyd eyes him for a second, but Jay can see his resolve quickly dying. Lloyd finally snatches it, sighing.
“Tha’ is a bright side,” he says, through a mouthful.
“Garlic bread solves half y’er problems,” Jay nods through his own bite, pleased to find that it’s still good, even if cold.
They walk in silence for a minute, quietly chewing at the rest of the bread. Then Lloyd speaks up.
“Like….can you imagine being a real vampire though? And you couldn’t eat garlic bread?”
“Oh yeah, that would suck.”
“Seriously. I wonder if it’s maybe like, a lactose intolerance thing, where they can have a little bit before breaking into vampire hives or something?”
“Or maybe it’s like a peanut allergy thing, where their throats swell up and they have to use like, vampire Epipens.”
“If I was a vampire, I’d risk it either way.”
“Oh yeah, same. Totally worth it.”
The thing people tend to overlook about Jay is that, despite how loud he can be — and yeah, he’s admitting it, he can be a big enough person to recognize that he can get a bit worked-up sometimes — anyways, despite how everyone seems to think Jay has one default mode, he is, in fact, one of the best people on the team at sneaking. It’s one of the perks of being small — he’s learned to be light enough on his feet that even Zane can’t pick him up. And everyone expects him to come in all excited and loud anyways, so Jay’s got that advantage. No one expects him to be quiet.
And it is, of course, a trait he’s dutifully passed on to his little brother, who already has experience from sneaking around Darkley’s and lurking in Serpentine tombs, so by the time the alarm is an hour away from going off, Lloyd and Jay are safely back in bed, snoring quietly with the others, who are none the wiser.
Granted, Jay’s got the worst eye-bags ever in the morning, and Lloyd’s running a record for how long he can get around without actually opening his eyes — but Cole doesn’t say anything, and Zane isn’t looking at them suspiciously, so voila! They are off the hook.
Jay supposes he has the usual array of night terrors to thank for that. Always a good cover for sleeplessness, those.
He does have to drag Lloyd to the bathroom first so they can fix his gi collar high enough to hide the rather incriminating bite marks. Jay doesn’t even want to think about explaining those, because any plausible excuses he can come up with for them are just more likely to make Kai barbecue Jay on the spot.
“Good to see you this morning,” Cole tells him pointedly, as he joins the team around the breakfast table. Jay resists the urge to shoot him a gesture, and grabs for the coffee pot instead.
“Did you sleep alright?” Kai is asking Lloyd from across him, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. Jay can’t really blame him, seeing as Lloyd keeps falling asleep in his cereal, dark circles vivid beneath his eyes.
“Jus’ tired,” Lloyd yawns. “Didn’t sleep that well."
Kai pats him lightly on the shoulder, looking sympathetic. “Take a nap or something later,” he tells him. “For my sake.”
Lloyd nods, and Jay leans back in his seat, sipping contentedly at his coffee. As he said, no one suspects a thing. All’s well that ends well.
And then Zane turns the radio on.
“—the neck-biting thief was caught early this morning by the Ninjago City Police, with the aid of two accomplices—”
Jay goes pale.
“Huh, isn’t that what you guys were talking about last night?” Nya remarks.
Jay and Lloyd look at each other, their eyes wide. In a desperate grab for survival, Jay dives for the radio, fully prepared to hit it with a lightning bolt if it means turning it off before—
“—special thanks, of course, to the green and blue ninja, looking out for us as always.”
Jay finally smacks the radio off, plunging the kitchen into silence. There is a long, ominous pause of utter dread. Kai slowly turns to look at Lloyd.
“You went after them—"
“We didn’t!” Lloyd says quickly. “That’s not what we were doing!”
“Oh yeah?” Kai says, and uh oh, that’s a scary look. “You’d better have a heck of an excuse, then.”
“We do, we have a really good excuse,” Jay defends quickly. “We were out there for something way more important.”
“Oh?” Cole says, looking close to blowing a gasket. “And what was that, exactly?”
“Well,” Jay says, looking Kai dead in the eye. “We were trying to get Lloyd a hot date.”
Then, before anyone can react, Jay grabs a sputtering Lloyd by the hand and runs.
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Trey, Riddle, and Che'nya (feat. Cater) Scenario - Respite
There's not enough Che'nya, Riddle and Trey content. So, here. Have some.
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"How stupid can you be?! I said you were supposed to do that and you're slacking off already! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" was heard from down the hallway. It was loud, and sounded angry. 
Very, very angry. 
The fifth, maybe seventh one today. Trey Clover had honestly lost count at this point. 
Then footsteps ones almost stomping to the next room, and then a slam loud enough to be heard throughout the dormitory on the room next door. Then a crowd of people quietly talking and footsteps coming down the hallway. 
Not another one. . . Please, for the love of the Gods, I already have---
"Clover-san! Open up!" An angry voice was heard from in front Trey Clover's bedroom door, with an knock that was loud enough to startle the two freshman already inside collared by Riddle's magic, if the door slam wasn't enough to send them back into hysteria. 
Too late.
Trey sighed, and walked towards the door to the room, and opened it. "Yes---?"
"Clover! Aren't you going to do something?!" A collared second year growled at the disheveled vice dorm leader. 
"I would, but---" 
"What?! Didn't you just hear him?! Or are you coddling the freshman again?" A collared third year said, sounding pretty upset and looked ready to fight Trey if he didn’t get what he wanted.
"I did hear Riddle, but there's---" 
"Then do something about him! It's been two weeks and if he doesn't stop using his magic over the dumbest of things, I'm going to involve the headmaster for nullifying the match he had with dorm leader Cater! This is bullshit!" Another collared third year said, with several students chiming in with words of agreement. 
Trey was silent for a moment, staring at the crowd of angry faces staring at him. 
I'm not going to win, today, huh?
 "Alright. Let me finish with these freshman, and I'll talk with him." 
"Yeah, you better." And group of people said, as they left the hallway leading to Trey's room. 
Trey couldn't even sigh at this point, he was too tired. He looked back at the two freshman, who were still scared on his bed. The two boys where trembling so bad even from how far away Trey was, he could still see it clear as day.
"T-T-Trey-senpai? A-Are you r-really going to s-speak with dorm leader Riddle?" The freshman looking the least scared of the two asked when Trey sat down at his desk.
"Yeah. I am." Trey said, doing his best to sound confidant. 
Not like I have an option at this point. 
"B-But! A-Are you sure?! T-That man isn't a leader, h-he's a monster! He'll never listen to reason!" The freshman said back.
So, Riddle is a monster to them, huh? 
"If I won't, then who will? It's my duty as your vice dorm leader." 
"T-True, but---" The other freshman said. 
"It'll be alright. I promise, I'll find a solution to this." Trey tried to give his best smile at the freshman, which seemed to work for them as they seemed to calm down a bit more. "I'll be out of here and in Riddle’s room in a few minutes. Don't worry. I'm going to fix this, somehow." 
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Trey ordered his dormmates to leave the main building of Heartslabyul, saying he didn't want anybody to get in the crossfire of what might happen. He also told Cater he probably was going to have a long night ahead of him and said he'd leave in dorm in Cater's care, to which Cater then immediately agreed to let everybody do whatever they wanted for the night as long as they didn't disturb what Trey was about to do, and said for those who wanted to stay in the dorm he'd throw a party in the cafeteria. And as soon as the other students had left the dorm and the two where alone, Cater dropped his friendly act and gave Trey and sympathetic look of pure worry. 
"Good luck, Trey-kun. I'll do the best I can on my end." Despite Cater's look of worry, his voice sounded he completely understood Trey's situation, and he gave Trey a sympathic pat on the shoulder.
"Good luck to you too." Trey tried his best to smile as Cater left through the door to the Hall of Mirrors. 
As soon as Cater left and the dorm's lights turned on because of how late it was getting, Trey's eyesight became blurry and he sunk down to the ground and covered his face. 
Gods, it's too much. 
There's so many complaints and Riddle isn't helping anything with how he's been acting lately! 
Why is he so upset? 
He hasn't acted like this before! 
Did something happen to him? 
He's been acting like this since he became dorm leader! 
I can't figure it out why! 
And they're all. . . Everyone's getting worse by the day. . . It's. . . So---
"Trey? You alright?" A familiar voice said. 
When Trey looked up from his hands, he saw a familiar purple head floating close by him. 
"Hi, Che'nya." The Night Raven College boy stated, as the Royal Sword Academy beastman fully appeared in front of the crying green haired man, kneeling before the crying second year.
"It's Riddle, isn't it?" Che'nya asked, but it sounded more like a statement.
Trey nodded with any second thoughts. 
The two where silent for a moment, as Trey tried to wipe away his tears, with Che'nya using his Royal Sword Academy uniform to help. 
"I want a violet cake." Che'nya stated out of the blue. 
"Huh?" Trey answered. 
"Let's eat some sweets before we talk with him." Che'nya offered Trey his hand to stand up.
"We? Che'nya---"
"It's not hard to come to Night Raven, Trey. Especially for me. Everybody at Royal Sword is asleep by now, so they won't notice if I'm gone for an hour or two." 
Trey was silent for a few moments while he was lifted off the ground by Che'nya and the two stared at each other for a bit. 
"Alright.” Trey simply sighed, but this action was enough to make Che’nya perk up “Let's have it inside, because it looks like it will rain." 
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Riddle Rosehearts was doing crossword puzzles in an attempt to calm himself down before he smelleda faint smell of violets, sugar, and some strawberries. 
"Is Trey baking?" Riddle simply asked to himself as he looked at the time, it was almost midnight at that point. 
At this late? Why would he be doing that? It's past curfew. Doesn't he---I'm going to make sure he's alright. 
Riddle got up for his desk, turned off his desk light and then left his room to be hit with a variety of smells much stronger than before. 
Breads. . . Tarts. . . Pastries. . . It smells just like the Clover's bakery back home. He must be stress baking again. It's even stronger than usual to. . .
"Ah! Riddle's finally here nya~!" An familiar voice was heard as Riddle entered the lounge area. "Nyah, Nyah, Riddle. Trey told me you got aced one of the first Alchemy projects. As expected of the one who is always in his bedroom studying." 
"Che'nya? What are you doing here?" Riddle asked Che'nya, who was currently surrounded by plates of sweets, of which the beastman was happily eating. 
"Oh~? I heard a rumor Trey had been stress baking recently nya~. So I came to check it out to see if it was real nya~." The beastman flashed his signature Cheshire cat smile at the dorm leader of Heartslabyul. 
"Always thinking about food huh---wait, is Trey alright?" 
"Trey? Mmhmm. He said he'd finish up the peach turnovers and he's be back." 
"Ah. Good evening Riddle." Another familiar voice said as he entered the lounge with a tray of turnovers in his hand. "You alright?" 
"Trey! Why're you up so late stress baking?! You know that's never---" 
"Oh? You haven't tried to figure out why he's been doing it? Not that I blame you though, Trey's sweets are delicious nya~!" Che'nya jumped in as Trey set down the turnovers in front of him, starting to eat them. 
Why Trey's been so upset? 
"What do you mean by that?" Riddle asked the purple beastman eating away at the turnovers.
Che'nya stopped eating, and gave Riddle a look of seriousness with a hint of disappointment. "Aha. I keep forgetting you aren't the most social out of the three of us somedays. . .You understand Trey is an stress baker, right?" 
"Of course I do!" Riddle raised his voice at Che'nya, as Che'nya got up from his seat and moved himself behind Trey. 
"And you know what a stress baker is, right?" Che'nya asked, hugging Trey from behind and purring into Trey's left shoulder, which Trey seemed a little weirded out by, but accepted. 
"Of course I know! Why wouldn't I?!" Riddle's voice got louder, enough to make Che'nya and Trey flinch, even if it was just a bit. 
And Riddle noticed that.
Wait, they---
"Trey, Che'nya, I didn't---I wasn't---" Riddle tried to stutter out an apology, but his words became more and more jumbled as he realized what was really happening here.
No, no, no, no! 
I've really messed up! I’ve really, really messed up!
That's why they're here, with each other! 
They're both stressed out about me and I've made it worse! 
No, no! I just wanted to---
"Riddle, you don't need to cry." Trey said as he walked towards Riddle, with Che'nya still holding unto him not far behind. "It's not that---"
"But, it is!" Riddle said, as Trey stood in front of him. "After all, I've only caused you trouble recently. That's why you're here Che'nya, isn't it?" 
Che'nya didn't say or do anything, but from the look on his face Riddle understood his true intentions. 
"So, why Trey?! Why didn't you say something?" Riddle's cried out as his vision blurred and tears fell from his cheeks. 
Trey was silent for a while, and from the look on his face even despite RIddle’s blurry vision, he didn't have an answer. 
"Isn't it obvious, Riddle?" Che'nya piped in. "Trey isn't that type of person."
"Eh?" Riddle said, looking towards his friend. 
"You know Trey isn't the most expressive of people and often lets others take center stage, like when we would have tea parties and we'd always have to push him to be the head of the table. And on top of it, he's been with you since forever. He knows you better than anybody in this school. He's a good person that can't bring himself to fight with you." 
"You've known this since we were little, Riddle. I understand you not fully comprehending it since out of the three of us you are the biggest lone wolf but keep it in mind next time, okay?" 
The room was silent for a moment then Riddle spoke up. "Alright. I'm sorry, Trey, Che'nya for causing all this trouble." 
"There we go." Che'nya said, as he popped in front of Riddle and patted his head a few times, which seemed to calm Riddle down some. "Now, let's go eat some sweets. That always makes me feel better nya~."
"You'd better not eat them all!" Riddle added, giving his signature pouting face despite the tears in his eyes, which only made him look cuter than usual.
"The early bird gets the worm, nya~!" 
"Oh dear. Well, I suppose since it's going to be so long, I'll make some tea." Trey added, and Che’nya sat down expectantly and Riddle sat down with the pout still on his face. 
"Ah! Can we have the Earl Grey~? I wanna feel fancy!" 
"Don't loop Trey into doing really hard things, Che'nya!"
"Eh~? But we're all together like we used to nya~. Why not celebrate~?"
"It's already so late, all of us have classes too!" 
"Nyah. Let's ditch~. That way you guys can hang out with me~. Royal Sword is so boring~"
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parachutingkitten · 5 years
Imma Rant About How Pixal Deserves Better (cuz what else is new)
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I love Pixal. That’s no secret. But the writers need to make up their minds about if they want her to be a member of the core cast or not, cuz it’s driving me nuts. Now, this is not a ‘pixal needs to be a ninja!’ post, cuz no, she doesn’t. Her being samurai x is an awesome and coherent move story wise. Moving from samurai x to the water ninja was a natural transition for Nya (even if I personally didn’t like the execution that much, but whatever- that’s a rant for another time), but if they tried to do it for Pixal, it wouldn’t make any sense. This doesn’t mean I’m against Pixal having the potential for ice powers- I wrote a fic about her reaching her true potential for goodness sake- but that also isn’t what this is about. This is just a post about her being a member of the team, because the writers have been playing her with only one foot in the door for four seasons now, and it’s NOT working. 
Remember in season 1 and 2, when Nya was samurai x? Yeah, sometimes she would stay behind, but most of the time, she was going on the missions with them. She got to interact with all of the boys. When the ninja got captured, she got captured. When the Ninja went on a large scale mission, she went with them. Down. Out of the Bounty. She worked with the Ninja, beside them, not in a totally separate B plot with just Wu. Her role in the team was admittedly different, but it was still equal. But now, samurai x, as Pixal, is the designated ‘stay behind’ character. And it’s played like this big sacrificial move, and she does some cool things while the team is gone but the one big problem with it is THE TEAM ISN’T THERE TO SEE IT! So it doesn’t expand her standing within the team. It doesn’t give the satisfaction of a big heroic moment, because it’s a B plot! The one purely Pixal centered episode EVER was the one in season 11 where she fights the preeminent. Guess what? The only team member there is Wu, it’s a b-plot filler episode, and it’s never brought up again. 
And yeah, that’s the only Pixal focus episode in the whole series. She’s a side character in season 3, she’s non existent in seasons 4-7, season 8, her reveal episode is cluttered with baby Wu/Harumi drama, and she’s not even physically and mentally there until the last few seconds of the episode (that rewrite is on it’s way, promise), season 9 she’s drowned out by the EMs, season 10 she has half an episode to shine where, once again, she ‘stays behind’ in a b plot with 0 character growth, which leaves the one episode in season 11 where she is the true 100% focus, and even then... it’s ‘stay behind’ b plot filler. Pixal hasn’t even been given a decent character arc... ever! She has like 2 (and a half) arcs total in the whole series. Season 3′s ‘getting a heart and falling in love’ arc, Season 8′s ‘I am samurai x arc’ which they don’t even explore that well, and then arguably, if you really squint, season 4′s ‘becoming part of Zane’ arc, but even then, that’s pretty much discovered and wrapped up in one episode. Complain all you want about Cole not having his own full season, but at least he’s got himself several well written, entertaining, A-plot, multi season arcs. The ‘Holy crap I’m a ghost’ arc, the ‘frustration with my best friend’ arc, and the ‘I am a father now’ arc. Say what you want, but he’s a main character of the show, and one of the go-to characters the writers love to throw stuff at, with distinct relationships with his cast-mates. 
Pixal’s interactions with the team all feel so forced. Like the writers want to include her, but don’t know how to. Mainly cuz they don’t know how to write her when she’s not around Zane. Her scenes with Zane are drop dead adorable! And... I suppose her alone time with Wu was...okay. But it’s like when she’s not alone with Zane the writers forget who she even is. That season 11 episode? They play her weirdly innocently. I’m sorry, that’s not Pixal at all. It’s been established since season 3 that she’s our grounded, painfully realistic, sass robot. Where is this “does that mean you’re not mad at me?” stuff coming from? Thing is, later in the episode, she’s acting like herself. So... idk what happened in the middle there. But because they don’t know how to write her in the context of the team, most of the time she’s reduced to standing around in the background. Even in fight scenes. Why? WHY?! You obviously want to include her? How do you do that? Maybe, I don’t know, HAVE HER INTERACT?!
Seriously, this isn’t that hard to fix. You split up the team all the time. Just have her go on a mission with Jay. Or Cole. Or Nya. Or anyone other than Zane. Play it for laughs. Play it seriously. Play it for those sweet sweet wholesome vibes. Idk. Just have her do something! These characters have stuff to bond over! Jay has a fascination with Borg industries in general, that would be fun to play off of. Cole and Pixal both have a pretty DEEP untouched emotional baggage. Lloyd and Pixal both have this sort of “not part of the pilot cast, joined later and never really integrated 100%” vibe going for them. Kai and Pixal have beef! This could be one of the great Ninjago rivalries! Nya and Pixal can bond over samurai x, that’s a total gimme one! These characters have relationships ripe for building, but they just DON’T TALK TO EACH OTHER! 
Every main character. EVERY MAIN CHARACTER has at least one episode (but likely many more) dedicated to them, where they do something real cool, single handedly save the day or something, and the whole team comes and hugs them and says “wow, great job!” “You’re an important and valued member of our team!” “This is why you’re great!” and... I just want one of those for Pixal. Please. Pretty please. Just so she can have some validation. Just so that the main cast can acknowledge her existence. And as trivial as this one episode may seem, I think it’s really important. She needs her big ‘save the team’ episode. She never had a sort of “true potential” moment when she really proved herself, and I think that’s really what she needs. Think about how good the Royal Blacksmiths episode was for Cole. He spills about some of his baggage, each of the team members is forced to interact with it, and try to understand it, and in the end they all work together to help him get past this rough patch in his life, and he ends up looking like a boss and saving the day in the process (also note, probably the best group hug ever in Ninjago history). Now, you could argue that since she doesn’t have a element, her being samurai x could work to give her that episode. Great. Cool. That makes sense. But Pixal doesn’t have a “true potential” episode- she has a “reveal” episode, where the ninja have to fight her cuz she’s evil and she doesn’t end up saving the day, Nya does. You see why even though it’s technically “focused” on Pixal, it isn’t meaningful at all to her character?
Thing is, I wouldn’t even be that mad... if she were a Skylor type character. I like Skylor as much as the next chick, and say what you want about her screen time, but at least she has a defined role within this universe! If Pixal was Zane’s cool robot gf/ samurai x - secondary protector of the city - that popped up for a cameo once in a while and played a larger role in seasons that merited her, I would be fine with it! Borg isn’t a big character, but he gets appropriate screen time, some seasons more than others, and he still feels like a cared about piece of the canon! This would work pretty well for Pixal too! Would I like this better than her being an active part of the main team? Hell no! I think her being on the team is the right way to lean, but as of right now, she’s just doing nothing of substance. I’d rather the screen time she has be meaningful than have her as a token nothing in the background of every episode.
That’s my main point here. Either start respecting her as a character, or stop pretending she’s on equal footing with the team. We already know season 12 isn’t gonna improve on that. The ninja go into the video game world and Pixal stays behind. Granted, Zane doesn’t go either, so maybe we’ll get some good content. But again, it’s the B plot, and with Zane. Nothing we haven’t seen before. (I could keep going about how the show has been pushing Zane out of the picture even back in season 3, but again, a rant for another time) 
Anyway, this rant pretty much sums up why most of my fanfic is Pixal-centric. It’s a character the writers just REFUSE to write for but has a decent amount of screen time, so there’s a lot of possibilities. Might do another rant about the whole ice powers thing. Idk. Just needed to get this out. thanks for reading :)
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ruesteas · 4 years
Ghosting Ch.2
They say when you die you see a bright, hypnotic white light.
A light that etches itself into your memory, beckons you to follow it with every fiber in your being.
Harumi tries to imagine the light, plots out every detail it must contain in the moments after the fall that cracked her ribs and splintered her breath.
She’s great at plotting, she killed the ninja afterall.
The light inches closer into the corners of eyes. She can see it so clearly, feel the warmth enveloping her.
Death will whisk her off to Mom and Dad and her work in Ninjago is finished. She’s sure Emperor Garmadon must have finished off Lloyd by now.
Her mind sowers at the thought of the green ninja.
Her enemy.
Her parents' murderer.
Her ex-whatever it was he thought they were.
And suddenly, and she swears it’s green, there's a harsh tug where her ankle should be, if dead people had ankles that is. A green, murky darkness that is pulling her away from the comfort of light.
She wonders if she’s going to the bad place, Lloyd destroyed the Cursed realm years ago after Mako, or whatever his name was tried to destroy Ninjago.
She admired him for his efforts initially, After all possessing the green ninja? It’s brilliant emotional manipulation.
Lloyd might have the power of Oni and Dragon but he’s too trusting, too soft on the inside.
And then using that to utterly destroy the ninja emotionally and render them powerless? She doesn’t stop hearing about the ninja’s hollowed faces and flickering powers from Ultra Violet for weeks.
She finally hears about the ninja’s victory as her lady in waiting is bleaching her hair at her “father’s” request.
“The blonde roots aren’t attractive to your suitors” the older woman tells her, raking the bleach through her hair.
The smell of it is suffocating, and with every harsh yank on the thin strands of her hair she hopes, no prays, that stupid ghost will defeat the ninja.
But moments later Hutchins excitdelty bursts through the door with word that the Ninja have defeated Morro and his army.
The woman envelops Hutchins in a hug and gives one last painful tug at her hair before motioning to Harumi to join the celebration.
She forces a smile on her face for the thousanth time that week, and silently curses at that stupid ghost for his pathetic loss.
There is a banquet that night, her parents have the palace decorated with strands of bright green lights to celebrate the return of their beloved green ninja.
The table is lined with warm noodle dishes, expensive meats and mountains of fruit but Harumi knows not to eat too much, or her “mother” will lecture her for hours to come, before she inevitably forces her to spit it back up.
Perfect princesses have perfect figures, she supposes.
But as she picks at her food she realizes the flaw in Morro’s plan, in every other pathetic villain's plan who tried to destroy the green ninja before her.
They all knew the obvious, Lloyd is willing to sacrifice everything for his friends, those stupid five, no-now six ninja.
And vice versa, the team relies too much on one another, but that is an easy weakness to exploit and prey upon.
No what they were missing she concludes, was silence.
They were too showy, so bombastic in their plans and presentation that they laid out every card in their hand before the game had even begun.
She remembers encountering Pythor as a young child in her old village, moments before Samurai X had swooped in before the ninja to save her.
The anacondrai boasted about stealing the fang blades, monologed about Lloyd releasing the serpentine and uniting them without even trying and cackled about awakening the great devourer as if the ninja were powerless to stop him.
She supposes they didn’t stop him, but Lord Garmadon did.
And the ninja would stop Pythor again and again. He was only the first in an endless cycle of showmanship among Ninjago’s evils.
The overlord knocked down half the city with a spider mech, and announced his plans to half the city giving the ninja ample time to freeze him into oblivion.
Chen stomped around with an army of anacondrai and had announced and left papers laying around with key pieces of his plan, or at least that’s what she heard from what some ex-employees of his had stated after joining the new Sons of Garmadon.
And as much as she admired his cunning, Morro had fallen victim to this as well. Summoning an army of ghosts and some demon queen from the Cursed Realm without regard for their obvious weakness in a city surrounded by water.
She won’t be so careless. She just needs to keep her cards close to her chest, keep the ninja close to her chest. She ponders if Lloyd would be foolish enough to let a stranger get that close to him, get so close to his precious team.
He will though, she’s a helpless princess overall.
She can stay quiet.
She is brought back from her memories as the force beneath her feet pulls her down with a final harsh tug.
She spirals through the deep green and pitch black of the world around her cursing Lloyd’s name with every breath left in her spirit.
Lloyd arrives at the morgue faster than he wants to.
He almost wants to yell at Jay and Nya for building such perfect bikes for speeding down the open road, but he wants to end this and the sooner the better.
He parks his bike in front of the building, it stands alone a few miles outside of ninjago city. Thick layers of dust and sand cover it’s roof and cobwebs and nestled between the beams of it’s entrance.
Lloyd muses that it’s only fitting a morgue looks so dead on the outside.
He hesitates at the entrance, his hand ghosting over the doorbell.
He’s gonna have to identify her, confirm it’s her body and not someone else killed in the wreckage he caused by letting her into his life.
Another smear of blood that stains his hands after every destructive battle he could have prevented.
He wishes Kai were here, his big brother would give him some form of encouragement before making some dumb joke about Harumi’s fashion sense already having killed her long before the building did.
He wouldn’t have laughed at it, but Kai would anchor him to the ground and help him through it all, taking him out for some emotional support ice cream like he always does when Lloyd is dealing with his mountain of trauma.
Your seventeen, get a grip he snaps at himself. Forcing his thumb to press into the doorbell and let out a pleasant chime.
An attendant of the morgue greets him, the man is so pale he reminds Lloyd of one of the zombies he and Jay had seen in that old horror movie last week.
“Mr. Garmadon I thought you would be the one here to identify her” the man muses.
Lloyd forces an emotionless stare, he doesn’t know how to feel but looking disgusted and paranoid probably wouldn’t be very “Green Ninja” like.
“Yea- well, it only seemed proper,” he says to the morgue attendant. And the man nods in response.
“We need you to identify her, Follow me please” He walks towards a back door, motioning for  Lloyd to follow.
The walls begin to close in around him, he can feel the anxiety crushing into him. Panic bubbles in his brain. Out- I need to get out his brain screams and the light bulbs are flickering around him.
Oh FSM now my stupid powers are losing it too. He sees a wooden door in the corner of his eye with a faded sign of “Bathroom” taped on.
“BATHROOM” he shouts and the morgue attendant whips his head around at the green ninjas outburst.
Lloyd quickly composes himself reigning in his panic and the energy threatening to shatter all the lights in the building for just a few seconds longer.
“I-uh need to use the bathroom” he says before speeding to the wooden door at his left.
He slams the door behind him, coughing as the dust of the clearly dirty bathroom rains down on him. “Aw Gross” he mumbles and rakes his hands through his hair to clean it.
The bathroom is strangely cold, and Lloyd briefly wonders why they keep the bathroom AC on and not the lobby’s.
He decides to splash some water on his face, and work on those deep breathing techniques Cole showed him for dealing with panic attacks.
The mirror in front of him is cracked and the light of the bathroom is only being given from an old lightbulb in the center of the room, giving him even less of a reflection.
Something creeps it’s way up his spine, a force that’s cold and empty ghosting across his body  and his eyes once again drift to the mirror.
But instead of his own disheveled reflection he sees the familiar green glow of what he knows can only be a ghost, and his heart stops thinking Morro might be back.
But the figure has long almost silver hair flowing down to its back, and it’s outfit is tattered with deep gashes and a missing sleeve. He finally meets it’s eyes and sees the smeared paint on the figure's face, now a dark green from the transformation.
Harumi stares back at him, eyes widening with his.
And with that surge of overwhelming panic, the lightbulb shatters above him.
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tornadoofcreation · 5 years
Some Non-Angsty Lloyd Headcannons
Bc my boy deserves happiness and I don’t have the mental energy to keep studying for my AP tests
- he’s super pale so when he blushes it shows. he gets easily flustered, too so he’s always bright red
- He also sunburns super easily. He could literally walk outside for 5 minutes and he’ll be sunburnt
- When he was a kid, if the ninja ever did anything to him, he would fake cry very loudly until they apologized and promised him something in return to stop crying before sensei found out
- His broken leg from season two healed with the golden power, but when the overlord drained it and he gave it away, the healing kind of stopped. Because of that, Lloyd has a slight limp and favors his left leg
- If he’s weak, injured or stressed it’ll start hurting again.
- He’s a perfectionist and needs everything to be perfect. This often results in him practicing the same one move over and over and over until his body physically cannot do it anymore or until it meets his standard of perfection. (usually the first)
- The other ninja tutor him after he left darkly’s. Jay does math and physics, Kai does literature, Cole does history and Zane does biology and chemistry. He actually gets a regular education when there’s no imminent threat
- Speaking of education, Lloyd is horrible at math. He tries really hard but it just doesn’t click in his mind, especially when variables are introduced. This combined with his perfectionism are a horrible combination
- He and jay have so many starfarer marathons and go to cons together as often as they can. They’ll have detailed, analytical conversations about every episode and comic
- His favorite candy flavor is strawberry or strawberry kiwi. He also loves sour flavored anything
- He absolutely cannot handle spice. The ninja make a game out of giving him different foods to see if he can handle it.
- Yells “do it for the vine!” When he or anybody else is about to do anything stupid
- Only plays the role of “responsible one” on missions, otherwise he’s a wreck with the rest of them
- He and Kai have a million random inside jokes that nobody get. Because of this, they’re not allowed to stand next to each other during training. They’re a “distraction to yourselves and everyone around you,” according to Wu
- Is a really weak reader, but the others do teach him
- His best subject is English/literature
- Lloyd loves cats (and dogs) and uses his green ninja privileges to pet literally everyone’s dogs
- Lactose intolerant
- He will never get over that fact that people consider him their hero. He doesn’t exactly feel deserving of it and it’s a surreal feeling
- He plays the violin. He was required to pick up an instrument at darkly’s and he vaguely remember garmadon playing the violin for him when he was young, so he picked it
- Once he began living with the ninja, Cole started to give him piano lessons
- Loves gentle rain, but absolutely hates storms
- Will cuddle with literally everyone. At first, he was really hesitant because he didn’t want to come off as needy, but after the others assured him that it didn’t make him a burden, he began to take every opportunity to hug and cuddle the others
- He always initiates a group hug after every mission, regardless of how small
- Holds his friend’s hand if he ever feels uncomfortable in a situation
- Really, really shy. Because of that, he hates giving public addresses. He’s very awkward meeting new people and fans too
- He loves hugging fans though
- He’s really self conscious and hates wearing revealing clothes
- He also hates photoshoot and tries to avoid them at all costs. He sometimes sends Kai instead as a joke. Both Kai and Lloyd are 100% okay with that.
- Is the absolute shortest on the team, standing at 5’1.
- He loves Kai and Nya to death and would fall on his katana for their happiness and wellbeing
- He Looks up to both of them so much and they’re the first people he goes to if he has a problem
- He’s super ticklish and the others take total advantage of it
- Hates celebrating his birthday and wants it to be a really small affair
- Sleeps with so many pillows and stuffed animals and needs to be hugging something or someone while he’s sleeping
- He Hates being the center of attention
- Sends so many memes on the ninja group chat. 90% of them are cat memes
- Hates coffee and tea
- Has Years of fatherly affection to catch up on so after he gets garmadon back he’s literally always with him, hugging him, getting piggyback rides from him and just being with him in general
- Has a really close relationship with Mystaké, even before season 8 and had a complete mental breakdown when she died
- He often went to her shop in the wake of garmadon’s death
- Literally always cold so he spend 90% of his time in a blanket burrito and
- He makes a point to Tell his brothers and sister that he loves them every day
- Knew Nya was samurai X before anybody else and helped her make the suit
- He often has late night talks with Nya and Kai where they just sit on the deck of the bounty and get whatever they need to get off their chests
I hope you like them!! Some of them are slightly inspired my @speedythecat and @lloydskywalkers ‘s amazing art and fics! (I hope you don’t mind me tagging you; I wanted to give you the credit you deserve!) Please check them out!
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This what happens when your special interest is vampires and you also love ninjago. Vampire aus galore.
But anyways, on with the au!
Lloyd is a vampire prince, and he and his parents live in a huge castle that sits far away from any neighboring towns.
Despite rumours about them being cruel and bloodthirsty monsters, they’re friendly and welcoming despite being rather isolated from the rest of society.
Misako was turned by Garmadon sometime during the 14th century, which is also when Garmadon and Wu (who is also a vampire) were born. They had Lloyd at the very beginning of the 15th century.
Wu does not live with them, he wanders the world looking to help people he meets along the way. Occasionally he visits them though.
After Lloyd is born, they all live happily and in peace for 16 years, until one day all of that ends.
A group of vampire hunters storm their castle, and despite putting up a fight Garmadon and Misako are both killed, and Lloyd is badly injured.
Exhausted from his wounds Lloyd falls into a death like sleep and stays that way for about 600 years.
Fast forward to present day, the rest of the ninjas are visiting Lloyd’s castle, which is now a popular tourist attraction due to the legend of the vampire family.
While exploring, they discover a secret passage way that leads to a dark room.
It looks like a bedroom, except in the center of the room there’s a coffin instead of a bed.
Jay: “Hey Cole, dare you to go open the coffin and check for vampires!”
Cole: “Absolutely not, Zane you go do it.”
Zane: “I’d rather not disturb such a valuable piece of history, especially not on the basis of something purely mythological.”
Nya: “And I’m definitely not touching some gross old box with a dead body in it.”
Jay: “Fine, Kai you go open it.”
Kai: “What?! Uh, I mean sure, it’s not like there’s gonna be anything but a skeleton in there anyways...”
So he opens it up and sure enough, there’s Lloyd, still in bad shape but definitely still alive.
Nya: “Oh... oh my god...”
Cole: “Oh god oh god oh god this was a terrible idea he have to get out of here-“
Zane: “Hold on, I’m sure there’s a rational explanation for this-“
Jay: “What other explanation is there Zane?! That’s the same guy from the paintings all around the castle, he’s sleeping in a coffin and wearing a cape, he’s totally a vampire and we are so doomed Kai sTEP AWAY FROM HIM!!”
Kai: “Will you be quiet!! Your going to wake him u-OW!”
Kai cuts his hand on a piece of metal sticking out from the lid of the coffin. The blood from the cut trickles down and a few drops land on Lloyd’s mouth.
His eyes slowly open.
Cue the screaming.
Lloyd: “Wh... What happened? Who... who are you-“
Lloyd: “AAAH!! I won’t I promise just please stop screaming!!”
Lloyd is very confused and also very thirsty, but mostly just overwhelmed by all the screaming.
The ninja soon realize he doesn’t plan on hurting them, and is in fact very grateful for them bringing him back to life.
Lloyd: “Ummm... excuse me, but what year is it?”
Kai: “It’s 2019 dude.”
Lloyd: “W-What?! You mean I’ve been asleep for 600 years?!”
Kai: “Afraid so, kid.”
The ninja decide to bring him back home with them, given that being told you’ve slept for 600 years is difficult news to process alone.
They try not to overload him with too much modern stuff at once, but it’s difficult when almost everything is so new and different.
He’s very curious and open to new experiences though, which helps him adapt better.
The ninja all become close with him eventually, though for some of them it takes a bit longer.
Kai takes an instant liking to him, and treats him like a little brother, (despite the fact that he’s 600 years older then him.) Nya also grows fond of him fairly quickly, and loves how excited he gets whenever she shows him a new mechanical project she’s working on.
Zane initially is more interested scientifically in Lloyd, but after a few months of being around him he too sees Lloyd as a close companion.
Jay is wary, not quite trusting him but still getting a kick out of asking endless questions about being a vampire. He warms up to him after Zane does, figuring if Zane trusts him, he should too.
Cole takes the longest to get over his fear and distrust. He watched a lot of scary vampire movies as a kid, so vampires have always given him the creeps. He even sleeps with garlic under his pillow for the first few weeks of Lloyd staying with them. Of course, after he sees that Lloyd truly doesn’t have an evil bone in his body, he eases up and they form a deep connection that is arguably the strongest out of all of them.
Lloyd is physically still 16, thanks to that death nap. After he wakes up, his body starts aging normally again. Once he becomes an adult his aging will slow down, and he’ll be effectively immortal.
He can manipulate energy just like in canon, and can also turn into a bat.
His blood is bright gold and shiny.
He has most of the typical vampire weaknesses like sunlight, garlic, and silver. He doesn’t have an aversion to holy objects though, that one is just a myth.
Wu is still alive, and is the ninjas professor in college. He teaches a history class, and often abandons the textbook, declaring it “historically inaccurate.”
His greatest regret (other then... something else) is that he didn’t arrive in time to save his family from their fates. He still thinks Lloyd is dead, so imagine his surprise when Lloyd walks into his class one day, perfectly alive and dressed in modern clothes. He almost faints on the spot.
(Phew, that was a lot. It’s like 10:50 I need to sleep,,,)
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mayfuji · 5 years
Oneus Twilight full comeback review
When I say full comeback review it’s because it’s a FULL comeback review. From the concept films to the Japanese verison, were gonna cover a lot so get a cup of something to drink cause this will be hella long aka Bible (I’m a nice person I’m telling you this beforehand).(You should do a Youtube video review then… nya… BORING)
So let’s begin. This is not the first time I follow a group comeback in real time… You know… Checking everyday the performances, so I kinda know how it works. We have gone through a lot of stuff… KARD You in Me, GFriend Fingertip, Red Velvet Peak a Boo, Dreamcacther as whole, BTS Fake Love, F(x) Dracula, BTS Wings album as a whole and last but far from least BTS Blood Sweat and Tears. I wouldn’t call some of them dark concept, I also wouldn’t call some of the sexy concept. By these examples you can see I have my standards pretty high. I’m that annoying perfectionist old uncle and declare myself guilty. For years Blood Sweat and Tears was the top song for me. (I’m a sane person ok… That doesn’t mean I listen to it 24/7). The MV had very beautiful aesthetics and I liked the lyrics and the song. Clothes were cool and the coreography too. F(x) Dracula would come in second and I never thought something could also join these two. Until… It happened. I knew RBW was releasing a new group but I just waited. Turns out I found out the group some months later then the actual debut. Oneus debuted with Valkyrie. The way they changed the coreography every stage, the amazing fashion sense, song was good quality. They had vocal thecnique, they had dancing it caught my attention and Valkyrie was straight to my playlist. Then… it happened. The group’s first comeback. I don’t know how, when or even who am I but I found out about the comeback EXACTLY AT THE RIGHT TIME (Technically not because I was 16 hours late). I know you know we know, we are not going retro like 80’s or 90’s. We are not going retro like acient Corea like BTS Idol. We are going retro 1500/1700 not Japan, not China, not Corea, EUROPE. Welcome to the renaissance. The MV was shot in Italy, the amazing fashion sense strikes again (I swear to God stylist min is communicating with me), the song, the lyrics, the coreography, the cool colored camera filters, I need to mention the vocal technique again, the rest of the album being consistently good (BingBing), I dare say nothing is perfect… But man… This gets 99,99% of what I call perfection. It’s a shame they didn’t win any music show… Because they are a newer group and still don’t have a large fandom? WHO CARES. Let me tell you something BTS sucess should have been in 2017 Wings… The high point of their artistity…  Ateez was also a newer group AND THEY DID WIN. I give congratulations to them but Oneus needed to win and it had to be with Twilight nothing changes my mind. (Don’t come to me saying we can give them their win next comeback, it won’t do it) This type of thing only happens once in a lifetime, why? Repeat and it gets boring, they can do the same concept again but it won’t be the same, same for BTS wings. It’s not about quantity is quality. Veiws never mattered to me and now I can say with all my mighty that wins do not make art. (I was never a fan of streaming but you count my ass off this mess cause YES I did some small streaming of the MV, I did my homework) (Take in account they did this comeback with BLOOD IN THEIR EYES) (Please give Dreamcather and KARD their first win too. Did you know that with You and I Dreamcatcher also had comeback with blood in their eyes??). Let’s start with the song name… Twilight. Remember 2009 movie sensation Twilight? Yup that’s it… I know you know we know, we are going deep in the vampire/ werewolf style in here and why I said I know you know we know? Xion posted about it on Twitter… 
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THEY ARE AWARE therefore I know you know we know. JUST IMAGINE THEIR LIGHTSTICK AND FANDOM COLOR AND END OF YEAR PERFORMANCES. CHECK OUT ONEWE TOO.(I took the liberty of making a playlist with extra post promotion content (with English sub) - cause I know you all love content - linked below, you don’t need to thank me, not I’m not putting english girl, focus on Twilight)
Just in case you haven’t watched this beautiful MV here it is.
Song, yes. Lyrics, yes, coreo yes, key point of coreo YES, Keonhee vocals YES (I trust this legend vocal thecnique more then I trust myself). Aesthetics? YES. Italy? I need to sneakly and illegally go there RIGHT NOW. This is a whole YES. ( Sir... If you think I haven't noticed the moon changed from previous album you are wrong cause I noticed. Sir are your albums going to complete the moon please say yes... Also... Have you noticed Woongie used the wet hair effect? + his brown eyeshadow is stunning.
Also line and center distribution is on the playlist for in deepth study... Twilight is basically Seoho eating up all the line AND center distribution and detail... the only thing he does is SING THE CHORUS. Also thanks Keone Madrid for making this coreo for Oneus (he also did BTS Blood Sweat and Tears -  DO YOU SEE THE PATTERN). Also rumors that Oneus actually created about 40-50% of the coreo so also thank you Oneus hehe.
Bitch it's me we are taking about do you really think I would miss a possible plotline?? Xion is with a red diamond and later he breaks it into dust (I'm scared). Keonhee is with a ring. Ravn is looking at his own reflection in the water and Seoho is looking at his own reflection through a broken mirror. Woongie is with a necklace. I guess the high point in Leedo's individual shots is the wolf (question mark)... Woongie and Keonhee are the only members that change the eye color. Seoho and Woongie are the only members that simulate super powers (question mark). Summary they all lost someone.... Silence is also a way of communication... I'm not a huge fan of theories or the fanfics I know ya'll write later in wattpad but fell yourself served, you're welcome, no need to thank me.
Now some highlights.
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Ok this goes straight up to the hall of iconic earnings… (Man... But his walk was so POWERFUL)
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How ASIA did not notice two SKULLS in here and how they are not SHOCK??? The ring is small… BUT POWERFUL.
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Question time, if they had money to do the CGI then why didn’t they erase this little hairs in Leedo’s eyebrow?????? We’ll never know...
MV behind (english sub cause I love you all ~~ plays english girl in reverse in the background ~~)
Humanity mystery here. They recorded a version of the coreography when the sun was actually falling down in real life and we see those scenes in the MV. But if the whole staff was SHOCK about the key part of the coreography being extremely perfect and beautiful then why not use it on the MV? Sure the version they used outdoors was pretty too but this was ALSO awesome and I think I need as many version of the MV as I can.
Album review
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Of course I would listen to the whole album.
Intro - What can I say... it fells so chill out, kinda minimalistic I just loved it. Twilight - Just amazing... I liked the dumbstep, the music is confusing witch I find extreamly cool. English Girl - Let em tell you not my type of song... but the lyrics are extreamly funny and relatable... so I forgive (I’m waiting crazy ho now Oneus, do not disappoint me) BingBing- YOU DON'T FREAKING START A SONG IN FRENCH IF NOT AIMING FOR TITTLE TRACK LEVEL. Ok and can we talk about the coreography???? BEAUTIFUL and I want to know the mastermind behind it. I just don't know why this was not above English Girl on the tracklist... White Night - Ok a more slow song but as always Oneus always delivers. (low key Red Thread sequel??) Now - This gives me Calvin Harris vibes. More dance eletronic standard pop but it's good...
Look... the CD case is very unique but think about it... if you take your album from above there is a risk everything wil fall... (1theK unboxing on the playlist, cause they were the cover for 1theK youtube chanel so 1thek is Oneus bitch)
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1theK Suit dance and Dance cover contest
Please give Seoho something that WILL NOT FALL FROM HIS SHOULDERS cause clothes are made to be comfortable. What is the point to take off the jackets when the night is COLDER??? (Wait.. let me answer that one… cause you can’t see black in black… I get it… BUT REGARDLESS) one of the mysteries we’ll never know. (Poor ties must have suffered a lot in the middle of the harnesses)
Now before we jump into the important stuff let me tell you a secret… Keonhee is the most difficult member to dress… why? He’s 1,81 cm tall… anything you give him to wear can make him look even taller and his face is more projected (did you know he uses braces?) so you really need to pay attention to his hair. We’ll use this information latter.
So the first performance ever was… Guess what… Before the MV was released and where? JAPAN (My half japanese ass is shaking). So people there kinda received a spoiler (clothes too) and Mnet uploaded it in the same day of the MV release so other people that weren’t at the kcon wouldn’t receive a spoiler. No complains here except Ravn chocker being TOO BIG and Keonhee clothes making him look taller. (Nice expensive microphones you got in here)
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Now the actual comeback in Corea begins. (Images cause tumblr won’t let me upload the videos) (I’ll upload the links below the image) (No… before you ask I’m not uploading english girl, too much work… focus on twilight) ( As I spoiled above English girl was the chosen B side. Look... I know it's us international fans unofficial anthem but c'mon... BING BING) (I know I'll miss camerawork in here but I'll eventually get the hang of it) (Don't ask me about make up cause unfortunately I don't have 4k 360° to get THAT close up. But from other close up photos I trust their make up artist) 
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First choice was the ACDC Black in Black 1.0 clothing set from the MV, Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… Pretty clothes but… YELLOW LIGHTS??? with red?? is this ketchup and mustard? The lighting did not appeal to me and shout out to the physics mystery.
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2:03 (Time stamp cause I love you all) HOW ON EARTH DID HIS EARPIECE END UP THERE? I guess we’ll never know.
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Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… but oh his hair was NICE… Fight me I’m the last person in the world to advocate in favor of coconut hair but it looks nice on him. No yellow lights so it’s a win situation, I like to call this the GLOVES set of the MV.
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Kudos for the physical scenario and Woongie earings (same as the MV). Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… no yellow lights… and this comeplete all the clothes they wore in the MV. Please… save Leedo from his chocker… too large.
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THE SUITS a whole YES. Keonhee clothes were good but we got yellow in here and this is a NO, Woongie coconut hair was also a no but Seoho red highlights? YES. Also… Woongie… the harnesses should go UNDER the jacket not ABOVE it…
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Repeating clothes… but this doesn’t bother me. Ketchup and mustard lights is a no. Woongie earing yes and in case you haven’t noticed Seoho gold huge ass rings… blame the yellow lights. Keonhee hair was actually nice.
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Physical scenario yes, yellow lights no, clothing NO, Seoho huge ass rings YES. That’s the summary.
07/06/19 v1
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Uniforms? Approved, Leedo earing approved, Physical scenario approved. Orange? NO. Keonhee harmonizing with himself 1.0? YES
07/06/19 v2
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So… they blessed Japan with that set of clothes now it’s Corea time. Ketchup and mustard lights is a no. No earings or rings today… but  Keonhee harmonizing with himself 2.0? YES
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You know what this SMELLS like? PERFECTION. Purple, black and red the holly trinity of colors. Keonhee clothes finally making justice to him, his hair was also nice. A LOT of light in the scenario to get THAT CLEAR LOOK cause I want to SEE things. Not a single yellow light… Woongie earings? YES. Please save Ravn from his chocker. Seoho dear… what is the point of wearing a black waistcoat… WITH A BLACK SHIRT? (But it’s approved regardless).
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I present you Michael Jackson Black or White 1.0 clothing set. Woongie earing? YES. The light was a bit tricky. Chorus was beautifully black and white. We also had blue/green. In the red one we had yellow lights but it didn’t bother me at all. Overall it’s approved to me.
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They repeated clothes, but it didn’t bother me. Seoho rings? YES. No yellow lights. This is also super good and I can’t choose between the two times they wore this clothes.
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They repeated Michael Jackson Black or White 1.0 set. Ketchup and mustard? Purple? Lighting was a no. Seoho ring was a yes.
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New clothes yay. Keonhee hair and clothes were nice, I don’t know what to think about this set of clothes because I was never a fan of prints or this variations of cream and brown. The way the lights were positioned was tricky but the small amout of yellow lights didn’t bother me at all. No rings or earings today unfortunately.
14/06/19 v1
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Clothes were repeated witch is a no. Do not think that instead of wearing silver or gold wearing black jewelry will make me forgive the clothes. No rings or earings today unfortunately. Ketchup and mustard lights is also a no. Keonhee clothes making him look taller as usual… This whole performance was a whole no.
14/06/19 v2
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I present you Michael Jackson Black or White 2.0 set. IT’S HIGH END JEWELRY YOU WANT? IT’S HIGH END JEWELRY YOU’LL GET. Seoho rings (in both hands), Woongie earings, Keonhee double necklace, Leedo earings and TRIPLE necklace, do you know how powerful you have to be to use a triple necklace? The only things that killed it were the hand microphones and the yellow lights…
14/06/2019… I will never forget this day… How do they DARE to arrive at the recording… like THIS?
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and when it’s performance time they step down the clothing? Well the clothes they were using ARE pretty but the ones they arrived? STUNNING ( aka ACDC Black in Black 2.0). Stylist min there are occasions you need to save the outfit to use… just arriving at the recording with those clothes is a waste of fashion. It could easily replace one of the times you repeated clothes. (I may say make up and contact lenses were on point too)
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(Thank you music core for the low definition)
Yay new clothes, the hairs and clothes look SO FLUFFY. Seoho rings yes, Woongie earings yes, Leedo rings YES, lighting was good, no complains here.
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First of all I’m really mad because they cutted the song. Second I’m really mad because they didn’t upload on YouTube. It’s seems like this is was pre calculated beucase it was EXACTLY WHEN THEY CHANGED THE COREOGRAPHY. I don’t know if they changed because they knew the song would be cut or if it was really a coincidence… humanity mistery again. Lighting was so beautiful until they came with the yellow… Woongie hair was so fluffy and earings was a yes. Clothes were Michael Jackson Black or White 3.0 and that’s it… That day I learned my lesson… you either are team rings or team gloves… there is no in between.
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They repeated Michael Jackson Black or White 2.0 set. Yellow lights? This is a no.
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I present you the new year eve set… Happy new year everyone, white and gold. From the same writers of black waistcoat with black shirt we have white waistcoat with white shirt. Ketchup and mustard lights? No. Seoho rings, YES. Woongie earing? YES. Shout out Ravn looks super good and Leedo chocker was middle term. Xion was not present and they had to do small changes (I SEE YOU SEOHO THANK YOU SIR)
21/06/19 V1
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Suits YES. Seoho rings, YES, we didn’t have earings… I’m sad. Ketchup and mustard lights? No.
21/06/19 V2
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I’m sorry… WHAT????? Clothes are a no… Grey? With black purple and red? No. Noodle hair Woongie? NO. Woongie earing? Yes. Hand microphones? No. Yellow lights? Like…
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(I’m so sorry for the low definition here)
Same old story. I’m mad they cutted the song, didn’t upload on youtube and exactly when they changed the coreography. On the other side we have new clothes yay. It’s not only black and gold powerful match. It’s black and gold with snake print cause I’m a bad bitch. It’s the only place where they NEEDED to use the yellow lights and I’m actually mad they used black and white. Someone save Seoho from his chocker. Color scheme was great but it’s not like the clothes desing are bad. I just feel it could have been better. We didn’t have earings or rings today BUT HEY, FANSING, BING BING HAS A COREO AND ITS AWSOME. 23/06/19 will be in my heart (even though it was just a sneak peak).
Ya’ll misbelievers will hear this song untill your ears BLEED
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Woongie you really fooled me here I was scared. He only did the fingerheart cause it was their last performace at that specific program. Repeating clothes… Lighting was good, no earings or rings… Well really tricky. I don’t see roots so you all did a touch up on the hairs and Woongie got a little bit blonder… I don’t like it, it don’t think the color suits him. Keonhee hair got a little darker but no problems… That’s it.
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Repeated the new year eve set. Seoho had to repeat the clothes for me to understand the clothes. Seoho ring yes, Woongie earing yes. Lighting was huge no, all crazy combinations like blue and yellow and purple and etc. But in the ending even though it was yellow the lighting was pretty.
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27/06/19 ~~FINALE~~
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We going Marilyn Monroe Woongie? His earings as always YES, Lithing... well… very tricky since we almost couldn’t see it but it didn’t look promissing. White and cream with black look more promissing then grey with black and red and purple… but not my favorite clothes, they have better weapons… Well… that’s it.
I wish they would go the whole week but they didn’t…
Oneus first photobook in Milano was announced. I won’t go into detail cause this is not the goal here... but we get it... YOU WEREN’T JOKING AROUND IN ITALY. Usually it takes a lot of time for a group to come up with a photobook so I’m proud and that was pretty smartass way to finish promotions if I may say...
Now… you have seen me against the yellow light for the whole post and you must be asking yourself WHY? Well… when you have the work to color correct the entire MV to cool colors YOU MUST AS WELL DO IT ON THE PERFORMANCES… that’s it… it’s called color pallet and you should respect it. Or in other cases like when they used black and gold respect the color palette of the specific performance.
Now let’s go to 05/07/19 Oneus is a newer group so I wasn’t even dreaming about this cause again... It takes a while for this to happened. My spider senses told me something was off when they announced they would be attending breakout in Japan and SURPRISE. Twilight japanese version was announced. Versions A/B/C and CD+DVD. Some questions were raised. There will be another version of the MV and new clothes? If yes I WANT SOMETHING ON THE SAME LEVEL. Will there be a instrumental version? Will they put Valkyrie japanese version too? They would all be answered later... AND MORE. They had the audacity to show BingBing complete coreo for the first time. They must really love Japan. Legends also say that they already performed the japanese version in this festival.
I was getting uneasy with the release date coming closer and no photos of the covers of the CD’s... then 25/07 they released a schedule... I wasn’t really expecting a schedule but I was happy cause next day we would have a teaser of the MV and surprise, it was basiclly the same thing. Good because is quality stuff but bad cause I was waiting somehing new... 29/07/19 We got tracklist and GUESS WHO WAS THERE?? EXACTLY, VALKYRIE JAPANESE VERSION +++++ TWO new songs.... We are blessed.. until 30/07/19 where we got what actually was happening...
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IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL LIMITED CD+DVD? It follows Raise US desing but I wanted something more... It fells like it’s missing something...
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Version A (Clearly Valkyrie) IT’S INSTRUMENTAL YOU WANT? IT’S INTRUMENTAL YOU’LL GET. But I’m sad... where are the other two new songs you may ask?
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Verson B OOONNEEEE of the new songs (ok we also have it’s instrumental too and cover is ok)
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Version C THE OTHER SONG (we have it’s instrumental too and I didn’t know people had silver skin...)
Do you see the strategy? Each version has one of the songs so you have to buy all the versions... And I didn’t like this...
07/08 The MV was released. They don’t have official youtube chanel so they uploaded in the company that represents them in japan.
The major changes were the individual shots as they had to sing in japanese. Nothing to complain in here, their pronunciation was good but the lyrics timing didn’t seem to match the song. Valkyrie had a better japanese version then Twilight... I loved the two new songs we got too.
(Bless the person who putted Korean and Japenese side to side, I saved the video on that huge playlist)
Also, can we appreciate how well Oneus and Twilight was received in Japan? They went to national television, topped Oricon AND Billboard Japan. Tower Records was EMPTY on the first day and they promoted for almost a whole month with shows. Japan basically adoped Oneus.
But nothing is flowers. It’s was extreamly difficult to buy this single online outside japan.LET ME TELL YOU. CD japan? Nothing, Amazon japan? Nothing, Yahoo Japan? Nothing. Rakuten? Nothing, YesAsia? NOTHING. THE ONLY PLACE I COULD FIND TO BUY THIS ONLINE IS TOWER RECORDS OFFICIAL WEBSITE WITCH GUESS WHAT IT IS IN JAPANESE. AND TO BUY OUTSIDE JAPAN YOU DON’T BUY FROM THEIR WEBSITE. IT’S FROM ANOTHER WEBSITE WITCH TOWER RECORDS THEMSELFS PUTED THE LINK IN THOSE HUGE ASS BANNERS IN THEIR WEBSITE. Summary it was  literally giving birth to buy this online.
I tought I could rest BUT NOT. They would attend Soribada Music Awards... THEIR FIRST AWARD SHOW. Look I love Valkyrie... but I want Twilight to be performed and I WANT FASHION OK. I’m full of expetations, do not disappoint me Oneus. The day of the award show came and well... I was actually disappointed. Simple suits and the performance clothes? They repeated one of the worst weapons in their closets. C’mon... if you are going to repeat you have better choices IT’S NO EXCUSE... that’s the summary...
Well, from now I have covered everything... Don’t sleep in Keonhee vocals, Oneus has TWO MAIN VOCALS, appreciate Woongie vocals, that’s it.
If y’all want in my research I have build a really small database of Woongie earings in this comeback, maybe in the future I can do a compilation.
And that’s the end… if you got here congratulations you are a warrior and me too for the hours of links, print screens and editions… Byeee
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evesbeve · 6 years
A Cringy Old Fic (Ninjago: Gotta Be Somebody)
IF THIS IS THE FIRST THING OF MINE YOU COME ACROSS, PLEASE DONT’ JUDGE ME BASED ON IT! This is a fic I wrote when I was little, and I promised to @diamantdrache I’d share it here!
If you are interested in my actual work, check out something else from my fanfic blog, @evelinaonline-fic!
I’ve been complimented about my writing time and time again. I’ve had people ask me how they can write like me. Heck, one of the nicest comments I’ve ever gotten said that I’ve “mastered the arts of literature”.
So today, we’ll forget all about that!
This is my first official fanfic that I made, from start to finish. I wrote it back in 2014-2015, I think?
Anyway, you may have seen a part of it in this video I made, where I took a look at my old works.
This is 100% unedited. So, without any further ado, cringe at enjoy the first chapter of my fic!
Ninjago: Gotta Be Somebody
Chapter One - After His Death
Pixal's POV
After... Zane...died... The ninja and I are staying at our place now. A building near Borg Industries. Everything is different... The ninja are acting weird. Jay and Cole stopped fighting about Nya (ok maybe they're still fighting), Lloyd is always like nothing never happents, to make me feel better. And Kai... It is like he is the only one who cares... He always tries to make me feel better. I just... can't. Zane was the guy I felt in love and I am never going to forget him....
It was 17:00. I was at Ninjago center. At... Zane's... Tomb... I was crying.... I couldn't stop... I... I... I was talking to Zane... I was... So sad and I was talking to him... ''Zane.... Where are you? I... I love you.... Zane please.... Come back...'' I was crying so much... I miss Zane... He was the most important thing I ever had... He still is. Someone touched my shoulder. It was Kai.
''What are you doing here, Pixal'' he told me. ''Look... I just... you know..... I am here and...'' ''Pixal...'' Kai tried to calm me down. ''Zane won't come back.... Sitting here and crying won't make the things better...'' ''You have no idea how I feel, right?'' I asked him. ''Kai... I lost my true love... My... My... My Zane...'' ''Pixal calm down... Don't worry...'' ''I CAN'T!!!!'' I shouted. ''HEY!!!'' He told me angry now. ''I miss Zane too Pixal! But that's just ridiculous!! Pixal I was good with you but you're driving me crazy right now!!!'' I wanted to cry more when Kai talked me like that. ''Kai... I... I...'' ''Pixal... I didn't mean that...Come here...'' he said and hugged me. ''It's... ok...'' I said. ''Thanks for being here for me'' ''It's nothing'' he said. ''I'll always be here''
It was midnight now. How long I stayed here??? Kai took my hand ''Come on... Let's get back home''. We started walking at the moonlight. We got back home. Jay, Nya and Lloyd were at the living room. Cole was at the kitchen. He was trying to make his own cake. He couldn't done it. He still can't. Cole is an awful cook. His cook skills are really dumb. Well I didn't know why but I wanted to help Cole make this stupid cake. I walked at the kitchen as I smelled his burned cake. Oh Cole.... He really needs help.
''Hey Cole!!!'' I said. ''Hey Pixal! You know I think this time my cake is going to be perfecf!!! I didn't follow the recipe....'' ''Cole...' I cut him. ''Why don't you follow the recipe?'' ''I don't want to!!! I wanna make this cake special!!!'' ''But it'll be special. Cole you are so stupid!!!'' I said to him. ''Pixal let me do my things, ok?'' ''Let me think about it... No. You are gonna burn this cake to you know!!!'' ''I won't!!!'' he said and smoke came out of the oven. ''Really???'' I asked. ''Um... That was the previous cake!!!'' he said as he tryied to put out the smoke. ''You know... Zane tought me how to cook. Let me help you!!!'' I told him as I put out the cake... I mean the fire-cake out of the oven. ''Look. Put the flour in this bowl and then the sugar, but please God do it slowly!!!'' ''I am not a kid you know...'' ''Yeah... About that... Cole just do what you have to do... I am going to put the eggs, because you are going to make a mess'' ''Ok... Well... Now I have to mix?'' ''Yeah you have to''
We spent all of our time making this cake. I know it's 00:30 but I am having so fun!!! Well the cake is ready and the most important: It doesn't smell smoke everywhere. Oh God thanks!!! Cole and me were talking and making jokes.
''Cole you are on fire'' I said to Cole. ''Thanks!!!'' he said. What a jeurk! I took a glass of water and those little flames disappeared. He looked at me and smiled. ''Thanks again, Pixy!!!''
When he called me Pixy... I remembered him.... Zane. He always called me like that.
"Hey Zane!!! Wanna hung out?" "Sure Pixy!!!" "Zane... I know it may be personal but... Can you rell me a few things about your father?" ''Hey it is not personal!!!'' he told me. ''But Jay said not to ask....'' ''I can tell anyhing to you''
Flashback End
''Pixal are you ok? You are crying!!!'' Cole told me. ''Hello?'' ''Those are happy tears Cole... I've got a strange feeling.... That Zane is still here...'' ''Hey!!! He'll always be here'' he pointed at my heart. 'Now lets eat this cake!!!
We got in the leaving room and ate the cake with the others.
A thousent miles away, another adroid woke up.....
End of Chapter One
I only have one thing to say and it’s WHY DID I USE SO MANY DOTS?
I don’t know if I’m going to post the entirety of this fic, but this was an example of what my writing used to be!
If you guys would like to see more of my “epic writing(tm)”, please check out some of my other works that have nothing to do with this because I hate it, let me know if I should post the second chapter >:D
I hope you didn’t enjoy! ^w^
53 notes · View notes
lloydskywalkers · 6 years
those left behind (part one)
Read on FFN. 
In the aftermath of Harumi and Garmadon and the loss of Ninjago, Lloyd and Nya try to piece together what's left of their family - and figure out what comes next. It's a slow process.
(Aka Crippling Angst! Post-Finale Edition)
The first light of dawn is just creeping over the horizon when they reach the outskirts of the city, the rising sun painting the morning sky a bloody, brilliant red. Smoke rises from the city behind them, visible even at this distance – the screams and sounds of destruction are mercifully muffled, though. The morning air is unnervingly silent – the usual sounds of wildlife are gone, as if the very earth itself has ran from the destruction. The only sounds are those of their footsteps, weary and stumbling through the dirt.
Nya knows the way like the back of her hand, but this is the first time she’s gone by foot. There’s no other option, though. It was all they could do to get out of the city alive – any vehicle would have been too noticeable, too difficult to retrieve.
No one even mentions trying to spark their dragons. They already know what the result will be.
They reach the junkyard just as the sun rises fully over the horizon, the light it casts painful after the seemingly unending night of darkness. Nya leads the way under the rusted arch, her throat drying up.
The door to the to the trailer swings open with a loud whine, slamming back on its hinges as a figure rushes out, having seen them coming. They make a sorry picture, on the whole – Misako’s cheek is bruised, her hair a tangled mess as she holds her left arm awkwardly. Lloyd is slumped against her right arm, barely able to support himself, his blond hair dark with dirt and blood and his visible skin still a multi-colored collage of cuts and bruises. Pixal isn’t sporting any injuries, but her expression is dead, her right arm sparking slightly. Nya knows she’s not much better, her own injuries making themselves painfully apparent.
Edna Walker gasps in open horror. “Oh, Nya, sweetie-“ she steps forward, her eyes wide and searching as she looks them over. “What happened?”
Nya opens her mouth, then closes it. The door swings open again, and Ed Walker is running toward them, looking as stricken as his wife. He comes to a stop behind his wife, grabbing her hand.
She shakes her head, her eyes flooding with tears as she chokes back a wracking sob. “I’m so sorry,” she croaks, wetly. “I’m so sorry.”
Lloyd is numb. Which is weird, because he hasn’t stopped shaking since he got here, his fingers trembling incessantly over the mug Mrs. Walker had forced into his hands, his teeth chattering.
“It’ll help,” she’d said to him kindly, her eyes weary with grief but soft as they searched him. “Do you need anything else? Are you alright?”
No, Lloyd had wanted to scream. No, I’m not, but I’m the reason your son isn’t here, so you definitely should not care at all-
Lloyd had simply nodded. Technically, he isn’t hurting right now – and despite the way he’s shaking, he doesn’t even feel cold.
Because he doesn’t feel anything. He’s still back in the city, stuck on a sky tram and watching the Bounty crushed to pieces on repeat.
Misako says something to him, after he lands on the boat, still winded from his exchange with Harumi. He doesn’t hear her – not even when she grabs his arm after he pilots the boat to a street corner, not even when he jumps off, her shouts echoing after him as he runs toward the city center.
Not even when he staggers to the wreckage of the Bounty, abandoned now that he’s moved on.
All Lloyd can hear are the last, desperate cries of the ninja – of his family, right before the colossi crushed the ship. They echo against his skull, replaying again and again, almost as loud as his frantic denial.
No, no, no no nonono please-
He tears into the wreckage, splintered wood and sharp metal debris slicing into his hands as he yanks it aside. He barely registers the pain, only pulling harder at the remains of the Bounty, looking for any traces of black or white or blue or – or red-
“Cole, Jay, Zane – come on!”
Please, please, please-
“Uncle Wu!”
Lloyd pauses, reaching with all he can for the core that’s always burned inside of him, for the familiar thrum of his power. There’s nothing – just the empty, hollow blankness he’d felt earlier. He squeezes his eyes shut, blinking back the surge of emotion. He’s knee-deep in the remains of his home, now. A part of him realizes that his mother has come to stand behind him, pulling gently at the wreckage along with him. Lloyd doesn’t process this – he’s managed to get deep enough to have hit the interior of the ship, and he’s starting to recognize the shapes and colors of the broken rubble he’s pulling away, the memories of an entire life built with these people-
Lloyd searches until the sky has started turning, the dark of the night beginning to lighten. By now, he’s missing half his fingernails and his hands are a bloody, torn mess. He clings to that pain like it's a lifeline - adds it to the throbbing pain in his leg, the dull aches that still pulses all over him. If he holds onto that, the physical agony, then maybe he can ignore - he can ignore-
Lloyd finally stops, staring at the wreckage, his hands falling uselessly to his sides.
They would have come up by now. They would have said something – Cole would have lifted the debris from them, or Zane would have found a way out, or Kai would have burned his way through, or-
They wouldn’t just wait there silently. They would be back up already, ready to fight, to get revenge because their home’s been destroyed, again. They wouldn’t still be under. They wouldn’t leave him hanging like this.
The only possible reason they’re not responding is – is –
“Lloyd,” his mother’s voice is hushed, quiet and full of grief. “Lloyd, son, we have to go.”
He shakes his head. He has to keep searching. He has to find them – he will find them, he just needs more time, he – they would never leave him behind, if situations were reversed-
Wild cries echo down the street, the now-familiar voices of the Sons of Garmadon.
“Lloyd,” his mother says, nearly begging him, her hand around his arm now. “Lloyd, please, we need to go-“
Lloyd blinks back the burn of tears, his fists clenching so tightly his nails bite bloody half-moons into his palms.
No, no, no-
He rips himself away from the wreckage, letting his mother pull him down the streets. He turns back as they flee, giving the Bounty one last look-
They’re not there. They’re not coming.
Lloyd staggers, his leg catching, and a hot spike of agony shoots through his ankle and up his calf. He gives a muffled cry of pain, stumbling forward. His mother grabs him in concern, and he swats her off. It’s nothing, he’d injured it earlier, that’s all. It’s always been weak, this is the same leg he’d broken a couple years back, that fateful day he fought the Overlord. It’s the same fiery throbbing he remembers, the same pain he’d pushed back as he’d climbed the tower, clinging desperately to Kai-
Lloyd misses a step, falling to his knees as his leg gives out.
No, no, no, no, no-
The Sons of Garmadon are even closer now, their voices too close for comfort, but Lloyd can’t bring himself to care.
Come on, then, he thinks, savagely. Come at me, I’ll make you pay-
With a sudden lurch, Misako has an arm around his middle and is hoisting him up, dragging him forward until they both stumble onto the boat. She pauses just to make sure he’s seated, then rushes to the wheel, revving the boat to life and taking them downriver, away from the burning city. Lloyd sits crumpled near the edge of the boat, his leg throbbing and his hands leaving little bloody patches where they’re clenched against the fabric of his uniform.
He had stayed like that until they’d gotten out of the city, his eyes glazing over as he’d fallen into a numb sort of haze. He barely remembers his mother talking to Pixal through the radio, telling her where to meet them. He doesn’t register getting out of the boat, Misako half-dragging him as they rushed to where Nya was hiding.
All he remembers is the horrible, stricken look in Nya’s eyes when he tells her. The desperate sort of denial that crosses her face as she shakes her head, telling him no, no, he has to be mistaken, that’s impossible-
Lloyd remembers being glad for the rush of tears that blurs his vision as she crumples against him, because it distorts the look of utter, heartbroken devastation on her face that he’d never, ever dreamed he’d see.
Everything after that is a painful, foggy haze – he barely even remembers how he got into the Walker’s house, or who draped the blanket over his shoulders. He’s not sure how long he’s been sitting here, but it has to be late afternoon – the sun is high in the sky, filtering through the blinds. Mr. and Mrs. Walker are outside with Pixal, talking over putting up safety measures. He doesn’t know where Nya is.
Lloyd shivers again, his shoulders seizing as the mug rattles against the table. Misako shoots him a look of concern, rising from where she’d flipping through an old book and crossing over to him.
“Lloyd-“ she hesitates at his tiny flinch as her hand rests on his shoulder. She sighs, weary and sad. “You should get some rest, son.”
Lloyd shakes his head. “I’m fine,” he says, even as a traitorous yawn escapes him. He clamps his jaw shut, slamming the mug down and standing up. “I can’t – we don’t have time, there’s too much to do, he’s – he’s still out there, mom, I have to-“
“Shh, Lloyd, Lloyd, calm down.” Misako’s voice is distressed as she grabs him, forcing him back down, this time onto one of the Walker’s old couches. She grabs his shoulders, forcing him to meet her gaze. “There’s nothing you can do like this,” she says, her voice gentle. “We’re safe for now, alright? You can’t do anything if you’re dead on your feet.”
We’re not safe, Lloyd wants to yell at her. No one is safe, not while Harumi is still out there, not while his father-
Lloyd winces, his heart stuttering as memories from the prison crash back down on him. He hurriedly thinks of something else, fighting back the sudden wave of nausea.  
“Okay,” he whispers, staring down at his hands, the bandages his mother had hastily put on just starting to loosen.
His mother leans over, pressing a kiss to his cheek before she stands. She adjusts the blanket he has around his shoulders, pulling it more firmly around him. “Sleep, alright?” she says, firmly. “I’ll be in the room over if you need me.”
Lloyd nods, watching her leave the room. He sinks back against the couch, his head tipping back as he exhales wearily. He doesn’t want to sleep. He knows what’s waiting for him when he closes his eyes. It’s like after Morro, when he’d mistakenly thought sleep would be an escape from reality – except this time it’s a hundred, a thousand times worse. With Morro, Lloyd could wake up in his room on the Bounty, and Kai would-
Lloyd squeezes his eyes shut tightly, biting down hard on his lip. He can’t think about it, he can’t, he can’t-
The soft sound of footsteps brings him back, his eyes snapping open. Nya is standing in the room’s entrance, wearing a bright blue sweatshirt and baggy sweatpants, her hair loose from her usual ponytail. Her eyes are bloodshot and puffy, and her face is lined in grief.
She clutches the blanket she’s holding tighter. “Hey,” she says, her voice raspy. “I – uh, Mrs. Walker gave me the only spare room, but it’s – it’s-“ she swallows, her jaw working. “It’s Jay’s old room, and I…your mom can have it, if she wants.”
Lloyd nods, his mouth dry. “Thanks,” he whispers.
Nya glances to the space on the couch beside him. “Got any room to share?” she says, offering him the weakest excuse for a smile he’s ever seen.
“Wha – oh, yeah, o-of course.” Lloyd scoots over, giving Nya more room as she climbs onto the couch beside him, tucking her feet up beneath her. She immediately curls up against him, her head pressing against his shoulder. They sit in silence, the only sounds the gentle murmur of conversation from outside, the sound of Misako turning pages in the other room.
He suddenly feels Nya’s hand wrap around his, her fingers squeezing his so tightly he can feel the bones creak. She shudders against him, the vibrations running up his arm. She doesn’t make a sound, but Lloyd feels the hot warmth of tears as they soak into his t-shirt arm. Lloyd bites his lip again, but this time he can’t stop the burn of tears that spills over.
It’s just them, now. They’re all that’s left.
Lloyd grips Nya’s hand even tighter, drops his head on hers, and cries himself to sleep.
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fabrowrites · 7 years
Gleam and Glow: Training
In terms of elemental powers, lightning is one of the hardest to master.
Jay feels the sweat beading on his forehead. He thinks he’s got it this time, but when he brings his fingertips together there’s only a small burst of light.
“Oh, come on!”
He drops his hands and slumps back against the courtyard wall. The stone is warm against his wings. It’s a warm day in general, despite it being autumn. Jay reaches for his water bottle, gulping down the last few swallows. If not for the slight breeze, he thinks, training out here would be unbearable.
It’s only Kai, Nya, and himself in the courtyard today. Cole and Zane left early in the morning, flying down to the base of the mountain for their training. Something about being more in touch with their elements down there. Kai punches at a wooden dummy and Nya drills katas in the center.
Today is a day for practicing elements, Sensei Wu had said, as he dragged them from their beds this morning. So Jay had used up the better part of his day punching, jabbing, and flailing his arms in an effort to try and create a lightning bolt.
Sensei told him to imagine his lightning as yin and yang, two forces always trying to get back together. But spiritual mumbo-jumbo has never been one of Jay’s strong points. Lightning is lightning- positive and negative charges driven to balance each other out. Even with this mindset, he’s making slow progress.
All the electricity he’s generated before has only consisted of sparks. Sparks are easy. Sparks are envisioning your chi- and chi is one concept he can handle- gathering in one place. The energy overflows naturally and is expelled from your fingertips as sparks. Piece of cake. But actual bolts of lightning?
He pushes off the wall.
“Yeesh, have you never seen a lightning master before?”
“Huh?” Jay frowns at the fire ninja. Kai hops off the post he was perched on, wings flaring for balance.
Truthfully, Jay doesn’t understand the fire master. One moment he’s flirty and obnoxious, the next passionate and serious. (‘He’s like a flip-flop!’ Jay rants one day to Wu, who calmly sips his tea and stares straight ahead with the wings of a suffering father who wonders why he adopted five children.) And Jay hates to not understand things.
Nevertheless, he listens to what Kai has to say. The kid is older, after all. And from the times he’s spoken with him, he knows more about elemental powers than Jay does.
“Well, I mean, in the movies, they’re always waving their hands in circles, like this.” Kai demonstrates. He swings his arms and brings his fingertips together, mimicking an exploding noise.
“That doesn’t make sense,” Jay protests. He ducks away from Kai’s flailing wings. “It’s lightning strikes, not lightning circles!” He thinks back to his physical science classes. “Lightning always seeks the quickest, most direct route to its target.”
“Hey, just trying to help.”
Jay huffs. But since he’s out of ideas, he might as well try Kai’s. He moves away from the wall and starts again. This time, he moves his arms in arcs as he separates the charges.
His left arm starts first, sweeping across his body. He imagines that he’s gathering all the negative energy with the swoop. His right arm mirrors the movement, and he feels the positive energy flowing to his fingers.
Now for the actual lightning. He brings his hands up, still in their arcs, and his fingertips touch.
His arms go cold, like his veins are made of ice, and then a silvery bolt is pulsing from his fingers. The power, the energy flooding his body is overwhelming. He staggers. He leans back against the courtyard wall because the energy rush is already leaving his system and now he only feels tired, drained.
Jay wants nothing more than to rest now. But Sensei Wu is suddenly there, golden feathers ruffling in a pleased manner.
“A good attempt, Jay,” he says.
Jay makes a noise of protest, but even that dies on his lips. How in the world will he fight Garmadon, if just one bolt is enough to make him feel faint?
He asks the Sensei this. Wu nods, running a hand through his blond hair.
“That is why you must train,” he says. “Learn to control how much energy you put into each blast. Then you may be sure that you will never over-exhaust yourself.”
Jay makes a few more bolts through the course of the evening, each weaker than the last. He calls it quits when Cole and Zane materialize at the door.
“How was your day?” the earth ninja calls. His wings drag on the ground, but his eyes hold satisfaction, so Jay guesses that his training went well.
“It was really cool!” he replies. “I actually made a bolt this morning!”
“That’s great, Jay!”
Jay has to consciously stop his wings from fluffing up. “How did you do, Cole?”
The earth ninja rubs his neck self-consciously. “I got some rocks to move.”
“Cole understates,” Zane says. “He was summoning boulders and directing them to targets.”
“It was pretty neat,” Cole admits. “Is dinner ready? I’m starving!”
“Sensei Wu said we can order in pizza,” Nya says, coming up to the group. “What do you guys want?”
“Deluxe,” Cole says.
“Eww, no!” Kai pulls a face. “I don’t want vegetables near my pizza!”
Jay finds himself agreeing. Then Kai suggests meat lovers, and he finds himself not agreeing after all.
They end up ordering two pizzas and crowd around the tv in the game room to play video games. Jay looks around at the hodgepodge group and can’t keep his wings from fluttering at the contentment he feels. This, this feels right.
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bartallenisbae · 7 years
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The Winchester sister
It was 2000 in beecher illinois around august around 1:00 am and John Winchester left his two son’s at home to go to on a demon sitting that was talked about around illinois. He just killed the damn demon and was dying for some beer. He entered a bar that was filled with a few people. He sat and was about to ask the bartender for some whiskey until he saw a young blonde girl with bright blue eyes and freckles with tight tank top and short short’s around the age of college.She was putting some college assignment it what looked like away in a binder. John asked the bartender to get him to whisky’s and brought them to the young college woman “Hey darling mind to have a drink with me” He asked in his scruffy south accent. She smiled and nodded “Sure I mean what could happen” He smiled and sat next to her and gave her the whisky “What’s your name darling” He asked and took a sip of his whisky “My names valentina rye but my friends call me val“ “Wow darling what a gorgeous name, I'm john winchester” He said with a flirty smile,she blushed and took a sip of whisky and asked  “So where do you come from, illinois doesn’t really have that thick a country accent as you do” Valentina asked with her whisky half gone, ‘damn the girl can drink’ john thought impressed that such a beautiful young girl could drink that fast. “Well darling I’m just driving by before I leave tomorrow” He said with a smile while he put his hand on the young girl’s knee.Valentina looked down and saw his hand on her knee,she could feel herself getting intoxicated and honestly felt needy for some physical man contact,she smiled and took one last sip of her whisky and grabbed his collar and put her lips on his lips.After a few minutes of making out they separated their lips to catch their breaths “Want to sneak in my college campus and have some fun there” Valentina asked trying to catch her breath. They snuck into her campus,She needingly took his shirt off as she was just in her bra and short.He took off her pants and threw them off. He was wearing jeans and no shirt as he attacked her neck with kisses. Valentina’s room was filled with loud moans and skin slapping skin. Valentina woke up at 8:30 to find herself alone wearing no clothes and covered with hickies and herself being covered by her bed sheets and her room smelling of sex.
  4 weeks later
Valentina was freaking out,she has been puking all the time for weeks now,she was 10x more tired than usual,and she has been having migraines and has even fainted a few times when she was with her friend’s. She was in college and was going to graduate soon so this was the worst time to have something happen and since she was going to college for a nurse degree she understood that her symptoms were either from horrible illness or...pregnancy. After a college class She went to a drug store and bought a pregnancy test and went to her college campus. She asked her 2 friends to be there for her,she explained that she met a man and had a one night stand and might be pregnant . They were all waiting for the test,it said to wait a half hour. While they were waiting they all hugged her and when the timer was up her friend jean went up and saw the test “oh val I'm so sorry” she showed her the test that had a positive on it. “Are you going to abort it” her other friend nya asked  “ what no of course not,he/she is not an It he/she is a living baby, every girl I've met that have aborted have cried of regret after” Valentina said with anger that her friend would even ask.
It was june 23 2001 and Valentina was in labor,in the hospital screaming bloody murder “ok miss rye you need to push one last time” she pushed just wanting the pain to go away, she heard a cry,a baby cry.the doctor smiled “it's a beautiful baby girl miss rye, would go like to see her” he asked thinking she was going to be glowing with happiness but she wasn't “no please I just want her to go to the adoption center” she said looking away from her child “are you sure,don't you at least want to look at her” the doctor said pushing her child to her while she still refused to look “ I said no,she needs a better life than what I can give her,if I see her I will fall in love with her more just please take her away before I change my mind” she said with tears.
It was 2009 and Amanda cayce was 8 years old,blonde with bright blue eyes and freckles. She running with her 10 year old “brother” James in the forest playing hide n seek in the night. She saw a bush with berries on them and ran to them. She was about to eat one when her brother stopped her “ Amanda you can't eat those,they are poisonous” he said trying to explain to her “ but James I'm hungry” she whined “then let's go see if dinner is ready” They leave to go home to their mom going through a cornfield.Amanda felt like she was being watched and so did her “brother”. Jame’s took her hand and pulled her closer to him in case his being watched was right. Amanda felt something breathing on her neck then she screamed as she was pulled by her foot and dragged.Her “brother” screamed her name and ran to her chasing her and the thing that was pulling her. She was stopped being dragged and was just laying on the ground with the beast on top of her smelling her. The thing growled “winchester”.Amanda was scared and confused,Why did the beast say winchester. The beast turned and Amanda heard footsteps of other men.The beats ran off leaving the young frightened girl. Her “brother” james ran to her and made sure she was ok and they walked home not saying anything,trying to understand what just happened.
It was november in 2011 and Amanda was 10 years old sitting her parents.She was curious why her parents called her alone to talk to her. Her mom put her hand on Amanda’s shoulder “Amanda you understand that we love you and would do anything for you right” her mom said trying to break something to her “Well yeah of course, um are you two ok” Amanda said kinda scared on what’s going on “Amanda *sigh* we aren’t your...parents” Her dad said with a sad face. Amanda was shocked “WHAT...are you saying that I’m...adopted” They both nodded and hugged her.
It was 2017 and school was over for the summer and Amanda was 16 and she got her license. She found out her parents name from her birth certificate.Her parent’s names were Valentine rye and John Winchester. She was shocked of her dad’s last name,it was what that monster glowed at her. She found a lot about her father being part of a conspiracy but not much else,but found a lot with some two guys named sam and dean winchester or something and found enough about her mom.She was able to find that she was a nurse and where she lived and found a picture of her and Amanda couldn't believe how much she looks like her mom,she was able to find out that she lived in michigan was married a Zeke bultema and had two other kids,a 8 year old boy and a 6 year old girl.To be honest Amanda was really sad,her mom looked so happy in the picture with her family.Would she be upset if she saw her. Amanda was able to convince her adopted parents to let her travel to meet her real parents. Amanda was going to find her mom first and find sam and dean winchester and ask if they new where john winchester was and hopefully they knew. After a few hours of driving with her babe(thats what she calls her car) Her car was a 1963 Corvette StingRay and she worked with everything she got to get her babe,she was able to buy it from her adopted grandpa and she never let a crumb of dirt or food touch her car.After driving for hours,she finally got to her mom’s house. It was in the suburbs and it was pretty nice and large for a suburbs house. Amanda slowly walked up to the house and hesitated to knock.She knocked and waited with anxiety.A 8 year old boy with blonde hair and green eyes opened the door “Who are you” He asked curiously with a smile on his face “Um hi I was wondering if your mom was here” Amanda asked praying that her mom is here so she didn’t have to wait for her so she could finally meet her. The little boy nodded “yeah, come inside she is just making cookies you can have some if you want” Amanda couldn’t believe how innocent that child was as she entered the house following the little boy “Asher who was it” a sweet lady’s voice asked,oh so that’s his name. Asher and Amanda entered the kitchen and Amanda saw the older replica of her putting cookies on a cookie tray not noticing her in the room “Mom it’s some girl that asked to see you” Her mom looked up and froze,wait did she recognize me, no that can’t be I mean a lot of people have someone similar looking Amanda thought with nervousness. A 6 year old brown haired girl with blue eyes and freckles that looked like a young brown haired replica of her skipped between Asher and her and sat looking at the cookies “Asher I told you to stop letting strangers in” Her mom said finally,Amanda regained her breath after realizing that she held her breath for too long “So sweety what do you need to see me for” Her mom asked completely unaware about what answer she was going to get “Um actually can we talk somewhere else like in the tv room or anywhere” Amanda asked not wanting her related brother and sister “Sure”.They walked to the living room and Amanda nervously fidgeted with her hand’s “Um I...ok so this is hard to say but...I’m your daughter” Amanda said looking into her mom’s eye’s. Valentine froze with her eyes not blinking for a few seconds,She hugged Amanda and Amanda could feel tears falling into her shirt “oh gosh I should have known you would want to see me,you are as curious as I am,I’m so sorry I just wanted you to have a better home than what I could give you” she says crying when a brown haired man with green eyes man with a business suit walks in and sees his wife crying and hugging a random girl that looked just like her “Asher take jewel outside,mommy and daddy have to talk to this young girl” Valentina said with tears still falling down her face, the two kids went outside with worried faces as they left.The man still had no idea what was going on,he walked slowly to his wife “Val, who is this whats going on” he said clearly confused “Zeke do you remember that I...had a child before I met you and I sent her to the adoption center” she asked trying to control her tears. Zeke nodded and after a few seconds his eyes grew “Is...is this her” he asked his wife, she nodded and finally stopped hugging the blonde. After a few hours of talking they came to an agreement, Amanda would stay with her adopted parents after she traveled for the summer but her real family would still go to special events(Val and zeke both offered her to stay with them but she loved her adopted family and knew they were scared that she would leave them for her real family and would never want to forget them), and they would wait to tell Val’s two other kids that Amand is their older half sister until they were older. “This is a um...hard question to ask but...who is my dad and how did you get together” Amanda asked while she was on the couch with Val and zeke on the other three seated couch,Val looked away regretfully and zeke put his hand on her shoulder “Amanda your dad and me met when I was in college, i was at a bar and finished a college essay when he offered me a drink and after talking for awhile and we ended up having a one night stand, and after a few weeks I realized I was pregnant with you, his name was john winchester” Val explained to her daughter.
After a few hours later Amanda hugged her mom and left to find the closest she could find to where her dad was,Dean and sam winchester, They were last seen at colorado in a hotel. After hours of driving singing to rock, eating hamburgers and PIE, and cleaning babe she finally got there. They went to a new hotel then the one she heard about when she left her mom's house but it was a few hours away and she didn’t traveled that far for nothing.She finally got to the hotel,she went to one of the worker’s and asked for the winchester’s room number and she was givin it,Amanda couldn’t believe how easy the lady gave her the room number honestly she was hoping for better security. ‘Room 22’ ‘room 22’ she kept repeating in her mind until she got to the room,she took a deep breath and knocked,she was able to hear two wait in the room talking then she could see someone look through the window of their room then a tall man with long brown hair and brown eyes opened the door and looked really confused on why a 16 year old blonde haired girl was at his brother and his room, She smiled and sam couldn’t help but think she looks familiar “Um Hi i’m Amanda, Do you know a John winchester” she asked as a more muscled man with dirty blonde hair and green eyed man was behind him. The tall man looked still confused and concerned and turned to look at his brother for if they should lie or not. His brother nodded approval for sam to tell the young girl the truth. Sam turned back to the girl “Yeah, why ask” he asked “Well, I was wondering if you could tell me where he is, you see I...ok so um.. I’m his daughter” Sam and dean and castiel eyes grew,sam looked around to see if anyone else was there and grabbed Amanda’s wrist,she gasped from surprise.  When she was inside dean grabbed both of her arms and said in a ruff intimidating voice “What did you say” Amanda was hardly ever scared even as the man held her down like this “I said john winchester is my blood dad alright now chill, you guys are acting like I said hitler is my dad or something” Amanda said in a sassy tone while getting dean's arms off her arms. The winchester boys were in shock that this girl actually claimed to be their half sister basically “No that can’t be,My dad didn’t sleep with other women often” sam asked moving his brother “well apparently one of the times that weren’t often he forgot a condom and got a college girl pregnant” She said mad that they didn’t believe her. Sam and dean turned to talk to each other. *Whisper* (Dean)D- “This can’t be I mean she doesn’t even look like him” (Sam)S-”She does have dad’s ears and head shape and his attitude when he was young  and she has his smile and this isn’t the first one night stand dada had” D-”Fine lets just get castiel over here and he could tell if she is telling the truth”. The two boys turned to the girl and sam said “well if you are telling the truth then you wouldn’t mind our friend seeing if you're lying”  “Fine”. Dean prayed to castiel and after a minutes he should up “Hello” castiel appeared behind dean “Cas stop doing that can’t you just appear at the door” Dean said after being scared “Wait how did he do that” Dean and sam ignored her “Cas we need you to  tell us if this girl is really our sister” dean commanded dean as usual,castiel nodded and walked to her,Amanda took a couple steps back confused on what this man was doing she was stopped by a wall as castiel put one of his fingers on her head.After a few seconds castiel turned to dean and sam “This girl is your half sister”
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mumshmandz · 8 years
Christ in You
“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬ Access is rhema word for me today. But most of the time, we talk about access from a humanistic point of view. Madalas pinag-uusapan natin yung "access" that we have to God. Not that it's wrong. John 1:12 says: “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.." ‭ But the reason we became "children of God" is because we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We use beautiful words such as sanctification, justification, regeneration, etc.. But the root of everything is mainly because we accepted Christ. And accepting Christ doesn't only mean access to blessings, provision or favor. Those are the after effects. Blessing, provision and favor is the effect of accepting AND following Christ. Ultimately, being in a relationship with God and being chosen by God as His child means having Christ in us - AND THAT TALKS A LOT ABOUT DISCIPLESHIP. What we fail to grasp (most of the time) is that when we accepted Christ, the fullness of God dwells in us (by the Holy Spirit). Not only did we accept Jesus as a person but more importantly, we accepted the life Christ lived. What the Father ultimately wants to see in everyone of us is the embodiment of Jesus fully living in us! CHRIST IN US! Isipin mo na lang, hindi mo lang tinanggap si Jesus, pero nanahan sya sa Iyo. The Holy Spirit of God is dwelling in you! The life we receive should pattern the source! And that can only come from DISCIPLESHIP! It's about walking the way Jesus walked. It's about doing what Jesus did. It's about loving whom Jesus loved. So discipleship is more than head knowledge or memorizing big verses from the Bible. But it's about learning to give God to have total access in your life! To mold it the way He pleases. To shape you in a way that will honor Him! To use you in a way that will glorify Him! Ang puso ng pagiging Kristyano ay si Kristo. Kung hindi si Kristo ang puso ng relihiyon mo, then what type of Christianity are we practising? The reason why we are facing difficulties in our lives as Christian is failing to see that Christ is and forever will be the center of our Christian lives. Decisions, desires, thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions na hindi nakasentro kay Jesus is an insult to our lives as Christians and an insult sa mismong person na tinanggap natin. Proverbs 3:5-6 says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” ‭‭ This verse shows that we as humans are bound to fail kung magtitiwala tayo sa sarili natin understanding of things. And we should not be afraid of failure because that is our nature. We are bound to fail. But that is no excuse to make mistakes. Make mistakes in doing something alam mo na you're doing your best to seek God, hindi yung nagkamali ka na gumagawa ng isang bagay na alam mong malayo sa kalooban Nya. But the goodness of God is this: if we repent and start acknowledging God in eveyrything we do, think and act (acknowledge = accept or admit the existence or truth of; recognize the fact or importance or quality of) HE WILL MAKE OUR PATHS STRAIGHT. Itatama tayo ni God and bring us back to the road of discipleship. Stop trying to live the "Christian life" but allow Christ to live His life through you. Allow others to see Christ in you. Allow God have to have His access in you through the life of Jesus in you. Hindi pa huli ng lahat. Repentance is key. Discipleship is the journey. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. If you want me to pray for you or if you want to share message lang kayo. 😊 Godbless. ❤️❤️
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