sweet-as-kiwis · 9 months
Exam 1/3 completed!
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quirrrky · 4 years
Here’s your 2nd round of yandere selection featuring our beloved hq boys!
Reminder: This is just for fun!
Rating: T+ Warning: Mild psychological triggers (mentions of kinks and stuff) Selected characters only ~(⊕⌢⊕)~
NISHINOYA YUU aka THE GUARDIAN DEITY (I don’t really think I have to change his moniker)
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With this guy, you’ve got an instant bodyguard for better or worse
He’s always around you committed to guard you from all harm including that falling leave that dared to touch your hair
Will openly announce his adoration for you in public and
Will openly announce as well how he will deal with this who come your way
No one…I mean no one really gets to touch you or else this boi will rolling thunder their sorry ass
He’s willing to do so much for you so if he sees you crying…the one who made you cry must prepare
Will surely get to the bottom of things
Always there for you like always there
It didn’t help that he’s making his way to get nearer to you like one day he lives one block away from you, then he just suddenly became your neighbour…
Next thing you know, he convinced your parents to stay at your house
He looks so happy and energetic even when he’s mad at you it’s creepy sometimes
Can’t bring himself to hurt you on his ‘average days’
But would punish you if you got yourself in danger
“What do you mean you’re being too careless and accidentally hurt yourself?” Noya asked quite baffled until he beamed at you his big ball of energy all the while something sinister underlies his tone. “Oh, you’ve been a bad girl, Y/N-chan! You’re not getting it good.”
Danger level: 50% Pet peeve: People/things that cause you harm and you being so careless sometimes
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You first saw him while you were going home and it’s raining (talk about setting the eerie mood)
He’s there…staring right at you like he wants to talk to you or something
You got scared because even if you changed your destination, he still followed
Like why the hell would a grown ass man follow you?!?!?!
He’s probably in College?! Or has his own wife and child already?! Why was he following you?
You felt relieved when you arrived home, because finally!
The next day, however, it’s still the same
You panicked and dropped the banana milk you just bought from the convenience store
“Y-Y/N!” You heard the man called for you and you ran away as fast as you can
The next day, you found the same brand of banana milk you dropped yesterday on your desk
Then you were surprised to find the man belonging to the other class O_O
Poor you, you didn’t know that he’s the most normal among these dudes
He simply wanted to ask if you wanted to share his umbrella
And he simply just wanted to give you the banana milk you dropped because you panicked!
This guy was often misunderstood because he’s said to look older than he actually is
But he’s as soft as mochi on the inside TT-TT
“Y-Y/N…did you get the banana milk you dropped yesterday?” YN! How did he even know your name? How? Stupid, it’s written on your jersey every time you play volleyball.
Danger level: 10% Pet peeve: Seriously? This guy?
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His presence reminded you of warm cinnamon rolls
He had that sweet and very snuggly voice that simply drew you close to him
You thought that being hugged by him was a comfort next to your favourite blankyy
And you weren’t wrong
He gave the comfiest hugs and the bubbliest of all kisses
At first, it was those little pieces of advice he gave you like what to eat and who’s the best time to sleep
He was just so addicting that you didn’t even notice that drastic changes happening in your life
You didn’t even notice that you no longer have any friends
You’re even unaware they went missing!!!
Your only contact on your cellphone was him
You do whatever he likes you to do and you still feel good about it even if you already lost your sense of self
Truly, Suga’s really the sweetest and warmest guy there was that you could ever know of
But anything warm can also scorch you
And anything sweet can cause you diabetes
He seemed to have the reins over your emotions and very well adept to set up your feelings to his advantage
“Y/N…What did I told you about having friends?” He said while gently and softly stroking the top of your head while you’re in between his arms.
He leaned closer near your ear and whispered. “You must have no one except me, okay?”
Then gave you a little kiss on your temple.
Danger level: 70% Pet peeve: Other people getting between you and him
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If his moniker didn’t say it all I don’t know what will
Has the big daddy energy going on with him
You thought he’s very protective, dependable and responsible
Buys you stuff you want cuz you’re his little baby girl
You’re kinda’ spoiled and you loved it but
He can get a a little bit extra with some things
Even if you want to run, you can’t and you won’t (sorry)
Like his overprotectiveness
Literally would knock someone’s soul out of their body if they dare try to flirt/hurt you
Who knows how many have already fallen under his wrath?
Strict af will punish you if you ever try to talk back or disobey him (choking and hair pulling included)
Not to mention, he’s very authoritative behind closed doors
No soft or hard limits with this guy
As much as he loves punishing you, he also loves to reward you
Loves seeing you in your most submissive self ever
Gets an odd satisfaction in seeing you so helpless and on your knees begging him please (don’t forget the ‘daddy’ or else you’ll get a good spankin’)
“Get on my lap, Y/N.” His voice demanding and domineering. “If you don’t, I’ll make you.”
Danger level: 70% Pet peeve: Your disobedience
⁺˚*·✧ request guidelines ✧⁺˚*·
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fy-enhypen · 3 years
“I don’t want to define music in one word” - Heeseung
HEESEUNG was comfortable with handling a basketball. Most of the time the ball went in, just as it was supposed to. Once, when he missed and the ball bounced off the rim, HEESEUNG kept shooting over and over until it went in. At last, two points. Shooting over and over and hitting the wall until he succeeds? Well, HEESEUNG’s attitude toward the stage is the same. On I-LAND, your older brother said that he’s proud of you now, thinking back to how you used to be this average cute but a little immature kid who liked playing games with friends and didn’t like to study.
HEESEUNG: That time he was talking about, that was when I was really immature. I’m not exaggerating when I say that everything’s changed. This might be a bit off-topic, but I have this one good old friend who I would hang out with and goof around with all the time. It was all really childish, but I’m way more mature now. (laughs) But I do think I should keep growing up more than I am now.
I saw that, when you were doing the group photoshoot, the staff asked you to move to NI-KI’s side, and you asked him first if that was okay before moving.
HEESEUNG: Yes, I did say that. It happened so quickly, I’m surprised you caught it. (laughs)
You didn’t hesitate to help other contestants with their dancing on I-LAND even though you were competing against one another. SUNOO said you’re an “angel.” (laughs)
HEESEUNG: I could try and take all the credit for that, but that’s not really how it was. (laughs) I think that was possible because I-LAND had more challenges emphasizing teamwork than other survival shows. But that aside, I still wanted to help them. When I first became a Big Hit trainee, I practiced really hard for six months and became one of the better performers among the new recruits. I guess it’s probably because I had a lot of opportunities to be the leader from that time on.
Did you have much experience singing or dancing before you became a trainee?
HEESEUNG: I’m still not that good at dancing, but I was absolutely hopeless at the beginning. (laughs) I was really, really bad. It was so bad that my friends would make fun of me for not being able to do even basic moves. They’d say, “Seriously, how did you ever get casted?” But Big Hit’s training regimen is really good. (laughs and stretches arms out diagonally) This is called “arm stretching.” It’s a basic move. This is all I did for a year. And then more than a year of following the rhythm. I focused on basic, repetitive moves like that, then I took baby steps with a dance foundations class, and then with endless practice I finally got a lot better.
You can give hope to hopeless dancers. (laughs) I know that you were always very interested in singing.
HEESEUNG: I dreamed of becoming a singer since I was six, but I totally lacked confidence. Singers need to be able to sing in front of people without feeling nervous, but the most I could do until high school was sing with two or three really close friends at a karaoke. And then my dad suggested I take the entrance exam for an art high school, but I was too nervous during the test to sing anything. I was about to head home thinking I’d better study or choose a different career path when suddenly a casting agent spotted me. I was really lucky.
HEESEUNG: I was heavily influenced by YEONJUN from TOMORROW X TOGETHER when I came to Big Hit. Up until then, I had a sense of pride. I thought, well, I’m pretty good at singing, right? But after I saw YEONJUN, I realized I was totally fooling myself. (laughs) I felt like YEONJUN is the kid who gets perfect in every subject and I’m the one who gets, about 80 in one class and goes around bragging about it. So I thought there’s no room for feeling “not confident or some other nonsense like that” (laughs) I need to really up my game if I want to be a singer. From then on, I tried to really show off everything I’ve got on stage, which is different from how I used to be.
In the “October 2020 by ENHYPEN” video, you set a goal to practice vocals for one and a half to two hours every day. Even with your busy schedule, you’ve been close to 70~80% successful with that goal.
HEESEUNG: (laughs) It’s easy to achieve your goals when it’s something you like to do. I usually put my all into things I like, but I don’t have much motivation to do things I’m not into. I think that’s a strength and also a weakness. To use studying as an example: I lost interest in studying when I was in middle school, so I didn’t put much effort into most subjects, but I liked English because I liked to listen to pop songs. There was a foreign language high school near me that accepted students only based on their English grades and mine were good enough to get in.
All your practice really shows on your debut album, BORDER: DAY ONE. I was impressed by how you expressed each song differently.
HEESEUNG: The lead single, “Given-Taken,” is about facing a new world, and ENHYPEN just debuted as a team, so I wanted to convey a passionate start of a race. You could say it’s mellow since it opens with a harp, but I used all my energy to emphasize the tone. In “Let Me In (20 CUBE),” there’s the lyrics: “Can you open your window / Been looking everywhere for my Nemo.” It would sound kind of weird if I sang, “Open up!” forcefully like that.(laughs) So I recorded my vocals in a way that best conveys the meaning and doesn’t break the mood.
It looks like you have specific ideas about the performances and your music. On I-LAND you recorded the “-note” video diary, and you reflected on various aspects of your performance. It was very impressive the way you could go back and analyze it like that.
HEESEUNG: If you debut, you become a professional. I don’t look like a pro in my performances yet, but I think you become more professional by making deliberate efforts. I think I need to be able to express myself inside and out, so I’m trying to do all different kinds of training.
You mentioned several times that you want to write your own songs this year. Have you written any?
HEESEUNG: When I was in sixth grade, I took a music composition class using a sequencer program my dad recommended, called Cakewalk. I started to write songs again after I became a trainee. There’s a song I worked on until I got into I-LAND, and also some songs I wrote and recorded the lyrics over some existing beats. But we’ve been so busy preparing for the debut. I really regret that I haven’t been able to show off my work. Anyway, I’m going to keep trying to write songs for ENGENE whenever I get time. I just hope they’ll be patient with me.
You said “Merry and the Witch’s Flower” by Yerin Baek is your favorite song. What kind of songs do you usually listen to?
HEESEUNG: As far as genre goes, I’m really into alternative R&B. I also like songs that are dreamy and chill. I listened to a lot of songs by Yerin Baek, Anderson Paak and Eric Bellinger lately. I usually listen to the newest releases to see what people like these days, but I also listen to old hits by 2Pac and the Notorious B.I.G.
In BE:LIFT LAB’s “Training Camp,” you said your personal motivation is the high goals you set for yourself.
HEESEUNG: If I were to say that I want to be at 100, I’m currently at a 30 or 40. I’m absolutely serious. I think I need to try a lot harder if I’m going to reach my full potential. I want to be more than just a set of skills, or an amazing person; I want to make sure I don’t lose myself. The more time you spend on your work, the less time there is to invest in yourself. And if your work takes over your identity, I think you might even find it easy to lose your own sense of self. I want to be the kind of person who can grow while staying devoted to my work.
It reminds me of your performance of “Chamber 5.” Even though I-LAND is a survival program and you could have chosen a song that would have been more advantageous to you, you took on a new challenge solely for self-improvement.
HEESEUNG: (laughs) I was in way over my head. I seriously never tried even a single playful song like “Chamber 5” before in my life. But, obviously, you can’t go back to the past. Anyway, that was my choice. I was preparing for a job where you have to be ready to handle all different kinds of concepts. I took that as a fact and just practiced. And also, I had the magnificent teacher, Mr. SUNOO, right there with me. (laughs) So it was good in the end.
Maybe it’s thanks to that experience that the way you turn around and wink in the “Let Me In (20 CUBE)” performance suits you so well.
HEESEUNG: (laughs) That kind of stuff just comes to me naturally now—basically showing people how charming I am. Was it a bit awkward? (laughs) Songs like “10 Months” are in-your-face cutesy. It was hard at first, but after thinking about my own style the answer came to me. I look mature compared to the other members, so I figured that was the solution to the problem of how to express my charm. Now I am Lee HEESEUNG, a man of endless allure. (laughs)
Before a leader was selected for ENHYPEN, your name kept coming up in the polls under headings like, “the first person you’ll turn to when you’re having a hard time,” or, “the person who won’t hesitate to take difficult tasks for others.”
HEESEUNG: I’m good at listening to other people’s problems. That sounded like bragging. (laughs) If I see someone struggling with something I can fix or help them with, it’s hard for me to just stand by and watch. I don’t go around thinking I always need to help with everything, but I unconsciously act that way.
You’re the oldest member of the group. I can tell the other members trust you, and rely on you. As their oldest teammate, how do you want to be there for them?
HEESEUNG: I hope they don’t think of me as being more important than them just because I’m the oldest. In middle school, high school, clubs, and places like that, I realized that opening up to someone your senior isn’t always easy. So when we became a team, I thought I should be a cute, approachable guy (laughs) and create an atmosphere where they can speak openly with me. Everybody feels comfortable talking to that kind of person.
It seems like you already are. You all looked really close when the others were touching your head without hesitation on V LIVE and saying it looks like the full moon. (laughs)
HEESEUNG: (laughs) Yes, I’m … not thrilled that happened. (laughs) Everyone in the group has their own strong, unique personality, but still, we all try to trust and respect one another, and we set clear boundaries. And as we spend more time together, we share more personal stories, which helps us grow closer.
In “-note,” you thank the people around you and judge your own practice progress objectively while finding the positive aspects. I was impressed.
HEESEUNG: Even though they didn’t show it on the show much, I felt tremendous pressure being in a leadership position. There was so much to deal with. A lot of that was hard, of course, but I believe that people become the things they say they are, so I chose to be thankful and stay positive. If I say it like I believe it, my thinking will change and then I can overcome any difficulty. For artists, fans are important, skills are important, and talent is important, if you want to draw people in. Everything is important, really. I think it’s most important to have a healthy mind if you want to really nail all those things.
What does music mean to you?
HEESEUNG: That’s the hardest question. (laughs) I don’t want to define music in one word. I don’t think there should be just one correct answer to what music is. Because there’s no answer, all kinds of different music gets made, and many different people can be on stage. As soon as there is an answer, music will lose its charm.
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
TwiFicMas20 Day 3: Married in Vegas
I hope December is treating everyone well <3 Today’s offering is ‘Married in Vegas’. G requested it to be included in FicMas months ago, and it’s here. In pieces, because I may have over-estimated how ‘ready’ it was to be seen. 
It also degenerated into something terribly depressing, when I was definitely going for something happier, rom-com meets coming of age, so large chunks definitely need to be rewritten.  
Oh, and if you want more of a specific fic, you NEED to tell me, or it will simply languish on my harddrive, forgotten forever.  
I meet him on a Thursday night, in the shitty little bar where I work. We talk, he drinks, and then he leaves.
By Saturday night, I am Mrs Alice Whitlock-Hale, with a ring bought from some cheap jewellery vendor and a plastic flower crown in my hair.
It was the best night of my life.
Okay, so I could start at the beginning. But the true beginning is a four-year-old girl being left behind when her mom runs away with her baby sister, and the middle is when, at fourteen, that girl is thrown out of her father’s house. She tries to go home once, at sixteen, only to find out that her dad and step-monster moved away. Left the state and left her behind without so much as a forwarding address.
But that story is depressing as hell, so we’ll start when things get interesting.
My ‘husband’ – Jasper Whitlock-Hale - was a strapping 6-foot-something soldier fresh from his last tour – honourably discharged, he was quick to inform me when we first met, and I could tell that was a point of some pride for him.  
I worked at a bar called ‘Sassy’s’. It had been opened in the 70s and I was pretty sure it hadn’t been cleaned or redecorated since those halcyon days. The current owner was Bruno – his son, Emil, was the manager. They were both decent, in that they paid me on time and never groped me. It’s pretty sad when those factors qualify as ‘decent’, but you tend not to be too picky when you’re applying for work at places like ‘Sassy’s’.
Especially when you’re an underage runaway.
How were we still in business? Well, we did dollar beers after nine at night (it wasn’t good beer), and we served pretty good nachos, and we had a huge flat-screen television. Oh, and we ignored any kind of gambling that happened in the dark corners.
It started off as a totally normal night – the usual crowd waiting for their cheap beers, wiping down sticky tables, and killing time. If I was lucky, there wouldn’t be any decent sports playing tonight, and no one would bitch much if I switched the channel over.
He walked through the door just after nine, limping quite obviously. He was wearing a button-down shirt, jeans and a worn leather jacket. He looked kind of haunted – but that isn’t exactly unusual in Vegas; if you don’t arrive with regrets, you’re probably going to leave with them.
He also looked too young, too clean and way too promising to be a patron at Sassy’s. I was slinging beer at that point, as he approached.  
“Beer, please,” he said as he sat at the bar.
“Dollar, thanks,” I said with a smile, grabbing a chipped – but clean – glass, and grabbed a dish of peanuts. They were pretty good – more than often, they were my dinner.
“Thanks,” he nodded once, staring at the amber liquid for a moment. He looked exhausted.
I kept working – stacking fresh glasses, packing the dirty ones into the ancient dishwasher behind the bar that Bruno had installed last summer, so proudly. Pretty sure it was older than me, but it meant that I didn’t have to deal with the washing-up anymore, so I smiled and thanked him, as if I didn’t spend at least half a shift trying to get the damned thing to work.
“Mija!” Luis ducked his head out of the kitchen, passing me a plate.
“Thanks,” I said. “Need a drink?”
“Nah, just fine girly.”
Luis had it easy. He was in college, so this was a part-time gig for him – he only came in two nights a week. He earned twice what I earned, but we didn’t get as many orders for food, so he got to sit in the tiny-ass kitchen (seriously, two people couldn’t fit back there) and study. He’d make me dinner every shift we worked together, which was nice of him. Tonight was grilled cheese.
On quiet nights, I liked to prop the kitchen door open, and sit on the bar and listen to him talk about his classes while I ate. He was always hinting about me going to college, about financial assistance and scholarships, but it just wasn’t going to happen for me.
I had a mouthful of food when the group in the corner started yelling for more drinks. These guys knew Bruno and Emil, so I had to tolerate their smart-ass mouths. They liked to tease the ‘princess’ who worked there. I got that from a lot of regulars, but these guys liked to imply that I was a whore, and tell me they’d wait for me after work to ‘test me out’.
Luis said it was because they were testing me, and they were pissed that Bruno never fired the white girl. Camila, one of the ex-waitresses, was the daughter of one of them and that was why they never tipped me. A form of protest. I never breathed a word about it, and treated them just as well as any other customer.
“Beers, gentlemen,” I said, sliding the tray onto the table. “Can I get you anything else?”
“I’ll say,” one of them leered and another slapped me on the ass. I rolled my eyes and turned to go back to the bar.
“Rough night?” the guy at the bar said as I returned.
“What? Oh, them,” I shrugged, picking up my sandwich. “They’re here every night.”
“They act like that all the time?” he asked.
“Yeah, but they’re just blowing off steam. Don’t like that I kept my job and one of their daughters didn’t,” I said. “Can I get you another?”
“Please.” He watched me move carefully. “What’s your name?”
“Mary,” I said, placing another beer in front of him, and grabbing a soda for myself.
“Jasper, ma’am,” he said.
“Nice to meet you, Jasper. You from around here?”
By closing time, Jasper had nursed four beers and half my sandwich – which he inhaled like he hadn’t eaten in a while. We’d chatted. He’d just returned from his third tour in the Middle East – he didn’t say much about that, though I heard some pride in his voice when he mentioned it.
We talked about Vegas a bit, about the things he missed when he was overseas (his aunt’s chocolate cake, the cool forests of Washington state, and books). He was just passing through Vegas, here for a few days. Trying to adjust back to civilian life.
He stayed as I cleaned up, loading the dishwasher and scrubbing down the benches and tables. He watched as David and Sammy came up to pay, smirking as I leant over the bar to reach the money, giving them an unwilling flash of my pitiful cleavage.
All twenty-six dollars of it, in crumpled bills.
“Thanks,” I smiled brightly, handing them a receipt and a package of matches with the logo on it. They grunted at me and left. Their table was a mess of napkins, peanuts and glasses.
“Hope they tipped you well,” Jasper said as he watched me load the tray.
“Oh, they don’t tip. They hate me,” I said, as I piled the garbage onto a tray.
“How long were they here?”
“Since five. It’s fine, really,” I said. “It’s tradition.”
“No, it’s being an asshole,” Jasper muttered.
Luis chose that moment to leave the kitchen, bag on his shoulder.
“It’s closing time,” he sung at me, just like every night. “You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here!”
I snorted. “Well, Jasper, it’s been nice talking to you, but I have to lock up,” I said with a little regret. He was a nice guy, and nice guys didn’t spend a lot of time at Sassy’s.
“Do you need a lift home?” he offered and then froze. “Sorry, that sounded really… seedy. I was going to offer to split a cab.”
“Thank you, but Luis gives me a lift,” I said.
“Okay. Do … you work any other nights this week?” he asked, almost shyly.
Luis was doing his best to be invisible, grabbing the trash and dragging it out the back.
“Tomorrow morning, from eleven til seven, I said. “Beer is full-priced, I’m sorry to say.”
“Okay. Thanks. It was nice talking to you,” he said again, fumbling with his words.
“You too. And if I don’t see you again, have a good time in Vegas,” I said, and, leaving money tucked under his glass, Jasper finally rose and limped out.
I sighed; dumping the glass in the sink and counting out the four dollars for the till, I jammed the tip into my bra. There wasn’t much else to do – I was opening tomorrow; we opened from 11am til 1am, so it would be me who unpacked the soda in the backroom, and the glasses and ran a mop over the perpetually sticky floor. So I could go into the kitchen and change out of my uniform and go and find Luis.
Once the hot pink wig was peeled off, my black hair stuck clammily to my face. My make-up had mostly melted off and it was a relief to tug on my leggings and hoodie and grab my bag.
Luis was waiting for me in the car as I locked up.
“So, you and soldier boy,” he began as soon as I got in.
“Ugh, really?” I pulled my tip out of my bra. “He was alone, and flirting with the waitress. Won’t see him again.” It had been a quiet night – fourteen dollars, plus whatever Jasper had left me. I mean, on average, I made maybe twenty-five dollars in tips a night.
And I stared. Two twenty dollar bills were staring at me, along with six dollars. A forty six dollar tip for four dollar beers. And half a cold grilled cheese sandwich.
“No, he didn’t like you at all,” Luis drawled.
“Shut up,” I grumbled, but inside I was giddy. He was dashing, and smart and polite. And now I could make my rent.
“Here were are. Sleep well,” Luis pulled up in front of the apartment block.
“Thanks for the ride,” I said, spinning my keys around my finger, and headed home.
The apartment block was a grim brick building of roughly eighty apartments. I lived in number 48. Well, I rented a room in number 48. The apartment was really Victoria’s. Victoria had two kids and never actually told me what she did for a living. Nothing would surprise me. She was a bitch, didn’t give a shit about her kids, but rented out the third closet-sized bedroom complete with air mattress and a locked closet full of canned soup to me for the princely sum of eighty bucks a week.
What did I know about my new husband?
He walked with a limp – I was guessing an injury that got him discharged from the military.
He had a twin sister – one he spoke of with equal parts affection and irritation.  
He liked history – American military history, specifically.
He was raised in Texas, until his mother died when he was 10. He and his sister were packed off to live with his mom’s best friend and her husband in the wilds of Washington state, where he stayed until he finished high school. He never mentioned his father.
And he was a consummate gentleman.
I, on the other hand, lied my head off.
Well, I only told the usual lies – I was 21, earning money for college, hoping to be a nurse one day. Oh, and when he asked about my family, I told him they were dead. It was better to keep it simple, it meant there were no questions.
We got married on the Strip, Saturday night.
And when he woke up Sunday morning looking hilariously horrified at the fact we got married, I might have exaggerated how drunk I was.
That makes me sound like the worst kind of person, and I don’t think I am, really.
I mean, he was dressed very nicely, he had a black AmEx, and was clearly educated. But I didn’t want to take advantage of him, truly. I wasn’t looking for money or anything. He was so nice, so handsome and he made me feel safe. And before she left me, my mom always told me that life was meant to be full of adventures, and I had to get out there and grab them with both hands. She didn’t leave me with many good memories, so I kind of held onto that advice.
Just once, for a moment, I wanted to pretend to be the type of girl who could marry someone like Jasper Whitlock. The kind of girl who got to stay in beautiful hotel suites.
He kept apologising to me, seemingly more shocked that I had slept on the hotel couch than the idea we had gotten drunk, married and might have had sex. He looked completely panicked, pacing and muttering and staring at me like a stranger.
I took advantage of the giant bathtub and the endless selection of bath gels and lotions whilst he tried to be subtle about the panicked phone calls he was making, his knuckles white as he gripped the damning piece of paper that declared us husband and wife in the state of Nevada.
I emerged smelling of cherry blossoms and lavender. I mean, I only had the previous night’s clothes – my black mini-skirt, leggings, a Sassy’s tank top and my poor flats – but at least I was clean and tidy.
“I need to shower,” Jasper managed as I came out. “There’s coffee and juice if you want something.”
“Thanks,” I smiled.
As I went to grab a drink, his phone buzzed and I looked down to see the messages flash across the screen, one after the other.
ROSALIE (CELL) 9:17:04am: Cut the tramp loose. C spoke to E & u can annul when u get home. JFC.
CARLISLE (WORK) 9:17:11am: I’ve spoken to Eleazer, and he’s willing to work this out.
EDWARD (CELL) 9:17:24am: Tell me this is a joke or something. Rosalie keeps shrieking every time she calls.
ESME (CELL) 9:17:31am: Rosalie told us. Bring her home with you and we can fix it. Love you XOXO
BELLA (iMessage) 9:17:49am: R u ok? Saw on R’s FB what happened.
EMMETT (CELL) 9:18:00am: Did u srsly marry a stripper in Vegas?!?
EMMETT (CELL) 9:18:09am: Rose is losing her shit. Nice knowing u.
EMMETT (CELL) 9:18:34am: At least send pix of what she looks like dude.
I turned away from the phone, though it was fascinating watching the messages pop up. My cellphone was a beat-up second-hand Sidekick Tiffy had given me for my seventeenth birthday, the back bedazzled in pink and purple, and the only text messages I got were from Luis, Emil and Bruno, about work.
Or Victoria, bitching about the rent.
I grabbed my drink and sat on the couch, flipping on the television whilst I waited for Jasper to finish in the shower. He emerged, looking calmer, though pale and hung over, snatching up his phone, with a towel slung around his hips. I tried not to stare – goddamnit, this guy should not be marrying strange bartenders in Vegas. He would have absolutely no trouble getting a date. I knew I was bright red, refocusing on whatever cartoons were playing on the screen.
Jasper took me to breakfast at the hotel restaurant afterwards - I felt super underdressed with my sweater over my top, as I was served the fanciest eggs I had ever seen. Jasper crumbled a bagel up and drank about a gallon of coffee, barely meeting my eyes. I figured I might as well take advantage of my wedding breakfast, and also helped myself to fruit salad that included fruits I wasn’t aware were even available in America, and a doughnut that looked hand-painted with icing.
“I have some appointments today,” Jasper said, finally, when he finally pushed his plate aside. “We could meet for dinner later.”
I popped the last bite of doughnut into my mouth and wondered if he was planning on leaving town, leaving me behind.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
I had the day off, surprisingly enough. Normally on my days off, I had plans – sometimes I worked for a catering firm I was registered with, for some extra cash. Sometimes I’d hit the thrift stores to try and pad out my meagre wardrobe, or go and sketch or read in the park. I hated hanging around the apartment, since Victoria, James and Laurent kept unpredictable hours and could be there all day.
But today, I had nowhere to be. My phone needed charging and I could do with a few extra hours of sleep – a headache was definitely lingering. Plus, if breakfast was any indication, I needed to dress up for dinner. I was pretty sure that breakfast had cost more than my entire wardrobe. But I had one dress that was passable.
Luckily, the apartment was empty when I slipped in and collapsed into my bed, noticing only for a second that the hotel couch was far and away more comfortable than the ancient air mattress Victoria provided.
I was woken at five pm by a text message from Jasper.
360-555-0134 5:03:44pm: My meetings are done. Just heading back to the hotel for a shower. Our reservation is for 7:30pm. Pick you up at 7?
I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face – I hadn’t been sure I’d ever hear from Jasper again. But he was taking me out to a fancy dinner. Hell, I would have been over the moon if we went to a movie and ate hot dogs in a park. Flipping open the keyboard, I tapped out a response.
775-555-0182 5:04:59pm: Sounds good – am sending my address. Hope your day was good.
I had two hours to get ready for the fanciest meal of my life.
I could so do this.
Considering my resources, I didn’t think I looked too bad. I’d left my hair loose, since I didn’t own a curling wand or straightener, and managed to paint my nails with the half-empty bottle of nude pink I’d found amongst my stuff.
My dress was a black polyester number I had fished out of a basket at the thrift store and had cost me eight dollars. It was a baby-doll style and I thought it made me look older. My shoes were black wedges that were nowhere near fancy enough, but I didn’t own any proper heels.
I had run to the drug store around the corner for a lipstick, a deep crimson that made me feel much older and more glamorous. The effect was somewhat spoilt by the fact I didn’t own a decent coat, just a purple cardigan and a hoodie. And the only purse I owned was a silver crossbody-bag that looked like I had only paid two dollars for it.
At seven on the dot, I emerged from my room to find Victoria, the kids, James and Laurent eating pizza.
“Look at you, baby,” James was practically drooling as I walked through, jamming my wallet and phone into the tiny bag. “Told you she was gorgeous.”
Laurent made a non-committal sound but his gaze never left my legs, ew.
“Where are you going?” Victoria demanded, glaring at me. She definitely preferred me as skinny, bedraggled Mary instead of girly Alice.
“I have a date,” I said.
“A date? Finally working for the money, Mary?” Victoria said. “Thought you were too good for that.”
I made a face at her. “A date. With a guy. Where he takes me to dinner and we talk.”
“You didn’t come home last night,” Victoria said carelessly, and I caught a dark look pass over James’ face. “Excuse me for assuming that you’d come to your senses.”
I swallowed my vulgar response and grabbed my keys. “Don’t wait up.”  
My stuff was packed up – in the end, I had only a small duffle bag and my messenger bag of stuff for nineteen years of life.
Jasper was planning on driving back to Forks over two or three days. He had considered – and offered – to pay for us to fly back, but I’d never been in an airplane before, and figured a road-trip would give me time to prepare to meet Jasper’s family.
I wasn’t expecting it. Not for James to half-punch, half-slap me, and shake me by the throat. I couldn’t breathe, my lungs burning, slightly disoriented from the blows.
James half-threw me against the fridge, the handle digging into my back. I dropped my bags as he grabbed me by the scruff of the shirt and pulled me back towards him.
“You think you can leave?” he spat at me. “Stupid bitch, think you’re better than this?”
I tried to pull away, but I was too small.
“You’re just like Vic. Just like ‘em all. You’ll come crawling back when that prick gets bored,” he purred at me, one hand sliding down my stomach and I suddenly was terrified. “I’m not picky, I’ll take you back – when you beg.”
We both jerked around to see Laurent standing in the doorway, with one of Victoria’s daughters in tow.
James pasted a bright smile on his face. “Just sayin’ good bye to Mary here. Takin’ her chances in sunny California.”
Laurent looked from me to him and shrugged. “Coming?”
James looked back at me and sneered. “Yeah. The trash can take herself out.”
Within seconds, they were gone, and I was alone. I span on my heel and headed to the bathroom.
I stared at myself in the mirror. My throat was red, where he’d shaken me, and my eye and cheek were already swelling – and my lip was split. My back and shoulder ached, plus my right ankle was tender.
Thankfully, the collar of my cardigan would cover up my throat, and my sunglasses would cover up my eye. Hopefully, my lip would stop bleeding by then. Nothing that indicated James had hurt me. But I didn’t want to hang around, in case he came back.
Snagging my bags off the floor, I dropped my keys on the kitchen table and fled apartment 48 for the final time.
Jasper was waiting in the bar with a coffee and the paper when I showed up. I’d tried so hard to dress nicely – a blue shirtdress and lavender leggings – but the women in the hotel foyer made me look like a middle school student.
“Hi,” I smiled as I reached the table.
“Good morning,” Jasper said, jumping up to take my bags. “Can I get you anything?”
“An oj?” I asked, looking around at the fancy surroundings. I wasn’t sure anything as pedestrian as an orange had ever crossed the threshold of this place.
“Certainly.” A hotel employee suddenly appeared at Jasper’s elbow. “Could you put these bags with mine? And the lady would like an orange juice, and perhaps the brunch menu?”
“Of course, Mr Whitlock,” the employee said.
I wriggled around in my seat, gazing around the bar. One woman was wearing the most incredible red and gold heels, and another had an embroidered floral dress that was to die for.
“The hotel had some computer difficulties this morning – we should be able to leave soon,” Jasper said to me, drawing my attention back to him. “I’d like to make it to Boise tonight.”
“Sounds good,” I said, as a waiter swept to my side, placing the fanciest glass of juice in front of me, and a tasselled menu. “Thank you.”
“I’ve already eaten,” Jasper said, looking guilty. “Early start. But please, get whatever you want.”
“O-kay,” I said. I wasn’t very hungry, and my throat hurt after James’ assault, but I needed to eat – I wasn’t sure if we’d stop for lunch. Rule number one was never, ever turn down free food.
A hotel employee appeared at Jasper’s elbow the second my breakfast plate was cleared, to let us know that the ‘issues’ had been fixed, and our luggage was in the car.
It was happening. We were going.
Mary-Alice Brandon: now leaving Las Vegas.
The motel was neat and pretty clean, with two double beds and a TV. We’d grabbed burgers through drive-thru, and were ready to settle in for the night.
I had some ancient pj bottoms and a tank top to sleep in, and didn’t think of anything else as I left the bathroom, my hair hanging loose.
“What the hell happened to you?” Jasper was at my side in a second, his eyes wide.
“What?” I gave him a confused look, and belatedly realised that my make-up was washed off and in my tank top my throat was bared, the bruises that James had given me so much darker and angrier than before.
“Oh, um, my landlord’s boyfriend had a problem with me leaving,” I said uncomfortably.
“Jesus,” he murmured. “We can find a doctor in the morning.”
I waved it off. “I’ve got painkillers in my purse. Just have to wait til I heal.”
Jasper was determined to buy me clothing as soon as we finished breakfast, and I gave up and let him drive me to the Gap outlet. It was a novelty to be able to purchase whatever I need, something I wasn’t used to, as I carefully chose jeans and dresses. I also picked up a winter parka on sale, when Jasper warned me how wet and cold Forks was.
But when Jasper went to pay, he gave me a Look. “My sister spends more on a single pair of shoes,” he grumbled at me as I gathered my bags.
“I’ve got everything I need, I swear,” I said. “Probably too much, honestly.”
On the way from Seattle, I tried to memorise everything about Jasper’s family and friends, so not to fuck this up worse than it already was.
There were his ‘aunt’ and ‘uncle’, Esme and Carlisle. They had one biological son, Edward, who was 22 and married to Isabella, with a toddler named something strange. Ness, Jasper called her.
Jasper’s twin sister, Rosalie, was engaged to a man named Emmett, who was also one of Jasper’s best friends. They were building a house in Forks, and were getting married at the end of the year.
Jasper’s best friends were Emmett and a man named Peter, Jasper’s roommate in college, who now worked at a law firm in Seattle and had a girlfriend named Charlotte whom Jasper called ‘an angel’, and designed wedding dresses.
I felt like I needed flashcards.
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mitchsmarners · 4 years
make my way back home [when i learn to fly]
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pairing: eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier [reddie] w/ stanley uris/patty blum [stanpat], mike hanlon/bill denbrough [hanbrough] & beverly marsh/kay mccall [mcmarsh] word count: 1,458 chapter 3 of 10 summary: He stiffened for a moment, thinking it was Coach Henderson coming over to yank him to his feet, but the touch was much too gentle. “Hey, Richie. Come on.” Eddie Kaspbrak’s voice whispered in his ear, and Richie had to wonder if the fall had knocked him completely unconscious. He let Eddie pull him to his feet, and mostly just stared at the other boy as Eddie helped him gather up the loose- and now slightly damp and dirty- Chemistry notes. ⤹ class scholar richie tozier and school track and field icon eddie kaspbrak rekindle their childhood friendship  loosely based off the art concept by @caliceal  
read on ao3
perma taglist: @jwilliambyers​, @stebbins​, @isaacslaheys​, @s-s-georgie​, @transrich​, @eddiefuckinkaspbrak​, @edstozler​, @emgays​, @anellope​, @thorn-harvester-ven​, @wheezyeds​, @vipertooth​, @tozierking​, @billdenbrough​, @itfandomprompts​, @loserslibrary​​ (let me know if you want added!)
Eddie’s leg was shaking a mile a minute as he sat on the bench. He didn’t know how this had happened, he’d never fallen behind before. Maybe he hadn’t always had the highest marks in the class, hell he definitely never would be, but he’d always done well enough. He knew that he needed to regularate a 70 average in his classes to be considered for any sports scholarships and 60 average to even remain on the track team. Sure, his coursework had been harder this year than last but he really thought he’d been doing okay. So imagine his surprise when he was pulled into the guidance counsellors office and told that two of his classes had slipped down under 50% and he was being pulled from the track team if he couldn’t bring his grades up within this quarter. 
“It’s still very close to the beginning of the semester, Eddie, so I don’t want you to worry too much just now.” Ms McCullough said in her usual overly cheerful voice. “You have plenty of time to get those marks back up. You’re a smart kid, Edward. You just need to get on top of the concepts you’re struggling with, and I don’t doubt that you’ll be back on track in no time.”
Eddie huffed out a frustrated breath. “I didn’t even realize there were things I didn’t understand.”
Ms McCullough hummed to herself and pulled out a small file from inside her desk. “Well, Edward, our does offer a tutorship program. Our teachers do the best that they can, but we sometimes find that some students learn better when they hear how their peers do things. I have a list-” She slid the paper across the desk while Eddie stared at her. “Every student on that list had agreed to help out students in need, this list is juniors and seniors who will be able to help you catch up in English and History.”
Eddie sighed and pulled the list closer to himself, glancing down at it. He recognized most of the names on the list, unsurprisingly, with how small the school was. Stanley Uris, Patricia Blum, Edward Corcoran, Richard Tozier… He folded the list in half and gave Mrs Cullough a forced smile. “Thank you. I’m sure this will be really helpful, I’ll get right on it.”
“You’re welcome.” Ms McCullough said. “You’re a smart kid, Edward, really. This is a very important semester for college applications. I know track means a lot to you, and you’re an amazing runner, but your grades are equally if not more significant than your running times. I want you to take this seriously, because it is. Look into the tutors and talk to your teachers, and if there’s something going on at home-”
“There’s not.” Eddie broke through her rehearsed counsellor speech. He flapped the folded piece of paper in the air and gave half her a smile. “Everything is fine, I really didn’t realize that my marks were slipping. I’m going to bring them back up. I swear. It is my number one priority.” 
Eddie fled the office before Ms McCullough could give him any more pointed but misguided advice. He booked it through the hall, nearly colliding with Mike Hanlon and Bill Denbrough in his rush to get as far away from the stupid guidance office as possible.
“Whoa, Eddie, practicing inside the building now?” Mike asked, helping Eddie steady back to his feet. Mike and Bill were both wearing their athletics hoodies, and their hands were tangled together in the middle. Eddie suddenly felt a rush of jealousy that he’d never experienced before with his friends. 
“More like running away from my problems.” Eddie tossed the list of tutors in Mike and Bill’s direction, both of them leaning over to read the names. “Apparently my marks have fallen to shit both English and History and I have until the end of the quarter to get them back up or I’m benched for the entire season.” 
“This season?” Bill gaped. “They can’t sit you out this se-se-season, this is when the scouts are going to come out, you need to be racing!”
Eddie tossed his hands into the air in frustration. “I know that, don’t you think I know that? I need to bring my grades up at least 30 percent to even qualify for the extra grants I’d need to pay the rest of the way after the potential scholarship I won’t get if I can’t run. So, I am, for lack of any other term- totally fucked.”
 “Eddie, did you look at this list?” Mike asked, handing it back to him. “Tozier is totally infatuated with you, he’d probably drop everything to help you get your grades up if you ask him to.”
Eddie scowled and snatched the list back. “Shut up, he’s not infatuated with me. Asshole.” He grumbled. “We’re just friends, barely friends. I’m not- I’m not going to ask him for some huge favour, he’s got enough on his plate. Decathlon, cheerleading, his own classes-”
“And tutoring.” Mike said slowly. “He signed up, so he’s clearly interested in doing it. It’s something on his college applications, too. Ask him, he’s basically a genius.”
Eddie knew that, of course he did. Richie had always been inhumanly smart, spitting out information that he certainly had to reason to even know. Richie absorbed everything that was ever said in his presence, and Eddie swore he never forgot anything. 
“There’s l-l-lots of people on this list,” Bill pointed out when Eddie’s hesitation was obvious. “What about Patty Blum? She’s really n-n-nice, she’s in my bio class. She’s the r-r-reason I’m p-p-passing my bio class.”
Eddie frowned at the list. “Yeah but Patty Blum is dating Stan Uris, and Stan Uris hates me.”
“Didn’t you and Stan Uris used to be friends?” Mike asked.
“Yeah.” Eddie chuckled. “That’s pretty much why he hates me. But it doesn’t matter, it was a long time ago. I’m not going to dwell on what happened.”
He noticed how Bill and Mike exchanged a glance but Eddie just shoved the paper unceremoniously into the front pocket of his backpack. “Well,” Mike said quietly. “You have to do something. So it’s up to you, you can get a tutor you know you help you and that you’ll actually enjoy working with, or you can do something stupider.”
Eddie found Richie seated around the library with Stan, Patty and the rest of the decathlon team. Stan looked up the moment Eddie approached the table and frowned immediately. “This is a closed practise.” 
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to take your common knowledge answers to the other schools, Stanley.”
“Common knowledge? So do you know what Olympian God gave up their seat of power for Dionysus when he came into creation?” 
Eddie opened his mouth, then quickly shut it with a deep frown. He caught Richie’s eye, who gave him a half grin. “Can I talk to you, Rich? Please?”
“Yeah.” Richie pushed the books aside and stood, following as Eddie moved away from the tables and towards the bookshelves. “What’s up, Eds?”
“I have a favour to ask you, but you can feel free to say no. Like do not feel obligated to say yes at all.” Eddie said quickly and Richie shot him a grin.
“Okay.” He said. “But we both know I’m probably going to say yes.”
“You don’t even know what it is yet.” Eddie said slowly. Richie shrugged one shoulder and Eddie rolled his eyes. “Fine, fine. Apparently, I’ve majorly fucked up and I’m almost failing both English and History, which means if I don’t get it together I’m going to yank off the track team and I won’t be able to get the financial aid I need for school, and McCullough gave him a list of tutors and you were on it and-”
“Eddie, of course, I’ll help you with your classes.” Richie laughed.
Eddie bit his bottom lip. “Are you sure? Like, really sure? Because I know you have a lot of shit on your plate right now, with decathlon and you’re going out for the cheerleading team, so if you don’t have time please don’t worry about it, really- I wasn’t even going to ask, honestly-”
“Eddie. Shut up.” Richie said fondly. “I’m obviously going to help you.”
Eddie sighed and squeezed his eyes shut. “Okay, but if you think you have too much going on at any point, just tell me to fuck off and I can figure something else out.”
Richie smiled and shook his head. “Has anybody ever told you that you need to relax?”
“It’s come up once or twice in my life, yeah.” Eddie replied dryly.
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citrucentric · 3 years
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The ideal Holmes is tall and dark with sharp edges and an intelligent look to him, but also posh and with a sense that you could fold him into origami if you really tried. Dresses well, but wouldn’t look out of place sprawled dramatically over a couch in a dressing gown with a pipe and surrounded by drug paraphernalia. Once made a pillow fort and sat in it to think. Caught somewhere between handsome, pretty, and weird looking. Emphasis can be on any of the three. CANNOT have facial hair.
Holmes Adaptations
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Miss Sherlock (Yuko Takeuchi) - 95%
You’ll notice, of course, that nowhere in the earlier description did I say Holmes needed to be white, a man, or even human. None of those qualifiers or the lack-thereof prevent someone from looking the part -- it simply becomes necessary to compare them to the characters around them. And when I picture a female Sherlock Holmes, Yuko Takeuchi embodies the exact image in my mind. Her sharp edges, piercing eyes, and impeccable fashion, along with the powerful weird energy she brings to the role, fit Sherlock perfectly. She does look more than a bit like she could kick my ass, but more in the manner she dominates the room, which is perfect for the character.
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Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett) - 85%
I haven’t watched this adaptation, though I’ve been meaning to get around to it. So this ranking is based solely on screenshots and promotional images. And honestly, as ugly as i find this guy, he totally nails it. He even kind of looks like the illustrations in the stories. I won’t give him a perfect score because his hair could be darker and his face is a little small, and there’s just barely something missing. But as far as “canon” Holmes adaptations go, he’s the cream of the crop.
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Sherlock: The Abominable Bride (Benedict Cumberbatch) - 80%
Definitely the more accurate of the two Cumberbatch Holmes designs, the sleek fashion and slicked back hair complement Cumberbatch’s angular build and “somewhere between pretty and just weird” face. He’s tall, dark, and posh. If there’s anything holding him back it’s simply that even dressed up properly, there’s something still a bit modern looking about him.
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Fate/Grand Order - 78%
Given that his design and presentation are a direct reference to both Brett and Cumberbatch’s portrayals, it’s a given he’d place so highly. It’s really hard to nail down a 2D Holmes, especially in the anime style this game employs, since it has a tendency to prettify characters by default. True to form, FGO Holmes is far neater and more precise than I’d like. But he’s by no means a bad design, and depending on the image he can really hit the spot for me; he’s definitely a chart topper in the realm of 2D Holmes.
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Sherlock Holmes: The Furtive Festivity (Gregory Johnstone) - 75%
There aren’t many Holmes that we only get to see as an old man, in no small part due to the ACD estate’s notoriously malicious copyright practices. Johnstone ranks so highly not due necessarily to the details of his look, but the overall feel he embodies. This Holmes is soft, affectionate, more than a little floppy. His hair and costume portray a man well grown into his eccentric life, and his face is sharp and mature enough to suggest the brains underneath; even if that’s more wisdom than intelligence in this particular story. This is a Holmes designed by someone who really loves Sherlock Holmes, and it definitely shows.
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BBC Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) - 75%
Cumberbatch’s features still naturally suit Holmes well, and he’s tall and striking enough to cover the rest. But this isn’t a rating of his acting performance aside from the visuals it supplies; it’s hard to modernize Holmes, especially since it makes perfect sense for Holmes to gel well with the changing times; he was always a man ahead of his era. BBC Holmes’s trademark trenchcoat and curly locks aren’t traditional Holmes, but they suit him well enough.
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Yuukoku no Moriarty - 73%
The long hair is an unorthodox take, but I'm certainly not complaining. YnM's Holmes definitely nails the youthful scientific exuberance of an early Holmes. It's clear they were going for a sort of BBC/ACD mix, but with their own spin. Pretty -- he is an anime boy, after all -- but all sharp edges and full of energy. Decent, way better than most anime Holmes designs manage.
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Basil of Baker Street [The Great Mouse Detective] - 70%
Comparing the character to those around them is especially important when it comes to non-human characters, who naturally don’t have the same features. Putting Basil next to Dawson makes this abundantly clear, as they make a perfect portrait of Holmes and Watson. For a mouse, he’s thin, angular, even a little ratlike; all decisions that suit Holmes well. I have some complaints about his ensemble, though; while the dressing gown suits him well, his normal brown coat and hat don’t work so well with his fur; the monochrome look makes him come off a bit scruffy and unrefined.
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A Study in Black - 68%
Rules are made to be broken, they say; here’s a Holmes with well maintained facial hair and who’s shorter than Watson, and yet I can without question say they were the right decisions. This Holmes takes a very different design approach than any other on this list, even the other modern takes, but he embodies the spirit of Holmes much more than if he’d tried to match every detail. Holmes is still gaunt and striking, eccentric and fashionable. He looks absolutely great.
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The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (Robert Stephens) - 62%
Stephens in this role is, I have to say, far too soft. But he’s playing a different sort of Holmes, and I can’t resist keeping him here. There are some parts of the look he has down; he certainly looks high class, and the softer elements of Holmes’ character look good on him. Holmes’ traditional costume, the hat and coat, look out of place on him. But that suits the message of the film, and may very well have been intentional.
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Dai Gyakuten Saiban - 58%
Not the only blond Holmes on this list, but it doesn’t suit him as poorly. From a character design standpoint, it looks very good. As a Holmes, it’s unorthodox. He’s not gonna be a chart topper with it, but I wouldn’t rule it out. This Holmes’ real problem isn’t his coloration, merely that he’s much too conventionally attractive. His jaw is a bit too wide, curls a bit too lovely, the peek of lavender under his coat a bit too rich, and I can’t look at him for too long without blushing. Do some cocaine and get back to me.
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Sherlock Holmes (Basil Rathbone) - 55%
Now, this one might be controversial. I don’t think Rathbone Holmes looks very good. I can’t put my finger on why; his head is the right shape, his nose very sharp, though his face looks very smooth and he seems overall vaguely packed in. Like he was plucked out of the sky just before walking on set. The shapes are all right, it just seems off to me. I guess what I’m getting is that his look is too obviously produced. He looks too much like an actor portraying Holmes, rather than Holmes. But I know he’s gonna be the guy a lot of people swear by, so I won’t defend this placement too hard.
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Sherlock Hound - 45%
Really, what is up with the monochrome design on some of these cartoons. Sherlock Hound has the darker hat to make up for it, though, so it’s a little better. Applying the same rubric as Basil to him... doesn’t get the same results. As far as I can tell, this just looks like a normal dog. And a scruffy light-furred one, at that. There’s a contrast between him and Watson, sure, but it could’ve been pushed further. At the end of the day this is an average guy dressed as Sherlock.
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Herlock Sholmes [Code: Realize] - 40%
This is a very pretty anime boy. I’d pick him first in whatever dating sim this is. ...Wait, this is supposed to be Holmes? How can you tell? Look, I know it’s hard to make an anime boy Holmes. Holmes’ key design elements aren’t his costume or his hair, they’re the things that make him unpolished. And anime dating sim boys don’t like to be unpolished. But really, this is just a steampunk boy who likes tea. Nothing here reads as Holmes to me.
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Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) - 35%
Now, I love this movie. RDJ got me back into Sherlock Holmes when I was younger. And as this character, he has a very specific and well designed look. ...Does that look gel with canon Holmes? I don’t think so. He’s rough, he’s scruffy, he’s short and wide and strong-jawed, and he refuses to go for a clean shave. I like him a lot, but he’s not very Holmesian. He does, however, nail the eccentricity and his costume design works for him well. I do like a messy Holmes. So I won’t go any lower than this.
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Basil [Blush Blush] - 28%
So, he’s got the outfit. There’s that. But otherwise... This is just some soft ugly anime boy cosplaying Sherlock Holmes. He doesn’t have a single trait that works in his favor. On top of that, he’s got the same problem the other Basil on this list had -- the all monochrome light brown just looks weird, and not Holmesian at all. And this boy doesn’t have the excuse of literally being a mouse. This is just an ugly design.
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Elementary (Jonny Lee Miller) - 25%
Now, I've only watched a few scattered episodes of Elementary. Partially because I'm morally opposed to shows that only gender-flip half of the duo, partially because I’m absolutely outraged by the travesty they made Moriarty. But this isn’t a bad character, per-se.
But, like, this is just some dude. This isn't Holmes.
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Sherlock Holmes [Clue] - 23%
I love Clue so much. That probably doesn’t surprise anyone. I have the season pass in this game, which automatically gives me every DLC character they add for free. So I was super excited to hear there was gonna be a Sherlock crossover. ...But this is just ugly. Another light haired square-jawed monochrome asshole pretending to be my favorite character. There’s nothing Holmes about this. (The rest of the designs in the pack are no better, but this isn’t about them.)
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Skylar Holmes [Blossom Detective Holmes] - 20%
Now, Blossom Detective is a show that I famously disliked so much I immediately sat down and screenwrote my own Holmes cartoon on the spot. And Skylar certainly feels like she should be in the “part 2″ of this list, but a Holmes she is.
She's cute and she accessorizes well, but she's just not Sherlock Holmes by any stretch.
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Sherlock Shellingford [Milky Holmes] - 10%
Now, look how cute she is! Sherlock Shellingford, present and accounted for. She’s got TWO Sherlock names so you know she’s the real deal. Now, this is just an objectively good design. She's exactly what she needs to be to serve the role she plays!
And that isn't Sherlock Holmes. Sorry.
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Holmes & Watson (Will Ferrell) - 0%
Get out of my house.
Holmes Archetypes
Not all Holmes’ are meant to be the Canonical Sherlock Holmes, of course; some are just neat references, or characters who naturally fit into his role whether the author intended it or not. Let’s address them here, and remember that not looking the part doesn’t really reflect negatively on these ones as they’re stand-alone.
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Dylan Reinhart [Instinct] (Alan Cumming) - 90%
Dylan is so point for point Sherlock Holmes that it’s hard to call him an archetype and not a straight adaptation, or possibly a rip-off if I’m being harsh. But I’m not supposed to be rating him by portrayal, just looks - and he’s really good. He’s the exact right blend of weird looking, though not as angular as he should be. His sharp eyebrows and nose and high hairline work fantastic, and he wears a suit very well. He’s a perfect little bundle of posh and nerves, and though he’s not perfect the fact that this isn’t actually supposed to be canon Sherlock Holmes makes this placement very unsurprising. He wouldn’t look out of place on the other list.
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Hubert von Vestra [Fire Emblem: Three Houses] - 85%
Oh? What’s that? You don’t think Hubert von Vestra is a Sherlock Holmes archetype? Okay, then explain to me why he uses the word “sentiment” exactly twice in his supports. Atheists 1, Church of Seiros 0. Anyway. Let’s start with the obvious. Hubert looks like Benedict Cumberbatch. But, he looks like a vampire Benedict Cumberbatch who did a lot more cocaine. And if you don’t think Sherlock Holmes should look like a vampire, youre lying.
None yet. Please submit your Holmes and I will add them.
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Heinwald [Dragalia Lost] - 67%
I would never look at this design and think "well, that's Sherlock Holmes". Heinwald looks more like a zombie or the bride of Frankenstein, very Halloween. His look being so specific does come at the expense of his Holmesness, but he's still got more than a few traits down and he’s an absolute treat.
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L Lawliet [Death Note] - 65%
This is a very, very weird looking man. Key points: dark hair and eyes. gaunt, sharp, and mostly angular (though with a softer face). Extremely foldable. This man could 100% pass for Holmes, if someone else was dressing him. Put him in a suit, comb his hair? Yeah. It’d really work. But until then, he’s just most of the way there.
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Kyoko Kirigiri [Danganronpa] - 63%
Kirigiri really gets jilted here, because she could be much higher. Unfortunately, she has to be part of a series that with only a few exceptions just reuses the same face and body for most of its female characters. Kirigiri definitely has the sharp and focused feel she needs to pass for Holmes, and she dresses well. The white hair is the opposite of the dark he usually touts, but it’s striking. Unfortunately, put her next to any other character in her series, and she blends back in.
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Miles Edgeworth [Ace Attorney] - 60%
Feels a little weird to put Edgeworth on here when the actual Sherlock Holmes is in his game, but he fits the character much better if not the narrative role. So let’s go over the looks. His jaw is a bit wide, but he’s very pointy, and I certainly have never gotten the impression he’s a physically strong man. He’s very fashionable, and with his big cravat and sharp hair he makes a cutting silhouette. I’d say he needs a bit more to really nail the look, though.
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Will Graham [Hannibal] (Hugh Dancy) - 45%
Despite being a noted Hannibal Lecter fan and possible homosexual, I still haven’t watched Hannibal. I’m taking people at their word that Will is a Sherlock; I definitely would have assumed otherwise looking at him. He reminds me deeply of BBC’s John Watson, and it’s hard to see anything else. But I don’t hate his look; he reads as clever, he looks good in darks, and I wouldn’t complain to see him cast as Holmes. He’s better than some of the lower-tiered canon Holmes actors, anyway.
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Ranpo Edogawa [Bungo Stray Dogs] - 40%
This is another submission, and I don’t know who this boy is. I really doubt he’s actually a Holmes, given that he’s named after a real non-Doyle writer, but I was begged to include him. Let’s go. I really like his outfit. He’s got an aesthetic I like. Is it Holmes’? No. This kid looks like he’d fit way better as a Baker Street Irregular; maybe he should audition.
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Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) - 35%
Take everything I said for Robert Downey Jr, and just mess up his hair a bit more. House is scruffy, poorly put together, and not wearing anything that costs over $100. As a Holmes, he’d work as one of his disguises; I wouldn’t be super surprised if this guy suddenly cleaned up and looked the part -- but it would take a lot of cleaning. I love his look, though -- again, he isn’t trying to be canon. House is an explicit Holmes parallel, but he’s still his own character.
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Walnut Cookie [Cookie Run] - 20%
Given how much “Holmes costume” and “Detective costume” are conflated, it’s possible this gingerbread baby isn’t even supposed to be a Holmes reference, but I’ll take her. She’s an excellent design - but a standalone one. Shes too soft, warm, and curly looking to pull off canon Holmes.
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prorevenge · 5 years
Building an Apartment for Stepson, runs off with everything but ends up owning everything of Stepson in the long run.
Hello Tumblr People. First time posting on this area of the site. I have been reading these posts for a while now and found out recently of a story that my mother told me about my great grandfather. I got more information about this from my grandmother who confirmed the story to me and added more details that my mom forgot about it as this happened when my mom was young. Sorry if this is long but I need to set up details to understand the story well. The summery is at the bottom.
So this is about my great grandfather (who I called Pop-Pop), who was on my mother’s mother’s side. He was a farmer growing up with his 12 brothers and sisters. He had a large family and was the middle child. He quit school when he was in 3rd grade to help out with the family’s farm. After he turned 16 he worked for a plumber who would sell the business to him later on. When he was in his late 20s he met and years later married his wife. His wife (my great grandmother, or MeMe as my mother called her) was from a very wealthy family and was 10 years older than he was. Unlike Pop-Pop, she was an only child and she was a widow from a very young age as she also had an adult son (my great uncle Bob, not his real name of course) at the time. MeMe’s parents didn’t live very long and had died early due to illness along with her first husband (I’m not sure what they died of, I think it was TB).
The fact that she didn’t have to worry about money helped her raise her son as a single mother as she didn’t have to work. When her son was 18 he met a girl at college and they got married within a few months. MeMe didn’t really care for her, we will call Jenny, and she clearly saw that she was just in it for the money as Bob was MeMe’s only child at the time. Jenny was from high class family with money. When my great grandparents got married, she gave birth to my grandmother. It was an unusual birth as MeMe was almost 40 at the time and was very unusual for her to turn out ok.
Pop-pop was a very kind man and even though MeMe had a lot of money, he felt that it was her money and he would still work for a living to provide. They lived very averagely; if you looked at their house you wouldn’t be able to tell that they were millionaires. At the time, they were living in a 2 bedroom house. My grandmother was only a baby at the start of the great depression. MeMe was not affected that much due to it but Jenny’s family was affected as they made most of their money on Wall Street and banks that started closing. Jenny’s father killed himself when he lost all his money and Jenny’s mother soon died after that. Jenny had 2 other siblings who were all older and were on the other side of the country with no way to contact them or get to them, Bob and Jenny were homeless. When Bob and Jenny called, Pop-Pop told them to come live with them, no problem what so ever. When Bob and Jenny came over, Pop-Pop gave them the whole upstairs (pretty much kicking his family out onto the 1st floor) and renovated and added on the house so they could come and go without waking his new baby up. He added an extra bedroom, a kitchen, bathroom, everything. Bob and Jenny were having a hard time finding work (due to the depression), but Pop-Pop told him not to worry, stay as long as you like until you can get back on your feet.
This went on for about a year until one day he noticed that it had been a while since he heard anything. While it was pretty typical to not see them every day, he hadn’t spoken or even heard anything for about 2 weeks. He opened the door that he built between the two living spaces and saw the area empty. The furniture, bathroom fixtures, the stove, everything; stuff that he bought and stuff that they brought with them. He had no clue what happened and called the police as he thought something was wrong. The police caught up with them 2,000 miles away living in Florida. It turns out Jenny’s uncle died and left her with a huge sum of money, pretty much being able to rebuild their life overnight before the great depression. As soon as they collected the money, both Bob and Jenny moved out of the house and took everything with them, including Pop-pop and MeMe’s items.
Pop-Pop was angry. He didn’t care about being paid back, he just wanted his items he had let them borrow and just a good-bye, just let them know that they were leaving or something. If they asked for the items he wouldn’t have had much of a problem but he got no word from them and stole the items. As the stuff was easy to replace, he didn’t want to press charges and drag out the mess. MeMe and him pretty much stop communications with Bob and Jenny due to this.
About 25 years later, MeMe has been tested positive for stage 4 cancer. At this time, my grandmother had given birth to my mother and was living in her own house with my grandfather. After she was tested positive, Pop-Pop and MeMe sold their house (the same house) to live with my grandmother to be taken care of. My grandfather redesigned the basement of his house to have the two living in it. My grandmother had known that she had a half brother named Bob and his wife Jenny but that was about it, MeMe gave my grandmother his last known number. She wanted to at least try and tell them that she had stage 4 cancer and not much time left. My grandmother placed a call in and found out what had happened between the 25 years. Bob and Jenny never had any kids, but they still had her Uncle’s money. One thing about Bob and Jenny was that they were smart with the money and invested in it where as MeMe never invested in her money nor did Pop-pop, they jus t let it sit. My grandmother was happy that she was finally going to meet her brother after all this time. However, they never showed up, even though they said they were going to. My mother said that the first time she saw them was at the funeral. MeMe passed away 2 months later and my grandmother called them to let them know where it was. So they got to the funeral and the first thing out of Bob’s mouth was “So what is in the will?” not even a hello. My grandmother had all greeted them (as she didn’t know the history and why they disappeared, plus my grandmother was too overly nice to family) and was putting them next to the family seating when they saw Pop-Pop.
Pop-pop then said to “Sorry, only family is allowed to sit up front.” Bob and Jenny started to contest when they saw the funeral guide. My grandmother was listed as an only child with nothing saying Bob or Jenny was related. It turned out that both MeMe and Pop-Pop were angry by how they were treated all those years ago so in MeMe’s will and funeral arrangements were made to disown her son. They were strangers to the two. Bob and Jenny blew their top, and while my grandmother tired to cool things down, they left. MeMe’s will left 85% to Pop-Pop and 15% of it to my grandmother, it even made references that Bob and Jenny would get nothing and were disowned. Both tired to fight it but it didn’t work. However, I’m still not done with the revenge; this part is more natural development than anything else.
My grandmother still kept in contact with her brother outside of Pop-Pop’s wishes (Pop-Pop still didn’t tell her what happened since he kept saying that he had no son) and that she knew he wouldn’t approve. My grandmother, my grandfather and my mother even visited them at their house during a vacation. My mother said that he always seemed two-face along with Jenny. They would act nice but it was more of an act, my mother brought this up but my grandmother always shot it down (my grandmother was naïve) and she heard from Bob on what happened between the two. Bob’s story was that after a year, Jenny’s Uncle died and left them money. It wasn’t a lot (a big lie) but enough to move out. When they went to tell Pop-Pop about it, he blew up on them leaving and demanded that he wanted the money to pay for rent (another lie, Pop-Pop never asked for money) for a room that he built them along with the labor and construction of the area. They had to leave under the cover of night to be protected from him and that he brainwashed MeMe into disowning him and only came back because she was dying (which also was a lie, they didn’t show up until the funeral and asked about the will when they first got there, my mother remembers clearly.) Since Pop-Pop owned 85%, he still had the majority of the money. Grandma wanted to give part of her money, but she had since spent a majority of it buying a house and doing major renovations to it. She would give him the money, but it would be after Pop-Pop passed away. Since Grandma wanted to give money to her brother, they wrote up a contract that after Pop-Pop passing the money that Grandma got, 50% of it would go to her brother.
So they waited, and waited…. That never came. What happened is too crazy enough not to tell. By this point when the contact was made my grandmother was in her early 40s, Bob & Jenny was in their mid to late 50s while Pop-Pop was in his 70s. Most of Pop-Pop’s siblings had passed away and his health was always questionable. He smoked cigars, drank and chewed tobacco on top of having bad knees so at the time; we thought he had only a while left to live. He lived to be 103 years old. Bob and Jenny passed away around 20 years after the contact was signed by them and my grandmother and since Bob and Jenny had no kids and Jenny’s other siblings passed away with no kids on their own, their money was given to my grandmother after no one else claimed it since Jenny and Bob had no will (I’m not sure the details of how she did it, but she did get it). My grandmother later on found out that what they were telling her about the house was a lie, as she was cleaning out Pop-Pop’s room, she found the old police records and pictures about the apartment along with Bob and Jenny’s records about how much money they got. All of the money was wasted away years later by Pop-Pop (he got into heavy depression after MeMe passed away. He drank and gambled most of the money away trying to ease the pain) so even if he died later on, Bob would not have gotten much, if any of it. My grandma didn’t know about Pop-Pop’s money until she took over his finances when he went into a nursing home at the age of 102. Yes, at 100 he was still pretty active with his finances.
TLDR; Great Grandfather builds an apartment for homeless stepson, they run off in the middle of the night after an Uncle dies giving the money to stepson’s wife and take everything in the apartment. Great Grandfather and Great Grandmother disown the stepson with nothing in the will. Uncle cons his sister to give him the remaining money, but Great Grandfather outlives Uncle and Uncle's money goes to his sister.
(source) story by (/u/Konacha)
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Anime i’ve Watched
That begin with a C!
Yep this is how i’m going to bring over all the anime and manga i’ve watched and posted about on the old blog. It’s not so detailed but it will have to do. Anything new I watch or read from this point on will have their own posts.
Cardcaptor Sakura:
Genres: adventure, comedy, drama, magic, romance, fantasy, school, shoujo
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Synopsis:  Sakura Kinomoto is your garden-variety ten-year-old fourth grader, until one day, she stumbles upon a mysterious book containing a set of cards. Unfortunately, she has little time to divine what the cards mean because she accidentally stirs up a magical gust of wind and unintentionally scatters the cards all over the world. Suddenly awakened from the book, the Beast of the Seal, Keroberos (nicknamed Kero-chan), tells Sakura that she has released the mystical Clow Cards created by the sorcerer Clow Reed. The Cards are no ordinary playthings. Each of them possesses incredible powers, and because they like acting independently, Clow sealed all the Cards within a book. Now that the Cards are set free, they pose a grave danger upon the world, and it is up to Sakura to prevent the Cards from causing a catastrophe! Appointing Sakura the title of "the Cardcaptor" and granting her the Sealed Key, Keroberos tasks her with finding and recapturing all the Cards. Alongside her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and with Kero-chan's guidance, Sakura must learn to balance her new secret duty with the everyday troubles of a young girl involving love, family, and school, all while she takes flight on her magical adventures as Sakura the Cardcaptor. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8/10
Finished airing in 2000 with a total of 70 episodes. 
My Thoughts: A childhood classic that’s probably due for a rewatch! Give me that nostalgia! Gonna need to watch the English opening though. Just recalling how much the artwork in older anime tends to make me cringe though looking back Cardcaptor doesn’t look all that bad. 
Genres: drama, school, superpower
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Synopsis: While on the surface Yuu Otosaka appears to be just another charming and intelligent teenager, he has a secret—he has the ability to slip into people's minds and fully control their body for five seconds at a time. Yuu has been using this skill for years to gain the highest grades, which allowed him to enter a prestigious high school. When the enigmatic Nao Tomori catches Yuu using his power, she coerces him and his sister Ayumi into transferring to Hoshinoumi Academy, a school for students with supernatural abilities. The student council of the school, led by Nao, is tasked with secretly tracking down adolescents who abuse their powers. Yuu is forced to join the student council and together, they face formidable challenges that bring him closer to the shocking truth that his own, seemingly incomplete ability, might be more powerful than he could have ever imagined. An original story from Jun Maeda, creator of Angel Beats and Clannad, Charlotte explores the supernatural lives of these teenagers and the price they must pay for being special. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2015 with a total of 13 episodes. Also has a separate solo special episode. 
My Thoughts: If I remember correctly the final few episodes are what really stood out to me in this anime. The beginning was alright but just after the half way mark is when it really blew me away. A slow starter if you will. I’m a sucker for some high intensity emotional drama and i’m pretty sure that’s what happened here. Whether that makes this a good anime or not is debatable. Perhaps a rewatch is in order?
Cheer Danshi!! (Cheer Boys!!):
Genres: sports, drama, school
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Synopsis: After suffering from a shoulder injury, shy first-year university student Haruki Bandou gladly takes the opportunity to give up judo, failing to find happiness in the sport regardless of his family owning a dojo. He did not expect, however, that his best friend Kazuma Hashimoto would also decide to leave their university's judo club at the same time as him. Despite Haruki's protests, Kazuma already has plans for a new and revolutionary activity: a cheerleading team made up of only men. Although heavily reluctant, Haruki ends up helping his friend set up the team. Through sheer determination, and with support from their newfound club members, Haruki and Kazuma persist in founding the Breakers, the first ever all-male cheerleading team of Meishiin University, slowly making history in spite of the feminine tag attached to the sport of cheerleading and the prejudices, physical challenges, and self-doubts that inevitably follow. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 6/10
Finished airing in 2016 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Cheer boys! That’s it. That’s all there really is to it. Not a great or memorable anime. Just wasn’t for me. 
Genres: drama, game, josei, school, slice of life, sports
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Synopsis:  Chihaya Ayase, a strong-willed and tomboyish girl, grows up under the shadow of her older sister. With no dreams of her own, she is contented with her share in life till she meets Arata Wataya. The quiet transfer student in her elementary class introduces her to competitive karuta, a physically and mentally demanding card game inspired by the classic Japanese anthology of Hundred Poets. Captivated by Arata's passion for the game and inspired by the possibility of becoming the best in Japan, Chihaya quickly falls in love with the world of karuta. Along with the prodigy Arata and her haughty but hard-working friend Taichi Mashima, she joins the local Shiranami Society. The trio spends their idyllic childhood days playing together, until circumstances split them up. Now in high school, Chihaya has grown into a karuta freak. She aims to establish the Municipal Mizusawa High Competitive Karuta Club, setting her sights on the national championship at Omi Jingu. Reunited with the now indifferent Taichi, Chihaya's dream of establishing a karuta team is only one step away from becoming true: she must bring together members with a passion for the game that matches her own. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9.5/10
Finished airing in 2012 with a total of 25 episodes. 
My Thoughts: I freaking love Chihayafuru. Sports, friendship and all that good stuff is what this anime has to offer! One of my top 5 series of all time with my all time favourite female lead. Highly recommend! 
Chihayafuru 2:
Genres: drama, game, josei, school, slice of life, sports
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Synopsis: Chihaya Ayase is obsessed with developing her school's competitive karuta club, nursing daunting ambitions like winning the national team championship at the Omi Jingu and becoming the Queen, the best female karuta player in Japan—and in extension, the world. As their second year of high school rolls around, Chihaya and her fellow teammates must recruit new members, train their minds and bodies alike, and battle the formidable opponents that stand in their way to the championship title. Meanwhile, Chihaya's childhood friend, Arata Wataya, the prodigy who introduced her to karuta, rediscovers his lost love for the old card game. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 10/10
Finished airing in 2013 with a total of 25 episodes. 
My Thoughts: The good times keep on rolling and i’m even more in love with the series and its characters! An obvious must watch for fans of the previous season. 
Chihayafuru 3:
Genres: games, slice of life, josei, school, sports
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Synopsis: Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves, and the victory symbolizes how far they've come. But after accomplishing one goal, their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen, and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into Class A, he can finally compete against Arata Wataya. Everyone in Mizusawa wants to get better, and there's no telling what the future holds if they keep trying. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2020 with a total of 24 episodes.
My Thoughts: Blessed with a third season and I can honestly say that i’m ever so thankful! Finally getting a little hint of romance with this third season as well. I can only hope there will be a season 4! 
Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro (Chio's School Road):
Genres: comedy, seinen
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Synopsis: For the average Japanese high school student, walking to school can be a chore, but for first-year Chio Miyamo, it's always an adventure. Constantly running late due to her long night sessions playing video games, she is forced to come up with new routes to make it to Samejima Private Academy on time. On her many bizarre journeys to school, Chio contends with obstacles like street-blocking detours, overzealous kabaddi players, and befuddled motorcycle gang leaders. But these minor hindrances are no match for the special ops training that Chio, AKA the legendary assassin "Bloody Butterfly," has received from her extensive gaming obsession. Together with her best friends Manana Nonomura and Yuki Hosokawa, Chio will do whatever it takes to avoid her school's harsh penalties for tardiness. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2018 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: A perfect and hilarious situational comedy. Plus a glasses wearing female lead to boot! Highly recommend for those looking to watch something short and light. Great series for when you’re having a bad or off day in my opinion. 
Genres: sci-fi, comedy, drama, romance, ecchi, seinen
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Synopsis: When computers start to look like humans, can love remain the same? Hideki Motosuwa is a young country boy who is studying hard to get into college. Coming from a poor background, he can barely afford the expenses, let alone the newest fad: Persocoms, personal computers that look exactly like human beings. One evening while walking home, he finds an abandoned Persocom. After taking her home and managing to activate her, she seems to be defective, as she can only say one word, "Chii," which eventually becomes her name. Unlike other Persocoms, however, Chii cannot download information onto her hard drive, so Hideki decides to teach her about the world the old-fashioned way, while studying for his college entrance exams at the same time. Along with his friends, Hideki tries to unravel the mystery of Chii, who may be a "Chobit," an urban legend about special units that have real human emotions and thoughts, and love toward their owner. But can romance flourish between a Persocom and a human? [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 10/10
Finished airing in 2002 with a total of 26 episodes. 
My Thoughts: One of my first animes and one that really caught and kept my attention. Character driven and comedic with a bit of a darker twist. Be forewarned though this one has some typical, eye roll inducing pervy scenes that seem to serve little purpose. Asid from that though it really is an interesting and beautiful stoyr. I actually have the complete manga series and have been meaning to read it for ages... maybe i’ll get around to it this summer. Dream big!
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sweetc2020 · 4 years
weird asks that say a lot from @julietgiulia​
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Coffee mugs
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Chocolate 
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Neither
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? Shy, conscientious, perfectionist
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Glasses
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? All contributors
7. earbuds or headphones? Earbuddies :)
8. movies or tv shows? Movies
9. favourite smell in the summer? Hot soil, flowering plants, fruit and needle trees, post rain, towel after ocean swim, wind through car window driving through forest(ed highway)
10. game you were best at in p.e.? Hockey, soccer, california kickball, high jump and arm hang? 
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Usually oatmeal or millet with omegas, fruit and oat milk or avocado bagel with black pepper and nutritional yeast
12. name of your favourite playlist? A nice mix for ness
13. lanyard or key ring? Key ring
14. favourite non-chocolate candy? Licorice, candied fennel or anise seeds
15. favourite book you read as a school assignment? Les miserables, The thief lord, The cellist of Sarajevo - off the top
16. most comfortable position to sit in? Slumpy posture, one leg over or under the other, knee tuck or apple sauce
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? Hiking boots or black sambas
18. ideal weather? Sunny after rain a little windy
19. sleeping position? No pillow usually on my left or on my back or front with one leg bent 
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Notebook or notes app
21. obsession from childhood? Fairies and making homes
22. role model? Opa
23. strange habits? Not sure what qualifies as strange
24. favourite crystal? Not really into them but maybe jade or quartz 
25. first song you remember hearing? I turned out a punk or something by Joe Strummer
26. favourite activity to do in warm weather? Backpacking
27. favourite activity to do in cold weather? Cuddling, snowy adventuring, dancing
28. five songs to describe you? Hazel (bob dylan), Planted a thought (arthur russell), Junie (solange), Corridor of dreams (the cleaners from venus), Even cowgirls get the blues (emmylou harris)
29. best way to bond with you? Quality time, presence, care, spontaneity / silly curiousity
30. places that you find sacred? Oma and Opa’s yard and greenhouse, forest, Veluwe, ocean
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Floral dress, nice earrings with sambas and sweatshirt or hiking boots, wool socks and over shirt, with shorts and tank top
32. top five favourite vines? Fresh avocado is the only one that comes to mind
33. most used phrase in your phone? Yay sweet and or That’s funny
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? Can’t think of any
35. average time you fall asleep? 2am
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? Probably one of those justgirlythings ones here or Fb I have no idea
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Suitcase
38. lemonade or tea? Tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Lemon tart
40. weirdest thing to ever happen to you at your school? High school - Maybe bear spray yoe evac? authority figure telling me what I was wearing was inappropriate? psych teacher crying in class? Post sec - Tiktok famous boy makes a tiktok of me knitting in psych class? boy crushing steals my textbook just to get me to go to his car so he can return it to me? 
41. last person you texted? Daisy 🌼
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? BOTH
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Hoodie
44. favourite scent for soap? Rose, patchouli, rosemary, lavendar, mint, etc.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Naked 
47. favourite type of cheese? Cashew cheese or if I could brie
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? White nectarine but there are so many to try!
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “She walked with her entire body as if to gain momentum for an event in which her entire body would participate.” - Anaïs Nin (A spy in the house of love)
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? Probably my kid best friend
51. current stresses? Health issues, unstable income
52. favorite font? Freight rn
53. what is the current state of your hands? Coffee shakes
54. what did you learn from your first job? Hundreds of PLU’s, how to pack groceries, how messy and wasteful people are, that everyone should have to do a customer service job in their lifetime, how really great and awful people are, that I shouldn’t let other people’s stresses make me feel like I should be stressed, that quitting is good sometimes
55. favourite fairy tale? The six swans, Vasalisa the wise, Baba yaga, Bluebeard, Rumpelstiltskin, The red shoes, The velvet ribbon, Goldilocks and the three bears, and many many more
56. favourite tradition? Writing letters and cards, dressing up for halloween, celebrating birthdays
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Eating disorder, depression and heartbreak (although these are things I still need to keep being overcome)
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Writing, taking notes, learning about my body, feeling for what resonates
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Heyo, how bout that!
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Nausicaä of the valley of the wind (hayao miyazaki)
61. favourite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Recently found on my Tumblr feed from a book waiting on my shelf: “I want to believe, walking those aimless nights, that I was praying. For what I’m still not sure. But I always felt it was just ahead of me. That if I walked far enough, long enough, I would find it–perhaps even hold it up, like a tongue at the end of its word.” - Ocean Vuong (On earth we’re briefly gorgeous)
62. seven characters you relate to? In no particular order, not long thought out: 1) Sabina (A spy in the house of love), 2) Elio (Call me by your name), 3) Patti (Just kids), 4) Sally (The ruby in the smoke), 5) Camille (Un amour de jeunesse), 6) Dani (Midsommar), 7) Orla (Derry Girls)
63. five songs that would play in your club? I follow rivers - the magician remix (lykke li), JA! (bizzey), Gasolina (daddy yankee), Nice for what (drake), This must be the place - naive melody (talking heads) / love my way (psychedelic furs)
64. favourite website from your childhood? Myscene, Club penguin - those free gaming websites 
65. any permanent scars? A few on my face from tables and my dog, one on my knee from flip flops on a boat launch, a few burns here and there that probably aren’t permanent
66. favourite flower(s)? Always changing, echinacea and yellow roses rn
67. good luck charms? Change on the ground, nice earrings, well worn shoes, spotting flowers or animals
68. worst flavour of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? Cream of mushroom
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? Popped in my head, maybe not the most fun - the flower bud in the centres of apple tree fruiting spurs make the king fruit (the biggest and best apple from each spur) and if you pick the king blossom then all the surrounding blossoms will be bigger and better 
70. left or right handed? Right
71. least favourite pattern? Galaxy?
72. worst subject? Economics
73. favourite weird flavour combo? Miso and apple, blueberries and coconut curry, orange juice and beer (I don't know if its really possible to find a “weird” combo maybe it’s more like “not found in my culture”)
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 5 if 0 is no pain (I don't think I’ve been above 8.5)
75. when did you lose your first tooth? No idea
76. what’s your favourite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? Gnocchi or boerenkool
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? Flowering plants
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Station coffee
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? School id
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Earth
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? I don't think I have much experience with either
82. pc or console? I cannot either way
83. writing or drawing? This is my kryptonite question
84. podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts if I had to choose
84. barbie or polly pocket? Polly pocket
85. fairy tales or mythology? Mythology (stories are linked more)
86. cookies or cupcakes? Cookies
87. your greatest fear? My health issues keep accumulating and getting worse forever
88. your greatest wish? My health issues resolve
89. who would you put before everyone else? Myself, Suzmom or Marleymoon
90. luckiest mistake? Choosing mini school, don't regret it but maybe not the best decision
91. boxes or bags? Bags
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Sunlight and rocksalt lamps
93. nicknames? Ness, nessie, nessa, bean, bear, benjamin, kindje, sweet pea
94. favourite season? Late spring or late summer
95. favourite app on your phone? Flo, Spotify, Google maps, notes, weather, find my
96. desktop background? Santa Catalina Island off the coast of Southern California
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? 7+
98. favourite historical era? I love revolutions and renaissances but all of em have hard times and good times
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kalluun-patangaroa · 5 years
SKY magazine, December 1993
written by Simon Witter 
"HELLO! WHAT HAVE WE GOT HERE?!" asks Brett Anderson rhetorically, staring at the fluff he has just removed from his ear. "I haven't taken these earrings off for about nine years."
It may seem an incongruous moment to ask the 27-year-old indie pin-up about his personal style, but hey, that's the kind of guy I am. "Tatty," replies Brett with a wry smile. "I haven't been able to get out and go shopping."
Brett Anderson, frontman of Suede – the British pop sensation of 93 – is hotly rumoured to have a great dress sense. Today however, perched uncomfortably behind an executive desk at the central London HQ of his record company, his head inadvertently framed by a halo of Right Said Fred promotional balloons, he is sporting a navy blue jeans'n'top ensemble he accurately describes as "just anything". Brett has been telling me how he spends most of his time with people who work in shops or are unemployed – "real people, not in the business" – so I presume this boutique bonding provides a clue to his supposed, though temporarily non-evident, style savvy.
"Oh no," he gasps. "Not clothes shops! Most of my friends are in food shops. So I know a good bit of brie when I see it."
The thought of Brett Anderson having, at any point in his life, ever eaten food, conjures images of pigs flapping their trotters as they sail past this second floor window. But we press on with the personal style enquiry.
"I want to change it at the moment," he says. "I'm sick of wearing second-hand things. I used to have a grudge against new clothes because I don't like wearing things that another thousand people are wearing. It's nothing to do with being into clothes from years ago, or tatty clothes at all. I'm quite keen to toy around with my style until I eventually find something, to have clothes made for me. There's never anything, when I go out and look for clothes, that I really love. I've got quite a strong vision of what I want, which would be very, very well fitted things. I don't like baggy things. I like lots of ethnic looks. I really like the Spanish look, that sort of matador thing." By way of explanation, Brett strikes a pose, clicking imaginary castanets above his head. "I like that shape. Prince wears a really brilliant little thing sometimes. When I kept getting my bellybutton out, it was really a desire to achieve that shape more than anything, nothing to do with flaunting my navel."
It's well worth flashing your bellybutton while you still can, I assure him, a rueful hand on my own expanding waistline.
"Yep," he smiles. "Well I can't anymore. Not after that chinese last night."
In May of 1992 Suede released their first single, 'The Drowners'. They had already been on the cover of Melody Maker – before they had a record out – and would grace 18 other British magazine covers over the next year, including the cover of Q on just their second single. Their eponymous debut album, released last March, went straight to No. One in the charts and went on to win the Mercury Prize, and last autumn they released a full-length concert video Love & Poison. At this rate, it will be time for their memoirs by easter.
Within the bizarre, incestuous fishbowl of the British music media, Suede have become almost self-damagingly important. After a couple of wilderness years spent faffing about, finding their feet and being universally loathed, their overnight transformation into the most hyped band in the world was nothing short of miraculous. Yet it created impossibly high expectations of their music. A German friend told me how surprised he was, after long distance exposure to their media glare, to discover how average Suede sounded – a judgment that casual discovery of the first album would hardly have elicited. And while touring America, their support act the Cranberries famously outshone them by an enormous factor when it came to album sales. Yet phase one of Suede's career has been – or appeared to be – so extraordinary, that they are going to be hard-pressed to follow it up with anything similarly momentous.
For now, we have 'Stay Together', a new, epically long single. As a measure of Suede's magnitude in the reality-starved world of British indie pop, I am treated to an absurd preview of the track the day before meeting Brett. Before entering the listening room I am subjected to a bag search to check – I kid you not! – that I'm not carrying a concealed tape recorder.
In LA, the world capital of muso control freakism, I was played U2's Desire, the immediate-follow up to their 15-million selling Joshua Tree album, eons before its release without anyone thinking twice. Yet now, without a hint of humour or irony, I am being treated as if I not only know anyone who cares what the next Suede single sounds like, but would be willing to pay for a tape of it recorded through a leather bag.
After regaining consciousness, I join in the fiasco, insist on a full body search (well, at less reputable establishments you'd have to pay good money for this touchy-feely experience) and am seated. The label boss places two speakers on each side of my head, facing my ears from about 20" away, turns it up LOUD, and begins to do that embarrassing, pseudo appreciative in-chair grooving that only people who work in record companies and recording studios have the gall to indulge in. "It's not pompous," he assures me, "even though it's eight minutes long."
Of course any pop song – as opposed to dance record – that lasts eight minutes is by definition pompous. 'Bohemian Rhapsody' was gloriously, defiantly pompous with a side order of pomposity to go. But, despite the circumstances, 'Stay Together' sounds like a fine, many-hued song, liberally doused with Bernard Butler's life-saving guitar, that is destined neither to win many new fans nor shock the devotees.
"It's about a sense of unrest I feel about the world," Brett tells me the following day, in an ill-advised shot at an explanation. "An attempt to make some sense when everything seems to be going slightly insane. I do get a real sense of impending doom, but not in a depressing way, not like we're all gonna die, let's go and rape people. I feel quite content with it. We're living under some shadow, and I'm not quite sure what it is. It's a bit like the fears I felt when I was growing up, when things were unstable and there was the threat of nuclear war, or the fear that your parents could die of aerosol poisoning."
Brett grew up, together with Suede drummer Mat Osman, in the soulless satellite town of Haywards Heath, between London and Brighton. According to Osman, if they'd been the tea party fops people make them out to be, they would've formed a grunge band. They only wanted to be really glamorous because of their stultifyingly dull working class backgrounds. Some might say that that would lead to the three-Es-a-night, dance-and-forget syndrome, rather than the formation of a glam rock band.
"Hopefully we're not a glam rock band," Brett shudders defensively. "You can escape those surroundings by taking a load of Es and ignoring it. Another way is to create your own myth, to try and become romantic in your own eyes, to create something beautiful out of the rubbish and the shit. It all sounds very Oscar Wilde, but that's the way we did it. None of us were brought up in workhouses, but we haven't had easy lives at all."
Suede claim to be obsessed with fame because they were excluded from it. Yet surely fame is the one classless thing people aren't born into?
"Lots of people are constantly privileged," says Brett, who has clearly spent an unhealthy amount of time pondering the abstract qualities of fame. "If you're born in Soho to rich professional parents, and you've got Jonathan Wotsisname coming round to your house every night to see your father, then you've got this world that you slip easily into. When you're excluded from it there's a desperation, you're desperate to have it. It doesn't come as second nature to you, like professionally famous people who hang out in Beverly Hills. It's not something you're comfortable with, but that mutates it into something far more interesting, a bit prickly and far more creative, because you're not just sitting there lapping it up."
Suede's appearance coincided not unfortunately with the post-Madchester 70s revival. But was their styling something more than just the result of being unable to afford new clothes? Personally, I had thought the emergence of Gary Numan had killed off the idea of anyone ever again wanting to be David Bowie (not to mention Bowie's recent records). Then along came Suede, with their rough guitars, their androgyny and their theatrical singer.
"I never thought of ourselves as '70s," Brett insists. "David Bowie is a genius, but the rest of all that rubbish I always found laughable. As for the clothes, I always thought we looked more 60s than 70s. It's all tied up with this whole kitsch thing, this Magpie and Porridge and rediscovering the culture of British music journalists' youths. Kids of 14 didn't know what anyone was talking about, it was just that the people in power had reached a certain age where they were getting sentimental about their youth and started remembering Magpie. That's all it was, all a complete load of rubbish. As soon as we were aware that this scene was going on, we wanted nothing to do with it."
Brett's voice is a highly variable instrument, perfect and beautiful on slow numbers like 'The Next Life', but occasionally, when he affects that archly operatic Bowie yodel, a whiney, sneering sound like Rik Mayall on speed boring into your brain – absolutely maddening. It goes without saying that his delivery owes much to the most overrated British pop star of the last decade, Morrissey.
"I forced my voice in that way because of how we were born, musically, playing shitholes. It was the only way I could make myself heard. I didn't want to sing in the murmuring way that was the style of the time. I wanted to project my voice, because I was writing songs that I wanted people to hear the words of. I wasn't just writing about fluffy little clouds, which is what everyone was doing at the time. People read into my intonations a theatrical seventiesness, but it was a complete accident."
Overworked as the subject is, it's hard to avoid asking why Brett thinks his androgyny caused such a fuss. It's not the first time it has been done; it's not even the tenth time. Genderless, mincing fops are to classic British pop what hairspray is to American rock, a staple ingredient. Brett, by comparison to most, is pretty tame.
"I don't know," he sighs. "We certainly weren't thinking 'oh let's be androgynous', it's just the way we are. I'm naturally quite an effeminate person – not all the time, I do play on things. I think it was because, at the time, people were so incredibly boring. We had been through five years of the cult of non-personality, and we never wanted to go with the flow. When everyone had their heads down, chugging away, we wanted to twist things a little bit. It's like at school, when you find that something annoys someone, you keep on doing it more and more. And that's what happened really."
A female psychologist wrote recently about the overt sexual expression of pre-pubertal girls at pop concerts, the way in which, amidst the non-contact hysteria of the pop experience, they could sometimes experience their first orgasm. She was, admittedly, talking about a Take That show, but I can't help wondering if it looks like that from the stage to Brett Anderson?
"No, nothing like that," he purrs, "nothing sexual. I always feel like people are putting it on."
Having their first fake orgasm?
"It's a bizarre thing in my head. I know they really like me, but I can't really take it seriously. When I'm onstage, and it's working, I feel like I can do absolutely anything. I feel as though there's no limit, even in the sense that I could fall asleep if I felt like it, because I'm that relaxed. I feel much more comfortable on stage than walking down the street. I could go off into a corner and do a crossword or shave my head. I feel ridiculously relaxed. I really enjoy the power of being onstage. It's to do with the circuit of the flow between the audience and you, when it's an audience willing you to be good. Your own power is an expression of how the audience is feeling, but I can't say I ever feel sexual, even if it looks that way. I think that to call the power purely sexual is to belittle it. When I've been to incredible gigs, it hasn't been a sexual thing, it has been something far more magical than that. "
Brett and Osman came to London in the mid 80s to study, respectively, architecture and politics at UCL and LSE. Suede began after they placed an ad in the NME in 1989, but initial concerts had audiences shouting "Fuck off!", critics calling them effete wankers and record companies running for the hills - a three-pronged invitation to eat shit and die that would have spelt the end for most bands.
"That X factor that made people despise us," muses Brett, "was something we managed to turn around in our favour. It's like being in love with someone, and exactly the same things you adore about them, completely horrify you when you've fallen out of love. We went away and learnt how to write songs, and came back transformed. And those qualities that originally pissed people off, we transformed into something provocative. I think the fact that we went through all that rubbish was a fucking good thing for us. People forget that the Beatles spent five years in Hamburg. No one would touch them in England, cos everyone thought they were an utter load of shit. They spent five years getting it together, suffering a bit and fighting for it."
A typical lyric from those hard years was Brett's line about "shitting paracetomol on the escalator". When they were recently described as chemically saturated, I had assumed more interesting chemicals were involved.
"That's about pure mundanity, being off your face every night and your staple diet coming from your bathroom cabinet. It's a metaphor for a humdrum life, going up and down the London underground, which I spent five years of my life doing."
In many ways this – Suede's poignant soundtracking of new depression Britain – is their strength. But if they are Her Majesty's equivalent of slackers, it hasn't made America any more amenable to their cause. Indeed, despite Brett's avowed loathing of the British character – "negativity, small-mindedness, lack of faith" – there may well be a Britishness about Suede which prevents America from getting the point.
Brett makes the mistake of quoting a Smiths song to me – something about innocence, fragility and trust – forcing me to point out that American audiences don't want to be trusted with something precious, they want to rock out with their cocks out. Evan Dando may wear a dress and pigtails, but the wider American market is notoriously unkeen on sexual ambiguity. Queen were big in America until the early 80s, when Freddie Mercury started appearing in full clone gear. They never toured America again, and didn't have a single hit until after his death (and then only thanks to Wayne's World). In fact, America's association of guitars and manliness make Suede fundamentally unsuited.
"No!" storms Brett. "I don't think we're fundamentally unmanly. All you have to do is come and watch us live. We're about sexuality, power and emotion, things that everybody feels."
Whether or not America is destined to fall for his Morrissey-meets-Larry Grayson stage persona, Brett's much-aired desire to move to America (and less well-known plan to live in Paris) has, for now, been replaced by a much smaller act of bedouinism.
"I've moved from Notting Hill to Highgate," he announces proudly, "from a fashionable place to a place where you're living in the last century pretty much. I was living in a very small flat in Notting Hill and it was driving me insane, I couldn't write and was being bombarded with nonsense all day long. I needed the peace and quiet, and now I have a bigger flat with a studio room in it and I'm writing quite prolifically. It's more serene, there's more space to think. It's quite a beautiful place, but you do feel like you're living in the last century, like you're some sort of oddity, or in a play. You keep going into these odd characters. But it's a great place."
In person, and despite the affectation of much of his thought processes, Brett Anderson is quite charming. An endearing smile – which seems to hibernate when cameras are around – plays constantly around his face, suggesting shared confidences which, to some extent, he delivers. Like so many people cocooned by over-protective minions, he is refreshingly open and approachable. I like him. But he is deeply shocked and incredulous when I paint a picture of the special treatment afforded him by those he works with.
"They treat me with the respect I deserve," he jokes defensively. "I don't have tea with Lenny Kravitz. My best friend works in a chip shop, and that's why I like it, it's a complete escape. One of the beautiful things about being successful is that it can rub off onto your friends as well. Not fame and all that bullshit – the really brilliant thing about being successful is the self-confidence, the sense of life having a purpose, that life is a wonderful thing. You open the shutters in the morning and the sunshine pours through. That sense of vitality about life can completely rub off on your friends. Sometimes it doesn't, it can go the other way, with friends ignoring you cos they think you don't have time for them, but that never happens with your proper friends."
And yet, engulfed in the sweltering perversity of his peer group, Brett has come to hold some pretty crap views, views that seem utterly irrelevant beyond the borders of saddo indie land. He worries about being thought a sell-out, thinks Suede are radically honest because they admit to having ambition – as if people didn't get over all that bollocks a decade ago – and, worst of all, that people don't talk enough about music in interviews. Oh dear!
But, despite all this, Brett's public image remains unshatterably cool. He exudes waves of sultry, sulky hipness. I feel an urge to know what naff items lurk in the corners of Chateau Anderson, his ownership of which will shock Suede devotees to the core. Brett tells me he's been to see Aladdin, listens to jazz music, likes The Orb and Verve and has just bought the new Shamen single. To prove it, he even does his Mr C impression - "Comin' on like a vibe, y'know!". This won't do at all.
"I like Terence Trent D'Arby," he admits, trying harder. "I think he's really good."
It's good, but it's not right.
"I bought Billy Joel's River Of Dreams album. I like that one."
Aha – as Inspector Clouseau used to say – now we are getting somewhere! What about films?
"No, I've got impeccable taste when it comes to films."
No feature length On The Buses video stashed chez Brett?
"No. I have got Crocodile Dundee."
Bingo and Bullseye! So much for impeccable taste.
"Well, my perennial favourite is Performance," he flusters wildly. "I can virtually quote the whole film from start to finish. And there's a brilliant film which I've just discovered called The Shout, with John Hurt, Alan Bates and Susanna York. It's about a man who has spent years in the Australian bush learning the secrets of the bush doctors coming to this ridiculously reserved Cornish village and turning two people's lives upside down. It's like an animal alive within this village, and when he shouts, everyone within a mile radius dies. If Alan Bates' part had been played by Vincent Price, it would've been laughable, but it's incredibly powerful, one of those great lost films."
It's a nice try, but nothing can erase the impression created by Billy Joel and Crocodile Dundee.
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luxexhomines · 5 years
8, 9, 10, 20, 31, 41, 45, 60! (Is that too much? I'll be honest, I want all the questions on that list answered ;-;)
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Ahhh, that’s not too much at all!! I’m flattered that you’d like to hear what I have to say ♡ I would like to answer all of them for you, but for the sake of not clogging up everyone’s dash, I’ll answer just the ones you’ve listed & the ones from lovely anon under the cut! If I get more asks, I’ll answer those, too, but for now, I’ll just keep it to the numbers since a hundred might be too much to scroll through, aha! 
Here we go for the Danganronpa ask meme, under the cut!! Sorry my answers are kind of long; I elaborated quite a bit. Maybe too much.Expect discourse & explicit DR1, SDR2, NDRV3 & DR3 Anime spoilers!
2. Favourite Protagonist?
Does Kaede count? Okay, I figured not... If not Kaede, then for sure Hajime Hinata. He has such spunk, and he’s such a relatable character for protagonist without being flat in the least. He also ends up representing so much more than just the force facing against the killing game and is more than the Ultimate Hope, too. He has real concerns and gets discouraged as a normal person would, which is what leads him to go for the Kamukura Project. He’s the most compelling, by far. 
8. Least favourite character?
I’m not sure if I have an exact least favorite character. I’d probably go with Hifumi or Leon. I’m not as big of a fan of the characters from Danganronpa 1. I also don’t love Maki much, at least if we’re talking canonically. Otherwise, I feel more apathetic toward her, as I do with Hifumi & Leon.
9. Least favourite class trial?
This is hard... I’m actually pretty easily creeped out/am rather sensitive, so many of the pictures/illustrations in the trials make me feel uncomfortable. I might have to say Super Danganronpa 2, Trial 3, simply for that reason. The image of Mikan standing on that stepladder with a paper bag over her head always makes me feel so creeped out. 
10. What would be your Ultimate Title?
I’m not good at anything enough to be an Ultimate, of course, but... Probably Ultimate Fan or something like that. That sounds pretty dumb, but I’m honestly a hugely supportive fan of all the content creators I follow: I send in asks often and always write in the tags, whether it’s art, fanfiction, edits–you name it. When I buy merch, I dm the artist to thank them and take pictures of the merch and post it on tumblr with my raves about how much I love it. Although I haven’t bought that much merch, as of now.I’m also just a generally incredibly supportive person whether online or in real life, so if you tell me about one of your endeavors, I’m sure to support you, ask you about it, and encourage you to update me on it. I thoroughly appreciate people fully and tend to overlook flaws and such. Otherwise, perhaps I’d be the Ultimate Chorister or something like that. 
20. Who do you think is an overrated character?
Kaito Momota. Don’t get me wrong, I love him, but I also loathe some of his actions. When he refuses to believe that the identity of the killer could possibly have been Gonta in Trial 4, I was incensed. Of course, I didn’t think Gonta could really have done it either initially, but because this is a killing game, there will always be extraordinary circumstances, and there’s little you can rely on, as even you yourself are prone to acting in abnormal ways for some reason or other. That’s just an undeniable truth and logic. And the way he wouldn’t talk to Shuichi after that trial was so childish and immature. Shuichi was revealing the truth; Kaito was trying to help him get over the fear of revealing the truth, but then in trial 4 he refuses to believe Shuichi and then won’t even look him in the eye afterward. Like, man up, Kaito. This is not Shuichi’s fault. He’s just the person who delivers the news, not the person who made them. It’s probably his canon developments that make me feel that people think of them too highly. 
31. Is there a character you think who shouldn’t have survived but did?
41. Person you’ve never expected to become a culprit but they became? (Doesn’t include Chiaki)
Kaede Akamatsu. I know, I’m big dumb, but it wasn’t just her protagonist status that warded me off–it was her tenacity and belief in protecting everyone that I thought would never allow her to kill someone, rather than that being the enabler of murder. And, yes, I know she didn’t actually kill Rantaro in the end. But she was named culprit and other than her, I’m not sure who I’d be surprised at. 
45. Unpopular opinion?
I don’t really like KaiMaki that much. Maki’s entire development arc is based on her love for Kaito and him helping her out of being closed off to everyone. I understand needing some extra help, but I resent that she needed help from a man and that she had to fall in love with the said man. I don’t think her arc could even be representative of growth, as she ended up falling back on her assassin tactics to try and resolve the situation herself in trying to save Kaito, which only further escalated the situation. I prefer Harumatsu by far over KaiMaki. Kaede is someone I could see Maki in a healthy relationship with, and someone who can guide her to a better answer for situations or problems. She’s also just as (if not more!) supportive as Kaito and has similarly positive energy without having to be a big idiot or a big strong Manly Man™.
Also, to reiterate from earlier, Kaito is a man baby. I know he’s still a high schooler and, of course, human, which explains a lot of his actions, but I also just find that part of him so difficult to condone–how contradictory he is between supporting Shuichi telling the truth to going to not being able to accept the truth and actively resisting it, and then ignoring Shuichi like a big baby. I would’ve thought of him as someone who confronts the other party, not someone who just has a cold war with the other party like that. Again, perhaps it’s just that canon was written terribly. I quite like Oumota, even though I’m not a huge fan of Kaito himself.
60. Saddest moment?
When Kokichi said, “H-How could a game...that you’re forced to play...be fun....? I had to think this game was fun to survive... I had to lie to myself!” My heart shattered into a million little pieces right then and there, and I cried. I usually don’t cry from media–games, stories, movies, books–but I cried then. Another notable moment was in the Danganronpa 3 anime when Chiaki was trying to escape but died at the end. That was so painful to watch; I think I cried then, too.
69. Choose one character which you would take with you on a trip.
Kokichi Ouma! At least, that’s my instinct. I’m sure he’d be so much fun to go on a trip with–never a boring moment with him around. I’d probably get pretty tired, though, because he’d want to go out to a ton of places and drag me around, and he’d probably also make me buy him a lot of stuff. So if not Kokichi, then maybe Nagito. He’d appreciate the travels a lot, make for an interesting conversation partner, and be considerate about managing time, energy, and money. 
70. Character you would have a sleepover with?
Kaede Akamatsu! Maybe Tenko Chabashira? You thought I was going to say Kokichi again, weren’t you? With him around, it wouldn’t even be a sleepover, so... But with Kaede or Tenko, we could probably do some fun and relaxing activities and have some compelling conversations before we go to sleep. 
100. Opinion on all the Protagonists!
I already went over Hajime in the first question so... Of course, Naegi is a cute cinnamon roll, but apart from that, his character doesn’t hold much appeal for me. I did kind of like him as I was watching the anime, but I wasn’t super attached to him or anything. And, as I stated before, Shuichi feels like a  pretty flat character to me. He’s just... a normal guy who helps out with his uncle’s little detective agency. All three of the protagonists are technically “normal,” even though Shuichi’s supposed to be the Ultimate Detective. The way he describes his uncle’s detective agency makes me think it’s just this rundown little office in some back alley that solves missing pet and adultery cases, so his detective thing is like a hobby. Apart from Hajime, who literally gets talent implanted in him, Makoto’s the only one with a talent–luck, which is very sporadic and works arbitrarily. So they’re all pretty much just your average, run-of-the-mill guys, who don’t even want to be the protagonist of the killing game and take their position rather reluctantly and passively. They have their protagonist statuses thrust upon them.
Now, as for Kaede... She not only actually has an ultimate talent as the Ultimate Pianist and makes references to it by naming piano pieces at times and describing them, but she also takes up the role of the protagonist actively by bringing together a group of high schoolers who are all strangers, attempting a dangerous road of death and despair in trying to escape and takes action toward trying to end this game. She’s basically the first and only protagonist to make a plan toward outing the mastermind before the last trial–in fact, she does so before even the first one has occurred! She makes effort to prevent any killings, not just investigate and deal with them after they’ve already happened. I have much love for her, as you might be able to tell.
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beinglibertarian · 5 years
About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ 70% Tax
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is in the progressive limelight yet again today because of her latest proposal: raise the federal income tax on top earners to 70%. This, of course, is being heralded by progressives; at least by those in my social circle. Why shouldn’t those who have an inordinate amount of money be forced to give some of it up for the common good? This is a good question (in their eyes), but I have a question of my own.
Why are we only taxing money?
I have a friend — let’s call him John. Like many people in my social circle, John is a “democratic socialist,” but John is unique in that he and I are so alike in all of the ways socialists think matter: we’re both white, heterosexual, grew up on the same side of town and in the same school district; both in families that were lower-middle class; we both graduated high school the same year; possess relatively similar intelligence and physical ability, etc. Demographically, we’re damn near identical, but there are two ways where we differ greatly: in ideology and values.
Before I continue, I want to make something as clear as I possibly can: I am not vaunting what I value above what he values. I am not saying that I chose a better path than him, or anything of the like. Likewise, I’m not saying the opposite: the path he chose is not “better” than the one I chose. I’m merely laying out the stark difference between those paths.
I don’t want to give away too much information here, so I’ll keep it vague.
John has pursued things that he enjoys and loves immensely. He works in a career field that many would say should be relegated to a hobby. He reads hundreds of books every year because he loves reading and learning. He explores different cultures and foods he finds fascinating. He decided to pursue things he found interesting in college rather than things that would generate income. He left the economic security of home to move to the city where the love of his life, and now wife and mother of his child, live.
I have taken, well, essentially the exact opposite path. I put off college, deciding instead to enlist in the military and learn a trade in my state’s Air National Guard. Shortly after my enlistment was over, I got a job contracting overseas. Instead of moving to a city with my wife, whom I love just as much as John loves his, I opted to leave so I could help secure us financially for the future. I, admittedly, make a lot of money right now because I’m in a third-world country living in half a trailer and working six days a week every week, in a physically-demanding industry. Also, the summers are very hot, and that sucks too.
I did this because I saw people very close to me put in hard, dire situations financially at all points in their lives. I saw how these situations impacted their relationships, their plans for retirement, and most of all their general happiness, and decided when I was a teenager that I never wanted to be in that situation. I have gone to great lengths to do everything I can to insure myself against those situations. I work a job I don’t like in a place I don’t want to be, separated from everyone I love and care for, to try and make sure that I’m never in that situation. I have sacrificed a great deal; sacrifices I didn’t have to make, to pursue that goal of shoring myself and my family against the buffeting winds of financial uncertainty.
John has taken the exact opposite path. Instead of sacrificing his personal fulfillment in career for money, he has sacrificed his potential earnings for fulfillment. Instead of spending his spare time researching investments and starting his own entrepreneurial ventures, he spends his spare time reading about things he enjoys reading about. I sacrificed time with my loved ones for economic security, he sacrificed economic security to be with his loved ones.
And all of that is, once again, perfectly fine! We simply value different things at this stage in our lives.
But it does make wonder why he, and my other “democratic socialist” friends, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, feel entitled to tax a huge sum of what I gain, in pursuit of the things I value, when he gets taxed very little or not at all in pursuit of the things he values.
Why is it, that because I have pursued different things than he has, that they feel I should have to give up 70% of what I earn – or whatever massive number AOC and her followers would like to tax people who make as much money as I currently make?
We all have 24 hours in a day. That’s our resource, the primary resource that all of us have, universally. That’s true equality right there, no matter where we were born, what our last name is, we all have 24 hours in a day; no more, no less. I choose to spend that resource to pursue economic stability, while John, and a vast number of socialist friends in my circle, choose to spend that resource pursuing things they enjoy. Why do I have to sacrifice so much of what I gained spending that resource when they don’t have to give up anything they gained from how they spent their resource?
Put simply, if I spend 10 hours of my potential leisure time working overtime, it is taxed at, let’s say 40%, after all taxes are accounted for. This is, from what I am told ad infinitum, “the price we pay for a civilized society.”
Yet, when my peers spend those same 10 hours opting to read, or go out with the friends or loved ones, or watch TV, or play video games, or browse social media, or get high, or get drunk, or doing whatever it is that they enjoy doing, none of that gets taxed. Society benefits nothing, except for perhaps very vaguely and tangentially, from these activities, but if I complain about my egregious tax rate, I’m “selfish.”
So, I’d like to issue a proposal. Socialists want to tax those with “disproportionately high incomes” at 70%? Fine, I’ll agree to that, the moment they also agree to tax the time of those with a “disproportionately high amount of leisure time” at 70% as well.
How would that play out? Well, that evil 1% can be summed up quite nicely with CEOs. Harvard conducted a study of CEO work hours and found that they work an average of 62.5 hours a week or an average of 8.9 hours a day, every day of the week. To put that into perspective, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the average American works 3.6 hours a day, meaning CEOs are spending 56% of their waking hours working towards the acquisition of money while the average American spends about 23%. Once again, keep in mind that these CEOs have the same 24 hours a day that we all have, and they are using that one, fundamental resource to pursue the collection of money. Since AOC and my friend John want to tax the always-maligned 1% at 70%, it seems fair to me to use their work hours as our baseline, and that 70% as our top tax rate. So, whatever hours an individual works (defined by generating taxable income, with income taxes being paid) will be subtracted from 62.5, and we’ll call that “leisure time.”
Let’s keep our “leisure time” tax consistent to the income tax. So, if you have very little, say 5 hours or less, of “leisure time” you owe no “leisure time” tax. From 5 hours up to 62.5 hours of “leisure time” the tax rate increases, all the way up to Ocasio-Cortez’s applauded 70% rate. So, people who don’t work at all will be charged 43.75 hours (70% of 62.5) of “leisure tax.”
What would this tax entail? Well, these people aren’t generating taxable income that society can benefit from during those hours, so whatever your “leisure time” tax comes out to is time that you are legally mandated to perform some type of volunteer service that is assigned to you by the federal government. We’ll even make a new 3 letter bureau to enforce it, say, the “Leisure and Responsibility Service” or LRS, just to keep it fun. The LRS will tell you where you are to log your volunteer hours based on your expertise and physical fitness, utilizing some type of “from every person according to their ability” assignment system. So, if you are a young, fit male, for example, you might be assigned to pay your “leisure tax” by building roads, while the old or infirm could be assigned to clerical work, etc.
And what happens if you refuse this unpaid labor the LRS has determined you owe society? Well, the same thing that happens to anyone who doesn’t pay their taxes. Your bank and investment accounts will be seized to pay your bill. If you don’t have enough money to pay your bill, the LRS will send men to take your possessions away from you. If you don’t have enough possessions to pay your bill, the LRS will send men with guns and haul you off to jail.
If all of this seems fundamentally wrong to you, just remember that it’s a tax, and taxes are, after all “The price we pay to live in a civilized society.”
If the notion of stealing people’s time and labor under threat of physical violence and imprisonment seems “uncivilized” to you, well, I would agree.
And I hope you keep that in mind when you think about income tax as well.
P.S. I would like to address, albeit briefly, what I’m sure some will deride me for in that I chose a military-centric career when I am taking a stance against taxes. Exploring all of my political stances on taxes, politics and the military, are far beyond the scope of this article, but suffice it to say that I am not an anarchist and I believe the government has legitimate roles for which taxes may be levied.
Summed up: I take the “necessary evil” view of taxation, and favor a drastic reduction in the size and scope of our military operations, a view I apply to nearly everything governments of all levels are involved in. For my current contract, we are not working for the United States, but are working for and paid by our host country. And I pay a lot in taxes.
The post About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ 70% Tax appeared first on Being Libertarian.
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b1ipblip · 6 years
In Too Deep
Chapter 4:
Mafia! AU
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: WOOOO BOY. This school year as not been kind! I’m sorry for such sporadic updating, I hope and pray to get on a more regular schedule. Fell free to leave comments and asks ~Admin OG <3
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From the conversation you had with RM, you have concluded three things.
1. Your parents weren’t who they said they were.
2. They’re also dead.
3. You aren’t going back to your former life anytime soon.
4. You have a massive headache.
You were wondering why they didn’t contact you when they left. Guess the whole being dead thing will do it. Your parents weren’t a large part of your life as much as you hate to admit it. You felt as though you weren’t sad enough. However, after all the lies and secrets that they withheld from you for “your safety” came to light, you realized you didn’t know your parents at all. Is that mean? But apparently, they trust RM with your life. If you weren’t so exhausted, you would have pressed him for more answers. Sleep sounded like a more desirable state.
You drift off to sleep and when you wake, he wasn’t there. Not really a shocker. You’re quite boring when you’re asleep. The bed next to you was currently empty and an eerie silence filled the air. Then it strikes you.
You really need to use the restroom.
Your legs weren’t in too much pain, so you yank back the blanket and set your bandaged feet on the reflective tile. That was a lie, you were just telling yourself it didn’t hurt. You pull the IV out of your hand, as one does, before beginning to walk. Blood bubbles in the crook of your arm. Your legs were unsteady but you could hold yourself up with the aid of the wall under your palm. Your small feet pad along the perimeter of the clinic until your hand reaches the doorknob. 
You were wearing an unfamiliar t-shirt but the same sweat shorts that you left the dorm with. You wonder how long it’s been since you left the dorm. You poke your head out of the door to find someone who knew where the hell the bathroom would be. A tall figure slumped onto the couch in the same living room you saw down the hall last time you were here. His head leans back and faces the ceiling.
“RM?” You hold the door frame with your feet turned inwards as you inch your way into the hallway. His head pokes up.
“Wah, You’re not supposed to be walking around,” he scrambles off the couch and starts towards you. “Jin! She’s up now!” he calls out over his shoulder.
“Where’s the bathroom?” he stops midway and sighs. “What?” you say defensively.
“Second door right of the clinic,” he pinches the bridge of his nose and turns back around. You smirk at his reaction.
As soon as you open the door to exit the bathroom, Jin blocks your way out with a glare. “You’re supposed to be in bed,” You sigh loudly, making it known that you were annoyed.
“Sorry but I’d rather not piss myself just because I have a couple bruises,” you state bluntly.
“And did you rip out your IV?!” he pulls you by the wrist to take a better look at your exit wound.  His eyes bore into yours before he falters his gaze and huffs. “Let’s get you back to bed,” he supports you as you walk to the infirmary. The harsh white lighting greets you once again. Despite this only being the second time you woke up in here, you were already tired of it. So sterile and cold. You missed the homey feel of the crowded dorm room you shared with Jennie.
“Since I’m here might as well check the swelling and bruising,” You hold your torso up with your hand pressed to the bed. He bends your knee and lifts your leg from the mattress. You watch him as he gently unwraps the gauze and reveals red and purple skin covering from your knee down. “The swelling around your ankles seemed to have gone down,”
You hum in response, but your thoughts were elsewhere. RM said earlier that now you are on the underground radar as a person of interest. If anyone finds who your parents are, you’ll become a target. So it’s in your best interest to stick close to people you can trust. Or at least your late parents could trust.
They always went on ‘business trips’ and left unannounced. They’d skip town for upwards of a year and then one day greet you when you came home from school. You didn’t even know they died until this morning. It wasn’t the best family situation but it wasn’t the worst. You learned how to be independent pretty quickly. “Hey, are you listening?” a voice brings you out of thought.
“Hm?” you ask.
“I said if you need to move around, you’ll need to do so on crutches,”
You flop your head backward and sigh. “Oh don’t give me that. Your three-week recovery will only be longer if you don’t use them,” he shoots back.
“Jin Hyung,” V walks through the open doorway and rests his arm on Jin’s shoulder.
“What do you need. I’m trying to bandage her up again?” He grabs a roll of bandage and began wrapping it tightly around your ankle.
“Namjoon hyung got dinner,” Jin hums in response.
“I’ll be there in a second,” he looks up from his work and at you. “Want anything?” you shake your head, rejecting his offer. You wanted to be alone so you could think. “Fair enough, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need anything,” he secures the bandage and follows V out of the cold room, closing the door on his way out.
You pull your sore legs to your chest and rest your chin on your knees. Would it be worth it to try to run away? They are a form of protection and with your recent abduction, it seems like you need it. You weren’t sure how large the gang that kidnapped you was. But the fact that they found you in your safe place, on campus, makes your stomach feel sick. You know what those people will do to you if they caught you again. Then again, RM and his gang could be after the fortune your parents have accumulated. They probably have it stored in some off shore account.
Your head keeps spinning with thoughts until it finally shuts down and leaves you staring at the wall with a blank stare. You zone out somewhere between the spectral plane and reality, quite a popular tourist attraction.
A gentle knock disturbed your peaceful disassociating. When the door opens in reveals Jungkook with a Styrofoam takeout box. “Figured you’d be hungry,” he sets the box in your lap. Inside was barbecued meat, kimchi, and japchae with chopsticks wrapped in paper. Your mouth twists up into a small smile at the delightful sight and smell. You pull your legs in and pat the bed right in front of you.
He simpers before taking a seat cross-legged on the bed as you urged. The two of you don’t talk much at first. You quietly enjoy the company as to munch on dinner or lunch, you weren’t sure what time of day it was. Jungkook can’t seem to take his eyes off the kimchi residing in your meal and you can’t help but smirk. “You keep staring at the kimchi like it’s going to run away,”
His thoughts are broken up by your sudden remark. You pick up a wad with your chopsticks and hold it out. “Take some, I won’t be able to eat all of it,” almost immediately he bites into it and drags it off the chopsticks. He covers his mouth with his hand as his eyes turn to crescents in delight. You snicker at his animated reaction.
“You can have the rest of it. I get sick if I eat too much kimchi,” you offer.
“Thank you~” he says. mouth still full. He runs out of the open door momentarily. 
You overhear him talking to someone. “She’s letting me have her kimchi!” he exclaims to whomever. When he comes back, he is clicking a pair of chopsticks together. He hops back on the bed and crosses his legs. He looks hungrily at your plate.
“Pork belly is off limits though. I can eat it all day,” you warn before taking another bite. You hear someone else pad into the doorway and skid into the room.
“I heard there was extra kimchi!” V scrambles over in his socks.
“Ah- mine,” Jungkook duels V’s chopsticks away with his. V wines in disappointment and continues to dodge Jungkook in attempt to get some of the red gold.
“Share,” you rebuke. V looks down at Jungkook with a victorious smirk.
“See even (y/n) said to,” he turns to you. Jungkook grumbles but ultimately follows the order. “Thank you Jungkookie,” V smiles innocently. You contently eat your food with Jungkook sitting on your bed and V in a chair beside it.
You all eat relatively quietly a few words being exchanged every once in awhile. School comes us somehow and Jungkook asks you about the grade you got on the chemistry test. “I got a 96, what about you?” 
He looked down with a pout, “A 70,” V smirks and leans forward in his chair.
“Looks like our college boy has some catching up to do.” he wiggles his eyebrows.
He scoffs in response and stuffs more food in his mouth. “Not like I need to for computer science,” V covers his mouth and snickers. “By the way, what’s your major?” he asks.
“Chemical engineering”
Their eyes widen, “That must mean you’re smart right?” V asks. You shrug. 
“Maybe, I always thought I was just slightly above average,” you offer in return. You had this habit of brushing off any positive remarks.
“Speaking of college, what am I gonna do about it now that I’m here?”
“RM hyung’ll probably move you out of the dorms. You’ll still go to classes but you’ll live here,” V reasons. That’s not too bad you think to yourself. But you’ll have to say goodbye to your room mate. Your heart skips a beat when you remember a key detail about your life.
You shove the takeout box out of your lap and scramble for your phone that was charging on top of the counter of medical supplies on the right wall. “Crap! I haven’t texted my boss for two days!” You lunge for your phone and scramble back before your legs can even think about giving out on you. You begin typing a long-winded apology text.
“Where do you work?” Jungkook inquires, setting the takeout box back on your lap.
“At The Rusty Nail,”
“Really? That’s quite the hole in the wall bar,” V pipes up. Jungkook’s lips formed a line, clearly not pleased by whatever you just said.
“I’m just glad that my boss loves me. He’s the big brother I never had,”
“Shownu?” You nod in response to Jungkook. “The right hand man to one of the most ruthless mob boss in Korea?” His voice was harsh. V looked at him in alarm.
“No way,” You drop your phone on the bed.
“You can’t go back there. At least for now. The X’s are allies but who knows what they’ll do when they find out you’re on the radar.” You shake your head.
“There’s no way. Even if there was, he would have no way to find out unless one of us told him,” you reason. You’ve been working there for almost five months now. You look to Jungkook to see if there is any shred of doubt in his eyes. There wasn’t, of course.
“Trust me. You don’t know him like we do. He treated you like he does now because he just thinks you’re not tied to anything related to the underground. And if it is the job you’re worried about, RM owns a few bars that you can work at that are much closer to our offices and base,” You prop your head up with your fist and looked blankly at the takeout tray. 
In the following days, RM submitted your withdraw from student housing. He refused to let you do anything physical so you had to hand your key over to Jungkook so he could pack up your things and move them over to their base which is further out of Seoul from where you originally were. You told Jennie that your parents wanted you to move in with your uncle who lives in Seoul.
Surprisingly the place you have been cooped up in was not where they lived. Rm said that despite running a mob, they are still businessmen. He said that the ‘professional’ front was handled in the offices, while more personal matters were handled at their home. For instance, Jin runs a clinic in the office building, which is where you have stayed.
After Jin deemed you well enough to move around more freely after a daily checkup, you are led to a sleek black car and ushered inside. Jin follows closely behind in an identical car. You were left in the presence of the silent chauffeur.
The lavish mansion sat outside of Seoul in a grove of trees. Your eyes sparkle with curiosity as you exit from the back seat. Carved Roman columns line guard the grand entrance that stood atop a flight of marble steps. The pristine black and white exterior gave the home an aura of harshness and prestige. 
At the top of the steps where you stood, you looked up at the massive door. It reminded you of something you’d see right before you entered a boss fight in a video game. From behind, Jin reaches past you and pushes the door open.
The interior begins with a marble foyer and a chandelier hangs overhead. However, the deeper into the new home you go, the more lived in it feels. It still holds that sophisticated feel but you no longer feel the need to watch every step you take in fear of breaking something.
The living room floor is covered in a gray shag rug and populated with darker gray couches that looked like they could swallow you whole when you sat down.”Your stuff should be in your room if I’m not mistaken. Third floor, fourth room on the right,” Jin breaks your thoughts.
You nod slowly, taking in everything you could as you ascend the black marble stairs. Very minimalist, very chic. You follow Jin’s words and walk silently to the fourth room on the right, at the very end of the hall.
What greeted you inside was a room fit for royalty. Your jaw drops as you flit over to the giant bed. Dark red velvet tops equally red silk sheets on a canopy bed. Cherry wood furniture was so dark it could be mistaken as black decorates the room.
And just as Jin had said, your suitcases sat in the center of the room. You unpack your minimal amount of personal items and clothes. You keep yourself occupied well into the night judging by the light diminishing from your tall window. You do finish up some homework and organize your things until you got bored. Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was around eleven at night.
You decide that a shower sounded good so you gather your necessities and open the door to the en suite. The monochromatic color trend continued with the white counters, shower, and tub. As you look around, you failed to realize until now that there was a second sink and a door on the other side of the bathroom. So who’re you sharing it with? You shrug it off and set your things on the counter before making sure the other door is locked. 
When you shower, the delicate floral scent of soap fills the room. On the other side of the locked door, Yoongi lounges on his bed with his headphones on and phone in his lap. He catches a whiff on the foreign smell, breaking his concentration he held on the repetitive bass booming in his ears. He takes off his headphones and goes to investigate the source.
He follows it to the bathroom. He tries the handle, but it is locked. When he presses his ear to the door, the hears running water and finally connects the dots. That girl’s room must be next to mine, he thinks. Namjoon didn’t tell him much except for the fact that her parents entrusted her to them, and she’s going to be staying here for awhile at least. How long awhile was beat him. He didn’t have a problem with her as long as she knows her place and stays out of the way.
But he had a feeling that wasn’t going to be the case.
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marauder--harder · 7 years
do u think u could describe how u envision the marauders to look?? i think it would be fun to see your interpretation of them
Okay ever since I got my new fancy laptop I have been trying to work up my skills to the point where I could actually draw the marauders as I have envisioned them but I am nowhere near that skill range yet so this is the next best thing. 
It really depends on the age of the marauders on how I view them and my moon so if you see my work (hopefully) someday and it doesn’t look anything like this description, fight me 
James Potter:
he’s the most varied marauder I think of, his appearance constantly changing slightly
okay so I see him as someone who is maybe poc, maybe not it really depends on my mood as to how I view him 
for sure he is tanned though
no pale ass motherfucker here, you know?
like even if he was white the hours of practice on the field has him a perfect golden glow about 75% of the year
he’s the definition of ‘sunkissed’ every year when he comes back to hogwarts (whatever your ethnicity you picture for him, fight me on this, you can’t deny that he isn’t just radiating from how much sun he has gotten. he’s just beaming, regardless if he’s white, or black, or indian, or whatever)
has messy, curly, black hair that has looked the same from years 1-6
looser curls, nothing too springy (in my usual headcanon for him) 
year 7 he cuts his hair, and really it is just a trim, and finally learns how to make his messy hair work for him (totally has just a bit of 70′s greaser look to it, with no product of course because we already know that nothing tames his hair)
the darkest hazel colored eyes that are always full of expression (it is what makes him a shit liar tbh)
is moderately tall (something he boasted about in his youth until Remus hit his growth spurt and then so did Sirius)
I put him to be about 5′11 by the end of his 7th year (which is above average of the English man, although if he was Indian from the UK then this makes sense as there have been studies that show that Indians from the UK are significantly taller)
has the build of the mix between a swimmer and a baseball player
lean boy, who is very toned essentially
has the biggest smile
lips on the thinner side
hard jaw, soft eyes, prominent nose
high cheekbones and slender face
ears that stick out just slightly
long ass eyelashes that he hates because of his glasses
size 10 shoe (US sizing)
Sirius Black: 
my pale, pale bean (only in the winter) 
has a naturally fair complexion but does get tan in the warmer seasons as he is often outside (with James especially after he moved in with him)
had his hair cut short as a kid and hated it, thus when he got to Hogwarts he was so happy that he didn’t have to cut his hair
that’s what made him grow it out
he’d take good care of his hair, as it was a very big source of pride for him, taking it as a symbol of independence from the house of Black
by the time 6th year hit it was almost resting on the tips of his shoulders
has shiny, wavy black hair (looks damn good in a bun, which he would only do when playing sports)
broader and more stocky than James naturally, just a wider build
more of a wrestler’s physique I suppose (not giant but like mediocre wrestling, probably in the 160ish weight class??)
thicc thighs
sometimes I think he is slightly bow-legged???
shorter than James by half an inch until the end of 6th year
by the time he is a grown adult he is 6′0 but once he comes back from Azkaban he is 5′11 if not 5′10 because he can’t hold himself the way he used to
chiseled features, yet still soft somehow
eyebrow game is strong with him
always a mischievous streak in his grey eyes 
has crows feet and smile lines when he laughs
flashing, pearly white grin
not thin lips but not necessarily plush either; pretty average (albeit talented)
small ears but he hides them well with his hair
also has a piercing in them
size 11.5 shoe (US sizing)
Remus Lupin
lanky boy
literally all gangly pile of arms and legs until 6th year
was the scrawniest boy, always slightly taller but never considered tall in his youth
his scars used to be a lot darker as a kid, more of a pink color but they fade to a whiter color as he ages
has a scar across the bridge of his nose, down the side of his temple and jaw to his throat
two more longer ones across his right collarbone
floppiest mop of sandy brown curls on his head 
wears glasses for reading (they are square)
after his 5th year summer he comes back taller than all the other boys
is at least 6′2 but I lean more towards 6′3, fight me
broad shoulders
over time his scrawniness turns into toned leanness (if that makes any sense)
like he still looks scrawny until you take a closer look and notice the subtle tone in his arms
b r o a d   s h o u l d e r s 
literally if you want a better description, read TTY ;)
green eyes that shift from lighter to darker depending on the lighting and seasons (darker in warmer months, lighter in the winter)
literally the palest thing ever 
perpetual darker circles under his eyes from lack of sleep (giving the appearance of dopey exhaustion, not being ill)
lush, pink lips that contrast greatly against his fair skin
chapped lips from September through April that he makes worse by constantly licking his lips
perfectly straight teeth on top (a few crooked ones on the bottom but nothing too major)
freckles. freckles. freckles. 
all over his cheeks and nose and down his arms and across his back. it is lovely.
prominent adam’s apple
slender, long face with defined jaw (only after 6th year)
legs for days (all of his pants are just a tad too short and it is so endearing because of his patterned socks)
defined cupid’s bow!!
size 13 shoe (US sizing)
Peter Pettigrew: 
slightly chubby
like a little bit thicker thighs and a tummy, someone who looks like they haven’t lost their baby fat yet
shortest of the gang, about 5′7 or 5′8
blonde hair, dark blue eyes that everyone say is the prettiest thing about him
a slightly olive complexion
burns like mad in the sun, can never get a tan
freckles all over his face
the most adorably pinch-able cheeks,
high cheekbones and round face, very soft features
long eyelashes, rivals any girl and everyone is mad jealous
cute button nose
thin lips
big ears that grows into fairly quickly (by the end of 2nd year) but is always self conscious about them
had an outie belly button until the age of like 4 and then it reduced to an innie
crooked teeth and never had braces, hated smiling too wide because of it
always had an innocent look about him, even when he was being a little creep 
has a sweet smile, regardless of the fact that he doesn’t like to do it
soft shoulders (like not broad or very square, if that makes any sense)
size 9.5 shoe (US sizing)
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pindaleng · 6 years
Asks Part 2 - 150 asks
blackdowning asked:
all of the taylor asks please and also all of the 150 asks from a couple days ago thanks
Get ready for a ride
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Teasingly with my friend Holly
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Shy af
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My bestie @blackdowning :’)
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so! Unless we’re good enough friends that all I do is find ways to antagonize you
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Romantic “like”? Hope so but don’t know them that well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People with really nice smiles and laughs and have a great sense of humor because help me if I have to explain memes or can’t make them laugh (because I’m hilarious)
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Lol no way
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Thinking of what to text @blackdowning
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My roommates!
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
"New year old me my bed is probs gross now“
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
King of My Heart - Taylor Swift
Bad At Love (Stripped) - Halsey
Over You - Miranda Lambert
Over You - Ingrid Michaelson, A Great Big World
Can I Be Him - James Arthur
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Um idk, if I’m comfortable with them?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yupperdoodles :)
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Discovered Wynonna Earp and Carmilla :’)
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yikes nope
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
LOL nope but he likes my Facebook roasts to our mutual friend sometimes
19. Do you like bubble baths?
What kind of person doesn’t??
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Don’t know my apartment neighbors but maybe the ones across the hall could smoke less weed that’d be great
21. What are you bad habits?
Scratching my head and releasing dandruff, rubbing my face as it’s peeling, shaking my leg, staying up late doing nothing, procrastinating, etc.
22. Where would you like to travel?
Want to go to Japan one day! But otherwise not sure. Europe in general, Australia, Canada? Places with good food and comfortable living arrangements.
23. Do you have trust issues?
Why is this question in so many asks yes I do move on what a clingy question jeez
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Going on tumblr
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
...all of it? :’)
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Grumble about being awake
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Uhhh I think I’m pretty okay with how it is rn
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My besties
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Yikes no thank goodness
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Probably! #TaxBenefits
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Um threesome friendship? Elise Bauman and Natasha Negovanlis cuz I’d be a third party observer as they forget about me and just get to watch them be super great all the time 
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
In a badminton class rn! I’ve also played sports for funzies like tennis, volleyball, swimming, and basketball
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
Heck that’s hard. Without TV? Especially if they couldn’t have music in them. But like I’m such tv fandom trash it would be so hard.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Hahha yes
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Um nothing or how’s it going or 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Super funny. Great listener. Eye crinkles when they smile/laugh. Bright smile. Laugh that makes flowers grow. Driven.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
There was a store in Epcot Japan that I could spend like my entire life in. Craft stores, and department stores with plaid/button ups/dressy clothes
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Um in college rn so... college?
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m either super exhausted or irritated or uninterested
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Yess’m because I get unreasonably bothered when people don’t smile at me cuz then I think I did something wrong lmao
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Um bottom of the ocean like under a bajillion pounds of water how cool is that
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Responsibility and food
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
Tried but didn’t work
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Erp yep
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Um secret projects
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
All the time??
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
Me? :’)
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Uh covergirl? Don’t really wear makeup 
54. Favourite store?
Teeturtle (online store) has pretty nifty stuff
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food? 
58. Last thing you ate?
White Cheddar Cheez-its
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Milk with instant coffee, but first actual food PB&J
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Once was a winner of a letter to santa competition my local newspaper hosted when I was a kiddo and got a stuffed bear
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Nope I’m too much of a goody two shoes
62. Been arrested? For what?
For stealing people’s hearts ;) jk never been arrested
63. Ever been in love? 
Don’t think so
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Was leaving their house and then awkwardly talked for forty minutes by their door then fill in the blank
65. Are you hungry right now?
I literally always am so
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Um tumblr friends r real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Internet and Food
71. Craving something? What?
Sushi and love
72. What colour are your towels?
Red and pink
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Just one
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I have some on my bed!
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Ummm 15-20?
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
Wouldn’t you like to know ;)
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Mint Chocolate Chip
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
Blue jeans
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
Ugh hard one I don’t really have a fave. I really like Now You See Me1 and 2, the Pitch Perfects, The Carmilla Movie, Almost Adults, The Big Short, Polar Express, and I’m sure I’m messing some
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Who tf likes Mean Girls 2 better??????????
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
My roommate Holly
88. Last person you talked to today?
So far, my other roommates Hope and Victoria
89. Name a person you hate?
Nick St. Clair
90. Name a person you love?
Betty Cooper
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Anybody I want to fite sum1
92. In a fight with someone?
Don’t think so
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Many many
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Also many lots love sweaters and hoodies
95. Last movie you watched?
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
96. Favourite actress?
Just one??? 
97. Favourite actor?
uhhh Chris Wood maybe? Tom Hanks?
98. Do you tan a lot?
Did when I played tennis in high school
99. Have any pets?
No :(
100. How are you feeling?
Great B)
101. Do you type fast?
Decently quick!
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
SO MANY but also trying to just accept it instead of feel bad about it
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Um not like super cool burning couches and ten feet tall fires but just chill roasting marshmallows ones yeah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes! It was fun
108. What should you be doing?
Studying for exams stop attacking me
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Hm I don’t think so
111. Do you have trust issues?
I'm against monopolies so you could say I have issues with trust (anti-trust get it haha I’m hilarious give me money)
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Awk didn’t really have one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Uh duh it’s great
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Who doesn’t?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
Average ye
122. Is cheating ever okay?
I use google all the time for my hws so I hope so
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Lol no my white shoes rn are getting pretty dirty
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes <3
125. Do you believe in true love?
Yes <3 <3
126. Are you currently bored?
Yes but I also have a heck ton of stuff I need to do oop
127. What makes you happy?
Making other people laugh/smile
128. Would you change your name?
If it would make it sound cooler yah
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Delish I might get some soon
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Literally this was already a question who made this
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
London girl with an attitude We never told no one but we look so cute Both got way better things to do But I always think about it when I'm riding through - Bad at Love by Halsey
134. Can you count to one million?
Is that before or after seven
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Idk if it’s the dumbest but in an interview I said I knew what a company did and then said it wrong but they hired me anyways so who rly won
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Straight in reference to hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
Brunette? Closer to black hair
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Dark chocolate ftw
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
Yeah :)
147. Mars or Snickers?
Um Milky Way should count under Mars right
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
How else do u explain how a russian nesting doll ended up in my apartment freezer when neither me nor my roommates did it.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
Uh literally don’t have a book near me rn might update later when I find one
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licensedlesbian · 7 years
Damn... alright1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?- it was probably my grandma or grandpa and yes they did2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?- mmm under very certain circumstances. If they were a senior in high school I think that would be okay, but if they were a freshman in college I’d be pretty cautious about it and probably wouldn’t go for it //3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?- done!4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?- yea, cute ones 😉5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?- I have no love life and the only person mad about that is me 6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?- I don’t think so7. What exactly are you wearing right now?- I’m literally wearing what I wore in the last selfies I posted lol8. How often do you listen to music?- everyday. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t and I usually do it for 6 hours a day on average 9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?- jeans!10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2013?-... this is a little outdated and I can say these past 4 years have been a very dramatic change lmao 11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?- I’m super social!! I love people and being around them!12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’?- I don’t think so13. What about ‘R’?- yep. She was kind of a bitch :/14. Can you drive a stick shift?- no but I think it would be really cool to learn!15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?- I try not to bc some people are just shitty, but sometimes you can’t help the way you feel :/16. Are you going out of town soon?- nah :/17. When was the last time you cried?- like last week after my math final that I thought I failed... I got a 79 but it took my grade for that class down by two grades :/18. Have you ever told someone you loved them?- yes but I don’t do it often :/19. If you could change your eye color, would you?- I think I would like for my eyes to be like a warmer or lighter brown but that’s kinda it20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?- my best friend Emory, he’s my bitch and I love him 21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.- I work at 7 and I’m going to be doing drive thru in negative digit weather :/22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?- nope. Disgusting. Revolting. Horrible. Don’t touch me. 23. Are you dating the last person you talked to?- I’m dating no one :/24. What are you sitting on right now?- a booth in a restaurant25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?- uhhh man my family rarely tells me they love me and no one else sure ever does 26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?- have u considered... the trajectory of my entire love life ?27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?- uhh I think it was my pal Shelbey 28. Do you get a lot of colds?- not really but I’m usually always congested because im allergic to the literal air 29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from?- I got it from a show I was doing freshman year. We had to do a dance number and we all got plain black tee shirts 30. Does anyone hate you?- yea probably lmao 31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?- no I don’t drink and I don’t like it :/32. Do you like watching scary movies?- no I’m the biggest scaredy cat like ever33. Do you want your tongue pierced?- I’d pass34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?- probably 2015. That was a really fucking awful year. 35. Did you have a dream last night?- yes and I don’t remember much but it was really weird 36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?- uhhh I probably told my mom I loved her yesterday bc she bought me sushi lol 37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?- I don’t think so bc I think getting married at 21 would be super early 38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?- no one in real life, maybe someone on here 39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?- probably not 40. Did you have a good day yesterday?- yea Christmas was okay until I started having cramps and bloating up and feeling like death 41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?- nope 42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl?- I mean I work and there will be girls there lol but I don’t have any social plans as of right now 43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?- I don’t think so44. What’s the best part about school?- probably seeing friends!45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?- barely. I never really use Facebook. 46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?- I haven’t since the third grade 47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?- lmaooo yea all the time, welcome to anxiety my friend 48. Were you single over the last summer?- yep49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?- no. Not at all. It’s changed really dramatically 50. What are you supposed to be doing right now?- nothing! (:51. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?- I mean sometimes, but he’s my best friend and I lov him 52. Are you nice to everyone?- I try to be 53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?- yea54. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?- yes of course! I would literally never cheat that’s just a super fucked up thing to do55. Are you good at hiding your feelings?- it depends 56. Do you think you like someone?- ehhhh, kind of have feelings but they’re fading and I’m ready to really like someone again 57. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?- I don’t think so but it’s kind of hard to remember all the people I’ve kissed as bad as that sounds58. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?- girls! They’re a lot sweeter and they’re very thoughtful59. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?- one of my friends. That’s it. 60. Do you hate anyone?- ohhhh boy, some of my coworkers are grade a assholes61. How’s your heart?- she’s doing her best!62. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?- many shitty and horrible things have happened to me that I don’t like to talk about because it’s important to move on and forgive because holding grudges and hurting about the things you can’t control will only make you hurt more ):63. Have you ever cried over a guy?- nope64. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?- some of my coworkers lmaoo65. Are your toenails painted pink?- I haven’t painted my nails in forever 66. Will your next kiss be a mistake?- I don’t really regret people I kiss for the most part, hopefully I’ll be going to a New Year’s Eve party and I’ll kiss some cute girl just cause 67. Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct?- girls love it when they don’t have boyfriends is the correct answer 68. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?- i don’t think so? Maybe as a little kid?? Idk 69. Who was the last person you were on the phone with?- my mom?70. How do you look right now?- I look adorable, I’m serving up looks for real (;71. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?- probably like one person, my best friend em 72. Can you commit to one person?- yea hopefully, although I don’t have much experience and I’m really bad at not being nervous about everything ever 73. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?- yep. My best friend 74. Have you ever felt replaced?- haven’t we all?75. Did you wake up cranky?- ehhh that’s debatable 76. Are you a jealous person?- I really can be honestly77. Are relationships ever worth it?- if you don’t have love in your life, you truly have nothing.. and I don’t mean purely romantic, I mean platonic too 78. Anyone you’re giving up on?- yea :/ some people aren’t worth the fight 79. Currently wanting to see anyone?- not particularly 80. Name something you have to do tomorrow?- work ://////81. Last person you cried in front of?- my therapist probably 82. Is there someone you will never forget?- I’m not sure.83. Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?- I wouldn’t say I really have feelings for anyone right now 84. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?- probably just talking and hanging out.. I just really lov being with my friends 85. Are you over your past?- for the most part, healing is a long process but I don’t let the past hold me back. 86. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?- nope 87. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?- yes88. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?- I don’t think I’ve romantically ever loved anyone 89. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?- yea that’s gonna be a hard no... I kissed this 19 year old lesbian at pride fest and that was the last time I saw her, I still have her snap but that’s it 90. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?- I don’t think so91. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months?- that’s gonna be a very likely no 92. Is there anyone you know with the name Michael?- I used to go to school with some kids named Michael93. Have you ever kissed a Matthew?- hell no lmao 94. Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going?- nope!95. Were you happy with the person you liked in March?- mmmm no not really :/96. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?- my best friend is fucking attractive as hell and I hate him for it bc all the girls like him over me ://97. Who do you have texts from?- no one right now and I hate leaving notifications unattended to so I usually answer pretty quickly 98. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?- go for it99. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?- yes... by 4 years whoops 100. Who’s in your profile picture with you?- just me!101. Ever kissed under fireworks?- nah 102. Has anybody ever given you butterflies?- yes... tragically
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