millieueu · 9 months
I have this hc that Danny has dimples, and they glow whenever he smiles
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justaz · 1 month
im a slut for post magic reveal arthur (& knights) thinking merlin has like. a smidge of magic. like he can get stains out of clothes or warm food and baths but OBVIOUSLY merlin can’t fight. that’s ridiculous. merlin doesn’t correct this notion for whatever reason - perhaps it’s best that people think that so when they’re all in danger, he isn’t registered as a threat so he can protect his silly lil guys. ofc his silly lil guys realize that they were wrong bc the bad guys get a lil too close to hurting arthur and merlin is like “nope! fights over!!” and annihilates them
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mjn-air · 2 months
Saw a video of a wedding where the groom was a pilot, so instead of throwing rice, the guests threw paper planes. And now I’m picturing that for Martin and Teresa’s wedding. 💝✈️💝
this is the cutest thing I've read all week
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thirdeyeblue · 2 months
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oftenlyshitposting · 11 months
i just thought of something fucking funny
think of ezra's blaster-saber and how appalling it would be in huyang's mechanical eyes and memory circuits. thought about it?
good, because i'm gonna raise you a more atrocious creation that i think sabine should make.
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think of one of sabine's vambraces, imbued with a retractable lightsaber so in case she loses grip of her actual lightsaber, she has a backup saber ready.
like yes, her vambraces are already equipped with a number of offensive and defensive mechanisms like her mini rockets, flamethrower, and grapplewire.
imagine adding a mini, shoto-like lightsaber into it.
that is the perfect Chaotic yet Practical weapon for a jedilorian such as sabine wren, and you can't convince me otherwise LMFAOAJDKSODKSO
say sabine had already built her own new lightsaber; it's beautiful and the hilt is very sabine-like. now, imagine that while choosing her crystal, another crystal calls to her, a much smaller one. so, without ahsoka or huyang knowing, sabine bonds with both.
when she heard mandalore is liberated and flourishing, she went there to see; where she was met again with bo-katan and introduced to the armorer. now that beskar ore isn't as scarce as it used to be, sabine requests the armorer if she could make an upgrade to her vambraces and her beskar.
sabine constructs her shoto lightsaber, and true to her guess, it's small enough to fit just right in one of her vambraces. the hilt of her shoto lightsaber is made of beskar as well, and when she assembles her new and upgraded vambraces, both bo-katan and the armorer was thoroughly shocked at sabine's new creation, but bo-katan wasn't entirely surprised that sabine thought of such weapon. the armorer didn't entirely agree with such creation, but she was impressed when sabine showed it in action.
sabine hadn't told ahsoka yet, but she kinda didn't have to, because bo-katan told the jedi master herself when sabine wasn't around. ahsoka came to mandalore to pick sabine up for a mission, and was welcomed by the mand'alor and the armorer.
"did you know that your apprentice built a small lightsaber and embedded it into one of her vambraces?" bo-katan casually mentioned to ahsoka over a drink, and the mand'alor had to hold her laugh at ahsoka's baffled expression on her face.
"what do you mean sabine built a lightsaber in her vambraces?" ahsoka repeated, still processing the information, fully facing the mand'alor now.
"this is true, i helped her make it," came in the armorer's voice, as bo-katan sips on her drink, "i, too, was like you. completely baffled by her proposition. but, the weapon does come in quite handy. especially for a mandalorian jedi such as her."
"i have an ancient jedi professor droid with me who would consider sabine's new creation atrocious." ahsoka sighed, earning a small laugh from bo-katan and the armorer. the jedi master shakes her head, not out of disdain, only amusement. "but, he doesn't need to know about it yet."
sabine eventually used it in battle with ahsoka, and was rather panicking when the battle ended and ahsoka saw the still ignited vambrace-saber. sabine tried to clarify whatever it is she thought she needed to clarify, but ahsoka only laughed, which further confuses sabine.
"don't worry," ahsoka said at her, patting her shoulder with a lingering laugh, "bo-katan and the armorer had already told me about it when i went to pick you up on mandalore."
"wait," sabine was in disbelief, "you're not... mad?"
ahsoka chuckled. "sabine, i'm not a lightsaber professor droid nor a purist. that's huyang's job. besides," she nudges at her padawan playfully, "we're both very far from traditional jedi. i wield two lightsabers, and you are a mandalorian jedi padawan who technically also wield two lightsabers."
sabine laughs, agreeing with ahsoka. "i suppose so."
"just make sure to keep it away from huyang," ahsoka said as they made their way back to the fulcrum, "that might send his wires loose."
ezra visited the fulcrum crew and sabine showed him the vambrace-saber, and ezra was so impressed and was actually excited about the creation that he was inspired to assemble an upgraded version of his old blaster-saber. he wanted to make a pair; one for himself, and the other for sabine.
huyang found out about both atrocities, and since then, neither sabine or ezra were allowed to set foot inside his lightsaber assembly/storage area without his or ahsoka's supervisions. despite everything, huyang had to admit to himself, against his own will, that sabine's vambrace-saber and ezra's blaster-saber are rather effective weapons.
disney/filoni if you ever adopt this chaotic weapon idea design @ me so i can get my coins
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allthegothihopgirls · 5 months
Hc that Jason really resonated with Frankenstein’s monster after he came back from the dead and his terrorization of Bruce is, in part, inspired by the monsters terrorization of Victor
ok i'm gonna preface this by saying what the fuck anon (/pos). i've been talking about this concept since it popped into my inbox i'm actually OBSESSED.
clawing at the insides of my enclosure foaming at the mouth etc etc
anyways, 1000% YES. the whole thing of jason being put back together not only at the hands of another, but also in a way which is so so unfamiliar to the him he knew before death, soooo extremely frankenstein's monster-coded.
both brought to life by impossible circumstances, and neither feel as though they own their autonomy. searching for some kind of redemption, needing to feel complete or avenged.
both having a sense of justice, shunned by society, one which doesn't earn them praise but instead punishment and disgust. both resenting the decisions of their creators/mentors. torn between worlds, neither of which they feel accepted in. oh my GOD.
i'm a huge fan of the whole idea of jason coming back and feeling displaced and in an entirely foreign body, and that's just oh so frankenstein's monster..
like IMAGINE that being his frame of reference for his feelings. put together what feels like piece by piece, messily, with only second-hand scraps. all with no regard for the person he was before, only with the intentions of being 'repurposed'.. AHHHHH
(as well as the fact that it's ALL mental for jason, he comes back 'perfect', unscathed and replenished. he has no physical justification for feeling the way he does, second-hand and hand-sewn. his feeling of 'monstrosity' stems from elsewhere; the feeling he gets walking around in this body which is simply not his, or the look in bruce's eyes when he sees him again for the first time, seeing a monster not a son.)
also the conscious knowing that his make-up is no longer his own, he's composed of parts which are unrecognisable to his old body, the one he owned and hand-carved through age. having to walk through days, feeling his actions as his own, but having a body which warps the intent behind them to all onlookers.
god imagine, blaming your creator for your fate, and needing the answers of your inadequacy to come from him himself.. and no other source can explain your imperfection in a way you can accept, it has to be him. jason NEEDS bruce's validation, to confirm or deny that he is irredeemable and a lost cause.
as much as i don't think jason would take pride in relating so much to frankenstein's monster, it's definitely a lingering thought in the back of his mind, something that determines his own story and outcomes.
he thinks of him when he loses control, and knows that he can't use it to justify the way he acted. he cannot tell the monster that his actions were okay, and that the people just did not understand, although as much as he wants to.. because he knows that isn't the case. he knows the monster was always a monster, and grows to feel the same way about himself.
he resents the way he acts, because all he sees is the monster. the one who acts according to his moral compass, but is always wrong. always clouded by his monstrosity. he decides he really should never trust himself or his intuition, because it's always disgusting and ugly, and even he'll be able to look back in retrospect and be repulsed by the way he carried himself, and not hate the way everyone punished him for it.
he wants so desperately to get himself back, morph back into the boy who knew his rights and wrongs and was never looked at funnily for acting how any normal person would. but the only part of his past self that still exists is in his mind, he wants to rip it out and show people that it's still him inside of there, but he simply can't do that.
his body changed without his permission, he never asked to be an abomination, a scientifical anomaly. he wants to scream about how it's not his fault, how he's not what the world paints him to be. how he can just be normal. but he's never really going to feel that way, as long as his mind and body remain two separate entities at war.
i feel like he clings onto the humanity of frankenstein's monster, and uses him as an anchor, something that shows him it's possible to remain acceptable and human.
i also think he analyses the character oh so deeply, to try and latch onto all the relatability he can find, the things he doesn't get from real people.
maybe he has a copy of the book, annotated in such a personal way. perhaps someone else stumbles upon it, and is just so distraught by the conclusions drawn from the scribbles and highlights, the way jason seems to view himself.
the way that although jason's always seen himself like the monster, unloveable and unacceptable, everyone else was always ready to accept him.
that maybe the real downfall of jason and frankenstein's monster is that the way they viewed themselves was too focused on the displacement they felt, assuming automatically that everyone else must feel the same way about them, if not worse. not taking the moment to let people learn to love them all over again.
anyways, unreliable narrators post resurrection!jason todd and frankenstein's monster, who were always seen with at least an ounce of humanity, but were both overridden by self-hatred and the disgust of their form, which led them to total exile and isolation.
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blood-orange-juice · 11 months
People rebutting the "Childe is 34" theory, have you considered this.
No way he would have survived that long with his lifestyle.
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yujeong · 8 months
I'm sorry but, was no one going to tell me that Vegas is feeling Pete's pulse here ????
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In case what I'm saying isn't that evident from the image, here's a gif of that moment too:
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Do you see him slightly caressing Pete's cheek, after maneuvering his head to be up straight again, and then placing his index finger at the side of his neck? Do you also see him checking Pete's eyes as he's doing it, to see him looking away? Well. I did yesterday and I haven't been normal since. Now, it could very well be too high for him to find it and see if Pete's pulse is heightened due to his frustration by Vegas' comment, but even if that's the case, it's insane to me how Vegas proceeds to do this, a similar gesture to what he did here:
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Here being, him trying to coerce Pete into having sex with him, which is his veiled attempt at redirecting his powerlessness into something that makes him feel like he has any sort of control over... anything really. And here, he's doing it in an obvious manner too, he's looking at his hand as he's pressing his finger on Pete's neck and Pete knows it. Was it the same way the second time? Did Pete feel Vegas' finger touch his neck, despite the turmoil he was in? Did he understand the implications of Vegas doing this again or did he misinterpret the whole thing? It's insane to me how Vegas uses his methods of manipulation even when he's genuine, something the show clearly demonstrated by the parallels between how he treated Porsche and Pete (the lighter and the request to be killed by them). I'm just in awe how subtly it was used here too, the smallest of details that I had missed the numerous times I've re-watched this scene.
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luimagines · 4 months
Time ranting/complaining to warriors because
"why did twilight have to go fall in love with a demigod, couldn't he settle for a nice farm girl like I did" time paces back and forth with a grouchy expression as warrior watches.
"well.... In a way you have godly power when you put on your FD mask, so in a way malon settled down with someone who had godly powers...... So if anything twilight takes after making" warrior said with a raised eyebrow awaiting his reaction.
Oh my god-! XD
What a twist!
Time is lamenting over Twilight just being like that and thinking that it's his fault, when it's actually Malon's fault. Time chose her. ...So I guess it's still technically his fault, but not for the reasons he thinks.
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thosewildcharms · 4 months
You’re always so funny and insightful. Will you share some of your Richonne head canons?
this is such an insanely high compliment for me because the things YOU say about the show (not to mention through your writing) always blow my mind! thank you so much :')
i have some headcanons listed here! but a few more additions:
back at the prison not only did rick follow michonne around like a puppy but was always lowkey trying to impress her (but didn't really know how or WHY for that matter, because he was clueless about his own feelings back then) while simultaneously being almost too shy to even talk to her sometimes
michonne was oblivious
(daryl clocked it though)
while i do think that michonne and rick talked to each other a LOT about pretty much everything, both before and (especially) after they got together, i think they went out of their way post towl to ask each other things they never thought of before, almost as a way to try to bridge all the time they lost
rick 100% brings home flowers for michonne just because!
michonne never used to care about gifts/flowers/etc before the ZA (like, she liked them fine! but it wasn't the most important thing) but she looooooves it when rick expresses himself that way
michonne picks out a wedding ring for rick and he wears it on a necklace around his neck (i mean i guess he could wear it on his right hand too idk either way)
i AM a soulmates-in-every-universe truther and often think about rick taking one look at michonne and pretty much disrupting his entire life for her (as he should) whereas michonne, while absolutely charmed despite herself, would def make him work for it (as she should)
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
You ask Shouta for something more... adventurous. Something a little more rough. Playful even. He was a little hesitant but was willing to try whatever you had in mind.
You surprised him with cute lingerie, cat ears, and a little leather collar with a bell.
He didn't say much, but you could see the brief surprise on his face before his eyes grew dark with lust. He approached you slowly and traced his calloused fingers across your collarbone, flicking the little bell in the process.
This was a good surprise, you think.
- 🐺
Oh I love this! So very interesting.
Please do not read if you're a minor
You might have been the one who suggested it, but he's the one who's going to enjoy it the most.
His eyes light up and his smile grows mischievous as he hears the little bell chiming, and without a second to waste, he pulls you along with him to bed and you follow obediently while believing to be the one in charge tonight.
You start imagining ways to dominate him, to bring him to his knees and watch as he begs for more. It's all working according to your plan isn't it? At least that's what you thought..
Little did you know, your man has already had a different picture painted in his brain the moment you waltzed in, looking like a piece of candy waiting to be ripped open and devoured.
He spends the night ravishing you every which way imaginable as your cute little whimpers are mixed with the jingle of the small bell.
By the crack of dawn, and after multiple rounds, your new sexy lingerie set is torn, sullied and forgotten on the floor as your man sweetly demands to have you one more time while wearing nothing but the bell and the cat ears.
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Still playing through ToTK and I get a *BoTW* fic idea because of course I do; I'd repurpose it for ToTK but it doesn't quite fit, yet nonetheless I gotta share it before it leaves me (still gonna try to write it though) --
So, it's always bugged me a little bit that Link would go out of his way to do Korok puzzles and extra shrines and whatnot when they all take a fair amount of time and Zelda's whittling herself down in the castle, and Link generally isn't one to mess around while her wellfare is endangered.
BUT I present another theory; that the first time Link decided to pass one up as not worth the time, he felt that little ember of Zelda in the back of his mind wilt a little bit, and realized that she actively looked forward to each and every one of them. After a century of monotony, her mind is starved for stimulation, and fuck if Korok puzzles aren't the kind of brain teaser she would actually kill for (or, as the case goes, sacrifice another week or two cumulatively for).
And bonus points if he starts soliciting her commentary for some of the harder ones.
(Idk I think it's the fact that I'm reading BoTW fic while I push through the end of ToTK so I don't spoil myself but this came to me and I'm like, 'Ah, this resolves so much ludonarrative dissonance for me.' Thought you might appreciate the idea haha)
Yo. Yes.
I do appreciate this idea oh my god
I always wondered like “okay so link canonically did all of the shrine quests and side quests… so like… Zelda had to wait? Through all those quests? Ig homie did it all bc he knew he had to help and get as strong as possible so he knew he wouldn’t lose again”
And just adding that Zelda DOES have a connection to link through the spirit realm… and that she WOULD definitely get a kick out of the puzzles link goes through… oh I am so here for this idea
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theobjectofyourire · 2 years
"I need Rhaenyra."
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"Daemon." His brother's voice is wearied and wrought with frailty. He looks an old man as much as he sounds. The crown weighs heavy atop his head, his silver hair faded to little more than wisps, a faint remembrance of their great ancestry. The sight stirs something of a sympathy, mayhaps a pity within Daemon, as well as the first whispers of grief. Viserys will not long live, and the Prince would weep for that loss were it strong enough to quell his rage.
"I know we've had our differences," his brother says softly, "but let them pass with the years."
What kind words, and so easily spoken by the feeble ghost of the man before him. The King knows his death is nearing, and this is no more than a desperate ploy to earn some forgiveness before he reaches his grave. Daemon isn't of a mind to grant him such peace. Not after the banishments. Not after the offenses. Not after Rhaenyra.
Not after Rhaenyra.
His brother's words are a sharp reminder. Years. Years have passed, though he's hardly to know it. Time has been uncertain for the Rogue Prince, with many a year feeling a month, and the midnight hour often disguising itself as a lifetime. It is only by sparing a glance at the princess, his princess that he can truly be sure.
She is now a queen in her own right. His heart cannot but swell with pride to see her carry herself with such regality, a self-assuredness accompanying her every step and yet not in the slightest diminishing her ferocity. She is the blood of the dragon, the blood of Old Valyria, a goddess reborn to take what is hers. A goddess he would gladly worship.
There was a time he would not wait to be given the chance, but take it, as he did those years ago during their adventures in the heart of King's Landing, but seeing her now, he cannot bring himself to do it. He wonders if her life is better for his absence. He would hope so, if not for his own selfish desires.
His brother's voice pulls him from his thoughts, away from the sight of his niece. "There's a place for you in my court," Viserys says, "if that's something you should need."
Daemon seethes, his lips forming the words before he can think to stop them. "I need Rh..."
He stops.
He shouldn't say it.
To the Seven Hells with shouldn't, he can't say it.
He can't bear to say it. There's too much truth in it. He needs her.
He's always needed her.
"...nothing," he grimaces. Unable to stomach meeting his brother's eyes, he forces his gaze down to the rough cracks in the stone. Nothing.
Nothing. The word tastes a lie, and an unconvincing one, at best. She envelops every thought, fleeting or otherwise, that finds its way through the labyrinth of his mind. His heart is hers, entirely, and it's only now that he understands the emptiness that permeated his life these last ten years.
"I want Rhaenyra," he had told his brother, knife at his throat. He remembers looking at the blade and thinking that death would be preferable to losing her, and yet he still considered it wanting. He had never thought himself naïve, but what other word spoke such truth?
His hand on the hilt of Dark Sister, ever the calming influence, he forces himself away from his brother, refusing to so much as glance at his would-be queen.
"I'm sorry for your loss, my prince." Otto's voice stops him dead in his tracks. Dark Sister calls to him, and though the temptation is difficult to resist, he manages.
"No matter how fat the leech grows," Daemon sneers, "it always wants for another meal."
He wonders, as he walks away, if it was the right course. Any of it. If he should have slain Otto Hightower where he stood. If he should have forced his brother's hand and taken Rhaenyra to wife all those years ago. If he should have done as she asked at her wedding feast and cut through her father's kingsguard.
"Take me to Dragonstone and make me your wife," she had said, venom in her words and something else he could not quite place. At the time, he thought she was merely tormenting him, taunting him with all he could not have. Now, he cannot but wonder if she desired him as much as he did her. If it was not a mockery, but a genuine plea, an admission of her deepest desires.
What life might have been had he only obliged.
As he wanders the beach, somewhat melancholy under the light of the emerging moon, he is vaguely aware of gentle footsteps behind him. There's no need to look. He felt Rhaenyra's eyes on him. He felt her yearning. It mirrored his own.
He does not know what this night will bring. But if the Gods are good, they will never again threaten to tear them asunder.
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sarascamander · 11 days
Albus Severus: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry?
Rose: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition.
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A Question for Femslash Fans 👀
Hello!!! We're so excited to see what everyone's working on (and we have an eye out for any femslash teasers that y'all have been posting, always always feel free to tag us when you're playing with art ideas for our beloved ladies), and all of your wonderful creations have inspired many ideas for us as mods!!!
In light of that, we're very curious to hear the answer to this question: what Sandman femslash ships are y'all hoping to see more of during the event?
We've got some favorites ourselves, but we'd love to know what you guys are thinking. If you have thoughts, please reply to this post, reblog with your ideas, or feel free to send us an ask!!
As always, with much love,
~ Mods Honey and Sunbreak 💖
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that--unusual-person · 10 months
I had some headcanons for the seeker trine and I want your opinion.
Starscream had a scream ability like he did in cyberverse and animated but megatron took away that ability to enhance his canon. Starscream could've possibly pull a atomic breath from Godzilla had megatron not removed it.
SkyWarp will do anything you tell him not to purely out of spite. Like how you try to stop a dog from eating something you dropped, SkyWarp will proceed and do the thing much faster. Doesn't help that he teleports.
ThunderCracker has a electric/lightning ability that he uses only in very rare cases and the reason for that is because the electric shock can sometimes burn internal mechanics and cause mechs to smell, like how hornets can make you smell like a enemy to the hive because they don't like you. So he basically curses anyone with stinky bitch disease.
somewhere in the deception files, these are memos in their documents; first page warnings (written by Soundwave maybe)
starscream screaming till glass breaks, skywarp being the most obnoxious anarchist known to man, thundercracker shocking people by simply poking them
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