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lvdbbooks · 2 years ago
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「第10回 BOOK DAY とやま」
主催:BOOK DAY とやま実行委員会
2013年から始まった「BOOK DAY とやま」。今年で、なんと10年目で10回目!!! 今年も、富山駅を会場に、5月27日(土)〜5月28日(日)の2日間開催いたします! そんな節目のブックデイは、北陸の古書店はもちろん、東海、関西などの県外の古書店もいつにも増して大集結! 新刊書店、リトルプレス、そしてレコード店もそろい、富山駅が、古本とレコードで埋め尽くされる2日間!
▼古本・新刊・リトルプレス 【大阪】 矢野書房 矢野書房天満橋店 ハモニカ古書店 SUS~くらしと本のみせ スウス~ LVDB BOOKS 【兵庫】 1003 古本屋ワールドエンズ・ガーデン 【京都】 古書ダンデライオン 空き瓶books 古書思いの外 開風社 待賢ブックセンター 【愛知】 ON READING (28日のみ) 【三重】 古本屋ぽらん 【岐阜】 徒然舎 【滋賀】 ���月舎 【長野】 じゃらん亭 【東京】 甘夏書店 【石川】 一誠堂能瀬書店 近八書房 古本一刻館 ビートマニア 髙橋麻帆書店 古本LOGOS オヨヨ書林 【富山】 キャロット ブック・スピカ 書肆月影 古本ブックエンド ひらすま書房 古本なるや 古書さいとう デフォー コメ書房 古本いるふ スピニー ピストン藤井(27日のみ)
▼レコード ディスク・ビート TOKEI RECORDS
▼似顔絵 堀道広
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pikahlua · 7 months ago
MHA Chapter 430 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 もう壊したよ… もうこわしたよ… mou kowashita yo... It's already been destroyed...
2 それは明日のおまえら次第だな それはあしたのおまえらしだいだな sore wa ashita no omaera shidai da na That depends on what you people decide to do tomorrow. (Note: This is a flashback to chapters 423 and 424.)
3 人は ひとは hito wa People
4 生まれながらに平等じゃない うまれながらにびょうどう��ゃない umare nagara ni byoudou ja nai are not born equal. (Note: This line is a reference to chapter 1.)
tagline 月日が流れーー つきひがながれーー tsukihi ga nagare-- The days pass by--
5 僕らは一人一人形が違って ぼくらはひとりひとりかたちがちがって bokura wa hitori hitori katachi ga chigatte Each of us is different in form,
sign 職員室 しょくいんしつ shokuin-shitsu Staff Room
6 それ故に他者を思う それゆえにたしゃをおもう sore yue ni tasha wo omou and therefore we think of others.
7 形の違うその身と心を かたちのちがうそのみとこころを katachi no chigau sono mi to kokoro wo The differences in our forms [are in both] the body and mind.
8 だからこそ他へ馳せ だからこそほかへはせ dakara koso hoka e hase That's precisely why we go a different [direction]
9 交点を探す こうてんをさがす kouten wo sagasu to search for points of intersection.
10 緑谷兄ちゃん みどりやにいちゃん Midoriya-niichan "Midoriya-niichan*," (*Note: "Niichan" is a title given to young men or an "older brother," whether related in reality or just as a term of endearment.)
11 デク先生!午後の実技ってどこに集まっとけばいい? デクせんせい!ごごのじつぎってどこにあつまっとけばいい? DEKU-sensei! gogo no jitsugi tte doko ni atsumattokeba ii? "Deku-sensei! Where should we gather for afternoon practical training?"
12 これが齢17歳にして知った これがよわい17さいにしてしった kore ga yowai 17sai ni shite shitta That's the hard truth I learned at age 17,
13 バス停前USJの行き方も兼ねてるから バスていまえユーエスジェーのいきかたもかねてるから BASUtei-mae YUU ESU JEE no ikikata mo kaneteru kara "In front of the bus stop, since it also serves as the way to go to the USJ."
14 社会の現実。 しゃかいのげんじつ。 shakai no genjitsu. the reality of society.
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1 あの日たしかに聞こえた あのひたしかにきこえた ano hi tashika ni kikoeta That day, I definitely heard them,
2 励ましと祈りの声は はげましといのりのこえは hagemashi to inori no kore wa the voices of encouragement and prayer.
3 今も僕を奮い立たせてくれる。 いまもぼくをふるいたたせてくれる。 ima mo boku wo furui tatasete kureru. They still inspire me.
4 誰かに思いを馳せる事がヒーローへの一歩だとしたら だれかにおもいをはせることがヒーローへのいっぽだとしたら dareka ni omoi wo haseru koto ga HIIROO e no ippo da to shitara If thinking of others is a step towards [becoming a] hero,
5 あの日 誰もが最高のヒーローだった。 あのひ だれもがさいこうのヒーローだった。 ano hi daremo ga saikou no HIIROO datta. then that day, everyone were all the greatest heroes.
6 不相応な夢を叶えて貰った ふそうおうなゆめをかなえてもらった fusouou na yume wo kanaete moratta I had an undeserved dream come true for me.
7 考える前に動いてしまった事で始まった僕の物語は かんがえるまえにうごいてしまったことではじまったぼくのものがたりは kangaeru mae ni ugoite shimatta koto de hajimatta boku no monogatari wa As for my story, which began when I moved before I could think,
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book title 敵連合 ヴィランれんごう VIRAN rengou The League of Villains
1 OFAの残り火と共に幕を閉じていく。 ワン・フォー・オールののこりびとともにまくをとじていく。 WAN FOO OORU no nokoribi to tomo ni maku wo tojite iku. the curtain has started to close on it along with the embers of One For All.
2 じゃあ jaa Well then,
3 何でまだコレを書いてるかって? なんでまだコレをかいてるかって? nande mada KORE wo kaiteru ka tte? why am I still writing this, you ask?
4 だってまだ datte mada Because, there's still
5 ページは続いているからね ページはつづいているからね PEEJI wa tsudzuite iru kara ne the pages that are continuing. (Note: Contextually, this would read as "There are still pages left to fill.")
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1 8年後 8ねんご 8nengo 8 years later
2 諸君もいよいよ受験生だ‼︎ しょくんもいよいよじゅけんせいだ‼︎ shokun mo iyoiyo jukensei da!! "All of you are finally [entering the school year when you will take] entrance exams!!"
3 来週までに進路希望を提出する事‼︎ らいしゅうまでにしんろきぼうをていしゅつすること‼︎ raishuu made ni shinro kibou wo teishutsu suru koto!! "By next week, submit your career aspirations!!"
4 俺ぁヒーロー科!雄英だな! おれぁヒーロー科!ゆうえいだな! orea HIIROO-ka! yuuei da na! "Mine's the hero course! At UA!"
5 今アツイのはサポートアイテムだよ! いまアツイのはサポートアイテムだよ! ima ATSUI no wa SAPOOTO AITEMU da yo! "Support items are what's hot right now!"
6 絶対「ライトリーラボ」のメンバーになるンだ! ぜったい「ライトリーラボ」のメンバーになるンだ! zettai 「RAITORII RABO」 no MENBAA ni naruNda! "I'll definitely become a member of the Lightly Lab!"
7-8 あの大天才発目明さんが所属するサポートアイテムデザイン事務所! あのだいてんさいはつめめいさんがしょぞくするサポートアイテムデザインじむしょ! ano daitensai Hatsume Mei-san ga shozoku suru SAPOOTO AITEMU DEZAIN jimusho! "The support item design office that super-genius Mei Hatsume-san belongs to!"
9 僕は吉田竜ドクターみたいに ぼくはよしだりゅうドクターみたいに boku wa Yoshida-ryuu DOKUTAA mitai ni "I [wanna be] like Doctor Ryuu Yoshida"
10 回復不可能な人をも治せるような医師になる…必ずな かいふくふかのうなひとをもなおせるようないしになる…かならずな kaifuku fukanou na hito wo mo naoseru you na ishi ni naru...kanarazu na "and become a doctor who can cure even those who cannot recover...definitely."
11 私は5年前に"サイバ・ウォー"で伝説をつくったGeL Inc.に入りたい! わたしは5ねんまえに"サイバ・ウォー"ででんせつをつくったジーエルインクにはいりたい! watashi wa 5nenmae ni "SAIBA・WOO" de densetsu wo tsukutta JII ERU INKU ni hairitai! "I want to join GeL Inc., which created a legend with 'Cyber War' five years ago!"
12 プログラミング!パリキャリかっこいいの! PUROGURAMINGU! PARI KYARI kakko ii no! "Programming! Paris and Cali are so cool!"
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1 え⁉︎おまえもヒーロー志望なのかよ⁉︎ え⁉︎おまえもヒーローしぼうなのかよ⁉︎ e!? omae mo HIIROO shibou nanoka yo!? "Eh!? You also aspire to be a hero!?"
2 うわあ見るなよ! うわあみるなよ! uwaa miruna yo! "Waah don't look!"
3 おまえの"個性"はさすがにムズくね!⁉︎ おまえの"こせい"はさすがにムズくね!⁉︎ omae no "kosei" wa sasuga ni MUZUku ne!!? "But surely that'll be difficult with your quirk!!?"
4 ダイ! "Dai!" DAI!
5 それは…わからんでしょ…! sore wa...wakaran desho...! "That's...you don't know...!"
6 ただでさえ敵発生率も減少傾向で ただでさえヴィランはっせいりつもげんしょうけいこうで tada de sae VIRAN hasseiritsu mo genshou keikou de "Even in the most opportune times, the incidence rate of villains is on the decline,"
7 ヒーローも数絞られてきてンだぜ⁉︎ ヒーローもかずしぼられてきてンだぜ⁉︎ HIIROO mo kazu shiborarete kiteNda ze!? "and the number of heroes has been narrowed down too, right!?"
8 ごっからは真に強ェ奴だけがヒーローになる時代だぜ! ごっからはしんにつえェやつだけがヒーローになるじだいだぜ! gokkara wa shin ni tsueE yatsu dake ga HIIROO ni naru jidai da ze! "It's an era when only truly strong guys become heroes!"
9 みんな変わっちゃった みんなかわっちゃった minna kawachatta Everyone has changed.
10 ガキの頃は口を揃えて ガキのころはくちをそろえて GAKI no koro wa kuchi wo soroete When I was a kid, everyone would say it in unison.
11-12 オールマイトやエンデヴァー ベストジーニスト デク 大・爆・殺・神ダイナマイト‼︎ショートみたいになりたいって デク だい・ばく・さっ・しんダイナマイト‼︎ショートみたいになりたいって OORU MAITO ya ENDEVAA BESUTO JIINISUTO DEKU daibakusasshin DAINAMAITO!! SHOOTO mitai ni naritai tte They'd all say 'I wanna be like All Might or Endeavor, Best Jeanist, Deku, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight!! Like Shouto!'
13 わかってる wakatteru I get it.
14 僕だけがガキのまま ぼくだけがガキのまま boku dake ga GAKI no mama I'm the only one who stayed like a kid.
15 だから不安になった時はいつもここに来る だからふあんになったときはいつもここにくる dakara fuan ni natta toki wa itsumo koko ni kuru That's why, when I feel anxious, I always come here.
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1 ダイくん一年生がんばれそう? ダイくんいちねんせいがんばれそう? DAI-kun ichinensei ganbaresou? Ready to try your best as a first-year, Dai-kun?
2 うん un Uh-huh! (Note: These two lines are a flashback back to chapter 258.)
3 デビュー以降目覚ましい活躍を見せるテンタコル デビューいこうめざましいかつやくをみせるテンタコル DEBYUU ikou mezamashii katsuyaku wo miseru TENTAKORU "Since his debut, Tentacole has shown us remarkable service."
4 僻地などで未だ見られる形質差別由来の事件に尽力し平和的に解決してきたその功績と影響をたたえ へきちなどでいまだみられるけいしつさべつゆらいのじけんにじんりょくしへいわてきにかいけつしてきたそのこうせきとえいきょうをたたえ hekichi nado de ima da mirareru keishitsu sabetsu yurai no jiken ni jinryoku shi heiwateki ni kaiketsu shite kita sono kouseki to eikyou wo tatae "In recognition of his achievements and influence in peacefully resolving incidents stemming from trait discrimination that still occur in remote areas,"
5 イマムラ平和賞が授与されました! イマムラへいわしょうがじゅよされました! IMAMURA heiwashou ga juyo saremashita! "the Imamura Peace Prize has been awarded!"
6 この賞は8年前蜂起した彼らへ このしょうは8ねんまえほうきしたかれらへ kono shou wa 8nenmae houki shita karera e "This award goes those who rose up 8 years ago."
7 俺は彼らの決意の上に立っているに過ぎないです おれはかれらのけついのうえにたっているにすぎないです ore wa karera no ketsui no ue ni tatte iru ni suginai desu "I am doing nothing more than standing atop their resolve."
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1 続いてはチームアップニュース つづいてはチームアップニュース tsudzuite wa CHIIMUAPPU NYUUSU "Continuing on, in team-up news,"
2 インゲニウムフロッピー・クリエティそしてウラビティが全国の��学校を巡っています インゲニウムフロッピー・クリエティそしてウラビティがぜんこくのしょうがっこうをめぐっています INGENIUMU FUROPPI・KURIETI soshite URABITI ga zenkoku no shougakkou wo megutte imasu "Ingenium, Froppy, Creati, and Uravity are patrolling at elementary schools all over the country."
3 敵発生率の減少に伴い活動の幅を広げる"ヒーロー"たちその中でもーー ヴィランはっせいりつのげんしょうにともないかつどうのはばをひろげる"ヒーロー"たちそのなかでもーー VIRAN hasseiritsu no genshou ni tomonai katsudou no haba wo hirogeru "HIIROO"-tachi sono naka demo-- "Even among the heroes whose scopes of activities are expanding with the decrease in the villain incidence rate,"
4 ウラビティの打ち出した"個性"カウンセリング拡張計画は今最も必要不可欠な活動と言われています ウラビティのうちだした"こせい"カウンセリングかくちょうけいかくはいまもっともひつようふかけつなかつどうといわれています URABITI no uchidashita "kosei" KAUNSERINGU kakushou keikaku wa ima motto mo hitsuyou fukaketsu na katsudou to iwarete imasu "The quirk counseling expansion plan launched by Uravity is said to be the most essential activity right now."
5 おい緑谷これ見たか? おいみどりやこれみたか? oi Midoriya kore mita ka? "Hey Midoriya, have you seen this?"
6 おまえの幼なじみまたチャート落とすぞこりゃ おまえのおさななじみまたチャートおとすぞこりゃ omae no osananajimi mata CHAATO otosu zo korya "Your childhood friend is gonna drop in the charts again with this."
7 かっちゃん… Kacchan... "Kacchan..."
8 なんでこんな近くにおンだてめェ‼︎ なんでこんなちかくにおンだてめェ‼︎ nande konna chikaku ni oNda temeE!! "Why are you this close to me, bastard!!"
9 ひっ‼︎ hi!! "Eep!!"
10 見せ物じゃねンだ死にてーのか‼︎ みせものじゃねンだしにてーのか‼︎ misemono ja neNda shinitee no ka!! "I ain't some spectacle, do you wanna die!!"
11 先生かっちゃん矯正しようと励んでましたよね せんせいかっちゃんきょうせいしようとはげんでましたよね sensei Kacchan kyousei shiyou to wa hagendemashita yo ne "Sensei, you were trying so hard to correct Kacchan, huh."
12 轟とはこれでだいぶ水あけられそうだなあ とどろきとはこれでだいぶみずあけられそうだなあ Todoroki to wa kore de daibu mizu akeraresou da naa "Looks like this'll widen the gap between him and Todoroki."
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1 連日連夜事件に駆けつける れんじつれんやじけんにかけつける renjitsu ren'ya jiken ni kaketsukeru "He rushes to incidents day and night."
2 ぎこちないけど分け隔てないファンサ ぎこちないけどわけへだてないファンサ gikochinai kedo wakehedatenai FANSA "He's awkward, but he gives equal attention to all his fans*." (*Note: Literally this says "He does fan service," but the meaning here is more like what we see with Hawks and Endeavor in Kyushu where that little kid wanted Hawks' autograph and that one Endeavor fan was upset when Endeavor offered to shake his hand. THAT'S the kind of fan service this refers to.)
3 最近じゃエンデヴァーの息子だなんだって言われることも少なくなったそうだ さいきんじゃエンデヴァーのむすこだなんだっていわれることもすくなくなったそうだ saikin ja ENDEVAA no musuko da nanda tte iwareru koto mo sukunaku natta sou da "Recently it seems like people don't often mention that he's Endeavor's son."
4 シンリンカムイ・Mt.レディを抜いて シンリンカムイ・マウントレディをぬいて SHINRIN KAMUI・MAUNTO REDI wo nuite "He'll overtake Kamui Woods and Mount Lady,"
5 一気にトップの通形先輩と並ぶ勢い いっきにトップのとおがたせんぱいとならぶいきおい ikki ni TOPPU no Toogata-senpai to narabu ikioi "then right away he'll have the momentum to match Toogata-senpai at the top."
6 物間くんや骨抜くんもすごいし ものまくんやほねぬきくんもすごいし Monoma-kun ya Honenuki-kun mo sugoi shi "Monoma-kun and Honenuki-kun are also amazing,"
7 先輩もこないだ「コエー!」って笑ってましたよ せんぱいもこないだ「コエー!」ってわらってましたよ senpai mo konai da 「KOEE!」 tte warattemashita yo "and senpai* was also laughing and [calling them] 'Scaryyy!' the other day." (*Note: I think he's referring to Mirio here.)
8 ……さびしいか ......sabishii ka "......You lonely?"
9 …… "......"
10 でも demo "But"
11 昔 不和先輩が先生と話してて むかし ふわせんぱいがせんせいとはなしてて mukashi Fuwa-senpai ga sensei to hanashitete "long ago, Fuwa-senpai was talking with you, Sensei,"
12 その時思ったんです そのときおもったんです sono toki omottandesu "and that's when I thought,"
13 "無個性"には戻るけど経験を活かして誰かを励ませるなら "むこせい"にはもどるけどけいけんをいかしてだれかをはげませるなら "mukosei" ni wa modoru kedo keiken wo ikashite dareka wo hagemaseru nara "I'll return to being quirkless, but if I can make use of my experience and encourage someone,"
14 それはとてもかっこいいかもなって sore wa totemo kakko ii kamo natte "that might be really cool."
15 かっこいいですかね 今僕 かっこいいですかね いまぼく kakko ii desu ka ne ima boku "Aren't I cool now?"
16 もう少し生徒に厳しくした方がいいな もうすこしせいとにきびしくしたほうがいいな mou sukoshi seito ni kibishiku shita hou ga ii na "It'd be better if you were a little more strict with the students."
17 大事なことだぞ だいじなことだぞ daiji na koto da zo "It's important."
18 この現代でウチに入って来れるような奴は このげんだいでウチにはいってこれるようなやつは kono gendai de UCHI ni haitte koreru you na yatsu wa "In this modern age, those who can get into [UA]"
19 将来ヒーロー確約されているようなもんだからな しょうらいヒーローかくやくされているようなもんだからな shourai HIIROO kakuyaku sarete iru you na mon da kara na "are guaranteed to be future heroes."
20 増長しないように俺たちが厳しくしないといけないんだわかるか ぞうちょうしないようにおれたちがきびしくしないといけないんだわかるか zouchou shinai you ni ore-tachi ga kibishiku shinai to ikenainda wakaru ka "We have to be strict now to prevent them from growing arrogant, do you understand?"
21 先生けっこうやさしかったけどな せんせいけっこうやさしかったけどな sensei kekkou yasashikatta kedo na "Sensei, you were pretty kind though."
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1 社会に出てからは しゃかいにでてからは shakai ni dete kara wa After entering society,
2 休みも合わないし集まる機会もなかなか作れない やすみもあわないしあつまるきかいもなかなかつくれない yasumi mo awanai shi atsumaru kikai mo nakanaka tsukurenai we don't have enough time off, and we can't easily make opportunities to get together.
3 男性からの支持圧倒的 だんせいからのしじあっとうてき dansei kara no shiji attouteki "With overwhelming support from men,"
4 漢!烈怒頼雄斗の意外なオリジンに迫ります おとこ!レッドライオットのいがいなオリジンにせまります otoko! REDDO RAIOTTO no igai na ORIJIN ni semarimasu "chivalry*! The surprising origin of Red Riot approaches!" (*Note: Or, depending on how you like to translate Kirishima's favorite word, "Manliness!")
5 レッドだ! REDDO da! "It's Red!"
6 アンブれいかぶる! ANBUreikaburu! "Unbreakable!"
7 あっ a "Ah!"
8 皆の活躍を見るのはとても嬉しい みんなのかつやくをみるのはとてもうれしい minna no katsuyaku wo miru no wa totemo ureshii I'm very happy to see everyone in action*. (*Note: This word also refers to one's activities, their service, their successes and contributions, etc.)
9 学生の頃を思い出すとよくここに来る がくせいのころをおもいだすとよくここにくる gakusei no koro wo omoidasu to yoku koko ni kuru When I recall my days as a student, I often come here.
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1 いだっ‼︎ ida!! "Ow!!"
2 ひゃん hyan "Oof!"
3 あっぶねーありがとござます! abbunee arigato gozamasu! "That was dangerous, thank you very much!"
4 デ… DE... "De..."
5 え…デク⁉︎緑谷‼︎出久⁉︎ え…デク⁉︎みどりや‼︎いずく⁉︎ e...DEKU!? Midoriya!! Izuku!? "Eh...Deku!? Izuku Midoriya!?"
6 うわあ⁉︎実在してるんだあうわあ うわあ⁉︎じつざいしてるんだあうわあ uwaa!? jitsuzai shiterundaa uwaa "Waah!? You really exist, wow!"
7 そっか sokka "I see."
8 受験生かあ じゅけんせいかあ jukensei kaa "[You'll be taking] entrance exams, huh?"
9 …時代が急激に変わってって…僕みたいな …じだいがきゅうげきにかわってって…ぼくみたいな ...jidai ga kyuugeki ni kawatte tte...boku mitai na "...They say times are rapidly changing...it seems like that to me."
10 同級生に比べてめちゃ弱い"個性"はついていけなくなっちゃった どうきゅうせいにくらべてめちゃよわい"こせい"はついていけなくなっちゃった doukyuusei ni kurabete mecha yowai "kosei" wa tsuite ikenaku nachatta "Compared to my classmates, with my very weak quirk, I can't keep up."
11 だからここに来てオールマイト像に聞くんです だからここにきてオールマイトぞうにきくんです dakara koko ni kite OORU MAITO zou ni kikundesu "That's why I came here and asked the All Might statue."
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1-2 僕もあなたたちのようなヒーローになれますかーーーって… ぼくもあなたたちのようなヒーローになれますかーーーって… boku mo anata-tachi no you na HIIROO ni naremasu ka---tte... "I asked, can I also become a hero like you guys...?"
3 "僕もオールマイトのように"ーーー "ぼくもオールマイトのように"ーーー "boku mo OORU MAITO no you ni"--- Just like me with All Might---
4 髪の皿みたいなモノを投てきする"個性"か かみのさらみたいなモノをとうてきする"こせい"か kami no sara mitai na MONO wo touteki suru "kosei" ka "A quirk that throws things that look like plates from one's hair, huh?"
5 髪由来なら峰田くんの応用で全然いけると思うなあ重ねることで強度も上がるし大きさも変わってたよね?汎用性あるよ かみゆらいならみねたくんのおうようでぜんぜんいけるとおもうなあかさねることできょうどもあがるしおおきさもかわってたよね?はんようせいあるよ kami yurai nara Mineta-kun no ouyou de zenzen ikeru to omou naa kasaneru koto de kyoudo mo agaru shi ookisa mo kawatteta yo ne? han'yousei aru yo "If it comes from hair, I think you can absolutely use Mineta-kun's application. By piling them up, their strength increases and their size changes, right? It's versatile!" (Note: This text bubble is surrounded by the "mutter" sound effect often used for Izuku's mumbling.)
6 コワ‼︎いけど何これ励まされてる⁉︎ コワ‼︎いけどなにこれはげまされてる⁉︎ KOWA!! ikedo nani kore hagemasareteru!? "Creepy!! But also why is this encouraging!?"
7 夢をを叶えた後は ゆめをかなえたあとは yume wo kanaeta ato wa After fulfilling [my own] dream,
8 大丈夫 だいじょうぶ daijoubu "It's all right,"
9 だって君はさっき手を差し伸べようとしたじゃないか だってきみはさっきてをさしのべようとしたじゃないか datte kimi wa sakki te wo sashinobe you to shita ja nai ka "because back there, you tried to reach out your hand, didn't you?"
10 夢を与えていく番だ ゆめをあたえていくばんだ yume wo ataete iku ban da it's [my] turn to offer dreams.
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1 君はヒーローになれるよ きみはヒーローになれるよ kimi wa HIIROO ni nareru yo "You can become a hero!"
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1 頑張れ少年! がんばれしょうねん! ganbare shounen! "Do your best, young man!"
2 さびしくないと言ったらウソになるけど さびしくないといったらウソになるけど sabishikunai to ittara USO ni naru kedo If I said I wasn't lonely, I'd be lying, but
3 こんな風に誰かを励ませるならーー こんなふうにだれかをはげませるならーー konna fuu ni dareka wo hagemaseru nara-- if I can encourage someone like this--
4-5 これは僕たちが最高のヒーローになった物語 これはぼくたちがさいこうのヒーローになったものがたり kore wa boku-tachi ga saikou no HIIROO ni natta monogatari This is the story of how we became the greatest heroes.
text in hand 完 かん kan Complete
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1 遅かったじゃないか少年‼︎ おそかったじゃないかしょうねん‼︎ osokatta ja nai ka shounen!! "You're late, young man!!"
2 仰ってくれたら空港まで迎えに行ったのに! おっしゃってくれたらくうこうまでむかえにいったのに! osshatte kuretara kuukou made mukae ni itta noni! "If you had told me, I would have gone to pick you up from the airport!"
3 サプライズプレゼントしたくてね SAPURAIZU PUREZENTO shitakute ne "I want to give you a surprise present."
4 タペストウリーですか⁉︎ TAPESUTOURII desu ka!? "Is it a tapestry!?"
5 8年前私とAFOの戦いで取れたデータが 8ねんまえわたしとオール・フォー・ワンのたたかいでとれたデータが 8nenmae watashi to OORU FOO WAN no tatakai de toreta DEETA ga "The data obtained during the battle between me and All For One 8 years ago"
6 なんかすごい可能性を広げるモノだったそうだ! なんかすごいかのうせいをひろげるモノだったそうだ! nanka sugoi kanousei wo hirogeru MONO datta sou da! "seems like it's something that opens up a lot of possibilities!"
7 "個性"の深化と共に "こせい"のしんかとともに "kosei" no shinka to tomo ni "With the strengthening of quirks,"
8 技術もまた深化していく ぎじゅつもまたしんかしていく gijutsu mo mata shinka shite iku "technology also strengthens."
9 マルチに個性を使いこなした君で更なるデータを取りたい! マルチにこせいをつかいこなしたきみでさらなるデータをとりたい! MARUCHI ni kosei wo tsukaikonashita kimi de saranaru DEETA wo toritai! "I want to collect even more data from you as you have mastered using multiple quirks!"
10 え でもこんな高いモノ… え でもこんなたかいモノ… e demo konna takai MONO... "Eh? But such an expensive thing..."
11 こいつは海外の友と発目少女の協力 こいつはかいがいのともとはつめしょうじょのきょうりょく koitsu wa kaigai no tomo to Hatsume-shoujo no kyouryoku "This one is from cooperation between my friend overseas and Young Hatsume,"
12 そして爆豪少年中心にかつてのA組が共同出資したモノだ そしてばくごうしょうねんちゅうしんにかつてのエーぐみがきょうどうしゅっししたモノだ soshite Bakugou-shounen chuushin ni katsute no EE-gumi ga kyoudou shusshi shita MONO da "and it is something that the former Class A jointly invested in with Young Bakugou at the heart of it."
13 バレてるぜ BAREteru ze "You've been found out."
14 まだ身体が動いちまうんだろ まだからだがうごいちまうんだろ mada karada ga ugoichimaundaro "Your body is still moving."
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1 肝に銘じておきな きもにめいじておきな kimo ni meijite oki na "Take this to heart."
2-3 これも君自身が勝ち取った力だ‼︎ これもきみじしんがかちとったちからだ‼︎ kore mo kimi jishin ga kachitotta chikara da!! "You've earned this power fair and square, too!!" (Note: The above three lines are a reference to chapter 2.)
4 皆といつまでも みんなといつまでも minna to itsumademo WIth everyone, forever...
5 来い こい koi "Come [on],"
6 デク DEKU "Deku." (Note: If you want to get REALLY sentimental, just know that together speech bubbles #5 & #6 make grammatically the exact opposite phrase of what Katsuki said to Izuku in the woods at summer training camp before he disappeared in the portal, which gets translated in English as "Stay back, Deku.")
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1 前よりは"暇"って感じかな…! まえよりは"ひま"ってかんじかな…! mae yori wa "hima" tte kanji ka na...! "It feels like we've got more free time than before...!"
2 星戦道路で崖崩れ交通マヒってます せいせんどうろでがけくずれこうつうマヒってます seisen douro de gake kuzure koutsuu MAHIttemasu "A landslide on Seisen* Road is paralyzing traffic." (*Note: This road's name means literally "Star Wars" in Japanese.)
3 ヒーロー出動お願いします! ヒーローしゅつどうおねがいします! HIIROO shutsudou onegai shimasu! "Please dispatch heroes!"
4 いつまでも itsumademo ...forever,
tagline 1 No.430 僕のヒーローアカデミア 堀越耕平 ナンバー430 ぼくのヒーローアカデミア ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 430 boku no HIIROO AKADEMIA Horikoshi Kouhei No. 430 My Hero Academia Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 長きに渡るご愛読心よりありがとうございました‼︎堀越先生の次回作にご期待下さい‼︎最終42巻は12月4日(水)発売予定です!!! ながきにわたるごあいどくこころよりありがとうございました‼︎ほりこしせんせいのじかいさくにごきたいください‼︎さいしゅう42かんは12がつ4か(すい)はつばいよていです!!! nagaki ni wataru goaidoku kokoro yori arigatou gozaimashita!! Horikoshi-sensei no jikaisaku ni gokitai kudasai!! saishuu 42kan wa 12gatsu 4ka (sui) hatsubai yotei desu!!! A long-time favorite, thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts!! Please stay tuned for Horikoshi-sensei's next work!! The final 42nd volume is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, December 4th!!!
5 手を差し伸べ続ける物語 てをさしのべつづけるものがたり te wo sashinobe tsudzukeru monogatari this is the story of how we keep reaching out our hands.
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yoga-onion · 5 months ago
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"Shio-ume (塩梅 = Salt plum)"?
Deciding, after all this time, to read more novels to strengthen my Japanese and expand my vocabulary, I scoured the books I had always wanted to read, especially my late father's bookshelves. Naturally, all I found were classic Japanese literature dating back to the pre-Showa period and even centuries earlier.
Two words that have been on my mind recently are ‘Salt plum (塩梅)’.
‘What... suddenly the salt plum...?’
A large red pickled plum with salt gushing out on the surface comes to mind for a moment. However, when reading a novel, the flow of the story is more important, so I seldom stop at a single word, whatever the language.
‘Anbai (塩梅 = just right)’? is this kind of kanji characters. ‘Eh, eh.’
The word means ‘salt and plum vinegar’, and in the days when there was no vinegar, the ume vinegar produced when pickled plums were used to season food. The word was derived from the fact that the taste was ‘It's just right’. 
However, this has been a challenge. The Japanese language is deep. Language is a useful tool for learning about a country's history and culture.
Anyway, I made and ate rice balls with salt plums with the seasonal new rice. Yum, Yum!
[Note: Umeboshi (salted ume-plums) are extremely sour and salty that will make saliva spread through your mouth with a sizzle if you are Japanese, just by reading the words or looking at the image.]
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hiromusicarts-blog · 5 months ago
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9月25日発売の新譜「叙情 - Lyric Suite」ですが、オンライン各社、それぞれの理由で、流通が滞っているようです。 楽天ブックスは予約分の配送は完了したのですが、商品が捌けてしまったのか、注文が一時的にストップしているようです。 Amazonは、在庫もあり、2~3日で発送される見通し。 タワレコとHMVは、「入荷待ち」となっており、こちらは、初回出荷分がまだ届いていないということなのか?流通センターには、9月9日に納品されているので、何をやっているのかが分かりません。(注文いただいた方々、ご迷惑をお掛けいたしますが、今しばらくお待ち下さいませ) ですので、これからご注文いただけるのならamazonが、早いかと思われます。 いずれにせよ、1週間~10日のうちに流通回復すると思いますので、気長にお待ちいただければ幸いです。
The new album "Lyric Suite" will be released on September 25th, but it seems that distribution is stalled for each online company for various reasons. Rakuten Books has completed the delivery of pre-orders, but it seems that orders have been temporarily stopped, perhaps because the product has been sold out. Amazon has stock and is expected to ship in 2-3 days. Tower Records and HMV are "on backorder," so does this mean that the first shipment has not arrived yet? The distribution center received the album on September 9th, so I don't know what they are doing. (We apologize for the inconvenience to those who have ordered, but please wait a little longer.) So, if you are planning to order from now on, Amazon is probably the fastest. In any case, I think distribution will resume within a week to 10 days, so I would appreciate it if you could wait patiently.
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year ago
New Year's Resolutions in Japanese
It's almost that time of year, to make resolutions that you may or may not keep! Here's how to make some of those resolutions in Japanese!
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Vocabulary to Use for New Year's Resolutions
新年の抱負 しんねんのほうふ New Year's resolution
抱負 ほうふ aspiration; ambition; plan; hopes; wishes
新年の誓 しんねんのちかい New Year's resolution (less common)
誓 ちかい oath; vow
目標 もくひょう goal
習慣 しゅうかん habit
癖 くせ (negative) habit
Grammar Forms to Use for New Year's Resolutions
~(verb)たい want to do ~
毎日散歩したい まいにちさんぽしたい I want to walk every day
~(verb)こと verb nominalizer (allows verbs to act as nouns)
毎日ジムに行くこと まいにちジムにいくこと Go to the gym every day
~ことにする decide on/intend to do ~
毎晩10時の前に寝ることにする まいばん10じのまえにねることにする I intend to go to bed before 10 every night
10 Common New Year's Resolutions in Japan
健康に気を付けること けんこうにきをつけること Take care of one's health
本をたくさん読むこと ほんをたくさんよむこと Read a lot of books
家族と多くの時間を過ごすこと かぞくとおおくのじかんをすごすこと Spend more time with family
やせる  Lose weight
お金を貯める おかねをためる Save money
禁煙する きんえんする Quit smoking
習い事を始める ならいごとをはじめる Learn something new
お酒の量を減らす おさけのりょうをへらす Drink less alcohol
運動の習慣をつける うんどうのしゅうかんをつける Exercise regularly
試験に合格することにする しけんにごうかくすることにする Pass an exam
How to Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions
自分、あるいは他の人に責任を持たされる じぶん、あるいはほかのひとにせきにんをもたされる to be held accountable by yourself or by others
抱負の数を限る ほうふのかずをかぎる limit the number of resolutions
抱負を細かく決める ほうふをこまかくきめる decide resolutions in detail
What are your New Year's resolutions?
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nihongoseito · 8 months ago
vocab from 魔女の宅急便, pt. ???
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you thought you'd seen the last of this vocab series, huh??!
no, in fact i finally found the time to read a few more chapters of this book. for the uninitiated, i read the start of this book many years ago, then put it down, then read most of it last summer, then put it down again....i seriously only have like 30 pages left at this point so come hell or high water i'm going to finish it before i leave for japan! so have some more random vocab!!
魔法瓶(まほうびん) = thermos, vacuum flask (lit. magic bottle)
お辞儀(じぎ) = bow, bowing
お行儀(ぎょうぎ) = manners
野外(やがい) = outdoors, open air
〜係(がかり) = person in charge (of ~)
芸当(げいとう) = trick, stunt, feat; daring act
悲鳴(ひめい) = shriek, scream
尻込み(しりごみ) = recoil, flinching; hesitation
ラッパ = trumpet, horn
自慢(じまん) = pride, boast
いびき = snoring, snore
寒空(さむぞら) = winter sky, wintry weather
べそをかく = to be on the verge of tears
すがる = to cling to, hang onto; to implore, entreat
威張る(いばる) = to be arrogant, boast
こする = to scrape, rub
かかえる = to carry, hold
お揃い(そろい)の = matching, going together
鼻(はな)が高い(たかい) = proud
へぼい = clumsy, unskillful, bungling
相当(そうとう)な = proportionate, befitting, appropriate
気(き)まぐれな = capricious, fickle
ムニャムニャ = mumbling, muttering incomprehensibly
瞬く(またたく)間(ま)に = in the blink of an eye, in a flash
もうじき = soon, shortly
はなはだ = very, greatly
そんじょそこら = anywhere, here and there
ハラハラ = being kept in suspense, feeling anxious
よりにもよって = X of all X (e.g., today of all days, her of all people)
ヨーイドン = ready, go!
ヨイショ = heave-ho!
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i-heart-hxh · 1 year ago
A Day in the Life of Killua
I wanted to share a translation of an excerpt from this Hunter x Hunter Characters Book, published in 2001.
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A Day in the Life of Killua
My own big prediction!
Although he has lived a life soaked in blood, Killua is probably no different from a normal 12-year-old. Let’s take a closer look at the life of Killua, who says he loves sweets!
10:00 Wake up
11:00 Gon arrives.
While I was dozing off in the morning, I hear Gon's voice inviting me to play with him. I’m embarrassed for some reason, so I hit him without thinking.
12:00 Play with Gon
14:00 Lunch
We have lunch while wandering around town. I feel it’s more fun to eat outside than in a restaurant.
15:00 Snack
16:00 Play some more
17:00 Discover Illumi.
While I was making a pit trap to trick Gon, somehow I found Illumi. I dash away like I'm about to die, and calm myself down.
17:05 Buy Chocobo
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Go to Gon's room
22:00 Go to bed in Gon's room
While talking with Gon about what we did in town, it gets to be late at night. It’s too much trouble to go back to my room, so I go to bed next to Gon.
A word from Killua
You're totally wrong! Why do I keep eating sweets all the time? And why is my brother Illumi buried in the garden? You're making fun of me!?
Japanese Transcript:
(Just because I went through the trouble to transcribe it, and in case anyone wants to do their own translations!)
10:00 起床
11:00 ゴンがやってくる
12:00 ゴンと遊ぶ
14:00 昼ご飯
15:00 おやつ
16:00 さらに遊ぶ
17:00 イルミを発見
17:05 チョコロボくんを買う
19:00 夕飯
20:00 ゴンの部屋に行く
22:00 ゴンの部屋に就寝
Another thing I want to note about this book is that it has a full story in it, which you can find translated here! It's an interesting read in general--it's based off episode 46 of the 1999 anime, which deviates from the manga and has its own original story, and this story then expands upon that original story. One thing I think is especially interesting is the story starts off with Gon and Killua sleeping in the same bed, so this book makes two separate mentions of that being something they do, which is cute. ❤️
While Togashi didn't write the story himself or likely the contents of this book, he did write an afterword to it, so I'm guessing he must have at the very least read it over and approved of the contents before it was published, and it's certainly possible he had more involvement than that as well. Take the canon status of it all with a grain of salt, I'd say it's more semi-canon/a different version of canon than 100% canon to the manga (similar to how I consider the 1999 anime additions/changes as well), but it's interesting nonetheless and fun as far as shipping fuel goes!
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elle-p · 3 months ago
Thoughts of what once was Ryoji Mochizuki
...Just as I thought, you couldn't lay a finger on me. Maybe you began to love me because we met as friends. But as I've warned multiple times, what I as the 'Appriser' will give you is absolute death. It's not something that can be overcome through willpower or effort. The 'end' as the contrapostion to 'life', which every living thing has without exception, comes upon all human beings as an unavoidable decision. The 'death' that everyone should know but don't recognise as their own... when you all face it, you can't help but dread and depair over that overwhelming truth. So I at least wanted to let you forget about it all and have it come to an end. Only you, who raised me, had the power to make it happen. ...Even though it turned out like this, I'm glad to have met you. Until we meet again, take care. ...Best wishes in the coming year.
The desire of two boys who seek their former halves
Tonight, when the moon ascends in the sky, I will reunite with part of my former self on the tower's peak. Just as time flows and the seasons change, it's obvious that all living things are preparing to end, and that it is unavoidable. Though I know that, I still try to cling to a miracle that might happen. Until I witness true despair, I'm holding on to a sliver of hope... Shadows are born from people's hearts. And Personas are too; they are of the same essence. The only difference is if one has an intent. No matter how much of that power one might wield, what would be the reason to threaten that which is the root of existence, the Great Mother? How much can a tiny, foolish child who bares their fangs at the Fall, the name of the Great Mother, Nyx, do? ...If the future is to change, it's the power of will that's the source of Personas, the heart's bonds, that will push you forward. Now, let's head to that place to fullfill our duty. I, we, have shed tears about the premonition that this day will come ever since we were one.
⋯⋯やっぱり君は、僕に手を下せなかったね。僕たちが友だちとして出会ってしまったから、情が移っちゃったのかもしれないね。でも僕は何度も忠告した、「宣告者」である僕が連れてくる のは絶対の死だ。努力とか意志の力でなんとかできるようなもの じゃない。生きとし生けるものが例外なく持った、「生きる」対偶としての「終わり」が、避け��うのない決定事項として、すべての人間の上に訪れるものだ。みんな知ってるはずなのに、自分のこととして認識しなかった「死」⋯⋯それを迎えたときに君たちは、その圧倒的な事実の前に恐怖し、絶望せずにはいられない。だから僕はせめて、すべてを忘れて終わりを迎えてもらおうと思った。僕を育ててくれた君にだけは、それを叶える力があったのだからね。⋯⋯こんな形になってしまったけど、君に出会えたこと、嬉しかった。つぎに逢うときまで元気で。⋯⋯よいお年を。
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Sean bienvenidos mis queridos fanáticosarqueológicos a una nueva entrega de prehistoria Japónesa en esta ocasión nos trasladamos a la pregunta ¿Cuándo se originó el sintoísmo?. - Aunque parezca raro es una religión que se conformo durante el periódo Jōmon (17.500-300), para ser exactos a finales de dicho período y continua hasta nuestros días los dioses del sintoísmo, se les llama Kamis ( dios) ya que para los japoneses todo tenía un dios las montañas, ríos. - El sintoísmo tiene influencias chinas, coreanas de hay que tenga similitudes con el taoísmo, ¿Qué dos libros recogen la categoría de los Kamis? Son el Kojiki(713d.c) y el Nihonshoki(720d.c). - Espero que os guste y nos vemos en una próxima públicacion un cordial saludo. 🇯🇵 私の愛する考古学ファンを日本の先史時代の新作に歓迎します。今回は、神道がいつ始まったのかという質問に移ります。 - 奇妙に思えるかもしれませんが、縄文時代(17500-300)に形成された宗教であり、正確にはその時代の終わりに、今日まで神道の神であり、カミス(神)と呼ばれています。 日本人にとって、山や川にはすべて神がいました。 - 神道は中国、韓国の影響を受けており、道教との類似点があります。 カミスのカテゴリーに分類される2冊の本は何ですか? こうじき(713d.c)と日本書紀(720d.c)です。 - よろしくお願いします。次の出版物で心からのご挨拶を申し上げます。 🇬🇧 Welcome my dear archaeological fans to a new installment of Japanese prehistory, this time we move to the question, when did Shintoism originate? - Although it may seem strange, it is a religion that was formed during the Jōmon period (17500-300), to be exact at the end of that period and continues to this day the gods of Shintoism, they are called Kamis (god) since for the Japanese everything the mountains and rivers had a god. - Shintoism has Chinese, Korean influences, and there are similarities with Taoism. What two books are classified under the category of the Kamis? They are the Kojiki (713d.c) and the Nihonshoki (720d.c). - I hope you like it and see you in a next publication a cordial greeting.
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soimort · 6 months ago
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山下エミリー - X - Mon 29 Jul 2024
📚告知です📚 📚Announcement📚 週刊プレイボーイ ■発売日:2024年8月5日(月) Weekly Playboy ■Release date: August 5, 2024 (Monday) 卒業後初のソログラビアをやらせていただいてます!💖 I’m doing my first solo gravure since graduation!💖 アイドル時代とは真逆私だったり週刊プレイボーイらしさがギュギュッと詰め込まれてます! It’s the complete opposite of my idol days, and it’s packed with Weekly Playboy style! 沢山の方に見ていただけると嬉しいです☺️ I hope many of you will see it☺️ 🔗 https://www.shueisha.co.jp/books/magazines/magazine.html?magazine=weeklyplayboy
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yanderecrazysie · 8 months ago
I actually love the idea of Haru being a kuudere yandere, can we get a shot about that?
Raeder tries to get along with him by talking to him and seeing as how he doesn't seem to mind her she went as far as venting to him. But when she started venting about specific people those people started vanishing. And when she talked to Haru about this, she got disturbed by how he somehow got colder and started talking like 'why do you care about them? didn't you say they bother you?' 'why are you so invested in that guy's disappearance? don't tell me you liked him back or something'
Giving her the sinking feeling, that there's seriously something wrong here and eventually stopped talking to him all together. But he wouldn't let her cut ties with him.
This plot is *chef’s kiss* mwah! I knew the perfect song for this too lol
Title: Jishu
Pairings: Nanase Haruka x Reader
WARNINGS: yandere themes, implied murder, swearing
Summary: You’re pretty sure there’s something dark inside your kuudere friend.
“Yes! I did it!
I dropped that girl into hell.
So? Is there a problem?
Everyone hated her, right?
- from “Jishu” by Roce
You felt like you could tell Haru anything.
Talking with Haru came easily, the words flowing from your mouth like the waterfalls he loves. You could talk about anything you wanted, and he’d sit there and listen attentively. You could talk about your day, talk on and on about your new favorite book series, or rant about things that went wrong or people that annoyed you.
If you were to be honest, you did a lot more ranting than anything else.
“...and she’s just so full of herself!” you finished, flinging your arms out in frustration. Haru barely blinked, watching you with those ocean-blue eyes.
“Does she bother you anymore?” Haru asked simply.
You took a moment to think about it. “Well, I think she’s home sick, so she hasn’t bothered me the past few days.”
Haru nodded seriously and said, “Good.”
You really should have put two and two together.
“This guy just won’t stop flirting with me,” you said in disgust, stabbing your meal with your fork. 
Your bad-tempered attention on your food meant you missed the way Haru’s eyes darkened with anger. He laid down his chopsticks and looked down at his own meal, appetite gone.
“What’s his name?”
“Of course his name is Chad. Why wouldn’t it be?” you rolled your eyes, “He doesn’t have a big chin like the memes, but damn is his ego big.”
“Which class?” Haru asked, his voice suddenly sharper than before.
“We share History,” you snorted, “But you’d think it was sex-ed with the way he talks.”
Haru’s hand curled into a fist but he said nothing.
You continued to vent, completely unaware of Haru’s reaction. “I just wish he’d leave me alone,” you finished, “He can’t take a hint at all.”
Haru’s eyes met your own. The quiet boy took a moment to think before saying, “He’ll change his mind.”
You laughed, “If only it were that easy.”
Haru nodded and picked up his chopsticks again, eating in silence.
After that day, Chad vanished from your life. He no longer sat next to you in history, putting his lanky arm around your shoulder while you squirmed in disgust. He no longer lingered in the hallways, following you to your locker while boasting loudly. He no longer seemed to exist at all.
At first you were relieved, but worry started to sink in. It had been weeks since anyone had seen him and students were beginning to gossip about what had happened to the creep.
You found Haru swimming in the university pool and approached him, “Hey, Haru- have you heard anything about Chad? He went missing almost a month ago.”
Haru stared at you, his expression unreadable, “Why are you asking about him?” his voice was cold- harsher than usual, “I thought you didn’t like him.”
A chill shot down your spine, “I don’t… but it’s just weird that he’s gone. People are worrying, y’know?”
Haru climbed out of the pool, not breaking eye contact. His eyes narrowed, “Why do you care so much? He was bothering you, right?”
You swallowed dryly, “Well, yeah, but that doesn’t mean I want anything bad to happen to him. He’s still a human.”
“Is that all it is?” Haru’s voice was even colder and harsher now, spitting out each word as though they were venom, “You have feelings for him, don’t you?”
“Of course not!” you protested, “But-”
You fell silent when a chilling smile graced Haru’s face, “Then don’t worry. He won’t harm you again. No one will ever hurt you again.”
Your heart stopped, “Haru… did you do something to Chad?”
The look in his eyes told you everything you needed to know, the near-demonic smile only adding fuel to your terror. “I need to go.”
Haru reached out, his hand brushing against your arm gently, “You don’t have to worry about him anymore. You don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll take care of you.”
“What did you do?” you demanded.
Haru shook his head, “I wouldn’t want to worry you.”
You stepped away from him, heart pounding in your chest. This wasn’t the Haru you once knew. This was someone dangerous.
You did the only thing you could think of- you fled. You ran like a bat out of hell, all the way back to your dorm. Tears streaked down your face by the time you reached safety. 
Haru… your closest confidant… what had he done to those people?
You had doomed them by talking about them to him.
You couldn’t decide… did you really want to know what he did…?
Or did you want to live blissfully unaware?
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lvdbbooks · 9 months ago
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「第11回 BOOK DAY とやま」
主催:BOOK DAY とやま実行委員会
【香川】 古本YOMS(25日のみ) 【大阪】 SUS~くらしと本のみせ スウス~ LVDB BOOKS 【兵庫】 1003 【京都】 空き瓶books 古書ダンデライオン 開風社 待賢ブックセンター 余波舎 NAGORO BOOKS(25日のみ) 【東京】 新百姓 【神奈川】 NEUTRAL COLORS(26日のみ) 【愛知】 ON READING(25日のみ) 【三重】 古本屋ぽらん 【岐阜】 徒然舎 【滋賀】 半月舎 【長野】 じゃらん亭 【石川】 あうん堂 NYANCAFE-BOOKS 一誠堂能瀬書店 古本一刻館 オヨヨ書林 近八書房 髙橋麻帆書店 【富山】 キャロット ブック・スピカ 書肆月影 古本ブックエンド ひらすま書房 古本なるや 古書さいとう デフォー コメ書房 古本いるふ スピニー ピストン藤井(26日のみ)
▼似顔絵 堀道広
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findareading · 1 year ago
— 林望著「何が読みたいか?」(『テーブルの雲─A Book for a Rainy Day─』2002年9月Kindle版、新潮文庫)
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pikahlua · 2 years ago
MHA Chapter 393 spoilers translations (no images)
Apparently Horikoshi got a little too horny this week and his art tripped the boob-alert censors, so here’s an image-free transcript of the chapter 393 rough translations.
To view the image version that has been marked by the mature filter, click here.
1 そういやトガちゃんって souiya Toga-chan tte Come to think of it, Toga-chan,
2 敵名つけねえの? ヴィランめいつけねえの? VIRAN-mei tsukenee no? can’t you [use] a villain name?
tagline 1 ありし日の敵連合ーー ありしひのヴィランれんごうーー arishi hi no VIRAN rengou-- The League of Villains from days gone by--
tagline 2 No.393 少女のエゴ  堀越耕平 ナンバー393 しょうじょのエゴ  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 393 shoujo no EGO   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 393 A Girl’s Ego  Kouhei Horikoshi
3 確かに たしかに tashika ni “It’s certainly true.”
4 そーいやおまえとウチのボスくらいだな sooiya omae to UCHI no BOSU kurai da na “That’s right, you and our boss”
5 敵名が無いの ヴィランめいがないの VIRAN-mei ga nai no “have no villain names.”
6 つけよーぜ tsukeyoo ze “Use one!”
7 いらねーよ iranee yo “They don’t need it!”
8 やです ya desu “Don’t want one.”
9 あった方が箔つくよ あったほうがはくつくよ atta hou ga haku tsuku yo “It’d be more prestigious to have one!”
10 「女吸血鬼カーミラ」…! 「おんなきゅうけつきカーミラ」…! 「onna kyuuketsuki KAAMIRA」...! “The Woman Vampire Carmilla...!”
11 「血う血う」 「ちうちう」 「chiu chiu」 “Bloody kiss.” (Note: This is actually a pun on the word “chiu” which is what Toga says as an onomatopoeia for sucking blood. It sounds like “suck” and “smooch.” Twice has squeezed in the kanji for “blood” for the pun.)
12 「ピカちう」 「PIKAchiu」 “Pikasmooch!” (Note: Same pun as the previous line.)
13 や ya “NO.”
14 下らねぇ くだらねぇ kudaranee “How worthless.”
15 個性届制定前までの名残だろ客喜ばせるだけだ こせいとどけせいていまえまでのなごりだろきゃくよろこばせるだけだ kosei todoke seiteimae made no nagori daro kyaku yorokobaseru dake da “It’s only a relic from before the enactment of the Quirk Registry, just to please people.”
16 「荼毘」が言うなよ 「だび」がいうなよ 「Dabi」 ga iuna yo Literal. “Don’t say that, ‘Dabi.’” Context. “You don’t get to say that, ‘Cremation.’” (Note: The implication is that Dabi’s villain name is pretty uninspired or boring.)
17 本名未だた知らねー ほんみょういまだにしらねー honmyou ima da ni shiranee “We still don’t know your real name.”
1 昔は"ヒーロー""敵"に違いなんかなかったんだってな むかしは"ヒーロー""ヴィラン"にちがいなんかなかったんだってな mukashi wa “HIIROO” “VIRAN” ni chigai nanka nakattanda tte na “Long ago, there wasn’t a difference between ‘heroes’ and ‘villains.’”
2 一説によると いっせつによると issetsu ni yoru to “According to one theory,”
3 得体の知れねぇ敵対者への仮称が始まりだったそうだ えたいのしれねぇてきたいしゃへのかしょうがはじまりだったそうだ etai no shirenee tekitaisha e no kashou ga hajimari datta sou da “it seems like they were tentative names given to mysterious adversaries.”
4 そこから素性素性隠しに自ら渾名を名乗る者が現れたと… そこからすじょうがくしにみずからあだなをなのるものがあらわれたと… soko kara sujougakushi ni mizukara adana wo nanoru mono ga arawareta to... “From there, people appeared who gave themselves nicknames to hide their identities...”
5 生き抜く為に被った別人の皮が いきぬくためにかぶったべつじんのかわが ikinuku tame ni kabutta betsujin no kawa ga “while others wore masks in order to survive,”
6 いつしかコミックに倣った"記号"となった いつしかコミックにならった"きごう"となった itsu shika KOMIKKU ni naratta “kigou” to natta “and eventually they became ‘symbols’ that imitated comic books.”
7 世界がコミックになったのは"名乗り"が原因って説さ せかいがコミックになったのは"なのり"がげんいんってせつさ sekai ga KOMIKKU ni natta no wa “nanori” ga gen’in tte setsusa “It’s said that [those] code names were the cause of the world becoming like comic books.”
8 俺ぁいいや おれぁいいや orea iiya “I don’t need one.” (Note: Literally he’s just saying “Me, no.”)
9 かっこいいと思うけど かっこいいとおもうけど kakko ii to omou kedo “Although I do think they’re cool.”
10 キャッ! KYA! “Hyup!” (Note: This is really just a nonsense word for Toga to shout as she leaps up.)
11 だから連合入ったの! だかられんごうはいったの! dakara rengou haitta no! “That’s why I joined the league!”
12 生きにくいです! いきにくいです! iki nikui desu! It’s hard to live!
1 私は わたしは watashi wa “I”
2 トガヒミコとして生きるのです トガヒミコとしていきるのです TOGA HIMIKO to shite ikiru no desu “live as Himiko Toga.”
3-4 そっちの尺度で私を可哀想にするな‼︎ そっちのルールでわたしをかわいそうにするな‼︎ socchi no RUURU (kanji: shakudo) de watashi wo kawaisou ni suruna!! “Don’t make me a pitiable person by those rules (read as: standards)!!”
1-2 同情なんかじゃ…ない…! どうじょうなんかじゃ…ない…! doujou nanka ja...nai...! “I am not...sympathetic...!”
3 触られた さわられた sawarareta I was touched
4 …でも今浮かされる事自体にリスクはない …でもいまうかされることじたいにリスクはない ...demo ima ukasareru koto jitai ni RISUKU wa nai ...but being made to float now isn’t by itself a risk.
5 耳当たりの良いこと言ったって みみあたりのいいこといったって mimi atari no ii koto itta tte “You have something that’s nice to hear?”
6 結局檻に入れて死刑でしょう…⁉︎ けっきょくおりにいれてしけいでしょう…⁉︎ kekkyoku ori ni irete shikei deshou...!? “In the end, won’t you put me in a cage and sentence me to death...!?”
1-2 でなければ仁くんのように殺すだけだ! でなければじんくんのようにころすだけだ! denakereba Jin-kun no you ni korosu dake da! “If not that, then you’ll just kill me like [you did] Jin-kun!”
3 勝つか負けるか かつかまけるか katsu ka makeru ka “Win or lose,”
4 生きるか いきるか ikiru ka “live or”
5 死ぬか しぬか shinu ka “die,”
6 生存競争なんだよこれはもう‼︎ せいぞんきょうぞうなんだよこれはもう‼︎ seizon kyouzou nanda yo kore wa mou!! “this is already a competition for survival!!”
7 ハッ HA “Hah” (Note: This is a sound for panting/gasping.)
8 それ…っ sore... “That...”
9 ハァ HAA “haah” (Note: This is a sound for panting/gasping.)
10 は wa “is”
11 お互いっ"当たり前"だね おたがいっ"あたりまえ"だね otagai “atari mae” da ne “true for us both.”
12 ーー‼︎ 同情じゃないなら ーー‼︎ どうじょうじゃないなら --!! doujou ja nai nara “--!! If it’s not sympathy,”
13 ただのエゴだ…‼︎ tada no EGO da...!! “then it’s just ego...!!”
14 互いにそうならーー たがいにそうならーー tagai ni sou nara-- “If that’s true for both of us--”
PAGE 6-7
1 "我我は大勢であるがゆえに"‼︎ "サッドマンズレギオン"‼︎ “SADDO MANZU REGION (kanji: wareware wa taisei de aru ga yue ni)”!! Sad Man’s Legion (read as: We are many, therefore...)!!
2 死ねよ しねよ shine yo “die”
3 ヒーロー HIIROO “hero.”
4 こんな…! konna...! “This...!”
5 こんなのないぜ…‼︎ konna no nai ze...!! “There’s been nothing like this...!!”
6 「世代を経るごとに強く…」 「せだいをへるごとにつよく…」 「sedai wo heru goto ni tsuyoku...」 “‘Stronger with each generation...’”
7 「そして誰もコントロールできなくなる」 「そしてだれもコントロールできなくなる」 「soshite dare mo KONTOROORU dekinaku naru」 “‘until no one can control them.’”
8 何年も…何度も囁かれてきた…終末論ーー なんねんも…なんどもささやかれてきた…しゅうまつろんーー nannen mo...nando mo sasayakarete kita...shuumatsuron-- “For years...it’s been whispered over and over...the doomsday theory--”
1 今日だったんだ… きょうだったんだ… kyou dattanda... “It was today...”
2 それが今日だったんだ…‼︎ それがきょうだったんだ…‼︎ sore ga kyou dattanda...!! “That was today...!!”
3 世界は せかいは sekai wa “The world”
4-5 少女たった一人の気持ちで変えられてしまう…‼︎ しょうじょたったひとりのきもちでかえられてしまう…‼︎ shoujo tatta hitori no kimochi de kaerarete shimau...!! “can be changed by the feelings of a single girl...!!”
1 圧し おし oshi “Push and”
2 潰れろ!!!! つぶれろ!!!! tsuburero!!!! “crush her!!!!”
3 ガンヘッド GANHEDDO Gunhead
4 マーシャルアーツ‼︎ MAASHARU AATSU!! Martial Arts!!
1 浮かせるだけだ‼︎ うかせるだけだ‼︎ ukaseru dake da!! “You’re just making us float!!”
2 なんのダメージもない‼︎ nan no DAMEEJI mo nai!! “There is no damage!!”
3 そうだよ… sou da yo... “That’s right...”
4 「ゼログラビティ」は 「ZERO GURABITI」 wa “Zero Gravity is”
5 人を…傷つける為の力じゃないもの……‼︎ ひとを…きずつけるためのちからじゃないもの……‼︎ hito wo...kizutsukeru tame no chikara ja nai mono......!! “not...a power for hurting people......!!”
6-7 私は…人を落として幸せを感じたりしない わたしは…ひとをおとしてしあわせをかんじたりしない watashi wa...hito wo otoshite shiawase wo kanjitari shinai “I...would never feel happy about dropping people.”
8 オエエッ OEE “Uegh!”
9 同情じゃないならただのエゴだ…‼︎ どうじょうじゃないならただのエゴだ…‼︎ doujou ja nai nara tada no EGO da...!! If it’s not sympathy, then it’s just ego...!!
10 ……そうかもね…! ......sou kamo ne...! “......that may be...!”
11 故意に人を殺めた事…‼︎なかった事にはしてあげられない…‼︎ こいにひとをあやめたこと…‼︎なかったことにはしてあげられない…‼︎ koi ni hito wo ayameta koto...!! nakatta koto ni wa shite agerarenai...!! “Deliberately killing people...!! I can’t just act like that was nothing...!!” (Note: Literally she is saying “I can’t do that for you, make killing people into something that didn’t happen.”)
1 ただ…あなたの顔を見て ただ…あなたのかおをみて tada...anata no kao wo mite “It's just...I saw your face”
2 そうならざるを得なかった そうならざるをえなかった sou narazaru wo enakatta “and it couldn’t have just come to be like that...!” (Note: I think Ochako is saying Toga isn’t this way just naturally. Something must have happened to make her like this.)
3 理由があったんじゃないかって…! りゆうがあったんじゃないかって…! riyuu ga attanja nai ka tte...! “I thought there must be a reason...!”
4 あの日 あのひ ano hi “That day,”
5 世界がグチャグチャになった日に せかいがグチャグチャになったひに sekai ga GUCHAGUCHA ni natta hi ni “that day when the world became a mess,”
6 あなたにあまりに悲しい顔をさせたから…‼︎ あなたにあまりにかなしいかおをさせたから…‼︎ anata ni amari ni kanashii kao wo saseta kara...!! “[something] made you make such a sad face, so...!!”
7 あれがお前だろう!⁉︎ あれがおまえだろう!⁉︎ are ga omae darou!!? “Wasn’t that you!!?”
8 あれも私! あれもわたし! are mo watashi! “That also was me!” (Note: Ochako basically means, “Yes, it was me, but it was more than just me!”)
9 聞いてトガヒミコ! きいてトガヒミコ! kiite TOGA HIMIKO! “Listen, Himiko Toga!”
10 初めて会った時怖かった…! はじめてあったときこわかった…! hajimete atta toki kowakatta...! “The first time we met, I was scared...!”
11 わからなかったから…‼︎ wakaranakatta kara...!! “Because I didn’t understand...!!”
1 あの状況でなんで… あのじょうきょうでなんで… ano joukyou de nande... “In that situation, why...”
2 あなたにも純粋に笑えるんだろうって‼︎ あなたにもじゅんすいにわらえるんだろうって‼︎ anata ni mo junsui ni waraeru darou tte!! “were you able to laugh so genuinely?!”
3 ……っうるさい! ......urusai! “......Shut up!”
4 トガヒミコとして……か TOGA HIMIKO to shite......ka As Himiko Toga......huh?
5 じゃあ ja Then,
6 好きなだけぶっ殺して すきなだけぶっころして suki na dake bukkoroshite you can kill as much as you like,
7 好きなもんなりまくりゃあいい! すきなもんなりまくりゃあいい! suki na mon nari makuryaa ii! and become whataver you like!
8 その顔をやめなさい! そのかおをやめなさい! sono kao wo yamenasai! Stop making that face!
9 死ね! しね! shine! “Die!”
10 なんで死なないの‼︎ なんでしなないの‼︎ nande shinanai no!! “Why won’t you die!!”
11 一度はつき放したけど いちどはつきはなしたけど ichido wa tsuki hanashita kedo “Although I pushed you away one,”
12 あなたの居心地の良い世界ではないけれど あなたのいごこちのいいせかいではないけれど anata no igokochi no ii sekai de wa nai keredo “and though this world is not one comfortable for you,”
1 エゴだ…! EGO da...! It’s ego...!
2 わかってる‼︎それでも私は わかってる‼︎それでもわたしは wakatteru!! sore demo watashi wa I get it!! Because after all, I
3-5 喜ぶ顔をたくさん見てきたから よろこぶかおをたくさんみてきたから yorokobu kao wo takusan mite kita kara have seen so many happy faces.
6 好きなものを好きと言う すきなものをすきという suki na mono wo suki to iu “you tell those you like that you like them.”
7 あなたの顔は あなたのかおは anata no kao wa “Your face”
1-3 羨ましいくらいに素敵な笑顔だと思うから うらやましいくらいにすてきなえがおだとおもうから urayamashii kurai ni suteki na egao da to omou kara “I think your face has such a lovely smile that I envy you, and that’s why...”
1 まるで maru de It’s like
2 異常者だ いじょうしゃだ ijousha da you’re a deviant!
3 私は わたしは watashi wa “I”
4 あなたの笑顔を見なかった事にはしたくない‼︎ あなたのえがおをみなかったことにはしたくない‼︎ anata no egao wo minakatta koto ni wa shitakunai!! “don’t want to act like I didn’t see your smile!!”
PAGE 16-17
1 浮いた…⁉︎ ういた…⁉︎ uita...!” “They floated...!”
2 麗日に触られてないにの…! うららかにさわられてないのに…! Uraraka ni sawararetenai noni...! “But they weren’t touched by Uraraka...!”
3 接してる人に…伝播…してる…⁉︎ せっしてるひとに…でんぱ…してる…⁉︎ sesshiteru hito ni...denpa...shiteru...!? “It’s spreading...to people...[these bubbles] come into contact with...!?”
4-5 少女…たった一人! しょうじょ…たったひとり! shoujo...tatta hitori! “Just...a single girl!”
6 罪をなかった事にはできない!全てを肯定はしない‼︎ つみをなかったことにはできない!すべてをこうていはしない‼︎ tsumi wo nakatta koto ni wa dekinai! subete wo koutei wa shinai!! “I can’t pretend your crimes never happened! I will not affirm everything!!”
7 でも! demo! “But!”
8 まだ少しでも私と話してくれる気持ちがあるなら まだすこしでもわたしとはなしてくれるきもちがあるなら mada sukoshi demo watashi to hanashite kureru kimochi ga aru nara “If you still feel like talking with me even a little bit,”
9 血なんて一生くれてやる! ちなんていっしょうくれてやる! chi nante isshou kurete yaru! “I’ll give you my blood for the rest of my life!”
10 あなたと恋バナがしたいのヒミコちゃん‼︎ あなたとこいバナがしたいのヒミコちゃん‼︎ anata to koiBANA ga shitai no HIMIKO-chan!! “I want to talk with you about romance, Himiko-chan!!” (Note: Yes, this is the “koiBANA” word again, which means “gossip, girl talk, talking about crushes, etc.”)
tagline ���け‼︎少女の叫びーー‼︎ とどけ‼︎しょうじょのおもいーー‼︎ todoke!! shoujo no omoi (kanji: sakebi)--!! Deliver them!! The girl’s feelings (read as: shout)--!!
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smolkawaiigothkiddo · 9 months ago
Hiiiiii, This is my brand new blog! I wanted to have a main blog so I can follow my AgeRe and AgeDre peeps without using my (former) main blog... which might trigger some people.
About Me:
My name is Alex Indigo. My names in smol space are: Indy, Little One and Baby Bat. But I prefer Indy.
I live in New York City, but am originally from Tennessee. (That's why I put a lot of y'all's in my speech.... plus y'all is a gender neutral term. :3)
My big age is 30 but when I am smol...I can be anywhere between 0 and 14. However I am also a permaregressor and usually between 8 and 14 most days.
I like: kids media (games/TV/movies/music/books), kids toys and stuffies, goth/alternative music (like gothic rock, darkwave, shoegaze, synth pop, and alternative pop.), singing, creepy cute stuff, Halloween 🎃, Froggies, Kitties, Bats and unicorns.
My aesthetic is a mix between kawaii and gothic.
I'm bigender and abroromantic asexual. (I simply just say that I am nonbinary and queer to cishetallo people)
I am neurodivergent (Autistic with BPD and PTSD) and am in recovery. I find that age dreaming and age regression is a (healthy) way to cope with my trauma and mental illness.
I baby talk a lot, so I will translate my baby talk to normal speech for those who use speech readers or just plain don't understand a word I am saying.
Please don't interact with me if you are kink/NSFW/or just plain mean. (That includes: kink/NSFW/BDSM/DDLG + variants/CGL/ ABDL+variants/ageplay(or petplay)/ableism/queerphobia & exclusionists/xenophobia/sexism/racism/MAPS,PEARS,AAM/TERFS,Radfems/blank blogs) Also if you are against age/pet regression or dreaming or try to sexualize it then you are going to be blocked.
My blog is a safe place for me to be smols and other people who want to be smols too.
Thanks for reading this! Here's a stuffie 🧸
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tokidokitokyo · 5 months ago
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Photo by Bruno Souza on Unsplash
To be honest, August was really just an exercise in staying afloat. I was able to continue my little habits since I've been doing them so long that they are just something I do in my spare time. But anything else was really hit or miss! I also realized I had forgotten to set goals for August so I guess it worked out since I didn't miss any goals! Sometimes life just happens, so I try not to worry too much about it. Now with September and a new Japanese preschool year beginning (yes they follow the American system at this school), I want to try to focus on making significant improvement again.
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August Progress
I spent most of my time in August on Listening and Speaking, and the least time on Vocabulary and Kanji. Listening was primarily listening to (children's) TV shows, podcasts, and conversations, and the Speaking study time I recorded was primarily conversations (with ママ友s and this time I recorded in-depth conversations with my son and husband because my son can participate in actual conversations when did that happen).
I feel like I did a lot of Reading in August but less Grammar and Writing, because I had so much going on and I was just trying to keep on top of all my responsibilities and also trying to get enough sleep.
In July I didn't do a study habit check-in, but let's see how I did in August:
Study Habit Check-In:
〇 = Great, △ = Decent, ✖ = Not Great
Read daily - read something almost every day 〇
Write sentences 4 times a week - definitely not, but that's ok, I was busy! ✖
Review kanji and vocabulary flash cards daily - nope, no, not at all ^^; ✖
Review 1-2 N3 grammar points weekly - I did review grammar points but it wasn't as often as once a week △
Learn 1-2 N2 grammar points weekly - I reviewed a couple of N2 grammar points but did not learn any new ones △
Listen to 1 podcast a week - yes! 〇
Continue to work on hiragana with my son - not sure where we are at this point, we are reading books and I am trying to pinpoint which characters he knows and which ones he doesn't know; characters like ちゃ and じ (I learned today these are called 拗音・ようおん) are understandably difficult for him; since we practice every day I call this a win 〇
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September Goals
I'm super motivated for September, let's gooo!
I want to get back into my study materials such as:
新にほんご500問 (Kanji, Vocabulary, Grammar drills)
日本語総まとめN2 (Kanji, Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening, Reading workbook)
外国人のための日本語敬語の使い方 (85 Basic Expressions of Japanese honorifics for Quick and Easy use, aka Keigo)
日本の歴史366 (daily history lesson)
I also got really excited and checked out way too many textbooks on the Japan Foundation (Libby) so I'd like to go through those as well.
And finally, I'd like to take a tip from some of the ママ友s (those are mom friends) and start taking time on weekends to work on hiragana recognition with my son (very mindful). Making it fun helps keep his interest, and we are fortunate to have collected a lot of Japanese children's books in a range of levels to practice with.
How is your studying going? Any new study tips or new classes? Feel free to comment or DM me! Happy studying!
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