renegadesstuff · 18 days
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9-1-1 (2018 - present)
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tvshowscouples · 3 months
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Reblog if you are Team Bathena
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iamharryhale · 1 year
Captain: I’m your captain tonight, we’ve got a problem.
Captain: I can’t fit this many people on my boat.
Buck: No, no, I was told you could take 30.
Buck: I have exactly 30 guests.
Captain: Plus 6 not gonna help, you gotta drop a few people.
Buck: Come on, there’s must be something we can do here.
Captain: Well, we have bigger boats, but this is the best I can do on 2 hours notice.
Athena, coming over to them: What’s the problem?
Eddie: Apparently Buck started planning my birthday party 2 hours ago.
Buck to Eddie: No! I did not.
Buck to Athena: Apparently, we have too many people for his boat, so…
Athena: That’s crazy, I’ve seen more people clinging to a floating door.
Captain: I’m sorry, ma'am, it’s a safety issue.
Athena, pointing at him: No, you’re going to have a safety issue if you don’t take me away from this well.
Captain: Ok, little too much finger, little too much attitude.
Bobby: What’s all this?
Eddie: 2 hours of Buck's hardwork going down the drain.
Captain: Look, I can’t fit more than 30 people on the boat. I was just explaining to the lady here.
Bobby: First of all, that lady is my son…
Buck: He wasn’t… he wasn’t talking about me, dad.
Captain, pointing at Athena: I was talking about her.
Bobby: Oh, her… oh, it’s her now.
Bobby: Well, her happens to be my wife.
Bobby: You got a problem with her. You got a problem with me.
Athena: No, no, Bobby, calm down.
Captain: I didn’t have a problem before, but now I’m starting to.
Bobby: No, your problem is about to get a lot bigger.
Athena, placing a hand on his arm: No, Bobby. I know you think this is what I want, but it’s not.
Bobby: I got this, Thena.
Athena: No, love, I was just being stupid today.
Athena: I love that you’re calm, that you think first and you act second. I need that in my life.
The 118 family: 🥹
Captain: Yeah. So walk away, grandpa.
Athena turns around and punches him: Nobody call him grandpa!
Christopher: I do.
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scar-letter · 4 months
Athena just reminded us, that you should check up on your 'strong' friends, who always seem to be a pillar for others...Because of that speech to Bobby about her worry and fear, the constant picture in her head of Bobby standing on that ledge, broke my heart because she always pushes her own feelings aside to accommodate others.
Athena has always loved hard.
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buckleyskin · 9 days
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very-feral-lesbian · 7 months
my summarized thoughts of the 911 season 7 premiere
1. WOW!!! the improvement in just general production is so different its astonishing. i expected to see a difference but every aspect of the show just seems richer, fuller, more lively and dare i say … better!
2. them focusing on the main ‘duos’ of the show is a great way to re-establish relationships going into a new season on a new network. madney, bathena, hen and chim, and buddie are all the focus despite not being the plot and i think that was such a smart move
3. i love that the “main plot” (cruise) has not even really started yet, sometimes the head first into a giant dramatic event can be a little jarring, so this was appreciated
4. as i said in a previous post, it seems that the cast is just happier. and for that to shine through even behind their acting says alot
i feel confident saying that if this keeps up, it has the potential to be the best season since season 3 and i mean that wholeheartedly.
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perfectlysunny02 · 6 months
“I wish Buck could’ve seen you do this,”
“I want to see Buck do that.”
Talking about their son in the middle of danger😭
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Athena after learning about Buddie
Athena: What are your intentions with my- 
Bobby: *cough cough* 
Athena: OUR son 
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wht-am-i-doin · 6 months
You know what i’m really looking forward to
Buck and Bobby. like i want the father-son relationship to be at its peak. I want the “dad” i want the “son” no…. actually i need it.
it’s so special to me
and like parental approval (bathena obvs) would be so important to him and he deserves it
also the fact that both bobby and athena bring up buck as the person who would be scaling the cruise.
Like that’s your son
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wanderingstormjen · 6 months
Late to the party but....
Everyone on the cruise ship: We all gonna die.
*sounds of helicopter*
Everyone: What the heck is that?
Bobby and Athena: Those are our kids.
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butraura · 6 months
this episode was so pivotal to Athena and Bobby’s development, both individually and together and I just love that despite their deep rooted insecurities about themselves and their relationship, when faced with mortal danger and the real, imminent threat of dying, they realized just how much they love each other. Perhaps more than they ever knew.
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unrealisticlea · 6 months
it’s so funny that every parent who almost died/died thought about their children while Athena and Bobby almost died like 10 times and they were like. wish Buck was here. May and Harry who.
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just-a-keeper911 · 4 months
A little something about the season two finale…
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iamharryhale · 10 months
Buck: I want to be a caterpillar.
Athena: Explain?
Buck: Eat a lot, sleep for a while. Wake up beautiful.
Athena: You know that they have a lifespan of like two weeks, right?
Buck: That’s another highlight.
Bobby: bUCK NO—
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the1stfallenangel · 5 months
All I want for the next episode during the 80s theme party is
Drunk Buck leaving a voicemail: mom i think I threw up
Drunk Eddie: you called Athena
Drunk Buck: i know who i called
Athena listening to the message with Bobby:
Athena: 😑
Bobby: 😬
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beachballlz · 7 months
Why is he always so sassy (not in just this film)
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Context couldn't save this
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