onlyhurtforaminute · 6 months
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mincegore · 4 months
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onedesertrat · 6 months
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rawvnoisevcruster · 3 months
If you had to describe crust and all its various subgenres, how would you? Defining sounds, aesthetic, etc all wrapped up in one. What makes something crust
This actually hits on a vary interesting part of the crust scene to me. "Crust punk" is more then just crust too me. It's all sorts of music from all over punk/hardcore/metal. D beat is a good example, d beat isn't crust but every crustie loves d beat. Same for grind, uk/us hardcore, death/black metal, noise punk. So describing the crust scene and describe actual crust punk music (as apposed to music crustie like) is two different situations
AS FOR A ANSWER the core crust sound that all other come from its that first wave uk/us thrash and first wave bm, the Bristol style anarcho punk (ie disorder, chaos uk etc), discharge and it's clones (crucifix, disattack, anti cimex), and the more out there anarcho punk like antisect, dirt, conflict.
For individual sounds it's heavy influence on a fuzz and gain heavy guitar play simpl punk riffs with a almost thrash sound to em.Bass is vary gangly, distorted and low for both guitar and bass there both distorted to the point you can't hear the individual strums of the guitar. Drums have a high snare and cymbols with low toms to make the drum fills stand out. Lots of rolls,crash cymbol hits and odd poly rhythms. And the high hat is played open instead of closed. And finally the vocals can be done all sorts of way bouncing from crass style rhythmic saying of words, metal style growls, hardcore yells, to even singing (at least in the the us scene for some reason), focusing on angry and gloomy political topics taken spoken about in a broad view, less personal and more third person
First distinction in style (excluding scenes crustie like but aren't crust proper, agin dbeat, grind, etc)
Stenchcore: much more metal, more odd rhythms, and more riffs over speed. Many times slower, more intricate, cleaner, & atmospheric guitar. Also tends to describe its politics in a more esoteric style (see deviated instinct, life, sword wielder)
Crasher crust: uk early crust with a more frantic style. More quick, jumpy. Less atmospheric and moody guitars and bass, focusing on more extreme noisy & and that high guitar low bass sound. And a more hardcore yelling vocals then growls (see gloom, atrocious madness, death dust extractor)
Stadium crust: heavy Scandinavian dbeat influences, much clearer less distorted sounding bass and guitar. More pushing drum and less fills, and more intricate riffs (see wolf brigade, victims, dis fear)
Neo crust: lots of melodic but dark riffs. break downs of slower sludge metal riffs, simpler black metal influenced drums. Plus more slower atmospheric sounds. (See his hero is gone, habak, ekkaia)
Blackend crust: early uk crust and neo crust with a heavy influence of bm (as the name suggests) heavy on rhythm. Simple drawn out riffs, less fuzz on guitar and bass (see iskra, dodsrit, martyrdöd)
I know there's more genres but I need to get this out so I'll put the others in a re blog plus soon the genres get messy and muddy as far as hard line differences
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bayothemayo · 2 years
Hellooo. I hope you're doing okay, thanks for opening requests.
How would they react to an affectionate lover? Someone who really loves them and states so in public and always defends them in front of people, who dislike them.
With Maki and/or Nagito please, if it's okay🥺
Maki Harukawa & Nagito Komeada with an affectionate S/O (Separate)
Maki Harukawa
Maki is used to have strong attachments, considering she watched over little kids.
However she gets annoyed since she prefers to be alone most of the time.
She always accept your gifts, even if it has no use to her.
Though she eventually got used to it and your affection. She doesn’t show it, but she secret enjoys it.
To an outsider, it looks like one-sided love. Though Maki shows back love, even if it is almost unnoticeable. Like giving you a small quick smile.
When Maki got revealed to be the Ultimate Assassin, you still defended her. You told the group that is she is a threat she would’ve kill someone already. That didn’t change their minds though.
When Maki was basically outcasted, you still hang out with her. You bring food to her if she requested. The group is confused how you are defending and still hanging out with her.
“I love her” You responded
Little did you know Maki heard it all. Maki was sneaking out of her room to watch you so you won’t get attack by the rest of the group, mainly Kokichi.
After that, she became more open and affectionate. It confuse you at first, because you didn’t know that she heard you say that you love her and she haven’t done that before. She started to hold your hand, sometimes on the lookout for Kokichi in case he scares you or mock you.
When she tells you about her background, you hug her tightly. She been though a lot. You didn’t notice her cheeks are red.
You and Maki are always seen together, especially if there was a murder.
If you get murder, Maki will stare at your corpse. She will be silent throughout the investigation, looking at every nook and cranny for evidence. She will be aggressive during the Class Trial, accusing the people she doesn’t trust. When the blackened gets reveal, she has to get pulled back from strangling them. She does eventually starts to cry after the Class Trial ends.
If you were the blackend, she definitely will be sad. She will hold you in her arms tightly in order so they can hold you longer. Maki knows that you will be executed no matter what. She will cry while holding you and you hugged back.
Maki will turn away from your execution, not wanting to see your death.
Nagito Komeada
He doesn’t think he deserves this level of affection.
Even though he keeps telling you that he is trash and that he is unworthy for this affection, you ignore that and shower him in it anyways.
You always defend him, even if what he is saying is crazy and even if the entire groupshate him.
You show concern whenever he says that he is willing to be a murder victim, often intervening the conversation.
“He doesn’t mean it.”
“Yes I do.”
You keep telling him that you love him, even if the others hear you.
Sometimes you are seen hugging him. Nagito gets happy even though he thinks that he is worthless to deserve these hugs. He stopped saying that, because you will keep hugging him no matter if he says that.
You are basically his support.
When he got the Despair disease, you basically his personal caretaker. You stay by his side, sometimes fall asleep in the chair. Since you don’t want to get the disease you were less affectionate, which made both you and Nagito sad. Don’t worry though, you were a lot more affectionate when he got cured.
If you get the Despair disease instead of him, the disease made you hate him. You give him a look that could kill, and is actually willing to hurt him. This confused him when he saw you in the morning, especially when you slap him hard in the face. This hurts you both deeply. Seeing you yelling and throwing stuff at him when yesterday you give your usual affection…hurt him. You hold back the best as you can in your weak conscious state if Nagito is in the room, especially if he is trying to give you affection. Safe to say, you hug him when you got cured and keep apologizing.
He hugs you back, “It’s not your fault my hope.”
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danmeiconfession · 8 months
Anyone is free to respond to this post how they like. Again, this is an opinion not a fact so please don't get butthurt over a stranger opinion on how they view these characters.
I couldn't care less or give much fucks about Luo Binghe's past and dilemma, considering the monstrous path he ultimately chose. It's repulsive how a male lead can wreak havoc in both realms, driven by an incessant obsession with their shizun. To witness him inflict widespread destruction due to rejection and then be rewarded for it is simply sickening. Shen Jiu's disdain for him is understandable, despite the abuse he endured the amount of death and destruction is uncalled for Binghe deserves death. Does Luo Binghe exhibit the response of a victim towards their abuser? He crosses so many ethical boundaries, yet some argue that Shen Jiu should have treated him well from the start, even if Shen Jiu was reprehensible he doesn't deserve the torture that is unthinkable.
He should have been treated better what makes Binghe so special is it cause he's a protagonist? Shen Qingqiu, as the shizun leading his peak, should have prioritized improving the attitude, judgment, and addressing bullying among all disciples. He was abused I'm not denying that but he never blackend then he was blackened even before he met Shizun lol.
Comparisons with characters like Wei Wuxian highlight a significant difference. Wei Wuxian remained a good person despite the cultivation world turning against him and Madam Yu abuse on him in his younger years. In contrast, Luo Binghe operates on a whole different level, willingly engaging in fucked up heinous acts in "Proud Immortal Demon Way." It's challenging for me, as a reader, to sympathize with someone who deliberately made destructive choices. Bingmei isn't much better, and Bing-ge's approach to grievances is extreme, seeking to repay a thousand-fold.
He wasn't coerced; Shen Qingqiu can't be held responsible for the way he turned out because, at some point, one has to take control of their own life. Luo Binghe's mindset operates within a black-and-white framework, and while his life may have tragic elements, the current state he finds himself in is essentially the outcome of his own actions. I don't particularly care much after that. Despite having wives, immense power, and genuine love from his partners, he remains fixated on one specific person. His past may have been harrowing, but his present is a self-made hell, marked by unfulfillment stemming from his obsession. And it hit me then, how many lives had he destroyed how many women had he forced and then put them in his harem as just a statistic. If Luo binghe wasn't the main focal point and male lead or was an ugly character we wouldn't give a rat's arse about him because it fucking ridiculous his shizun was under no obligation to love the man who killed the person he dearly held most and rendered him limbless and destroyed everything. No one sane would. If you were in the same situation, would you choose to be with this man? Except for Shen Yuan, who shares an equal obsession with his idol, it's doubtful that anyone would pursue such a relationship.
Luo Binghe's tragedy lies in his psychological imbalance, fixating on a particular person, and the responsibility for this fixation rests squarely on him. It's clear that he wouldn't bother if it were solely about the abuse; he could have just killed Shen Jiu and moved on, a typical move for a protagonist with a vendetta. Consider what he did to the Palace Master – subjected him to pickling, yet he tormented Shen Jiu for years without end how is that fair. Such actions aren't solely driven by hatred; there must be an underlying thread of resentment. After all, the boundary between love and hate is often thin. Binghe's emotional baggage is more complex. His relentless pursuit of Shen Jiu is rooted in the latter's complete lack of care or concern for him. Binghe's focus transcends mere revenge for abuse; it revolves around a deep-seated yearning for care and attention that was never reciprocated.
What truly irks me is the fact that some people become upset just because the male lead in the story is canonically depicted as having been abused/mistreated as a child. It's essential to detach oneself and recognize that not every narrative revolves around personal experiences. Yes, I'm talking to you reader. Having a villain be a child abuser is more personal than being a mass serial killer. Child abusers are depicted to always be plain 100 percent evil what I appreciate from this character is how real he is and how much the cycle of abuse repeats itself. Unfortunately...
Luo Binghe's fate was designed to involve adversity; after all, protagonists are meant to face challenges. Comparing the ethical standards of the 21st century child abuse to the ancient setting of svsss is irrelevant, considering the weak moral framework and how much evil is batted away in that context. Shen Jiu, while flawed, is unfairly singled out when others are wickeder than him. It's important to acknowledge that he could have been worse we know his story. He could butter them up, gain their trust, manipulate Binghe if he were to find out earlier in the story his demon heritage, hell he could have even weaponized how much abuse he stayed as a slave against the Sect Leader but he didn't. The Peaklords, demons, airplane bro, and Mobei Jun, the women all have their disgusting faults too, and it's essential to view the characters within the broader context of the story.
Nobody is entirely virtuous. What perplexes me the most is that Shen Jiu's transgression involves a single instance of child abuse—just one reported case. The strong opposition despite acknowledging his potentially kinder traits raises questions still horrific and how dare we want good things for him. Anytime someone wants to post or want to think positively it's like there is a fixed way everyone must cater to how they see him and I find that boring really. If someone has a certain way they see a character than go for it life to short to cater to a mob. It's a fucking novel on the internet at the end of the day. People shouldn't bully or hurt real people over a novel or for any medium for how they interpret a character because that when the issues start.
While some may view this as "woobiefying," I don't it's essential to recognize the complexity of Shen Jiu's character. Canonically, Shen Jiu can't perform outwardly benevolent deeds because the world setting he is in as the villain seems to discourage it. People aren't simply black and white, and Shen Jiu's nuances go beyond a single act. Can a person with a dark past and abused a disciple also contribute positively to the world as scum? Yes. Human beings are multifaceted, and Shen Jiu's character reflects this complexity. If writers wish to explore positive alternative character traits or divergent life trajectories, especially in a fandom like svsss where creativity is expected, they should feel free to do so. After all, fanfiction is a space for imaginative storytelling, even if it deviates significantly from the original content.
If readers are troubled or have dissatisfactions with the character development and writing for Shen Jiu, or any other character for that matter, consider revisiting the novel. That's the only version you can experience with the original author, after all! LOL.
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idkforaname · 1 month
Random theory moment :) Spoilers?
I have an interesting theory for the upcoming chapters.
So I feel like the scrambled secrets in chapter two could foreshadow the potential upcoming deaths in the later chapter.
If we're using the most popular unrevealed secret to remaining characters so far it would be:
Min to Xander to Min.
Arei to Levi to Arei.
David to Whit to Rose to Teruko and back to David.
Eden to Charles to J to Arturo and back to Eden.
Ace to Nico to Ace.
Finally Hu to Veronika to Hu.
Levi is a suspect for many reasons and with his strange pushing to the voting in the trial and development at the beginning of chapter two it could be his end(Plus the DRDTDev did mention that we would see Levi and a lollipop in the future but there's been no sights of lollipops in the killing game so far. Plus didn't Mondo the second killer attack Monokuma and survive? Onto chapter 3...
So what if one of the sets of four people will be a victim/culprit in chapter 3? Since DRDT is doing the same motives and tropes as THH then Hifumi and Celeste are both killers killing one person with Celeste being unsympathetic. Arturo fits that very well and the motive for money would either get him or Rose the most. As for the victims out of these four I feel like Charles is most likely to be the victim given Whit's little potential foreshadowing in the prologue with Charles being dead at 3 and to add on he's beening having a lot of screentime and development. Almost too suspicious don't you think? As for J and Eden I think Eden might kill J or Charles on accident or something along those lines but would not be executed with Arturo being the first killer(Either he kills J or Charles I don't know, this is all speculation in my head though it feels like he might kill J but I can't put it into words).
For the other set which is Teruko, Whit, Rose and David I could see them all as survivors, since the antagonist in THH survived David could survive too, if Rose doesn't die in chapter 3 then I could see her surviving. Whit could get a lot of development if Charles dies and everyone knows that he's the only one to not break yet. Teruko's the protag so I don't see her getting killed off in chapter 3 of all chapters.
However if this group were to be a set of victims/culprits I think this could be a Danganronpa rebirth situation where David manipulated Rose with the motive and gets her to kill Whit while David kills Teruko to confuse the group into thinking that he's the blackend when in reality it's Rose or the other way around which feels less likely to happen. As for a new protag maybe David with an interesting trial through his eyes and there was a post about David's MV how Teruko could die in chapter 3 and David becomes the protag? Eden could be a good pick but I doubt it. They are all most likely not going to die in chapter 3 and the other group is going to suffer due to how much screentime they have gotten in chapter 2.
Onto chapter 4/5, I feel like this could be the end of both Ace and Nico. Their drama would stretch to two chapters by this point and with chapter 4 in THH revealing a traitor and that as the motive I'm not too sure as Ace and Nico don't feel like traitors and same applies to Hu and Veronika. Chapter 4 is a sad chapter and if Ace and Nico come to a conclusion on good terms but somehow with one killing the other then it could be sad idk at this point. For chapter 5 it was a mess so I won't get into it but Hu and Veronika are the leftovers so I'll throw them there for now until I have an idea and edit this later.
For chapter 6, the mastermind reveal I don't have much to say here but I think Whit's the mastermind and I feel like if Eden dies then it's for sure Whit since they are the only two who have little pieces of evidence to even being linked to that role.
Comment your thoughts on this below because I'm going crazy with no one to talk to about this! I'll check back on this for responses sometimes.
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Dragon's Breath • Post-Human (The X-Morph Deathcult) • Blood of the Stars • Storm Innocent Eve • On the Most Blackend Wings of Death • Bestia Infernali • Last Contribution To Art • Once Upon Armageddon
Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Another far fetched Danganronpa theory:
The Monokubs represent the blackened (or rather Masterminds of each murder) for each chapter.
Monokid was Kaede at her worst.
Kokichi accused Kaede of being a bully in the tunnels, and thats mostly what Monokid is, a bully. However, he also encouraged the other Monokubs to work as a group and stay in line, and was arguably the second leader of the group after Monotaro, the same way Kaede is to Shuichi.
Monosuke is Kirumi.
This one is arguably the weakest, but here me out. They both care about success and are business minded. Kirumi appears completely selfless at first, but is revealed to have a selfish streak in her trial. Monosuke seemed to only care about money until Monokid's death, but he was the only one that openly called out Monokid's killer.
The case was also only solved due to one crucial mistake each of them made.
Monodam is Kiyo.
The obvious elephant in the room is that they both killed two people. However, both of them were outcasts and considered scary in their groups. Monodam had a genuine interest in keeping the group together, while Kiyo had a genuine interest in watching the group fall apart.
Monotaro is Gonta.
They both had plotlines involving amnesia, and had a genuine desire to help Miu's killer, despite their compatriots not wanting that. They both desperately want to help out the group, and that ends up hurting them in the process. Their deaths are also the most similar, with Monotaro dying by the same thing that killed Gonta seconds before Gonta did. If you want to read into it, Monotaro was killed by something coming from Monophanie, who we will get into in a minute.
Monophanie is Kokichi.
This one doesn't fit the patterns of the blackends, but it makes too much sense for me not to mention it. They both are the only members of their groups to dislike violence. Monophanie died in chapter four, but Kokichi asked to be executed alongside Gonta in the same chapter. She also had a toxic relationship with Monotaro, mirroring Kokichi and Gonta.
Wait, this means the Monokubs actually have relevance? Abort theory ABORT
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spittyfishy · 2 years
I have such a complicated relationship with Tenko.
She’s a character I really really want to like but I just.. She’s so terrible in V3 lol. Tenko has only two major Things about her, those being Hates Men and Loves Himiko. Which are both riddled with problems.
Hates Men going first because I think my thoughts on that are less controversial, but it obviously was Bad. Aside from the everything of everything about how it was written and handled, after chapter 1 the game is from Suichi’s pov. Suichi who is a boy. So almost every interaction you have with Tenko is negative, and having someone who can’t stand the player character for seemingly no good reason (free time events not being counted since it’s not guaranteed you’d see hers in a given play through) is not a great way to endear someone to the audience. I will say I think if Kaede had stayed the protag that this problem would likely be less apparent, but I’ll get to that later.
Then there’s the Himiko thing. And I get it, I do, and I know a lot of people do really like that ship, but to me it always just came across as a wlw version of Soda and Sonia’s relationship and that doesn’t sit well with me. Now, I love Soda, I’ve gone on record saying he’s my favorite boy in all of danganronpa, but myself, everyone else, and most importantly the games narrative, can all agree that his obsession with Sonia is bad. It’s bad that he constantly goes after her when she doesn’t express reciprocated feelings. It’s bad that he invaded her personal space. It’s bad he jumps down the throat of anyone that tries to investigate her as a potential culprit. And it’s bad that he reacts with viceral jealousy when Sonia gets another friend/love interest (Gundham) and then hates him for the rest of the game.
But all of that is all behaviour Tenko exhibits towards Himiko. With Angie being the Gundham equivalent here; Angie and Himiko are shown to be pretty close during chapters two and three and Tenko hates her for it. Tenko gets mad when Himiko spends time with Angie, she only joins the student council to ‘protect’ Himiko from Angie!! I recall there’s one point in the second trial where Angie suggests there’s a possibility Himiko could be the culprit and Tenko loses it at her, but like Ryoma died seemingly during Himiko's magic show and if they get this wrong everyone dies so maybe yeah cover all your bases. It’s a death game, of course everyone’s suspicious of each other. If Himiko had been a blackend at some point she could have easily manipulated Tenko into giving her a fake alibi because let’s face it that’s something Tenko would do without question.
However despite the similarities between the two sets of characters, Tenkos actions are oftentimes framed as being incredibly romantic instead of obsessive, entitled, and possessive. I do recognize a lot of that is in part of Tenko dying in the first half of the game and Soda and Sonia both making it to the end, so she doesn’t overstay her welcome in the same way he does, but still.
The other big difference is of course we get to see Himiko react to losing Tenko. And she is in fact very upset by it. But as Kokichi calls her out in the third trial (I don’t often see eye to eye with Kokichi but I have to give him props for this one) it really seems like Himiko only cares about Tenko after she’s dead. Before that Himiko seemed completely uninterested in Tenkos advances and at some points any friendship with her at all. And it’s only after already losing Angie that all this goes down, and I firmly believe if Angie hadn’t died this chapter Himiko would not have reacted so intensely to Tenkos death. Himiko lost both the people she was arguably closest to in one fell swoop and she reacted in an understandably extreme way.
But even with all of that, those are points about Himiko’s character, not Tenkos. Himiko gets a lot of character growth in V3 and Tenko isn’t afforded that luxury, so she’s just stuck stagnating in her bad character.
This brings us to my last point, Tenko is great in fan works. Every V3 fic I’ve read that features her has had her be a far more enjoyable character then she was in the actual game. Because at its core the issues I’ve listed above aren’t fully character problems, they’re writing problems. If Tenkos behavior towards Himiko had been properly addressed within the story she would have either A: changed her behavior and had an arc about boundaries, or B: stayed exactly as is but the narrative of the story framed it as negative qualities. All the other characters constantly give Soda grief for how he acts towards Sonia (and while it still should have been dialed wayyy back) it’s easier to get through because it’s acknowledged that it’s a problem and is bad.
If Tenko was treated the same way I would not be complaining like this. I’d just ignore that part of her character and work around it (like what I do with Kiyo lol). That’s why Tenko is often so much better in fan works, there’s so many ways to fix things. Changing protags (like keeping Kaede around as I mentioned before) can help endear her to the audience, or just make her hatred of men less in your face if the pov character stays a boy, and then authors can either tone down her negative traits, have Himiko reciprocate any of her feelings (while she’s alive), or recognize it as a bad thing. Doing any one of those three things makes the problems go away almost instantly.
So as I said I’m conflicted on Tenko. I clearly have a lot of thoughts about her, and after working on several au’s that feature her (most notably the v3 remnant au) she’s getting dangerously close to blorbo status I’m not gonna lie, but I still don’t think I can’t actually say that I like her, despite how much I want to.
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fangirl39 · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how Togami messed with Chihiro's death scene to make it more interesting and I wanna stare at him. Like he says if we hadn't figured out who done it he would've revealed the truth before then but I'm here like: Clearly you would've waited until they made it obvious they didn't know who it was. And you think saying "It was Owada." Would make them believe you? Especially since he would probably be saying smething like: "I saw Owada move her corpse and I messed with the crime scene to make it more interesting." Togami if Naegi and Kirigiri weren't so smart, and if Owada didn't refer to girls and guys differently I'm confident you would have been accused of being the blackend.
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years
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Hey in death battle fanon wiki someone did do Makoto vs Phoenix but trial style the rules are the one find out the blackend they win but the loser have to be executed
//I did see that when I was browsing during my research. I only glossed over it though, since it wasn't the kind of fight I was trying to portray.
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kawaiicheese101 · 10 months
Chapter 1: Finders Keepers, Liars Weepers (Deadly Life)
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Vulk: Ah…
The sudden scream of Vulk startled me to the point I jumped in shock…
Whoever did this to our brother…will pay the–
*Ding-dong Bing bong!*
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Monocubit: A body has been discovered!
Monocubit: Now then, After an amount time has pass, the class trial will begin!
An…Body discovery announcement?
Flain: Vulk!
Vulk: Ughhhh…Ugh…
Flain: I know how you feel but there’s no time for that!!
Flain: Whoever did this must be in the hallway! We need to hurry!!!
Vulk: H–Huh? The killer is up there…?
Zaptor: ……………………………………
Flain: Zaptor?
Vulk: Z–Zaptor!? What are you….!? WHYYY!?
Zaptor: …Ugh…My head…What…What happened?
Zaptor: Huh? Vulk? And Flain? Where did you guys…?
Flain: What’s going on!? Why are you?
Vulk: Zaptor…D–Did you…Did…you…
Zaptor: Huh…? What do you mean? And why are you shaking so much?
Flain: Just…come with us…
Zaptor: Uh…If you say so…
Zaptor: Huh…? What…?
Zaptor: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! B–Blood!? BLOOD!??
Zaptor: Z–Zorch…!? T–That’s Zorch in there…That’s…goddamn…
Vulk: ……………………….
Flain: What’s going on…?
Flain: I...think we should get the others...
Camillot: …..How could this…?
Gobba: Gaaaaaaah! How!? Z–Zorch…!!
Jamzy: Wha…Wha…That’s…Zorch!? H–He was with us last night…
Trumpsy: Brother, don’t worry. There’s nothing to be scared of.
Mixadel: ...So Zorch bites of the dust huh?
Mixadel: Oh well.
Seismo: H–How you can say something like that!?
Vampos: Holy shit man…He’s lying down on his face and stomach…How did this happen so fast…?
Volectro: This is…To awful…
Niksput: Who was it!? Who did such a thing!?
Shuff: WE ALREADY KNOW WHO IT IS!!! It’s either that fucking Mixadel or It’s Vampos!
Vampos: Wait…Why am I a suspect?
Mixadel: …
Monocubit: Now, now! Is everybody here? Silence! As this is the very first murder, there are things that need to be cleared up!
Vulk: F–First…? You’re making it sound like there’s more happening soon…
Gobba: Right…And “Murder”...? Does that mean someone kill Zorch?
Gobba: T–That can’t be…We’re the only ones in this school…
Monocubit: Thaaaat’s right! Zorch was killed by one of you!
Someone…Out  of the 12 of us had killed Zorch.
I had my doubts when Monocubit first announced the killing game but…
As Monocubit spoke just now the harsh reality of the killing game was etched into my mind.
A murder really happened…
Monocubit: Seeing how a murder really ha occured, being hopeful about “Not killing” is just an ignorance to reality.
Gobba: …
Monocubit: Putting aside the sorrow of losing Zorch, this is where the actual fun starts!
Monocubit: All of you soon are gonna be very busy.
Zaptor: Busy…? What do you mean by…?
Vampos: He means we need to be prepared for the class trial.
Monocubit: As Vampos stated you will have to find the blackened who killed Zorch through the class trial.
Monocubit: The game has already begun! The fight to the death between the spotless and the blackended!
Monocubit: Will the blackened escape the school? Will the spotless reveal their identity? What will it be!?
Monocubit: I’ll give you the right to investigate! Try to find proof about the murder so you can expose the blackended in the trial! Fuwahahahahaha!!!
Jamzy: T–There’s no fucking way…I can do that…Not a chance…Someone is dead…What the hell are we supposed to…?
Trumpsy: No no brother, we have to. Or would you rather have everyone executed.
Jamzy: Huh….!?
Camillot: ………………..
Camillot: …It’s as Trumspy says…We need to do this…
Flain: Camillot…
Camillot: There’s no escaping from this reality. You all know the rules of the class trial, right?
Camillot: If we do not find the killer, all of us will die!
Niksput: So, everyone dies if we don’t fine the culprit, huh?
Seismo: One…of us…So, all us suspects…?
Shuff: Suspecting my friends…I’ve met all of you a few days ago but you all feel like such good friends of mine…
Monocubit: Fufufufufu…Looks like everyone is prepared!
Monocubit: To begin, I will bestow upon you all the Monocubit File!
Flain: Monocubit File? What’s that…?
Monocubit: Although there’s a lot of you, you’re still high school students in the end!
Monocubit: Investigating a murder won’t be easy with out the Monocubit File!
Monocubit: Okaaaay! I hope you all find something!
Flain: I guess I should start investigating too…
Flain: I’m not really sure where to start but..I should read the Monocubit file first at least.
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The victim is Zorch. The time of death was 7:02 am.
The body was discovered in his bedroom.
His death was caused by bluntforce trauma.
TRUTH BULLET: Monocubit File
I guess I need to inspect the body if I’m going to find the culprit… 
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Zorch’s dead body was in a dreadful state…
His head was pouring out blood…and on top of that his face is probably covered in his on blood…
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What’s with the large wound in his head…?
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Hm, What’s this? 
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And it’s bloody…
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TRUTH BULLET: Bloody Hammer
Flain: Gobba, is eveything going okay with the investigation?
Gobba: Yep yep!
Gobba: Buuut can I tell you something??
Flain: Go ahead.
Gobba: When I was walking down tooo the diner earlier I heard Zorch’s voice and it sounded like he was in danger…!
Flain: Thanks Gobba, You’re account maybe helpful for this case.
Gobba: You’re welcome!
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TRUTH BULLET: Gobba’s Account
Flain: Trumspy, is eveything going okay with the investigation?
Trumpsy: Yes, But I found this strange note.
Trumpsy: It’s has in little droplets of blood on it.
Flain: Thanks Trumspy, You’re account maybe helpful for this case.
Trumpsy: Hehe, I hope so.
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TRUTH BULLET: Trumpsy’s Account
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TRUTH BULLET: Strange Note
*Ding-dong Bing bong!*
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Monocubit: Ahem, Attention all students, The investigation has now come to an end.
Monocubit: The class trial will now begin so everybody can go to the class trial entrance on the 1st floor!
Flain: I guess investigation time is over…
We all did our best but we can’t be sure who the culprit is until we the class trial.
We need too do this. We need too trust everyone and their abilities.
We need too hope that we can solve all the mysteries of this case in the class trial.
Flain: The 1st floor…She must talking about that door…
Flain: You’re all here…
Magnifo: You’re late, Flain.
Flain: I’m late…? Sorry about that…
Vulk: We were worried about you, what made you so late?
Flain: I came as soon as I heard the announcement…
Jamzy: Maybe… It’s ‘cuz you’re the culprit, right?
Flain: A–As if!
Trumspy: Jamzy, Don’t say such things to poor Flain!
Camillot: It’s like what Trumpsy said earlier. If we don’t the real culprit, We’ll all die.
Camillot: Those are the two out comes.
Camillot: If we don’t know, we’re dead.
Gobba: What just happened…? Just yesterday we were partying…How did this happen…?
Vampos: We have no time to think about that. If we give up here, none of us will survive.
Seismo: Wait, is this the class trial room? It not at all how me imagine it to be…
Mixadel: No…This is the only way to the trial room.
Mixadel: The elevator will take us down
Shuff: “Take us down”!? Down where?
Niksput: …
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Monocubit: Sorry to keep you all waiting! Everybody seems to be read, so let’s begin the class trial!
Monocubit: Everybody! Come aboard the elevate in front of you an come to the trial grounds!
Monocubit: There’s no running from the class trial, so take what you’ve gathered during the investigation…
Monocubit: And try your best to win! FuAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Zaptor: So we’re really doing this…
Jamzy: I don’t wanna go down… 
Gobba: Are we going to be able to find the culprit…? It’ll be really bad if we don’t…
Shuff: …
Shuff: RAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! You know what!? Bring it on! It’s not like we can escape this anyways!
Vulk: Y–Yeah! What he said!
Seismo: Us must find who killed Zorch…No matter what.
…It’s starting.
Once we go down that elevator there’s no going back, no running away or giving up…But I’m not alone.
I need to survive through this mayhem with everyone!
Flain: Okay…Here we go.
After making sure everybody was in the elevator we pushed the button and the door shut.
We felt the elevator begin to descend.
Monocubit: Sorry to keep you all waiting! Everybody seems to be read, so let’s begin the class trial!
Monocubit: Everybody! Come aboard the elevate in front of you an come to the trial grounds!
Monocubit: There’s no running from the class trial, so take what you’ve gathered during the investigation…
Monocubit: And try your best to win! FuAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Zaptor: So we’re really doing this…
Jamzy: I don’t wanna go down… 
Gobba: Are we going to be able to find the culprit…? It’ll be really bad if we don’t…
Shuff: …
Shuff: RAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! You know what!? Bring it on! It’s not like we can escape this anyways!
Vulk: Y–Yeah! What he said!
Seismo: Us must find who killed Zorch…No matter what.
…It’s starting.
Once we go down that elevator there’s no going back, no running away or giving up…But I’m not alone.
I need to survive through this mayhem with everyone!
Flain: Okay…Here we go.
After making sure everybody was in the elevator we pushed the button and the door shut.
We felt the elevator begin to descend.
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The elevator made a loud sound as it slowly but steadily descended down.
Normally, everyone would have been talking to each other…
But the vibrations of the elevator seem to make us all mute. Alerting us of the class trial to come.
And then, The elevator stopped.
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A trial of life and death…
A lie of life and death…
A betrayal of life and death…
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The truth of life and death...
The excuse of life and death...
The trust of life and death...
A matter of life and death...
The class trial.
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Monocubit: Allow me to briefly explain the rules of the class trial!
Monocubit: The results of the class trial will be decided purely by your votes.
Monocubit: If you choose the correct blackened, only they will receive punishment! but if you choose wrong...
Monocubit: I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and they will earn the right to graduate!
So it began. The class trial.
One of us has brutally killed Zorch.
Monocubit: Now then, first...
Trumpsy: Wait a second, Monocubit! There's something I want to ask first!
Monocubit: Oh? And what's that?
Trumpsy: Accomplice, Can there be an accomplice in this case?
Niksput: That's a good question. Is there an accomplice? The question is a big factor in deciding who the culprit is.
Monocubit: Good question! I suppose I didn't add that in the rules.
Monocubit: But, there can be an accomplice.
Vulk: W-Wait, So it's possible!?
Monocubit: But only in theory. Only one can finally leave the killing game. Only one person did.
Vampos: Of course, the rules even say that only one murder counts that there more happening.
Vampos: In other words...An accomplice would not benefit if there are two or more people involved in the case.
Mixadel: They would gain nothing from assisting the culprit, after all.
Vampos: ...Wait, everyone. Can I say something before we start?
Magnifo: Huh? What is it Vampos?
Vampos: I've identified who the culprit is.
Shuff: Wait, What!? Are you serious!?
Niksput: Who is it? Who's the culprit!?
Vampos: ...I know exactly who the culprit is and I know exactly how they pulled it off.
Vampos: I'll give them a chance to speak up.
Vampos: Give yourself up now. At least then, we'll be able to accept that you regret it.
Vampos: You'll get found anyway.......
Vulk: ...............................................
Gobba: .............
Vampos: ...Nobody is confessing.
Lunk: Well crap. What kind of person would tell the truth? They would be dead if they confessed.
Vampos: ...Alright, then we'll do this the hard way.
Niksput: So, who's the culprit, Vamp?
Vampos: ...I can't tell you that just yet.
Jamzy: H-Huh!? Are you screwing around?
Jamzy: Just tell us who it is so we can end this!!
Jamzy: It's like what Flain said...I don't wanna be here any longer than I have to be.
Vampos: Would you even be able to comprehend it if I told you?
Vampos: ...I'd be lucky if anybody believed my reasoning.
Mixadel: Ah, your observation powers are impressive, Vampos.
Vampos: This is the class trial, meaning our lives are on the line.
Vampos: We need to find a conclusion that's acceptable. So that when we find the culprit, there's no doubt.
Vampos: ...Figure it out. I'll help out when I can.
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balloonboyismyson · 1 year
Fnaf SB Killing game AU my beloved
Possible cast and talents (If they would have talents-)
Gregory, Ultimate Hacker
2. Cassie, Couldn’t think of Ultimate-
3. Freddy, Ultimate Singer
4. Monty, Ultimate Golfer
6. Chica, Ultimate Baker
7. Roxy, Ultimate Makeup Stylist
8. Bonnie, Ultimate Bowler
9. Foxy, Ultimate Pirate
10. Sundrop/Moondrop, Ultimate Daycare Attendant(s)
11. DJ Music Man (Don’t ask how he’d fit in the trial room), Ultimate Dj
12. Mr Hippo, Ultimate Storyteller
13. Vanessa/Vanny, Ultimate Nightguard/Murderer (Like Genocider Jack)
14. Map Bot, Ultimate Map
16. The Mimic. The sixteenth contestant, lying hidden somewhere in this mall. The one they call the Ultimate Despair. Watch out for it.
Anyways death order too cause why not
Chapter One
Victim 1: Map Bot
Balckend 1: Dj Music Man (Do not ask questions about his size)
Victim 2: Mr Hippo
Blackend 2: M.X.E.S
Victim 3: Foxy
Victim 4: Bonnie
Blackend 3: The Mimic (Disguised as Cassie’s Dad idfk-. Prob killed them cause they got too close to the truth. What would be really wild is that The Mimic was disguised as Cassie’s Dad, pretended to be dragged away by the chain, but then escaped and executed Cassie’s REAL dad. That’d be a wild chapter 6 twist)
Victim 5: Sundrop/Moondrop
Culprit 4: Montgomery (Imagine the freak out. The moment he realizes he’s caught. Those crazy sprites.)
Victim 6: Glamrock Chica
Culprit 5: Vanessa/Vanny (Traitor)
Culprit 6/Mastermind: ELIZABETH AF- The Mimic. It’s The Mimic.
Kills the Mimic but dies in the process: Glamrock Freddy and Roxanne Wold
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the truth always comes out
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HCujBdz
by orphan_account
(set after trial 2!!! so spoilers obviously --> made just after ep11.... no idea who the blackend is ahah sorry if this is inacurate also dont mind any spelling mistakes and grammar discrepancies)
 ∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒 david and teruko talk about xander
Words: 839, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa Series, Danganronpa Despair Time
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: David Chiem, Teruko Tawaki, Hu Jing, Xander Matthews
Relationships: Xander Matthews/David Chiem, very strongly implied - Relationship
Additional Tags: Past Character Death, just xander dw, and davids parnets???, Angst, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Danganronpa Despair Time - Freeform, Post-Canon, DRDT - Freeform, after the second trial, Spoilers, just david thinking abt his crush on xander, hes realising he had a crush, its a bit lat enow ahahha¨!!! (kms), no beta we die like Xander, Headcanon, References to Depression, Light Sadism
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HCujBdz
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