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WHAT SORCERY IS THIS @cs-blank-au-official
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crystalliumdaisy · 6 months
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redesigning star dresses part 1!
part 2 and part 3
notes and individual pieces below <3
keep this in mind i love the og stardresses! i just wanted to challenge myself and i’m an inspiring fashion designer!!! my goal was to create dresses that reflect the spirits and u could easily match them up.
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these were my initial sketches, i wanted every dress/outfit to have a different colour and silhouette to make them more recognisable.
aries ~
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- pink was the obvious choice for a colour. I didn’t want to use any major black like in the og design because aries design is so light and bright!
- i really think the og stardress hair is lacking. A fun fluffy 80s hair adds to the whole sheep aesthetic and creates a different silhouette to other designs.
- the 80s hair also inspired a more 80s look with fluffy legwarmers and big hoop earrings.
- i also wanted to bring in those pink pompoms on the side of aries dress so i made them star shaped and put them in lucy’s hair
taurus ~
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- why put her in a bikini if she’s a cowboy??? this haunts me everyday.
- I couldn’t put her in mainly black and white cos that’s virgo i comprised and landed on a brown.
- for inspiration it was pretty obvious to go with a cowboys and the wild west! i always disliked the one leg pants her og design has so i modified it to a cut out.
- her og design was a mix of the aquarius and scorpio one and it always didn’t stand out to me, so i think by exaggerating the cowboy aesthetic it stands out much more.
gemini ~
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- her og design is actually one my favs. so i really only made minor changes
- the colours stood out against other dresses and were easily identified as gemini. the dual colour symmetrical dress is a great way to reflect the double spirit.
- Gemini is a pretty symbol spirit so to reflect them i used circular shapes and organic lines. i changed the head piece mainly because i struggled drawing it but i realised it made the design too top heavy anyways.
- i extended the dress width and length mainly for silhouette reasons (she wears so many skin tight dresses) as well as to give a nod to the dresses the alternate geminis wear.
cancer ~
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- my issue with cancer star dress isn’t the dress itself. I actually love the dress in the manga. it’s the colour. WHY IS GREEN?!?
- if it weren’t for the symbol i wouldn’t be able to match this dress with cancers design, so it had to change.
- other than that there’s no major differences, the ribbon tie is meant to resemble scissors, i love the claw shape hair ties in the og design so i brought them back and i brought the stripes in cancers top to her bow.
leo ~
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- i was inspired by beauty and the beast, in the movie the beast kinda looks like lion.
- i swapped the yellow and black in the og design since it has a pretty similar colour story to virgos dress. The og kinda gets lost next to leo since the black doesn’t have variation and leo is in a deep black too.
- i wanted to make her hair bigger like a lions mane and curled around her face.
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anonymouscheeses · 7 months
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Bonus under cut vvv
Later that same day:
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And... I made an Emily redesign too...... *sniff sob /j* it's not final (like all my redesigns) I'm just trying get better at this design stuff and where better to do it except my current fixation ehhh?????
Long Emily design explanation/rant thing ignore it probably but pls dotn im desperate: I wanted to make her more round and soft cuzzz I love those typa designs I'm just a sucker for circle characters. Made her actually black and not fuckin gray cuz its a transformation to look more human and gentle(for me they go between two forms, their true ones that we see the first time we see them snd their human/softer ones if they ever interact with actual humans which... they usually dont.) Not a demon form tfff. In this version I wanted to put Emily in animal inspired features like... the sheep nose, ears, and hooves. Because she and Sera know that humans and about all beings love animals. Birds have sharp features mostly so they don't look as welcoming as they want to seem. I wanted Emily to look sheep likes and pretty much all the seraphim look more sheep like to make Lucifer stand out as the only one who was symbolized as a snake/goat(still don't know if I'll make him goat or make Lillith goat. I'll decide when I get there lmao). Justtt overalll wanted Emily to look more round, welcoming, and cute. I kept the freckles lighter than her skin color(even tho that's SUPER not accurate to what actually black people look like with freckles but whatevr) because it reminded me of fawns and.... sure Emily is a sheep but I still wanted to incorporate other cute animal traits with her cyz y not.
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campbell-rose · 10 months
Alastor Redesign
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Omg there’s like over 70 people following me – guys I'm o///O flattered and flabbergasted. 
Anyway, onto today’s main event, Alastor. I hate Alastor’s og design, I hate his twig waist and his shoulder pads and the way you can’t see his antlers next to his ears, and his bow tie ugh viv please and his HAIR what even is that??? Not even mentioning that nothing about his design is really like a focal point. There’s no one thing that’s particularly interesting. At least before this he had that cathedral window looking cross on his undershirt that I found interesting. Nothing about his says he’s from the 1930’s other than dialogue. 
I wanted him to be in greyscale because that’s the coolest aesthetic, and colored photos weren’t a thing until way after the 30s. Recently I saw jjk, and Jogo’s teeth threw me because at some points I thought he was just straight up toothless. But then when I started this design, that colored tooth look spoke to me. Initially his teeth were yellow to look gross like he never brushes them, but then I was like ‘ayo wait, he’s literally a cannibal’, thus his vibrant red teeth to really pop against his greyscale. Initially his undershirt was white, but I feel like that was too much contrast and white is typically innocence, so by instead having a deep red it shows he’s just straight up bloodthirsty underneath his formal appearance. I also considered it being black, but then he looked like a pastor, and I wasn’t too much of a fan of it. The idea of the red on his design is that it leads your eye down his design to take it all in, with his face being the focus. I gave him glasses because I like the way it obscures his eyes a bit and I imagine they do the anime thing where they glow and hide his eyes. I liked Viv’s idea of sinners having marks where they died, and I slicked his hair back to show it off very prominently. His antlers are larger, I gave him cute lil deer ears. Also, under his suit he is lowkey buff. I feel like a serial killer should at least look physically capable of taking someone down not whatever the fuck viv’s nasty twig men can do. Like, in that comic with the cute sheep girl, when Alastor goes demon mode his body looks so snappable I just wanna like grab his waist in my hands and break it like a twig. I also tried to keep his design simple as if this were for animation, I know pinstripes are complicated and so are antlers but other than that I tried to keep his design basic. 
If I were to rewrite him based solely on the pilot, I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. Alastor is a decent character, his voice actor gives him life, the radio filter is cool, and nothing he did made me want to break my screen (ANGELDUST). The only thing I'd change would be his position in hell. Like, viv’s hell is so wack and I hate it, she’s got the princes, then the goetia and the overlords and then sinners and blah blah, it’s a lot to keep track of, not even mentioning the rings and circles thing. I think Alastor should have had dealings with hell as a human, maybe he routinely did sacrifices or something, and he made a deal with the archdemon Alastor and when he died like... uuhhhhhhh. Maybe through connections he’s gained more power? Idk, I just know I hate the idea of his dying and then having like the bestest most powerful demon powers despite not being hellborn. It’s got this mary sue stench. I’ll figure it out, maybe, who knows. 
I’m not gonna start rewriting since there’s nothing to go off of and alter yet, so that’s gonna have to wait until the show actually drops before anything concrete happens lol. 
Also the sheep girl is a sinner that reoccurs in the show now so sorry I don’t make the rules, you can’t give me a cute sheep girl and try to take her away, I’m gonna redesign her and shove her into the plot as someone looking for redemption at the hotel
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sabh0 · 5 months
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Hello tumblr folks sab tried to learn how to draw cats (failed) to share her cat skk design headcanons witj yall
(under the cut muah)
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PM Catzai:
-burnt black, short and rough fur (seems like it's dirty and unhealthy...?)
-wrinkled whiskers
-very skinny
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ADA Catzai: (god i need to redraw that one he looks atrocious)
-lighter, brown fur (sun bleached, tho there are still some dark parts)
-fluffier, longer fur (is bro a bit healthier??), tho it constantly looks disheveled from jumping into riversband stuff (stupid wet cat)
-long legzz
-not as skinny as PM version
-no more wrinkled whiskers
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'15' Catchuu:
-ginger cat yeah
-very fluffy but disheveled
-short legs, tho has unnaturally big paws (have yall seen baby lynx stompers) (something similar)
-big ears just because (smh they make him look bigger)
-has that sheep wristband
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'22' Catchuu: (this one also will need a redesign ig bc currently bro looks like a fox trying to be a cat)
-didn't grow much oofie
-got a bit fluffier, tho now his fur is kept brushed and tidy
-fur started turning black in some parts (seems like it's getting darker each year for some reason)
-has a collar
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dissentersbedamned · 6 months
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that charlie redesign wanted me to redesign some others so here are some others, i was going to do husk, nifty, and sir pentious but i didnt feel like doing that
are these designs easier to animate? probably not am i claiming to be a better character designer than viziepop? yes
i might do the others but probably not i dont want to be know for this
individual characters and design notes below
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i wanted to give her this soft color palette, making her stick out from the rest of hell, like an "angel" in hell
gave her a pink suit like her pilot design
gave her gold accents to give that royalty feel
her hair is now more curly/swirly to giver her a sheep look, along with the ears, kind of like how lucifer is associated with goats charlie has sheep
i also gave her ears to maker her not look like just a human
the darker pink-red color is supposed to contrast with her softer colors but not that much, it's supposed to convey that she is still a demon, the horns were also added to give that feel
bigger cheek makeup (?) and those gold "chains" were added to giver her a circus clown/ring leader look because hell is supposed to be like a circus
gave her tap shoes to convey shes likes music or someshit
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darker color to contrast with charlies, a sun and moon thing going on
made her more moth like by making her hair look like moth wings, fuzzy leg warmers, and antennas (are those even antennas do moths even have antennas)
added a silver like color in her design to match with charlies gold
gave back her stocking from her pilot design and made her hand warmers mirror them
wanted to giver her a hot topic employee look
made her more look like she died in 2014 by giving her the red and black stocking + hand warmer, leg warmers, and making her x asymmetrical
her worm out shorts are suppose to give a 2014 feel but also are like that because moths just eat clothes sometimes
gave her the ribbon on her waist to mimic one of her old designs
her red is the same red in charlies pallet, they match +]
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made him purple because i think limiting the main colors to each character is nice also because i think purple is a much more lust full color and to look similar to his old design
made him more spider like by adding an extra pair of eyes, fangs, two more legs and a spider butt lol
made him more fluffy and rounder to giver him a more effeminate/gnc look
gave him eyelashes for the same reason above
gave him a scar on the side that he has the golden tooth and different eyes because i think it would be cool is that was from an injury he had when he was alive
the coat was added so that it looks similar to his suit but still different enough so that not everyone is wearing one
the design on his pider butt and coat are suppose to look like a stylized spiders web
the hearts at the end of his heels are suppose to replicate the end of spiders feet
still kept him relatively skinny because i think he would have one of those arcs were a character starts off skinny but gets fatter to show that they're happy with life
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still kept his suit because its such an important part to his character tbh and also so he can mirror charlies pink soft light pink suit with his dark dulled down red suit
gave him a tie so he looks more professional compared to charlies cutie bow tie
dulled down his colors so make him see older and stuck in an era
made him looked aged by giving him grey hairs, stubble, and eye bags
made his deer features more obvious by making his antlers bigger, more deer like ears, giving him a nose pike charlie, and giving him hooves
why alastor got socks on in the pool those are his hooves you bitch
actually made him black
still kept him skinny to give off that sickly skinny look
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theyapper0 · 5 months
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I recently watched Hazbin Hotel for the first time! I've never been into it before, and I vaguely remember it when the pilot first came out years ago but I never even watched THAT!!
It's not............. the best show ever BUT I HAD FUN WATCHING IT!!!!!! I mainly like it bc I love Catholicism and the bible SOOOOO I'm rewriting it and I'll be posting ALL MY IDEAS!!!!!! (Ppl are gonna hate it LOL)
Close-ups + notes are under the cut :)
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CHARLIE: OK SO I basically got rid of all the goat stuff that she (didn't) have going on ASIDE from the hooves hahaha, I didn't draw them here but she still has those bc I think they're COOL
So taking inspo from the fact that Charlie's design was based off porcelain dolls and marionettes, Charlie is LITERALLY a doll come to life!!! Lucifer and Lilith, bc they couldn't naturally conceive a child (bc Lilith is dead + is known to be responsible for the death of newborns), basically just made a child-doll and gave it life with their demonic magic!!!
I ALSO WANT CHARLIE TO CONSTANTLY BE TEETERING THE LINE OF LOOKING CREEPY AND FUCKED UP!!!! She's literally a living doll, I need ppl to look at her sometimes and be unsettled (sheep in wolf's clothing)
VAGGIE: Like Charlie, I'm completely throwing the animal (moth) motif that Vaggie (supposably) had. I'm mainly leaning more into Hotel Manager/body guard. WELCOME TO THE GUN SHOW!!!!!!
Honestly, I've changed Vaggie's design over 4 times and it's subject to change STILL. I gave her a cloak bc I think it's epic and I think she's epic and you'll be seeing her in future posts with what her outfit looks like without the cloak, it's a sleeveless collared shirt and she's got long fingerless gloves on :) AND THE CLOAK IS ALSO THERE BC I THINK SHE'S EDGY!!!! She's edgy and emo and amazing
I WAS gonna make her with awesome battle scars but then I remembered that angels can only be harmed with angelic weapons so :(((( no hot scars
ANGEL: MY ANGEL DESIGN IS NEVER CHANGING!!!!!! I have no notes, I think I'm in love with my Angel.
I heard somewhere that Angel in cannon has one black sclera and one white one bc he died with a black eye sooo..... He died with 2 black eyes LOL!!!
I didn't wanna give him prominent wrists and ankles bc I thought it looks cute :3
HUSK: He's a tuxedo cat, I think they're adorable and I think Husk is a 70 year old man who should be adorable. And NO BOW TIE!!!! I'M TIRED OF EVERY CHARACTER HAVING ONE!!!!
He's a frazzled drunk who's still Alastor's pet LOL
ALASTOR: I took a lot of inspiration for Alastor's design from Dr. Daddy-o, a radio DJ/host from New Orleans in the 1940's!!! I LOVE his voice and I wanted to base Alastor off of a BLACK RADIO HOST bc he's you know, BLACK!!!!!!!! Idk who that white boy is in cannon
He and Charlie are tied for the tallest in the cast, they're the same height (not counting his antlers)
I wanted to make Alastor look pretty human looking, aside from his antlers and deer ears ofc bc I don't think he needs to look scary all the time, he usually uses his words to provoke ppl anyway (and if that doesn't work THEN he'll use force) (Wolf in sheep's clothing)
NIFFTY: Niffty's design is based off Rosie the Riveter (WE CAN DO IT!!!!) especially with her her top, her hair and her headband/bandana.
I also made her taller than she is in cannon bc she's not the kind of character that the audience or even the other characters take seriously so in my head adding a couple inches to her will make me take her more seriously LOL
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rat-n-atty · 29 days
(fucking finally)
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(Also a bit of a redesign since I kinda changed my style a bit lmao)
Meet Clove! (Enid) a 22-year-old "mad" scientist who has made the poor decision to be Smg3's assistant but who exactly is she? What's her lore? What are her goals? Why is she an Ex-villain? and all the other amazing questions you might have (or don't idk) will all be answered here!...hopefully...
"Enid Gadd" (Backstory)
Enid comes from a long line of talented and successful scientists (like her grandpa, E. Gadd more on that in a bit) but she was always seen as a black sheep of the family in short.
Ever since Enid could even talk, she has always aspired to be a great scientist just like her family but it seemed like everything she did, it meant nothing so she became E. Gadd's student when she was young (considering she was practically raised by the guy damn)
It seemed like everything Enid did though was still not enough for her parents so she said "fuck it" and decided to become someone else's assistant in hopes that she could be a better scientist than all of them and that is when Smg3 comes in...
"Clove" (assistant days)
Now, Bowser was a terrible assistant so Smg3 decided to get a new one instead so one day while Clove was just walking around the Mushroom Kingdom city; she saw a purple Mario recolor next to a stand on the side of the street with a sign that said LOOKING FOR AN EVIL ASSISTANT (WILL NOT GIVE VACATION DAYS) (why would look for one in broad daylight you dumb bitc-)
So she took her shot, lied to 3 about being "inherently evil" but she also added that she was pretty good at making bombs (which was also a half-truth) so she became Smg3's assistant from that day on.
She didn't really know what to expect at first and she thought that Smg3's main goal of being a villain at the time was kinda dumb but it was better than home so she stayed and she stayed for a long time.
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She eventually became evil and she got better at her inventions and her scientific studies all for the goal of ruling the world with Smg3 and telling her entire family (not including E. Gadd) to suck it...which now brings us to the YouTube Arc...
YouTube Arc (this is where shit goes down)
Smg3 and Clove had just started on their goals of making Snitch Productions but after Smg4 destroyed it all for no damn reason (like wtf man?) they wanted revenge and they wanted it bad (Smg3 more so than Clove)
So they came up with the anti-cast and got to work but after that failed Clove said "fuck it" and started her own projects again but she found out about the YouTube remote while she was doing her research ("The World's Cursed and definitely Powerful Objects that would destroy the world if laid on the wrong hands" (great title I know) ) So they all came up with the plan to steal it.
Things had started to take a toll after they had successfully stolen the Remote per sae because now Smg3 was drunk with power to the point where it was kinda concerning Clove a bit and this is the part where Clove found out Smg3's true intentions of using the YouTube remote; It was so much more than taking over Smg4's channel, it was deleting Smg4's and his crew's entire existence. Clove knew it was too much, even for 3 but she kept quiet about her conflicting feelings (but put a pin in this later )
A big-time skip later where Clove had actually caught Mario trying to steal Smg3's phone (to hopefully get everyone out of the graveyard, you probably watched the Arc lmao) but she betrayed Smg3 by giving it to Mario anyway and freeing the entire cast out of the internet graveyard in order to stop Smg3; Everyone was confused why but they didn't ask.
WOTFI 2020 (redemption arc begins)
The final battle was here and after Clove was revealed to be a traitor and helping the Smg4 crew, it's no wonder that Smg3 lost but he was never expecting his assistant, no...someone closest to him like a friend to betray him like that.
Since Clove was the only one who really knew how to work the remote (and she was the one who had it in her hands at the time) she was the one who sent Smg3 to the Internet Graveyard for the greater good of everybody else but now that 3 was gone...she felt like she had no meaning...no purpose anymore...
After she had gotten forgiveness from Susan, Smg4 offered Clove to stay with the rest of them at the castle but she declined and said she would just lock herself up in her lab instead.
Clove's lore goes on for ages...so I'll have to make a part 2
(update: there is a part 2)
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bunmylk · 5 months
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Finally redesigned (one of) my fursona(s)
I tried a messier style this time. I like it but I’m it takes so long to line
His name is Asher (rn) and he is a valais black nose sheep
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systemtermz · 10 months
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Black Sheep
Flag is meant to be redesigned and if desired
A headmate who holds the feelings of being an outcast of a group, usually family.
(This Blog was created to repost terms for the convenience and comfort of others. If you remake a reclaimed flag please tag me.)
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luxstring · 2 months
@apompkwrites I missed drawing these four and after a year of Improvement of my art, I decided to redesign them. [Black sheep kingscholar my beloved <3]
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gh0st0o · 1 day
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Guys I can’t stop drawing her!😭
I’m not going to lie, I really like the concept of her but I wasn’t really a bad big fan of her whole design nor her backstory because I feel like the creator could’ve added more into her backstory and her character in general. Like why was her eyes black or what’s going on with her family’s relationship and what’s the background of the judgment angel. Also because I wasn’t a big fan of the design….
So of course I did some redesign then I’m going to change her background and backstory a bit. I’m still keeping the concept of her being the judge angel, I just have to work on the judgement angel and hers relationship because I feel like she would be a vessel. Then I will have to write down her backstory which will take some time because I still wanna keep some part of her old backstory but I don’t wanna completely make a new backstory for her, so I will do a mixture of her old backstory and added some new stuff into the backstory.
Anyways here some headcanons and some ideas I have with her. :3
Judge Angels/Dina Angela Clark headcanons or au ideas
-freckles and moles on her face and body, long curly blonde hair and blonde lashes.
-she has bad religious trauma and used live in the southern side or country side where, she doesn’t know any technology or doesn’t know anything city side.
-on her back, she has a angel wings white tattoo(because she is marked to be the vessel of the judgement angel).
-she likes to wear long flowy white dresses and likes to wear pearl necklaces or earrings.
-she loves sheeps,goats and lambs.
-she likes to listen to waltz or classical music.
-her whole aesthetic is literally southern gothic! 😭
-I feel like she’ll listen to Ethal Cain and mitski.
-she lives in a huge isolated place and area that is like a mixture of a church,hospital and a orphanage home and lives in it with other creeps but mostly the children,doctor and nurses creeps.
-of course she is the next judgement angel vessel and she will gain it’s ability.
-when she was older, she wanted to be a nun but now she doesn’t want to be one after her trauma.
-she has candle or floral scent.
-she loves running around the forest in her long white flowy dress in the tall grass or the forest.
-she does grow angel wings if she reaches her full potential but she doesn’t know how to do that currently.
-she loves reading and wants to live in the library forever. Her favorite genre horror,dark romance,dark fantasy and of course read the Bible.
The Judgement Angel
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I’m still working on some lore on this angel but the only thing you guys gotta know is that, that’s the original judgement angel that chose Dina as the chosen vessel to continue it’s legacy and name.
The only things I wrote about this angel is that how it chooses that vessel is of course by judging and seeing the potential in that person. If they were the chosen one then the Judgment angel will emerge themselves on the pregnant mother and putting all their life,power and whole existence on that vessel that the mother will give birth to. However that comes with a catch, that vessel will be marked with changed appearances, giving them black eyes and a white tattoo Angel wings mark on the back.
If y’all have anymore questions or have some confusion on reading this, then please ask or comment if you wish to know more. I don’t wanna write anything into a wrong idea.😭
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shadowjinx626 · 9 months
I feel like people who claim that Zhen doesn't fit into the KFP world and then black put markings on her face in their edits, don't really understand how KFP art style works either.
The only female characters that do have markings are Tigress and Viper.
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And because Tigress is tiger and Viper is a snake. Animals who usually have patterns on their bodies and face.
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Meanwhile other female characters
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Goats and sheep only have one mark and that's on their noses. Which is meant to help shape their face. They don't have many patterns compare to Tigress and Viper.
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Pandas only have two black spots on their faces. And that's because panda's in real life have two marking on their faces.
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Bunnies and pigs (mostly male pigs) have varieties on their design. Some pigs and bunnies have spots or no spots at all.
The pigs and pandas have fat that give their head shape. The bunnies are given darker eyelids to help define their big eyes.
I actually think it's better to use wolves as a base when it comes to editing/redesigning Zhen's design.
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When it come to the wolves, they don't have harsh black markings either. They do have white highlights to define their eyes and mouth. They're different colored layers of fur also gives an illusion of stripes on their body and face.
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Which makes sense when if they're meant to represent grey wolves.
KFP art style have a lot more variety to defining their character's shape than just putting black marks onto the design. It's also important knowing what animal they're suppose to represent.
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I'm not going to use that one image that everyone edits over, mainly because the lighting in that shot didn't help define her fur compare to these ones.
Anyways, Zhen is a corsac fox. Which are these guys:
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And Depending on which picture of a corsac you use as reference, these foxes don't have define black markings on their fur. They do however, have fur that can help define Zhen's shape better.
I do think they could've done a lot better with Zhen's design, but I also think it's import to know what animal she's suppose to represent and remember the many ways the KFP art style define shape in their characters.
Yet again this is the same franchise where Shifu is a red panda, even though his fur is white...
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xwiedzmax · 8 months
After a looong time of writing down, analyzing and editing, heres my analysis of the c!Sherbert playlist :] First, I wanna say, the songs that are in italic are unavailable on youtube, therefore hidden in the playlist, but theres an option to show unavaiable videos. marked them to avoid confusion (thats why theres 1 repeat song, some might be also out of order but im unsure) the order i wrote the songs down is: [title] - [artist] - [meaning] (songs from musicals/movies just say [title] from [name]) on some of the songs i was kinda unsure of their meaning, thats why theres question marks. basically means that i think thats their meaning, but im not 100% sure also one last note- this playlist is so well made- like the songs have such great meanings for the different arcs for Icarus, its so satisfying to listen to every song and see how it relates to Icarus :] anyways- time for the analysis Icarus - Bastille - Icarus [Wack/Quixis] Redesign Your Logo - Lemon Demon - wack, changing, Quixis Any Day Now - Bo Burnham - wackkkk & - Tally Hall - wack, changing, Quixis? Comb Attack - Jack Stauber - ..vibes?? Hungover in the City of Dust - Autoheart - Quixis? Mr Backwards - Jack Stauber - Quixis?? Never Meant to Know - Tally Hall - Ic vibes, Quixis Out of The Box - Jack Stauber - Ic vibes [Corruption] Digital Silence - Peter McPoland - Icarus, Quixis?, Fable/Gods, Corruption? (many ways to interpret) Under My Skin - Jukebox the Ghost - Corruption Able (Extended) - Jack Stauber - Corruption Mirror Man - Jack Stauber - Corruption Brass Goggles - Steam Powered Giraffe - Corruption, mainly Bleed Magic - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - Corruption, Momboo/Manipulation? [Icarus/Quixis] Gold - Imagine Dragons - Ic, Quixis, Wack Gold - Spandau Ballet - Icarus, them being positive, remembering s1?? Creature - Half•Alive - Icarus [Runaway Arc] Path to Isolation - Jeff Williams - Runaway arc, not remembering Bet On It from Highschool Musical 2 - Regret, wanting to remember? Problems - Mother Mother - Not remembering, runaway arc [Broters/Family] Two Birds - Regina Spector - eye duo s1 Family Line - Conan Gray - brothers (prince trio) Call Them Brothers - Regina Spector - brothers Brother - Kodaline - brother Rule #4 Fish in a Birdcage - Fish in a Birdcage - brothers Icarus - The Crane Wives - Icarus, brothers Family Jewels - MARINA - Morningstar Family, Icarus, young eye duo?? When the Day Met the Night - Panic! at The Disco - Isla, Fable and Enderian Icarus - Emma Blackberry - young Icarus?? s1?? I've Got You (Sherbert's Lullaby) - Zenni - young broters
[Sherb & Enderian/Momboo?]
Fine - Lemon Demon - early s1? My Eyes from Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog - Sherbert and Momboo, whisper duo If I Killed Someone For You - Alec Benjamin - Sherbert and Enderian (Sherbert and Momboo?) Laplace's Angel - Will Wood - Corruption (Enderian/Momboo?) [Corruption/OB/Whisper Duo]
Ways To Be Wicked from Descendants 2 - Corruption, OB Heathens - Twenty One Pilots - Corruption, OB, whisper duo?? I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE - Måneskin - Corruption, OB Twisted - NateWantsToBattle - Corruption, Sherbert to Enderian, OB? Ramalama (Bang Bang) - Róisín Murphy - Corruption Secret - The Pierces - Whisper duo Hawk in the Night - Madds Buckley - Whisper duo Sharks - Imagine Dragons - Corruption, OB? Lies - Will Jay - Corruption?? We Both Reached For The Gun - Richard Gere - Corruption? OB? Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set It Off - Corruption Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz - Corruption Can't Stand The Rain - The Rescues - OB, Corruption Bust Your Knee Caps (Johnny Don't Leave Me) - PomplamooseMusic - no explanation behind it 6up 5oh Copout (Pro / Con) - Will Wood and the Tapeworms - Corruption, Prison Murders - Miracle Musical - Corruption? Nothing Left To Loose from Tangled - Corruption, DenialTM [S1 Finale] As The World Caves In - Matt Maltese - s1 finale What If Tomorrow Comes from Black Friday Musical - s1 fianle [S2 Beginning]
New Life - Alex Ernst - s2 beginning People I Don't Like - UPSAHL - s2 beginning Turn The Lights Off - Tally Hall - Sleepover?? s2 beginning? [Runaway Arc]
The Devil You Know - X Ambassadors - Lack of memories??? What Did I Do - The Correspondents - Remembering/runaway arc It's Not The Same Anymore - Rex Orange County - Runaway arc Could Have Been Me - The Struts - Remembering [Anger at Centross]
Brutus - The Buttress - Anger at Centross Absinthe - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - Anger at Centross The Main Character - Will Wood - Anger at Centross/Thinking theyre in the right You're Not Welcome - Naethan Apollo - Anger at Centross Blood // Water - Grandson - Anger at Centross Lonely - Imagine Dragons - Regret/lonely?? Goner - Nicholas Podany - Angry at Centross??? [Regret]
Rock In God's Shoe - Sushi Soucy - trying to reach out to the gods? blaming them? no idea how to label this one- Moonsickness - Penelope Scott - Regret? Blaming themself? Is There Anybody Here? - The Dear Hunter - Regret, Haley Maybe Man - AJR - Regret? Wanting to be better/change? Chasing You - Capital Cities - Regret, Haley The Garden - The Crane Wives - Haley? New Eyes - Echos - Regret, wanting to change [Post Unlocked]
The Tornado - Owl City - s2 finale/unlocked/could be a few things Birds - Thomas Sanders - birb, silly happy Ic (post Unlocked) Look Who's Inside Again - Bo Burnham - post Unlocked Let Me Make You Proud - Tangled - wanting to impress Fable? thinking theyre in the right? wanting to revive Haley? wanting to revive Centross? d e n i a l? (so many fit this) the fruits - Paris Paloma - Fable, Quixis? Down The River - The Crane Wives - Angry at Quixis? Hero - Regina Spector - dont know [Post Cathedral] Can't Catch Me Now - Olivia Rodrigo - (seeing) Centross Do What You Gotta Do - Descendants - Fable manipulation The Cave - Mumford & Sons - Fable manipulation/Ic in denial Paid In Exposure - NateWantsToBattle - Fable manipultion Natural - Imagine Dragons - Fable manipulation Burning Pile - Mother Mother - After killing Haley Consequences - Lovejoy - Regret abt Centross Icarus - Luvbug - Regret abt Centross/Regret abt Haley The Bad Guy - Thomas Sanders - Regret abt Centross/Regret abt Haley Daniel in the Den? - Bastille - Regret abt Centross? Ruin - The Amazing Devil - Ic blaming themself Icarus & Apollo - Ripto - Prison duo, Centross dying 505 - Arctic Monkeys - After Centross death Show Yourself from Frozen - Seeing Centross, excited thinking Fable can revive people Still Feel - Half-Alive - Excited at Fables ideas? Denial? [Specific Line Tagging]
Machine - Imagine Dragons Suburbia Overture - Will Wood Enemy from Arcane The Search - NF Misery Fell - Tally Hall When You're An Addams from Addams Family Ready As I'll Ever Be from Tangled We Don't Talk About Bruno from Encanto The Cave - Mumford & Sons In My Blood from Journey to Bethlethem thank you for reading all of that, have a nice timezone :]
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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29th May, 1940. First flight of the Vought F4U Corsair, which would serve extensively in the Second World War and Korea, with almost 13,000 built. Fast, rugged and heavily armed, the aircraft suffered from some initial problems but excelled as a fighter and fighter-bomber. With its distinctive inverted gull wing, designed to provide clearance for the propeller, the Corsair earned its nickname of ‘Bent-Wing Bird’.
Due to a high accident rate on its introduction to service, the U.S. Navy initially refused to use Corsairs on carrier operations. Instead, they were flown by Marine units in the Solomons, who quickly exploited their powerful machines to establish superiority over Japanese aircraft. From September 1943, VMF-14 (the ‘Black Sheep’) under ‘Pappy’ Boyington shot down nearly 100 aircraft and damaged the same number in two 6-week tours. Boyington himself would claim 28 kills before being shot down in January 1944.
It was the British Fleet Air Arm that first flew Corsairs operationally from carriers, having made a number of modifications to improve their safety on landing. Initially used on strikes against the Tirpitz from April 1944 before relocating to the Pacific, 16 squadrons of FAA Corsairs were in service by the end of the war. On 9th August 1945, Canadian pilot Robert Gray earned a posthumous VC after bombing and sinking a Japanese warship despite his Corsair being on fire after taking hits from flak.
Cleared for carrier service on U.S. Navy carriers in mid-1944, Corsairs soon proved their worth, increasingly in the ground attack role but also against kamikaze attacks. By the end of the war, Navy and Marine pilots were credited with destroying over 2,100 Japanese aircraft for the loss of fewer than 200 Corsairs in combat - though substantially more were destroyed in accidents.
Corsairs returned to combat duty with both the U.S. Marines and Navy during the Korean War. One MiG 15 was shot down in September 1952, but the aircraft were used almost exclusively for ground attack. Marine aircraft were redesignated AU-1, armoured and armed with 4x20mm cannon plus rockets or up to 4,000lb of bombs.
Corsairs were later operated by the French Aéronavale over Indochina, Suez, Algeria and Tunisia into the 1960s. In July 1969, a Honduran aircraft flown by Captain Fernando Soto took part in what may have been the final combats in history between piston-engined fighters, shooting down two Salvadoran Corsairs and a Mustang. Both El Salvador and Honduras retained their Corsairs into the 1970s.
1) Future astronaut John Glenn on a training flight in his VMF-155 Corsair over California in 1943. He would fly 57 combat missions in the Pacific.
📷 airandspace.si.edu
2) Fleet Air Arm Corsairs lined up on the deck of HMS Illustrious, prior to a raid on Surabaya, 27th May 1944.
📷©️IWM A 24274
3) Corsair on the deck of USS Bunker Hill off Okinawa, 9th May 1945.
📷 ww2db.com
4) Well used AU-1 Corsair of VMA 212 in Korea, 1952.
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raptorfae53 · 3 days
Monster High Reimagined: Purrsephone and Meowlody Stripe Character Bio/Redesign
Meowlody and Purrsephone Stripe (She-Her/She-Her)
Bakeneko and Nekomata children of the Stripe family.
An inseparable duo of cat yokai considered by most of their family to be vapid troublemakers obsessed with Jfashion and trashy music, small wonder why they've fallen in with their adoptive cousin toralei and joined her punk band to boot! Sent to monster high as to make something of themselves beyond shopping for that next trendy outfit (and to keep Toralei in check) ,there's more to these cats than either they or their family know, maybe monster high can really be the place to bring all that potential out…
Likes: Amekaji gyaru,climbing stuff and bouldering and catnip tea/Rokku gyaru, baking and lazy days/Jpop and making spooktoks.
Dislikes: Their grandfather's demanding personality,cucumbers and lily flowers (allergic) /doctors appointments, losing track of stuff, and being away from her sister for too long/water and dogs.
Killer style: the twins won't settle for nothing less than only the most outrageous of gyaru fashion with an alternative edge, that means the most stylish streetwear, big,elaborate hair and a metric ton of accessories,with meowlody loving rokku gyaru whilst her sister prefers amekaji gyaru.
Pet Peeve: Being considered to be shallow idiots just because of their taste in fashion. it's bad enough that their parent’s tend to join in with the rest if their family in doing this,and the idea that the students could join in too with it spooks the sisters.
Freaky Flaw: Not letting themselves be heard. The girls were raised in a household with high expectations and expected compliance and its proven hard to shake, even with the arrival of toralei and her take nothing from nobody sense of doing stuff. There's also the factor of the ostracisation toralei faces for being loud and disruptive, and the twins innate struggle between sticking with their black sheep cousin or, as bad as it sounds throwing her under the bus for the security of family, although they thankfully choose the former more often than not,or just let toralei do the talking for them…
Spooky Secret: meowlody has undiagnosed adhd, but her and her sister keep their lips shut regarding it due to the fear of it being used as further ammunition towards the girls lack of booksmarts, it doesn't help that it really does impact meowlodys ability to learn,particularly in learning to speak english.
Dream job: To first and foremost become spooktok famous for their freaky fabulous gyaru style! Aside from this, simply getting out of the way of their traditionalist-to-a-fault grandfather and being in the hissfits is more on the twins' minds right now more than anything else,sooo... influencers, basically.
Five Fearsome facts:
When possible (including when they want to talk just amongst themselves) the twins speak Japanese,both because its easier on meowlodys adhd and because very few of their classmates know Japanese themselves, making it very useful if you dont want to someone to know what your saying about them.
Since toralei isn't the best with social media sites and generally dismissive of most tech post 2010, purrsephone handles the hissfits social media accounts in addition to her own,some would say to the point of being among the most chronically online ghouls in school,although her sister isn't far behind.
Both twins are terrified of water as cats often tend to be, in between being caked in gal makeup and weighed down with electronic whatnot, the pair are well aware they aren't suited well for aquatic activities and usually stick to the shore/poolside. (They especially hate it when their little cousins try and splash them,don't they know how much their foundation cost!)
Meowlody enjoys baking spooky-sweet treats for her bandmates (and to trend on her spooktok). She's very good at it,even if she sometimes worries about getting muddled in the more complicated recipes (and Toralei's unhelpful suggestions to eyeball stuff if she isn't quite sure), thankfully her twin is more than willing to keep her grounded and help out if needed…
Cat yokai have a strong history and skill with illusion-based magic and the twins are no exception. Their favourite trick to play is disguising themselves as each other,good for playing pranks on your cousin, tricking folks and for teasing each other when out shopping for new outfits. Those wise to their trickery are aware to check how many tails a particular twin has, as they often forget to disguise them… (Meowlody, a Nekomata,has two whilst Purrsephone, a Bakeneko only has one)
The third of seven profiles done, this time one for the werecat twins to finally join the Toralei profile I did a while back,take a look down below for some of the usual reasoning and inspiration behind these redesigns.
In-keeping with my opinions on werecat monster type in monster high (in that I think that it's lazy and unimaginative) instead these two are yokai. Specifically a Bakeneko And Nekomata,two of the more malevolent sort of Kabiyō cat yokai (which fun fact also includes the more benevolent Maneki-Neko,which is what those lucky waving cat figurines and the pokemon meowth are based on!)
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Why did I choose a yokai. Well tbh I believe that despite the sheer diversity of them as a monster type (rivalling the greco-roman diversity more commonly seen at mh) they're basically nonexistent in MH and I think that's a damn shame, not to mention the fact that I just felt that anthropomorphised housecat-based monsters fit the twins better than many of the more bestial alternatives, and makes Toralei stand out more amongst her adoptive family as a wild weretiger in a family of essentially sapient housecats.
Also one last aside on the yokai thing, although along with Jackson and Holt being half oni this brings our total yokai-based kids to 4 (in a sense), trust me, considering im expanding upon this sort of thing later in this continuity, you ain't seen nothing yet...
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this profile and see you next week for another!
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