#BAM Capital
bamcapitalreviews · 7 hours
How BAM Started | Founder and CEO Ivan Barratt #shorts
How BAM Started | Founder and CEO Ivan Barratt #shorts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMId6p1uc0U Visit https://capital.thebamcompanies.com/ & see why accredited investors choose to grow their wealth with BAM Capital. via BAM Capital https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLufWyEaqPxDDfTwwNWZ1lQ September 26, 2024 at 09:35AM
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tonymarias · 12 days
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does johnny know what capitalism is? lets discuss
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holliwoobz · 4 months
i’m back into reading the locked tomb lore theories SOMEBODY HELP ME shrieking wailing ripping my hair out
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I wish that presents for any holiday would stop being about how fancy of a thing you can get or how many things you can get someone. I will never use any of this shit and you are wasting your money. Gifts should be from the heart, not the wallet.
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pampamtiger · 12 days
oooh jungkook posted bam photos~ cutie
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cellobotomy · 1 year
one of the most inconsequential irritations of renting is the “landlord special”ing that you have to learn to live with. like. i COULD fix the paint drips that are fuckin everywhere (on the walls. on the doorknobs. on the wooden railings). i COULD make the yard nice and get rid of all the invasive plants there. but. it’s not my house. i don’t get to keep it. they’re going to raise the rent beyond what i can afford (by the end of the year. they told us this). i am alienated from the very walls i live within.
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sol-flo · 2 years
and. the thing about trending on artstation elsa boob sludge is that we all know there's a lot of technically impressive overrendered digital art of anime women with boobage. like it's a whole thing, we've all seen daily deviations. and it's also rather vapid meaningless sludge yknow. the generated stuff simply reveals the artifice
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bamsara · 4 months
Do I call you bam or sara? (genuine)
either's fine I can answer to both, but if anyone writes/preferes BamSara anywhere I ask that the 'S' is also capitalized since its my actual name lmao
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carionto · 11 months
C'mon, Really? Look, Just, Let Me Help You!
Humans: We need to have a talk about your secret war plans against us.
Aliens: W-what? No, that's not it, how-
H: Our intelligence operative are very good. Don't pretend these [throws folder on the table that scatters hundreds of pages of classified documents all over] aren't yours.
A: F-Fine! Yes! We made plans about how we should fight you if we ever got into a war. We admit it! What do you want?
H: Huh? No, what I'm trying to say is, why do your plans suck?
A: Err... what?
H: Yeah, compared to our plans and war games, you don't seem to utilize all the advantages you have against us. There's not as much coordination and specialization of forces as we expect in our simulations. What gives?
A: You've lost me.
H: Look, every civilization should run military simulations against EVERY existing party, not just the ones you're natural competitors, or ones you see as antagonistic. Hell, while we were "vanished" our military literally had nothing else to do and spent a solid 200 years making up every kind of scenario against every single potential power we might end up encountering once we "reappeared".
Honestly, there are so many things we are shocked about once we got our hands on your plans, I legitimately don't know where is the best place to begin.
Okay, for starters, why don't any of your plans include making use of our superior technology? It would work, we tested it as well. We built a scale model of one of your capital ships, plopped one of our fusion reactors in and BAM, shields and weapons instantly became on par with our Destroyers, and could even do some serious damage to our Dreadnoughts (for a few seconds before our counterattack vaporizes it, but that's besides the point), so we know your technology is fully capable of handling us.
A: For the millionth time, we are not using unstable power sources that could totally blow us up at any point!
H: It is safe! Those things only have a 0.002 percent chance to fail, and a one in six hundred thousand chance of THAT resulting in an explosion. We've only had twelve incidents the entire time we've been using them.
A: No.
H: Well you ain't winning a war against us with that attitude.
But anyway, one other thing your plans never do is blow up Earth and irradiate the shipyard orbits, what gives?
A: That's an abominable crime against, well, EVERYTHING!
H: Weak. But okay. One other thing though, and this one is just baffling, your deployments and gathering locations are always in the most obvious and convenient places. Those are, no joke, where we would place recon units and prepare ambushes the moment we even got a hint of a whiff of hostility from you. How come you never seem to account for us expecting you to do the obvious and pre-emptively counter that. And inversely, you never expect us to not be in the logical places where we should be.
A: I think my head is spinning from that. What?
H: Reverse psychology? Predictive behavior, or whatever it's called, not a psychologist. If you want to win against your enemy, you have to think like your enemy first.
You look dizzy. I know it's a lot to take in, but we'll guide you through this. Think of it as homework. After we have a more thorough meeting on this subject, we'll wait and let you figure things out back in your secret HQ's. But, if the plans we acquire later still won't account for the things we discussed, we'll be very disappointed.
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bamcapitalreviews · 2 days
#TonyTuesday: Why Bentonville Arkansas?
#TonyTuesday: Why Bentonville, Arkansas? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOAO8FuPaFY Visit https://capital.thebamcompanies.com/ & see why accredited investors choose to grow their wealth with BAM Capital. This week Tony explains the advantages of having one of our latest acquisitions, Uptown Terrace, in Bentonville, Arkansas. via BAM Capital https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLufWyEaqPxDDfTwwNWZ1lQ September 24, 2024 at 01:00PM
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camelspit · 2 months
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Fintan Pyren by @crescentpaws
Marella Redek by @xanadaus
Fintan Pyren:
"you dont understand hes literally so funny. imagine if a theatre kid was a thousand year old elf was a raging pyromaniac was the presidents problematic ex BAM that’s fintan. he dramatically revealed that he was still alive despite it being a major strategic advantage just for the fun of it all. he likes gardening. he has capital h History with a councillor. hes killed before but he stays silly. hes even blonde" @necromycologist
"he’s a pyrokinetic. he’s maniacal. he’s calculating. he’s been locked in a block of ice for years. he’s older than your great great etc grandmother and also probably serves more cunt. his ass is the subject of much debate. what’s not to love" (anonymous)
"he's insane he's responsible for about a tenth of all elves who have ever died he's a rebel he walked straight into the peace summit and joked about murdering one of the world leaders he's been chained up or in prison for the majority of his scenes he's my skrunkly little guy <3333" (anonymous)
Marella Redek: None
Want to submit propaganda? Do so here and it will be added in the second round.
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popponn · 1 year
so what if you are michael kaiser's ex. like just one of many, the one that broke up with him a year ago. the catch is that despite hating this guy's guts, somehow you always ends up meeting him again at least 3 times a month. 20 times, if you are particularly unlucky that month.
your friend drags you to a party? bam, kaiser is there—with a new date. a job meeting with someone in the cafe? wow kaiser is sitting two tables away. you got lost in some big city in another country with your phone battery dying? would you look at that—it's kaiser.
and, probably the worst part, it isn't as if kaiser isn't also sick of you. he is probably your #1 hater at this point. gone was the charming bad boy from the first date and only a bitter ex is left.
the funny part is that this particular bitter ex is one that accompanies you in the party when your friend left you ("my date gets boring," he said); one that looks ready to punch a guy and helps you when your client turns out to be an asshole ("why did i help you?" he parrots your question. "if i ignored that it will just be worse for me in the way that i don't want it to be."); and the one who makes sure you reach your hotel safely ("idiots like you need pity to stay alive.")
the one that doesn't want any present he gave to you returned, but also the one who scoffs whenever you ask "Why?" or "Why the fuck?"
(if kaiser is also one that couldn't swallow his pride to ask you back, that's for everyone except you to know.)
(and if you still never date anyone after breaking up with him that's your own problem and no one else's.)
i have been itching to write ex!kaiser since like. idk. last month?? a bit tempted to also include the 'we knew each other too long to cut each other off' trope, but that's for another time. he is enough of a complicated asshole already. so it's just 'exes who still clearly have feeling for each other' + 'exes who acts like sworn enemy' with a pinch of 'everyone knows and are sick of them' trope. this dude and this idea is hilarious to me because like he is kind of a himedere in my head, but he is so interesting and not just t h a t in a very 'i want to punch him' way. but anyway very brainrot but this guy, i believe, despite his narcissistic tendencies and all his self centered issues, seems like someone who will love deeply when it came for the one™. like dude is like that with soccer, the capital c commitment is strong. it's just reaching that stage that's hard, because he is also capital a asshole.
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lifeandtimesoftrying · 8 months
The overlords’ persuasion, the Morningstar’s power, and what this means for Charlie
Hazbin Hotel's been rotating in my head since the finale and I have capital-t Thoughts about the worldbuilding (and its implications). So!
Hazbin Hotel’s power system is fundamentally divided into two parts: the overlords, whose abilities are fully tied to and determined by their connections with other denizens, and the Morningstars/other Hell-born aristocracy, whose abilities are innate and unchanging. I think this is why Lucifer is incredibly powerful while not really having power, the overlords seem to be running the show, and Charlie’s character has a lot left to come.
(This got pretty long and there are spoilers, so I’m putting it under a cut!)
Lucifer doesn’t have much authority—the meeting to decide the fate of hell is attended by only the overlords, other demons repeatedly dismiss Charlie (often even using her relationship with her dad to do so), and when we do finally meet the King of Hell himself, it’s when he’s engaged in a hobby which he clearly has a lot of free time for. When Charlie needs large numbers of allies, it’s Alastor and Rosie who coordinate to get them for her, and Alastor is terrified of Zestiel but told Lucifer “fuck you” to his face. Lucifer doesn’t have any control over his subjects.
However, he is still incredibly powerful. He and Charlie, whose powers presumably came from him, defeated Adam, and in the finale sequence he conjured the foundation for a whole hotel without any strain.
The overlords function in the exact opposite way: their powers are gained through their various relationships with other people, and can be influenced as such. Most obviously, Carmilla Carmine explicitly tells Vaggie that the best way to fight is for love, but Rosie is powerful because of the ways she can provide for people and gain their loyalty. Alastor’s known to have bought souls to do his bidding, and the Vees are all themed around ways to influence people (pornography, TV, and social media), and at least one of them also has contracts for souls.
“Hell’s Greatest Dad” illustrates both the overlords’ and the aristocracy’s perspectives. Regardless of how authentic Alastor is being in his claims in the song, it can be assumed that he’s doing everything he can to convince Charlie to work with him, and Lucifer is doing the same. However, their approaches are polar opposites.
Lucifer’s persuasion relies on his innate abilities: he calls himself “the big boss of Hell himself,” and says that he can help “with the punch of a pentagram / I wap-bam-boom, alakazam / Usually I charge a sacrificial lamb / But you get the family rate.” This emphasizes both his familial (and unchangeable) tie to Charlie and his inborn abilities, which come up again when he says “there’s no substitute for pure angelic power.”
The reasons that Alastor cites for why he should be chosen are all based in the actions that he’s done for Charlie, and the resulting relationship that they have because of those actions. He emphasizes his consistency (“who’s been here since day one”) and reliability (who’s been faithful as a nun), both of which are good traits for an overlord to have.
I think this contrast is why Mimzy has to show up when she does: there is no way to resolve the argument about whether to choose that which has been built or that which you were born with. And that’s because of Charlie. Charlie’s dad was never mortal, but her mom was. None of the overlords have been called immortal, but many of them are confirmed to have been mortal. A large part of Charlie’s arc in season 1 is her learning how to connect with the people around her and get them to believe in her. She is, in many ways, beginning to function like an overlord would. With one major difference.
We know that Husk used to be an overlord, most likely one of gambling. Gambling is really three things: chance, skill, and being able to read other people without them being able to read you. And from what we know of overlords, getting that status requires all of those traits. Chance and skill exist in any field, but the ability to see past other’s facades without revealing your own hand is incredibly important here, to the point where it’s Alastor’s whole shtick—a smile is a way of staying in control.
But where overlords try to read those around them while keeping their own feelings hidden, Charlie always has her heart on her sleeve. When she goes to cannibal town, Alastor’s advice that she always smile quickly stops working, and only after she’s processed her feelings about Vaggie by talking with Rosie is she able to convince people to follow her.
But this is still only half of what she’s potentially capable of. We haven’t seen her try to battle anyone on her own and win—the closest we got was Valentino, but she quickly backed down from that. Since a second season is scheduled, my bet is that it’ll follow her learning the extent of her innate powers, and how to pair them with her connections to others—after all, she is the only character with both mortal an immortal lineages.
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solar-sunnyside-up · 10 months
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DIY- Plastic Cap Pins 📌
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I've seen Soooo many guides on using bottle caps as pins but honestly? I can't even remember the last time I saw a bottle with a metal cap on it in my house. And so I attempted to hunt down a DIY for a plastic lid version and they... don't seem to exist so here go!
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What you'll need:
Plastic caps (any size really)
Safety pin
Paint + brushes
Lighter (optional)
Sandpaper (mostly optional, depends on paints/cap combo)
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Once all assembled, it's pretty easy
Now depending on the pin it's surprisingly easy to just pierce the edge of the cap with a sharp safety pin and it'll go threw, however if your having a hard time or are worried about it then heating up the tip of the pin will help it go through fairly easily.
You can either let it stick out the top and hang it like a metal or you can push it in once it's closed and have it be a regular styled pin
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If you want to sand down the cap to get a better surface to paint this is the time!
Now paint away!! I'd recommend doing either a white or black background and a few layers to boot just to ensure a good background. I of course did yellow so I did 3 layers to cover everything
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Let dry between layers or you'll end up with a marbled mess like mine. I'm not v patient
Look up or sketch out the design a few times while your waiting! Or drink a fave drink or enjoy something. Remember comfort and joy is the enemy of Capitalism and thus our best friends
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And bam!!! A pin!
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Go forth my sprouts and flourish with your new gear!! 💕💕🌱🌱
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g0nefischin · 7 months
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Back to uploading these, we have some goats now
lores under the cut
Ok so I will be entirely honest I have little to zero knowledge of dresses and how they work _| ̄|○. so I just used some references and hoped for the best, sorry to anyone who really likes dresses if i did some Minecraft physics on Toriels outfit.
Toriel has this sort of pioneer style dress that she wears in the ruins, she also has an alt outfit that's more of a victoran dress sort of deal that she wore when she was still in the capital. she doesn't wear it now (may be fashionable but not comfy) she kept her silver belt with the deltarune though.
I also didn't draw it but I like to think in her fight with you she uses a shotgun. Just the image of her in a pretty dress with a shotgun like captivated me so bam
Asgore is the Governor ( I wrote mayor on the sheet rip, so just generally he's the guy in charge) he keeps tabs over the entire Underground. He has a fantastic mustache beard, and is very very busy (he needs a nap). He always carries a little pocket watch with him to make sure he's on schedule.
In his fight he takes out his little pocket watch to check the time.
I kept going over if I wanted to give him a bowler hat or a tophat, I eventually went with a tophat but that may get changed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I wanted to give him kinda gold accents on like his belt and hat, (maybe even technically make it out of pyrite which is fools gold for a metaphor or something)
I also just wanted the two to have different shinies for contrast. So asgores decals are a goldish color and Toriels are silverish
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Hey Norm! Have you ever had any personal experience with extraterrestrial extranormal events, even if you haven't been to space?
Does Jennster count? Hah!
Anyway. A few. The nature of the...Zetan situation is that ETs are sort of rare, and the ones that are here don't like drawing attention to themselves. Most of them. I'm friends with Jenny's grandad, he's been in contact with the Office for decades. I said it earlier, but one of my friends growing up was an ET.
You know, I guess I didn't have too many encounters. There was the situation with the Zetans and a Lycan pack we had to defuse a while back, it was an eye contact thing.
There was this one time I was in Oregon for a conference. Sasquatch preservation, I think. A lot of Esoteric Rangers reupping their best practices, that sort of thing.
A couple of us were drinking around a fire after a meeting. We saw this huge ball of fire streak through the sky, and BAM. Hit the ground a little ways away. We all sort of look at each other for a minute - what were the odds of a bunch of OPN staff being nearby a possible ET crash?
Anyway we trudge through the forest to find it. We had to be careful. If it was a Zetan we had to wait until either a staff member with lycanthropy was available or wait until we could get some equipment to nullify their...effect. If it was a non-Zetan ET that was a ton of paperwork and a completely unknown element, so we needed caution there too.
Turns out it was a Zetan. I got the shivers early and we set up a perimeter until a lycan staff member came by - they're immune, of course - and was able to provide some medical care. The Zetan ended up being fine, so I hear. It's standard practice to not stand facing one if you must go near one, not to make eye contact with it, so we all sort of stood awkwardly facing away from her. I don't understand Zetan but the lycan told us later she was very appreciative. I don't think I can say who or what she was, even if I knew for sure. Classified, you know. But she left us all a scrap of metal from her ship. Not protocol, of course, but it's still in my things somewhere.
Oh, you know what. It's in that box there, Jenny. The small black one. That thing cost me days in paperwork. Enjoy it. Oh, did the henchmen bring this one in? I don't think I've seen it...
Oh right. You can read it. I didn’t even consider that. This says "Escape Pod Theta." She was crash-landing, that makes sen- And then "Creche Ship Haptanzar-011." She came from a Zetan Creche Ship.
Oh my god. That’s— There's usually only one or two per sector. They're more heavily defended than their capital ships, but if she was crashing in an escape pod...
And in Sol, that’s….no wonder Doe looked tense. Well, tense for him. It’s…best to not ask, I think. There’s a reason we don’t go beyond the moon.
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