#B2B context
therobotmonster · 3 months
So... Shapeways is going bankrupt.
This is particularly irksome for me, as that's a good 1/3rd of my monthly income, so I'm crossing my fingers while I start setting up a new store on cults. I have literally thousands of items so getting them all up is going to take ages.
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But why did this happen?
Well I'll fucking tell you what I think happened.
It was a company run on arrogance and cowardice.
Shapeways made its mark as the cafepress of 3d printing. The weight of this was their marketplace that let people sell prints directly to customers without having to do the printing themselves. At its peak, I made more from Shapeways than from my day job.
The problem was that Shapeways put zero effort into the marketplace. They'd send some of us to a con to promote the idea of 3d printing game minis a couple of times, sure, but when it came to actual site maintenance and design every suggestion and request by sellers was roundly ignored. We asked for better search and categorization options. We asked to be able to name variants in our stores. We asked for better communication from the print techs. We asked for accurate subcategories that actually reflected how customers looked for items. None of it was done.
As such, the site was baffling to customers and difficult to understand. This was made worse by Shapeways' continual renaming of their materials. So after a couple of years Shapeways announces that they're not going to do anything for the marketplace because it's underperforming, and are going to focus on B2B, and in doing so they buried the marketplace in a tiny little link on the front page.
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Overnight sales plummeted. We complained again, nothing was done. We asked for a different URL that went straight to the marketplace (something that would literally cost them $80 to do) that we could direct customers to, we were ignored.
The marketplace is underperforming, so we won't put in the effort needed to make the marketplace perform. Makes perfect sense.
Prices go up. Shipping goes up substantially, and then it was a thousand little cuts. The auto-checks were altered to make it impossible to verify anything manually with any accuracy, so it became harder to design for the limitations of their printers.
The site slowed down substantially so every click had a several second pause, making shopping and maintaining frustrating and unpleasant. Shipping costs to many areas of the world became insanely high, effectively cutting off entire markets.
Want to not be Shapeways? Then remember this:
Your users know more about your site experience and their own needs than you do.
If you have a sales site, and the people selling through it say "this isn't working, we need this" then maybe you should listen to them and not just say 'you're wrong' to their faces.
Oh, and also, if goddamn Rolls-Royce comes in filing false DMCA claims over the use of the word "Phantom" in any context on your site, you don't take every item through a multiple day review for every edit and say "LOL, we can't do anything"
You take them to court for abusing the system on behalf of your user base, you fucking bootlicking cowards.
They've sent me a check every month for half a decade and they don't even send a "We're closing shop" email.
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Look upon my prints, ye mighty, and despair.
If you want to help me though the meantime, here's my paypal.me and my gofundme.
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ladytyburn · 1 year
sorry for sending aNOTHER ask but I just love you comic so much asgfdgfdh, the details you put in there!
Love also that they have a SPECIAL MEETING ROBE uniform, what a company
also also i already put it in tag but I love your inclusion of nagato in this ♥ he's so often left out of silly akatsuki stuff like this so it made me really happy
Even if he's being an ass and uses AI 💔 I still enjoy seeing his grumpy face
AnyWAY wishing you an excellent day and that you have the energy to make more of these comics (if you want to of course)
I love you I am kissing you on the mouth I drew this for you:
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Just two besties selling their merch at the summer themed B2B convention
FR tho, I am so glad you are enjoying this! When I was wasting spending my entire weekend drawing the second part (I am slow), the first part had like three reblogs, and I kept thinking "is this worth it???", but now that I see all the positive reactions, I am motivated to continue this! :)
The Akatsuki are still the villains in this narrative, and Nagato has given in to capitalism </3
The next parts might step away from the Akatsuki for a bit to give them a little context, but I hope you will still like them!
(Oh and I love getting asks, but you can also always send me a private message! I love chatting! I will not shut up!!!)
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prezohhh · 4 months
what’s your favorite song from Brat? :O
360 has grown on me a LOT, club classics has also grown on me a LOT in the context of the album, synpathy is a knife is AMAZING, i might say something stupid is an incredibly NECESSARY and heartbreaking short interlude, talk talk is amazing, maybe the hit of the album, von dutch still hits as hard as it did a month ago honestly.. everything is romantic is CRAZY but not my fav atm, i know it's a grower. rewind i loved at first listen but i'm unsure if it's sticky enough for me. so i is heartbreaking i cant just put this in any playlist.. girl, so confusing i LOVE . i think the parts where she's just talking (which happens often in this album) slow down the song(s) a little but it's ok. apple i havent had a bunch of time with yet? maybe i need to listen more. b2b IS SO GOOOOOOD.. mean girls is SOOOOOO GOOOOOD. I think about it all the time is kinda funny probably my skip of the album . 365 is amazing. anyway i dont know
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rabbitechoes · 3 months
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june felt like a relatively uneventful month for new records despite some big names dropping. that could just be because i was just obsessed with that one green album everyone was talking about, but idk. anyways, here are all of the albums, EPs, and mixtapes i wrote about this month!! to check out my thoughts on some of the songs that dropped this month click here!!! also feel free to follow me on rate your music and twitter <3
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BRAT - Charli XCX
◇ released: June 7, 2024 ◇ genres: electropop, electronic dance music, bubblegum bass, electro house
Ever since her landmark Vroom Vroom EP from 2016, Charli XCX has gained a reputation for making “pop music from the future.” Every project she released coming into this current decade was boundary-pushing, it sounded so far ahead of nearly all of her contemporaries. In many cases, those projects still do, and those said contemporaries are still playing catch-up all these years later. That sound was captured not only by her own artistic sensibilities and knack for off-the-wall pop songwriting but also through her collaborations with likewise boundary-pushing producers like A.G. Cook and the late SOPHIE. Following a relatively disappointing release in the form of 2022’s CRASH, a record made with the primary goal of fulfilling her deal with the Asylum label, many were left uncertain about what the future might look like for her. She clearly harbored some frustration with the label, but maybe things would be different from now on. BRAT is certainly something different, a very unique record. One that strikes an impressive balance between nostalgia and that forward-thinking experimentation she became known for. It blends a love for 2000s club/dance music with some of the most nuanced songwriting of her career. BRAT is an album that only Charli XCX could make and it’s a testament to her various talents that it works as well as it does. 
The album’s minimalist, crunchy album art was met with some derision when first revealed, even from myself, but Charli’s reasoning for the art ties into some crucial themes on the record. She rejects the dominant image of pop music and its adherence to the squeaky clean – the vulnerable in the most acceptable ways. Charli wants to be messy and this album revels in it. Her writing here is real, confrontational, and occasionally very touching. She pokes fun at her undeniable influence despite not being your typical pop star on tracks like “360” and “Von dutch.” On the track “Girl, so confusing” she takes aim at an unnamed woman in the music industry she’s had a contentious relationship with. “So I” is the most poignant moment on the record as Charli eulogizes SOPHIE in a touching way, while also recognizing her shortcomings and regrets when it comes to their friendship. Many cuts on the album have Charli waxing romantic over her new fiancé, George Daniel of The 1975, and it puts her in a very different light than we’re used to seeing her in – it seems to even catch her off guard. Her writing here is all over the place, but it’s all uniquely her. BRAT offers a messy portrait of the artist and it just feels so refreshing. It sounds like it’s meant to be off-putting and inaccessible, but it’s just entrancing. The fact the record is breaking her streaming numbers further proves that. 
The songs themselves are also excellent. I’m eating some massive crow because as this rollout was happening, I was admittedly a bit underwhelmed by some of the singles. However, hearing them in the context of the full album, it’s some of her best work to date. I don’t know how I didn’t immediately connect with the soaring, red-hot synths on “Von dutch” paired with those explosive hooks. “Club classics” and “B2b” were my favorite singles heading into the album, but they shine even brighter here. They’re just straight-up club anthems. The orchestral production of “Everything is romantic” caught me off guard at first, but the way it bleeds into this jittery electronic beat is just mesmerizing. There is just something so addicting about the production across this album. Even on the more subtle tracks like “I might say something stupid” and “I think about it all the time,” I’m just locked in. The record rarely ever loses its momentum. Charli, A.G. Cook, and a revolving door of some of the most interesting producers have crafted such a distinctive album.
I love BRAT. I think it’s one of Charli’s best projects to date and it further cements her status as one of pop music’s biggest visionaries. Despite being a “get back to your roots” kind of album, it still sounds so fresh and new. To put it simply, no one is doing it like Charli XCX. None of her contemporaries could make an album as nuanced as this while also keeping the “Club classics” coming. It’s just a mess by design and it works incredibly well. This is, without a doubt, one of the best pop albums of the year.
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Sentir Que no Sabes - Mabe Fratti
◇ released: June 28, 2024 ◇ genres: art pop, avant-folk, art rock, chamber jazz
The only Mabe Fratti project I’d heard prior to this record was her debut, Pies sobre la tierra. I’m sure she’s had a nice, steady evolution leading up to this record – and I hope to go back through her catalog soon – but jumping from the debut to Sentir Que no Sabes was truly shocking. Coming from an art pop album with folk stylings to art pop with folk stylings AND jazz instrumentation throughout was a shift I wasn’t expecting. Fratti structures these songs like ambient pieces, which I find truly fascinating and unique. The instrumentation is layered and complex, deeply striking too. She captures mood so incredibly well. Hearing the booming upright bass thumps on the opener “Kravitz” was already a lot to take in, but then her vocals coming in with that unreal horn section soon to follow made me know I was about to hear a very special album – and that it is. 
The instrumentation on this album is so inspired. Just as soon as you think you have it figured out, the album does something you could never have anticipated. “Pantalla azul” is one of the more straightforward songs on the record, leaning heavily into the folkier sound, but then it throws these weird synth parts at you. It manages to work incredibly well too, very rarely does a risk not pay off. Fratti sounds incredibly confident in these songs, it comes through in her vocals just as much as it does the instrumentation. She knows when to lay out and let the music do the talking. Like on the “Elastica” songs – in which “Elastica II” comes before “Elastica I” – two instrumental pieces that are so strange. One with these chaotic, dissonant cello leads that make you feel on edge, and the other is just a serene ambient piece. Both are some of my favorite moments on the record. 
Her lyricism across this album also deals with some strange concepts, to the best of my understanding and translating capabilities. Like on “Kravitz” where she sings of “ears in the ceiling” or “Enfrente” where she sings of people lying in order to sleep peacefully. There’s a lot of anxiety on the record and it’s matched in both her lyrics and the music, it’s so fascinating. There’s so much to uncover on this record, I’m still piecing things together after multiple listens. I’m very enamored with this.
Sentir Que no Sabes is one of the most unique albums I’ve heard all year. A massive leap forward for Fratti who ideally can build off of this sound for years and years. It’s such an incredibly fruitful framework that can be molded into so many different shapes. Her range as a composer is on full display here too. These songs are weird, dense, beautiful, and frightening. She revels in all of those feelings. Please do yourself a favor and dive into this album. Despite my adoring this record, I have a feeling Fratti’s best is yet to come which is extremely exciting.
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Impossible Light - Uboa
◇ released: June 28, 2024 ◇ genres: death industrial, dark ambient
Xandra Metcalfe, under the moniker of Uboa, created one of the most visceral and disturbing albums in recent memory with 2019’s The Origin of My Depression. Having finally ventured through that record not too long before diving into this new one, I thought I would be at least a little prepared for Impossible Light – I was dead wrong. There is no way to prepare for a Uboa album. Given the recurring themes both lyrically and musically in her work, you can anticipate what she might throw at you, but you will not be ready for it. I’m very familiar with the “primal scream” songwriting technique, but Metcalfe takes it to an extreme new level that is both captivating and deeply upsetting. Her words are often buried beneath these scorching soundscapes making it hard to discern what she’s saying without reading a transcription of the lyrics. Even without reading the lyrics, these songs crush you, but deciphering Metcalfe’s words makes it hit that much harder. It doesn’t sound like she’s conducting these random bursts of noise and other upsetting sounds, it’s as if she’s running from them – sometimes even resigning herself to them. That choice makes the themes of the album that much more impactful. 
A lot of the same themes from The Origin of My Depression and Impossible Light overlap, but this record dives deeper into them while also providing new layers to Metcalfe’s songwriting. This album kind of picks up where the former left off, I couldn’t imagine experiencing one without the other. She reckons with the traumas of her youth and by extension the struggles she’s faced being trans. This record feels a lot more current, divulging the fluctuating feelings she’s faced over the last few years. She fiercely dissects her own feelings and usually buries them beneath dizzying, disgusting noise in an attempt to drown them out.
“Endocrine Disruptor” is a scathing and brutal attack on those who wrongfully believe trans people are “unnatural.” She proclaims, after some of her most fiery lyricism, that “If we are unnatural like they say / Then we will take their precious nature away.” It’s chilling and made all the more viscous with the ramshackle percussion and suffocating synth work throughout. “A Puzzle” is one of the most viscerally uncomfortable songs I’ve ever listened to. The sonic shift a little over a minute in throughout the middle portion of the track makes my skin crawl, I genuinely felt a little sick to my stomach for a moment. This album is just unrelenting. Even in the more serene moments, there’s this looming dread that shakes you to your very core. Perhaps the only exception is the closing track, “Impossible Light / Golden Flower,” featuring otay:onii and Liturgy’s Haela Raveena Hunt-Hendrix, which ends the album on a surprisingly optimistic note. For that reason, it’s one of the most striking songs in her catalog. The instrumentation is a lot more light, still overwhelming, but it reminds me of the elation present in a lot of the arrangements on Björk’s Vespertine. She sings of a “light at the end of infinity,” seemingly hoping to find some recovery from all of the trauma she’s dealt with. It’s an emotional moment and ends the album in a much different place than its predecessor. 
I believe Impossible Light is Metcalfe’s strongest record yet. It’s one of those albums where words can’t do it justice, you just have to experience it and see how it makes you feel. My first listen to this album took a lot out of me. I typically can handle heavy albums, but this made me feel like I’d been to hell and back. This is not my lived experience, yet I felt everything to my very core. Incredibly potent album.
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Resort - Skee Mask
◇ released: June 13, 2024 ◇ genres: idm, ambient techno
German ambient techno producer Skee Mask has crafted an immersive and warm collection of tracks on his new album Resort. I usually find IDM stuff feels sort of cold, or wintery, but Resort is firmly a summer album. No doubt influenced by the fact that it’s currently summer where I live, but these songs all sound like summer. The hot pavement beneath your feet, sitting outside bathing in the sunlight, the cool breeze that occasionally blows past you for shorter than you would like, or sitting inside as the air conditioning saves your life, this album covers all of those feelings. It’s weirdly visceral. I find myself being unable to “zone out” to it, whenever I listen it has my full attention. I just end up getting lost in these tracks. 
Despite all of these pieces being very atmospheric and ambient, there’s usually something wild or crazy thrown in to shake things up. Like the jittering drum beats on “Reminiscrmx” interspersed alongside the sunny synth foundation. “Daytime Gamer” is one of the best songs I’ve heard all year, it’s so well-crafted. The song’s bridge is just otherworldly, he has such a good understanding of how to keep the listener engaged both with the sounds he implements and how these songs are structured. One of the wildest moments on the record comes with “Schneiders Paradox” which has the kind of rhythm you can’t sink into, it keeps you on your toes. I love all of the weird sounds on this cut. I also love the weird reversed percussion used on tracks like “BB Care” and “7AM At The Rodeo” it all just sounds so unreal yet it circles back to feeling very real. Most of the songs here are absolutely striking in some way.
There are so many cool little details spread across this album, some obvious and some that only reveal themselves on repeat listens. Resort definitely feels like one of those records that begs to be experienced more than once and the music justifies that. This album was the first time I’d ever listened to Skee Mask’s music and it was a damn good experience. I’m not super well-versed in the IDM world, outside of a few of the “important” artists, but it’s records like this that make me want to do a deep dive into the genre.
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Dissection Maps - Old Saw
◇ released: June 21, 2024 ◇ genres: ambient americana, drone, american primitivism
Dissection Maps is like a roadmap for a place that’s completely out of time. Not in the sense that its days are numbered, but there is no context of time. This place is of both every time and no time at all. The one thing that’s for certain is that it’s all uniquely American, almost disturbingly so. Old Saw’s work feels both small-scale and sprawling. There’s this deep organic intimacy to it all, no doubt due largely to the implementation of a lot of traditional folk instruments, but it also feels all-encompassing. It captures a specific setting so well and without words. The music just guides you along and tells you all you need to know. It’s like a spiritual dissection of rural America's nooks and crannies – I don’t consider myself to be a spiritual person, but these songs feel almost religious. The instrumentation lifts you up to the clouds, surveying the sites beneath you. The trees, the plains, the long roads that lead you into town – however, it also feels like you’re completely grounded, looking up at the trees and out to the plains as you drive down that long road into town. Such a unique listening experience, at least for me. 
The feelings it conjures up usually aren’t serene or peaceful, they’re often desolate and hopeless. Like the drone towards the end of “Dealt in Silver” with the church bells ringing out of time without warning. It’s like you’re looking up at these bells shaking and rattling, making so much noise, as the hot sun beats on your face. “Revival Hearing” breaks things up a bit with the jaunty banjo and subdued bells that open the track, but then the drone comes in. It’s like even in the more joyful moments there’s a looming feeling of dread. It’s both captivating and frightening, an impressive display of the band’s abilities. I was a little let down by Old Saw’s last record, especially after how great their debut was, but they more than made up for it on Dissection Maps. It’s concise and effective, perhaps their strongest record to date. I encourage everyone to experience this.
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NO HANDS - Joey Valence & Brae
◇ released: June 7, 2024 ◇ genres: hardcore hip hop, east coast hip hop
We’re only about halfway through the year and NO HANDS might have secured the spot for the most fun hip hop album of the year. Pennsylvania hip hop duo Joey Valence and Brae have created a short, concise, and frenetic sophomore album. Full of amazing beats, courtesy of Valence, and some of the best hooks in rap I’ve heard all year. They have that bratty edge of the Beastie Boys, but the kind of humor that strictly sets them in the current day with references to things like Omnitrixes from Ben 10 and Beyblade. It’s very referential humor, which I’m usually not a fan of, but it just works for me here. Probably because, sigh, I am a Zoomer. There’s such an infectious energy to this record. It’s nothing world-changing, and it doesn’t need to be, it’s just two guys making a super enjoyable rap record. 
At just a little over 31 minutes, NO HANDS rarely wastes any time. The duo keeps up the energy the entire time. That Beastie Boys influence shines through especially on the first track with the opening call-and-response vocals and they do it very well. It never comes off as a parody despite the unserious tone of the record. That beat is just incredible too, pure hardcore hip hop goodness. “PACKAPUNCH” is even better with amazing performances from the duo and a hilarious Danny Brown verse. “Have your face fucked up like a 2K skin” has been in my head for days. The album throws a curveball at you in the form of the title track which has a great jazz rap beat. The verses from the pair are also among my favorites on the album. They have this kind of irony-tinged nostalgia, making them so much fun to listen to. “THE BADDEST” is their best attempt at a crunk song and it’s so much fun. The way they deliver the line “I’m the baddest bitch in this club” with so much force is so good. Like yeah, you guys are the baddest bitches in this club!   This album just sounds like two friends making music solely for the fun of it. They have incredible chemistry too. They always bring the same energy to these songs, they’re always on the same page. It can be easy to view this album as a joke, but Joey Valence & Brae have genuine talent. They have a good understanding of rap songwriting, especially in the hooks department. Valence’s beats are also incredible and I need to hear him produce more stuff this instant. Not every song is a heater, although most are, but they all sound like they’re trying to be. More often than not, they knock it out of the park. I learned afterward that these guys are big on TikTok, which makes a ton of sense. I usually try to steer clear of TikTok stuff, but I’ll definitely keep an eye out for these two. If you’re looking for a good time, definitely give NO HANDS a listen.
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One Hand Clapping - Paul McCartney & Wings
◇ released: June 14, 2024 ◇ genres: pop rock, power pop
It feels crazy to say this nowadays, but in the early 1970s, Paul McCartney’s post-Beatles output left many fans disappointed. He had a string of big-hit singles, but critically he was fighting an uphill battle. Especially with this new band Wings. Band on the Run marked a slow, but sure shift in McCartney’s favor and he was seemingly looking to bolster this band for stardom. In the summer of 1974, McCartney and crew retreated to Abbey Road Studios to bang out some tunes both new and old. Adding drummer Geoff Britton and young guitarist Jimmy McCulloch to the lineup as well. This lineup would carry them through the preceding Venus and Mars album, with Britton leaving the band during the recording of that album. One Hand Clapping was meant to be a documentary film, but it was abandoned as was the live album recorded for it. The film and the songs themselves have been drip-fed to us through various deluxe editions, bonus tracks, box sets, and whatever else has come out over the last 50 years, but this is the first time we’re getting a full version. This is a pretty fascinating album that features some of the most vibrant versions of these songs ever put to record. There’s this uneasy energy to the recording like everyone is still feeling each other out, but these songs just sound destined to be played in arenas. 
A hallmark of Wings’ live performances was how Linda McCartney would absolutely drench these songs in synthesizers and One Hand Clapping certainly doesn’t let you down in that regard. Hear the opening of “Jet” from this record which features said synths taking the place of the horns on the studio version. Despite that sound certainly not aging well, I kind of like it. It’s a little cheesy, but it does make this album feel a bit more intimate. Stripping away some of the pomp and circumstance while still embracing that schmaltz McCartney became notorious for. Some songs here implement some strings and brass – because many absolutely call for them, Wings did not make very intimate music – but I think it’s interesting to just hear the band on their own from time to time. This isn’t the most consistent or exciting live record, but it does reach some crazy highs. The three-track run of “Band on the Run,” “Live and Let Die,” and “Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five” is absolutely electric. Everyone in the band is giving it their all, but it also speaks to how well-written those songs are to begin with. The version of “Junior’s Farm” here is also a standout and might be my favorite version of the song ever. It really showcases McCulloch’s guitar skills too. As does “Wild Life,” which breathes some much-needed life into that cut. When the band goes into that next gear, they sound like superstars, ready to prove everyone wrong. McCartney especially sounds determined to make this thing succeed and the band pulled it off in the end. As I mentioned earlier, this record is full of some decent, sort of unessential songs mixed with some absolute heaters. Hearing Macca meander his way through Tin Pan Alley jazz cuts, “Blue Moon of Kentucky,” or whatever other small ditties he’s come up with has kind of lost its novelty to me after hearing so many outtakes and demos from his more creatively fruitful periods. Still, One Hand Clapping is a good listen if you’re a fan of McCartney and Wings.
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MEGAN - Megan Thee Stallion
◇ released: June 28, 2024 ◇ genres: southern hip hop, trap
On her third full-length album, Megan Thee Stallion takes absolutely no prisoners as she celebrates herself along the way. The aptly self-titled MEGAN is a bold look at one of the biggest stars in music today. I’ve always enjoyed a lot of Megan’s work over the years simply because she just has “it.” She has this undeniable energy and fire in her delivery that just makes her captivating. Made all the more powerful by the slandering she’s faced from hip hop media and her contemporaries in the wake of the whole Tory Lanez situation, which many used as an attempt to attack her for some reason I’m still confused about. I won’t harp on that long, but a lot of artists will express sentiments like “Everyone is talking about me and hating on me!” and it usually falls kind of flat, but in Megan’s case, it absolutely doesn’t. The coverage she’s faced over the last few years has hardly been music-related, it’s been drama and others using her name for clout. She puts her naysayers dead to rights on this album right from the get-go. Opening the album with “HISS” was a fantastic decision. One of the most decisive and effective takedowns of the year. Starts the record off very strong.
This is one of the few times being self-indulgent pays off. Megan rhapsodizes herself across the album over some unabashed Southern – specifically Texas – hip hop. She teams up with frequent collaborator and Texan LilJujuMadeDaBeat among other predominantly southern producers across the record to pretty good effect – although I do think it’s time for a bit of a shift after this record. The first half of the album is full of heaters, but most of my favorite tracks come from the middle section. “Otaku Hot Girl” borders on corny with the intro vocal sample of Adam McArthur, voice actor for Itadori Yuji from the Jujutsu Kaisen English dub, and Megan’s various anime references, but it’s just so much fun that it’s hard to get upset with it. “BOA” was a great single leading up to this record and it still maintains its fire on the record. It’s also an earworm, the repeated “womp, womps” in the hook stick with me for some reason. The latter half of the record sees features from a variety of Southern rappers, most notably UGK – one of the most iconic Southern rap duos. Their feature is nice, but they could’ve phoned it in and it still have been a cool moment. “Accent” has Megan teaming up with GloRilla for their second collab of the year and these two just have so much chemistry.
Megan wanted to fit herself and what she loves on this project, this is all about her. It’s a joy to listen to, even if every song doesn’t end up leaving too much of a lasting impression. This is a statement record, Megan Thee Stallion is here to stay. You certainly haven’t heard the last of her yet. She sounds ready to take on the world.
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The Tw*ts - bar italia
◇ released: June 5, 2024 ◇ genres: slacker rock, post-punk
Everything about bar italia just feels so effortlessly cool and this new EP, The Tw*ts, showcases that very well. Even though I am relatively unfamiliar with the band’s past material, I just get their whole vibe from these four tracks alone. These songs all have an undeniable groove anchoring them, meanwhile the vocalists and the guitars just sort of play along within that groove in often weird, noisy ways. Everything feels so rigid, but also free-flowing. I have a difficult time believing the clashing instrumentation of something like “Sarcoustica” was heavily rehearsed, it sounds so off the cuff. The band just sounds like they have concrete chemistry, knowing how to get the best they can out of these songs while sounding like they are putting in the least amount of effort in the coolest way possible. Like the dreamy, drawn-out closer “sounds like you had to be there.” It’s like a nonchalant attempt at an end credits song. Nothing sounds like a grand statement of any kind on this EP, it’s just a band playing some kickass tunes. These near-12 minutes alone have made me a fan of bar italia, I can’t wait to dive into the rest of their stuff very soon. Doing further research leads me to believe this might be a bit of a “leftovers” EP from stuff made during the recording of their last album, The Twits. Which does make this a weird entry point for the band, but I hope to fill the gaps soon enough.
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HEAT - Tove Lo & SG Lewis
◇ released: June 14, 2024 ◇ genres: dance-pop, euro house
In all honesty, I haven’t been too impressed with Tove Lo’s music over the years. I often find it just doesn’t click with me, although I do have some nostalgia for that “Habits (Stay High)” song because it was one of the wildest things I’d ever heard at the age of 11. Also, it was a free iTunes Single of the Week so I had it on my iPod! However, HEAT is the most I’ve enjoyed a project of hers yet. She teams up with house and disco producer SG Lewis for a collection of club bangers that all fly by while inviting you back for more. The groove of the title track is intoxicating, it is just one of those songs you turn your brain off to and enjoy. The hook is so amazing too, it’s such a well-crafted Euro house track. The other songs are good too, although they don’t reach the heights of that song. Aside from the closing track “Desire” which has both artists working to the best of their abilities. The EP is worth hearing for those two songs alone. One of my biggest takeaways from this EP is how great of a producer SG Lewis is. His production really shines here on all of these cuts. Even when some of the songwriting on the two middle songs leaves something to be desired, it sure as hell sounds good. If you’re in the mood for a quick fix of house bangers, certainly give HEAT a try.
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Samurai - Lupe Fiasco
◇ released: June 28, 2024 ◇ genres: jazz rap, abstract hip hop, boom bap
I had very high hopes upon hearing the title track leading up to this record. It was another great example of Lupe Fiasco’s lyricism as well as his ear for good, jazzy beats. I was excited to hear where he would go on the rest of the album, but I never could’ve predicted what this album was going to be about. Samurai is a concept album and tribute to the late Amy Winehouse. Lupe set out to answer the question, “What would it be like if she was a battle rapper?” It’s a fascinating concept – a unique one to be sure. Unfortunately, despite the intrigue, the music here leaves a lot of potential on the table. Lupe’s lyrical prowess is on full display, but the album often feels unfocused on both the lyrical front and the musical front. He’ll have these elaborate complicated bars and the beat will be very good, but it just isn’t as impactful as I would like it to be. I was more so just impressed by his rapping rather than actively enjoying it. 
What makes songs like the title track and the following “Mumble Rap” great is that they both have hooks that sort of anchor them. Lupe does his lyrical thing, but those hooks elevate the songs to higher levels. The chorus in the latter has him almost mumbling the words playing into the name of the song, which I thought was clever – also helps that the song isn’t just another track dogging on “mumble rap” and instead plays into the concept of the record. “Palaces” and “No. 1 Headband” are also highlights in that regard, but his verses lack a sense of urgency that grabs you. At a brisk 31 minutes, The album’s lasting impression leaves a lot to be desired. These tracks are not bad by any means, many are pretty good, but the bulk of the songs on the album never hit that next level they have the potential to. Samurai has an interesting concept, but the execution just could’ve been a bit stronger.
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Born in the Wild - Tems
◇ released: June 7, 2024 ◇ genres: alté, contemporary r&b
Tems has been making some waves throughout the hip hop and R&B world over the last six years or so. The Nigerian singer-songwriter has released a bunch of singles, two EPs, and has had some notable performances on albums from artists like Drake and Future. Now we finally have Born in the Wild, her debut album, and it’s just as promising as it is disappointing. There are many moments on here where she shines, like on “Burning” or “Love Me JeJe,” but this record only scratches the surface of what I think she is capable of. She seamlessly switches between Alté and neo-soul throughout the album which gives it a good bit of depth, but I can’t help but feel it would be a much stronger project had it been a bit more concise. I do love the production across this album. Tems handles production on multiple tracks here, but it also features contributions from notable Afrobeats producers like GuiltyBeatz, Spax, and P2J. Afrobeats have been making an impact across the world and I don’t think we’re too far off from it being one of the dominant sounds in pop music – we might already be there actually  – but I would much rather an artist like Tems be at the forefront of that rather than someone like Selena Gomez. 
I adore the two tracks I mentioned earlier. The smooth neo-soul of “Burning” perfectly showcases Tems’ ability as a vocalist and songwriter. The chorus is simple, yet effective, which I unfortunately can’t say about some of the cuts here. She has such a commanding presence vocally, I just wish some of the songwriting here matched that same energy. The subtle Afrobeats stylings of “Love Me JeJe” are so satisfying. The song interpolates and shares the same name as a 1997 song from Seyi Sodimu. It’s one of those songs that should be a big hit, but I fear the window has already closed a bit. “Ready” is also a brilliant song, I love the way the sort of jagged percussion juxtaposes both the soft synths beneath and her gorgeous vocals. There’s no shortage of really good stuff here, nothing on this album is bad by any stretch, it just has the potential to be much better. The songwriting leaves a bit to be desired on some of the songs here and it really makes you feel the album’s length. Like the sustained “Oh boy, oh boy …” chorus of “Boy O Boy,” it just feels like a song that isn’t fully finished yet. 
As it stands, Born in the Wild offers a pretty decent showcase for Tems’ various talents, but her best is definitely yet to come. With some spruced-up, more focused songwriting I could see her being a force to be reckoned with. Mark my words, Tems will have a big global hit within the next few years. If I’m wrong, I’ll be surprised!
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Bad Cameo - James Blake & Lil Yachty
◇ released: June 28, 2024 ◇ genres: art pop, alternative r&b, neo-psychedelia, electronic
I’ll fully admit that I went into Bad Cameo feeling jaded at both of the artists involved in this project. I’ve never been a massive fan of James Blake’s work on his own and his comments on “erasing” the saxophone and its contributions to music, even if they were in jest, rubbed me the wrong way. Lil Yachty’s novel shift away from trap with Let’s Start Here and his subsequent shading of the genre that he made a name for himself in has also irritated me despite liking a good bit of that record. So, yeah, I wasn’t exactly excited to hear from these two. Bad Cameo is an awkward, decently crafted record with a couple of bright spots and a whole lot of snoozers. 
Yachty and Blake have the kind of chemistry that suits neither of them. Both of them sound lost on these largely atmospheric tracks. Blake’s vocal style is the same as it’s always been and Yachty’s haven’t adapted well to this style all that well, but I guess I admire the effort. Yachty’s unwieldy singing here has a bit more feeling than Blake’s at the very least. Everything he does sounds so pristine that it makes me feel like if I get too comfortable I might end up knocking some kind of expensive vase over. Like on “Midnight” where Yachty tees up Blake for the most washed-out vocal handoff I’ve heard in a while. Very rarely do these two strike a perfect balance on the record, it often ranges from decent to tolerable to “y’all have no clue what you’re doing and it’s obvious.” I do enjoy some of the production on this record, that’s always been one of Blake’s strongest assets. I adore how “In Grey” sounds, definitely my favorite track on the record. Bad Cameo is ok at best. It offers some decent surprises sometimes, but it often just feels far too aimless and clumsy for its own good. 
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Dopamine - Normani
◇ released: June 14, 2024 ◇ genres: contemporary r&b, pop
Gaining prominence as a member of Fifth Harmony, everyone’s favorite girl group, and through her breakout solo single “Motivation” in 2019, the anticipation has always been decently high for Normani’s full-length solo debut. Well, after all this time, we finally have Dopamine. I enjoyed “Movement” a decent amount, but I would never call it a favorite. Still, I was hopeful to see what she could do on a full album. Unfortunately, Dopamine is a very middling debut when it should be a very exciting one. She falls into all of the R&B cliches and in the process removes almost all of her individuality as an artist. What should be a mind-blowing step forward for a young artist just ends up feeling like … another album. Dopamine’s biggest crime isn’t being bad, although some moments prove to be rough, it’s just painfully generic. Most songs warrant nothing more than a shoulder shrug.
Normani carries herself well, but these tracks fail her, I feel like there’s so much more she’s capable of. The music here shifts between pop rap, R&B, and some dance pop which should give her the chance to show what she can do, but they leave a lot to be desired. The amalgamation of these established pop songwriters and producers doesn’t help matters either. It means everything is competently executed, but it lacks that flair that should make a debut so special. Still, there are some relative gems here. “Take My Time” is a sugary-sweet jam, one of the few songs where everything just works. Normani sounds like a star on this track. “Tantrums” with James Blake is another one of her strongest performances and Blake’s signature ghastly vocals fit well. She teams up with Cardi B on the closing track and lead single “Wild Side,” and it’s decent. Normani sounds like she’s having fun here and Cardi’s exaggerated lyricism provides a good foil. Strange choice for a closer though. Dopamine isn’t a bad album, but it’s held down by generic songs that don’t showcase Normani in the best light. The majority of the tracks here just don’t excite me. Despite it all, Dopamine is the best solo album from a Fifth Harmony member!
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C,XOXO - Camila Cabello
◇ released: June 28, 2024 ◇ genres: alt-pop, contemporary r&b
This new Camila Cabello album was one of my most anticipated of the month because every sign pointed to it being a trainwreck. The shift in sound displayed on the album’s singles and snippets – which many have rightfully called out for being a hodgepodge of much more interesting and subversive pop aesthetics – did not suit Cabello well at all. C,XOXO is a deeply vacant album that also happens to be embarrassingly honest. It’s like a fish out of water that’s hastily reading their diary entries in front of everyone. Cabello sounds desperate to be taken seriously, but not too seriously as to allow for some moments of levity. The end result is just a mess, a boring mess – the worst kind. 
Much has already been said about the lead single “I LUV IT” with its blatant, on the verge of plagiaristic, Charli XCX influence and weird Playboi Carti feature, but that is hardly among the most bizarre choices she makes here. The core of this album is Cabello trying her hand at a variety of pop sounds to varying, often boring, levels of success. Amidst these sterile tracks, we get an interlude featuring BLP Kosher where he starts talking about how Cabello’s music was there for him when he was going through a period of heartbreak. What? Why is this here? It feels like ego-stroking, also who the hell is BLP Kosher? This is a 32-minute album with like three different interludes, she doesn’t manage the time on this album well at all. Perhaps the most bizarre moment on the album comes with “HOT UPTOWN” with Drake – who famously hasn’t been doing too much lately – where the pair stumble their way through a dancehall track. This leads into the song “Uuugly” which, I kid you not, is a Drake solo track. A solo Drake song in the midst of a Camila Cabello album? Not even a good one either, it’s just a baffling decision. I guess Drake’s feature rate has gone down drastically over the last two months. It also takes the focus away from Cabello on her own album. She isn’t doing much to set herself apart either, none of this album sounds uniquely her own. It’s like she’s having a 32-minute identity crisis.
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Timeless - Meghan Trainor
◇ released: June 7, 2024 ◇ genres: pop, dance-pop
Some albums you just listen to out of complete morbid curiosity and Timeless from Meghan Trainor is definitely one of those. The “All About That Bass” singer had a bit of a comeback a few years ago through some big, very irritating, hits on TikTok leading up to her last record Takin’ It Back. That album wasn’t very good, pretty much none of Trainor’s output has been that stellar. The follow-up, Timeless, is perhaps her best album yet and I’m only saying that because I think the opening track “To the Moon” is pretty decent. Trainor makes commercial music. You could imagine pretty much any of the tracks here in a bright and colorful Vitaminwater commercial or something. In fact, the music video for the song “Whoops” features an extended section of Trainor showing off and enjoying a cherry limeade-flavored Sparkling Ice drink during the song’s bridge. She’s brand-friendly in pretty much every aspect. It’s music more obsessed with image and commercial viability than forming a genuine connection with an audience. Her lyrics are all feel-good and empowering which makes you feel like a total asshole for not celebrating it, but my cynical anti-capitalist heart just can’t stomach it all. It’s so impersonal and commercial – money is the motive. The music across this album ranges from either unremarkable to irritating, which is to be expected. Trainor’s blend of doo-wop with current pop sensibilities is more often than not a recipe for disaster and that proves to be the case here as well. T-Pain pops up occasionally to breathe some life into this thing, but it doesn’t do much. Timeless didn’t surprise me, I knew what I was going to get coming into it. The only thing I learned is that I should probably start managing my time better. I could’ve gone for a nice walk in the sun instead of listening to this, I just didn’t need it.
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The Secret of Us - Gracie Abrams
◇ released: June 21, 2024 ◇ genres: singer-songwriter, folk pop, alt-pop
As I’m writing this review, The Secret of Us is predicted to debut at number 2 on the Billboard 200 chart. Now I don’t care about charts, but hearing just how creatively bankrupt this album is, I’m just shocked. I know music is subjective, but this is such a transparently empty record. Gracie Abrams, daughter of film director J.J. Abrams, seems to be the hand-picked apprentice of one Taylor Swift – don’t know if you guys have heard of her. She makes music in a similar vein, that corporately confessional verbose heartache riddled in these songs. Alongside Swift herself, many people from her “camp” are also here – so much so that it feels sort of like a pet project. The National’s Aaron Dessner co-writes most of the songs on the record alongside Abrams. Jack Antonoff obviously produces on the song “us.” – the duet with Swift. Even Justin Vernon, who seems to be wrapped up in this vortex, appears throughout the record. These are all competent artists in their own right, especially Vernon (please get back in the studio, i need another Bon Iver album), but no one is bringing their best here it seems. The album stays in that middle ground of sometimes bad, but mostly just … nothing. None of this makes me feel anything. It’s total in-one-ear-and-out-the-other singer-songwriter music. That kind of breathy folk mixed with the occasional art pop production either doesn’t suit Abrams well at all, or it’s been beaten to the point of exhaustion over the last few years.
I hesitate to say Abrams is a bad songwriter, she just seems painfully average. These songs are all deeply personal, yet have no distinct personality to them. They sound like heartbreak songs that could be shipped out to a number of different artists. They’re also very unadventurous musically. No surprises are thrown at you, once you press play on a song you know where it’s gonna go. Start subdued, go up an octave in the chorus, bring it back down again, rinse, and repeat. I guess it’s just a basic songwriting formula, but when nothing about this album is unique or interesting it wears thin quickly. The best song here is, in fact, the duet with Swift entitled “us.” It opens with this Carrie & Lowell-esque fingerpicked acoustic guitar, but thrown through that pop filter that sucks out the rawness of what makes that sound so special. Despite that, it’s still the most interesting song here musically at least. Everything else about it is fine. Whatever. Who even cares? This isn’t a good album.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ thanks for reading :3
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psssst. i made a discord server called COSMIACORD ... if u wanna join and have fun, talk about music, play fortnite, or whatever here's the invite :3 https://discord.gg/rsHMenTU
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
It’s fun tracing BTS career trajectory through the different brands and products they represented. Watch them move from fake orgiastic delight in eating fried chicken to those beautifully shot Puma ads to creating an entire song and mv for Hyundai. How do you think they’ll move when group activities resume, BPP? Will they do commercial work as 7? Who can afford them? Do you think they have a sliding scale for groups or products they feel a personal connection with such as Seoul tourism? I feel some of the individual contracts signed with fashion houses may continue but don’t know if the members, as solos, will take on new brands. What are your thoughts on what’s ahead? Ps, for any fans who don’t know that Hyundai mv and song for Ioniq, go look it up. The video is on youtube, the music has been downloadable. So has Suga’s version of Over the Horizon for Galaxy.
Hi @towardtheblue!
Lol I love how you dropped the plug for Yoongi's soundtrack at the end. Over the Horizon is a fave because it feels like an epic anime soundtrack, so yeah anyone who likes that sort of music should give it a listen.
About the brand deals, I don't think my thoughts deviate all that much from yours but let's take this one question at a time.
"How do you think they’ll move when group activities resume, BPP?"
I expect just more of what they're doing now. The BTS IP contributes over 65% of BigHit's bottomline. More than anything else, the group is the brand. BTS is still more known than any individual member, and so I expect a combination of group and solo deals.
"Will they do commercial work as 7?"
Perhaps group deals will be rarer than now given time and logistical constraints for the members (I expect more sub-unit work in Chapter 3 partly tied to the same constraints), but so long as there's appetite for the group, it only makes sense for companies (that can afford it) to capitalize on it.
"Who can afford them?"
Samsung for one, I'd imagine. In fiscal year 2023 Samsung spent ~US$15 billion on advertising and sales promotion alone. The company generates roughly US$150 - US$250 billion in annual revenue, based on the last 5 annual fiscal periods. They evidently can afford BTS. And although Samsung's 2024 outlook is focused on their Tizen OS, B2B value-added products, and AI appliances in their premium line-up, as opposed to say, mobile phones, I think they'll still patronize BTS in Korea given the value of their IP.
This might be controversial to say (and is a bit besides the point but I think it adds context), but I think NewJeans is quickly developing IP that's becoming almost as attractive as BTS', and this was confirmed for me when Apple, Samsung's competitor, selected the group for brand deals in 2023. Apple is less transparent about their ad spend but they are still quite focused on their mobile business compared to Samsung, so might spend more on that area than Samsung in the next couple of years.
Anyway there’s quite a few companies that can still afford BTS as a group *and* as solos. I’d say any Fortune 100 company fits that bill.
"Do you think they have a sliding scale for groups or products they feel a personal connection with such as Seoul tourism?"
Yes. Though I think Seoul tourism was less about a personal connection and more building goodwill with their domestic partners and the local government.
"What are your thoughts on what’s ahead?"
I feel there's always opportunity for BTS and the members as solo artists to take on new brands. What those brands will be, I have no idea, but I think so long as BTS as a brand has appeal, companies would be smart to capitalize on it. And yes it will be more of the same: group, sub-unit (like the yoonmin Busan ads), and solo brand deals are things I expect.
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coffee-at-annies · 26 days
I think it’s really interesting how the stuff we create, especially after the fact, really can say something about our biases and preferences. I am not immune to this. There are so many boys on our team both new and old and 80% of the fan content I’m creating is the same half a dozen players plus or minus a dozen players that have since been traded that I occasionally have emotions about. It’s interesting who we gravitate towards to create content about, especially years down the line.
For context, I was looking at some old cup stuff that was posted during the original b2b runs and it got me thinking about what I see reblogged nowadays and how the focus has shifted. I don’t see dales dumo hags jolli in the content being created or passed around, just the sidgenotangerflower and occasionally rusty or jake. I’m not sure if muzz still gets love from the creative crew on here. So it’s interesting to me, especially as someone who lived through it and still has a genuine fondness for those players that newer fans just don’t have. But also, I don’t have the same fondness for all our newer boys. The newest boys I make content for are ned, sometimes ek, po is gone now, and I guess doc. So like. Those are my biases showing. I just don’t have the brainrot about bunts the way some of my mutuals do and that’s fine. I was staring down a significant numbers post trying to figure out if I go with dumo for 8 or bunts cause they share the number. I mean I’m still making teddy content because me and three mutuals will cry about him together and that’s good enough. I’m making this content for us and no one else and I don’t have to include everyone.
I dunno. Just been thinking about it but like in an (affectionate) way. Cause it’s people being people and I want people to be their most authentic selves, favorites and biases and all. So like if you see yourself in this post they way I see myself, know that I am giving the biggest warmest (optional) hug and telling you to keep on creating cause I love seeing it even if it’s not my specific brainrot because it’s your brainrot and that’s what’s great about it
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amritaself · 6 months
Customer Journey Mapping: Staying Relevant
Customer Journey Maps offer businesses a comprehensive and detailed view of the customer's engagement journey. These maps reveal critical insights into the customer's needs, challenges, and emotional experiences at each touchpoint. Such in-depth understanding enables organizations to refine their products or services, ensuring a deep alignment with evolving customer expectations.
The process of Customer Journey Mapping goes beyond the typical product development pre-work - it is an essential part of effective product management. These maps provide a cognitive map of the brand, capturing both positive and negative customer experiences. Positive experiences can be turned into compelling narratives that enhance the brand identity and influence its perception in the market. Conversely, negative experiences offer invaluable lessons, driving improvements that can significantly enhance the overall customer journey.
Customer Journey Maps are more than just analytical tools - they are foundational to the legacy and success of a brand. By intricately integrating stories of triumph and tribulation into the brand's essence, these maps steer the organization towards success or failure. Engaging customers, whether in B2B or B2C contexts, through the lens of understanding their "journey" fosters a more authentic exchange of experiences compared to traditional "Voice of the Customer" approaches. The latter tends to emphasize the negatives, likely influenced by the nature of the questions asked and the demeanor of the interviewer.
By focusing on the customer journey, the conversation shifts to a more objective plane, facilitating easier interaction. This framework encourages participants to be more forthcoming, sharing genuine experiences without the apprehension of judgment or bias. The comprehensive understanding gained through Customer Journey Mapping enables organizations to refine their products or services, ensuring a deep alignment with changing customer expectations and driving long-term brand success. 
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ictlsg23 · 1 year
New economies have emerged within the last two decades including digital models of transaction and disruptive innovation. Internet intermediaries generally are taking on a major role as facilitators of commercial and non-commercial transactions online. These include social networking platforms (e.g. Facebook, IG and Twitter), multimedia sharing platforms (e.g. YouTube, Apple Music and Spotify), search engines and news aggregators (e.g. Yahoo, Google), content hosts and storage facilities (e.g. Dropbox) and many others. Content generating platforms such as TikTok have also become popular even as cybersecurity concerns and other misgivings have emerged at the governmental level in some jurisdictions.
In the last few years, the use of Internet of Things (IoT) have become quite common in advanced economies, the latest being wearable devices for the 'Metaverse' and an even more immersive experience in the digital realm. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also becoming more visible at the workplace and at home, leading to ethical concerns and a slate of guidelines globally to 'govern' its development and deployment. Most recently, interest in generative AI (GAI) emerged from the successful launch of chatGPT and other similar services.
Policies and laws have been adapted to deal with the roles and functions of Internet intermediaries, IoT and AI devices and services, and their potential effects and impact on society. Regulators in every jurisdiction are faced with the challenge to manage the new economy and players, and to balance the interest of multiple parties, in the context of areas of law including intellectual property, data protection, privacy, cloud technology and cyber-security. Different types of safe harbour laws and exceptions have emerged to protect these intermediaries and putting in place special obligations; while some forms of protections have been augmented to protect the interests of other parties including content providers and creators as well as society at large. Students taking this course will examine the legal issues and solutions arising from transactions through the creation and use of digital information, goods and services ('info') as well as the use of non-physical channels of communication and delivery ('comm').
The technological developments from Web 1.0 to 2.0 and the future of Web 3.0 with its impact on human interaction and B2B/B2C commerce as well as e-governance will be examined in the context of civil and criminal law, both in relation to the relevance of old laws and the enactment of new ones. In particular, this course examines the laws specifically arising from and relating to electronic transactions and interaction and their objectives and impact on the individual vis-à-vis other parties. Students will be taken through the policy considerations and general Singapore legislations and judicial decisions on the subject with comparisons and reference to foreign legislation where relevant.
In particular, electronic commerce and other forms of transactions will be studied with reference to the Electronic Transactions Act (2010) and the Singapore domain name framework supporting access to websites; personal data privacy and protection will be studied with reference to the Personal Data Protection Act of 2012 and the Spam Control Act; the challenges and changes to tort law to deal with online tortious conduct will be analysed (e.g. cyber-harassment under the Protection from Harassment Act (2014) and online defamation in the context of online communication); the rights and liabilities relating to personal uses of Internet content and user-generated content will be considered with reference to the Copyright Act (2021); computer security and crimes will be studied with reference to the Computer Misuse Act (2017) and the Cybersecurity Act (2018); and last, but not least, Internet regulation under the Broadcasting Act and its regulations as well as the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (2019), the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (2021) and the Online Criminal Harms Bill (2021) will be critically evaluated.
You will note from the above paragraph that there have been an acceleration in the enactment of ICT laws and amendments in recent years, which shows the renewed focus of the government and policy-makers when it comes to the digital economy and society (as we move towards a SMART Nation). This is happening not online in Singapore, but abroad as well. In such an inter-connected work with porous jurisdiction when it comes to human interaction and commercial transactions, we have to be aware of global trends and, in some cases, the laws of other jurisdictions as well. When it is relevant, foreign laws will also be canvassed as a comparison or to contrast the approach to a specific problem. Projects are a good way to approach in greater depth.
In preparation for this session, use the online and library resources that you are familiar with to answer the following questions in the Singapore context (and for foreign/exchange students, in the context of your respective countries):
What are the relevant agencies and their policies on ICT?
What are the areas of law that are most impacted by ICT?
What is the government's position on Artificial Intelligence?
What are the latest legal developments on this field?
Also, critically consider the analysis and recommendations made in the report on Applying Ethical Principles for Artificial Intelligence in Regulatory Reform, SAL Law Reform Committee, July 2020. Evaluate it against the second version of the Model AI Governance Framework from the IMDA. Also, look at the Discussion Paper on GAI released on 6 June 2023. Take note of this even as we embark on the ‘tour’ of disparate ICT topics from Session 2 onwards, and the implications for each of those areas of law that will be covered in class.
Class Participation 10% (individually assessed)
Group Project 30% (group assessed)
Written Exam 60% (2 hour open book examination)
This course will be fully conducted in the classroom setting. Project groups will be formed by week 2, projects will be assigned from week 3, and presentations will begin from week 4 with written assignments to be due for submission a weeks after presentation. Further details and instructions will be given after the groups are formed, but before the first project assignment.
The main textbook is: Warren B. Chik & Saw Cheng Lim, Information and Communications Technology Law in Singapore (Academy Publishing, Law Practice Series, July 2020). You can purchase the book (both physical and electronic copies) from the Singapore Academy of Law Publishing (ask for the student discount). If you prefer, there are copies available in the reserves section of the Law Library that you can use. The other useful reference will be: Chesterman, Goh & Phang, Law and Technology in Singapore (Academy Publishing, Law Practice Series, September 2021).
Due to the rapid pace of development in the law in some areas of analysis, students will also be given instructions and pre-assigned readings via this blog one week before each lesson. Students need only refer to the SMU eLearn website for administrative information such as the Project Schedule and the Grade Book as well as to share project papers and presentation materials. Students will be expected to analyse legislative provisions and/or cases that are indicated as required reading for each week.
Free access to the local legislation and subsidiary legislation may be found at the Singapore Statutes Online website at: https://sso.agc.gov.sg. 
Local cases are accessible through the Legal Workbench in Lawnet. The hyperlink can be found under the Law Databases column on the SMU Library’s Law Research Navigator at: http://researchguides.smu.edu.sg/LAW. 
Other online secondary legal materials on Singapore law that you may find useful include Singapore Law Watch (http://www.singaporelawwatch.sg) and Singapore Law SG (https://www.singaporelawblog.sg). 
There are also other secondary resources made available from the SMU Library when doing research for your projects such as the many other digital databases available from the LRN (e.g. Lexis, Westlaw and Hein online that are all available under the Law Databases column) and the books and periodicals that are available on the library shelves.
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johnsaleswolfs · 11 months
Mastering Success: Appointment Setting through Telemarketing and B2B Lead Generation
In the fast-paced world of business-to-business (B2B) interactions, securing appointments is often the crucial first step towards building meaningful relationships. Telemarketing, when coupled with effective B2B lead generation strategies, emerges as a powerful tool for businesses looking to not only connect with potential clients but also to set the stage for successful collaborations. In this blog, we will explore the art and science of appointment setting through telemarketing in the context of B2B lead generation.
The Role of Appointment Setting in B2B:
1. Building Relationships, Not Just Transactions:
In the B2B landscape, success is often rooted in the ability to build strong, enduring relationships. Appointment setting goes beyond mere transactions; it opens the door to meaningful conversations where needs, solutions, and potential collaborations are explored.
2. Trust and Credibility:
Securing an appointment demonstrates a level of interest and commitment from both parties. It serves as an opportunity to establish trust and credibility, laying the groundwork for a partnership based on mutual understanding and shared goals.
Telemarketing as a Strategic Tool:
3. Direct and Personalized Communication:
Telemarketing provides a direct and personalized channel of communication. Unlike email or other digital methods, a phone call allows for real-time interaction, enabling businesses to address concerns, answer questions, and tailor their pitch based on immediate feedback.
4. Navigating the Decision-Making Process:
B2B transactions often involve multiple decision-makers within an organization. Telemarketing allows for strategic navigation of this complex decision-making process by identifying key stakeholders, understanding their needs, and influencing the decision-making chain.
5. Customizing Pitches for Maximum Impact:
Telemarketers can tailor their pitches based on the specific needs and pain points of the prospect. This level of customization ensures that the value proposition is aligned with the prospect's requirements, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.
Effective B2B Lead Generation Strategies:
6. Comprehensive Data Analysis:
B2B lead generation starts with comprehensive data analysis. Identify your target audience, understand their industry challenges, and analyze their behavior to create a targeted approach. This data-driven strategy ensures that your telemarketing efforts are directed towards businesses that are more likely to benefit from your offerings.
7. Content Marketing for Thought Leadership:
Establishing your business as a thought leader in your industry through content marketing enhances your credibility. Valuable content positions your company as an expert, making prospects more receptive to appointment requests during telemarketing calls.
8. Utilizing CRM Systems:
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems play a crucial role in B2B lead generation. These systems help in organizing and managing lead data, tracking interactions, and ensuring that telemarketers have the necessary information to engage in meaningful conversations during calls.
The Art of Appointment Setting:
9. Effective Scripting and Training:
Crafting an effective telemarketing script is an art. It should be concise, engaging, and tailored to the specific needs of the B2B audience. Training telemarketing representatives on effective communication, objection handling, and relationship building is equally important.
10. Follow-Up Strategies:
Not every call will result in an immediate appointment. Implementing robust follow-up strategies is crucial. This may include sending additional resources, scheduling follow-up calls, or providing further information to address any concerns raised during the initial conversation.
Appointment setting through telemarketing is a dynamic process that requires a strategic blend of personalized communication, data analysis, and effective lead generation. By understanding the nuances of B2B interactions and adopting a comprehensive approach that integrates telemarketing with targeted lead generation strategies, businesses can unlock the potential for meaningful collaborations and long-term partnerships. In the ever-evolving world of B2B, mastering the art of appointment setting is not just a transactional endeavor but a journey towards building lasting relationships and fostering mutual success.
posted by johnsaleswolfs this site help to growth your business with the services of digital marketing , B2B lead generation and telemarketing .
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chetanblogs123 · 1 year
What is B2B?
B2B stands for “business-to-business,” which refers to a business model where businesses sell products and services to other companies as opposed to consumers. If you’re a new marketer in the B2B space, or a small B2B business owner learning the ropes, B2B marketing can seem new and strange, but not to worry — you’ll soon learn it’s not so different from typical consumer marketing, and we’ll go over everything you need to know so you can create an effective B2B marketing strategy.
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Set Clear Objectives:
Determine what you want to achieve with your B2B marketing efforts. Common objectives include lead generation, brand awareness, customer retention, and revenue growth. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
Content Marketing for B2B
Content marketing is a critical component of a successful B2B marketing strategy. It involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage your target audience. Here are key steps and considerations for implementing effective content marketing for B2B in 2023
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing your website or online content to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). The primary goal of SEO is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to your website. Here are the key components and strategies for effective SEO:
On-Page SEO:
Optimize your web pages for search engines by including target keywords in key areas such as the page title, headings, meta descriptions, and content. Ensure your content is well-structured and user-friendly.
Backlinks (Off-Page SEO):
Acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. Backlinks signal to search engines that your content is authoritative and trustworthy.
Social Media Marketing for B2B
Social media marketing for B2B (Business-to-Business) is an effective way to build brand awareness, engage with your target audience, and generate leads. While B2B social media strategies may differ from B2C (Business-to-Consumer) strategies, they can be equally impactful. Here are key considerations and strategies for social media marketing in the B2B context in 2023:
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is an online advertising model in which advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It's a highly effective method for driving targeted traffic to a website or landing page, and it's commonly used for both B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) marketing. Here are the key components and strategies for PPC advertising:
Website Optimization and User Experience (UX)
Website optimization and user experience (UX) are critical factors for the success of your website, both in terms of search engine rankings and user satisfaction. Here are key considerations for optimizing your website and providing a great user experience:
Email Marketing
Email marketing is a powerful digital marketing strategy that involves sending targeted emails to a group of subscribers or customers with the goal of building relationships, driving engagement, and achieving specific business objectives. Whether you're a B2B (Business-to-Business) or B2C (Business-to-Consumer) organization, email marketing can be highly effective. Here's a guide on how to do email marketing effectively:
Video Marketing in B2B
Video marketing in the B2B (Business-to-Business) context has become increasingly important, as it allows you to effectively convey complex information, showcase your products or services, and engage with your target audience. Here's a guide on how to use video marketing effectively in B2B in 2023:
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Brazil Africa Forum 2023 to discuss trade between countries
The event will be held on October 31 and November 1 in the capital of São Paulo, featuring lectures by Brazilian and African countries heads and business roundtables.
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Opportunities to leverage trade with African countries are one of the main topics of the Brazil Africa Forum 2023, to be held in São Paulo, which will have the participation of Brazilian and African countries heads and authorities. Promoting partnerships, business, and developing projects on the continent are possibilities to be explored at the event, which will also have B2Bs.
According to Professor João Bosco Monte, president of the Brazil Africa Institute (IBRAF) and forum organizer, the current global geopolitical context was fundamental for defining the theme of this year’s event, the 11th edition. “The trade element has emerged intensely due to events such as the pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine, which make global trade flows more difficult,” said Monte.
Among speakers at the event will be Tamer Mansour, secretary-general & CEO of the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC), which supports the forum; the minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Mauro Vieira; the special advisor for International Affairs of Brazilian president’s office, Celso Amorim; the president of Afreximbank, Benedict Oramah; The minister of Energy of Kenya, Davis K. Chirchir; the deputy director of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), Maria Helena Semedo; and the president of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), Jorge Viana.
Continue reading.
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csquaredbranding · 1 year
Rebranding at Black & Decker
When I think of Black & Decker I immediately associate the brand with household appliances so I was surprised to learn that it began as a power tools company. Because of this strong consumer brand perception, B&D was losing out to competitors such as Makita in the professional tradesmen segment which focused solely on power tools. Contractors inaccurately perceived B&D power tools as inferior or not sturdy enough due to the household association. In fact, some even incorrectly used home products for their professional work. When they did not stand the test of time, it further reinforced this substandard image. In addition, the lack of aesthetic differentiation between the professional and consumer brands (black vs. charcoal gray) conflated the two segments. Advantages for Makita included pricing at a premium over B&D (signaled higher quality even if not actually existent), producing a wider variety of products, and having more distribution channels (e.g. B&D did not sell in Membership Clubs at all).
Upon further reflection, the contradiction in market share between the industrial and tradesmen segments makes sense. The B2B industrial segment is more objective and rational. Corporations are looking to reduce costs, so they focus on price and obtaining the best performance and quality at the lowest price level. Makita loses out here on price alone as mentioned above. In the B2C tradesmen context, individuals place more weight on brand perception without being fully conscious of it. These different lines of thinking remind me of the System 1 (instinct) vs. System 2 (logical) thinking discussed in the book Thinking, Fast and Slow.
Based on the three options presented at the end of the case, I would recommend B&D choose Option 3. It should drop the B&D name as it is too challenging to overcome the household brand association as implied by the research studies conducted. Perceived quality rather than actual quality was the issue. I like the idea of going with the DeWalt brand as it already has clout behind it and avoids B&D having to build up a reputation from scratch. Changing the branding to yellow is also significant as, in addition to the safety connotation, it is highly visible and is associated with energy, a good association for power tools needing high performance.
Glancing briefly at the B&D site, it was interesting to note that the company was targeting the “DIY” market (“We’re passionate about your projects”) so a mix of the consumer and tradesmen segments. Also, the Dustbuster, their signature product, was still featured prominently as the first item that appeared on the top of the home page. Clearly, B&D did not have to sacrifice its household reputation to continue to build its brand.
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kelasparmak · 2 years
the thing is, i’m not a writer. i spend every day writing the most boring b2b content imaginable. even if i could get out of b2b mode and into fiction mode, i don’t have the patience or time to write all the vital narrative context surrounding the ‘highlight’ scenes of my assorted complicated aus.
which is a real shame cause i think fic writing might be the only way to properly exorcise all the ouhhghhgh feelings i have about fictional characters most people have stopped caring about.
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jcmarchi · 4 days
How sales teams can use AI today to optimise conversions - AI News
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/how-sales-teams-can-use-ai-today-to-optimise-conversions-ai-news/
How sales teams can use AI today to optimise conversions - AI News
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Staying competitive in modern sales today effectively means embracing the latest trends in tech.
Since late 2022 – when generative AI made its way to the public’s consciousness thanks to OpenAI’s ChatGPT – AI has been at the forefront of this shift, changing the way sales teams (like most other teams) operate and connect with clients.
In this blog post, let’s dive into how AI is streamlining sales activities and helping boost conversion rates.
Here are the top five ways sales teams can use AI to better personalise interactions, automate admin work, and more, proving that it’s not just about cutting costs but transforming how sales are done.
1. Personalised engagement
A typical sales cycle is complex, involving multiple touchpoints and interactions before conversion. Deeper personalisation involves understanding a prospect’s business needs, challenges, and industry trends. AI tools are particularly adept at sifting through large datasets to uncover insights that tailor interactions to these specific business contexts.
For instance, AI can analyse past interactions, like email exchanges and engagement history, to determine what type of content or product features are most relevant to a specific client. This allows sales teams to offer solutions that are not just generic services or products but are customised to address the client’s unique challenges and goals.
AI can enhance account-based marketing (ABM) strategies by enabling sales teams to create highly personalised content strategies for each account. By analysing data from various touchpoints in the quote to cash process, AI helps in crafting messages that resonate deeply with each decision-maker in the client’s organisation. This targeted approach not only strengthens relationships but also significantly increases the likelihood of closing deals.
2. Sales forecasting
Accurate sales forecasting is vital in B2B sales, where strategic planning and resource allocation depend heavily on predicted sales outcomes. AI significantly enhances the accuracy and reliability of these forecasts by analysing vast amounts of data and identifying trends that are hard to spot.
AI-driven pipeline forecasting tools use historical sales data, market conditions, and real-time sales activity to predict future sales performance. These tools employ predictive analytics to model various scenarios and their potential impacts on sales, helping sales teams to prepare more effectively for future market movements.
Moreover, AI-enhanced forecasting tools can dynamically update predictions based on new data. This means that sales forecasts are not static but evolve as more interaction and transaction data becomes available. Such dynamic forecasting ensures that sales strategies remain agile and responsive to changes, increasing the overall efficiency of sales operations.
By leveraging AI for advanced sales forecasting, B2B companies can not only forecast with greater accuracy but also gain strategic insights that can lead to a more proactive approach in managing sales pipelines and customer relationships.
3. Dynamic pricing
Dynamic pricing is an advanced AI application that can significantly boost B2B sales performance by optimising pricing strategies based on real-time market data and customer behaviour. This technology allows companies to adjust their pricing models swiftly in response to changes in the market or customer demand, ensuring competitiveness and maximising revenue.
AI tools like Competera analyse historical sales data, market dynamics, competitor pricing, and customer patterns to recommend the most effective pricing strategies for various products and services. For instance, it can suggest special discounts for high-value clients or adjust prices during peak demand periods to capitalise on market trends.
AI-driven dynamic pricing can enhance customer satisfaction by offering fair prices that reflect the current value of the products or services, which can differ across customer segments or even individual clients based on their purchase history and loyalty.
By integrating dynamic pricing models powered by AI, sales teams not only streamline their pricing strategies but also ensure that they are adaptable, data-driven, and closely aligned with both market conditions and customer expectations.
For B2B companies aiming to refine their pricing and sales strategies, an AI consulting service is a crucial edge. By engaging advanced data analytics and AI/ML expertise, these services enhance data-driven decision-making, improve customer relationships, and accelerate sales cycles, fostering a more competitive and efficient sales process.
4. Lead scoring and prioritisation
When you have a healthy influx of leads, efficiently managing them is crucial. Sales teams can use AI to dramatically enhance this process through sophisticated lead scoring systems, which assess and rank prospects based on their likelihood to convert. This prioritisation ensures that sales teams focus their efforts on the most promising leads, optimising both time and resources.
AI tools integrate various data points like past interactions, engagement levels, company size, and industry-specific behaviours to create a comprehensive profile of each lead. AI algorithms can examine historical data to recognise patterns that indicate a high probability of conversion. This might include the frequency of communications, the types of questions asked by the prospect, or their engagement with specific content.
For example, Salesforce Einstein uses machine learning to continuously refine its scoring model based on new data, making the lead qualification process more dynamic and accurate. By automating the identification of high-potential leads, sales teams can allocate more time to crafting personalised outreach strategies that are more likely to resonate with top-tier prospects.
Moreover, AI-powered lead scoring can alert sales teams to changes in a lead’s score in real-time. This means that if a prospect’s engagement level increases due to a recent interaction or a change in their business needs, the sales team can immediately capitalise on this opportunity, increasing the chances of a successful sale.
So, by leveraging AI for lead scoring and prioritisation, sales teams can ensure they are not just reaching out to more leads, but are reaching out to the right leads at the right time.
5. Automating administrative tasks
AI’s prowess to automate administrative tasks is a game changer in B2B sales, where efficiency and time management are critical. By taking over routine tasks, AI allows sales teams to dedicate more energy and focus to engaging with clients and closing deals.
For instance, AI-powered CRM tools can handle data entry, manage email sequences, schedule meetings, and update logs with new client information. This automation streamlines the sales process, reducing the administrative burden and minimising the potential for human error.
AI-driven automation extends to crafting and sending follow-up emails. AI can analyse the interaction history with each client to determine the most effective follow-up strategy, tailoring messages based on the client’s previous responses and engagement level. This personalised approach ensures that communications are relevant and timely, thereby increasing the likelihood of maintaining the client’s interest and pushing the sales process forward.
And, AI can offer predictive insights about the best times to contact clients or send out proposals, based on data patterns that include client availability and response rates. This predictive capability ensures that sales efforts are not just systematic but also strategically timed, maximising the impact of each interaction.
By leveraging AI to automate these essential but repetitive tasks, B2B sales teams can significantly improve their productivity and effectiveness, allowing them to focus on what they do best – building relationships and closing sales.
Wrapping up
The integration of AI tools in modern sales processes brings efficiency and effectiveness, allowing sales teams to focus on strategic aspects of sales like relationship building and closing high-value deals. Teams that embrace AI can expect not only increased conversion rates but also more responsive sales ops that can adapt quickly to market changes and customer needs.
All in all, companies that welcome ongoing adaptation and investment in AI tools will be well-positioned to lead in their industries, leveraging AI not just as a tool, but as a core component of their sales strategy.
(Image Source: Freepik)
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medicalsupplierz · 4 days
How to Build Strong Relationships with Your B2B Medical Device Suppliers
In the healthcare industry, strong relationships with B2B medical device suppliers are essential for success. These partnerships not only ensure a steady supply of quality products but also foster collaboration that can lead to innovation and improved patient outcomes. Here are some effective strategies for building and maintaining strong relationships with your suppliers.
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1. Open Communication
One of the cornerstones of any strong partnership is open communication. Regularly engage with your B2B medical device suppliers to discuss needs, expectations, and any challenges you may be facing. Establish clear channels for communication, whether through scheduled meetings, emails, or phone calls. This transparency helps both parties align their goals and fosters a collaborative atmosphere.
2. Understand Their Business
To build a successful relationship, take the time to understand the business model of your B2B medical device suppliers. Knowing their capabilities, limitations, and challenges can help you work more effectively together. This understanding allows you to tailor your requests and expectations, creating a win-win situation for both sides.
3. Foster Trust and Reliability
Trust is a fundamental element in any business relationship. By consistently meeting your commitments and being honest about your needs, you can foster a sense of reliability. When B2B medical device suppliers see that you are a trustworthy partner, they are more likely to prioritize your orders and offer better service.
4. Collaborate on Innovation
The medical device industry is rapidly evolving, and innovation is key to staying competitive. Work with your B2B medical device suppliers to identify areas for improvement or new product development. By collaborating on innovative solutions, you can help drive advancements that benefit both your organization and your supplier.
5. Provide Feedback
Constructive feedback is crucial for any partnership. Regularly provide your B2B medical device suppliers with insights on their products and services. Positive feedback reinforces good practices, while constructive criticism helps them improve. This two-way feedback loop enhances the relationship and promotes continuous improvement.
6. Recognize Their Contributions
Acknowledging the efforts of your B2B medical device suppliers can go a long way in strengthening your relationship. Celebrate milestones, express gratitude for exceptional service, and recognize their role in your success. Such gestures build goodwill and reinforce the partnership.
7. Negotiate Fairly
Negotiation is a natural part of any business relationship, but it’s essential to approach it fairly. While it’s important to secure the best prices and terms, remember that suppliers also need to maintain their profitability. Strive for a balanced approach that respects both parties' interests, fostering a long-lasting and cooperative relationship.
8. Stay Engaged
Finally, staying engaged with your B2B medical device suppliers is vital. Attend industry events, participate in webinars, and keep up with their updates and innovations. Being involved in the broader context of their business can deepen your relationship and create opportunities for collaboration.
Building strong relationships with B2B medical device suppliers is a strategic investment in your organization's success. By fostering open communication, understanding their business, collaborating on innovation, and recognizing their contributions, you can create partnerships that not only enhance your supply chain but also improve patient care. In today’s competitive healthcare landscape, strong supplier relationships can make all the difference.
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voltz321 · 4 days
Maximizing Efficiency: How the Right Tools Can Drive Productivity in B2B Operations
Productivity and efficiency are the pillars of profitability in the world of B2B operations. Having the appropriate tools can be crucial when overseeing a construction site or a large-scale manufacturing facility. Selecting the right tools will help you complete the task more quickly, safely, and with the least amount of downtime possible. At Voltz Tools, we are aware that increasing productivity in business-to-business settings requires the proper tools.
. Why Efficiency Matters in B2B Operations
Profitability is directly impacted by B2B operations’ efficiency. Businesses are able to move on to the next project more quickly when tasks are finished on time without sacrificing quality. Furthermore, in a B2B context, inefficiencies and delays can cause problems for your company and your clients by causing ripple effects through the supply chain. You may cut down on bottlenecks, avoid expensive downtime, and improve overall operational flow by making the appropriate tool investments.
The Role of Quality Tools in Boosting Productivity
Outdated or subpar equipment can cause safety risks, increase the chance of malfunctions, and slow down production. On the other hand, well-made, long-lasting tools are designed to perform, meaning they require less maintenance and have longer life cycles. Several methods exist for how appropriate tools can boost productivity:
Task Completion More Quickly: Heavy-duty power tools can drastically reduce work time. For instance, a high-efficiency electric wall chaser can expedite installations, enabling personnel to finish jobs faster.
Reduced Downtime: Your operations will run more smoothly with sturdy tools from Voltz, which will lessen the need for frequent repairs or replacements that can impede progress.
Enhanced Safety: In any industrial setting, safety is of utmost importance. Dependable equipment lowers the possibility of mishaps and guarantees that workers can work as efficiently as possible without being sidelined by injuries.
Selecting the Right Tools for Your Business
It takes more than just looking for the most costly or potent machinery to select the best tools for your operations. It all comes down to identifying the needs of your company and choosing the appropriate tools. For example, choosing tools that offer accuracy and control is essential if you work in a precision-oriented industry like metalworking or carpentry.
Electric lawn mowers and hydraulic pipe threaders are just a couple of the many products that Voltz Tools offers; they are all made to fit the needs of different industries. The following are important things to think about when choosing tools:
Suitability for the Task: Verify that the tool is made to perform the particular tasks that your operations need. In some situations, specialized tools often outperform all-purpose tools.
Energy Efficiency: Energy-efficient tools can lower operating costs and support your company’s green initiatives. Sustainability is becoming a priority in many industries.
Ergonomics: Longer, more productive shifts can result from workers who are less fatigued by their tools.
How Voltz Tools Can Help You Maximize Efficiency
A large range of products from Voltz Tools are intended to improve productivity in various industries. Our tools are designed with efficiency in mind, ensuring that they function better, last longer, and require less maintenance downtime. So that we can assist:
Innovative Technology: We keep our tools efficient and environmentally friendly by integrating the newest technologies, which helps us stay ahead of the curve.
Customization Options: Every business-to-business transaction has specific needs. Whether you require instruments for manufacturing, maintenance, or construction, we offer solutions that are customized to meet your unique requirements.
Support and Maintenance: We make sure you get the most out of your tools by providing after-sales support, which helps to minimize any potential problems that might interfere with your business operations.
Final Thoughts
In any B2B operation, efficiency maximization is essential. The productivity of your company can be greatly increased, expenses can be decreased, and safety standards can be raised with the correct tools. At Voltz Tools, we’re dedicated to offering high-performing products that support companies in thriving in the cutthroat industry of today. We have the solutions to meet your needs, whether you require specialized tools for complex tasks or power equipment for large-scale industrial projects.
Invest in the right tools today and watch your B2B operations achieve new heights of efficiency!
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