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venusssssssssss · 5 months ago
there's no one i relate less to than people my age who have/want kids
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 7 months ago
*kicks down the door* i need to get this out of my head because i am on my omega!blade brain rot right now
he’s used to his heats, knows most of the warning signs since he needed to learn how to tell the difference between a mara flare up and his cycles (let’s face it, this man NEVER keeps track of it because it’s so random that it’s pointless), always takes at least three suppressants within a week because it’s easier for everyone if he doesn’t deal with it seven days a week
B U T, what if it sneaks up on him and he has no suppressants 😇 (rip to his partner because they’re not going to be used to blade with absolutely no drugs in his system — he is gonna be a nightmare)
- do i even need to say who i am (m.n)
*Screams until I see who it is* Oh hi :D
More omega!Blade let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >:D
cw: omegaverse
Omega!Blade knows his body better than the doctors at the Stellaron Hunter base. He knows when he's going to go into heat or if the mara is there to haunt him again though both are infrequent at best and near unpredictable at worst. So he prepares himself anyways, taking more suppressants than advised because what good is he if he's not fighting?
And this continues for as long as he remembers to pack the pills into his pocket. Until one day he forgets. It's nothing major that causes his forgetfulness just a simple slip of the mind but it's enough to cause misfortune for him as the heat builds up in his body. But perhaps all isn't lost when his mate shows up by his side lured in by his blooming scent and filled with concern.
They don't get to worry for long as he pins them to the wall with his whole body, face buried deep into their neck. Blade inhales deeply before growling and that's the only warning they get before he's biting down on their scent glands hungry for more of their scent. They groan as he grinds into them.
Looks like they're in for a rough time.
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emberunderscore · 3 months ago
oh ffs im thinking too many thoughts about this song now okay hey chat thoughts time
"Whose Eye Is It Anyway???" by Jhariah Very coded in many ways, the way i like to see it is for my midas villain au, and if you know that you know its split into three different routes and the one this song like . embodies . is the idea of midas losing themself to the decay, it overtaking their mind and drastically changing their personalitly . also i think midas deserves to be angry so i let them be angry.
ok analysis time
My head is overflowing, with these thoughts That if I return the favor you might understand
Their mind is racing with the idea that they want revenge on Reo for what they did, how they treated them when handing over Quixis. They want to return the favour of tearing them from their home and forcing them into that position without explanation
But I know, I know you could never carry the burden You've left with me and I can't give it back So why even try?
they can't give quixis back to Reo, so why bother wasting their energy on thinking about it
I'm reeling from all of the pain I feel it making me insane
the decay seeping in, overtaking them, it goes for their eyes first and in this au i like to view the taking of their eyes as taking their soul, and taking a part of them too. so they can feel the decay eating away at both their eyes and their very soul itself
If it's an eye for an eye then we all go blind If it came to it would you cross that line?
talking to themself . asking themself where the line they're willing to draw is . and are they willing to cross it
With the taste of the blood on your tongue like wine And the weight of your crimes weighing on your mind
the worlds falling, people dying . the rotting part of them feels amusement, a sort of satifaction at the power. like fine wine. but the part of them that still remains is weighed down by their guilt
It's an eye for an eye and we all go blind again
in a way they are blind. blind to their own actions. blind to the fact that staying as quixis is no longer their own choice . blind to the person they used to be . also . eyes . the bleeding eyes . an eye for an eye and no one can see . the idea of midas not being able to see like normal without their eyes. the idea that while they cannot see through their face, connecting to their brain . they can see. they are forced to see, through quixis. they have a sort of all seeing presence to them and they can only see everything all at once .
An arm and a leg, my friend, les yeux d'la tete
"to cost the eyes of the head" a phrase that means something is very expenisve but i really like the literal meaning. you know, eye motifs .
I never give as much as I get
an attempt to convince themself that they are gaining more than they're losing
This path of heart attacks is paved with folks Who only gave their enemies what they had coming
this lyrics is so mmmmm i dont know how to put waht im thinking into words but its so like midas wanting revenge and the other veriosns of them being just as bad and the "heart attacks" bit is just silly cause everyones fucking dying something seomthing
I don't know if it's worth it
D O U B T . i give this au of midas so much doubt, denial and self loathing . and they re so <33 anyways them doubting whether or not everything they're doing is worth whatever they're trying to convince themself theyre getting out of staying as quixis. power, vengeance, entertainment . whatever they can convince themself of at that moment.
[cutting out the repeated lyrics cause .]
Is it a knife or a lie is it in your back
to icarus , about the wack , the glitching about all the sillies . thinking unlocked thoughts in specifics
Is it all I need? Is it all I have? Will it bring me the peace that I need so desperately?
gods theyre struggling so much . they DESPERATELY want to stop being in pain . just for a moment gods all they want is one moment without pain but they dont get that . because they made this choice and they cant even remember why AHHAHHHH IM SO NORMALLLLL
Will I see?
they CAN notably see. notably they have to see everything except themself . except their own actions . except what they're doing . except how theyve LOST THEMSELF
It's an eye for an eye and we all go blind again
they want to make everyone go blind at this point . they dont care . theyve lost the ability to care .
When you seek vengeance you must dig two graves
[last verse is repeated lyrics]
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wordy-little-witch · 8 months ago
Ghost!Roger Au is so good, I wonder if other ghosts have decided to talk with Perona as well? Will Rouge also give a shovel talk too?
If Luffy and his crew comes over, will Ace come out and start talking about Luffy in his classic fashion? So many ideas could happen
Perona absolutely talks to many spirits, some kinder than others, and when she learns Buggy can see and talk to them easily, she is absolutely vibrating beyond the physical plane.
Rouge absolutely gives her own shovel talks. Somehow hers is scarier that Roger's. Perona wants to be like granny Rouge one day.
I genuinely believe Perona got Zoro to do a board session with her over the two years, so he knows she has it and can talk to spirits ((and they send letters bc they're siblings send tweet)), so when they all meet up, Buggy is trying - in vain - to escape a rubbery tangled death trap that is supposed to be a hug, and Zoro is staring his not-dad and not-sister with the protective fury of a thousand suns.
It only gets complicated when, between one moment and the next Buggy goes stock still. Perona tilts her head with a hum. The clown just falls over and Luffy is giggling his head off while Mihawk and Crocodile straighten up. The strawhats are watching on warily.
Buggy, still smothered, just goes "Pero-chan, be a dear and pull our your board please. Grandpa is being annoying again."
"Okay mama Bug!"
She proceeds to lay out a comically large board, sets a piece of wood down and nobody even touches the planchet before it's zooming across the board
"Oh my gods"
It's a hot mess honestly and many people are Suspicious of Foul Play, especially because Ace is such a sore spot for Luffy even now, but Lu's smarter than he lets on. He asks for proof that Ace is there.
Luffy bursts into tears. The crews are about to explode. Buggy's still being used as a stuffed animal by a teenage boy.
Luffy babbles about how it IS Ace and yeah Gramps DID kill Kevin and how is this happening and he's sorry and-
"You jerk!!!"
Roger and Rouge get to formally meet Luffy then, and Ace introduces Roger as his 'not as shitty old man', which is high praise.
Hours later, Luffy rests his head against Buggy's shoulder and asks how he knew to ask Pinkie for the board.
"My Haki's not built like everyone else," he says haltingly. "I see.... stuff that isn't really supposed to be seen."
"Magic eyes?"
"Cool.... does.... does Shanks know?"
"About the magic eyes or about Roger?"
"Then yeah. He does. Old Fucker haunts us both"
There's silence for a bit.
Buggy's not sure why he wants to break it, why he wants to say anything. He still does
"Firefist spends a lot of time away from here. He checks on his crewmates, he's said. But he checks on you, too. Came back one time raving mad about some 'blond twink ass' having the audacity to be alive, for some reason. But he watches over you the most, I think."
"Shishishi... yeah. Sabo died when we were kids. But he didn't die! Just got amnesia. He's better now."
"Blond twink"
"Ah. Well. Kid, your life is a fucking drama."
"Yep! It's fun, huh? Thanks, uncle Buggy"
"Don't call me that"
"I'm gonna do it anyway."
Roger and Rouge are watching on warmly. ((Ace would be too if he wasn't currently playing with the bonfire and making Chopper laugh))
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kindlythevoid · 6 months ago
not really but I thought I'd be safe
TL;DR sad ranting about the end credits. no not the end-end credits, the clip before that. yeah, yeah, you didn't miss much in the sad, angry rant I just typed out, but you should definitely watch the movie with the end credits to cry with me okay? okay. k thx bye <3
Edit: Messed up just a little bit. I forgot, it was my middle school graduation, not my high school graduation. XD Sorry, sorry, but my point still stands.
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i-mean-technically · 2 years ago
Got hella sidetracked a few nights ago with @transingthoseformers about the tfa au lmao but world building go brrrrr
Anyways idk how much of that is even going to be used B U T I am having Moar Thoughts about Sentinel and Optimus, and Elita before she becomes Black Arachnia and joins the cons.
Gonna start with Elita.
I think she did try to go back to Autobot space/Cybertron. If no one came to make sure she was dead if it was a set up. Which I think someone did. If she wasn't found or escapes from them there's 2 options here.
If she wasn't found they make her as KIA and go on with their lives, where Elita then either gets run out of autobot space bc she's a techno organic now or someone tries to capture and sell her as a curiosity/sell her back to the Autobots.
If she was captured then she was told that Op and Sentinel abandoned her and that they're living their lives just fine without her, break her down a bit yeah? Destroy her hope that they'll come after, they told everyone she was dead.
Which starts the hatred she has for them. Based in truth, if stretched. Eventually she learns the truth and sees what they went thru but that's far in the future, after some ~angst~.
Now, on to Optimus. He's emotionally destroyed, but focusing on Sentinel keeps him stable (L M A O my dude yeah that's not going to end well for you). He's going to keep everything bottled up until he explodes! Bc that's what he learned, was taught. He can't bring himself to leave the Autobots bc this is his home, his people, he can't lose it.
And Sentinel. He wants to leave, and if he leaves, Optimus will follow. He knows this. He's going to abuse it. But bc he's using Optimus as a crutch he's in a better mental space faster than Optimus is.
Blackarachnia is absolutely The Most mentally stable by the time Earth Shit starts happening (🙄🙄🙄)
Would Sentinel and Optimus look for Elita when they start drifting from the Autobots?
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boysplanetrecaps · 1 year ago
Build Up, Ep 4 Recap: Don’t Forget v I Don’t Love You
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Welcome back to the project everyone deals with waiting two weeks for -- my MNET Build Up Recaps! In the previous one, a bunch of my favorites -- Kim Minseo, Bain, Lee Gwangsuk, and Kim Sungjung -- went head to head. Ah, that was a good one! In this one, we’ll see the other member of Just B, Geonu, and Chicago’s pride Soomin take on former BDC member Hong Seong Jun and musical actor Kim Seohyung. It’s also a good one! Let’s dive in. 
So we start off pretty much as usual, with the guys taking the stage, accompanied by some musical soundtrack. This time the editors have chosen a driving beat with rock and dub step elements so it's really powerful sounding, which makes it a little comical when we see the guys and how they're dressed. 
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Soomin is wearing a pretty fabulous s w e a t e r but Geonu has decided to raid the wardrobe of an old grampa for some reason. You know I love a good sweater but... this ain't it, fam. It's about three sizes too big and looks like it would smell like cigarettes for some reason. And paired with loose white slacks? Nope, I'm out. 
The other team is dressed in button down shirts, which is fine, I guess. Hong Seongjun has one of those thin bow ties that hangs down limply, and Kim Seohyung's shirt is tightly pleated in the front, as if it's made of crepe paper. They look perfectly nice but it seems absurd that they'd be accompanied by dub-rock! It should be more like... James Taylor. Or Sarah McLachlan. 
VCG looks at the teams and says, "Ohh, Chicago!" Because, of course, Soomin is from Chicago. (I wonder what his American name is? Because I feel like he probably doesn’t go by Soomin back in the US.) We're reminded of his lovely performance in Ditto in the first round. 
Soomin and Geonu have joined their names into "Soo-u" and do a little thing and it's, like, whatever, because they forget to use their mics. They're besties with a personal joke that’s funny to them, even if it’s not that funny to us.  
Dahee asks the other team to introduce themselves, and Seohyung says hello. His natural speaking voice is very low and pleasant and the judges react like, wow! Then he and Seongjung give a weird intro that also doesn't go so well so let's just move on. 
The teams do a bit of smack talk and it actually doesn't really feel that good natured. Eeep. 
We flashback back to the rival choosing moment, when Geonu and Soomin were chosen to go the RCPA (Rival Choosing Platform Area). Several teams begin whispering about possibly taking them on, but then Soomin, in his continuing effort to make Americans look bad, addresses the other teams rudely, not using proper honorifics even though they're all older than them. This is extremely insulting to a Korean person in ways that I know I don't fully understand, so if I get it wrong and you are Korean or have specialized knowledge, I welcome your input.
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Despite my incomplete knowledge, I do know enough to know that (a) Soomin is probably being playful and doesn't truly mean to offend and also (b) it is likely that many other contestants, and many Korean viewers will be offended anyway. I really do worry about the way Soomin is presenting himself on this show. Korean culture is so specific about what you should and shouldn't do and if you piss off the voting base, it can be really hard to win them back. It’s not impossible, but… it can be tough. As an American myself I can sympathize -- we often are perceived of as rude by people from other cultures when we do things that would be acceptable, even celebrated, in our own culture. I really like Soomin's voice and I think he could have a career singing, as long as he doesn't alienate the Korean public!!
So yeah, Soomin tries to provoke one of the younger teams to challenge his team -- he comes across as really disdainful of some of the older contestants, which rubs me the wrong way, to be honest. Team Seohyung x Seongjun (I’ll call them Team S&S) seem to be the ones they're calling to, so the rivalry is formed. 
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"Since you invited us here, we'll see you off," says Seohyung, in a vague attempt at smack talk. Then Soomin does a dumb thing where he acts like his hand is a phone, with a call from the taxi driver who is here for the other team, and it's super hacky and cringey but Soomin and Geonu are so proud of it. Sigh. But Seohyung takes it all in stride. He seems like a cheerful, lovable dude, doesn't he?  Some time later, Team S&S is meeting to choose a song and stuff, and Seohyung is wearing a black mock turtleneck with a gray hoodie over it and black coat over that. What is with Korean heating systems? Seongjun is wearing a fleece sweatshirt, so no proper sweaters here.
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Anyway, they're talking strategy. Seongjun was on the same team as Geonu for the first round, singing If You, and he thinks it's obvious that Geonu will want to perform a western R&B pop song. Seohyung points out that since Soomin is from the USA, Soomin also probably will want to sing a Western song. 
Mentioning this really sets off Seongjun, who says, "He only speaks in English. I get sick when I'm next to him." 
Ok, I know that could be a Korean figure of speech and maybe it's not as harsh as it sounds, but woah, dude. Yes, of course, it would be annoying to be around these ostentatious English speakers. I can only imagine how it might feel as a Korean person who is being bombarded daily with more and more English all the time; it would be irritating to have your own language being supplanted by another language, especially if it feels like maybe your own culture is being displaced as well. Also, it would just be annoying to have someone around refusing to speak the language you both speak, regardless of like, geopolitical issues.
But even so, I'm not sure it’s a cute look for Seongjun to say that it makes him feel sick to be around it. When you factor in the obvious animosity that he displayed in earlier episodes on the topic of successful idols like Yeo One or Seokhwa or Woong being on this show, you get a picture of someone who seems bitter and irritable. That's not necessarily who he IS, but it's how he's looking. 
The two guys go on to talk about how Geonu also speaks in English a lot and we get a little montage of Geonu and Soomin speaking English together. (And later on we find out that Geonu introduced himself in English on the first day, which is weird. More on that later....)
In any case, since Geonu and Soomin are probably going to sing R&B, Team S&S decide to go for a more sentimental song. 
Then Seohyung gives a funny little smile and reveals his musical taste, which is all sappy songs that came out in the 1970s. You can tell that Seongjung isn't quite sure what to make of this weird partner. 
We flash back to the duo-formation moment and find out that despite Seongjung assumptions, he is actually two years older than his old fashioned -- and tall -- partner. 
Seongjung tells Seohyung, "You look like an upright man," and Seohyung says he gets that a lot. He doesn't mind, either, because people also tell him he's handsome apparently. We flash back to a pre production meeting, and a staff member points out that he's very tall. He says he drank a lot of milk. He also says he enjoys watching "car documentaries." What? Are there enough documentaries about cars for this to constitute a genre? I guess so!
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He also doesn't know his MBTI, which for a young Korean person is very unusual. He does seem to be a very specific person, doesn't he? Calm, polite, cheerful, sweet. I like him. I feel like he's someone Lisa Simpson would have a crush on, you know? Like he's quiet and enjoys puzzles?
Anyway, back to song selection. Seohyung suggests "I Don't Love You" by a group called Urban Zakapa. Per Wikipedia: 
"Urban Zakapa is a South Korean R&B singer-songwriter group formed in 2009 by Fluxus Music. ....The group's name is an abbreviation for Urban, Zappy, Kaleidoscopic, and Passionate.... Although the group debuted in 2009 as a nine-piece with four vocalists and five instrumentalists, there are currently only three vocalists due to artistic differences."  
Ooh, sounds like some hot gossip there! 
Anyway, the song went to number 1 in 2016, so even though it's not super recent, it would probably be familiar to the judging panel. Like at least 101% of Korean ballads, it's about a breakup. I wonder how Koreans even have time to fall in love in the first place when they're breaking up so often!
Sample lyrics:
What should I say? / Where do I start? / I’m only hanging my head / You’re looking at me  / In this awkward silence
I don’t love you / I’m sure you already know / Even when I see you shedding tears / My heart doesn’t ache anymore
I don’t love you / There’s no other reason / I don’t even want to say / I’m sorry or forgive me
That’s all / This is how I really feel / I don’t love you / I don’t love you
The original song featured both male and female voices, which helps break up the repetitive monotony a bit. But it really is just saying over and over “I don’t love you” -- without a hint of irony or sarcasm that maybe the singer really *does* love the listener, that they’re just saying it because they’re hurt. You know, like the song Abittipsy by Youhua, where she tries to sound cheery and like she’s fine, but then she admits that she *might* cry later. Nope, this song seems to be straightforward, just “I don’t love you,” periodt.  
Seongjung likes the idea of this song because it would allow them to show off their low pitches, their high pitches, and their "sentiments."
They rehearse in a variety of locations, holding water bottles to be their microphones (cracks me up how they do that). 
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s w e a t e r s
They're confident; practice never lets you down. Hmm… I hear the ghost of my middle school band teacher murmuring, "Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect." 
Did they practice perfectly? I guess we'll find out!
It’s performance day! As they prepare to sing, kindly hyung Seongjung reaches out to Seohyung for a fist bump and says, Let's have fun.
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"Oh, a fist bump! I read an article about this youthful behavior in the printed newspaper I read in the mornings while I drink healthy tea and eat fiber cereal. I return your fist bump in a friendly manner!" -- Seohyung, probably
The judges are like, this song is hard. Uh oh...
Full version without reactions
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My thoughts:
That was nice. It's not really my jam, but the singing was pretty and their harmonies sounded great.
Seohyung has that musical theater voice, with a lot of emotion in his tone. Toward the beginning and again at the end, he almost verges on sing-talking, which again is very musical theater of him. I don't know if ballad-fans like that kind of thing or not. 
Though he has a lovely upper mix, he appears to be a bass, which is kind of cool to find in a field that preferences tenors. A deep voice can add a special color to a group. I mean, what would Stray Kids be without Felix? What would ONF be without Wyatt? Or even Dreamcatcher without Dami, or G-Idle without Yuqi? Those special voices help make their teams a little special. 
Overall I actually like Seohyung's voice more than I would have thought. It's hard to deny his range and the variety of vocal tones he can do. I think the biggest problem in his performance is the way he holds his body and his facial expressions. 
If you have an hour or two to spare, you should watch Jenny Nicholson's amazing take down of Dear Evan Hanson. One thing she points out is that the way you act on stage is different from the way you act for the camera. On stage, it makes sense to bug out your eyes and jut out your chin, because someone at the back of the theater needs to see you. But for the camera, it's just too much. And that’s kind of what we see with Seohyung here. He’s Acting, rather than just living through the song, and it’s a bit too much. 
Also, he hunches his shoulders a lot, which might be a habit of his because he's shy and tall, but it doesn't come off well on stage. 
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Seongjung isn't quite as powerful of a singer, but he's still really good. He appears to be a tenor, so the lowest notes are maybe a little harder for him, but he ends up hitting them ok. He has a slight nasality to his tone, and his upper range is a bit thin sounding sometimes, but I still think he sounds pretty. Also, his full on belts are excellent. He used to be in an idol group (BDC) and he knows how to look into the camera and sell it, but he doesn't vary up his expressions much.
Overall, the whole thing is oddly lacking even though there's nothing at all wrong with it. Doesn't seem fair, but here we are.
I really think the song choice is partly to blame. For one thing, singing about not loving someone is kind of… I don’t know. If you were a judge listening to people sing about not loving someone, would you get immersed in the emotions of it the way you would if you were listening to people talking about being in love? But the other problem is Seohyung’s over-acting. He’s really throwing himself into it, and contrasting with Seongjung’s more natural performance, it feels kind of off. The vocals aren’t the problem at all, though. 
My favorite part of the performance was the harmony right after the key change. Good stuff.
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“I mean, there’s emotions, and then there’s this!” -- Jenny Nicholson
The MNET edit is a bit confusing. Right at the beginning, Eunkwang says of Seohyung’s singing, “ah, he removed a lot of the musical tone.” I think he’s referring to Seohyung’s semi-sing-talking. 
But VCG likes it.
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We get a lot of reactions from other contestants backstage saying that it's really good, and we get the judges smiling and nodding, but we also get the judges making weird faces. 
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I don’t think they’re enjoying it, but seriously you never know. 
There don't seem to be any instant replays. 
Right at the end, Seohyung sings unaccompanied and everyone seems really touched. Then there's a moment of silence, and then soft applause. The singers hug each other, and Seohyung almost rests his head on his older teammate's shoulder. Seongjung has a lot more stage experience and probably helped Seohyung a lot when they were preparing.
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The judges applaud kind of quietly. Backstage, the guys say they think it was really good. 
I paused it here and asked myself, how do the judges feel? And I had no idea. I'm not sure even they know. They had to watch 20 performances over what had to be at least a five hour period, maybe much longer, so maybe at some point they low-key stopped caring. They are still taking it seriously though and are checking their previous scores to make sure they're giving as fair a grade as possible.
Backstage, Choi Suhwan (who sang Sherlock at the beginning of the round) says “They didn’t form harmony. They didn’t sound like a team.” I don’t know if I agree with that -- I thought their voices sounded nice together. 
Sunyoul, who is sitting right by Suhwan and probably heard him, wonders out loud if maybe they picked the song because “they couldn’t form harmony.” I think maybe Sunyoul is referring to the fact that Seohyung is a bass and Seongjung is a tenor. I still think that’s fine for a duet, but what do I know?
The scores are revealed. Their high score is 92, from Solar, and their low score is 80, from, of course, Jaehwan. The scores aren't super low or anything, so they're a bit relieved, but they had probably been hoping for a few 100s. I mean, who doesn’t hope?
Solar says, “You both have nice voices. You can both sing. It was flawless.” VCG agrees. “But… I couldn’t stop thinking that it was ordinary.”
There’s this amazing split screen of Seohyung singing so hard his face is about to fall off, while Solar is just sort of… looking. 
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She goes on, “I was just thinking to myself, ‘Oh, this is the song they’re singing.’ You should pick a song that shows your charms more next time. But this was flawless. I liked it.” So their 92 score came with a mixed review. 
Jaehwan says “Let me tell you this first: This is a very high score for me.” The guys kind of laugh -- a bit of the pressure is relieved. He goes on to talk about how since Seohyung is a musical actor, he sang like he was reading lines. “You made it sound ordinary,” Jaehwan says. “Thank you for telling me,” Seohyung says, with a nice smile. 
Backstage, Sunyoul is still chatting with Jeup and Suhwan, even though the latter team beat him in the rivalry. 
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Donghun looks like he might burst into tears any second. Will someone hug that man, stat? Thanks!
Sunyoul theorizes that it must be hard to change from a musical theater style of performance to a pop style. That’s interesting, because I don’t think any of the musical actors have been particularly successful on the show so far. I’ll have to run the numbers on that later. 
Thinking of sad Donghun reminds me to say, please check out A.C.E.’s new song, My Girl. It’s got a smooth, city-pop/retro vibe, kind of like Cupid by Fifty Fifty or Maniac by Viviz. I like it! Though I do think it was weird to show them singing to really young girls at the end when the A.C.E. is increasingly looking like a group of guys in their late 20s/early 30s. 
Anyway, back to the judging. VCG tells Seohyung, “You have a very nice voice. You build that voice to become a musical actor. So what you need to change is the way you sing. You don’t need to change your voice.” It’s hard to tell from the translation, but I think what VCG means is the way that Seohyung was doing that kind of sing-talk stuff, and the over-emoting that I noticed. “It’s very nice to have a bass like him on the team,” he says, tapping into my brain again, and all the judges agree. “It’s reassuring,” says Baekho. “Yes, the bass completes it,” says VCG. “You must protect your voice!” 
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Seohyung seems to appreciate the helpful feedback.  
Meanwhile, poor Seongjung doesn’t get a ton of feedback that we see. I bet they did say stuff to him, though -- it’s just that the show doesn’t care, I guess. 
Anyway, it’s time for the other team, Geonu and Soomin, who are committed to being “happy charms” on stage. The other guys waiting backstage seem to be looking forward to Soomin’s performance. 
We find out that both of them chose each other as the person they most wanted to work with on the show. That should be really cute to me, and you know I love friendship on these shows, but…
Ok, I’m going to be honest with you guys: I find these guys a bit irritating. I know that’s not cool, but I figure it’s better to just be honest about my reaction to them. I’m aware that (1) I don’t know them in real life (2) this is all editing (3) they’re not doing anything really that bad. Despite all that, I find them irritating. So, I’m going to do my best to be honest about what I see, and I apologize in advance if either of these two is your favorite. It's not fair of me to just find them annoying for almost no reason, but it's hard to control an emotional response. Ok! Let's get back to it.
So, we jump back to the duet-choosing moment. 
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We can see that 20 guys are standing on the top tier, meaning that all ten top tier guys chose a mid or lower tier member to work with. Now it’s time for the mid tiers to choose a duet partner. 
The other guys sort of shuffle around a little, but Soomin goes right up to Geonu. “What kind of music does Hyung like to do?” he asks, and Geonu’s face lights up, first with surprise, then with happiness. 
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Bain also approaches, and kind of stands there awkwardly, which makes me feel kind of sad. Here’s the thing: Bain probably went over to Geonu at least in part because Bain didn’t want Geonu to not get picked. Geonu was Low Tier, and Bain was Mid tier, so he may have thought “I’ll rescue my teammate.” (They’re both on Just B together.) Bain and Geonu are the same age, which often gives people a feeling of connection in Korean culture (from what I can gleen). 
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Bain says he’s looking for someone to do a pop song with, and what’s weird is that not only does Geonu not even seem to want to make eye contact with Bain, or say something like “Oh, thanks for the offer, but I think it’s better for us to show our individual colors,” he just ignores poor Bain, who stands there all tall and orange and awkward until he wanders away, and it makes me sad. Maybe this is where my irritation began, with Geonu sort of letting Bain hang in the wind like that. And for all I know Geonu did in fact talk to Bain and it was edited out. IDK. 
Meanwhile, Soomin suggests that they sing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You,” which was the song he did in the Voice Check. Seems odd to suggest it. 
We get a flashback to Geonu introducing himself in English:
“What’s good guys, I’m Geonu, and I’m here to sing my soul out. Vamos!” He doesn’t mention that he’s from Just B in his intro, either, which is also… interesting. Per his online info, his mother is an English teacher, which is how he learned to speak English well. Not sure where he got the Spanish, but hey, a lot of Spanish speakers listen to Kpop so it’s not crazy. 
So I guess the thing is, I can understand how he knows English so well but I do wonder why he would speak it to a group of Korean speakers. Everyone there knows Korean, including Jay, Soomin, and Wumuti, so why not choose Korean as the common language? It just seems like a weird flex, but ok. Imagine if Wumuti had just decided to speak Chinese…? 
Geonu seems to like everything about Soomin, including his hat and the way he sat on the stool, and Soomin seems to like everything about Geonu, so it’s a match made in heaven. They’re very like… I don’t know, like the way two best friends act in 7th grade. This seems to be objectively cute. I don’t know why it bugs me! Am I on crack? 
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Some time later, Geonu’s hair is longer and less pink, and he and Soomin are meeting in what looks to be the same conference room as the one Bain used in another segment, complete with the map on the wall. So I guess it’s safe to assume that they’re at Bluedot Entertainment 
Geonu lists some of his favorite musical artists, including M*ch**l J*cks*n and Chr*s Br*wn, and, thankfully, at least one unproblematic fave, Taeyang. He likes R&B, and Soomin likes pop, so they decide that Pop-R&B, like a song by Crush, would be ideal. They seem to quickly decide on “Don’t Forget” by Crush featuring Taeyeon (a tiny bit). (I say “seem to” because I suspect they discussed this first via texting or something and then recreated the song choice for the cameras later.) 
The song itself is perfectly pleasant, the kind of song you’d put on to listen to in the background while you’re doing something else, but it’s hard to imagine someone being like, “oh yeah, this is my favorite song in the whole world.” The lyrics talk about the singer’s hope for his relationship for the future, that even if they break up, that they’d never forget each other. 
If you and me become estranged someday / If we could never see each other / Don’t forget, Don’t lose / Even if you are holding someone else’s hand / If you are somewhere I cannot go to /  Don’t forget, Don’t lose 
The lyrics keep repeating 잊어버리지마 잃어버리지마, ijeobeorijima ilheobeorijima, which means “Don’t forget, don’t lose”. (See, that’s the -jima ending for a negative command again! We’ll all become fluent in Korean eventually!) 
Once they’ve chosen the song, they take a break and make up an elaborate handshake. Soomin says he doesn’t have a hyung, and Geonu feels like his real hyung. That’s sweet! I know intellectually that that’s sweet! 
Then Soomin has to leave to go back to Chicago for a bit, and then after he comes back they’ll have ten more days to practice. So this gives us a hint of the timeline. Based on both their hair, I’d say at least two weeks has gone by since the Pre-4 mission taping day when they’re meeting in the office. Then Soomin is going to go back to Chicago for some period of time and then when he gets back they have another ten days. This suggests that maybe a much as month went by between the Pre-4 Mission and the 2 vs 2 Rival Mission. 
They chat via video call, and even do their handshake virtually. They’re both excited about the arrangement of the song that was made for them, and practice a little bit. Soomin says he can tell how much Geonu has been practicing. They’re speaking Korean together, which is again kind of interesting given that when they’re around other people, they choose English. Maybe they were just deliberately speaking English to speak more privately around the other people…?
When Soomin gets back, Geonu says he smells like Chicago, which is not the compliment he may think it is, and they get to do their handshake thing. They seem really happy as they rehearse together and just sort of hang out saying SOOUUUU! 
And that brings us the performance!
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Full performance without reactions
My thoughts:
I should note, first off, that normally, when I hear a song over and over I start liking it more, almost against my will, but the more I hear this song the more boring it is to me. And maybe if I liked the song more I’d be more forgiving of the performance overall. Again, I’m just being honest. 
This was an ok performance, but I’ve heard both of these guys sing better than they sang this time.
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Soomin was on his s w e a t e r game, for sure, and he really has a lovely voice. But here he sounds a lot breathier than he had been before, and maybe even a tiny bit hoarse. It didn’t sound bad, don’t get me wrong. I think it sounded lovely. Just maybe he wasn’t in the best condition when they taped? I still am interested in what he’s going to perform next. 
Geonu really didn’t float my boat with his performance. I’ve heard him sing much better than this, so I’m not sure what happened. His first few notes sounded nice, but as it went on, to me, he sounded nasal, slightly shrill, a bit pitchy, and almost like his throat was clenching down as he was trying to sing. It just didn’t sound right. I think his worst moment vocally is at about 0:47 in to the Youtube version of the performance. It’s almost like he has something caught in his throat. 
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Also, um, the dancing. Not sure about that.
I remember liking Geonu on I-land, and I’ve heard him sing better than this, so I guess maybe he was nervous about performing well with his new American dongsae/friend, and/or just nervous in general about staying on the show. I think Geonu might benefit from some targeted vocal lessons because he does strange things with his throat and upper palette. His natural vocal color is so nice that if he just had some more training on how note to sabotage himself vocally, he’d be wonderful to listen to. 
Their harmonies sounded nice -- those were some precise harmonies, and they must have practiced a long time to get them right -- but I also am not sure I loved the contrast between their voices when they took turns singing. Geonu’s voice has a sharpness to it and Soomin’s is so smooth that it makes Geonu’s voice sound worse in contrast.
Which of the two duets should win -- this one, or Team S&S from earlier? In the end, I didn’t love either of them, so it’s hard to say. Of the four voices, I continue to like Soomin’s the best, but if I had to listen to one of the two performances over, I think I’d rather listen to the boring ballad performance instead of the boring R&B song performance, and I think the problem is Geonu. That’s such a bummer because I’ve been converted into a big Bain fan and I want to cheer for Just B. Hopefully, Geonu will win back my good opinion in the future! I’m certainly not committed to hating him or anything like that. 
In the MNET edit, everyone seems to really love Soomin’s voice and no one thinks he sounds hoarse or strange, so maybe it’s just me. Soomin gets some instant replays, and they both get happy judge reactions.
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Eunkwang may or may not be enjoying the song.
The last line of the song is “Don’t forget this song,” which is why everyone reacts by saying “I can’t forget it!” 
Everyone seems to particularly love Soomin’s voice, but the overall vibe is positive. Backstage, poor Seongjung mutters, “I don’t want to go home.” 
The judges key in their votes, and we find out their highest and lowest votes: 95 (Solar) and 86 (Baekho). 
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They’re so happy and surprised that I want to be happy for them, but it’s tough. I can’t help but be a little annoyed at this. I don’t think it’s really right that this team should win over the first team. There was nothing at all wrong with the way the first team sang, while Geonu’s performance was, in my informed opinion, pretty flawed. I know he’s capable of better, but he didn’t sing super well on the day they recorded this performance. I know Soomin sounded nice despite his hoarseness, but it just feels like favoritism. 
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The guys back stage don’t look thrilled, either. Bain doesn’t seem happy for his teammate particularly. Kim Seongjeong, the leaping lizard, and his teammate Gwangseok, look irritated or at least incredulous. Jeong Inseong from KNK, front row with the maroon hair, has a thousand-yard stare that doesn’t seem happy. Jung Intae, front row right in the white shirt, looks a little disgusted. Maybe you interpret their expressions differently than I do, but they don’t look happy, and the guys generally seem pretty happy to cheer for one another when someone does well. I just get the impression that they think the performance wasn’t really that great.
Solar, who gave the 95, begins by praising Soomin’s voice and “vibe.” She tells Geonu that when he’s by himself he seems ordinary, but when he’s on a team, his presences is special. I don’t know how I’d feel about being given feedback like that.  
Seungkwan from Seventeen agrees with pretty much everything Solar says. He says that Soomin is so good, it’s a little annoying, and adds, “This calm and languid charm comes across as sexy when he sings.”
Hey, child who told me to KMS because I referred to Gunwook from Boys Planet as “sexy”, are you going to write hate letters to Seungkwan? Because Soomin is the same age now as Gunwook was then. Yep, I’m petty. I do not like being told to KMS. I will hold a grudge against anyone who tells me to KMS. 
Ok, sorry, deep breath. 
Anyway, it’s impossible for me to think of Soomin as sexy, because I have met waaaayyyy too many guys like him at youth hostels across the world, but I guess maybe he would be to someone else. I leave it to you, dear reader, to decide for yourself. 
Seungkwan tells Geonu that he likes Geonu’s dancing-like gestures. But low-scorer Baekho disagrees -- disharmony on Team Pledis! -- saying, “The reason why I gave the lowest score is that I thought that Geonu’s gestures were a bit… too much.”
Eunkwang’s feedback is a little confusing, I think mostly due to translation issues.  I think what he was saying was basically that Geonu was a bit out control -- not just with the gestures, but the whole vocal performance as well. He didn’t have good breath control, so the pitch suffered. The edit highlights the exact portion that I picked out as Geonu’s worst moment as well. Hey Eunkwang, if you noticed that like I did, why did you give a score higher than 86? 
It’s time to find out who won the round, and the first team comes back out on stage. Everyone says the scores are close, but they’re not really that close. It seems obvious that Geonu and Soomin won, and they have, 636, to 601. 
If you do the math and remove the highest and lowest scores from each group’s total, and find the average of the remaining five scores, Team Geonu x Soomin had an average score of 91, while Team S&S had an average score of 86. As Wendy says, “Ah, my heart hurts.” 
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Soomin and Geonu do a cool-guy handshake thing to celebrate.  
Dahee asks Team S&S to say something about the fact that they’re up for elimination. 
Seungjung says, “I’m the one who chose Seohyung, and since we’ve lost, I feel….”
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“... I’m so sorry to Seohyung. I’m a little sad for myself as well.” 
The judges reassure him that he did a good job.
Seohyung, ever cheerful, says, 
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“Whenever I perform on stage, my belief always is, ‘It won’t be perfect, but let’s have no regrets.’ Today, the stage was not perfect at all. But I put everything into it, so I have no regrets. I’ll remember all the good things you’ve said, and continue.” Awww! That's great. He's a charming dude, isn't he?
The judges tell him he’s well spoken, and then he and Seungjung walk off stage arm in arm, with Seungjung still apologizing.
“I’m sorry…”
Backstage, Seongjung starts to beat himself up again -- “I could have done better…” -- when he interrupts himself and says firmly, “No, we did a great job!” Nice! Love that. 
And that’s basically the end of the episode! We see a preview of the next round, featuring a distressing lack of sweaters but a lot of other fashion statements, and get the current voting standings. The top five is the same as last week, and the top 9 has been the same 9 people since voting started. The only major changes this week compared to last week is that Yoon Inhwan is up 8 spots and Taewoo is down 7 spots. But nobody has changed to a different zone of the list, if that makes sense. People who were part of a losing 2x2 rivalry team are marked with a *. People who haven’t performed yet in the 2x2 rivalry mission are in italics. 
Jay Chang* ⊖
Donghun* ⊖
Wumuti ⊖
Seunghun* ⊖
Seokhwa* ⊖
Hwanhee ▲1
Yeo One ⛛ 1
Park Jeup ▲1
Jeon Woong* ⛛ 1
Bitsaeon* ▲3
Taehwan  ⛛ 1
Geonu  ⛛ 2
Jeong Inseong ⛛ 1
Sunyoul* ⊖
Kang Hayoon ▲2
Neon* ⊖
Hong Seongjun* ▲2
Lee Gwangsuk*  ▲3
Bain ⛛ 1
Jung Soomin ⊖
Hyukjin ⛛ 2
Park Joo Hee ▲1
Yoon Inhwan ▲8
Kim Minseo  ⊖
Hong Sung Won ⛛ 3
Kim Seohyung*  ⛛ 1
Choi Su Hwan ▲2
Lim Sang Hyun ⊖
Lee Min Wook ⛛ 3
Hwang In Hyuk ⊖
Kim Sungjung* ⛛ 4
Ma Jaekyung  ▲1
Kwon Eui Bin ▲5
Jang In Tae ▲6
Jo Hwan Ji ⛛ 1
Choi Ha Ram  ⛛ 1
Lim Jun Hyeok ▲2
Jeong Yunseo ⛛ 2
Taewoo ⛛ 7
Ji Yeonwoo ⛛ 3
Ok, gang, that’s a wrap on episode 4! I finished it before Episode 6 came out, which means I’m actually catching up a little. I’ll see you in the next one, when we dive into Episode 5. The first performance will include Yeo One from Pentagon, if that sweetens the deal. See you then! 
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ikjun · 2 years ago
Hi i think i'm falling in love with HONGJOONG please help me. please. what are some of your favorite videos of him / all of ateez even? 🤲🏻 i am going crazy
kjuhzgtzhujik i am HAPPILY of help anon u have no idea how much this thrills me. tho there are many people who have been fans of ateez much longer, the hongjoong bias is still rare around here so i am happy about everyone joining ranks !!! hello hi !!! have fun !!!
so mandatory viewing of my ateez (hongjoong centric) experience:
deja vu mv (he serves so much raw cunt here it's insane. it changed me as a person like i was a mere casual listener but this one. sealed the deal over a year ago. i have yet to come up for air)
don't stop mv (second most insane moment in the hongjoong-fication of me. he's actually an actor it's crazy he didn't get a baeksang for best music video acting while trying to maintain 20 safety regulations. that category doesn't exist but it Should)
answer mv (this song was the only one to make me cry at my concert and i wasn't even a big fan yet .... song of ALL time tho !!! she is too good)
hongjoong's lemon tree cover (if you are in your mid-20s or older and european you will know this song. if you aren't, open your heart! he also wrote his own verse for it bc he's a bad bitch a virtuous icon)
ateez's wonderland on kingdom (i only watched one other video from kingdom but this is the most famous one anyway. took the house down as the kids would say. no survivors, i fear.)
ateez's it's live session: promise (first video i have ever seen of them perform and one of my fave ateez songs still. every session they did for this is great tho)
say my name comeback stage (kq's block b money was running out. ateez debuted with the most asinine space oddity meets metropol meets matrix group concept meant to span most of their career and releases. no one was tuning in. it was dire. they had one shot. and they delivered like the dorm was flooded and lights were all shut off the day prior. kq has to kiss their feet for this performance alone actually. ALSO. mullet hongjoong <3)
horizon comeback stage (sister release to answer. LIVES were once more on the line. this is to me their best song ever. the choreo is a feat of art and i do not say this lightly. spot some sweet and respective yeosang and yunho actions for the key parts of this song.)
hongjoong's log 1day (all of his vlogs or any ateez vlogs are easy background watching. i am not too deep into variety but whenever groups i like drop short vlogs, they're very fun ways to share non-music stuff in a way they feel comfortable with. also a man who is in such dire need of a dye job <3 he's just like me <3)
ateez wanted special 2022 (for their debut anniversary trip last year. the entire series is hilarious and shows a lot of their variety / on camera personas. hongjoong, seonghwa, and jongho were my faves here)
ateez's logbook #72 (their own behind the scenes series! i usually just watch these randomly when i have to kill time. the one during eternal sunshine promo has lots of hongjoong with mingi and jongho <3)
wanteez home appliance quiz (styled like a 90's/00 quiz show, they are fighting to win home appliances for their parents. the 98z' team chant is the meme sound of a t-rex. it's great)
wanteez friendship test (what it says on the tin!)
ateez @ sunmi's showterview (everyone was roasting mingi left centre and right but it is soooo fun overall. sunmi's showterview is hilarious)
that's it for now! i am terrible at watching mv's and big variety content, i am much more of a listener than a watcher jhgzhujik but with hongjoong i find any of his vlogs / covers / live stages are great content. ateez has also been on weekly idol and naver now usually livestreams hongjoong and yunho's season of idol radio, so these are fun to check out as well <3
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lesbicosmos · 2 years ago
bbc merlin liveblog - s1 ep4: the poisoned chalice
apologies for the inevitable length of this post, this ep is one of my favs
why does like everyone in this show have blue eyes?? merlin, arthur, morgana (ish, katie has heterochromia), nimueh, literally almost everyone has blue eyes
merlin is me whenever and i see a pretty woman, just almost cease functioning
arthur making merlin wear that outfit and that fucking hat is probably one of the funniest parts of the show
"she's pretty isn't she?" gwen see a woman and not immediately call her pretty challenge (she failed)
damn merlin rly seems intent on sacrificing himself for arthur, and this early on aswell
merlin claims the drinks poisoned and arthurs all "oh merlin shut up ur so dumb" but then merlin drinks it and is poisoned and now it's all "ill go get this incredibly rare flower even if it's a suicide mission im not letting merlin die" what do u have to say abt that arthur 🤨
s1 morgana was so sweet i miss her
"you're not leaving this castle tonight." and he took that as a challenge
"sometimes you've got to do what you think is right and damn the consequences" one of my favourite quotes she's so iconic
honestly if morgana told me to do anything id just do it immediately no matter what-
morgana going against uther from the very beginning i love her
the fact there are multiple instances throughout the show of merlin and arthur saying each others names in their sleep...actual soulmates im telling you
why is there a dinosaur in the forest i know mythical creatures exist in this but that is a whole dinosaur
there was no need for that awesome sword twirl but arthur did it anyway bc he's a dramatic bitch (and we love him for it)
"everyone in this show is so dumb they'll literally do anything if a pretty woman told them to" i say as if i wouldn't do exactly the same thing
arthurs actually deaf how did he not hear nimueh doing magic til she was literally yelling the incantations
that shot of arthur just hanging onto the rocks in the dark shouldn't be as funny as it is
m a g i c o r b o f l i g h t
can arthur hear merlin talking to him through the orb orrrr
attack of the shitty cgi spiders
god this is so gay it's literally a knight in shining armour/damsel in distress plotline
four episodes in and literally everyone is willing to risk their lives for merlin...so true
yknow we call him dumb so often but arthurs actually so smart when he needs to be
"i need some fresh water" is just gaius speak for "i need you to fuck off so i can do some illegal shit rn"
god gaius's facial expressions are gold 😭😭
"his heart has stopped" as if anyone's gonna believe that this is episode four and he's the titular character 😭
the first thing merlin does after waking up from lethal poison being sassing gaius is so true
the way arthur looks at merlin throughout that last scene, that's such an "im in love with you and im so relieved you're okay" look
the prolonged eye contact i cannot they're so gay
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mintys-musings · 2 years ago
i need more of ur anzu x idol rambles PLZ theyre so good if i cld inject it to my brain i wld do so /pos
*cracks knuckles* how much time do we have? I could do this all damn day t b h.
okay here's a random thing i love about anzu- not entirely related to this but still: EVERYONE KNOWS CANONICALLY HOW DAMN THIRSTY SHE IS TO SEE GUYS WHO ARE BARELY CLOTHED WITH MUSCLES. slight spoilers for madara's fs1 story will be in the tags so tread lightly if you wanna experience that yourself. just- she has a clear type in men. at least as far as physicality goes.
This is gonna get long so im putting it under cut- im doing this right before i go to bed bc my brain will not rest until i get this out of my system
Okay. I know which ships I'll end up rambling about on my own. So lemme highlight ones that i may not talk about as much but love still. idk if u wanted to hear horny rambles or not so im just throwing in first time stuff as flavour.
MAKOTO AND ANZU ARE THE CUTEST. EPIC GAMER LOSER BF AND GIRLBOSS/GIRLFAIL GF COMBO. idk if it makes sense but they're like. hs sweethearts that never actually got together in hs and only realized it later when they reconnect or something that they're so totally in love. also he's just so damn goofy it balances out her more serious side that took over after her failed rebellion attempt at kimisaki. like he'd start calling her his favourite trouble maker if he heard that story. OOOOUUU MAYBE HE'D EVEN START CALLING HER ANGIE AND SHE NEARLY CRIES BC NO ONE CALLS HER THAT ANYMORE BESIDES HER BROTHER. idk they're sweet.
the first time they do it together, they're both so awkward that it's funny but they're so comfy with each other that it isn't a problem. in my mind, mako tries to lead at first but when it gets too hot and heavy, anzu takes charge. they seem like the most realistic couple out there with the least amount of angst~
okay now to talk about Makoto's gaming buddy with her instead HFDSF. i feel like this anzu ship is a lil underrated. i personally love it. he has canonically given in to her like 🥺 face. they're relationship is basically jun teasing her and anzu pouting until he feels bad and it's cute. moon and sun vibe. also. jun is in eden/eve. he has money he's not spendin on himself. he may not give the most lavish gifts or even the most gifts in terms of anzu ships, but he does buy her little trinkets and stuff. more often than not though he's just paying for her meals. even with gatekeeper cash and the anzu fund made in the graduation story, he's not letting her spend a cent if she doesn't have to. if questioned he'd just be like "Haaah? Ain't it rude to make the lady pay?" but in reality he just wants to spoil her. the entirety of trickstar is gonna start questioning her though if they notice they're getting close. And i bet ibara is going to investigate why half of eve is meddling with the competition's producer.
their first time is spontaneous. they never talked before hand about it or whatever. it probably was them destressing from a hard day at work. PERSONALLY- i think they did it in the ES gym~ and god anzu was so scared theyd get caught. BOTH of them know Ibara goes down to the gym after work but luckily a meeting ran long or something because by the time they were done and dressed, they could just pass it off as training when ibara walked in.
okay this is definitely a rare one- but a ship ive grown fond of the more i thought about it. meru and anzu are both work oriented, but still a little silly deep down. so when they relax and get to know each other, they find the others presence so calming. he admires her for her work ethic and she does the same. god im pulling out the first idol story interactions with this one as well- he let his guard down near completely when they first meet. and he says something like "like attracts like" or something like they're kindred spirits and that he's fallen for her. that last part was probs just his attempt at joking fanservice, but he is aware that he could easily pull anyone he wants to. for anzu to just talk normally with him, he thinks it's refreshing and honestly- being in a unit like crazyb, he would want someone calm like her to be around.
here's the big catch though: meru would never risk kaname's idol image by dating ANYONE. let alone the person known as "everyones producer." so this ship is BUILT for "at arms length" pining/"we'll never know what could've been" angst
their first time is the most planned out of all three of these ships. not on anzu's side, but himerus. meru is really meticulous with his image and he respects anzu. so if he's going to do something with her, he's going to do it right and make sure they have the most privacy possible. it's def something that happens after a VERY romantic date. possibly an anniversary. he gets incredibly intimate. maybe he'd even start talking in first person. this is, after all, not a performance for anyone. he just wants to share this moment with anzu. that being said they go on for a long ass time because meru has stamina and anzu can get insatiable if teased long enough.
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mr-independent · 2 years ago
'its been a while bud,' you might be saying, 'whereve you been?'
Doing stuff. My life is busy as all hell lately, but hey at least i got a free neon yellow fitbit out of the deal. Ironically, yellow is one of my favourite colours and also one of the 2 (two) colours that i can't really see. Yes, I have tritanomaly. No, I don't understand how those two things can both be true, either.
Anyways it's Christmas in May, dear 4 followers that love these posts, so let's crack open a cold one for the boys and get right into it.
S2e4, Coach Santa:
-- why is Colin wearing a turkey hat? I thought that was an American Thanksgiving thing? (Edit: apparently people eat turkey on Xmas. I grew up so decolonized i asked my mom once why my friend Baz wore a t necklace when his name started with a B. Turns out it was a cross. All I know of Xmas comes from Santa depictions and Christmas themed tv show episodes lmao)
-- Isaac's Santa outfit is fucking Iconic
-- Keeley and the Diamond Dogs is such an underrated dynamic i love them so much
-- the immediate teamwork to put together the gift for Jamie is a cute little moment 🥰
-- the title callback to the weird claymation short thing is also a nice touch. Can you tell i love Xmas episodes bc i do. I'm also Jewish lol. And I love irony.
-- I keep forgetting Roy's sister is a surgeon. Also Sexy December 28th is hilarious, i really hope they stuck with it
-- what in the world is the Higgins kid doing with a surfboard in England???
-- the fact that nobody used to show up for Higgins Christmases until Ted showed up 🥰
-- the fact that Henry got his dad a dartboard, Ted's favourite thing to do with his own dad when he was Henry's age, hurts my heart
-- Everyone is wearing shoes indoors. Is that like. An English thing? Ted is too, is that also an American thing? I am. Horrified
-- 'this one is pre-cheekied' I love u Dani
-- Richard is like The French Stereotype and I love that for him lol
-- Roy is lactose intolerant and ate so much ice cream he shit his pants? Relatable king. Also his birthday was three weeks before christmas, making him a Sagittarius, for those so inclined to know
-- Dani and Zoreaux acting like they're gonna die in the trenches over a nerd gun war are such fucking nerds
-- how long, do y'all think, has Rebecca been doing this? I'd like to think it was a sneaky little tradition she hid from Rupert for years
-- 'theres two white people at the door and they're smiling' you go babe tell it like it is
-- look i get Keeley has long nails but pressing a doorbell with your whole palm is unhinged behaviour
-- 'let me fix my knee' *just fucking punches it into place* gotta say, Roy's getting more relatable by the minute. I too have fixed my janky knee by simply shoving it back into place
-- Keeley is wearing a crop top in December. Gotta love the commitment. Also Ussie guy has such long hair now wtf
-- gotta say i completely forgot Christmas Poppers were a thing. That's uh. Not what immediately comes to mind when someone uses the word poppers around me but hey that's just me
-- i forgot we so often get answers to our questions in this show. Rebecca has been doing this for years. I love when I'm right
-- Ted's 'right I'm the one with the accent here'... Ive lost track of how many times I've had that exact thought lmao
-- Love Actually! Good movie, love that Roy thought of that
-- Ted thinks singing is just talking an octave lower. Not surprising but funny nonetheless. And before you say it, yes i understand that was Jason Sudekis' solution to trying to sing in a different accent so he doesn't sound like Jason Sudekis but also. Adorable.
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dialux · 3 years ago
congratulations on your wedding! finwë headcanons, if you have any? and/or sentences from the 4th page of a wip👀
Thank you!! Also, yk, Finwe’s been the character that I’ve spent the past 2.5 yrs wrestling w to understand bc he isn’t a /villain/ but he isn’t a /hero/ and also what do you call a guy that completely tears his family apart w bad decisions and precipitates multiple massacres??? A patriarch??????
So anyways what I’m trying to say is that you chose the one character I probs would’ve found the most difficult to analyze! Which is why this is a) so long and also b) took so long. Warnings below for... pregnancy, non-graphic birth scene, the whole miriel sich, suicidal thoughts, suicide, convoluted discussions of freedom/safety/life etc etc etc.
Hope you enjoy <333
When Finwe is born, he looks up at a sky full of stars and calls it glorious.
He has no parents. He has no siblings: Finwe was born alone. He joins the largest group that he finds, and is led by Tata for many, many long years. But there is disquiet in Finwe's heart. Not the disquiet of horror, or the disquiet of fear: the disquiet of ambition. Finwe loved Tata. He loves Tatie, and he loves the rest as well; he loves his people. He would never wish harm on them.
But still it sits in his gut, in his chest, in his throat.
(Never does he let it reach his tongue.)
(That, unfortunately, is a lie.)
He could be better. He could do better. His people could do better.
Surely there is more to life than this quiet whittling deathful existence! Surely there is more that can be done! Surely the Allfather wished for more for them: they are his creatures, they are his beloved children, surely there is more-
When Orome comes to them, gleaming as nothing Finwe has ever seen before, everything becomes very clear to him.
Before all of that, though, there is Miriel.
She is lovely, yes, but she is more than that: she is the one person that Finwe trusts, fully and completely, absolutely and entirely. She knows his opinions. She knows what he dreams of. When Orome offers to take them to Valinor- when nobody else stands up, when no other elf is willing to plunge headfirst into the unknown- Finwe looks to her.
Miriel is not his wife. Not yet. But her hair catches the starlight, and the weave of the aspen across the crown of her skull looks like molten silver.
Her eyes shine brighter than her hair, and Finwe finds the strength to stand, and to speak.
(Later, he goes to her. Tries to apologize. Miriel touches his brow, and then his lips, and Finwe falls silent.
"Go," she says to him. "Find the beating of your heart, Finwe. I will be here when you return.")
And Miriel keeps her promises.
She is there when he returns from Valinor, glowing and different, and for the first time in the journey Finwe considers that he might have lost something in his quest for safety and security. But then Miriel tilts her head up to look at him, and he can see his own glowing eyes in her silver ones, and Finwe wants, for the first time in his life, something more than to save his people.
They wed that very night.
That is the happiest night of his life.
...that’s one way to put it.
Another way to put it: it’s all downhill from there.
They start fighting when he tells Miriel, still drowsy and sated, about the details of their agreement with the Valar. And they don’t stop fighting. Half the time they manage to sublimate it in- other- ways. The other half...
The other half, Finwe sets up a dueling system. A circle. Rules: no permanent damage, is the major one. Letting someone yield out, is a second one. How winning the duel affects whether someone’s right or not is far more complex, and takes a while to iron out to perfection, but eventually they get it down to an art. He and Miriel use it the most often, but there are others too, for a variety of reasons, and it’s quickly obvious that Finwe’s managed to fill a much-needed niche in their community.
It’s fun, above and beyond being useful, to spar and duel and fight it out.
But- Valar above- they’re doing it so often, nowadays, that Finwe wonders if there’s a reason for it.
(When he asks Miriel, his wife kisses him quiet. She holds him tight, so tight in her long, slim fingers, and she kisses him like the rushing waves of the sea, swallowing and being swallowed in turn. Finwe can read her grief and her shock in the kiss: he softens, and answers his wife’s despair with his own surety. Not from me, he says without words. Not from me shall we be sundered.)
And then they arrive in Valinor, and everything gleams and glows and is good.
For a time, everything is so, so good.
But there are whispers of unhappiness.
Miriel tells him of them, night after night, whispering the stories into his ear: of gold light that blurs unhappiness, of silver glows that smudges the shining piercing point of grief. She kisses him. She loves him. She will not stop speaking-
“I am King,” Finwe tells her helplessly. “You should not speak to me of these things.”
And Miriel- always pale, always pale and exquisitely fine as the thinnest links of a silver chain- flushes a bright, furious red.
“Whom else should I speak to, then?” she asks sharply. “You are my husband, you are my heart, you are my king- whom else-”
“-I can do nothing! What use is it, to- to- to say these things, constantly, to notice them, to incite them-”
“-as if this has its roots in me opening my eyes and seeing-”
“-no,” says Finwe wearily. “It has its roots in my decision, does it not? To agree with their treaty. To abide by their treaty.” He swipes at his hair, then approaches, and kneels before Miriel. Clasps her hands in his own, and does not look away from the liquid shine of her eyes. “This treaty saved our lives,” he tells her, begs her, begs her, begs her. “All of us that came- it meant a long, slow and whittling-down life in Cuivienen. All of us that came have come to this land, where we need not suffer that kind of fear.”
Miriel bends forward, so that her forehead knocks against Finwe’s own, so that her loose hair spills around them like a cloud turned to shining metal.
“You once dreamed of things greater than anyone else I ever knew,” she whispers. “But now... I do not know where those dreams have gone. Where is your courage?”
“We have reached those dreams,” says Finwe. “We have touched them, swallowed them, lived them.”
“You have not swallowed your dream,” says Miriel, quiet as death, before she turns away. “You have been swallowed by it.”
There is a quiet, seething guild in Tirion now: a growing number that wear a loom on a pendant, the loom that Finwe built for Miriel with his own two hands. It might have been a romantic gesture if Finwe did not know what they represented.
As it is...
“What have they not given that we owe?”
“Freedom,” says Miriel. Her hands do not stop their motion upon the loom, deft and swift. Her hair is braided sweetly, like she is a child amid the beech-trees of a lakeshore once again, not a queen of the Noldor. “Tell me, my lord: what if we were to do something that the Valar disapproved of? How quickly shall they revoke your authority?”
“I think that it depends on the depth of their disapproval,” says Finwe slowly.
“But you think it was worth it, still,” she says. “To come so far. To come here.”
“I don’t know what you remember of Cuivienen,” says Finwe, “but it was no paradise. We lived in fear. We lived in darkness and grief, and it was no place of plenty, or joy.”
“It was no paradise,” Miriel replies steadily, “but it was a place of freedom, if nothing less, was it not?”
“Freedom! Under Tata’s yoke, under Manwe’s- what does it matter!” Finwe growls when Miriel turns to look at him, finally, startled at his sharp surge in temper. “And before the paltry differences you will name- that I know you will name!- I will answer you: freedom lived under the shadow of death, of starvation, of disappearance- that is no freedom at all!”
“But where shall we go now?” asks Miriel, voice infuriatingly even for all that her cheeks are flush and bright. “There was a chance by that lake for us to do what we wished, to defy Tata and flee into another land, to take our future in our two hands and walk into the brilliant horizon. But here there is nothing: there is no one, only the Valar, in the air, in the water, in the soil beneath our feet. Even dying, even dead- they are always there, and will never leave, and have offered us no path to leave. You have led us into a lion’s den, placed our backs to the wall, and asked us to be grateful for it!”
“Between freedom and life,” says Finwe quietly, “I know which I choose.”
“As do I,” says Miriel, and touches the still uncurved- but growing- flat of her belly. She does not wear a crown any longer, his wife, but her hair still shines like one. “As do I,” she says again, voice wobbling, and now it sounds like a deathknell, though Finwe does not know for what.
Miriel is the one person that Finwe trusts wholly. He doesn't know when she stopped returning that to him.
Later, with a distant, distinct sense of horror, he realizes: he’d sworn it to her. But she had never promised it back.
As her pregnancy continues, Miriel grows quieter. Her eyes become larger, until she looks almost insect-like, all reflective surfaces and skin pulled taut. Her belly swells into something incongruously large compared to her slender hips and narrow build; it unbalances her, and she loathes it for all that she never speaks to Finwe of any of it.
One night, he wakes to see her on their balcony, peering out at something he cannot see. The silver light of Telperion looks like it’s set her aflame: like she’s turned to a living statue.
“I know his name, now,” says Miriel. She sounds like she’s been crying. Finwe wraps his arms around her, and she tips her head back against his chest. “He will be beautiful. I dreamed- I dreamed of him, tonight, and I know now.”
“Of course he will be beautiful,” murmurs Finwe. “He is your son. Miriel. He is our son.”
“He will have your eyes,” she says. “He will have your hair. He will- be loved, by so many, for so long. He will be the greatest of us all. The brightest of us all.”
“We will love him until the end of the world.”
“He will shine so bright,” she whispers, and reaches out: not to the stars above them, burning with eldritch, Valarin heat, but the red brazier set on their balcony for heat and bare light. “So bright,” whispers Miriel, and she is crying again, and Finwe knows it to be with joy, knows it can be nothing else, but still cannot explain the pang of his heart at the words.
When she births him, she refuses to allow anyone not of a small coterie of advisors into the room.
Finwe doesn’t understand why Miriel is so strict about it until she does not recover from the birth- only going paler, insubstantial as paper- and he asks for healers, and she refuses them entry. It had been a diplomatic way of keeping the maiar away from her son, he realizes: a subtle enough method if everything were to go well, but glaringly obvious under the current circumstances. Her stubbornness takes Finwe days to overcome, and she only does after she names her son in the proper manner: Feanaro, she says, fiercely, furiously, before finally allowing her ladies to take him away and surrendering to the ministrations of Este’s maiar.
Not that they can do much. Miriel slips into fever, then into hallucinations. She refuses sleeping draughts for as long as she can; Finwe finally pours them down her throat, incapable of seeing her struggle to maintain the queenly mask over her obvious exhaustion and agony. Into the blessed silence that follows, he takes the rest to name his son: Curufinwe, for the skill he hopes the boy inherits from his mother.
But Miriel does not get better, after that.
The maiar can do little more in Tirion. They want her to go to Lorien, to be treated by Irmo and Este, and to that Miriel flatly refuses.
“Do not take me there,” she tells Finwe, voice so sharp it scores across his skin like a knife. For once, her eyes are alive: are bright. “If I am there- I know I will not get better. I promise you that.”
But there are no other choices: the Valar convince him of it. Miriel will pass in Tirion, soon, if nothing is done. The only chance she has is in Lorien. And so they go there, and Miriel does not speak, only stares up at the sky that holds the stars that they cannot see in Valinor. She holds her son sometimes, when she has enough strength, but even that has become an ordeal now: she weeps tears that shine like molten silver whenever she looks into his eyes.
She refuses to look into Finwe’s eyes.
When they arrive in Lorien, she settles under the quiet leaves and pillows her head as the maiar advise, and then reaches for Finwe.
“My pain is my own,” she says. “The Valar can do nothing to save me: all they can do is blunt it, by making me feel it less. But to make it feel less, they will blunt all of it: my griefs, my memories, my loves. My love for you: my love for him. And that, I will not allow.”
“So you will die?” demands Finwe. “You have me, you have a son-”
“You have led us into a lion’s den and asked us to be grateful,” says Miriel, and her hand curves over Finwe’s jaw, gentle as fresh-grown petals of a flute-flower.  “But, my love, you have not stripped us of our spears.”
“What does that mean?”
“That we have some measure of will left to us,” says Miriel. “I love you. I love Feanaro, too: so, so very much. But do not ask this of me. I cannot give it to you.”
“Miriel,” he says helplessly, and she kisses him, on the mouth, a kiss that tastes of salt and silver and song: a kiss that tastes like a goodbye: a kiss that tastes of death.
Little Feanaro throws himself upon his mother’s pyre. Finwe saves him- he wasn’t in the fire for long enough to even scorch his clothes- but the terror of it sits high on Finwe’s brow, that he might lose both wife and son to the same blazing fury and surety of their convictions.
When he sees Indis upon a mountain, dancing like a swan amid rain and whirling dust, the grief-heavy thud of his heart lifts to see her joy. It is the memory of Feanaro’s blood-certainty and Miriel’s blazing convictions that spurs him to speak to her, but it is her determined, unyielding laughter that makes him ask for her hand. A gentle hand to guide my son, he thinks, and petitions the Valar for a new wife: someone that will be softer, someone that will be kinder. Someone who loves loudly and speaks quietly.
He will not lose Indis, Finwe knows. Miriel burned so bright she burned herself out, but Indis’ candle is in her steadiness, not her brightness. It is something of a relief.
And then Feanaro finds out about the entire proceedings, and it is not a relief any longer: it is a mess, a tangled, exasperating, hurtful mess.
Things eventually die down- Finwe smooths things over as much as he can- and he has a daughter, then a son, then a daughter, then a son- Feanaro has a wife, and sons himself, and on, on, on-
Quiet joy, steady joy: complicated loyalties and vicious loves, but still joy at the end of the day, bright as the stars and just as uncountable.
Then Feanaro holds a sword to Nolofinwe’s throat, and the Valar decide to banish him, and Finwe is left to remember Miriel, hands tangled in her loom, eyes wide and shining: You have led us into a lion’s den, she had said, and it had not been an accusation from her lips, but he cannot unhear it now.
What if we were to do something that the Valar disapproved of? asks Miriel’s ghost. She does not laugh at him, but it is more humiliating, to see how she does not need to do even that to be accurate from beyond the grave. How quickly shall they revoke your authority?
“He is your son,” whispers Finwe.
Our son. And we will love him until the end of the world.
“I do not know what to do.”
We have some measure of will left to us.
“I love him. But I love all of them. I can’t choose-”
Between freedom and life, I know what I choose.
“The Loom Guild is disbanded. They disbanded when you died. They quieted down with no leader and no voice. There is no danger in Tirion, but if they think Feanaro is a new leader-”
You led us into a lion’s den, says Miriel’s sweet voice, sweet as a lily is poisonous, but you did not strip us of our spears or our teeth.
Finwe goes to Formenos with Feanaro.
It works, for a time. Feanaro calms down; he goes to the reconciliation with his brother. Finwe remains behind in Formenos to wrangle the threads of the Loom Guild without his son’s too-sharp eyes watching him. And he would have succeeded, he thinks later, if not for Morgoth.
But Morgoth does come, and Finwe commands everyone- including the Loom Guild- to flee, and goes to meet Morgoth alone, sword in hand. When he steps out of the home to confront Morgoth, the shining silver of Telperion has faded into utter darkness. The only lights are the stars.
When he’d woken in Cuivienen, Finwe had looked up at the stars and called them glorious. For the largest portion of his life, the stars had been invisible. Now, he looks up at them and remembers- Miriel, Indis, his burning blazing brilliant children.
For the first time in a very, very long time, he can feel the thrum of his heart. The sharp, clean terror; the bright, humming joy. His sword is a line of silver in his hand. Morgoth is a roiling cloud, bearing down on him like an avalanche.
I do not know where your dreams have gone, she had said. Where is your courage?
Right here, thinks Finwe, and goes to meet the inevitable.
For the largest portion of his life, the stars were invisible.
Finwe dies looking up at them.
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an-army-of-nightmares · 4 years ago
The whole demon slayer au brings up a few questions for me at least, like, is Hyde separate from jekyll? Would Hyde be his demon form? But I think it's neat you made Lanyon Tanjiro! ~jjba anon
I wouldn't go as far as to call Lanyon Tanjiro, more like he panicked rescued Henry on pure adrenaline and is now running from all Demon Slayers while said friend tries to bite him /lh
As for Hyde, hm, we know Hyde only comes around with the potion and it's not like Jekyll is gonna care about that currently. And Hyde is like, all of Jekyll's desires and adrenaline, with Jekyll being a demon it wouldn't be "Oh sometimes Hyde possesses Jekyll and helps out!" Hed just be more determined to munch (I say this because I briefly considered that option)
If Hyde exists, I'd say it's only when Jekyll is trying really hard in a fight, he'd get green eyes, stands of blond hair, and just more adrenaline
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guns-in-the-desert · 4 years ago
Prussia NSFW A-Z
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 A= Aftercare
Cleans the sheets immediately, gives you a bath, changes the sheets, and y’all just cuddle.
   B= Body Part
Another titty guy, he’s duper aggressive with them, is absolutely obsessed with biting your boobs, they're always covered in bruises. On him he likes everything, as we know his milkshake brings EVERYONE to the yard.
  C= Cum
A disgusting motherfucker, everywhere, he wants you covered in it, he wants it coming out of your nose (and that’s on an angry dragon), he got it in your eye once and he just laughed at your pain. Don't worry though he clean everything thoroughly 
 D= Dirty secret
He let Hungary peg him once, never again, he’s traumatized, he just doesn’t know how Austria enjoys that.
 E= Experience
Has HELLA experience, he stays “baggin’ bitches” it's kind of he thing, he’s been around a long time, and Prussia’s been dissolved for years what else does he have to do.
 F= Favorite Position
I hope you're flexible, that’s it.
  G= Goofy (is he more serious or goofy in bed)
It really depends how he’s feeling, sometimes he cracks jokes the whole time, other’s he doesn't even speak, you just know.
 H= Hair
Is completely bare, he shaves regularly so it’s not a hassle later, expects you to do the same.
  I= Intimacy
He’s not intimate at all, he’s having a whole ass three hour comedy show, or bullying you, there is no inbetween.
 J= Jack off
He does it all the time and tells you whenever he does it just be like “I did something you're not allowed to.” he’s so damn mean.
K= Kink
EVERY-DAMN-THING he’s nasty, like he loves most bodily fluids (and I hate that), is into age play, not all the time though just on occasion. Is a top, so don’t get it fucked up, will fuck you up, Impact play specifically Flogging. Just a mess really.
  L= Location
Everywhere, not even in everywhere in the house, y’all have straight just broken the law at times, but it’s fine, you only got caught once.
  M= Motivation
Is always ready to fuck, doesn’t matter where, doesn't matter when. He’s always DTF.
 N= No
No scat or pegging (or anything that even vaguely suggests he sub in anyway), that’s it,
 O= Oral
Prefers receiving, but doesn't disappoint is a solid 7.5/10 when it comes to giving he is very precise, so it can get quite repetitive but it feels good so… when you blow him don't use hands, he believes it’s cheating
   P= Pace
Could give sonic a run for his money, honestly look out.
  Q= Quickies 
Likes to tease so isn't the biggest fan unless he’s fucking your face.
  R= Risk
Is willing to risk it all, unless there are minors present, but that really is his only restriction.
 S= Stamina 
Could go on for hours (with about 15-20 min breaks in between a few rounds) on end, scratch that, all motherfucking night.
  T= Toys
Is a firm believer, in you only need me, so unless it’s like paddle, handcuffs, ect., he’s having none of it, no vibrators, dildos, ect.
 U= Unfair
The biggest will hold of your orgasm for hours just for fun, but don’t worry he makes up for all the ones you've missed
 V= Volume
Isn't loud, kinda sucks at dirty talk but he thinks he’s amazing at it, and you CANNOT convince him otherwise
 W= Wild Card
You know how I said y’all got caught once, it was in a hotel pool, for those of you who don't know, water creates suction. He essentially got stuck inside of you, and y’all had to call for help, it didn’t take too long and the hotel staff wouldn’t have pressed charges if Gilbert wasn’t wasn’t such A dick. He was like “I bet you salty cuz my dicks bigger than yours.” and “My girl is hotter than any girl you've ever been with.” Completely unprovoked, in fact that man just saved you. In conclusion y’all didn’t have to get arrested but y’all did
  X= X-Ray
BIG ASS DICK, five meters is an exaggeration but 7 inches ain’t, uncut
  Y= Yearning 
Is number 6 on my top 10 highest sex drive list, which once again says alot about the people above him
Z= ZZZ (How quickly does he fall asleep after?)
This man does not sleep, like at all. Cuddles you until you sleep, and just does extra cleaning.
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HELLO, these are honestly my favorite write so I’m a happy to post this, also a reminder request are currently closed.
Up next: Nordics reaction to s/o being hit on
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dottores · 3 years ago
omg that past hc that was posted about y/n being bullied got me thinking.
roommates!rin and ran who let you braid their hair and anyone that laughs at them can get their asses handed to them (or actually prefer it not that they'll ever let you know)
roommates!rin and ran who try and clumsily make you lunch for school but fail miserably (you still take it and eat it anyways, but make sure to teach them how to cook and it's secretly some of their favorite memories with you)
roommates!rin and ran who sometimes sneaks into your room just to watch you sleep and maybe just a little to make sure you're real and won't leave them in the middle of the night
roommates!rin and ran who make sure that every block not just around your penthouse, but your school belongs to them even if everyone knows that you belong to them
on the flip side
roommate!y/n who (not so) secretly leaves money on their bedside when they first move in just in case they decide to leave her one day (she just wants to make sure they're taken care of if they leave and once the boys found out why she was doing it, they were furious.. but still kept the money someone's gotta pay for ran's new batons and the ridiculous amount of hair accessories you seem to sneak into their hair)
roommate!y/n who will celebrate literally any and every occasion and will take any opportunity to spoil them. and I mean ANY. birthdays, holidays, 1 month anniversary of moving in, 2 months, 3 months... etc. and yes she did it every month until she moved away
roommate!y/n who (also) watches them sleep sometimes to make sure they won't leave but they always know because they wake up with funky hairstyles on those nights
roommate!y/n who makes sure that the boys know that they're loved so they get matching necklaces, a locket with the other's pictures in them
I'm cryin I love their dynamics so much.. even if I'm making it up :)
JSKSKSKJDJSIDI STOP YOU GUYS LITERALLY HAVE MADE MY DAY TWO DAYS IN A ROW WITH THIS 😭😭😭 i don’t think y’all understand it’s the biggest compliment that you love lda yn, rindou n ran enough to start making your own hcs about them, im so giggly n bubbly right now. i love all of them so much all i want is for you guys all to too😭
BUT THE HEADCANONS OMG THEYRE SO ACCURATE PLEASE — rindou and ran A B S O L U T E L U let’s her style them up however she wants, they just sit back and relax and let her do her thing and if someone ever dares say anything to them they’ll beat them have to death because SHE did that for them and they hold everything she gives them so close to their heart 😞 AND MAKING HER LUNCH PLS they would try so hard to do it on their own, they even go to miss yua and mister ayato for help but they just can never get it to taste right 😞 but she still treasures it anyway <3 and yes sobs they would take over all of tokyo if they had to if it meant keeping her safe 😞
AND THE SNEAKING INTO ROOMS ON BOTH SIDE SO SO SO CANON, one night, none of them could fall asleep and they were going to sneak into each other’s rooms to help put them at ease and they ran into each other in the hallway and all 3 of them were like :o jsksjdjs none of them admitted what they were actually doing. the leaving money 😞 she absolutely does, also makes sure there’s extra soap and toothpaste in their bathroom just in case cuz of course she would be heart broken if they left but she still wants them to be able to take care of themselves 😞 AND SHE SO WOULD, sobs she wants to give them the entire world and it’s a gradual thing because neither of them want to feel like a charity case but eventually they get used to her spending outrageous amounts of money on them because it’s how she shows her love and she gets upset when they tell her no
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huntingingoodwill · 3 years ago
hellOoooOoo carmen :)
i just got a tommy hc OK SO everyone is at party at the garrison celebrating something and everyone is there. tommy is just drinking and watching everything and reader is dancing with john and its not slow dancing but its like they are still infront of each other with hands on waist and all that right ANYWAYS and everyone having fun and then reader goes to get a drink, bickers w tommy until eventually annoying his enough to dance AND THIS IK ITS CLICHE BUT the music is slower? and THEN she drags him to dance but like not infront of everyone and they have like a moment and everything. and the t e n s i o n. is HIGH but in a good way and in the background its just john and arthur exchanging money bc they made a bet and ada and polly and just smirking like “HA we knew this was gonna happen” also imagine if tommy and reader were like friends but theres something there UGH THIS MAN im down bad. ans then hes all giddy for the rest of night although he tried to hide it.
im writing this while im in a car and im now car sick BUT ITS OK
send me hcs :))
hello razzmatazz :) always a pleasure to talk to u thank you so much for the hcs!!
i'm writing a john thing that takes place at a garrison party rn, i know it's not a brand new setting but i saw this and i was like. raz and carmen big brain moment?
reader is pals with all the shelbys, but they always goof around with john bc they're close buds, so of course they'd party together! the og party rockers. they'd purposely waltz around stiffly, mechanically stomping, and you can hear their laughter from anywhere in the pub. would definitely do the thing where reader balances on john's toes and he leads her around the floor, waddling like penguins. besties.
tommy's eyes are fixed on reader. he's acting chill, maybe a little amused, but he's a littttle jealous. why is she having fun with other people >:( i'm fun >:( that should be me >:(
some very childish arguments ensue when they go to see tom. "why are you sitting alone? square" "i'm not a square." "wanna dance?" "no" "why, too square?" "...let's go then" (i know square wasn't used as an insult in the 20s but let's... not think about that)
they slow dance, he spins her around, puts on the moves. to show he's a better dancer than john. duh.
i love the tense dancing trope. i wrote fact or a weapon ii for a reason. i was considering having them meet at uni. but no. dancing and bickering. supreme.
e v e r y b o d y is watching. the shelbys peeking out the windows of their private room, dancers glancing over each other's shoulders to watch them, the bartenders whispering and giggling to each other. the private room is as loud as the betting shop but reader and tom don't notice. they're in The Moment. finn's subtly running around the pub pocketing bets from other blinders. tommy goes back to the private room later and everyone's wink wink nudge nudge-ing and he masks his embarrassment with mumbled "fuck off"s. never been happier though.
next time send me hcs while out of a moving vehicle!! take care of yourself bestie. i can write and read in cars- i don't really get carsick. i could be an uber driver's secretary.
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