#Ava ross
Orc Me Baby One More Time
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A 2 Star read for me | It was alright. A short read of you need to reach your reading goal but not a masterpiece
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twixnmix · 1 year
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Vintage Look Magazine Covers
Marilyn Monroe (November 17,1953)
Zizi Jeanmaire (March 9, 1954)
Audrey Hepburn (March 23, 1954)
Ava Gardner (January 25, 1955)
Sophia Loren (August 6, 1957)
Elizabeth Taylor (August 15, 1961)
Barbra Streisand (April 5, 1966)
Diahann Carroll (October 29, 1968)
Diana Ross (September 23, 1969)
Raquel Welch (March 24, 1970)
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deathsweetblossoms · 11 months
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THIS is what reading is to me. I do not want to go through an entire story just to have a harrowing ending for the characters I was rooting for. I go through that every day in my human life; there has to be some escape somewhere.
Thank you to authors everywhere who share my sentiments and give us the happy endings we so desperately need.
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cygneeclectique · 10 months
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Academy Museum Gala 2023
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Alright so I adore Johnlock and my friends (yeah looking at you @maki-matsurra and @your-local-neighborhood-nerd ) then told me about EverStrange because it’s Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman
TLDR: Still delulu even though I know next to nothing about the MCU
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caribeandthebooks · 8 months
Caribe's YA Fantasy & Science Fiction TBR - Part 1
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bluecoolr · 2 years
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
Darrell arrives in Ambrose. [Part 1/5]
Links to Part 2 3 4 5
Warnings: the girls being teeth-rottingly sweet to newcomer, Lester being an excited rambling cutie, Bo being Bo, and jealous!Vincent
A/N: When I have all the parts ready, I'll be putting links on each post. I'm just really excited and wanted to post this. Also the title has no business being that threatening since I took it from a Byrds song...
Featuring the Sinclairs, Jason Vorhees, RZ Michael Myers and the ocs of @rottent33th (Ellie) @slaasherslut (Ava) @kalid-raven (Alia) @the-pinstriped-hood (Percy) @cries-in-latino (Red) and @angxlslasher (Merry). I hope y'all don't mind!
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Sunlight woke Darrell the next morning. There was a dull pain in his neck where his backpack had been the night before. Stirring, he groaned and opened his eyes.
He was greeted by the sight of a large, dark snout. A moment of panic arrested him, until he remembered where he was. In a field. By the highway. The curious quadruped before him was not a razorback, but a cow. She chewed noisily as she inspected him.
"Down, Bessie." Darrell patted her head. She flicked her floppy ears and grazed on the grass right by him.
Darrell sat up from his makeshift bed. He used a liberal amount of water from his canteen to rinse his mouth and wash his face. Reaching deeper into his pack, he pulled out a scrupulously rationed breakfast of potato chips and a chicken sandwich.
Funny. He tried so hard to shake off the Marine in him, but here he was - acting like one again.
Well, minus the potato chips, he thought.
Bessie snuffled at the little ziploc bag, eager to have a taste. Darrell reached in, crushed a handful of chips, and fed it to her. Once he was done, he bid farewell to his new friend and straddled his bike.
"On my way now," he told his non-cattle friends through text.
Do a wheelie.
Darrell smiled involuntarily and asked Red, "Got bail money? 🤨"
Wheelie you fucking coward.
He did two on the empty highway. Just for fun.
The way to Ambrose was long and winding. Too long, he remarked, eyeing the fuel gauge. He cursed inwardly and, with the same breath, begged heaven to let him have enough to get there.
"Ack! Where's God when you need 'im?" he grumbled as his dirt bike stuttered.
He set the bike on its stand and scratched his head. No soul for miles. No help in sight. Guess he was going to have to push his defeated steed along. He went on for about thirty minutes or so, with the punishing Louisiana sun and the 40-ish pounds on his back bearing down on him.
Panting now, he turned from the Interstate to the byroad Ellie had told him to take. Trees hedged him from either side. The ground was a mixture of silt and dust. It made his throat scratchy.
Darrell became aware of an approaching vehicle from the thrum of an engine and the clatter of tools behind him.
"You need a hand, man?" asked the driver as he let his truck go idle.
Darrell looked through the open driver's side window and regarded the stranger politely. He was grimy and slightly flushed, no doubt from the exertion of a day's early work.
Darrell cleared his throat. "No... I need gas, actually."
The stranger cracked a pleased smile. "Well it's your lucky day! I got some gas right here."
He giddily rummaged about in the cab and retrieved a beat up looking gallon jug. The stranger stepped out and wordlessly urged Darrell to bring his bike forward.
"Please, if it ain't too much. I just need enough to get to Ambrose."
For a moment, the stranger, almost miserly, held back the jug. "Why're ya goin' to Ambrose?" he asked, face cloudy with suspicion.
"Visitin' some friends. M'overdue, s'matter o' fact. Was supposed to get there last night."
Realization twinkled dimly in the stranger's brown eyes. "Say… ya name ain't Darrell by any chance, is it?"
"Yessir, it is."
The stranger eased and flashed him a toothy grin. "Now, ain't it a small world," he cried. "I've heard loads about you from the girls."
Darrell rubbed the nape of his neck. He smiled. "Did ya?"
"Yeah! Boy, you've got everybody standing watch. Tell ya what," said the stranger, "Help me haul your bike into the back. I'll give you a lift."
"Aw, shucks… I-"
The stranger waved him quiet. The gas sloshed in the jug. "No ifs. No buts. No coconuts." He gestured to his truck. "Get."
Darrell stammered thanks and apologies for the trouble. The stranger moved the litter of animal carcasses.They loaded the bike onto the truck, shut the tailgate, and carried on.
"Sorry. What cha say your name was?"
The stranger chuckled. "Lester."
They shook hands as the truck went on its jittery way. Lester was kind to offer Darrell a rag to mop his sweat with. Darrell dragged the cloth over himself and wiped each of his fingers clean.
A strong feeling of liking for the traveler stirred in Lester. That rag was filthy. He had hesitated to hand it over, but Darrell had grabbed it without question.
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"You can get gas at the station in Ambrose. Bo, m'brother, runs it."
Darrell shamefully looked at his boots. "Sorry 'bout the dust."
Lester gave another chuckle, his glance straying to Darrell's feet. "S'alright," he assured him, "Truck's had worse than that, f'ya know what I mean." He jerked his head toward the window behind them.
"Good I picked ya up or else you'd be trudging in that for 15 miles more."
"Preciate it, really." Darrell smiled. He was brushing dust off his pants. "Been walkin' for about half o' that 'fore ya found me."
Darrell was quite remarkable to look at, Lester decided.
His hair was the first thing you'd notice: Teal blue and long. The way it tumbled down his shoulders in wisps reminded him of paint, pulled out by water in bright, rippling clouds when you dip your brush into the glass.
There was a silver ring that pierced his plump, pale pink lower lip, and he seemed to have a habit of nibbling on it. He was also very tall. Taller than Bo or Vincent. Almost as tall as Michael. (Really, he didn't think there was anyone taller than that fella.)
His broad chest stretched the fabric of his shirt. His thighs were doing the same to his jeans.
He was handsome, Lester would give him that.
He was also sporting a knife on his right shoe.
Two kinds of bells rang in Lester's mind; An alarm to beware of this stranger, as he wasn't sure of his intentions, and another that told him to hurry and show him his own knife. After all, he had been polite. Hadn't been mean or fussy.
Lester was itching to pull out the bowie when Darrell cheerfully turned the conversation toward matters that concerned him - How had his day been? His work, the weather, the town, the girls? - things he was glad to talk about.
Before he knew it, he saw the wash-out up ahead.
"Think you'll make it?" inquired Darrell, his hand on the dash.
"Just have to flip the hubs into four-wheel."
He didn't have to ask. Darrell hopped out and got to work on the wheels on his side. The beat up truck rattled over the stones, the men inside shared a laugh. "Felt m'brain rattle in m'skull like a bean in a can!" Lester cried as he tried to shake himself right.
Gravel gave way to asphalt and they entered the town. Lester pointed out the gas station just at the end of Main Street. When Darrell asked for the grocer's, he did some quick thinking and said, "There's Flannery's back where we came, but don't cha go in there. F'Joe Flannery sees ya and gabs, you'd be in there all day. If ya need anythin', I'm sure Ellie would be happy to get it for ya. She's an amazing cook. There's Bo!"
His older brother gave the truck a cursory glance, and, with practiced charm, greeted their guest.
"You shoulda called in," said Bo, obligingly filling the dirt bike's tank with gas from the pump."Would've picked you up myself."
Lester had wandered off and was now coming back with the hose. He was aiming it at the bike. He turned the nozzle and a sudden jet of water blasted out of the end, splashing Bo and Darrell's shoes.
Noticing the scathing glare Bo gave him, Lester lowered the hose and apologized. "I got blood and gunk all over your wheels," he told Darrell.
"No! It's fine. It'll wash off." Turning to Bo, he declared, "Wouldn't have made it without him. He's a lifesaver." He extended one large hand and patted Lester's shoulder.
It prompted Lester to step in and swing his arm over Darrell's shoulders. He was awful pleased with himself. It didn't matter that he had to stand on his tippy-toes.
"Sure." Bo said dismissively. "You came down here all the way from where? Devil's Prick?"
"How's it there? Heard it's haunted."
Darrell laughed. "By hicks like me."
While they spoke, they were blithely unaware of Ava and Percy scuttling from the Sinclair house, down Main Street, to Ellie's house. They had heard Lester's truck and spotted the tall man at the station.
They came running back, now with Ellie in tow, one hand hiking up her dress skirt and the other clutching a lime green frog.
When she screamed "DARRELL!", the three men leapt clean off the ground. Lester's fingers instinctively tightened on Darrell's jacket, and he had to clutch his chest to make sure his heart wasn't going to give.
Ellie shoved the frog into Lester's hands and braced her arms around Darrell's torso. "You made it! I was so worried when you didn't arrive last night!"
"I-I know, Ellie… I'm sorry."
She gave him a light squeeze. "Shh! No! Don't apologize. Now, I want you to meet my sisters."
She passed Darrell around for the girls to fawn over, which they did despite his shyness. "I'm covered in God knows what. I probably smell like a dog in the sun."
"That's two of us, then. I've been out in the garden."
"Alia and Michael are back there too," Percy said. "They'll be delighted to meet you!"
Ava looped her arm with Darrell's and started to lead him to the house Ellie shared with Vincent. "Come on! Jason and Merry are set up not far from there."
All three women began to chatter, making Darrell throw his head from side to side.
"That boy's gonna end up like a bruised fruit by sundown!" Bo chided. His warning fell on deaf ears.
He saw his twin in the distance - shoulders tense and visibly uneasy. Bo knew that look. He was sizing Darrell up, suddenly unhappy about the attention he was getting from Ellie.
Vincent snapped out of it and met Bo's gaze. With a frown, Bo wordlessly told him to be nice. Try to get along for godsake.
Vincent, hunching as if to get away from a whip, buried his hands in his pockets and trailed after the girls.
"Here. Hold this."
Lester was holding out the frog.
"No," Bo said flatly - body poised to bolt.
Lester set the frog down on the ground and trotted after the girls. It stayed put, locked in a standoff with Bo.
He picked up the hose. Aimed and blasted the frog away. Then, he wheeled Darrell's bike into the garage.
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thedevilsoftruth · 27 days
Ilan Rubin gif collage ( 2 ) ❤️
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nolanhollogay · 1 year
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Ava Rose is a lot of things: a lesbian, a french toast enthusiast, a party girl. But most of all she’s a performer. It runs through her like the blood i her veins, the need to sing, the hear the heartbeat of a crowd. And now she’s finally getting her chance.
Let’s hope she doesn’t fuck it up.
(or a quick look into my @infamous-if mc <3)
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leavememorieshere · 2 years
I could NOT explain to you on how much this fanfic means to me.
I didn’t write it just to be clear.
but this feels like a bitter sweet closure, on how Bunk’d should have ended, although it would have been highly impossible.
10/10 would recommend to read, there’s no Bertram though.
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shadowandtome · 7 months
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Some of my favorite books and favorite photos of them.
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mactheredhead · 1 year
IShowSpeed Popular Moments
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englishsub · 1 month
book rec by me
so you want to get back into reading books but have no idea where to start and disdain booktok (if you get me started on this however i will become an unskippable cutscene so that's for another day). understandable. there is so much out there and it is all so overwhelming and you don't even know what you like now that you've been a decade out of the game. again, understandable. it does not have to be scary. i will help you. below i have created some categories that can get you started.
i want to read Literature
literary fiction, with crossover from historical fiction and magical realism
THE VASTER WILDS by lauren groff
THE FAMILY CHAO by lan samantha chang
OUTER DARK by cormac mccarthy
SEVERANCE by ling ma
IDENTITTI by mithu m. sanyal
PIRANESI by susanna clarke
i want to read sci-fi/fantasy that won't break my brain
sci-fi and fantasy that is gentler on the brain cells. easier to grasp magic systems with multiple but not an overwhelming number of overlapping plotlines
KINGS OF THE WYLD by nicholas eames
THE JASMINE THRONE by tasha suri
THE CITY OF BRASS by s.a. chakraborty
A RIVER ENCHANTED by rebecca ross
BLACK SUN by rebecca roanhorse
THE FINAL STRIFE by saara el-arifi
THE BONE SHARD DAUGHTER by andrea stewart
i want to read sci-fi/fantasy that forces me to lock the fuck in
i would not recommend picking these up as your first foray back into books after many years of not reading recreationally, but i'm not your mom.
JADE CITY by fonda lee
THE FIFTH SEASON by n.k. jemisin
THE RAGE OF DRAGONS by evan winter
A MEMORY CALLED EMPIRE by arkady martine
GIDEON THE NINTH by tamsyn muir
THE ART OF PROPHECY by wesley chu
horrify me!
there is far more to the horror literary canon than stephen king and dean koontz, i promise. consider looking up warnings for these.
TENDER IS THE FLESH by agustina bazterrica
THE RUINS by scott smith
CONFESSIONS by kanae minato
EPISODE THIRTEEN by craig dilouie
REPRIEVE by james han mattson
MARY by nat cassidy
DEAD SILENCE by s.a. barnes
AUDITION by ryu murakami
THE SALT GROWS HEAVY by cassandra khaw
don't care, i want romance
some of these feature crossover genres, like fantasy and horror.
VAMPIRES OF EL NORTE by isabel cañas
SEVEN DAYS IN JUNE by tia williams
HAPPY PLACE by emily henry
ONE DARK WINDOW by rachel gillig
i want QUEER romance
again, a mix of historical, fantasy, and contemporary crossover genres.
WE COULD BE SO GOOD by cat sebastian
IN MEMORIAM by alice winn
MOST ARDENTLY by gabe cole novoa
A MARVELLOUS LIGHT by freya marske
SPELL BOUND by f.t. lukens
SORRY, BRO by taleen voskuni
ONE LAST STOP by casey mcquiston
DELILAH GREEN DOESN'T CARE by ashley herring blake
i haven't felt anything since i read percy jackson/the hunger games in middle school/high school
adventure is still out there.
SCYTHE by neil shusterman
WE HUNT THE FLAME by hafsah faizal
SIX OF CROWS by leigh bardugo
GEARBREAKERS by zoe hana mikuta
i'll read anything that's not straight or white
many books in the above categories fit this, but here's even more, across a variety of genres.
BABEL by r.f. kuang
WHEN THE RECKONING COMES by latanya mcqueen
THE UNBROKEN by c.l. clark
IF YOU'LL HAVE ME (graphic novel) by eunnie
THIS IS HOW YOU LOSE THE TIME WAR by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone
SHE WHO BECAME THE SUN by shelley parker-chan
"all ya books suck"
like any other genre or book age group, there are duds and there are standouts. ya is not special in this regard. try some of these!
DIVINE RIVALS by rebecca ross
THE RED PALACE by june hur
EMPIRE OF SAND by tasha suri
LEGENDBORN by tracy deonn
i check out and read a lot of these books for free via my local library by using the libby app (you can even add your friends' library cards to gain access to libraries in places you don't live). when i'm feeling like reading via audiobook, i use libro fm!
look, no one HAS TO read diversely. no one is going to be reverse fahrenheit 451'd and locked in a room with no fanfic and only books and not let out until they work their way through the entire literary canon. but reading, and reading widely, and reading diversely, is what teaches people to form their own opinions and question the things they are told. it's why they hang up stuff like "READ READ READ!!" in grade school classrooms.
we live under systems that increasingly benefit from going unquestioned. no, of course reading ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE by robin hobb is not going to dismantle these systems tomorrow, nor probably even in our lifetimes. but doing it will help set up a world capable of doing it in the future. and until further notice, we are all part of this wretched world. might as well read a good story while we're here.
anyway, i'm reading THE WEST PASSAGE by jared pechaček and the new cmq book this week.
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pearlprincess02 · 6 months
listen to: ARIES EDITION
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whitney houston - moon in 1st house, cardi b - moon in 1st house, tupac - unknown, rihanna - moon in 12th house (sext. mercury), selena gomez - moon in 9th house, céline dion - moon in 10th house (conj. mars), wiz khalifa - moon in 3rd house (opp. mercury), ross lynch - moon in 9th house (squ. mercury & mars), bryson tiller - moon in 4th house (tri. mercury), grimes - moon in 4th house, will.i.am - moon in 4th house, janet jackson - moon in 10th house, rosé (blackpink)  - moon in 2nd house (opp. mars), pink - moon in 4th house (squ. mars), blackbear - moon in 12th house (sext. mars), meghan trainor - moon in 2nd house, perrie edwards - moon in 2nd house,
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mina (twice) - venus in 1st house (conj. sun & sext. neptune & tri. pluto), lady gaga - venus in 11th house, shakira - venus in 12th house, johnny cash - venus in 1st house, rihanna - venus in 12th house (conj. moon & squ. neptune), mariah carey - venus in 12th house (squ. moon), cha eun-woo (astro) - venus in 10th house (conj. sun & tri. pluto), lisa (blackpink) - venus in 9th house (conj. sun & tri. pluto), matty healy (the 1975) - venus in 12th house (conj. sun & sext. mars), leona lewis - venus in 4th house (conj. sun), pharrell williams - venus in 10th house (conj. sun), janet jackson - venus in 10th house (conj. moon), chorong (apink) - venus in 12th house (opp. moon), ava max - venus in 8th house (squ. moon & mars), ashe - venus in 12th house (sext. moon), bob marley - venus in 4th house (opp. neptune), tyler, the creator - venus in 9th house (squ. neptune & sext. mars), jackson wang (got7) - venus in 3rd house (squ. neptune), billie joe armstrong (green day) - venus in 3rd house (tri. neptune), madison beer - venus in 11th house (tri. pluto), kehlani - venus in 10th house (tri. pluto), tinashe - venus in 11th house, morgan wallen - venus in 4th house (tri. mars), victoria monét - venus in 9th house (tri. mars), hillary scott (lady a) - venus 3rd house (tri. mars),
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madonna - moon in virgo, michael jackson - moon in pisces, katy perry - moon in scorpio, whitney houston - moon in aries, cardi b - moon in aries, jay-z - moon in libra, avril lavigne - moon in scorpio, sza - moon in pisces, nelly furtado - moon in capricorn, matty healy (the 1975) - moon in taurus, chester bennington (linkin park) - moon in sagittarius, baekhyun (exo-k) - moon in gemini, billy idol - moon in gemini
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beyoncé - venus in libra, zayn malik - venus in pisces, selena gomez - venus in leo, katy perry - venus in sagittarius, avril lavigne - venus in scorpio, halsey - venus in scorpio, doja cat - venus in scorpio, selena - venus in pisces, frank ocean - venus in scorpio, olivia rodrigo - venus in capricorn, sinéad o'connor - venus in sagittarius, johnny cash - venus in aries, saweetie - venus in taurus
playlist post
main masterlist
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dear-indies · 10 months
Hello! What are some of your favorite Pro-Palestine, Anti Zionist fc's you'd like to see used more? I want to make an OC and have zero ideas but I want to try to only use FC's that, like, aren't heartless pieces of shit, ya know?
Cherien Dabis (1976) Palestinian / Jordanian.
Michael Malarkey (1983) Palestinian, Italian-Maltese / Irish, German.
May Calamawy (1986) Jordanian, Palestinian / Egyptian.
Dina Shihabi (1989) Palestinian, Saudi Arabian / Norwegian, German and Haitian.
Nemahsis / Nemah Hasan (1994) Palestinian.
Angel Guardian (1998) Palestinian and Filipino.
Noor Taher (1999) Palestinian and Lebanese.
Saint Levant (2000) Palestinian, Serbian / Algerian, French.
Josie Totah (2001) Palestinian / Lebanese, Italian, Irish, German - is a trans woman.
+ an entire masterlist of Palestinian fcs!
Why I'm not adding people who have only asked for a ceasefire.
HERE is @leepacey's list.
I also have a private list you're welcome to DM me for, both also have people who support Isr*el for people to avoid.
Vanessa Redgrave (1937)
Miriam Margolyes (1941) Jewish.
Charles Dance (1946)
Patti Smith (1946)
Duke Erikson / Garbage (1951)
Annie Lennox (1954)
Butch Vig / Garbage (1955)
Juliet Stevenson (1956)
Peter Capaldi (1958) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Steve Marker / Garbage (1959)
Hugo Weaving (1960)
Michael Stipe (1960)
Liam Cunningham (1961)
Sabrina Ferilli (1964)
Paco Tous (1964)
Robert Del Naja / Massive Attack (1965)
Björk (1965)
John Cusack (1966)
Shirley Manson / Garbage (1966)
Aasif Mandvi (1966) Indian.
Serj Tankian (1967) Armenian.
Tricky / Massive Attack (1968) Afro Jamaican / Anglo-Guyanese.
Kathleen Hanna (1968)
Benedict Wong (1971) Hongkonger.
Boots Riley (1971) African-American, one quarter Ashkenazi Jewish (maternal grandmother), small amounts of German, English, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, Scottish, Wampanoag.
Ava DuVernay (1972) Louisiana Creole.
Gabrielle Union (1972) African-American.
Poorna Jagannathan (1972) Indian.
Haifa Wehbe (1972) Egyptian / Lebanese.
Kimya Dawson (1972) African-American.
Ava DuVernay (1972) African-American.
Cat Power (1972)
Sarah Sophie Flicker (1973) Jewish.
Omar Metwally (1974) Egyptian / Dutch.
Maxine Peake (1974)
Itziar Ituño (1974)
Nelly Karim (1974) Egyptian / Russian.
Mahershala Ali (1974) African-American.
Sara Ramírez (1975) Mexican and some Irish - non-binary, queer and bisexual (they/them).
Carice van Houten (1976)
Karen Olivo (1976) Puerto Rican [Spanish, Indigenous, possibly other] / Dominican Republic, Chinese - is non-binary (they/them).
Haaz Sleiman (1976) Lebanese - is gay.
Antonio De Matteo (1978)
Joelle Mardinian (1977) Lebanese.
Alberto Ammann (1978) Argentinan.
Daniel Brühl (1978)
Max Collins / Eve 6 (1978)
Kayvan Novak (1978) Iranian.
Residente / René Pérez Joglar (1978) Puerto Rican.
Immortal Technique (1978) Amerindian, Spanish, French and African.
Hend Sabry (1979) Egyptian.
Luis Bordonada (1979) Mexican.
Kate Box (1979) - is gay.
Ser Anzoategui (1979) Argentinian and Paraguayan - is non-binary (they/them).
Dorra Zarrouk (1980) Tunisian.
Amerie (1980) African-American / Korean.
Angelica Ross (1980) African-American - is trans.
Dargen D'Amico (1980)
Gustaf Skarsgård (1980)
Madeleine Sami (1980) Fijian-Indian / White - is a lesbian.
Khalid Abdalla (1980) Egyptian.
Arian Moayed (1980) Iranian.
Massari (1980) Lebanese.
Tahar Rahim (1981) Algerian.
Kaan Urgancıoğlu (1981) Turkish.
Shawna Farmer / chubbycartwheels (1981)
Beth Ditto (1981) - is queer.
Morgan Spector (1981) Ashkenazi Jewish / Irish, German, some Scottish and English.
Jesse Williams (1981) African-American, Seminole / Swedish.
Amanda Seales (1981) African-American / Grenadian [African, at least one quarter European].
Riz Ahmed (1982) Pakistani.
Arthur Darvill (1982) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Emel Mathlouthi (1982) Tunisian.
Rajshri Deshpande (1982) Indian.
Niamh McGrady (1982)
Yolanda Bonnell (1982) Ojibwe, White / Indian - is two-spirit and queer (she/they) - is open about having OCD and ADHD!
Macklemore (1983)
Luna Maya (1983) Indonesian.
Amir Eid (1983) Egyptian.
Aisling Bea (1984)
Mohamed Emam (1984) Egyptian.
Mahira Khan (1984) Pakistani.
Alex Meraz (1984) Mexican [Purepecha].
Sami Zayn (1984) Syrian.
Jena Malone (1984)
Zawe Ashton (1984) Ugandan / White - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Siobhan Thompson (1984)
Ravyn Ariah Wngz (1984) Mohawk, Tanzanian, Afro-Bermudian - is a Two-Spirit trans woman (she/her).
Kristin Chirico (1984) - is questioning their gender, “encompassing a lot of things” but is not yet sure if she’s nonbinary or a gender non-confirming woman and uses they/her - openly bisexual and demisexual and have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ADHD, dyslexia, and asthma.
Tamanna Roashan (1984) Indian / Afghani.
Asia Kate Dillon (1984) Ashkenazi Jewish / Unspecified - non-binary and pansexual (they/them).
Burak Özçivit (1984) Turkish.
Enjy Kiwan (1984) Egyptian.
Kid Cudi (1984) African-American.
Sepideh Moafi (1985) Iranian.
Lilan Bowden (1985) Taiwanese / English, Welsh.
Alex Meraz (1985) Mexican [Purépecha].
Aabria Iyengar (1985) African-American.
Rahul Kohli (1985) Punjabi Indian.
Marina Diamandis (1985)
Troian Bellisario (1985) American, Louisiana Creole [African, French, English] / White.
Sonam Kapoor (1985) Indian.
Carmen V. Ortega Baljian (1985)
Carsie Blanton (1985) Jewish.
Haley Webb (1985)
Yani Gellman (1985) Ashkenazi Jewish, possibly other.
Giulia Michelini (1985)
Lewis Hamilton (1985) Afro Grenadian / White.
Eréndira Ibarra (1985) Mexican - is bisexual.
Karim Kassem (1986) Egyptian / Egyptian Jewish.
Mihaela Drăgan (1986) Romani - is queer.
Asim Chaudhry (1986) Pakistani.
Jenna Coleman (1986) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Diane Guerrero (1986) Colombian.
Whitney Greyton (1986) Black South African / Namibian - is queer (she/they).
Fahriye Evcen (1986) Turkish.
Amber Riley (1986) African-American.
Ericka Hart (1986) African-American - is non-binary femme, queer, and polyamorous (she/they).
Lido Pimienta (1986) Colombian [Wayuu, Afro-Colombian] - is queer.
Mihaela Dragan (1986) Romani.
DJ Snake (1986) Algerian / French.
Alba Flores (1986) Romani, Spanish [including Andalusian] - is a lesbian.
Saagar Shaikh (1986) Pakistani.
Mustafa Ali (1986) Pakistani.
Lily Gladstone (1986) Kainai Blackfoot, Amskapi Pikuni Blackfoot, Nez Perce, Dutch, Cajun - she/they.
Pidgeon Pagonis (1986) Mexican and Greek - is intersex and non-binary (they/them).
Guz Khan (1986) Pakistani.
Eugene Lee Yang (1986) Korean - is gay.
Bob the Drag Queen (1986) African-American - is polyamorous, pansexual and non-binary (he/her).
Asim Chaudhry (1986/87) Pakistani.
Marwa Agrebi (1987) Tunisian.
Mercury Stardust (1987) - is non-binary trans femme (she/they).
Sasha Velour (1987) Russian Jewish / Ukrainian, other - is genderfluid (she/they when not in drag, she while in drag).
Susan Wokoma (1987) Nigerian.
Munroe Bergdorf (1987) Afro Jamaican / English - is trans.
Michael B. Jordan (1987) African-American.
Juliana Huxtable (1987) African-American - is trans.
Nicola Coughlan (1987)
Anjana Vasan (1987) Tamil Indian.
Pearl Mackie (1987) West Indian / English - is bisexual.
Erika Ishii (1987) Japanese - is genderfluid (she/they/any) - also posted on Brennan’s post: “Thank you for always being thoughtful with your advocacy and direct in your action. From the river to the sea.”
Michaela Coel (1987) Ghanaian - is aromantic, boycotted the Sydney Festival 2022 for Palestine.
Carina Shero (1988)
Joe Cole (1988)
Elsa Hosk (1988)
Kendrick Sampson (1988) African-American / English, Scottish, German, Cajun/French, Danish, Norwegian.
Kelly Piquet (1988) Brazilian.
Navild Acosta (1988) African-American - is non-binary queer (he/him).
Brennan Lee Mulligan (1988)
Swara Bhasker (1988) Indian.
Aiysha Hart (1988) Saudi Arabian and English.
John Early (1988) - is gay.
Sabrina Dhowre Elba (1988) Somali.
Joel Kim Booster (1988) Korean - is gay and has bipolar disorder.
Gratiela Brancusi (1989) Romani and Greek Romanian.
Frank Waln (1989) Sicangu Oyate Lakota Sioux.
Rakeen Saad (1989) Jordadian.
Morfydd Clark (1989)
Mary Lambert (1989) - is a lesbian.
Meyne Wyatt (1989) Wongutha and Yamatji.
Dina Torkia (1989) Egyptian / English.
Kiell Smith-Bynoe (1989) Afro Barbadian and Afro Jamaican - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Laith Ashley (1989) Afro Dominican - is a trans man and asexual.
Shea Couleé / Jaren Kyei Merrell (1989) African-American - non-binary (they but she/her while in drag).
Emma Watson (1990)
Mitski (1990) Japanese / White.
Arrows Fitz (1990) African-American - is non-binary (he/they/she/it).
Shirine Boutella (1990) Algerian.
Luke Baines (1990)
Julia Jacklin (1990)
Josh O’Connor (1990) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Paapa Essiedu (1990) Ghanaian - and donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Lolly Adefope (1990) Yoruba Nigerian.
Tabria Majors (1990) African-American.
Rosaline Elbay (1990) Egyptian.
Katie Findlay (1990) English, Hongkonger, Portuguese-Macanese, Scottish - is queer (they/them).
Poppy Liu (1990) Chinese - is non-binary (she/they).
Shareena Clanton (1990) Blackfoot, Cherokee, African-American, Wangkatha, Yamatji, Noongar, Gija.
Maren Morris (1990)
Kiowa Gordon (1990) Hualapai, White.
Leigh-Anne Pinnock (1991) Afro Barbadian and Jamaican.
Joe Alwyn (1991)
Emily Ratajkowski (1991)
Jari Jones (1991) African-American / Filipino - is trans.
Vico Ortiz (1991) Puerto Rican - non-binary (they/them).
Denée Benton (1991) African-American.
Dylan O'Brien (1991)
Bonnie Wright (1991)
Ramy Youssef (1991) Egyptian.
Sarah Kameela Impey (1991) Indo-Guyanese / British.
Ali Burak Ceylan (1991) Turkish.
Seychelle Gabriel (1991) French, Mexican / Italian, including Sicilian - also has Spoken up for Sudan.
Alexa Nikolas (1992)
Emma D’Arcy (1992) - is non-binary (they/them).
Jarvis Johnson (1992) Unspecified.
Tasha Cloud (1992) African-American - is a lesbian.
Jess Bush (1992)
Rosa Robson (1992) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Jade Thirlwall (1992) English, three eights Arab [Egyptian, Yemeni], small amount of Scottish.
Faia Younan (1992) Syrian.
Merhan Keller (1992) Egyptian.
Julien Solomita (1992)
Pauline Chalamet (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish / English, Scottish, Irish, French.
Hari Nef (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish - is a trans woman.
Paloma Elsesser (1992) African-American / Chilean-Swiss.
Katie Gavin / MUNA (1992) - is queer.
Rupi Kaur (1992) Punjabi Indian.
Joana Ribeiro (1992)
Medalion Rahimi (1992) Iranian, Iranian Jewish - uses she/they.
Conor Mason / Nothing But Thieves (1992)
Rose Matafeo (1992) Samoan / Scottish and Croatian.
Zaqi Ismail (1992) Tanzanian.
Cailin Russo (1993)
Tara Emad (1993) Egyptian / Yugoslav Montenegrin.
Younes Bendjima (1993) Algerian.
Bobbi Salvör Menuez (1993) - is trans non-binary (they/them).
Stormzy (1993) Ghanaian.
Chance the Rapper (1993) African-American.
Raveena Aurora (1993) Punjabi Indian.
Naomi McPherson / MUNA (1993) West Indian and Irish - is queer and nonbinary (they/them).
Freddy Carter (1993)
Ghali (1993) Tunisian.
Jordan Alexander (1993) German, Irish, African-American.
Charlotte Day Wilson (1993)
Mia Khalifa (1993) Lebanese.
Maria Thattil (1993) Indian.
AJ Tracey (1994) Afro-Trinidadian / Welsh.
Ben Barlow (1994)
Asia Jackson (1994) Ibaloi Filipino and African American.
Isabella Roland (1994) Jewish.
Josette Maskin / MUNA (1994) Jewish - is queer and nonbinary (she/they).
Aimee Lou Wood (1994)
Rose Williams (1994)
Joseph Quinn (1994) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Jasmin Savoy Brown (1994) African-American / English, German, one quarter Norwegian, some Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - is queer.
Theo Tiedemann (1994) Asian - is trans non-binary and gay (he/they).
Little Simz (1994) Yoruba Nigerian.
Huda Elmufti (1994) Egyptian.
Dylan Gelula (1994) Ashkenazi Jewish / Unspecified.
Arsema Thomas (1994) Nigerian / Ethiopian - is non-binary (she/they).
Earl Sweatshirt (1994) Black South African.
Kurtis Conner (1994)
Julien Baker (1995) - is a lesbian.
Kehlani (1995) African-American, French, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Spanish, Mexican, Filipino, Scottish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, Welsh, Cornish, Irish, Choctaw - non-binary womxn, lesbian and polyamorous - she/they.
Achraf Koutet (1995) Moroccan.
Lucy Dacus (1995) - is queer.
Jack Wolfe (1995) - is queer - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Daniel Caesar (1995) Afro Barbadian and Jamaican.
Archie Madekwe (1995) Igbo Nigerian (one quarter), White.
Jazzelle / Jazzeppi Zanaughtti (1995) Afircan-American.
Elvina Mohamad (1995) Malaysian.
Stanzi Potenza (1995) - is non-binary (she/they) - has epilepsy and ADHD.
Willow Pill (1995) - is trans femme, has cystinosis and is autistic.
Bree Kish (1996) ¼ Black.
Alessia Cara (1996)
CMAT / Ciara Mary-Alice Thompson (1996) - is bisexual.
Josefine Frida Pettersen (1996)
María Isabel (1996) Dominican.
Mustafa the Poet (1996) Sudanese.
Lorde (1996)
Florence Pugh (1996)
Lowkey (1986) Iraqi / English.
Denzel Curry (1995) Afro Bahamian and Unspecified Native American.
Brandon Soo Hoo (1995) Chinese.
Lily Gao (1995) Chinese.
Halema Hussain (1995) - Sylheti.
Jessie Mei Li (1995) Hongkonger / English - is a gender non-conforming woman who uses she/they.
Grace Van Dien (1996)
Diana Veras (1996) Dominican.
Abdelhamid Sabiri (1996) Moroccan.
Lauren Jauregui (1996) Cuban [Spanish, possibly other], likely some Basque - is bisexual.
Ally Beardsley (1996) - is non-binary (they/them).
Thea Sofie Loch Naess (1996)
AURORA (1996)
Leo Sheng (1996) Chinese - is a trans man.
Imaan Hammam (1996) Moroccan / Egyptian.
Tavi Gevinson (1996) Ashkenazi Jewish / Norwegian [converted to Judaism].
Quintessa Swindell (1997) African-American / White - is non-binary (they/he).
070 Shake (1997) Dominican - doesn't like to put labels on her sexuality.
Zara Larsson (1997)
Faye Webster (1997)
Alison Oliver (1997) - donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza.
Juliette Motamed (1997) Iranian.
Madeline Ford (1997)
Asa Butterfield (1997)
Scene Queen (1997)
Micheal Ward (1997) Afro Jamaican.
Xiran Jay Zhao (1997) Hui Chinese - is non-binary (they/them).
Lori Harvey (1997) African-American.
Mayan El Sayed (1997) Egyptian.
Hania Aamir (1997) Pakistani.
Sisi Stringer (1997) African Australian.
Omar Apollo (1997) Mexican - is gay.
Kaiit (1997) Papuan / Gunditjmara, Torres Strait Islander - is non-binary (she/he/they).
Piper Curda (1997) Korean / English, Scottish - is apsec.
Iman Meskini (1997) Tunisian / Norweigan - is pro Palestine!
Clara Nieblas (1997) Mexican.
Janella Salvador (1998) Bisaya Filipino.
Ethel Cain (1998) - is a trans bisexual woman.
Joanna Pincerato (1998) Mexican, Syrian. Swedish and Italian.
Joanna Arida (1998) Jordadian.
Chella Man (1998) Hongkonger and Jewish - is deaf, trans genderqueer and pansexual (he/they).
Benedetta Porcaroli (1998)
Em / Not Even Emily / Still Not Emily (1998) Taiwanese / Chinese.
Luna Carmoon (1998)
Gretta Ray (1998)
Clairo (1998) - is bisexual and has juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
SANTAN / Dave (1998) Edo Nigerian.
Salsabiela A. (1998) Unspecified.
Ariela Barer (1998) Mexican, Ashkenazi Jewish.
Celeste O'Connor (1998) Kenyan - is non-binary (they/them).
Wegz (1998) Egyptian.
Jessica Alexander (1999)
Rafaela Plastira (1999)
Minami Gessel (1999) Japanese / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Kenna Sharp (1999) - is queer.
Samara Joy (1999) African-American.
Sab Zada (1999) Chinese, Filipino, and Hispanic.
Zoe Terakes (2000) Greek Australian - trans masc non-binary guy (they/he).
Anthony Lexa (2000) - is a trans woman.
Marissa Bode (2000) African-American - is disabled.
Odessa A'zion (2000) Ashkenazi Jewish, English, some Irish, Northern Irish, Welsh, German.
Reneé Rapp (2000) - is a lesbian.
Celia Rose Gooding (2000) African-American - bisexual and gray asexual, uses she/they - also saw somewhere they don't like being called a woman.
Lucas Jade Zumann (2000) Ashkenazi Jewish / possibly German.
Cat Burns (2000) Liberian - is queer, autistic and has ADHD.
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan (2001) Tamil.
Andria Tayeh (2001) Jordanian and Lebanese.
Freya Allan (2001)
Ari Notartomaso (2001) - is non-binary (they/he).
Rachel Zegler (2001) Colombian / White.
Maria Guardiola (2001)
Hope Ikpoku Jnr (2001) Black British.
Morgan Davies (2001) - is a trans man.
Corey Maison (2001) - is a trans woman.
Ahmet Haktan Zavlak (2001) Turkish.
Kei Kurosawa (2001) Bisaya Filipino and Japanese.
Rhea Norwood (2001) - has type 1 diabetes.
Aaron Rose Philip (2001) Afro-Antiguan - is a trans woman who has cerebral palsy.
Denise Julia (2002) Filipino.
Nessa Barrett (2002) Puerto Rican.
Yara Mustafa (2002) Jordanian.
Iris Apatow / Iris Scot (2002) Ashkenazi Jewish / Irish, Scottish, Finnish, German.
Kosar Ali (2003) Somali.
Paris Paloma (?)
Madeleine Hyland (?)
Bobby Sanchez (?) Peruvian [Quechua] - is Two-Spirit and trans, uses she/her sometimes they/they).
Nick Hakim (?) Chilean / Peruvian.
Micaela López Bianchi (?) Argentinian.
Jas Lin (?) Taiwanese - is queer (they/them).
Georgia Maq (?)
Eddy Mack (?) Jordanian.
Ellie Kim / SuperKnova (?) Korean - genderfluid, transgender woman (she/her).
Alexia Roditis / Destory Boys (?) - uses they/them.
Violet Mayugba / Destory Boys (?)
Narsai Malik / Destory Boys (?)
David Orozco / Destory Boys (?)
Neil Turner / Los Campesinos! (?)
Tom Bromley / Los Campesinos! (?)
Kim Paisey / Los Campesinos! (?)
Rob Taylor / Los Campesinos! (?)
Jason Adelinia/ Los Campesinos! (?)
Matt Fidler / Los Campesinos! (?)
Raul Briones (?) Mexican.
Britton Smith (?) Black.
Farrah / farrahescapes (?) Emirati.
CJ / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Pangasinense Filipino.
Gian / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Pangasinense Filipino.
Rapha / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Pangasinense Filipino.
Gab / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Pangasinense Filipino.
Sevii / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Ilocano Filipino.
Xen / Cup of Jo / cupofjoemusic_ (early 20's) Ilocano Filipino.
Grey Gritt (?) Ojibwe and Metis - is genderqueer (they/them).
Elaine Crombie (?) Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara, Warrigmay, South Sea Islander, and White.
Nori Reed (?) Korean / Unspecified - is non-binary (she/her).
Shahd Khidir (?) Sudanese.
Arewà Basit (?) Black - uses she/they.
Majid Al Maskati / Majid Jordan (?) Bahraii.
Jordan Ullman / Majid Jordan (?)
+ please let me know if you want more!
120 notes · View notes
sitpwgs · 9 months
books read in 2024!
books read so far: 81/100
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as always, askbox + dms are open if have any questions or would like to chat about books! 🤍
⊹ indicates any (new) favorites of the month! previous months are under the cut!
july ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ
1) firekeeper's daughter by angeline boulley (audiobook) ⊹ 2) born to run by bruce springsteen (audiobook) 3) it had to be you by eliza jane brazier 4) the great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald (reread; annotated) 5) death on the nile by agatha christie (audiobook) 6) blue sisters by coco mellors (arc) ⊹ 7) juniper and thorn by ava reid (audiobook) 8) the villain edit by laurie devore ⊹
january ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
1) beach read by emily henry (reread) 2) on palestine by noam chomsky & ilan pappé 3) valley verified by kyla zhao (gifted) 4) the wind at my back: resilience, grace, and other gifts from my mentor, raven wilkinson by misty copeland & susan fales-hill (gifted) 5) check please: year one by ngozi ukazu (reread) 6) check please: year two by ngozi ukazu (reread) 7) check please: year three by ngozi ukazu (reread) 8) check please: year four by ngozi ukazu (reread) 9) raiders of the lost heart by jo segura (gifted) 10) the frame-up by gwenda bond (arc) 11) everything i never told you by celeste ng ⊹ 12) forgive me not by jennifer baker (gifted) 13) ever after always by chloe liese (gifted) 14) the summer of bitter and sweet by jen ferguson (gifted) 15) the lily of ludgate hill by mimi matthews (gifted) 16) last call at the local by sarah grunder ruiz (gifted) ⊹ 17) the sun and the void by gabriela romero-lacruz (gifted) 18) a line in the dark by malinda lo (gifted) 19) biting the hand: growing up asian in black and white america by julia lee (gifted) 20) play it as it lays by joan didion
february ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
1) mister hockey by lia riley * 2) collide by bal khabra (arc) * 3) a curious beginning by deanna raybourn (gifted) 4) breaking the ice by k.r. collins * 5) if only you by chloe liese (gifted) * 6) anxious people by frederik backman ⊹ 7) the catch by amy lea (gifted) 8) weekends with you by alexandra paige (arc) 9) happily never after by lynn painter (arc) 10) klara and the sun by kazuo ishiguro 11) good material by dolly alderton 12) in the event this doesn't fall apart by shannon lee barry 13) the night ends with fire (arc) by k.x. song 14) the good, the bad, and the aunties (arc) by jesse q. sutanto 15) where sleeping girls lie (arc) by faridah àbíké-íyímídé 16) sophomore surge by k.r. collins * 17) lighting the lamp by k.r. collins * 18) glove save and a beauty by k.r. collins * 19) home ice advantage by k.r. collins * 20) power play by k.r. collins * 21) grounded by k.r. collins * 22) line chemistry by k.r. collins *
march ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
1) happy medium by sarah adler (arc) 2) a darker shade of magic by v.e. schwab (audiobook) 3) expiration dates by rebecca serle (arc) 4) divine rivals by rebecca ross (book club) 5) the siren by katherine st. john (gifted) 6) light in gaza edited by jehad abusalim 7) how to end a love story by yulin kuang (arc) // reviewed here 8) rising from the deep: the seattle kraken, a tenacious push for expansion, and the emerald city's sports revival by geoff baker 9) les misérables by victor hugo (reread)
april ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
1) the goodbye cat by hiro arikawa (reread) 2) the traveling cat chronicles by hiro arikawa (reread) 3) this is me trying by racquel marie (arc) 4) kill her twice by stacey lee (arc) 5) the pairing by casey mcquiston (arc) 6) swiped by l.m. chilton (arc) 7) lies and weddings by kevin kwan (arc) 8) the odyssey by homer (audiobook)
may ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
1) this summer will be different by carley fortune (arc) 2) the viscount who loved me by julia quinn (reread) 3) romancing mister bridgerton by julia quinn (reread) 4) the iliad by homer (narrated by audra mcdonald) (audiobook) 5) a novel love story by ashley poston (arc) 6) when he was wicked by julia quinn (reread) 7) a banh mi for two by trinity nguyen (arc) 8) the secret garden by frances hodgson burnett (audiobook)
june ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ
1) lessons in chemistry by bonnie garmus 2) the phantom of the opera by gaston leroux (audiobook) 3) you, with a view by jessica joyce 4) s. by j.j. abrams & doug dorst 5) the hunchback of the notre dame (audiobook) A
62 notes · View notes