#Ava Kris Tyson
daisycritters · 2 months
hey the correct pronouns aren’t some benevolent gift you only give a transgender person when their behaviour pleases you btw. i swear mtf/ftm transgender people be making mistakes and people immediately refer to them with “they/them” instead of their preferred pronouns
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cyberpunk2007 · 2 months
Imagine being exposed as one of the worse types of people, and your apology is this. Shame on her. This is not an apology, do not let her trick you into thinking it is.
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(click read more for quick context for what she did)
Reminder for anyone trying to defend Kris, the grooming allegations aren't the only thing she's being accused of and you guys using the kid saying "I wasn't groomed" as proof she's is a good person are just making yourself look like uneducated idiots.
She at 18, knowingly shared revenge pics/vids of Jennette Mccurdy on her Twitter and posted the link in the bio of one of her YT videos, talking about how she found the pictures hot.
She also, before it was wiped, posted publicly on her twitter/X that she commissioned Shadman for art, received said art and posted the photo of the art on twitter, where the girl in the art looked suspiciously young. In a video, its shown she hand this art hang said art up in her living room. She both before and after this has spoke about still supporting him and even said to Keemstar himself that she knew what Shadman did to Keem's (at the time 8yo) daughter and doesn't care.
She has also openly talked about being into l0li, has defended Keffals (a known lolicon and alleged groomer/p3d0) and has verifiably spoke about nsfw content with minors.
This has been brought up multiple times before but her die-hard fans accuse her detractors of "transphobia". As this may be true for some of them, the evidence speaks for itself and a trans-fem myself, Do not defend this woman because she's trans! She has used this to sweep this under the rug before, just like many others before her, and we shouldn't let this happen again. Not for her, not for anyone
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xanderisbraindead · 2 months
Ava kris tyson and cody ko being exposed around the same time is amazing evidence ab how when a neurotypical cishet christian white guy is a bad person its “this guy sucks” but with everyone else its like “wow all black people are robbers” “all muslims are terrorists” “all trans ppl are pedophiles” “all mentally ill ppl are unsafe to be around”
This isn’t a trans issue, its a pedophilia issue. It’s a consent issue. It’s a grooming issue. Anyone can be a sexual abuser, not just one demographic of people
LGBTQ+ youth are nearly four times as likely to experience child sexual abuse than their straight peers. LGBTQ+ adults are 2-3x more likely to experience sexual violence than straight adults. Source
There is no evidence to support the idea that LGBTQ people are more likely to be sex offenders. In fact, sex offenders are disproportionately likely to be heterosexual men- source
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lukewarmoverthinker · 2 months
the very few trans people who are groomers are why our community can’t have nice things.
all jokes aside it is fucked up what ava kris tyson did, but that does not in any way make her less trans or a woman and it doesn’t make anyone who is trans any more of a sex offender or a groomer. please remember that while i can just feel the comments coming with the misgendering and hatred towards trans people. there are bad and good people in every group.
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0zeeraa0 · 2 months
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r-amenegg · 2 months
People like Ava Kris Tyson are a large reason why trans people are struggling to simply exist, struggling to do what we have to in order to feel comfortable and safe in our own bodies and in society.
When you’re a trans person, especially a trans WOMAN, who has as huge of a public following as Ava does, your actions will reflect on all of us and how the public sees us. And Ava failed at one of the few responsibilites she had as an influencer and as a decent human being:
Not being a fucking pedophile.
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msnihilist · 2 months
In the last month, a big name in the animation industry who was loudly and frequently condemning loli/shota content got outed for owning CSEM, and a prominent YouTuber who just so happened to like loli was discovered to have been talking inappropriately with minors.
Jeez. How odd. What a head scratcher. It's almost like what you enjoy in fiction and how you present those tastes to the general public is not a good indicator for whether or not someone is a predator, and a certain group of people (RE: antis) should stop pretending like it is.
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the-l00ker · 1 month
pssstt, mr beast employed a convicted pedophile who raped a child aged 1-11. Every work has background checks. His nickname is delaware, as a joke that he can’t go back to the state. Mr beast used the nickname multiple times, he appeared in his videos, mr beast when living with ava kris was seeing the damn pedophillic poster proudly sitting on the wall and its visible in his videos too. He also was active in the disgusting servers ava kris was in.
Bro ik but I got a Twitter DM from someone who will allegedly knew him telling me to stop already get sued and I'm not about to risk the lawsuit with the Millionaire.... ON TWITTER
Mr Beast has:
Hidden over 8 pedophiles at his company, some of which work with the children that they have in their videos.
Hired registered sex offenders to also help manage children in their videos.
Underpaid staff.
Try to peer pressure employees into letting him by them a house so that they could live closer to work making it so that their whole life revolved around his actions.
Had his friend illegally put down 1000 of his signatures on hoodies to give to fans, effectively scamming every single person who bought his hoodie.
Including harmful products and chemicals in his chocolate that he promoted would not be there.
He has literally committed a war crime. I'm not joking.
Had illegal gambling live streams with minors.
Violated many guidelines on the health and safety of everyone participating in the beast games.
Covered up sexual harassment within the beast games so that the episodes could come out on schedule
Good ol'tax fraud.
Not providing his workers with substantial healthcare got the shit they were doing
Holding out payment from certain people.
Purposefully manipulating of a content creators into believing that all of his challenges were indeed true and accurate so that they could spread the word and cover up anyone else who was saying that the challenges weren't real effectively using his friends to cover up his own lives dragging them down with him
Marketing Team Sea's, as saving the world getting a $100million together to help save the ocean, only to Backtrack later in interviews as he realizes that it did not in fact save the ocean and he actually caused irreparable damage to the ocean
Not recycling are the rubbish he collected from the ocean, and instead it ended up in landfill
Making anonymous donations to politicians
Unjustly firing Jake the Viking I'm not apologizing to him for it and refusing to supply him with ample unemployment pay for a long time
Being in a multiple discord servers with multiple minors and knowing that they were Minors
Defending Dr Disrespect
Endorsing the Shadman
Editing as of currently over 100 YouTube videos to remove the poster of the Shadman in his videos so that it can't be used as proof in court. That's right my friends. He's edited over a 100 videos currently and is still editing our every inappropriate comment form Ava Kris Tyson, every inappropriate comment of himself and all posters of the shadman as well as covering up his gambling
I don't know how many people knew this but he also made fun of Ironmouse, as in the vtuber for her disability in which he scrubbed the clip from the internet and acted like it never happened
Uses often AI generated scripts in his videos
He provides housings for pedophiles and sax offenders
Had one of the minor that either he or Ava Kris Tyson were messaging in that discord server be employed by Mr beast and another one appeared in a challenge. They had waited till these people turned 18.
And it is currently speculated that he is paying his girlfriend not to say anything
I also posted a theory on Twitter about why people don't believe Mr beast is a bad person. To which it was reported within the same day for misinformation and harmful content which practically proves I was right.
So I'll share it here. AHEM
Mr beast would only make his challenges in genuine for a select number of content creators with bigger platforms so that they could spread the word on their bigger platforms that is challenges were actually real.
But for other people like Rosanna Pansino and many of the winners they which rated poorly because they didn't have as big of a platform. He would do withdraw their winnings or what they actually should have been paid, disregard their feelings, sale to mention the terms and conditions set with the money that they had gotten from their challenge, an also failed to mention that the money that they had won or earned had not had the Taxes paid for them so by the time they had already spent the money they got to let us saying that they had to pay taxes because it came over additional income.
However the people who've said this publicly on YouTube with shadow-banned, because it made YouTube best earner look bad
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frostyblustar · 2 months
If you misgender a trans person for doing something bad, you’re a dick
Focus your hate on the bad, not the good
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tsubipriv · 2 months
Ava Kris Tyson Situation - All Facts
Ava Kris Tyson of Mr. Beast has been accused of THREE things:
Sending inappropriate messages to a minor
Associating with and owning art from CP "artist" Shadman
Sharing revenge p0rn of Jennette McCurdy
Accusation 1:
Ava was in contact with @/LavaGS from when he was 13 and Ava was 20. LavaGS is now 20, and has stated that Ava did nothing wrong and that LavaGS was never exploited by her. [Tweet]
Ava was in contact with LavaGS via Discord and over public tweets on Twitter. Ava and other members of the Mr. Beast crew met up with LavaGS when he was 16. [Tweet]
The tweets included jokes about sending nudes.
ImBrainFreak was in contact with Ava when he was 15, and ran Ava's private Discord server alongside LavaGS.
Unvetted: Ava allegedly sent snaps to LavaGS with the statement "cumming for America". The image exists. A video of Ava snapping someone also exists. [Video] ImBrainFreak also claims Ava had an NSFW bot spamming p0rn in a Discord server with minors present. No screenshots were provided, and ImBrainFreak says that he and LavaGS wiped the server. [Video Tweet]
False: Account @/Clip_Hub_ shared fake screenshots of Twitter DMs. The tweet got community noted. [Tweet]
Important note: The accusations stem from Prism42 (@/priapismtv7088) who has admitted to being on contact with EDP. [Channel]
Accusation 2:
Shadman is an "artist" who draws l0licon. He has also drawn CP of real children, including Keemstar's daughter when she was 8 (circa 2017).
Ava did publicly tweet at Shadman, and owned a print of his art. [Mr. Beast Video]
It is important to note that many YouTubers and public figures defended Shadman, before and after he drew real children. As of 3 hours ago, there are 49 creators in the thread of who associated with him. [Thread]
Important note: Keemstar replied to Ava saying that he brought up the Shadman situation to her in private and she didn't apologize. Another creator points out that Keemstar still interacts with Belle Delphine, who is still associated with Shadman. [Tweet]
Accusation 3:
The accusation comes from a video on Ava's old channel. [Clip]
It's unvetted if the statements in this video are "edgy jokes", or if a link to revenge p0rn actually existed in the description.
Proofless Accusations:
@/Clip_Hub_ accused Ava of having a reddit account u/tysonboy34. It can not be proven if this is Ava or not. [Tweet]
Many influencers have accused Ava of being a p3do. These accusations come from Sneako, who argues that the age of consent should be the "age of maturity" and openly likes the exploitative film Cuties. [Sneako]
Important note: Most baseless accusations use Ava being trans as "proof". These accusations also come from accounts with a history of defending p3dophillia. Tristan Tate was among the accusers, who is a suspected rapist and sex trafficker. [BBC]
There have been countless transphobia-based attacks on people not even involved with Ava.
Ava's Response Thread
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Ava is permanently stepping away from Mr. Beast. She apologized for her "past behavior", and stated that there was no grooming, pointing to LavaGS's thread.
Ava Kris Tyson shared messages with a minor that included sexual jokes and content, and had another minor run a Discord server for her without compensation. She associated with an extremely popular artist who has drawn CP.
Ava allegedly shared NSFW content with this Discord server.
This is not an excuse for transphobia. Don't trust every source you see. Remember to listen to the victims here and not harass anyone.
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plaguedoctorate · 1 month
just imagine the true crime shit around mr beast in like ten years when hes been left behind. imagine jack weddle's isolation footage getting leaked and how haunting it will be. they said they could make a horror cut out of it. a horror cut. out of footage meant for children.
he was there, locked up, being tortured, because he needed the money. he was there, cracking jokes as he lost count of the days because jimmy said 'dance peasant dance.' he was told to run a marathon when he looked like a corpse and he did because there was no other choice. he couldnt wak for days after and he didnt even get fucking paid.
"If they're faking videos, why couldn't we fake this one?"
jack weddle was driven to near insanity in the name of content so if i see any fucks out there defending James Stephen Donaldson i will rip you apart.
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
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"I'm sorry I got caught."
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nabwastaken · 2 months
Mr Beast is being "cancelled" because he's friends with a trans woman who commissioned art from someone who might be a predator. People are asserting this as "proof" that Mr Beast is a predator, himself.
Okay anon let's debunk this because after making the post I did some digging on this. Feel free to make your own conclusions.
Shadman is a pedophile. That's cut and dry. He was a very prolific nsfw artist who specialized in loli. He literally made porn of Keemstar's 8 year old daughter. This was normalized at the time Shadman was active and many other creators were seen friendly with him. If you see this behavior as 'normal' and not harmful, please block me.
Ava was seen messaging and being buddy buddy with Shadman when Shad was still active. On stream she pulled up Shad's website by accident. One time, Shad tweeted out a picture of an underaged character from an anime with the caption being "Why are people sending me this?" Ava's response was something along the lines of "please Shad". Later on even in a Mr Beast video in Ava's house one of Shad's pieces was seen on the wall. Jimmy himself even looked straight at the piece.
People are not attacking Ava just because she's a trans woman. Is the hate worse because she's a trans woman? Yes. The same people who couldn't care less about the Dr Disrespect thing are the same ones who were the most vocal about the Ava thing. But to simplify it as just transphobia is simply incorrect because at the end of the day, trans or not, Ava is a person and all people can be terrible people.
Also, it is very possible Jimmy knew all about Ava being a creep. He was in the discord server while Ava was apparently making very sexual jokes to minors in that same server. But anon, who is alleging that Jimmy's also a predator? He turned a blind eye to Ava's creepiness, sure, but nowhere I've seen has also said that Jimmy's guilty of the same actions.
And finally, the Ava stuff is not the only reason Jimmy's under hot water recently. Dogpack 404 made a video talking about all of Jimmy's faults as a creator. This video touched upon the following: his lotteries being illegal, him rigging his videos, him selling fake signatures, him advertising Feastables as a healthy brand when it literally has the same ingredients as Hershey's, and generally just scummy behavior. Dogpack recorded the video before the Ava stuff came out. Other stuff has also come out about his game show, beast games, where contestants talked about the poor treatment and how some people didn't have access to medication, health products, or even food. Eliminated contestants were offered 1000 dollars in hush money. And all of this probably would've come out regardless of Ava being exposed. It was coming eventually. Dogpack was also given a cease and desist and apparently the beast team are searching for ways to ruin his life. Dogpack goes more in depth about this in a Twitter thread
So yes. Mr Beast is a scummy piece of shit. You should not be supporting him or his content. And on another note, fuck all the commentary youtubers staying silent on this topic just because Jimmy's their friend (looking at you, Ludwig and your terrible ass stream). But in the long run, this will not impact Jimmy's channel because his fanbase is mostly children who either don't know or don't care. But his reputation in the greater internet landscape has been tainted, for better or for worse. To anyone reading this, I hope this correctly educated you on the situation, though I may have missed a few major points. Have a nice rest of your day : )
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juicy-baldi · 2 months
how do you feel about the kris tyson drama!?!
absolutley disgusting. bro left her kid and wife just to play dress up. hell she has shadman art in HER LIVING ROOM!!!!! holy shit i want to end this drama here and now pleassse
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jivderzii · 2 months
On misgendering "bad" trans people
The Ava Kris Tyson situation reminded me of this whole glorious debacle. I'll probably be speaking to a mirror here, since I think most of Tumblr is either trans or at least trans-friendly, but I have been wanting to voice my thoughts on this for a while and hope to have at least one person reconsider.
I would venture to guess at least half of the people attempting to report coverage on a trans person who did something bad resort to misgendering and deadnaming. While there are some people calling them out on this, they are usually laughed at, insulted, or ignored.
Because why does it matter how this person is referred to? The *important* thing is that they did a bad thing. Is that seriously what you're worried about?
It is clear that many people view correctly gendering someone as "respecting" them. This "respect" is not obligatory and can be revoked if a trans person does something to lose that "respect." Furthermore, anyone who goes out of their way to correctly gender a bad trans person, even worse if they correct others, is "respecting" someone who did something horrible.
It is true that it can feel trivial, but correcting or using the right name or pronouns does not dilute the discussion topic. The issue is that nobody calls Jeffrey Dahmer "she" because they don't like him. The misgendering is clearly motivated by trans identities.
Discouraging that behavior does not remotely take away from the shitty things that person did, and nobody is going easy on them because they’re a minority (respecting someone's name or pronouns does not mean you support them or what they have done). They should be criticized as much as anyone else. The issue is that people are so quick to deadname and misgender bad trans people they dislike. It postulates the idea that a trans person must be nice to have their identity respected, with misgendering itself being used as an insult, and that is the thing people take issue with.
Ava Tyson should absolutely be criticized; her actions are disgusting and her "apology" is lackluster. But this does not make any transphobia justified, because transphobia (and all bigotry) is never justified. Ava's identity is completely irrelevant to this.
To put it plainly, misgendering "bad" trans people isn't an appropriate way to treat them, and calling people out on this is not "missing the point / focus" of the discussion. It's setting a baseline where identity can still be respected when the person in question is being criticized.
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shanenanigans27 · 2 months
So I guess Ava Tyson was actually exposed for being inappropriate with minors, that's disgusting obviously.
It's bringing up some really annoying discourse I'm tried of hearing about. It's seeing influencers talking about this, who will are using her deadname and he/him pronouns and how people use her being a predator as a free pass to misgender her and deadname her.
When people call these people out on the misgendering/deadnaming, it gives transphobes ammunition to say "Wow, you care about misgendering more than Ava being a pedophilia?" Then they start going "that pedophile deserves no respect so I won't call them by their correct pronouns ever."
This is quite stupid. We don't misgender cis men and cis women when they are discovered to be predators so why are you doing it trans people? Correct pronouns/names aren't a privilege to be gained for being a good person. Nobody was calling Colleen Ballinger a man last year.
Y'all realize this is creating incentives for transphobes to accuse any trans people pedophiles or terrible people unworth of respect, so they get the free misgendering pass, right?
Using Ava (or any future bad trans person)'s correct name and pronouns ISN'T about respecting her as a person, it's about respecting trans identity as a whole.
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