#August Calendar 2019
valyrfia · 1 year
I sent you an ENORMOUS ask a while ago (like WEEKS if not a month ago) and you never responded to it so I was just wondering if you got it? I know tumblr sometimes has issues with deleting asks. No worries but I’m asking because if you didn’t I’ll try and retype it. Probably won’t be as good as the first time because it was huge so I don’t remember much but yeah!
x Contract Anon :)
CONTRACT ANON I LOVE YOU! It was the long and lovely notetaking to my response to your original ask? Because it was very much read and appreciated (as are all the asks that are sent!), I loved your bullet points I love your insight and I put off answering because I didn't have the time to sit down and give you the proper response you deserve!
This is a great time for me to apologise in general for not being super on top of the anons I've been receiving recently. I'm unfortunately working insanity hours at the moment, am just about to move house, and am desperately trying to see all my old friends before I move so my work-life-Lestappen balance has gone completely out the window. I'm on the verge of scheduling myself an hour each night of just answering asks because it's unfair of me to let your beautiful insights die like this. I can promise I will answer them when the universe gives me time, and that if your ask hasn't appeared yet it's because I want to give it its proper due.
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batifresa · 2 months
The Ultimate "Challengers" Timeline
I kept seeing some confusion in the fandom regarding the timeframe of certain events in the film, so I started working on this as a way to clarify theories and map out everything as accurately as possible. If you notice any mistakes, or know of a canon event that I missed, please don't hesitate to let me know!
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Art and Patrick were friends for approximately 6 years, 6 months and 17 days (2392 days).
Patrick and Tashi were in a relationship for exactly 5 months and 21 days (174 days).
Art and Tashi have been in a relationship for approximately 8 years, 11 months and 20 days (3276 days).
Some pointers and notes:
Patrick is 31 years old in 2019. It is confirmed Art is the same age as Patrick in two different lines: "We've been bunkmates since we were 12", and "One time, when we were 12, he thought I was asleep." So they're both 31 in 2019.
Tashi is said to be 18 years old in 2006, so she would have been 31 in 2019 as well.
The child actress that played Lily was 6 years old at the time of filming. So Lily should have been born in 2013 at the earliest.
The American school year starts in mid/late August or early September, and ends in mid/late May or early June, depending on state. We do not know where the Mark Rebellato Tennis Academy is located.
The majority of boarding schools start their academic program in middle school (6th grade). Art and Patrick would've been 11 years old then. We can infer that they either: befriended each other on their first year at the academy, and later asked to be placed together as dorm mates for their second year, or that one (or both) of them started attending the academy a year later (7th grade), though I think that's unlikely.
Stanford follows the quarter system (not semesters). Most students start the academic year in late September (Autumn Quarter), and must complete 12 quarters to graduate.
Stanford also does not revoke athlete scholarships due to injuries. So it is highly likely that, since she couldn't go pro, and she still had her scholarship, Tashi stayed in college until she graduated.
Since Art was playing a Masters 1000 tournament in 2010 (which require a high player ranking), we can assume that he either: left Stanford to go pro at one point, or he was allowed leeway to skip classes and compete professionally.
Yes, I did dive deep into Stanford lore and academic year calendars.
The film ends on August 4, 2019. They had no idea what was about to happen in December 2019. In 2020, the vast majority of tennis events were cancelled due to the pandemic, so that's a potential topic to tackle in fic, I guess.
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dragonagefanevents · 5 months
Dragon Age Fan Event Listings
The beauty of fan events is that they are run by fans.
Including you.
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▸What are the types of fan events? - #education
▸Start a new event! - #how tos (coming soon)
▸Ask Box - send us advice, or ask for it!
▸Blog Tag List
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Below is a list of all Dragon Age fan-run events we can find. The links should bring you to the most recent iteration of the event. Where possible, the time period the event covers is listed next to the event.
Want to get an event listed? Check out the link and submit. Look here for multi-fandom events, or more events in general.
Event Masterlist - #compendium
25k Big Bang (July - November)
10k Big Bang (March - April)
Dragon Age Reverse Bang
Arlathan Exchange (April - June)
DA Polyshipping (August - November)
Handers Exchange (March - May)
Templartations Exchange (March - May)
Black Emporium Rare Pair Exchange (June - September)
Platonic Ideal Gen Fic Exchange (December - February)
Smutquisition (January - March)
Theme Weeks/Months
Krem Week 2024 (July 22 - 28)
City Elf Week (August 5 - August 11)
Zevwarden Week (2024 dates TBD)
Tranquil Week (August 25 - 31)
Sera Appreciation Week (Oct 13 - 19)
Kink Memes
Dragon Age Kink Meme (Dreamwidth) | DAO | DA2 | DAI
Dragon Age Flower Zine (Creation Period)
Wanderers Zine (Creation Period)
Dragon Age OC Zine (Mod Apps Open)
Alistair Zine (Creation Period)
Special Events
Dragon Age Drunk Writing Circle
Dragon Age Annual (2025 Production Period)
Dragon Age Create-A-Thon (Begins Sept 15 2024)
Reddit Weekly Dragon Age Writing Prompts
Unofficial Dragon Age Day (Dec 4)
Solavellan Day (April 11)
Past Events
Retired Bangs
DragonAgeBB (last: 2015; formerly on LJ and elsewhere)
Retired Exchanges
Demands of the Qun (Qunari)
A Paragon of Their Kind (DA Dwarves)
Solas Lovers
Hightown Funk (Varric/Hawke)
Retired Theme Weeks/Months
Autumn of Anders (Anders Appreciation Event)
Dalish Week
30 Days of Dorian (Dorian Appreciation Event)
Dragon Age Fan Week (2013)
Cullen Appreciation Week (2019)
Cullen Week (2021)
14 Days of DA Lovers
Fenris Appreciation Month (2017)
Rylen Appreciation Week (2018)
Sera Appreciation Week (2019)
Sub!Solas Week (2016)
Past Zines
Adoribull Fairytales
Age of Romance Zine (Incomplete)
ApprovesGreatly (Incomplete)
Andoralis Zine
Arcana: A Dragon Age Zine
Arlathvhen Zine (Incomplete)
Beyond the Veil Zine (Zine)
Bring Down the Sky Bioware Fanzine
Dragon Age 2 10th Anniversary Zine (Zine)
Dragon Age Codex Zine & Myths and Legends Zine
Fortitudo Dorian Artbook
Good for Each Other (Adoribull Zine)
In Peace, Vigilance Zine
Insufficient Skill Fanzine
Legend Mark Zine
Lotus and Root OC Zine
Love Across Thedas Zine (Zine)
Na Via Lerno Victoria (Fenris Zine)
Patron of the Arts Zine
Rebel Hearts Handers Zine (Zine)
Road to the Imperium Zine
Solasmancy Zine
Sunlight (Anders Zine)
The Coming Storm Zine (Ukrainian Zine)
The Dragon Age Zine (Russian Zine)
The Keeper's Codex Fairy Tale Zine
The Unsung Dragon Age Zine
The Zevran Zine (incomplete)
Thedosian Archives (incomplete)
to be happy (FenHawke Zine)
Wicked Eyes: A Dragon Age Finery Zine
Year of the Mabari (Incomplete)
Other Past Events
Dragon Age Calendar 2018
Dragon Age Calendar 2021
For Fans by Fans - Fan Forge
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 months
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Title: Nin-Koi Artist: Suzuki Julietta Publication: Hana to Yume Issue #1 (01/2019) Details: Hanayume All Star Desk Calendar (August) Source: Scanned from my personal collection
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midnight1nk · 1 month
Another year, another war.
WOTFI is just around the corner and this means a new arc!
Who will be our opponent this year?
Well, the most likely answer would be Marty, returning from WOTFI 2023. I mean, it was pretty obvious that would be him from the get-go in the episode 'We Must Kill Mario'.
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This, personally, was a great episode that had some good foreshadowing and I love the dynamic between Four and Karen — I thought of it as 'SMG4 🤝 Karen ➡️ single parents who are just born to be parents'
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...which made me want a dynamic between Three and Karen, single moms who would kill for their kids.
Anyway, back to WOTFI, it makes sense for Marty to be the crew’s opponent timeline-wise. Looking at the calendar, we are expecting a WOTFI roughly sometime in October, based on the dates of previous WOTFI’s:
2011 - October 29
2012 - October 21
2013 - October 13
2014 - October 24
2015 - September 27
2016 - August 15
2017 - October 7
2018 - October 6
2019 - November 2
2020 - August 22
2021 - September 18
2022 - October 15
2023 - October 28
Assuming this arc would be 7 episodes and this being the first one, it lines up with our prediction. (Though, it may be subject to change depending on how many episodes it would actually have.)
What you may not know is this episode not only foreshadowed Marty’s return but the plot for WOTFI as well.
There is much more than meets the eye…
Join me as I go over the episode 'We Must Kill Mario' and discuss my predictions for WOTFI ‘24!
⚠️ But before we dive in though, I do want to put a disclaimer that while this is a theory, I want to be respectful to the crew behind SMG4. ⚠️
I don’t want any of my theories to influence/forcefully change any intended plans for the future so please don’t harass anyone working on the show just because whatever I said wasn’t true. It’s just a reminder to be kind and respectful. If they somehow see my post, uh hi, keep doing what you do and I hope for the best! ❤️
Now with that out of the way, Let’s-a Go!
The episode starts off in Karen’s house with her kids flipping through the SMG4 channel while she makes them dinner. In the scene where Zack, Cory, and Katie are fighting over the remote, we get a clip from the episode 'SMG4: You Made Mario Do This' when Marty was preventing the construction of the castle because he felt underappreciated for his hard work.
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['SMG4: You Made Mario Do This' // timestamp, 2:15 ]
In the next scene, Karen poured “Smarty’s Spaghetti Sauce” on the pasta.
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…I mean, do I really have to spell it out here? If this cardboard cutout was able to run Casino Paisano before he and Mario went to jail, then it shouldn’t be a surprise. What is curious though is that somehow Marty, while on the run, has his face plastered on a Goober Eats bag in 'SMG4: Super SMG4 Wonder', owns a whole airline named “Marty Airlines” in 'Mario’s Plane Trip', and now has a pasta sauce brand in here. All with no one noticing anything.
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['SMG4: Super SMG4 Wonder' // timestamp, 0:57 ] ['Mario’s Plane Trip' // timestamp, 0:13 ]
There is an ‘S’ put in front of his name, but the point still stands. Now, I wouldn’t say that this is “unusual”. It’s the SMG4 universe, after all, you can literally start a business and this is completely normal. Just some food for thought.
Back to the episode, Karen receives a call from the corporation that offers her a job — and when I mean ‘offers’, I mean ‘convinces her to take the job'. According to her former “boss”, it was a hit request on an international terrorist who has escaped from prison and is currently poisoning innocent people, who we later learn to be Marty. The “boss” also stated that Karen may know him. Karen initially refuses since she has abandoned that line of work for her kids, until her “boss” elaborates that if she doesn’t take the request, more lives could be lost, including children. Like her children. With no choice, she takes it.
But, who is this corporation?
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Based on what little we have, I can determine this corporation may be affiliated with the government or something similar in power status.
They can keep tabs on all their agents, even if they quit, just as Karen did.
Apparently, they are able to get word on the people who interacted with them but not enough to know their personal lives (the corporation is seemingly uninformed about her kids.)
They are open to receiving requests from third parties.
They don’t take hits for kill’s sake, they prioritize people’s safety.
However, they don’t want any witnesses when taking the hit so they would kill IF they have to. For Karen, they trust her enough to know it won’t come to that since she is a professional, qualified agent.
Other than that, we don’t exactly know. There is a possibility that WOTFI could reveal who they are. But it also lead to Karen having her secret past revealed as well, potentially losing her job(s).
[side ramble: if that were to happen, it would be great if Three hired Karen to come work at his café. He needs the extra help after all, and Karen would be able to have more appearances in the series. I know it's not going to happen but hey, a guy could dream.]
Karen catches Four eavesdropping on their conversation and after some convincing, the two decide to work together. They head down to the basement where Karen keeps a stash of her weapons and demands Four to tell her everything he knows about Mario.
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Well, first off, I don’t think Mario can be killed except if it was through manipulation of his code due to the cosmology lore. Of course, the real target isn’t Mario but it does bring up the question:
How do you kill Marty?
In the episode 'SMG4: You Made Mario Do This', it has been established that Marty is practically invincible since he was able to stand a nuke for memes’ sake. Water may have slowed him down but it wasn’t enough to outright destroy him. We don't know if he can be destroyed, not even Mario knows — the guy who created him. Likely, for WOTFI, one of the crew’s objectives would be that they have to find Marty’s weakness to defeat him.
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['SMG: You Made Mario Do This' ]
Then again, cartoon logic exists.
Karen and Four go out to tail Mario and stumble upon a cult working on the distribution of the sauce. Confused about why Mario would be here, they continued on through the warehouse… Until Four accidentally alerted the cultists of their presence.
[another side ramble: Four, you can’t just say you used to have a deviantART account and not drop the link, dude.]
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After an intense between them and the cult, they were able to find Mario and realize that yeah, Mario’s being Mario and had no idea he was even in a cult.
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Pure of heart, dumb of ass ❤️
That was when a dying cultist and a jar of “Smarty’s Spaghetti Sauce” revealed that the poison mentioned earlier in the episode was the sauce itself. It also was a horrifying revelation that Karen used the same sauce on the dinner she just left for her kids.
Like I mentioned before, Marty is somehow able to have a pasta sauce business. Not only that but recruit a cult who worship spaghetti to work for him.
The cultists that were in the warehouse are dead but it doesn’t mean it was all of them. Indeed, later on in the episode, more cultists came into Karen's house to fight. For all we know, Marty has multiple distribution plants in the Mushroom Kingdom so perhaps Marty would bring more as part of his army for WOTFI.
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Karen, Four, and Mario rush back to her house and were able to stop her kids from eating the spaghetti just in time. However, they’ve faced an unexpected guest: Marty.
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Four and Mario immediately recognized him, but Karen was confused as to why a cardboard cutout was with her kids. That was when Four tells her about WOTFI 2023 — which I dubbed ‘The Notebook Arc’ — and how Marty stole Three’s notebook.
[i really have to stop making these side rambles: i absolutely loved it when they referenced WOTFI '23 :) ]
Then, Mario wonders how Marty managed to escape from prison, allowing Karen to piece together that Marty was the real target all along.
Wait a second, wasn’t she there in WOTFI '23? His face was literally all over the casino, how did she not know about Marty?
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She was there but it’s likely that she assumed as everyone else did: Marty was just a cardboard cutout. A mascot. How much damage can he really do?
A lot, apparently. He was clever to take advantage of his appearance so that no one would suspect a thing.
Marty greets the familiar faces and reveals his motive behind his poisonous spaghetti sauce: after the events of the Notebook arc, Marty swore revenge on Mario after our local funny man escaped from prison and abandoned him for spaghetti.
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“The one person I trusted the most has left me behind for… SPAGHETTI! Now I’ve escaped! …And it's time for… everyone to suffer like I have! At the hands… of the one thing YOU love the MOST.”
This will definitely be his motive for WOTFI 2024, this time going against Mario due to betrayal. Marty said it himself that he would be back, after he escaped with the help of a helicopter from being cornered by Karen.
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Even after Marty managed to escape from Karen, she felt relieved that her kids were safe, thanking Four and Mario for doing so.
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This leads me to suspect that Karen will have a big role in WOTFI. Thematically, it makes sense since she has yet to carry out the request and would likely give the finishing blow, defeating Marty once and for all. Well, until the crew could find a weakness, of course.
.・-: ✧ :--: ✧ :-・.
And there you have it: my predictions for WOTFI 2024, all based on the episode 'We Must Kill Mario'! As this arc is just starting, it might be likely we will get to see more hints about Marty’s plan for revenge or anything related to the plot of WOTFI.
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To this, my dear fellows, time will only tell. But hey, that’s just a theory…
🎶Thanks for dropping by🎶
Do you really think that is all? How naive.
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arofili · 2 years
Tolkien Fandom Event Calendar
Recently I’ve received some asks about events/weeks in the Tolkien fandom, so I thought I’d compile a list of those that I know about. This is not exhaustive, and dates are subject to change by the organizers of these events!
Other blogs you can check out are @tolkieneventsblog and @tolkienfandomevents, though I’m not sure how active those are. The @silmarillionwritersguild Discord also has a channel dedicated to signal boosts for all sorts of Tolkien-related & general fandom happenings, which is another excellent way to keep up with fandom goings-on.
Want to run your own event? Here’s some of my tips!
If your event is not on here and you’d like it to be, let me know and I can add it :) Note: I will only add events that have announced dates!
JANUARY Screw Yule My Slashy Valentine @myslashyvalentine — work time Lord of the Rings Secret Santa @lotr-sesa — reveals Thorin’s Spring Forge @thorinsspringforge — signups Second Age Week @secondageweek
FEBRUARY Hidden Paths My Slashy Valentine — reveals Thorin’s Spring Forge — claims Maedhros and Maglor Week @maedhrosmaglorweek
MARCH Back to Middle-earth Month @spring-into-arda Thorin’s Spring Forge — work time Fëanorian Week Fun with Fanon Fest Round 1 @funwithfanon
APRIL Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang @tolkienrsb — signups Silm Remix @tolkienremix — signups & assignments Thorin’s Spring Forge — reveals  Aralas Week @aralas-week Barduil Month @bi-widower-dads All of Arda is Autistic @all-of-arda-is-autistic F3: Focus on Friendship & Family, Phase I @spring-into-arda
MAY Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — claims Silm Remix — reveals Aspec Arda Week @aspecardaweek Angbang Week @angbangweek Gondolin Week @gondolinweek F3: Focus on Friendship & Family, Phase II
JUNE Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — work time Scribbles and Drabbles @fall-for-tolkien — signups Tolkien Ekphrasis Week @tolkienekphrasisweek F3: Focus on Friendship & Family, Phase III
JULY Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — work time Scribbles and Drabbles — claims Tolkien Gen Week @tolkiengenweek LotR Ladies Week @lotrladiessource Tolkien Appreciation Week @tolkienweek Tolkien Latin American & Caribbean Week @tolkienlatamandcaribbeanweek
AUGUST Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — deadlines Scribbles and Drabbles — art reveals Innumerable Stars Exchange @innumerable-stars — nominations & signups Tolkien of Colour Week @tolkienofcolourweek Silvergifting Week @silvergiftingweek Tolkien OC Week @tolkienocweek
SEPTEMBER Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang — reveals Scribbles and Drabbles — work time Innumerable Stars Exchange — signups & assignments Sindar Week @sindarweek Dor Cúarthol Week @dorcuartholweek Finwëan Ladies Week @finweanladiesweek
OCTOBER Innumerable Stars Exchange — reveals Scribbles and Drabbles — work time Half-elven Week @halfelvenweek
NOVEMBER Tolkien Secret Santa @officialtolkiensecretsanta — signups & assignments Scribbles and Drabbles — fic reveals Nolofinwean Week @nolofinweanweek
DECEMBER Tolkien Secret Santa — advent calendar & reveals My Slashy Valentine @myslashyvalentine — signups & assignments Lord of the Rings Secret Santa — claims Khazad Week @khazadweek
MONTHLY EVENTS: These events have prompts/challenges occurring every month. Teitho Contest Tolkien Short Fanworks Silmarillion Writers’ Guild @silmarillionwritersguild
(this list was last updated 5/4/23)
LEGACY EVENTS: These events used to occur, but have not happened within the last year. Arda Needs More Pride @ardaneedsmorepride (bimonthly; last run 2020) Kiliel Week @kilielweek (timing variable; last run 2021) @oneringnet monthly events (last run 2021) Atani Week @ataniweek (January; last run 2021) Legendarium Ladies April @legendariumladiesapril (April; last run 2020) Gates of Summer Exchange @gatesofsummerexchange (May-June, last run 2022) Tolkien South Asian Week, run by @arwenindomiel (June; last run 2022) Arafinwëan Week @arafinweanweek (July; last run 2019) Fëanturi Week (August; last run 2019; no official blog and the creator has deactivated) Imladrim Week @imladrimweek (November; last run 2019) Doriath Week @doriathweek (November; last run 2020) Tolkien Family Week @tolkienfamilyweek (November; last run 2021)
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mlcalendarproject · 2 years
Miraculous Calendar Project - 2024 edition
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It’s coming back! Starting August 2023, this blog will be counting the days to release a new Miraculous calendar with art from your favorite fan-artists <3
What is the Miraculous Calendar Project?
It’s a Zine-style project where multiple artists collaborate to create a calendar with a Miraculous theme to give back to the fandom! A digital version will be free to download.
It was created by @thelastpilot in 2017 and has been dormant since 2019 — but now, I ( @akumatizedcamembert) gotten the privilege to take over and host this year!
How can I apply?
— To become a mod - apply here
Intrest checks, contributor applications and all that jazz will start around August (and don’t worry, posts & reminders will be shared closer to those dates so you won’t forget)
This blog is still a work in progress, but for now, following is the best way to stay up to date. And if you have any questions, feel free to use asks!
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polysprachig · 1 year
tell us more about these projects! i’ve struggled to pick up languages again after an extended break and no time and a project-based approach seems very refreshing!
Apologies in advance for the long post. I do plan on making a more detailed post on this at a later point hopefully a video but I make no promises these days.
Important note!! Before you start any short- or long-term learning projects, begin a polyglot journal outlining your objectives and check in every two weeks with an extra detailed summary of what you’ve done, haven’t done, dislike, feel needs changing, etc. either once per quarter or 2x year. Your micro-goals, methods and timeline should shift over time, showing that you can reassess the project and try out new things to suit your needs. If you don't update on time it's nbd, but at least try to write a note in your planner or calendar about what you did when because it can be extremely helpful one year later when you try to revisit where you are now and how you got there. 🧿🤍
The main projects from 2019 to today include the following
Greek - Conversational Speaking, 2019
Goal: meet for casual 30-minute lessons with a teacher, 2 or 3x per week to build up conversational skills and high frequency grammar in use as a passive bilingual (it being the native language which I actively lost growing up for various reasons).
Reflection: The real studies were repetition in speech and looking up key vocabulary I would need to use to tell my teacher about what happened in the last week, and my teacher supplied me with additional vocabulary to help me be more specific. Now I have a record of that vocabulary which I can review whenever by topic/story. Plus my family did notice my drastic improvement and asked if I had been studying.
Irish - The Merlin Project (Quarantine Project), 2020-2022 (+ ongoing, needs new methodology because I met my aims a while back at this point)
Aim: Go from A2 to B1 by learning to write so that you can have the skills to be able to read longer texts
Challenge: Rewatch an episode from the last show that you watched and write down what you see in as much detail as possible, making sure to use a grammar point you’re currently studying in your writing. Look up new words to make the text more specific and add them to the description. Correct your text. Watch the same scene again and add more detail, as in the following:
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(Basically: first: do a grammar practice, then: watch 30 seconds, write using that grammar, translate dialogue if you want, consult dictionary, write again incorporating the new words and/or make the sentences more complex, at the end: correct your text yourself or with a teacher, start again and repeat until the scene or full episode is complete or you've exhausted the usefulness of the exercise.)
Alternatively just write or translate fanfiction, but I don't say that here.
By self-correcting you should become very confident on the basic skills at your level, whereas the rewriting itself allows for varied attempts at forming sentences and vocabulary acquisition in a specific context.
FYI I posted the project itself along with the notes to my website (here) and intend to share the presentation on the experience I gave in the Gaeltacht this past August soon enough.
Multilingual, select Romance and Germanic languages - The Diana Project, 2022-present
Challenge: dive deep into the rhythm, melody and sound of certain languages (which relate to a poet I’m analysing) via a slow read of poetry and familiarisation with the poet, poet-translator and poet-actor
Components: read, write, translate and recite poetry on the subject of Greco-Roman tragedy (now its shifting to satire after 1+ year or so of tragic influences) from select eras and in select styles, ex. ottava rima, rhyming verse & simultaneously learn about the rhetoric of poetics that influenced these authors and their poems or translations
These writings I’m still adding to my website as part of a translation, recitation and poetry portfolio.
Most recently, I’ve started what I call the Secret Senecan Project which requires reading certain ancient and mediaevil texts on stories I’m familiar with in the original, identifying key words based on context then extrapolating the grammar from their features (declinations, location in reference to other word forms, etc.). The next step will be to compare these predictions with the bilingual translation and consult my grammar books in those languages to confirm or improve my predictions.
If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope to polish this up and make the details more learner-friendly sometime before 2024. (:
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marveltrumpshate · 1 year
August 2023 MTH fills
Don't forget to mark your calendars: MTH 2023 sign-ups will be opening on September 17! Check out our pinned post for more details about this year's auction.
The best way to see all the fills that have been shared with us is our monthly roundups tag or our #MTH-fills channel on our Discord, but you can also view them through the following methods:
Our Tumblr tags: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Our AO3 collections: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (only has works posted to AO3)
Completed works tag list
To find specific content, use our completed works tag lists above which includes instructions on how to search for a particular character, gen or romantic relationship, universe, and fanwork type. 
@potterspink - Miniature watercolor portrait of Bucky Barnes in Regency fashion for Bitters (MTH 2021)
@potterspink - Miniature watercolor portrait of Steve Rogers in Regency fashion for Bitters (MTH 2021)
Yersi Fanel - "Of Witches and Tricksters" (canon-divergent AoU fic where Loki, who is part of the Avengers, convinces Wanda to join forces against Ultron) for @penguinofthewaddles-art-only, @kerravonsen, @aquatigermice, @lintillaarchaeologist, @lailyn, and @deehellcat
Yersi Fanel - "Of Witches and Tricksters" (canon-divergent AoU fic where Loki, who is part of the Avengers, convinces Wanda to join forces against Ultron) for @penguinofthewaddles-art-only, @kerravonsen, @aquatigermice, @lintillaarchaeologist, @lailyn, and @deehellcat
cicak/@cicaklah - "can't get started" (MCU Sam/Bucky fic where Zemo gets Sam and Bucky together) for @yavannie
@sumbacky - Art of Bucky and Sam in the kitchen during a snowstorm, wearing winter-themed PJs for @elektraking
Avaaricious/@fannishflightsoffancy - "Obstacles to Love" (Steve/Bucky Ultimate Beastmaster reality TV show AU fic) for chakravanti
oh_i_swear/@oh-i-swear-writes - "Catching Shadows" (MCU Steve/Bucky A/B/O AU fic) for @zepysgirl
oper_1895/@oper1895 - "If Symptoms Persist, Seek Medical Treatment" (MCU Steve/Bucky 5+1 medical play fic) for mepeters81
@missmoochy - "Toy With Feelings" (Matt/Foggy Toy Story AU fic where troll doll Foggy meets two interesting toys: Matt, a Ken doll with a tragic past, and Daredevil, an action figure who won't tell Foggy his name) for RoseLover (posted in May)
@captainjimothycarter - "All That Stands Between Us (And Infinite Silence)" (What If..? Peggy/Steve fic where Steve and Peggy go through the portal together and end up in the future of a different timeline) for @callmekayyyyy
writer_lethogica/@thatmexisaurusrex - "The Offering" (winged prince Sam/werewolf pack leader Riley arranged marriage royalty identity porn AU fic) for @kalika999
@KandiSheek - "No Greater Punishment" (MCU Steve/Tony fic where Steve gets jealous after he turns down Tony, thinking he'll just be one of Tony's flings, and Tony enters a long-term relationship with someone else) for WickedInstinct, @starksnack, @wilmakins, @iam93percentstardust, @earliebirb, @jehbeeeh, @magicasen, @t0nystark1er, tsmk2023tsmk, @gottalovev, @elwenyere, @ruquas, @betheflame, hollyandvice, @ishipallthings, @wonderland-girl, @sounds-of-some-day, and @bthehufflepuff208 (MTH 2021)
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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Black August is an annual commemoration and prison-based holiday to remember Black political prisoners and Black freedom struggles in the US and beyond, and to highlight Black resistance against racial, colonial, and imperialist oppression. It takes place during the entire calendar month of August.
It was initiated by the Black Guerilla Family in San Quentin State Prison in 1979 when a group of incarcerated people came together to commemorate the deaths of brothers Jonathan P. Jackson (d. August 7, 1970) and George Jackson (d. August 21, 1971) at San Quentin State Prison.
It as a cultural movement has had a significant impact on the arts. The Black August (film) focuses on the experiences of prison activist George Jackson. A book named Black August: 1619 – 2019 by Gloria Verdieu. The Black Collective launched the Black August Mixtape. In visual art, the virtual exhibition “Black August” opened at the Crenshaw Dairy Mart.
August 1: Emancipation Day in Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Canada
August 5: Nelson Mandela is arrested and imprisoned in 1962
August 7: death of Jonathan P. Jackson
August 9: Mike Brown is killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri
August 10: The Attica Prison Rebellion of 1971 is frequently invoked and commemorated as part of Black August
August 11: Watts riots known as the Watts Uprising, August 11-16 1965
August 14: Bois Caiman: Vodou ceremony that would lead to the first large-scale uprising of the enslaved of Saint Domingue and spark the Haitian Revolution
August 17: the birth of pan-africanist leader Marcus Garvey
August 21: the beginning of Nat Turner’s Rebellion
August 21: death of George Jackson
August 22: the Haitian Revolution begins in 1791
August 23: Uprising of the enslaved in Saint Domingue, the beginning of the Haitian Revolution
August 30: birth of Fred Hampton, who was deputy chairman of the Black Panther Party at the time of his assassination by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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not-yden · 1 year
Here's a few details regarding the timeline of the figure skaters AU. I hope this makes sense because I was going insane while thinking about this.
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The NQS are held from June to September. Then the sectionals for ice dance are in October, US Finals in November, and US Championships in January. These are based on the 2020 USFS qualifying structure*
Like I said, I am not American so I'm not familiar with how the school system works. Though I found that each semester lasts for 5 months. I saw that some schools open mid July so that's where I based Nevermore’s calendar:
1st Sem: July to December
2nd Sem: January to June
So for plot purposes, Tyler got injured in August and Enid transferred to Nevermore early September.
* the AU will use the 2019-2020 USFS season structure to make the story feasible later on. I'll explain why in another post
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
Fresh ink. - August 2018
Resignation. - April 2022
Met Gala. - May 2023
Sandwiches. - March 2019
Truth. - June 2023
Helmets. - June 2019
Godfather. - May 2023
Charlie. - December 2022
Separate. - June 2018
Phone call. - July 2023
Homemade food. - October 2022
Calendars. - August 2023
Snapshot. - February 2029
Bomb. - April 2023
Aftermath. - April 2023
Dream. - January 2018 
Sentence. - August 2023
Contract. - September 2019
Surprise. - September 2025
Burn. - August 2022
Lemon. - February 2023 
Wish. - December 2023
Disney. - August 2019
Home. - September 2021
Choices. - October 2023
Yellow. - September 2019
One day soon. - May 2018
Plans. - October 2018
Lulu. - December 2023
Netflix. - September 2018
Deal. - July 2018
Bliss. - April 2023
One more race. - July 2024
Do you really wanna know where I was April 29? - April 2021
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blazingdarkness · 2 years
Blazer's Glowfic Stats
✧It's my fourth glowbirthday!✧ And what better way to celebrate could there be than making a giant spreadsheet based off the output records?
(I think I started this sheet around my first anniversary, but it was unwieldy and desperately needed an overhaul and some updating. Now each year has its own sheet instead of all being in one that was a monster to scroll through! Huzzah!)
I'm mostly doing this out of vanity and not because I particularly expect it to be interesting to anyone else. Also data entry is fun.
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(You can really tell where I started writing with Alicorn, can't you!)
Let's start with the basics: in my four years as a glowfic author, I've written a total of 280,184 words. I have 48 threads (three of which are marked complete), 26 proper templates (not including Zinglets, Zettings, or the one-off cats), and 153 character accounts. I have 103 galleries with a total of 2,300 icons (what a nice round number! I didn't even rig it it just came out that way I swear).
My template with the most instances is Alphabet Soup with 16, though Jida (15) and Starchild (14) are close behind. (There are 22 untemplated cat accounts but those of course don't count.)
My longest thread so far is of course your stare was holdin', which as of today is 128,638 words long, with 79,154 of those being written by me.
Here's a little baby table of my high scores (or, the most I'd ever written in a single day, midnight to midnight, at each time).
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Out of the past 1,461 days, I've written at least a little on 828 of them, which is 56.7%! On 51 of those days (3.5% of the total; 6.2% of days I wrote at all), I wrote at least a thousand words.
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There's no calendar month which I didn't write on at least one day of, though I've gone for longer than one at a stretch without tagging: 37 days across July and August of 2019. Conversely, my longest streak of consecutive tagging was 64 days, from September to November of 2021. Here's another tinysheet of my streak high scores:
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By the calendar, there's only one month I've tagged on every day of, which is of course October 2021.
Here are each of the charts, day by day and per year:
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(You can REALLY tell where I started writing with Alicorn, can't you!!)
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(Love the one dot from the day of the moon shadeling princess thread wrecking the scale. Good times <3)
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And here we are! This is lacking today's wordcount, even though technically I have another two hours or so before the anniversary of my first tag. It's just easier to count in years going forward if I only do it day-by-day, and anyways most of my count today was sonnets, so it doesn't make much difference. :Þ Speaking of years of going forward and writing glowfic, here's hoping for many more of those! It's been a fun and creatively fulfilling four.
And to wrap things up, here's the total over time with month-sized units. Pretty close to 300k! Not a lot when I compare it to nanos or whatever but I'm proud of it. Thanks for reading <3
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gone2soon-rip · 1 year
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RON CEPHAS JONES (1957-Died August 19th 2023,at 66).
American actor, best known for his role as William Hill in the drama series This Is Us (2016–2022), which earned him a Screen Actors Guild Award; along with four consecutive Primetime Emmy Award nominations, winning twice for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series in 2018 and 2020.
Jones appeared in television series such as Mr. Robot (2015–2016), The Get Down (2016–2017), Luke Cage (2016–2018), and Truth Be Told (2019–2023). He also appeared in a number of films, including Half Nelson (2006), Across the Universe (2007), Glass Chin (2014), The Holiday Calendar (2018), Dog Days (2018), and Dolemite Is My Name (2019).
In 2022, he was nominated for Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Play at the 75th Tony Awards, for his performance in the Broadway play Clyde's.Ron Cephas Jones - Wikipedia
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wikiuntamed · 7 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Thursday, 14th March
Welcome, ยินดีต้อนรับ (yin dee dtôn rab), chào mừng, tervetuloa 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 14th March through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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14th March 2022 🗓️ : Death - Scott Hall Scott Hall, American wrestler (b. 1958) "Scott Oliver Hall (October 20, 1958 – March 14, 2022) was an American professional wrestler. He was best known for his tenures with World Championship Wrestling (WCW) under both his real name and with the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE) under the ring name Razor Ramon. Born in St. Mary's..."
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Image by Temptintemp1
14th March 2019 🗓️ : Event - Cyclone Idai Cyclone Idai makes landfall near Beira, Mozambique, causing devastating floods and over 1,000 deaths. "Intense Tropical Cyclone Idai () was one of the worst tropical cyclones on record to affect Africa and the Southern Hemisphere. The long-lived storm caused catastrophic damage, and a humanitarian crisis in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi, leaving more than 1,500 people dead and many more missing...."
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Image by MODIS image captured by NASA’s Aqua satellite
14th March 2014 🗓️ : Death - Tony Benn Tony Benn, English politician, Postmaster General of the United Kingdom (b. 1925) "Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn (3 April 1925 – 14 March 2014), known between 1960 and 1963 as The 2nd Viscount Stansgate, was a British Labour Party politician who served as a Cabinet minister in the 1960s and 1970s. He was the Member of Parliament for Bristol South East and Chesterfield for 47 of the..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Isujosh
14th March 1974 🗓️ : Birth - Patrick Traverse Patrick Traverse, Canadian ice hockey player "Patrick Traverse (born March 14, 1974) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey defenceman. He played 279 games in the National Hockey League (NHL) with five teams...."
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Image licensed under CC BY 2.0? by TheAHL
14th March 1923 🗓️ : Event - Charlie Daly Charlie Daly and three other members of the Irish Republican Army are executed by Irish Free State forces. "Charlie Daly (10 August 1896 – 14 March 1923), born in Castlemaine, County Kerry, was the second son of Con. W. Daly, of Knockanescoulten, Firies, County Kerry. He went to school, first to Balyfinane National School, and later to the Christian Brothers at Tralee.Daly had been an active member of the..."
14th March 1823 🗓️ : Death - Charles François Dumouriez Charles François Dumouriez, French general and politician, French Minister of War (b. 1739) "Charles-François du Périer Dumouriez (French pronunciation: [ʃaʁl fʁɑ̃swa dy peʁje dymuʁje], 26 January 1739 – 14 March 1823) was a French military officer, minister of Foreign Affairs, minister of War in a Girondin cabinet and army general during the French Revolutionary War. Dumouriez is one of..."
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Image by Template:Pierre-Louis Bouvier
14th March 🗓️ : Holiday - Nanakshahi New Year, first day of the month of Chet (Sikhism) "The Nanakshahi (pronunciation: [naːnakʃaːɦiː]) calendar is a tropical solar calendar used in Sikhism. It is based on the "Barah Maha" (Twelve Months), a composition composed by the Sikh gurus reflecting the changes in nature conveyed in the twelve-month cycle of the year. The year begins with the..."
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Image by Raja Ravi Varma
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
Hi! I’m getting into Thunderbirds fics and was thinking about writing some myself. I saw that you ran a challenge at one point and was wondering if there was any event calendar the fandom is using. Or are there any events at all? I wasn’t sure where to find any.
Hi and welcome to the Thunderfam! :D
There is no strict calendar, but a few events do recur at will.
At the moment we are in the middle of Fanart Appreciation Month, which has occurred in January the previous two years as well. The idea being to reblog lots of artworks to give our artists some recognition.
February has been Fab Five Feb in 2019 and 2020, but was missed last year. I haven't done the call out as to whether the Thunderfam want that one this year yet. It is usually a six week challenge with a focus on the five brothers plus another character which changes each year.
Some time in March/April there might be a Easter gift fic event.
Somewhere between April and August there is sometimes a random challenge event. There was nothing last year, but in previous years there has been Sensory Sunday , Earth & Sky Week and an Olympics challenge.
We also celebrate each of the Tracy boys' birthdays - Gordon 14 Feb, Alan 12 March, Scott 4 July (?), Virgil 15 August (always a big one for me :D ) and John in October. Other cast members also get birthday celebrations at various times of the year.
September and October are usually taken up by external challenges like Sicktember and Whumptober.
We did have a Thunderfam November event - Fluffember - but last year an external event was picked up so Fluffember didn't run, but it did run 2019, 2020 and 2021.
December is left to Tag Team Secret Santa.
There have also been random other events over the past few years and I have no doubt there were others before I joined the fandom in 2018. Due to the sudden rise of Covid in 2020 we started International Rescue & Relief, a fluff prompt challenge which is technically still going, but I haven't mentioned it for ages.
Plus there are always writing prompts or question lists flying around that get picked up by whoever wants to play.
Thunderfam, if I have forgotten anything, please chime in. It is late here and my brain is usually pretty unreliable.
Anyways, welcome, thank you for asking. I hope you have fun in thunderfam :D
(so do you have a favourite Tracy brother? :D )
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