#August 2021 Horoscope
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fixedfour · 9 months ago
Hi! What transit was it you were talking about? Assuming it’s the day he hurt his wrist? Was the moon in cancer omg
omg yes, November 16, 2023! this was the day I was most anxious for 😭
the moon was in Sagittarius (in Mula), but this day was significant on my radar because Mars JUST entered Scorpio that day as well.
Mars has been a very important planet to watch during football season in regards to injuries, especially when it enters Aries/Scorpio. (Mars actually entered Aries this month, on June 1st! I urge everyone to take a look at their car even if nothing is wrong-- please be mindful of accidents, cuts, burns, etc!)
anyway, any planet entering a water sign affects Joe a bit differently since it’s a trinal aspect, but Mars in Scorpio would be directly affecting his moon + sun
and this transit reminded me a lot of December 5, 2021. that day Mars had also just entered Scorpio (and the moon was also in Mula!) and on this day, he dislocated a finger on his throwing hand. i believe it was his pinky ?
so i was afraid he would get injured during that Mars shift and well...
i know two instances hardly makes a pattern, but Mars takes about a year/year and a half to travel through the entire zodiac. hurting the same hand on the same transit twice is still a great 'coincidence'.
and no one asked for this but
i pulled the chart for his wrist injury on August 14, 2017:
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and it confirms Mars was transiting another water sign, Cancer! but holy shit
joe was actually going through his sade sati during this time???? in fact, it was peaking!? Saturn was transiting Scorpio, so it was moving over his natal sun and moon... holy shit
this totally changes my perspective on his college days. i know he's spoken about his struggles during this time, but everything seems so understated now when i'm finally seeing these circumstances.
achieving a perfect season + national championship by the end of your SADE SATI?? joe burrow is actually the boogeyman. it is actually SO appropriate that he played at Tiger Stadium, aka Death Valley... wow.
this chart is actually so insightful. it really colors that day in August. moon in Bharani. sun was transiting Cancer during this time as well, also in Ashlesha. i have always felt that Cancer was significant in his horoscope, and this is kind of confirming it?
for example, Venus was transiting Cancer/Ashlesha when he signed his contract last year in September as well. Signing a contract of any kind definitely activates your 7H... the math is mathing
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mahesini · 3 months ago
months before turning thirty
let's preface my english is atrocious but i'm using this platform as an outlet and writing how i feel seems to help me release.
2023 was a mental health DECLINE, which i was hoping to leave behind but it has followed me into 2024..
do i feel guilty for feeling like this when others are going through way worse events in the world currently, YES! i should be grateful for the blessings i have but i'm also hyper aware of time and how little we have of it.
i have to my knowledge always been an independent individual, haven't had to consult or get permission for life choices i have made. i guess it was a slow realisation entering into my late twenties, where most tamil girls get scrutinised with the "are you not thinking to get married", that i've developed this guilt of not "accomplishing" this big chapter in my life. usually i don't let tasks on my life admin list just sit there outstanding, i get them done and dusted but this particular task requires more than just me and i'm struggling to deal with this
i have no honest answers or solutions to “do u want ur appa at the wedding” or “what if your appa turns up at the wedding” or “go speak to your appa about it”
i have had zero contact with appa since April 2016. it got to a point where amma’s life was on the line so there was no other choice but to exile him from our lives.
do i wish my appa had more patience? YES do i understand how challenging it is to do life with my amma? YES! i’m not trying to defend my appa’s violent actions but maybe i do understand how he got to this breaking point. on reflection i do feel like i can easily empathise with men than women but i don't have an explanation for why.
thambi means more to me than those to ever have and thambi does see it as more black and white. he doesn’t want appa in his life anymore and granted he did the heavy lifting of protecting amma, i don’t blame him for feeling/thinking this way.
i tend to block negative and even some positive events in my life as some sort of coping mechanism to keep me going. being a water sign (not hardcore into astrology or numerology but can give it more time than religion) i wasn’t much of crier growing up, which baffled the horoscope enthusiasts lol but 2023 really broke down my walls more (even though 2016 should have been what broke me). i think i was actually faced with what i was to do with my life instead of just living day to day.
i found my right person to do life with back in 28th August 2021 (the date is special as that number followed us in previous years). he doesn’t take life so seriously as i do and he is has much more patience than i do so i believe we compliment each other well. where i lack he fulfils and vice versa but i’ll save more of this for the vows (cringing). i think subconsciously i was hoping for a great relationship with his family as my amma doesn’t have her own and given what’s happened, it doesn’t seem like my appa’s side wants to continue contact, which obviously breaks my heart because i don’t see why thambi and i should face the consequences of my parent’s actions.
so the “in-laws to be” - have they known about our relationship for two years and still need time to accept a love marriage, YES! have they finally agreed to meet up for the first time but keep pushing it back because it isn’t a good "time" according to the stars, YES! they think we’re rushing to get married tomorrow and my amma wanted me married off yesterday so she can live her life as she pleases. “mother in law to be” says they’re not against us but wants us to be more understanding of that accepting people they don’t know (i.e not in their circles) takes time for them, whereas my amma just wants us married “kalyanam vaisu vanthathadu” ..
i think my last try of resurrecting a relationship with amma back in the summer of 2023 was a failure, as she came back to london with even more energy of getting me married of, which led to a fast-tracked proposal out of pressure. if the husband and children she so wanted doesn't bring her happiness then i just feel like there is no hope reconciling with her and i don't feel like i will have regrets over this.
just realised im writing this in april 8 years after my parents separation. i can’t do what i did in 2016 and blaaze my way through life because i wasn’t facing my appa on a day to to day basis and could easily be ignorant to it? and just continue life without any sad feelings. i’m faced with two choices either to confront everyone and be vilified for it or keep quiet and ride this tsunami of emotions till maybe i reach my breaking point??
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astroseri · 4 years ago
New Moon in Leo ♌️
Aug. 8th 2021 thru Sep. 8th 2021
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Horoscopes for All Signs...
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Aries ♈️
The new moon is in your 5th house of pleasure...
You will experience newfound energy in the areas of romance, generosity & pleasure. You will likely learn something new about romance, self-expression or confidence. You could also be looking into travel destinations or the world abroad. You will also receive some valuable intel about something happening in a foreign country.
In addition, Jupiter retrograde has entered your 11th house. Old financial opportunities or unexpected income may come your way, because the 11th house rules streams of income. Networking or connecting with Friends will help you acquire new information at this time. Finally, you’ve likely been feeling called to learn about technologies or software that can help you accomplish more. You should pursue this. Leo Sun, Moon & Mercury are accelerating the learning process and now is the time you can more easily acquire the knowledge required to reach your goals.
Taurus ♉️
The New Moon is in your 4th house of family & resources...
This month you will be learning something new about investing, parenting or about your family.
Perhaps you’ve been looking into new forms of self-sufficiency and things like crypto, because you have Uranus in your 1st house, indicating a desire to innovate or find the next big financial breakthrough (Taurus is finance). Until Uranus moves out of your sign in 2026, you will be called to push ahead of the masses and to find new forms of self-sufficiency. Jupiter retrograde is in your 10th house and is in the sign of innovation (Aquarius), so you could learn about some sort of new business opportunity as well.
Gemini ♊️
The Leo New Moon is in your 3rd house of communication...
This month you will learn a lot through personal interactions and word of mouth.
In fact, it’s a great time for you to teach others, and to speak your own ideas. You have the north node in your sign, so it is no surprise you are being seen as a leader or a pioneer during this time. In these shaken times, people are looking for new things to believe in that will get them ahead. And you are the sign of intellect, information and original ideas, so this is a great opportunity for you to share what you’ve been coming up with. You could unexpectedly garner a following as a result, or people could start requesting your services.
Jupiter retrograde has entered your 9th house, so you may be revisiting old places or you could experience something that makes you question certain logical convictions. On a side note, You could receive unexpected tips and electronic payments for work you provide. In general though, friends and networking will inform you a lot during this time and could even lead to new career opportunities.
Cancer ♋️
The New Moon is taking place in your 2nd house.
It is a great time for you to learn new information about investing, money and personal finance. You can assimilate knowledge more quickly around this Lion’s Gate New Moon, so make use of the energy by picking up a book or consuming educational resources.
Jupiter retrograde has entered your 8th house of debt, death, taxes and transformation. So unexpected knowledge or blessings could transform your situation in some way, or take you out of debt. On the other hand, there is the possibility of learning deep or occult topics. Things such as astrology, spirituality, psychology or tarot. Maybe you are taking a course in these transformative arts. Most importantly Jupiter is in Aquarius, and this indicates learning something innovative or new. Perhaps even learning about new technologies, or industries. During this time, this is where you will make the most bang for your buck. I recommend looking at “Taurus” horoscope because they are getting a similar message.
Leo ♌️
The New Moon is in your 1st House, signaling a new cycle in your energy levels.
You are feeling highly energized and passionate at this time. In addition, new intel and knowledge is seeming to come to you effortlessly.
Now’s a great time to begin a new endeavor. Taking action in a new area or field. Now is a time to put yourself out there and face new experiences and situations. Or to share something new with the world. Also it’s a good time to learn something new or pick up a book. You will assimilate knowledge very quickly at this time. In addition, Jupiter is retrograde in your 7th house indicating, learning about relationships, contracts and agreements as welll as business. You could be reigniting relationships or missed opportunities that will allow you to experience more personal freedom. You could be learning new ways of making money through others.
Virgo ♍️
The new moon is taking place in your 12th house of spirituality.
Now is a time you could be learning esoteric topics or spiritual concepts. Because the 12th house is about spirituality. Like with all signs, You will have increased capacity for learning during this time. Especially regarding new topics or endeavors. This is because of Sun, Moon & Mercury all being in Leo at the moment.
Use this to your advantage. In general, you could be acquiring a new foundation for your beliefs. The new moon in the 12th indicates a new seed being planted in your subconscious. Your perspective and possibilities may expand after this date. Perhaps due to the revelation of new facts, evidence or social data. Or watching a piece of content that shifts your perspective. Jupiter, the benefic, is in Aquarius transiting your 6th house. This is the house associated with Virgos, and so this will be quite a blessed time for them. In addition, Venus and Mars are transiting your 1st house, indicating that you are feeling an abundance of energy and self-worth.
Jupiter Retrograde in the 6th indicates you could receive assistance or gifts in your career during this time, and in general, missed opportunities regarding your work could return.
Libra ♎️
The New Moon is taking place in your 11th house of friends.
This month you will be called to learn about new technologies, systems or financial opportunities.
The ability to learn is temporarily enhanced, because Leo New Moon energy is about rapid assimilation of knowledge. You will likely want to pick up a book or watch content that helps you innovate your finances or investments. You may also be filled in on new opportunities through your friends, network and associates. Finally, Jupiter is retrograde in your 5th house indicating old romances may rekindle. Likely through a text or a digital interaction. In general, you could receive help regarding a romantic connection (or from one).
Scorpio ♏️
The New moon is taking place in your 10th house of status. 
You will be learning new technical terms, definitions or qualifications regarding your career or responsibilities during this time. Perhaps you are qualifying for a promotion. Or attempting to get the credentials. This is a way for you to improve your investments or your streams of income.
You will probably receive knowledge or opportunities about new investments, because Jupiter is retrograde in your 4th house, along with Saturn. You’ve likely been trying to incorporate self-employment, or personal interests as a part of your career. There is a possibility of memorizing a lot of information during this time. Especially in creative fields, media, or the history of technology. Perhaps analyzing old data or photos too. This new moon will assist greatly in your self-education.
Sagittarius ♐️
The New Moon is taking place in your 9th house of experiences.
It is a good time to learn something new, or begin a new personal endeavor. Similar to Aries, It is particularly favorable to travel or create plans for somewhere that interests you. Jupiter is retrograde in your 3rd house, so the places you visit will be like familiar or perhaps you’ve wanted to go in the past but missed out. With mercury being in your 9th house, now is also a time to expand your mind or intelligence. Or to incorporate intellect and originality to what you are learning or already know. Finally, it’s a good time to learn new technical skills, rather than broad or unfamiliar topics.
You could be developing your mental faculties at this time, through skill development. Or attempting a variety of creative things. Especially regarding old interests and opportunities that you thought you missed.
Capricorn ♑️
The new moon is taking place in your 8th house of debts & transformation.
Now is a time to make transformative efforts. And to learn about things that could break you out of a rut or a limited way of thinking. Especially if it’s an interpersonal problem, or it involves debt, death, taxes or shared resources. Generally speaking you could be learning about the psychology of others, either experientially, or through seeking information online or in books. You will tend to assimilate knowledge quicker than usual at this time, because the sun is in Leo. Jupiter is retrograde in your 2nd house, so old financial opportunities, streams of income and investments will seem to become possible again. All of a sudden you may feel like you have the resources or financial leverage to pursue certain objectives that didn’t seem possible before. There is a chance you could have taken a loan around this time, or be planning to use debt to accomplish this.
Aquarius ♒️
The new moon is taking place in your 7th house of relationships and agreements. There is a chance you could be learning new knowledge about law or contractual agreements. Or coming up with ingenious ideas for business. There is a chance you could share this with others, but you should probably keep this knowledge to yourself for the time being. You will be using this knowledge to further your personal objectives or to expand your personal abundance. Jupiter is retrograde in your 1st house bringing more, knowledge, personal freedom and opportunities. Especially financial ones. All of a sudden, a lot of things will seem possible again, especially regarding business or travel. You could be learning new information in order to handle debt or taxes, because Venus is in your 8th house in virgo.
Pisces ♓️
The new moon is taking place in your 6th house of work,
so during this time you will be assimilating new work-related knowledge, or learning things that will further your career. Especially skills, facts or knowledge of statistics. In addition there is a chance you could learn new things about health at this time. Or be improving your routine, diet and habits. Jupiter is retrograde in your 12th house indicating that you are revising your assumptions or perception about certain things. New knowledge and facts are making you change your subconscious narrative and the things that you’d assumed in the past. You will generally experience more freedom and spiritual liberation at this time. You could be going on some sort of spiritual retreat or planning on visiting foreign lands. In general you are likely starting a new career or a new phase in your career. And there will be a lot of activity, communications and interaction in this phase, because mercury is conjunct this new moon.
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Thanks for Reading,
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astrology-with-charu · 4 years ago
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Lucky for you today we get both, sun is in Leo 🔥 and moon in Pisces 💦
I get to live with both 😉
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tezlivenews · 4 years ago
Monthly Horoscope 2021: इन राशि वालों को शुभ परिणाम देगा अगस्त का महीना, क्या आप भी हैं शामिल
Monthly Horoscope 2021: इन राशि वालों को शुभ परिणाम देगा अगस्त का महीना, क्या आप भी हैं शामिल
ज्योतिष शास्त्र की तरह अंक ज्योतिष से भी जातक के भविष्य, स्वभाव और व्यक्तित्व का पता लगता है। जिस तरह हर नाम के अनुसार राशि होती है उसी तरह हर नंबर के अनुसार अंक ज्योतिष में नंबर होते हैं। अंकशास्त्र… Source link
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starcrazypie · 4 years ago
August 2021 Horoscope: The Month Ahead
When I started writing the August 2021 horoscope, there was the definite feeling that we had been here before. Is is that second Full Moon in Aquarius? Maybe...
When I started preparing the August 2021 horoscope, there was the definite feeling that we had been here before. There’s a routine I have when I start making a forecast and as I looked at the ephemeris for 2021 and starting preparing my planetary checklist, I saw the reason why I felt the way I did. This month, not only do we have all the outer planets in retrograde motion (again) but there is…
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idyllicbby · 4 years ago
astrology observations
{i am not a professional astrologer but these are trends in the tropical/sidereal horoscope that i have picked up. so, take most of this info with a grain of salt.}
all Pisces sun women look like deers to me, and it’s more so bc of the doe like eyes
ex: Rihanna, Simone Biles & Drew Barrymore
Leo mars people love proving people wrong. if you tell them they can’t do something, they’ll do it, exceed your expectations, then flex on their haters afterwards
ex: Serena Williams showing her haters she could continue her career with a family by winning multiple awards while being pregnant & after giving birth
people with Aries placements (more so in the big three) are good singers & i think it’s bc one of the elements of being a good singer is to be able to project & Aries placements have no problem with that
ex: Céline Dion, Jazmin Sullivan, Ari Lennox, Diana Ross etc.
Scorpio moons always have at least two tattoos or have thought about getting multiple tattoos & most of them have a meaning (may or may not a be a “deep” meaning but a meaning nonetheless)
Virgo venues people are rather single all the time or have been in a relationship for 5+ years. y’all are so picky when it come to choosing a partner so when y’all find the one, y’all hang on them for as long as you can.
people with sun in the 9th house and/or have a lot of Sagittarius placements love to travel but they also just love any type of traveling, it doesn’t necessarily have to be them flying across the country. just getting out of the house makes them happy.
people always say how indecisive Libra placements are, but can we talk about how indecisive Gemini’s are? ask them what their favorite thing to do multiple times a day and every single time they’ll say something different.
people with a lot of Pisces and/or 12th house placements definitely be having very deep talks about life’s experiences, whether with themselves or with others. most of them make good psychologist & therapist bc learning new things about different people’s life experiences is something that they love to hear & can easily empathize for.
cardinal placements (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) always feel the need to be 5 steps ahead of everyone, and when they’re not, they self-deprecate a lot over the things they couldn’t control.
Capricorn placements are known for being the provider so when a person has a Capricorn venus their main love language is most likely to be acts of service or gift-giving.
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mmysstical · 4 years ago
The astrology of August is just : you’re going to feel like arguing. (You shouldn’t, especially if you’re emotional about the issue. You’ll get distracted.) Life might just feel like it sucks but you can actually choose to exert your energy into fixing what doesn’t work in your life, examine yourself motivations behind your actions, and act according to your principles. If you do; you’ll see some improvement and some welcome positive change before having stability and some peace of mind.
The type that makes you stay calm and collected even if there’s a cacophony around. Lots of external tensions, but don’t let that prevent you from getting your best life !
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suniastrology · 4 years ago
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Lots of earth energy around us, six planets in Earth sighs, 3 of them in Virgo. It's time to be more serous, organised, practical and efficient. This a period where we tend to pay attention to our finances and resources, to focus on our day to day basic needs, tasks and duties; and to fix or solve issues related to materialistic side of life.
 We also tend to be more grounded and realistic and to approach matters in life with a critical eye; putting things in order in a rational and a sensible manner. Being in nature and honour the Mother earth and all earthly recourses is another calling of such an energy. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) may feel this energy the most. How do your feel under this energy? I personally, find myself to be able to complete more and more tasks from my 'to-do' list which wasn't the case a week ago, finally on track 🙂 !
Best wishes suni astrology
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insightstarot · 4 years ago
tiktok instant_insights
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journalistcafe · 4 years ago
राशिफल 04 अगस्त 2021 : जानें कैसा रहेगा आज आपका दिन?
राशिफल 04 अगस्त 2021 : जानें कैसा रहेगा आज आपका दिन?
सभी 12 राशियों के लिए कैसा रहेगा आज का दिन। किसको मिलेंगी खुशियां और किस राशि वालों को करना पड़ सकता है परेशानियों का सामना। अपनी राशि के अनुसार जानिए क्या कहता है आपका राशिफल। Horoscope 04 August 2021 [bs-quote quote=”धन का लाभ मिलेगा। व्यापार में विस्तार होगा। मित्रों का सहयोग मिलेगा। संतान सुख मिलेगा। नई योजनाएं बनेंगी। कार्य में उत्साह रहेगा। राजनीतिक लाभ मिलेगा।” style=”style-12″…
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theastrosaga · 3 years ago
AJKER RASHIFAL 30 SEPTEMBER 2021 | আজকের রাশিফল | দৈনিক রাশিফল | TODAY HOROSCOPE in BENGALI ============================================================ Ask our specialist for Personalized Horoscope Reading. 📞 Call us: 7439725044
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Address:- House No: N0071, Tara Pukur South, Agarpara, Kolkata, West Bengal 700109 ============================================================
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tezlivenews · 4 years ago
मेष, वृष वाले 30 दिनों तक रहें सावधान, अगस्त का महीना रहेगा परेशानियों से भरा
मेष, वृष वाले 30 दिनों तक रहें सावधान, अगस्त का महीना रहेगा परेशानियों से भरा
कल से अगस्त का महीना शुरू हो रहा है। अगस्त में कुछ ग्रहों का राशि परिवर्तन होगा, जिससे सभी राशियों पर शुभ- अशुभ प्रभावों पड़ेगा। ज्योतिष गणनाओं के अनुसार अगस्त माह में होने वाले राशि परिवर्तन से कुछ… Source link
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dbpnews · 4 years ago
For the coming 6 days, these 2 zodiac signs should be careful, cut the expenses, otherwise there may be loss
For the coming 6 days, these 2 zodiac signs should be careful, cut the expenses, otherwise there may be loss
There are 6 days left in the month of August. In the month of August, Sun, Mercury and Venus have changed their zodiac signs. On August 26, Mercury will once again change the zodiac. According to astrology, there is a change in the zodiac on all the zodiac signs. Disclaimer: This story or news has been auto-aggregated by a computer program, As well as few words that have been auto-convert with…
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aainews21 · 3 years ago
राशिफल 28 अगस्त: शनि का मकर, कर्क और सिंह राशि में होगा गोचर चमकेगा
राशिफल 28 अगस्त: शनि का मकर, कर्क और सिंह राशि में होगा गोचर चमकेगा
ग्रह स्थिति – चंद्रमा मेष राशि में है। राहु वृषभ राशि में है। सूर्य और मंगल सिंह राशि में हैं। बुध और शुक्र कन्या राशि में हैं। केतु वृश्चिक राशि में, शनि मकर राशि में और गुरु कुंभ राशि में गोचर कर रहे हैं। बृहस्पति और शनि दोनों वक्री हैं। गुरु आत्मकेंद्रित है। शुक्र नीच का है। सत्तारूढ़ सूर्य और मित्र मंगल एक साथ चल रहे हैं। राशिफल– भेड़ – अच्छी स्थिति। अच्छी और सकारात्मक स्थिति। स्वास्थ्य,…
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idyllicbby · 4 years ago
astrology observations
{i am not a professional astrologer but these are trends in the tropical/sidereal horoscope that i have picked up. so, take most of this info with a grain of salt.}
when Sagittarius mercuries talk, it’s rather a bunch of words slurred together, them making a very funny joke or them cursing someone out, nothing else.
Pisces placements have all imagined themselves as a part of a music video of their favorite song or have replaced themselves with one of the main characters in a book/movie.
having a lot of placements ruled by mercury (Virgo/Gemini & 3rd house) makes you automatically funny in my book. I truly don’t think Virgos (especially Virgo moons) get enough credit for how naturally funny they are.
ex: celebrities with Virgo moons are Doja Cat, Nicki Minaj & Samuel L Jackson
Aquarius placements always get the title of being the “ghosters” of the zodiac, but Libras will come into your life, make you fall deeply in love with them, then fall off the face of the Earth. They might even come back to redo the whole process again.
i feel like all Taurus placements have that one show that they re-watch every month just bc they know how it will end and they enjoy the stability of that.
if your Jupiter is in Pisces, you have a very unconventional way of doing the things that you love or your work. ppl often view you as an outsider bc of your very creative ways.
ex: Lady Gaga & Jaden Smith
Aquarius & Leo placements cockiness levels are the same to me. Leos will go on and on about their looks & Aquarius people will go on and on about how successful they are & how different they are from other people.
Water & Earth placements love to people watch.
All Earth placements let their anger be passive & build up over time, but when it’s time to let it out, they do it differently. Taurus people will have no problem spilling out that anger when it’s time. Virgos will bring it up in the heat of an argument as a “gotcha” moment. And, Capricorns will cut the person off then hold a 100+ year grudge until the anger passes & the Saturn Karma has taken place.
idkw Libra placements are seen as the “peacemakers” when they’re mostly the ones making the drama or instigating it. if there is going to be a “peacemaker” in the zodiac it’s gonna be the cardinal & mutable sister signs, Capricorn & Cancer and Virgo & Pisces bc they will bring informational & emotional logic into the conversation. but, most of the time they just like to sit down and watch (😭)
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