#Au where Astyanax lives
app1es0uce · 2 months
Here’s my thing about baby Astyanax adoption,
I feel like he wouldn’t get revenge.
If they told him young, he wouldn’t understand the seriousness. And as he grows older, they can teach him how to handle his emotions, anger, confusion and conflicting feelings better and not irrationally, so I don’t think he’d murder.
If they told him when he was older and an adult and explained themselves, I feel like he would understand the seriousness of it, but could understand and respect the decision. Especially if he grows old enough to have a child himself, I feel like he could sympathize with them.
If they explained it to him when he was a teen, I feel he would’ve been conflicted, but not mad enough to murder. And if they explained themselves, sure he wouldn’t be happy, but also, not murder. That’s when he’d probably run away, be more rebellious, talk back and definitely use the “you’re not my real dad” line a lot, but I don’t think he would be able to get himself to murder. 
The thought would definitely cross his mind. I think he’d argue with himself to do something and get revenge for his real parents, but emotionally, Hector and Andromache are strangers to him.
The thing is, Astyanax wouldn’t know who Hector or Andromache are, he would only be able to understand who they are and what they should mean to him, but there wouldn’t be any actual connection.
These strangers who are his parents were killed by the person he’s actually formed a bond with and sees as an actual father figure.
Also Odysseus killed them, not just for fun, but for a reason and he even defied the gods wishes to kill him for him.
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 4 months
*rubbing my hands with mischief* guess who found an incorrect quotes generator
So here is a compilation of incorrect quotes from the Astyanax lives/daddy Odysseus AU
Odysseus: Once Astyanax thanked me and I couldn’t decide between “No problem!” and “No worries!” so I yelled “No worms!” to them as they walked away.
Astyanax, smol, facing a threat: I am in charge of this disaster!
Odysseus: I have a name, you know.
Astyanax, smol, a little shit: Polyphemus knows
Odysseus: ...
The threat: HAHAHAHAHA
Astyanax: Hey Odysseus, can I get some ice-cream?
Odysseus: Only a spoonful!
Astyanax: *Proceeds to pull out a comically large spoon.*
Odysseus: ...
Odysseus, tearing up: that's my boy
Astyanax, looking at Odysseus: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
Odysseus: I hEaR tHaT
Astyanax when he's told about the whole horse thing, looking at Odysseus: What doesn't kill me better start running, because now I'm fucking pissed.
Astyanax, at Odysseus: Of course you have blood all over you, and pronouns.
Odysseus: I use he/him pronouns...?
Astyanax: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany!
Astyanax, earlier while Odysseus was messing up (again): I'm going to throw myself into the sea.
Astyanax "I was raised by Odysseus what did you expect" of Troy: I don’t know the first thing about clothes. Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it’s clothes or not. This chair? Not clothes. That barrel? Not clothes. That middle-aged man who invaded Troy? Not clothes.
Astyanax: Wow, great work on the Halloween decorations. Where did you get the fake skeletons?
Odysseus: Fake?
Astyanax: ...
Odysseus: We'll talk about this later.
Astyanax: Fine, I won’t be listening.
Odysseus: I will beat all of you in Rock, Paper, Scissors. You go first.
Astyanax: Rock.
Odysseus: Paper.
Astyanax: ...
Odysseus: First rule, never trust anybody
Astyanax: I am going to need you to swear-
Odysseus: Fuck.
Astyanax: ...swear as in promise.
Astyanax: Don't have a bookmark? Try ketchup instead!!
Odysseus: What makes you think I read?
Astyanax: ...right, my mistake, that explains a lot of things.
Odysseus: now I'm offended
Astyanax: like the time I was offended by a wooden horse?
Odysseus: ...
Odysseus: So, I've been thinking Astyanax-
Astyanax, young but tired of this bs: That's dangerous.
Odysseus: Damn, the power went out.
Astyanax: Don’t worry, I got this.
Astyanax: *stomps foot*
Odysseus: What-?
Astyanax: *Sketchers light up*
Odysseus: Hoodie pockets are so great. I can fit like three sandwiches and a grenade in there and my hands are still warm.
Astyanax, looking at the sea: I wish Poseidon would take me now
Odysseus: The joy of hanging out with Astyanax. You look away for 5 seconds to make sure something is set up correctly, and he bites the tip of a marker off.
Odysseus: I should have left you on that street corner where you were standing
Astyanax: bUt YoU dIdN't
Astyanax: Odysseus, when’s your birthday?
Odysseus "I'm still thinking about the infant from that night" of Ithaca: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me?
Astyanax: …So I know when to wish you a happy birthday.
Have some Odysseus and Hermes, as a treat:
Odysseus: Hi, I'm Hermes's emergency contact.
Counter Woman: You're here to pick him up?
Odysseus: I'm here to remove myself as his emergency contact.
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dootznbootz · 26 days
I'm not very fond of Epic AUs where Odysseus adopts Astyanax.
It's fine for a one-off joke or comic and ofc this is just my opinion but... if Astyanax lives (like in Racine's play), he should always stay with Andromache. His actual mother, yk. Not with one of the men who sacked Troy. Zeus' prophecy is bound to happen and Odysseus knew keeping the infant around was a bad idea.
If Astyanax dies, I want to see him in Elysium with his father, finally in a peaceful place and having all of eternity to catch up. Then Andromache joins them (sending her to Asphodel would be too cruel) and they finally reunite.
Would anyone picture Neoptolemus adopting Astyanax ? The son of Achilles, who dragged Hector's body in a chariot. No ? So Achilles' associate doing the same would be weird.
And Odysseus ? I want him CRAVING for a son, waiting for so long until he can express his paternal affection (and always cursing Palamedes even after his revenge 😂).
Him meeting Telemachus all grown up should be his first real shot at fatherhood. It'd be underwhelming if he already had a little boy with him. If Telemachus has a little brother, Penelope should be the mother. Or they adopt another baby together afterwards. No Astyanax and ESPECIALLY NO TELEGONUS !
So yeah, imo Astyanax and Odysseus don't belong with each other. Any thought ?
Headsup: This is just an opinion. My opinion does not matter. If you like this AU, PLEASE don't let that stop you from creating! Just because it's not for me, doesn't mean it's not for you or for someone else :D
I absolutely agree and you absolutely put into words WHY.
There's the term "woobifying" and in some cases...I think that's what people just often do with Epic/The Odyssey. (especially from Epic) I'm saying as someone who is a very soft and fluffy person. I love soft and sweet fics and ideas. I love stuff that makes me smile. But I almost feel as though with certain soft things, you're taking away what makes characters who they are. which DOESN'T make me smile lol
like I think there's more fun in simply a "no-war AU" than the "Astyanax lives AU" xD like, that way, Odysseus is with his family, gets to be a dad, Astyanax gets to live (let's not think too hard about how "no war may have meant no Astayanax")
As that way, they still get to be in character as well.
Penelope and Odysseus for example, are scallywags lol. They scheme and swindle. They giggle and kick their feet when they get extra cattle. They hold grudges. They can be snooty and prideful. They're as full of love as they are full of hate. Odysseus, during the Sack of Troy, in both the Odyssey AND Epic, will do whatever it takes to get home. Like yes, in Epic, Jay has it where Odysseus has to "become ruthless" but I can understand what he's doing with the narrative. Odyssey Odysseus? Um...Iphigenia is proof that Odysseus is already ruthless.
Btw, why is Astyanax the only one Odysseus would want to save with these AUs? What about Iphigenia? Is it because of Epic?
Yes, I DO think Odysseus (and Penelope for that matter) have a lot of parental instinct. I plan to write Odysseus carving lil wooden toys for random kids just as something to do. He does tricks. (ngl, while it seems they weren't around in the Mycenaean era, Yo-yos were a thing in ancient Greece. I just KNOW Odysseus would be the type to do so many tricks. (also string and wood🥹)) He has a soft spot for Greater Ajax's boy. My goober was friends with Menelaus and Agamemnon even before he met Penelope (he saw two exiled guys take back their kingdom and thought "hm??? vulnerable state??? They're very rich?? hehe >:3" but then became fond of them. The reason why he went to Sparta was to help Menelaus with Helen but fell in love himself.) and he's carved lil toys for Agamemnon's kids
He's carved lil Iphigenia toys. She likes Dolphins. He still helps sabotage the letter in some myths and even hypes up the crowd.
Even if it IS just based on Epic, "The Horse and The Infant" and "Just a Man" are HUGE turning points for Odysseus. Or even just a show of character. Like yes, "Odysseus is learning ruthlessness" but he already is ruthless. He literally says "I would trade the world to see my son and wife". AND HE STILL DOES THE DEED! HE WAS RUTHLESS SINCE THE BEGINNING! The Second song in the Musical and it already tells you about Odysseus and what he is willing to do. Is he sad and haunted? Yeah. Still did it.
And I really love that as that's Odyssey Odysseus as well! Odysseus isn't an unfeeling violent villain. He's just a man.
Also...What happens in the Odyssey is no fucking place for a child. ;~; The cyclops, the Goddesses, the monsters? Why should a lil boy be anywhere near that? How did he survive while drifting to Ogygia? Does Poseidon try to keep them together? As no one would be in the state to take care of each other together for that many days.
And in general, in the Odyssey, to me, it's such a huge thing that he literally lost EVERYONE. THAT HE IS ALL ALONE. All of the people who were with him are now dead, and there was nothing he could do. It was already fated.
It's horrible but there's something so poetic in him being the "Sole Survivor", especially after all the hell he went through.
Also yeah, I DO really hate the thought of Telemachus knowing "You took care of this baby when I needed you?". Like my OdyPen have a daughter after he returns as the whole "only one son" and that's already really hard for Telemachus to watch Odysseus be a father for her, regardless of how often and how adamantly Odysseus reassures him that Odysseus desperately wished to do the same with him.
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thylionheart · 3 months
“Odysseus actually raises Astyanax as his own” AU is so perfect because it changes NOTHING. Odysseus doesn’t kill the Cyclops, not bc he feels grievously guilty for killing the infant, but bc he did save the infant. The crew still loses trust in Odysseus bc bringing the infant son of your enemy you fought 10 years against is an objectively BAD idea. (There are more lives at stake than just this one. You can’t put all of us and our families back home at risk like this because you feel guilty. You didn’t have to kill him, but you could have just left him). And gods help him if he tries to hide it from them first.
Zeus’ prophecy about Astyanax still comes true bc Tiresias’ prophecy HAS TO come true. Regardless if Telegonus would exist in this version, Odysseus will still be killed by a son.
Which, speaking of- the inherent tragedy of being a young kid raised on the ocean by a bunch of disenchanted war veterans, constantly in danger. The only bit of stability you get is the brief year or so with Circe, then the seven years with Calypso. Just the tragedy! Really, from ages 3 to 10, Calypso is the only maternal figure he’s even had. That’s his whole life basically, and then he’s just ripped from all he’s ever known bc his adopted father wants so strongly to get back to his “real” family. And then you get there, to this half-mythologized land of Ithaca and it’s this rocky mountainous place, nothing like the beachy paradise where you grew up. And suddenly there’s this other son: Telemachus, Odysseus’ heir, even tho he’s not the son Odysseus actually raised.
And then. Eventually. Or maybe he’s always known. He finds out his true identity and what Odysseus and the Greeks did to his homeland. Would he feel a connection to them? Would it even matter at this point, he loves Odysseus like the only father he’s ever known. But there’s always this itch in the back of mind. Yes, Odysseus probably trained Astyanax to fight, but he is always wondering, is he teaching Telemachus better, giving him more attention, is he afraid I will try to steal the throne from his “real” son.
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tododeku-or-bust · 4 months
1 | 2 | 3
More Zelda AU!
Their combined friendship theme song is the Spirit Tracks theme/overworld theme, btw! I think it's a lovely tune that captures how steadfast they are towards their goals. It's also very innocent; they're still kids, so even though they're on this massive journey, they're goofballs and they act like it.
Anyway! So Calix! If Philia and Kairos have a Windwaker inspired journey, Calix is living on Twilight Princess Time and it's Serious.
Calix is a Prince, a gorgeous young man that the capital and kingdom love, yes? However, he's also still an amateur. He's not cut his teeth on any real battle, nor has he really been involved with direct politics. And he's taken it upon himself to try to get more involved with both, so that his brother the King (Astyanax cameo!) can take his presence more seriously.
This is because the elders that surround Astyanax are... Not trustworthy. Ever since their father died and he took over, they've been in his ear whispering doubts and sowing seeds of distrust. Calix hates it. Not only does he love and miss his sage older brother, but there's something Wrong happening.
There's been reports of increased unrest with more monster sightings and attacks, especially towards the outer perimeter of the kingdom. Calix genuinely believes that if he can investigate what's going on, he can bring that evidence to Astyanax and MAYBE break him out of the elders' ideas that "things are fine".
He's not quite sure where to start, which is why one night he's out in the woods hunting with some of his guard. They hear something swift and large rustling the bushes, and there's a suspicion that it must be a monster. Calix lifts his spear, and hurtles it.
Not only is it not a monster, but it's a tall, beauteous young woman. A young woman who's got his spear trapped in her furious grip- caught at top speed, right out of the air- glaring at him for the audacity, chest heaving from the near miss.
A queasy mix of fear, awe, and something burning hot runs through Calix at the sight. She's even got the moonlight and the faint breeze.
This is when Kairos jumps out of the bush, and it only takes him a couple seconds to realize what's going on. Philia slams the bottom of the spear on the ground as Kairos explains why they're here (they didn't have enough money to buy lodging, and they're used to hoofing it in the woods anyway). They were looking for food when they heard noise.
He claims they're looking to speak with the King, and this is when Calix realizes his opportunity!
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meekmedea · 2 months
hello! i saw you reblogged a couple epic the musical posts - do you any thoughts to share about the musical and/or the odyssey?
Hello :)
Ahh do I ever. I love all the songs so, so much! The fanart too is all so amazing too. What's your favourite song/album?
Mine might be the Circe saga, though the Thunder saga is definitely a close second.
Ooh there's an AU floating around on Tumblr where it explores if Astyanax lives and it's pretty funny!
Odyssey-wise...oh, I'm hoping to get the Emily Wilson translation of it soon, my prof back in uni recommended it during a classics class. So now that I have time, fingers crossed it'll be at the book store lol
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hanafubukki · 26 days
It's actually what is happening. I have the two Oc's but I have more Au's than the main story 😂 Actually my Yuu - Yuki - don't come from another world. She's from Twisted Wonderland, but the part of Twisted wonderland she came from is so isolated and she was so preserved from the "outside world" she herself thinks she's in some parallele world. The place was also covered for a long time by a powerful magic to seal the people inside -see it at the typical Island of the North. It's snowing everytime. Full of monster. And was used to lock the losers of a bloody succession war. The Dark Mirror speech about "Not belonging anywhere" didn't help.
There are twin but do not know there are until after the Malleus overblot events.
There had actually pretty fun genetics. Grandma was a dragon fae - beautiful pure white dragon - and grandpa was a human (loved by spirits- but a simple human). The parents were two half-fairies. So the twins had some funny genetics return. Astyanax - or Aster as a nickname- was born from a egg like Malleus. While Yuki (not her real name, the one Aster gave her) was born like any other human. Their family found it funny. Their birth happenned roughtly 500 years before NRC events.
The things is Yuki had a lot of magic power at birth -so much her human body could not handle it. So grandma took a decision: destroying the magic core of the baby. Like she is a full human, she can live without magic and it will not harm her health or lifespan like it would for a fae. Grandma is also at the end of her lifespan -with only some decades at best due to excessive use of magic during the war. Her unique magic is also special: she can see the future. Due to that Yuki was sent in the future to be able to grow there -and to love Aster who where going to be all alone due to his LONG lifespan and the short one of the rest of his family. Plus there is a way for Yuki to become immortal. But for that she needs to be in the future and go at NRC (Grandma best plotter of the millenium).
That how Aster found baby Yuki after feeling a powerful magic in the snow 500 years later -not knowing anything about his lineage or the origin of the baby because the others noble fae choose to hide the whole marrying a human (some were never 100% okay with the thing. Other thought it was a bit though to say "Everyone's dead and you are alone because they were all human. Suck to have a long lifespan"). Well he choose to raise the baby because he felt she was blessed by some magic similiar to his. He gave her the name Yuki because she was found in the snow. First time the guy speak since his parents death (he don't even remember them because he was so young). He was considered mute but started "speaking" with the baby. Sometime it feels like they are communicating by thoughts (Twin's telepathy-).
Yuki grew up mostly happy. Aster became fond of the child. They often go on a ride in the island sky. But when she was 16, she overheard a conversation between the noble fae (the soul sisters of the Senate: annoying, cause of most of the emotional damage, need to be thrown away). They talked about how Yuki isn't a good thing for Aster. Mostly because she will die in less than a 100 years and because Aster think more and more about contacting the "outside world" to discover more about her origin, to learn of the change there in 500 years -he knows some things, like Malleus birth because he received an invitation, but didn't go (The barrier was lifted, but nobody there really crave contact with the people who locked them for hundred of years. They are fine by themself. So it's still a no contact policy). So Yuki ended up wishing to be far away due to the emotional distress. And the carriage kidnap- took her.
And I will stop here because I let myself go free and this backstory is becoming really long TwT But yes, there is a lot of Au. One where "Yuki" was sent to the future to hatch Eggster because no one loving him dearly would live long enough to make it happen after Grandma death. Another where everyone is not dead but scealed and can be saved. Lot of Au's.
Also, Yuki's true name is Athanasia (yes, just like the Manhwa-). Found it fun to give a name related to immortality to the human of the family. Grandma was the one the name the twins.
I think I also talked in a ask long ago about a song I remembered from a precure movie because I needed a lullaby for my Oc to sing to Grim. And the 1st part of song ended up feeling like a prophetic one for book 7. Yuki is the Oc. And the song is in her head since day 1. It's actually prophet Grandma who used to sing it to her to help her during Malleus overblot.
- 🦋 Anon
Hello 🦋 Anonie
We love having a thousand AUs in this household 😂🥰💕
We love found family and time travel and family doing sacrifices in this household 😭😭😭
What I'm hearing is that the twins and Malleus need to just....destroy the nobility/senate.
I'm guessing Aster eventually came to NRC? because how else would they fall under Mal's spell and learn the truth?
Therapy! therapy for you all!
Yes! I still have that ask, its a precure song.
lullabies and prophetic songs my beloved. straight to the heart 😭💕
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Tumblr media
hi. im Astyanax. Call me Ast for short.
age: 14
flirting: okay?
dating: uhhh..sure.
friendship: yes!
death count: 8
kill count: 36 (we don’t talk about it)
reckless, impulsive, loyal.
skin: olive-tanned
hair: curly dark brown
eyes: light brown.
scrawny kinda.
bisexual. (hc)
son of none other then Troy’s very own prince Hector!
@childofloveandwar (gf >:D)
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phantomdecibel · 1 year
Okay so the latest Modern AU idea cause you were intrested:
Odysseus, Eurylochus, and Polites getting home from a war overseas and living together while they try to figure out what the heck to do now and Odysseus tries to find his wife and kid because apparently they're missing??? but on their second day back they end up getting a baby (Astyanax, of course) dumped on them, so now they're trying to figure out civilian life, find out where the heck Penelope and Telemachus went, and taking care of a baby all at once.
@hahahaghosty @cloud-anon figured you guys would like this too-
I love it they’re ROOMMATES–
odys: where is my WIFE were is my SON–!
poli and euryl, handing him lil bb asty: not a clue but hey! free new baby!
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miraculan-draws · 3 years
First of all, your reverse AU images are amazing! Second of all, I love your depiction of Deidamia. She's so sweet and lovely! Will Pyrrhus be showing up in any of your fics?
The next big fic I have planned is actually about Pyrrhus! It’s an AU where Astyanax lived but Pyrrhus died before adulthood, and we’ll sort of feel out what loopholes in his prophecy allowed Hektors line to continue. Here is my Pyrrhus!! The fic is called Lost Boys.
Tumblr media
Also Tartarus as a world building canvas. ;)
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littlesparklight · 3 years
If the war never happened what do you think everyone would be doing?
Everyone lives happily ever---
no, unfortunately not.
There's two things to keep in mind here; First, the Catalogue of Women remarks that war wasn't Zeus' only/first plan to deal with ending the heroic age, but that storms and shit were involved, or could have been, if the war hadn't been used, and you can connect this to Second, The Bronze Age Collapse. This involved some amount of climate change, actually (there were persistent issues with famines around this time as a result of bad harvests), and then you have the social unrest that led to several societies changing rapidly and going on the decline/"disappearing".
Like, personally, whenever I think of a no-war AU I quietly slot the BAC to happen maybe in the next generation, but in that case you're saddling, like, Telemachos, Orestes, Neoptolemos and such with dealing with increasingly bad living conditions and unrest.
Things are going to shit either way, if you slot in the heroic age where/when it was traditionally seen as happening. Maybe we could turn it into a slow, creeping unease, everyone living their lives and seeing the decline in harvests, bad weather, etc, and nothing is so bad everything goes to shit in either one or two generations, but.
Things Are Going To Shit.
(Wow this is uplifting!)
Setting that aside... Uh. I guess honestly Neoptolemos might not be born? Unless Achilles marries Deidamia anyway, more "properly" this time, with her travelling to Phthia. Achilles and Patroklos are very happy on the side as the main relationship, Deidamia is going to be second, if she matters much to Achilles personally at all. This, however, presupposes that the prophecy tied to Achilles goes poof as well - sure, there's no Trojan war to go to, but that doesn't mean Achilles couldn't still choose war (if he so has to make it himself) to get his renown.
It's not a guarantee things wouldn't have happened in Mycenae anyway - removing the war pressures, there's still the curse in general. Maybe Agamemnon would have the chance to beat it, however.
I don't think a lack of a son born would strain Helen and Menelaos' personal relationship, but socially, this is Bad. Menelaos probably gets Megapenthes either way because of that. That could spell future potential trouble if you do go with the other one-two sons Helen might bear Menelaos later, unless you keep strictly to "she was only given one child", that is, Hermione.
Hektor takes the throne and maybe he and Andromache gets more children (also possibly not. I'd guess the fact that they only have Astyanax after what's probably ~9 years of marriage and he's just a toddler means there was fertility problems.) Basically, his prayer for what he hopes for Astyanax's future is what happens (just with more Hektor present since he kind of disappears himself). With the lack of the war, Paris doesn't have the exact same heavy pressure/scorn on him, but fact is, he's going to live his life with a low-key amount of scorn heaped on him, unless he mostly lives out in the countryside with Oenone? The nymphs are probably a lot more accepting/appreciative of his effeminacy.
Sarpedon gets to die of old age in his home, Zeus comes to Lycia to mourn him still.
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 3 months
Out of all Astyanax Lives AU, I really love your characterization of Astyanax the most. He have just the amount of sass and disobedience that really stands out for him. He really took after Odysseus but even more of a bastard, which is like ridiculous. I also love how genuinely disrespectful he is, in comparison to Odysseus who's probably too tired dealing with force beyond his control, Astyanax is just spite. Also love how he still claims being the son of Hector and the son of Odysseus. I love that you make his relation about his past complicated, typically I see that he's on Odysseus side, he love his dad, but he's a bastard about it I think that's why I love this one particularly. I wonder how his relationship with Telemachus is like, and what would he pursue in adulthood
Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad to know you are enjoying it so far :D
To be honest, I started developing Astyanax as a character after writing him in a whim, because child characters are often overlooked or underdeveloped. And then in a mad scientist moment, I added ADHD and sassiness into the mix, keep in mind his circunstances and you get a gifted funny kid who is prone to self reflection. But it's still a kid, but you shouldn't understimate him for that. And it gives an already good story a new sense of freshness.
Btw, it's funny you mentioned it, because I'm currently writing another scene where Astyanax talks about being so self-conscious 😂
About Telemachus...well, I'm still cooking~
BUT as I said in another post, think about it as a Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne dynamic, it's kinda like that.
Have a nice day!
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dootznbootz · 1 day
I saw your rant post about Odysseus x Zeus (or whatever else that is) and honestly I feel like epic fandom in general doesn't treat it to be that deep. You are of course allowed to have a negative reaction to it, but honestly there are so many people making "Odysseus adopts Astyanax AU" as well and treating it as a lighthearted thing when it was literally infanticide. People have fun in AU without thinking too much about the morality of it because it's all fiction. But certain fictional characters can also make us emotional because they are relatable or dear to us, but we can't expect all people to feel the same for fictional charas. I hope this helps you a bit and I have blocked the big artists that support this AU (nothing against them, I just don't wanna see it) so you can do the same for some peace.
Anon, this is genuinely really really sweet. 🥺 Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate it <3
ngl, it just felt nice to vent. I usually try to keep my "angry" takes private but it did feel nice to let it out :)
And I know I can't really "stop it" lol. And even if I'm not a fan of something, I NEVER wanna stop people from making art. I still think there's complexity in that, but in the blankest terms, Art should be of anything. (and definitely folks should not like, "witchhunt" the people who make this AU. that's not cool. Don't do that.)
And someone else in the replies kind of explained how it's mostly the kind of absurdity of the situation that like, "makes it humorous". Like a "pigs could fly" thing. I don't completely understand it but it kind of makes sense. (My neurodivergent, traumatized ass got all worked up lol)
I mean I'm already not the biggest fan of "Whump" and this whole AU felt like "Whump but we're laughing at and making fun of the Whumpee"
I mean as you mentioned with the whole "Astayanax lives AU", idk, while to me it feels... like it's removing the point of both HIS sad story AND Epic's "Just a Man" and it's impact on Odysseus. It STILL is like, a "fix-it AU". granted it's fucked that that poor baby isn't with his mother as he should be but it's still a "yay! Happy things!" sorta AU. It's removing the infantcide lol.
I mean even Epic with it removing Odysseus' SAs from the Goddesses. Still showing his discomfort and distress but he also doesn't need to go through it like in the actual Odyssey. Another "Fix-it" type of AU.
This whole thing was just... very funky for me. Odysseus is already called a manwhore because people do NOT see what is blatantly in the text. And it being treated as something funny just... yeah. ;~;
Helen kind of portrays it best but there's this feeling sometimes of even after what happened and you know it's not your fault, you still feel like some "whore". There's a lot of victimblaming in fandom AND irl.
And I've noticed there's this...common thing I've seen?? Where folks (especially men) who were victims of SA are often portrayed and/or talked about as though they are natually "promiscuous" and that's why what happened to them happened. I mean look at how often Helen is portrayed as a dumb bimbo who "fell in love" with Paris. >:( even if that may be the exact opposite of their feelings and/or wants.
I mean, there's Asterion from BG3 for example. I have not played the game yet (though I really really want tooo) but from the sounds of it, he was "owned" by someone else and you are there with him when he is finally free. And it sounds like he is kind of the most "vanilla" and/or least interested in sex canonically but there's still a lot of stuff that portrays him as very sexual and/or promiscuous.
Hypersexuality is a common coping mechanism/aftermath ofc, but that's a bit of a different conversation lol.
When the whole "Odysseus x Zeus AU" first happened, I was just kind of like "mmm, okay, no thank." but as it got bigger and bigger and with it kind of becoming more...Crude?? And with some of the language used it just really messed with me.
I don't ship Odysseus with anyone other than Penelope but even with folks who ship him with others, I've still thankfully never run into coercion and/or assault with those relationships. Honestly if it was just Zeus x Odysseus, I'd be like "oh dang, not for me" and then just move on but with it being to SAVE his friends? The same thing that happened before? yeh.... I still want a tag that I can block. lol
idk why I rambled so long but it felt nice. :) Again, thank you for your kindness, Dear Anon. <3 I appreciate it.
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dootznbootz · 7 months
I wanted to ask you a deep question about a what if scenario, what do you think would've happened if the suitors successfully killed Telemachus and how would it affect the overall plot, most importantly, Odysseus and Penelope?
Thank you for the ask! Oh, no... :')
Ofc, I'm not Homer so I don't know everything but holy shit. I DO think Athena may have possibly stepped in, or if he was still killed, she would have helped Penelope. (all of them being her faves) If I were to use as an AU in my writing, I'll have to explain somethings :'D
If I were to do this as an AU in my works, I'd probably have her seek refuge with the Naiads, as that already happens in my fics. Odysseus has a shitton of canals in the castle as the reason WHY he partially went to Sparta during Helen's suitors is to get supplies as I plan to have Ithaca and some of the islands he rules over get hit by a minor quake the fucked up the castle. (he already had plans in motion, just needed supplies.) When he met Penelope and learned how she basically needed access to Water always, he sent NEW blueprints/plans back as he wanted to make her happy and give her what she needed. His thoughtfulness eases Icarius and Periboea's worries about him and her going to live on a "rock".
More to it but yeah. It's built in a way where it'd be impossible to go through if you're not a naiad or naiad born as you'd drown...Penelope and Telemachus HAVE found some suitor's bodies in these areas, as the islands don't have MANY Naiad born (especially not at marriageable age. Some naiads, seeing how happy Penelope is and having watched her and Odysseus act, thought "...That sounds nice. Wonder if I could get that." so there are SOME young naiads born eventually on Ithaca)
The pool/canal that's basically in their chamber, needs a special puzzle solved so therefore not even naiad born could get through. (She wasn't completely cooped up. She snuck out through this way to the caves.)
Even then, I plan for her to mention to the beggar that once Telemachus can inherit the throne safely, she'll probably be a Naiad full time as to not get married again. So if Telemachus was killed, she'd do that.
Possibly try to get control over the island in some ways as the suitors will obviously be pissed as "where's the queen?"
When Odysseus comes it's obviously a very...hard moment for them. Odysseus obviously never got to truly meet what his son grew up to be even for that short while... :'D And they'd probably kind of do the same as the Odyssey.
Afterward though? I might rewrite some things and make it so that they're 46-47 instead of 45 when they reunite but idk for sure. An heir is needed though (and even then I do kind of plan to have them have a child afterward as holy shit, the drama??? The mixture of joy and pain each family member has???ksdl SO MUCH FUN TO THINK ABOUT. :'D )
Odysseus and Penelope, being aspec and just straight up not wanting others won't hear anything about concubines just like they did before. He does what he said before Telemachus was born: "I'm ripped up from that Boar, I am to blame. Even if I had others it's not likely. Leave us alone."
If they can't have an heir they'd probably talk about stealing a child... Like they talked about before Telemachus happened. :P
Look, they're basically obsessed with each other and also fucked up as hell sometimes. Odysseus killed Astyanax, I think he'd steal a baby so he wouldn't have to be with any other.
Also with Odysseus' trauma from the rapes? He has PTSD and Penelope is really the only one he feels safe around with it. War PTSD is something else entirely but Penelope, the only person he's ever wanted, makes him feel safe. Her reassuring him that she loves him and doesn't blame him, is what helps him alongside time :')
They eventually have an heir but also... Telemachus is constantly on both of their minds. Especially Penelope's as she raised him. :')
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