#Attention Deficit ... Ooh Shiny
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It’s actually amazing how well the writers for the 13th Inspector
showed what Autism Spectrum Disorder is like.
‘Not sure this is when I’m supposed to be, but … uh, never mind. So many other things to focus on!’
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arizonaadjacent · 1 year
I have never been accustomed to not caring about information. I care about a lot of things, constantly researching random things, multi-disciplinarily, at the drop of a whim; I’m like an ADHD stereotype 💡
But, this time, I don’t care; I genuinely don’t care, and it has nothing to do with a lack of dopamine; it is fundamentally, paradigmatically, out of my range of caring.
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deuterosapiens · 1 year
It's better to not question why it was still up, but I'm happy to announce step one of getting my mind back in order: today, June 26th, I have finally finally FINALLY taken down my Christmas tree.
It has stared at me for SIX MONTHS!
Ugh! Who decided to let me be a functional human being?
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neptunefairytales · 2 months
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She is literally the "Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!" trope personified, and I support her for that! There is nothing behind those eyes...
(Personnal pic. Please reblog if you liked, do not use or repost. Thanks! NSFW AND KINK ACCOUNTS DO NOT INTERACT !!!)
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ghostscustomemojis · 1 year
Hello hello! I've seen your beautiful works and couldn't help but want to hoard it all, might I be able to put in a request? Your bio say that requests are open so I will give it a try. Something with a small toothy grin or completely distracted that says "Hyper-distracted my dude" (Or ADOS - Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny) and I have adhd. I hope you don't mind the long request, I adore your works, thank you so much for sharing them for us to see -the little raven in the corner
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here you go!!! apologies for the wait :) hope theyre good!
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny! - TV Tropes
At least 2012 Mikey is listed here. That makes me happy, since I sort of started the neurodivergent ninja turtles headcanons years and years ago.
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muses-inn · 12 days
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My Muses and Tropes, Part 2
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Deadpan Snarker / Butt-Monkey / Acquired Situational Narcissism / Alternate Self / Berserk Button / Bumbling Dad / Character Development / Cowardly Lion / Dirty Coward / Desperately Craves Affection / Insecure Love Interest / Failure Is the Only Option / Manchild / Attention Whore
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Challenge Seeker / Arson, Murder, and Admiration / Crazy-Prepared / Everyone Has Standards / Psycho for Hire / Sociopathic Hero / Blue-and-Orange Morality / Adaptive Ability / Gadgeteer Genius / The Irredeemable Exception / Gun Nut / Stuff Blowing Up
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Attention Whore / Cloudcuckoolander / Dude, Where's My Respect? / Glory Seeker / Lovable Rogue / Attention Deficit… Ooh, Shiny! / NO INDOOR VOICE / Breakout Character / Stuff Blowing Up / Manchild / Amphibian at Large
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The Everyman / Badass Normal / Reluctant Warrior / Trauma Conga Line / The Ace / Adaptational Angst Upgrade / Berserk Button / Beware the Nice Ones / Crazy Sane / Deadpan Snarker / The Engineer / From Nobody to Nightmare / Gadgeteer Genius / Giving Up on Logic
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peachrote · 1 year
i'm not going to alphabetize this because i dont hate myself
stepford smiler / fake cutie perky goth crouching moron, hidden badass dark and troubled past manic pixie dream girl - subverted because she's a fake bitch. contractual purity cute bruiser evil uncle (actually evil aunt) mafia princess - as a child criminal craves legitimacy - how she got her start as an idol. tragic villain / anti-hero - depending on timeline and verse. villainous lineage accomplice by inaction - with her aunt. red is violent red oni, blue oni - with her stylist and also with saay. nonconformist dyed hair lead singer plays lead guitar - when she's playing an instrument it's usually guitar. compelling voice - in projmoon verse. beautiful singing voice - there's a reason i chose junna for her voice claim. professional voice dissonance - the way she speaks as an idol is different from her natural voice. attention deficit... ooh, shiny! the social expert annoying younger sibling - can take on this role with people sometimes.
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atarahderek · 6 years
I don’t have kids yet, but I do have auxiliary Ne, so that counts for something, right?
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bananonbinary · 3 years
I literally cant fathom cruel humor like when i was about 12 or so i repeated some joke minimizing adhd (the punchline was not even particularly cruel, just thoughtless) and i will never forget this girl who absolutely lit up when she heard me say adhd and i have never felt worse in my entire life than when i heard her little “oh” of realization that it was a joke. Like its been almost 15 years and turns out i AM adhd and i still feel awful about it. Why would anyone want to evoke that reaction on purpose?
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The Inspector has a history of attention-deficit disorder.
He/she tends to be distracted by shiny objects (if not sexy people).
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Eloise Taph is in a position where she’s relatively normal but still prone to the same shenanigans as the rest of the gang. She’s an aspiring fashion designer and artistic spirit, but her mind moves too fast for her to focus on one thing.
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magicmalcolm · 3 years
So, random fun fact! Grey Squirrels are classified as vermin in the UK, whilst Red Squirrels are actually a protected species.
Which means that this Pokémon is not only accurate to their respective species statuses in the UK, it also makes the Shiny version more Skwoveted than usual Shinies.
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aberrant-eyes · 8 years
Self-care is ignoring your phone most of the day, then frantically rushing through your notifications just before you go to bed.
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disregardcanon · 3 years
tagged by @vorpalmuchness to choose 5 tv tropes that describe me
Saw Star Wars 27 times
Anything that Moves
Attention Deficit.. Ooh, Shiny!
Silly Rabbit, Cynicism is for Losers!
Reference Overdosed
tagging @what-may-be-perceived @buffysblackturtleneck @jennifermoriarta @petsohp @birdsquirrel @gonewiddershins and anyone else who’d like to do it :)
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thunder-stuck · 3 years
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I have ADOS. Attention Deficit ooh shiny || 9gagrss || https://ift.tt/3BnrUwY https://ift.tt/2W74xYp ||
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