#a disgrace to functionality
deuterosapiens · 1 year
It's better to not question why it was still up, but I'm happy to announce step one of getting my mind back in order: today, June 26th, I have finally finally FINALLY taken down my Christmas tree.
It has stared at me for SIX MONTHS!
Ugh! Who decided to let me be a functional human being?
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zionistbeyonce · 5 months
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alexis-royce · 9 months
💀 and ⚔️ for the ask game!
💀 What's their relationship with the Boatman like?
Post-Evolution? Not so hot! The Academic has helped along a few other Heart’s Desires, but man, what kind of scientist meddling in God’s domain would they be if they hadn’t taken a crack or two at horrible affronts to the natural process of death itself?
⚔️ — Do they have a particular fighting style/signature weapon?
Insults? Honestly, if they have to fight physically, then the situation has already gone deeply out of their control. They prefer to use nasty tricks like poison and red science, before an opponent has an opportunity to leverage superior strength or dexterity. They are much more Subtle than Forceful, so the last line of defense is usually impotent threatening and screaming.
The actual last line of defense are claws and teeth, like a cornered animal. That’s a very nasty shock for folks, because The Academic does not yet know their own Curator-treatment-strength, and is likely to rip off limbs in an ungainly and most ungentlemanly manner. This is worse for The Academic. A noble death and off to meet the boatman? Unfortunate, but acceptable.
A scandalous victory, sending them off to the Tomb-Colonies?
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Them: "oh its just a straight line, no one is that bad at directions."
Me: "Au Contraire!" *proceeds to drive 3 towns over before notices she might be lost, arrives at the state military airport before using googlemaps to step by step arrive where I was supposed to be.*
Me: *After event trying to return home by going on the west highway instead of the north highway, arriving in a unincorporated land town and park in a abandoned Texaco to check when the turn off is only to find I would be exactly in town if I was 30 miles east. Proceeds to complete the Midwest Bermuda Triangle by driving on the dirrect road to home... but it is the CURVIEST road in all the state and god said "LET THERE BE HAIL!"*
Them: "h-how can you be this stupid and live?"
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fromaliminalspace · 1 year
been quite a while since i last posted anything so here's a humble offering in the form of a hint towards the next gifset to come (which i actually started months ago, i'm just not happy with how the blending turns out so far and haven't really gotten around to fixing it). kinda wondering whether any mutuals/followers/passersby would recognize the song
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thestormthatrises · 1 year
The Tumblr app is so broken, or won't allow me to see notifications while nagging me about pending notifications, like??
@staff ??? Can y'all fix this or are we going full Elon on it?
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day-night-darlix · 1 year
i want to draw shadow and bone fanart but with my style, i would yaasify them to the point of keeping anonymity
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jujustsies · 2 months
"Choso? Are you sleep?" You asked, he was being pretty quiet. "O-Oh, I-- uh, I'm awake.. do you need something f-from me?"
He asked with a pretty shaky voice. "It's nothing baby, I was just checking up on you. You're awfully quiet." You replied and played with his hair for a little, the act made him whimper a little. "S-Sorry.." He replied nervously.
You were starting to understand the situation, poor Choso. He can't be sneaky to save his life, his quiet whines and sharp inhales told you everything.
"You need help?" You quipped as you looked over his shoulder to see his erect cock leaking precum. "I..!" Choso tries to explain, "I-I'm sorry! That was w-weird I didn't mean to.. I mean, I knew.. I.." He blushed nervously. "Calm down, babe." You chuckled and gave him a soft peck on the lips, causing more precum to leak.
"I'm s-so gross.." He replied nervously, you couldn't help but chuckle.
You kissed him again, this time with passion, making him squirm. As you kissed him, you pumped his cock gently and slowly which made him whine.
"T-Thank you.." He whimpered in your mouth and bucked his hips to the speed of your hands. His tip was already leaking, "Cho, you're extra needy today." You said as you pulled away, "You missed me?" You teased, making him blush.
That low cut tank top will be the death of him, the way it leaves nothing to the imagination, the outline of your breasts so clearly on display for him, it turned him on so much.
You noticed his eyes darting to your breasts a hand full of times five minutes ago so you already knew he was getting excited.
"Is it my shirt? You like it baby?" You teased and placed his hand on one of your breasts, making him leak even more all over your hand. She sheepishly nodded his head, "It.. It was standing up before I even realized it.." He replied.
"You're so nasty," You replied teasingly and kissed him again. His hand was too scared to move, so it just stayed there on your breast. He was so embarrassed that you'd get mad or something.
You continued pumping his cock but even faster, making him whimper and almost tear up. You rubbed his tip teasingly, making him whine.
"Cho, you know you can touch me right?" You asked. That sentence made him stop functioning. "Y-Yeah..? I can..?" He asked, his hand feeling your breast.
"I-I don't know what to do.. you're so beautiful and y.. you're so curvy I-I can't handle it.." Choso stammered, his eyes examining your body, just the sight of you making his heart beat faster.
You giggled, he was so honest and cute. "Well it's all yours." You teased him.
Your teasing made him squirm a little, "Y-Yes.." He nodded awkwardly, you licked up the precum from his cock, making him let out several whimpers.
"Do you want to touch me some more Cho?" You teased again. Almost immediately he nodded, "Please." He begged.
"Yeah?" You laughed a little, making him blush. "Come touch me, I won't bite baby." You replied, making him blush. "Can I take your shirt off?" He begged.
So impatient, baby." You giggled. "Go ahead." You told him. Immediately, he pulled up the hem of your tank top and saw your cute pink bra with a bow. It made his mouth water.
He attempted to unclip your bra but was unsuccessful, it was adorable. He eventually got it right and unclipped it and immediately placed his hot mouth on your areola.
You gasped softly as he sucked on your breast as if it was the only way to get oxygen. You chuckled and played in his hair as he sucked and licked your nipples, he wasn't that skilled but it was so cute how he dove in, he really was new to this. It felt like you were ruining his innocence.
He eventually pulled away and looked up at you, "I-I'm sorry.. I'm being disgraceful.." He replied.
You laughed, "You're so cute Cho." You said and pulled your shirt back down, "You're done?" You asked.
"Y-Yes ma'am.." He lied through his teeth, you could tell he wanted to have sex with you.
"Liar," You smirked.
He blushed heavily as you pushed him on his back and started straddling him, immediately feeling his boner against your clothed cunt.
He whined at the contact, "Please.. don't tease me anymore.. c-can't take it.." He begged, making you chuckle.
"Fine, fine, you're so impatient." You teased.
ino headcanons here: >_<
edit: gojo one shot here <3
edit 2: new choso post lol
edit 3: another choso post!!
edit 4: another choso oneshot <3
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epigstolary · 9 months
Real Talk
TW: Medical fatphobia, health issues, fat shaming, toxic masculinity
Dude, you say you want me to help you, but you’re going to have to get serious if you really want to start losing weight. I’m a trainer, not a miracle worker. I mean, look at you; you know your body’s fucking disgusting, right? You let yourself get so huge that even your fat guy clothes can’t hide your belly anymore. Every inch of you is covered in blubber. Everywhere you look. And you have to push all that fat around every time you want to walk or move. It’s so gross watching you try to go anywhere. You’re just waddling around under hundreds of pounds of fat, wheezing like you just ran a marathon. Like… people aren’t supposed to get to the size that you have. And don’t give me that “health at any size” bullshit. You’ve got to have some serious problems to get this big and think it’s ok. Nobody your size is healthy. Your body’s a fucking disgrace, tubbo.
You gotta realize just how bad being this fat is for you, right? Think about it. All that fat’s wrapping around your organs. Either they work harder, or they just quit working. Your joints are getting annihilated having to move all that extra weight around. Your heart’s having to work so much harder just to do its thing because you’re so fucking big. Your body’s not supposed to work like that. It feels like it’s under attack 24/7 — because it is — so you’ve got anxiety, you’ve got inflammation, your hormones are all out of wack. Your body chemistry is basically fucked once you get fat. And fucking forget about it when you weigh as much as three normal people, like your flabby ass does.
Not that you seem to care, since you pay zero attention to your diet. It’s just fucking scary, bro. I’ve seen you pound an entire pizza or a bag of burgers and be ready for more. And that’s just, like, a regular lunch for you. There’s so much saturated fat and sugar in all the shit you eat for every meal, it blows my mind that you’re even able to function. Where do you think that shit goes after you cram it down your throat, meal after meal? It’s blowing up your body even fatter. It’s clogging up those arteries to make that overworked heart work even harder. It’s running through all the insulin your body tries to pump out so that it can deal with the abuse you put it through. I bet if I went through your kitchen right now, I couldn’t find one goddamn vegetable — all sweets, and takeout, and chips, and junk food, am I right? Yeah, you love kicking back on the sofa and working through a big pile of garbage like that, don’t you, fatass? I bet you sit there just belly out, crumbs and shit all over your tits, like a big fucking blob, huh?
Keep eating like that, and you don’t have a fucking chance. You’re just gonna keep blowing up until you finally have the fucking big one. That shit is so, SO bad for you. You want to not be a total embarrassment, fatty? You’re gonna have to throw the snack cakes in the garbage. You’re gonna have to cook stuff that’s not loaded with butter or grease or sugar. You’re gonna have to eat something green that grows in the ground every once in a while. And yeah, you’re probably going to feel like shit for a while because your body’s used to getting fed lard nonstop all the fucking time. But you gotta get a little self-control. The whole reason why you look like a fucking enormous cow, why you’ve got that belly packed full of fat fucking garbage, is that you’ve never had any.
I guess what I can’t figure out is, why the fuck did you do this to yourself? It’s so much harder to make it through life when you’re this fucking heavy. You can’t even go anywhere or do anything because you’re too fat to leave the house. Everyone you meet has to be shocked at what a lardass you are. Nobody who sees your disgustingly obese body is gonna want to fuck you, except the fucking weirdos who get off on that shit. Maybe that’s who you have to settle for, since there’s no way you’re reaching your dick with all that fat in the way. God, I can’t even imagine letting myself get too fat to be able to fuck. That’s so fucking gross, bro.
Like, look at me. Look at this rock-hard bicep next to that big flabby fucking water wing of an arm you have. Look at these abs next to you and that belly hanging down to your knees. It doesn’t even have a fucking shape. Look at these tight glutes next to that wide, wobbling, fat ass you’ve gotten from sitting in front of the tv stuffing your fat face for years. With a body like this, I can fuck anyone I want. How do you think that same hookup’s gonna go for you, huh? Nobody out there’s going home with a pile of jello like you You’re going home, alone, to try and figure out a way to get yourself off.
And dude, I’m not saying all this just to shit on you. I’m worried about you. It sucks to see my bro blow up into a fucking whale and get all mopey ‘cause he can’t get any ass. But you need someone to be real with you. Someone’s gotta tell you how much of a fatass you are, and how much of a fatass you’re gonna be until you get to the gym and shut this fast food and shit down. You can’t blame anyone but yourself for how you got this way. Keep complaining, and you’re going to keep being a gross fatty. You’re gonna have to go out, get some fucking exercise, and deal with being embarrassed at being the fattest guy at the gym until you’ve put in the work to fix it.
Trust me, bro, you’ll thank me later.
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la-pheacienne · 1 month
What I, an "extremely biased" targ stan, think about the function of Robert's Rebellion in the narrative and themes of asoiaf :
The Aerys regime was bound to be overthrown as a result of his paranoia and cruelty. Abuse of power leads to retribution.
The Lannisters were traitors then and continue to be traitors in the present timeline.
The current regime (the one that overturned the previous Aerys regime and is supposedly "better" because of that) is just as rotten as the previous one because it was founded on such cruelty.
The sack of KL (the peak of the Rebellion and the event that terminated the war) materializes Ned's valid guilt and remorse for associating himself with said regime, feelings that haunted him throughout his whole life and are pivotal in his arc in the present timeline.
The Starks, the Baratheons and the Lannisters' alliance that ended the Targaryen regime was meant to go to shit because it was founded on extreme cruelty and vileness. It was rotten from the start. Because of this, all of these houses were meant to start devouring each other, which is precisely what happens in the present timeline. Ned, Robert and Tywin each died disgraced and dishonored.
Foreshadowing of Dany and Jon's return that will hopefully break this rotten vicious power dynamic.
The sack of KL triggers Jaime's existential crisis for being an enabler of the new rotten regime. It showcases the vanity and contradictions of the strict moral code of knights and the impossibility of choice.
The sack of KL gives us context for House Martell's desire for revenge *against the Lannisters* in the present timeline.
Enlightened "neutral" faction of the fanbase that gets *The Themes*: Robert's Rebellion is about how a Machiavellian Pedophile wishing to get his dick wet for eugenic experiments destroyed his entire family and the realm + grrm subverting the prophecy trope aka prophecies are fake because they kill people delirium + Elia died because her aforementioned Machiavellian Pedophile husband took the Kingsguard with him to protect his side bitch/sex slave (depends) leaving her All Alone in the Sahara desert + targnation hates POC/Dead ladies club delirium/patriarchy destroys little girls/Lyanna is remembered only for her beauty uwu
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iliketangerines · 4 months
hello! I wasn’t sure if request were open or closed but I am here to make one!
I was wondering if you you were able to make headcanons about bi Han x reader (gn) where the reader is like aerith gainsborough from ff7 just really sweet, caring and gentle with him and everyone.
could be could be nsfw or sfw, perhaps both overall really up to you! feel free to ignore / change!
to long for you
a/n: i've never played final fantasy 7, so you're just gonna have to deal with that...
pairing: bi han x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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oh, you were so sweet, so soft, and loving when Bi Han had first met you at one of Liu Kang’s meetings, sitting beside him looking almost ethereal
you were one of the god’s personal initiates at the Fire Gardens, and yet you had none of the traits of a monk, dressed in almost regal looking clothing and hair tied elegantly into a ponytail
and you glanced at him with those doe-eyes and gave him that sweet smile as Liu Kang droned on about some disturbances on Earthrealm
despite your soft-looking demeanor, you were firm, adding in your opinions to Liu Kang’s plans and disagreeing with him on certain plans
and then later, sitting in front of the Lin Kuei grounds, you watch the initiates train and Bi Han and his brothers correcting forms and basic fighting moves
you almost jolt out of your seat when you see an initiate take a too-hard beating from one of the older ones, and you walk over to the two of them before Bi Han could
it’s almost like you’re floating when you walk on over, and you gently sit down the older initiate and ask him why he was pushing the younger initiate so hard
as you talk with the initiate, nodding along and gently pushing along the conversation to get him to talk with you, you draw open the pouch by your side and start treating the younger one
your hands are gentle, firm, and experienced, fingers moving swiftly as you applied the salve and tied up the wound with a clean cloth
Bi Han fell head over heels for you, and he approaches you as the initiates walked off to continue their training
his heads felt sweaty, gross, disgusting and his heart beat inside of his chest erratically as he stared down at you
you look up at him, eyelashes catching the sun’s rays, and his voice caught in his throat as he tried to thank you for helping his initiates
instead he lets out what sounds like an irritated grunt, and you just smile up at him, holding your hand out for him to take
he gladly takes it and helps lift you up from your kneeling position and suddenly he’s eye to eye with you and feeling much more inadequate in his dusty clothing
you don’t seem to mind however and ask him to give you a tour of the grounds since you’ll be here the rest of the day as Liu Kang checks out the area around the Lin Kuei
Bi Han nods and holds his arm out for you, trying to relax his face and seem as friendly as possible, and your arm links with his and the both of you are off
your voice is so sweet, gentle, like the winds blowing over a meadow, and he explains the compounds, the history and the function behind each building
not once do you interrupt him or act rude or disgraceful and at the end of the tour, the sun has start to set in the background
Liu Kang opens the portal and beckons for you to come forth, and you unhook your arm from Bi Han’s and go to leave back to the Fire Temple
the grandmaster grabs onto your hand, face heating at the act, and he asks you when you will be back
you smile and say you’re not sure, but you will send him letters
and then you’re gone
oh but your letters come quick, and Bi Han always hurries to read each and every single one, replying even though exhaustion weighs heavy in his bones some nights
the letters are filled with drivel: your dreams, your aspirations, your days, what you ate, where you traveled, how training had been, but Bi Han treasures each and every single one of them, keeping them in the drawer of his bedroom
sometimes, you two talk about the troubles of being an Earthrealm champion, and the letters are strongly worded sometimes, making Bi Han smile
for someone so ethereal looking, you sure had quite the dirty mouth
he tells you about his brothers, his upbringing, the initiates, anything he could possibly think of because he just wants to keep writing to you
it’s easy to write to you, the words flow so easily, and your words are jumbled and messy sometimes, the letter contained crossed out words or ink blots or spelling mistakes
but it’s you, and so Bi Han doesn’t mind at the mess of the letters you send
and then a few months later, a multitude of letters exchanged between the two of you later, you come and visit again with Liu Kang on a business trip
the morning is spent in a meeting discussing the safety of Earthrealm once again and the tournament coming up in the following year
Bi Han tries his hardest not to focus on you as you watch with slanted eyes at how Liu Kang speaks and plans
you’re focused, lips pursed together, and fingers drumming softly against the wooden grain of the table
he wants to kiss you so badly, and when the meeting ends, he goes to you immediately and asks for you to walk with him
you smile and take his hand, lifting yourself up gracefully and say that you would be honored to take a walk with the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei
he takes you on a walk to the most beautiful part of the Lin Kuei, a garden filled with flowers of all kinds
a small pond murmurs in the background and the wind slightly rustles the leaves together and even the sun shines perfectly into the grounds
it’s a beautiful sight as he leads you underneath a tree, sitting down on the carved stone bench next to you and listening to your ramblings
the next few minutes are spent looking at you as you ramble and talk and rant about what has been happening at the Fire Temple
and then you roll your eyes and shake your hands and ask Bi Han how his time has been at the Lin Kuei and that he’s been awfully quiet
he just tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear and tells you that he was too busy admiring you
it makes you still, your eyes widen and your mouth slightly part as you stare at him in surprise, and then you stutter and say that you were admiring him too
he just tilts his head to the side and stares off to the pond sitting in front of you before saying that he liked you, wanted to kiss you
you don’t say anything as he confesses, his words are curt, short, not elegant at all, but he hopes he can get the message across that he really does like you so much that his chest hurts
he tries to be poetic, trying to compare you to the flowers or the sun, and then you cut him off with a finger against his lips, face burning
you say that you like him too, and it makes Bi Han smile a bit at your confession as well
he grabs onto your hand softly, his calloused rough hands that have seen so much blood, and your hand is soft and gentle having saved so many lives
but as he intertwines his fingers with yours, it feels so right, and you don’t make a move to get away, rather leaning in closer to bump your shoulder with his
the both of you settle into a silence, but it’s comfortable, warm, loving as the both of you just bask in each other and sit in the garden
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balkanradfem · 3 months
Looking back at past insecurities
So as you all know, I am today very wise and mature woman; I say smart things, and I have good opinions. However, there was a time when I was but a wee child, with no insight, but I still had opinions. And insecurities, like all female children, I was worried about my looks.
One of the things I was upset about, was the appearance of my legs. Women's legs were shown in media as the main attraction back in the early 90s, when I was consuming movies and cartoons. Even in animation, a signal that a beautiful woman was behind the corner, was a dainty, curvy leg being shown from behind the wall, to distract and lure an unsuspecting character. My leg was not curvy or dainty. My legs looked muscular. They were also very hairy. I would look at them and feel like maybe I am not a girl enough, maybe I got too many traits passed down from my father, and now I didn't look like a girl, and I wouldn't count as one, and I could never pass a successful female cartoon character, a thing that was very important back in the day.
It's also, when you're a teen, you're convinced that any visual flaw you have is the reason why nobody will ever love you. It's funny now, but when you're 14 it feels real. So I believed I would be left behind by the world, because my legs were so unsightly and I shouldn't ever allow anyone to look at them, the disgrace. The shame.
I have since lived a fair bit of my life, and found that my legs, not only look muscular, they're very strong. They give me immensely good balance, because my feet are also large, and my thighs hold a lot of weight, so my center of balance is very low. Nobody can push me and have me topple over, I stand still. I rarely fall down because of how naturally good my balance is. I was able to go running, even after being sick for months, and I could do it for half an hour without training, just because of how naturally strong my legs are. I can do leg exercises without any issues, even without being consistent with it. Now I'm mad that my arms are so weak and I can't lift things as well as I can use my legs. My ability to walk, run, keep balance, climb, exercise, have been invaluable to my life. I'm never looking at my legs with anything but admiration because they're a powerful asset to me.
Another thing I had felt a bit bad about, was the size of my nose. I thought it was too big for my face, and it wasn't really. It was too much media with tiny nosed women that have swayed my opinion of how big women's noses are allowed to be. But, I thought I'd look better with a smaller nose, and that it was making my face be ugly, so it was a reason to drown in sorrow. (I say this jokingly. I only felt a little bad).
I look at the mirror now, and I'm laughing because this nose is big so I could breathe really well! I really thought as a teen that I would do better with a smaller nose? That's where my breathing goes trough! My lungs are, blessed and healthy, and this means I am not struggling to breathe, I am able to fall asleep breathing trough my nose easily, I can blow a lot of phlegm when I'm sick all at once, and clear my nostrils easily, this is a very functional and good nose to have! And it's the correct size for my face, I would look ridiculous with any other nose than my own.
A lot of my opinions have changed, because I've aged and experienced life, I've met a lot of people who didn't have what I had. A pair of healthy legs, a good functional nose. I've befriended people who had something wrong with their leg, or had one missing. People who struggled with breathing. I've met older people who had trouble with their hips, arms, shoulders, back, eyes, skin. I sadly, got some parts of me non-functional too, so now I can't run or walk as I used to, and I experience problems and pain on almost daily basis. So now it feels very silly to be critical of appearance of perfectly good, functioning, healthy and helpful body parts; they're giving me great joy and ability to do whatever I want with them!
And I also believe I never would think to feel shame about the appearance of my nose, or my legs, if I hadn't been exposed to media that was very particular about how women, or female characters could look. It was like being told 'this is whats expected of you', and I couldn't reach it. I was a teen, and teens are more sensitive to appearance than any other demographic. It made me distressed. There was nothing I could do but feel like something is wrong with me, and I would be proclaimed ugly because of this severe flaw. Somehow males were never subjected to standards that harsh; they would receive onscreen representation love regardless of the muscles in their legs, or sizes of their noses, I wonder why is that.
It would have been so nice to see hairy, muscular, big nosed women in the media when I was a kid! Then I would look at my legs and nose and think 'yes, I am just like that female superhero, I am going to kick ass when I grow up'. Wouldn't that have been nice to grow up with?
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exhaled-spirals · 5 months
« This is a book about [...] why the early part of this century was such a monstrous time to be famous and female. It’s about how the concept of privacy came undone and why that was a catastrophe for women. [...] Those of us who came of age around the millennium lived through Britney’s descent from virginal schoolgirl to public disgrace, through Paris’s sex tape, through Lindsay’s partying. We lived through Aaliyah’s death (and the peculiar coyness around her relationship with the man who publicly groomed her), through Janet’s humiliation in Nipplegate, through Amy’s destruction by the addictions she romanticized in her music. [...]
When I say we "lived through" these things, I don't mean merely that they happened while we were alive. Nor do I mean they were somehow ordeals that we, the public, had to suffer. (Whatever suffering there was, it belonged to the women this book is about.) What I mean is that the stories of these women, as told by the tabloid press and celebrity blogs, became vehicles through which we made sense of our own existence. For the public, tearing these women to pieces was both a social activity and a form of divination. In the entrails of their reputations, we hunted for clues about what a woman ought to be, and this has always been one of the functions of celebrity women. »
— Sarah Ditum, Toxic: Women, Fame, and the Tabloid 2000s
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thana-topsy · 2 years
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Sarel was only a few months old when he was abducted from the Alftand caverns as part of a college-sanctioned research project to study the intelligence, development, and magical ability of the Falmer. His abductor and head of the project, Aiden, was a disgraced mage from the College of Sapiarchs on a mission to prove his worth as a formidable scholar. Aiden operated under the assumption that the Falmer were a "devolved" race and did not possess the ability to communicate or develop past most basic functions. This assumption all came crashing down around him when Sarel developed at the same speed as any elf child -- curious, inquisitive, emotionally expressive, and communicative.
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As Sarel grew and developed, Aiden stopped thinking of him as an experiment and began to see him as his son. Being the only child at the College of Winterhold, as well as fully blind, presented many stumbling blocks for Sarel's upbringing, resulting in him having a very sheltered experience. Aiden was also hesitant to reveal to him the full history of the Falmer, and also kept the nature of his adoption hidden from him. Sarel grew up without knowing he was an "experiment".
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On his 11th birthday, a stranger showed up at the College of Winterhold asking after him. The stranger was a man named Harukar -- a Redguard vampire hunter with the Dawnguard -- and he'd recently met Gelebor in his quest for Auriel's Bow. Knowing that there was a modern Falmer being raised at the college piqued his curiosity and gave him hope that the Falmer were not an irredeemable, lost race of elves. He wanted to pass this news onto Gelebor, but inadvertently ended up triggering a chain of events that resulted in Sarel being sent away from the college to "be with his own kind".
A distraught Aiden agrees to travel with Harukar to deliver Sarel to Gelebor. [Their story is the plot of "Halfway to the Sky", so I won't be spoiling how it ends here!]
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When Sarel turns 16 he returns to the College of Winterhold to complete his "formal" training as a mage. His story after that is tentative and ever-shifting, but he goes on to be a formidable scholar in the field of ancient Dwemer research as well as modern Falmer anthropology, acting as a translator and ambassador. Eventually, much later in his life, he assumes the role of Arch-Mage at the College of Winterhold, promoting cultural exchange and study between the College and the Alftand settlements.
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munchmemes · 5 months
taylor swift lyrics, the tortured poets department edition, part one
▸ i was supposed to be sent away but they forgot to come and get me. ▸ i was a functioning alcoholic till nobody noticed my new aesthetic. ▸ no one here's to blame but what about your quiet treason? ▸ for a fortnight there, we were forever. ▸ i took the miracle move-on drug, the effects were temporary. ▸ i love you, it's ruining my life. ▸ thought of calling you but you won't pick up.
the tortured poets department
▸ who uses typewriters anyway? ▸ you're in self-sabotage mode. ▸ we're modern idiots. ▸ you smoked then ate seven bars of chocolate. ▸ i chose this cyclone with you. ▸ sometimes i wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me. ▸ so tell me, who else is gonna know me? ▸ that's the closest i've come to my heart exploding.
my boy only breaks his favorite toys
▸ you should've seen them when they first got me. ▸ i only break my favourite toys. ▸ i should've known it was a matter of time. ▸ we could've played for keeps this time. ▸ i know i'm just repeating myself. put me back on my shelf. ▸ i'll tell you that [you/they] run because [you/they] love me. ▸ i knew too much. ▸ you saw forever so you smashed it up. ▸ once i fix me, you're gonna miss me. ▸ you took me out of my box, stole my tortured heart, left all these broken parts and told me i'm better off but i'm not.
down bad
▸ for a moment, i knew cosmic love. ▸ now i'm down bad, crying at the gym. ▸ everything comes out of teenage petulance. ▸ fuck it if i can't have [you/them]. ▸ i might just die, it would make no difference. ▸ i might just not get up, i might just stay down bad. ▸ fuck it, i was in love.
so long, london
▸ my spine split from carrying us up the hill. ▸ i stopped trying to make you laugh. ▸ how much sad did you think i had in me? ▸ i didn't opt in to be your odd man out. ▸ i'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free. ▸ you say i abandoned the ship but i was going down with it. ▸ my friends said it isn't right to be scared every day of a love affair. ▸ just how low did you think i'd go before i'd self-implode? ▸ you swore that you loved me but where were the clues? ▸ i'm just mad as hell 'cause i loved this place.
but daddy i love him
▸ i just learned these people only raise you to cage you. ▸ i just learned these people try and save you 'cause they hate you. ▸ they slammed the door on my whole world. the one thing i wanted. ▸ you should see your face. ▸ no i'm not coming to my senses. ▸ i know [you/they]'re crazy but [you/they]'re the one i want. ▸ all my plans were laid. ▸ growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all. ▸ i'll tell you something right now, i'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning. ▸ i'll tell you something about my good name, it's mine alone to disgrace. ▸ i don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing. ▸ god save the most judgmental creeps who say they want what's best for me. ▸ you ain't gotta pray for me if all you want is gray for me. then it's just white noise and it's just my choice. ▸ scandal does funny things to pride but brings lovers closer. ▸ fuck 'em, it's over. ▸ time, doesn't it give some perspective?
fresh out the slammer
▸ fresh out the slammer, i know who my first call will be to. ▸ handcuffed to the spell i was under, for just one hour of sunshine. ▸ years of labor, locks and ceilings, in the shade of how [they were] feeling. ▸ it's gonna be alright, i did my time. ▸ as i said in my letters, now that i know better, i will never lose my baby again. ▸ my friends tried but i wouldn't hear it, watched me daily disappearing. ▸ ain't no way i'm gonna screw up, now that i know what's at stake here.
▸ you can beat the heat if you beat the charges too. ▸ they said i was a cheat, i guess it must be true. ▸ this city reeks of driving myself crazy. ▸ little did you know, your home's really only a town you're just a guest in. ▸ i'm barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine. ▸ well, me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time. ▸ yes, i'm haunted but i'm feeling just fine. ▸ all my girls got their lace and their crimes. ▸ i did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have ever been on my body. ▸ i've got some regrets, i'll bury them in florida. ▸ tell me i'm despicable, say it's unforgivable. ▸ love left me like this and i don't want to exist.
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jadeee · 4 months
Scaling Walls
Kento proposed before leaving for war. He said he'd be away for six months, but it's been a year.
— Author's Note — There's an alternate ending.
4.3k ⁎ depression, anxiety attacks, mentions of war @luneariaa @raevennsge @everything-minni
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The Mad Maiden. It was an insult. Salt in the wound. A disgrace. Betrayal, disrepect, dishonor... but.. were they wrong?
You gazed out over the ledge and into the fog of the September sky. The air turned cold, yet it couldn't compare to the chill that seeped into your spine months ago. He wasn't one to make promises, so he desparately fought your attempts to extract an exact date from him. However, he stated that six months was the minimum for his departure. 
You're only a woman. You can't stop war. 
You remember how your throat tensed at the sound of him saying how long he'd be gone. 180 days, which was half a year without being next to him. Hearing his voice or holding his hand. Seeing him smile at your quips. Making you laugh with some ludicrous comment. How the corner of his lip would turn upward when he'd lean in during functions to whisper something the tabloids would have a field day with. It was nearly summer when he'd left. The world completed it's annual rotation around the sun without your lover's return. It was now fall... Your eyes watered. Your heart ached. Stomach churning at the, unfortunately, familiar abscence of his prescence.
"Princess..." the voice of your lady in waiting, Belinda, called from behind you. "Princess, please step back from the ledge."
 You glanced at her over your shoulder, "Don't insult me."
Her chest rose until it seemed her dress would burst. "I was only... I... forgive me."
Your nostrils flared slightly as you faced forward.
"Please... come inside. There's a chill and you've left your coat."
"Have you forgotten you're my help, not my mother?" you bit your tongue as you gazed out at the forest beyond. Your hands gripped the rail. The metal from your ring pressing into your flesh. The diamond still shined despite the beginning of the dull fall weather.
"... Leave."
The woman knelt, then turned to leave as requested. The breeze blew through the sheer fabric of your dress, which started to slip from your shoulders much like the others. Goosebumps pricked your skin but you felt nothing.
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April 21st, 1905
"Hello, nice to meet you." your hand shook that of other royals. The room filled with onlookers who waited for this very moment. Your staff had taken special care of mending the wrinkles of your dress that morning. Tucking and pinning your hair this way and that. Adjusting diamonds until they shined ever so brightly, then polishing the ring. You twisted it round your finger as you walked toward the podium. It'd been nine months and he hadn't sent so much as a piece of string. 
The first few months were filled with letters, exchanging of small mementos and keepsakes.
Should we have a spring wedding? It could symbolize our new chapter as a married couple. What about colors? Should we have a traditional royal wedding? Oh God, the thought... Please help me decide... there's still the dress. Oh! Where should we honeymoon? 
All my love, 
An indecisive bride
You rested your hand at your side, then lifted your dress as the official helped you up to the platform. Maybe it was the tiny twists of flowers in the nearby vase that reminded you of his handwriting. The black ink from his last letter seemed to imprint itself in the walls of your mind.
I'm afraid things are not progressing as we would've hoped...yet, I'm eager to return to you, my beautiful wife. Yes, I know we're still engaged but it's true in my heart. You take up a lot of space there. As for the details, I'd much prefer to elope. Wouldn't you? I don't care for the details, as long as we're together. Although, if something isn't to your liking, do tell me so I can take care of it.
To my everything,
P.S.: I'd like to honeymoon somewhere warm and tropical.
A warm smile resided on your face as you stared at your hands. That was four months ago, during Christmas. Which you'd spent alone for the first time. Tears stung at your eyes, then someone in the crowd cleared their throat. You lifted your eyes to the crowd. As if you suddenly realized you were being watched and waited on. You held your head high, ensuring the crown wouldn't slip.
"Thank you to the King and Queen for my being here. I would be remiss if I didn't —"
Your eyes landed on a man who wore badges you easily recognized, since Nanami had the same ones. You recall making him explain each one to you during one of the late nights you often spent together. It'd been a year. 365 days and then some. The papers were no longer covering the war, yet cameras were pointed at you while you were here to discuss... what? Nationality? Pride? Being faithful to King, God, and country? Your throat tensed, chest rising and falling every few seconds. "I can't began without —" 
You shifted your stance as you looked out at the crowd. Their faces slowly morphing into various shades of skin tones and colors instead of distinguished features. "I— I'm sorry." your breath quickened as you stepped away from the microphone emitting murmurs from the crowd.
"I can't." you faced your guard who stood by your side still as stone. His eyes, however, studied you with soft concern. As he offered you his hand, you pushed it away and ran past him to a corridor. He followed you without hesitation. The murmurs morphed into a low buzz, a steady hum of Did you see that? I think she was going to cry. It's her fiancé. Does anyone know what happened? Shame to be a widow before the wedding. Who'll design the dress?
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The often hardened eyes, melted at the sight of you on the floor of the empty hall. The chiffon of your dress pooled at your bare feet, shoes cast aside, crown lying sideways by your legs which were tight against your chest. His salt and pepper brows twitched while he fought to maintain his neutral facial expression, as he was taught when he first began.
You sobbed into your hands, "He's dead isn't he? And no one wants to tell me because they pity me. He's been blown to bits or tossed aside in a ditch!"
Vincent knelt down to your level and spoke your name softly, breaking every single rule. You drew your hands down slightly then looked into his eyes. The silence seeped in, until it nestled itself into your belly. A rock hardening in the pit of your stomach, ready to savor and swallow every single fear you had.
"... no" you uttered and shook your head "no, he..." you tilted your head to the side "please..."
"I don't know if he is, but... I need to get you back to the palace. We need to get you away from you here."
Your carefully painted lips formed a frown. The skin of your chin wrinkling at the very act. Another round of your sobs echoed throughout the hallway and the buzzing seemed to grow closer. "Princess, we have to leave."
People shouted your name from the other side of the door. "Have you heard from the Prince? Is he still off at war?! Did he leave you? Will there still be a wedding?!" 
Your heart sank into the pit where it would be devoured. The doors rattled, beating like the drum of an ancient song.
"Get back! Immediately!" a group of guards shouted amid the commotion. You glanced over at the oak doors. Maybe being trampled on would be better. You wouldn't know since Vincent scooped you up in his arms, then carried you to the exit behind the building away from prying eyes.
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The next few months were filled with silence in every single form and shape. Silence from your mouth, save the typical "I'm not hungry" or "I'm not going." Silence in the halls, since you hardly left your room the staff didn't have to work as much. So they stood, waiting for you to come back to life. Yet, you slowly hardened each day into stubborn stone, residing in sadness.
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Your staff didn't bother to ask for permission to enter anymore since you stopped speaking except when necessary. They only knocked to make you aware then opened the door timidly to do whatever they had set out. This time, it was a carefully prepared bowl of your favorite fruits. Belinda held it in her hands as she studied how your garment began to slip from your shoulders.
"Princess, the doctor says you need to eat." 
"Unless he's feeding me by force, I won't do it."
Belinda sighed then nodded "Yes, Princess." she set the plate of fruit down at the foot of your bed before leaving.
Once the door shut, your eyes landed on the bowl. The faint sweet scent caused you to make  your way over to the bowl of little delicacies. Your fingers touched at the cold produce then wrapped around them, lifting it to your mouth. Was he eating? Tears filled your eyes and you pushed the bowl away.
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June 2nd, 1905
Nanami ran his hand through his hair. He needed a haircut but that was the least of his worries. Maybe you'd like him with longer hair... His fingers rubbed at the nape of his neck. Eyes landing on the stack of letters he kept by his bedside, if you'd even call it that. He'd started to leave the letters out of the envelope for quicker access. Carefully tying the bundle after reading them each night. The favorites were at the top — although, they were all his favorite. He made sure to keep certain things hidden however. Like the locket you gave him with your picture before he departed.
Another little thing he'd done was tie twine around his ring finger, at your behest. In one of your letters, which he keeps at the top of the stack, you mention it being his temporary ring until you two get the real one. Silver. I want silver for us. Gold is overrated. Nanami recalled how you chuckled at his statement, when he confessed his personal preference one morning. 
"Should I have the frames re-done then?"
"Absolutely, the palace walls are hideous." 
He grinned, breaking character, then pulled you closer to him to kiss your forehead.
He could feel it against his lips now. His fingers absentmindedly reached for the locket he wore under his shirt, only to feel the impression over his heart. A sigh left his lungs as he replayed images of you in his mind. Had you picked a dress already? It'd been a year...
The entrance of his tent flung open, "General." the soldier stood at ease awaiting for his approval and recognition.
Nanami nodded, too tired for formalities "Yes?"
"I thought you should see this, sir. We received our batch of newspapers. It's late but... it's important." he handed him a faded newspaper with a headline that read "Mad Maiden" dated April 22nd, 1905. He rose to his feet when he read about you foresaking the podium and sobbing in a hallway.
"That is all."
He glanced up at the man "That. Is all."
He saluted to his higher up then retreated. A whirlwind of emotions ran through him: concern, fear, disgust at whoever concocted this filth... but namely, longing. How much longer? Recent devlopments made it impossible to write to you. The locket fell from its typical spot as he exhaled.
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"Have you come to feed me?" you chuckled at Dr. Percival who stood in your room. He'd been your doctor since you were a child so you weren't accustomed to the usual formalities.
"Yes." he answered plainly.
You glanced at him then scoffed.
"... If you don't eat, I'll need to take other measures and I don't want to do that."
"... you wouldn't."
He looked into your eyes then pressed his lips together. His hand reached for the plate of food Belinda left in your room minutes ago, "Just try."
You took the plate in your hands along with the fork and bite into it. After a few chews, you spoke again "Have dinner with me."
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It was the first time in months, you'd come downstairs for dinner. The staff didn't set the table as usual, per your request; so, you sat side by side with Dr. Percival. Your shared chews filled every nook and cranny of the room. 
The doctor noticed how you wiggled in your seat. "Have you seen the leaves change?"
"From the balcony. Yes."
He studied you, "How often do you go to the balcony?"
You cut your eyes at him. He didn't move an inch.
"Why do you still wear it?"
Your fingers danced at the mention of the jewel that'd been residing there for a year.
"If you believe he's dead, why wear it still? He won't come back if he is."
Twelve hours was a new record. The longest you'd went without crying. Sleep didn't count because you didn't do that much. Tears welled in your eyes as you gazed at the diamond.
The doctor set down his fork as he looked at you. Your shoulders started to shake as you sobbed. He rose to his feet then embraced you. Everything you'd felt over the past year bubbled up and spilled over as you sobbed against him. Within seconds, your breath became bated and ragged. Your sobs were short, choked sounds "I c—" you clutched at your chest.
He glanced down at you "Princess?" his ears burned at the sound of you gasping for air. He called you by your name and clutched your shoulders "Look at me! Look at me!" his hands rested on your cheeks as he made you look into his face. Your eyes were filled with tears as you continued to gasp. 
"Belinda! Vincent!" they rushed to your side and followed his orders to calm you down. He held onto your hand as he made you lie on the ground. "I need you to breathe, look at me!"
That night was the first time you didn't sleep alone. The doctor along with Vincent and Belinda stood nearby as you lie in bed. Their frames looked like shadows or watchdogs. Something ancient guarding a secret. Except were they protecting you from the evils of the world? Or was it the other way around?
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October 15th, 1905
Your court and staff had worked hard to get you where you were now. Your chambers were still a mess but you were eating three meals a day, sometimes reluctantly, and moving around a bit more. You didn't deem walks around the halls as exercise but Dr. Percival differed. 
"Maybe we can go out to the courtyar—"
He walked down the carpeted hallway with you "Very well."
Your eyes landed on the silver frames lining the wall. "Can I rest after this?"
"Yes, of course. Will you be going to the—"
You cut your eyes at him.
"Very well, then."
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The sun peered through your curtains, despite them being drawn.Your hand slammed against the comforter at Mother Nature's reluctance to let you have your way. Your eyes followed the ray of sunshine, hand drifting up to catch the light and harness it somehow. The diamond twinkled under it and the corner of your lip twitched as you felt the tug on your heartstrings.
Mornings now typically started with the doctor talking you out of bed and doing a few stretches. Yet, this morning you simply said "Leave me... please." he obliged sensing your sadness. The mahogany doors shut with a soft thud, leaving you and the sun illuminating your room. Dust motes floated through and landed onto the pile of dresses stacked in the chair. Papers and notes about the war Nanami had been away fighting... or so you hoped. You stood to your feet then looked out the window.
A knock at the door interrupted your thoughts.
"I said leave me."
"There's someone here to see you." Belinda stated.
"I'm not taking visitors. You know—" you turned at the sound of the door opening. Suddenly, time had stopped. You stopped. Breathing, blinking, thinking... being. After a moment of silence, you shook your head.
"No... hm-hmph" tears quickly found their way to your eyes. "No." you shook your finger and stepped back until you hit your dresser. "How..." your breath hitched but your eyes never left him. His hair was longer... why didn't he cut it? The medals on his uniform were polished. Anyone on the street would see him as pristine but when you looked into his eyes. You felt the ache, the yearning, the tears he cried while he was away.
"I.. you.." you breath quickened as you tried not to cry.
"I know," he reached out to you and you found yourself recoiling. Nanami shrunk back, his hands idly resting by his side unsure of what to do. Hurt filled his hazel eyes as he gazed at you, tilting his head and furrowing his brows.
"Don't touch me."
He'd fought in combat, shot and been shot at but nothing could have prepared him for this.
"Darling, I—"
"You're not real. You're a figment of my imagination because," you wiped the snot that was dripping from your nose "because I- I want you to be real and here, but—"
"I am. I'm right here!" he started to resist the guards that boxed him in.
"I saw you die! I dreamt about it every night!" you shouted in a broken voice then started to cry. Belinda caught onto the sound and rushed for the doctor.
Within moments, you fell to the floor, clutching at your chest. "Wh-what's happening?" Nanami attempted to run to your side but your guards pulled him back. He shoved then stepped forward only to be pulled back again. Luckily, Vincent, Dr. Percival and Belinda came running in. Vincent instructed the guards to ease up then Nanami stepped forward as you started to gasp for air.
"No, no, no," you shook your head as you proceeded to sob and heave. The guards moved forward to collect Nanami once again. Vincent watched while Belinda uttered a prayer. Dr. Percival shouted "Stop!" Nanami glanced back at him then watched as he approached you. Dr. Percival knelt down "He's real. I promise you," he leaned in until you could see his face "He. is. real."
Nanami watched you with a steady eye. Never moving or saying anything, just standing in wait for your permission. The locket thumped against his heart.
"Please... let him in. Hm?" 
Your sobs died down to quick breaths as your eyes focused on the carpet beneath your hands. Then there was the ring, staring back at you through your tears. You started up again and Nanami moved closer then knelt down and wrapped his arms around you. Your face pressed against his shoulders, chest against his, muscles tensing at the sudden movement. His scent invading your nostrils until he was all you could breathe in. Your breath hitched in your throat and tears filled your vision again. The room was silent in that moment. All of the staff filling the space of the room as they watched the long awaited reunion. Nanami oblivious to whomever was watching, softly uttering "I'm here now. I'm sorry I took so long." as he caressed your back.
You held your breath, only sufficing small inhales until you felt like you would burst. Your arms hovered over his back, wavering, shaking. The familiar scent of wood and citrus wrapping itself around you like the very hug he was giving you now made the silence impossible. You embraced him tightly with all the force you could muster. He chuckled through the tears he was shedding against your nightgown.
Vincent looked at the guards then nodded, signaling for them to leave. He trailed behind the doctor and Belinda, leaving you two alone. The room was a medley of shared sobs. When he pulled back, he smiled through his tears at the sight of his beautiful bride. Even with tears running down your cheeks and a runny nose, you were still beautiful. His hands rested on your cheeks and you instinctively put your hands over his. The corner of your lips twisted as you did so.
"What is it?" his thumb brushed the tears from your cheek.
"You... you're wearing it." you touched the twine around his finger.
"Of course I'm wearing it. You're my wife."
Tears filled your eyes once more and you sobbed, wrapping your hands around him. Kento held you close. He'd never been more grateful for such a moment as this. His lips placed a kiss at the top of your head.
"You're my wife," he repeated softly.
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— Alternate Ending —
Later that afternoon, Nanami walked with you along the garden. He wanted to say so much but he didn't know where to start. His hands remained at his side as he put one foot in front of the other.
"I asked the kitchen to make your favorite tonight."
He nodded "I also asked that they make dessert. I hope that's okay."
"Of course it is." you chuckled at his humbleness.
"I apologize for making you worry. There was an incident and ... we couldn't communicate with anyone. It became too dangerous." he took your hand in his. You held it for a moment "You're here now." you pulled your hand back and offered him a small smile.
He leaned back slightly then followed your sight of line to the sunset. His lips opened then shut and he joined you in the silence instead.
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The staff relished at the joy you seemed to radiate during dinner. Your laughter and voice was music to their ears. Joy was one of their favorite songs to hear in the halls and they truly owed it to his return. He was happy to see you in such high spirits, however they were dashed when it was time for bed. You shifted for a few moments as he lie next to you.
"It's... it's been a while."
His heart went dull at the reminder "... I know. Should I remain on my side?"
Your silence put him at further unease "I'll stay here. Don't worry."
You rested your head against the pillows.
"Yes?" you glanced at him.
"Can we hold hands? Only for a moment."
Silence, then a nod. Nanami felt his heart race at the pure prospect of hand holding. He'd felt giddy. He was delighted. His hand slid into yours and he looked up at the ceiling. He brought it to his chest then you pulled back.
"I'm sorry...."
Hurt filled his eyes once again. "It's quite alright. I can sleep in the guest room."
"What?! No. You've just returned from battle. Stay. I'll go to the guest room." you kicked the covers off and he scoffed.
"Don't be ridiculous, the Princess should stay in her chambers. I'll leave." Nanami got out of bed then headed for the door.
He glanced back at you then shifted his stance to face you fully. "What do you suppose we do then? Since you won't even touch me. It seems you can't stand me now."
"I never said that!"
"You don't have to."
You leaned back at the verbal slap. "Nanami..."
"Just tell me what you want and I'll do it." he approached you "I swear, I'll do everything in my power to make it happen."
Your eyes started to fill with tears again as you gazed into his "I wish you never left."
He pressed his lips together slightly, still gazing into your eyes "I can't change what happened."
"... I know."
You broke your gaze for a second to wipe your face "They called me mad," you let out a half-hearted chuckle "The Mad Maiden."
"Don't say that. Whoever wrote that is a dimwit with nothing better to do."
".... so you've read about it?"
"... yes."
Silence until "I canceled my appointment with the wedding dress designer. We had a meeting scheduled a few months after you were supposed to return in the fall of 1904. When you stopped writing, I..." tears welled in your eyes and you shook your head then shrugged.
He reached out to you then drew back, remembering how you could barely hold his hand.
"... do you still love me?"
You turned to face him.
"Do you?"
"How dare you ask me that?" you shook your head and he stared right into your soul "I shed myself for months, withering away until I barely recognized myself. I waited nearly two years for you to return. I convinced myself that there would be no wedding, There'd be no honeymoon or kids skipping down the halls because you were gone. I dreamt about burying an empty box and I still kept this ring on my hand because I couldn't bear the thought of aching so terribly for anyone else." tears fell from your eyes "I ached... every single day."
His eye never left yours and they filled to the brim with tears at your words.
"Don't you ever ask me that again."
He continued to stare into your eyes then leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours. A surprised squeal left your lips, before those moans he missed took over. His hands found their way to your back and your head which he cradled. With each second you melted into him and against him, he moved closer.
"Can I—"
"Yes." you pulled him down toward you and he briefly smiled against your skin. His hands intertwined with yours but the feeling of twine gave you pause.
"What? What is it?"
"You... you're wearing it." you touched the twine around his finger.
"Of course I'm wearing it. You're my wife."
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— Author's Note — I really enjoyed writing this one. Originally, I had a scene where the doctor actually resorts to opium to calm down the princess but that felt too hardcore.
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