#Attachment and aversion are the root cause of karma
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mahayanapilgrim · 1 year ago
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Manifestation of Karma
Karma doesn't wait until you die to manifest. It's who you are, if you don't abandon greed, hatred
Karma is a concept deeply ingrained in Buddhist philosophy, representing the idea that the consequences of one's actions, both good and bad, are an integral part of the individual's existence. Contrary to some misconceptions, karma does not wait until one's death to manifest; it is a continuous force that shapes the present and future of a person. This essay explores the profound Buddhist viewpoint on karma, emphasizing the importance of abandoning greed, hatred, and delusion as key components of understanding and experiencing karma.
I. Karma as a Cosmic Force:
Buddhism perceives karma as a universal law that governs the causal relationship between actions and their consequences. It is likened to a cosmic force, ensuring that the universe remains in balance. Every action, thought, and intention carries an imprint of karma, which influences an individual's life.
II. The Three Poisons: Greed, Hatred, and Delusion:
In Buddhist philosophy, the three poisons - greed, hatred, and delusion - play a central role in understanding karma. These negative qualities are viewed as the root causes of suffering and negative karmic consequences.
A. Greed (Lobha):
Greed, often referred to as attachment, is the relentless craving for material possessions, power, or sensual pleasures. It leads to actions driven by selfish desires, ultimately generating negative karma. To break free from this cycle, Buddhists practice detachment and contentment.
B. Hatred (Dosa):
Hatred encompasses aversion, anger, and ill-will. Negative emotions like anger and hatred lead to harmful actions and, consequently, negative karmic repercussions. The Buddhist path encourages cultivating loving-kindness and compassion to counteract these destructive emotions.
C. Delusion (Moha):
Delusion represents a state of ignorance or misunderstanding about the nature of reality. It obscures one's ability to see the interconnectedness of all beings. Buddhists strive for wisdom and insight to dispel delusion and break the cycle of negative karma.
III. The Wheel of Samsara:
Buddhism teaches that karma is closely tied to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, known as Samsara. The actions and intentions in one's life lead to a specific rebirth, either propelling them towards enlightenment (Nirvana) or further entangling them in the cycle of suffering.
IV. Karma in Daily Life:
Every action and intention, no matter how small, contributes to the accumulation of karma. Buddhists are encouraged to be mindful of their thoughts, words, and deeds, striving for actions that promote harmony, compassion, and understanding.
V. The Role of Meditation:
Meditation is a fundamental practice in Buddhism that aids in recognizing and mitigating the negative effects of greed, hatred, and delusion. Through meditation, individuals can gain insight into their own minds, fostering self-awareness and self-control.
VI. Karma and Compassion:
Buddhism emphasizes the importance of compassion and loving-kindness towards all sentient beings. By cultivating these virtues, individuals not only accumulate positive karma but also contribute to the overall well-being of society.
VII. Conclusion:
In conclusion, karma is an essential and continuous aspect of life in Buddhist philosophy. It is not a concept reserved for the afterlife but a force that influences our present and future. The three poisons - greed, hatred, and delusion - are the main factors that determine the quality of our karma. To live a life in harmony with this cosmic law, Buddhists strive to cultivate mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom. Through self-awareness and positive actions, one can navigate the intricate web of karma and ultimately move towards liberation from the cycle of Samsara.
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dharmafox · 2 years ago
My thinking on Moriya is that he represents fear.
In some ways Buddhism treats fear as the root of all evil, the reason for attachment, aversion, and delusion. It drives the Three Poisons and so drives samsara, the cycle of rebirth and death. Moriya is a man utterly possessed by fear, even before he's committed murder. He's terrified of Setsuko, both her ambition and her emotions; he's terrified of the mayor and too cowardly to expose him; his expression is a permanent mask of fear. He's terrified of women and expresses it through misogyny.
I think Moriya is a crystalization of everybody's fear - Hisayo's, Genkei's, Ochou's, the three suitors', everybody in "Umi Bozu" and even the Medicine Seller's. I think he's the result of a gradual extraction of fear from all of these identities through the confrontation and overcoming of what they feared, until he is no longer hidden by those identities. Once extracted, he could be recognized for what he was - the real cause of death, the real "killer" within the world of the mind.
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(He knows.)
What happens on the train in "Bakeneko" is another metaphor for this process of elimination - everyone else around Moriya and the Medicine Seller is picked off by the bakeneko one by one, until Moriya is the only one remaining: the only one with whom the bakeneko still has unfinished business.
Ultimately, I think Moriya embodies the fear which, if not found out, would have eventually re-created the identities of Sakai and Tamaki. Both were dominated by fear. Sakai had a pathological desire for control and ended up terrified of facing his own truth. Tamaki was oppressed by her fear of Sakai to the point where she couldn't fight back. Everyone in the Sakai house was terrified of facing the truth.
In contrast, the mayor is significantly less evil than Sakai, and Setsuko is considerably more forceful than Tamaki - even capable of violence. The new identities are transformed by a new relationship with fear. Sakai's misogyny, lack of empathy, and willingness to kill instead appear in Moriya.
Moriya's relationship to Setsuko and the mayor reflects the change from Tamaki and Sakai's relationship to fear. The new identities can see him, not only as a separate identity, but a contemptible one. They have no respect for him. Setsuko is still subordinate to him but fights him at every turn, and the mayor still uses him to protect himself but also seems disgusted by him. Neither identity is as controlled by fear as their previous incarnations.
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("Why doesn't she respect me?" 😟)
Moriya is revealed as Setsuko's killer because it was his influence - the influence of fear - not only over Tamaki, Sakai, Setsuko, and the mayor, but also over the others who came before them, that caused all of their delusion, suffering and death. If not confronted, the fear hiding in Genkei, Ochou, and everyone else would, in time, have repeated the cycle of karma that originally created the first bakeneko. In the end, Moriya is destroyed along with Setsuko, setting her memory and the survivors free from his influence so that they can move on to a different future. His identification and destruction symbolize a transformation within the world/mind, one brought about by the Medicine Seller's influence - the influence of awareness and insight.
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bhagvadgita · 1 year ago
The Bhagavad Gita Verse 13.4
तत्क्षेत्रं यच्च यादृक्च यद्विकारि यतश्च यत् |
स च यो यत्प्रभावश्च तत्समासेन मे शृणु ||
Listen and I will explain to you what that field is and what its nature is. I will also explain how change takes place within it, from what it was created, who the knower of the field of activities is, and what his powers are. 
- The field (kshetra) refers to the body-mind complex, which is the object of perception and experience for the individual soul (jiva). The field is composed of the five elements, the five senses, the five organs of action, the mind, the intellect, the ego, and the three modes of material nature (gunas). The field is constantly undergoing change and transformation due to the influence of time, karma, and the gunas.
- The knower of the field (kshetrajna)  refers to the Supreme Self (atman), which is the Witness and the substratum of the field. The knower of the field is distinct from the field, and is not affected by its modifications. The knower of the field is the same in all beings, and is the Source of Consciousness, Bliss, and existence. The knower of the field is also known as the Supreme Lord (ishvara), who is the creator, maintainer, and destroyer of the field.
- The nature (yadrik) of the field and the knower of the field is to be known by the process of discrimination  (viveka), which is the essence of the path of knowledge (jnana yoga). By discriminating between the real and the unreal, the eternal and the temporal, the Self and the non-self, one can realize the true identity of the knower of the field, and attain liberation (moksha) from the bondage of the field.
- The change (yad-vikari) of the field is to be understood by the analysis of the causes and effects (karya-karana), which are based on the law of action and reaction (karma). By understanding the cause and effect relationship, one can overcome the ignorance (avidya) that leads to attachment (raga) and aversion (dvesha), which are the root causes of suffering (duhkha). By transcending the cause and effect cycle, one can attain the state of equanimity (samatva), which is the mark of a person of steady wisdom (sthita-prajna).
- The creation (yatah) of the field is to be traced to the supreme will (sankalpa) of the knower of the field, who manifests the field out of his own power (shakti) and energy (prana). The creation of the field is also a projection (vivarta) of the knower of the field, who appears as many (anekatva) due to the limiting adjuncts (upadhis) of the field. The creation of the field is also a play (lila) of the knower of the field, who enjoys the diversity (vicitra) of the field without losing his unity (ekatva).
- The powers (yat-prabhava) of the knower of the field are to be Realized by the practice of devotion (bhakti), which is the essence of the path of love (prema yoga). By cultivating the attitude of surrender (sharanagati), service (seva), and worship (puja)  towards the knower of the field, one can experience his Grace (anugraha), protection (raksha), and guidance (nirdesha). By attuning oneself to the will (iccha), knowledge (jnana), and action (kriya)  of the knower of the field, one can become his instrument (nimitta), representative (pratinidhi), and expression (abhivyanjana).
Similar Vedic texts:
- Yogavashishta
मोक्षोपायानिमान्पुण्यान्प्रत्यक्षानुभवार्थदान्|बालोप्यकर्ण्य तत्ज्ञात्वं याति का त्वादृशे कथा ||
Having learnt the methods of Realization, expounded in this work which brings about direct intuition, even a child comes to Realize the Self.
This verse emphasizes the efficacy of the teachings of Yogavashishta, which are based on the direct experience  (anubhava) of the self, rather than on the scriptural authority (shabda) or logical inference (anumana). The verse also implies that the realization of the self is not dependent on the age, caste, gender, or status of the seeker, but on the sincerity, earnestness, and intensity of the inquiry.
- Mundaka Upanishad 3.1.1:
द्वा सुपर्णा सयुजा सखाया समानं वृक्षं परिषस्वजाते | तयोरन्यः पिप्पलं स्वाद्वत्त्यनश्नन्नन्यो अभिचाकशीति ||
Two birds of beautiful plumage, who are inseparable friends, reside on the same tree. Of these, one eats the fruits of the tree with relish, while the other looks on without eating. 
This verse illustrates the relationship between the individual soul (jiva) and the Supreme Self (atman), who are compared to two birds on the same tree of the body. The individual soul is entangled in the fruits of its actions, which are of the nature of pleasure and pain, while the Supreme Self is detached and indifferent, witnessing the play of the individual soul. The verse also suggests that the individual soul can realize its identity with the Supreme Self, by turning its attention from the fruits of the tree to the other bird, who is its true friend and guide.
- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2.4.5:
यत्र नान्यत्पश्यति नान्यच्छृणोति नान्यद्विजानाति स भूमा | अथ यत्रान्यत्पश्यति अन्यच्छृणोति अन्यद्विजानाति तदल्पम् ||
Where one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, knows nothing else, that is the infinite. Where one sees something else, hears something else, knows something else, that is the finite. 
This verse defines the infinite (bhuma)  and the finite (alpam) in terms of the perception and knowledge of the Reality. The infinite is the state of non-duality (advaita), where there is no distinction between the seer and the seen, the hearer and the heard, the knower and the known. The finite is the state of duality (dvaita), where there is a separation between the subject and the object, the self and the other, the reality and the appearance. The verse also implies that the infinite is the source of supreme bliss (ananda), while the finite is the cause of suffering (duhkha).
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dronacharyacollege · 3 years ago
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thejhambs · 2 years ago
Karma in MDZS - Part 2 - Sandu
Part 2 of 3
Part 1 | Part 3
Sandu: Three Poisons
This is the name of Jiang Cheng's sword
What is the reason for birth, according to systems that believe in the concept of karma? According to buddhist theory, there are three root causes for being stuck the samsara of life and rebirth. These three things are ignorance, attachment, and aversion.
Ignorance, on a very basic theological level, means not understanding that the cycle of life is a trap meant to keep you on this earth. Ignorance leads to you trying to understand, curiosity that you think can only be satiated while living. But, the worldly life does not satiate this ignorance, it just leads to more questions.
Material attachments can include ambition, the need to prove yourself, the need to get something that has been inaccessible, or the need to protect something that you are possessive of.
Aversion is hate. Dislike. Aversion leads to being born with dislikes, the need to eliminate something from earth, the need to get revenge, holding grudges.
These are the three poisons, or Sandu. In this post, I'm mostly going to focus on Sandu, how that impacts Wei Wuxian, and how the Jiangs are a metaphor for WWX's worldly attachment.
WWX's experiences in life are interesting. He's born to loving parents, and experiences love, but they die early on, and he lives in the streets. Then, he's found by Jiang Fengmian. To him, Jiang Fengmian saved him from the life in the streets, and so, he owes a debt of gratitude to the Jiangs.
There are 4 Jiangs and imo, the way they treat WWX lines up with the three poisons.
Jiang Fengmian is material attachment. The reason he finds Wei Wuxian, is because of his attachment to Wei Changze. Before dying, he tells WWX to take care of JC. He treats WWX as an investment for his son, making Wei Wuxian more and more in his debt so that Wei Wuxian could go on to be Jiang Cheng's right hand man. You can see this in the names he gives Wei Wuxian and his sword. Wuxian - without envy, so that he lives without being envious of JC. Suibian - As you please, so that Wei Wuxian does as the Jiangs please.
Jiang Yanli is ignorance, she and Wei Wuxian love each other as siblings, and would do anything for each other, but Jiang Yanli doesn't know the kind of situation that Wei Wuxian was in, she tries to help him without a full understanding of the situation he's in, and this ends up killing her.
Yu Ziyuan is aversion. She hates Wei Wuxian, sees him as an extension of Cangze Sanren, who she was jealous of and hated. She consistently abuses Wei Wuxian, and curses him till her dying breath. Her legacy is carried out by Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng, the one with the most complex relationship with Wei Wuxian, is all three things, but in this case, he is especially aversion
WWX is attached, not just because of the debt he owes to them, but also due to the love he has for them. He takes the abuse dished out by Yu Ziyuan, he does his absolute best in the sect, and becomes head disciple, and he takes care of Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanli as though they are his siblings.
Wei Wuxian's first life is about how he gets rid of the three poisons in his life, each with a heavy sacrifice.
When the Jiangs are attacked, and Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan die, Wei Wuxian's debt now goes to their heir, Jiang Cheng. When Jiang Cheng loses his core, Wei Wuxian deliberately pays his debt back by giving Jiang Cheng his core, and to him, this means starting a new, more equal relationship, where he can do things for Jiang Cheng without it being a matter of debt repayment. Sort of a relationship where they can forget about the tallying of who has done what for and to whom (no thank yous and sorries between us).
In this way, he sort of removes himself from material attachment. He gave away the source of his pride, the embodiment of his hard work, his most prized possession, away. He got rid of his worldly attachment. Jiang Fengmian's death is a metaphor for this riddance. You can also see that Wei Wuxian stops using his sword. He stops doing as the Jiangs please.
Then, comes aversion. The example of aversion is very clear, it is with the Wens. Wei Wuxian hates the Wens. They killed the closest thing he had to a family, they caused him suffering by throwing him into the burial mounds, and they caused an entire war. He is ruthless with them, killing them on sight. For some reason, Yu Ziyuan's death exacerbates the hatred within Wei Wuxian. Possibly because Wei Wuxian's aversion was not strong before she died. Possibly because her legacy was carried out by Jiang Cheng, who seems to cheer Wei Wuxian on whenever he tortures the "Wen dogs".
Wei Wuxian, though, has 2 Wens who saved him and protected him. He owes them a debt. After the war, he chooses to save them from the Jin camps, to protect them. He moves them all to the burial mounds, where he gets closer to them, and so, his hate for them gets removed. This is around the same time that he cuts off ties with the Yunmeng Jiang clan, and Jiang Cheng.
The last sin for Wei Wuxian, Ignorance. With his ignorance, his curiosity about the world, Wei Wuxian creates a whole new system of cultivation, which he has shown interest in from the time we first see him in Cloud Recesses. I'm not saying that Wei Wuxian wasn't in a desperate time, I am saying that it was his soul's chosen destiny to create ghost cultivation, and the circumstances forced him to do so because of this chosen destiny. And, this chosen destiny shows ignorance to be rectified.
In his first life, Wei Wuxian does not practice Ghost cultivation in the most ethical way. We know that his cultivation is best for corpses with extremely high levels of resentful energy, so most corpses just aren't fit for him to control. So, the way he handles this is by taking corpses with low levels of resentment, and putting them in a blood pool full of high resentful energy. In fact, even the tiger seal amulet works in the same way, except faster.
When Jiang Yanli dies, Wei Wuxian sees the havoc that his own creation, the fruit of his ignorance, the tiger seal amulet has created, he decides to destroy the tiger seal amulet. After he succeeds, he dies, the last of poison in his life, removed.
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radical-revolution · 3 years ago
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The 16th Gyalwa Karmapa was well known for his divine visions and prophesies, one such manifestation is commonly known as the 'dream flag', a banner design which appeared to Karmapa in a dream.
He named the flag རྣམ་མཁྱེན་རྒྱལ་དར། - namkhyen gyaldar meaning Victorious banner of Buddha’s Wisdom and proclaimed that: "Wherever this flag is flown - Dharma and Peace will flourish”
There is much meaning to this flag design - The two geomantic swirls and two colours are symbolic of the relative and absolute truth. Relatively the colours blue and yellow represent the sky and the earth, the waves symbolize the Buddha Dharma.
On the absolute level the colours represent the union of emptiness and clarity, the true nature of mind. The intertwining waves which come together from all four sides of the flag, symbolises the union of compassion and emptiness - the essence of all phenomena.
Buddha taught that all phenomena, our world and home to all of us, is interconnected - How we relate to each other and our environment has inescapable results. This is the infallible truth of causality - Karma.
The root causes of our continuous existence, Samsara - is ignorance, attachment and aversion.
Which unless realised and tamed, may overwhelm the ego to power, greed and stupidity, which with great lack of lovingkindness, makes a warmonger.
Always fly the banner of love and peace in our hearts, and be kind to others.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 3 years ago
divine vision
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This banner design was literally dreamed up by the 16th Gwalya Karmapa, who said, "Wherever this flag is flown - Dharma and Peace will flourish.”
* * * *
Source: Tashi Mannox, who wrote:
"The 16th Gyalwa Karmapa was well known for his divine visions and prophesies, one such manifestation is commonly known as the 'dream flag', a banner design which appeared to Karmapa in a dream.
He named the flag རྣམ་མཁྱེན་རྒྱལ་དར། - namkhyen gyaldar meaning Victorious banner of Buddha’s Wisdom and proclaimed that: "Wherever this flag is flown - Dharma and Peace will flourish”
There is much meaning to this flag design - The two geomantic swirls and two colours are symbolic of the relative and absolute truth. Relatively the colours blue and yellow represent the sky and the earth, the waves symbolize the Buddha Dharma.
On the absolute level the colours represent the union of emptiness and clarity, the true nature of mind. The intertwining waves which come together from all four sides of the flag, symbolises the union of compassion and emptiness - the essence of all phenomena.
Buddha taught that all phenomena, our world and home to all of us, is interconnected - How we relate to each other and our environment has inescapable results. This is the infallible truth of causality - Karma.
The root causes of our continuous existence, Samsara - is ignorance, attachment and aversion.
Which unless realised and tamed, may overwhelm the ego to power, greed and stupidity, which with great lack of lovingkindness, makes a warmonger.
Always fly the banner of love and peace in our hearts, and be kind to others.
May Peace Prevail on Earth."
(Ian Sanders)
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ayearinfaith · 5 years ago
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𝗔 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗶𝗻 𝗙𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗵, 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝟭𝟬: 𝗦𝗮𝗺̣𝘀𝗮̄𝗿𝗮
Saṃsāra is a concept found in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, as well as other native faiths of the Indian subcontinent. Etymologically the word means something like “wandering”, implying an aimless and cyclical motion. This refers to the cycle of life and rebirth central to these religions and is tied closely to other common concepts such as Karma and Moksha. This is a complex religious and philosophical concept, so as with my other posts please do not take my word as some form of canon. This is simply a generic overview.
𝗔𝗻 𝗢𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻
Due to the words implications of fluid motion and transition, Saṃsāra is often metaphorically spoken of as a sea. It is also, across all religions, a thing to escape from. Though traditions vary considerably on the exact nature of existence they all agree that it is ultimately one of suffering, and thus escape from it is the ultimate goal. This can generally be done by a mixture of tempering ones Karma, itself a complex concept I will roughly summarize here as “cause and effect”, and pursuing enlightenment. The release from Saṃsāra is known as either Moksha or Nirvana.
𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗶𝗻
In Hinduism and Jainism the soul or “atman” is seen as something that is true, and therefore permanent and unchanging. It is this soul that transfers between such ephemeral things like bodies and personas. Some schools of Buddhism differ, not believing in a permanent soul but rather a single continuous consciousness that is transmitted across lives. There are many things that can impact an individual’s journey through Saṃsāra, but the big player is generally Karma. As mentioned above, Karma is a significant inter-faith concept and I would be a fool to try and properly summarize it in another concept’s entry. Put in brutally simplistic terms, good deeds and intentions are good Karma, bad deeds and intentions are bad Karma. Good Karma pushes an individual towards more pleasant future lives while bad Karma dooms individuals towards worse lives. This force is not entirely a fair one, as it is acknowledged in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions that not all lives have equal opportunities to accrue good and bad Karma; how exactly is a deer, who spends most of its time living in fear of predators and attempting to find food, supposed to find the time to pursue good deeds? And as we are about to see, a better life is not always the path to Nirvana.
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗶𝗿𝗰𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲
One of the most striking visualizations of Saṃsāra is the Bhavacakra, literally a “wheel of life”. These images, like the one on the title card for this entry, are most common in Tibetan Buddhism, where they often adorn the outer walls to serve as tools to educate the layman. The wheel consist of four rings, representing the stages and forces within Saṃsāra. In the center are three animals: a pig, a rooster, and a snake. They represent, respectively, ignorance, attachment, and aversion. These are known as the “three poisons” in Buddhism, the three most basic expressions of the craving that is the root of all suffering. Around them is a split ring, representing good and bad Karma normally represented by monks or gods on the good half and demons and hungry spirits on the bad half. The next and largest wheel depict the six realms of Saṃsāra. These are the six classes of life forms one can be born into. The worst, or perhaps more accurately, lowest Karma realm is that of Hell or Naraka where wicked souls are punished for their crimes, until being reborn once their bad Karma is expended. One step up from this are the hungry ghosts or “Preta”. These are depicted as malformed humans, with large distended bellies and small mouths and throats. This form is an outward expression of their anguish: they are filled with desires they cannot fill. Generally, to become a Preta one accrues bad Karma via indulgences, whereas the souls in Naraka were actively criminal and wicked. Above the Preta are animals (some traditions also include plants in this realm). Being an animal is generally seen by Buddhists as a bad fate, sometimes worse than being a Preta, as animals live on instinct and fear with little capacity to move beyond their realm of Saṃsāra. The first of the “good” realms is that of humans. Though not the highest Karmic reward, humanity is the best realm for escaping Saṃsāra and therefore the most important realm to pursue enlightenment in. This is because humans have the cognitive abilities and quality of life to enable them to pursue enlightenment while still maintaining enough suffering to push them towards this goal. Above humans are Asuras, a class of divine being often compared to the Greek Titan or Norse Jötunn. Put simply, they are powerful and long-lived creatures who spend most of their time warring against the higher gods, called Devas. Because of their power and quality of life they are unlikely to pursue enlightenment, but are generally doomed Karmically as their jealously of the Devas consumes them. Finally, at the highest Karmic level, are the Devas. These are the beings normally translated into English as “gods”, and a number of Hindu gods are included at this stage within Buddhism. Though they are the most powerful and wise of the creatures of Saṃsāra, they too are ultimately doomed. Their great status encourages them to spend their long lives pursuing pleasure instead of enlightenment, and many Devas ultimately reincarnate poorly. Within the depictions of each realm in the Bhavacakra the Buddha, or sometimes a Bodhisattva, can be seen somehow helping to ease the suffering of those within. Outside the six realms, the final ring depicts the 12 Nidanas. These can be thought of a kind of chain of actions, each causing the next, each one contributing towards the imprisonment of Saṃsāra. Some of these will be recognizable even to non-Buddhists as bad things ex. ignorance, craving, death. Others are less apparent as ills unless acquainted with Buddhist philosophy ex. Being born, having senses, self-awareness. Holding the entire wheel is a great demon, typically either Yama, the lord of Hell, or Mara, the demon that tempted the Buddha when first attaining enlightenment. Either way, he is always depicted with a crown of five skulls, representing the five Skandhas, the five kernels about which attachment to reality may form. He also has a third eye, representing his knowledge of the impermanence and ever-changing nature of Saṃsāra, a nature he also embodies and perpetuates. Beyond him is a moon, representing Moksha or Nirvana, with the Buddha pointing at it, representing the path to enlightenment and the promise it can be achieved.
Image Credit: Mural from Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism in Seattle Washington. Picture taken in 2009 by Flickr user Wonderlane.
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garywonghc · 6 years ago
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Advice on Spiritual Practice
by His Holiness the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje
The practice of dharma involves certain possibilities. How these potentials evolve into actual situations for the practitioner, and how much is possible within these situations depends on the capacity of individual beings. It depends upon the level of teachings that one is able to relate to, such as Mahayana or Hinayana. At this particular time in our lives, the practice of the Mahayana teaching is possible. It is absolutely precious and absolutely rare. Our concern for development and our sense of responsibility has placed us in a position to integrate the preciousness and rarity of the Mahayana teaching with our lives. Through it there is the possibility of the experience of no-returning back into Samsara and the experience of ultimate bliss that is self knowing and in which there are no doubts.
In the midst of the wanderings of our minds we might sometimes fall into thinking that whether one practices or not, the Dharma will always be available. If you have that kind of notion, it is a very serious mistake. Any brief moment, any time at all that one could use as an opportunity for Dharma practice, one must use. If one does not take this responsibility and offer sincere respect to the Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings, there is a definite possibility of causing harm to oneself as well as to those spiritual friends to whom one is linked. A lack of attention to the responsibilities of the Mahayana path constitutes a breaking of the Samaya principles, therefore, in whatever way one can hold to the teachings, one must sincerely do so.
If you think that the teaching is negligible, such a reality will manifest because of your attitude, to your great loss. The fact is that the teaching is very much hidden from you, so you cannot really make speculations about it. On the other hand, the validity of the teaching has been witnessed by its ageless effectiveness from the time of the Buddha to this day. This is something to dwell upon. You must sincerely realise the sacredness of the teachings, to the extent of understanding that there is actually nothing more important than the practice of the Dharma within this lifetime, and in lifetimes to come. In a simple mundane life situation, in the field of 'business' we know that the businessman develops a plan for a project, he knows what it will cost him, perhaps one million dollars, and every detail of the project is regarded with the utmost care. Absolute importance is attached to such a project in the business world, and a great deal of energy is put into bringing it to a successful conclusion. The point is if one is going to expend such effort for a result of such a temporary nature, why not put at least as much effort into a project that is going to cause one's temporary as well as ultimate benefit? Whether you are receiving an empowerment or an explanation, if you are able to have or develop that sense of importance about the Dharma, then there is purpose in your relationship with the Mahayana teachings and there is going to be fulfilment, too. If there is a genuine commitment to the teaching, you will be able to develop direct and meaningful trust and confidence in the teachings and sincere compassion towards beings. A true understanding of the universality of the working of karma, the nature of cause and effect, will occur.
The Bodhisattva's aspiration and actions are powerful because from the very beginning when bodhisattva embarks on the journey of the bodhi path he aspires to work for the benefit and liberation of all sentient beings with a very determined, definite and powerful intention. Because of the sincere resolve that is within this aspiration, whatever actions need to be performed to benefit and liberate beings are performed with great power and tirelessness. Having undertaken such a profound journey by virtue of the aspiration to help beings, as the different stages of the Bodhisattva are experienced, one finds oneself increasingly capable of benefiting countless beings. That is how the Bodhisattva first treads upon the path.
When the bodhisattvas work for the benefit of all beings with such appropriate aspirations and actions there is total fulfilment. The fulfilment appropriate in the sense that there is no selfishness involved in the way of expectations, doubts, hopes, attachment or aversion regarding gains and losses of any kind. The Bodhisattva is completely pure and spotless, working incessantly and wholeheartedly for the benefit of beings. Not for a moment is there any hesitation or doubt, as these obstacles have been transcended. The ways of a Bodhisattva are gentle, since all harmful actions and indulgences have been abandoned. Not only are harmful deeds themselves eliminated in a Bodhisattva's life, but also the creation of causes of future harmful situations. Work is done solely for the benefit of other beings, not only in direct deeds, but in laying the foundations for future benefits to accrue. When these bodhisattvas initiate work, then, they are able to cause immeasurable benefit towards beings, and they do so manifesting fearless generosity without doubts or expectations, like the great Bodhisattva of Boundless Compassion, Avalokiteshvara, or the Bodhisattva of Boundless Power, Vajrapani, and so on.
All who comprise the great assemblage of Bodhisattvas are equally powerful and equally beneficial to countless beings, so that all things seem to be at their command. Sometimes beautiful lotuses and lotus trees are caused by them to grow from the middle of the ocean, or a teardrop is transformed into an ocean. Everything in nature is at the Bodhisattva's call. Fire can appear as water; water can appear as fire. It is all because of the strength of the Bodhisattva's attitude, the aspiration and action. For us this says that the practice of compassion must be given full consideration and it must at all times be in our awareness and at all times performed.
If one is going to attempt to do meditation, for example, on emptiness, Sunyata, one must never fail to relate to the enlightened objects of the Refuge on one hand, and to consistently generate genuine compassion towards beings on the other hand. The true nature of emptiness is compassion. Without the experience of the fullness of compassion, even if one claims to have realised emptiness, Sunyata, it does not have any significance.
At this particular point you have the opportunity to receive the teachings. There are teachers, there are facilities. You have been receiving many levels of teachings, and it is important that you don't miss the point in terms of putting into practice what is taught. It is absolutely important. I am emphasising today something you must have heard many times. And yet there is always the need for complete integration, for mindfulness and respect, for the treasuring of what one has understood, what one has received. There is the need of working towards the fulfilment of the teachings and the complete realisation of the meaning. And toward that end the most important factor, once again, is the practice of bodhicitta, the Enlightened Mind, by which you will gradually tread the Vajrayana path. At every turn bodhicitta is indispensable. Unless the profound techniques of the Vajrayana are being supported by bodhicitta one will not necessarily make meaningful realisations. So, you see, that everything is actually rooted in the practice of bodhicitta, and to pursue with sincerity whatever enhances and supports the practice of bodhicitta creates favourable situations for its development.
An example of a means to develop bodhicitta is Pratimoksa. In the Pratimoksa tradition there are seven families or levels of Pratimoksa, or self-discipline. These are known as the precepts or vows. Refuge is the most important prerequisite to enter into the practice of discipline. After taking refuge, you take whatever other precepts you can. Keeping them strengthens your practice of bodhicitta, and enables you to tread on the path of Buddhadharma more simply, sincerely and sanely. The importance of the application of self-discipline, the precepts, must not be neglected. Strongly ingrained are the patterns of the three poisons: aggression, attachment and ignorance. If one is to uproot these patterns and to apply the proper antidote for these poisons, the practices of discipline as outlined in the Pratimoksa are necessary tools.
Then we have the Mahayana principles. We must practice living the Mahayana ideals which we have been talking about: the development of the Enlightened Attitude, a concern for the benefit and liberation of all beings. From the material point of view this country is very rich, which means life is busier for everyone than in other places in the world, and people are occupied by all kinds of mundane demands. Because of the overwhelming material concerns that surround one, the speed of life activity increases. One busy situation leads to another, and on and on. You are constantly busy. The truth of cyclic existence is very well manifested in your lives. To remedy this state of affairs one first needs to calm down the mind. Do not be completely absorbed by your surroundings. Develop some degree of stillness. Cultivate simple control of mind, tranquillity. At least some openness of the mind needs to be developed. No matter who you are, everyone needs first to relate to basic meditation practices, meditation practices that are specifically designed to bring about the calmness of the minds of beings who are occupied in such constant, busy involvement. This is the first step in the practice of the Dharma, the Dharma that is so very important for oneself and for others.
If you could see and appreciate the truth of the Dharma, and in the light of that appreciation continue to practice, there is no doubt about your being of tremendous benefit to the people you encounter and to this country especially. There would be no doubt about your ability to save beings from countless problems and conflicts. So the practice of the Dharma must be taken very seriously and done very sincerely. It plays a crucial part in shaping of one's life, and not this life alone but all lifetimes to come. If one is to have temporary as well as ultimate fulfilment of happiness, the incomparable and the only reliable connection is the practice of the Dharma. The notion of perception and perceiver has existed from beginningless time, and it is part of the pattern of clinging. From beginningless time our shortcoming has been to fall back into Samsara. In the past, in the future and in the present, the mind has been in many ways very playful. But where the true nature of the mind is concerned, neither the colour nor the shape nor the location of the mind nor its consciousness can be pinpointed.
The nature of mind goes beyond all such substantialities. This being so, in the meditation practice it is important neither to invite the future nor recollect the past, but to remain in the state of nowness. The nowness of the mind is the practice which should be developed by you all.
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mahayanapilgrim · 1 year ago
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Understanding Ignorance
Ignorance or mis-knowing (Skt. avidyā; Tib. མ་རིག་པ་, ma rigpa, Wyl. ma rig pa) — one of the fifty-one mental states defined in Abhidharma literature. According to the Compendium of Abhidharma, it belongs to the subgroup of the six root destructive emotions. It is also the first of the twelve links of dependent origination and the basis of all other destructive emotions.
**Understanding Ignorance in Buddha Dharma**
In the realm of Buddha Dharma, ignorance, known as "avidyā" in Sanskrit and "ma rigpa" in Tibetan, is a fundamental concept that plays a central role in understanding the nature of suffering and the path to liberation. Let's delve into what ignorance is, its significance, and its implications within Buddhist teachings.
**Defining Ignorance:**
Ignorance, or avidyā, is a mental state characterized by not knowing or mis-knowing essential truths. These truths include:
1. **Law of Karma**: Ignorance involves a lack of understanding of the fundamental law of cause and effect, which governs the consequences of our actions. Without awareness of this law, we remain trapped in cycles of suffering.
2. **The Four Noble Truths**: Ignorance blinds us to the Four Noble Truths, which are the foundation of Buddhist teachings. These truths address the nature of suffering, its causes, its cessation, and the path to liberation.
3. **The Virtues of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha**: Ignorance prevents recognition of the wisdom, guidance, and refuge provided by the Buddha, the teachings (Dharma), and the spiritual community (Sangha).
**The Role of Ignorance:**
1. **First Link of Dependent Origination**: Ignorance is the initial link in the chain of dependent origination. It is the root cause from which suffering and samsara (the cycle of birth and death) originate. It sets in motion a series of interrelated factors that culminate in the cycle of suffering.
2. **Basis of Destructive Emotions**: Ignorance is categorized as one of the six root destructive emotions in Buddhist psychology. It is the underlying source from which other negative mental states, such as attachment, aversion, and delusion, arise. Overcoming ignorance is a key step in taming these destructive emotions.
**Overcoming Ignorance:**
The path to enlightenment in Buddha Dharma involves dispelling ignorance. This is achieved through practices such as meditation, study, and contemplation. By gaining insight into the true nature of reality and one's own mind, individuals can transcend ignorance and achieve a state of awakening (bodhi).
In conclusion, ignorance is a pivotal concept in Buddha Dharma, representing the lack of understanding of essential truths and serving as the foundational cause of suffering and cyclic existence. The journey of a Buddhist practitioner is marked by the pursuit of wisdom and insight, ultimately leading to the liberation from the cycle of suffering and the realization of one's true nature.
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ani-tsultrim-wangmo · 2 years ago
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A root cause of this discriminating mind is the self-cherishing attitude, the thought that makes us consider ourselves more important than others. As a result of self-cherishing we develop attachment to those who help us and aversion to thoses who cause us problems. This, in turn, causes us to create countless negative karmas trying to support the "helpers" and overcome the "harmers." Thus we bring great suffering upon ourselves and others, both immediately and in future lives, as the karmic seeds of these actions ripen into suffering experiences.
~ Ling Rinpoche
~ 林仁波切
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lilmajorshawty · 7 years ago
PLUTO THE UNKIND(Pluto through the houses)🦂🌑
First housers:
First house Pluto natives, are a presence to behold both in their expression and their dominating personalities to match. Since we are in the house of the “self” and Pluto is the planet of “death and rebirth” there is a continuous emphasis for make overs and transformations in the lives of these people. Often times they have alpha personalities without trying and tend to put a crowd in silence when they enter a room. They are strong in will and have a very blunt and straightforward means of expressing themselves. They can have sharp and eagle like features(this can be doubled depending on how strong Pluto’s influence is) and they can have structured and noticeable jaws! The eyes can be dark in color and very intimidating. The hair is thick and for some it’s curly in nature. The skin can also be oily and acne can be a thing in the early years-and these people have beautiful skin! Olive and or Carmel in complexion in some cases. They tend to walk like serpents and can have a defensive way of moving that creates space from their surrounding environment. They’re very intense and have a naturally magnetic Aura about them.
Sex: in your face, powerthemes-who’s in control you or I? Feel my body-let’s fight for he pleasure. (Aggressive and raw sex:sex that has an explosive and animalistic edge) hair pulling.(Can have very bare sexual organs! Kind of look like they should just be naked all together)
-Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyoncé knowles, Britney Spears, Keanu Reeves, Justin Bieber.
🥀Beyoncé ghost/haunted.
2nd housers:
Second house Pluto natives are paradoxical in nature, they can be very secretive when it comes to their items and possessions, be it lovers/close family/their own resources like clothes or money or even themselves as a whole. They always maintain some amount of emotional and sentimental distance from outsiders and can have clannish tendencies towards those they don’t know well as opposed to those whom they’ve been close to for years. They have a intensified sensuality about them and can prioritize the more physical and earthy aspects of relating to others and tend to judge and observe how others react to situations and life situations on a “close up” level. They have an intense relationship with money and may have struggled with it being taken from them or being scarce during the early years which causes them to hold it near and dear to them as they age. These natives love very hard and can be paradoxical in the sense that they’re either slow moving and passive in romance or they’re intense and overwhelming.
Sex: sensual and an exploration of the body, how do you ignite my senses? How do I become your aphrodisiac. Teasing and prolonged touch. Oral sex and neck stimulation. (Can have heavy set/really thickesh looking sexual organs that are very beautiful to look at)
-Johnny Depp, Uma Thurman,Bill gates, Harry styles, Emma Watson,Mark zuckerberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger
🥀bonobo x Andreya Tirana eyesdown.
3rd housers:
Third house Pluto natives are what I like to call “heavy talkers” they talk and think with a deep and cutting intensity that is both noticeable in the words they speak and the ideals they cling too. They tend to be fixed in their own beliefs and not in a close minded way or a my way or the high way mentality either-it’s in a more moralistic standard type of way. They don’t like foul treatment and have a notable disgust towards those who over extended their power for bad reasons. They have a natural power and authority to their words and have a 1 on 1 way of speaking even if it’s a crowd that happens to be their audience. They hold people to no expectation and view everyone as there bare and raw selves but that being said that makes them in a way hard to reach on an intimate level due to their aversion to the more superficial aspects of life. They can be immensely intellectual and practically genius when it comes to human nature-they just know how to work a person in their favor. The why and how of things runs through their mind often and they can be quite sexually minded but have an easy time of presenting a stone face even when thinking the most grotesque of scenes.
Sex:stimulate me, the subversive lingo and enticing wordplay. Talk to me dirty-sexting and telephone sex. Nudes and provocative webcaming. Hand jobs and fingering come to mind here. Anything involving time and hands-think quickies. (Can have thin/skinny sexual organs)
-Angelina Jolie, Martin Luther king, Julia Roberts, Justin Timberlake, Napoleon |
🥀 Kendrick Lamar ADHD
4th housers:
Pluto in the fourth house natives are as one would say emotionally transformative. Unlike Lilith in the 4th that can come across as emotionally detached and in a sense aloof-those with Pluto in the 4th can seem almost too emotionally present and can have a way of surrounding a room in their aura of depth no matter their environment. There is a tendency for them to be straight faced in the face of others yet those who cry in the silence of their own comfort. They are extremely resilient and even more privy to the manipulative and exploitative nature of man and because of this they’re not only protective of themselves but those whom they hold dear. They can have very complex emotions no matter their moon sign and can have a very scorpionic themed childhood full of secrecy,loyalty,deception, early sexual influences and strong female guidance and seeing women as a powerful and sole providing source. Mother may have been obsessive and maybe overly intrusive but was intensely loving in her own way and held the child close even at times if it were too close.
Sex: very emotional in nature-very dependent on the mood and often times can shed tears depending on how intense the connection. May fall in love or grow attached after sex and will have a hard time letting go of the person. Likes positions that require intimacy and face to face. Breast and for men also the breast and the face. (Soft and thick sexual organs.)
-Selena Gomez, Kanye West, Ben Affleck, Tyra Banks, Charles Manson.
🥀 lil Silva ft sampha salient Sarah
5th housers:
Pluto in the fifth housers are extremely self aware, in fact one of their most standout qualities is their atmospheric energy-they naturally encompass intensity and have a residual darkness about them. Most cases they have a strong relationship with their sexuality and at times naturally express this via body movement and the way they go about doing things. They’re no stranger to obsession and even less a stranger to thrill. They live their lives in a daring fashion and have a willful personality that can undermine even the highest person in power-they don’t stand down and hate being ordered about no matter who you are. Both men and women here have a thing for earned dominance and prefer to be in the presence of people whom are authentic and aware-they don’t do well with people who “act” or “wear mask” and have a tendency to ice these people out. They have a naturally overwhelming energy and for some it can be intimidating and nerve racking being in their presence early on due to how “them” they are. Relationships are often HEATED. And often times they attract people and lovers from a last life. A lot of their “flings” get serious and end up becoming really passionate love affairs that also tend to burn out after the karma is dealt with. People crave their energy and often times they attract a lot of strong Saturn and Pluto energy. They can obsessed over their creative endeavors and can also be moody in how or when they feel like being “creative” they are some of the most amazing artist and performers!! But once again they’re moody and it really depends on when they feel like expressing their artistic side. Relationships take a tol on them and when they fail it can serve as a medium for transformation for these individuals!
Sex: passion,Passion, PASSION. An insatiable and primal encounter-sex to the point of exhaustion and intoxication. This is a deep penetration placement and these natives tend to crave deep intimacy in sexual endeavors. Back and spine. (Can have natural looking and a bit on the more wild side looking sexual organs)
-John Lennon, Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Robert Patterson, Adele, Coco Chanel
🥀Rihanna question existing
6th housers:
For natives with Pluto in the 6th house there is a strong projection of the will in the workplace. Honestly the work place can be shady and downright agitating for these natives. Your workers can and tend to be of a more private and serious nature and at times can either demand to much of you or do much behind and out of your line of sight. Caution is advised here with being to trusting of your co workers because let’s just say-some of them are out to get on top. Work is also the source of greatest spiritual growth and transformation and often times you learn and get a lot of life lessons from work for better or worse. Their might often be some more intimate and sexual themes that play out at work such as workers using sex as a bargaining chip to get a position, such as office sex and or sexual manipulation such as pimps and prostitution(this is not set in stone or guaranteed by the way-it’s just one of the ways this aspect may manifest) people view many of these natives as indefinite and immensely capable-you’re a juggernaut when it comes to getting your job done and these natives have a noticeable coldness to the way they express themselves rooted in excellence and superiority. Might be the types to love aggressive and or scary animals as pets-and animals many be intense towards these individuals and vice versa!
Sex: this can point to a need for sex in the day to day or some sort of physical release for health reasons and just to overall feel good! Sex to please and sex with unequal themes invited such as worship or satisfaction of the partner. Anal sex is sometimes a commonality here. The lower and upper stomache area.(can be petite in appearances and look very neat sexual organs wise)
-Michael Jackson, George Clooney, Shakira, Miley Cyrus, Lana del Rey, Amy winehouse, Kristen Stewart, Demi Moore.
🥀donny Hathaway someday we’ll all be free.
7th housers:
These natives are VERY VERY PASSIONATE. Since the 7th house not only rules the house of marriage and partnership on a 1-1 setting romantic and otherwise, these natives approach these themes in a very Plutonian fashion. They crave deep intimacy and usually unconsciously attract and seek out this intensity-but be it that this is the house of reflections and shadows these natives often are frightened of what comes there way and the depth and passion they’ve invited to their doorstep. For better or worse they want a soul reaching love and one that allows them to let their walls down and merge on the deepest of levels with their s/o but it takes many years upon years to open up to this concept on a realistic level. This is mainly because love scares them and truly leaves them at their most vulnerable as often the house Pluto is in even more than the moon shows where your soul is at its most weak. They want and crave solace and often times are scared of it simultaneously. Being with these natives is going to be a trial but one worth your wild if you’re willing to put up with their behavior that is purely done out of fear. They’d do anything for those they love and place a high value on love even though it depletes them and leaves them drained. They can be harsh to those whom them really love and can be very difficult when they love you-but they’re love although complex is SOO deep and SOO sincere. “They don’t really think they’re that intense-it’s everyone else that’s taking things to seriously”
Sex: very mutual based-I want to please you, I want to love you-when you’re happy so am I-you climax-I climax. Sex is both passionate and emotional-take on the feelings of the partner. Positions that allow mutual intimacy and eye to eye. The buttocks.(very pretty looking sexual organs-can be petite or thick depending)
-Barack Obama, Rihanna, Mahatma Ghandi, Ryan Gosling, David Bowie, kourtney Kardashian, Naomi Campbell, anti-Christ(supposedly)
🥀yaeji passionfruit (this is so good)
8th housers:
These natives are the equivalent of there ever was one of hell. They’re the embodiment of tribulation and rebirth and can be some of the most powerful and intense souls you’ll meet. Despite contrary belief since Pluto is at home these natives tend to have a very free and almost whimsical attitude about themselves-they’re confident and self assured and carry themselves strong. They don’t allow they’re emotions to freely devour them nor do they wear it on their face. They usually have an intimate relationship with their own personal feelings and prefer to handle their more darker tendencies alone. They have a non trusting personality and are the hardest people to get to know out of all the Pluto in the housers. They can have a very loner attitude and dislike anyone for any reason feelings as though they’re relying on them. They’re both self sufficient and driven and have a very GUARDED presence. Despite their carefree side they’re very intimidating and have very black or white views on how they interact with others. Intimacy is seen by them as something that demands maturity and restraint and they have an immense amount of sexual control. Sex runs rampant in their minds in some cases-or not at all there is no inbetween. And sex here takes on a life force and these natives at times use sex as a weapon and can be very easily manipulative and perceptive beyond anything you’d be able to see coming. They embody Pluto yet the scary thing is that you’d never know.
Sex: intense and emotionally incredible. Serpent movements and speed. Sensuality and losing control. There can be a death like feeling during sex once climax is reached and albeit sex is powerful with these natives it’s draining on their bodies so all though it may not happen often it’s an intense scene to behold. Lumbar region and upper thighs. Oral and cullingas. Also another deep penetration placement. (Sharp looking sexual organs and may be veiny if male)
-Jesus Christ(wow yas figures!), Adolf hitler, Christiana Aguilera, Elvis Presley,Marlon Brando, Oprah Winfrey, Bruce lee.
🥀snoh aalegra worse
9th housers:
Okay, these natives have a strong moral constitution-and what’s even more so many of them are immensely mature beyond their time. They approach life with a grounded and serious demeanor and aren’t the types to joke or play with the idea of morality or the concepts of others or themselves. They are usually private about religion and often have complex and even dubious relationships with it. It’s not something as simple as bending a knee nor is it’s something as simple as a holy building to them it’s something much more and something in which many spend much time trying to understand. Much like Pluto in the first these natives undergo many changes of the ego and can seem like A different person at many points in there life. A noticeable theme here is comfortability. Many natives with this placements have a deep understanding of themselves-even on a sexual level. Many aren’t threatened by the “if” factor and most don’t feel threatened by others beliefs of feelings of them. They know who they are and no one living or dead will change that.
Sex: bountiful and vast. Tend to have a hug appetite for sex but see sex as something fun and playful rather than an obsession or need. Thighs and oil/lubricant items. (Says some may have bigger sexual organs than usual)
-Nicki Minaj, Hilary Clinton, Brad Pitt, Ellen Degeneres, Winona Ryder, Demi lavoto.
🥀sza drew Barrymore
10th housers:
The ELITE and the SUPERIOR is how I’d describe those with this placement. There’s a very powerful and commanding nature about these individuals. They come across as very earthy and connected to their environment and bodies and have a pretty acute awareness of their crowd and those around them. They feel the changes and the shifts in the actions and natures of those around them. They take life itself seriously not just the world of the public and I’ve noticed many of them to have good relations with their family yet completely disconnected in the sense that their family seems to not really know who they are deep down. They can have a more explicit and intense internet persona and public look. They can have naturally earthy beauty to them be it makes or female and have a very naturally sensual look to them! They’re hard to read and don’t easily involve their emotions in anything they do-so it can be hard to gauge their level of emotional investment in anything they’re doing. They do not fuck around(excuse my language) when it comes their public image or jobs and hate being the topic of discussion.
Sex: the theme of control runs strong here. There’s a tendency to challenge their lovers and those they get sexually involved with-the idea of being unable to hold up their persona-the idea of submission in the face of domination. Bdsm. (The knees and the middle to lower thigh. )(can have an earthy and polite look to the sexual organs! They can be soft much like the 4th house)
-Tom Cruise, Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, Eminem, Prince, Ariana grande, Paris Hilton.
🥀charlotte Gainsbourg rest.
11th housers:
This is kinda a “your friends are not my friends” placement and these natives can have very high priority on their friendships that often can cause a lot of damage and wounding to them if their friends aren’t as loyal and protective of their friendships as they are. They tend to show they’re more intense and brooding qualities around they’re friends and due to Pluto’s influence here they also attract the same type of energy back. Their views towards groups and revolutions can be baffling and many have a more odd and out their approach when it comes to groups and communities. They may even outright seek to control them. They also tend to have a sometimes harsh view towards order and structure and may periodically struggle with relating to the idea of it and them in the same sentence. They sometimes mix sex and friendships together and this is at times a bad idea because a lot of the time it not only makes things develop into something neither party was asking for but it can also alienate you from your friend-groups. The friends tend to be strong in nature and can have magnetic and captivating personalities! And these natives are also usually popular and have an easy time getting a following because of their own innate captivating personality that often infatuates many for better or worse.
Sex: Power is a theme for sex here-disputes the airy nature of this house, sex that allows them to be on top or feel above fulfills some here. Sex with friends and or those whom they’ve crushes on-as well as being turned on by lower vibration and higher vibration conversation and communication. That weird stuff. Imagine a boiling room party-with the Florecent blue to yellow lights. (So here is the calves and ankles and inbetween the breast and the pecks.)(can have an angular look to them! Can look like bananas for guys and may have something unique about them for males and females)
-Scarlett Johansson, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Anniston, Bruce Willis, Bill Clinton.
🥀disclosure boiling
12th housers:
These natives are what I like to call an enigma. They often portray themselves in a way that is completely opposite from who they really are. They often present an easy going and passive demeanor and one that is both compressed and non-explosive as a means to control themselves. This is not to say they’re not beautiful and kind hearted; they truly are immensely healing and tender hearted people with a love as expansive as the universe itself but there’s often another side to them that many with this placement either choose to ignore or that they choose to disengage with. And for those aware of it there can be a tendency to be frightened of their more “powerful side” they have powerful emotions and at times these emotions can overwhelm even them. They’re not open by any means and out of all the housers dare I say even Pluto in the eighth they loathe opening up and hate anyone seeing the more intense and deep side of them. They are both extremely resilient and stronger than any in terms of what they’ve been through and what they can tolerate. They constantly rise from the ashes behind the shadows and deal with some of life’s most vicious of karmic lessons. They have an almost breathtaking intensity hidden below there cheery smiles and can often have a resting face that shows their true feelings with out them realizing it. They’re unconscious movements are aggressive and at times come across as very intense and agitated.
Sex: a world separating experience and can often have a romantic and seemingly soul touching level of depth to it. Can be sacrificial in sex but despite this they might sleep around in an attempt to find true peace through the act but a lot of them get used sexually and it truly hurts them.(the feet! Aha and really the finger tips and the lips) (can have very sensitive and translucent sexual organs! Can be undefinable or look different depending on the viewer)
-Marylin Monroe, Donald trump, Madonna,Steve jobs, Katy perry, Kurt kobain, Freddie Mercury.
🥀Florence + the machine long & lost
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blondrichclosetwitch · 3 years ago
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“– In short, om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha means “I prostrate to the Liberator, Mother of all the Victorious Ones.”
– The Tara mantra is om tare Tuttare Ture Soha. To explain the meaning of Tuttare Ture Soha: Tare means liberating from samsara.
– Tare shows that Mother Tara liberates living beings from samsara, from true suffering, or problems. You can relate this to the particular suffering or human beings: birth, old age, sickness and death; meeting undesirable objects and experiencing aversion; not finding desirable objects or finding them but gaining no satisfaction… All these are the problems of true suffering. If you rely upon Tara by taking refuge in her and doing Tara practices-such as reciting of mantras or praises – with Tare, Tara liberates you from all these true sufferings.
– The second word, Tuttare, liberates you from the eight fears. There are eight fears related to external dangers from fire, water, air, earth and also from such things as thievesa and dangerous animals. However, the main dangers come from ignorance, attachment, anger, pride, jealousy, miserliness, doubt and wrong views. These eight disturbing thoughts that you have in your mind are the main dangers…. This second word,Tuttare, which liberates you from the eight fears, frees you from the true cause of suffering: karma and the all-arising disturbing thoughts.
– The third word Ture, liberates you from disease. Now, of the Four Noble Truths, Ture shows the cessation of suffering, which is the ultimate Dharma. In terms of liberating from disease, the actual disease we have is ignorance not knowing the absolute nature of the I, and all the disturbing thoughts that arise from this ignorance… By liberating us from disease, Ture actually liberates us from the true cause, disturbing thoughts, and also the true sufferings.
– The rough meaning for these three words Tare Tuttare Ture is: “To you, embodiment of all the Buddhas’ actions, I prostrate always – whether I am in happy or unhappy circumstances – with my body, speech and mind.”
–The final word Soha means establishing the root of the path within your heart. In other words, by taking refuge in Tara and doing Tara practice, you receive the blessings of Tara in your own heart. The gives you space to establish the root of the path, signified by Tare Tuttare Ture, in your heart. By establishing the path of the three capable beings within your heart, you purify all impurities of your body, speech and mind, and achieve Tara’s pure vajra holy body, holy speech and holy mind, which are signified by om. Your body, speech and mind are transformed into Tara’s holy body, holy speech and holy mind.”
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postaresume · 4 years ago
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"Attachment and aversion are the root cause of karma, and karma originates from infatuation. Karma is the root cause of birth and death, and these are said to be the source of misery. None can escape the effect of their own past karma.” ⠀ — Lord Mahavira⠀ .⠀ #mahavirjayanti #jainism #jain #jaintemple #jaijinendra #mahavir #spreadjainism #mahavira #parshwanath #stavan #bhagwanmahavir #palitana #adinath #jaindharam #mahaveer #girnar #bhakti #aadinath #jainam #parshvanath #jainpics #girnartirth #jainfoundations #jainflag #neminath #india #lordmahavir #mahavirswami #paryushan #postaresume https://www.instagram.com/p/COF2Iy4rwzs/?igshid=c64lshjtna2t
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shubhthakare · 4 years ago
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🚩भगवान महावीर जयंतीच्या मनापासून शुभेच्छा 🚩 Happy Mahavir Jayanti 🚩 महावीर जयंती की शुभकामना *“Attachment and aversion are the root cause of karma, and karma originates from infatuation. Karma is the root cause of birth and death, and these are said to be the source of misery. None can escape the effect of their own past karma.” — Lord Mahavira.!* --------------------------------------- 🛑 *STOP & THINK InfoConnect Limited* 🌐www.stopNthinks.com 📱 +91-9595939264 #Indian #world #mahavirjayanti #international #tradition #nagpur #Maharashtra #India #trending #world #Vidarbha #GreenIndia #Wish #instagram #facebook #youtube #linkedin #Celebration #Pinterest #SMS #quotes #nation #linkedin #facebook #instagram #Today #News #Updates #nagpur #mahavir #happy #shubh #शुभ #stopNthink (at STOP And THINK InfoConnect Limited) https://www.instagram.com/p/COFZA89Jr-M/?igshid=efhlfnzwu97b
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yebhitheekhai · 4 years ago
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Attachment and aversion are the root cause of karma, and karma originates from infatuation. Karma is the root cause of birth and death, and these are said to be the source of misery. None can escape the effect of their own past karma.
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