#Asset Health
cimcondigital · 1 year
Transforming Predictive Maintenance with CIMCON Digital’s IoT Edge Platform: Unlocking Proactive Asset Management
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In today’s fast-paced and technologically advanced world, the need for efficient and proactive asset management is paramount for businesses to stay competitive. CIMCON Digital’s IoT Edge Platform emerges as a game-changer in the realm of Predictive Maintenance, empowering organizations to detect anomalies in advance using ML algorithms. This capability not only enables customers to plan schedules well in advance and avoid costly downtime but also provides real-time visibility into the remaining useful life of assets. In this article, we delve into how CIMCON Digital’s IoT Edge Platform revolutionizes Predictive Maintenance with practical examples of proactive asset management.
1. The Challenge of Reactive Maintenance
Traditionally, companies have been plagued by reactive maintenance practices, where assets are repaired or replaced only after failures occur. This reactive approach leads to unexpected downtime, reduced productivity, and increased maintenance costs. Predicting asset failures and planning maintenance schedules in advance is critical to ensure smooth operations, optimize resource allocation, and minimize overall downtime.
2. Empowering Proactive Maintenance with ML Algorithms
CIMCON Digital’s IoT Edge Platform is equipped with advanced Machine Learning algorithms that analyze real-time data from connected assets and machines. By continuously monitoring sensor data and historical performance trends, the platform can accurately detect anomalies and deviations from normal operating patterns. This proactive approach allows businesses to predict potential asset failures well in advance, providing ample time to schedule maintenance activities before any critical failures occur.
3. Planning Ahead to Avoid Downtime
Imagine a scenario in a manufacturing facility where a critical piece of equipment experiences an unexpected failure. The consequences could be disastrous, leading to costly downtime and missed production targets. With CIMCON Digital’s IoT Edge Platform in place, the same equipment would be continuously monitored in real-time. As soon as the platform detects any unusual behavior or signs of potential failure, it triggers an alert to the maintenance team.
Armed with this early warning, the maintenance team can plan the necessary repairs or replacements well in advance, avoiding unplanned downtime and minimizing disruption to production schedules. This capability not only ensures smooth operations but also optimizes maintenance resources and lowers the overall maintenance costs.
4. Real-Time Visibility into Asset Health
The IoT Edge Platform goes beyond detecting anomalies; it also provides real-time insights into the remaining useful life of assets. By analyzing historical performance data and asset health indicators, the platform estimates the remaining operational life of an asset with high accuracy.
Consider a scenario in a utility company managing a fleet of aging turbines. The maintenance team needs to know the remaining useful life of each turbine to plan proactive maintenance and avoid sudden breakdowns. With CIMCON Digital’s IoT Edge Platform, the team can access real-time information on the health of each turbine, enabling them to make data-driven decisions about maintenance schedules, parts replacement, and resource allocation.
5. Benefits of CIMCON Digital's IoT Edge Platform
CIMCON Digital’s IoT Edge Platform offers a host of benefits to businesses seeking to enhance their Predictive Maintenance capabilities:
a) Proactive Decision-making: By detecting anomalies in advance, the platform enables proactive decision-making, reducing reactive responses and enhancing overall operational efficiency.
b) Minimized Downtime: With the ability to schedule maintenance activities in advance, businesses can avoid costly downtime, leading to increased productivity and higher customer satisfaction.
c) Optimal Resource Allocation: The platform’s real-time visibility into asset health allows for better resource allocation, ensuring that maintenance efforts are targeted where they are most needed.
d) Cost Savings: By avoiding unexpected failures and optimizing maintenance schedules, businesses can significantly reduce maintenance costs and improve their bottom line.
CIMCON Digital’s IoT Edge Platform empowers businesses to transcend traditional reactive maintenance practices and embrace a proactive approach to asset management. With the platform’s advanced ML algorithms, businesses can detect anomalies in advance, plan maintenance schedules proactively, and gain real-time visibility into asset health. This transformative capability results in minimized downtime, optimized resource allocation, and substantial cost savings. As CIMCON Digital’s IoT Edge Platform continues to revolutionize Predictive Maintenance, businesses can embark on a journey towards greater efficiency, productivity, and long-term sustainability.
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maximoesolution · 1 year
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Insights on Asset Health with IBM Maximo
IBM Maximo Asset Health Insights on Cloud is a cutting-edge solution designed to facilitate efficient monitoring and optimization of asset performance. By harnessing data from a variety of sources such as sensors and maintenance records, this solution calculates precise asset health scores and detects potential failures.
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
@proshipper-on-ship replied:
The man felt a tiny amount of guilt after killing Alastor's mother (forgive me I can't spell worth a damn) so he took Alastor in afterwards, though he didn't do much "raising" aside from making sure Alastor had food at least once a day and a roof over his head even if it might've been just a shed near a dog kennel, and often still kept getting drunk and ordering Alastor around, calling Alastor a busboy or something like that for when he wants something fetched
You, my friend, are a genius.
Alastor decides to play the long game, doing everything this bastard asks of him. He's quiet. He's polite. He's obedient. Bit by bit, he endears himself to the man, never complaining even when the old bastard becomes drunk and belligerent and violent. Alastor just smiles and takes it all in stride.
Years pass. Over time, Alastor charms his way out of the shed and into a proper bedroom. The man didn't have any children (illness and bad luck) and his wife left to take care of her ailing sister some years past and never returned. So it's just Alastor and Nicaise's murderer in the house, along with the staff.
Not too hard to convince the old bastard to put him in the will. Unofficially adopting him.
Alastor is sixteen when he slips the poison into his captor's drink.
He watches the man choke and sputter, clutching his throat, reaching for a bell to call the servants. Alastor calmly moves the bell out of arm's reach and watches the light slowly fade from his eyes.
Once the old bastard is cold Alastor gets up and heads off to bed.
He's awoken by the sound of the servant screaming in the morning.
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mansorus · 15 days
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flockoff · 1 year
Through the power of friendship (roommates kind and powerful), I now have all of the DMC 5 beans. I am free. They sit next to my computer like the chorus of a greek play its great.
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dubioushonour · 1 year
Truly I have the upmost respect for people who have an idea for something and can stick with it, because my brain is always on a loop of *thinking about story stuff* *thinking about DIFFERENT story stuff* *thinking about DIFFERENT story stuff* *thinking about DIFFERENT story stuff* *thinking about DIFFERENT story stuff*
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Ily bb
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lilalbatross · 2 years
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bmpmp3 · 2 years
i wonder if other artists (of any type) daydream about the perfect collaborative partnership all the time like i do. i imagine it’s not uncommon. someday i’ll find a writer who wants to write short and slightly tonally dissonant but ultimately earnest romance-based visual novels with kind of wobbly traditionally painted art assets cobbled together for the sake of the digital medium and then you’ll all be sorry
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sapphia · 3 months
USA please listen to me: the price of “teaching them a lesson” is too high. take it from New Zealand, who voted our Labour government out in the last election because they weren’t doing exactly what we wanted and got facism instead.
Trans rights are being attacked, public transport has been defunded, tax cuts issued for the wealthy, they've mass-defunded public services, cut and attacked the disability funding model, cut benefits, diverted transport funding to roads, cut all recent public transport subsidies, cancelled massive important infrastructure projects like damns and ferries (we are three ISLANDS), fast tracked mining, oil, and other massive environmentally detrimental projects and gave the power the to approve these projects singularly to three ministers who have been wined and dined by lobbyists of the companies that have put the bids in to approve them while one of the main minister infers he will not prioritise the protection of endangered species like the archeys frog over mining projects that do massive environmental harm. They have attacked indigenous rights in an attempt to negate the Treaty of Waitangi by “redefining it”; as a backup, they are also trying to remove all mentions of the treaty from legislation starting with our Child Protection laws no longer requiring social workers to consider the importance of Maori children’s culture when placing those children; when the Waitangi Tribunal who oversees indigenous matters sought to enquire about this, the Minister for Children blocked their enquiry in a breach of comity that was condemned in a ruling — too late to do anything — by our Supreme Court. They have repealed labour protections around pay and 90 day trials, reversed our smoking ban, cancelled our EV subsidy, cancelled our water infrastructure scheme that would have given Maori iwi a say in water asset management, cancelled our biggest city’s fuel tax, made our treasury and inland revenue departments less accountable, dispensed of our Productivity Commission, begun work on charter schools and military boot camps in an obvious push towards privatisation, cancelled grants for first home buyers, reduced access to emergency housing, allowed no cause evictions, cancelled our Maori health system that would have given Maori control over their own public medical care and funding, cut funding of services like budgeting advice and food banks, cancelled the consumer advocacy council, cancelled our medicine regulations, repealed free prescriptions, deferred multiple hospital builds, failed to deliver on pre-election medical promises, reversed a gun ban created in response to the mosque shootings, brought back three strikes = life sentence policy, increased minimum wage by half the recommended amount, cancelled fair pay for disabled workers, reduced wheelchair services, reversed our oil and gas exploration ban, cancelled our climate emergency fund, cut science research funding including climate research, removed limits on killing sea lions, cut funding for the climate change commission, weakened our methane targets, cancelled Significant National Areas protections, have begun reversing our ban on live exports. Much of this was passed under urgency.
It’s been six months.
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lifeinspiration4all · 2 months
The Value Of Time And Health: Our Most Precious Assets
“Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” – Denis Waitley The Value Of Time And Health: Our Most Precious Assets. In life, we often hear the saying that “health is wealth.” And indeed, our health is one of the most valuable assets we possess. However, another equally important asset, if not more, is time. The value of time and…
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wickedzeevyln · 3 months
The Lightbulbs That We Are
We are fanatics of superlatives; the biggest , the brightest, the fastest, and the list ever goes on. We obsess over parts that we mount to our machines, taking pride and calibrating them to perfection. Our lives scream with mélange of useless litter that we flaunt until the eyes of our friends are polluted with envy. Expensive upgrades, but we often neglect an important part of this…
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maximoesolution · 1 year
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Insights on Asset Health with IBM Maximo
IBM Maximo Asset Health Insights on Cloud is a cutting-edge solution designed to facilitate efficient monitoring and optimization of asset performance. By harnessing data from a variety of sources such as sensors and maintenance records, this solution calculates precise asset health scores and detects potential failures.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Metal Slug Tactics Preview - A Promising And Challenging Boot Camp - Game Informer
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/metal-slug-tactics-preview-a-promising-and-challenging-boot-camp-game-informer/
Metal Slug Tactics Preview - A Promising And Challenging Boot Camp - Game Informer
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Metal Slug made its name as a fast-paced, run-and-gun explosive arcade shooter, making it all the more surprising how well it seemingly fits into a slower, turn-based strategy format. Since Metal Slug Tactics’ reveal at the final E3 in 2021, both series fans and tactics aficionados have been waiting with bated breath to get their hands on it. I count myself among them and was anxious to play a preview build to finally see how well this marriage of genres blends. 
The demo gives me command of three available characters: Marco, Eri, and Fio (with a fourth, Tarma, unlockable later). Each is armed with a primary weapon, a secondary special weapon, and can sport unique passive skills and active abilities called Special Actions. For example, Marco emphasizes relentless offense, and his Salvo special action grants himself or an ally an extra hit for a single attack. Eri, the explosive expert, has a special action that lets her lob two explosives instead of one. Fio favors long-range and can manipulate enemy compositions by sending a drone that can pluck units or allies and drop them to another nearby square. Special Actions are activated by spending Adrenaline, the game’s term for mana points. The mechanic Tarma boasts a knife for close-range offense, a shotgun, and can blow into foes with his motorcycle special action. 
The demo offers one region, Argun Palm Desert, but I spot three locked regions for a likely total of four in the game. The villainous Abul Abbas’ army has occupied this desert and its rural villages, putting civilians in harm’s way. It’s my job to pry the region from his clutches, which is presented as a world map with eight missions I can tackle in any order. However, you can only complete four before the boss arrives, indicated by a countdown at the top of the screen. Each mission features a primary objective and a secondary, optional task (such as winning without losing a unit or finishing without taking damage). Both offer unique rewards such as XP gain, coins (which can be turned in for cash), weapon mods, or additional reinforcements. Since you can only tackle a mission connected to an adjacent, completed mission, it’s important to plot the ideal route to collect the resources you want/need. 
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Primary mission objectives include wiping out select targets, escaping to an exit, surviving a number of rounds, safely escorting an ally, and destroying a convoy before it leaves the map. Rounds begin by placing units in designated starting zones. Metal Slug Tactics features standard grid-based movement, and maps often include numerous destructible cover points. Placing units in these blue-coded protective spots reduces incoming damage, even when hit from the exposed side of the cover. My favorite element of stages is interactable hazards that can help eliminate foes without spending precious movement/attack points. This includes activating a crane to drop a suspended crate that crushes anyone underneath it. My favorite is shooting a pot to awaken a sleeping cobra that strikes anyone within its range, maiming multiple foes single-handedly (or technically zero-handedly) while also forcing them to navigate around it until it falls asleep again. 
Primary weapons, such as a handgun or, in Eri’s case, a grenade, have unlimited ammo. Conversely, the more powerful special weapons, like a machine gun or grenade launcher, have limited ammo. Managing the use of your second weapon is critical, as you’re only allotted that ammo throughout your entire campaign, though replenishing ammo is a reward for certain objectives. The basic flow of positioning units in line with enemies to riddle them with bullets gets more interesting by lining up sync attacks. By targeting a foe within the same firing range as an ally, that character will automatically attack the target with their primary weapon right after you do. This allows you to unleash a tag-team or even triple-team assault if you play your cards right. However, an enemy can only suffer one sync attack per turn. It’s a fun system that has me thoughtfully considering the placement of each character and feels puzzle-like in discovering ways to maximize each attack. 
In true Metal Slug fashion, some stages include tanks you can hop into, and they’re great for quickly traversing the stage. Most importantly, tanks unleash a limited number of wide-reaching cannon fire dictated by their fuel count. In addition to dealing tons of damage, tanks serve as useful protective shells for characters on the brink of death. You can also earn Assets, special consumable items used in battle, such as airdropping the titular Metal Slug to wreak havoc. If a unit falls, you can revive them by calling reinforcements. However, this consumes a reinforcement point. You only have six of these for the entire campaign and can only replenish them by completing missions that reward an additional point. 
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Completing missions earns medals used to upgrade a character’s special action, improving its effectiveness and sometimes lowering its Adrenaline cost. Leveling up a character unlocks an additional special action from a randomized pool of three. Arsenal rewards offer a choice of three weapon mods. Primary weapons can equip two mods, while special weapons hold up to three. Stacking weapons with mods is crucial as it makes them more well-rounded and can be equipped to suit your playstyle. For example, a mod can increase the magazine size of the special weapon or make sync attacks more powerful for participating allies.
After I finish four missions, the boss arrives in the form of Bige Shiee, an overly armed gunship fans may remember from Metal Slug 2. In addition to chipping away at this sturdy foe, which launches wide-reaching missile blasts with a one-turn warning, I have to face a plethora of grunts. Additionally, the floating docks serving as our battlefield gradually crumbled and sank into the ocean, forcing you to keep moving and not camp in an advantageous position for too long. 
Failing a mission sends you back to the outpost, where you’re greeted with new cutscenes, usually introducing a new character, such as Margaret, your commander, or the backpack lugging Rumi, who hangs out at the outpost to offer some kind of service. Rumi sells new weapons and mods, and you unlock new character abilities with Margaret. You can also purchase entire load-outs, presenting a full set of weapons and abilities favoring, for example, close-quarter play or one loadout that favors creating sync attacks. Your cumulative performance throughout all completed missions determines your payout, such as the number of missions you completed and the number of sync attacks executed by each character.
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Once you’ve kitted yourself out, its off to start the campaign anew. That’s right; Metal Slug Tactics is a roguelite at its core. Starting a new campaign means completing missions all over again, though the selection and rewards are remixed each time. The introductory mission briefing features dialogue exchanges. All of your unlocked special actions and passives reset, too, leaving you with your permanent starting skill for each. 
Because of this structure, the early runs of Metal Slug Tactics are quite difficult. I consider myself an experienced tactics player, but even on the lowest available difficulty, many early battles feel like a war of attrition, as conflicts often throw upwards of 15 enemy units against my mere trio. It also doesn’t help that most mission types continually introduce baddie reinforcements. At the start, your units don’t have much health and can be taken out quickly by two or three attacks. With limited revives and no way to heal units (initially, at least), I felt like I was fighting from underneath most of the time.
The “escape to the exit” objectives are the most maddening due to the absurd amount of bad guys thrown at you versus your low HP count. Beelining for the exit often meant I was torn to pieces, but gradually picking off threats and inching toward the goal took ages, only for new enemies to arrive and replace downed ones. I finished most missions with only one living squad member clinging to life. 
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Strict resource management contributes to this challenge. Since your special weapon has limited ammo throughout the entire campaign, careless usage means you could enter a boss fight with only your basic pistol. At the same time, special weapons wipe out units much faster than your primary one, and the longer a mission lasts, the more the advantage often tilts toward your opposition. This is especially true if you want to fulfill the secondary goals, such as completing missions within two to three turns. 
Because of the game’s run-based nature, you’ll likely struggle to get through missions for a while until you get some new abilities or gear under your belt. I performed noticeably better in my subsequent runs, but it took several repeated campaign runs before I felt like I could somewhat hold my own. That said, once I lasted long enough to accrue a solid stable of abilities to play with, building loadouts that complimented an individual’s specialty as well as the team’s dynamic became an enjoyable, strategically stimulating process. Still, climbing that initially steep difficulty wall may be an early turn-off for players expecting a more balanced experience from the outset. 
Metal Slug Tactics’ presentation looks great, thanks to the series’ charming sprites and animations. A catchy soundtrack courtesy of Tee Lopes is the melodic cherry on top. Despite the early roadblocks, I gradually developed a callus to Metal Slug Tactics’ hardships and saw more consistent victories. Once I hit a groove, it became an enjoyable and strategically satisfying romp. I’m still worried about its overall balancing, but there’s definitely promise for Metal Slug Tactics to be a mission: success.
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mansorus · 20 days
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Sometimes I just gotta say what’s on my mind
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insidecroydon · 7 months
Angry Purley and Sanderstead residents to confront Mayor
Dodgy fines on motorists, rubber-stamping LTNs, £5 charges for replacement bins, public library closures and now delays over a long-promised Coulsdon healthcentre are likely to be some of the awkward questions tonight for out-of-his-depth Jason Perry Oi! Oi!: Jason Perry is likely to face some angry questions tonight Jason Perry, Croydon’s £82,000 per year Mayor, can expect angry protests in…
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