#Ask Henrik Mikaelson
redemptivexheroics · 7 months
Henrik and Faith for the shipping meme.
Shipping Meme
Falls asleep on the couch: Faith
Makes friends with the neighbors: Henrik
Is the adventurous eater: Henrik
Hogs the covers at night: Faith
Forgets to do the dishes: Faith
Tries to surprise their partner more often: Faith
Leaves dirty laundry on the floor: Henrik
Stays up til 2 AM reading: Henrik
Sings in the shower: Faith
Takes the selfies: Henrik
Plans date night: Henrik
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andreal831 · 9 months
Do youn think Esther loved all of her children equally and how her relation with Elijah was?
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I think Esther is a lot more of a complex character than people want her to be. It's easier if she can just be painted as an awful mother. But it is clear Esther did love her kids, all of them. Just differently. I don't think you can truly measure love in quantity, but she definitely had favorites and least favorites.
Esther loved Freya so much that losing Freya fundamentally changed who she was. She wanted to be a mother so badly that she was willing to do anything to make it happen. People often blame her more for trading Freya for the ability to have children, but don't blame Dahlia for making her own sister trade away her first child. Esther was young when she made that deal and didn't fully know what it meant. She also probably naively believed her sister wouldn't steal her child. But she loved Freya dearly.
Esther also loved Finn a great deal however their relationship grew twisted and toxic because of the loss they both shared. She essentially trauma bonded with her four year old child. Finn's trauma is rarely discussed but it is clear that his mother became his safety after losing Freya. He would do anything for her and Esther exploited this at times and even used him for emotional support. She did love Finn, but the trauma colored that love.
Elijah is her least favorite child. She basically admits it when she tells Klaus that he brought joy to their lives and made them a family again after losing Freya. She was heavily pregnant with Elijah when she lost Freya meaning Elijah's birth and multiple years of life did not bring their family joy or make them feel like a family. Although it's important to remember that while pregnant, she lost her child and moved across the ocean to a new land where she was alone with a volatile husband as this was also the period where Mikael starts becoming a bad/potentially abusive husband. I can't imagine she didn't experience some level of post-partum depression after having him. To top it off, Elijah favors Dahlia more than either of his parents. He likely reminded her of her sister and everything she had lost.
She views Elijah as more of a second parent. She expects him to always behave and keep his siblings in line. When the others step out of line, she has more sympathy for them. She offers Finn, Kol, Klaus, and Rebekah second chances in witch bodies but tortures Elijah, mocking him for what he is and that he is no longer her "noble son." We never see any exchanges between Elijah and Esther that have any type of warmth. This doesn't mean she didn't love him, but hey have a very strained/neglectful relationship.
Klaus is her favorite child. He was the only child she had with the man she truly loved. Even though Klaus seemed to get the brunt of Mikael's anger, he also gets the most protection from Esther. To the point that Finn is jealous of this attention. Klaus arguably did the absolute most vile deeds that should disgust Esther but she still showed love and compassion to him. He was the problematic child that could do no wrong.
Kol is pretty low on the ranks but still above Elijah simply because he had magic. Esther would have wanted to pass on her magic somewhere even is she wasn't truly practicing. She would have loved it but also feared it. Kol would have also driven her crazy because he was always so independent and often getting in trouble.
Rebekah has a special place in her mother's heart as the only daughter she had after losing Freya. It would have been painful at first as she looked so much like the child Esther lost, but she would have viewed it as a second chance. Rebekah always had a soft spot for Esther and losing her mother devastated her.
Henrik is pretty high at the top simply because he is the youngest. Henrik seemed to have a happy spirit from the few brief moments we see him. The baby of the family is always special. His death sent Esther into such a spiral that she created vampirism.
None of this means I think Esther is an awful mother. There are definitely terrible things she does, but at the end of it, she truly loved her children. Was she the best mother in the word, no. But we have to remember she was a young woman who was also a victim.
Thanks for the ask!
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klonnieshippersclub · 6 months
Not exactly a klonnie centred ask, but I think that TO could’ve done something with Henrik, the dead sibling. It would’ve been interesting to see them navigate a plot of him being alive, even more so if Bonnie was in TO especially since he was an untapped witch.
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Is Henrik an untapped witch? I'm not really sure what being an untapped witch is. Is it being from a witch family? Does that make all the Mikaelsons without magic untapped witches? What about the Petrovas? What exactly determines the witch gene is activated? There are no answers. Gee, I wonder why. Like so many things in TVD, the answer is racism. For the vast majority of the early seasons, most of the witches introduced are black (for obvious racist reasons -- see the magical negro trope) and why would racists want to flesh out storylines dealing with black people?
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On to Henrik, I like the idea of him being a witch but in a completely different way than you are likely thinking. @mythorhuman has been pitching Henrik being the Original Heretic for so long. Ayana manages to revive Henrik, but keeps his survival a secret for his own protection, since siphons experience great discrimination in TVDU. He would be hunted down for being a magical abomination similar to his Hybrid brother. In adulthood, Henrik would defy Ayana's orders to recreate the spell that created the Originals. Also, I think the Original Hybrid, Original Heretic, and Psychic-Witch Bonnie sound badass as a partnership.
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I think it would’ve been cooler and less racist if Henrik turned out to be the Hallow. As another headcanon since we’re discussing Henrik. His family had forgotten about him after a thousand years. He was murdered by wolves (which are now in the family) His remaining witch siblings did not try to revive him. It would bring a full circle to issues that Finn and Kol, had with their family not seeing them as family. Yes, Henrik was dead but the Hallow’s plot took over two seasons with a pretty messy lore. To place a indigenous woman in a role where she’s only seen as angry, deemed and villainized as crazy for wanting power is another one of TVDU’s many signs of racism.
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
57 - They Grow Up Too Fast
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Part 58
Family is More than Blood
@melvia-ito @vavafaure1994 @kmc1989 @tallrock35
All the Mikaelson / Lane kids are now portrayed by the actors on the sequel cover 😁
Five years ago
Entering the main lodge room of the boarding school I felt the stiffening in my shoulders walking towards the podium in the center of the room. The decision I made today would change the course of this school for the rest of its lives. Stepping up in front of the podium I didn’t take my gaze off of my husband who was standing in the back corner of the room near the window. “Good morning, everyone. I know it’s been quite some time before you all have seen me around here and I will report that I am back to my old self. And I have an announcement that deals with the school’s current system in place.”
“Mom, where exactly are Alina and Jackson?” Hope raised her hand sitting beside Missy on the first row with the Saltzman twins.
Tapping my fingers on the podium I paused. “I was informed that your sister and her husband decided to take young Xavier to New Orleans to clear her head for a while.”
“Is it because of all the villain attacks, mommy?” Henrik asked, swinging his legs back and forth.
Nodding my head slowly, yes I placed my hands down on the podium hoping this speech goes well. “Particularly yes that was one of the reasons she mentioned. But y’all don’t need to worry as we haven’t had any attacks as of recently and I intend to keep it that way.”
“So what’s the new system then?” Missy piped into the group conversation.
“It seems in the best interest of you all that we go back to where all the stress of keeping the world safe from these monsters should fall on the headmaster's shoulders. So I have decided that some of you should spend the next year attending Mystic Falls High and get the experience of being somehat human for a change.” I heard muttering coming from the crowd of young students sitting before me. “Now I know that y’all might have objections to this but I assure you this will only be willing participants.”
Missy rose along with Josie and MG. “We’ll go.”
“Okay anyone else?”
The shut double doors opened and everyone turned their heads seeing the familiar face of Andrea. “I’ll go too when I turn 15 of course.” I parted my mouth open not expecting her to be here considering my brother and Hayley had also left the school for safety and other reasons.
“Then it’s settled these four will be the first run and if they are successful some more of you may join in. If you decide being human isn’t for you this school shall always be here for you.” Klaus vamped up to the podium standing by my side.
Footsteps ran into the room standing in the doorway glaring at my husband and I. “We need to talk now, privately.” Alaric left the room before we vamped into the main office that we heard him walk into.
“What do you want to talk about, Ric. We’re kinda in the middle of something here.” I asked moving to stand a few feet away from him.
He huffed, dropping his shoulders. “What were you thinking about sending some of the kids to Mystic High to pretend to be human? The reason we built this place was to protect them from the judgments of the humans in this town.”
“The monster attacks have put too much pressure on these kids. They need to just be kids again and the only way I see that happening is if they pose as humans.”
Klaus entered the conversation. “It’s been years ago, mate. But Caroline, Elena, Stefan, my wife and even Rebekah did your best to pose as humans when they attended that school. I also remember you pretending to be a human professor at a college when you met your wife from what you told my wife.”
“It’s too dangerous. This is a safe place for them.” Alaric snapped back at us.
Running my hands down my face I groaned. “We wouldn’t be kicking them out forever. They all would still be living here. But this gives them a chance to be somewhat normal and just be kids for once in their lives. Some of us never got that chance, this is what we should give to our children.”
Klaus crossed his arms over his chest. “Alaric, you know my wife has a valid point. These kids are supposed to be better. This is how they'll learn like we did.”
“Ric, please just give me a chance. You look after the ones at Mystic High and I'll look after the ones here.” I gave him a begging look where his eyes finally met mine and he did finally cave under the stare agreeing with me.
Walking up the stairs to the Saltzman girls bedroom I was hoping Lizzie would be there since I needed to talk with her about Alina. She was the only person she would contact, so she's basically my inside woman if you will. Opening the door I peaked my head inside seeing her sitting on the edge of her bed. “Have you heard anything from her recently?”
“Sorry Auntie Rae but I've got nothing. I'm assuming it's because she's busy with her hairy breatheron pack.”
I sighed sitting down on the foot of Josie's bed. “I never thought any of my kids would just stop talking to me or even my twin brother for that matter.”
“We just have to hope that one day the people we love will come back to us once they realize the huge mistake of cutting us out had on their lives.” She piped up and I knew she was referring to Josie still attending Mystic High with the others.
Alaric still had his principal job there so he could keep an eye on the group of kids we had sent over there. “We'll just have to keep up hope for that to happen - Henrik!” Whipping my head around to the door that got busted open I saw my oldest son coming in all frantically.
“Mom, it's Charming and Rapunzel. They're sliding down the staircases again.” He said in a huff, running a hand through his tousled curls that made him resemble so much of his father.
I raised a brow figuring he had more to say otherwise he wouldn't have come in here. “They'll be fine, baby. You and your sisters used to do that all the time when you were younger. So what’s really going on?”
“I know what this is really about.” Lizzie smirked in my direction. “Well aren’t you going to tell her?”
He shakes his head in defense. “No, I don't really want to.”
“She’s your mother. She'll find out eventually, might as well tell her now. Little wolf boy.”
Making a confused expression towards the siphon witch I looked back at my son. “Henrik, sweet boy you can tell me anything, remember. But if you're not comfortable that's fine too.”
“It's about a girl, mom. I want to ask her out. And - and she goes here.” Henrik's face turned red with embarrassment but he had a small smile on his face.
My mouth fell open in shock not expecting that response from him. “Klaus! I think we need to have the talk now.” I called his name knowing he'd hear me wherever he was. We'd have to realize that our younger children were growing up.
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matt-murdick · 2 years
Others have explained their reasoning before, but I'm wondering, why do you think each original sibling never undaggered Finn? With the obv exception of Freya. But would she have undaggered him immediately? 🤔
Great question, thank you for asking. This is just my opinion so if anyone has other ideas feel free to add to this and make it a discussion. (I do not proof read, I can only hope this is legible)
The reasons offered by canon definately contribute to Finn’s siblings keeping him daggered. The two main ones to me (from canon) are that Finn’s morality made him a difficult person to be around and that he hated being a vampire, they were worried about him.
I mean, Klaus was willing to let Elijah believe that he had tossed all his siblings into the ocean where they could never be reached, just because he found Elijah’s moral crusade annoying. Finn hated everything about vampirism and he let them know. He complained about their bloodlust, how easily they gave into their bloodlust, how unnatural they species was — if you were already struggling with what you’d become and you were trying to make the most out of it, this shit is the last thing you need to hear. I always assume this stifling morality of his is what they’re talking about when they call him dull.
Elijah brings up the concern that Finn would be a danger to himself. Honestly, if they were running from Mikael and his siblings could see him consider just giving in and dying every time, that’s scary. And I know what people say, “he had Sage, he was the happiest he had ever been.” Sure. But you can’t expect a depressed person to stop being depressed just because they’re in love, so why would they think that loving Sage would make Finn content being a vampire. (H/C Finn was depressed as a human, vampirism amplified that, being a vampire added to it. Finn struggled to connect to his siblings after Freya. They had probably never seen him struggling like that until they were forced together with volatile emotions. It’s hard to watch people you care about, who you’d always seen as strong, break down).
Once Finn has been daggered for a while, it’s easy to leave him that way. He was hard to be around. I don’t think they ever actually forgot him or that they were purposefully abandoning him, like Finn thought, but I do think he slipped their mind. It was easier without him, they had their own issues to worry about, and vampires don’t feel the passage of time. Also, they didn’t know it was hurting him. This is a big thing to remember. As far as the rest of the Mikaelsons are concerned, a dagger to the heart is a magic pause button. It’s annoying but it was never meant to hurt Finn. Would they still have done it if they knew? That’s a different question that I won’t go into, but it’s worth a thought. These reasons apply to all his siblings, I’ll try not to repeat them.
First thing I consider is that Klaus had just killed the Brotherhood of Five before undaggering his siblings, and so is suffering from the Hunter’s Curse for the first 53 years of Finn being daggered. (I like to think it kicking in is one of the reasons he didn’t undagger Finn)
Klaus is literally obsessed with his family, he probably didn’t like that Finn was off with Sage all the time. Remember this guy kills all his siblings’ lovers, and maybe he hasn’t started that yet or Sage is the exception bc she came before that urge or he can recognise that these two are actually devoted to each other unlike the other lovers he’s killed. I mean, even 900 years later Klaus still hadn’t killed her. I’m sure she’s a survivor (and don’t get me started on the possible relationship dynamics between Sage and the rest of the Mikaelsons), but if Klaus wanted her dead then she probably would be. He’s an original. They’re only beatable in the shows bc you can’t overpower regularly appearing characters or there would be no conflict.
So initially, I think Klaus’ reason is his paranoia and fear of his siblings leaving him, enhanced by the Hunters Curse. I actually like to think that by having one of his siblings daggered and therefore unable to harm or leave him, was probably a great comfort for him during this time. Although that would have lessened when the curse ends, the sentiment continues. Klaus needs to know where his family are, and he needs to keep them safe from Mikael. He’s a little control freak and this is a great way for him to exercise that and keep his wandering brother close by.
My understanding of Elijah is that he takes responsibility for pretty much everything that happens in his family and whilst he may have preferred to undagger Finn, he always prioritises Klaus over the rest of his family (from the guilt over Mikael and Aurora, until the anger at Klaus effectively killing their family for good outweighs that, then it comes back). If Elijah considered daggered!Finn to be a benefit to Klaus whilst under the Hunter’s Curse, he’s absolutely gonna allow it. It’s benefitting Klaus, and it’s ‘not hurting’ Finn. So why wouldn’t he? He’s probably defending the idea, and laying it out as though it’s the most reasonable option.
I think Rebekah was definitely pro-undaggering Finn. But I think she’d find Elijah’s justifications convincing. She’d probably feel the most guilty about it, so she’d try not to think about it. Still, she’s much closer to Klaus and Elijah than her other brothers.
I don’t think Kol minded much. Finn was a good ten years older than him and if they were ever close it would probably be more parental than fraternal, to cope with Mikael and Esther’s poor parenting and the trauma of Finn losing Freya and then struggling to connect to his siblings. They seem to have had a somewhat hostile relationship from at least the Martell period (pretty typical of siblings ngl) but Kol seemed most antagonised by Finn’s betrayal in TVD (indicative of a closer relationship than with Esther). I personally think his loss of magic and lack of control over his thirst probably made him the most affected by Finn’s anti-vampire campaign. Kol seems to like trying to ignore the pain a situation causes him by drowning it out (loss of magic leads to extra bloodlust). I think he was glad not to have to deal with it and if he ever felt bad? Well, it was Klaus that kept him in the box. Not Kol.
I think the important thing to consider with Freya is that she’s just as desperate for her family as Klaus is. If she got to them earlier then she would absolutely undagger Finn. He’s her baby brother, he’s the only one who would be able to remember her, and there is no way she’ll be able to convince The Original Vampires that she is their witch-sister-who-‘died’-and-even-if-she-hadn’t-she-would-defo-be-dead-over-one-hundred-years-later without Finn or Esther (or even the threat of Dahlia) there to back up her claims. Freya would undagger him immediately out of both sentiment and practicality. The only reason she wouldn’t undagger him is if she was convinced it would harm him, and his “suicidal tendencies” would not cut it for her. Tbh I think Freya would think that it’s an exaggeration and that she could help fix it. So yeah, if Freya is out then so is Finn.
(A Doylist answer would be that he was invented right before his first appearance and they kept him daggered so he would be pissed at them and put his Cain instincts into play. Also laziness. But that’s boring so Watsonian answers only.)
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anewkindofme · 9 months
If your still doing headcanons could you do one for Freya Mikaelson? Also who you think her little would be or if she’d have one? <3
Sure! I love Freya. <3 Though, this sort of turned into Freya and Keelin headcanons. Hope that's okay!
Ask me for headcanons on characters from my fandom list!
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So, I've had an idea running around in my head for awhile and it involves resurrecting yet another member of this insane family...
Shortly after Keelin and Freya marry, they come across a young man who strikingly resembles the Mikaelson family.
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After a few weeks, it becomes clear that he is Henrik. His soul was resurrected some time ago. However, when he saw the destruction his family caused, he stayed away. Now, however, he realizes they're better and has returned. It doesn't take long for him to be classified as a Little. That's where Freya and Keelin come in...
Prior to finding Henrik, Freya and Keelin fostered Littles who were waiting to find their forever caregiver.
Freya teaches Henrik all about magic. He knew some from growing up with Esther, but it's obviously been a while.
Being a Mikaelson, Freya is overprotective by nature. She is scared to let Henrik out of her sight for very long.
She is a huge proponent of co-sleeping and learns about attachment parenting from Hayley, which she appreciates.
Being the oldest of her family, she's learned how to play peacekeeper which gives her awesome patience when it comes to being a caregiver.
For the most part, she and Keelin are in synch when it comes to their parenting styles. As a wolf, Keelin falls into the same "attachment parenting, keep our pup close, etc." theme that Freya and Hayley do.
That being said, Keelin isn't as protective and that runs into issues when she tries to encourage Freya to relax a bit.
Henrik is initially nervous about living with a wolf, but Keelin is able to build his trust.
Freya loves babysitting her brothers' Littles, especially Kol! She lost out on so much time with her family. Maybe she can't get all of their childhoods back, but she can his!
Freya is very much into nature. Anti-technology is her middle name. She loves to take Henrik or any other Little in her care outside to play.
She speaks Norwegian to Henrik and sings him lullabies in their mother tongue.
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qvnthesia · 1 year
Obviously not scientific at all, but since the Mikaelsons are pretty split between blonde and brunette, do you think Dahlia's spell had anything to do with it? Like magic and creation can't come out of nowhere so what if her genetics or ability to have children were somehow involved in Esther being able to have children?
Huh, well, to be honest - this does warrant a biiiiit of science 😂 (tw: mentions of/allusions to possible incest)
Before answering, I'd just like to state that magic and science are like, related, of sorts. Magic is a science and science is simply magical.
With that said, in the TVDU universe, we've observed that the Mikaelsons are either blond/blondes or brunet/brunettes. We have Freya and Rebekah on the blonde side, which is a clear genetic inheritance from Esther. Elijah, Kol, Finn, and Henrik are on the brunet side, which comes from Mikael since the children I've mentioned so far are canonically Esther and Mikael's biological children. Klaus, on the other hand, definitely got his hair from Esther since it's canon (as per the TVDU wiki) that Ansel's hair is light brown.
Now, what you're saying about Dahlia's spell affecting their genetics is a very likely possibility - but not because of the spell, exactly. I'd say 50% spell, and 50% genetics.
How so? Well, Esther and Dahlia are blood siblings. It's safe to assume that one of their parents was light-haired and the other was dark-haired - hence Esther is blonde and Dahila is brunette. Now, when Esther pleaded for Dahila's help, obviously a spell to allow child-bearing and conception would require blood to - you know - ensure the terms of their agreement remain unbroken. So, I'm guessing Dahlia and Esther made a blood pact, which went totally to Dahlia's advantage, of course. Thanks to the blood pact, whatever genetics Dahlia inherited, the same traits were passed down to the dark-haired Mikaelson children which Esther conceived.
The probability of the genetics inherited by Dahlia being passed through the Mikaelson children is 85% likely. This is because, according to canon, Mikael has light brown/blond hair. The only person who comes close to having inherited Mikael's hair is Finn, who was conceived prior to the enactment of Dahlia's spell. The rest of the Mikaelson males that followed (Elijah, Kol and Henrik) have hair colors that are eerily similar to Dahlia's hair color - and they were conceived after the spell came into effect.
So, to answer your question - hell yeah. I think Dahlia and her genetic traits have most certainly passed down the Mikaelson children - which is genuinely a very uncanny observation, come to think of it.
Correlating their personalities, I can very well see Dahlia's hunger for power in Kol and her way with words in Elijah (with Esther's influence mixing in). Not to mention, her ruthlessness is reflected in Freya, not even considering the horrifying treatment she subjected her niece to. The siblings least affected by the conception spell are Finn, Rebekah (she mostly goes by Mikael), and Henrik (he'd definitely go after Esther and Mikael, but would follow Klaus more - hence turning out different). Klaus may seem similar to Dahlia, but that's just because of decades of paranoia ingrained by his woefully long existence. Otherwise, Klaus is definitely not like Dahlia at all, and is definitely least affected by the conception spell.
Now that I think about it, this theory just blows my mind. At this point, Esther's just created an incest fest where Dahlia can also be considered as a possible biological mother to Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Henrik. There's a possibility that Klaus might come under this too, but I think his werewolf genetics definitely make him the exception to this. But, taking the previous thing into account, that definitely would make both Esther and Dahila as mothers to Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Henrik 😵‍💫🤯
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lycanstark · 1 year
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❝What is that DISGUSTING looking thing you are eating?❞ // Have a judging Henrik Mikaelson
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         ❛   ─   you're kidding, right?   ❜   clearly not. the look on the strangers face pretty much summed that up rather quickly. all he had really wanted to do was eat in peace. guess that's what he gets for choosing to do so very much OUT in the open.   ❛   ... it's a ─ burrito?   ❜   he said, after having spent a few lengthy moments, merely looking the male over. the wolf could sense power, and lots of it, though at present ; he really didn't want to have to play a GUESSING GAME on who this one was.
         ❛   why are you still staring at me?   ❜
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@evolvingheartisms / henrik
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wholoveseggs · 3 months
Crimson Frost {Part Five}
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Part Five
As you prepare for your wedding, secrets come to the surface and your future hangs in the balance.
♡♡ Thank you for reading this series! Sorry for the slow progress on it, I hope you enjoy the ending xoxo~ ♡♡
8.5k {whoops} words - Warnings: Viking AU where the Mikaelsons are completely human (no magic, werewolves, vampires... etc) bit of violence, Klaus handing betrayal the only way he knows how, lots of fluff and a sappy ending...
{Part One} {Part Two} {Part Three} {Part Four}
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You sat on a log overlooking the river that ran through the village, watching Henrik, Gerda and Kol spar, their swords flashing in the sunlight. You couldn't help but notice how fast Henrik was getting, how his blows were stronger, more accurate. You knew he would soon surpass his brothers, he had the heart and the drive to become a great warrior.
Gerda was completely enraptured with him, her eyes following his every move, her heart clearly taken by the young boy. And it was clear to see that he returned her affections, what they had gone through together had created an unbreakable bond.
You could see the change in him, how his eyes lit up when he saw her, how his voice became softer, gentler, how he looked at her with such devotion, such tenderness. It reminded you of the way Elijah looked at you.
Kol went to strike Gerda, but she easily parried the blow, her sword connecting with his. You watched as Henrik moved in, his blade slicing through the air, cutting across Kol's arm.
"Ow," Kol said, his voice mockingly hurt, a mischievous grin spreading across his face, "that hurts little brother,"
"I told you not to let your guard down," Henrik said, his tone serious, his eyes focused, "never get distracted,"
"Well, well," Kol replied, his tone playful, his eyes dancing, "you've gotten better,"
The sound of twigs crunching behind you drew your attention. You turned to see Elijah approaching, sitting down on the log next to you. He subtly took your hand in his, his eyes searching yours, you leaned against him, savoring the moment of peace, letting the warmth of his body comfort you.
It had been a few weeks since your return to the village, and you still hadn't worked up the courage to tell Elijah you were with child. You knew he would tell Niklaus immediately, and would insist on marrying you. His noble heart wouldn't allow anything less.
You were starting to show, your breasts becoming fuller, your belly beginning to swell. You had taken to wearing loose dresses, hiding your pregnancy from the rest of the village, keeping it a secret from everyone, even though the guilt ate at you.
"Are you alright?" Elijah asked, his eyes searching yours, his brow furrowed, a look of concern etched across his handsome features.
"I'm fine," you said, mustering a smile, trying to reassure him, "I just have a lot on my mind,"
"What is troubling you, ástin mín?" Elijah asked, his thumb gently caressing your hand, the warmth of his touch always so comforting.
You wanted to tell him, you had planned a thousand different ways, but the words wouldn't come out, the fear of what Niklaus would do, stopping you.
You could see the concern in his eyes, the love he had for you, the intensity of his gaze causing your breath to hitch.
"Brother! Y/n! What a pleasant surprise," Niklaus's voice boomed, startling the both of you. You quickly withdrew your hand, a blush creeping onto your cheeks, a nervous energy settling over you.
Niklaus walked towards you, a wide grin plastered on his face, but his eyes cold, devoid of emotion. He took a seat on the other side of you, his presence filling the space, his body pressed against yours.
"Such a fine morning," Niklaus said, his voice light, his gaze meeting yours, the smile not reaching his eyes, "don't you agree, y/n?"
"Yes," you replied, your tone hesitant, your body stiff, your unease growing, "it's beautiful,"
Henrik came running up, sword in hand, a wide grin on his face. His clothes soaked with sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead, a wild look in his eyes.
"Will you spar with me Elijah? Please," Henrik pleaded, his expression hopeful, his eyes bright.
"I'm sorry Henrik, but he's still recovering," You began to protest, but Niklaus stopped you, his hand resting on your thigh.
"Nonsense!” Niklaus said, his voice firm, his grip on your thigh tightening, "she fusses something awful about you brother, always fretting,"
"I just don't want him to strain himself," You protested, your voice trembling, "his wounds are not healed,"
"I'm fine," Elijah replied, his gaze shifting between the two of you, his expression guarded, his brow furrowed, "My scars just make things...difficult,"
"See? Now go, spar with our little brother, I'll look after my betrothed," Niklaus said, a sly smirk on his face.
"As you wish," Elijah said, a look of concern in his eyes, before he took Henrik's hand, "come, show me what you've learned,"
"I've missed you," Niklaus whispered in your ear, his voice low, his eyes burning into yours, "I've been so preoccupied with attending to our new home, I've forgotten to check in on you,"
"I've been fine," you replied, your voice shaking, a lump forming in your throat, "you didn't have to worry,"
"I see my family has kept you company," he said, a dark edge to his voice, his gaze hardening, "they're quite protective of you,"
"I love them as if they are my own," you said, a small smile forming on your lips, your mind turning to Henrik, to Kol, to Rebekah, "they mean everything to me,"
"That is good to hear," Niklaus said, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes searching yours, "I think it's time, don't you?"
"Time for what?" you asked softly.
"Time to begin planning our wedding," Niklaus said, his hand moving to cup the back of your neck, his grip tightening, "the sooner the better, I'd say,"
"Niklaus," you began, your voice trailing off, you didn't know what to say, how to respond.
"I think we've waited long enough," he said, his tone still artificially light, a strange glint in his eyes, "there has been so much darkness over our families lately, let's have something good, something to celebrate,"
You looked in the direction of Gerda and the Mikaelsons sparring. Henrik and Elijah were facing each other, their swords clashing, their movements graceful and fluid. Gerda was on Kol's shoulders, screaming and laughing as he spun them around. This was everything you ever wanted, your family safe, happy, together.
You looked back to Niklaus, his eyes still locked on yours, his gaze intense. He was waiting for an answer, his hand now gripping your neck tighter.
"Yes," you said, your voice low, your mind racing, "let's have a wedding,"
"That's my girl," he said, his tone triumphant, his hand releasing your neck, sliding down your shoulder, his fingers trailing along your arm. "Our parents would be so proud, their children finally united,"
"I can't wait," you said, the words tasting bitter, your stomach churning.
Niklaus's hand found yours, it was meant to be a sweet gesture, but the contact made you shudder, his touch foreign. He didn't touch you the way Elijah did, didn't make your body come alive, didn't set your soul on fire.
You tried to suppress the guilt, the shame, the fear, the sadness, you tried to bury it, hide it, but it was there, gnawing at you. The truth, the reality of the situation, hitting you, crushing you.
You had no choice, your fate, your destiny, was sealed.
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Elijah hadn't seen you for days, the entire village caught up in wedding preparations. He had his own special duties to fulfill, as the eldest kin to the groom. He had arranged the feast, had made sure the finest meats and breads were cooked, and had overseen all the decorations.
The wedding was to happen that evening, and Elijah was dreading it.
The guilt and the shame weighed heavy on him, he felt as if he had betrayed his brother, betrayed you. He loved you, and he wanted nothing more than to marry you. But Niklaus was your betrothed, and as such, it was his decision, his right.
The thought of watching you pledge your love and loyalty to another man, made Elijah's heart ache, the pain almost unbearable. He was surely being punished by the gods, his sins catching up with him.
He thought back to six months ago, how he was overjoyed to learn his beloved brother would be marrying the girl of his dreams. How he had counseled Niklaus, how he had given him advice to win your heart.
Somehow, it seemed like a lifetime ago, the events of the last few months, changing everything.
He knew he needed to speak with you before the ceremony. Everything was happening so fast and he wanted to make sure this was what you truly wanted, that you had a say in your future.
His feet carried him towards the home where you were getting ready. The door was open and he could hear Gerda loudly complaining about how beautiful you were. He couldn't help but chuckle, her exuberance always brought a smile to his face.
As he approached the door, slowly pushing it all the way open, his eyes immediately landed on you.
You were dressed in a fine, cream colored gown, a wreath of flowers on top of your head. You looked radiant, your skin glowing, your eyes sparkling, a small smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
Rebekah, Gerda and Tatia were sitting all around you, braiding pieces of your hair, weaving flowers in it. Everyone was laughing and smiling, the atmosphere joyous.
You turned towards him, your eyes locking, the smile instantly fading from your face, a sadness creeping into your gaze.
"Elijah," you said softly, your voice breaking, "what are you doing here?"
"I came to speak with you," he said, his eyes searching yours, his stomach knotting, "if I may?"
The girls all exchanged strange looks, it wasn't customary for the groom's brother to visit the bride before the wedding.
Tatia gave you a small nod, the look in her eyes, reassuring, a small smile forming on her lips. She stood and began herding the girls out the door, following them outside, closing the door behind her.
You stood and faced him, he looked as handsome as ever, his face clean shaven, his hair combed back, a fine tunic hanging off his broad shoulders.
He didn't have to say anything, you could read every emotion etched on his face, every word echoing in his eyes. You took a step closer, your fingers interlacing with his, pulling his hand up to rest against your chest, over your heart. 
"You look so beautiful," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion, his gaze locked with yours, his hand gripping yours tightly, his pulse quickening. 
"Elijah," you whispered back, your eyes searching his, your voice faltering, a lump forming in your throat, "I'm sorry," 
"No, no, no. None of that," he said, his voice tender, his free hand cupping your face, "you don't have to apologize."
"It's just... I fear what he will do if he finds out about us," you whispered, tears spilling down your cheeks, "there is a rage in him, I can see it in his eyes. And you're not fully healed," you placed your hand gently on his chest, where his scars were. You worried for him, worried for your child.
"Don't worry about me," he whispered, his hand caressing your cheek, his thumb brushing away your tears, "I can look after myself. All I want is for you to be happy. I never meant to hurt you,"
"You could never hurt me," you whispered, your gaze meeting his, "you saved me," you paused, your gaze dropping, the guilt rising in your chest, threatening to suffocate you, "and our child,"
"What?" Elijah gasped, his mind racing, trying to process what you had just said, "our child?"
You nodded slowly, a warm flush spreading over your skin, you took his hand and placed it on the swell hidden beneath your wedding dress. The look in his eyes was indescribable, his expression a mix of shock, wonder, and sorrow.
"You are with child?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his mind trying to process what you had just said.
You nodded, unable to speak, your emotions overwhelming. You could see the battle raging inside him, his heart at war with his mind, his duty to his family, to his brother, fighting with his love for you.
"You should have told me," he said, his eyes searching yours, his mind working through the implications of your revelation.
"I know," you said, tears starting to spill down your cheeks, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know how to tell you, didn't know what to do,"
He wrapped his arms around you, his head resting on top of yours, his body tense. You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply, letting his familiar scent wash over you, calming you.
"I have to tell him," Elijah said, his voice strained, his hand coming up to rest on the back of your head, gently stroking your hair, "I cannot live with this secret,"
"He will kill you, and me," you protested, burying your face in his chest, tears soaking into his tunic, "please, don't say anything,"
"I cannot allow him to marry you, to claim you and the child as his own," Elijah said, his voice full of emotion, his gaze locked on you, "and if I die protecting you, then I will be welcomed in the great Halls of Valhalla. It would be a worthy death."
You nodded against his chest, your hands balling up the fabric of his tunic. He pulled back slightly, tilting your chin up, forcing you to meet his gaze.
"I love you," he said, his eyes full of tears, his voice breaking, "I always will,"
You stood on your toes, pressing your lips to his, kissing him softly, savoring the taste of him. You were so afraid of never kissing him again, never holding him, never being in his arms.
He broke the kiss, his forehead resting against yours, his breathing heavy. He placed both hands on your stomach, smiling as he felt the slight swell, his heart filled with pride and wonder.
"I will protect you and our child, no matter what," he whispered, his voice soft, his lips brushing against yours once more, "always and forever, ástin mín,"
"Y/n," a voice said from the doorway, startling both of you.
Gerda was standing in the doorway, a look of concern on her face, her eyes darting between the two of you.
"What's going on?" she asked, her brow furrowing, her eyes narrowing, her expression suspicious.
"Nothing," you said, mustering a smile, quickly wiping away your tears and stepping away from him.
"Do not lie to me systir," Gerda said, her tone serious, her eyes narrowing at Elijah, "what is happening?"
Elijah's eyes met yours, a silent conversation passing between the two of you. You gave him a small nod, he took your hand and gave it a kiss before leaving the house. You knew what he was going to do, that it was the only choice. That Niklaus would soon learn the truth. You just hoped it wouldn't cost him his life.
Your legs gave out and you sank to the floor. Tears were streaming down your face and your whole body was shaking. Fear coursed through your veins, but underneath it all you could feel a sense of relief. No more secrets, no more lies.
You put your head in your hands, sobbing uncontrollably. You couldn't believe what was happening. How had things spiraled so far out of control? A part of you wanted to run after Elijah and beg him not to go but you knew it was useless. His mind was made up. He had to tell Niklaus.
"Tell me," Gerda pleaded, crouching down beside you, she placed a comforting hand on your arm. "You can tell me anything,"
"You'll hate me," you sobbed, looking up at her through blurred eyes.
"I could never hate you," she said, her voice soft, her gaze never leaving yours.
You took a deep breath and began to tell her everything. Elijah saving you from the raid, your time together in the forest, training with him, your feelings for him, your affair, your child. It all came flooding out. The weight of the secret suddenly lifting, the relief palpable.
Your body felt heavy, exhausted, the emotional burden you'd been carrying for so long, suddenly gone.
Gerda's expression was unreadable. She was silent for a moment before her face broke out into a wide grin. "I'm going to be an aunt?"
You laughed, the joy and excitement on her face, warming your heart.
"Yes," you said, the smile falling from your lips, your anxiety returning. Gerda could see the fear and uncertainty on your face.
"Everything is going to be ok, we'll get through this," she said, holding your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, "how far along are you?"
"Maybe two months or so," you said, your mind racing, your heart pounding, "it is too early to know,"
"Why didn't you tell me?" Gerda asked, her voice cracking, a small frown creasing her brow, "you have never kept anything from me,"
"I was scared," you whispered, tears starting to spill down your cheeks once more, "I did not want you to think ill of me,"
"Oh, systir," Gerda whispered, tears of her own forming in her eyes, she wrapped you up in her arms, her hand coming up to stroke your hair, "I could never think ill of you, I love you so much,"
The two of you just held each other, your fears and worries melting away in her embrace.
"Elijah," she said with a soft giggle, kissing you on the top of your head, "he reminds me of one of those valiant, chivalrous heroes in the tales you used to tell me," she began to rock you both gently back and forth, humming an old lullaby that your father used to sing. 
You chuckled, wiping away your tears, nodding in agreement. You rested your head on her shoulder, taking a few deep breaths. Your body was still aching, your emotions all over the place, but you could feel some of the tension leave your body.
"Thank you, Gerda," you murmured, her comforting presence and calm words filling you with hope. 
"I will speak with Niklaus," Gerda said, her hand gently cupping your chin, forcing you to look up at her, "he will see reason, I know it,"
"I'm not sure anyone can reason with him," you said, the sadness creeping back into your voice.
"He loves you, in his own way," she said, her hands gripping your arms tightly, "he is a good man, he will understand."
You remained silent, unsure how to reply, hoping Gerda was right. You could only hope and pray, that the gods would show mercy, would spare you, would save you.
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The wedding celebration was in full swing. Elijah weaved through the crowd of villagers dancing around a large bonfire. Niklaus was sitting on the steps to the longhouse, sharpening his sword, with Tatia sitting at his side.
He knew his brother well enough to know he was angry about something. There was a coldness in his eyes, a dark edge to his demeanor. His movements were rigid and tense, his expression, hard and unforgiving.
"Brother," Elijah said, kneeling in front of Niklaus, meeting his gaze, his expression solemn.
"Elijah," Niklaus replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, "why the dower look? This is a time for celebration!"
"I need to speak with you," Elijah said, his tone serious, his voice low, "about the wedding,"
"Is something not to your taste? Perhaps the food is not to your liking?" Niklaus's tone was light, but his expression was one of irritation.
Elijah watched as Tatia put a calming hand on Niklaus's shoulder. He thought she was behaving far too familiar with a man on his wedding day, her touch was far too intimate, her smile a little too sly.
"No, the food is fine," Elijah said, his gaze shifting to Tatia, the look on his face making her withdraw her hand, a small smile forming on his lips.
"What is troubling you?" Tatia asked, her tone light, her expression, innocent.
"Nothing that concerns you," Elijah replied, his expression hardening, his words biting, "I wish to speak with my brother, privately,"
"She stays," Niklaus said, his hand moving to cover hers, his eyes flashing.
"Very well," Elijah said, sighing heavily. He would have to be careful about how he presented the news, the last thing he wanted was for his brother to fly into a rage.
"Look at him," Niklaus chuckled, looking at Tatia, who looked nervously between the brothers. "He thinks we don't know,"
"Know what?" Tatia asked, feigning ignorance.
"That he's trying to pass off his child as my own," Niklaus snarled, twisting his blade in the dim light of the setting sun, admiring his reflection.
Tatia let out a fake gasp, her eyes wide, her hand flying to her mouth, "Surely, he wouldn't, that would be dishonorable."
"Yes, it would be, wouldn't it?" Niklaus smiled, the madness shining in his eyes. "My brother, the one everyone thinks is so noble. Who I thought was so noble," he growled, his fingers tightening around the hilt of his sword.
"Let me explain-" Elijah began, but was cut off by Niklaus raising his hand, silencing him.
"The two of you have been quite busy, haven't you?" Niklaus chuckled darkly, he got to his feet, his sword in hand.
Elijah could see the murderous look in his eyes, the tension in his muscles, his whole body coiled, ready to strike.
"Niklaus," Tatia said, rising to her feet, her voice calm, her hand going to rest on his arm, her gaze darting around the crowd. "Not here, there are people watching,"
"How dare you take what's mine," Niklaus hissed, ignoring Tatia, his face inches from Elijah's, his expression one of pure fury, his body taut with anger.
"Brother-" Elijah started to say, rising to his feet, his hands raised, his expression imploring.
"No," Niklaus said, his jaw clenched, his grip on his sword tightening, "you don't get to call me that anymore, my brother died in the raids, all I have left is a traitor, a snake, a thief,"
"Niklaus, please," Tatia said, her eyes pleading, her hand tightening on his arm, her body pressed against his.
He pushed Tatia off and stormed towards the bonfire, the crowd parting for him. The laughter and joy turned to confusion as Niklaus raised his sword high above his head.
"People! My people," Niklaus shouted, his eyes wild, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "I have an announcement,"
You and Gerda approached the crowd, the sound of Niklaus' voice echoing in the eerie quiet. All the music and the dancing had stopped, everyone's attention fixed on him.
You saw the look on his face, his expression a mix of madness and fury. You tried to push your way through the crowd, but you couldn't, the people were too thick, their bodies packed tightly together.
"I have gathered you all here today under false pretenses," Niklaus said, his voice loud and clear, his sword waving erratically. "Today is not a celebration,"
You could hear the collective gasp of the crowd, the murmurs of confusion, the hushed whispers, the sound of footsteps running through the village.
"Today is a reckoning," Niklaus continued, his voice rising, "today is a trial,"
Elijah watched as his brother pointed the sword directly at him. The look in his eyes chilled him to the bone.
"My brother forced himself upon my betrothed when she was under his care," Niklaus shouted, his words sending a hush over the crowd, "and now he seeks to pass off this child as mine own,”
The crowd started murmuring, the sound growing louder, their voices filled with outrage, their faces full of disbelief.
You managed to push your way forward, finally making it to the edge of the crowd. Your eyes locked with Elijah's, the pain and sorrow in his gaze, making your heart ache.
"That's not true," you protested, stepping forward, your voice faltering, tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Liar!" Niklaus screamed, his voice cutting through the air, his face contorted, his sword pointing directly at you. "You are carrying his child are you not?"
You gasped, his words striking you like a blow. You heard the crowd murmur, some gasping, others whispering. Your face reddened, your shame washing over you.
"I..." you began, your eyes darting around, your voice trembling, "I don't..."
"Enough," Niklaus roared, his voice ringing through the air, the villagers all looking on in horror. "I have a witness who can confirm the pregnancy,"
Tatia stepped forward, her eyes wide, her expression nervous. You knew what she was about to do and you wanted to run and hide, but your feet were rooted to the ground.
"I tended to y/n when she returned," Tatia said, her gaze falling on you, a look of apology on her face. "In doing so, I discovered she was with child,"
The crowd erupted into shouting and screaming, their voices angry, their faces shocked.
"Although she did not reveal who the father was, it was obvious it was not her betrothed," Tatia said, her expression grave, her voice steady.
"So who else could be the father?" Niklaus shouted, his expression triumphant, his face full of rage.
"I am," Elijah said, his voice clear, his gaze meeting yours. "The child is mine,"
Your heart stopped, the world seeming to spin, everything moving in slow motion. You could hear the crowd shouting, see their angry faces, but it was as if you were underwater, unable to move or breathe.
"So you admit to forcing yourself on her?" Niklaus asked, his eyes wide, his mouth twisted into a vicious smile, his expression, vengeful.
"No," You managed to croak out, the words catching in your throat, tears spilling down your cheeks, your body shaking. "He didn't...I...I'm not..."
"Speak up," Niklaus growled, his eyes boring into yours, his gaze filled with hatred. "Say what you have to say and face the consequences of your actions,"
Elijah moved in front of you, shielding you from Niklaus' view. He spread his arms wide, looking at his brother, his gaze resolute.
"Niklaus," Elijah said, his voice calm. "That's enough,"
"Don't tell me when it's enough," Niklaus hissed, his eyes blazing, his face contorting. "After what you've done, after what I've lost, I have every right to seek justice,"
"Is that what you are doing? Humiliating your bride in front of the entire village is not justice," Elijah asked, his voice rising, his expression furious.
"Bride?" Niklaus laughed, it was a cold and harsh sound, his gaze fixed on you, his eyes filled with malice. "No, she is no bride of mine, she's just a whore,"
Elijah charged at his brother, his face, livid. He punched him squarely in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. The crowd started cheering, their bloodthirsty cries echoing through the air.
Niklaus laughed, getting back to his feet, wiping the blood from his split lip. He lunged forward, his eyes bright, his sword flashing. Elijah jumped back, narrowly avoiding the blade, then he pulled out his own.
You could only watch as they circled each other, Niklaus' expression maniacal, Elijah's calm. The blade clashed as Niklaus attacked again. Elijah blocked the blow, shoving him backwards.
Rebekah was screaming for them to stop, being held back by Kol, her eyes filled with tears. Drums were beating as the villagers were chanting for blood.
Gerda held on to you tightly, stopping you from running towards them, trying to prevent the inevitable. You could see the anger in their eyes, and the hatred. You wanted to scream, to beg them to stop, to tell them this was all your fault, that you couldn't bear to see them like this. 
"STOP!" You screamed, your voice cracking, tears pouring down your cheeks, your heart thumping in your chest.
But it was no use, they were too far gone, the bloodlust in their veins pumping. The sound of metal on metal rang through the night air, the crowd shouting and chanting.
The brothers were moving so quickly, their swords flashing and clashing, the grunts and the roars, loud in your ears. Niklaus growled, swinging his blade with such force, it sent Elijah's flying from his hand.
Elijah tried to pick up his sword, but Klaus leapt onto his back, knocking them both to the ground. They grappled, rolling around, pushing and shoving.
Niklaus drew a dagger from his belt, grinning maniacally as he plunged it into Elijah's shoulder. The crowd cried out in victory as Elijah gasped, his eyes widening in shock.
You wiggled your way out of Gerda's grip only to be stopped by Ansel. He threw his arms around you, holding you tightly, the cries of the people drowning out your screams.
Elijah fought back, tossing Niklaus to the ground, driving his fist into his face, the dagger still lodged in his shoulder. Niklaus snarled, kicking Elijah backwards, lunging forward with a savage thrust, narrowly missing Elijah's chest.
Niklaus stood up, breathing heavily, his face filled with rage, his eyes wild. Elijah staggered to his feet, his blade now in hand, poised and ready, his grip steady, his face set.
"I'm sorry, brother," Elijah whispered, his voice cracking, his face tightening.
"As am I," Niklaus replied, his voice choked with emotion, his expression pained.
Niklaus rushed at him, his sword held high, his eyes blazing. Elijah sprang forward to meet him, his sword arcing through the air.
Their blades met in a deafening clash, both men pushing and shoving, straining against each other's strength. The anger and frustration flowed from their veins as they danced and dueled in the burning light of the bonfire.
Niklaus pushed Elijah back, causing him to stumble over a rock. Elijah fell backwards, his blade landing on the ground just out of reach.
You watched in horror as Niklaus leapt forward, his blade raised.
"NO!" You screamed, watching as the dagger flashed in the light of the flames.
Suddenly, Henrik appeared in between them, his hands up, his expression filled with panic. Niklaus had already swung his blade, the momentum carrying him forward.
The tip of his blade slashed against Henrik's face, drawing blood. The crowd instantly fell silent, the drums coming to an abrupt halt. You cried out in anguish, covering your mouth with your hands, watching as Henrik fell to his knees.
Elijah was already rushing to Henrik's side, scooping him up, looking at him with horror. Niklaus had dropped his blade and fell to his knees, his expression one of total shock, his voice weak.
"Hen!!!" Gerda shrieked, running forward, falling to her knees at Henrik's side.
She turned to look at Niklaus, pure venom in her gaze. She slapped him hard across the face, screeching at him to get away. 
He compiled without protest, his body quivering as he stood up. Tatia rushed forward to meet him, her arms reaching out for him. He shrugged off her touch, standing a distance away, his face gray.
Gerda cradled Henrik, stroking his face, looking down at him with worry. Henrik was clutching his cheek, looking up at her with wet eyes.
Elijah took the hilt of his knife and pulled it from his shoulder with a wince. Blood was flowing down his arm, dripping onto the ground. He grasped it tightly, trying to stem the bleeding with his hand.
You pushed Ansel aside, breaking free from his grip. You sprinted to Elijah's side, sinking to the ground next to him, you tore a piece of your dress and wrapped it around his shoulder, the ivory cloth turning crimson.
Tatia was helping Henrik to his feet, wiping the blood from his face, examining his wound. His cheek was sliced open, and she pressed her shawl to it to stop the bleeding.
Elijah stood up, swaying slightly as he stood, holding his arm tight to his chest. You helped him stand, your expression determined. He glanced at you, the pain in his eyes clear to see.
You looked over at Niklaus, who was staring right back at you through the flames of the bonfire. He looked defeated, his shoulders slumped, his eyes vacant. He glanced around the crowd, at all the disappointed faces then back at your own. He didn't blame you, the fault was all his, he'd been blinded by rage, by the fire burning inside him.
You watched him sit, his head in his hands, his shoulders slumped. He looked utterly defeated, his face a picture of remorse and guilt. He looked so small and alone, a broken man who'd lost everything.
Kol carried Henrik towards Tatia's hut, followed by Gerda and Rebekah. Elijah began limping towards the hut as well, leaving you alone with Niklaus.
You stood frozen for a moment, before making your way over to him, his shoulders trembling. You reached out your hand, placing it gently on his shoulder, feeling the hard muscles beneath his shirt.
"Nik," you breathed, trying to steady your trembling hands, your voice breaking.
He flinched at the sound of your voice, jerking away from your touch. "Don't," he rasped, his voice breaking, his eyes fixed on the ground.
You sat down next to him, crossing your arms over your chest, taking a deep breath. "Niklaus, I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice heavy with guilt, tears filling your eyes.
He nodded, still unable to meet your gaze. He shook his head, his hands clenched at his side. He felt sick, empty, numb.
"I didn't mean for it to turn out like this," you continued, tears flowing down your cheeks. "None of this was supposed to happen,"
He said nothing, just sat there, his expression unreadable.
"Do you love him?" Niklaus asked, his voice was flat, his tone, void.
"I do," you replied, your voice shaking, the words tumbling out of your mouth.
"Do you love me?" he asked, still avoiding eye contact with you.
"Yes, but not in the same way," you admitted, your voice cracking, the tears falling faster. "You... You are like a brother to me Nik, but Elijah... I am in love with him,"
You expected anger, hurt, betrayal but when he finally looked up at you, his eyes were filled with understanding, not rage or pain.
"He makes you happy," he said, giving you a small smile.
"Yes," you agreed, returning his smile with a watery one of your own.
"I have lost everything, haven't I?" He asked, his voice hollow, his expression sad.
"No," you said softly, taking his hand in yours, squeezing his fingers gently. "You have your family, and this village. You have all these people that care about you, who love you. I will always be a part of that, I will always be your friend,"
"Thank you," Niklaus replied, squeezing your hand in return.
"Let's go see them," you said, standing up and wiping your tears away, "They need you now, you're still their brother,"
He took your hand, following you towards the hut, his heart full of anguish, his eyes full of tears. He walked past you as you pushed through the flap, his gaze immediately landing on Henrik, who was being examined by Tatia.
"Is he alright?" He asked, his voice hardly audible, guilt eating away at him.
"The cut is deep but not life threatening," Tatia explained, cleaning the wound with a wet cloth, dabbing it gently. "It will need stitching,"
Gerda was next to him, kneeling on the floor. Niklaus touched her arm softly and she glared up at him with narrowed eyes. Her face softened as she took in the state of him, her expression one of relief.
Niklaus dropped to his knees, his gaze fixed on Henrik, shame flooding him.
"I'm sorry," he gasped, his voice choked with emotion, tears forming in his eyes.
"It was an accident," Gerda said, her voice soothing, her face soft.
"The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you," Niklaus murmured, his eyes never leaving his brother. "I just... I just got so angry, and I wanted to hurt someone, to lash out, to be in control..."
"Are you and Elijah still mad at each other?" Henrik croaked, lifting his eyes to meet his brothers.
Niklaus shook his head, his shoulders sagging, his heart aching. "No," he breathed, blinking back tears.
You went and sat next to Elijah, whose shoulder was now bandaged. He pulled you close, wrapping his arm around your waist, kissing you on the forehead.
Niklaus looked up at the two of you, his gaze lingering on Elijah's bandaged wound. If it wasn't for Henriks intervention, he would have killed Elijah, his closest brother. And all for what? His pride? His selfish anger?
He was more angry over Elijah taking what was his than you going behind his back. He didn't love you the way he thought he did, he just didn't realize until now. He thought he was doing the right thing, marrying you, keeping you safe. But it was never the right thing for you, it was always about him, even before everything fell apart.
Tatia finished stitching up the cut, dressing the wound with cloth bandages. She nodded at Niklaus, holding his gaze for a moment, then gave him a reassuring smile.
Gerda helpedHenrik to his feet, steadying him as he walked over to Niklaus. Henrik threw his arms around Niklaus' neck, hugging him tight. Niklaus clung to his little brother, his entire body shuddering as he cried.
"No more fighting, brother. Just peace, okay?" Henrik asked, looking up at Niklaus with a slight smile.
"Okay," Niklaus replied, breaking into a smile, tears streaming down his cheeks.
You slipped your hand into Elijah's, squeezing his fingers gently. He wrapped his other arm around your shoulders, pulling you close, burying his face in your hair, breathing you in.
Niklaus glanced up at the two of you, noting the tenderness between you, the obvious love and affection. He knew now you were truly happy with Elijah, and he was finally able to let go of the illusion of the future he had created. He realized now he was never in love with you the way he thought he was, he had misinterpreted his feelings as passion, devotion, it was all just confusion.
"Am I really going to be an aunt?" Rebekah asked, looking at you excitedly.
You nodded, your smile growing wider, tears stinging your eyes.
"When is the baby due?" She asked, bouncing on her toes, her eyes shining.
"In about seven moons," Elijah answered, his gaze filled with love, his hand moving to rest on the swell of your stomach. 
Rebekah squealed, throwing her arms around you, hugging you tightly. She looked back and forth between you and Elijah, her eyes filled with happiness.
"We are so happy for you both," Gerda said with a smile, looking over at Elijah with appreciation. "Congratulations,"
"I always knew one day you would bear a little niece or nephew of mine, I just didn't expect it so soon," Kol remarked, smiling mischievously, throwing a casual arm around his sister. "And I also expected a different father,"
Rebekah smacked him on the back of the head, shooting him a disapproving look, shaking her head.
You sat with them for a while, watching their smiles and laughter, your heart light. Henrik and Gerda were cuddled up together, their fingers laced, talking quietly. Niklaus was speaking quietly with Rebekah, the two sharing an embrace, their eyes glistening.
You were gazing at Elijah lovingly, your stomach fluttering, your chest filled with warmth. He smiled at you as he stood up, his expression gentle, his lips pressing to your forehead tenderly.
"I'm going to head back to my hut," he said, touching your cheek. "Come with?"
You nodded, standing up, looping your arm through his. You walked with him towards the door, pausing to glance at Niklaus. He gave you a small smile, the first real one he'd given you in a while. Then he looked at Elijah, his expression hardening briefly before relaxing again. It was all you could hope for, a broken reconciliation of sorts.
Once outside, you found yourself wrapped in Elijah's arms, your body pressing against his. You felt relief, knowing you could be open about your relationship now, the shame of hiding behind secrecy, gone. 
Elijah's hut was neat and cozy, the hearth fire, warm. In the corner, was a large bed covered in soft furs and linens. The sound of the river came through the open window, mixed with the rustle of the leaves in the trees. You looked out at the open forest beyond the river bank, at the stars twinkling above.
You watched as Elijah removed his sword from his belt, placing it gently down next to the bed, running his fingers over the metal. He looked up at you shyly, sitting down on the edge of the bed, motioning for you to join him.
You approached cautiously, stepping out of your shoes, padding across the fur covered floor. You sat beside him, taking his hand, letting his thumb rub across your palm. He placed his arm around you, pulling you closer, resting his cheek on top of your head, letting out a sigh.
"It's over," Elijah murmured, his voice soft.
"Yeah," you whispered, relief rushing over you. "Do you regret how it happened?" You asked. "How we came to be together?"
He shook his head. "I only regret not loving you sooner," he said, lifting your chin up with his fingers, his gaze meeting yours. "Everything else... is now history,"
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"Ella! Come help me with these flowers," Gerda called out, carrying a bundle of wildflowers in her arms.
Ella scrambled up from where she was seated by the river, clutching her doll to her chest. She ran towards her aunt, her dark hair billowing in the wind, her brown eyes wide.
"I found some lavender and daisies," Ella squeaked, holding up a fistful of flowers, their stems dangling loose.
"Perfect," Gerda replied, scooping her up and carrying her in one arm, balancing the large bundle of blossoms in the other.
You sat on the steps to your hut, watching the village bustle around you, men building furniture and decorating, their voices, jovial. Everyone was preparing for the wedding today, the excitement was contagious.
Elijah sat next to you, carving an intricate design into a large piece of lumber. It was a wedding present for the bride and groom, a perfect decoration for their table.
You watched his hands, marveling at the steady, precise way he held the blade, at his deft, nimble fingers.
He looked up at you, glancing at his work critically, raising his brows. "What do you think?" He asked, turning the piece of wood in his hand, showing you the carving.
It was a beautiful forest scene, complete with wild animals and lush green plants, birds sitting in the tree branches. It was a masterpiece, made with love and attention to detail.
"It's beautiful," you breathed, running your fingers over the intricate details.
He smiled at your praise, pleased at your response. He pulled you closer, pressing his lips to your cheek tenderly.
Kol appeared around the corner, an enormous crate in his arms. Henrik followed close behind, a large sack slung over his shoulder. They smiled broadly at the sight of you and Elijah sitting together, their faces friendly.
"Elijah, we need your help," Henrik said, dropping the sack next to the crate.
Elijah stood up, nodding his agreement. He planted a quick kiss on your lips, running his fingers down your arm before jogging off to help his brothers.
You could see the girls across the way, rushing towards Tatia's hut with bowls of flowers. Tatia hurried over to help, taking the bundle from Ella, smoothing her dark curls affectionately.
Rebekah was sitting in front of the hut, with Tatia's young son on her lap. The two of them weaving flowers together, crafting a crown. Rebekah placed it on top of the little one's head, laughing at his sweet smile.
You stood up, making your way over to the group of women, your feet softly pattering on the dirt path. You stopped briefly to pet one of the goats that wandered around, stroking its neck, receiving a loud "meeeh" in return.
Ella squealed when she saw you approach, her eyes growing wide with glee.
"Momma! Momma!" She squealed, running straight for you, wrapping her tiny arms around your legs, looking up at you adoringly.
You reached down, picking her up, tickling her stomach playfully. Her giggles made you laugh, the soft chime of her sweet innocence a welcome sound.
"Gerda said I can throw flowers for the wedding... Can I? Can I?" Ella exclaimed, bouncing on your hip, her doe eyes begging, her little hands curled in yours.
"Of course," you answered, brushing her curls out of her face, kissing her cheeks. "The ceremony will start soon, so we have to get you ready,"
She smiled, clapping her hands together, practically vibrating with joy. You carried her towards Gerda's hut, peering inside to find your sister's dress spread out on her bed, her shoes and hair ribbons resting next to it.
"I can't believe this day has come," you said softly, running your hand down the fine dress, your gaze filled with love. "Do you remember when we were preparing for my wedding?"
Gerda stood next to you, giving you a sideways smile. "Yes," she chuckled, her eyes sparkling with nostalgia, shaking her head. "Wait, which one of your weddings?"
"Hush," you chuckled, elbowing her in the ribs, giving her a grin. "You're worse than Kol,"
You both burst out laughing, overcome with fits of giggles. You linked your arm through hers, pulling her close, resting your head on her shoulder, breathing in her familiar, comforting scent.
"Mother and Father would be so proud of you little systir," you murmured, your heart full of love.
"And of you," she replied, wrapping her arm around you.
"Now," you said, turning your attention to your daughter, shifting her in your arms. "We have to get you dressed, we can't have you throwing flowers in your undergarments, can we?"
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Today was a glorious day, one of family and love. There was laughter and music, sweet honey wine and delicious, rich food.
Niklaus spent the day out hunting for the biggest elk he could find, a special treat for tonight's feast. Everyone watched him carry it into the village center triumphantly, his forehead streaked with sweat, his grin ear to ear.
He saw you and your daughter Ella dancing together, singing, smiling. He saw Elijah running towards you, lifting Ella up, twirling her around, her laugh rising above the sound of the drums.
There had been a rift between the three of you for so long, it still felt strange to see you together as a family, but he had no regrets. He was filled with more pride than hurt, life was not the fairy tale he once imagined, but it was the right path, all the same.
Tatia approached him, carrying their son in her arms, stroking his golden hair, cooing softly. She looked at him, her gaze full of tenderness, placing a soft kiss on his head before handing him to his father.
"How was your hunt?" She asked, fussing over his hair.
"Very successful," he answered, his grin widening, kissing his baby boy on the head. "Fit for a feast,"
She took the arm he offered, squeezing it gently. Niklaus held her hand as they strolled through the village, people smiling and waving at them as they walked past.
Drums became louder as Niklaus approached the longhouse, admiring how the flames from the torches created shadows on the ground and stone pillars. He guided his wife and son to the head table, helping her to sit, placing their boy on her lap. He took his place next to his brothers at the altar, watching as everyone gathered in front of them.
Henrik stood in the middle, nervously twiddling his fingers, his hair a beautiful, shiny dark brown. He was dressed in finely crafted clothing, embroidered with threads of the finest silks, woven in exquisite patterns. Niklaus admired his brother's wide smile and bright blue eyes, filled with happiness and anticipation.
"Don't be frightened little brother," Niklaus said, winking at him, slapping him on the shoulder reassuringly. "Married life isn't so bad,”
As if on cue, there was the sound of a pipe and harp, and everyone turned their attention to the sound. Ella came first, ribbons braided through her hair, a crown of flowers on top. She tossed petals and blossoms on the path ahead, giggling and smiling, kicking up her skirts as she ran around the gathered crowd.
Rebekah followed behind her, and Niklaus smiled affectionately. You followed behind her, your arm linked with your sister, a few white flower petals tumbling from your palm to the path below, making a trail of beauty behind you.
Gerda looked perfect, her dark hair tied up, her crown woven with lavender and daisies, matching her loose white dress. A gentle, contented smile graced her face as she looked at Henrik, their eyes sparkling with love, their expressions overflowing with happiness.
The vows were spoken, Gerda and Henrik sealed their oaths with a kiss, their laughter mixing with cheers and whistles from their friends and family.
And then the feast began, with the new bride and groom kissing at the head table, their cheeks flushed.
Niklaus looked out at all the children playing and dancing, his wife twirling around with Rebekah, as Elijah sat with you at the next table, his hand gently stroking your knee.
Niklaus watched Ella run towards him without looking where she was going, slamming right into his legs. She looked up at him, brushing herself off, a look of hesitation and fear in her big brown eyes.
"That's okay, Ella," Niklaus said, crouching down to her level, trying to relax his expression. "Be careful though,"
Her eyes grew wider, she never had much interaction with her uncle Niklaus, so she was always a little afraid of him, hiding behind her mother or father whenever she saw him.
Elijah noticed his daughter and his brother speaking, how nervous his little girl looked, her hands clutching her dress, peering up at the man before her through her lashes. He came over, leaning down to speak to her, his face was gentle and caring, as he spoke, pointing out at the festivities, offering her something to eat. She shook her head shyly, hiding behind her father, her hands pressed against his legs.
"I'm sorry, she's a bit shy today," Elijah said awkwardly, it had been so long since he had a conversation with Niklaus. It all felt a bit foreign, it was difficult to know what to say.
"She looks just like you," Niklaus said, pushing himself to stand, smiling down at Ella, watching as her eyes followed him.
Elijah picked Ella up, resting her on his hip, smiling affectionately.
"Look Ella, you know uncle Niklaus," he said softly, bouncing her a little, encouraging her to wave hello, her tiny, trembling hand moving in a cute little wave.
"Hello, Ella," Niklaus said softly, waving back, extending his hand, motioning for her to touch it. She touched the tips of his fingers with her own, offering a shy smile.
Kol sauntered over, a huge grin on his face, his cheeks flushed red, probably from drinking. He clapped a hand on Niklaus's shoulder, and joined in the small conversation.
"Ella darling, you owe me a dance!" He proclaimed, and before anyone could blink, he had taken Ella from Elijah's arms, spinning her around, raising her up, laughing and giggling.
"Not too fast, Kol," Elijah warned, grinning at the sight of his daughter having fun, spinning and twirling, her laughter echoing around the grove.
Elijah returned his attention to Niklaus, surprised to see the relaxed expression on his brother's face, the corners of his mouth turned up in a friendly smile.
They spoke as they used to, laughing and sharing stories and jokes. They discussed the details of recent hunts, of their children and wives, of future plans and past adventures. 
Henrik stood at the front table, with his new bride on his arm, raising his mug high in the air. "A toast to my dearest love," he said, raising his cup, smiling down at Gerda affectionately, their matching gold rings glimmering in the fire light.
"I want to thank you all for coming and celebrating this night with us. This is a joyous occasion for me, but I am especially grateful to share it with each and every one of you. Without you I would not have known true love, and today I get to make my darling Gerda my wife, so thank you for allowing me to have this beautiful life,"
Everyone cheered and cried out their congratulations. There was music and laughter, friends and loved ones. The night was filled with celebration, music, and love. The pain of the past was almost forgotten, your grief and sadness, laid to rest. Everyone was happy, overjoyed at the good fortune that life had bestowed upon you. The ground had thawed, the snow melted, giving way to sweet, bright Spring. New birth and beginnings were in the air, the scent of renewal permeated everything, love, light and joy were your family's future. 
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{Part One} {Part Two} {Part Three} {Part Four}
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡
♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡ @wickedmuse ♡ @sunkissedebony97 ♡ @idk00sblog ♡ @savannaounana♡ @cs-please ♡ complicatedandconfusing-25 ♡ @hamiltimes ♡ @akala6670229 ♡ @yeaiamme2 ♡ @itsjulzandmydiamonds ♡ @spideysbabe ♡ @witch-of-letters ♡ @elijahmikaelsonsboy ♡ @rosecentury ♡ @sekaishell ♡ @ziayamikaelson ♡ @amanda08319 ♡ @starshipcookie ♡ @li-da-savage
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crimsonlyinglilly · 7 months
Mikaelson fluff
some small bright spots of joy to combat the sad I keep writing.
The first time Kol realised he was taller than Elijah he couldn’t help but crow about it, pleased and proud, Klaus and Finn had joined him in his mocking by asking if it was hard, Elijah had been good about it, letting out loud put-upon sighs, and reminded them all the things he was better at. 
The teasing had died down after that until Rebekah had earnestly promised Elijah she would be kinder to him when she also got taller than him. 
Elijah had quickly declared Henrik his favourite when he had sworn never to outgrow him, which Henrik had taken in seriousness, stuck his tongue out at them and pulled his ‘best brother’ away.
For the next couple of weeks, all of them kept finding their belongings out of their reach, it only stopped when they discovered Henrik on Elijah’s shoulders red-handed, tying Finn's favourite belt on a branch high above on the tree closest to his hut.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 5 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Mikaelson!OC headcanons
Elijah's relationship with Kassandra
Their relationship is my Roman Empire! I'll write for the other siblings as well, but Elijah goes first since he's my fave (and kassie's lol)
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Elijah remembers the day Kassie was born very well (also he was like 10 btw)
It was a bright and sunny day, despite it being autumn
He wondered if it would be another girl, since their mother gave birth to Rebekah only a year prior
Klaus and Kol were saying it would be a boy, but deep down he wished for another sister
He was with his brothers, training with wooden swords under their father's supervision
Then, Ayana, his mother's friend came down running toward them
"Good news, Mikael! It's another healthy girl!"
He remembers holding her for the first time, her little face red and wrinkly
"What shall we name her, Elijah?" His mother asked him softly
Elijah thought about a name and said the first one that came to his mind
"Kassandra. Like the Greek Princess from your stories"
As he was much older than them, Elijah was quite protective of his little sisters
He remembers Kassie asking their father if she could also train with a sword and later he comforted her when their father yelled at her
As a child (even as an adult) Kassie was scared of thunder. Often when there was a storm brewing, she would hide in Elijah's arm
Many times, little Kassandra would be plagued by nightmares
She was too scared to wake up her parents so instead she would wake up Elijah
With teary eyes she would shake the dark-haired boy and ask if she could sleep in his arms
He never refused her
Elijah also remembers the day Kassie died, because, well, they died together
After the death of their youngest brother Henrik, his parents started acting strange
One fateful night, everything changed
He and Kassie were put in a room and told to wait. Elijah had a bad feeling about the whole thing
Their father came into the house, closed the door, and stared at them
"Father? What's happening?" Kassie asked quietly
Elijah's heart dropped when their father pulled out his sword and lunged toward Kassie
Elijah stood in front of Kassie, shielding her as their father plunged the blade of his sword into his heart
The last memory of Elijah's human life was the screams of his little sister echoing in his ears
Kassie screamed as she fell to her knees. She was in too much shock to defend herself.
She felt the blade piercing her chest and fell next to Elijah
Her last memory was the sight of her brother's dead body
In the early days of their new life, Elijah tried his best to keep everyone under control
Out of everyone, Kassie seemed to struggle the most with their new vampiric urges
She had a hard time accepting the fact that to survive, she had to kill innocent people
Over time, they learned to feed without killing
Kassie would never admit but Elijah was most definitely her favorite brother
Elijah, ever the peace holder, refused to admit Kassie was his favorite sibling
The others knew well that she, in fact, was his favorite sibling
Bookworms, both of them lol
They would spend countless hours in libraries, reading together and discussing the current state of the world
She almost sees him as a father figure, since Mikael wasn't the best father to any of them really
Forehead kisses! So many forehead kisses!
Kassie always had a gentle heart and her vampirism only magnified that
Elijah would always shield and defend Kassie from Klaus when the latter would raise his voice at her
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One look into her big blue eyes and her pouty lips and this man is crumbling (see gif above lol)
She knows she has Elijah (and Klaus) wrapped around her little finger
She's aware that manipulating her brothers using their love for her isn't the right thing to do, but a girl sometimes has to use morally dubious means to make her life easier
"Can you give me your credit card? I saw these really cute boots, I have to have them! Please???" She asks while batting her eyelashes
*he sighs and pulls out his wallet*
*she squeals and kisses him on the cheek*
"You're the best brother in the whole wide world!"
Elijah smirks while shaking his head and continues reading
He knows he's being manipulated but doesn't to anything about it
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rekaning · 1 year
The Housekeeper | Part 2 | Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Additional tags: Human!Mikaelsons, Modern!AU, Housekeeper!Reader, no use of Y/N Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader, The Originals x Reader (Platonic) Summary: Elijah and you have a moment of connection.
Previously: Part 1
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"Do let me know if you grow tired of spending time with my hum-drum of a brother, darling. I could certainly use your services in my own home." Kol smirked slyly as he kissed the back of your hand.
You could hear said "hum-drum" scoff behind you as you playfully rolled your eyes and patted the younger Mikaelson's cheek, "I don't think that will be any time soon, Kol. But thank you for the offer."
Finn patted your shoulder, grabbing your attention as he brought you into a side hug, "Honestly, you're dodging a bullet. Kol's quite the neglectful caretaker, you'd be cleaning that place for a full year and not be halfway done."
You chuckled heartily as Kol let out an indignant cry. Finn stepped away, going over to Elijah to say his good-bye's while Freya embraced you. "I'll text you pictures of the site and any more items we dig up. It was so good to talk shop with someone who isn't Kol or Finn."
You giggled and hugged her back tightly, "My ear is always open if they ever drive you up the wall."
While you said your farewells to Freya, Finn stepped away from Elijah, he glanced back at you before turning knowingly to his little brother, "We all approve, you know?"
Elijah, having seen him look back at you, blinked in surprise before sighing, throwing you a quick glance to make sure you weren't paying their conversation any mind, and cut back to his brother, "Was I that forthcoming with my interest?"
Finn chuckled softly, "Rebekah took notice first and went about hinting to us that you were pining."
Elijah looked affronted, "Of course she did, and I do not pine."
Finn smiled sympathetically, patting his shoulder in a show of comfort, "You do, brother."
His little brother huffed and looked away, unknowingly trailing his eyes to you, still talking with Freya and Kol, who'd stepped into the conversation.
Elijah cleared his throat and focused back on Finn, his eyes slightly wary, "Do you all truly approve?"
The elder Mikaelson brother grinned, "We really do, Elijah. Even Henrik. And before you ask," he mentioned quickly when he saw Elijah open his mouth to question, "Nik was the one to blab."
Elijah shook his head, a look of affection crossing his face at the mention of his youngest brother.
Finn took another look back and saw that your conversation with Freya and Kol was coming to an end. He turned to Elijah one last time, another hearty pat to his younger brothers shoulder, his eyes warm as he said softly, "You deserve happiness too, Elijah. We all think so. She's not like them."
A familiar sinking feeling formed in the pit of his stomach. Elijah sighed, "You can say their names, Finn. I will not shatter like some fragile, porcelain doll."
"I know," Finn acknowledged softly.
"Finn, come along, you bore!" Kol called obnoxiously from the car.
With a roll of his eyes, Finn stepped away from his little brother and as he passed you, he gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze. He quickly leaned down and whispered, "Take care of him, will you?"
You looked up and smiled brightly at the eldest brother's request, "For as long as he needs me."
Finn's smile widened, heading to the car without another word.
You heard Elijah step forward behind you, both watching the car drive away. Once the car was out of sight, you turned around, seeing Elijah's eyes already on you, a small, somewhat forlorn smile on his face, "Not many people can get into Kol's good graces. Especially in such a short amount of time."
You two began to make your way back inside the estate. You chuckled sheepishly at the subtle compliment, "I've dealt with Kol's type before. Mainly with middle children, they feel the most isolated of their siblings. It's usually because they feel the most deeply, at least I think so. And they try to hide it behind jokes and aloofness. But my mother would always say, 'You see a lot more when you're in our position'."
Elijah opened the door for you with a questioning look, "Our position?"
You inclined your head in gratitude of his gesture and hummed at his question, "Mmhm. Those in the service industry. We see a lot of things that people don't intend to show, but nobody really notices us. We're seen, but we're not seen, y'know?"
Understanding came over him, "I see. A valuable skill she passed to you, it seems."
You beamed at the compliment and Elijah's heart leaped at the joy displayed so plainly on your face.
"Was she the one to inspire you into pursuing this career?" He asked, moving over to seat himself at the plush couch in the living area.
You hesitated for a moment, never expecting to talk so personally with him but moved to take a seat at the other end of the couch, "She was, yes. She'd take me with her to work on days I didn't have school. She would bring coloring books and toys from home to keep me occupied but I always liked to watch her work."
Elijah smiled warmly at the thought of a child version of you sitting at a table of a stranger's home and being fascinated by your mother's work ethic.
"She was always so dedicated, it didn't matter who's house it was. I wanted to be like her. She dedicated her life to bringing others happiness by being of service to them. When I did my first meaningful act of service, it was such an unforgettable experience. It was..."
You tried to find the word before Elijah finished for you, "Euphoric."
You blinked in surprise, your eyes on him, as if you were seeing him for the first time. Breathlessly, you nodded, "Yes, exactly."
Elijah smiled wryly, "I am no stranger to that feeling. I have spent nearly my whole life in the service of my family. For their safety, comfort, and well-being, there is nothing I wouldn't do for them."
Your eyes shined with new-found respect for your employer.
"You've had to give up a lot, haven't you," you whispered, almost afraid to voice out the statement.
His eyes softened as they trailed to a point behind you, melancholy apparent on his face, "A few things, yes."
You ached to wipe away that look on his face. You stared down at your lap, hands gripping each other so that you didn't impulsively reach out and touch him. You looked over to where his gaze had moved to and it hit you.
Turning back to him, you bobbed your head toward the object in the other room, "Do you still play at all?"
He sighed, "Not at all. Too busy."
You grinned and stood from the couch and with courage you didn't know you possessed, you grabbed hold of the well dressed Mikaelson's sleeve, pulling him up from his seat and dragged him over to the grand piano in the drawing room.
"Well, you seem to have some free time right now, so," you pulled out the piano bench and gestured for him to sit.
He chuckled at your firmness, but seated himself in front of the instrument. You sat down beside him, hands in your lap and your knees grazing each other. Elijah perhaps should have fought a little more, he had a meeting in 15 minutes, but the eagerness on your face had him rooted to his seat.
"You are oddly persuasive. Very well, any requests?" He lifted the fallboard and placed his hands over the keys, ready for whatever piece you might voice.
You thought for a moment before settling on the piece, a favorite of your mother's.
Elijah nodded, inhaled, and played.
The piece began slowly, his fingers tenderly pressing down on the keys, the sound sweet and soft before it built up, louder and louder, with more emotion. His fingers were gliding across the keys, hands moving higher on the board, then scaling down toward the lower notes. His fingers moved so pointedly, so rapidly, it looked like he was simply tickling the keys.
The music swelled and you closed your eyes, feeling yourself moved with the melody. And all you could think about was your mother. Your moments with her, moments that weren't significant by any means, just times when you and her would go out to the park and walk around, the moments you would help her cook in the kitchen, the time you helped her set up a few light bulbs around her home, the times when you two just sat at her couch and watched a movie together or read in the living room.
And soon enough, you opened your eyes, the last of the notes fading away. Elijah looked over at you and he felt his chest tighten. Your eyes were swimming with emotion, tears threatening to spill over. But your smile was as radiant as moonlight. Your eyes stared up at him, overflowing with an emotion he couldn't place.
"Thank you," came your chocked whisper.
His hand lifted without a second thought, and wiped a finger across your cheek where a tear had broken free and raced down your face.
He looked at you in a way you couldn't fathom at the moment, an emotion you couldn't—or perhaps, wouldn't—name.
Your entranced gaze was cut short at the sound of a blaring tone coming from within his jacket pocket.
The both of you blinked and moved away. When had you even scooted closer to him?
He reached into his jacket and extracted his phone, noting the time—6 minutes late for his meeting—and stood, an apologetic look thrown your way. You smiled back and shook your head, a clear sign saying, 'don't worry'.
He walked away in the direction of his office as he answered the call.
Your body deflated dramatically the moment he was out of sight.
Did that just happen? What exactly happened?
You placed a hand over your racing heart before shaking your head and rising from the bench. You carefully closed the fallboard and pushed the bench so that it was under the piano.
Brushing off non-existent dirt from your clothes, you pushed the incident away from your mind, for now.
You had bed sheets that needed changing.
Author's note: A shorter part but its the spark needed to jump-start this whole thing into gear!
Part 3
All the Mikaelson siblings already shipping you and Elijah together lmao
Also the piano piece I listened to was the main theme from Interstellar, particularly this arrangement.
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countrymusiclover · 21 days
61 - Leaving Worries Behind
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Part 62
Family is More than Blood
@melvia-ito @vavafaure1994 @kmc1989 @tallrock35
“You guys know why we’re here?” Alaric, Caroline, Lizzie, Josie and I all walked up to the armory doors that were currently locked by magic. Jacob was watching my kids and Andrea back at the house. “Because there’s something inside this building that is really important that we need. The only problem is these doors are locked. So we’re gonna need your help to open them.”
Caroline was bent down to be eye level with her two daughters and Alaric was standing on the other side. “You wanna know something cool. You two are special because you two are the keys. Let’s play a game. Everyone put one hand on the door.”
“Oh yeah. There’s definitely magic inside there.” I gasped with my hand turning red, beginning to siphon some of it already off the door.
Caroline gave me a half look shifting her attention back to her daughters. “Remember Amy’s birthday party. I took away your goody bags and what happened?”
“I hurt you.” Lizzie replied.
She nodded, blinking through some tears. “Yes, because I took something from you. Now would you feel if someone tried to take me away from you?”
“Mad.” Josie answered.
“Sad.” Lizzie added on.
She gave them a weak smile while I stood over the two young girls standing in front of my knees. “Yeah me too. And if we don’t get inside of here. That might happen. I might never be able to see you, hug you or tuck you in at night.”
“They’re doing it. They’re siphoning.” I whispered to her and Alaric seeing their tiny hands turning red and I felt most of the siphon magic being taken out of my reach before the twins gasped stepping away from the door slightly exhausted.
Alaric picked up Josie in his arms and Caroline had Lizzie when they got up from the ground and walked inside until Caroline saw me standing in the doorway with some tears welling in my eyes. “Raelyn, what’s got you upset?”
“I can’t help but think I should have done better when I had the Coven leader magic inside my veins. I should have gotten some of Jo’s blood before she died and saved them from the Merge.”
She sent me a gentle smile knowing how I felt about her daughters having to still do the merge when they turned 22. “You did what you could for your own kids at the time. Besides, nobody knew Jo was pregnant at the time.”
“I know. I just-“
She switched Lizzie onto one arm touching my shoulder with her freehand. “Don’t feel too guilty. You did the best you could. Plus I know you’ll do whatever you can now to keep them safe.” I sent her a smile watching the blonde vampire walk inside the armory and I vamped after her knowing she was always right about that.
The car we were in quickly drove past the New Orleans road sign. Nik and I were debating on taking some time for ourselves given how things were going so well back home. Sitting in the passenger seat eyeing my husband from the corner of my eye. “What’s that smirk for, Nik?”
“I think I should be asking what is running through that beautiful head of yours. I know you’re still thinking about the school and everything. So tell me, love. What are you thinking?” Klaus glanced in my direction with a smile on his face.
Running my hands through my hair I dropped them down into my lap. “Okay so hear me out on this. But I’ve been thinking since everything we’ve changed at the school has been working, why not create another one with the same layout. Like a European branch possibly.”
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You are brilliant, Rae Rae.” He moved one hand over resting it on my thigh sending me a cheeky grin. “So where do you want to go first on our little getaway trip?”
Placing my hand over his on my knee. “I don’t know, Klaus. You’ve been everywhere in the world compared to me.”
“Well there’s England, Hawaii, Barcelona, Greece or even Japan.”
I giggled blushing at my hybrid husband. “Klaus, stop. You spoil me too much.”
“I have no issue with doing so - why’s Elizabeth calling you?” He smirked fondly at me.
My phone began ringing where I saw it was a video call from Lizzie and Josie who I had asked to pick Henrik up from Mystic High while we were out of town. Josie scolded her sister who was driving Daemon’s old car they had gotten for their sixteen birthday. “Aunt Raelyn, I can’t believe she is calling you about this. It really isn’t her business when she’s out of town.”
“That’s exactly why she needs to know so she’s not shocked later on.” Lizzie looked over at her sister before she flipped the video around showing me a girl with her Raven black talking with son a few feet in front of them outside the school doors. “Do you see what I’m talking about now, Auntie Rae!”
Klaus briefly took his attention off the road. “What is Elizabeth freaking out about this time?”
“Is that Stefanie Salvatore?”
Lizzie flipped the video screen back on herself. “Yes, it is! When I knew he was dating a human I never thought it would be Damon and Elena’s freaking daughter.”
“If that girl breaks his heart I will boil her bones.” Klaus growled under his breath tightly clutching the steering wheel in his hands.
Rolling my eyes I knew his protective side would never go away no matter how old the kids came to be compared to our ages as vampires. “I appreciate your concern, Lizzie. But I’m sure everything will be fine between them. I know Elena means well and she makes Damon’s good side come out. So their daughter will be their goodness combined together.”
“That’s what I was trying to tell her but she wouldn’t listen to me and called you and ignored my thoughts.” Josie pushed her body into her sister’s side so she could be seen on the video call with her.
Lizzie gasped at her sister until I waved bye to them, seeing we were getting closer to the airport and they needed to get back to helping people at the school. “Okay girls as much as I would love to continue this conversation I have to go. So do me a favor and take good care of the school for us till we get back.”
“Where are you two going? I thought you were coming back home.” Josie tilted her head to the side.
I shrugged my shoulders, waving bye quickly before they could say anything more to me or my husband. “We’re taking some time away from the school - oh I’m sorry we’re at the airport gotta go.”
“Aunt Raelyn-“ Lizzie got cut off when I hit the end call button.
Klaus chuckled, shifting his gaze over to me. “Luckily they won’t stay mad at you for long.” I nodded my head in agreement sliding my phone back inside my jacket and just looking out at the road ahead of us, enjoying that we were taking a break.
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Title: Mother, dear
Pairing: Mikael M. x Heretic!Black!Reader, Platonic!Mikaelsons x Heretic!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Protective!Mikael, Soft!Mikael
Summary: Elena and Co. learn that the Mikaelson's parents are very protective
A/N: I had an idea and ran with it.
Elena let out a scream when a knife flew pass her head and into a werewolf while both Elijah and Klaus looked unfazed. Damon was shocked seeing the wolf drop, it was suppose to be a meeting between Elena and the Originals about letting the human live a normal life. That was until a group of wolves attacked them. Both Elijah and Klaus were vervain and wolfbane while Damon was tied down with vervain ropes and the wolves trying to take Elena to have leverage against Klaus.
"I suggest you let my boys go." Your voice reached their ears, both Elena and Damon was surprised to see you standing in the doorway. You were a 900+ year old vampire and both Elijah's and Klaus's overly protective stepmother.
"Your boys?" The leader wolf questioned looking you over. You looked non-threatening but the two Originals knew better as Mikael wouldn't had married you for no reason.
You were just a Queen's handmaiden back in 1190 when you met the Mikaelsons. You were a woman that had no time for nonsense and Mikael was an over protective father who kinda fell in love again. Mikael had grew overly protective after Freya's death and even more after Henrik's which annoyed Esther seeing Mikael hover over their children.
"Yes. The two Originals." You said as Elena was surprised while Elijah and Klaus groaned if you were in Mystic Falls so was Mikael.
"Look I can care less about a baby vampire and doppelganger. So hand..." You were cut off by a werewolf wrapping a hand around your thoat. Which didn't last long as the wolf fell over dead.
"Do not touch my wife and let my sons go." Mikael growled hand covered in blood. You sighed as much as you loved your husband, you wish he would ease up on your children. You walked over to Elijah and Klaus freeing the two and Elena watched how soft you treated the two.
"Mother....there was no need to bring father." Elijah groaned just laying his head in your lap too tired to fight the vervain in his system.
"Sorry darling but he followed. You know how your father is." You say softly running your fingers though Elijah's hair relaxing the vampire. Klaus also leaned against you feeling just as tired.
Mikael had done everything for his children. Making sure they feed, making sure Esther doesn't find them, always taking on whatever pain they could face. You knew how much of a brute Mikael was before his first born but now.
'The world seemed to stop whenever I first held each of them. I knew I would do anything for them.' Was what Mikael told you when you first asked about his past. Mikael dropped the body and was by you three right away worry settling over his face as he began to look over Klaus since he seemed worst.
"Niklaus? Are you alright? What do you need?"
"For...you to...not baby me." Klaus growled weakly pushing Mikael away. It was always Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah that got of Mikael's over protectiveness. Mikael was unimpressed by Klaus as he lifted the hybrid laying him on the couch.
"I'm sorry....but who are these people?!" Damon asked seeing Elijah being practically being cuddled by you while Mikael rubbed Klaus's back still worried about the hybrid.
"This is our mother Y/N and father Mikael. They have followed me to Mystic Falls no doubt." Elijah said weakly wrapping his arms around your waist groaning in pain. Elena frowned confused as Damon was surprised.
"I thought the Original witch was your mother?"
"Birth mother but no mother of ours due to the whole trying to murder us thing." Klaus huffed feeling a little better and Mikael went to get your sons some blood. Damon couldn't believe what he was seeing both Originals being babied by you. It was odd to Damon since it was clear you were a younger vampire than the Originals, yet here they were treating you like their mother.
"Mother, why have you came?" Elijah asked looking up at you feeling you run your fingers though his hair.
"Your father wanted to help Niklaus and to bring the family together." You said softly looking worried as Elijah closed his eyes. Mikael returned with blood bags and handed you one to feed Elijah. Both Damon and Elena watched surprised and unsure on what to do.
Mikael was angry for one Esther was alive and two the witch treated you like you were nothing but some maid. Of course the siblings watched their father grow more angry with Esther after passing comment the witch made about you. Esther glared at you seeing you sitting with Finn just talking. Since being undaggered Finn hanged around you just like Elijah, both were mama boys.
"I have a announcement." Esther said making herself known to her family ignoring how Mikael glared at her. Everyone looked at the witch unaware of her plan.
"I have decided that we should have a ball. As a family we should show that we mean no harm."
"That means I can take mother shopping!" Rebekah squealed happily standing up and Esther smiled.
"I would love that Rebekah."
"I said mother not you Esther." Rebekah said taking your hand dragging you out of the room with Finn following after. Esther left in a huff angry as in the witch's eyes you stole her family.
"Stop messing with your tie love." You say softly fixing your husband's tie looking up at the Viking. Mikael huffed kissing your forehead letting you fix his tie.
"I worry Esther is hiding something." Mikael says moving a hand along your curves. The dress you wore was a deep red and backless, it had a beaded bust and flowy skirt prefect for dancing.
"No worries my love. If she is we will protect the children." You say looping your arm though Mikael's walking out to the ball. You looked out seeing your children with their dates while Esther looked down at everyone.
"Ma, I want you to meet Bonnie. Bonnie my mother Y/N and father Mikael." Kol says smiling as Bonnie shook your hand. You saw how happy Kol looked with the young witch.
"I hope my darling son has been a gentleman."
"Oh...he has ma'am." Bonnie says following your eye sight up to Esther then looked at you seeing you wink at her. Bonnie caught on to your signs to keep an eye out for Esther and it didn't help that the Original witch met with Elena.
Murder, Esther wanted to kill her family and was going to do it by linking them together. You couldn't stop it due to the stronger witch taking you out first. Finn pressed a cool clothe to your forehead worry written all over his face.
"How is mother?" Elijah asked walking into the bedroom suit jacket gone along with his tie. You layed in your bed in the thinnest nightgown you owned under just a sheet.
"Weak....she can't keep down blood. How's father?" Finn said sounding tired since he was the one up with you the most other than Elijah.
"Niklaus and Kol had been trying to stop him from rampaging though the town. Rebekah is getting answers from Elena."
"Babies....my sweet boys...if I..." You rasped out making them jump and Finn wiped the sweat from your face.
"Shhhh mother. You will be fine, save your strength. Bonnie will fix this." Elijah says softly brushing your hair from your face. You smiled weakly watching your boys clean up around your room.
"I broke the link but as for curing Y/N ...it'll take longer." Bonnie tells Klaus frowning before diving into her grimoire. Klaus looked at Kol worried that Bonnie was over working herself and looked into getting another witch. While Mikael was with Elijah and Finn taking care of Esther.
"How are you feeling mama?" Rebekah asked opening a window to air out the room. You smiled weakly at Rebekah feeling her lay next to you holding your hand.
"A bit better my sweet girl." You whispered breathing slowly making Rebekah frown. You felt your daughter press closer and you knew she was worried.
"I'll be okay, love." You say softly running your fingers though Rebekah's hair relaxing and she began to fall asleep.
You woke startled feeling Finn at your back and noticed your other children also in the bed. You felt better and smiled feeling Elijah mumbled in his sleep pressing his face into your abdomen. Klaus was behind Rebekah who was still pressed against your side while Kol was piled onto Elijah.
"They wanted to stay with you." Mikael says leaning over kissing your forehead making you smile.
"Understandable. Where is Esther?" You asked reaching for Mikael's hand feeling happy lacing your fingers with his.
"Dead and hopefully she stays dead." Mikael says rubbing your hand and you both just relaxed watching the siblings sleep. You both just wanted to enjoy the quiet before they woke up.
"Should we tell them?" You asked feeling the siblings press closer squeezing you. Mikael chuckled kissing your hand before looking at your abdomen.
"Later, let's enjoy our moment together."
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ashleebooksblog · 6 months
The Originals was a terrible spin-off for so many reasons, but one of the reasons is that Hope's purpose was to bring the family together, hence her name and Klaus was supposed to be redeemed after becoming a father.
Not only does a redemption arc for a character like Klaus Mikaelson is very unnecessary, he was already a father to Marcel. Klaus raised Marcel since he was ten years old. He raised him in his very image and although there weren't a lot of flashbacks of Marcel's childhood, we were shown many loving moments between Klaus and Marcel.
For those of you who are still in denial, MARCEL IS KLAUS' SON.
If Marcel couldn't change Klaus and give him the redemption many TO fans claim he deserves than what makes you think Hope could?
I don't want to hear the 'She's a girl' crap because we all know it's implied in the spin-off that Hope is the Mikaelson family's redemption because she is Klaus' biological child.
I promise you that if Hope had been a boy and was named Henrik or something, Klaus would have treated him the same.
The entire Mikaelson family would have treated Male Hope better than Marcel.
The Originals is a dumb spin-off that not only destroyed the characters that I loved so much, but created a baby plot that made no sense at all for so many reasons, but one of the reasons is that Klaus was already a father.
The Originals should have been about the Mikaelson family's past, Marcel's childhood, and Klaus and Marcel repairing their father/son relationship.
Julie Plec was obsessed with making another Re-Name-Me Cullen and retconning the lore of TVD just for a plot hole baby that nobody asked for.
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year
what’s the most unhinged things that’s happened in your dr?
Shifting content 😻
Well, I haven't shifted yet (tho I'm definitely going to) because the only attempt I do at it is go to sleep and hope to wake up in my dr lmao. Which can work btw, but you gotta set the intention to and I don't even do that.
But I'm still gonna take the opportunity to talk about my drs (they're so good even if they're Wattpad coded, I promise 😭) because I love them and I need to get out of this shitty reality as soon as I can.
My main reality (not the one I'm shifting tho rn) is a tvd one, where I'll permashift and I'm basically the daughter of Hecate in that dr aka the reason to make myself as overpowered as possible (yes I made myself more powerful than Hope deal with it, I'm literally a goddess in that reality). Given that is the dr where I'll stay forever, it's the last one I'll shift to. But my s/o is Klaus and I'm having his tribrid child because no child of mine is being born on this rat hole and I literally love Hope. But it's so cool, I created a new family so I don't have to be part of the main families of tvdu and I basically script those siblings in almost every reality.
Btw, if someone shifts to tvd as well, please script Damon doesn't rape Caroline/Andy and that Katherine doesn't rape Stefan either. And script out the racist shit the Mikaelson are always pulling on Marcel as well as Klaus (and any other Mikaelson tbh) treating Marcel like he's family and not making any blood distinction between him and Hope.
My fame dr is practically those siblings I mentioned earlier and characters of the tvdu in a human au. I'm dating Klaus as well in this reality, and I'm basically the most successful actress and singer of the century (I need my main moment leave me alone). Klaus is a successful painter, at the level of Picasso, van Gogh, Dalí, da Vinci etc. Rebekah is the most famous models of Victoria's Secret, Elijah is one of the best lawyers, Kol is a professional magician and Finn and Freya manage a luxurious company. In other ways, they're famous Kardashian level, as well as my family.
Their parents, Dahlia and Henrik are still dead though lmao. Rip
And I scripted out Julie Pl*c, JK R*wling and Rick Riordan as well. And I basically attributed Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and a lot more to a poc woman named Elia Lennox. I changed everything about hp and pjo btw, they're not problematic books in my dr at all and I added a lot of representation, diversity as well as subplots.
And I asked an ai a way to eat meat that doesn't come from animal abuse and scripted it into my dr. Short explanation: scientists grow meat in a controlled environment using animal cells, without the need to raise and slaughter live animals.
But going back to your point, idk. I like to script scenarios I see in tumblr (especially the ones from @klausysworld 🙈), but perhaps is the one where I run over Klaus with my car and throw him off a bridge in my tvd dr. I need that enemies to lovers trope and he's an complete asshole anyway.
Or perhaps the scenario I scripted where the Mikaelson "go poor" for a week and they have to come live at our house and I suddenly have to share my bedroom with Klaus. Dw they get rich again, think about it as if their bank account was suddenly hacked by no reason other than karma. Or perhaps witches, who knows.
Ah, I love my stupid fanfic drs that make absolutely no sense. They're so ❤️💗🌷🌼💛 and ☠️💥💢🕳️💀 at the same time.
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