#Ashton 07
zawescource · 1 year
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07/16 | Jonathan Bailey, Angelababy, Ariana Grande, Andrew Garfield, Tom Hiddleston and Woo-bin Kim watch Carlos Alcaraz vs Novak Djokovic in the Wimbledon 2023 men's final on Centre Court during day fourteen of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in London, England.
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justzawe · 8 months
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LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 07: Actress Zawe Ashton attends First Days Gala 2024, the National Youth Theatre's annual fundraising gala supporting emerging young talent, at The Roundhouse on February 7, 2024 in London, England. (Photo by Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/Getty Images)
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I'm thinking about the implications of c3e96 @3:07:30 when they're inspecting the blue time domes and Ashton says they glow blue when time slows down and red when time speeds up. Redshift is when a light's wavelength is long and its frequency is low. Blueshift is the opposite - short wavelength makes for higher frequency. So if we apply storytime to real world physics, magic is like an equalizer. Removing a lot of energy creates blue light and causes the target to move slowly.
Here's where this breaks down. Removing just some energy (creating redshift light) should not cause the target to speed up. The narrative choice must be from color theory, then. Blue is associated with cold, ice, slow. Hot is associated with hot, fire, fast.
Shut up D, it's just a tv show.
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aforcedelire · 2 months
My Lady Jane, Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows
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J’ai adoré et dévoré la série, du coup je voulais absolument lire le livre, et devinez quoi ? C’ÉTAIT ENCORE MIEUX. Pour celles et ceux au fond (et qui hésiteraient, foncez), My Lady Jane se passe en 1553 en Angleterre. Le roi Edward VI, fils de Henry VIII (celui avec ses six femmes), est mourant ; il décide de nommer sa cousine, lady Jane Grey, comme héritière du trône. (Dans la vraie vie, lady Jane Grey a gouverné l’Angleterre 9 jours avant d’être décapitée. Ici… vous verrez !) Sauf que Jane est plus intéressée par ses livres que par la couronne. Mais ce n’est pas tout : une femme ne peut pas gouverner seule ; du coup, on la marie à lord Gifford Dudley, qui a la fâcheuse tendance de se transformer en cheval au lever du jour. Oui, parce que ici, certains humains ont le pouvoir de se transformer en animaux (on les appelle les Ethians), et sont persécutés pour ça. Bref, voilà donc Jane à la tête du royaume, avec un mari homme la nuit et cheval le jour, et des tas de personnes qui ne veulent pas la voir sur le trône. À commencer par Mary Tudor, la sœur d’Edward…
Bon vous avez dû le comprendre dès le début du post, mais j’ai BEAUCOUP TROP AIMÉ. C’était trop trop bien. Déjà, j’ai adoré le mélange entre historique et fantasy… Mais surtout, c’est un roman extrêmement DRÔLE ! C’est super original, et aussi très ludique ; moi qui aime beaucoup l’histoire des reines et des rois, je ne connaissais pas celle de lady Jane Grey et j’ai été ravie de la découvrir, surtout sous ce prisme ! J’ai aussi beaucoup aimé avoir les trois points de vue différents, de Jane, de Gifford et d’Edward.
En plus, il y a une petite romance qui va bien et qui se met en place doucement, et qui m’a RAVIE. J’ai adoré la relation entre Jane et Gifford, j’ai adoré Gifford, et j’ai adoré Jane. Elle déboîte et elle est vraiment cool !
C’est différent de la série (ils ont supprimé et rajouté des choses, il y avait des personnages en plus dans le livre, et des motivations différentes), et j’ai trouvé ça super intéressant d’avoir vu la série et lu le livre. Et pour le coup, pour celleux qui hésitent, vraiment lisez-le et regardez-la. Ça se complète très bien !
Dès 14 ans.
23/07/2024 - 30/07/2024
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completemessash · 2 years
Updated Masterlist
last updated: 12/07/23
Make you feel better
Impatient (Part 1)
You hate me, don't you? (Part 1)
See Yourself Like I Do
I Would Never
You Need Care (Part 1)
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Lashton + Malum Masterlist
17 Again (ao3) - carolinagirl178, Pink_Strawberries G, 12k
Summary: Or when high school drop out Michael Clifford is given a cake with 28 candles by his 2 best friends and told to make a wish, he wishes for a second chance, which is exactly what he gets.
all that counts is here and now (my universe will never be the same) (ao3) -  ashisonthefloor G, 9k
Summary: Michael bumps into the cute pet store worker named Calum and develops a crush. hijinks and lots of pining ensue. Ashton and Luke might fall in love along the way.
and I breathe disaster, ever after (ao3) - expectopatronuz T, 25k
Summary: The Winter Soldier lands, and if Calum felt heavy before, now he feels empty. Everything inside of Calum, his heart and lungs and stomach and throat, they all drop right down to his feet. Calum is dizzy, he’s breathing but nothing is coming in. His mind is blank, every moment of his life up to this minute, gone. None of it matters, not a moment, except for this; Calum reaching out, the handle tearing away from the side of the train, and the way his heart fell out of his chest when he realized that there was nothing he could do, that it was too late.
or, Calum is Captain America and Michael was his best friend (and maybe more)
Butterfly (ao3) - merlypops M, 29k
Summary: Luke is depressed and Ashton makes him feel loved (and maybe Luke returns the favour too). Also Malum. Yes.
changing flights so you’d stay with me (ao3) - bellawritess T, 9k
Summary: Or: five times Calum saw Michael in an airport, and the one time Michael saw Calum.
Club of Misfits (ao3) - felixandtae T, 274k
Summary: ❝Everyone has flaws. You me, Michael and Ashton - we’re all just a club of misfits.❞
A club for those who need a friend created by two best friends.
Coffee Boy (ao3) - Jay_isnotokay M, 12k
Summary: Calum Hood has a crush on a barista, plenty of coffee making ensues.
Court Five (ao3) - takemymoneycth E, 21k
Summary: A story in which a young college tennis player maybe likes his new coach a little too much.
flowers in your hair (boys can’t be pretty) (ao3) - prettyluke (parting_ways) N/R, 71k
Summary: Ashton has been in love with the pretty boy next door since he was seven. Luke has called Ashton home since he was five. They grew up with the daisy field behind their houses, but nobody told them that they couldn’t love anywhere else.
Hold my hand and kiss my cheek darling (the world is watching us) (ao3) - Abbypd G, 23k
Summary: “But why do I need a fake boyfriend to come out?” Ashton asked, glaring at his manager – a woman in her forties who usually knew exactly what she was talking about. This time, the young singer wasn’t too sure. “Because why else would you have waited for two whole years to come out? With a boyfriend you can just tell them you didn’t know you were into guys until you met him. It will be romantic and everybody will love it.”
Or Luke and Ashton are both idiots who are too scared to admit that their kisses aren’t just for the cameras.
It must be Magic (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine T, 120k
Summary: It’s only Calum’s words playing on repeat in his mind, “Michael’s my friend,” that keeps Michael firmly planted in place. He doesn’t quite believe them. He hasn’t really spoken to Calum since the first few months of their first year at Hogwarts when they finally realized what everybody’d been telling them all along: Slytherins can’t be friends with other houses.
(In which Michael is a friendless Slytherin who doesn’t really belong anywhere, but Calum is bound and determined to prove him otherwise.)
Le Chatelier’s Principle (ao3) - LyricalPary (hoseoky) E, 54k
Summary: Ever since being promoted to head waiter, Luke had had one problem that came in the form of a six foot, curly-headed, hazel eyed demon. And by demon, he meant his frustratingly stubborn, unfairly attractive co-worker, Ashton Irwin.
Line Work (ao3) - ashtonhours (heartandmindxx) M, 21k
Summary: Ashton Irwin, 07/07/94, no known medical conditions and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol – and originally from Sydney, as it turns out – is looking to get a bird on his neck.
“A California condor,” he says for about the twelfth time, “on my nape.”
a story about boundaries, trust, and a line in the sand.
Mixology (ao3) - dafeedil E, 23k
Summary: In which Michael is reeling from a recent breakup, Calum has just flunked a semester of university, Luke has never taken a risk in his life, and Ashton has taken too many.
One night, four boys, one Los Angeles bar. A recipe for…well, quite possibly, not disaster.
(or, they all meet at a bar and fall hopelessly in love for the night. Only, it’s actually a lot more than that.)
Popstar (ao3) - L4sht0n T, 54k (WIP)
Summary: Luke didn't need a fake boyfriend. He had some problems, every celebrity had some problems. Drug, sex and alcohol was Luke's getaway, but there was nothing wrong with it. A bit problematic yes, but he did nothing wrong. Luke was losing fans because of his bad behaviour, and he was kind of an asshole. Luke could admit this. But he didn't need a fake boyfriend. He didn't need Ashton Irwin to play his fake boyfriend and clean up his mess. If Luke's management wanted to clean up Luke so badly they should just hire a cleaning lady. Luke didn't need a fake boyfriend, didn't want it. Then why did the fake relationship feel so real?
Tell Me I’m Pretty (ao3) - felixandtae E, 84k
Summary: “Wearing skirts and putting make up on doesn’t make me a girl. I have a dick and I can very well show you it. Just tell me I’m pretty, Luke.”
Ashton likes to wear make up and Luke likes when Ashton wears make up. But, Luke doesn’t like Ashton and Ashton doesn’t like Luke. So how did they end up fucking in the auditorium every Friday night?
the situation is like a mountain that’s been weighing on my conscience - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) T, 2k
Summary: Luke is closeted and nobody outside of the band, and close family, knows that he has a secret husband. During promo for Youngblood, Luke suffers a panic attack when the interviewer asks a personal question. Cue, Ashton to the rescue and comfort.
tie me to your fingertip (don’t let me float away) (ao3) - diets0dasociety T, 22k
Summary: or, the malum soulmate fic nobody was waiting for in which Calum and Ashton are sort of brothers and Luke and Michael keep popping up.
Where the Heart Is (ao3) - LyricalPary (hoseoky) E, 86k
Summary: By the time that Ashton Irwin is twenty-seven years old, he’s already a widower and a father of three. After his third nanny quits on him, he comes to the conclusion that life in general doesn’t seem to like him very much—that is, until his luck turns around when he discovers a particular nanny by the name of Luke H.
The question now is, can a twenty-two year old man with mile-long legs and a smile made of gold really be the super nanny that Ashton needs?
Perhaps so.
Without You (ao3) - ofmonstersandmayhem M, 67k
Summary: Nothing made Ashton happy anymore.
He was slowly drifting away.
Everyday he prayed for a savior. He had the tiniest sliver of hope in the back of his mind that someone would come and save him from all this darkness.
His prayers were answered in the form of a tall blonde boy with a lip ring. But was he able to save Ashton in time?
(or the cliche fic where Ashton’s depressed with an abusive father but when Luke Hemmings moves into the neighborhood, his dark clouds open up to reveal a sunshine)
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ashtons-lemon-tree · 10 months
True to North
I orphaned this fic on AO3 a while ago but wanted to repost it. Twas one of my first attempts at a songfic.
Originally written; 07/08/2020
Red red desert, Heal our blues
It had been a while since I'd seen Luke. I knew this relationship would come with him being gone for long spans of time. He'd send his usual 'good morning butterfly' but that was it. Right now I just wish he was home with me & Petunia.
I'd dive deeper for you, What a blessing to feel your love, Twilight moments with you
The tour was nearing the end, pictures from previous dates kept me from going insane. There was one of us at a carnival that Michael had taken. It was a double date with him & Crystal. We had just gotten off the spinning tea cups, her head leaning on my shoulder.
I've been asleep for so long, I'm so far away, Visions I see are strong, I hear what they say
Petunia has taken to sleeping with her head on my chest. Since he'd left for tour, I'd started raiding his closet for hoodies & sweatpants. Anything that smelled like Luke. Petunia must've picked up on that; sure knowing she's missing her dad.
Won't you leave all your fears at the edge of the world? I'll tell you again like I told you before
I remember how I'd been so nervous to ask her out. It took a game of truth or dare for it to happen. Calum had grown tired of my crush on her.
'You have her coffee order memorized, & a whole playlist for her whenever she's in the car'
'Just ask her out already!'
It was Ashton's place, we'd all had a few beers when he suggested the game. Michael had first dared me to drink tzatziki sauce. I couldn't do it, ended up throwing up. 'Luke, truth or dare?'
'I dare you to take who you consider the prettiest person in here on a date'
I know neither him or Calum meant for it to be a dare. But I don't regret any of it. I know Arzaylea had broken his heart and made him hesitate when it came to start a new relationship. 
I’ve been asleep for so long,  wasting away
I had decided to surprise her, saying that I couldn't text her because the band was busy with interviews. Reality was I was on a plane back to my girls. I've been asleep so long, wasting away 'Luke?' 'Did I wake you?' 'Not as much as Tuney slapping me with her tail' I quickly claimed my side of the bed, letting her lay her head on my chest. The routine of that along with Petunia curling up at our feet returning.
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cryinginthetub · 4 months
Song of the Day 07/10/2022
Title: Straight To Your Heart
Artist: Ashton Irwin
Album: Blood on the Drums
Genre: Pop Rock
Year: 2024
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outlander-online · 1 year
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zawescource · 1 year
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07/16 | Tom and Zawe wearing Ralph Lauren, attends the Ralph Lauren Suite during The Championships, Wimbledon at All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in Wimbledon, England.
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justzawe · 8 months
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LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 07: (L to R) Actress Zawe Ashton, Sope Dirisu and Dominique Tipper attend First Days Gala 2024, the National Youth Theatre's annual fundraising gala supporting emerging young talent, at The Roundhouse on February 7, 2024 in London, England. (Photo by Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/Getty Images)
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christophersirgo · 1 year
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2023-07-31 - Magpies, Ashton, ID
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from Ashton's IG stories as of 10:07 am est on Thursday, February 29th, 2024
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donotopendeadinside · 6 months
CHARACTER THEME SONGS (links included)
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Got bored, decided to make a list of Characters theme songs, at least, all Characters i currently use:
Dr. Leon Fischer: Twin Size Mattress - The Front Bottoms
Edward McCain: Compass - Sail North
Helio Goldenveil: Top of my School - Katherine Lynn
PrettyKitty: Shine - Cassidy Ladden
Some people I thought to tag, as I use these OC's either in roleplays, or apart of their AU's, sometimes both:
@onyxonline <- Creator of Space Riders AU, PrettyKitty is an OC of this AU
@ask-experiment-1006-theprototype, @ab-art-07 <- I use Edward with these 2
@dr-ignis-ashton <- I use Leon with them
@protective-mama-bear/@mod-latte-here-to-haunt-you <- I use Helio with them
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What Happens in Vegas (2008, Tom Vaughan)
What Happens in Vegas is a 2008 film directed by Tom Vaughan, starring Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher.
The film was released in Italy on May 9, 2008.
Joy and Jack, two complete strangers from New York, find themselves partying in Las Vegas, where they get married. Both are determined to cancel the wedding as soon as possible but, to complicate things, there is a millionaire win made on the slot machine, thanks to Jack, but with Joy's quarter of a dollar.
The film received two nominations during the Razzie Awards for Worst Leading Actress for Cameron Diaz and Worst Couple for Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher.
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topaz-mutiny · 2 years
Critical Role C3E36 thought
Hey! HEY! Uncaring and silent void!
Please consider the following for episode 37!
Episode 32, 4:07:05
Ashton and Laudna have a private conversation (in the middle of a sandstorm) leading to these lines: [empasises are mine]
Laudna: But what happens when your past trauma... does not loosen their grip? What if your trauma doesn’t let you forget?
Ashton: Well, and I’ll admit I’m being a bit of a hypocrite here, I suppose my first instinct would be to break its fingers.
Laudna: Too bad I can’t break something I can’t see.
Ashton: Well, we’ll have to work on that, won’t we?
And now, thanks to VM, they are quite literally entering either a demiplane or mindscape to search for the entangled duo souls of Laudna and Delilah.
If they get to Delilah in episode 37, I have a sudden, desperate need for someone in the group, maybe Ashton or a suddenly Laudna, to go and break Delilah Briarwood’s fingers to free Lauda.
It’s so narratively perfect, please, I need it.
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