#Ashley K Smalls
magewolf-the-artist · 3 months
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Pride parade part 2, starring these two goobers!
Ashley is pansexual and Brian is gay
Drawing Brian was kinda nice because he could actually wear clothes and I didn't have to find some inventive way to turn an accessories into its gay version
Ashley only has a small flag because everything already hurts so much and she doesn't want the added pain of taking off and putting back on new shit
Brian's outfit is based on this meme:
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
Tim Through the Years - Meet the Class
Series Masterlist
Summary: Tim meets your class of 25 five-year-olds. 1.2k+ words.
“Hey, can I run something by you?” you asked Tim while you were having lunch at his desk.
Tim looked up at you mid-bite of his shared sandwich. He chewed quickly and asked, “Of course, is everything okay?”
You softly bit your lip. “Yes. I know you aren’t a fan of community outreach, but will you come to my class and talk about safety and what to do in an emergency?”
Tim gave you his million-dollar smile “I’d be more than happy to come and talk to your class. I get to spend a whole morning with a beautiful lady.” He leans over and kisses you. “I also get the added bonus of being away from Lucy, too.”
You shoved him slightly. “I think you like the latter more.”
“Hey, that’s police brutality. I might have to handcuff you to this desk all day and then you’ll have to hang out with me.” Tim smiled as he spoke.
“Aw! You two are just so cute!” Lucy said when she walked up to the desk.
“Hi Lucy, how are you?” you turned and asked her.
“I’m doing well! Do you think we can have a girls night with me, you, Angela, Nyla and Bailey? We could go paint pottery or watch a movie or go laser tag or…." Before Lucy could finish, Tim sent her a glare.
“Can I help you with something, Officer Chen?” Tim growled out.
“Our suspect is ready to talk,” Chen said to Tim.
“I’ll see you later,” Tim told you as he kissed the top of your head.
“Bye Tim! Bye Lucy! We definitely have to get together soon!”
You wave them off as you pack up and leave. 
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You paced back and forth before school started, waiting on Tim to arrive. You were extremely nervous because your students, while awesome, were very protective of you. They’ve stopped a presentation before because the man who was talking about his job told the class that they could do better than being a teacher. The poor guy got booed and slightly bullied by the group of 5-year-olds, so you just hope that today goes over well. Tim texted you to let you know that he would be a little late due to the fact he saw a crime being committed right in front of him.
When the bell finally rang, your group of students walked into the classroom all chatting away with each other. They put their bags up and sat down in the respective seats (it took a while for them to get down). 
“Good morning everyone!” you tell the class when the second bell rang.
“Good Morning Miss. Winchester!” they responded. 
You started the morning off with doing some freeze dance to get the kids ready to start the day. When that was done, you picked up right where you left off from yesterday. Some students still shouted out answers, but others would remember and raised their hands. You found it adorable how much they enjoy getting to learn. Soon, there was a knock at the door. 
“Class, we have a very special guest today who is going to talk to us about safety.” You walked up to the door, you let Tim and, to your surprise, two more officers in.
“IS THAT A DOG?!?!?!” a student named Ashley shouted.
All the students erupted in excitement, and you had to use your quiet hand gesture to try and settle the class as Tim, a K9 officer, and a small dog walked up to the front of the class. 
“Class, Meet Sergeant Bradford from the LAPD,” you announced to the students.
“Good morning, students, as you heard, I’m Sergeant Bradford, and today I’m talking about safety. Firstly, I brought two special guests with me, Officer Stan with his K-9 Officer Fuzz.”
Officer Stan smiled and greeted the students as Officer Fuzz, a small dachshund, barked excitedly as a greeting.
“I brought Officer Fuzz in today so you can understand what a K-9 is used for and when to approach one,” Tim explained.
“Officer Fuzz is used like any other police officer; he helps us find bad guys and can catch bad guys faster than we can. Officer Fuzz can run up to 20 miles per hour, so we typically send him in to run after someone. Officer Fuzz also helps smell out bad stuff for us to take away. You can approach a police dog at any time with permission from the Officer. If you do see a police dog chasing after someone or he looks angry, do not approach. He could accidentally hurt you because he’s trying to protect his fellow officers or trying to stop someone,” Officer Stan explained. “Any questions?”
Lots of hands flew into the air, so you called on a girl named Hanna to ask the first question. “Does Officer Fuzz stay at the station all the time?”
“That’s a great question! No, Officer Fuzz is technically my dog. So, when I get off work, he gets to go home and be with me. He also goes in when I do, so just like me, Officer Fuzz gets to be a normal dog when he’s not working,” Stan said.
The students continued their questions about Officer Fuzz and his handler. Before Officer Stan had to leave to go back to work, he released Officer Fuzz so he could run around and receive pets from everyone. Officer Fuzz ran up to you last and laid on his back for belly rubs.
“Aren’t you the cutest?” You bent down and gave the tail-wagging dog belly rubs.
“You might have some competition, Bradford,” Stan said with a smile and slightly nudged Tim. Stan called back Officer Fuzz and they both left with waves of goodbyes and a huge “Thank you!” from your students.
“Hello again! I want to tell everyone what to do if they feel unsafe or lost. If you get away from your mommy or your daddy, find a store worker or an officer to help you find your mom or dad. If you are in danger or hurt, call 911 and we will do everything we can to help you. Do we have any questions?”
“What do you do as a Sergeant?” Logan, a young student, asked.
“I am everyone’s boss; I tell them what to do and make sure their job is getting done. I am currently training someone to become a police officer, they are called a Rookie,” Tim explained.
Your students asked as many questions as they could until the lunch bell rang, and the class let out a collective grown in disappointment. 
“Can we have lunch with Sergeant Bradford?” Wade asked, and the other students jumped in to agree.
“I don’t think Sergeant Bradford can stay any longer, he does have to leave at some point,” you said softly.
“I can stay for lunch,” Tim said with a smile. The class cheered and you sent them to get their lunches and to have a private moment with Tim.
“You didn’t have to stay,” you said to Tim as you looked up at him.
“I’m more than happy to. Your students are wonderful,” Tim said with a smile, and kissed the top of your head.
“Did Miss Winchester fix your heart?” Johnny asked Tim, startling both of you. 
Tim smiled and looked at you. “Yeah, she did,” he answered, which caused you to blush.
Johnny’s eyes got all big and he quickly ran out to the other students.
“Guys!!!! Sergeant Bradford is Miss. Winchester’s husband!!”
You then hear a loud scream of joy and all the students running in to ask the both of you a million questions about this new revelation. It was going to be a very long afternoon. 
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Kinktober 8- Voyeurism
Lo’ak X Human Fem Reader; Neteyam watching 👀
Warnings ⚠️: Fingering, Choking, P in V, voyeur Neteyam 😋, OC’s in the beginning for a smidge just for the plot.
I wanted to do something a little crazy and dedicate this chapter to @loaksulluyswife I see you liking and reblogging most of my posts and I wanted to show some appreciation to you as well, thank you for being you and thank you for liking my writing 😭
No use of Y/n in this so I’m happy! This shit is hard for me to do. Sorry for the late posts, I keep getting depressed asf (the weather aint helping) and I keep wanting to delete things.
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Translation Station:
Syulang: Flower
Tewng: Loincloth
Word Count: 2.5 K
“What about you, who would you rather sleep with, Lo’ak or Neteyam?” One of my friend’s, Amber, asks me. We were sitting in a circle, taking swigs of whatever fermented alcoholic drink we were able to snag from the party the Omatikaya were having outside of the base of operations, between myself and the other two before me I shrug. Spider usually hung out with whenever he wasn’t partaking in their celebrations or hanging with the kids we were currently discussing.
“I don’t think either of them would be willing to sleep with a human.” I answered honestly and feel the two girls before me groan in frustration and seem upset at my answer.
“What?” I ask as my eyes widened, I thought being honest was the best route to go for me, but judging by the looks of distaste on both the girls face that wasn’t what they wanted.
“We wanna know whose dick you’re thirsty for, not what they want.” Ashley speaks this time.
“Why is that such a big deal?” I asked while attempting to take a swig of the drink, feeling it snatched out of my hands, and I sigh.
“You look like a Neteyam girl.” Amber, the one who’d snatched the drink from my hands speaks, the same person I’d known since we were in diapers
“No way, she definitely wants Lo’ak.”
“What if I said both? Would the two of you stop bickering and let me get a drink?” I ask as I hold my hand out, expecting her to hand the alcohol back and see her scoff, taking a drink herself and passing it toward Ashley.
“Come on, Amber, what the fuck.” I groan.
“That’s such a cop out, please tell me you’re a Lo’ak girl, you have to choose one.” Ashley asks with a hopeful tone in her voice and I about roll my eyes in her direction.
“Fine, Lo’ak, with Neteyam watching. Is that good enough for you?”
“In your face Amber, I told you she wanted Lo’ak.”
“She said she wanted Neteyam to watch!” She rebuts and I roll my eyes as she is givedn the drink again, having had enough I roll my eyes and stand, heading over to place a mask on my face and hearing the hiss signal that it was properly positioned, I didn’t feel like staying here and being denied alcohol. Plus I could hang out with Spider and his friends and it would be a nice change of pace from being stuck in here, Norm was in his link unit and I’m sure he’d be fine with it.
“Where are you going?” One of them yells out to catch my attention but I wave her off.
“Anywhere the two of you aren’t, that way I can get drunk.” I stated quickly and opened the door leading me into a small area for the oxygen to get neutralized, shutting it quickly to prevent the other two from seeking an invitation out with me, opening the second door out into the atmosphere of high camp.
It doesn’t take me long to spot out a table with a couple of drinks in the custom made jars they had, the intricate designs on them each meant the bottle held something different. I wasn’t in the mood to drink something that would get me drunk faster because the taste was usually worse, the phantom sting coursing through my throat at that moment made me shiver from the last time I’d drank from the jar with the purple designs on them. I wanted something painted in a turquoise and spotted several, they often incorporated their fruits into it and made it taste sweeter.
I smile and start setting a course to make my way toward the table, thinking of where I could enjoy the delicacy and figuring getting drunk in Pandoran atmosphere was probably not the best idea because I could end up forgetting to put my mask back on, but before I could even make it halfway to my destination, a tug pulls my concentration- and my body- off toward the left, my legs blindly following the semi familiar touch and my heart yearning for another drink.
“What the fuck-“ I stated before being shoved up against the slanted rock, my own breath coming out as a gasp at the feeling, eyes widening at the action as I stare at a pair of familiar eyes and feeling anger boiling over.
“What is wrong with you!” I stated angrily.
“I thought you wouldn’t mind if I brought you out here with me, syulang.” He lightly pinches one of my cheeks and lets out a chuckle as I swat his hand away angrily, all I wanted was to sneak some alcohol and enjoy it in a quiet place.
“You cost me some booze.” I stated as I crossed my arms and notice the smirk had yet to leave his lips, wanting to slap it off his face.
“I have an idea in mind on how I can make it up to you,” He offers and it has me raising a brow, eyeing him up and down, eyes squinting at his proposition.
“I might not be able to fulfill all of it but it might help, it’s up to you.” He shrugs smugly and I was starting to picture the different ways I could beat his ass at the moment, he was too vague for my liking.
“What are you going on about now?” I sigh.
“If my mind serves me right, You have to choose one, fine Lo’ak with Neteyam watching.” He tilts his head to the side, had this been a different circumstance I would have laughed along to his antics, but considering the situation I wanted Eywa to open up a hole in the ground to swallow me up.
“That’s not fuckin’ funny, dammit, you weren’t even supposed to be there-“ I cut myself off as a realization hits me.
“-What were you doing there anyway? Don’t tell me you were sneaking in to find Norm’s laptop so you could jerk off to some porn.” I began by letting a smile start revealing itself on my lips, watching his own smirk falter lightly, and feeling surprised at his reaction, ears drooping slightly before they pick up again.
“No bullshit?” I ask immediately and his eyes pick up again, eyes looking between mine before a smile settles on his features.
“To which one?”
“Your offer.” I crossed my arms, lifting my chin defiantly, not bothering to shy away from staring at his eyes.
“Can you even take me?” He crosses his own arms and looks down at me.
“I dunno, you seem quiet enough to make it seem like you have a big dick, do you?” I tilt my head slightly toward the side and watch him fight a smile.
This isn’t the first time Lo’ak has been known to disappear, and as always, it had been my duty to retrieve him and bring him home, just for our father to reprimand him for his childish behaviors for disappearing. I’d seen him take off toward the link pods where Kiri’s mother was kept and had taken to peeking near the windows to only see two inebriated females laughing at something.
I must have mistook the sense of direction he’d taken, but even Spider had pointed toward where my brother went after I asked politely, both of them having pointed toward where the humans kept their machines to connect to their avatars. I head back to check and see if he’d been anywhere near the outer edged of the party where a lot of couples had taken to talk or sometimes decided it was appropriate to be intimate.
But I turn my head sharply once I catch the slightest whiff of his scent, taking a cautious step forward and sniffing the air around me, assuring that his scent is getting stronger, and slightly mingled with the other tawtute Spider likes to hang out with. I continue making my way down the path he must have taken earlier, wanting to know what the skxawng had been up to and why he thought he could sneak away when our father told him to stay near.
It doesn’t take long for me to find him, back facing me and he seems to be crouched down a bit, I want to yell out his name just as something lurches in my abdomen, a specific scent I’d only smelled a handful of times hits my nose and I stop myself from approaching him. Ears picking up the sound of his activities.
“See, I told you, you were worried over nothing.” He speaks in a hushed tone, almost soothing, something he rarely does.
“Look at how well you’re already taking my fingers.” I hear him mutter. I knew I should have left at that moment once I heard the sounds being made from the woman below him, her heavy breaths turning into soft moans, but I felt frozen in my spot listening to them, wanting to hear more as well.
“Your fingers are huge,” My eyes widen a bit as I realize whose voice it belongs to and feel my entire body straighten up once more, I really shouldn’t be here, and almost as if on cue, I can see Lo’ak moving out of the way just enough for me to see her facial expressions and blood was starting to pump toward my cock, hardening at the sight of her face alone.
“That’s not the only thing thats huge-“ He states and I can practically hear the smirk in his voice, mentally rolling my eyes at his comment, but standing here while watching her face with the light of the moon and plants glowing in the dark of night had me palming my growing erection, begging to be released from the confines of my tewng.
“Go fa-faster, please-“ I can hear her breathing getting heavier and from the angle I can see her body at, I can tell she’s moving her hips against his fingers, hearing him groan as his gaze shifts downward.
“I could just watch you fuck yourself on my fingers instead, syulang.” He mumbles and she gasps right as I hear a wet squelching sound, indicating he’d started moving his fingers faster, I palmed myself faster, the slight pain of being kept hidden inside my tewng was making my stomach bubble with anticipation of needing to come.
“Fuck Lo, I’m close-“ She pants out and I watch as he withdraws his hands from her, her protests being louder than her moans from earlier, the fingers he’d been thrusting inside of her glistening with the light provided and my ears flicker back, a blush settling on my face, I stop the groan building in my throat and see Lo’ak bringing his wet fingers in his own mouth.
He groans at the taste and I can feel my jealousy grow, how lucky he must have been to get a taste of her on his tongue, my hands balled up into fists and I’m almost tempted to walk over and punch him, but I shamefully remembered the erection I was sporting, knowing it was between walking away and letting myself grow soft, or allowing myself the pleasures of watching their activities and coming while watching them, and I found myself sliding my tewng off, erection slapping my thigh and I look back up to find Lo’ak lining himself with her entrance.
“Fuck-“ I groan right when I see her face scrunch up as he inserts the tip, holding her up at the perfect angle to see every bit of her body, the eyes she had once shut had opened as she looks right at me, eyes widening a bit, taking in a breath as Lo’ak pushes in further.
I bit my lip to stop myself from making any more noise and pawed at Lo’ak’s shoulder, I still kept eye contact with Neteyam and saw his hand gripping his already hardened cock, feeling myself squeeze around Lo’ak at the sight and seeing his green eyes look up at mine.
“This is what you wanted, no?” He asks me right as he slides in further and I gasp, a broken moan being ripped out of me and catching movement from the corner of my eye, snapping them back to the older brother and catching him stroking his cock.
“Oh fuck-“ I mutter as Lo’ak bottoms out, stretching my cunt wide just to fit himself in snugly, eyes on Neteyam, moaning at him, right as Lo’ak slides back out.
“Faster.” I command, watching as Neteyam picks up his pace and bites his own lip to keep his noise down, his shaft glistening as his precome seems to slide out his fat head like a river, allowing my pussy to flutter around Lo’ak. Feeling his pace pick up after I’d stated that and throwing my head back with a moan, hands gripping harshly at Lo’ak’s shoulders.
My eyes shut harshly right as Lo’ak places one of his hands around my neck, squeezing the sides gently, his cheek nuzzling mine.
“Open those pretty eyes syulang, let him know how good I’m making you feel.” He grunts in my ear before pulling his face away, squeezing on my neck more, my hips moving against his and the sounds coming from my pussy could not be mistaken for any other activity.
Lazily dragging my eyes over to Neteyam who’d been matching his brothers pace, he’d been staring at my cunt, but shifted his gaze toward mine the second I looked over. I could tell he was breathing heavily, by the desperate look on his face, his hips starting to meet his hands thrusts, and how he’d squeezed the head right as he stroked it, I knew he was close.
“Lemme come, please-“ I whine, attempting to keep my legs spread, just to give Neteyam the view he’d been staring at this entire time.
“Of course you can.” Lo’ak grunts as he picks up the pace.
“N-not you, Teyam, lemme come, please.”
Any and every feeling in my body was set on fire as Neteyam faltered in his own ministrations as the realization hits, but picks up his pace again and groans freely, my own hips attempting to meet the fast pace Lo’ak has set.
“Fuck, thats hot,” Lo’ak moans lightly, ears pressed back as he squeezes harder on my neck, but my eyes never leave Neteyam’s.
“Please, m’close!” I beg just to finally see his nod of approval and allow myself to leg go, the waves of ecstasy crashing over my body, biting my lip in an attempt to keep my eyes open, watching Neteyam spill over his fists, Lo’ak never faltering in his pace as he comes inside.
“So how about next time I watch?” The man directly in front of me asks and although I’m still weak in the knees from the post-orgasmic bliss I make a face but smile at his comment, nodding my head lightly.
“You’re the biggest dumbass-“ Neteyam calls out only to get cut off by his brother.
“She said yes.”
“She said yes?”
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gunnerfc · 6 months
Ashley Sanchez NSFW Alphabet (18+, minors DNI!)
AN: she's my pookie so shoutout to whoever requested her for this 🧎🏻
A: Aftercare
Ashley is so sweet after sex, she’ll help you get clean and get you water as you catch your breath and will tell you how much she loves you
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Ashley’s favorite body part is her fingers, for the obvious reason but she just loves how easy it is to make you cum
Her favorite body part of yours is your waist/hips, she loves trailing kisses along your hips right before she goes down on you and she loves holding your hips as she eats you out, giving you small squeezes as she moans against you
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
She’ll have you lick one of her fingers clean and then she’ll do the same to her other finger after she gets done making you cum while maintaining strong eye contact with you the entire time
D: Dirty Secret 
Ashley has a private folder in her camera roll that has pictures and videos of the two of you during sex that she looks at/plays when she’s feeling needy while you two are apart
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?) 
She is experienced but most of her experiences were her being more submissive but with you, she’s more dominant and it was a bit of a learning experience, but she’s a quick learner
F: Favorite Position 
Loves having you sit on her face
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
Ashley can be really giggly sometimes but she’s more serious as the night goes on
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
Sex with her is so intimate
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC) 
She does it often when you aren’t together and she always sends you dirty texts after or during
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Praise kink, she loves telling you how good you’ve been but she also loves hearing you tell her how good she’s making you feel and she’s the only one who can make you feel like that
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
Your shared apartment mainly but she’s not opposed to a quick fuck in a club or airplane bathroom
M: Motivation (What turns them on?) 
Having you leave kisses along her neck or jaw will never fail to turn her on and she always has to stop what she’s doing to make out with you which always leads to more
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
She doesn’t like you or herself being restrained because she loves having her hands on you and feeling your hands on her, holding on to her as she fucks you
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
She loves both pretty equally but will go down on you more
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?) 
Slow and sensual 9 times out of 10, sometimes when she’s feeling a bit jealous, sex is a bit rougher
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies) 
Loves them, and she’s gonna take any opportunity to make you cum regardless of where you two are
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting) 
She is! You two always talk about different things you would willing to try in the bedroom and when you both agree on something, you try it at least once
S: Stamina (How many rounds) 
You two can go for a few rounds, they are usually on the longer side because she likes to prolong your orgasms
T: Toys 
Ashley uses a strap here and there as well as a vibrator but she does prefer to make you cum with her fingers or her mouth
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
You both tease each other so much outside the bedroom but inside the bedroom, she teases you way more
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make) 
She’s loud, even if she’s the one fucking you, she’s still loud
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
The first time you two had sex in a club bathroom, you thought you were going to be caught because you were both being super loud but thankfully the loud music helped drown out the sounds you two were making
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It leans more to the higher side but you two don’t spend all your free time having sex even though she wouldn’t mind if you did
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
She falls asleep pretty quickly after sex
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hi! i know valentine's day has already passed, but do you have valentine's day headcanons for leon and luis?
Hello!!!! OOOOOOOOH BOY do I ever!!!!! I don’t think I even need the excuse of Valentines to share these!!!!
• IF he were given full control of the reigns, you just K N O W Luis would go FULL SEND for Valentines. The absolute WORKS. Fancy dinner date, slow dancing at a local ballroom, expensive wine payed for, lakeside walks- you name it. But let’s not kid ourselves that’s PROBABLY not happening. At least not EVERY Valentines.
• Meanwhile Leon is the total opposite- all he wants to do is curl up in bed and sleep the day away. If that’s even possible with his job. Breakfast at 12:30 and bed at 9:00 on the dot. But that doesn’t mean he won’t entertain Luis
• Ballroom dancing lessons. Ballroom dancing lessons ok you know I’m right don’t argue with me. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the lounge room or if it’s at a club or in the middle of the road in the pouring rain Luis is offering his hand and pulling Leon into a spin at ANY chance he’ll get
• ALSO. SINGING. He does not CARE if it’s cringe Luis will wait for the PERFECT moment to bust out a guitar and sing Leon a lil tune- we all K N O W that man has a VOICE after all. And Leon is just. S O O O O enamoured with it. Nobodies ever done something so elaborate for him ever so he’s absolutely head over heels
• Just. In general. Leon is taken aback by how much Luis does for him- be it breakfast in bed, elaborate gifts etc etc etc. And while Luis never expects anything back, Leon can’t help but feel a lil bad when he realises he’s had nothing big planned (wow he just like me fr,,,,,,,,) so he makes up for it by getting Luis something really small but really sentimental. Maybe a packet of his Grandfathers old favourite cigarettes or a nice new jacket that reminded him of Luis.
• And if Leon gets taken aback easily by gestures of affection, Luis gets FLOORED. HE IS SOBBING HIS EYES OUT AT THE TINIEST THINGS. I just KNOW for a FACT this man is a crybaby and his standards and expectations are on the GROUND after everything he’s been though so he’s HONOURED that Leon even REMEMBERED it was Valentines that day- let ALONE that he got him something as special as that!!!!!!!!!
• It’s not necessarily that Luis feels like he HAS to go all-out for Leon. He just genuinely enjoys it :)
• FAMILY DATE TRIPS W ASHLEY OH MY GOD. Doesn’t have a Valentine???? Boyfriend broke up with her??????? Screw it they’re taking her on a date now!!!!! They’re taking her out to get ice cream and to look at the ducks on the lake!!!!!!!!!!
• This one’s EXTREMELY random but stick with me here ok. Apparently during the war in Afghanistan (fuck the US 💞) kids would send soldiers Valentine’s Day cards in case they never got one, and I have this VIVID memory of just SOBBING my eyes out laughing at a complicating of some of the cards posted on TikTok ages ago, but anyways what I’m tryna get at here is I can imagine that Leon MAYBE would’ve gotten those same cards and kept them. And Luis teases him about them. Every. Single. Time.
Anyways uhhhhhhh this is all I could think of!!!!!! Happy late valentines and thank you S O SOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH for sending in an ask!!!!! :DD
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pnwnativeplants · 8 months
Large positive ecological changes of small urban greening actions
(Published August 21st 2023 by: Luis Mata, Amy K. Hahs, Estibaliz Palma, Anna Backstrom, Nikolas Johnston, Tyler King, Ashley R. Olson, Christina Renowden, Tessa R. Smith, Blythe Vogel, Samantha Ward)
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This study shows how even small greening actions in urban environments can have a big impact on insects! The researchers chose a site next to a major road and many tall buildings in Melbourne, Australia. At the start of the project it was just a few trees and lawn. 80% of the site was substantially transformed through weeding, the addition of new topsoil, soil de-compaction and fertilization, organic mulching and the addition of 12 indigenous plant species. They conducted 14 insect surveys across 4 years. After only 1 year, the 12 plant species that were planted during the greening actions supported an estimated 4.9 times more insect species! By Year 3, the nine remaining plant species supported an estimated 7.3 times more insect species!
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runawrites-blog · 9 months
Until The Break Of Dawn Ch. 6 (Josh Washington x Reader)
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Summary: You and Mike venture into the mines to try and find Josh, meeting Sam on the way. But your way back out is harder than your way into the mines. (Female Reader) Warnings: Talk of Mental Health. Mild Violence (Mike slapping Josh like in the game). Mentions of the Twins' Death. Wendigos. Specific warnings will be posted in the notes of each chapter. No Y/N, Petnames (Honey) Author's Note: You can find the previous chapter here. Crossposted on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49644949/chapters/125305396#workskin
“I have to go look for Josh.”
“That is the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” Emily shook her head at you as you paced the surveillance room in the basement. “And I’ve dated Mike so the expectations are pretty high on that front.”
Ashley looked up in uncertainty. “If that old man is right, Josh is probably already dead. You shouldn’t risk your life and go down there.”
“Maybe it’s not the worst idea.” Mike mused and looked up at you. “You could go find Josh and I could come to look for both Jess and Matt.”
Emily eyed you for a few seconds. “It’s still a terrible idea.”
“I’m his girlfriend, Emily. We’ve been friends since we were children and we promised to always be there for each other. I can’t leave him.” You argued but when she still looked unconvinced you sighed miserably, deciding to tell her the truth. “Listen, I promised him that I would keep him safe and I left to check on you. I left him in that barn all alone and now one of these Wendigos took him down to the mines. I have to look for him.”
“Besides, he is probably the one that has the key to the cable car.” Sam argued, crossing her arms and looking at Emily. “If anything you should be happy that she and Mike are going to get it, so we can finally get off this mountain.”
After a few seconds of silence, Emily nodded. “We will wait here for you. Just be careful. I’ve seen horrible things in these mines and-- and you’re my friends. I want you to be safe.”
“Yes, please be careful.” Ashley pleaded, looking at you in fear. “What do we do if you two don’t come back with the key?”
“According to Emily, someone will come for us at dawn.”
The old Sanatorium was terrifying but thankfully you had Mike by your side, so you weren’t alone. After he had acquired a gun and you had found a torch, the two of you had started making your way toward the mines. You had assumed you would only encounter the Wendigos in the mines but the screeches sounding from the basement floors proved you wrong.
“Did you hear that, Mike?”
“Hard to overhear it.”
“I thought they were only in the mines.” You whispered in fear, clutching the torch to your hand. “I thought this route would be safer.”
Mike nodded along to your words but kept going nonetheless. “Same here but the tunnel was safer than walking around outside, at the very least. If you’re too scared, you can go back to the safe room.”
“I am scared. Fuck, I’m downright terrified, but I have to save Josh.” You explained, feeling a little bit more encouraged as you remembered why you were going to the mines. “I can’t leave him down there.”
“You’re a wonderful girlfriend, you know that?” Mike commented as he began descending, lowering himself to the basement through a hole in the ground. “After everything that happened tonight, that he did to us and you, you still risk your life to save him.”
“I am in no way defending his actions. If anything they really hurt me, too. But he planned a prank and nothing more. Granted it was a fucked up prank but he never meant for anyone to get hurt. The fact that there are Wendigos around isn’t his fault and he doesn’t deserve to be taken by them.” You argued softly, sitting down at the edge of the hole to lower yourself down after Mike, giving him a small smile when he reached up to help you down. “Thanks, Mike.”
Mike drew back after helping you down and nodded in the direction of the steel door behind him. “Before we go in there, just know that your father would be proud of you.”
“Thank you, Mike. You’re an amazing boyfriend for going back down there to rescue Jess.” You smiled softly and gripped your torch tightly. “Let’s go.”
“Here goes nothing.”
To your surprise, you weren’t attacked upon entering the next room. Though Wendigos kept screeching at you and trying to get to you, they weren’t able to reach you because they were locked up in iron-barred cells -- presumably by the man with the flamethrower. You and Mike ventured through the room, keeping close to each other and as far away from the Wendigos as possible.
But your luck ran out mere seconds later because not all Wendigos were locked up. One of them burst through the door you had just come through, screeching at you and immediately taking up chase. The two of you booked it down the hall and ended up at a large metal door.
“What do we do now, Mike?”
“Help me get the door open.”
You did as he had told you, slamming yourself against the door but not being able to get it open. All the door did was budge a millimeter at a time but never opened up completely. Things went from bad to worse when the Wendigo caught up with you and jumped at the two of you. You screamed and pushed at the door while Mike shot at the Wendigo, sending it flying backward. But the old man had made it clear that bullets couldn’t kill them and he was proven right when the creature got back up from the ground to once more lurched at the two of you.
That’s when you spotted what looked like a barrel of oil between you two and the Wendigo. And you remembered that the man had said fire could harm them, so you quickly grabbed Mike’s shoulder to get his attention. But Mike had already thought of that idea himself and shot at a nearby barrel. The whole thing blew up, dozing the room and the Wendigo in flames. It screeched at being burned and you two just so managed to get the door open before the flames reached out, tumbling out into the snow. You pushed yourself up to look at Mike who was already getting back to his feet and offering you a helping hand. As you took it and got back to your feet, you couldn’t help but laugh a little at how wrong you had been about thinking there were no Wendigos in the Sanatorium. Mike gave you a questioning look at your laughter.
“I guess the Sanatorium wasn’t exactly a safe way to go.”
“You’re right about that.” Mike mumbled in amusement before he froze. “Fuck, one of them isn’t dead and it’s coming right at you.”
You looked back at the doors and saw a Wendigo that was now dozed in flames coming for the two of you. Without thinking, you grabbed Mike’s arm and pulled him after you, yelling at him to run. And Mike didn’t have to be told twice.
You were incredibly thankful that Sam had followed you and Mike. Because when you two stumbled through a door into the mines, a Wendigo in hot pursuit, you hadn’t expected to get out of that situation alive and mostly unharmed. But Sam had been there to hit the creature with a metal pipe, sending its head flying across the floor. As you got up to your feet, Mike was already asking why Sam had followed and where everyone else was.
“We realized that the old man kept Wendigos locked up at the Sanatorium and wanted to warn you. But according to the burning Sanatorium, you’ve already found out.” Sam explained before looking around. “Ashley, Chris, and Emily went back to the cabin when we came to a wall that was hard to climb. Luckily, I have rock climbing experience.”
“Thanks.” Mike said before looking at the mines that lay behind Sam. “We should get going. We have quite some space to cover.”
Together with Sam and Mike, you proceeded through muddy water and claustrophobic tunnels. The screeching of the Wendigos was deafening in the caves, echoing through them and making you cling to the metal pipe you had picked up, ready to fight against an ambush at every turn. You kept going for a while before Mike suddenly stopped, nearly causing you and Sam to run into him.
“I hear something.”
Both you and Sam listened and against all the other noises in the mines, you heard someone talking. It sounded like Josh but Sam had warned you during your exploration of the mines that Wendigos could mimic voices, so you were careful when you peered through the wooden planks to your left. But you felt the tight feeling of worry and fear in your chest lighten when you saw that it was indeed Josh.
Mike quickly busted the door open and all of you hurried over. Josh looked horrible, bruised, and terrified, mumbling to himself and begging someone to leave him alone. You approached him and moved closer in careful steps, not wanting to startle him.
“Josh, it’s me. Sam, Mike, and I came to get you home. We’ll get you out of here, I promise.”
“No!” He sobbed out, backing away from you with terrified eyes. “You’re not real. No one came to get me. I’m alone -- all alone. You are not real!”
“He’s in it too deep.” Sam warned. “He doesn’t believe it’s us. What do we do?”
Before you could make a suggestion Mike took the initiative, slapping Josh across the face. You were about to go off at Mike for hitting Josh but then you saw that your boyfriend actually snapped out of his daze and focused on the three of you. He blinked a few times, his eyes finding yours and then he moved in to embrace you, holding you tightly as he began to cry.
“You are real.” He whispered through tears. “You came for me! After-- after everything I’ve done you came for me. I am so sorry.”
“I would never leave you behind.” You reassured Josh, holding him tightly. “We will get you out of here. I promise.”
Sam interrupted you two when another screech echoed through the caves. “Josh, do you have the key to the cable car?”
“Yes, I do.” He whispered and pulled away from your embrace to hand it to Sam before grabbing onto your biceps and holding on tightly. “Don’t leave me, Honey.”
“Josh, Hannah was down here.” Sam whispered in horror, staring at Josh with fearful eyes. “For weeks or months or--”
You interrupted her, not wanting her to tell Josh about the gruesome way Hannah must have died or about how she might have become a Wendigo, too. He was not in the right state of mind to hear this news and what mattered more was getting everyone to safety.
“We will get you out of here.” Mike promised firmly before looking around. “I’m just wondering what the best way to go is.”
Sam looked up at the slope Josh had been standing next to. “This is the direct way out but no offense, I doubt we could all get up there. I go mountain climbing on a regular basis and I’ve forced your girlfriend to come along a few times, Josh, but I don’t know if you and Mike can get up there.”
“You should go up there and get to the lodge.” Mike suggested. “We’ll keep going and find another way. Get them to the cable car and we’ll meet you there.”
“We’ll try to find Matt and Jess along our way.”
And so you went on with Josh and Mike while Sam started to climb the slope. Mike was leading the way and you walked after him, Josh clinging to your arm in fear. You understood his fear because the mines were truly a terrifying place. As you went on, Mike kept calling out to Jess and Matt but no one answered. Josh kept close to you, trying to quietly reassure himself that he’d be fine.
“Josh, I will get you home.” You promised him once more, bringing a hand to where his was placed on your arm. “I’ll make sure to stay by your side.”
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, leaning closer to you. “I’m so fucking sorry, Honey. I am such-- I can’t even begin to describe how terrible I feel for what I put all of you through and for what I put you through.”
“Just please-- Just don’t do anything like that again, please.”
“You haven’t forgiven me, have you?”
“It’s hard. Of course, I don’t blame you for this whole Wendigo situation but you knew what happened to my father, you knew more than anyone else how horrible it was for me and you still thought it would be a good idea to prank me by making me think you disappeared.” You explained, still keeping your hand on his. “But I still love you and-- and I want you to be safe.”
“I love you.” Josh mumbled, looking back at you. “What can I do to make you forgive me?”
“Just give me time.”
Josh looked at you for a few more seconds before nodding and lowering his gaze. Mike stopped in front of you and when you looked up you once more saw the water you had waited through earlier. You went in after Mike and held out a hand to Josh, watching as he hesitantly got in, as well. He kept his hand firmly in yours as he kept walking after you and Mike.
Suddenly, Mike screamed and was pulled under the water. And before you could look for him a Wendigo popped up, making you freeze in shock. It raised its hand to grab at you but Josh quickly pulled you backward and behind himself, protecting you despite his own fear.
“Get back! You’re not real!”
You looked on in horror as the Wendigo reached for Josh and when you saw the butterfly on its upper right arm you knew it was Hannah. Sam had mentioned to you and Josh that she had been down here for months. Now your fear that she had turned into a Wendigo had been confirmed. Josh seemed to realize that this creature was his sister, as well.
The Wendigo screeched and grabbed him by the throat, starting to drag him away. You saw Mike slowly moving to hide behind a rock but you didn’t have the time to ask for his help, so you grabbed Josh’s hand tightly, holding onto him.
“Let go of him!”
The screech the creature emitted was deafening and it almost made you let go but you kept holding on. She then tried to get you away from Josh, lashing out and slashing her sharp claws across your left arm, making you let go in pain. Blood started seeping out from underneath your jacket and sweater, running down your arms and you were horrified by how much damage these creatures’ claws could do. But you tried your best to work through your pain because Josh was in danger.
You still had the metal pipe from earlier and you did the only thing you could think of and hit the Wendigo with it. Guilt washed over you because you knew this creature was Hannah, your friend, the poor woman who had been trapped down here and turned into this creature. But you had to save Josh. You knew how much the twins had loved their brother, so you reasoned that saving him was what they would have wanted.
She let Josh go and you pulled him back, quickly retreating through the water and making sure he was behind you. When you reached the other end of the pond the Wendigo had recovered from the shock of being hit and was once more approaching you. Josh climbed out of the water and grabbed you from underneath your arms, pulling you out and away from the creature. The two of you ran before you could even see if the Wendigo was following you.
You felt terrible for leaving without Mike but when you realized that the creature was indeed following you rather than staying and looking for him, you felt a little less guilty. Mike had managed to hide while you had been attacked and while you didn’t blame him, you also knew he’d understand that you were also too terrified to go back and get him. Besides, you were luring the Wendigo away, giving Mike ample opportunity to get out some other way. You knew for a fact that the ladder you had used to get out before was close by and you were certain he’d find it.
Josh had your hand tightly in his, pulling you along as he ran through the tunnel and when you came to a fork in the caves you told him to go left, toward the metal door you had come through with Mike earlier.
Once there, Josh pushed you through the door and slammed it shut behind the two of you. The Wendigo scratched at the door and Josh grabbed you by the arms, turning his body so it was between you and the door. The scratching stopped eventually and you heard her retreat back into the mines. Josh breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly and bursting into tears.
“That was Hannah.”
You embraced him, holding his head to your shoulder where he quickly buried his face. “I am so sorry, Josh. That is a terrible fate.”
“I just left her there.”
“There was nothing you could have done.” You whispered in earnest. “She is no longer human and you would have only endangered yourself had you attempted to get her out with us.”
“I abandoned them.”
“You didn’t abandon them. Josh, they aren’t angry at you. Your sisters loved you so endlessly.” You promised, holding him tightly. “The last thing either of them would have wanted would have been for you to end up hurt. They aren’t angry at you.”
“You sound like our old guidance counselor.”
You sighed at his words, squeezing him tighter. “It’s what my old therapist told me when I told him about how guilty I felt for never finding my father. He told me my father loved me so much and that he wouldn’t have wanted me to feel bad. He said my father was not angry at me. And I know that the same goes for your sisters. Josh, they loved you so much. They aren’t angry at you.”
“Are you sure?”
“They would be beyond happy that you escaped.”
Josh was quiet for a few seconds before he released a deep breath. “Is there-- Is there nothing we can do?”
“Maybe once we’re back to safety we can find someone to go into the mines and look for her.” You mused, rubbing Josh’s back soothingly. “Maybe there is a way to help her or-- or get her back to her old self or something. But for now, we have to get down this mountain and get help because we can’t do that alone.”
Josh drew back from your embrace, still looking terrified and devastated. But when his eyes flicked to the blood still running down your arm he seemed to snap out of it, quickly taking it into his hands to examine it. “Fuck, Honey, that looks painful.”
“It is.” You mumbled, biting your lip as he moved your arm and pain started coursing through you once more. “It just-- It’s bleeding a lot.”
Josh thought for a few seconds before reaching out to unwrap his scarf from your neck. You watched as he started to wrap it around your arm, pulling it tight to stop the bleeding, and hissed in pain, the pressure sending jolts of pain through your body. But you knew that it had to be done.
“Almost done.” Josh promised under his breath, tying the scarf into a tight knot. “Sorry. I’m so sorry for causing you pain.”
“No, you-- you had to. Thank you, Josh.”
“Not just the arm.” He mumbled, averting his eyes for a second before forcing himself to look at you. “I can’t believe that after everything I did tonight, you-- you still came looking for me. It feels so-- so unreal.”
You shook your head and reached out to touch his cheek, trying to assure him that you two had really escaped the mines. “It is real, Josh. I would never leave you behind, Sweetheart.”
“You-- You called me ‘sweetheart’ again. Are you-- Does that mean you’ve forgiven me?” Josh asked and looked up at you in uncertainty. “You really don’t have to.”
“I did.” You nodded and took his hand into both of yours. “You saved me. You got in the way of a literal Wendigo to protect me. And when she had you in her grasp, I just-- I thought I’d lose you and I realized that I can’t live without you. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
With that, Josh pulled away from your grasp and placed both of his hands on your cheeks before leaning in to kiss you. He was slow at first, giving you the opportunity to pull away before he could place his lips on yours but you wanted nothing more than to feel him again, so you closed the space between you two. Josh breathed a sigh of relief and you wrapped your arms around his middle, deepening the kiss for a small moment before pulling back.
“We need to keep going, Josh.”
“I know.” He said and extended a hand toward yours which you gladly took, making him look back at you in worry. “Your hands are freezing. You look really cold.”
“We are drenched in cold water in these temperatures. I am so cold.”
“I’m sorry that I don’t have a way to warm you up.” Josh said mournfully as he looked down his body. “I left my vest at the lodge.”
“It’s fine. It’s not your fault. At least I had your scarf up until now. It really helped with the cold and to keep me calm when I was in the mines before.” You explained, grabbing his hand once more to pull him down the mountain after you. “It smells like you.”
“You were down there before?”
“I fell down there while looking for you after I thought you’d disappeared.”
“I am so sorry.” Josh whispered, tears brimming in his eyes. “You were down there because of my prank. I am so fucking sorry, Honey.”
“Josh, you risked your life for me. I’ve forgiven you. Just don’t ever do something like that again, please.”
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oneshotnewbie · 10 days
Hi, could you do Ashley Marin x reader, where reader is close to the girls but not in their age group if that makes sense? And Hanna finding out with a bunch of angst and a fluffy ending?
Love your work btw ☺️
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The golden rays of sunlight danced through the leaves of the ancient oak trees that surrounded the picturesque suburb as Hanna Marin hurried in her car through the quiet streets of Rosewood on the way to a meeting with her best friends.
When they arrived at the agreed meeting point, a small café in the middle of the city, the girls met to make their plans for continuing their search for A. Aria, with her artistic flair and rebellious spirit, sat in a cozy corner, flipping through the pages of an old novel while Spencer, the intelligent one, and Emily, the caring soul, ordered coffee for the entire group. They smiled when they saw Hanna come in.
"Han, you're late," Spencer teased with a wink as she greeted her friend and pulled her into a quick hug. "Sorry, I had to do something," the blonde replied with a wide grin as she joined Aria at the table with the two of them.
The girls began to put their heads together and discuss what was probably the toughest challenge they had ever faced: How could they finally catch "A" and put an end to the nightmare that had haunted them for months.
"We have to have a plan," Spencer began firmly in a whisper. "We can't just let "A" continue. We have to find out who she is and finally take down that bitch."
"Yes, but we don't know how powerful "A" is or who this person even is. And the police can't and won't help us, especially since that will only make the whole situation worse." Aria spoke with a worried look, earning a nod from Hanna and Emily. Spencer also agreed with her and her thoughts revolved around other ideas that she had in the back of her mind.
When a familiar voice suddenly broke the silence, all four heads snapped up from their thoughts. "Hey girls, can I join you?" you asked with a friendly smile. The girls looked at you, wide grins on all their lips, the joy in their eyes hard to ignore. You had long been an integral part of their lives, especially Hanna's as her mother's best friend, and they loved you for forming a strong bond with them despite the age difference.
"Hey, y/n! Sure, sit down," Hanna greeted you warmly and moved a little to the side to offer you a place next to her on the couch. As you sat down, you immediately pulled her into a side hug and kissed the top of her head as she briefly wrapped her arms around you to return the greeting.
"How are you, y/n? I heard you were in New York for a week at a convention?" Spencer asked politely and with interest, as she herself wanted to get into politics in the future. "I'm fine but I'm exhausted. It was really tiring having several meetings in a row and with 95% of men who constantly want to go against your opinion." You replied, sipping your tea as you looked around and nervously tapped a finger on your thigh.
Emily immediately recognized the nervousness and excitement that you were trying to hide and failing miserably. She frowned at your reaction. “Is everything okay, Y/n?”
You swallowed hard and forced yourself to stay calm when at that moment Ashley walked in and gave you a shocked but furtive look. You nodded quickly, but your gaze remained on her. It was a look full of affection and mystery that made Hanna curious and asked her every time whether there was more between you than just friendship.
The blonde noticed the tender look you continued to give her mother, barely taking your eyes off her as your smile steadily widened. An inexplicable feeling of unrest spread through Hanna's chest as she wondered what was going on behind the closed doors of her mother's world.
The moonlight shone gently through the windows of the Marins' home as Hanna sat on the living room sofa, wrapped in a blanket, waiting for her mother. The clock ticked incessantly and the minutes passed slowly as she nervously tried to keep her focus on the television, her heart pounding loudly in her chest.
Finally, after hours of delay, she heard the soft creak of the door and the muffled voices mixed with loud giggles slowly approaching the living room, their faces marked with an expression of contentment and happiness as Ashley and you stumbled into the living room arm in arm, giving each other passionate kisses without realizing that Hanna was there.
It was only when she cleared her throat and stood up from her seat, folding her arms under her chest, that you separated from each other in shock. "H-hanna, you're still awake?" Ashley asked surprised, pulling her hands from your hips. You bit your lip, your cheeks immediately turning red. Your palms began to sweat while your heartbeat increased rapidly.
„Uh, yeah.. I couldn't sleep." Hanna replied nervously, trying to hide her unease. But she could no longer remain silent. A feeling of fear and confusion washed over her as the images repeated before her eyes, in which you seemed to lose yourself in your intimate togetherness. "I.. I thought you were just best friends. Why didn't you tell me?" she finally stammered, her voice shaking with nervousness.
Ashley and you looked at each other intently, a look of anxiety on your faces. You took a step closer and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry Hanna. We didn't mean to hurt you. But... it's complicated." You spoke carefully, your voice calm but with a hint of concern.
"Complicated?! What's complicated?" Hanna asked desperately, tears forming in her eyes from the breach of trust. Ashley sighed and stepped closer too, but the blonde stepped back a bit. "Hanna, we wanted to tell you, but we didn't know how you would react. Y/n and I... we've been in a relationship for a few months now."
A mixture of shock and betrayal coursed through the girl as her mother spoke the words. She felt betrayed and confused, not only by her own mother, but also by someone she had thought was one of her best friends. "But you're my mother. And you, y/n.. you've always been there for me." she sobbed, her voice broken.
Ashley gently put her arms around Hanna and pulled her into a hug, but she pushed her away and ran into the room angrily. Her heart was heavy with the countless questions and feelings swirling through her mind. Everything she knew seemed to be called into question in that moment, and she didn't know how to deal with it.
The days passed and Hanna slowly came to terms with the unexpected revelation about her mother and you's relationship. It was a time of change and adjustment for her, but gradually she began to realize that the love she felt for her mother and you at the same time was stronger than any confusion or anger she felt.
Over the next few weeks you tried to regain her trust. You took time for conversations in which she revealed her feelings and fears about losing you if things didn't work out with her mother and tried to strengthen the bond between her again. Even though it was difficult at times, she found comfort and support in you, even though she felt like a fool for months.
One evening, as Hanna sat in her room thinking about everything, she heard quiet voices coming from the kitchen. Curious about what was going on, she quietly crept down the stairs and sat on one of the steps. "I know it was hard for Hanna to accept our relationship," she heard her mother say, her voice soft and loving. "But she will be able to trust you again. You didn't destroy anything, my love."
“I wish I had told her sooner,” you answered her with a sighing tone. "But we thought it would be better to take it slow."
"And we're both glad we finally told her. She's my daughter, possibly yours in the future, and she deserves to know the truth."
Hanna held her breath as she heard her mother's words. A feeling of gratitude washed over her as she realized how much her mother and you cared for her. Despite everything that had happened, she could feel the love between the two of you, and it calmed her troubled heart that her mother had found someone who loved and accepted her for everything.
"I.. I wanted to apologize," Hanna began hesitantly, her voice soft but loud so that you could hear it all the way to the kitchen before she got up from her seat and slowly walked over to you. Both Ashley and you looked up in surprise, your faces lighting up as you noticed the loving smile on her face. "I was angry and confused, especially at you y/n. But I love you both and I want you to be happy."
Tears welled up in both of your eyes as you heard Hanna's words. You jumped up and hugged her tightly, your heart full of gratitude and love. "Thanks, Han." You whispered and you looked at Ashley who nodded with a tender smile and clung to the hug as well. "We love you so much, Hanna."
In that moment, the blonde felt a deep connection with her mother and you. A bond that was stronger than ever. She knew it might not be easy, but she was hopeful that things would last forever between the two of you. And as she lost herself in the arms of her loved ones, she knew that she had finally arrived and had a family that was finally complete - a family of love, acceptance and happiness.
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simplynims · 16 days
A Quick Meeting
Wanted to brush up on my writing skills by writing an interaction between Dennys sister Wrinley and Ashley. "Dennys" doesn't technically have any siblings in canon (As far as I'm aware) so I mixed in a little bit of Dylans canon lore in here for fun.
A buzz of the front door rang out through the apartment as Ashley stands there waiting outside on the welcome mat. It had been a fun month or so of hanging out consistently with Dennys and the others. They were originally going to meet up at one of the bars and grills in town for drinks that night but Dennys car gave out as soon as she arrived back home from work. With no car and the grill being too far to walk to, Ashley offered to pick her up at her place and go from there. But as he stands infront of her apartment door, he realizes this is technically the first time he's actually visited her apartment? Yeah, Denny has visited his apartment before a handful of times but has only stayed for a couple of minutes at best. The most time spent there was probably during his Mitski break down- Ashley stops himself for a second, scrunching his face at the sour memory.
Luckily for Ashley, he doesn't need to dwell on it for too long as the door opens up. Instead of the red head he was expecting, a shorter woman with brown curly hair and a curious look on her face greets him.
"Hello. Can I help you?" She says, peaking out through the cracks of the opened door way. "Uh, yes actually, Dennys lives here right?" Ashleys met with a puzzled look as he explains further. "Red hair, tattoos on her arms, face piercings?" It clicks for the girl as she realizes who he's talking about. "Ohhhh! You mean Dylan? Yeah, she lives here. You must be Ashley right?" She exclaims, opening up the door for him and ushering him inside. "Yeah, that's me. You must be her roommate?" The woman nods as she closes the door.
"Uh-huh! I'm Wrinley by the way, Dylans my sister." Wrinley continues as they lead Ashley into the living room. "She told me to let you in if you knock, she's still getting ready but I'll let her know you're here. Just hang out here, I'll go get her in a sec." With that being said, she quickly walks off deeper into the apartment. Ashley stands there awkwardly for a moment before sitting down on the couch. Dennys never mentioned she had a sister? Then again, she seemed pretty quiet about her personal life and he never bothered to ask about her family. Looking around the living room, it's a bit surprising how..Pink everything is? It wasn't in your face but a lot of the decorations were more on the pastel side of the spectrum. He assumed it was Wrinley who probably decorated everything.
"Dylans almost ready, she says they'll be out in about 5 minutes. Hope that's okay?" Wrinley appears as she plops down on the other side of the couch, a brownish cat hot on her tail before making itself comfy in her lap. "Oh, no that's fine, I can wait don't worry!" An awkward silence brews for a few moments before Ashley spoke up again.
"So, you're her sister? Never knew she had any siblings." He asked, trying to break the awkwardness between them.
"Yep! It's just me and Dylan so far here in the area, but she's been a good roomie. If you don't mind me asking, how'd you guys meet? She's mentioned she's made some new friends but she wasn't very specific, plus I'm kinda nosey and wanna know what she's up to." Wrinley admits, giving the small cat in her lap a few scratches as she listens.
"Oh, uh- We actually met at her work place a month or so ago, she was our waitress for the night." He explained, being vauge about the whole break up situation with Lexi on purpose. Wrinley might be Dennys sister, but he's not about to explain that whole situation with her just yet.
"Oh cool! I'm glad she's having fun. She's been much happier since meeting you guys I've noticed." She comments before continuing. "I know Dylan can take care of herself especially when she's out drinking, but make sure she gets home safe 'kay?" Wrinley points at him. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she comes back safe and sound." Ashley reassures her as Wrinley squints her eyes at him. She's quick to smiling again though as she responds. "Good! I'd hate there to be a missing persons report on the news with your name on it."
"Wait what-"
"Sorry about the wait, I had to look for my jacket. Are you ready to go?" Not a moment too soon Dylan makes her way over to the two. "Dennys, hey! Uh, yeah- Yes, lets get going." Ashley stammers out, still a bit irked by what Wrinley said. Dylan raises an eyebrow at the uncomfortable tension, giving her sister a look that Wrinley brushes off. "You two have fun! Text me when you're heading home 'Dennys', hehe." She teases, earning herself a playful roll of the eyes by Dylan. "I'll text you later Wrin. C'mon Ash, I need a good drink after todays bullshit." She groans, eager to down whatever alcoholic beverage awaits her at the Bar & Grill. After saying their good-byes, Ashley follows Dylan out to his car before heading off to meet up with the others.
"..Did Wrinley say anything weird to you while I was getting ready?" Dylan prodded during the car ride. Ashley hesitates for a moment. "...No, why?"
"Because I know how Wrinley is like and you get awfully sweaty when nervous." She points out.
"Okay first of all, I do not get that sweaty when nervous-"
"You do." Dylan teases with a smirk.
"SECOND OF ALL-" Ashley laughs. "Kind of? If threatening to put me on the news as a missing persons report counts as 'weird'-" Dylan snickers a little at that. "I wouldn't worry about it too much, she's a good person just protective is all. She wouldn't actually hurt anyone unless provoked."
"Good to know I'll live another day at least."
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Ashley Graham NSFT alphabet alt
18+ for filth
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A - Alone time (how do they get off when they’re all by themselves? do they watch porn, is it all in their imagination, do they jerk off, do they use toys?) 
Not a lot of porn appeals to her. Bit too unrealistic and violent for her tastes
She has a small collection of vibrators and dildos. Most of them are colorful, she dislikes the overly realistic dildos
B - Bondage (do they like it? do they not? do they prefer to be the one being tied or the one doing the tying?) 
Both. Definitely both. She has to be in the right headspace to be tied up, if she's not then it can trigger her
She has fuzzy pink cuffs and spreader bars ready to go when she can handle it. Her safeword is teacup
Interested in shibari bondage. She's a quick learner and has a preference for full body harnesses
C - Crying (is it a turn on? a turn off? do they cry during sex? have they cried during sex? what was the reason?) 
Solid turn off for her either way. If you start crying, then she's ending the session to check on you. Sex is over, aftercare is starting
D - Dominance (do they prefer to dominate, or be dominated? do they have experience as a Dom? Do they have a Dom that they trust already? What kind of things do they enjoy as/with their Dominant partner?)
She doesn't care, really. She can work with either role or no roles at all
E - Extra info (any other fetishes? feet? leather? role playing? blood? fantasies that they might want to experience not on this list?)
Sensation play is intriguing to her. Using ice or a massage candle sounds like a perfectly fun time
She'll keep a small vibrator or two in her panties, if the two of you are staying home all day. Ask her and she'll pull her panties aside, so you can see how wet she is
F - Food play (do they like using food in the bedroom? are there any foods they prefer to use during sex or foreplay? any they’d like to try?)
She's not risking an infection. Food stays out of the bedroom
G - Group sex (would they have a threeway? four? an orgy? do they put on a show for spectators? or do they like to keep it just between them and their partner?) 
If you could somehow wrangle Leon into a threeway, she'd die happy. Unfortunately, he's not interested and she can't think of anyone else she'd be comfortable having as a third
H - Humiliation (does degradation and insults get them hot? do they get off on humiliating someone else? what kind of humiliation is good for them?) 
No. Humiliating her hurts her feelings, and she just feels bad when she tries to humiliate you. She'll end up relentlessly apologizing for insulting you
Impact play (here’s where talking about things like spanking, paddles, canes, floggers and the like.) 
Ashley is comfortable being spanked. It doesn't hurt her, it just makes her giggly. Bringing a paddle or cane in the bedroom results in her side eyeing you
J - Jelly (what kind of lube are they using? is it flavored? have they tasted it? do they prefer to use something other than real lube during sex?) 
Typically just water based lube. Silicone would melt through most of her toys. She's interested in trying different lube flavors out of curiosity, even the obviously bad ones. Worst one so far has been bacon flavored
K - Kissing (what parts of their body do they like having kissed? what parts of their partner do they enjoy kissing? do they like leaving marks / having marks left on them?) 
Doesn't mind having marks left behind as long as they aren't in really visible areas. If you accidentally mark her, she'll just complain a bit and cover it with makeup
On the flip of that, she'll leave marks everywhere she can on you. If you want she'll cover yours with makeup too
L - Lighting (are the lights on? off? do they have some kind of mood lighting set up?) 
She's rigged her bedroom to have mood lighting with different colored fairy lights. She's very proud of it
M - Masochism (do they like pain? scratching? biting? being bossed around? spoken down to? choked?) 
She's not a masochist, not into pain play at all or degradation. She might accidentally scratch you but it's really not deliberate and she'll apologize for it
N - Not yet (orgasm delay? orgasm denial? do they tell their partner not to touch themselves for a certain amount of time or under certain circumstances? do they delay or deny other things like bathroom usage or food? do they need to beg first? do they like being denied / delayed?)
Enjoys being delayed for a little while, but only in the current session. Not interested in being denied for days, it frustrates her and not in a fun way
She's an absolute bastard when it comes to the reverse. You'll have to work for that orgasm
O - Outdoor sex (have they ever done it in public? would they? where?)
The furthest she's willing to go is flashing in a photo booth, having sex while camping or in an abandoned location. Her being caught doing anything would be a scandal and isn't something she wants to deal with
P - Photography (are cameras allowed in the bedroom? do they send nudes? do they ask for nudes? would they ever record themselves having sex / being caught up in a sexual act?) 
She doesn't ask for nudes, but she's happy to receive them. She returns with nudes of her own, heart emoticons or an occasional awooga
You're guaranteed to get at least one picture of her doing a peace sign while fully nude
Q - Quiet please (what’s the volume like in the bedroom? are they quiet? do they scream? do they like a loud partner? do they prefer if their partner is more soft spoken?)
Ashley is a fairly loud moaner, she doesn't scream often. She's more of a quiet eyeroller than a screamer when things are good
She has a tendency of putting a hand over her mouth to stifle the sounds
R - Routine (do they have a routine when it comes to picking up one night stands? do they have scheduled sex with their partner? are things spontaneous or planned ahead of time?) 
The closest she gets to planning ahead of time is calling you before she gets home to let you know what's up
S - Sleepy sex (do they give oral to wake their partner up? do they like receiving oral to wake up? do they like fucking their partner awake? being fucked awake? how about being fucked to sleep at night? do they have lazy morning sex?) 
Sucker for lazy morning sex, the added bonus is you both get to stay in bed for a little while longer afterwards
She'll fuck you awake if you're comfortable with it. Not super into being fucked awake herself
T - Top or bottom (self explanatory…)
Typically bottoms, but she will break out the strap on occasionally  
U - Underwear (what kind of underwear do they put on in the morning, if any at all… do they own any sexy underwear or lingerie?) 
She owns some lingerie for special nights. She leans towards babydolls, bodysuits and basques in bright colors
Day to day wear is comfortable cotton bikini style panties and t-shirt bras
V - Voyeurism (do they like to watch, or are they more hands on? are they more of an exhibitionist?) 
Exhibition and glory hole curious. She can't really act on those kinks, so do her a favor and roleplay all the things she can't do
W - Water (pool sex? bath / shower sex? are they into watersports at all?)
Bath and shower foreplay is okay. Actually having sex in water isn't that fun for her,
X - X-dressing (do they crossdress as a part of teasing / foreplay? does crossdressing turn them on? turn their partner on? do they prefer to do it or watch their partner crossdress instead? do they use other costumes? cat ears, tails, etc?) 
Ashley loves costumes, she has a chest full of them and she goes all out with makeup too. She has a couple different bunny and cat girl costumes
Y - Yes, Master (what kinds of names are used during sex? do they like being called master / mistress, daddy, etc…? what names do they call their partner?) 
She doesn't mind being called mistress, but she doesn't want it to be an everytime thing
Hates being called princess and ma'am. Will not use daddy in a serious way
Z - Zones (what are their erogenous zones? what spots on their body should be touched, bitten, kissed, when someone wants to get them in the mood?) 
Thighs, breasts, neck and back. Her nipples are incredibly sensitive
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magewolf-the-artist · 4 months
May we get a Brian in these trying times
Ask and ye shall receive, my friend!
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Featuring redone heterochromia, Brian and Ashley being buddies, and some good old Kevin x Brian for the soul!
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veryqueermovies · 2 years
My list of Queer books.
Now my labeling only has to do with the main protagonist, except for the books labeled "Queer" some of those the main protagonist is not Queer but the book has lots of Queer main and side characters. I only included the first books to make it easier but some of these are series.
The problem with making lists for books is that there's So. Goddamn. Many! New ones are being released every single day so all I can really do is add as I go. I also take recommendations so let me know of books I missed (specify what category they go in please 😊). I could also add specific Sexualities and Genders but right now I'm just doing basic categories because this is going to take time.
Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell
Ocean's Echo by Everina Maxwell
In Deeper Waters by F.T Lukans
So This Is Ever After by F.T Lukans
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
The Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue by Mackenzie Lee
The Fever King by Victoria Lee
Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey Mcquiston
The Taking Of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass
Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice
Right Where I Left You by Julian Winters
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Call Down The Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater
Zachary Ying and The Dragon Emperor by Xiran Jay Zhao
The Disasters by M.K England
Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo
And They Lived... by Steven Salvatore
The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta
Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala
If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzalez and Cale Dietrich
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
The Song Of Achilles by Madeleine Miller
A Lesson In Vengeance by Victoria Lee
Burn Down, Rise Up by Vincent Tirado
The Unbroken by C.L Clark
The Black Veins by Ashia Monet
Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson
The Coldest Touch by Isabel Sterling
The Girls Are Never Gone by Sarah Glenn Marsh
Cinderella Is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
Deliah Green Doesn't Care by Ashley Herring Blake
The Lesbiana's Guide To Catholic School by Sonora Reyes
She's Too Pretty To Burn by Wendy Heard
You Should See Me In A Crown by Leah Johnson
One Last Stop by Casey Mcquiston
The Girl From The Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag
She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker Chan
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (F/M/M)
The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare (F/M/M)
A Dowry Of Blood by S.T Gibson (F/F/M/M)
The Fifth Season by N.K Jemisin (F/M/M)
Strange Grace by Tessa Gratton (M/F/M)
She Whom I Love by Tess Bowery (F/F/M)
Knell, Mr. President by Lauren Gallagher (F/M/M)
Chameleon Moon by RoAnna Sylvester (F/F/F)
Midnight At The Orpheus by Alyssa Linn Palmer (F/M/F Poly V)
Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi (Multiple Interlinked Poly V's)
The Fell Of Dark by Caleb Roehrig (M/M/M)
Books Of Raksura by Martha Wells
Lifelode by Jo Walton (M/M/F/F)
The Elemental Logic by Laurie Mark (6 person polycule)
The Tale Of The Five by Diane Duane (Group Polycule)
In The Ravenous Dark by A.M Strickland
Lead Me Astray by Sondi Warner
All Systems Red by Martha Wells
Queer (Books that have characters of many different identities):
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
A Song Of Wraiths And Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown
Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
The Fifth Season by N.K Jemisin
The City We Became by N.K Jemisin
Heartstopper by Alice Oseman (everything written by them is Queer)
Chef's Kiss by T.J Alexander
The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu
The Backstagers and The Ghost Light by Andy Mientus and Ryan Sygh
Once & Future by A.R Capetta and Cory McCarthy
Nimona by N.D Stevenson
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas
A Million Quiet Revolutions by Robin Gow
Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore
The One True Me And You by Remi K. England
All Boys Aren't Blue by George M Johnson
When The Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callander
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore
Aro/Ace Spectrum:
Loveless by Alice Oseman
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Bardger
Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire l
Tarnished By The Stars by Rosiee Thorr
Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann
Hazel's Theory of Evolution by Lisa Jenn Bigelow
The Sound Of Stars by Alechia Dow
Thaw by Elyse Springer
The Ladies Guide To Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzie Lee
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 11 months
Gilmore Girls OC Masterlist ( A-C )
( D-K ) ( L-Z )
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Name: Adalia Kim
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Janel Parrish
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Name: Allie St. James
Story: The Mad Ones
Face claim: Lily Collins
Love Interest: Jess Mariano
Allie St. James didn’t not want to go to Stars Hollow, exactly, but she would have liked to be asked.  Waking up in a hospital, finding out from a CPS caseworker that her parents had been deemed unfit, and that she would be taking a bus to Stars Hollow to live with the aunt she barely new — not exactly the best way to find out.  Going straight from the hospital to the bus station, she didn’t even get to say goodbye. Stars Hollow isn’t bad, by any means.  Her aunt Sookie is nice, she’s able to help in the kitchen at the Inn and get a real job working at the local diner, she makes friends, she adapts — she always adapts.  But something is missing, something will always be missing.  Until, almost a year after she moved to the small town, Sookie brings her to Lorelai’s so that they can have a welcome dinner for Luke’s nephew. And Jess Mariano walks through the front door.
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Name: Amanda Weston
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Natalia Dyer
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Name: Annabel Gilmore
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Abigail Cowen
Love Interest: Logan Huntzberger
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Name: Antoinette Kensington
Story: Silver & Gold
Face claim: Madelaine Petsch
Love Interest: Paris Gellar
It had been five months since the tragic and unexpected deaths of Bradley and Claire Kensington, and Antoinette thought that she was finally getting a handle on her life again. She had finally settled into a comfortable rhythm with Emily and Richard Gilmore, no longer stuck in the strained formalities that defined her first couple of months living with them. She had finally reclaimed her position at the top of the Chilton food chain, no longer stuck as the tragic girl with dead parents. She had finally felt like her life was getting back to normal. Then Rory Gilmore got accepted into Chilton. Now the Gilmore girls’ particular brand of chaos threatens to destroy the life she had worked so hard to rebuild.
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Name: Ashley Nardini
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Laura Marano
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Name: Ashton Grant
Story: Drops Of Jupiter
Face claim: Chace Crawford
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Name: Austin Geller
Story: Fragments
Face claim: Connor Paolo
Love Interest: Jess Mariano; eventual Logan Huntzberger
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Name: Avery Stiles
Story: This Is Me Trying
Face claim: Maude Apatow
Love Interest: Logan Huntzberger
Avery Stiles had lived her life trying to be seen and not heard.  To be perfect but not disrupt her father’s obsessive routines.  She spent her life in every club he could sign her up for just so she would be out of the house, pulling all-nighter after all-nighter to get her homework done on top of them, always striving towards but never reaching the standards set for her.  But when Logan Huntzberger gets waitlisted at Yale because his grades dropped too far, and Mitchum Huntzberger decides that the Chilton sophomore is the perfect tutor to keep Logan in line, she starts to see a world beyond the constant perfectionism that her father instilled in her.  And maybe, just maybe, there’s an appeal to a world where being herself is better than being perfect.
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Name: Benny Flynn
Story: My Way / Piece By Piece
Face claim: Jordan Fisher
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Name: Bex Harding
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Hilarie Burton
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Name: Blythe Langford
Story: Loveless Generation
Face claim: Emily Alyn Lind
Love Interest: Charles Gilmore & Kaito Lauder
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Name: Brady Mariano
Story: Motion Sickness
Face claim: Rachel Keller
Love Interest: Finn
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Name: Brandon Webster
Story: The Road Not Taken
Face claim: Alex Fitzalan
Love Interest: Natalie Lister & Lucas Gilmore
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Name: Brielle Livingston
Story: Fragments
Face claim: Taylor Momsen
Love Interest: Rory Gilmore
When Brielle’s parents got divorced, she thought she would be okay.  Sure, it sucked, but she still had Brooks — even if he was at Yale most of the time — and she still had her life in New York.  But when her mom remarries, to Mr. Geller from Hartford, Brielle finds herself packed up and moving to Connecticut.  She figures she’ll wait it out, until she goes to college or they get divorced. She was expecting the gossip, the circling vultures looking for any signs of a story.  She expected the loneliness too, being away from Brooks for the first time would never have been easy.  And frankly, she expected to hate it all, to hate her mom’s new husband and his kids, to hate her new school and the new social circle, all of it. What she didn’t expect were the two step-siblings who would quickly become her closest friends, or her new sister’s cute rival — but maybe moving won’t be quite as bad as she was expecting.
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Name: Brooks Livingston
Story: Fragments
Face claim: Penn Badgley
Love Interest: eventual Jess Mariano
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Name: Caleb Barlow
Story: The Road Not Taken
Face claim: Jack Mulhern
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Name: Cameron Danes
Story: Nowhere Girl
Face claim: Kaya Scodelario
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Name: Carlie Hayden
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Emma Roberts
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Name: Casey Boone
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Diana Silvers
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Name: Catalina Pérez
Story: My Way / Piece By Piece
Face claim: Sofia Carson
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Name: Catie Gleason
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Emilija Baranac
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Name: Cecilia Ackerman
Story: My Own Tomorrow
Face claim: Madeleine Arthur
Love Interest: possibly Jess Mariano or Lane Kim
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Name: Chandler Beck
Story: My Way / Piece By Piece
Face claim: Halston Sage
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Name: Charles Gilmore
Story: Loveless Generation
Face claim: Blythe Langford & Kaito Lauder
If you asked anyone to describe Charles Gilmore, they would all tell you the same thing.  He’s a rich party boy without a care in the world, drinking and sleeping his way through the boredom of high school until he can get out of Hartford.  And Charles himself would be the first person to say so, all too willing to hide behind the carefree mask he’d so carefully crafted.  But when his niece starts at Chilton, bringing she and his older sister back into his life for the first time in, well, ever, that mask gets put to the test.  And truth be told, Charles is afraid to find out who he is without it.
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Name: Charlotte Howard-Danes
Story: Where You Lead
Face claim: Margaret Qualley
Charlotte Howard-Danes knew that life could change in an instant. After all, her life had changed when she was nine and went from being raised by a single mother to having both parents in the picture; when Rachel Howard told Luke Danes that she was raising his daughter and they decided to give their relationship another try. It changed again only weeks before she turned ten, when Rachel Howard suddenly up and left, leaving Luke to raise their daughter alone. It changed again when Lorelai and Rory Gilmore became a permanent fixture in her life, and when she finally got back into dancing, and when she discovered her love of poetry. Life could change in an instant, and life never stopped changing, she could handle it. Until she’s sixteen, and her mom steps back into the picture for the first time since that fateful departure all those years ago.
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Name: Chelsea Geller
Story: Lonely Hearts Club
Face claim: Julia Stiles
Love Interest: Jess Mariano
Chelsea Geller was tired.  Tired of trying to be perfect, tired of never being good enough, tired of pretending… tired of everything.  And her sophomore year of high school was shaping up to be no different, until Rory Gilmore showed up a month into the semester and turned Chelsea’s world on its head.
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Name: Cosette Gerard
Story: Untitled
Face claim: Samantha Logan
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bigredsweetiepie · 3 months
So going along with a past post where I talked about my weird Kane and Isaac Yankem dreams… I have been cooking up the courage to share this fever dream that occurred a while back, that has been HAUNTING me. I documented it in my notes app, so I am going to describe it in a bit more coherent way.
I was somehow back in public k-12 school, and I was in a health class that had a guest teacher, Isaac Yankem..... who had on an attire that was ... interesting. I have attached an artist's rendering below. He was also straight BALD, like unmasked Kane, and had normal teeth. Anyways...
There was an activity that our lovely guest teacher made for us , and it was a British culture trivia show thing, like British media and actors, so imagine like an actor for Prince Charles, or people from the cast of All Creatures Great and Small. In the background of the classroom there was a movie playing that had Ashley Tisdale as the main character, so imagine High School Musical.
So anyways, I was the only one in the room who thought it was weird that a wrestler who was dressed up like a dentist was a guest teacher. Everyone thought I was insane, because to them he was just some normal guy.
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Also the white smock thing was SKIN TIGHT, very important detail.
End Scene. Yeah... I uh... i dk man...Trust me when I say that this dream has haunted me for months. I couldn't even try to make this up even if I tried.
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recordsfm · 6 months
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╰   ☆  ◞  dylan minnette / cis man / he/him  ———  no way is that ASHLEY DIMARCO? you know they’re TWENTY-FOUR YEARS OLD and they’ve been in los angeles for THREE MONTHS. they’re chillin’ as a ASSISTANT MUSIC PRODUCER for PINNACLE RECORDS. oh and they’re notoriously known for being STUBBORN but there are some people who have seen them be CREATIVE. i heard they’re a part of a BAND called THE WALLETS, yeah they’re a SINGER/GUITARIST. to be honest they sound a lot like BRADEN BALES & WALLOWS. they’re actually A RISING STAR.
basic information:
FULL NAME: Ashley Jett DiMarco
AGE: 24
DATE OF BIRTH: June 3rd 1999
GENDER: Cismale
PRONOUNS: he/him
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Roommates with twin sister.
family ties:
MOTHER: Natalie DiMarco
GRANDMOTHER: Abigail Anderson
FATHER: Elliott Anderson DiMarco
SIBLINGS: Amity DiMarco
PETS: 1 cat named Eevee
occupational information:
OCCUPATION: Assistant Music Producer at Pinnacle Records
answer only if your character is a musician:
ARTIST INFLUENCES: Bob Dylan, Weezer, and too many to count
POSITIVE TRAITS: Creative, Thoughtful, Chivalrous
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, Anxious, Shy
HOBBIES: Origami, video editing, playing guitar and keyboard, drinking
start at the beginning, who are you and why are you important?
"Hi, uh, my name is Ash DiMarco, and I'm one of the founding members of The Wallets."
how long have you been making music?
"Well music kinda runs in my family, so it's been a part of my life forever. I mean my mom literally was pregnant on tour. But uh, when I was about 13 I started to really take it seriously. It's around this time when I begged my older cousin to be in my band and well, that's how this kinda all started."
how would you describe the kind of music you make?
"It's definitely indie rock. A little bit of pop, a touch of singer- songwriter vibes."
who are some of your biggest musical influences?
"Well obviously my mom was a huge influence on me, considering how amazing she really is. And many of her influences too, for obvious reasons, but I really draw from like blackbear, Jeremy Zucker, Jon Bellion, the 1975, Wombats, you know very alt artists that are just extremely talented and lyrical geniuses. "
what is the first record you ever bought?
"Make believe by weezer"
what has working in the music industry meant to you thus far in your career?
"I haven't been as successful as some of the members of my family, but I really love this industry. There's so much that goes into making an album or doing a show that I dont think people realize, and that's kinda what I love about it. I love how much work it really takes."
what are some stand out moments from your career so far?
"Well out music videos are what I really love and are most proud of."
how would you describe your style of performance? what makes your shows worth seeing?
Awkward. The Wallets only did one tour in ten years. With local shows few and far between, and it was all because of him. The anxiety he felt on stage. "Well, we don't do a lot of shows, so..." He gave a small chuckle hoping they would move on.
what are you still hoping to achieve in your career, and what’s next for you?
Ash took a long pause, thinking about the future, what he wanted. And the truth was he didn't know. Wallets was crumbling, every member moving on in separate directions, and here he was. clinging to the music industry, cause it's all he really knew. "Sky's the limit."
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disparatemind · 1 year
Part 7 is here! Enjoy!
Link to posts 1-6 here
TW/CW: mention of being crushed/rock fall
I heard my name spoken inside of my head, and my gaze turned to the direction I'd sensed it from. My eyes met those of the deaf soul who'd entered not that long ago, and I strode over with a smile.
"What can I do for you?" I asked with my hands.
Those piercing eyes never seemed to blink, but as I finished asking my question, the soul flickered ever so slightly. "I feel… strange."
"Do you feel like you might be returning to your body?" I asked, always curious how strongly a soul could feel their tie to their physical form.
A slight hesitation, and a shake of the head. "I… don't know. Maybe? It's hard to explain, but it felt like a ton of pressure got lifted off of me and now it feels like…"
The soul growled in frustration.
I nodded encouragingly. "It's hard to find the words. Take your time."
A shadow of a smile flickered at the edges of the soul's lips, and with a short huff of frustration they tried again. "I… feel like… a sudden weight just got lifted… like I almost felt…" Another small noise of frustration. "I don't know how else to say it but it felt like I was about to start floating above the chair I'm sitting in."
I remembered meeting the soul and asking them what they remembered, and my lips pursed in concentration. "When you came here, you said… you said you were hiking, right? And you bent down to tie your shoe?"
"Didn't you say a boulder fell on you?"
Two quick nods and a flurry of hand movements followed. "That's right! I remember seeing what I thought were my legs sticking out from under a huge rock and thinking it must have fallen on me."
I paused, the familiar jolt running through me that I always felt when I was helping a customer and 'heard' a piece of information about them. "The boulder has been lifted off of you—that's why you felt like you were going to start floating all of a sudden." I paused again. "Do you feel anything? Any sensation or feeling that might tell you what's going on?"
The soul frowned in concentration. Then jerked violently, the cup of tea flying against the wall and shattering. I quickly backed up, as did the other patron who was sitting at the table, and the few of us around the soul waited to see what would happen. Eventually the soul collapsed onto the table, and I quickly moved forward to make sure they were alright. Heaving breaths came from the giant of a soul, and had we still been among the living I would have been afraid that the individual would have died on the spot.
Waiting with bated breath, I watched for any sign of flickering around the edges of the soul's form, and gave a short sigh of relief when they lifted their head.
With a dazed expression and eyes out of focus, after only a few moments that piercing gaze met mine, and I gave a small smile. "Are you alright?" I signed. "Can you talk? That looked horrible, and probably felt even worse."
With what looked like a Herculean effort, the soul managed to sign the letters "o… k…" before their head fell with a thunk back onto the table, eyes closed in pain.
"I wish I could help them." Ashley's voice came from just behind me, and I turned my head to look at her. "I feel nothing but pain every time I go back to my body. Each time I hope they've either found a miracle solution, or have told my family to say their goodbyes." A short, harsh breath escaped her. "I just don't want to hurt anymore." She looked at the soul before us, who gave a short groan. "I think that soul feels the same."
I nodded, compassion written across my face, and we walked back to the counter. "I wish I could do more to help," I said. "What good is a cup of tea going to do when I see souls like yours and theirs going through what you're going through?" I sighed. "But I keep doing it, hoping that it helps even a little bit."
"I can't answer for other people," Ashley said, "but it helps me."
I smiled. "Thanks," I answered, handing Ashley a fresh cup of coffee. She began to take it from me, but just as she was closing her fingers around it to take it, she flickered a couple of times and disappeared, the cup crashing to the floor.
A small sigh escaped me, and as I started to pick up the pieces of ceramic, a jolt went through me and I froze, tears springing to my eyes. I looked down at the spilled coffee and broken cup, and I closed my eyes and laid my hands over them, feeling their warmth even as it faded. I looked at where the deaf soul had been lying across the table, and with a flicker or two they disappeared as well.
Two at once. That's a rarity.
Cleaning up the spilled coffee and then walking over to the table, I picked up the broken cup and spilled tea, blinking more quickly than usual. The patron who had been sitting with the deaf individual came over to help, and I signed my thanks.
By the time I got back behind the counter, conversations had picked up again, and I took my cup from under the counter and drank a toast to the two souls who would not be coming back.
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