#Ash Barton
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joezy27 · 2 years ago
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HAWKEYE - Wastelanders (Podcast)
Marvel’s Wastelanders: Hawkeye International Edition on Audible in French, German, Hindi, Italian and Japanese Sept 29, 2023
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golden-rolling-hills · 4 months ago
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brody and barton being pokémon nerds on main is healing my soul 😭😭😭
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wanderingmind867 · 5 months ago
Who knew some of my favorite characters would be archers and/or sons of mars? Frank Zhang, Hawkeye, Martian Manhunter, possibly Green Arrow, etc. I know a lot of these characters are very different, but it's weird how the bow characters and/or characters tied to mars seem to appeal to me. Some odd coincidences, I guess. But I really do like all of the characters i've mentioned (but i put the maybe around green arrow because i haven't read many comics with him yet). And technically, I've liked archers in other things too. I remember really liking ashe in fire emblem: three houses (which was one of my last interests before the current long comics hyperfixation).
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alwaysxinxtrouble · 3 months ago
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“It’s a risk.” Emotionless, Barton said without hesitation to Loki’s declaration of wanting to rule the world, his chilling smile confirming how pleased he was with the comment. The cube had shown him many things since the god arrived, mainly what he needed to do to help in anyway he could for the chitauri to invade Earth. He had done everything necessary; gathering mercenaries, SHIELD’s enemies, and other random workers to help Selvig along with picking out a safe house with three lead lined floors to keep them out of Fury’s sights.
“If you’re set on making yourself known, it could be useful.” He figured from there he would gather up what he needed and set off on his mission to collect the last of the raw materials needed to open the portal. But with a small notion of Loki’s hand and he was following him down the corridor, away from the noise and busyness of the construction.
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adobongsiopao · 1 year ago
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I finally found this copy of "North and South" by Elizabeth Gaskell. I've been looking for it ever since I watched the 2004 BBC mini series version starring Daniela Denby-Ashe and Richard Armitage. For some reason, this novel is not usually available in bookstores near our area so I had to resort to buy it online. It's quite expensive and has some dent but it's still in good condition. I'll read this later.
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rileychester · 2 years ago
You know what makes me furious about Emmerdale.
They waste their time with pointless characters like Chole instead of spending their time on better characters like Matty.
Matty has been on the show a lot longer than Chole and that’s not even including when he was on before when he was a kid with the whole Barton family.
Lets start first with the fact that he’s trans, there is so little repsentation of trans character on tv and there should be more. Also most of the trans characters I know are from the US, I don’t think I know any who are based in the UK.
Added on the fact that Amy and him are a couple. And yet we haven’t seen them be a couple, they’re engaged to be married if the show can be bothered to remember.
Why haven’t we seen them have small moments like having domestic moments of sharing a meal or sorting out who used the last of the milk. Or big moments where they have a date night together or talk about if they want more kids.
We haven’t even gotten into the soap gold mine of the fact that Amy is the mother of Kyle, that she shares with Cain. Who is Matty’s freaking stepfather and Amy and Cain have a touchy truce over custody of Kyle. Not even going into everything that happened with the accidental death of Al.
Circling back round to Amy and Matty getting married. Yet no mention, no discussion of what kind of wedding they want or going to have. I mean you think the show would be all over that. Think of the publicity that would bring them, in all the magazines and yet nothing. I mean no talk of the food, the music, the venue, nothing. Not even a mention of Kyle giving Amy away at the wedding.
Speaking of Kyle, why don’t they have more scenes with Kyle and Matty. Not only as stepbrothers, but the fact that Amy and Matty are dating and Matty is suppose to become Kyle’s stepdad. Yet, Kyle spends more time with Issac and if he is with Matty, it’s because Matty is ushering him off so the grownups can talk.
Matty should be on the show more, given better storylines and more screen time.
Emmerdale needs to step it up.
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lil-doodles · 1 year ago
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Well, for those who are curious, here is the project I was working on for my wife. She has a collection of perfume bottles that she wants to display and she wanted art to accompany them. I took her pop culture interests and made them into faux scent products. Boa Noite is from Love Actually, Grantham is from Downton Abbey, Monks Barton is from Midsomer Murders, Black Ash is the type of tobacco that Sherlock Holmes smoked, and Pemberley is from Pride and Prejudice.
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kaceyrps · 2 years ago
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music-in-my-veins14 · 7 months ago
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joezy27 · 10 months ago
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HAWKEYE - Old Clint Barton & Natasha "Ash" Morse
Wastelanders - Hawkeye (2022) #1 Variant cover by Francesco Mobili & Andres Mossa
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Welcome to the Outpost: Part 1.2 - Rise From The Ashes
@badthingshappenbingo prompt: Self Surgery
Fandom: The Bad Batch Characters: Clone Commander Mayday, Clone Trooper Hexx, Clone Trooper Veetch, Additional Clone Troopers Word Count: ~1730 Warnings: Injury Description Read Here on AO3
Synopsis: The raiders have made it through the perimeter and Commander Mayday has been injured. With no response to their request for medical aid to be sent, he tends to his own wounds and rallies his men to continue protecting the base.
Read Part 1.1 - Frozen
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“Come in command. This is Barton IV Depot, requesting urgent assistance.”
“Give it up, Veetch.” Mayday grinned around the hitch of pain in his words. ���They’re not answering.”
The young clone trooper looked up from the console with a worried frown. “We have to keep trying, sir.”
Mayday eased himself forwards from his reclined position, grunting in pain as his abdomen creased around blood-stained bandages. “Get me the medkit.”
“There’s nothing in there that will help,” said Veetch, even as he obeyed. He watched incredulously as his commander rooted around in the small kit for anything he could use to treat the injury that kept seeping through repeated layers of bandaging.
“Bring the heater closer. I don’t want to freeze to death whilst I’m trying to patch myself up.”
“You can’t be serious,” said Veetch, grabbing Mayday’s hands to stop him as he went to unfasten the bandages. “You’ll bleed out.”
Mayday levelled a calm look at the young trooper, letting him hold his wrists but wearing him down with the strength of his gaze. “I’m bleeding out anyway. I need to stitch this wound.”
“But the Empire will send a medical droid if we can just contact them-”
“Not in time to do anything other than verify cause of death,” said Mayday bluntly. “Veetch. Heater.”
Veetch ran to do as he was bid, wide-eyed with concern. Mayday extracted what he needed from the kit – needle and thread, archaic, stored there only for dire emergencies when other supplies had run out. Which, after six months stationed on the icy planet, they had.
Not that their med-kit had been exhaustively stocked to begin with. It had been provisioned for a storage facility – essentially what the outpost was – not for a squad engaged in frequent skirmishes with the locals. Requests for replenishment had gone unanswered.
Mayday dragged himself to his feet, wincing, and staggered to the com console. He switched from long-range to local, leaning heavily against the equipment as he opened the channel.
“Hexx, how’s it going out there?”
“Good to hear your voice, Commander.”
The heater scraped against the floor as Veetch hauled it over, hovering anxiously beside his commander. Mayday sank onto a chair and leaned back, peeling away the soaked bandages round his middle as he listened to Hexx’s run-down.
“Raiders are attacking in waves. We can’t pursue them too far past the perimeter, or they strike from another angle. Defences are holding though.”
“Casualties?” Mayday’s voice was a hiss through gritted teeth as the final layer dropped away to reveal the deep laceration to his abdomen.
Hexx’s dry chuckle echoed through the com. “Just you, sir.”
Mayday gave a humourless grin. “Let’s try and keep it that way.”
He glanced at Veetch, who already had a fresh bandage in his hands. “Alright, trooper, you sure you can handle this?”
Veetch’s gaze was riveted on the gash to Mayday’s stomach, edges of the skin pulling back to reveal the flesh behind, slick with lazily pulsing blood. With effort he wrenched his attention away and looked into Mayday’s level brown gaze.
“Dene was our medic, sir. Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
“I’ve been patched up after battle enough times in my life,” said Mayday grimly, taking up the needle and positioning it beside the slowly pulsing gash across his stomach. “I think I can have a go at doing it myself.”
Veetch watched in pale determination as the steel instrument pierced the ragged flesh at the edge of the wound, thread drawing through and quickly soaking red with the commander’s blood. Sweat beaded on Mayday’s forehead as he worked, drawing the edges of the wound together until the flow of blood slowed to a beading trickle.
When Mayday’s head fell back, gasping in pain and exhaustion, Veetch crouched at his side to tie off the stitches and wipe blood from his skin before tightly wrapping the wound in a fresh bandage. The discarded, bloodstained rags on the ground beside him were pushed out the way as he pulled the heater as close as he could to his commander.
“Good lad,” breathed Mayday shallowly, watching Veetch through slitted eyes.
Veetch returned to the com console, opening the channel again.
“Report, Hexx,” he said in a voice that only shook a little.
“They’re inside the perimeter. We could use your help if the Commander can spare you.”
Mayday nodded. “Go help them.”
Veetch cast him a worried look, but his nod was firm and then he was gone, pulling his bucket on as he let himself out into the night.
With a tired groan Mayday pushed to his feet, steadying himself against the console before bending very carefully to retrieve his discarded top armour. The movement pulled at the stitches uncomfortably and he clamped a hand against the bandages, fingers clawed against his skin as he grimaced in pain.
Taking a deep breath he straightened, lifting his cuirass and heaving it onto the chair he had vacated. He gingerly pulled his top blacks down from around his shoulders to cover his torso, then began to clip his armour back into place.
The mountain cold found every gap between his armour as he crossed to the watch-tower. In other circumstances it might have been soothing on his injuries, but now all it did was highlight the contrast with the heat of his wound and remind him how ill-equipped they were to fight in these conditions.
A rifle muzzle greeted him as he ascended the tower, until Atlas realised who it was and hauled his Commander the rest of the way to the platform.
“Sure you should be out here, sir?” he asked, training his rifle back on the battle. A well-placed shot startled a pair of raiders from cover, where they ran into the path of Recon’s waiting blaster-fire.
“Wouldn’t be anywhere else,” quipped Mayday drily, trying not to let pain leach into his voice. He scanned the depot with a pair of binoculars. “Over there. Three of them in the shadow of the storage unit. Looks like they have explosive charges.”
“On it.” Atlas swung his rifle to the location Mayday had marked, ready to eliminate the threat.
For over an hour the fight ranged back and forth, raiders striking and then melding back into shadow and snow, the clone troopers pressed from all sides to defend the base. The perimeter sensors worked intermittently to warn them of enemies nearing. Mayday ordered Atlas down to back up the others on the ground, taking control of the rifle in the tower.
It wasn’t clear at what point they routed the attackers. The skirmishes dwindled in frequency, then ceased. The clone troopers were still crouched in cover, shivering against the bitter cold, watchful and alert for the next attack the come in.
When enough time had passed to feel confident the assault was over, Mayday came down from the tower.
Axis and Helix were closest to him, and quick to rush to support him. He brushed off their concern, pulling himself to his full height as his ragged squad of troopers gathered around him, watchful and waiting for his orders.
“You did well, boys,” he praised, looking at each of them in turn. Snow-dashed helmets watched back, visors dark, but despite the snow and low light he knew each and every one of them individually. “You held the depot whilst I was incapacitated. I couldn’t be prouder of you.”
“Veetch says the Empire aren’t answering comms,” said Ferox bluntly.
Mayday took a deep breath. “I know what you’re all thinking. We’re assigned to the shebs-end of nowhere, and relief ships are… infrequent.” He paused, letting his gaze rake over them again. “What we’re doing here is important. The Empire needs us to keep this depot secure until these supplies are needed. It may be a long assignment. But I know that each and every one of you is a good soldier, and we can handle it.”
The line of troopers shuffled, glancing at each other. Mayday grimaced inside his helmet, glad his expression was hidden. After six months his troopers were losing morale, worn down by the deaths of Geo and Dene and the repeated equipment failures that hadn’t been addressed.
“We may be undersupplied. We’ve already lost brothers. But we won’t let this planet beat us; not the weather, not the raiders. Hear me?”
A gruff chorus of affirmatives.
“You are proud soldiers of the Empire. Yes, we were struck a blow today.” He let his hand go to his side for emphasis. “But no matter how they knock us down, we will rise again. We need to show the Empire we are resilient… prove that we can be trusted with even the most difficult assignments.”
The clustered troopers gave another series of more-or-less positive noises. Less, Mayday thought, but he wasn’t going to dwell on that now.
“Clear up out here, and check that all the buildings are still secure. Veetch, Telmer, bring any of the raider’s bodies into cover for now. We’ll strip them of anything we can use… cold-weather gear in particular.”
“We could strip them where they lay and leave them for the vultures,” said Telmer pessimistically.
Mayday shook his head. “I don’t like the idea of attracting more of those scavengers if I can help it.” He thought of the fierce creatures he watched circling the depot on a daily basis and shuddered. “Alright, everyone. Get to it.”
Hexx fell into step beside Mayday as they headed back to the main building. He didn’t try and offer his support. Mayday wouldn’t take it until he was out of sight of his men.
“All that stuff about the Empire being proud of us,” he said quietly, on their private com channel. “You didn’t believe a word of it.”
Mayday snorted. “Not at all. But they needed to hear it.”
“Raiders are getting bolder.”
“Don’t I know it,” grunted Mayday, fingering his bandaged stomach.
Hexx huffed a grim laugh. “Barton IV is the worst karking assignment in the galaxy.”
“Yeah,” agreed Mayday quietly. “But we’re going to make the best of it. Rise above it, and prove we’re good soldiers. Show the Empire that us clones aren’t going anywhere.” He took a deep breath, and now he looped an arm round Hexx’s shoulder for support. “Don’t worry, Hexx. It’ll come right in the end.”
Read Part 1.3 - Lost Battle
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Welcome to Angstpril!
This writing project is a collaboration between myself, @the-little-moment and @kybercrystals94 to bring you a fabulous series of angst-based Bad Batch fanfiction. We've shared the prompts between us so don't forget to check all of our blogs to catch the whole month's worth of stories!
My series of 10 stories will focus on Clone Commander Mayday and the Barton IV Outpost. Stay tuned to follow Mayday's journey to the bitter end...
Don't forget to check out @the-little-moment's stories:- Day 1 - Homesick Day 4 - Longing
And @kybercrystals94's story:- Day 3 - Broken Hearted
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pandagirl45 · 1 year ago
Kraven: *pins clint in* i like them a little fiesty
Clint: *holding his bruised arm glaring*
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jasperarsonaurelia · 2 years ago
Kayla : who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Clint : language!
Ashley : yeah watch your fucking language
Kayla : the fuck word
Léa : are you serious? You guys use the f word all the time
Kayla : oh my god she censored it
Ashley : say fuck, Léa
Kayla : do it, Léa. say fuck
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alwaysxinxtrouble · 3 months ago
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Two years of running from one dive bar and shitty motel to the next, never staying in one place more than a few days. Paying in cash helped keep him off of Tony's radar, figuring the genius was monitoring his accounts. If he was looking for him at all after what he did. Burner cell phones kept Natasha from pinning him down. Stealing a beater car every time he moved towns, stopping only long enough to switch out the plates, allowed him to remain several steps ahead of the Avengers, driving off in random directions each time.
It turns out New Orleans during Mardi Gras was the perfect place for a drunk to hide from the world. He blended in with all of the other tourists stumbling around the city, no one thinking to look twice in his direction. The only difference being he picked a place to stay and parked himself on the balcony of his room with a glass of bourbon in one hand and cigarette in the other, feet up on the railing. His gaze remained on the night sky above, ignoring the festivities below.
♡ Starter for @alwaysxinxtrouble
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Thor Odinson moved through the crowds, his gaze scanning each individual carefully. The swarms of civilians seemed to part with ease, his presence bringing an air of determination and sharp focus. They had been searching for Clint Barton, who had vanished after the battle in New York City. He was elusive, having slipped under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar for roughly two years, much to Nick Fury's vexation.
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While he couldn't pinpoint what, the God of Thunder knew something had happened during Barton's time with his brother, Loki.  The brainwashing had left something behind — something that had caused Clint to flee — and Thor was nothing if not protective of his comrades.  Then, there was a prickling sensation in the atmosphere, a sense of eyes upon him from one of the buildings; he knew he was close, having used Heimdall's guidance to track the archer this far.  "Show yourself, my friend," he muttered to himself, piercing cerulean eyes darting over the windows and ledges of the buildings above, searching for any sign of the missing Avenger.
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earlgreylatte · 3 months ago
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DC, Marvel Comics, RoR, Gintama, FFXV, FFXVI, DMC, Mortal Kombat, Invincible
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The Lantern Called Nowhere - Platonic Green Lanterns/Batfamily, Kyle Rayner
Eldest Daughter Syndrome - Invincible
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Your Throne - Qin Shi Huang
His Völunder - Qin Shi Huang
His Völunder - Jack
Three Lifeforms - Hal Jordan
Returnee - Justice League Various
Love to Highball - Hal Jordan
Morning Glory - Hal Jordan
Hello, You - Yandere Mark Grayson
Variant Madness - Yandere Mark Grayson
Nocturne - Vampire Hal Jordan
Play to Lose - Radiant Black
Power Ranger BF and his Magical Girl GF - Kyle Rayner
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How long they last NNN - Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Booster Gold, Ted Kord, Bruce Wayne
When you let go of their hand - Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Booster Gold, Ted Kord, Bruce Wayne
2V1 - Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Booster Gold, Ted Kord, Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Helena Bertinelli, Vic Sage
No Idea - Matt Murdock, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson
Small Blurb - Ted Kord, Booster Gold
Give and Take - Yandere Green Lanterns
Will you be my Valentine? - Helena Bertinelli
My Bloody Valentine - Diana Prince
Vibes - Ted Kord, Booster Gold
Unyielding - Mark Grayson
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Cloak and its Dagger - Yandere Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz
Sharing is Caring - Yandere Green Lanterns
The Not So Little Things - Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Booster Gold, Ted Kord, Bruce Wayne
Schedule? - Yandere Green Lanterns
Limed Ash - Yandere Booster Gold, Ted Kord
Friends with Benefits - Yandere Hal Jordan, Booster Gold, Ted Kord, Kyle Rayner, Johnny Storm, Peter Parker, Matt Murdock
3some ask!! - Johnny Storm, Peter Parker
3some Returns - Johnny Storm, Peter Parker
Nicknames and Petnames - Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Booster Gold, Ted Kord, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Wally West, Kyle Rayner
Nicknames and Petnames - Peter Parker, Johnny Storm, Matt Murdock, Wade Wilson, Clint Barton, Scott Summers, Kurt Wagner, Logan Howlett
Mirror Thoughts - Green Lanterns
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Forced to write because my favs never have enough content😔
21, she/her, Desi, mediocre writer, call me whatever! Love to interact with those that have similar interests!
Banners/dividers from @cafekitsune
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Inbox is always open, so send an ask, but I’ll only write the interesting and sexy ones lol
No hyper specific character requests (‘reader is like (this character)’, ‘they’re a musical theatre nerd’, etc).
No male reader
No non/con
No incest or underage characters
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wheelsup-sevenup · 3 months ago
whumpuary 2025: day 3!
prompt: choice / storm / black eye
pairing: clint barton & natasha romanoff (marvel)
warnings: arguments + violence, implied dissociation
“…And will that be one or two beds?” the woman behind the desk asked Clint, looking askance at the muddy footsteps he’d tracked over the patchy carpet.
“Two, if you’ve got ‘em,” Clint said absently, wrapping the soggy Ace bandage back around the already bruising sprain on his wrist.
Clint was the only other person in the lobby aside from the receptionist. The motel was by no means nice, just the first Holiday Inn he could make out through the pouring rain. He’d asked Natasha if that was alright, but she’d just kept staring out the window. Nothing behind her eyes. He had yet to get used to it.
Apparently, Clint hadn’t got to know his new partner during her months of debrief as well as he’d thought. Their first unsupervised mission together had been something of a disaster: though they’d managed to get the intel they needed, the cover identity he’d spent years building up was left as ashes in their wake.
He was pissed. The car ride had been spent in silence.
“All right, your room’s gonna be 113, just across there.” The receptionist slid across two room keys, and Clint thanked her before ducking back out into the rain.
It was still pouring outside, and Clint jogged across the parking lot, trying in vain to keep himself from getting more soaked than he already was. In the car, Natasha still sat in the passenger seat, curled up loosely with her chin against her knees. She didn’t react when Clint rapped on the window the first time, and, irritated, he knocked again. “Natasha. C’mon.”
She opened the car door, turning minutely to face him while keeping herself out of the rain. Clint tossed a room key to her, which dropped onto her thigh, then fell into the footwell as she continued to stare at him.
“Natasha. I’m freezing. Let’s go.”
She didn’t move.
“Let’s go, I said.” Frustration swelled within him — at her, for being dry while he was wet, for not saying a word to him the past five hours, for the cover identity of Jamie Baker that no longer existed — and he leaned forward, seizing her bicep in his grip.
For some reason, he hadn’t expected the blow that came, swift and hard enough to knock him on his ass.
“Fuck,” he hissed, eyes watering, fireworks of pain shooting their way through his eye socket. “Natasha, what the fuck?”
He looked up at her, sitting curled in the passenger seat like she hadn’t moved at all, but this time he recognized the look in her eyes. He’d seen it before in wild animals, in the eyes of a fox about to sink her teeth into her own leg. Clint took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry.”
Anger still roiled in his chest, but he pushed it down. “I shouldn’t have grabbed you. Shit, Natasha, I’m learning too. I’m new at this. I’m sorry.”
A flicker of recognition. She met his eyes.
“I’m not mad at you,” he said, and to his surprise, he wasn’t. “I’m gonna go inside. You can follow me, or not. We don’t have to talk, if you do want to come in. It can be your choice, got it? Your choice. I’ll stay out of your way.”
Slowly, he got up, retrieving his bag from the trunk and leaving Natasha in silence.
The room was nothing special. Quiet, small. Two beds. Clint barely noticed any of it, checking through the window as soon as he got in to make sure the car was still there in the parking lot. He half-expected it to be gone, for her to be on the interstate already. But she had waited.
When he got out of the shower, the car was gone.
Her choice, he’d said. And if she’d chosen to leave, take her chances elsewhere? Well, he’d never live that down at SHIELD, but ultimately, she might be better off for it.
He took the bed farthest from the door. Didn’t secure the extra locks, just in case. He flipped through the channels for a moment before he fell asleep still sitting up, in the middle of a rerun of Family Feud.
He woke up to the shower turning on. Somehow, Clint hadn’t registered her presence when Natasha came in, and he wondered what it said about him, that he already trusted her that implicitly.
The room was dark, save for the TV, now playing Wheel of Fortune. He couldn’t see out of his right eye, didn’t even want to know what the swelling was going to look like.
Illuminated on his nightstand was a plastic shopping bag, a CVS receipt piled alongside it. Inside the bag was a hard wrist brace, a new Ace bandage, Tylenol, and a bag of Haribo gummy bears.
Clint couldn’t help but smile. It was something.
i feel like i’ve wanted to write more fics like these about clintnat, those early shield days where they didn’t know each other as well yet, where maybe things weren’t so smooth as they are later. and i’m really glad i did, because i love the way this one came out :)
i will probably keep this one a tumblr exclusive. but watch out bc i have at least another two-parter for clint/nat coming, (which i’ll probably post on ao3) with a lotta hurt and a lotta comfort ;)
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