#Asexual Awareness Week 2021
literarysnarker · 11 months
Happy Ace Week! The most recent Ace Community Survey Report is now available!
They are also looking for volunteer translators, writers, and especially data analysts.
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Asexuality Awareness Week 2023: Visibility for the Invisible Orientation
[I am interning with a nonprofit focused on queer advocacy, and I wrote a piece about my experience with asexuality and a short primer on what asexuality is for their newsletter in honor of ace week, which can be found linked above. Unfortunately, for reasons of space, I had to shorten my personal story. This also meant cutting out a reference to how @comicaurora (in her role as OSP's Red) is directly responsible for me figuring out my asexuality (so thanks). To remedy this, my earlier draft with the longer story is included below the read more. Also, nothing on this blog should be construed as the official stance or opinion of Georgia Equality, my opinions are my own.]
Do you know what the A in LGBTQIA+ stands for? Until a few years ago, I assumed I was correct in my belief that it meant ally, a description that I was also fairly confident applied to me. Then, towards the end of 2021, I started watching the YouTube channel Overly Sarcastic Productions and YouTube, therefore, started recommending me related content, including a video entitled “OSP Red being an asexual icon for 5 minutes”. As it happens, Red and Blue, the creators of OSP, are both asexual, which is what the A actually stands for (along with aromantic and agender). Within a few months of seeing that video (and then many others like it), I was identifying as asexual, and the only reason I hadn’t known I was asexual all my life is that I didn’t know it was a thing that I could be. This is a story not unique to the asexual experience, but the degree of ignorance about and erasure of asexuality, even within the LGBTQIA+ community, has led to its being known as the “invisible orientation” and this invisibility is why events such as Ace Awareness Week (the last full week of October) and International Asexuality day (April 6th) are so important. It’s not just about showing pride and supporting our community, it is about reminding the world, and ourselves, that we exist. It is making the invisible visible.
Also, remember that asexuality is a spectrum, one that Ace Awareness Week and International Asexuality Day celebrate in its entirety, and any who feel some affinity for the identities within are welcome. To honor Ace Awareness Week, which this year is from October 22nd to October 28th, here is an FAQ for anyone who wants to better understand or be a better ally, or maybe is just now realizing, as I once did, that ally isn’t actually the right word for them:
What is asexuality? - Asexuality is both an umbrella term and a sexual orientation of its own. The umbrella covers the identities of anyone who feels sexual attraction rarely, situationally, or not at all. Within the asexual umbrella, there is asexuality, feeling little to no sexual attraction to anyone, demisexuality, meaning that you only develop sexual attraction to someone after forming a strong emotional bond, and gray asexuality, a catch-all orientation for people who feel sexual attraction rarely or at specific times, but don’t fit cleanly into the asexual or demisexual identities. There are also a myriad of subidentities, all of which are valid and welcome in the asexual community. These identities are often referred to collectively as falling on the asexuality spectrum. 
How is asexual different from aromantic? - The aromantic spectrum is very similar to the asexual spectrum, but instead of being centered on a lack of sexual attraction, it is centered on a lack of romantic attraction. Romantic and sexual orientation are not necessarily correlated, and it is possible to be asexual without being aromantic or vice-versa. Many people are both, but someone’s romantic orientation cannot be assumed from their sexual orientation. However, the amount of overlap in the communities and the similarity in the struggles they face has often led to aromantics and asexuals being each other’s most vocal allies.
How is asexuality different from celibacy/low libido? - Celibacy is the voluntary avoidance of sex. It has nothing to do with sexuality, and though many asexuals do avoid sex, many don’t. Similarly, feelings of attraction are completely separate from libido. Some asexuals categorize their feelings on having sex as favorable (they enjoy it and may even actively seek it out despite not feeling attracted to their partners), neutral (they don’t have any strong feelings on sex, and likely won’t actively seek it out), or repulsed (they feel some level of disgust at the idea of having sex, often dislike discussions or depictions of it, and will not seek it out). None of these feelings about sex are more or less valid than any other, and they can change over time. This is also extremely personal, and asking someone about their sexual history or views on sex is inappropriate.
Is this one of those new fad identities from social media? - No identity, no matter how recent it may seem, is invalid, a “fad”, or unworthy of respect. Like all sexualities, asexuality is as old as humanity, and academic acknowledgement of it goes back to the earliest gender and sexuality advocates of the 1800s, though under a variety of different names. The use of the actual word “asexual” dates back at least as far as 1907, and when Alfred Kinsey made his scale of sexual attraction in the 1940s, he included an “x” for those who feel attraction to nobody. During the explosion of queer activism in the 1970s, asexuals were right in the middle, fighting for our place and writing foundational works about how we fit in the grand tapestry of humanity.
Why is this queer and/or what discrimination do you face? - Queerness should never be defined by other people’s hatred. It is about experiencing gender and attraction that doesn’t fit neatly into the heterosexual gender binary; and asexuality is very much queer by that definition. Furthermore, asexuals do, unfortunately, face discrimination–from widespread microaggressions caused by societal assumptions about sexual relationships, to direct exclusion and erasure, and even to violence. 
To find more information about asexuality and the wider ace spec community, visit the AVEN, the Asexual Visibility & Education Network, at asexuality.org. For more information about Ace Week and associated events, visit aceweek.org.
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luahecate · 2 years
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281 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
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Happy Asexual Awareness Week! (I’m two days late but every week should be ace awareness week!) Taglist: @stormy-space-jellyfish @skylarspacesod   @valipad @soup-does-stuff @saturniidd @commanderanne @cryptic-coven-scout @heart-wit-strength @peachpaws0  @deeeeerr @gayfrogcoven @staravenger7285 @queercoded-disney-villain @vicki-toria-kristal  @yourpersonaltimebomb @amisplacedalphabet  @neonvixxiee 
300 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
i just had a random thought and i need to confirm it, reblog and put your sexuality in the tags with whether you wear hoodies and beanies
363 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
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We did it guys. 
In Marcys journal, Marcy was revealed to be attracted to women
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1,103 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
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victorious1956 · 1 year
My RWBY Fic List
Another Fair Game Week done and dusted. That's the fourth one now; where does the time go?!
Here's my updated list. The symbol key indicates which ships feature. ❤️️️ Qrow 💚 Clover 💙 James 💛 Tai 🛡️🐶 Jaune/Marrow 🐝🐝 Blake/Yang
All these are on AO3. The rating is shown after each title.
Recently posted/updated:
Fair Game Week 2023 Series
❤️️️️💚️ Two separate fics for Fair Game Week 2023. Completed Days One-Six: i will be the one (who comes to rescue you) (T) When Qrow decides to investigate an unusual circus, little does he realise it will lead to an unexpected rescue which will ultimately change his life. 6 chapters 15,444 words Day Seven: Room Service (E) Qrow and Clover have been happy together for many years. Their life is contented, settled... and maybe verging on monotonous. Clover decides to do something about it. 2 chapters 1,790 words
A RWBY Alphabet Series
A series of (probably) unconnected stories from A to Z, featuring various RWBY characters and relationships. Ongoing I: Inversion (E) Qrow/Ozpin Finally, Qrow and Ozpin have a relationship they are both happy with. And even though Qrow has to travel frequently, reuniting is always enjoyable. But one night, an idle thought leads Ozpin to speculate how things could play out a little differently. 1 chapter 2,347 words
The Weight of Impossible Days (T)
❤️️💙 In the aftermath of a fateful day, friends and colleagues are lost or scattered. Against the odds, James Ironwood is recovered, barely alive. Qrow's anger, which has sustained him in recent days, dissipates as he begins to come to terms with his feelings towards his old friend. 1 chapters 5,242 words
Out of the Darkness (T)
❤️️💚️ After a long and difficult journey, Qrow has arrived in Atlas and is starting to enjoy his days in the floating city. His nights, however, are another matter. Clover becomes aware of his partner's problems, and offers his help. 1 chapter 4,564 words
Hey Jealousy (T)
❤️️💚💙 Qrow's relationship with James has been erratic, at best. Their shared history meant a closeness which at times promised to become something more. But it never quite worked. Now Qrow is back in Atlas and has to accept James has moved on. But why did he have to move on with someone so likeable? 3 chapters 9,052 words
For convenience, I've created several series and grouped most of the fics according to their main theme: Somewhat Silly Focus on Family Mostly Soft with Minimal Angst A Modicum of Angst Degrees of Naughtiness Historical Setting Modern Setting
If you are interested, I have an ongoing playlist where I keep track of the songs which have contributed to some of the things I've written. It's on Apple Music, YouTube, and Spotify.
Older fics below cut
A Fair Game Rainbow Series
❤️️💚️ A series of eight unconnected short stories, prompted by the colours of the rainbow. Because why not 🌈🙂 Completed
A RWBY Alphabet Series
A series of (probably) unconnected stories from A to Z, featuring various RWBY characters and relationships. Ongoing
Clover Ebi: Ace Operative Series
❤️️💚️ A short series looking at how a Fair Game relationship might work, if Clover were asexual. Completed
Early Days Series
❤️️💚️ A series of short fics which follow Qrow and Clover as they become more friendly, leading into the start of a deeper relationship. Completed As I wrote very little lead-up for Qrow and Clover's relationship in my longer story, I decided to try and rectify that here. These stories reach a natural conclusion of their own, and you don't have to go on to read the longer story for them to make sense 🙂
Fair Game Week 2021 Series
❤️️️️💚️ Seven separate fics for Fair Game Week 2021. Completed
Fair Game Week 2022 Series
❤️️️️💚️ Seven separate fics for Fair Game Week 2022. Completed
Fair Game Weekend 2020 Series
❤️️💚️ 3 fics for Fair Game Weekend, 2nd-4th October 2020. Completed
Hummingbird Week 2021 Series
Qrow/Summer Two separate fics for Hummingbird Week 2021. Completed
IronQrow Week 2021 Series
❤️️💙 Seven separate fics for IronQrow Week 2021. Completed
IronQrow Week 2022 Series
❤️️💙 Seven separate fics for IronQrow Week 2022. Completed
Numerically Speaking Series
❤️️💚️ A series of (mostly) unconnected short stories, prompted by the numbers 1 to 10. Fair Game with a sprinkling of Bumbleby in Part Six. Complete
Qrowtober 2020 Series
Six separate fics for Qrowtober 2020. Completed
TaiQrow Week 2021 Series
❤💛 Eight separate fics for TaiQrow Week 2021. Completed
Varin & Challance Series
❤️️💚️ Stories taking place throughout Qrow and Clover's life together. Ongoing
Vicky's OT4 Story Series (T)
❤️️💚💙💛 Five linked pieces for Iron Dragon's Charms Week. Or, how Qrow, Clover, James, and Taiyang got together. Completed 9,578 words
7-6 (M)
❤️️💚️ A quiet night in for Qrow and Clover ends in an unexpected battle for the two experienced fighters. 1 chapter 1,202 words
(all this time) we were waiting for each other (T)
❤️️💙 After one drunken night together, neither James nor Qrow know how to handle the situation between them. So they don't. Until Qrow arrives in Atlas, and then there are questions which have to be answered. 1 chapter 4,518 words
All Together Now (T)
❤️️💚💙 In a world very similar to Remnant, Hunters roam the land seeking and destroying the Scourge, which terrorise ordinary citizens. For one renowned Hunter, a vicious attack which almost kills him sets his life on an unexpected path. 4 chapters 13,509 words
As Tears Go By (G)
❤️️💚️ Some painful memories never leave you, but if you have a sympathetic partner there for you, it helps. 1 chapter 1,257 words
An Average Day in Atlas (T)
❤️️💚 In an alternative Remnant where a certain immortal witch does not exist, the focus of everyday life is not quite the same. Qrow is spending time in Atlas with his extended family of teenagers, who are on a long educational visit from Beacon. Friendships are made and there is much to learn, especially for Penny who is trying to make sense of human relationships. Winter is doing her best to help her understand, whilst making sure James doesn't overwork himself. Meanwhile, Qrow is taking a more direct approach with another member of the Atlas team. 1 chapter 4,487 words
Better The Second Time (M)
❤️️💚️ The first time is special. The second, even more so. 1 chapter 2,552 words
Birth Day (T)
❤️️💚️ Qrow and Clover wait anxiously for a very special delivery. 1 chapter 1,491 words
A Busy Week (E)
❤️️💚 Five times Qrow and Clover attempt to get jiggy, and one time they finally manage it. 1 chapter 4,710 words
but the image is discoloured now (G)
❤️️💚️ Time can diminish the hurt. It can also cause the memories to fade. Qrow wants to remember. 1 chapter 323 words
Captivated (T)
❤️️💚 Qrow's New Year gets under way with a head full of thoughts of Clover Ebi. Jimmy's PA has made quite an impression on him, but Qrow isn't sure if this is a good thing. 1 chapter 3,646 words
Challenge Accepted (T)
❤️️💚️ Flirting is one thing, but Clover knows liaisons between military personnel are frowned on. Even if it's something he wants, very much. Qrow decides it's time to give him a nudge in the right direction. 1 chapter 1,941 words
Cherish (T)
❤️️💚️ Special things in Qrow's life don't last. He's learnt the hard way to keep things hidden. It's easier then, when it goes wrong. This time, it might be different. 1 chapter 1,140 words
Convergence (T)
❤️️💚️ Qrow and Clover are bound to get together. Eventually. 1 chapter 1,514 words
Deep (E)
❤️️💚️ Qrow sometimes teases Clover about the depth of feeling between them. But they both know that being in deep, is where they want to be. 1 chapter 1,396 words
Double or Nothing (T)
❤️️💚️ Qrow is reluctant to accompany Clover to visit one of Atlas Software's customers. Even though his colleague is attractive, friendly, and very good at his job. Then an unexpected turn of events forces Qrow to re-evaluate the situation in which he finds himself. 1 chapter 4,499 words
The Edge of Heaven (M)
❤️️💚️ Clover takes Qrow somewhere he has never been before. AKA Clover shows Qrow the meaning of the pink stripe on his flag. 1 chapter 3,539 words
Face the Rain (G)
❤️️💚️ Clover and Qrow have been together for some time now, but the cracks are starting to show. 1 chapter 2,324 words
Flightless (G)
❤️️💚️ The war is drawing to a close, and Qrow is flying back to Atlas after a successful mission. When his flight ends abruptly, little does Qrow know that one aspect of his life has now changed forever. 1 chapter 4,860 words
Friday I'm In Love (T)
❤️️💙 James enjoys a coffee at the railway station on his way to work. He could call in every day, but there's a reason why he only stops by on a Friday. 1 chapter 5,040 words
A Gentleman's Excuse Me (E)
❤️️💚💙 Qrow is left to amuse himself for the evening while James and Clover are out. He devises a game they can all play later, but it doesn't go quite the way he expected. 1 chapter 3,501 words
A Good Boy (T)
❤️️💛 When a family member falls ill, Tai turns to Qrow for help. And Qrow is happy to be there for him. 1 chapter 5,173 words
Gravitational Pull (T)
❤️️💙 Qrow is happy to oblige Tai by minding the store so he and Raven can take a holiday. He finds one customer particularly intriguing, and fortunately for him, the man has a good reason to return to the shop. 5 chapters 11,148 words
Hand in Hand in Hand (T)
❤️️💚💙 Qrow, Clover, and James decide the time is right to make an important commitment to each other. 1 chapter 1,799 words
Heal My Heart (T)
❤️️💛 Qrow and Clover are getting on well, both at work and away from it. Each wonders where this slow dance might lead... until an accident sends Qrow away, to be healed in more ways than one. 1 chapter 6,246 words
Hearts Forever Bound Together (T)
❤️️💛 / STRQ Every year, Remnant celebrates the Day of Hearts— a day to focus on those you love, whether as a friend, a partner, or something else. For Team STRQ, it's a day to remember the ties that bind them. 1 chapter 2,568 words
Here With Me (G)
❤️️💛 It's said a picture is worth a thousand words. Tai has a lifetime of them. 1 chapter 1,678 words
A Hidden Tail (T)
🛡️🐶 When Marrow wonders how much easier life might be if he wasn't so obviously a Faunus, Jaune does what he can to provide support for his boyfriend. 1 chapter 1,540 words
Home Is In Your Arms (G)
❤️️💚️ Qrow has never known true love, and anyway, he's not sure if it's something he deserves. But maybe things are different now. 1 chapter 2,787 words
Home To You (T)
❤️️💙 After the Fall of Beacon, Qrow is busier than ever before. His missions take him far away from friendly places, and an unexpected incident makes him wonder if home is where you least expect it. 1 chapter 3,382 words
A Hope That Waits In The Dark (T)
💚💙 Everyone is beautiful in the dark. James knew the old saying well. He wondered if anyone could ever find him beautiful in the light of day. 1 chapter 1,339 words
(i'll give you) the reasons that you need to stay (G)
❤️️💛 Qrow has stayed on Patch for long enough— he has plenty of reasons to leave. Tai does not agree. 1 chapter 1,502 words
i'm dreaming 'bout those dreamy eyes (G)
❤️️💚️ The importance or otherwise of eye colour. 1 chapter 478 words
In Your Eyes (T)
❤️️💚️ Not everyone believes in the idea of a soulmate. And sometimes, you don't have to. 1 chapter 6,303 words
Instinctively Yours (T)
❤️️💚️ In Springtime, every bird's thoughts turn to finding a partner. Clover never expected it to be him. 1 chapter 2,016 words
It's Not Goodbye (G)
🛡️🐶 In the escalating confusion after team RWBY fight with the Ace Ops, there is someone Jaune desperately wants to find. 1 chapter 647 words
Just Because It Burns (G)
❤️️💚️ What do you do when the harmless banter and mild flirting are set to lead to something more? Something which doesn't seem like a good idea... Winter has a suggestion, and she's convinced it's the answer to Qrow's problem. 1 chapter 6,602 words
The King, the Knight, and the Dragon (T)
❤️️💙💛 Sir Qrow is the most accomplished knight at the court of King James. When he is sent to investigate reports of a dragon bothering some of the king's subjects, the unexpected outcome will touch the lives of several people at court. 1 chapter 7,567 words
Kiss Me, Kiss Me (T)
❤️️💚️ After the trials and tribulations in Atlas, Clover and Qrow enjoy some downtime in Patch. 1 chapter 1,635 words
Late Bloomer (G)
❤️️💚️ Clover is as straight as the day is long... and when you are dedicated to your job, the day is very long indeed. He is a man who enjoys the certainty of his orderly life, and he can't imagine anything that might change it. Maybe he needs to work on his imagination a little. 1 chapter 2,998 words
Learn to Love Again (M)
❤️️💚️ As Qrow refuses to acknowledge he is struggling with the consequences of quitting drinking, his relationship with Clover begins to founder. When things are at their bleakest, James does what he can to help. 1 chapter 5,539 words
Let It Be Me (T)
❤️️💚️ Qrow's life has always been restless, the opportunities to settle down with another person frustratingly scarce. The rare times he's tried, it results in disappointment as they go their separate ways. So he decides that kind of life is not for him. In Atlas, he meets someone who encourages him to try again. 1 chapter 4,762 words
Letting Go (G)
❤️️💛 Qrow tries to help Taiyang move on. 1 chapter 948 words
Love Enough For Three (M)
❤️️️💚💙 Qrow blames both himself and James for Clover's situation. James blames himself too, for that and also for almost everything else that has happened. Maybe the three of them, together, can find the peace which they—and everyone else—deserve. Completed 10 chapters 21,945 words
Love On The Border (T)
❤️️️💚️ A routine guard-post inspection becomes anything but, when Clover interviews a man who is apprehended trying to cross the border. 1 chapter 3,197 words
A Lullaby for James (G)
❤️️💚💙 After the horrific experiences of the war, James' sleep is plagued by nightmares. He is helped by two other survivors, and together they achieve a more restful night. 1 chapter 956 words
maybe i will write a song for you (that you will never hear) (G)
❤️️💙 James has reached the end. The stars beckon. 1 chapter 658 words
Misfortune Favours the Bold (T)
❤️️💚️ After agreeing to help Clover with a minor DIY task, Qrow's renowned bad luck works to his advantage in an unexpected way. 1 chapter 1,957 words
The Monster I've Become (T)
💚💙 James had not expected love, or anything like it, to come calling. But it does, and for a while he can be happy. Life, however, has other plans for him. 1 chapter 4,928 words
The New Stable Master (G)
❤️️💚️ Captain Clover Ebi arrives at Faunus Hall, to take up a position as Stable Master. The estate Steward, Qrow Branwen, is unsure of his suitability for the role. In time, however, Qrow finds they have much in common. 1 chapter 4,925 words
Next Stop Anywhere (T)
❤️️💚️ Clover is old enough to take part in the Sending, a ceremony to set his feet on a journey out into the world. His experiences along the way take his life in more than one unexpected direction. 3 chapters 18,703 words
Northumbrian Treasure (T)
❤️️💚💙 Earl Clover Ebisson was no stranger to the shores of Northumbria— he and his warriors had taken many slaves on their previous raids. This time, the treasure the earl seized would prove more precious than he realised. 1 chapter 4,159 words
The One Who Loved You So (G)
Qrow & James / ❤️️💚 James cares for Qrow. He sometimes wishes he didn't. 1 chapter 1,000 words
The Only One That Knows Me (G)
❤️️💚️ There are two Clover Ebis— one public, one private. Other than Clover himself, only one person knows them both. 1 chapter 1,686 words
Paradigm Shift (M)
❤️️💚️ Clover's life is settled in every way except one. As he searches for the right woman for him, fate takes a hand and sets him on an unexpected path. 10 chapters 19,360 words
The Parent-Teacher Association (T)
❤️️💛 When Yang is involved in yet another playground fight, her teacher has to deal with her equally combative parent. Can Qrow and Tai go beyond their mutual antipathy to reach a more harmonious association? 1 chapter 5,154 words
A Positive Result (G)
🐝🐝 Yang's tiring day at work is forgotten, as Blake shares some good news. 1 chapter 926 words
Practice Makes Perfect (T)
❤️️💚 It's been several years since Clover went on a date, and he's not sure he's ready to try again. But Winter has other ideas, although the consequences of her plan aren't exactly what either of them expected. 3 chapters 8,497 words
a qrow came to me (G)
❤️️💚️ A short scene which could have happened, but sadly never did. 1 chapter 672 words
A Rainbow Above You (T)
❤️️💚️💙 Qrow and Clover both know James needs to take better care of himself, even if the general won't acknowledge the fact. So they decide to take matters into their own hands. 1 chapter 3,144 words
Reassurance (T)
❤️️💚️ Qrow always anticipates the worst outcome in any situation. Clover tries to reassure him, that isn't always how things turn out. 1 chapter 1,113 words
Regency Bees (G)
🐝🐝 / ❤️️💚️, but more in the background A desparate situation calls for a desperate remedy. Especially when you have been told you must marry a gentleman for whom you have no regard. 7 chapters 13,556 words
A Regency Qrow (M)
❤️️💚️ Qrow returns to England after an extended trip, to find society has changed considerably in his absence. 4 chapters 13,918 words
Rescue Mission (M)
💚️💙 / ❤️️💛 En route to oversee talks with two potential Federation members, the United Star Ship Carpathian receives a distress signal. After going to investigate, Captain James Ironwood and his crew find themselves embarking on an unexpected mission. 4 chapters 11,428 words
Right Behind You (E)
❤️️💚 Clover wakes early, while Qrow seems to be in the middle of an interesting dream. The dream becomes real when Clover offers to help. 1 chapter 1,987 words
Room in Your Heart (T)
❤️️💚️ Clover would like to get to know Qrow better, but is there a place for him in Qrow's heart? 1 chapter 2,414 words
The Same Page (T)
❤️️💚️ / 🐝🐝 The war is over, and the future is waiting. Qrow and Clover are settled, and thinking about what might come next for them. For Blake and Yang, things aren't quite so clear-cut. 1 chapter 3,825 words
The Same Sea (T)
❤️️💚️ Qrow knows he can't be around Clover, not after what almost happened. He tries to steer his life in another direction, but sometimes, the current takes you back to where you began. 1 chapter 3,313 words
The Shape of You (T)
❤️️💚️ Qrow sees Clover in a new light. 1 chapter 900 words
Sharp Edges (T)
❤️️💚️ There is more than one way to hurt those you care about. 1 chapter 3,208 words
The Silver Lining (T)
❤️️💚️ When it seems there might be a repeat of the disastrous pandemic of two years ago, the government loses no time in declaring a lockdown of all households. For Qrow and Clover, this presents a problem. 1 chapter 3,162 words
Slowly, Gently (T)
❤️️💚💙💛 The war is over, but recovery is slow. Tai's home on Patch proves to be the ideal place to recuperate— for those that remain. 1 chapter 8,424 words
Snowdrops (T)
❤️️💚️ For Clover, it's a case of once bitten, twice shy. When Qrow's attempts to flirt with him are unsuccessful, he learns something of Clover's past which helps to explain it. 1 chapter 6,465 words
Some Kind of Madness (E)
❤️️💚️ Clover enjoys the heady rush of a new relationship. But after the madness of the early, euphoric liaisons, is there anything more? 1 chapter 3,642 words
Storytime (E)
❤️️💚️ Clover is away, so he calls Qrow and tells him a bedtime story. 1 chapter 1,501 words
Straight From Your Heart (T)
❤️️💚️ Following the catastrophic fight on the tundra, Qrow and Clover try and come to terms with what happened. 4 chapters 4,049 words
Sub Rosa (T)
💚️💙 The books and films had got it all wrong, Clover realised. There was no excitement or romance in a clandestine love affair. Only frustration. 4 chapters 10,279 words
Take My Hand (M)
🛡️🐶 Marrow and Jaune know their relationship is something special... something more than either has known before. They decide they both want to take it further, but is it too soon for Jaune? 1 chapter 2,517 words
Taking Charge (E)
💚💙 James has spent a lifetime being the one in charge. Clover wonders if he'd like to try something a little different. 1 chapter 2,671 words
Thirty Steps (T)
❤️️💚️ Clover almost loses his life in a bitter fight on the tundra. After extensive surgery, he begins his slow journey to recovery. Written for the month of Clovember 2021. 30 chapters 18,544 words
A Thirty-Leaf Clover (T)
Various Clover-centric relationships One 100-word drabble chapter a day, for the month of Clovember 2020. 30 chapters 3,000 words
Thirty-One Qrow Feathers (M)
Various Qrow-centric relationships One 100-word drabble chapter a day, for the month of Qrowtober 2021. 31 chapters 3,100 words
Three Hot Men (T)
❤️️💚💙 A house out in the country should be the perfect place for a short break from the rigours of work. If only they could get the heating to function properly... 1 chapter 2,068 words
A Time To Hold On, A Time To Let Go (G)
🛡️🐶 Sometimes it can take a long while to let go, but that's okay. 1 chapter 683 words
Trial Run (E)
❤️️💚️ Qrow has issued an... unorthodox challenge to Clover. Getting ready for it isn't quite as straightforward as either of them expected. 1,109 words
Two Hearts (G)
❤️️💚️ Two hearts, drawn together. A poem. 1 chapter 184 words
The Warmest Winter (T)
❤️️💚 It is Qrow's first winter in Atlas, and although the weather is cold, he finds warmth in an unexpected, yet welcome, place. 1 chapter 1,587 words
A Way To Say Thank You (G)
❤️️💚️ Qrow is happier than he's ever been, and he knows Clover has played a large part in that. He decides it's time to say thank you. 1,906 words
We Don't Have To Dance (M)
❤️️💚️ Neither Qrow nor Clover is looking for love— both are happy with casual encounters. A chance meeting might change their perspective. 3 chapters 7,555 words
We Dream the Same Dream (T)
❤️️💙 James and Qrow's relationship has served them well for years. Occasional visits with minimal emotional strings attached. Exactly how they both like it. Or is it? Winter is concerned for James' well-being, and decides to step in. 1 chapter 4,636 words
We're Not Boyfriends (E)
❤️️💚️ When everyone assumes you're together, even when you're not, what's the solution? Qrow and Clover decide they might as well roll with it. What's the worst that could happen? 1 chapter 6,794 words
Who Are You? (T)
❤️️💚️ Dreams are always open to interpretation, and Clover has no idea what his means. The answer, when it eventually comes, will change his life. 4 chapters 12,281 words
you know i can't love (T)
❤️️💚️ Loving someone is not always enough. 1 chapter 1,901 words
Your Words, My Mouth (T)
❤️️💚️ Soulmates exist, and Qrow wants none of it; the only occurrence he'd seen before had not ended well. But after the briefest exchange with the first Atlesian he meets, Qrow's stance is called into question as the issue becomes more personal. 1 chapter 4,488 words
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I posted 166 times in 2022
That's 166 more posts than 2021!
63 posts created (38%)
103 posts reblogged (62%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 79 of my posts in 2022
#lgbt - 65 posts
#lgbtq - 64 posts
#lgbt+ - 64 posts
#lgbtq+ - 64 posts
#queer - 62 posts
#lgbtqia - 56 posts
#lgbtqia+ - 53 posts
#queer characters - 50 posts
#your blorbos are queer - 43 posts
#star wars - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 99 characters
#because the article i read said that jessie told them that she is open to the idea of a queer alina
My Top Posts in 2022:
sophie foster from keeper of the lost cities is a non-binary bisexual (headcanon)
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24 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
nico minoru from marvel's runaways is a bisexual (canon)
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39 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
wylan van eck from six of crows is gay (canon)
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66 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
heyyy! seeing as ace week is coming up here in a few weeks, i was wondering if some people could fill out my ace week survey. the intent is just to gather data about the community and its members (and also non-aces and their perceptions of us), and i promise that everything stays anonymous. i'm just curious. (idk where this should go lol. lmk if there is a different/better place to put this)
160 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ahsoka tano from star wars is aroace (headcanon)
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161 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
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nameforthemain · 2 years
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I posted 1,250 times in 2022
That's 1,202 more posts than 2021!
364 posts created (29%)
886 posts reblogged (71%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,150 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#other - 467 posts
#random talks - 171 posts
#asks - 144 posts
#jeff the land shark - 55 posts
#fic rec - 55 posts
#incorrect quotes - 53 posts
#nats-dreamland - 48 posts
#jeff the landshark - 36 posts
#conversation - 34 posts
#infinity comics - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i did it mainly so he would never have to go through the 'yell at child when they do not understand a maths concept until they start crying'
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
237 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
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Asexual awareness week: October 23rd-29th 2022, with Jeff the land shark!
292 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
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See the full post
323 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
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See the full post
523 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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747 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
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turquoissesimmer · 2 years
It’s been a while
Let me tell y’all were I’ve been. Not that y’all care but let me tell y’all anyway. I hope y’all like a good storytime…
So I stopped playing choices bcus I kept falling asleep while reading those century long ass chapters. I just wanted to be able to sit down with a nice snack on a Friday night so I could really just read in peace & quiet. But I’m chaotic & unorganised so bcus of that I always have to catch up on schoolwork that I didn’t finish throughout the week, so after finishing my 2hr nightly routine I just fall right asleep.
Oh yeah I forgot, I went back to school in Sep. 2020 so I could no longer keep up with all of my hobbies, so obviously Choices & it’s drama ended up at the bottom of the list. Maybe that was a good thing bcus after the 2021/2 that I’ve had I don’t know what would’ve happened to me if I got myself involved in drama on top of the mess I’ve been going through.
So as it turns out…I’m actually not asexual/aroace….I was just traumatised😅. Nothing weird happened to me it’s just that I was a very scared & insecure child. Later on the development that I should’ve gone trough in my teens was stolen from me bcus I got bullied & maybe even discriminated (?) at the school I attended. Bcus of this I sort of developed this “I don’t care” mindset. Not even to defend myself, I literally didn’t care about any of the people who did this to me. In my eyes they were just miserable and had to blame somebody to make themselves feel better. It took me a while to realise that, just bcus I didn’t see it as bullying, that did not mean that I wasn’t getting bullied….bcus I was. And it affected me more than I was personally aware of.
This and the fact that, like I said I was a scared & insecure child, made it so that basically everything that involved deep feelings, some that I had never experienced myself, caused me to get resentful & disgusted. It’s not fun when you’re a kid, saying you’ll never kiss somebody & all your older cousins, aunts, uncles & even your mom come at you with “that’ll change when you get older” talk. And you just keep trying to make it clear to them that you’re not comfortable with these types of jokes but they just don’t listen bcus they don’t realise it’s not a joke to you.
So anyway what happened was, this guy from my class started talking to me. Our conversations were online bcus of COVID. Last school year he switched majors so we were no longer in the same classes so I met him in person twice & very briefly, which made it hard for me to figure him out. Now idk what happened I still don’t know how to explain but I caught feelings🤡. We were always just joking around & he used to send me flirty messages & stuff but I was aware that it was just jokes so it didn’t do nothing for me. I see people for who they really are, not for who they want ppl to think they are. Even trough text, I consider it one of my many talents. So I guess I caught feelings for this guy bcus I really saw HIM yk…?
It got to a point were I didn’t know what to do with myself, so I told him. Hoping he’d either bite or reject me. I was leaning more towards reject so I could leave these feelings behind and go about my life. But instead he did the worst thing someone’s ever done to me.
He told me he had those same feelings. Then over the course of a month (this was March/April 2022, we stopped talking in May/June). He continued to send mixed signals which really confused me & caused me to stress tf out. We’d been talking for nearly a year when I got these feelings & bcus of the fact that I never been trough something like this I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was crushing on this pile of 💩 like a 15y/o to put things into perspective.
I also have a bad habit of overthinking & over - analyzing things that don’t add up. So if I wasn’t in my head about my feelings, I was thinking about the things he told me or what his day was like or whatever. Now do y’all know what happens when you think about someone TOO much?
YOUR ENERGIES GET TWISTED. Me being the sensitive girl I am, can literally feel what someone next to me is feeling. It helps me behave accordingly, I don’t even do it on purpose. Basically, bcus of the fact that I was in this guys energy field & he was in mine….I fell into his depression….sort of.
I just woke up one day feeling like absolute shit. It’s a good thing I’m on top of my feelings and I knew that if I gave in to what I was feeling I’d get a depression fr. So I woke up & did what I had to do everyday no matter how hard it was. My mom noticed I wasn’t doing so great so I told her everything. With her help & the help of her friend I got out of it, sending that shit straight back to him. After that (it’s now late April/May 2022), I got the answers I was looking for which made a lot of shit that happened make sense…
This 🤡 was still in a relationship with the baby mama he said he broke up with. Now if that wasn’t enough the 2 of them were living together. So this piece of 💩 was basically only talking to me bcus my clean energy attracted his miserable ass. He had to feel better about himself so used me, the girl full of life & ambitions ( that I’ll actually be able to achieve bcus I’m not a broke 22 y/o with a kid, student debt, living independently & who’s not in a miserable relationship that’s holding me back in life ).
They say you attract the energy you give out, but don’t get it twisted. Bcus when you’re doing good in life, you know the 😈 comes lurking & you gotta be on edge, careful not to let him in.
After finding out about this I confronted him & he didn’t even bother to apologise. Instead he blocked me….on instagram. But I still had his number so I texted him & he was acting real fucking bold so I made sure to block him first this time. So yeah I blocked his number & all of his other SM accounts….just to unblock them and send him back to that hellhole he came from bcus I don’t even want to hold on to him trough a blocked contacts list. The whole situation was just so traumatising and disrespectful to all parties involved. Like bruh…she gave birth to your daughter & you’re out here embarrassing that girl lying about her existence? Nah that’s just…I can’t-
So these past 2 years have put me trough a lot. I basically found myself back again. Turns out I’ve always been perfect so I’m currently back to the sensitive 6y/o girl with the rose colored glasses, positive energy & the rich fantasy I used to be. Just with a little bit more spice to it. I liked her better than that girl I created to protect me from drama as a 13y/o anyway. I’m glowing up, happier then I’ve been in years & finally exploring my feelings & trying new things instead of only allowing myself to experience these things trough a screen. So I guess this whole situation definitely had it’s reasons. I needed that reality check so yeah…
I’m thinking about making my comeback, but I switched to an iPhone last month. So we’ll see if I can find a good mod for this app bcus Lord knows I’m not playing this game without any diamonds. It takes out all the fun, I’ll pass.
Now if you kept reading this far, I hope you enjoyed my story. I had to take out a lot of the details but you can ask me about things if you want. I just wanted to share my story so yeah uhmm…bye
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theunknownintrowert · 2 years
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Я опубликовал(а) 579 постов в 2022 году
Это на 298 постов больше, чем в 2021 году!
222 поста создано (38%)
357 реблогов постов (62%)
Блоги, из которых я сделал(а) больше всего реблогов:
Я пометил(а) тегами 456 из своих постов в 2022 году
Только 21% из моих постов остался без тегов
#bastille - 167 постов
#twelvefifteencomic - 128 постов
#the winding - 14 постов
#andrew garfield - 12 постов
#fanart - 8 постов
#art - 7 постов
#spiderman - 5 постов
#digital art - 5 постов
#digitalart - 4 поста
#vampstille - 4 поста
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#thank bastille mexico so so much for uploading it on here bc for me it's easier to use tumblr rather than twitter 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Мои самые популярные посты в 2022:
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sorry not sorry
50 заметок - опубликовано 1 мая 2022 г.
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does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes
70 заметок - опубликовано 18 ноября 2022 г.
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hold my head inside your hands
i need someone who understands
i need someone, someone who hears
for you, i've waited all these years ✨✨✨
we need more doubleparkers 🤧🤧
91 заметка - опубликовано 18 марта 2022 г.
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115 заметок - опубликовано 14 марта 2022 г.
Мой пост №1 в 2022
yaaaaaaaaaaaaay it's asexuality awareness week!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy ace week my ace buddies!!!! 🖤🤍💜
149 заметок - опубликовано 24 октября 2022 г.
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agstudio9 · 2 years
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I posted 240 times in 2022
That's 61 more posts than 2021!
22 posts created (9%)
218 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 237 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 203 posts
#aro - 15 posts
#naruto - 12 posts
#auto on a train - 9 posts
#aromantic - 9 posts
#writing - 8 posts
#ace - 7 posts
#aroace - 6 posts
#hollow knight - 6 posts
#ha - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#as someone with 0 musics its acrually a bit astonishing to me that just making the bells happen in a specific oder also makes music happen
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Aromantic Lovecore
Happy cheap chocolate’s eve
41 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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oh shit- they’re 5 years old!!!
happy birthday hollow knight!
53 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
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a build I made in minecraft for pride month!!!
57 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Side note thank you to jaidenanimations for making a video I can send to people if anyone ever asks me what aromantic/asexual means
71 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Aromantic spectrum awareness week!
Fuck yeah!
152 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
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thecapuchinonerd · 2 years
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He compartido 503 publicaciones este 2022
¡Son 503 más que en 2021!
40 publicaciones originales (8 %)
463 reblogueos (92 %)
Estos son los blogs que más he reblogueado:
He etiquetado 179 publicaciones en 2022
#the owl house: 34 publicaciones
#disney: 21 publicaciones
#beauty and the beast: 17 publicaciones
#asexual: 11 publicaciones
#toh spoilers: 9 publicaciones
#the owl house spoilers: 9 publicaciones
#robin hood: 7 publicaciones
#batb: 6 publicaciones
#harry potter: 5 publicaciones
#she hulk: 4 publicaciones
La etiqueta más larga tiene 81 caracteres
#and luz was really show with a bi pride pin the day after bisexual awareness week
Mis publicaciones más populares este 2022:
hollow mind episode in one sentence
Someone, please get Hunter some therapy
10 notas. Fecha de publicación: 23 de abril de 2022
Tomorrow the owl house.
I don't know what gonna happen
But it probably makes us feel.
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16 notas. Fecha de publicación: 27 de mayo de 2022
"Them's the Breaks, Kid"
So time to ramble.
The episode was so hooting sweet, Eda was a little punk (I love her) the chemistry with Rain was great.
Little Rain was a genius (and I am so thankful that they are), They manage to outsmart Terra (plant lady) and her memory tea, they know that they are being watched now and they have to play the game and pretend they are being brainwashed.
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This story means something and as the episode end (fangirl scream) It is evident that Rain is working with Darius, they know that the emperor is planning something and they are trying to stop him. Hope they include Eda and Luz in the plan, something tells me that they gonna need all the help they can.
Probs to the owl house team for not being afraid to make the principal Faust so creepy, kinda remind me of a character from faun labyrinth
22 notas. Fecha de publicación: 18 de abril de 2022
Why people with periods want to sometimes eat their entire fridge and/or food storage?
25 notas. Fecha de publicación: 1 de septiembre de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
Imagine Yuu showing Malleus the TV series of Gargoyles
- imagine telling him there are comics too and getting Malleus hook up in different comics
- and imagine Yuu telling him about comic con
Malleus would lost it at comic con
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63 notas. Fecha de publicación: 13 de diciembre de 2022
Descubre tu resumen del 2022 en Tumblr →
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I posted 151 times in 2022
That's 127 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (22%)
118 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 132 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#queer - 75 posts
#politics - 26 posts
#transgender - 19 posts
#moodboard - 18 posts
#abortion - 17 posts
#aspec - 13 posts
#asexual awareness week - 12 posts
#bisexual - 9 posts
#nonbinary - 8 posts
#lesbian - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 87 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Lithromantic Candy Aesthetic
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made with BeFunky
13 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
I just heard about this Harry Styles thing... time for a gay girl's possibly unpopular opinion. I honestly think that "Harry Styles isn't queerbaiting" and "Harry Styles isn't the king of pop" can and should coexist.
I mean cmon... irl people don't exist to be the perfect queers. They're still people who make mistakes and stuff. The fact that people are looking at a real guy and calling him queerbaiting is a little scary... he's not a cartoon character.
13 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
Lithosexual Sunset Aesthetic!
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made with BeFunky
14 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
It’s International Lesbian Day! Shoutout to everyone who uses the lesbian label, including but not limited to:
demi-girl/-boy lesbians, intersex lesbians, multigender lesbians and trans lesbians!
aro, ace, and aroace lesbians, and multisexual lesbians!
he/him and they/them lesbians! neopronoun-using lesbians! butch and femme lesbians!
poc lesbians, disabled lesbians, fat lesbians!
And any lesbians I didn’t mention, we love and support you!
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17 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Legit JUST realized it's Pan Visibility Day... so uhmmm happy pan day to myself and all the pansexuals and panromantics out there!
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Wanted to try the whole moodboard trend... idk if I did any good tho
made with BeFunky
60 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
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beaniebaneenie · 2 years
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I posted 24,709 times in 2022
That's 1,738 more posts than 2021!
9 posts created (0%)
24,700 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,020 of my posts in 2022
#loki - 209 posts
#stuff to talk about in therapy - 127 posts
#in defense of loki - 46 posts
#loki meta - 45 posts
#danny phantom - 38 posts
#thank you mr terry - 29 posts
#reference - 26 posts
#sigyn - 24 posts
#music - 20 posts
#vax my beloved - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#and even before they made jug 'officially ace' i recognized him as brethren™️ before i knew what asexuality even was or that it had a name
My Top Posts in 2022:
Knuckles: So... who broke the coffee maker? I'm not mad. I just want to know.
Tails: I did. I broke-
Knuckles: No, no you did not. Wade?
Wade: Don't look at me. Look at Tom.
Tom: What? I didn't break it.
Wade: Huh. That's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Tom: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Wade: [leans in on him] ...Suspicious.
Sonic: If it matters - probably not - but Maddie was the last one to use it.
Maddie: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Sonic: Oh, really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Maddie: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles- everyone knows that, Sonic!
Tails: Ok, ok! Let’s not fight! I broke it, let me pay for it, Knuckles!
Knuckles: No! Who broke it??!
Wade: [looks at Crazy Carl, then at Knuckles] Knuckles... Carl’s been awfully quiet.
Crazy Carl: REALLY??
Wade: Yeah! Really.
Crazy Carl: Oh, my God! [everyone starts arguing at one another except Knuckles]
Knuckles: [to the camera] I broke it. It burned my hand, so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now they will be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. [turns to look at the everyone as they continue to argue, then looks back] Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
10 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
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Ok this is definitely supposed to be a "look at how sexy and Not Like Other Girls this girl is! If you use our razor to Manscape™️ your balls, this girl will definitely want to fuck you!"
.....but it kinda reads as an absolutely awesomesauce ad for trans women who have not had (or do not want) bottom surgery.
Which I am super aware is not even remotely what they intended. But I've decided that's how I'm gonna see it.
See the full post
11 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
I relate to Mina Murray, bc I too hate the "two page a week diaries, with Sunday crammed in the corner".
24 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
Dracula daily is my biggest serotonin-creator right now. I have loved this book for almost 20 years and watching all of us read it together is utterly splendid.
But for even more hilarity and delightful mental images, please remember that in 1897, while vampire stories were about to come into another heyday? They weren't mainstream yet.
And the name "Count Dracula" was in no way synonymous with "vampire".
The Carpathian mountains, That Accent™️, hell... Even Transylvania itself, were not inextricably tied with "vampire lore", particularly in the minds of western Europeans.
This is the book that did that.
As much as we are all reveling in the present tense, and are experiencing the adventure in real time? We all know something Jonathan doesn't. We all know something the readers of 1897 did not.
We know that Count Dracula is a vampire.
We know that he isn't just a vampire, he's like, the biggest, baddest, most OP vamp ever.
We have the lovely dramatic irony in every word, in every time Jonathan tells us that everything is fine, this is totally normal for the Carpathians, he is sure that he's merely ignorant of local culture. We know there is a reveal coming, and we know exactly what it is.
....now imagine it's 1897 and maybe Charlotte has been sneaking her brother's copy of this book in bits and pieces because fiction novels were still sort of looked down on by true high society, especially for women to read. And she gets dressed in her fancy cranberry and white lace calling gown, and takes her carriage to Lady Ashworth's home down the street.
And poor Charlotte has to keep her cool and her decorum through half an hour of polite, stilted conversation as Lord Ashworth is in the sitting room when she arrives. But finally, he excuses himself to the study, and Charlotte can barely put her herbal tissan down in its saucer before Lady Ashworth leans forward.
"Have you read Jonathan Harker's last entry?"
"oh, my dear Vespasia- why do you think I've called on you this afternoon? Eloise isn't reading it, and I needed to speak with someone!"
28 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Y'all, this is not a call out to anyone in particular, but I am so fucking tired of seeing fanart of Gilmore that makes him skinny or super trim & buff.
Gilmore is fat. He is a beautiful, incredibly handsome, flamboyant man who wears jewelry and makeup and bright colors... And he is fat.
Vax likes him that way, and more importantly, Gilmore likes himself that way.
It's amazing to see a character like him, whose size is never ever the butt of the joke, who is never underestimated or ignored because he's fat, and who is extremely aware of how attractive and desirable he is, while being fat.
When y'all are making fanart, or Stardew valley or sims versions, or 3d renders, or whatever... stop fucking making Gilmore skinny. It's fatphobic, and all it does is tell us fat folks who see it that you don't think someone can be as awesome as Shaun Gilmore is while being fat.
Please don't take him away from us.
51 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
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shikse · 2 years
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I posted 4,643 times in 2022
That's 3,277 more posts than 2021!
201 posts created (4%)
4,442 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,639 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 4,425 posts
#ask :0 - 110 posts
#rambles - 67 posts
#toh spoilers - 25 posts
#yeah - 25 posts
#oh - 21 posts
#yes - 21 posts
#omg - 20 posts
#this is amazing - 17 posts
#yes yes yes - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#and even if we do have a spat we wake up the next morning and apologize and give each other tips on things like fashion and school and
My Top Posts in 2022:
14 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
realized that my carrd in my bio wasn't updated... um...
name's zeph, welcome to my blog!
(zephyrean-tunes -> notusian-delights, i'm changing the names for each season!)
info down below on stuff :]
things about me!
♠ i go by whatever name is on my blog atm (but im cool w zeph if need be too!!), if you know my irl name do not say it i will cry
♣ she/they pronouns! in general i'm fine with any pronouns, but i'm most used to she/her and they/them makes me very happy. also!! i like more masculine titles!! sir my beloved
♥ minor. enough said
♦ hugeeee fantasy person. so far i like little thieves, priory of the orange tree, strange the dreamer, nevermoor, etc. give me book recommendations. i beg. especially if they're queer <3
please do...
♠ send me asks and pms! i can be kind of introverted but also talking to people is fun <3
[please!!! please actually tell me who you are before asking to pm. this is from an experience that made me VERY uncomfortable, so if you are asking from an anonymous account i WILL politely shut you down and then block you.]
♣ talk to me about my interests! you know hadestown?? i love you we are best friends actually
♥ spam like me. i know some people get annoyed by this- i think- but it makes my day i stg
♦ send me things like book recommendations, myths, poems- i will squeal in excitement
please don't...
♠ send anything deemed gory, nsfw, etc.
♣ expect much full on fanart/fanfic from me. i reblog a lot but i don't get very motivated for that sort of thing, i'm sorry
♥ like vvvv old things. like. from before i really started to get active. anything after that i'm chill with tho !
♦ interact at all if you're a bigot/xenophobic. including terfs, transphobes, homophobes, racists, anti-semites, etc. get off. i bite.
♠ my updated carrd! https://theanemoi.carrd.co/#
♣ auriala based tumblr! auriala.tumblr.com oooo
♠ #my art for my art!
♣ #rambles for text posts!
♥ #reblog for anything i reblog!
♦ #my writing for anything i write!
See the full post
16 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
dream should face reveal like he's on the masked singer
17 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
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okay but. hunters looking directly at who i presumeee is gonna be belos no one else is doing that
57 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hi hi hi happy asexual awareness week! especially to those who don't feel they fit quite right
as in. the demisexuals, the greysexuals, those who are questioning asexuality or those who identify as it but still feel unsure anyways. those who are sex positive or sex neutral. those who are sex-repulsed, or those who worry that they think they're not really ace, maybe just allo and sex-repulsed. those who think they'll grow out of it, and those who worry if they'll still identify as asexual later. those who experience intrusive thoughts, those who have other factors play into their identity, those who end up worrying about it because of these factors.
it's okay not to feel confident. it's okay to worry. just think of right now, this week. you're valid. this week is for you, too.
3,899 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bloodraven55 · 3 years
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Just some PSAs since it’s the start of Ace Week.
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lucecus · 3 years
btw asexual people are still suffering the consecuences of tumblr ace discourse so please listen to our voices here
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buriedbybooks · 3 years
For ace week in general: Alanna vs Kel thats my color
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"Don't think that this means you can steal my color!"
Who else is absolutely thrilled that Kel is canonically aroace??? Alanna is actually supportive, she just doesn't want to lose the rights to the color purple ^_^
This is the second time Alanna has gone up against an aspec about wearing purple. The first one was Jiang Cheng.
ID: Alanna standing and leaning on a table to stare/glare at Kel who sits on the other side of the table trying not to appear visibly amused. (She's thankful for her Yamani training). The text behind Alanna reads: "Don't think that this means you can steal my color!"
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