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radiohaanji · 17 days ago
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whencyclopedia · 9 months ago
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Alexander the Great & the Burning of Persepolis
In the year 330 BCE Alexander the Great (l. 356-323 BCE) conquered the Achaemenid Persian Empire following his victory over the Persian Emperor Darius III (r. 336-330 BCE) at the Battle of Gaugamela in 331 BCE. After Darius III's defeat, Alexander marched to the Persian capital city of Persepolis and, after looting its treasures, burned the great palace and surrounding city to the ground, destroying hundreds of years' worth of religious writings and art along with the magnificent palaces and audience halls which had made Persepolis the jewel of the empire.
The City
Persepolis was known to the Persians as Parsa ('The City of the Persians'), and the name 'Persepolis' meant the same in Greek. Construction on the palace and city was initiated between 518-515 BCE by Darius I the Great (r. 522-486 BCE) who made it the capital of the Persian Empire (replacing the old capital, Pasargadae) and began to house there the greatest treasures, literary works, and works of art from across the Achaemenid Empire. The palace was greatly enhanced (as was the rest of the city) by Xerxes I (r. 486-465 BCE, son of Darius, and would be expanded upon by Xerxes I's successors, especially his son Artaxerxes I (r. 465-424 BCE), although later Persian kings would add their own embellishments.
Darius I had purposefully chosen the location of his city in a remote area, far removed from the old capital, probably in an effort to dramatically differentiate his reign from the past monarchs. Persepolis was planned as a grand celebration of Darius I's rule and the buildings and palaces, from Darius' first palace and reception hall to the later, and grander, works of his successors, were architectural masterpieces of opulence designed to inspire awe and wonder.
In the area now known as the Marv Dasht Plain (northwest of modern-day Shiraz, Iran) Darius had a grand platform-terrace constructed which was 1,345,488 square feet (125,000 square meters) big and 66 feet (20 meters) tall and on which he built his council hall, palace, and reception hall, the Apadana, featuring a 200-foot-long (60 meters) hypostyle hall with 72 columns 62 feet (19 meters) high. The columns supported a cedar roof which was further supported by cedar beams. These columns were topped by sculptures of various animals symbolizing the king's authority and power. The Apadana was designed to humble any guest and impress upon visitors the power and majesty of the Persian Empire.
Darius I died before the city was completed and Xerxes I continued his vision, building his own opulent palace on the terrace as well as the Gate of All Nations, flanked by two monumental statues of lamassu (bull-men), which led into his grand reception hall stretching 82 feet (25 meters) long, with four large columns 60 feet high (18.5 meters) supporting a cedar roof with brightly decorated walls and reliefs on the doorways. The city is described by the ancient historian Diodorus Siculus (l. 1st century BCE) as the richest in the world and other historians describe it in the same terms.
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anotherhumaninthisworld · 11 months ago
Pauline Léon timeline
A timeline over the 70 year old life of Pauline Leclerc née Léon, based primarily on the article Pauline Léon, une républicaine révolutionnaire (2006) by Claude Guillon.
19 October 1767 — Mathurine Téholan and Pierre Paul Léon are married in the parish of Saint-Severin in Paris. Pierre Paul runs a small chocolate business on 356 rue de Grenelle. The couple settles on rue du Basq.
28 September 1768 — birth of Anne Pauline Léon, the couple’s first child. They later have four more children — Antoine Paul Louis (1772-1835), Marie Reine Antoinette, (1778), François Paul Mathurin (1779) as well as a child whose sex and year of birth remains unknown. Pauline later describes her father as: ”a philosopher” and adds: ”If his lack of fortune did not allow him to give us a very brilliant education, at least he left us with no prejudices.”
1784 — death of Pierre Paul Léon. Pauline, aged sixteen, now starts helping her mother with keeping the chocolate business running in order to provide for the family.
14 July 1789 — Fall of the Bastille. Pauline claims to upon this event have felt ”the liveliest enthusiam, and although a woman I did not remain idle; I was seen from morning to evening animating the citizens against the artisans of tyranny, urging them to despise and brave aristocrats, barricading streets, and inciting the cowardly to leave their homes to come to the aid of the fatherland in danger.”
February 1791 — Pauline is introduced to several popular societies in Paris. She herself claims she would frequent the Cordelier Club up until 1794 (though there doesn’t seem to exist any trace of her in the debates held there), the Fraternal Society of Patriots of Both Sexes (where again, we have few documents that mention any direct activity from her part), as well as the section of Mucius Scaevola. The same month, Pauline defenestrates a bust of Lafayette “at Fréron’s”. It seems unlikey for this attack to have been aimed at the journalist Stanislas Fréron, who frequently denounced Lafayette in his l’Orateur du Peuple, but rather his mother Anne Françoise Fréron, who handled the publishing of the royalist paper L’Ami du Roi.
21 June 1791 — Pauline, her mother and their neighbor Constance Évrard are near the Palais Royal loudly protesting the king’s ”infamous treason” (his flight) when they, according to her, are ”almost assassinated by Lafayette’s mouchards” and are saved by other sans-culottes who manage to snatch them ”from the hands of these monsters” (National guardsmen)
17 July 1791 — Pauline takes part in the demonstration on the Champ-de-Mars. On the way home, she uses her fists to defend a friend against the family of a national guard. This last incident is witnessed by Constance Evrard, another sans-culotte woman and friend of Pauline, who reports it during an interrogation. This is the first conserved trace of any militant activities from Pauline.
Late February 1792 — l’Adresse individuelle à l’Assemblée nationale par des citoyennes de la capitale, a petition regarding women’s right to bear arms, is penned down. It was most likely written by Pauline herself, seeing as the first signature on the bottom of the handwritten version kept in the National Archives, as well as the only one appearing in the version printed by order of the Assembly, is “fille Léon.” After Pauline’s name about 310 more follow, including that of her mother and many other daughter-mother couples. The petition is first read out before the Society of Patriots of Both Sexes, which, under the presidency of Tallien, orders its printing and distribution.
9 March 1792 — the Patriotic Society of the Luxembourg section sends a delegation to the Fraternal Society of Patriots of Both Sexes to request affiliation. The latter club grants the request and appoints five auditors to attend the former’s next meeting, among which are three women: Pauline Léon, Constance Evrard and Marie-Charlotte Hardon. Pauline will actively participate in the recruitment of members for the Patriotic Society, personally presenting or supporting at least seven candidates between October 1792 and September 1793
June 1792 — Pauline, along with many other men and women, signs Pétition individuelle au corps législatif pour lui demander la punition de tous les conspirateurs that calls for ”a quick vengeance” against monarchist ministers.
10 August 1792 — Pauline takes part in the Insurrection of August 10. She describes her activities in the following way: "On August 10, 1792, after spending part of the night in the Fontaine-de-Grenelle section, I joined the next day, armed with a pike, the ranks of the citizens of this section to go and fight the tyrant and his satellites. It was only at the request of almost all the patriots that I consented to give up my weapon to a sans-culotte; I gave it to him, however, only on the condition that he would use it well.”
December 1792 — Pauline, together with 3 other women and 88 men, signs the Adresse au peuple par la Société patriotique de la section du Luxembourg which demands the death of the king and pronounces threats against eventual monarchist deputies.
2 February 1793 — During a session at the Fraternal Society of Patriots of Both Sexes, Pauline is welcomed as mandated by the Defenders of the Republic of the 84 departments. At the same session, Pauline’s future husband Théophile Leclerc (1771-1820) is charged with writing a petition against commodity money. This is the first known meeting between the two.
3 February 1793 — during the session at The Fraternal Society of Patriots of Both Sexes, ”Citoyenne Léon” takes the floor to continue a denounciation against Dumouriez that Hébert has just made. Le Créole patriote reports that ”she thinks, like him, that [Dumouriez] is nothing more than an intrigant; she accuses him of several things, notably the persecution he inflicted on two patriotic battalions unjustly accused by him.”
10 February 1793 — Le Créole patriote reports the following regarding the session at The Fraternal Society of Patriots of Both Sexes:
Citoyenne Léon informs of an important denunciation made to the Commune and to the society of defenders of the republic, one and indivisible of the 84 departments. This denunciation, signed, states that on the 6th of the month a dinner was held at the house of Garat, minister of justice, provisionally exercising the functions of minister of interior, where Brissot, Barbaroux, Louvet and other noirs, composing the great and famous right side of the National Convention; plus, Bournonville, new minister of war. She calls on the society to monitor the latter, and asks that two of its members be sent to that of the Jacobins to communicate to them this fact, to which the most serious attention must be paid. Boussard makes the motion that the president be instructed to write to Bournonville, so that he can give the company explanations on this subject. These three proposals are adopted.
At the Jacobin Club the same day, ”a citoyenne,” in the name of the Fraternal Society of Patriots of Both Sexes, makes the following intervention: ”Citizens, I denounce to you Garat, minister of justice, who last Wednesday had thirty people to dinner, among which were Brissot, Barbaroux, Louvet and Beurnonville. The patriots do not have entry to this minister, and Brissot comes and goes there all the time.” It is very likely this speaker was Pauline.
17 February 1793 — Le Créole patriote reports that, during the session at The Fraternal Society of Patriots of Both Sexes, ”citoyenne Léon reads a denunciation from Citizen Godchaux against General Félix Wemphen. Several members believe that this denunciation is well founded, and urge the society to tear off the mask from all the intriguers.”
10 May 1793 — Pauline is a co-founder of the Society of Revolutionary and Republican Women (Société des Républicaines révolutionnaires or Société des citoyennes républicaines révolutionnaires de Paris), a club which only admits women as members and holds its meetings at the libary of the Jacobins, rue Saint-Honoré. Claire Lacombe, who often gets mentioned as another co-founder, actually doesn’t have her first attested appearance as a member of the society until June 26.  Already on May 12, the club presents itself at the Jacobins, proposing to arm patriotic women between ages 18 and 50 in order to organize them against the Vendée. A week later, May 19, a delegation made up of members from both the Cordeliers and Revolutionary and Republican Women present themselves before the Jacobins yet again, asking for the arrest of all suspect people, the establishment of both revolutionary tribunals in all departments and a revolutionary sans-culotte army in every town, an act of accusation against the girondins, the extermination of “the stockbrokers, the hoarders and the selfish merchants” who are responsible for a conspiracy attempting to starve the people, that the revolutionary army of Paris be increased to 40,000 men, that land be distributed to the soldiers, as well as the send forth of the petition to the Convention. Though Pauline’s presence can be supposed for both of these occasions, we don’t have any hard evidence for it.
2 June 1793 — Pauline leads a delegation from the Society of Revolutionary and Republican Women wishing to be admitted to the Convention, carrying a request in her own handwriting. They are however quickly forgotten in the tumult caused by the Insurrection of May 31, which this day ends with 22 girondins being put under house arrest. During this same insurrection, several Revolutionary and Republican Women are arrested, and Pauline, as president of the Society, signs a warrant by which they demand the liberation of one of them, detained for having threatened three men with a knife.
June 1793 — Pauline is the author of a denounciation against the grocer Le Doux, rue du Sépulcre, accused of “bad comments,” mainly consisting of complains about the looting. We don’t know if the denounciation had any consequences.
9 July 1793 — Le Réglement de la Société des citoyennes républicaines révolutionnaires de Paris is published. The document is signed by president Rousaud and four secretaires: Potheau, Monier, Dubreuil och Pauline Léon. 
10 July 1793 — Pauline goes to the Jacobin club, where she, ”in the name of the Revolutionary and Republican Women, presents a petition demanding the exclusion of nobles from all employments.”
20 July 1793 — A Délibération de la Société des Républicaines révolutionnaires, relative à l’érection d’un obélisque à la mémoire de Marat, sur la place du Carrousel, is signed by Pauline. The text is read at the Jacobins on July 26, by a deputation from the Society of Revolutionary and Republican Women.
31 July 1793 — Réglement de la Société des citoyennes républicaines révolutionnaires de Paris is published. The document is signed by the president, Rousaud, and four secretaries: Potheau, Monier, Dubreuil and Pauline Léon.
15 August 1793 — At the Jacobin club, ”citoyenne Léon, at the head of a deputation from the Society of Revolutionary and Republican Women, comes to request assimilation and correspondence for said Society. She also asks that the Jacobins contribute to the costs of the obelisk erected in Marat’s honor.”
30 October 1793 — Jean Pierre André Amar, member of the Committee of General Security, announces the dissolution of the Society of Revolutionary Women to the National Convention.
12 November 1793 — the marriage contract between Pauline Léon and Théophile Leclerc is signed. Through it, we see that the husband brings property valued at 300 livres, while the wife holds 1000 livres consisting of both money and effects. Pauline was in other words much richer than Leclerc. She declares to after her marriage have returned to the chocolate making business and ”devoted myself entirely to the care of my household and given the example of conjugal love and the domestic virtues which are the basis of love of the homeland.”
17 March 1794 — Pauline joins Leclerc at La Fère (Aisne), where the latter is mobilizing.
3 April 1794 — the Leclerc couple is arrested on orders given by the Committee of General Security. They are taken to Paris and locked up in the Luxembourg prison three days later.
4 July 1794 — At the Luxembourg prison, Pauline either writes or dictates Précis de la conduite révolutionnaire de dame Pauline Léon, femme Leclerc, which is adressed to the Committee of General Security. It is from this document we learn almost all the details regarding her militant activities and private life. Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to find it published in full.
5 August 1794 — Pauline writes to ”sensible Tallien” and pleads for the cause of ”800 imprisoned people.” One day later she adresses herself to to ”the representatives” and asks them to at least consider a prompt examination of their case. Pauline claims that Leclerc and Pierre-François Réal were imprisoned for having "collected evidence against the accomplices of the tyrant Robespierre who were to have their throats slit." The following day, the two men are brought before the Committee of General Security. Réal is immediately set free, Pauline and Théophile joins him on August 22.
22 July 1804 — Pauline writes the following letter (cited in full within the article Un sans-culotte parisien en l’an XII: François Léon, frère de Pauline Léon (1982) by Michael David Sibalis) to Réal, by now one of those in charge of the general police, asking for the liberation of her younger brother François Paul Mathurin, imprisoned since three and a half months back for having written and published leaflets critical of Napoleon. Through the letter, we learn about some things that have happened in her life during the ten years since the last trace of her:
4 Thermidor [year 12] Monsieur, A month ago I presented a petition to the Grand Judge; at the same time I had the honor of writing to you, to request the release of my brother, named François Léon, imprisoned in the Bicêtre for a bad verse; I would ask for your indulgence, today I appeal to your justice; four months of such harsh detention had to atone for his fault; moreover his friend guilty of the same extravagance, since of two verses, one wrote the first and the other the second, was released; my brother is not more guilty, perhaps he is less; his delicacy did not allow him to justify himself at the expense of his friend; which certainly does not deserve punishment. Based on this, Monsieur, I believe I have the right to ask for his release; and I have the firm confidence that you will grant it to us; if you could still deign to think of his mother, who is old and more punished than him. This poor woman is exhausted trying to help and console him. She who needs help for herself, I am not talking to you about the grief her family is experiencing at the loss of my time (which is precious since it must be used to feed my son and relieve my mother), having, Monsieur, the advantage of having known you, I think you will not disdain these considerations. Salut and respect, Femme Leclerc Teacher (Instritutrice) Rue Jean Robert No. 4
François will be set free and leave Paris, the police having labeled him as a ”pronounced anarchist, difficult to correct.” In his interrogation, held May 2 1804 (it too cited in full within Un sans-culotte parisien en l’an XII…) he reveals that he is a tailor living alone on rue du Vieux Colombier N. 744 and ”very republican.” François’ accomplice Jean Sorret did in his interrogation claim that his friend was ”a pronounced jacobin, as is the rest of his family.”
5 October 1838 — death of Pauline in Bourbon-Vendée, rue de Bordeaux, one week after her seventieth birthday. She had moved there to settle with her sister Marie Reine Antoinette and her family somewhere between 1812 and 1835. 
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usafphantom2 · 8 months ago
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Macchi Fighters Survivors
Luigino Caliaro
Translated into English from an original research by Luigino Caliaro
Precious few Macchi fighters have survived intact and are on display today. In total, just seven of these proud Italian fighters are preserved in museums- two C.200 Saetta, two C.202 Folgore, and three C205 Veltro. Of these, two aircraft were captured by American troops and are preserved in the United States while the other five are preserved in their home country. Macchi Fighters Survivors is part of a larger editorial work by Luigino Caliaro titled Macchi Fighters: C.200 Saetta, C.202 Folgore, C.205 Veltro. This stand-alone monograph covers the development, production, technical details, and operations of these variants.
C.200 Saetta MM 8146, National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, Dayton, Ohio
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C.200 USAF Museum Photo Luigino Caliaro
This fighter belonged to the 19th series produced by Breda in 90 aircraft in 1942, it was delivered to the Regia Aeronautica Italiana (Royal Italian Air Force- RAI) in June 1942 and assigned to the 372nd Squadron of the 153rd Autonomous Group at the Turin-Mirafiori Airport and subsequently transferred to North Africa where it was assigned to various other squadrons and ultimately at K3 airfield in Benghazi, Libya in November 1942. Captured by the Americans, it was shipped to the United States and displayed at numerous events and exhibitions, towards the end of the 1940s the Saetta was donated to the city of Worcester, Massachusetts.
Photo Luigino Caliaro
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The wreck was purchased by a private individual who exhibited it outdoors until 1964 when he sold it to the Bradley Air Museum (New England Air Museum today) in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. At the end of the eighties, for financial reasons, the museum sold it to Jeet Mahal, a collector of artifacts for US museums who in 1989 contacted AerMacchi (Now Alenia AerMacchi) for the restoration. Thanks to the support of the Italian association A.R.E.A, the Italian company began the restoration work on the fighter at the beginning of 1990, which proved to be particularly complex considering the condition of the aircraft. However, thanks to the availability of the technical documentation and with the enthusiastic support of other volunteers and associations the aircraft was officially presented to the public on December 12, 1991, at the Venegono airport, home base of AerMacchi. Nearly a year later, the Saetta was put on display at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Dayton, Ohio. Although slightly different from the original paint scheme, the aircraft was restored with the original codes of aircraft 372-5 MM (Matricolo Militare, Italian for Serial Number) 8146 aircraft, the same codes applied when it was recovered on the Benghazi field by the allies.
AerMacchi C.202 MM91981, National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
C.202 Folgore Smithsonian Photo Luigino Caliaro
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Subject to a recent article by Adam Estes (click here), this Macchi C.202, which is on display at the National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian in Washington, DC, appears to be the world’s only completely intact and original C.202 Folgore.
Captured in Sicily by American troops, it was transferred to the US and subjected to a series of flight evaluations in September 1945 by the pilots of the Army’s Air Technical Service Command at Wright and Freeman fields. Thanks to recent research by Italian historian Giovanni Massimello, the true identity of this fighter has been documented.
The fighter is AerMacchi MM91981 which was assigned to the 356th Squadron of the 21st Fighter Group (FG) with the individual code 356-8 and was captured by the Americans in good condition at Sciacca airport. After being used and repainted with the upper surfaces in a sand color, the American badges and baptized as Wacky Macchi, by some pilots of the American 31st FG. Upon being shipped to Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio the C.202, coded FE300, was used with approximate Italian colors and insignia until April 1946 with the code FE300 (later FE498) before being placed in storage.
In 1974, the then curator Robert C. Mikesh contacted AerMacchi and the SMA to obtain documentation for its restoration for public display. At the end of the works, in 1975, the fighter was exhibited with the colors of the C.202 “90-4”, a fighter belonging to the 90th Squadron of the 10th Group, 4th Wing when it was operational in Libya in the summer of 1942. Bizarrely it was applied the MM9476 (belonging to a fighter of the IX Series assigned to the 54th Wing, while originally the C.202 90-4 had the MM7795 belonging to the II Production Series). Again, to read the story of this fighter, read Adam Estes’ “The Smithsonian’s Italian Thunderbolt.”
Breda AerMacchi C.200 “Saetta” MM 5311, MUSAM- Museo Storico dell’Aeronautica Militare – Vigna di Valle (Roma)
Macchi C.200 Museo Aeronautica Militare Photo Luigino Caliaro
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Preserved at the Museo Storico dell’Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force Museum- MUSAM) in Vigna di Valle, this C.200 was assigned to the 93rd Squadron of the 8th Group and after the Armistice, the non-airworthy fighter was assigned to a technical school as an instructional airframe. A peculiarity of the aircraft is that it is equipped with wings with a sharp leading edge, typical of the first examples of construction. In 1961, the aircraft was recovered by the Air Force to be exhibited at various demonstrations and events organized by the Historical Museum. In September 1975 it was temporarily painted as 92-01 to commemorate the activity of the 8th Group on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the 2nd Wing.
C.200 Museo Aeronautica Militare Photo Luigino Caliaro
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Subjected to a further restoration in Lecce at the III Aircraft Technical Department in 1976, it emerged with the livery of a C.200 used by the 359th Squadron of the 22nd Autonomous Group which operated in Russia. The paint scheme was only partially correct, but it was corrected it in 1995, thanks to the work of the personnel of the 51st Stormo that restored the aircraft by applying a faithful livery belonging to a wartime Saetta of the 369th Squadron of the 22nd Gruppo Autonomo.
Breda AerMacchi C.202 MM 9667 – MUSAM- Museo Storico dell’Aeronautica Militare – Vigna di Valle (Roma)
Macchi C.202 Folgore Museo Aeronautica Militare Photo Luigino Caliaro
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Also displayed at MUSAM, this second C.202 was delivered in March 1943 to the 86th Squadron of the 7th Group/54th Stormo and the 208th Squadron of the 101st Group 5th Wing of the Co-Belligerent Regia Aeronautica in spring 1944. In December 1946 this Folgore was assigned to the 3rd Group of the Flight School of Lecce, with the individual code “63”, until it was stricken in 1948. Subsequently, the aircraft was assigned, first to the Naval Academy of Livorno and then to the Department of Aerospace Engineering of the University of Pisa. In the 1970s the aircraft was recovered by the Collection and Restoration Center of the MUSAM which sent it to Lecce to be restored by the III R.T.A. Today the Folgore is painted to represent the personal aircraft of Lt. Giulio Reiner, commander of 73rd Squadron of the 9th Group of the 4th Wing, based at Fuka Airport in July 1942.
Unfortunately, the various restoration tasks were not carried out with the utmost fidelity, and today the aircraft presents some substantial differences compared to the original fighter. One of the most visible defects is given by the propeller spinner which was poorly reproduced, thus altering the original sleek line of the fighter. Another problem is located in the wings, which were missing when the aircraft was recovered. To proceed with their reconstruction, a left-half wing of a C.200 was recovered at the AerMacchi factory which was used as a pattern for the reconstruction of the right wing. The rounded leading edge was correctly fitted but the ailerons were not modified and remained the ones of the C.200. Furthermore when reproducing the missing wing, it was not taken into account that originally the Macchi wings had different lengths to counteract the torque effect generated by the rotation of the propeller and therefore the current wingspan of the Folgore is about twenty centimeters shorter than to what it should have been.
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C.205 Macchi C.200 Museo Aeronautica Militare Photo Luigino Caliaro
Breda AerMacchi C.202/205V “Veltro” MM 9546, MUSAM- Museo Storico dell’Aeronautica Militare – Vigna di Valle (Roma)
Macchi C.205 Veltro Museo Aeronautica Militare Photo Luigino Caliaro
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The MUSAM is also home to one of the 100 C.202s that was subsequently converted to the C.205 standard. Originally in service with the 81st Squadron of the 6th Group, 1st Wing, this Veltro was taken over by the 155th Group of the 51st Wing following the Armistice. After various further assignments to squadrons of the Cobelligerent Air Force, it was damaged in Albania on September 15, 1944, with Sergeant Major Moressi of the 93rd Squadron of the 8th Group, 5th Stormo. Once repaired, it remained in service until May 1948 it was assigned to the 3rd Group of the Lecce Flight School, where it remained until December 1949, when it was sent to Macchi for conversion to a C.205 Veltro due to a possible acquisition by Egypt. When that order failed to materialize it was returned to Lecce where it remained until its retirement on July 1, 1952.
Exhibited at the Turin Flight Museum without livery and with only the tricolor roundels, it was subsequently transferred to Vigna di Valle, restored for the first time by the 3rd RTA of Lecce and in February 1994 by the specialists of the 4th RMV of Grosseto, who painted it with the livery of a Veltro of the 97th Squadriglia of the 9th Group of the 4th Stormo, with the codes 97-2 and with the original MM. 9546.
Breda AerMacchi C.202/205V “Veltro” MM 91818, Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia – Milano
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C.202 205 Musep della Scienza e della Tecnica Photo Luigino Caliaro
The C.205 exhibited at the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia (National Museum of Science and Technology) in Milan also appears to be the conversion of a C.202, MM91818 to be specific. Following an initial posting to the 386th Squadron of the 21st Group of the 51st Stormo, it was assigned to various squadrons of the 4th Wing and then to the 209th Squadron of the 102nd Group of the 5th Wing. In 1946, it was assigned to the 3rd Group at the Lecce Flight School, where it operated until July 1, 1948. Like the previous C.205, this fighter was also part of the failed Egyptian order and was returned to the Lecce Flight School. After its retirement from active duty in the early 50s, the aircraft was assigned to the to the “Malignani” Technical Institute where the engine was reportedly run by students on a regular basis. In 1980, the aircraft was recovered by Macchi and turned over to a group of elderly specialists and technicians with the task of returning it to airworthy status. It was a particularly complex project where many components had to be built from scratch, but thanks to the support of other aeronautical companies such as FIAT Avio, which overhauled the engine, Oleodinamica Magnaghi, Itala and Secondo Mona, the dream of many enthusiasts finally came true when the Veltro took to the skies again on September 26, 1980.
C.202 205 Musep della Scienza e della Tecnica Photo Luigino Caliaro 3
The civil registration l-MCVE was applied to the aircraft and the camouflage chosen for the aircraft was similar to that of the C.205 of the 4th Wing which, piloted by Maj. Carlo Maurizio Ruspoli. In the following months the C.205 was proudly exhibited at numerous air shows in Italy and abroad by Macchi test pilots Cecconello and Durione, but unfortunately the fighter was seriously damaged in a take-off accident on July 23, 1986. The C.205 has been repainted as MM9327 (81-5) belonging to the 81st Squadron of the 6th Group 1st Wing in May 1943. However, the livery is not exactly correct, since that serial number corresponds to a Veltro of the 1st Series without the wing cannons.
AerMacchi C.205V “Veltro” MM 92166 – LEONARDO – Aermacchi -Venegono Superiore (VA)
C.205 Veltro Aermacchi Leonardo Photo Luigino Caliaro
This aircraft is the only original C.205 and it’s currently displayed at the entrance of the Aermacchi office building in Venegono (VA) now Leonardo. However, its true origin is in doubt since the fuselage denotes some characteristics typical of the C.202 Folgore, such as a fixed tail wheel and radio access panel of the same shape as those of a late C.202. Nonetheless, taking the serial number 92166 as valid, this Veltro was delivered to the Regia Aeronautica on July 15, 1943, and assigned to 360th Squadron and 378th Squadron of the 155th Group of the 51st Wing with the individual code 378-2. Historical research indicates that this C.205 shot down an American P-40 fighter on July 22, 1943, and on August 2, 1943, Lieutenant Dini intercepted a claimed B-26 Marauder off Capo Carbonara in Sardinia.
C.205 Veltro airworthy
After the Armistice, it was assigned to the 51st Wing until its transfer to the Lecce Flying School in the spring of 1945. Retired in 1959, MM92166 was exhibited at various airshows in a metallic finish without insignias. In 1973, the aircraft was sold to the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan. It was preserved in the new Air and Sea Transport pavilion sporting the bare aluminum fuselage and still with the pods under the wings. In 1988, an agreement was signed between Macchi and the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia of in Milan, for the exchange of the museums’ respective Macchi C.205, with Macchi obtaining this only Veltro built at its factory. Following the exchange, the fighter was subjected to a thorough overhaul and restored to airworthy status, but it’s never again seen air under its wings.
AerMacchi C.200 “Saetta” MM not identified, Museo Aeronautico “Gianni Caproni” – Trento
C.200 Fusealage Caproni Museo Foto Luigino Caliaro
The Gianni Caproni Aeronautical Museum in Trento has a pair of fuselage sections, recovered from an aviation enthusiast in Bologna in the early 70s, having purchased them from the University’s Faculty of Aeronautical Engineering. After being offered to AerMacchi, the wrecks were purchased by the Caproni Museum.
Although the identity of the aircraft remains unknown, it is hypothesized that it could be one of the two C.200s of the 8th Group which were to be handed over to the Allies after the Armistice. It is presumed that during the transfer flight, one of the pilots made an emergency landing not far from his home in the Marche region. The dismantled fighter was hidden disassembled by the pilot and returned after the war to the Air Force which probably gave it to the local College’s Engineering Faculty. In 1992, in anticipation of its exhibition at the new headquarters of the Caproni Museum in Trento, an attempt was made to reconstruct the fuselage, but this was not possible due to the complexity of the work. The restoration work on the fuselage revealed the original codes of the aircraft, 91-4 relating to the 92nd Squadron of the 8th Autonomous Group in 1943. Further analysis revealed the individual number 86 which confirmed that the fighter was used by the 86th Squadron of the 7th Group of the 54th Wing. An important detail was the discovery of part of the 54th Wing’s badge, represented by a tiger’s head. After painstaking restoration work which started at the end of 2010 what remains of the aircraft was exhibited in the main hall of the Caproni Museum at the Trento Mattarello airport.
Museo dellaeronautica Militare Italian Air FOrce Museum Vigna Di Valle Phot my Museum Staff22
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Day 32 of Writing Something Everyday
(356 Day Challenge)
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A Poem Based on the News Articles I Woke Up to From My City This Morning.
While we were sleeping,
A man was shot.
While we were sleeping,
A young boy stabbed his mother.
While we were sleeping,
A bird cannibalized it's own kind.
While we were sleeping,
A truck brought machines into our city to poison our food.
While we were sleeping,
Humanity is one day closer to reaching its end.
Is there any humanity left to end or has it ended already and we didn't notice?
While we were sleeping..
While we were sleeping....
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law amending provisions on property confiscation in Russia’s Criminal Code.
The amendments allow for money, valuables, or other property obtained in the commission of crimes such as spreading “fake news” about the Russian army (Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code) or publicly calling for actions against the security of the state (Article 280.4 of the Criminal Code) to be confiscated into state ownership. In both cases, the law specifies that assets can be seized when the crimes were committed for “personal gain or monetary reward.”
Additionally, the law stipulates that money and property intended for and used to finance activities directed against the security of the Russian Federation may be subject to confiscation. The adopted amendments extend this to those convicted under the following articles of the Criminal Code:
Providing assistance in the execution of decisions of international organizations in which the Russian Federation does not participate, or foreign state bodies. (Article 284.3 of the Criminal Code).
Illegal crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation (Article 322 of the Criminal Code).
Organization of illegal migration (Article 322.1 of the Criminal Code).
Unlawful alteration of the state border of the Russian Federation (Article 323 of the Criminal Code).
Failure to comply with orders (Article 332 of the Criminal Code).
Desertion (Article 338 of the Criminal Code).
Use of prohibited means and methods of warfare (Article 356 of the Criminal Code).
Looting (Article 356.1 of the Criminal Code).
Genocide (Article 357 of the Criminal Code).
The law will not be applied retroactively, meaning property cannot be confiscated from individuals already convicted under these articles.
The corresponding amendments were introduced by Russian lawmakers to the State Duma on January 22. The State Duma adopted the law on January 31, and Russia’s Federation Council approved it on February 7.
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puppetsoftomorrow · 8 months ago
I’m keep seeing a lot of articles dating despite getting only 5 seats, “Reform” still got millions of votes so don’t underestimate them. Exactly how are MPs elected anyway- is it winner take all or something like that?
yes we use first past the post here :) basically the country is divided into 650 constiencies. when you go to the polling station, u vote for someone to represent your contitiency - they're usually a member of a political party. if one party gets MPs in over half the constiuencies (356) then they can form a government - if they dont, then the parties can work it out to work together until they have enough MPs to get past the threshhold, which is how we got the tory-lib dem government in 2010. the leader of the party then becomes the prime minister - which is how the uk can change prime ministers without voting, and thats because we never vote for our prime ministers, they're just the leaders of the party...
anyway because of this system, if you voted for a candidate who doesn't become an MP, your vote isn't represented at all - so reform got millions of votes but basically came second in almost every seat they ran in - and getting second gets you nothing in FPTP. for aages now the smaller parties have been campaigning for a new voring system, like proportional representation, single transferable vote etc. trouble is, FPTP benefits the parties in charge, so there is zero impetus to change it.
also fun fact: the prime minister first has to go to the king and get his permission to form a government. and the king could totally say no and just disregard democracy. love that for us.
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kennak · 8 months ago
巨額赤字のクールジャパン機構〜22年度末の累積赤字は356億円に上る 〜あと11年で黒字が10億円出るのか https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASRB04J0BRB0UTFK00F.html こんな状態なのに結局追加で税金投入。
[B! クールジャパン] 「クールジャパンを再起動」政府が戦略改定へ 過去の反省生かせるか:朝日新聞デジタル
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dndhistory · 1 year ago
356. Various Authors - Dragon #93 (January 1985)
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Welcome to 1985! We start off with the January issue of Dragon (if you've noticed I usually start each month with Dragon before going on to modules and other magazines, it helps me keep track of where we are at in time). As usual this issue of Dragon is a bit of a mixed bag, mostly good stuff but one which is pretty bad.
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Let's get the bad stuff out of the way first, the centrepiece of this issue is "The Gypsy Train", a short adventure module for you to introduce into your adventures all about "Gypsies". As you can imagine it isn't the most sensitive treatment of the subject, mainly trading in racist stereotypes with headings like "High Prices, Light Fingers" which characterizes the Roma people as gougers and thieves. Not great. This article isn't a complete loss, however, the article includes a model for a caravan which you can cut out and build, which is pretty neat.
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Other articles in the issue are more useful for D&D players, and these include a really useful pronunciation guide by Frank Mentzer teaching you how to pronounce everything from Aarakocra to Zugtmoy. Gygax brings us rules for high-level Druids and Ed Greenwood the Ecology of the Eye of the Deep. Stephen Inniss brings us an article on how high and how far characters can jump and lastly we get some great comics with Trampier's Wormy and Elmore's SnarfQuest!
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ourii-paradise · 1 year ago
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Eunha 은하
https://www.instagram.com/p/CzgdSaNLJwx/ https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cu8HVQTA3nE
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Black net top Brand: Current Mood Item: Melancholic Melody Crop Sweater - Black Price: KRW65,000
Black skirt Brand: Current Mood Item: Snarky Statement Mini Skirt Price: KRW79,000
Bear backpack Brand: Current Mood Item: Tormented Teddy Backpack Price: KRW92,000
Note: The above 3 items are only available on Dolls Kill, which I will not be inserting a backlink to as they are a business I do not support. Please read here for more info on why we should no longer support this company. This is only a snippet of their horrible practice, there are more articles out there about this.
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Black platform boots Brand: Demonia Item: DAMNED-120 Price: KRW172,900 Link: https://demoniacult.com/products/damned-120bvlpt
Bracelet/gloves Brand: Punk Rave Item: Bracelet skull and rings visually Price: EUR20.20 Link: https://punkrave.ch/en/home/356-1318-Bracelet-skull-and-rings-visually.html#/37-color-black/60-size-ff
Silver necklace Brand: Liberate Item: Heart ball chain necklace Price: KRW36,000 Link: https://lliberate.shop/product/53268f88-f680-4753-a5ef-f93abf4c4420
[Updated on 18 November 2023: I found the necklace!]
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whencyclopedia · 7 months ago
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The Hyphasis Mutiny
The so-called Hyphasis Mutiny was a conflict between Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) and his army following their victory at the river Hydaspes in 326 BCE. Alexander voiced plans for further conquests in the Indian subcontinent, however, when his men reached the river Hyphasis, there was an open revolt. The mutiny ended with Alexander giving in to his men's wishes and turning back; he did not venture further into the Indian subcontinent as he intended. Over the years, historians have examined the importance of this moment of tension between a king and his army. This includes the issue of whether the term “mutiny” can truly apply to this incident.
The Indian Campaign
When Alexander marched across the Hindu Kush to India in 327 BC, the denizens of Bazira feared for their lives, fled to the Aornos Rock, reputed to be impregnable so that not even Heracles was able to capture it. Alexander had difficulty getting to the rock and started building a mound, then gained a foothold on a hill. When the Indians noticed the Macedonians closing in, they surrendered. Alexander placed a garrison on the abandoned portion of the Aornos Rock.
The city of Nysa asked Alexander to recognize their freedom and independence, which Alexander granted and made allies of them, acquiring 300 horsemen. He also had a base in Taxila, after promising to help Taxiles against his enemy, King Porus. Alexander met Porus at the Battle of Hydaspes in 326 BCE, which included war elephants. After the battle, Porus was allowed to continue ruling his kingdom and became an ally of Alexander, and Alexander continued to march further into India.
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affairsmastery · 15 days ago
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President’s Rule has been invoked in Manipur under Article 356 following the Chief Minister’s resignation due to escalating Meitei-Kuki ethnic violence since May 2023. This move allows the Centre to assume control, with the state legislature suspended and governance administered through the Governor.
Parliament must approve the Proclamation within two months, with extensions possible under specific conditions. Article 356 ensures constitutional governance during crises, safeguarding states from internal disturbances while preserving citizens' Fundamental Rights.
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footfungus96-blog · 15 days ago
Week 5: What is Digital Citizenship? Hashtag Publics, Political Engagement and Activism
In the article "The Robber Talks About 'Peace' by President Ho Chi Minh in 1965," he wrote:
"There is a story about Xuân Village, which consists of two hamlets: Inner Hamlet and Outer Hamlet. The entire village lived happily and worked together. Suddenly, a group of robbers from afar came and occupied the Inner Hamlet. They robbed, killed, raped women, burned houses, and destroyed fields and gardens... They bribed some corrupt individuals in the hamlet to serve as their lackeys. With a heroic tradition, the people of the Inner Hamlet rose up and fought back, beating the robbers until they were bloodied and bruised.
Seeing that they could not subdue Xuân Village, the robbers, on one hand, cried out for the villagers to 'discuss a peaceful resolution.' But simultaneously, they aggressively sent more henchmen into the Inner Hamlet. Not falling for the robbers' deceitful tricks, the villagers of Xuân firmly told them: “This village is ours. You are invaders. First, you must leave this village. If you hesitate, we will push you into the sea.” ... The robbers then cried out: “We ask the world to witness, we want peace, but Xuân Village does not!”
The American aggressors keep spreading the deceitful claim of “unconditional negotiations”. They pretend to want peace and blame Vietnam for being warmongering. But every time they talk about 'peace’, it is as if they are sending more troops to expand their war of aggression in the South of our country.”
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And now, history seems to repeat itself. Using the same old trick of "the robber crying foul”, Israel has repeatedly slandered Hamas to justify their genocidal crimes in Palestine:
They destroyed up to 16 cemeteries in Gaza during the October 7th terrorist attack, claiming it was "part of the search for the remains of hostages held by Hamas" (Diamond 2024).
They claimed that Hamas beheaded up to 40 children during the October 7th attack on the town of Kfar Aza. However, Israeli journalists who visited the scene found no evidence. The Israeli military later refused to confirm this claim, and more than a week later, there was still no evidence to support it (Jamal 2023).
In a speech before the Republican Jewish Coalition on October 28th, Eli Beer, founder of Israel's EMS organization, claimed that Hamas burned a baby in an oven. This claim was repeated by journalists Dovid Efune, John Podhoretz, and others in tweets that garnered over 10 million views. Israeli journalists found no evidence to support this claim, and a representative from ZAKA, the first response organization, stated that the claim was "false”. The French newspaper Libération also called the claim "completely fabricated" (Jamal 2023).
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(English translation: Israel Uses Drones Emitting Sounds of Crying Babies and Screaming Women to Lure Palestinians Out and Shoot Them!)
The truth is that the Israeli military has killed 42,510 Palestinians in a 200-day attack, 38,621 of whom were civilians, including 10,091 women and 15,780 children. The bodies of thousands remain trapped under rubble, while thousands more are missing and presumed dead. These statistics include the killing of 137 journalists, 356 medical workers, and 42 civil defense personnel (Monitor 2024).
The images below are the truth - countless massacres and inhumane acts have taken place in Palestine.
Vietnam has made its mark in history with a resounding victory, reclaiming independence and freedom from the world's most powerful nation. This victory was the result of the brave sacrifices, unwavering will, and determined spirit of our ancestors. However, alongside the factors often mentioned in textbooks, another crucial but less-discussed element was the strong and passionate support from the international community. Without the relentless protests of international friends, our path to independence and freedom, though certain, would have been even more arduous and prolonged.
The pain of losing one's country is not unfamiliar to us, so why do we dare to "turn a blind eye" and justify it by saying we are afraid, that we lack knowledge, or that "it is their country's business"? If something similar were to happen to us, how would you react to such statements?
This article is not meant to guilt-trip or gaslight anyone into going to the battlefield in Palestine or living in hardship to understand their situation. This is not a political story or a macro issue - it is a call for PEACE. And if you love PEACE, SPEAK UP!
In the digital age, hashtags have become more than just symbols - they are rallying cries for justice. From #BlackLivesMatter to #MeToo, hashtag publics have proven their ability to transcend borders, unite people, and challenge oppressive systems. They create spaces for marginalized voices to be heard, for stories to be shared, and for solidarity to flourish. In the case of Palestine, hashtags like #FreePalestine, #CeasefireNow, #AntiSemitism, and #EndIsraeliApartheid have brought global attention to the atrocities being committed, forcing the world to confront uncomfortable truths.
But hashtags alone aren’t enough. They’re just the starting point. Real change comes from action—protests, petitions, donations, boycotts, and putting pressure on governments and corporations. (Honestly, let the U.S. ban TikTok all they want—it’s where people are speaking the truth anyway.) Let’s be real here: famous people and luxury brands don’t give a damn about us. They never have. Remember that line from The Lion King? ‘When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.’ Well, that’s exactly what we’re doing.
Our mission to boycott Israeli-owned and pro-Israel brands and celebrities isn’t just symbolic - it’s strategic. And trust me, it’s working. It’s hitting them where it hurts: their wallets (ajplus 2024). These companies and celebrities thrive on our silence and compliance, but when we collectively say no, they feel it.
Political engagement goes beyond hashtags and social media posts. It requires us to educate ourselves, to question the narratives fed to us by those in power and hold our leaders accountable. It demands that we recognize our privilege and use it to uplift those who are silenced. In the case of Palestine, this means challenging the biased media coverage, exposing the lies of the oppressors, and demanding justice for the victims.
We must also recognize that activism is not a one-size-fits-all approach. For some, it means marching in the streets; for others, it means writing, creating art, or supporting grassroots organizations. Every action, no matter how small, contributes to the larger movement. The key is to stay informed, stay engaged, and never lose sight of humanity at the heart of the struggle.
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(English translation:
On February 29, Israel opened fire on a crowd receiving humanitarian aid at Al Nabulsi roundabout, North Gaza, killing 118 people and injuring 760 others. Al Shifa Hospital confirmed that "hundreds of patients had gunshot wounds." This event became known as the "flour massacre."
Image: An Israeli Telegram channel celebrating the flour massacre and hoping for cannibalism to soon occur in Gaza.)
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(English translation:
Three mass graves were discovered at three locations around Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis after being attacked by the IOF for weeks. A total of 392 bodies were found in the following conditions:
Hands and feet tied
Gunshot wounds and signs of torture
Patients still had medical tubes attached to their bodies
Medical staff were tied up
Among the bodies, there were children, also tied up
Approximately 20 bodies were suspected of being buried alive…)
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(English translation:
From "Malnourished People" in Israel to CNN
Blindfolded, stripped, beaten, tied to hospital beds...
ajplus 2024, Is Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Collapsing Its Own economy?, viewed <https://www.tiktok.com/@ajplus/video/7413072625947249951?_r=1&_t=ZS-8txf7pkOGNr>.
Communist Party of Vietnam Electronic Newspaper 1965, ‘The robbers talked “peace”’, Hochiminh.vn, People’s Newspaper, viewed 16 February 2025, <https://hochiminh.vn/tac-pham-cua-ho-chi-minh/nhung-bai-bao-cua-bac/ke-cuop-noi-chuyen-hoa-binh-8024>.
Diamond, J 2024, ‘At least 16 cemeteries in Gaza have been desecrated by Israeli forces, satellite imagery and videos reveal’, CNN, viewed <https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/20/middleeast/israel-gaza-cemeteries-desecrated-investigation-intl-cmd/index.html>.
Jamal, H 2023, ‘A list of Israeli lies, propaganda and genocidal intent’, Substack.com, The Diaspora Journal , viewed 16 February 2025, <https://hebhjamal.substack.com/p/a-list-of-israeli-lies-propaganda?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2B1Qt_6VH5nqzl7JzR_8sGGCNKbFd4cluGQSNdpJFPW2QCj-tyeSDuzU4_aem_uMHXRDwr8EUXuTTorgSvSA>.
Monitor, E-MHR 2024, ‘200 days of military attack on Gaza: A horrific death toll amid intl. failure to stop Israel’s genocide of Palestinians’, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, viewed <https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6282/200-days-of-military-attack-on-Gaza%3A-A-horrific-death-toll-amid-intl.-failure-to-stop-Israel%E2%80%99s-genocide-of-Palestinians%23>.
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odnewsin · 18 days ago
President’s rule imposed in Manipur
President’s rule has been imposed in Manipur, days after the resignation of Chief Minister N Biren Singh. The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued an official notification in this regard. The notification said that President Droupadi Murmu had received a report from the Manipur Governor and, after considering the report, in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 356 of the Constitution,…
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stockstbit · 1 month ago
Elementor #356
Introduction Are you curious about what lies ahead for Rivian stock? With the electric vehicle (EV) market gaining momentum, Rivian has captured the attention of investors worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just exploring the stock market, understanding the potential movements of Rivian’s stock price can be both exciting and beneficial. In this article, we’ll delve into Rivian’s stock…
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istanbulsondakikanet · 2 months ago
Borsa İstanbul’da Gong EgeYapı Avrupa GYO için Çaldı
EgeYapı Avrupa GYO Borsa İstanbul'da işlem görmeye başladı.
EgeYapı Avrupa GYO için Gong Sesi Çaldı
Borsa İstanbul'da gerçekleştirilen gong töreniyle birlikte, EgeYapı Avrupa Gayrimenkul Yatırım Ortaklığı (GYO) hisseleri işlem görmeye başladı. Halka arzda 918 milyon TL büyüklüğünde kaynak elde eden EgeYapı Avrupa GYO, toplam tahsisat tutarının 1,75 katı talep gördü ve Borsa İstanbul'da "EGEGY" koduyla 15 TL fiyatla işlem görmeye başladı. Halka arz sürecinde 356 bin 252 başvuru alan şirketin halka açıklık oranı ,60 olarak belirlendi ve halka arz sonrası sermayesi 200 milyon TL'ye ulaştı.
EgeYapı'nın Halka Arz Stratejisi
Borsa İstanbul Genel Müdürü Korkmaz Ergun, EgeYapı'nın gayrimenkul sektöründeki önemini vurgulayarak, şirketin halka arz geliriyle yeni projelere yatırım yaparak ülke ekonomisine katkı sağlayacağını belirtti. EgeYapı Avrupa GYO Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı İnanç Kabadayı ise halka arz gelirlerinin yeni ve devam eden projelere aktarılacağını vurgulayarak, şirketin sektördeki istikrarını sürdüreceğini ifade etti.
Halka Arzın Etkileri ve Pay Dağılımı
Halka arzda satışa sunulan payların 'ı yurt içi bireysel yatırımcılara, 'u yurt içi yüksek başvurulu bireysel yatırımcılara ve 'u yurt içi kurumsal yatırımcılara tahsis edildi. EgeYapı'nın halka arz sonrası sermayesi 200 milyon TL'ye yükselirken, şirket Borsa İstanbul'da yatırımcılara değer katmayı amaçlıyor. EGEGY, BIST'teki işlemlerine 15,44 TL seviyesinden başladı, kısa bir süre 15 TL'ye geriledi ve sonrasında 16,5 TL'deki tavan seviyesine yükseldi. Şu an hisse, öğleden sonraki işlemlerde 16,5 TL'deki tavan fiyatında seyrediyor. Read the full article
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