#Arno is close second
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thou-babbling-brook · 7 months ago
Finished AC Unity. RIP Arno Dorian you would’ve loved Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
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teecupangel · 3 months ago
How would Ezio react if Desmond and the other assassins walked in on him getting it on with some random girl he brought home?
Desmond The first few times it happened, he’d apologize and close the door even if it means locking himself out of their shared apartment.
Later down the line, he just sighs, reminds Ezio to wear a protection and also stress that Ezio was going to clean the room he’s having sex in�� twice.
Ignores them and continues to do what he’s supposed to do. If they’re in the kitchen getting frisky, this man would absolutely prepare tea and take food out of the fridge to bring to his room or the living room, depending on where he’s doing his research. If they’re in the living room and Altaïr needs something in it like a book or something, this man would absolutely not care of how rude he was being and continue to just do whatever he was about to do.
Any attempts to invite him by Ezio’s current paramour is met with a look that showed Altaïr’s total disregard for their feelings and his unimpressed expression that do not hide how stupid he thinks that suggestion is.
The first time it happened, he froze for a second before silently walking about.
Will never walk in on Ezio after that incident. It’s like he has developed a sixth sense and knows when to evade the apartment. Would usually text Desmond to warn him to stay away as well.
Absolutely starts lying about how proud he was that Ezio could finally get hard again after [insert the most ridiculous lies he could think of and changes every time this happened like it was his own personal ‘do you want to know how I got this scar?’ meme].
Apologizes, gives Ezio an awkward thumbs up then leaves. It’s the same thumbs up and awkward smile each time. Honestly, Ezio is wondering if Arno has that as his specific ‘I saw Ezio fucking someone’ reaction.
Jacob and Evie
Jacob suggested he join them and Evie drags him away while apologizing furiously to Ezio’s partner (but not Ezio himself, she can’t look at him at all). Ezio knows twins both looked at his dick.
Quietly leaves, prepares food for the girl, talks to her a bit, escort her out of the apartment then goes and talk to Ezio about the ‘proper way’ to cohabit with other Assassins so this doesn’t happen again.
Basim (Mirage version)
Absolutely balled a cat at Ezio while he was ‘busy’ and it scratched his back. Every time Basim walks in on them, he will pick up the nearest animal he can find and throw it at Ezio then run away. One time, he threw a raccoon and Ezio caught it, getting into a staring contest with said raccoon longer than necessary.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year ago
Gonna give the poor boys a heart attack but imagine how absolutely TERRIFIED Haytham, Shay, Connor, Arno, Ezio, Altair, and Malik would be if you got kidnapped. ESPECIALLY if it was by the other faction.
I mean, Haytham's sister was kidnapped, I think that's reason enough for him to absolutely panic if you were as well. The assassins know what the Templars are capable of. Especially Malik and Ezio. Shay always seems like he'd be extremely protective anyways.
And if you were hurt by your captors? Even tortured? Heads would probably roll and you probably aren't leaving your poor boyfriend's sight ever again.
First off, how dare you??! 😭💔
Second, oh boy , buckle up
he feels like his chest is about to cave in from how rapid his heart is beating when he hears the news
It’s all hands on decks to look for you and find you
when he finds you, he rushes to your care immediately and the stern facade falls as silent tears fall
if this was when he’s an Assassin, he’s INCREDIBLY impulsive and hot-headed and will do anything to get you back
Templar-wise, it goes the same way only there’s more of a vicious element to it because it’s the Assassins he once knew
ultimately, when you are safely returned, he refuses to leave your side at all times
There will be no remaining Templars who know peace for the short time they have remaining
This man will go above and beyond to find you, even against the better judgment he knows of what will be a dangerous situation
the moment he has you back with him, he insists to help you with anything, everything and refuses to leave your side
Oh why torture this poor man?? All of Italy and the Borgias will know his wrath!!
He REFUSES to let what happened to Cristina happen to you
As soon as you’re returned home, it’s all hands and allies on deck to help you recover, all under Ezio’s watchful eye
Everything feels like it’s crashing down and he’s barely hanging on by a thread
Also a disaster like Ezio but amped up more, sobbing flashbacks between seeing your face and Elise’s
Once you’re back home, he’s always there to help you through the nightmares and gets emotional when you try to sleep or help replace your bandages
Livid and so afraid for you, but he hides it behind barking orders
Altair knows better than to interfere but does all he can to help his friend
Once you’re back home, Malik constantly holds to you and worries for your safety
He is livid!! The entirety of Masyaf and Jerusalem will be scoured by every inch to find you. Behind closed doors those golden eyes betray his heartbreak
No Templar is safe from his blade and he cuts them down easily
Having you back home requires all of his attention when you recover, heal and the Flying Eagle himself never letting you go far at least not without him
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saberamane · 4 months ago
Guys... I just had a really cool fanart idea for Assassin's Creed... but I can't draw people 😭
Basically your perspective is that you're standing in the doorway of a room (an Isu vault, specifically) with columns leading from the doorway to a dais at the back.
Its a 4 tiered dais, circular, with Desmond standing in the center/top of the dais. Of course he has some cool glowing isu markings, in some sort of modified armor/Assassin robes.
1 step down on either side of Desmond (kind of just slightly in front of him, in a guarding position) are Altair and Ezio.
On the same step but behind Desmond, kind of hidden in shadow, is Clay.
Skip a step, and in similar positions to Altair and Ezio are Edward and Ratonhnhak:ton.
On the ground by the columns closest the dais are Arno and Eivor.
At the second column on one side is Jacob and Evie, with Kassandra and Alexios on the opposite side.
And on top of the columns closest to the door, kind of hidden, are Bayek and (non-evil/Isu) Basim.
A very simplistic diagram of their positions:
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Basically I want the feeling to be 'If you want him, you have to get through us first.' Like a gauntlet of death. Only the first round is completely unfair as you wouldn't notice Bayek and Basim to begin with.
And if you somehow got past them, you'd have a 4 versus you with Jacob, Evie, Kassandra, and Alexios.
Evie is fast and Jacob lives for a good brawl, but you might be able to beat them. But Kassandra and Alexios are both demi gods so... good luck with that?
Havent played unity yet, so I don't know much about Arno but I do know he has that handy phantom something or other, which shoots poison? (Which, actually, Evie and Jacob also have that but whatever lol). But Eivor is also kind of a demi God imo with the Odin thing going on.
Ratonhnhak:ton has his dlc powers (with the glowing blue eyes) so can summon ghost wolves to fight but is also just a tank in a fight. And Edward canonically fights like a devil.
Get through all that, and you still have the 2 most legendary Assassin Mentors to get through.
You're probably thinking 'why is Clay Desmond's last defense? After legendary assassins and demi gods and reincarnated Isu??'
Well, Clay's not. You get past everyone else, Desmond will just smite you with the apple. Honestly, Clay is in the back to protect everyone else. He likely isn't completely mentally stable lol. (He's like... the psycho BFF that will kill for you unprompted. He needs to stay close to Desmond so he doesn't get in trouble.)
I wish I could draw so bad because this looks so badass in my mind...
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germanpostwarmodern · 5 months ago
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The work of architects Arno Lederer, Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir and Marc Oei is one of remarkably consistent quality, contemporary but never aiming at short-term effects. Well-versed in the history of modern and classical architecture the architects since 1976 designed a considerable number of outstanding projects: sometimes clearly indebted to classical modernism, sometimes processing Scandinavian influences, often in close exchange with the local traditions and context LRO always seek to improve the overall context in which their buildings are conceived. This core conviction as well as their architectural roots and design principles are outlined in the text introducing the first volume of their work monograph: „Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei 1“, first published by Jovis in 2012 and reprinted in 2021, contains 46 projects ranging from housing over commercial buildings to architecture for institutions and in its unagitated but high-quality design perfectly embodies the virtues of the three architects. Consistently illustrated with black-and-white photographs and plans the monograph provides a comprehensive overview of LRO’s architecture from 1976 up until 2012 that also zooms in on the details decisively contributing to the overall quality of their buildings: surfaces, light regime and form coalesce in an architecture encouraging to explore, touch and take a second or third look.
„Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei 1“, designed by the architects themselves, is a rare display of both visual and content quality that perfectly embodies the office’s fundamentals. Highly recommended!
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supercap2319 · 2 years ago
The avengers found a kid who was experimented on and is scared of people touching him while on a mission and the reader and kid gets close,so peter walks into the living room section of the compound to see his bf asleep on the couch with the little boy asleep on his chest + other avengers reaction
Y/N knew that Hydra was evil. They had experimented on himself, Wanda, Pietro, and Bucky Barnes, but he never expected the terrorist organization to go as low as they had. How during the blip, they had captured innocent little kids and experimented on them. On an Avengers' mission to permanently put this evil organization away for good, they had discovered a little boy who had been placed in a holding cell. He looked so sad and dirty and when Tony tried to pick him up, the Avengers and Y/N quickly discovered that he didn't like to be touched and that he had superpowers.
The whole building began to shake and Y/N had a sneaking suspicion that this little guy was responsible for it. Y/N tried to calm him down and held his hands where the little boy could see them as he coaxed him into coming with them back to New York and the Avengers Tower. The whole way back, Steve and the others discussed what to do with him. "I say we keep him." Y/N piped up.
The others looked at him like he was crazy. "Kid, you do realize that he can shake the earth right?" Tony asked.
"Yeah, and I know what it's like to be born with powers you can't control. Dangerous ones. This kid needs our help and I'll be damned if I let you turn him over to Fury, or to that school for gifted students run by that Professor Xavier guy."
"Okay, first of all, language." Steve said. "But Y/N's right. This kid needs our help and if anyone can help him it's us. I second his vote."
Soon everyone voted on what to do with the little boy and they agreed to keep him at the tower until they came up with another plan. They minded touching him as Y/N tried his best to get the young boy to trust him. He took it slowly in the weeks that followed, trying to use his own experience with Hydra to make friends with the boy. He would show him his own powers and tell how special he was and not just because he had powers of his own. Y/N had Tony go shopping for kid clothes and toys, trying to make him as comfortable as possible.
Slowly, but surely, Y/N got the young boy, who they named, Arno to let him touch him and allow him to try and establish a relationship with him. Almost like father and son. Peter found out about Arno in the weeks that followed, so it wasn't all that surprising to find his boyfriend in the living rooming section of the compound with Arno resting comfortably on his chest as Toy Story played on the TV.
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 7 months ago
Hello, darling Crowie! 💜 Thank you for opening your inbox for ficlet requests! If you have the time and energy, could you please give us a cozy winter ficlet with Arno and a female partner? Something short and sweet! Thank you so much!!! 💜🥖❄
Hello, hello, dear Susie! Thanks for dropping by! ^_^
I'm happy I finally had the time to write this, because I was all for writing this adorable scenario! I hope I captured some of the 'cozy' vibe you were looking for and that the writing isn't too clumsy - it's been a while since I've written for dear Arno.😅Regardless, I do hope you enjoy this piece; I had fun writing it! Thank you again for sending something in! <3
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January, 1789 Versailles
A barrage of giggles that failed to be stifled broke the quiet air of the kitchen as you and Arno hurried in out of the snow, back from your bend around the city, which had lasted until three in the morning.
You knew Monsieur de la Serre would kill you both if he discovered you had stayed out so late - regardless of the status you and Arno had as his wards - but you were so high on love and wine that you honestly couldn't care less at that moment.
Arno clearly didn't care either as he pulled you down to the floor in front of the low-burning fireplace and kissed you once more, his hand clumsy as he blindly jabbed the live coals with a poker at the same time, in an attempt to liven up the fire.
But despite his kisses, the once-warm wine had begun cooling in your blood - and reminded again of the chilly dampness of your petticoats, you got up to prepare some hot chocolate for the two of you.
"Here," you smiled when you sat back down again and handed him a mug of the hot drink, "this'll warm you up."
"Mmm...I'd much rather you," he flirted as he slipped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in close for another, albeit softer, kiss.
The sweet moment was broken, however, when you heard the familiar, heavy sound of the cook's footsteps; you both looked towards the door with alarm, instantly sobering up.
"Well, thanks to Providence, I've been granted again the key to my room..." Arno began as he rifled through his pocket, and held up the object with a smile, "...so, what do you say we take these drinks up there and get nestled in, eh?"
A small voice in the back of your swimming mind warned you against falling asleep in Arno's bed, but the lovely image of waking up in his arms to watch the falling snow in the morning quickly overtook the possibility of getting scolded by your guardian...
Seconds later, the cook was greeted with an empty room...but despite being alone, he swore he heard distant laughter echoing down one of the hallways...laughter belonging to a pair of wards who got a thrill out of breaking all the rules.
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wardensantoineandevka · 11 months ago
I LOVE accusing every single character of being a Breach collaborator without ANY regard for whether it makes sense or whether it's likely. Hell, it's almost better if it makes absolutely no sense and isn't all that likely, since this is entirely for my own amusement. But, some of them do make at least a bit of sense, and that's also so fun to think about. Ever since the Hieronymous drop, I've just been randomly pointing fingers at any character we don't yet know either way, and coming up with reasons that would be interesting or funny or how it might work, for funsies.
Jedediah Pom? He's extremely well-placed as a member of the media, and I'm constantly suspicious of how closely he watches everything, even with considering his job. Backpack? She always seems to be in the oddest places, and I would not be surprised if information was coming through her—knowingly or unknowingly. Kozma? Would fit in with her (horrifying) propensity to "collect" people and could function as a kind of first-look deal (awful).
Agatha Ledge? I feel like the gap between her Incendiary Imaging Device and Breach stuff can be very small if you lay the cards down right, no, I cannot explain (but a mad scientist-type who changes sides because they're unhappy with their pay or access is always great). One of Imelda's brunch group (Penny, Gert, Lucille, Desiree, Maeve)? The BETRAYAL! Olga Costigan? Extremely unlikely, but it would make Spahr's life worse in a specific way that is funny to only me. Gretel? Actually, this would be pretty great because she worked directly under Spahr, and also this would make Spahr handing off Hieronymous to her at the hotel really funny.
Arno Delagny? Maybe we should be questioning why so many former employees of the Delagney Hotel at the Vantage have Breached. Imogen Loxlee, Milton Fleit Sr.? Just imagine the chaos of that for a second. The Miravette twins? They clearly need something better to do with their time and sedition might be it. Melinda Crowne? She IS a friend of Sherman's and Emmet's mother. Spahr's parents that I assume he has? Again, would stress him out so much in a way that is funny to me specifically. Speaker Corsovia, Ambassador Isadore Riley? We don't know anything about either of them for this to mean anything, so why not.
It's genuinely so fun for me to just be constantly like: today's Breach collaborator is [spins wheel]
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jewels-writes · 2 years ago
Sacrificed Love (Arno Dorian x Reader)
Prompt: Self Sacrifice Pairing: Arno Dorian x Reader Warnings: Blood, near-death, hurt/comfort. self sacrifice, angst
As you stealthily made your way through the dimly lit alleyways, the tension in the air was palpable. Every step was calculated, every breath taken with caution. The echoes of your footsteps reverberated against the worn cobblestone streets as you neared the Templar hideout.
Sensing danger lurking around every corner, you and Arno exchanged knowing glances, a silent reassurance passing between you. The anticipation mounted as you approached the building, the sound of muffled voices and clanking weapons growing louder with each passing moment.
Drawing closer to the entrance, you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. You reached out, grasping Arno's hand tightly. It was a gesture of unity, a reminder that you were in this together.
With a nod, you shared a wordless agreement and burst through the doors, ready to face the enemy head-on. Chaos erupted as the battle ensued, the clash of steel against steel filling the air. The room was a blur of flashing blades, desperate maneuvers, and the acrobatic prowess that defined both of you.
You fought with unwavering determination, skillfully dispatching the Templar soldiers that stood in your way. Arno's movements were a fluid dance of deadly precision, while you unleashed your own formidable arsenal of combat techniques.
But even as you fought valiantly, the odds began to tip against you. Reinforcements poured in, their numbers overwhelming. It was clear that the Templars had been prepared for your intrusion, and the situation grew dire.
Despite the mounting danger, you and Arno fought side by side, a seamless synergy between you. Your unspoken bond fueled your strength and resilience. The battle raged on, each passing moment intensifying the stakes.
But as the skirmish reached its climax, a series of unfortunate events unfolded. A well-aimed blow caught you off guard, knocking you off balance. The world spun around you as you staggered, your vision momentarily blurred.
In that split second of vulnerability, the Templars seized the opportunity. They closed in on you, weapons raised, a menacing glint in their eyes. You were outnumbered, and it seemed that escape was impossible.
Arno, his face etched with concern and determination, lunged forward, his blades slicing through the air with lethal precision. He fought ferociously, his movements fueled by a deep-seated protectiveness for you. But even his remarkable skills couldn't fend off the onslaught.
Cornered and defenseless, you could feel the weight of the impending danger pressing down upon you. Arno's voice rang out, a mixture of desperation and determination. "Stay behind me!" he shouted, his eyes locked with yours.
The seconds ticked by in agonizing slow motion as Arno valiantly fought to shield you. The clash of steel against steel reverberated through the chamber, the chaos of battle engulfing you both.
As the enemy realized they were outnumbered, they took advantage of the chaos and confusion to slip away from Arno's grasp. They darted towards a nearby alleyway, deftly evading Arno's attempts to catch them. You heard the enemy call for reinforcements and your stomach dropped as you looked over to Arno.
His voice pierced through the chaos, urgency etched in every word. "Quickly, behind the wall!" he exclaimed, his eyes darting around the room for an escape route.
With a surge of adrenaline, you sprinted towards the nearest wall, Arno close behind. You pressed your back against the cold stone, your breaths coming in short, rapid bursts. Arno positioned himself beside you, his presence a comforting shield.
The enemy's call for reinforcements worked and you suddenly heard the approaching footfalls of the enemy coming closer. The sound grew louder and closer, sending shivers down your spine. The enemy was closing in, their intent clear.
Arno's grip tightened on his hidden blades, his fingers flexing with anticipation. His eyes met yours, conveying a silent reassurance amidst the mounting danger. The two of you were in this together, come what may.
The footsteps drew nearer, and the tension in the air grew unbearable. Arno's jaw clenched, his gaze fixated on the approaching threat. His mind raced, formulating a plan to ensure your survival.
You grasped his hand tightly, and your voice trembled as you spoke. "Arno," you say, the words caught in your throat. "I have an idea."
Arno's gaze met yours, his expression was grave. "What is it?" he asks, his voice laced with worry.
"I can create a distraction," you explain, determination coloring your tone. "It might buy us enough time to escape."
"No," Arno insists, shaking his head. "We'll find another way. We'll fight our way out of this together."
But you knew time was running out. "We don't have time," you pressed, urgency in your voice. "Listen to me. I can do this. I'll create a diversion and draw their fire away from you. Use that opportunity to get away, Arno."
His eyes widened in disbelief, and his grip on your hand tightened. "No, I won't leave you," he protested. "I can't lose you."
You meet his gaze with a resolute stare. "It's the only way," you say firmly. "Promise me you'll get out of here alive."
A flicker of pain crossed Arno's features, but after a moment, he nodded. "I promise," he whispered.
With that promise echoing in your ears, you turned and sprinted into the open, your heart pounding in your chest. The sound of gunfire filled the air as you zigzagged, doing your best to avoid the bullets that rained down upon you.
Reaching the center of the courtyard, you shouted, drawing their attention. They opened fire, and you felt the sting of bullets piercing your flesh. The pain was excruciating, but you pushed through it, sprinting towards them.
In the distance, you caught sight of Arno and the others fleeing to safety. Relief flooded your being. You succeeded; you saved them.
But then darkness enveloped you.
The smoke from the battle still hung in the air as Arno frantically searched the battlefield. His heart pounded in his chest, fear gripping his every thought. The deafening sounds of swords clashing and cries of pain echoed in his ears, but he couldn't focus on anything else but finding you.
His mind replayed the moment when he last saw you, the moment you bravely threw yourself into danger to protect him. It felt like an eternity had passed since then, and the weight of worry threatened to suffocate him.
Arno's steps were urgent as he moved among fallen soldiers and broken weapons, his eyes scanning the chaos for any sign of you. His breath caught in his throat as he glimpsed a motionless figure lying on the ground.
With a surge of hope and dread, he rushed to your side, falling to his knees beside you. His trembling hands reached out to touch your face, his heart aching at the sight of blood staining your clothes.
"Please, don't let it be too late," he whispered, his voice choked with anguish.
Gently, he cradled your head, feeling the shallow rise and fall of your chest. Relief washed over him as he realized you were still breathing, albeit weakly. Tears welled in his eyes, a mixture of grief and gratitude.
Arno's hands moved with care, checking for any life-threatening injuries. He vowed to do everything in his power to save you, to mend the wounds you had suffered in his stead. His touch was tender, his movements deliberate as he assessed the extent of your injuries.
As he worked, his mind was flooded with a flurry of emotions. Guilt gnawed at him, the weight of the sacrifices you had made for him crashing down upon his shoulders. The fear of losing you threatened to consume him, a haunting reminder of how fragile life could be.
Minutes turned into eternity as Arno worked tirelessly, using his knowledge of first aid to stabilize your condition. With each bandage he applied and each gentle touch, his determination to see you through this ordeal grew stronger.
Finally, as the chaos of battle subsided, Arno held you in his arms, his gaze fixed on your peaceful face. The weight of the world lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of relief that you were still here, fighting to hold on.
"I'm here, mon amour," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of love and gratitude. "Stay with me."
Arno pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, vowing to protect you with every ounce of his being. He would never take your presence for granted again, cherishing each breath you took, each beat of your heart.
And as the sun set on the battlefield, casting its warm glow upon the wounded, Arno held you close, his arms a shield against the horrors of the world. In that moment, he knew that together, you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, hand in hand, and heart to heart.
When you finally awaken, you find yourself lying on a soft bed, your gaze meeting Arno's worried eyes. His hand clasps yours gently, and he urges you to remain still.
"Rest," he whispers, his voice filled with a mix of relief and concern. "You're safe now."
Confusion clouds your mind as you inquire, "What happened?"
Arno's voice is filled with emotion as he explains, "You were shot. But we managed to get you out of there. You're going to be alright."
A weak smile tugs at your lips, tears glistening in your eyes. "I did it, didn't I?"
Arno nods, a soft smile gracing his face. "You did. You saved us all."
Contentment washes over you as you surrender to sleep once more. In that moment, you know you made the right choice. No matter the risk, you would always go to any lengths to protect Arno, and you're grateful that you succeeded in keeping him safe.
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taistelutaide · 6 months ago
Tuomas knocks out Joni again
Joni puts his gloves up, just as awed as Petri but twice as afraid...
"Back for more?" Tuomas circles Joni, a mean look in his eye, feeding off the man's fear, before closing the distance with a lunge and kayoing him for a second time with a vicious overhand right.
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Arno climbs into the ring, as Joni is dragged out of it...
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puckingdisaster · 2 years ago
Tagged by @tapedsleeves :)
9 people you’d like to get to know better
Last song: Vanity by Tophouse, was listening to it when I made lunch, love Tophouse
Currently watching: Manifest on Netflix. A friend recommended it to me and the first season and part of the second season were great but it just gets more absurd now and I'm starting to not like it that much anymore. If I want absurd shows that are enjoyable to watch id finally continue supernatural
Current obsession: Assassin's Creed. Again. Recently got a ps5 and a friend bullied me into getting ps+ so I started playing AC Unity and oh boy I am obsessed with Arno. He won't ever replace Ezio in my heart but damn he's a close runner-up
Currently reading: actually, nothing. Finished Silver Bay by Jojo Moyes like 2 days ago and didn't want to start something new right away. If it counts as reading tho, there's a book Sorry for your Trouble by Richard Silken that I bought a year ago in Venice and still haven't finished. I'm halfway through and once in a while I pick it up again and read another short story. A few of them were fairly good but honestly, nothing I'd recommend.
Tagging: @lemondropbois @jasoninaredhoodie @sregnarkroywen @thoughtsoflastnight @henryrussell63 @outtathesinbin @puckmaidens @bearemyswayman @sam7sparks7
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teecupangel · 6 months ago
The lack of connor content on ao3 is slowly killing me. Do you have any fic recs or headcanons to feed this poor soul?
I am drawing blank on the fic rec other than my own works hahahaha, sorry.
So let’s focus on headcanons:
Ratonhnhaké:ton visits where his village used to be once a month after Achilles’ death. He doesn’t necessary believe his people would return there but he had hoped that maybe, just maybe, someone had left a sign or a clue for him or someone was visiting the site that could help him find his people. Once he officially became the mentor of the American Brotherhood, he visits once every few months. When he passed the title of mentor to his successor he visits the site every year on the death of his mother, no longer wishing for something to change but to simply visit his childhood home and talk to his mother.
Ratonhnhaké:ton and Aveline grew close during the reestablishment of the American Brotherhood. Some people debated on who should be the mentor between them but Aveline never truly had any desire to be a mentor, preferring the freedom that comes from being a Master Assassin. She is considered the unofficial second in command and would take over mentor duties when Ratonhnhaké:ton is out of the country.
Speaking of which, Ratonhnhaké:ton tried to visit Jenny one more time after their first meeting but Jenny told him to leave and never come back. According to Jenny, it was better for Ratonhnhaké:ton to ignore the fact that he was a Kenway and let the Kenway name die with her. While it may seem cruel, she believes her father would have preferred that Ratonhnhaké:ton would not be chained by the legacy and infamy that comes with the Kenway name.
Ratonhnhaké:ton also visited France and stayed for a few months. He meets Arno Dorian there and they developed a friendship. When Ratonhnhaké:ton returned to America, he brought with him a guillotine gun as a souvenir.
This man was a virgin during the time of AC3 XD
He absolutely knew that Benjamin Franklin was in a sex club later on. He didn’t join said sex club but Benjamin Franklin did write him a few raunchy letters describing what he did there in an effort to lure him into joining.
Ratonhnhaké:ton burned all those letters (and any historians would have cried a river if they knew)
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sempre-nico · 2 years ago
The Arno river shimmered with the lights from the Ponte Vecchio, but Nico saw nothing but the brilliant green of Isobel’s eyes as they walked the cobblestone bridge after the symphony orchestra’s concert.
“It’s beautiful out here,” she said, turning her face to the glow and resting a beautifully manicured hand against the stone edge. “Nicky, I’ve had a really good time.”
Nico stood beside her, looking out over the river. She was thinking of the concert but his thoughts were elsewhere.
“Isobel,” he said quietly. “I need to tell you something.”
She raised an eyebrow as she tilted her face up at him. “Oh? That sounds serious.”
”It is. A little.”
“Well, I’m all ears. What’s bothering you, Mr Morrisini?”
He couldn’t help the twitch of his mouth when she called him that. In anyone else’s mouth, the title was laden with respect but in hers, it dripped with a gentle mockery. The first time he had been incensed, the second he decided he enjoyed her irreverence. She wasn’t afraid of him, of his name, even if whispers told her she should be.
“I haven’t been fair to you.”
A small frown line appeared between her brows. Genuine confusion. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
He took a breath, running a hand over his scalp. The prickle of his buzz cut spiking his palm was a welcome distraction to the unease flutter of nerves in his gut. Fuck. How did he express this? The churn of his emotions breaking through seals he had once thought he’d locked away forever. He hadn’t been looking for this but she had found him anyway.
Izzy watched him pace warily, her beautiful green gaze ever patient. Behind them on the bridge, other couples walked hand in hand, and tourists snapped photos. Nico was aware somewhere of his men keeping a watchful distance but all he could see was her and she didn’t even know the power she had over him.
At the concert, she had been a vision. She’d been a joy to have on his arm, beautiful and charming the socialites in the polite circles Nico needed to work and effortless in the less polite circles he needed to keep under control. But then the curtains had gone up and the music had started, and he realized she hadn’t been there just for him. Her face, as she gazed at the stage, was one of rapture, the brush of her long lashes against her cheeks as she allowed the music to wash over her and fill her. She watched the stage but he watched her.
And then after, giddy from the exhilaration of the music still coursing through their blood, she had taken his arm and leaned against him as they walked and he had never felt so at peace in a moment.
Somehow, that made this all the much harder to say. He was so close and one misstep could mean ruining it all.
It had been a long time since Nico had stakes this high in anything and in the life he lived, that said a lot.
He raised his eyes to hers, solemn and bracing for the worst. “I have been… testing you.”
Her smile dimmed slightly. “Testing me?”
“Si. Yes. I… I wanted to be sure.” He couldn’t help himself. She was too far away, he needed to touch her. He reached out and touched her lip gently with a brush of his thumb, then captured her chin. “Before we did this. Before I did this…” he followed the touch with a slow brush of his lips against hers. “I needed to be sure.”
He dropped his hand, expecting her to be.. what? Disappointed? Angry? Disgusted? He wasn’t sure and she moved away before he could catch a glimpse of her eyes in the shadows. Even with his heart thumping wildly in his chest and his stomach dropping, he was mesmerized by the way of her hips as she walked further along the bridge trailing a thoughtful fingertip over the stone edges.
After a moment, she looked back over her shoulder. “So you needed to be sure I wasn’t a gold digger?” she asked.
He looked away. He needed to be sure she was real. But he didn’t know how to tell her that. “Yes.”
She started to trail back, her hips still swaying. “Or perhaps,” she said, a seductive, teasing lilt to the rest of her words. “An assassin? Or maybe a spy? Or-”
Her playfulness surprised him and gave him a hope he wasn’t sure he deserved. He tried to guess what she was thinking but he couldn’t see through the haze of his own heart in free fall. “Aren’t you angry?”
The smile fell from her face. She stopped just out of his reach and he couldn’t guess what that meant. “No. And I can give you all the time you need.”
Silence fell, stretching between them.
Then, “I don’t need any more time,” he growled, storming towards her and gathering her up in his arms.
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kaidanalenkosprmanager · 1 month ago
For the OC asks, 5, 17, and 37 for Arno if they haven't already been done :)
[5] Are they good at keeping secrets?
for arno? for sure! he’s definitely super good at keeping secrets. i think part of it comes from spending the better part of ten years working in spec-ops, so it’s kind of a second-nature thing for him to know how to keep some things on the low. but i honestly don’t think it’s something he particularly enjoys? like if someone asked him to keep a secret for them, i think he’d be alright with it- but if it was keeping something from someone else he’d probably have issues with it. i don’t think he does well with secrets, even if he is good with keeping them. i like to think he was good at spec-ops work, but figured out it wasn’t something he particularly enjoyed because of the clandestine nature of it. especially the secret-keeping. :)
[17] What is their biggest struggle that no one around them is able to understand or believe?
i think this also kind of ties into the secret-keeping thing! i don’t think a lot of people would think that arno has issues with being seen as closed off/unapproachable/secretive/etc since he spent so long working in what is, essentially, a black ops program. that’s definitely why he has a huge thing about making sure to constantly focus on appearing as open/personable/friendly/approachable as he can when he’s around people who don’t know him. there are a ton of black marks on his alliance records, so obviously people develop pre-conceived notions about him before he even gets a chance to meet them. unlike soph, who sort of err-ed on the side of “i don’t give a shit” (even if she secretly does care that people take issue with her because she’s been blacklisted), arno does take a huge issue with public perception of his record. it’s definitely the thing he struggles with most. :)
[37] How would they spend a lazy day when they have nothing specific to do?
arno is super mechanical. he went to college in marseille for mechanical engineering, so i’d like to think that he’d probably enjoy peeling apart an engine for a shuttle or a sky car on a day off lol. i think he also probably likes pottery, sculpting, and whittling, honestly. just about anything he can do with his hands. :)
thanks for asking me some questions! :)
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9087miles · 3 months ago
The holiday you wouldn’t read about… Part one: Purgatorio
Another early morning flight. We've become attuned to an early night, early morning and Burger King for breakfast at this late stage in the cheap holiday game. It's the right approach, because it means that you end up in your destination with a whole day ahead of you.
We arrived in Pisa at around 10:00am. The customs line was enormous and slow, but then the train into the town from the airport was only about five minutes. With the whole day ahead of us, we wasted no time and headed for the Piazza dei Miracoli. This complex of buildings is what put and has kept Pisa on the map as a destination for travellers over the last few hundred years.
We checked in our bags at the hotel, which was about a three minute walk from the tower. The Hotel Kinzica is named after a Pisan fable about Kinzica, a young woman who saved the town from a Pirate attack by whipping around on a horse in the middle of the night waking the townspeople to warn them. There are two versions of the story from this point:
In the xenophobic version, the townspeople fought of the pirates from foreign lands, won, and continued to prosper through strength.
In the woke version, Pisa reasoned with the pirates and set up a trade relationship which empowered their continued prosperity.
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But the real reason for Pisa's prosperity was the Tower of Pisa, where we headed next. The Tower of Pisa has captivated people for centuries, with generations of global engineers getting involved in preserving the building and it's 3.97 degree slant (the drawcard). Originally built to house the bells for the neighbouring Duomo, it is a sight not to be missed.
Within an hour and a half of arriving, we had a gelato in hand and were taking the obligatory selfies (except that cringey "holding up the tower" picture that hundreds were attempting around us!)
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We booked a tower ticket and visited the incredible duomo in the meantime. The level of craftsmanship and devotion in European Catholic churches always impresses me when we encounter them. Tuscan churches are a level above, with so much decorative marble work. The tower itself is built completely of marble, which makes it's structure even more surprising when you see it in person.
When our time came to visit, we spiralled up the 296 marble stairs to the top and spent fifteen minutes catching our breath and admiring the view. Despite seeing it a thousand times on postcards, it was equal parts surreal and astounding to see it up close.
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When we got back down, we walked the surrounding streets and crossed the Arno river to see more of the city. On the other side of the river, built into the river barricade wall, was an unassuming little church. It was the Chiesa Santa Maria della Spina (or St Mary's of the thorn), which was rescued from obscurity and renamed after it was allegedly gifted a thorn from the Crown of Thorns. Inside was an exhibition of some cool contemporary bronze sculptures, which juxtaposed the elaborate carved wooden beams up on the ceiling.
On the way back we stopped just across the bridge at an Italian baker and bought a load of delightful local treats (including Cantuccini, a new favourite biscuit). With more steps on the pedometer than I had personally done in months, we headed back to the hotel for a rest before we went out for dinner.
The weather was a bit gloomy when we stepped out, so we chose a restaurant close to the hotel, with a postcard view of the tower and duomo. We sat outside under a little umbrella and ordered all of the Tuscan local foods, speaking with the waiter about his love of the area... he even had a little red cross earring; the Pisan cross being the insignia of the city for centuries. While we were on our second carafe of wine and waiting for our mains, the heavens opened. It pissed down for the entirety of our mains and dessert, as we edged in closer under the overworked umbrella. By the time we were done, the rain had settled into a light mist, so we took the opportunity to get back to the hotel and head off to bed.
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In the morning, we checked out and spotted a poster for a Louise Bourgeois exhibition in Florence, which I took a photo of and subconsciously added to the itinerary for Florence in a couple of days.
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We walked out of town via a little street market, where we picked up a delightful little oil painting of Santa Maria della Spina, then headed across the bridge (past the actual Santa Maria della Spina), to the Europcar branch to pick up a hire car and head to the sculpture garden - the original trigger for our Tuscan jaunt.
Refusing to even consider driving, I took my place as navigator / passenger and admiringly watched Tom come to grips with a left hand drive car. The drive out of Pisa was without incident. It was shaping up to be a warm day and we hit the autostrada where the speed picked up and we could enjoy a proper roadtrip. The Tuscan landscape opened up and we could see beautiful hills and tall cypress trees for miles.
About an hour in, Tom commented that the car was pulling and wondered if there was some sort of cruise control setting that had been switched on. After struggling with it, he spotted a service station and suggested we pull in for a toilet stop and to figure it all out. As we got to the carpark, he mounted the kerb and parked the car - our fate was sealed.
When we got out, it was clear that it wasn't a cruise control issue, but a flat tyre!
We went to the loo and then came back to work out what to do. After attempting about fity calls to Europcar (not an exaggeration), Tom finally got through and was told that they would send a tow truck for the car and we could pick up another hire car. It was lunchtime on a Saturday, so most branches were closing and that meant that we would have to head back to Pisa to pick up the car, but all wasn't lost. It was only a three hour drive to the sculpture garden and it was open until 7:30pm.
The next four hours were a blur. We sat in the car, Tom doing sudoku while I read my airport paperback. Then we smoked in the sunshine of the carpark. Then we had a little lunch in the service station "restaurant". Then we sat some more. I looked up where we were and we were on the coast somewhere, right near a train station. If we didn't have to wait for the tow, we could have got back to Pisa with hours to spare.
After the eternity of waiting, the tow truck finally pulled up. A tall man got out and we exchanged brief pleasantries in Italian.
🇮🇹 In Italian, I asked if he spoke English. No he didn't.
🇫🇷 In French, he asked if I spoke French. No I don't.
🇸🇳 In Italian, he asked if I spoke Senegalese. Umm, no I don't.
What followed was a translation app-battle that ended when he got the car onto the bed of the truck and we all climbed into the cab.
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After a five minute journey with broken conversation, we arrived in a carpark in the middle of an industrial estate. Getting out of the car, I noticed a burnt out van and a load of dusty cars. It was starting to feel a little apocalyptic, until a buxom Italian woman came out of a mechanic's office and started speaking with the tow truck driver. As the driver bid us all farewell, the lady called us a cab, and then left us alone on a side road.
In no time flat the cab driver, who spoke quite a bit of English, helped us make sense of everything. We were heading into the town of San Vincenzo, where we could get a train back to Pisa. All pretty straightforward. He dropped us right outside of the station. We purchased tickets, but the next train wasn't for an hour, so we wheeled our big suitcase into the town to have a look around.
San Vincenzo was a lovely town. Tidy, a few good shops, and a few cafes overlooking the busy marina. We stopped and had a coffee to recentre and replan. After a discussion and a strong coffee, it was clear that we didn't have enough time to get back to Pisa and down to the sculpture garden in time. We regrettably decided to write it off completely, stay another night in Pisa and then catch the first train to Florence.
With the Kinzica fully booked, I found a last minute hotel in Pisa that was close to the train station. We would have a nice meal, go to bed, get up and catch the train to Florence... arriving earlier than we would have on the original itinerary.
Or so we thought.
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italytouraus · 11 months ago
Your Ultimate Guide to a 5-Day Tour of Italy: What to See, Eat, and Do
Welcome to your ultimate guide for a 5-day tour of Italy! Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, or simply looking for an unforgettable vacation, Italy has something for everyone. This guided tour Italy will help you make the most of your time in this beautiful country. 
Italy, often referred to as the cradle of Western civilisation, is a land of rich history, stunning art, delectable cuisine, and breath-taking landscapes. From the ancient ruins of Rome to the romantic canals of Venice and the picturesque Amalfi Coast, this 4-day tour promises to be an immersive journey through some of Italy's most iconic destinations.
Day 1: Rome
Your Italian adventure begins in the Eternal City of Rome. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of ancient Rome as you visit iconic landmarks such as the Colosseum, the largest amphitheatre ever built, where gladiatorial contests and public spectacles took place. Next, wander through the Roman Forum, the centre of Roman public life, and ascend the Palatine Hill, where the ruins of the imperial palaces offer a glimpse into the opulence of the Roman emperors. 
After a morning of exploration, treat your taste buds to a traditional Italian lunch at a local trattoria, where you can savour the flavours of authentic Roman cuisine, from classic pasta dishes to sumptuous desserts.
In the afternoon, venture into Vatican City, the world's smallest independent state and the spiritual centre of the Catholic Church. Marvel at the architectural magnificence of St. Peter's Basilica, the largest church in the world, and behold the timeless beauty of the Sistine Chapel, adorned with Michelangelo's renowned frescoes. 
As the day draws to a close, take a leisurely stroll through the charming streets of Trastevere, a vibrant neighbourhood known for its cobblestone streets, medieval churches, and lively atmosphere. Indulge in a delightful dinner at a local ristorante and soak in the enchanting ambience of this historic district.
Day 2: Florence
On the second day of your tour, travel to Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance and a treasure trove of art and culture. Begin your exploration at the Uffizi Gallery, home to one of the most impressive collections of Renaissance art in the world. 
Admire masterpieces by the likes of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Botticelli, and immerse yourself in the artistic legacy of this iconic city. For a panoramic view of Florence, ascend the dome of the Florence Cathedral, also known as the Duomo, and marvel at the stunning vistas of the city and its surrounding landscape.
After a morning of artistic immersion, treat yourself to a Tuscan feast at a family-owned osteria, where you can indulge in the rich flavours of local cuisine paired with exquisite regional wines. As you wander through the historic streets of Florence, be sure to cross the iconic Ponte Vecchio, a medieval stone bridge lined with charming shops and jewellery boutiques. Take a leisurely walk along the banks of the Arno River and soak in the timeless beauty of this enchanting city.
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Day 3: Venice
On the third day of your guided tour Italy, prepare to be captivated by the romantic allure of Venice, a city renowned for its network of canals, historic architecture, and timeless charm. Embark on a gondola ride along the Grand Canal, the main waterway that winds its way through the heart of the city, and experience the enchanting beauty of Venice from a unique vantage point. 
As you glide beneath picturesque bridges and past elegant palazzos, let the serenade of the gondolier transport you to a bygone era of romance and elegance.
In the afternoon, visit St. Mark's Square, the principal public square of Venice, and behold the architectural splendour of St. Mark's Basilica and the adjacent Doge's Palace. Admire the intricate mosaics, marble columns, and opulent domes that adorn the basilica, and delve into the history of Venetian governance as you explore the lavish chambers of the Doge's Palace. 
For a taste of authentic Venetian culinary delights, venture into the labyrinthine alleyways and discover local Bacardi, where you can indulge in cicchetti and small savoury bites that are a beloved tradition in Venetian cuisine.
Day 4: Amalfi Coast
As your 4-day tour draws to a close, experience the natural splendour of the Amalfi Coast, a region known for its dramatic cliffs, pastel-hued villages, and azure waters. Explore the picturesque towns of Positano and Ravello, where colourful cliffside buildings cascade down to the Mediterranean Sea, creating a postcard-perfect panorama that is sure to leave you in awe.
Indulge in a culinary adventure at a seaside restaurant, where you can savour the fresh flavours of Mediterranean cuisine while taking in breathtaking coastal views that stretch to the horizon.
Whether you choose to relax on one of the region's beautiful beaches or embark on a scenic hike along coastal trails, the Amalfi Coast offers a tranquil and picturesque setting that serves as the perfect finale to your Italian escapade. As you bid farewell to this idyllic coastal paradise, take a moment to savour the memories of your journey through Italy, a land that has captivated travellers for centuries with its unparalleled beauty, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality.
Day 5: Departure from Milan
As your 5-day guided tour through Italy draws to a close, the fashionable streets of Milan welcome you for a final day of exploration. The magnificent Duomo di Milano, with its intricate facade and stunning rooftop views, stands as a testament to the city's architectural prowess. 
Take a leisurely stroll through the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a historic shopping arcade, before savouring delicious Milanese dishes at one of the city's renowned eateries. Reflect on the unforgettable memories created during the guided tour, from the ancient wonders of Rome to the romantic allure of Venice. Our guided tour in Italy ensures that every moment in Milan is filled with joy and appreciation for the beauty of this remarkable country.
Final Thoughts
Your 5-day tour of Italy has come to an end, but the memories of this incredible journey will last a lifetime. Whether it's art, history, food, or natural beauty that draws you to Italy, this diverse country offers an unforgettable experience for every traveller. From the ancient marvels of Rome to the artistic treasures of Florence, the romantic allure of Venice, and the breathtaking landscapes of the Amalfi Coast, Italy beckons with a myriad of experiences that promise to leave an indelible mark on your heart. 
As you reminisce about the sights, flavours, and moments that have enriched your travels, remember that Italy will always welcome you back with open arms, ready to unveil new wonders and create cherished memories for years to come.
Italy is a destination that offers a perfect blend of history, culture, art, and natural beauty, making it an ideal choice for travellers seeking a diverse and enriching experience. Whether you're embarking on a solo adventure, a romantic getaway, or a family vacation, a guided tour Italy timeless appeal and boundless charm are sure to create lasting memories that will beckon you to return time and again. Grazie Mille, for joining us on this virtual journey through Italy, and may your future travels be filled with exploration, discovery, and the joy of new horizons.
Source by - https://bit.ly/4acElMW 
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