#Arno is close second
thou-babbling-brook · 1 month
Finished AC Unity. RIP Arno Dorian you would’ve loved Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
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vcnillazelda · 2 years
bradley bradshaw x reader
summary: you call bradley on a fateful night.
tags: established relationship, house burglars, protective! bradley, bradley’s such a good bf, he’s bf material, mild angst, happy ending
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you turn off the tv; bored of the news of two burglars terrorising the area. the chances of it happening to your street was one in a million. stretching, you make sure the front door is still unlocked so bradley wasn’t locked out for the night; he was out drinking with his friends. you know jake, bob and natasha were there, yet you weren’t too sure if mav and some others went too. it wouldn’t be surprising if bradley invited them, he liked socialising with his squadron outside of work.
walking through to the bedroom, you turn on your bedside lamp, settling down as your new puppy, arno, settles back down on his bed. he was a pup you and bradley adopted from the local shelter, hes a dachshund pup, and had a tiny wheelchair for his back legs. the second you saw him you begged bradley to get him. bradley agreed as long as he got to name him, which you agreed to; so he chose arno for its meaning, eagle. you should of known he would of chosen something to do with flight.
arno let’s out a soft snort, sleepy eyes staring at you as you smile. “c’mere, arnie.” you pat the side of the bed, watching the puppy get up, waddling over as his little wheelchair squeaks a little. you giggle, scratching behind the tiny dog’s ears. a noise interrupts, and you look over to the door. the front door closes and heavy footsteps wander through the house. you smile, assuming rooster was home and would come join you, then a second pair of footsteps grows closer as an unfamiliar voice mutters a few words. you panic, grabbing arno and your phone, hiding away in the closet. you curse yourself as you realise the lamp is still on and you probably couldn’t risk going back out in case the stranger came in. your hands tremble as you cradle arno close, who licks at your fingers and neck in an almost comforting way. with your other shaking hand, you call bradley, making sure your phones on silent.
bradley laughs, putting his nearly empty glass down. he hadn’t drank much, so he was definitely coherent as he listens to natasha’s story. his phone rings in his pocket, and he excuses himself from the table when he realises it’s you. his teammates smile at him understandingly, and he ignores jake’s little taunt stating “he’s in trouble” to the others. “baby? what’s wrong, it’s late.” bradley asks, making his way to the door so he could hear you better. he hears a soft hiccup and his worry increases. “baby? i can’t hear you, are you okay?” he asks again, and this time he presses a hand to his other ear as he walks outside. “bradley, are you home??” you ask, voice trembling. “no, baby i’m still at the bar. what’s wrong?” bradley glances back to his friends who are all chatting. “there’s people in the house, bradley i’m scared..!” you whisper yell, breaths hitching. “what?! are you hiding? are you safe? do they know you’re there?” he asks desperately, running back inside to grab his jacket. the group all glance up curiously. “just stay there, baby i’m coming okay?” he tells you, trying to reassure you as he hears you weep a little. “what’s wrong?” natasha asks, and bradley briefly pulls away. “emergency.” he states simply, not bothering to say goodbye properly as he runs from the bar.
bradley runs five blocks to get there, not bothering to hang up so you could probably hear him running, he’s out of breath and his chest burns. sure enough, the front doors open a crack and his stomach feels like lead. he hangs up, entering the home with confidence. he spots a silhouette in the hallway, shouting out to them. the intruder peers around the door, eyes wide with surprise. “get outta here!” bradley snaps, storming forward. the burglar dodges, running straight out the house with whatever he had grabbed. the second your scream meets his ears, bradley runs to the bedroom, bursting through the door. the second burglar is pulling you from the closet, and in the struggle you drop your phone. bradley catches a glance of an ongoing call with 911, and relaxes. he focuses on the stranger, grabbing him by the shoulders and yanking him away from you, shoving him to the floor. bradley, blinded with rage of the idea of the person hurting you, he lands punch after punch on the guy; who wails and tries to scramble away. the sound of you crying makes him stop, not to mention the guy had gone limp and he didn’t want to kill him.
“baby, c’mere, it’s okay.” he whispers, carefully wrapping his arms around you as you cradle arno close. “i’m here, baby girl.” bradley tells you, as you wrap an arm around him, still holding your puppy. pulling away suddenly, you grab your phone, standing carefully on shaky knees with bradley’s help. “i’m here..” you tell the operator, following your boyfriend out of the house. “everything’s fine. my boyfriend is here; i’m okay.” you state, sitting on the wall outside of your home; shivering a little in the cold air. bradley drapes his jacket over your shoulders, rubbing your arms as arno wiggles to get out of your grasp. you carefully put arno down on the wall, keeping a hand on his side so he didn’t wander nor fall. “they want to talk to you brad.” you mutter, offering your phone.
bradley nods, taking the phone. “hello?” he greets, and the operator immediately responds. “hello, sir. are you bradley?” she asks, and he nods a bit stupidly considering she couldn’t see him. “yeah, i’m bradley.” he replies, and he hears some typing. “can you confirm what happened tonight?” the operator asks, and he subconsciously wraps his arm around you when you rub at your watery eyes, rubbing your arm to soothe you. “yeah, of course. i was at the bar with some of my colleagues when i got a call about 10 to maybe 15 minutes ago from my girlfriend saying there were people inside our house, i came home and scared one off; the other is knocked out in our bedroom.” he explains, watching arno sniff around the edge of the wall. “how did you get home?” she asks, and he nods again. “i ran. it’s about five blocks from the bar. i didn’t drink much so it wasn’t too bad.” bradley recounts how many drinks he had, he only had a whiskey and coke and two shots.
you sniffle a little, leaning into bradley as he continues to answer the operator’s question. your body absorbs his warmth, yet you still shiver under his jacket. his arm tightens around your shoulders, squeezing you closer. sirens signal the police’s arrival, and he’s able to hang up now that the operator’s job was done. “c’mere, pumpkin i’ve got you. are you hurt?” bradley asks, cradling your tear-stained face. “no..” you mumble, cuddling into his chest. “i’m so glad you’re here.” you sniffle. bradley nods. “i’ll always be here for you, baby girl. always.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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demigoddessqueens · 9 months
Gonna give the poor boys a heart attack but imagine how absolutely TERRIFIED Haytham, Shay, Connor, Arno, Ezio, Altair, and Malik would be if you got kidnapped. ESPECIALLY if it was by the other faction.
I mean, Haytham's sister was kidnapped, I think that's reason enough for him to absolutely panic if you were as well. The assassins know what the Templars are capable of. Especially Malik and Ezio. Shay always seems like he'd be extremely protective anyways.
And if you were hurt by your captors? Even tortured? Heads would probably roll and you probably aren't leaving your poor boyfriend's sight ever again.
First off, how dare you??! 😭💔
Second, oh boy , buckle up
he feels like his chest is about to cave in from how rapid his heart is beating when he hears the news
It’s all hands on decks to look for you and find you
when he finds you, he rushes to your care immediately and the stern facade falls as silent tears fall
if this was when he’s an Assassin, he’s INCREDIBLY impulsive and hot-headed and will do anything to get you back
Templar-wise, it goes the same way only there’s more of a vicious element to it because it’s the Assassins he once knew
ultimately, when you are safely returned, he refuses to leave your side at all times
There will be no remaining Templars who know peace for the short time they have remaining
This man will go above and beyond to find you, even against the better judgment he knows of what will be a dangerous situation
the moment he has you back with him, he insists to help you with anything, everything and refuses to leave your side
Oh why torture this poor man?? All of Italy and the Borgias will know his wrath!!
He REFUSES to let what happened to Cristina happen to you
As soon as you’re returned home, it’s all hands and allies on deck to help you recover, all under Ezio’s watchful eye
Everything feels like it’s crashing down and he’s barely hanging on by a thread
Also a disaster like Ezio but amped up more, sobbing flashbacks between seeing your face and Elise’s
Once you’re back home, he’s always there to help you through the nightmares and gets emotional when you try to sleep or help replace your bandages
Livid and so afraid for you, but he hides it behind barking orders
Altair knows better than to interfere but does all he can to help his friend
Once you’re back home, Malik constantly holds to you and worries for your safety
He is livid!! The entirety of Masyaf and Jerusalem will be scoured by every inch to find you. Behind closed doors those golden eyes betray his heartbreak
No Templar is safe from his blade and he cuts them down easily
Having you back home requires all of his attention when you recover, heal and the Flying Eagle himself never letting you go far at least not without him
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teecupangel · 3 days
The lack of connor content on ao3 is slowly killing me. Do you have any fic recs or headcanons to feed this poor soul?
I am drawing blank on the fic rec other than my own works hahahaha, sorry.
So let’s focus on headcanons:
Ratonhnhaké:ton visits where his village used to be once a month after Achilles’ death. He doesn’t necessary believe his people would return there but he had hoped that maybe, just maybe, someone had left a sign or a clue for him or someone was visiting the site that could help him find his people. Once he officially became the mentor of the American Brotherhood, he visits once every few months. When he passed the title of mentor to his successor he visits the site every year on the death of his mother, no longer wishing for something to change but to simply visit his childhood home and talk to his mother.
Ratonhnhaké:ton and Aveline grew close during the reestablishment of the American Brotherhood. Some people debated on who should be the mentor between them but Aveline never truly had any desire to be a mentor, preferring the freedom that comes from being a Master Assassin. She is considered the unofficial second in command and would take over mentor duties when Ratonhnhaké:ton is out of the country.
Speaking of which, Ratonhnhaké:ton tried to visit Jenny one more time after their first meeting but Jenny told him to leave and never come back. According to Jenny, it was better for Ratonhnhaké:ton to ignore the fact that he was a Kenway and let the Kenway name die with her. While it may seem cruel, she believes her father would have preferred that Ratonhnhaké:ton would not be chained by the legacy and infamy that comes with the Kenway name.
Ratonhnhaké:ton also visited France and stayed for a few months. He meets Arno Dorian there and they developed a friendship. When Ratonhnhaké:ton returned to America, he brought with him a guillotine gun as a souvenir.
This man was a virgin during the time of AC3 XD
He absolutely knew that Benjamin Franklin was in a sex club later on. He didn’t join said sex club but Benjamin Franklin did write him a few raunchy letters describing what he did there in an effort to lure him into joining.
Ratonhnhaké:ton burned all those letters (and any historians would have cried a river if they knew)
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supercap2319 · 1 year
The avengers found a kid who was experimented on and is scared of people touching him while on a mission and the reader and kid gets close,so peter walks into the living room section of the compound to see his bf asleep on the couch with the little boy asleep on his chest + other avengers reaction
Y/N knew that Hydra was evil. They had experimented on himself, Wanda, Pietro, and Bucky Barnes, but he never expected the terrorist organization to go as low as they had. How during the blip, they had captured innocent little kids and experimented on them. On an Avengers' mission to permanently put this evil organization away for good, they had discovered a little boy who had been placed in a holding cell. He looked so sad and dirty and when Tony tried to pick him up, the Avengers and Y/N quickly discovered that he didn't like to be touched and that he had superpowers.
The whole building began to shake and Y/N had a sneaking suspicion that this little guy was responsible for it. Y/N tried to calm him down and held his hands where the little boy could see them as he coaxed him into coming with them back to New York and the Avengers Tower. The whole way back, Steve and the others discussed what to do with him. "I say we keep him." Y/N piped up.
The others looked at him like he was crazy. "Kid, you do realize that he can shake the earth right?" Tony asked.
"Yeah, and I know what it's like to be born with powers you can't control. Dangerous ones. This kid needs our help and I'll be damned if I let you turn him over to Fury, or to that school for gifted students run by that Professor Xavier guy."
"Okay, first of all, language." Steve said. "But Y/N's right. This kid needs our help and if anyone can help him it's us. I second his vote."
Soon everyone voted on what to do with the little boy and they agreed to keep him at the tower until they came up with another plan. They minded touching him as Y/N tried his best to get the young boy to trust him. He took it slowly in the weeks that followed, trying to use his own experience with Hydra to make friends with the boy. He would show him his own powers and tell how special he was and not just because he had powers of his own. Y/N had Tony go shopping for kid clothes and toys, trying to make him as comfortable as possible.
Slowly, but surely, Y/N got the young boy, who they named, Arno to let him touch him and allow him to try and establish a relationship with him. Almost like father and son. Peter found out about Arno in the weeks that followed, so it wasn't all that surprising to find his boyfriend in the living rooming section of the compound with Arno resting comfortably on his chest as Toy Story played on the TV.
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 2 months
Hello, darling Crowie! 💜 Thank you for opening your inbox for ficlet requests! If you have the time and energy, could you please give us a cozy winter ficlet with Arno and a female partner? Something short and sweet! Thank you so much!!! 💜🥖❄
Hello, hello, dear Susie! Thanks for dropping by! ^_^
I'm happy I finally had the time to write this, because I was all for writing this adorable scenario! I hope I captured some of the 'cozy' vibe you were looking for and that the writing isn't too clumsy - it's been a while since I've written for dear Arno.😅Regardless, I do hope you enjoy this piece; I had fun writing it! Thank you again for sending something in! <3
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January, 1789 Versailles
A barrage of giggles that failed to be stifled broke the quiet air of the kitchen as you and Arno hurried in out of the snow, back from your bend around the city, which had lasted until three in the morning.
You knew Monsieur de la Serre would kill you both if he discovered you had stayed out so late - regardless of the status you and Arno had as his wards - but you were so high on love and wine that you honestly couldn't care less at that moment.
Arno clearly didn't care either as he pulled you down to the floor in front of the low-burning fireplace and kissed you once more, his hand clumsy as he blindly jabbed the live coals with a poker at the same time, in an attempt to liven up the fire.
But despite his kisses, the once-warm wine had begun cooling in your blood - and reminded again of the chilly dampness of your petticoats, you got up to prepare some hot chocolate for the two of you.
"Here," you smiled when you sat back down again and handed him a mug of the hot drink, "this'll warm you up."
"Mmm...I'd much rather you," he flirted as he slipped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in close for another, albeit softer, kiss.
The sweet moment was broken, however, when you heard the familiar, heavy sound of the cook's footsteps; you both looked towards the door with alarm, instantly sobering up.
"Well, thanks to Providence, I've been granted again the key to my room..." Arno began as he rifled through his pocket, and held up the object with a smile, "...so, what do you say we take these drinks up there and get nestled in, eh?"
A small voice in the back of your swimming mind warned you against falling asleep in Arno's bed, but the lovely image of waking up in his arms to watch the falling snow in the morning quickly overtook the possibility of getting scolded by your guardian...
Seconds later, the cook was greeted with an empty room...but despite being alone, he swore he heard distant laughter echoing down one of the hallways...laughter belonging to a pair of wards who got a thrill out of breaking all the rules.
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I LOVE accusing every single character of being a Breach collaborator without ANY regard for whether it makes sense or whether it's likely. Hell, it's almost better if it makes absolutely no sense and isn't all that likely, since this is entirely for my own amusement. But, some of them do make at least a bit of sense, and that's also so fun to think about. Ever since the Hieronymous drop, I've just been randomly pointing fingers at any character we don't yet know either way, and coming up with reasons that would be interesting or funny or how it might work, for funsies.
Jedediah Pom? He's extremely well-placed as a member of the media, and I'm constantly suspicious of how closely he watches everything, even with considering his job. Backpack? She always seems to be in the oddest places, and I would not be surprised if information was coming through her—knowingly or unknowingly. Kozma? Would fit in with her (horrifying) propensity to "collect" people and could function as a kind of first-look deal (awful).
Agatha Ledge? I feel like the gap between her Incendiary Imaging Device and Breach stuff can be very small if you lay the cards down right, no, I cannot explain (but a mad scientist-type who changes sides because they're unhappy with their pay or access is always great). One of Imelda's brunch group (Penny, Gert, Lucille, Desiree, Maeve)? The BETRAYAL! Olga Costigan? Extremely unlikely, but it would make Spahr's life worse in a specific way that is funny to only me. Gretel? Actually, this would be pretty great because she worked directly under Spahr, and also this would make Spahr handing off Hieronymous to her at the hotel really funny.
Arno Delagny? Maybe we should be questioning why so many former employees of the Delagney Hotel at the Vantage have Breached. Imogen Loxlee, Milton Fleit Sr.? Just imagine the chaos of that for a second. The Miravette twins? They clearly need something better to do with their time and sedition might be it. Melinda Crowne? She IS a friend of Sherman's and Emmet's mother. Spahr's parents that I assume he has? Again, would stress him out so much in a way that is funny to me specifically. Speaker Corsovia, Ambassador Isadore Riley? We don't know anything about either of them for this to mean anything, so why not.
It's genuinely so fun for me to just be constantly like: today's Breach collaborator is [spins wheel]
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
Hello, when you can I’d like a little something for Altair, Connor, Edward, Jacob, Arno and Ezio. I was watching Harry Potter and when Hermione smells the potion which clarifies who/what shes attracted to. So that gave me an idea for an ask. What is each characters ^^ signature scent like do they smell like mangos random I know but an example. I don’t necessarily mean perfume though I mean by natural scents.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: ooooo it's always interesting to get headcanon requests about the characters themselves and not ones that involve the reader. I feel like I could talk ab these boys for so long after how much time I've put into playing the games and reading the books lol
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: Altaïr, Ezio, Edward, Connor, Arno, Jacob
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。・:*˚:✧。 altaïr ibn-la'ahad
♡ his own scent and frankincense.
♡ Altaïr's clothes have captured the labours of his occupation and the smoke of the incense burning in the bureau. It's a lingering but subtle smell.
。・:*˚:✧。 ezio auditore
♡ musk and amber.
♡ these were both popular scents during the renaissance and he smells quite strongly of it. During the renaissance, people believed that miasma carried disease and so they would try to ward off illness with more pleasant scents (think of the lyrics to Ring Around the Rosie). Though, he's still an assassin so it's not too string that you can smell it unless you're very, very close to him, that is.
。・:*˚:✧。 edward kenway
♡ the sea breeze.
♡ the salt in the air has made its way into nearly every part of Edward after so many years at sea, notably his clothes and sun-bleached hair. He always smells like the seas that have become like a second home to him.
。・:*˚:✧。 ratonhnhaké:ton | connor kenway
♡ fresh rainfall or sage.
♡ Connor spends a lot of his time outdoors so I think that would show in how his clothes and hair smell. He would smell of the fresh rainfall that he just got back from being caught in, of ferns and pine needles. Also, I think Connor would keep up with some of his cultural practices, even after what happened to his village. Perhaps burning white sage and inviting in better energy in the place of what it's cleared out is one of them? He would smell like the smoke after.
。・:*˚:✧。 arno dorian
♡ coffee and old books.
♡ the guy lives above a café and has stacks upon stacks of books and papers around him. They've permeated the air of his whole living space and, consequently, him. On worse days, he might smell more like the wine he downed to forget his troubles the night before but his entire wardrobe has been filled with the scent of coffee and he doesn't even realise at this point that his home smells like a library.
。・:*˚:✧。 jacob frye
♡ soot and violets.
♡ Victorian London had a definite issue with the smog everywhere as a consequence of industrialisation and he lives on a train so the smell of soot has, without a doubt, embedded itself in his clothes. Cologne wasn't a very big thing at the time and Victorians had moved on from believing in miasma, germ theory having been popularised. Perfume was no longer practical but aesthetic and wasn't very popular among men in the late 1860's. However, Evie once bought a violet perfume that she quickly grew sick of but Jacob quite liked. He doesn't wear a lot but it's enough for a few people to pick up on and he uses it as an opportunity to get close and flirt.
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jewels-writes · 1 year
Sacrificed Love (Arno Dorian x Reader)
Prompt: Self Sacrifice Pairing: Arno Dorian x Reader Warnings: Blood, near-death, hurt/comfort. self sacrifice, angst
As you stealthily made your way through the dimly lit alleyways, the tension in the air was palpable. Every step was calculated, every breath taken with caution. The echoes of your footsteps reverberated against the worn cobblestone streets as you neared the Templar hideout.
Sensing danger lurking around every corner, you and Arno exchanged knowing glances, a silent reassurance passing between you. The anticipation mounted as you approached the building, the sound of muffled voices and clanking weapons growing louder with each passing moment.
Drawing closer to the entrance, you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. You reached out, grasping Arno's hand tightly. It was a gesture of unity, a reminder that you were in this together.
With a nod, you shared a wordless agreement and burst through the doors, ready to face the enemy head-on. Chaos erupted as the battle ensued, the clash of steel against steel filling the air. The room was a blur of flashing blades, desperate maneuvers, and the acrobatic prowess that defined both of you.
You fought with unwavering determination, skillfully dispatching the Templar soldiers that stood in your way. Arno's movements were a fluid dance of deadly precision, while you unleashed your own formidable arsenal of combat techniques.
But even as you fought valiantly, the odds began to tip against you. Reinforcements poured in, their numbers overwhelming. It was clear that the Templars had been prepared for your intrusion, and the situation grew dire.
Despite the mounting danger, you and Arno fought side by side, a seamless synergy between you. Your unspoken bond fueled your strength and resilience. The battle raged on, each passing moment intensifying the stakes.
But as the skirmish reached its climax, a series of unfortunate events unfolded. A well-aimed blow caught you off guard, knocking you off balance. The world spun around you as you staggered, your vision momentarily blurred.
In that split second of vulnerability, the Templars seized the opportunity. They closed in on you, weapons raised, a menacing glint in their eyes. You were outnumbered, and it seemed that escape was impossible.
Arno, his face etched with concern and determination, lunged forward, his blades slicing through the air with lethal precision. He fought ferociously, his movements fueled by a deep-seated protectiveness for you. But even his remarkable skills couldn't fend off the onslaught.
Cornered and defenseless, you could feel the weight of the impending danger pressing down upon you. Arno's voice rang out, a mixture of desperation and determination. "Stay behind me!" he shouted, his eyes locked with yours.
The seconds ticked by in agonizing slow motion as Arno valiantly fought to shield you. The clash of steel against steel reverberated through the chamber, the chaos of battle engulfing you both.
As the enemy realized they were outnumbered, they took advantage of the chaos and confusion to slip away from Arno's grasp. They darted towards a nearby alleyway, deftly evading Arno's attempts to catch them. You heard the enemy call for reinforcements and your stomach dropped as you looked over to Arno.
His voice pierced through the chaos, urgency etched in every word. "Quickly, behind the wall!" he exclaimed, his eyes darting around the room for an escape route.
With a surge of adrenaline, you sprinted towards the nearest wall, Arno close behind. You pressed your back against the cold stone, your breaths coming in short, rapid bursts. Arno positioned himself beside you, his presence a comforting shield.
The enemy's call for reinforcements worked and you suddenly heard the approaching footfalls of the enemy coming closer. The sound grew louder and closer, sending shivers down your spine. The enemy was closing in, their intent clear.
Arno's grip tightened on his hidden blades, his fingers flexing with anticipation. His eyes met yours, conveying a silent reassurance amidst the mounting danger. The two of you were in this together, come what may.
The footsteps drew nearer, and the tension in the air grew unbearable. Arno's jaw clenched, his gaze fixated on the approaching threat. His mind raced, formulating a plan to ensure your survival.
You grasped his hand tightly, and your voice trembled as you spoke. "Arno," you say, the words caught in your throat. "I have an idea."
Arno's gaze met yours, his expression was grave. "What is it?" he asks, his voice laced with worry.
"I can create a distraction," you explain, determination coloring your tone. "It might buy us enough time to escape."
"No," Arno insists, shaking his head. "We'll find another way. We'll fight our way out of this together."
But you knew time was running out. "We don't have time," you pressed, urgency in your voice. "Listen to me. I can do this. I'll create a diversion and draw their fire away from you. Use that opportunity to get away, Arno."
His eyes widened in disbelief, and his grip on your hand tightened. "No, I won't leave you," he protested. "I can't lose you."
You meet his gaze with a resolute stare. "It's the only way," you say firmly. "Promise me you'll get out of here alive."
A flicker of pain crossed Arno's features, but after a moment, he nodded. "I promise," he whispered.
With that promise echoing in your ears, you turned and sprinted into the open, your heart pounding in your chest. The sound of gunfire filled the air as you zigzagged, doing your best to avoid the bullets that rained down upon you.
Reaching the center of the courtyard, you shouted, drawing their attention. They opened fire, and you felt the sting of bullets piercing your flesh. The pain was excruciating, but you pushed through it, sprinting towards them.
In the distance, you caught sight of Arno and the others fleeing to safety. Relief flooded your being. You succeeded; you saved them.
But then darkness enveloped you.
The smoke from the battle still hung in the air as Arno frantically searched the battlefield. His heart pounded in his chest, fear gripping his every thought. The deafening sounds of swords clashing and cries of pain echoed in his ears, but he couldn't focus on anything else but finding you.
His mind replayed the moment when he last saw you, the moment you bravely threw yourself into danger to protect him. It felt like an eternity had passed since then, and the weight of worry threatened to suffocate him.
Arno's steps were urgent as he moved among fallen soldiers and broken weapons, his eyes scanning the chaos for any sign of you. His breath caught in his throat as he glimpsed a motionless figure lying on the ground.
With a surge of hope and dread, he rushed to your side, falling to his knees beside you. His trembling hands reached out to touch your face, his heart aching at the sight of blood staining your clothes.
"Please, don't let it be too late," he whispered, his voice choked with anguish.
Gently, he cradled your head, feeling the shallow rise and fall of your chest. Relief washed over him as he realized you were still breathing, albeit weakly. Tears welled in his eyes, a mixture of grief and gratitude.
Arno's hands moved with care, checking for any life-threatening injuries. He vowed to do everything in his power to save you, to mend the wounds you had suffered in his stead. His touch was tender, his movements deliberate as he assessed the extent of your injuries.
As he worked, his mind was flooded with a flurry of emotions. Guilt gnawed at him, the weight of the sacrifices you had made for him crashing down upon his shoulders. The fear of losing you threatened to consume him, a haunting reminder of how fragile life could be.
Minutes turned into eternity as Arno worked tirelessly, using his knowledge of first aid to stabilize your condition. With each bandage he applied and each gentle touch, his determination to see you through this ordeal grew stronger.
Finally, as the chaos of battle subsided, Arno held you in his arms, his gaze fixed on your peaceful face. The weight of the world lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of relief that you were still here, fighting to hold on.
"I'm here, mon amour," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of love and gratitude. "Stay with me."
Arno pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, vowing to protect you with every ounce of his being. He would never take your presence for granted again, cherishing each breath you took, each beat of your heart.
And as the sun set on the battlefield, casting its warm glow upon the wounded, Arno held you close, his arms a shield against the horrors of the world. In that moment, he knew that together, you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, hand in hand, and heart to heart.
When you finally awaken, you find yourself lying on a soft bed, your gaze meeting Arno's worried eyes. His hand clasps yours gently, and he urges you to remain still.
"Rest," he whispers, his voice filled with a mix of relief and concern. "You're safe now."
Confusion clouds your mind as you inquire, "What happened?"
Arno's voice is filled with emotion as he explains, "You were shot. But we managed to get you out of there. You're going to be alright."
A weak smile tugs at your lips, tears glistening in your eyes. "I did it, didn't I?"
Arno nods, a soft smile gracing his face. "You did. You saved us all."
Contentment washes over you as you surrender to sleep once more. In that moment, you know you made the right choice. No matter the risk, you would always go to any lengths to protect Arno, and you're grateful that you succeeded in keeping him safe.
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taistelutaide · 24 days
Tuomas knocks out Joni again
Joni puts his gloves up, just as awed as Petri but twice as afraid...
"Back for more?" Tuomas circles Joni, a mean look in his eye, feeding off the man's fear, before closing the distance with a lunge and kayoing him for a second time with a vicious overhand right.
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Arno climbs into the ring, as Joni is dragged out of it...
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acgames · 6 months
I'm sorry for being insufferable but I need to know more about your Naruto au 🤣
Is this au a full crossover (could Mira run across Naruto, for example) or just Naruto's world with Assassin's Creed characters in it?
What's the Assassin village like?
What is Mira, Elio and Morrigan's dynamic?
Who's their sensei?
Who's the- uh- Assassinkage, I guess?
Do you have some other teams in mind that can interact with the main trio?
What made Morrigan leave?
What does she think about her fellow Akatsuki members, and who is she paired with?
(I have so many questions, but I'm going to stop here because this is already too much 😂)
Hey, you are never insufferable you know that 😂.
It was just something I had idea to draw, so I wouldn't say it's a full crossover I am going to develop, but I think it would be closer to Naruto universe with AssCreed characters in it, adopted as close as I could from AssCreed and my headcanons.
Yeah, I am glad you noticed they all are from Assassin Village 😂 I think that would be unique Village containing descendands of ancient lineage of Isu (would isu be Otsosuki like alien lineage? Perhaps). Still Assassin village clans share same ancient blood trait they inherited from Ancient Isu, called Eagle Vision, just every clan within Assassin village would most likely developed their own variants and jutsus around it.
Most prominent clans within Assassin village would be Ibn-La'Ahad, Auditore and Kenway. Ibn-La'Ahad clan are clan of strong will, so summoning and sealing are their strenghts, Auditore clan are known for their battle techniques and agility, so they are capable genjutsu users, but also possess most capability with their eagle vision and perfect chakra control, while Kenways have physical strenght and capability to connect with wild life, so they are not only master taijutsu users, they can be perfect spies and shinobis for secret missions.
Mira, Elio and Morrigan have some classic team 7 vibes to me: Mira is energetic and knucklehead of the team, Elio is mostly reserved and studious, while Morrigan has the designated "traitor" of the team (not her fault tho). They get along fine as children, even if there is growing animosity between Mira and Morrigan (typical Naruto/Sasuke style) as they see eachother as competitor (they in general would dislike eachother in any au due to Templar/Assassin conflict)
I think their Sensei would be Connor- Jonin level Shinobi from Kenway clan. Still due to actions of his father, Connor carries great shame and was orphan of the village and sole survivor of Kenway clan. Also I think Connor might be jinchuriki of a Tailed beast as some other characters (Adha for example also was jinchuriki of Tailed Beast).
Assassinkage (🤣) of the village would be Altaïr, the patriarch of Ibn-La'Ahad clan, and Mira is his granddaughter.
My team 7 (Connor as sensei, Mira, Elio and Morrigan) are second to youngest team. Younger than them team are team 8 (Flavia, Marcello, Io:nhiòte with their sensei Arno). Other older them is team 9 (Killian, Iokennó:ron and Kanièn:tara with their sensei Aveline) there also is fellow nomad village of rebel assassins, who are allied with assassin village, who are lead by Aguilar de Nerha too, so they have some of their own teams of genins.
Morrigan left, because her father did. Shay felt his warnings were ignored by Assassinkage, so he took his children and left to join Akatsuki and their leader Haytham Kenway.
Morrigan got to grow up into adult with her fellow Akatsuki members and she natually was paired with her older brother as they both got thier father's training and knew how to work as unit (in my stories too Morrigan and Killian work together, so this one was no brainer). Morrigan trusts Shay's word and Haytham's leadership, though she dislikes other members and feels their goals aren't as noble as her family's.
Sorry if it's too long, but these questions got me developing the au on a whim, while I never meant to, but thank you 😂 it was fun
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puckingdisaster · 1 year
Tagged by @tapedsleeves :)
9 people you’d like to get to know better
Last song: Vanity by Tophouse, was listening to it when I made lunch, love Tophouse
Currently watching: Manifest on Netflix. A friend recommended it to me and the first season and part of the second season were great but it just gets more absurd now and I'm starting to not like it that much anymore. If I want absurd shows that are enjoyable to watch id finally continue supernatural
Current obsession: Assassin's Creed. Again. Recently got a ps5 and a friend bullied me into getting ps+ so I started playing AC Unity and oh boy I am obsessed with Arno. He won't ever replace Ezio in my heart but damn he's a close runner-up
Currently reading: actually, nothing. Finished Silver Bay by Jojo Moyes like 2 days ago and didn't want to start something new right away. If it counts as reading tho, there's a book Sorry for your Trouble by Richard Silken that I bought a year ago in Venice and still haven't finished. I'm halfway through and once in a while I pick it up again and read another short story. A few of them were fairly good but honestly, nothing I'd recommend.
Tagging: @lemondropbois @jasoninaredhoodie @sregnarkroywen @thoughtsoflastnight @henryrussell63 @outtathesinbin @puckmaidens @bearemyswayman @sam7sparks7
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weeinterpreter · 2 years
Part 8. It’s all fun and games until you get the Butler angry.
What’s a Trope Bingo?
What’s the Evil Association of Evil Villains?
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5][Part 6] [Part 7]
"Fellow librarians, a new era is about to begin," the librarian concluded.
The hall erupted in cheers and hollers as she pressed the enter button on the laptop. She turned to the screen behind her to watch the numbers count down from five to zero. The screen went dark before a message popped up.
Are you human? Please choose every picture with a cat to proceed.
Underneath it, nine pictures of cats appeared. One cat, to be precise.
The librarian stared at the message with an open mouth, unable to comprehend what had just happened. The hall fell silent. Somebody coughed. The woman turned around, her hands clenching and unclenching. She chewed on the inside of her cheek for one distracted second, before she straightened her shoulders and gave her audience a confident smile.
"A slight malf–"
She never finished the sentence, because an arm the size of a log wrapped around her shoulder. Cold steel pressed against her temple. Gasping, the librarian froze against the solid wall that had sprung up behind her.
For a second, nothing happened.
"Well, well, well," Artemis said, as he came on stage, closely followed by Arno Blunt, Jon Spiro, Opal Koboi with a hissing Mata Hari/Diamond, and Alex. "Looks, like you’re not as clever as you think you are."
The librarian's attacker turned her around like a rag doll and she sighed.
"I apologise," she said, only loud enough to be heard by one person. "I didn't want to scare you."
She flinched at the sound of the pistol being cocked.
"I do," the voice rumbled.
"My association is only interested in knowledge. We don't kill people. Vincent had strict instructi–”
She gasped for air as the vice-like grip squeezed her even harder.
"I don't care," he said, his voice unforgiving.
Artemis had stopped in the middle of the stage, smiling. Waiting. When nobody reacted, he tapped his custom-made loafers on the stage.
The librarian clawed at the arm that held her in place.
"Well, what?" she spat.
"As I said before"—he said with a glare—"you can either give me the password to stop the protocol or risk an eternity of picking cat pictures on the internet. Your choice."
The librarian clenched her jaw before she let out a defeated huff. "The password is Conoscenza. Capital C."
Artemis walked over to the laptop and typed it in. "Quite clever, too. Italian for knowledge."
He gave Butler a sign, and the librarian stumbled free. She crossed her arms, throwing the giant a wary look as he returned to his spot next to Artemis.
"I could’ve changed the world for the better," she said.
"Let's be real," Artemis said with a raise of his eyebrows. "You never had a chance of succeeding against the Evil Association of Evil Villains. You have potential, but you aren't as good as you’d like."
Seeing her expression darkening, Butler placed a hand on Artemis' shoulder.
"Perhaps we should go," he said.
Arno Blunt gave him an incredulous look. "Who says she won’t try the same thing once we are gone?"
"Don't insult my intelligence," the librarian said through gritted teeth. "It's not good enough if it didn't work the first time. It'll be a bulletproof plan next time."
Arno drew his pistol. "I wouldn't be too sure about that, missy."
Artemis held up his hand.
"Stop, Mr Blunt. We are criminals, not savages. We riddle plans with bullets, not people."
Arno rolled his eyes. "You are not giving me orders, kiddo. I've wasted a whole evening rescuing you when I could have listened to the latest episode on gravi–"
He interrupted himself when he noticed the curious look in the librarian's eyes.
"I mean, the latest guns being released."
"Let it go, Arno,” Jon Spiro said, patting his bodyguard on the arm. “You can have tomorrow off as well. We don't need the police on our trail. Again. They are still looking for Fred, the Frogger, remember? I'd say we're even for today. Whaddaya say?"
Making a disappointed sound, Arno dropped his gun. He pushed his hands deep into his faded jeans and sauntered behind Jon Spiro and Opal as they walked back from where they came from.
Alex slowed down until he was walking next to Artemis.
"I'm actually impressed," he said.
Artemis gave him a quizzical look.
"I mean, you sabotaged her evil plan. That's pretty noble of you."
Artemis straightened his tie. "Obviously, I wouldn't want another association to reap our hard-earned reputation. It's us who take over the world or nobody."
"Oh." Alex's smile dropped, and he slowly turned away.
Artemis stopped, deeply confused. Suddenly, his victory seemed less sweet, and he wondered what could have possibly soured his success.
"This isn't over," the librarian called out after them. "You have won today, but I'll be back."
"Oh, I know this one," Alex quipped up. "It's from The Terminator."
The librarian let out a surprised laugh.
"Your essay on the Spanish Civil War is due on Monday, Alex," she shot back, her lips quirking up as the boy blanched. "And what you have written so far is atrocious. I suggest you work on that."
"I can look at it," Artemis blurted out to everyone's surprise.
"I mean, it's pretty bad," Alex said, with a grimace. "But, I mean, if you like."
Artemis cleared his throat, checking the knot of his tie. "We can discuss this over... a meal... perhaps?"
Alex shrugged, dropping his head to keep his lopsided grin from showing. And with that, the odd group left the stage to a still frozen audience.
The end... for now.
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serkanxulusoy · 2 years
closed starter for @sanctimoniovs​
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If there were any second-in-commands in the Arno, it would certainly be Burak. The two of them were attached at the hip, much to the chagrin of the other lycan. Serkan lived to bother him though. It was one of his favorite things to do. This time, however, they had plenty of important things to speak about. He just had no idea where he wanted to even start. “Next time you decide to turn someone absolutely unhinged, make sure to let me know.”
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teecupangel · 7 months
Jujutsu Kaisen and Assassin's Creed crossover! What would be each assassin's curse technique? What's their domain expansion? What grade are they?
I was half-tempted to make them Cursed Spirit just for the heck of it but let’s go for them being sorcerers in general. For this one, I’ll try to make their cursed techniques and domain expansion kinda like a reference to their games… Imma try anyway XD
So let’s talk about a brief description of each for those unfamiliar with Jujutsu Kaizen:
Cursed Technique: In a nutshell, sorcerers uses cursed energy to activate their techniques and that’s why it’s called Cursed Technique.
Domain Expansion: I am probably going to screw up the explanation but the main point is a Domain Expansion is a closed ‘space’ created from the mind of the user (usually a reflection of their mind) that guarantees to amplify their curse techniques (or evolve it or mutate it) and give it a 100% hit rate. Not every sorcerer can use a Domain Expansion and it’s noted as a sign that a sorcerer has reached the top of their capability (allegedly).
Grade: Each sorcerer has a Grade that shows their ‘capabilities’ and experience with 4 being the lowest (weak or inexperienced or your family is a pile of trash dicks who is keeping you from promoting), 3 is average, 2 is above average, 1 is the highest status… unless you count Special Grade which is reserved for those who are super dangerous, mostly those with immeasurable destructive power
(Since some curse techniques are hereditary, a bit of backstory would be necessary)
Note: All Cursed Techniques/Domain Expansion names are subject to change because I am bad at naming stuff and they were all translated by Cambridge Dictionary so if it’s wrong, blame them. Also, their Grades is not their final grade but their grade when the ‘story’ starts. In this situation, I kinda like the idea of Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton being the upperclassmen to Arno, Jacob and Evie. XD
Altaïr: semi-Grade 2, barred from promotion by the Sinan Family’s Elders
The adopted child of the Sinan Family who is rumored to have killed his adoptive father, Rashid, and is said to be under investigation, barring him from promotion until further notice.
Cursed Technique: Hollow Illusions
Altaïr is able to create illusions that cannot be distinguished from reality. It cannot physically harm his opponents but real objects may be hidden in the illusions (ex: hiding a time bomb in an illusion of a person his opponent loves). He can create illusions of anything he knows and have seen and his illusions can even copy living beings down to their quirks and habits using the knowledge his opponent has about them (it’s unsure how but Altaïr believes that his cursed technique doesn’t really create illusions but infects anyone with the ‘thought’ of that illusion and invades their mind for more information). He mostly uses this to confuse or debilitate enemies while using his sword to finish them. Hollow Illusions cost a lot of energy and Altaïr can only use up to 5 average human male size illusions per day… unless he pushes himself but this comes at the cost of harming his internal organs.
Domain Expansion: مكتبة الإبداع [Library of Creation] (“Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted”)
A pure white dome with bookcases filled with books and parchments as walls. Each book and parchments correspond to the ‘laws of reality’. In this dome, Altaïr has complete control over every law that governs the universe and the living beings inside and anything that is created in this domain can be stated as ‘real’ and any ‘real’ thing in this domain can be stated as ‘illusion’ at his whim. (if Altaïr’s theory that his technique invades the mind directly then this domain’s real danger lies in Altaïr’s ability to invade anyone’s mind and change it to his will… of course, that theory has not yet been proven).
Ezio: semi-Grade 2, Auditore Family
The second oldest son of the Auditore Family, an old sorcerer family that has been one of the most influential families in their world.
Cursed Technique: Auditore Family’s Light Absorption
Ezio can use his cursed technique to absorb any source of light, amplifying his cursed energy. He uses his amplified cursed energy to coat his weapons and deal massive damage. (He can even absorb the light of a phone’s screen, it does not need to be natural light)
Domain Expansion: Teatro della Tenebre [Theatre of Darkness] (“We work in the dark to serve the light”)
His domain absorbs all sources of light inside the domain, engulfing everything into darkness. Being hit by a spotlight means being engulfed in a pillar of pure cursed energy meant to deal severe damage (ala Moonbeam) if it hits anything other than Ezio. Being hit by the spotlight amplifies all of Ezio’s attacks and acts as a shield that negates all incoming damage. The domain is also able to absorb the light outside of it, ensuring that Ezio will have unlimited energy in the domain.
Ratonhnhaké:ton: semi-Grade 2
The illegitimate son of the missing Haytham Kenway, part of the Kenway family, a branch family of the Auditore family. He strives to become a sorcerer to find the Cursed Spirit who burned his village to the ground and killed his mother.
Cursed Technique: Auditore Family’s Light Absorption
Inherited from his ‘missing’ father, Haytham Kenway, Ratonhnhaké:ton absorbs light to amplify his own body, making him faster, stronger and more durable.
Domain Expansion: I can’t find any English to the Kanien'kehá:ka language translator but just assume his Domain Expansion’s name is from his native language and it translate to “The Night Hunt” (“We work in the dark to serve the light”)
His domain is engulfed in darkness and Ratonhnhaké:ton stalks his preys in the darkness, the amplification of his body shrouding him in cursed energy that seemed to take the form of different animals. Like Ezio (and anyone with a domain expansion from the Auditore family), he can absorb more light to amplify his cursed energy from outside the domain.
Desmond: Ungraded → Grade 4 (debatably: Special Grade)
Of course, we’re going to shower Desmond with affection by making his life ‘complicated’. Desmond is born of the Miles family, a branch family of the Auditore family with William Miles, his father, as the current head of the family. He’s the cousin of both Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton (of differing degrees) and his birth is shrouded in mystery for one specific reason: no one knows who his mother is. His mother disappeared (or died???) when he was 3 in an incident that everyone is forbidden to talk about (all they know is that Desmond is the sole survivor) and investigations concluded that his mother’s identity never existed. He doesn’t want to be a sorcerer and he actually ran away from the Miles family… until he got into another incident where every being in a closed room with him is left dead in varying degree of gore while he slept in the middle of the room, exactly as it happened back when he lost his mother. Because of this, he’s been given to Edward Kenway to survey and, if necessary, put down.
Cursed Technique: Auditore Family’s Light Absorption – Incomplete(???)
He can absorb light, sure… but it doesn’t amplify his cursed energy at all. No one knows why. Desmond cannot even use cursed energy at all even though he can see cursed spirit. For some reason, Desmond can also absorb cursed energy itself. Edward theorizes that this is the ‘final’ form of the Auditore’s Light Absorption, to absorb cursed energy from others. But they still can’t understand why Desmond can’t use cursed energy when it’s clear that he can absorb it. Some believes this is because Desmond hasn’t mastered it while others believe it’s a drawback of being able to absorb cursed energy.
Domain Expansion: “None”
As far as everyone can see, Desmond does not have a Domain Expansion.
Edward: Grade 1, leader/teacher of Altaïr, Ezio, Ratonhnhaké:ton and Desmond’s team
The ex-head of the Kenway Family (the current head is his daughter, Jenny) who has turned to instructing students and is the current instructor of Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton. He was given Desmond because of his mastery of the Auditore Family’s Light Absorption as well as a personal favor from William Miles who was unwilling to take Desmond back (“He wouldn’t want to see me. It might just make him more uncooperative if I was to try and take him back to our family. He is safer with you than he would ever be with me.”)
Cursed Technique: Auditore Family’s Light Absorption
He absorbs light and can coat the cursed energy taken from that light in any object. His primary weapon is pistols (4 of them, in fact) and his bullets are all coated in cursed energy. He cannot create bullets made of cursed energy but his mastery over the Auditore Family’s cursed technique means he can coat anything (object, living person) with his cursed energy and can absorb light immediately. Desmond’s pistol and bullets coated with cursed energy is from him so Desmond could protect himself.
Domain Expansion: Raise the Black Flag (“We work in the dark to serve the light”)
The domain is filled with cursed energy showing as black water that Edward can use at any time but acts like acid to those inside his domain. Rotting planks acts as ‘safe ground’ to them and the domain’s walls turn into cannons made of darkness, firing blasts after blasts to all enemies in the domain.
Arno: Grade 3
The son of a veteran sorcerer who died from a cursed spirit (probably?) while on his way to get his son from the park where he was playing with a mysterious red-haired girl. He finds his father’s body and is taken in by the sorcerers soon after.
Cursed Technique: Des Sens Partagés (Shared Senses)
Arno can share senses to any target and it doesn’t have to be human. Those with cursed energy are easier to share senses with and Arno can choose to make it one-way or two-way. He uses it more for surveillance and reconnaissance, acting as a commanding officer in the field.
Domain Expansion: Sens en Bouteille (Bottled Senses) – still incomplete
He’s still working on it but his domain is meant for him and his opponents to share everything with Arno being able to choose how ‘deep’ their bond is. Arno can also take his opponents senses, debilitating them. As a last result, Arno can harm himself to harm his opponent.
Evie: Grade 3
Evie will be our Maki Zen’in, unable to see curses but still wishing to be a sorcerer. She’s considered a prodigy in her own regards and has both an inferior complex and an academic rivalry with Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad because people like to say “If she could just use cursed energy, she would have been as good as Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad”. The Frye family supports her and is even pushing for her to be named the heir, making them a ‘joke’ in the eyes of many other sorcerer families.
Cursed Technique and Domain Expansion: None
She uses cursed tools and is granted a more durable and faster body than even high leveled sorcerers by Heavenly Restriction. Arno usually shares his senses with her so she can see cursed spirits but she has tools to help her if Arno can’t share his senses. If she pushed herself, she can be as fast as Ratonhnhaké:ton in his domain. However, the prejudice and mocking she received as a child makes her have a hard time with mental-heavy cursed techniques like illusions.
Jacob: Grade 3
Evie Frye’s twin and a sorcerer who joined because it was ‘tradition’. He’s friendly and doesn’t seem to take anything seriously. Underneath, he believes it would have been better if he was the one that can’t see cursed energy instead of his twin. He also can’t help but think the Frye family’s support of Evie is a show of how much of a disappointment he is.
Cursed Technique: The Frye Family’s Emotional Manipulation
A cursed technique of the Frye family that can manipulate emotions of the targets, make them calm to the point of not wishing to fight or stop someone from killing them. Jacob can only target 1 target at once but the common target is usually 3. He’s still ‘learning’ the ropes as he calls it but many believes his lack of progress is either deliberate to make Evie a worthy successor or he is being hindered by his own hidden inferiority complex.
Domain Expansion: The Fall of Terror – incomplete
A domain in which Jacob can freely control the emotions of everything in it. The final form of this domain would have every being fall into complete terror, paralyzing them and, in some cases, making them harm themselves.
Bayek: Grade 1
The headmaster of the ‘school’ Desmond is sent to. He lost his son to a group of organized cursed spirits that they are still hunting down. His wife has gone missing, presumably turning rogue to hunt the same cursed spirits without waiting for the approval of the council.
Cursed Technique: Soul Fire
Bayek is able to use his cursed energy to create flames that have the same mythical properties people believe Greek Fire to have. His main weapon is a sword that is covered in his Soul Fire. This fire cannot be snuffed out for as long as Bayek has cursed energy and can melt through the toughest of metal and even the strongest barriers recorded by the sorcerers.
Domain Expansion: آكل القلوب (Eater of Hearts)
His domain is shown to be ruins with the ground submerged in water. His Soul Fire turns into a large glowing snake that attacks anything in the domain and Bayek trades his sword for a bow made of the same flames. His arrows are purely made of Soul Fire as well and he coordinates his attack with the flaming snake that hunts the domain.
Basim: Grade 2
A thief who accidentally got mixed up in all these because the one he was stealing from had an object that contained a cursed spirit. This cursed spirit killed its ‘owner’ and was about to kill Basim. It unfortunately ate his partner in crime and childhood friend Nehal. Preliminary report stated that there is no evidence of any other person at all and many believed that this Nehal has been completely devoured by the cursed spirit before Basim’s current instructor, Roshan, got to the scene and saved Basim from the same fate.
Cursed Technique: Focused Strikes
Basim marks his targets in a specific radius and teleports to each of their location to attack in rapid succession. Almost always lethal but takes a lot of cursed energy. He can only mark up to 3 targets right now but, with enough training, he will be able to mark up to 5 targets.
Domain Expansion: سجن الجن (Djinn Prison) - incomplete
A domain haunted by a djinn that attacks anything in the domain. The entire domain is surrounded by shadowy figures that stand still while the djinn stalks and attacks everyone. The djinn cannot be attacked or killed. Because of the incompleteness of the domain, the Djinn will also attack Basim if it sees him.
‘Unknown’ Domain Expansion that killed everyone in Desmond Miles’ 3rd birthday party (his father was away on business) and Desmond Miles’ old workplace Bad Weather
Sole survivor: Desmond Miles
“A Reader’s Dream”
A domain expansion that creates hooded figures that kills everything in sight with a blade on their left arm. They can be killed with one shot but more will be summoned as time passes. Each figure wears a hood, keeping their faces obscured. The domain appears like a gray area shrouded in light mist and lines will start to form all over. The more glowing lines there is, the harder for anyone or anything in the domain to move. Each time this domain is activated, it seems to be larger, as if it had been receiving cursed energy from somewhere and had been storing it. The domain itself does not show its user.
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sempre-nico · 2 years
The Arno river shimmered with the lights from the Ponte Vecchio, but Nico saw nothing but the brilliant green of Isobel’s eyes as they walked the cobblestone bridge after the symphony orchestra’s concert.
“It’s beautiful out here,” she said, turning her face to the glow and resting a beautifully manicured hand against the stone edge. “Nicky, I’ve had a really good time.”
Nico stood beside her, looking out over the river. She was thinking of the concert but his thoughts were elsewhere.
“Isobel,” he said quietly. “I need to tell you something.”
She raised an eyebrow as she tilted her face up at him. “Oh? That sounds serious.”
”It is. A little.”
“Well, I’m all ears. What’s bothering you, Mr Morrisini?”
He couldn’t help the twitch of his mouth when she called him that. In anyone else’s mouth, the title was laden with respect but in hers, it dripped with a gentle mockery. The first time he had been incensed, the second he decided he enjoyed her irreverence. She wasn’t afraid of him, of his name, even if whispers told her she should be.
“I haven’t been fair to you.”
A small frown line appeared between her brows. Genuine confusion. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
He took a breath, running a hand over his scalp. The prickle of his buzz cut spiking his palm was a welcome distraction to the unease flutter of nerves in his gut. Fuck. How did he express this? The churn of his emotions breaking through seals he had once thought he’d locked away forever. He hadn’t been looking for this but she had found him anyway.
Izzy watched him pace warily, her beautiful green gaze ever patient. Behind them on the bridge, other couples walked hand in hand, and tourists snapped photos. Nico was aware somewhere of his men keeping a watchful distance but all he could see was her and she didn’t even know the power she had over him.
At the concert, she had been a vision. She’d been a joy to have on his arm, beautiful and charming the socialites in the polite circles Nico needed to work and effortless in the less polite circles he needed to keep under control. But then the curtains had gone up and the music had started, and he realized she hadn’t been there just for him. Her face, as she gazed at the stage, was one of rapture, the brush of her long lashes against her cheeks as she allowed the music to wash over her and fill her. She watched the stage but he watched her.
And then after, giddy from the exhilaration of the music still coursing through their blood, she had taken his arm and leaned against him as they walked and he had never felt so at peace in a moment.
Somehow, that made this all the much harder to say. He was so close and one misstep could mean ruining it all.
It had been a long time since Nico had stakes this high in anything and in the life he lived, that said a lot.
He raised his eyes to hers, solemn and bracing for the worst. “I have been… testing you.”
Her smile dimmed slightly. “Testing me?”
“Si. Yes. I… I wanted to be sure.” He couldn’t help himself. She was too far away, he needed to touch her. He reached out and touched her lip gently with a brush of his thumb, then captured her chin. “Before we did this. Before I did this…” he followed the touch with a slow brush of his lips against hers. “I needed to be sure.”
He dropped his hand, expecting her to be.. what? Disappointed? Angry? Disgusted? He wasn’t sure and she moved away before he could catch a glimpse of her eyes in the shadows. Even with his heart thumping wildly in his chest and his stomach dropping, he was mesmerized by the way of her hips as she walked further along the bridge trailing a thoughtful fingertip over the stone edges.
After a moment, she looked back over her shoulder. “So you needed to be sure I wasn’t a gold digger?” she asked.
He looked away. He needed to be sure she was real. But he didn’t know how to tell her that. “Yes.”
She started to trail back, her hips still swaying. “Or perhaps,” she said, a seductive, teasing lilt to the rest of her words. “An assassin? Or maybe a spy? Or-”
Her playfulness surprised him and gave him a hope he wasn’t sure he deserved. He tried to guess what she was thinking but he couldn’t see through the haze of his own heart in free fall. “Aren’t you angry?”
The smile fell from her face. She stopped just out of his reach and he couldn’t guess what that meant. “No. And I can give you all the time you need.”
Silence fell, stretching between them.
Then, “I don’t need any more time,” he growled, storming towards her and gathering her up in his arms.
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