doomtorious · 8 months
@iobartach // liked.
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Cast your eyes to neon future, picture the year 2099 -- for lesser minds, this place would have been incomprehensible. For a moment, Doom stumbled, atoms stitching together, body becoming tangible once more, electricity sparked through his brilliant mind as it came back to life, as the flesh and the meat all began to work again, coming alive like a sputtering engine.
He was not alone, on that rooftop, staring at garish city-scape.
"You knew of my arrival," Doom announced, finally, after a few moments, "speak of how you obtained this knowledge."
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werspinna · 1 year
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity! (❤️)
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Not exactly Wolfs era armor, but whatever, it includes friendly clanking. OH! All the stars right back at you, dear! I am glad you enjoy my blog as much as I am enjoying yours! I really need to sit down with you and plot! O-O I am not ognoring you, I swear! xD
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werspinna · 1 year
Send 🕸 to trap my muse in a net !
One second Wolf had been by the Porto di Pisa, fighting tanding hipdeep in the water, the Monstrum formed of a lamprey and something much bigger that had been thrown away by one of the Alchemist when it turned out to not be sentient like a piece of garbage only to fall into the Arno and turn big and long on a diet of fish and fisher. The next second there was a glowing gate in the sand and water beneath the monstrum through which it fell through along with waves of saltwater and Wolf, not hestiating a single second, jumped after the monstrum through the saltwater that stinged in her eyes and through the bright glowing light of the flickering gate. Just a moment later the saltwater washed over a street that were not made of stone but something that Wolf had till now only seen in the buildings in Rome- rough and hard, but alo not indiviudual stones put next to another and filled with sand in the gaps. Wolf only noticed this at the edge of her awareness- four of her eyes were fixated on the Monsrtum that slithered across the street towards the rows of high, bright buildings while her other four eyes noticed the screaming people around her, the saltwater washing down the gutter, the grey, unpainted stones of the buildings. Without a second of hestiation Wolf set after the Monstrum,sprinted through alleyways and treets, climbed building and-
A red line, bright like a flame, burned at the edge of her field of vision.
Then the line closed around her ankle and pulled her off the building.
She crushed against the side of another building with enough force to make her ears ring and something in her jaw crack like brittle wood. Still, when Wolf suddenly swung freely through the air turned upside down and with her feet wrapped in the red strings, she laughed loudly: "Oh look at that, you caught me! Congratiulations, that was very nice work! I am very nicely impressed! And also, hey, I am doing the same usually, not with red glowing strings, but its close enough! We are using the same techniques, thats very nice! Also I like the red, it so nicely beautifully! " Behind her helmets Grimme all eight eyes fixated on the stranger in the black and red suit- eight eyes that saw a lot, eight eyes that saw the others bodytemperature, eight eyes that saw the vibration hi body left in the air, eight eyes that analysed the others way of breathing, eight eyes that kept track of every twitching of muscle on him topredict his next moves.
The smile on the young womans poxcarred face looked almost like a baring of teeth: "Now, be nice and tell me- what makes you think I could not break free from this whenever I want? Because I am very sure that I could and turn you not so nicely into a screaming torso in less than two minute and continue doing my job hunting that thing that just got away, so be so nice and start explaining why you think catching me was necessary? "
[ @iobartach ]
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