#Arctic Siren AU
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suppose-i-was-worm ¡ 2 years ago
Iceberg Siren pt 1
**based on a prompt by @purple-goo-writes about Danny getting a job as a club singer for Penguin- I hope y'all like it!**
Oswald Cobblepot watched as his lounge’s newest acquisition crooned on stage, the crowd transfixed by the young man’s stunning voice. The Penguin was beginning to notice that the Iceberg’s profits went up by twenty percent every night this particular new hire was singing, and he had plans to promote the kid. Daniel Nightingale lived up to his name.
He’d stumbled into the young man in an alley, starving and beaten, and offered him a cleaning job. Daniel had taken him up on it, after his sharp blue eyes searched Oswald’s face like he could see his very soul. One of his bartenders had heard the young man singing while he worked a few weeks in, and soon enough, Daniel was the Iceberg’s crowning glory, even if he didn’t know it himself.
Oswald would make sure the young man knew how valuable he was to the Penguin and never left.
Danny gave a short bow to the crowd after his last song, and they all made noises of disappointment as he slipped off the stage through the door in the back. It had been several months since he’d started singing at the Iceberg, and he was thriving. Penguin had started paying him more for less work- Two nights a week he sang, enchanting the denizens of Gotham’s underworld.
It was probably cheating, that he was using some ghostly tricks picked up from Ember, but it’s not like the GIW existed in this universe to track him down.
“Siren! Boss wants you in the VIP lounge before you take off.”
Matt, his security detail, was waiting for him outside his dressing room.
“Sure! Walk me up?”
Danny winked at Matt, who just rolled his eyes.
“Happily married, Siren. Let’s go.”
With a laugh, Danny turned to head up the back steps to the VIP area, swinging his hips a little to make Matt sigh in exasperation.
He wasn’t truly interested in Matt- nor anyone else he’d met in the dimension, but as he began to be fed on a regular basis and filled out more, he found that people thought he was attractive, and he enjoyed the attention. It was far different from being reviled as a nerd or even as the local menace. The attention of people who wanted him felt easier to control even than the attention he received from the ghosts as their king.
The door to the VIP balcony swung open as he approached, and he was waved through. Plastering a sultry smile on his face, he slunk through the tables, winking at patrons as he made his way to his boss.
The Penguin was sitting in a comfortable chair on a raised dais, across the table from a man Danny hadn’t seen in the Iceberg before. The stranger was wearing a domino mask, and had a streak of white through otherwise black hair.
“Thank you for coming, Siren. Please, sit!”
An attendant melted out of the shadows with a third chair, placed beside the bossman. Danny smiled gratefully at the attendant and settled into the chair.
He wasn’t sure what Penguin wanted- sometimes he called Danny up just to show him off in his glittering dress that clung to his skin, and sometimes he called Danny up to read whether a person was trustworthy or not.
“Siren, Mr. Hood here was suggesting a possible business deal- why don’t you hear him out and tell me what you think?”
Ah, reading. Danny could do that.
“I don’t have time for nonsense, Cobblepot.”
The man’s growl raised goosebumps on Danny’s arms, and he had to take a moment to collect himself. Damned if that wasn’t sexy as hell.
“Oh, but Mister Hood, I’d love to hear about your business proposal! What my employer does with his money affects us too, you know- if the business proposal falls through��.” Danny batted his eyelashes at the man. “I’m sure you know what happens to the bottom line.”
Red Hood sighed, and then began to explain himself.
Danny didn’t listen to the actual proposal more than he needed to make the appropriate noises. Instead he listened to the tone and cadence of the crime lord’s voice, the way his body moved as he spoke. Everything screamed sincerity, even the small, half-formed core pulsing in the man.
Wait. Hold up. Turn around, go back. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. A core? Here? In someone so clearly still living?
He would have to investigate, but later. His employer was beginning to look to him for a verdict.
“Wow! That sure does sound interesting,” simpering, Danny stood and wrapped an arm around Penguin’s shoulders. “I think you should hear him out, boss- he seems pretty up-and-up to me!”
Penguin smiled sharply up at him and then waved him away.
Danny could feel the stranger’s eyes on him as he left, swaying back to where Matt was waiting at the door.
Look. Danny didn’t intend to get into this situation on his day off, but things just happened to him that didn’t happen to other people. Sam and Tucker would call it the “Fenton Luck”.
Danny didn’t think luck was involved at all.
If luck had been involved, the weird clown wouldn’t have attacked him with a crowbar. If luck had been involved, Danny wouldn’t have responded like he would with a ghost. If. Luck. Had. Been. Involved, the clown would not have flown back into a brick wall and then slumped like a marionette with it’s strings cut.
Stepping forward, Danny leaned down to check his victim’s pulse, but reeled back when he got a good look at the man’s face.
The Joker’s sightless eyes stared back up at him.
“Whatcha got there, sweet thing?”
Luck had nothing to do with anything in Danny’s life, ever. He was cursed somehow, that had to be it.
“A bagel?”
Harley Quinn hopped off the roof and came to investigate Danny’s dead body.
“Sure looks to me like an ex-boyfriend of mine, and not at all bagel shaped. You didn’t even leave a hole in him!”
“I’m…. Sorry?”
Harley grinned up at him, all teeth and a fierce light in her eyes.
“No need, sugar, you did a good thing. What I wonder is why the gas hasn’t triggered?”
Danny laughed nervously- he couldn’t help it, his fear response was laughter!
“Mhmm! Had his body rigged, the bastard. Joker gas should have spread for six blocks or more when his vitals stopped.”
“Oh. I- you won’t tell the bats, will you?”
“My lips are sealed! I don’t owe Batsy anything!”
With a sigh, Danny shrugged.
“I’m a meta. Joker gas preys on fear, and so do I. The gas must have triggered, but I’m close enough that I filtered it pretty fast.”
Harley put her hands on her hips.
“Batsy doesn’t like metas much.”
“The Bat can suck it.”
She laughed and slung an arm over his shoulder.
“I like you, kid! Let me call my body disposal squad.”
“Oh. Okay.”
Ten minutes later, Poison Ivy and the Red Hood walked into the alley, looking around cautiously. Harley had talked Danny into braiding her hair, and was chatting amiably at Danny.
“-And that’s why Bill owes me a trip to Cabo. I don’t plan to collect, though, he’s just a henchman. Ives! Thanks for coming!”
Red Hood put his hands on his hips.
“I get why you called her, Harley, but why me?”
Harley tilted her head, pulling her hair out of Danny’s hands carelessly.
“You deserve to see him before he disappears, kid. The whole of Gotham deserves that, but we can’t risk it.”
“See who?”
She pointed at the body, and Red Hood went to inspect it. While he did so, Ivy walked up to Danny, peering down on him.
“I know you.”
“Hi, Dr. Isley.”
“I was right! You work for Oswald. Almost didn’t recognize you without your getup. I take it this was your doing?”
“Yes ma’am, although entirely on accident.”
She laughed, and Danny smiled too.
“One we’re all glad for. Thank you.”
There were stomping footsteps, and Red Hood was suddenly in front of them. Harley stood up from the box she’d been sitting on, shielding Danny with her body.
“You did this?”
Danny the angry pulsing of the Hood’s half-formed core. It felt similar to the way his own core had felt when he was forced away from Amity Park. He slid out from between Harley and Ivy and held out his hand.
Hood took it, whether on purpose or unconsciously.
“Hi. Danny Nightingale. I just avenged thousands by accident. Please don’t kill me.”
The pulsing turned from anger to relief, and the Red Hood laughed. It sounded odd through the modulator in the helmet, but Danny smiled along nonetheless.
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jackdaw-and-hattrick ¡ 2 years ago
My second draft:
“Please say that you love me
Like my Mother once did
Like my Father insisted
Like my godfather said
When he gave me my daughter
When he took her away
And I was sent running
Through hell and highwater
After my daughter
She’s yet out of reach
In a place
Not even death can touch her
Oh please wont you love me
Like my friends did so fiercely
Like my sister who raised me
Like I loved my city
When reality shattered
When it never loved me
And I was sent running
After friends, after foes
After nothing at all
Come try and break me
Under skies
So heavy on my shoulders
Love, please just love me
Like electric last seconds
Like cut-away fragments
Like I did my parents
When they cut me wide open
With that knife from the kitchen
And I was sent running
From my Mother and Father
Through fire and fodder
Through flame and fear
Bleeding heart bare
If only to find you my dear
Till I came, heart prone
To where the stars have all shifted
And I am alone
Still dear, can’t you see
It all would be worth it
If you could love me”
@suppose-i-was-worm A crooning song for this fic
“Please say you love me
Like my Mother once did
Like my Father tried daily
Like my Godfather said
When he begged me to stay
When he gave me my daughter
When he took her away
Oh please won’t you love me
Like dear old misfortune
Like my sister who raised me
Like I did my parents
When the moon shone through my bedroom
When the shadows crept near
When they carved me wide open
With that knife from the kitchen
And sent me running
Through the fire
Through the shouts
Cuts and slashes
And poison in my veins
To a place
where the stars are all different
And no one loves me at all
But it all would be worth it
If only you see
If only, if maybe
You could love me”
(Edited. Further notes would be appreciated)
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that-weird-thing-in-the-woods ¡ 6 months ago
Sup I come bearing gifts ďżź
❄️🌊Arctic Sea Nymph Danny🌊❄️
Let’s go, so Danny somehow ends up in the arctic because of the Usual ( GIW got to bad, Bad Fenton everyone got murked etc) and starts to hang out with the wild life around there and somehow ends up getting adopted by the local siren population, and now to the DC part of this so Danny and his siren parents or well pack as the siren what him to call them ( Danny starts to understand them but to people who haven’t been around sirens long enough it just sounds like growls and screaming to them) anyway so Aquaman hears about a sea nymph who’s been living in the Arctic and been adopted by a siren pack who are mind you VERY violent when it comes to outsiders around them and their pack so Aquaman goes to investigate it and finds Danny being all mysterious and mystical and than you all know what happeneds next ✨Misunderstandings✨
Now for what Danny looks like something like this
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(Looking all mystical and shit)ďżźand well wearing something like this
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Also just for a treat there is what I’m thinking the sirens look like a mix of this and
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Just imagine darker hues on the second pic. And for the cavern it looks something like this
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I like this concept so I’ll probably add more in a another post anyway
byee you Crows of the Fea world
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lil-lemon-snails ¡ 1 year ago
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I'm not sure what possessed me to render an entire background but uh,, @naffeclipse's Orca!Eclipse has fucking bewitched me body and soul @.@ please go read Apex Polarity I love this big grabby fish boy!!!
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tea-with-cinnamontoast ¡ 3 months ago
doodle i made during a school trip for @joshus-lobster 's siren alex au! ✨
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calamari-minecraft-corner ¡ 4 months ago
Thinking about the dnd con au party encountering sirens like in my last posts about them but one siren is a younger dnd!Techno and Cala and spooky have no idea who this man is but Dream is reacting pretty harshly like how he reacted to the one siren that pretended to be King George. if not even worse to the point the girls have to make sure he doesn’t fall in- not out of being charmed but out of killing one with his bare hands
But Fundy knows- and he and Dream have a very interesting convo while the ladies are asleep that night :)
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regaliasonata ¡ 11 months ago
Dragoon Ranger: Virtue
Arctic-Emma Goodall
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“Ranked number five within the team of dragoons Emma originates from the era of 52 years ago. She doesn’t speak much other than in her singing and seems to always be in a good mood with silent demeanor, her eyes tend to stay closed most of the time and only open on special occasions like in a deep ballad focus. Arias and hymns uttered from her lips can be heard throughout the castle with the icy structure reflecting the sound all over. While origins are unknown Caelinn, the former king and Cassidy’s father tells of a tale about a “girl who feel from the heavens in a symphonic descent, like an angel of a paradise lost”. While she may be ranked number five it’s been said that Emma is one of the most destructive and dangerous members amongst the dragoons with even someone like Carter, who is within the top three, staying clear of the songstress’s path, he claims that those who come in contact with her songs are “lost to oblivion” and because of this she rarely is sent to do any jobs as stated by past observers that the world may be exposed to the wrath of a siren if she was ever released.…Despite this it seems that Basco, another dragoon, takes quite the interest in Emma as they are both from the same era…perhaps ulterior motives, may he also hold a similar ability? She wields a bow and arrow fashioned into a harp.”
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fortunxa ¡ 9 months ago
Blue hair, blue eyes, blue lights
Jinx x fem!reader / modern AU
summary: The chances of a blue-haired girl being chased by the cops and hopping in my car, simply yelling “Drive!” are low, but never zero.
author’s note: It’s my first time publishing a Jinx one-shot of mine, I hope you enjoy! This is a relatively new blog, so if anyone wants to become mutuals I’m definitely open to the idea! :)
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Fourteen days.
A mere two weeks stand between me and move-in day for my freshman year of college. In other words, summer break is slowly coming to an end, and I’ve done fuck all to make it memorable.
I can feel life passing me by as I watch like a bystander. Usually, the clock is my enemy—a constant reminder of my youth running out, and, shit, I’m too young to feel that way. This time, it serves as a way to free me from the shackles of the evening shift as a front desk worker at our local gym.
The clock strikes midnight, and, like a modern-day Cinderella, I jump up from my seat and make a beeline for the exit, hurriedly clocking out. I simultaneously greet and say goodbye to the night shift going in, already halfway through the small yet relatively empty parking lot. The smell of sweaty ‘gym bros’ is long forgotten as the breeze engulfs me, my dirty sneakers thudding on the concrete. The rust on my beat-up jeep shines in the moonlight as I approach—so seductive, I snicker to myself. I toss my duffel bag in the trunk, hop behind the wheel, and start the engine. I take this moment to commence my connect-phone-to-car-or-die-trying mission and thank the universe for its successful outcome. I browse a bit through the plethora of playlists before settling on the usual one, the sound of Arctic Monkeys filling the space as I leave the parking lot.
I don’t want to go home—not yet, at least—so I settle for a late-night drive. The cookie-cutter, upper-class houses pass me by as I mindlessly cruise through the clean streets—a stark contrast to my neighborhood, where you either learn to stick up for yourself or go home crying to your mama. A place where there is more sewage sludge than trees. A place where I grew up and one I learned to love.
In the midst of it all, I don’t notice the particularly nasty bump on the road that makes my song abruptly cut off. I take a right, pulling over in an alley with an annoyed groan as I resort to phase two, also known as connect-phone-back-to-car-before-I-impulsively-crash, of my initial mission. As I fiddle with the settings, showing my inner cheek no mercy as my teeth dig into their feast, a hissing and spritzing sound comes through my open window.
I think I’m imagining things at first, that post-shift fatigue surely getting the best of me, but I spot the source of the sound rather quickly: a figure, hidden almost out of sight between the fancy houses, switching between various colors of spray paint as she defaces the picture-perfect facade with her graffiti. The sheer speed of her actions makes it look like she’s juggling.
How do I know it’s a girl? Well, although she is wearing a hat to shield her face from any surveillance cameras, a neck warmer up to her nose, and a black, oversized tracksuit already covered in pink paint splotches, her disguise was blown the moment she decided to leave her blue, ankle-length, twin braids out. I twist my neck and reach over the dashboard to try and get a better look at her work. I can barely make out the shape of a green monkey’s face before moving on to the next element. ‘Get ji-’
My reading is interrupted by the sound of sirens piercing the air and blue lights illuminating the area. Instinctively, I turn my headlights off and duck, watching the girl as she hastily packs the cans into her backpack. I swear I can see her eyes twinkle with excitement as she takes one last glance at her—presumably—finished artwork and takes off running through the gardens. Her faint giggle reaches my ears, and a bewildered smile graces my features. I wanted fun, and now it’s right in front of me. I definitely couldn’t get a clearer sign than this.
I observe as one of the cops chases after her as the other drives away, seemingly trying to cut her off. Lightbulb moment. I put the car into gear and waste no time following them from the comfort of the dark alleys, reaching the mysterious girl first through the shortcuts. I catch her contemplating her next move and, without hesitation, quickly flash my high beams at her twice. This seems to grab her attention, and I signal for her to get in with a simple nod, tapping the car door as confirmation.
To my surprise, she actually runs over and hops in the backseat, her back lying flat as she takes a swift peek through the window, and holy shit, I didn’t think that she actually would.
“Drive!” she yells through her panting, and I do. I feel my heart beating wildly against my ribcage as the blue lights appear once again in my rearview mirror. Don’t fuck this up, I think before taking a sharp left. I hear her elated squeals as I visualize the district’s roads and plan the perfect getaway.
Right, once again.
Straight down the street.
Sharp right.
I can hear the sirens getting closer as I speed through the familiar routes. It doesn’t matter that I know this area like the back of my hand; the cops probably do, too. There is only one thing left to try, and, albeit risky, it should work. They hadn’t spotted my car yet, and we were quickly approaching a busy intersection—the perfect distraction.
The tires squeak as I harshly pull into an empty driveway, turning the engine off in hopes of blending in.
“What the hell are you doing?!” the blue-haired girl grumbles with brooding eyes. I don’t reply. Instead, I shush her as I grab her waist and roll her off the seat, pushing her into the legroom before ducking underneath the steering wheel. We fall silent, holding our breaths in as the police car passes us by. I watch as they get lost in the dense traffic, a sigh of relief escaping me as I throw my head back. I climb into my seat again and take a peek at the tagger in the back, confusion crossing my features as I watch her stuff her face with candy. My candy. “Hefty stash you got back there.” Her mouth twists at the sour taste of a Warhead she picked. She seems completely unfazed by this whole situation.
I notice that she had discarded her hat and neck warmer and take the opportunity to get a better look at her: blue eyes matching her hair, light freckles splattered across her straight nose and rosy cheeks, pouty lips, her dark and expressive brows… She truly is breathtaking. I feel a blush creep up my face as she climbs over the console, wiggling her way into the passenger seat. She takes her hoodie off, revealing her black tank top, and fuck me, she has tattoos.
She faces me with a curious look herself, seemingly analyzing me too. Her gaze is difficult to decipher as her eyes trail over my figure, and I stiffen. She shoots me a knowing smile before throwing her hands around my neck and placing a kiss on my cheek. “You’re a lifesaver, toots,” she muses into my ear. The pleasant smell of paint and bubble gum hits my nose making me lick my lips. “Name’s Jinx, by the way. Stands for Jinx,” she cackles to herself, drawing her lower lip between her teeth awaiting my introduction.
I blink a couple of times, realizing how silent I’ve been throughout this whole ordeal. I can get awkward, sure, but I’m not timid, so I muster up the courage and consciously relax, trying to project a nonchalant attitude. “I’m Y/N.” I shoot her a smile of my own.
“Y/N. Hmm…” Jinx gives an approving hum as she repeats after me, my name rolling off her tongue like honey. “What made you help little ol’ me?” New observation: she’s a teaser.
“I need some excitement in my life,” I answer truthfully and she perks up with a spark in her eyes.
“Toots, you’ve just made friends with the perfect candidate to help you with that.” Her giddy attitude returns as she beams at me.
“We’re friends, huh?” I tease at her choice of words, my eyebrows raised in a cocky manner.
“Sure we are! I feel like running from the cops together is the perfect bonding experience, don’t ya?” She gives me a once-over before her mouth curves into a smirk. “Unless you want to be more than friends. That could work, too.” She winks. Her straightforwardness should make me turn crimson, but instead, it makes my confidence grow. I give a low chuckle as I shake my head in disbelief.
“Tell you what,” I begin, starting the engine and trying to connect my phone back to the car for the third time already, “let me get you home safely, and we’ll see what tomorrow brings to our friendship. Deal?” I extend my hand toward her, and she ponders my proposition. I can practically see the cogs turning in her head, her facial expressions jumping from sour to doubtful, as if she were battling her thoughts before settling on a satisfied grin.
Her soft hand reaches mine in a princess handshake, and I try not to look at her manicured nails for too long. “Deal.” The blue-haired girl snatches the phone out of my hands, adding her number to my contact list and sending a quick text to herself. Just when I think she’s giving it back, she picks a song, and I hear Arabella playing through the speakers. How fitting.
As I leave the stranger’s driveway, I sense her shuffling in the passenger seat, throwing her legs out the window. She puts her head on my lap freely, toying with the colorful charms on my keychain. In the spur of the moment, I gingerly brush her bangs behind her ear, revealing her side profile. Her gaze catches mine, and I see her eyes soften before I turn mine on the road again.
Jinx tells me her address, and I realize how close to me she lives—the perfect circumstances. I feel her lightly bobbing her head to the music as her left cheek strokes my thigh, her fingers tracing mine as they sit on the gear stick. Her demeanor feels different from the badass tagger who willingly hopped in a stranger’s car. She looks peaceful and content now.
My shoulders slump in disappointment as I park outside her house. She clicks her tongue and lazily lifts her head from the comfort of my lap. She looks around the empty streets of her neighborhood and hums, her curious eyes now shifting to mine. As we take each other in, I can’t help but gravitate toward her—her presence feels almost intoxicating, and I don’t want to part ways just yet. To my surprise, she copies my actions. She’s so close I can feel her minty breath mingle with mine. Instinctively, my gaze drops to her lips as she tentatively licks them. I let out a faint sigh, and she slowly closes the distance. I can hear my heartbeat as I wait for our lips to meet.
But they never do. “I don’t kiss on a first date,” she murmurs in my ear, and my face flushes. Jinx pulls away as she flashes me a toothy grin, and before I can even react, she’s already skipping to her front door, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. Wha-? When did she grab her stuff? I stare in disbelief as she turns around, her braids flailing behind her. “Let’s see what tomorrow brings,” she teases and blows me a kiss before disappearing into the dark hallway of her home.
Fourteen days.
Give me two weeks to make her mine.
╰┈➤ sequel – ‘Fourteen days’
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ajoure ¡ 10 days ago
(I can't share link here for some reason so I'll just give you names of the songs & authors)
Depeche mode - Personal Jesus
Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
Howling Snake Slayer - I was born to haunt you
Stellar - El Dorado
EPIC The Musical - Scylla
EPIC The Musical - Would You Fall In Love With Me Again
- circle circle dot dot
Nothing More - Go to War
SALES - renee
Billie Eilish - Six Feet Under
Blue Kid - The Dismemberment Song
Benson Boone - Beautiful Things
She Wants Revenge - tear you apart
TWRP - A Human's Touch
She Wants Revenge - a little bit harder now
Heathers - Meant to be Yours
Smetana band - СКЛО
Imogen Heap - Headlock
Arctic Monkeys - Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?
The Taxpayers - I Love You Like An Alcoholic
Kailee Morgue - Siren
Teddy Hyde - Sex With a Ghost
Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
Ghost - Honey I'm Home
Ghost - The Chattering Lack of Common Sense
NILFRUITS - Traffic Jam
Will Wood - OKULTRA
Will Wood - I/Me/Myself
Will Wood - Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In!
Yaelokre - My farewells to the fields
Take Care - think of me once in a while
Stromae, Pomme - Ma Meilleure Ennemie
Lady Gaga - Judas
some of them are just harleith by vibe, some by lyrics or particular parts, some associated more with my AU, some not, enjoy
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darkpetal16 ¡ 2 years ago
Play as a CUSTOMIZABLE scientist who catches the deranged attention of a siren while visiting an Arctic research base. 
Game includes:
Play as a smart scientist who makes really dumb decisions. 
Play as a smart scientist who makes excellent decisions that lead to self-preservation. 
Get adopted by a misanthropist socially awkward Dadster
Be stalked wooed by a delusional siren
Be kidnapped
Drive a snowjet! 
Race a friendly companion.  
Binge watch a series without realizing how much time has passed you by. 
Be drowned
Enjoy your stay at a five-star arctic research base that has zero casualties so far. 
Why do you keep finding bodies—
This is a 15+ romance/horror with an obsessive love interest. Please read the complete warnings list inside the game if sensitive or easily triggered. 
This game has one complete route to a "good" ending, and 9 "bad" endings with plans to add additional routes / bonuses. Siren!Sans belongs to @llamagoddessofficial on tumblr/ao3. AU was used with permission, although adjusted for funsies. (:
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suppose-i-was-worm ¡ 2 years ago
Dani A(Clone)
**An Arctic Siren Aside**
***Thank y'all for 200 followers!! I look forward to getting to know y'all!***
Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow of Star City, was not easy to startle. He went through too much training, too much pain to not be on the alert all the time. Letting out a breath, he shot his arrow, hitting his far away target with an ease that he was familiar with after so many years.
“Wow, Mister, you sure have good aim!”
Oliver Queen, when startled, screamed like a goat. He spun, looking for an enemy, but instead was met with the curious face of a young girl sitting on the ground behind him, leaning her chin on her fist.
Oliver took a moment to recollect himself.
“Hello, young miss. Can I help you?”
The girl tilted her head.
“I’m looking for my brother. Are you a hero?”
Nodding, Oliver pointed to his bow with the hand not holding it.
“I’m the Green Arrow.”
She didn’t seem impressed.
“Tell me more about your brother? Is he older? Younger? What’s his name?”
“Stranger danger, what’s your name?”
Oliver paused.
“Green Arrow.”
“His name’s John, in that case. John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith.”
“His name is my name too.”
By the glint in the girl’s eyes, Oliver was being pranked somehow and neither child was named John. He tried a different approach.
“What does your brother look like?”
“Like me, but a boy.”
Helpful. He knew he was supposed to be kind and gentle with civilian children, but Oliver almost wanted to pick this girl up and shake her until she had useful information.
There was a crunch on the rooftop behind him, and by the sounds it was Arsenal coming to find out what was taking him so long.
“Oh wow, you’re cool!”
The girl bounced up and darted around Oliver to circle Roy, looking him up and down.
“Now there’s a hero! Baseball cap? Clean shaven? Be still my beating heart!”
Oliver’s only solace was that Roy looked about as off-put as he himself was.
“Can I be a hero? My brother’s a hero, we’d find each other that way!”
Roy smiled at the kid.
“Well, it takes a lot to be a hero, you know? What would your hero name be?”
“Phantom, like my brother. And it’s fine! I’ve got powers, see?”
The girl lifted off the ground, hovering, and crossed her legs underneath her to sit in the air.
“I can do some other stuff too, but the flight is the coolest.”
Oliver looked at Roy, who seemed to be seriously thinking about the girl’s proposition.
“Arsenal, you can’t- What about her parents?”
The girl’s float drooped a little.
“They’re… gone. It’s just me and my brother, and I don’t know where he is. I’m from the Infinite Realms, and I can’t get back without him.”
The Infinite Realms sounded like Justice League Dark shit.
“Let me introduce you to the Teen Titans, then. Phantom, right?”
Phantom lit up, and Oliver stared in shock at his teammate.
Batman would be so pissed at him.
Dick Grayson smiled at the girl in front of him. Damian had convinced him to come meet her, claiming that she was an ‘integral part of the team’, only a few weeks into her tenure with the Titans.
Phantom smiled back, too sharp teeth on display.
“Hello, Phantom. I’m Nightwing, Robin’s brother. How are you today?”
“Stellar, thanks!” She did a little twirl midair. “How are you, Mister Nightwing sir?”
“I’m doing well. I heard that you didn’t allow for a DNA sample? It would make life in the tower much easier if we had your biometrics.”
She scowled, suddenly dropping to the ground and crossing her arms. She was short, for a sixteen-year-old, but Dick was still a little thrown off by the ferocious look on her face.
“Don’t you Gotham folks know when no means no? Consent is sexy and you are not. I’ve met heroes with better etiquette than any of you.”
He held his hands up in a gesture of peace.
“I won’t force you. Who’s your favorite hero?”
Immediately, as if a switch had been flipped, Phantom was up in the air again, grinning like a loon.
“Phantom Prime, of course! My brother is the strongest person I know.”
Kid Flash looked up from where he’d been assembling a puzzle.
“You met Superman the other day, though?”
Phantom scoffed.
“My brother could kick his ass. Ancients, I'd kick his ass if you guys would let me. He deserves an ass-kicking.”
Dick would admit he was just as confused as Kid Flash.
“Vibes? What kind of vibes?”
“Fruitloop vibes.”
“That doesn’t make much sense, Phantom.”
“Sure it does! Hey, Superboy!”
Kon-el startled at being caught listening in to the conversation. He turned to address Phantom from the tower kitchen.
“What’s up?”
“Is Superman’s secret identity rich?”
“Uh, no?”
“Does he have a lair?”
“How is he about clones?”
Kon must have made a face, because Phantom pointed at him.
“Ah-ha! Those vibes! Clone hater vibes.”
Stepping out of the kitchen, Kon tried to downplay the issue.
“I mean, he’s gotten better, but…”
“Nope! He’s still an asshole and deserves an ass-kicking.”
Nightwing held up a hand like a kid in a schoolroom.
“You have an opinion about clones?”
Phantom nodded decisively.
“My brother says that clones didn’t ask to be made, just like any other kid. It’s not their fault, it’s the fault of their creator. He says that the sins of the father should not be visited on the sons.”
Kon stepped closer, curious.
“But. Isn’t it a violation? If someone makes a clone without the donor’s knowledge?”
Phantom looked over at him with big, sad eyes.
“My sister says that’s between the donor and the creator. No kid should be painted as the one in the wrong when they were a victim, too.”
Nightwing spoke up again, sounding a little out of his depth.
“You deal with a lot of clones?”
She grinned, and Kon could tell there was a secret behind the twinkle in her eyes.
“One or two.”
Dani heard a knock on the frame of her open door and turned to greet her visitor. It was getting late- she was pretty surprised that anyone was still awake.
“Hey Superboy! How can I help?”
“Would you-‘ he looked sheepish. ‘Would you really beat up Superman for me?”
She cracked her knuckles. Someone had said that Kon-el was a clone, but she hadn’t really expected him to admit to it. They weren’t even properly teammates- he was part of Young Justice, not Teen Titans.
“I’d beat up anybody to protect the honor of clone-kind, Superboy.”
Making a split second decision, Dani leaned in close.
“Can you keep a secret, Kon-el?”
“You’d better. Us clones have to stick together, amiright?”
Superboy looked at her, stunned, and she winked.
“Just don’t tell the bats. Batman has both rich and secret lair vibes.”
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naffeclipse ¡ 1 year ago
I've been musing over a few thoughts inspired by this ask about a mafia-ish style of Apex Polarity without it being too close to Pearl Eye, and after watching a few videos of Orcas hunting their prey (which included dolphins), landed on a sort of Mafia inspired Apex Polarity AU
Also not to add another Y/N to Orclipse's growing collection but this Y/N is a white-beaked dolphin. Look! They're so beautiful!
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Sirens are cunning, brutal, and take everything with teeth and claws. The strongest kill and maim at a whim. As a siren who's not particularly strong, though incredibly agile, with a tail streamlined and dark gray with white patches, fins curved and mostly black, you're somewhere at the bottom. You're doing your best to survive and avoid trouble. You pick your battles and you pick your escapes, and most importantly, you stay alive.
But then you do something really stupid: you venture where you shouldn't have.
You don't usually swim so far up north but you're hungry, and the thought of a few tasty squids distracts you from the silent waters and vast, blue emptiness. You realize a bit too late that you're not the only one hunting.
You catch the first orca siren in the distance as a dark figure, and then another. Two who immediately cut through the water, charging straight for you like shadows. Though you turn tail and bolt, you quickly spot them in the corner of your vision. They easily keep pace, their size and strength overwhelming as they flank you on both sides, wide grins flashing their deadly teeth. You can hardly look at the mismatched color of their eyes as you dodge and weave, diving down only to be cut off by one with midnight blue colors at the tip of his flukes, and shooting off to the left just to almost be snatched by the black-bone claws of a siren with bright yellow fins framing his head.
They're toying with you. You know that for a fact in how they just barely keep back, corraling you onwards, draining your already spent energy, and picking at your panicking pulse. You have no choice but to avoid the edges of their jaws and the tips of their talons, and swim in the direction they want.
You near a field of ice floes floating on the water, and though you cut into the jagged structures dipping into the sea, the orca sirens never lose you. A desperate need for air pushes you onward. One small drop of hope still burns in your chest. Despite the aching of your muscles, you steal a gulp of oxygen and dip back down once more, charging away—
Only to run smack into a third orca siren.
This one grabs you, his burning red and orange colors filling your vision. The other two orcas join to help their kin keep you in place long enough for you to truly regret ever venturing here. Between the three of what you can only assume are brothers, hands hooked over you shoulders, claws clutching your wrists, and palms pressing into your hips, you're a fish caught in a net.
You brace for a voilent end. It never arrives. Instead of digging into your sweet meat, the sirens offer you a deal. The tips of sharp fingertips trace your jawline and the soft inside of your arms and down your slick tail while they explain.
You keep watch for human ships and report back when they're getting close, and in exchange, you get the best food you can imagine, the entire Arctic Ocean to swim, and anything else you'd like. The best benefit? You're under their protection. Of course, they expect utter loyalty from you. You are no one else's. Failure to devote yourself to this work and the brothers would mean a grisly fate, but hey, you're nothing if not eager to not be torn apart. So you agree.
You have a few questions about this whole arrangement, struggling to understand why they, powerful orca sirens, bother with a smaller fish like you when they could rip you limb from limb and be done. What's with the human ships? Why task you to this? Are you just fodder so they can keep their fins nice and unscabbed? They reassure you that they'll explain in due time (the sunny one booping your nose, much to your chagrin), but for now, all you know to know is that the human ships are a problem, and you are their solution for it. You've never really encountered humans before, but they've never really encountered sirens, or so you thought.
The burning red one lets you go, but you don't slip away too far before he tugs on your flukes and tells you to follow him. It's not a request. The darker blue one leaves for a moment, jetting away as the other two guide you to a nice resting place on an icy shore. They introduce themselves, and then their brother reappears with a squid in hand, half dead, and an insistence that you eat—they could tell during the chase that you didn't have all your energy.
And that's how you unwittingly join a very powerful pod of orca brothers who may or may not be teasing and taunting you simultaneously.
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stars-and-the-min ¡ 11 months ago
☆ the wrong way to hard launch (7) | OP81
summary : oscar's girlfriend is a walking pr problem for literally everyone (including herself) social media au
pairing : oscar piastri x zhou!fem!singer!oc
a/n switch out one shitty ex for a slightly less shitty one
masterlist | last part | part 7 | next part
Revisiting 'Twelve More Days' : How Empty Bottles Spun Their Signature Sound on its Head on Tour April 12, 2024 ¡ Written by Catherine Moore
Almost halfway through the Asian leg of their world tour, it's finally time to talk about what the pandemic-era rock band Empty Bottles has been up to. For greener artists, it's the cookie-cutter way to stick to a genre that has previously worked and give the masses what they want but instead, Empty Bottles have taken their 2022 sophomore sensation 'Twelve More Days' and tweaked the songs for their world tour.
Long-time fans of the Sydney-born band are familiar with the classic rock elements that brought Empty Bottles into the spotlight; claiming influence from fellow Sydneysiders 5 Seconds of Summer, Arctic Monkeys and other croony rock artists, so it was a rather big surprise for critics and fans alike when the album opened with a much softer, hypnotising approach.
The even bigger surprise was the creative and musical approach they took with their tour. As noted by various critics back during the album release, 'Twelve More Days' had a not-so-subtle jazz flavour to their sound, and the band seems to have embraced the jazz-rock sound by opening their tour with a speakeasy-style set, complete with the band decked out in snazzy 1930s reminiscent suits and frontwoman Selina Bui in glittery minidresses, opera gloves and a thematic vintage ribbon microphone.
Despite close to three years since she last performed in front of a live audience, Bui took to the stage like a fish to water, instantly entrancing her audience with her universally acknowledged rich sirenic vocals, drawing in the attention and sending the venue back to a 1930s speakeasy. Strangely, she performs this part of the show without her trusty guitar, leaving the grunt work on the other lead guitarist, talented Lukas Zhang, who delivers without a hiccup with no twin guitar to help cover any mistakes.
Quite a few of the sophomore album's songs are given a jazz-rock twist that nobody could have predicted. Other already jazz-influenced songs - namely deluxe track number 13 'money talks' and track 6 'typo' - have been breathed to life, as well as a couple of songs from the band's debut album 'overtime'.
Empty Bottles then returns after a brief intermission with their award-winning pop-rock sound, spending the rest of the set in much more familiar-looking leather jackets and t-shirts and a guitar returned to Bui's hand. Bui, very well known for having an interesting sense of humour, made the choice of returning to the stage with the fitting song choice of 'do you remember me?'. One thing you have to give the 22-year-old is that she really does know how to pick her moments, and the now-iconic first chords of the cocky, energetic track are enough to send the crowd screaming.
The exploration into the many subgenres of what is considered rock 'n' roll has always been a very fuzzy point of conversation, and it's been an honour seeing Empty Bottles have fun playing jump rope over that line. What makes this tour such a raving success is their perfect balance of experimentation and keeping to what is tried and true for them; the classic, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, inane-lyricism rock coupled magnetically with Bui's captivating execution on stage.
Would you find me at one of their shows again? Absolutely, there was truly nothing more thrilling than the first moments you see Selina Bui walk onto stage with her infamous cheshire cat smile. What did I personally think about the sound change? I was pleasantly surprised at how seamlessly they've adjusted the songs to fit the jazz-rock genre, I also believe that they have found the perfect sound to complement Selina Bui's voice. It's uncanny how it just clicked that she was born to sing the soft, almost lullaby-like, calming songs. If they were to release another album with a similar soft sound, I would happily eat it up.
Empty Bottles wrap up the Asian leg of the tour in Bangkok, Thailand later this month and then shortly begin the European leg in Sofia, Bulgaria.
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liked by aidan_ebass and 122,394 others
cameliazzz life lately 🐾 tagged: selinabui
aidan_ebass Yes ma'am 🫡 ↳ selinabui @aidan_ebass i'm dying u are such an old man ↳ lukaszhang @ selinabui he's like barely a year older than you??
cami.png the hottest drummer ever 💜💜💜
conangray a little commotion for the drummer pls and thank you ↳ cameliazzz @ conangray stop i'm blushing 🙈
fiona🩷 @fififorlina · 4h i mean we can all thank tommy for one thing and that's for twelve more days lmao ↳ lina bui x2 grammy winner @urdaisea · 3h i forget that not all empty bottles fans have read this article but i think they all should: Why 'Twelve More Days' isn't a Break-Up Album, it's a Healing One
emme @flowersforcami · 1h yes twelve more days is full of t*mmy slander BUT remember that all the band members have writing credits and they ALL helped write songs so basically what i'm trying to say is that twelve more days is actually the rest of the band roasting the shit out of lina's ex ↳ emme @flowersforcami · 1h every one of those bitches rocked up to the studio and went for blood. that is a universally hated man in their group chat.
amie <3 @mieflrs · 2h it's been 3 years, i think it's time to admit that keeping tabs is absolutely not about thomas fucking howard ↳ amie <3 @mieflrs · 2h i don't care how delusional u are, where in those 3 minutes 54 seconds did you hear a single line that sounds like anything like that sorry excuse of a man??? now a certain japanese-american singer who is exceptionally hot playing the guitar on the other hand... ↳ lukas 🔛🔝 @lukiepookie28 · 2h yes i agree it's not about t*mmy but it's also not about CHRISTOPHER like WTF R U ON???
oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles ¡ 32m we're in an oscalina drought and it's plain to see not all of us are coping well
from the phone of selina bui
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liked by chrisyamada, oscarpiastri and 279,384 others
selinabui now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh is it that sweet? i guess so
amelia_belrose pop!lina perhaps 🫣
oscarpiastri Didn't need to call me out like that ↳ selinabui @ oscarpiastri don't tell me u miss me already
sabrinacarpenter she's working late coz she's a singer
lukaszhang woman you hate coffee what are you on ↳ selinabui @lukaszhang why are u even here
from the phone of selina bui
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Yamada Updates @chrisyamadanews · 2h 🚨| Chris spotted at the Empty Bottles 'Twelve More Days' Tour in Seoul Night 2
Yamada Updates @chrisyamadanews · 32m 🚨| CHRIS ONSTAGE WITH EMPTY BOTTLES!!!
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↳ Yamada Updates @chrisyamadanews · 30m this made me break ok, i am so fucking thrown off. WDYM WE GOT SELINA BUI AND CHRISTOPHER YAMADA ON STAGE TOGETHER IN THE YEAR 2024???
mabel @ maplemabel32 ¡ 25m i can't breathe chris and lina??? chris and lina???????? after so long??? CHRISTOPHER AND SELINA???? as in "hello it's chris" "and lina"??? MY BESTIES REUNITED???
june @linafesting ¡ 18m sometimes, i'm convinced lina spins a wheel on how to break the internet today
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↳ kat ୨୧ @yamayaps · 2m with all due respect, this stunt was NAUT selina's idea, this was a move that christopher 'no boundaries' yamada suggested
emptybottles_official Olympic Gymnastics Arena
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liked by chrisyamada and 334,294 others
emptybottles_official Nowhere as incredible as Seoul! Always special to have @chrisyamada join us on stage. tagged: chrisyamada
chrisyamada someone better return the favor later 👀 ↳ selinabui @chrisyamada u begged me to let u come what are u on ↳ chrisyamada @ selinabui ok maybe i did
pi4str1 ok someone catch me up bc i did not know chris and lina were friends??? ↳ linasgirl4 @pi4str1 it's probably best we don't get into it
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
taglist @ririyulife @ashy-kit @fionaschicken @namgification @cherry-piee
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kojitheopossum ¡ 10 months ago
Just saw your siren au and I’m obsessed, politely asking for more crumbs when you have the chance 😔🙏🏼
I’d strongly recommend you also go check out the other ask for some more crumbs!! Here’s some etho specific lore o7
Etho is a type of leviathan which mainly utilizes aggressive mimicry to lure in prey. They are known to perfectly replicate human speech and emotions and convince humans to get closer. They also use their long ribbon like fins and trail of pearlescent specks to attract attention or provide distraction. While humans are their main prey, they will also hunt smaller whales and large fish like tuna, sharks, squid, etc. These beasts are largely solitary and avoid interacting with members of their own species when at all possible. Most interactions are a result of hunting the same prey, which ends with the more mature leviathan to attack the younger. They stick to the open ocean, preferring cold temperatures. Etho had a run in with an older leviathan when he was young, and to avoid future confrontation chooses to live in the deep arctic ocean, developing a more sickly pale and red appearance than the typical dark and shiny appearance of other leviathan.
Etho is a fully conscious beast, while he uses mimicry to speak, he can form original thoughts and feel emotion rather than just copying whatever he sees humans do. Since he’s been around for so long, his voice doesn’t match any particular persons and he has a wide vocabulary. His awareness can be determined pretty quickly by having a conversation with him, but he rarely speaks and prefers the distance he gets when others view him as just a fish. He dislikes being held in captivity for obvious reasons, but he does come to appreciate how much he learns and sees.
Throughout the story, etho is physically portrayed several different ways. He seems himself as one whole organism, one separate from human. Bdubs however views him as just his upper part, and as if he’s a slightly off human. To him, or at least his subconscious, something with intelligence equal to humans is humanized in his mind. His coworkers, however, see etho as an animal and thus incapable of intelligence. Through the thick glass, etho does look somewhat human (at least to bdubs), but, as he makes what seems to bdubs as a choice not governed by intelligence (aka human morals and reasoning) his full form is shown as animalistic, and his human features are cast into shadow, blending and morphing. What that choice is who’s to say hehe.
Anyhow here’s some concept art :D
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voidandabyssal ¡ 1 year ago
Okay, hoping this is allowed. In regards to Below the Ice, how do you think some of the other Sans' would react to Reader in the same situation? Say Red, Blue, Axe, or Dior? You don't have to answer for all of these if you don't feel like it!
Of course this is allowed! Such a good idea. Hopefully I read this right lol
Reds more aggressive than Sans. He's not an Orca Siren but a Bull shark Siren. Not exactly known for being cold and calculating. There's definitely more murder attempts, Red is also far more successful at killing off Readers co-workers. This is probably set off the coast of coast of mexico, lots of bull sharks and bull shark sirens congregate there.
He's also more openly flirty though, he's more aware of his feelings to reader than Sans is and he's not shy about checking you out ;)))
Initially, he thinks your just like the other scientists. Dumb, easily manipulatable and an easy meal. You quickly prove him wrong when you successfully manage to trap him under some falling rocks.
Boy does Red love a strong and smart partner. Something about being capable enough to take down an apex predator like him just does it for him.
The two of you get closer once he's under captivity, which is in this au, not for evil science purposes but more so for everyone's (including reds, safety). Once you're on more equal power dynamics you find him to be quite funny and charming when he needs to be.
He's pretty touchy as well, not to the point of it being uncomfortable. He just likes play fighting with you, or just holding onto you.
He's a Dolphin Siren! you initially meet him when your scuba diving taking coral samples. He's friendly and inquisitive and all too helpful. Your other colleagues are jealous he approached you this time. Similar to Red, this doesn't take place in the arctic but instead somewhere off the coast of Australia, maybe the Great Barrier Reef.
Yeah, he's definitely known around the area for how kind he is. Tons of youtube videos have gone viral featuring him helping fishermen, scuba divers and even lost swimmers.
ngl, this is probably the best start to your relationship compared to any of the other boys
He often swims circles around you, trying to draw you from your work to play with him, solve puzzles and even tries to get you to meet his brother. Sometimes you relent, sometimes you don't, though you do build a strong friendship.
You fall first but he falls harder.
It just hits him one day. You and him are out swimming, you collecting important marine data and him following you around with a strange stirring in his soul that he can't quite place.
When he sees you helping a small fish out of a plastic bottle. That's when it hits him. He loves you. You're perfect
hhrrrrrrgggg pretty human,,,,,,
eyes wide, jaw dropped, STARING,,,,
you first meet when you're out late night fishing. You had been warned of a Giant Pacific Octopus Siren that had recently started inhabiting the area but what did they know??? Certainly not more than you! You'd been fishing round these parts since you were a baby!
"....HOLY SHIT!" is what you screech out, dropping your fishing rod when you see Axe's bright red eye-light looking up from the murky deep.
Yeah you turn right back around and don't come back. Much to Axe's disappointment. Luckily for him, and unluckily for you, he has very long, very powerful tentacles that he uses to pull you into the water with him.
He doesn't drag you under of course, he's smart enough to figure out that you really don't like that.
He's already designated you his mate. Sorry, pal, you're just going to have to make do with the giant octopus Siren cuddling up to you now.
He does let you go eventually, though you do have to repeatedly promise him that you'll come back.
And you do, afraid that he'll come chase you down. Eventually it does come to be a mutually loving relationship, it just takes a little time.
Dior (lusttale Sans):
This time you're the one approaching him. You're a famous wildlife photographer and you have been craving that perfect, career making picture; and you know who you have to photograph.
Dior, a famous lionfish Siren, known for his striking beauty and his charming friendliness to everyone. He proves to be rather elusive. Hard to find, rarely ever in one spot as he's surrounded by many Siren admirers. But you're determined!
finally, after days of bashing up against sharp corals in your search, you find him! Dozing off on a large rock formation. You're steadying yourself for the perfect picture when you notice a much larger Siren sneaking up on Dior, teeth bared and claws sharpened.
"Look out!" You say, or at least try to say through all the bubbles. Dior does manage to wake up though, and quickly pokes the attacker with one of his many poisonous spines.
He thanks you, deciding to pose for you in thanks for you saving him.
When you leave, he assumes you'll never come back. He's too used to people leaving once they've gotten what they want out of him.
He's pleasantly surprised when you come back, without the camera, just wanting to know more about the beautiful but distant Siren.
He doesn't mean to fall as fast and as hard as he does, but being around someone so genuine is such a nice shock to his system he just can't help but fall for your smile.
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