#Apprentice Shura
hellaciousfaith · 2 months
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lordpheles · 2 months
Shura/Mephisto Ship.
The Shura/Mephisto ship..
It's a weird thing. Not quite a ship, not quite a demon contract.
But Mephisto is working on it desperately.
It's complicated...because this ain't romance, it's about ownership.
We just don't know the terms of the agreement.
But we can assume that the leverage was the lives of Rin and Yukio Okumura. In exchange, Mephisto wants Shura to be his next human body.
We never see Mephisto and Shura make a demon contract. That conversation has been denied to us.
All we know is that after chapter 94, Shura changes from hating Mephisto with every ounce of her being to collaborating with him (albeit without major disinterest and misgivings).
We know Mephisto is growing weaker and weaker as he tries to hold the world together. His body is barely hanging on.
He will need a new vessel to keep him alive, and Shura, being a powerful exorcist is a good match for him.
First of all, she comes from a long line of ninjas. These ninjas are cursed with a demonic temptaint from the Hydra, Hachitaro Okami. The temptaint seems to have made her body super-powered and resilient. Like the most powerful exorcists in the order, she is almost a demon herself. But unlike Lightning, she isn't devoid of empathy. She feels love and devotion, especially towards Shiro's kids.
Shura's familial power has only gotten stronger with each new generation. As part of Hachiro's curse, each female descendent born from Tatsuko Kirigakure is a carbon copy of the child before it. (Basically demon created clones)
Tatsuko's cloning has repeated for at least, 500 years or more, with each new "Tatsuko" becoming more and more imbued with Hachiro's DNA. Even though Hachiro tries to groom them into the original Tatsuko, they all have different souls.
Our version, Shura Kirigakure, the last descendent of Tatsuko Kirigakure is crazy strong. But doesn't share the ambitious, power-hungry nature of the original.
Why Does Mephisto Want Shura?
Demon kings have been experimenting with cloning to try and get strong vessels that can withstand their energies. Vessels they can possess to live on in Assiah. Shura meanwhile, has developed without section 13 and asylum. Her body became strong over years and years of demonic heritage.
Mephisto has had her in mind for quite some time.
Mephisto made sure that Shura was kept outside of section 13.
Mephisto had Shiro rescue Shura as a child from Hachiro and had Shiro train her as his apprentice before she was placed in orphanage. Mephisto kept Shura well away from Asylum. The last thing he needed was his demon brother Lucifer and the section 13 scientists getting wind of a new potential vessel. Mephisto keeps the best options hidden for himself. Also, having Shiro, Mephisto's personal assassin/loaded gun as Shura's caregiver was added protection. Nobody dare mess with Shiro.
But..Mephisto has one big problem with Shura. She hates his guts.
Shura doesn't trust him and threatens to kill him all the time. Mephisto could easily kill Shura with little more than a snap of his finger. But Mephisto holds back. He cannot kill her, he needs her to survive.
Mephisto fully decides Shura's the one, after Lucifer declares war on True Cross.
Shura has regenerative abilities. Her body is so resilient, she withstood a direct hit from Lucifer's seraphim. If she can withstand Lucifer, the strongest demon king, she can surely take on Mephisto's powers.
When Mephisto is rebuilding the the fallen barriers after Lucifer's attack, an injured Shura confronts him. Mephisto admits that he knows everything about Shura's injury, despite the chaos swirling around him. He affirms it's in her abdomen and the left side. He's researched the situation because he's invested in her. He's super impressed that she survived Lucifer.
Mephisto at this point stops threatening Shura and becomes overly concerned with her health and well-being. He has her admitted to a hospital, and also orchestrates her release from Hachiro's curse with the aid of Rin and Yukio. He wants Shura's body is in good health and free from other demonic contracts.
Mephisto wants Shura to agree to be his body.
Mephisto, unlike the other demon kings seems to have more success living and collaborating with humans. Yet, like the other demon kings he believes that he is more powerful, and much more cunning. He gets off outsmarting humans and setting them up to fail.
Mephisto offers to grant them wishes, and in return they must give him something he desires. This game in which he balances the scales of morality, are rarely won (if ever) by the humans. Mephisto makes up all the rules, and stacks the deck against them.
But what does Shura wish for? What are her greatest desires?
What could Mephisto possibly offer to ensnare his prey?
Shura wants four things:
-She wants to fall in love.
-She wants a family
-She wants Rin and Yukio to be safe.
-Originally she wanted Shiro to love her, but he's dead, so that wish is out of play.
These are not simple wishes for a demon to grant. Easier things are money, sex and power.
Shura, meanwhile, wants love, attachment and family.
Mephisto according to Shura is incapable of providing or understanding love, as are all demons. Yet, he has to honour her wishes, or he won't get what he desperately needs.
But, here's the thing. Mephisto wants Shura to win and lose at the same time.
That way he can take her body as his own without guilt. He doesn't want her to fight the possession but give in to him willingly.
Demonic possession is a difficult process that, if done improperly, can kill both the demon and the host.
Mephisto has convinced himself that humans are silly little pawns that he gets to play with. Shura is no different.
He promises to fulfill the desires of humans, but somehow he makes those desires come true in a bittersweet way. A way which he outsmarts the humans regardless of how cruel that outcome turns out to be.
Look at what happened to poor Shiro. He wanted sex, money and to be the Paladin. Mephisto makes it all possible, but in the end he loses the one thing he really wanted, but just didn't know it. The love of Yuri Egin and his future family. He got Shiro to agree to his deal when he was only a child, knowing that he'd grow up to feel very differently about the world.
It wasn't fair.
Mephisto hoped that Shura would take after Tatsuko, her ancestor and want something easy to grant like power. He was also hoping that Shura would become more like the Shiro, hence why he left her in his care. Luckily Shiro abandoned her at the orphanage before more emotional damage could be done. Even though Shura avoided all attachment, deep down she had a big loving heart.
And Shiro knew it, and affirmed it later on, when he asked her to watch out for his young son, Yukio.
Shiro also knew Shura's loving heart was the thing that could defeat Mephisto, because the demon sucks in the love and empathy department. Love is a big curiosity to demons, and it also befuddles them.
Because of Shura's big heart, Mephisto has a major challenge.
He has to make this woman...what? Love him? Want him? Does he try to fulfill this love through someone else? Did he promise her a child? How can he provide something he doesn't personally feel, or feel at a much lesser extent? Does he lie?
Her requests are such a tall order.....especially for a heartless demon. If he could make Shura fall in love with him, that would be a major victory. But so far it hasn't worked.
He sent her flowers at the hospital, sent her to a bathhouse. He said rude sexual things to her, to try and show his interest. The innuendo would have worked for Shiro...but Mephisto comes across as a total skeeze. Plus, he's her boss. She should march him right down to HR.
(Well...she guilty too, she started the entire fake flirting thing back in Kyoto.)
Despite all of Mephisto's scheming, Shura hasn't bonded with him.
Even after he was shot, and she was his security detail. All Shura cared about was poor Yukio. She left Mephisto laying on the ground covered in blood.
Pretty fucking funny....
The only thing that troubles me, is the fact that we have this unknown kid, Nemu Takara. He looks so much like Shura, it's uncanny.
Somehow I think Mephisto grants her wish, and along with it, cripples her child with a terrible, sleeping curse.
I'm hoping that part of the theory is wrong.
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vanisketches · 7 months
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Apprentices & their masters
Capricorn izo & Shura
Reblogs > Likes
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kingofbr00klyn · 2 years
Some things from the Blue Exorcist manga I love to see animated
(Will contain manga spoilers obviously)
Fingers crossed for a season 3!
1.) Rin’s dinner with Mephisto + Amaimon’s brief reappearance
2.) The True Cross seven mysteries (especially the crossdressing part)
3.) The School Festival
4.) Shima fighting with Yamantaka
5.) Shima being revealed as a spy
6.) Yukio meeting Lucifer for the first time
7.) Suguro asking begging Lighting to make him is apprentice
8.) Yukio’s several attempts to unlock the power in his eye by offing himself, specifically waterboarding himself with the Naiads
9.) Baby Shura
10.) Baby Shura being in love with Shiro
11.) Izumo’s backstory
12.) Amaimon joining True Cross as a student
13.) Juzo and Mamushi’s wedding ceremony
14.) Yukio putting a bullet in Mephisto’s head
15.) Yukio putting a bullet in Rin’s head
16.) The rest of the demon kings
17.) Literally everything please give me more of the anime
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rinseveryday · 11 months
Hello! How are you ? Just one question! who do you think will die in the upcoming chapters of blue exorcist ? do you think anyone will die at all?
Hello anon! You're lucky because I'm having a nice easy week so I get to respond to you on the same day! (how rare)
Thank you for the question. I have seen this one come up recently within the fandom, especially with the manga ramping up for what seems to be a climax arc, but I never really had a solid answer for it. Kazue Kato is a master at misdirection and subverting expectations. She'd raise a death flag on purpose just for the lolz -u-"""
Personally, I don't see any of the main crew getting picked off, but then again, I didn't think Demon King! Rin was actually going to show up in his sweat pants so like... I'm just as scared as everyone else is.
I do think there will be some deaths though! And I'm hoping to see a few revives as well.
Spoiler warning for latest chapters under the cut
So from theories I've seen going around:
Renzou Shima has had major death flags on him for a while. This is probably just Kato trolling us though. I don't see any benefit coming out of his death anyways (snore) just kidding I love Renzou please don't die
Shiemi has said things that raised major death flags in the latest chapters, however, she's also under the protection of the Protagonist's Favored One's Halo, so unless Kato is a true masochist, I don't see her staying dead if worst comes to worst
Bon, probably also Kato's troll. Konekomaru is protected by the Cat Name Haver's Halo.
Izumo is in too much of a dire need for a glow-up to die.
Yukio is... cursed by the Protagonist's Favored One's Halo. Or at least he was but Rin feels a bit distracted lately. He'll live, but at What Cost? Couldn't say (probably a lot).
The Adults: Neuhaus is probably going to die. Shura might come close, but she'll hang in there so she can attend Rin's graduation. Lucy Yang might die. Lewin is favored by the author so I hope that means he's safe. Angel is not favored by the author so I really don't want to think about what's going to happen to him. Osceola better not die bc I need Rin to become his apprentice. Shiemi's mom is close to dying but I really hope she doesn't.
The Demons: I don't care either way so I never really thought about it (sorry demon lovers). If anything, it's more likely that we'll see demons that have crystalized, revive (Azazel, Armumahael, Shemihaza, Satan).
Also on a similar note, the demon eaters plot point was never fully resolved. Todou "died" off screen so unless Kato totally forgot about him, he's due for a comeback.
It's also interesting that Paku and Godaiin were focused on in the glimpse into the future. Nemu Takara also stayed back and is presumably still alive in that future, and those 3 from the kid's table still need to come back into the story. I doubt any of them will die ;w; that'd be too sad.
Jeremiah might die.
Dragulescu (??? idk how to spell his name) better die.
Other Illuminati: uhhh maybe the Lundstroms? I like Homare and I think she'll have something to do with Lucifer changing his mind about things. Lucifer isn't the main villain anyways so he's probably safe.
Rin... I don't think he'll be the same at the end of the manga, so to me, that counts as dying. Rin and Demon!Rin still haven't resolved their differences. Rin will have to choose a side, or face being forever unstable. But choosing will change him. Right now, he's living as 2 alter-egos/split personality. We've never seen him truly whole, and from the glimpses we have seen, he's kind of scary.
tl;dr Might die: Neuhaus, Shima, Lucy, Jeremiah, Dragulescu, Todou round 2, Rin (kinda)
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Can you do headcannons for Shura from Blue Exorcist having an impulsive, reckless(In the sense they don't care about their own wellbeing. Broken bones are common for them), but genuinely pure hearted, determined, apprentice?
Platonic! Shura Kirigakure w/ a Apprentice Reader Headcanons
Fandom: Blue Exorcist/ Ao no Exorcist
Rated: G
warnings: None!
Admin Harmony:
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-Shura is going to be in for a ride. 
-At first, she will nag and complain to the reader. 
-She feels like a mother half the time. 
-Will give them a whole speech about them being safe and to always be careful. 
-Will also throw insults like idiot, dumbass etc. 
-Will also tell them to stop doing stupid shit that ends up breaking their bones. 
“*hits them on the head* What the hell are you doing you idiot! You could have gotten yourself killed!” 
“You’re a real dumbass you know?” 
-She is clearly worried and she does clearly care about them. 
-The insults will be more out of endearment later on.
-Despite the reader’s flaws she does have the determination that they have. 
-And she appreciates her training and giving them their all. 
-Also likes how pure hearted they are. 
-She knows that what they do means well but… she just wishes that the reader isn’t doing stupid shit all the time. 
-Gives head pats as rewards when you are not acting like an idiot. 
-Also takes you out to eat as rewards too
-Also fists bump you too. 
-Overall, now matter how much she insults you, deep down she still cares about you. 
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
Just this last Christmas I added another movie. The movie is Klaus. If you haven't heard of it, you should watch it around Christmas next year! It's so good! Anyway, one of the characters, Jesper Johansson, is a bounty hunter, an assistant to be exact! However, he doesn't recruit anyone, because he refuses to. It a long story. Anyway, instead of that part, he is doing similar to what he did in his canon story, being a postman. He is the postman for the bounty hunters, he's in charge of the scheduling, where people are collecting souls, who are their victims for the time being until something changes, stuff like that. He is unexpectedly friends with Shura and since, Izuku is her second apprentice, he knows him too. He has an assistant who is 10 years old (Yes, children aren't spared in this when it comes to the bounty hunting thing. It's highly frowned upon to trick children by other bounty hunters who are good people. However, people like Kimblee and Archer do not care. Neither does the Entity really.), her name is Margu, she used to be Archer's apprentice before Archer pretty much abused her through training, via Endeavor style. Izuku had saved her from a burning bulding Archer left her to die in, because he deemed her a weak apprentice. Yes, Margu and Izuku are friends and she does trigger the memory of Eri for him.
Klaus is that one Santa movie that came out recently right? The one where he takes an axe and defends kids from intruders? It seems interesting.
Btw, is the Archer you’re talking about the one from that adult cartoon about a spy organization?
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floaromaxtowns · 3 months
Give me a character meme - Capricorn Izo
Capricorn Izo
How I feel about this character: Is it sad or funny the fact that Izo had more screentime, than Shura did in the entirety of Kotz? LOL I liked Izo! Even though, he didn't leave the biggest mark on me, the same way DT did. BUT he was another character, I was excited to see in action. Personally, I wished we had got more out of him, but at least I don't think I'll be as forgetful of him the same way, I tend to be with Shura.
All the people I romantically ship this character with: Taurus Ox/Capricorn Izo, I AM LOOKING DISRESPECTFULLY. I've read some nice fics of them <3 My brain goes BRRRR when I see HUGE height differences between two characters. I could also ship Izo/Ox/Shijima in a polycule, try me.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I also dig the trio friendship going on between Ox, Izo and Shijima. Look, a trio in the franchise I can ACTUALLY recognize and see the worth of it (i'm 100% throwing shade @ the so-called trash trio LOL. Sorry, I don't get them.)
My unpopular opinion about this character: Are there any unpopular opinions about him? I guess I can definetely say I'm not a fan of Izo seeing and treating Shura as his son. They are Master/Apprentice, and I can see the 20th century's golds facing a pretty rough training at their hands. Especially in regards to Shura.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I'll repeat what I said in my DT answer. I hope every ND gold gets their own gaiden chapters, to expand on their stories. To make up for all the Lost canvas bs, Next dimension fans likely had to put up with for all these years.
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kodanshamanga · 11 months
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NEW Kodansha Digital:
🗡️Gamaran: Shura, Volume 13🗡️ By Yosuke Nakamaru
🏆While the shogunate brings in their next assassins for the second round, Tadaie sets his sights on Gama! How will Gama respond to the man who defeated his senior apprentice?!
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
Another fun Eden’s Zero episode!
So glad to see Kleene not just alive and well, but back to her old self. Her brother is really just a massive siscon and wants her to be happy. I’ve been cheering for her happiness for a while now. Seeing her suffer with that emotion stifling gear was rough. Looking forward to them being full crew members!
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I wonder what Poseidon Nero’s dice told him. Maybe Shura has to die for peace to be restored? There’s no way he thought that with the way Shura acts he’ll win, so this should be interesting to see. Dude was willing to kill one of his father’s longtime servants just because he was a robot.
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Kind of cool that we’ll see Shura and Shiki go up against one another to see who is the true successor of Ziggy’s gravity magic. Having two former apprentices square off will be fun.
So VR training in this universe acts like the hyperbolic time chamber basically, that’s cool. Poor Weisz just wanted a bit of fan service and gets tied up lol.
Ziggy hacked his master??? Wild cliffhanger
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melosfantasos · 1 year
Chapter 47 - The Second Apprentice
Synopsis: After Shiryu's fearsome attack painted Sanctuary's sky in dusk, Aldebaran investigates the sight of Shura's descent. Jabu and his friends are tasked with leading the Angels to the High Priestess, who may solve the aftermath of Deathmask's death. Above, however, Camus is surprised by the arrival of one he believed to be lost, while Seiya meets the last Saint standing between them and the Temple of Athena. Appearing Characters: Jabu, Aldebaran, Icarus, Atalanta*, Geki, Aleka**, Hyoga, Seiya, Camus, Aphrodite Fights: Seiya x Camus; Hyoga x Camus
Link *Canon character significantly changed for the fanfic **Fanfic-only character
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superlemonsweet · 4 years
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(Tap dances in) Hello @narqwibqwib! It’s a me! You’re @fieldsofvesuvia gift giver exchange person :D
‘‘That was the last flower bed...are we missing a spot?’’
‘‘Yes, right here.’‘ They start brushing away the soil on his cheek, a soft playful smile on their face. He can’t help but feel one start to tug at his cheeks.
Shura is a cutie, and I love their taste in clothing <3 (I hope you like it o(*^w^*)o)
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Hey! May i ask an overprotective dad Shura (kotz) finding out that male reader (bronze knight) is dating Hyoga. Maybe he finds them kissing or making out or maybe someone accidentally tells him. Do whatever you’re comfortable with. Thank you! Have a good day/night
Not NSFW for character below 17 or 18, but i can do suggestive or allusion.
I made it more funny than serious, I hope you enjoy it.
Camus was feeling a little strange about the day. Hyoga was more punctual than usual and Isaac seemed to want to distract him from something.
The weirdest thing was that Deathmask seemed to be taking measurements of Hyoga and building something. Milo told him that he was building a coffin.
The usual, everyday stuff. Yeah, he built coffins for his friends; he took great pleasure in making coffins- okay, sarcasm aside, what the fuck was going on?
The answer came in the form of a very angry Capricorn saint. Behind him was his apprentice, who Shura regarded as a kind of younger brother, even a son.
--- Keep your student away from mine --- Shura, always so direct and unhesitating, seemed quite annoyed. Camus looked at the young man behind Shura and then at his two students, who were not supposed to be paying attention to the two saints. He looked more sternly and noticed how Hyoga's cosmos wavered a bit. There, he had found the culprit, now it was his turn to deal with his companion --- First his training and then his horniness.
--- His what? --- Camus looked again at Hyoga, who was giving him competition in terms of killing with his eyes with Shura --- I think there might be a mistake.
--- Boy, show him your leg --- Camus was seriously thinking of taking a vacation, or taking his disciples to Siberia for training to avoid these problems. With a little embarrassment, Hyoga showed the wound on his leg, provoked by the Capricorn saint --- they are only 13 years old, I don't want him near my son, my temple and if I see him again I'll cut off his third leg.
And with that, master and apprentice returned to the temple of Capricorn.
--- What a good relationship they have, he even told him son. --- Isaac commented, watching as both knights retreated into the distance.
--- I know what you are thinking, master --- commented Hyoga looking at Camus, who was waiting for his apprentice's response --- but, my love does not make me any less worthy of my armor and my manhood.
--- Hyoga, no one cares that you're gay --- commented Camus massaging the bridge of his nose --- you're 13 years old, the most intense thing you're supposed to experience is training or a very passionate kiss. Not fucking Shura's apprentice in the house of Capricorn.
--- We were in the dark
--- But you're not even quiet when you sleep Hyoga.
--- Shut up Isaac, don't interfere.
--- Silence me, Hyoga
--- Stop it, both of you… you'll give me a headache.
--- Did I say I'm sorry? --- commented the young bronze knight, looking at his master from behind.
--- like 25 times and like the other 25 times, the answer is the same --- commented the saint arriving at his temple --- What have I always told you?
--- First the training, be well with me and then go out on dates --- replied the young man --- I am no longer a child.
--- But you are also not fully aware of your actions --- the young man knew that the Spaniard wanted the best for him, only that sometimes their views clashed because of their age. --- When I said I was going to let you make your own choices, I meant a balance. Until you reach 18, I can't let you do whatever you want. I know there are still actions you may regret.
--- I think I understand… so, it doesn't make you angry that I like men? --- commented the young man
--- No, in Spain there is all kinds of things, so I'm not surprised at all --- said Shura patting the young man on the back --- now go to sleep, as punishment tomorrow's training will be harder.
--- I was saying that everything was going well.
--- Go to sleep
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aniimequotes · 2 years
"Don't just mindlessly judge people as you please."
- Rin Okumura
“Life’s a bitch, so if it’s easy, you’re doing it wrong.”
- Rin Okumura
"I'm not your weapon, demon king, or savior! I'm Rin Okumura! And when I'm done, I'm going to be the best exorcist you ever laid your eyes on!"
- Rin Okumura
“Are you satisfied now? If this still isn’t enough for you, I’ll fight you as many times as you want. I’m used to this crap. So I’m begging you: don’t drag innocent people into this.”
Rin Okumura
"You're right. As you say, I'm an idiot. You can say whatever you want, I don't care. But don't you dare point your gun at me - we're brothers, aren't we?!"
- Rin Okumura
"I'm not good at lying and tricking people. That's why I'll use my strength for kindness!"
- Rin Okumura
“I don’t care what you say or what you think. My father is Shiro Fujimoto and no-one else!”
- Rin Okumura
“You can bad mouth me as much as you want, but don’t make fun of my brother!”
- Rin Okumura
“Shut up! Let someone else be the hero for once! You think killing Satan by offing yourself is the best you can come up with?! BULLSHIT! You know what it feels like! When Dad died both of us were left behind! And I just, I never ever want to feel that way again!”
- Rin Okumura
“No! He died protecting me! He was no coward! I don’t care if you were his apprentice! I won’t let you make fun of my dad!”
- Rin Okumura
“I can’t go down here! I vowed on his grave that I’d become a great exorcist like him and kick Satan’s filthy ass!”
- Rin Okumura
“Ever since I was little, I looked up to my brother. But…while I looked up to him, at the same time, I’ve actually always…found it hard to accept.”
- Yukio Okumura
“I…I both love and hate my brother!… But even more than that…most of all, I hated my weak younger self. The one I really hate, most of all, is myself!”
- Yukio Okumura
“No matter how much he wants it… he can’t be a normal human anymore.”
- Yukio Okumura
“The best way to succeed is to use your own abilities to the fullest.”
- Yukio Okumura
“Sometimes being strong means being able to forgive.”
- Yukio Okumura
“You’re wrong. I am not afraid of my brother.”
- Yukio Okumura
“I promised my father that I would protect my brother!”
- Yukio Okumura
“I’m getting too old to protect a kid like you.”
- Shiro Fujimoto
“You’ll never be able to move forward if you’re afraid of soiling your hands.”
- Shiro Fujimoto
“Little fool. Demons exist, all right. They’re inside our hearts.”
- Shiro Fujimoto
“Listen, Rin. If you keep on like this, you’ll be all alone. Use your strength for someone else, for kinder things.”
- Shiro Fujimoto
“If you don’t like to be treated like a kid, then why don’t you try showing how much you have grown up.”
- Shiro Fujimoto
“I’ll obey my orders and kill you. The apprentice will finish her dead master’s incomplete work.”
- Shura Kirigakure
“Shiro, you weren’t raising a weapon. You were raising a son.”
- Shura Kirigakure
“This kid’s a mess! He makes a lot of useless moves and it looks like he’s got no idea of proper fighting techniques!”
- Shura Kirigakure
“You’re right. He is a laugh. Or I guess the joke’s on me.”
- Shura Kirigakure
“Stop trying to solve everything by yourself. Don’t forget that you’re not alone!”
- Suguro Ryuji
“I can’t be like this, always crying like that. I’ve got to become even stronger and more resilient. I’ve still a long way to go before I attain a weed’s spirit. I’ll definitely catch up, so just wait for me.”
- Shiemi Moriyama
“I’m so stupid. I was so focused on my own problems that I never really looked at Rin. Some friend I am!”
- Shiemi Moriyama
“I’m perfectly safe. See, not a single burn on me? You did that! So everything will be fine!”
- Shiemi Moriyama
"We don't give a damn about your dream! We just want to protect our friends and our world no matter what!"
- Yukio and Rin Okumura
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evernightarcana · 7 years
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Day 28 - Apprentice
Whoa, hey, watch what you’re doing, that’s dangerous! 
Magic wand testing. Be careful with that and have a fire extinguisher nearby. This is Shurasi’Tatiana, Karen’s kiddo who was also featured on day 9′s inktober. she’s still learning magic from her mom.
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atopearth · 3 years
Olympia Soiree Part 2 - Riku Route
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Wow, Riku dancing! He looked beautiful! Sending off the dead with a dance is pretty poetic. I wonder how Byakuya will react when she realises that it's him. Seeing Riku all flustered when Byakuya kept praising the Blue dancer and saying she wanted to be his apprentice was so cute haha! Considering how ominous the Shou Falls (waterfall where the Shou crystals of the dead used to be "dumped" before being sacrificed to the Sun etc) sounded when they first mentioned it, I'm happy to know that it's really beautiful and tranquil. I guess you can say, people who died before the change got the "true peace" after death imo. Honestly, I don't blame Kanan for telling Kaina to not write letters to him again about wanting help to come up to the surface to lay down flowers at the grave of Kaina's lover who was executed. He's the leader of the Orange, he has his own responsibilities to his class, and this is definitely a very serious thing. I actually think it's very nice that he's going to lay down flowers on behalf of Kaina. I wonder how many lovers were like Satsuki and thought that dying together would be better than marrying someone you don't love, and then really went through with a double suicide... I think that's just so saddening. It's already so difficult to find someone you love in this world, but now you're being controlled as to who you can and cannot love? I feel so bad for all these people.
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Okay wow, Kanan is so much more of a distasteful guy than I thought. His jokes are crude, he talks crap about the idea that Shura (leader of the Blue) is probably sleeping with Riku because he's next in line to become the leader of the Blue (which is surprising tbh! That's probably why he's so harsh and strict with others and himself), and he even touched Byakuya's chin without permission and wants to publish in the newspaper that he's most likely to become her husband? Get lost, Kanan. LMAO at Daifuku running away because Riku's hamburger was so enticing😂😂😂 Anyway, Riku smiling is the cutest thing ever, like excuse me, he looks so gentle and beautiful. I also didn't realise how small Daifuku actually was! He can ride on Riku's shoulder! Wow, people report hazushi (when a primary/secondary colour trait person is in a relationship with an Otsu or the people in Yomi I guess) and get a monetary reward for it. I can't imagine the idea of reporting these people to their deaths and being happy about it, it's crazy. The military can just execute them without Kotowari or any trial too as long as they suspect them! Which is pretty ridiculous. I guess it was to be expected, but knowing that the other colour traits will never have the chance to get to a higher rank in the military or anything really shows that only people like Akaza, Kuroba and the heroine can really help or I guess, start off the fight for their rights😔 How interesting that Shura can't use Batsu, and that's why Riku does the ritual 🤔 WHAT, to preserve his "purity", Riku can't get married until he's 30?! Ridiculous. He's been restricted his whole life! He was chosen to be the next leader from a young age because of his superior Batsu powers and it really seems like he has no say in anything he does, it honestly sounds terrible. I guess this will be the "colour conflict" for Byakuya and Riku. It should have been easier for her and Riku to be together, but in the end because of how "special" Riku is and how much they would want his children to have superior Batsu like him, it's understandable that the clan would want him to find someone in the future with strong Blue traits. I'm curious how they will overcome this!
Awww it's so cute how Daifuku thought Riku would be the perfect husband candidate for Byakuya! I guess feeding people and pets always gets to people's hearts haha! LMAO at Riku thinking Kuroba is really Byakuya's lover😂😂 Anyway, Riku makes assumptions very fast and doesn't always listen but it's kinda cute, and understandable I guess considering his strict upbringing, so he is strict towards others too. I'm so heartbroken for Byakuya though. She started kinda liking him and he calls her shameless because he thinks she's going around with different men😭😭😭 Nooo, he made her cry😭😭😭 I feel so bad for Byakuya. I'm so glad Akaza tried his best to tell her to find Tsukuyomi to comfort her because she didn't want him to chase after her but he was worried. Wow, how sad that Byakuya's father died because he wanted to settle on Tennyo Island but instead incurred the wrath of Lady Amaterasu because she hates men, so he ended up drowning. I guess that's why the Lunar Ferry exists; it has a white mouse leave a white flower at the door of the men they choose and they go to the ferry to go to Tennyo Island. It's kinda romantic in its own way haha. Fusou (the nice old man lol, Fuchsia leader?) was actually the husband of one of the Tennyo Island women!! Oh okay, most of the men can't remember anything after they leave Tennyo Island...that's kinda creepy lol. Fusou only feels like he remembers because he had haku and I guess that somehow nullified something?🤔 It was really sweet how Byakuya told Fusou she would love to have him as her grandfather, I think that would be really nice. Oh okay, Fusou still has his memories of Tennyo Island because his wife was his soulmate.
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I love how Riku apologised to Byakuya in such an honest and genuine way. I really couldn't get mad at him anymore seeing how apologetic he was, and how much he hated himself for treating her like that. Aww, it was so cute how Byakuya asked Riku if he wanted to be a husband candidate and he got so flustered hahahha. I'm so happy they've finally had their first proper conversation! It was so much cuter than I thought, especially since Riku seems to be softening up. I'm really glad that after this experience, Riku has reflected on his actions and decided that he will make his own judgement on things instead of just believing in rumours without seeing or hearing things himself. Riku teaching Byakuya the Tamagome dance is just so soothing. The two of them at Byakuya's secret hideout teaching each other things about each other and their lives just really warms my heart. I think it's really sweet that Riku saved her with words she had spoken to others before. Byakuya always praises and thinks that the different colours in Yomi are much more beautiful than they are taught to believe, and tells them that, and now here we have Riku telling her that her colour is so pure and beautiful too. Omg Riku laughing is the cutest thing ever. I'm also surprised that Riku and Akaza seem to be much better friends than I thought.
Kanan is very pushy and annoying tbh. Nagusa is crap too because he's basically manipulating Byakuya into having lunch with him by saying if she doesn't, her search for a husband is fake and she's just going to marry Akaza. Ugh. Glad Himuka helped her get out of it. I feel so sad for Aohito... He finally had the chance to send a letter to his mother up on the surface but she already passed away.. that's just so heartbreaking. These things always make me want to cry. His reason for being in Yomi is so crap!! He hit a soldier after getting enraged when he was appealing for executions to be abolished and got sent here forever? That is absolutely terrible. He doesn't deserve any of this at all. I think what broke my heart the most was when he realised that of course he wouldn't get the news of his mother's death, just because he's a person in Yomi now. Honestly, the "pure colours" really should be scared that Yomi and the other colours will revolt against them since they're starting to have superior numbers now in comparison to the dwindling numbers of the primary colours. They will also deserve every bit of what's coming to them, because this oppression and tyranny is insane! I can't imagine how many people have been treated so unfairly. Wow, Shura is obstinate about preserving the "purity" of colours but at least she seems to like progression in other ways, such as building a school for girls. Byakuya going to school would be so cute! Byakuya and Riku quarrelling was really cute, it was nice to see that Riku felt the same as Byakuya considering how concerned he was to see another man try and propose to her right in front of him. Too bad they both didn't realise the other's feelings, and too bad that they both have burdens to overcome. Riku can't get married until he's 30 and needs to preserve the purity of the Blue in order to ensure the power of Batsu will continue, but Byakuya needs to find a husband in a year. Sigh...
I felt so sorry for Riku when he had to catch that distraught Hazushi... She was screaming for help and didn't want to die, and he had to be the one to catch her right in front of Byakuya too... Seeing him so reluctantly catch her was so saddening. Shura isn't the nicest person, and is definitely resistant to change when it comes to Hazushi, but it's understandable why she is against it. She is the leader of the Blue and it's her duty to preserve the Batsu power that is imperative for the survival of Tenguu Island itself, so unless Byakuya can find a way to keep Batsu as a power or find another way to supply the Sun with what it needs without the Batsu, Shura would probably never listen to her. I didn't think Sakyo (the doctor guy) would be the one to force Riku and Byakuya to face reality that they can't be together. I also didn't realise Byakuya can only bear children of the White, so it's basically impossible for them to be together because just like her Olympia role, Riku has his role as the next Blue leader with one of the highest aptitudes for Batsu, and discarding that would be as if Byakuya discarded her role too. It's kinda funny that I just realised how precious they both are respectively to their colours. I was so scared when Satsuki was going to get captured by the military. It's crazy how they're capturing people with just info and no evidence now, that's ridiculous. But what hurt the most was seeing how perplexed Riku was about all this. He's trying to convince himself that following the rules of this island is what's right and it's hurting him. It's really difficult though. He's been brought up his whole life like this, his whole life has been surrounded and controlled by rules, and honestly when do you even know whether you should be following the rules or whether you should be fighting against them for what you think is right? No one really knows what is "right" after all... It's sad to think that Kaina never really felt like he fit in with the Yellow and actually feels better in Yomi. The only sad thing is that he'll forever have to carry the death of his girlfriend with him for that "freedom" in Yomi.
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I didn't realise the power Riku was channelling to hurt the bandits that attacked Byakuya was actually Batsu. I can't believe he's going to be trialled for it because it's something he should never use on the living, and breaking this vow is really serious. Okay, the trial went in a much more different way than I expected lol! Honestly didn't expect Riku to reveal his feelings for Byakuya, and Douma and Jigen are actually all for it because children of the White can use Batsu, so if Riku and her have children, this power would still exist. I actually found it really sweet that Riku was ready to discard everything and go to Yomi. He's been shackled by his duties so much that he couldn't say anything about his true feelings until now, so I'm really happy he could at least voice that. Riku really is cool. He's decided to willingly live in Yomi. Wow, the garden at the bathhouse is so beautiful!! The backgrounds in this game are so pretty. I can understand why Riku wants to pave away all his doubts and become a man who deserves her before they get together. He's a serious guy, and just as love is something new to him, going against all his duties, all the rules and everything in his whole life must be affecting him quite a bit, so needing more time before jumping into a relationship would be good for the both of them. Awww, Riku saying hamburgers are his favourite while blushing is so adorable!! It's so cute how it became his favourite after Akaza treated him to one, it's kinda sad that even his diet was restrictive, but I'm also glad that it helped him bond with Akaza. I find it hilarious how every time Riku says something super sweet, Byakuya always thinks she must be dead and that it's not real😂 I'm absolutely smitten tbh, because Riku holding her hand and saying this is the happiest he's ever been in his life even though he's been suspended from the military, could potentially be executed and is living in Yomi just makes my heart so touched. I loved how he reassured her that she's not bad luck and that he's not ashamed to be with her. It's also really sweet to see how loved Riku is with the Blue! They believe in him and his reasons for using Batsu, and they wish for his happiness.
I'm so happy Riku apologised to Kaina for what he said about them before. It's so sad that Kaina can't sleep because he keeps dreaming about Sanami. Tamasogi is such a cruel "execution" that forcefully extracts a person's living soul with Batsu... How ironic though. Tenguu Island rules condemn those who use Batsu on the living and yet they do such inhumane things to Hazushi. It breaks my heart to think about all the people like Kaina. It's so terrible that people are condemned to death just for falling in love with someone in the "wrong" colour class, it's so heartbreaking. I...did not expect that Riku's confession would be that he is a child of a Hazushi and that he was actually born down here in Yomi. I'm shocked to say the least. The reason why he was so obstinate about colour classes and associating with classes on the same level as yourself was because he wanted to prove and show that he really was of the Blue, and didn't want to shame Rino (Shura's sister), Shura and Sakyo for raising him and caring for him... I was so proud of Riku for being able to be honest about this and finally finding the resolve to want to change this island so that people like Kaina wouldn't have to suffer anymore. It's really nice that Riku started questioning his "role" after talking with Byakuya and hearing her say that aside from fulfilling the role that was given to her at birth, she also wanted to do something for herself no matter how small of a change it could make. It was so adorable how Riku kept blushing about wanting to kiss her but kept telling her to leave so he won't "dirty" her purity hahaha, he's so innocent, I love him. They were so cuteee! I honestly laughed my ass off when Riku started touching under her blouse and then restrained himself and apologised😂 He's so adorable hahaha. Anyway, considering Riku's origins, it's kinda crazy how obstinate Shura is about purity of the colours when it's obvious that at this rate, the Blue will not be able to survive with the high rate of stillbirths they have.
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Seeing Riku do the Tamagome dance for someone in Yomi whilst stating that the people on the surface and in Yomi are the same was really satisfying, he's really come to terms with himself. Extracting a living person's soul produces Shou of the highest purity...and someone on this island is conducting experiments using Shou to regenerate body parts...? I didn't think that Sakyo would be researching women of the White to find a cure for Haku. I wonder why he's so desperate and careless enough to try and abduct Byakuya though? Wouldn't it be better to wait for her to give birth to a child and then he can have more specimens? Is he dying? It's kinda ironic and counterintuitive to think that Sakyo was sacrificing healthy people to save "sick" people with haku. It's like, the Primary and Secondary tiers are already having trouble keeping up their numbers and here we are sacrificing both them and the other Otsu and stuff to try and figure out ways to heal haku instead of cherishing those that are still healthy. I'm so glad Riku was able to get through to both Sakyo and Shura. I'm so happy Riku finallyyyyy got to tell Shura that there's no guarantee that he won't have a stillborn if he married another pure Blue, and that he himself is an example of the possibility of having a pure Blue with a strong Batsu even if you "mix" colours. I think it was really cool how he said Hazushi are not unsightly, and are a possibility for their future. Riku is so cool! I love how he so eloquently worded everything in a way that made it clear how much he loved, respected and cherished Shura and the Blue, and it's exactly because of that, that he wants things to change for the better, so I'm really happy Shura has agreed to their marriage and is letting Byakuya go to her school. Riku is so adorable, I'm dying. He's so happy that Shura approved of their marriage and their dream of becoming husband and wife can become a reality now. Omggg it was so brave and cool of Byakuya to be the one to push Riku on to the bed and tell him that she couldn't wait any longer🥺 Riku is so proper, he would never touch her if she didn't do this haha. I love how Byakuya's hair colour changes to the colour of her "soulmate" when they're in love, the blue is so pretty! Man, Riku's voice was pretty sexy during the sex scene haha! I love the CG of Riku combing Byakuya's hair though, it's so cute. Aww it's the end?! I honestly thought we'd get to see them actually bring about the change! It was still good I guess haha.
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Oh wow, that bad ending where Riku kills the attempted kidnapper and then becomes an executioner as retribution for killing someone with Batsu was terrible. That's such a sad way to part...especially since it's obvious that he did it because he loved and cared for her.. I think it's even sadder because in the good ending, Riku mentioned that he's seen the Tamasogi ritual before, and hearing the screams of the people executed were really painful and he didn't want people to experience that like his real father probably did. So he's basically chosen the path that he knew would torment him the most as a form of punishment for doing something unforgivable, that's just so heartbreaking. I knew there was something going on between Shura and Sakyo!! Now I wonder if Shura was so stubborn about Riku marrying another Blue because back in the day she also wasn't allowed to be with Sakyo?🤔 And I guess Sakyo always felt close to the Blue and feels like he's a part of it is because of Shura? It's actually pretty saddening that the only real moment we get to see Byakuya and Shura bond is when both their partners are gone and they can share that bond of pain and deteriorating desire to live.
Overall, I liked Riku's route much more than I thought. I honestly cried seeing so many side characters, especially Kaina have to go through such pain just because they fell in love with someone they weren't supposed to fall in love with. I thought Riku and Byakuya were so cute and innocent as they slowly got to know each other better, and I really loved that Riku's reason for being such a stick up his ass (lol) was quite understandable and saddening in its own way. I loved how honest Riku could be about his feelings, and I liked how Byakuya helped influence Riku into thinking for himself more and facing his past. I think Sakyo was quite an underwhelming character as the "villain" for this route even though his reasons are comprehensible, since they kinda just throw it in at the end and resolve it just as quickly lol. But yeah, I still really enjoyed it because seeing Riku deal with his inner turmoil, and finding the courage to go against the rules he’s been brought up with, whilst coming to terms with “who” he actually is really made it a very heartwrenching but satisfying read. Not only did I really come to love Riku as a person as he grew, but I also really loved how he respected Shura as the Blue’s leader, and also as his parental figure, and convinced her to try to change things on this island without being hostile towards it, and without condemning her for being “wrong”. I just really liked seeing how eloquent Riku was, and how you could see how much he cherished the people precious to him that he would find a peaceful way to solve things, but have the conviction to stick to what he believes in, I honestly really loved him.
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